#and say some cryptic shit that you just have to deal with
linddzz · 6 months
Latest idea floating around in my head: a twist on the Hob saving Morpheus from the time-out ball, except that's where they first met each other.
Hob's still immortal, it's just that Death was the one who came and gave him the deal of meeting every 100 years
(is this also bc I'd love Death being Hob's centennial buddy? Her being way less reserved and straight up telling him who she is. Her delight at his delighting over life. The rage in him when Eleanor and Robyn die. Death took them and she wouldn't even say anything to him when she did it. Also I'd like to see him just immediately choke and squirm like a bastard as soon as he starts explaining his new shipping business to her in 1789. Yes and hell yes gimme Hobsie and Death as bros.)
So Hob is trying out new stuff again. He's never tried out being a magus and gets himself in as a member of Burgess' order and eventually an acolyte.
And then he's introduced to the "devil" that Burgess keeps in the dungeon. He's to help study up on strengthening the wards around the sphere and all that. And boy is he deeply, super uncomfortable with the sight of this frail man trapped in a cage.
("Don't let his pretty face fool you." Burgess will tell him, "the thing is a demon who would destroy us all if given half a chance."
To be fair, Morpheus does not help his case at all and his expression clearly says "you fuckin bet I will")
And Hob is Hob. So while he's working on studying up on wards (which so happens to involve a lot of careful, detailed study of the wards around the sphere) he's chatting at the thing in it. He complains about the boss, talks about the War, tells the demon about his day while the demon either glares at him or makes a hilariously big show of not paying attention. Sometimes Hob straight up shirks work (with a winking "you won't tell the boss right?") And just reads books.
And he nearly shrieks in surprise when he's reading some new novel called The Hobbit out loud and looks up to find the demon watching and obviously interested. So of course Hob is gonna keep reading him stories and keep studying those binding spells super closely.
And ok that's where I gotta admit the story doesn't have a solid conclusion in my head yet (besides obviously Hob is gonna bust Dream out and then get kissed a LOT) but I do have one bit where Morpheus first talks to him and of course it's just cryptic weird shit. Because Morpheus has started watching this shit-wizard who won't shut the fuck up back and can tell that something is OFF about him.
So just imagine Hob is yammering away about how he thinks the masters kid and the gardener have something going on, and he nearly shits himself when the "demon" presses a hand against the glass and says
"Death has touched you. I see it now. My siblings marks upon you. Is that what you are here for? To report to them? To let them see how low their family has come? So they do know what has come of me then, and they have sent you to chatter away and truly make it clear that they will do nothing."
Hob's just like. "WHAT?? SIBLINGS?! You TALK??! Hang on you know Death???!" But Morpheus already is back to curling in on himself in a furious pissy sulk
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wannaeatramyeon · 5 months
Adventures of YOUR part time job in the Lookismverse
G/N. You work the graveyard shift in a convenience store. You meet bizarre characters on different nights. Part 1 | Part 2
The customers can usually be separated into 3 categories.
Drunks, students, and weirdos.
Unfortunately for you, lately the weirdos have turned into regulars. But fortunately the weirdos aren't so weird.
The one that made it a habit to check in on you, with the scars and the cheesy wink wasn't so bad. Jack, was it? You can't remember and it's been too long for you to ask. You awkwardly address him as 'you' and avoid any situation where you need to use his name.
He likes to ask how you are, tell a few jokes. Spirit undeterred even when you look at him with a blank face because bless his soul, he's not funny at all but at least he tries and he's a lot less weird than first impression.
He hangs around at odd times, then again you do only work at odd times. Telling you stories about this and that. Something about Big Deal, something about a guy called Sinu and something about another guy called Samuel.
It's difficult to keep track. It's like he wants to talk but he's cryptic and god, it's 4am who can blame you if your eyes are glazing over.
John, or is it Jerry, is waffling again. He seems to always be talking about Samuel. Who he apparently misses and wonders where it's gone wrong and hang on, he's never been explicit but you just had to know.
When he takes a breath to munch on a cookie, you ask, "Hold on, is Samuel your ex?"
Wait no his name is Jason, definitely Jason- freezes mid-chew, "Why would you say that? He's my friend!"
Joshua sprays crumbs all over you but you note how he doesn't say no.
(You think you see this Samuel one early morning. You’re pretty sure you’ve seen him before and man, he really looks like shit.
Looks like the breakup is getting to him too.
Poor Samuel and Poor Jim.)
But sometimes weirdos are just weirdos. 
It's ok. It comes with the territory so long as they're not in the habit of hurling abuse or whatever, you can deal with it.
In recent memory, there's only been two people that you have had to almost chase out with a broomstick.
You should have known they would be weirdos when one of them walks in in surprisingly teeny tiny purple camo shorts. Not that you're a pearl clutcher, but you're worried that one wrong move and he could be dangling out.
Besides. Purple. Camo. Shorts. Those words should never follow one after the other, and you repress a shudder at this guy's hideous dress sense when he comes up to you.
You thought the other one was alright, at least there's no hideous purple camo shorts in sight and his hair is nice (huh, this style must be popular, you’ve seen a lot of guys with this hair)-
But then he opens his mouth and asks for snakes and you think it's karma for judging camo-guy for his appearance when his friend is equally odd.
"We usually keep the snakes next to the ramen," you deadpan and the two men actually go to seek out the supposed snake (meat or pet purposes?) only to return moments later, empty-handed and looking confused.
"I think the snake is all sold out," Non-camo guy says as camo-guy glances around as if you might have hidden your snake stock elsewhere.
They must have thought you were stupid as you stood there opening and closing your mouth like a fish (or maybe a snake, do snake do these things), because come on, how are you even supposed to formulate a response to that?
Then you look at their eyes and also notice them looking snakey and surmise it must be some weird fetish thing. Pretending to be snakes and eating snakes and having pet snakes.
You want no part of this and tell them to get out.
"I'm Baek Hangyeol," a new face says, pointing to his ID badge pinned to the white coat. 
"Doctor Baek Hangyeol." He stresses Doctor and Hangyeol and you wonder if he is waiting for a round of applause.
You don't say anything but you do notice he looks like a teenager and what idiot would let a teenager operate on them. (Drunk, student, weirdo. He could be all three.) Doctor Baek Hangyeol must be bluffing.
You decide not to call him on his bullshit. 
"Cool," is all you respond with because you don't want another complaint for being too mouthy. You are half tempted to tell him you're not a doctor, that you just work here but that seemed kinda redundant so you keep your mouth shut.
"Do you believe in true beauty?" he asks when you finish bagging up his goods (a plain water with added minerals, a bottle of multivitamins and a protein shake) and you think what sort of question is that.
You give a halfhearted shrug and say "Sure" and he hands his business card over.
"If you're ever considering it," he tells you with a wild smile. After he has left you look down at the lettering, eyes zeroing in on ‘Plastic Surgery’.
Excuse me?! What is he trying to say?
You thought he was a weirdo but now he has firmly shifted over to asshole. You regret not telling him to go fuck himself while you had the chance. The complaint would 100% be worth it. Zero regrets.
On your break, you burn the card and feel a small sense of satisfaction.
A tall blonde guy with a creepy vibe (hold on, have you seen him before, he seems familiar. Then again, creepy blonde guys seem to be quite common around here-) walks in with the most billowing coat you have ever seen.
The entrance is kinda cool but the actual coat is kinda tragic with the cheesy red lettering and you wonder if you can pull it off any better than him.
You're still wondering about his coat when he's paying you, and hang on you have definitely seen him before because he says arigatou and hands over yen and you tell him no. Won only.
The idea of the coat, which has evolved into you fantasising about having a full blown cape, quickly loses its charm however, when the blonde gets caught in the automatic doors and you have to wrestle them open to free him.
Afterwards, you ask if he's ok, if he is harmed and can’t resist asking if the coat is ok too. You really don't want a lawsuit on your watch especially when the malfunctioning doors are not your fault.
Your kindness is repaid by him telling you he's not interested (what the fuck) and that his heart will not stray (again, what the fuck).
You accidentally eavesdrop on a couple of students lamenting about missing out on school work. You didn’t mean to eavesdrop ok, the aisles are tight and cramped, it’s a small space. 
You peek over, and the one with big ears (seriously, they are huge) is telling the one with his back to you (goodness, his back is huge too) that school is important and he’s got notes the other one can use. 
It’s sweet, you think. School is important and it’s good they recognise that. Nice of them to help each other out too.
When they both come to pay (holy shit, that’s a fuckton of chocolate milk), you’re surprised to find Big Ear’s friend, Big Back, looks anywhere between late 20s and early 40s but it’s never too late to catch up on education, you suppose.
You spend the rest of your shift feeling motivated.
“Going camping?” you ask the guy with the sandy blonde hair, chuckling nervously and ringing his items through. 
Either he’s going camping or he’s gonna kill and hide a dead body in the forest.
He’s pretty stoic, only giving you a curt nod. You can’t help but probe him a bit more. You’ve got a feeling that if or when the dead body turns up, you want to at least clear your conscience that you’ve tried your best so you make some more idle small talk.
You mention how you haven’t been camping for ages, not since you nearly burned your tent down and singed your hair after you tried to cook some marshmallows over a fire that turned out to be more of a raging bonfire (and might have awoken your pyromaniac streak, but you keep that to yourself).
The blonde guy actually pipes up and says “Master Taesoo would never do that.” 
You almost apologise out of principle due to how earnest he sounds, then he mentions something about how good this Master Taesoo is at catching and cooking snake and you wonder what the fuck is up with people and the snake obsession.
Either way, it doesn’t sound like someone is getting murdered. Only a snake (poor snake) so at least you can sleep easy later that day.
“Oh hi DG,” you say, “Sorry about your cryptocurrency falling through. Diegocoin was it?”
He blinks at you a few times in surprise and heavens above. What’s that saying, fool me once, shame on me; fool me twice, shame on you? This guy has fooled you exactly no times with his shitty disguises and his effort has substantially dwindled too. 
He has only put his hood up and you did think you might get mugged at one point-
It’s an empty store, for crying out loud. Who comes into an empty store in the asscrack of night with their hood up, not wanting to draw attention to themselves.
Then you notice the pink hair and shifty glance and duh.
“Is it the-?” he asks, putting his hood down and signalling to his hair.
“Yeah, it’s the-” you signal to your own head of hair. “Dude you really need to dye it if you’re going for subtle.” You pause, consider something, “Hold on.”
You walk over to the beauty aisle and grab the black hair dye.
“On the house,” you tell DG because this guy really has no self awareness.
“What do you mean no?”
“No." Your boyfriend peers down at you, arms crossed and at the end of his patience with you.
You open your mouth to argue- 
“No. You know nothing about Taekwondo. How can you work here?”
You look around helplessly at the studio. He’s not exactly wrong but you’re sick of dealing with the weirdos and the snakes and the creepy blondes. “But your dad-”
“I don’t care what that stupid old man says,”
“Taehoon!” Hansu scolds from the other side of the room, and Hansu's class of toddlers all whirl their head around to stare.
“I can learn?” you offer and Taehoon raises one skeptical brow.
“So you’re going to be a student?” You nod enthusiastically, “And we’re going to pay you for that?”
Oh. Damn. 
He’s got you there.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 5 months
Pairing- Mingi x Named Reader
Word count- 7.8k
Includes- Rumors, pussy eating, cum eating, missionary, cock riding, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @prayerofthehaim @realisticnotes @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @stephy-nicole13
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Mingi POV
As I pass another group of female stylists on my way to the makeup artist who called me, I notice them look at me, whisper to each other and laugh so loudly
What the fuck?
This has been happening all day
Female staff laughing when I pass or whispering as soon as they see me
Some look me up and down then giggle while others give me a pitying look after
I don't know what the fuck is going on
Neither do the guys and they're saying it's not happening with them
It's just me
I get to Joanne, plopping down in the make up chair
"What's with the face?", she asks, as she tilts my head back, immediately starting on my foundation
"Something's going on"
"Like what?", she asks
"I don't know"
She snorts, "Cryptic much?"
I crack a smile at her sass
She's really cool and I've become friends with her
I like her "no nonsense tell it like it is" attitude
She doesn't sugar coat things and especially not with me or the guys
Which a lot of the staff do because they don't want to upset us
It's not that she doesn't care if we're upset but she says it's better to know the truth about stuff than believe the lies
I agree
Apparently I'm not the only one as the guys all like her and have formed their own friendships with her
She's really the only staff member we talk to about real shit
I trust her advice and judgement
"Wanna tell me what's going on without acting like a cryptic super villain in a lame comic?"
Rolling my eyes, I tell her what's been happening all day
Just as I finish, two makeup artists pass us and they give me a look, then whisper and laugh as they walk away
"See?", I say
"Ah. Yeah", she nods, spreading concealer under my eyes
"Do you know what that's about?"
"Yup", she answers, then says no more
I wait until she sweeps powder all over my face to confront her
"Well what's it about?"
"Close your eyes"
"Joanne!", I protest
"Just close your eyes Mingi. I'll tell you while I do your eye makeup"
I glare but then close my eyes
"Well?", I prompt
I feel a makeup brush run over my right eye as she talks, "Well there's some trash talk about you going around"
Trash talk?
What trash talk?
I haven't done anything to warrant trash talking
I don't talk to most of the staff here besides pleasantries and being polite
She sighs, "Well people are saying you suck in bed. And you have a small dick"
"What?", I yell, my eyes snapping open
"Mingi! You're gonna mess up the make up and I'll be very upset if I have to do it all over again"
Fuck the makeup
People are talking about my dick and I want to know why
Or how they even came up with the idea that's it's small
Or that I'm terrible in bed
"How? What? Why? How?", I demand
She rolls her eyes again, "It's your own damn fault"
How is this my fault?
"It's because of Bong-Cha", she replies, "You fucked her and never called her back. Never spoke to her again. Never sorted out if it was just a one night thing or not"
"So because I don't call she spreads rumors about me?"
She shrugs like it's no big deal, "She liked you Mingi. I guess she thought that night meant more. And when you went back to ignoring her, she got pissed"
So she spreads lies?
I slept with her once, a few weeks ago
It was on a whim
I was feeling horny after a performance and she was there
She was willing and I just did it
And I didn't go back to ignoring her
She's a stylist that is normally assigned to Yeosang and Jongho
I don't deal with her directly, just my stylists
I've said hi to her in passing since we slept together
She never looked like she was pissed at me
"She should have come and spoken to me instead of telling her friends lies about me"
"Yeah you're right", she agrees, "Close your eyes"
I do it instead of arguing
"What do I do?"
"Ignore it", she answers simply
"I can't ignore it!"
"Why not?"
"Because my dick isn't small!", I exclaim
I can't let that fucking go
I don't want people thinking that about me
And the fact that it's a lie and she took the immature route pisses me the fuck off
"Yeah I don't need to know about your dick ok?"
"Jesus, what?"
"I need to do something"
"Like what Mingi? What can you possibly do? You can't tell her to say it's a lie"
"Why not?", I ask, opening my eyes to look at her
That sounds like a good idea
Get her to take it back
"One because she won't admit she lied to her friends for a stupid reason. And two, no one would believe her anyway. They'd think that you forced her to say your dick isn't small", she says, "Just let it go"
"I cannot let it go", I growl
"Oh my god, stop with the guy shit with the massive protection over your reproductive organ! Christ, it's not the most important thing in the world"
"Right, because you'd want a rumor spread that your pussy is loose? Or that it's gross or dirty? Or that you don't know how to fuck?"
She snorts, "I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about my pussy or my fucking skills. I only care what the person I'm seeing thinks. And since I'm currently single, I couldn't give less of a rat's ass"
I know she's telling the truth about that
She really doesn't care what people think of her
It sounds so freeing
I wish I was like that but unfortunately I'm not
"Well that's you. I don't want rumors spread about me. About anything"
"Ok genius, what are you gonna do about it then?"
I don't fucking know
I have to think
"Close your eyes", she repeats and I sigh, doing it
As she adds more eye shadow, I rack my brain for something I could do to dispel this stupid rumor
And I do come up with something
It's stupid but it could work
"I could fuck another staff member", I think out loud, "That way that girl will know Bong-Cha is lying and set the record straight"
"That is a very bad idea", she answers
"No it's not", I say, defending the stupid idea
"Oh my god, yes it is! You're gonna sleep with someone just so they can spread it around that you have a big dick? And that you're good in bed? What if they decided to keep up the lie? Or what if they don't say anything at all? And who are you gonna get to sleep with you? They all think you have a small dick"
Yeah ok, I didn't think that far ahead
But apparently girls like to gossip so I bet that whoever I fuck will tell everyone my dick is big
I just gotta figure out who I can do this with
"There has to be someone", I mutter, thinking
"Yeah good luck with that"
I go through the list of staff members in my head, sorting them into no and maybes of who'd give it a shot to sleep with me
There's no definite yes' yet
As I go through the list, I get to one person and it's a yes
It's perfect actually
"I got it!", I yell, snapping my eyes open
"Mingi!", she shrieks, pulling the eyeliner from my eye, fuming, "Are you fucking crazy? Don't fucking open your eye like that! I could of stabbed you in the eye"
"Dramatic much?", I quip, raising my eyebrow
"We'll see how fucking dramatic I'm being when you're holding your eye, crying from the pain!"
"Alright I'm sorry!", I apologize, "I just got carried away"
She grumbles something under her breath and I ask her what she said
"Nothing. What do you want to say? I know you won't let me continue with the makeup until you tell me"
"I know who I can sleep with"
She sighs, "Who?"
"Excuse the fuck outta me?", she snaps
"No it's actually perfect", I tell her
"No it's actually not. I'm not a whore. I don't sleep with just anyone"
"C'mon Jo, I know you're not a whore. I don't want you to think that I think of you like that. I don't"
"Well that's a relief", she says sarcastically
"Look, what I'm suggesting, it'll actually work", I say, hurrying to explain, "You don't give a fuck about the rumor. I think everyone can see that. They know your personality, they know you're brutally honest. They know you have no stake in this. So they'll believe you when you refute the rumor"
She glares at me, her arms crossed over her chest, "No"
"C'mon! I'll make it good, I promise. I'm actually good in bed. That was a huge fucking lie"
I know I've good
I've heard that many times and have gotten no complaints so far so I know it's true
"Mingi, I just...no", she shakes her head, making my hopes fall, "I don't even fuck on the first three dates and I'm supposed to sleep with you? My friend?"
"Well yeah", I nod, "It's just a one time thing. You know it. I know it. There's a reason why we're doing it. Nothing's gonna change. We'll still be friends"
She bites her lip, looking hesitant, "I don't know Mingi"
"Please? It'll be fun. It's just a one night stand between friends"
She avoids my eyes, looking down at the floor
After a minute of silence, she says, "Yeah ok. Fine. Once"
"Yeah?", I repeat, hoping I didn't mishear
"Yes", she grits out
"Great!", I smile widely, "Tonight?"
"Jesus Christ, really?", she exclaims, "You move fucking fast, you know that?"
"Yeah well, just want the rumors to be over", I remind her
"Yeah well, Jesus"
"So tonight?", I repeat
"Yeah fine, tonight"
"Ok. Come to the dorm tonight"
"The dorm?", she says, raising an eyebrow, "With all the guys there?"
"Yeah it's fine. I have my own room and they have noise cancelling head phones"
"Uh...what's wrong with my apartment?", she says, looking a little uneasy
I shake my head, "Can't be seen there. If anyone sees me going in or out of your apartment the media will have a field day"
"Oh right", she mumbles, "Yeah ok. I'll come to the dorm"
"Yeah great", she repeats, "Can I finish your makeup without interruptions now?"
"Yup", I smile, closing my eyes
"I'm here", the text message reads
"Coming", I answer, then get up from my bed
Opening the front door, she stands there, looking hesitant
"Who's here?", Yeosang yells
"Jo?", Hongjoong asks
I turn around to find all of them being nosey and staring at her in shock
"What uh...what are you doing here?", Seonghwa asks
"She's here for me", I answer
"You?", Yunho gapes
I roll my eyes, "Yeah me"
Turning back to her, I take her hand, sparks running up my arm
What the fuck?
Ignoring it, I tug her gently inside, closing the door
"C'mon", I tell her, leading her to my room
Looking back at the guys gaping faces, I smirk, "Use your headphones"
"Oh my god", San squeals
I pull her into my room before she can hear anymore of San and Wooyoung's big mouth
Closing my door, I lock it because I don't trust those two buffoons
They'd come in here unannounced just to embarrass us
And she's doing this for me, I don't want her to be embarrassed
"You could put your stuff there", I tell her, pointing to my computer desk
"Oh, ok", she says, putting her bag on the desk, then taking her sneakers off and setting them under the desk, "Sorry about the sneakers. You kinda dragged me right in, I didn't have time to take my shoes off"
"No big deal", I answer, plopping on my bed
I thought I'd be nervous but now that she's here I'm more excited than anything
To say she's gorgeous is an understatement
She's stunning with her long hair, her bright eyes, cute nose, kissable lips and small body
She's standing nervously by my desk and I want her here next to me right now
"Come here", I call, watching her slowly move towards my bed
She sits at the edge, nervousness falling off her
"Don't worry Jo", I tell her softly, taking her hand and pulling her to me, "It's just me"
Leaning down, I press my lips to hers, kissing her
The second our lips touch, sparks fly around my body, every one of my nerves lighting up, heat flooding every inch of my skin
I don't know what the hell this is or why I'm feeling this but I fucking like it
Getting my arm around her, I pull her right against me, kissing her harder, my tongue playing with hers
Her arms move around my neck as she kisses me and fuck me it feels so good
I lay down, taking her with me, her body curled into mine as she lays in my arms
As we kiss, our tongues playing against each others, her fingers slowly move into the back of my hair, tugging slightly and fuck, I really like it
Guess I'm into hair pulling
Her other hand slides under the sleeve of my tshirt, gripping my upper arm hard
Honestly I like that too
No one has really done that or grabbed me there
Normally by now we'd have our clothes off and be fucking already
With her it's different
Yeah she's small and kinda dainty but for some reason I don't want to go hard yet
I like this soft making out, touching and exploring each other's bodies
It feels nice, it feels like more than a quick fuck
I get lost in kissing her, moving my hand under her tank top, touching her soft skin
Her skin trembles against my fingers as I slide them slowly up her back and I fucking like that a lot
Moving my lips from hers, I press kisses to her neck, gliding my hand from her back to her stomach, slowly trailing up her body
The soft moans from her mouth are surprisingly beautiful and turning me on
Sliding my lips down to her chest, I lavish kisses all over her, pulling my hand from under her tank top to pull the neckline of it lower
Her hand moves from my arm to under my shirt, her hand feeling so small, her cold fingers a shock to my skin
It feels good and I moan into the top of her boob I'm currently kissing
Pulling her tank top lower, I hook into her bra, popping her boob out, licking along her hard nipple softly, my cock completely hard
She groans, her hand finding it's way into my hair, tugging softly
I really like that and it sends shivers down my spine
Wrapping my mouth around her nipple, I suck once, her body arching into mine as she moans out so softly, "Mingi"
That sends shocks through my body, the way she said my name so fucking sensually, blowing my mind
And I know, I'd do anything to hear it again
Moving off her nipple, I slide her tank top up and off her body, her bra following
Looking down at her, I'm awed at how perfect she is
She is exactly what I'd go for in a girl, looks and body wise
I squeeze her boobs softly, my eyes on her face as I say, "So pretty aegi"
Her cheeks turn pink as she shyly looks at me and I'm shocked she's being like this
Normally she's loud, in your face, not taking shit from anyone, cursing up a storm
I've never heard her be so quiet
Her hands slide up my arms slowly, until they wrap around my neck and it feels so right, it's throwing me off
She sits up a little, her lips against mine in a kiss that has stars blasting in my vision
This time I don't think about how her kiss makes me feel, instead just enjoying it
She pulls me down as she lays down, kissing me slowly but passionately
I've never been kissed like this before and I fucking love it
Her hands move to the bottom of my shirt, taking her time as she pulls it up my body
I move my arms through the sleeves, reluctantly pulling away from her so she can get it over my head
Her eyes watch me as she drops my shirt to the floor, her hand moving to my waist
She gazes down at my body, biting her lip as her hands slowly move up
Her tiny hands run along my stomach to my chest, every nerve on fire from her touch
She spreads her hands all over my chest, slipping over my shoulders, beginning to roam my back
"Kiss me", she says softly, her gaze moving to mine
I immediately lean down, pressing my lips to hers
She pulls me against her, her soft skin against mine, feeling so good
Her fingers trail up and down my back as her tongue plays with mine, fire racing in every cell in my body
Slowly, her lips move to my neck, kissing right into the spots that make me feel fucking amazing
I don't know how she found them so quickly but she did, my mind clouding as I moan loudly
Her tongue licks my skin before kissing me, her hands moving down to my sweatpants, under the waist band of the pants and boxers, tugging them down
"Fuck", I moan, reaching for her pants, pulling them down as far as I can
I press kisses into her neck, her whimpers so fucking hot
"Take it off Mingi", she whispers
I groan, moving off her, standing by the foot of my bed
Leaning over her, I pull the rest of her pants, along with her panties, off and dropping them on the floor
I raise my eyes, the sight of her naked and in my bed driving me crazy
She's fucking perfect
Everything about her body is stunning
I can't tear my eyes away, just drinking her in
"Mingi", she whispers, my eyes moving to her pretty brown ones, "Off Mingi"
Right, I'm supposed to be taking off my clothes
I pull the rest of my pants and boxers down, getting them off in one go
"Holy shit", I hear her whisper
I look back at her but her eyes are elsewhere
She stares in between my legs in disbelief, "That is a huge dick. How the fuck?"
I just smirk, "Rumors were false as you can see"
"Yeah", she says, her eyes wide
Grabbing her ankles, I pull her down to the edge of the bed while I kneel on the floor
"Gonna eat your pussy", I tell her as I open her legs
I suck in a breath seeing her cunt for the first time
So fucking tiny
It's going to be hard getting inside her
I'm just gonna have to make her soaking wet then
"Oh...I thought-"
"I have to", I say, looking up at her, "You're really small and I need you to cum before you take my cock. I don't want to hurt you"
She looks unsure, saying, "You don't have to do it if you don't want to. You can just use your fingers"
I shake my head
I think I made it sound like it's a chore I have to do to get her ready for my dick
It's not
"I want to"
"You don't have to lie"
"Jo, I'm not", I assure her, "I want to taste you, I want to make you cum in my mouth"
"You do?", she asks skeptically
"So much", I reply, "You're pussy look so fucking good. So wet already and I just want my face buried in your cunt. So can I?"
The look of disbelief on her face is so cute as she nods
Taking that as a go, I put my tongue on her pussy and lick up slowly, getting a good taste of her
Fucking delicious, just like I knew she'd be
"Oh my god", she moans
I smirk then run my tongue rapidly up and down her cunt, right between her swollen pussy lips, my face getting so fucking soaked
"Shit", she whimpers, her legs already shaking around my head
I push my face into her cunt and at the same time pull her closer to me by her legs, desperate to be as close to her cunt as I can
Moving her legs around my shoulder, I dive into her wet hole, shoving my tongue in as far as I can
"Mingi, fuck", she cries as she clenches on my tongue
"Fuck. Do that again", I murmur
"Ddd...do what?", she stammers
"Squeeze my tongue when I tongue fucking you"
"God Mingi"
She nods and I smile before I continue to fuck my tongue into her pussy
And each time, she does squeeze my tongue hard, sending pleasure down to my cock
She moves up on her elbows and I can feel her watching me
Sure enough when I look at her, her eyes are on me, biting her lip
"Like what you see baby?", I tease between tongue thrusts
She nods, whimpering
"Like watching me eat your pretty pussy?"
"Yes Mingi", she answers, pleasure all over her face
I slide my hands up her thighs to her hips and keep going, my fingers dancing across her skin, her body trembling against my touch
I really really like that
She definitely likes watching, her pussy drenched and dripping into my mouth so much I have to swallow frequently
It's fine, she tastes so good
I slide my tongue out of her hole, licking all the way up and flicking her clit
She lets out a soft pretty moan
I like how quiet she is
I'm used to screaming and dirty talk and everything being super rough, so this is a nice change of pace
I like that I have to really work for her sounds, that I have to listen hard for them
And when she calls my name, it's better than I've ever heard it before
It just makes me want to please her so much just so I can be rewarded with hearing my name in her pretty voice
Turning my attention to her clit, I lavish it with licks, starting with the flat of my tongue and ending with my tip at the end of the lick
She breathes hard, watching me, my hands wrapping around her boobs, squeezing gently
I'm so into eating her cunt, actually loving every second of this
Tugging her pulsing clit into my mouth, I moan as I start to suck on her
"Mingi", she gasps, her hands gripping my sheets so hard, her knuckles are white
I amp it up, slurping all over her clit, wanting nothing than to keep it in my mouth forever
Still gripping her boobs, I move my fingers, pinching her nipples, her head lolling back as she moans quietly
"No baby", I tell her between sucks, "Look at me. Watch me"
She lifts her head, her eyes on me again, just how I want it
I tug softly on her clit, switching between slurping hard and suckling softly, visibly bringing her closer and closer
I suck hard as I pinch her nipple, a loud groan coming from her as her hand slides in my hair, holding on, at the same time her hips snap into my face
She keeps moving her hips as I play with her clit, fucking my face, her hands pulling my hair hard
"Yes baby", I moan between sucks, "More aegi. Fuck my face baby"
"Fuck", she whispers, her hips moving faster as I suck desperately on her
"Mingi, I...I'm gonna cum", she breathes
"Eyes on mine when you cum", I demand
Her big brown eyes meet mine, the pleasure in them turning me on
"Mingi", she calls softly, her legs shaking around me as she cums, grinding into my mouth
I hold her gaze as I suck her through it, then drop my tongue down to her hole
I lick her cum, moaning in shock at how fucking good tastes
So sweet, so creamy, so delicious
I can't help but close my eyes as I lick up and swallow all of her cum
When she finishes and I clean her up, I press a kiss to her pretty pussy lips, then move to press kisses to her inner thighs
I can hear her breathing hard, her fingers lazily running through my hair as I suck on her skin
I leave a dark purple bruise on her and when she sees it, she says softly, "More"
"More?", I tease, "You sure?"
She bites her lip, nodding, "All over"
"I can do that", I murmur, licking a spot on her inner thigh right before I suck her skin in my mouth
I love the feeling of her skin in my mouth, how soft she is, love hearing her quiet noises
After leaving many marks on her, I sit up on my knees between her legs, pulling her closer to me, getting her legs around my waist
"Gonna play with your pussy for a little. Get you nice and wet to take me"
She nods, breathing hard
Moving my cock between her lips, I move forward, sliding my length on her cunt, my head brushing against her clit
Fuck, it feels so good
And based on her soft moans, it feels good for her
Her pussy is so wet, coating my cock, the feeling of the sticky slick so good
I keep rubbing my shaft along her cunt, her clit throbbing against my head, that sensation running up my spine
"You're so fucking wet", I murmur, keeping her legs spread wide, my eyes stuck on her swollen pussy lips wrapped around my cock
I move a little faster when my cock head slips inside her hole accidentally
She moans as she clenches hard, pleasure zapping up my body
"Fuck, tight", I groan
Even from that little bit, I can tell she's really tight
Glancing up at her, I pull my cock head out, then slide it back in, watching her body shake, her hands grip my sheets hard, pleasure on her face
I pull out then move in again, her legs squeezing my waist, her head pressing back into her pillow, her eyes closed
"Feels good?", I ask
She nods, biting her lip
Gripping my cock, I guide my head and a tiny bit more of my cock into her cunt, the immediate squeeze around me so fucking pleasurable
"Think I should fuck you this way?", I ask, thrusting in and out
"Yes", she moans, her hands twisting in the sheets
"Yeah? With just my head? The way you're clenching on me makes me think you like it"
"I do", she whimpers, "Please Mingi, fuck me like this"
"I will baby", I assure her, moving into her hole faster, keeping a grip on my cock so I have control of how much enters her
I'm not going to lie, it feels really good
I've never used just my cock head to fuck a girl
But she is the tiniest I've ever been in and this is a good way to stretch her pussy out
I feel her drench me, tearing my eyes from her beautiful face down to her cunt
Holy shit
"My god, I've never seen a pussy this creamy before", I gape, slowly pulling my head out, then moving back in, watching her swollen pussy lips petal open, her tiny hole spread and her cream dripping on to me
On to the bed
"Is...is that bad?"
"No baby", I say, mesmerized, "I love it"
The sloppy wet sound of her pussy taking my cock head is fucking music to my ears
It's so loud, so pretty, so pornographic
"Feels good?", I ask when she moans
"Yes", she nods, "Good for you?"
"So good", I assure her, "You're sloppy creamy little hole is so pretty swallowing my head. Could watch this all day"
"Mmm", she moans softly, one of her hands moving from the sheet to wrap around my wrist, holding on tightly
Her body shakes, her breath getting faster, her cunt throbbing on my head every time I go inside her
She's close and I want her orgasm so badly
I want to feel her, want to see what I tasted all over my cock
"Cum on my head", I tell her, watching her hole throb around me, "I know you want to. C'mon aegi"
I thrust into her hole a few more times when her body arches, her cunt sucking on my head as she cums, throbbing so fucking blissfully
The pleasure from her orgasm is as shocking as it is amazing, blowing my mind
I watch her hole spasm, her cream dripping down my shaft
"Mingi!", she moans, holding onto my wrist so tightly, "Fuck me Mingi. Please. Want your cock inside me baby. Now"
I want that too but I don't want to hurt her
Letting go of my length, I hover over her, my hands on either side of her head as I slowly push inside her
Fuck fuck fuck
So fucking tight
I can't think of anything except how tight she is, can't feel anything except for her cunt stretching around me
Getting inside her feels incredible
"Yes Mingi!", she cries loudly, her legs squeezing around me, her hands grabbing my hips, gripping hard, "Please, more. All of you"
"I don't want to hurt you baby", I tell her as I ease into her, her pussy sucking me in, latching on to my cock tightly, spasming quickly
Her hands pull on my hips, helping me get inside her
"All of you now!", she whispers, "I can take you"
I bite my lip as the pleasure takes over and I slam the rest of my cock into her, impaling her on my shaft, hitting so deeply inside
"Yes, fuck!", we both shout, her body arching into mine
"Yes, yes, yes", she whimpers, "Fuck me Mingi. Fuck, want you so bad"
I nod, leaning down, my lips crashing to hers just as I start to move
Her kiss sears through my body, fire running along my back, as I pull out then slam back in
I move fast, wrapping one of my arms around her waist, lifting her right against me, her arms moving around my back
Her pussy splits open so well for me, actually taking my entire cock without a problem
Her tongue plays with mine, her fingers barely running up and down my back, shivers on my skin every place she touches
Those shivers just enhance the pleasure, making me crave more
I don't know why I'm feeling like this
I never shivered during sex either so I don't know what the fuck is going on
I don't want to think about it, I'm just going with it
I thrust into her harder, feeling so fucking amazing, the sound of her sopping pussy mixing with the slapping sound of our skin hitting with every stroke
I just keep kissing her, not able to get enough of her lips against mine
Hiking her legs up higher on my waist gives me more room to move, giving her stroke after stroke, right into her spot
"Mingi", she moans, sending chills down my spine
I love hearing my name in her voice
I move my kisses to her neck, feeling her skin tremble, one of her arms moving around my neck, sliding into my hair, holding on
Making my way down her neck, down her chest, I wrap my hand around her boob, pushing it up
I run my tongue over her hard nipple once, then lock my lips around it, sucking hard
"Oh god", she whimpers, her cunt clenching my cock hard, her pussy flooding my length even more
Her pussy spasms get faster with each fuck into her, her moans getting louder
"I'm...I'm....", she whimpers
"Mm hmm", I groan around her nipple, moving my hips faster, wanting to feel her cum on my entire cock
After a few more thrusts, she cries my name, climaxing, intense pleasure hitting me hard
I shove my entire cock inside her, letting her ride it out on my length
And it feels fucking mind blowing
I lift my head, watching her cum underneath me and fuck, she's so stunning
Her legs are squeezing me hard, her hand pulling my hair, pleasure all over her face
"So pretty", I hear myself say, my fingers running in her hair
Her eyes open, looking shyly at me, her cheeks pink
Her hand unclenches my hair, sliding through the strands to softly touching my cheek
Fire zaps into my cells as I turn my head into her palm, kissing it gently
She smiles softly at me, lifting her head, her lips against mine in another heated kiss
As I kiss her, she gently pushes me to the side and I go with her until she ends up on top of me, straddling me
Breaking the kiss, she sits up in my lap, her hand holding my cock up for her
She sinks down on my length, whimpering softly, wiggling her hips as she goes, opening up her pussy for me
"Mingi", she barely whispers, shivers running down my spine hearing my name
"Mmm baby", I groan, the pleasure of getting inside her so fucking intense, "All the way down. Split that pussy open for me. Fuck, you feel so fucking good"
Her hips are mesmerizing me with the way they move as she takes more of me slowly, her pussy making a sucking sensation on my dick as she pulls me inside
I keep my hands on her hips, trying desperately not to dig my fingers into her skin
She just has a little more of me to take
"Please baby", I moan, "Take all my cock"
She whimpers, finally shoving herself down, my length buried inside her to the hilt
"Mmm Mingi, fuck", she moans, "So big, shit"
She sits on me, feeling me, her pussy walls fluttering around my length, driving me crazy
I move my gaze down to where we meet, spreading her lips apart to get a better view
"Oh my god", I whimper, my eyes on her hole around me
"Www..what? What's wrong?"
"Fuck, you're pussy looks so fucking good wrapped around my cock", I whisper, glancing up at her, "That fucking hole, fuck. Straining around me"
I actually think I might be too big for her
"Does it hurt?", I ask
"No", she shakes her head, "It feels so good. God, I've never had a cock like yours inside me"
"Cock like mine?", I ask
Her hips move, rocking on me, my head rubbing inside her, soft moans escaping her mouth as her body shivers
Each rub into her spot makes her clench on me, pleasure so good
"Yeah. Huge like yours. Snug inside me. No extra room. So fucking deep. Overstuffs me", she groans, her hips grinding on me faster, "Never had a cock this hard inside. God, clenching on you....fuck so good. I....I think I really like having your dick inside me"
I smile at her, happy she enjoys being with me
"I like having my cock inside you. Your pussy is the tightest, smallest, I ever had around me but you fit so perfectly on me. Like your pussy was meant to take me"
She tilts her head, smiling too, "I know what you mean"
I'm glad she does and I don't sound like an idiot
She leans over, her lips brushing against mine in a brief kiss
Then she's sitting back up, her hands against my shoulders as she slides up my shaft
When she gets to my head, she squeezes so hard, making me gasp from the bliss
As she slowly slides down my cock, she clenches over and over, feeling like she's sucking on my cock
She bottoms me out, grinding on me then she's sliding back up again
She repeats the movements slowly but takes me in so deeply, each clench of her pussy as she takes me back in sending unbelievable bliss through my whole body
I never had anyone ride me like this, never this good, never this deep, never squeezing my cock so much as I go back in
It's driving me crazy and my head is getting hazy
She's getting me so fucked out and it's a new experience for me
Normally I'm doing that to the girl
But God do I like the emptiness in my head, the only thing I can do is feel her, feel the pleasure
She sits up a little straighter, her hands now on my abs, moving just a touch faster
I watch her as I feel everything, loving the pleasure on her face as she moves on me
She's so fucking stunning it's stupid
She breathes harder, my gaze moving to her pussy creaming my cock like crazy
All over, a pretty white mess covering me, thick creamy ring around the base of my cock and I just want more
Her skin has a light sheen of sweat but her hair is soaked, falling in her face as she bounces
She bites her lips hard, shaking slightly on top of me and I know she's close
"Fuck", she whimpers, her fingers squeezing my skin hard, "Oh god"
"Say my name", I beg her, squeezing her hips, "Please, fuck, I love hearing you say my name"
"Mingi", she whimpers so softly as she climaxes, her pussy throbbing uncontrollably, squeezing my cock in a vice grip
She's so fucking beautiful
"Mingi", she repeats, "Mingi"
Hearing my name is just what I need, throwing me over the edge
"Fuck Joanne", I cry, holding her on my cock as I cum deep inside her, complete ecstacy taking over
Holy shit it feels so fucking good
Coming hasn't felt this good before
"Fuck Mingi, yes", she moans, her pussy milking my cock for everything I have
"Yes aegi. Fuck, Good girl. Taking my cum so well just like you take my cock", I praise her, "Good girl"
Moving my hands from her waist, I wrap them around her, pulling down against me
She comes willingly, her head on my chest, breathing hard
My god, she fits so perfectly in my arms too, like she was meant to be there
She cuddles into me, her hand resting on my chest right where my heart is and I just smile, then kiss her forehead
I like this, just laying with her in comfortable silence
I don't do things like this
Not when the girl is not my girlfriend
After sex, I just get up and either leave or the girl leaves
But I'm finding that I really don't want that right now
I want her to stay right here with me
So I just hold her and enjoy the feel of her in my arms
One week later
Mingi POV
I fidget in my seat as the car drives us to the photo shoot set
I haven't seen or spoken to Joanne in a week
She ended up sleeping over that night
She fell asleep in my arms and I didn't want her to leave
The next morning it was awkward
I didn't know what to say and she didn't either
We both got dressed and she said she'd see me for the next shoot
I said ok, we said bye and she left
Then I found out that the next photo shoot was a week away
We had practice all week and didn't need any stylists
I was too chicken shit to text her and she didn't text me either
As the week went on, I found myself thinking about her all the time
Wanting to see her
And not for sex which completely threw me off guard
I just wanted to spend time with her
Hold her again
And kiss her
Fuck do I want to kiss her
Feel her soft lips against mine, her tongue playing with mine, her arms around my neck, her fingers in my hair
Yeah I realized I got it bad for her
Feelings that I either didn't know were there or developed really quickly
Doesn't really matter which because all I know is they're there and I want her
I'm just worried I'm going to fuck it up because I'm a complete doof when it comes to talking to girls about feelings and asking them out
I enlisted the help of Wooyoung, who surprisingly gave me good advice
Be calm, be direct, be clear
Tell her how I feel and what I want
Don't be afraid
The worst she can do is say no
Which is terrible but he's right
The car pulls up to the building and I breathe out, trying to calm myself
We get out and as we walk towards the dressing rooms Wooyoung says, "You got this"
I nod
Stepping into the dressing room, I scan the room for her
She's at the far right of the room, by the makeup tables
Here goes
As I walk over to her, she looks up at me nervously
God, she's so fucking beautiful
"Oh uh Mingi, hi. I uh... I didn't get a chance to tell-"
Right, she's talking about the rumor that I don't give a fuck about anymore or proving anything to anyone
I just want her
I reach her, cupping her face in my hands and brushing my lips against hers
The same spark hits me hard, my head dizzy and in the clouds
I wasn't imagining it
This confirms that what I felt was real
She kisses me back, her hands holding onto my wrists as I deepen the kiss, my tongue against hers
"Ho-ly shit", someone says
"Is Mingi kissing a makeup artist?"
"Is that.....Joanne? And Mingi?"
Gently pulling away after the kiss ends, I look into her beautiful brown eyes, "Forget the rumor. Don't tell anyone anything"
Confusion fills her eyes, "Why?"
"Because I don't care what anyone thinks", I answer softly, "I just care about what you think. It's just between us"
A small smile forms on her lips, "Just between us?"
I nod, "Between me and my aegi"
Her smile widens, "Who would that be?"
"You", I tell her, "If you want. If you want to be with me. More than friends"
She nods, "I do but...is that what you want?"
"Yes", I answer, "I didn't know I wanted that with you until that night. Until I realized I have feelings for you and you're all I want"
She nods, "You're all I want Mingi. I...I always had feelings for you"
"You hid them so well baby", I tell her, smiling softly
I had no idea she felt that way but I'm so fucking glad she does
"I had to Mingi. You're an idol. I'm a staff member", she reasons, "And you just wanted a one night thing. I...I figured if there was one chance to be with you this was it. I'd take it and then we'd go back to normal. We'd still be friends"
"I don't want to be your friend, baby. I want more. I want you"
"I want you too baby", she whispers, my heart soaring at hearing her call me baby
"I'm all yours", I assure her
"I'm all yours too", she tells me
I smile like I just won the lottery
Because I did
Pulling her right to me, I kiss her, not giving a fuck who sees
Her arms move around my neck as mine move around her waist, both of us holding each other tightly
"What the fuck is going on?"
I know that voice
Slowly, begrudgingly, I pull away from her sweet lips and turn my head to look at Bong-Cha
"What the fuck are you two doing?", she shrieks
"I'm kissing my girlfriend", I tell her, "Not that it's any of your business"
"You're girlfriend?", she asks shocked, "You just slept with me a month ago, how are you with her already?"
How the fuck is she questioning me?
She's acting like we're together and she just caught me cheating on her
She needs to back off
"That's none of your business. All you need to know is we're together. That's it"
She needs to stay out of my business
She scoffs, glaring at Joanne, "Well sucks for you. He has a small dick"
The whispers of the staff start up again, giggles coming from some of the women
But I couldn't care less
My baby knows the truth, that's all that matters
Her eyes narrow at Bong-Cha and I can tell she's pissed
"Actually I'm gonna clear one thing up without too many details", she snaps, "You're a fucking liar"
It's so quiet in the room, a dropped pin could be heard
"You lied because Mingi never called you back after your one night stand", she growls, "Instead of being a mature adult and going to speak to him to clear things up, you spread a false rumor to make your pathetic self feel better. And the rest of you idiots spread the rumor like you're in fucking high school"
I just stand back and watch my baby go
Like I said, brutally honest
"I'm gonna say this once so you better listen or there will be problems", she says to Bong-Cha, "Keep my boyfriend's name out of your fucking mouth"
"Your girlfriend is so cool", Wooyoung whispers gleefully
"I know", I smile
Bong-Cha wordlessly nods her head, the turns and scurries away
The rest of the staff just stand there in shock
"Well", she snaps, "Fuck off"
"Definitely cool", Wooyoung compliments
"I'm sorry baby", she says, turning back to me
"Don't be aegi", I say, "You were amazing, baby. You said all you needed to without giving away anything. Thanks for defending me aegi"
"Always baby", she smiles, moving her arms back around my neck
I smile widely so happy that everything turned out well and I now have an amazing girlfriend
"Kiss me Mingi", she says softly
"Always aegi", I answer, leaning down and capturing her lips in a mind blowing kiss
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shootingstarwritings · 11 months
"Hey bro, how does a crew battle work...?"
Hey, it's me again! The name's James. Last time we checked up like this, I hopped my roommate's body so he'd get better at fighting games. His name's Korrin, but he prefers Kor.
I gotta admit, these powers were a pretty sweet deal. He suddenly had a brand new genre to enjoy and I got to play with his body every once in a while. Seemed like a win-win, right?
Well, we got caught up talking just a bit too much shit during one of the weeklies. Think I ended up messing with my roommate's personality a bit too much while I was jerking off as him. He was far cockier than before I started taking over.
"Yeah, that's right. $500 crew battle," said Kor, flexing his muscles through the tight t-shirt I had mind-fucked him into preferring to wear. "Me and James could beat the shit outta everyone in this venue. Easy."
I wrapped an arm around his shoulder, saying, "Chill the hell out before you spend all our rent money," through clenched teeth. In response, he leaned over and gave me a deep kiss before talking more shit.
We didn't have to play everyone in the venue, but now we were stuck in a 4v4 crew battle; and Kor had successfully pissed off just about everyone who was a regular. We had two weeks to find two other guys to fill out our team or we'd be going hungry for the next month.
The ride home was quiet, although Kor didn’t seem to mind. He stared straight ahead, one hand on the steering wheel while another was on my thigh. Occasionally, he would squeeze while smiling at me. The way his eyes lit up whenever we were together dazzled me. I couldn’t stay mad at him, especially when it was my fault he was the way he was.
"Aww, don’tcha worry," said Kor as he massaged my shoulders, another trait I had bestowed him. My bed was a bit small for the two of us, and Kor had often wondered out loud if we could fit a queen sized bed in my room. “I’m sure we’ll find some guys. Even if they’re dead weight, you and me can wipe the floor with everyone there.” Before I could say anything, he leaned over and kiss my neck. I shivered, toes curling as he greedily licked one of my more sensitive spots.
After I let out a few… unbecoming moans, Kor pulled away and tittered. “Love making you cry out like that,” he said in a sensual tone. “Well, good night. Gotta get to the gym early tomorrow.”
As the door to his room shut close, I stared up at the ceiling and sighed. I had a few other friends that liked games, but they had no interested in fighting games like me. Of course, that had never stopped me before…
Two weeks should be enough time to make two pros, right?
The first guy on my list was Jason. He was a buddy of mine that I met in college. Smart, kind, and eager to show off the gains he'd made at the gym. "I spent three years to get this bod," he had bragged to me, showing off his toned and sweaty torso. Even so, he still enjoyed playing games, particularly RPGs. He was always throwing one my way or another--with tons of fan translations and cryptic guides as well.
I'd have to play one of them to completion one of these days to thank him for the service he was about to provide.
The night after Kor made his bet, I made my move. I locked my door and focused on flying. My body slowly lost its weight, density, and then mass in general. Skin peeled away and disappeared into dust, waiting for the chance to reform once my mission was complete. Organs twisted into neat little knots that blinked out of existence. My bones ground up against each other before vanishing.
It was only during those few precious moments that my soul was free. I sailed through the sky, unable to feel the wind on my face yet elated all the same. The moon was so close to my fingertips that it felt unfair that I couldn't grasp it. However, I knew exactly what I could grip instead.
Tumblr media
I phased through Jason's apartment with little issue and found himself soon afterward. He was playing a battle simulator without a shirt on. "It's about a 73% to one-hit KO," he muttered to himself as he clicked through an innumerable amount of tabs. I knew for a fact some of them were months old and untouched for just as long.
Probably another habit I’d have to kick, but it was hard to focus on that when I kept focusing on that tight body he had. I would’ve licked my lips of I had any in that form. Not wanting to waste any more time, I hopped into him.
“Hnng…! Ahhh…hah…!” Jason let out a moan, tongue sticking out involuntarily as a shiver of pleasure ran all throughout his body. “Wh-what the fuck—is happening—“ Jason moaned as he turned around and began to hump his seat cushions. “AH! NRGH AAAAAHHHH!” Any words Jason would’ve tried to cry out were soon overpowered by panicked pants of pleasure. His hands, which would’ve normally reached for his phone to call for help, could only play with his chest and sensitive nipples.
My will overpowered his own, but Jason didn’t seem to mind. He kicked off his shoes, socked toes curling up in pleasure, and rubbed his trembling body all over the coach. “I-I…! K-Keep go—OOAHH—Keep going!” He said, panting and laughing the whole time. His back arched once more as he let out a strangled scream while his erect cock spewed semen all over his shorts. Jason, mind drowning in a hurricane of euphoria curtesy of me, collapsed covered in a sweaty, semen-covered mess.
Eventually, I opened my new eyes and felt my chiseled body. “Mmm, oh Jason. Let’s get your hand-eye coordination to my level.” As I began to strip so I could play in the nude, I saw angry DMs from Jason’s opponent.
Smirking, I walked over to the laptop and messaged him back. “Sorry bro, too busy playing games and fucking bussy to play with a pussy like you. GG you win, loser.”
I laughed as I got another stream of profanities from Jason’s old opponent, but I didn’t care. I was covered in sweat, smelling like a real man, while I was playing my favorite game.
Once Jason was done and truly mind-fucked, I had one more person I needed to visit.
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bloodynereid · 1 year
ohhh maybe like a karen and reader one where its like they were flirty best friends during the bands like time together and then they find eachother again after the band has already been split and lice happily ever after🥲
ok thats it for me lol
love your writing queen
Intertwined Heartbeats
pairing: karen sirko x fem! reader
a/n: hiii anon! first tysm and second hope you enjoy this little fic. karen sirko owns my heart and honestly i wish we saw more fics for her. this was fun to write in comparison with my previous karen fic (even if it's not as long) so yeah ty for ur request ly
tw: kissing, mentions of weed, mentions of drinking, some angst but mostly fluff, some flirty comments, cursing
description: falling for you best friend is not something you planned but you are all the better for it anyway.
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Y/N: Being a band’s PR manager was hard. Especially when said band was Daisy Jones & The Six. Rod and I had a lot of work cut out for us.
Rod Reyes: I handled the tour and that was a piece of work but I cannot imagine what Y/N had to deal with. Well I can but it’s better not to think about it if you don’t want to get an aneurysm.
Daisy: Y/N fixed that stupid fucking article with Rolling Stone. I mean by the time it was published the entire thing had been changed but I didn’t know that. I only saw the first draft. So the damage was done and I still went to Greece.
Y/N: God that fiasco with Daisy, I can still remember it. Luckily Jonah was a good friend from university. If it wasn’t for that, that story would have run as it was written in the first draft.
Jonah: I didn’t change it that much. But I understood Y/N’s concerns so I took out bits from Billy’s description of Daisy. Not that famous line of, fuck how did it go, the I hate Daisy Jones line.
Y/N: Daisy was my friend. I had to take care of her and not just the band. Anyways, the reviewed draft of the article was much, much better in my opinion. *you let out a slight chuckle*
Karen: Y/N was always sticking out her neck for us. Whether that was because Billy got in the wrong fight when he was high or when Warren slept with the wrong girl. She was there from the beginning and we got close. She was my best friend. Through every twist and turn.
You let out a puff of smoke into the cool night air. Karen had invited you with a promise of weed to the rather high up roof of the hotel. Your usual fear of heights was thankfully dampened by the easy comfort of the rather strong weed.
“Where did you get this shit anyway?”
“Friend of a friend.”
“Wow, now you’re trying to pull all that mysterious and cryptic shit again.”
“Have to keep up the mystique somehow.” You snorted and took the blunt for her fingers before taking another hit. Letting the comforting silence wash over the two of you.
“I think I’m going to break up with Graham.” Karen’s sudden comment made you twist your head over so suddenly that a loud crack echoed into the night.
“Oh fuck me. Oww. Sorry about that but what?! I didn’t even know you two were dating.”
“I don’t know if we really are.”
“Well just so you know, I’m here for you for whatever you decide.”
Y/N: There were a lot of good nights like that. Karen and I were the closest in the group, even if I wasn’t actually a part of the band.
You sat backstage of one of the many concerts that had been going on for the past week. A glass of your customary Vodka Cranberry in your hand. The first week of the tour had just started and already there was a small amount of bad press starting to go around.
Tabloid journalists and photographers circled like ravenous vultures during each and every afterparty. But you know what they say: Any press is good press.
Right after the band finishes the set you are suddenly snapped out of your daydream by a blonde barreling towards you. A very familiar blonde who instantly envelops you in a hug.
“Wow hey there Karen, you’re going to make me spill my drink all over you.” You say as you quickly reciprocate the hug as best as you can whilst holding an already very slippery glass.
“Oh you love it.”
“Sure I do, honey. Set go well?”
“Went great! Still can’t believe we’re actually here.”
“Me neither, I’m suddenly getting a bucketload of calls from friends of friends that need PR done.”
“Well you better not be leaving us anytime soon.”
“Would never dream about it, sweetheart.” You stared at each other in slight awe. Mischief and something else you couldn’t really name was mirrored in Karen’s eyes as she smiled brightly at you. Suddenly you realized that you still had your arms slung around her waist and her fingers had taken to drawing little shapes on your arms.
“Hey! You guys coming to the afterparty?” Your little cocoon of warmth is suddenly interrupted by Warren’s voice from the other side of the room. You two quickly separate.
“Yeah probably.”
“Great, see you there.” Karen then connects your arms together and drags you through the back door, following the other members who were obviously going back to the buses to party.
“You know I do love it when you call me names, baby.” You ignored the butterflies that churned in your stomach as you scoffed and lightly hit Karen’s arm, causing her to send you a look of mock offense.
“Oh shut it.”
“Rude. I am truly and deeply hurt.”
“Overdramatic drama queen.”
“Oh wow just really bring on the insults won’t you?”
Y/N: I was there when all of it went down. I’d like to say that I didn’t know that the band was going to break up but I had my sneaking suspicions. When your career quite literally consists of being a fixer of problems you pick up on where problems might arise. Daisy Jones & The Six was a band that had so much underlying tension that it was for certain that the fuse was going to blow at one point.
You sat next to Karen on the large king sized bed in the suite that somehow Rod was able to swindle for you. Karen had finally fallen asleep after basically crying out her entire soul. God you felt so selfish being able to actually enjoy and crave the warmth that Karen provided as she laid tucked in your arms.
It had taken you a while but ever since the tour started your brain had finally started to accept what your heart already did. You were in love with Karen Sirko. As Breakfast at Tiffany’s plays on the TV you place a kiss on her forehead. And settle in for the fact that you will never have a chance with Karen but you’re comfortable enough loving her from the sidelines.
Y/N: Karen and I regularly kept in touch. I kept in touch with most of the band actually. It was only a few years after the band broke up that the breakthrough happened. And it happened because we were really, really high.
The year was 1980 and somehow you were back to lying down on a roof with Karen Sirko. It wasn’t some random hotel’s roof though, it was the roof of the new house you had just bought.
“I’m glad you invited me over.”
“Of course I invited you over, it would have been an act of a crazy person not to have invited you over.” Karen laughed at your statement before taking in another hit of the strong weed she somehow always kept in stock.
“You know you never did tell me where you get your weed.”
“And I never will.”
“Still as cryptic as ever.”
“Only for you baby.” Karen sent you a little smirk before quickly placing a small peck on your lips and settling back into her position. You lie there dumbfounded. She just- no no way. You’re just really high. Karen Sirko, the most beautiful woman in the world did not just kiss you.
“Uh- did you just kiss me?”
“I did.”
“Cause I always wanted to.”
“You’re just high.”
“We’re both high. Plus you know how weed makes me honest.”
“I know you all too well, Karen.”
“Well then you better believe that I just kissed you.”
“Fine I’m choosing to believe you… but I might need some reassurance.” Karen turns to you again with a smirk on her face.
“And what would this reassurance consist of?”
“Another kiss.”
“Your wish is my command.”
Y/N: So yeah things kind of ended well after the shit storm that was my years with the Six. I wouldn’t change a thing though.
Karen: Y/N is my other half and to be able to share my life with someone as incredible as that… I can hardly believe it myself.
Y/N L/N is the owner of one of the most renowned PR agencies for the Hollywood elite and is even rumored to work with some political figures. She lives with her long time girlfriend, Karen Sirko (they are hoping to get married as soon as it’s legalized) in a cabin in the Rocky Mountains but periodically comes into her various offices scattered throughout New York and LA. They co-parent 2 cats.
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taglist: @yesshewrites1
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crayistic · 7 months
Feeling abit down today for no apparent reason -_-
So I thought i was write a post about last night's CR, so if you arnt caught up there will be SPOILERS ahead for CR3E78.
Ok so I posted a rant on how I felt after E77 because my mind felt like it was going to explode. I spoke withsomeone about how i was hoping Matt would deal with the situation and as always he went one even better with Ashton rejecting the Shard. In my opinion this episode was brilliant, couldn't have been any better.
Matt having the shard rejected leaves it open to the possibilities of the emperor and empress storyline and if Fearne does choose to accept it, I'm still so excited to see a more powerful version of her, plus I think she deserves it. I know alot of people are getting feels about the fact that she said she didn't want it, but to me i don't feel like she doesn't want the shard. I feel like she doesn't want the possibility of turning evil and the fear of the shard being a catalyst of that is why she doesn't want it. However in the end if she accepts that and still chooses not to have it, then for sure fukl support.
The way Ashton dropped his guard, took responsibly for his selfishness and just down right shitty behaviour wad the best way to go for me. Don't get me wrong, doesn't change that he did a shit thing but I really can't think of a better way Tal could have played it. I still think Ashton is cryptic with the way he speaks sometimes but I do feel like I fully understand where he is coming from. When one of then said to him about being power hungry and he said it wasn't about that it's about being whole, I was sat there watching and said those exact words just before he said them. There is still alit of work to do, but being humble and accepting that gives me alot of hope. I'm looking forward to more conversations between him and fearne to explore what happened more.
Now Chetney... man I bow down to you sir. I adore this little man so much and he really stood out to me this ep so I just wanted to give him some appreciation aswell as laudna and the doll she made for Ashton. They all keep saying how broken they are, but it still doesn't really feel like they know and accept how actually broken you can be. The way Imogen has some crazy immeasurable power yet in the moment Laudna ran off she looks so powerless... one of the best things i enjoy so much watching CR is Laura when she is completely in character but sat there, not interacting with anyone at the time, however you can see her going through the motions. Just brilliance.
I'm just rambling now, this isn't very well put together lol but after last week I just felt like I wanted to say this episode was perfect to me, I love how it went and I can't wait for the next!
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thelemoncoffee · 5 months
You know that highly specific trope of "character gets sent to a school full of monsters but they're the only human and are trying to hide that fact"? Consider: that, but with a twist
Shuichi, a "human", is enrolled in Hope's Peak Academy, a school for monsters. All (or most) of his classmates immediately assume he's a human and do their best not to let anyone else figure out his "secret", because they fear he might be kicked out or picked on if others find out he's the only human at a school full of monsters (side note that some of them, like Tenko, are keeping his "secret" because of their morals, not because they particularly like him – I say this because I spent a while wondering why Tenko wouldn't just spill the beans because he's a guy). Notably, none of them actually tell Shuichi their assumptions, they just refer to it cryptically, ex. "Your secret's safe with me." or "I'd rather keep you around than... deal with any transfer students."
Except... Kokichi has a feeling something's up. And of course, that means he's gonna get to the bottom of it!
So Kokichi goes to Shuichi, and after a bit of back-and-forth, asks what species he is.
And Shuichi, resident "human", looks at him and goes: "I have no fucking clue"
Turns out, Shuichi knows he's a monster, but doesn't know what species he is, so now it's up to Kokichi to help him figure it out! All the while, their classmates' attempts to make sure Shuichi isn't discovered as the "human" they think he is are getting more and more ridiculous. Whether they're trying to keep his "secret" from their fellow classmates, or all of them have teamed up to keep Shuichi's "secret" from spilling to the rest of the school, is up to you
holy shit that is chaotic, tho i gotta wonder why Shuichi doesn't know what he is. my first thought is he was raised by his human uncle, and uncle has no fucking clue what the hell he is but knows for a fact he's got some freaky monster shit going on with him. the being raised by a human uncle is what would initally set the class up for the human thing, maybe a wearwolf smells the heavy scent of human on him that masks the unidentifyable scent of whatever monster he is and assumes he must be human
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Okay! Nosferatu lore
Nosferatu 1922 is based on Dracula the book and all tha,t so the basic plot is the same, but it has some differences that make it its own thing.
Firstly, Count Orlok. He's some sort of a demon, a manifestation of human sin, created as punishment for mankind, who feeds on blood and whose "spell" can cause someone to "lust after blood without reason" (we'll talk about that later). He also shares many characteristics with a rat and has a bunch of rats, who he uses to spread the plague (we will also discuss the plague, maybe). I've had a previous theory, based on two lines which may or may not have been a slight mistranslation, about him being a human who died during the Black Death and reborn as a vampire. But, not sure if that is quite it. Maybe some mix of the two. The script also mentions portraits of his ancestors, which, I don't think demons really have those. What matters is, by the start of the story he poses as a Transylvanian Count, who wishes to purchase property in Wisborg (made up place) in Germany (real place).
In doing so, he reaches out via a very cryptic letter full of unintelligible symbols to a house agent. People call him Knock. What is going on with Knock is unclear - one thing we know for sure, he has some sort of a connection with Orlok. He and Orlok have known eachother before we were introduced to them, since Knock knows how to read that weird mess of letters. Later, Knock becomes the renfieldddddd. Goes mad, starts eating bugs, establishes a psychic connection with Orlok and senses his approach, all that shit, you know how it is. Thing about Knock; Orlok can't really turn people into vampires unlike Dracula, so Knock probably doesn't inherit the other guy's motivation of becoming a vampire. That's where the "spell" line from before comes in. Many have theorized that Knock has been brainwashed into serving Orlok, that seems like a viable explanation to me. Knock is much more devoted, I'd say, even if he's not that useful. He stays loyal until the very end, and either dies or becomes sad when Orlok dies. It's possible that he has been brainwashed and turned into a servant, very likely in fact. I choose to ignore it, excuse the "spell" as love or some shit, and Knock going mad and eating bugs is just how gay people get sometimes when separated by a long distance. We've all been there.
Back to the beginning; Knock hands the task of selling the house over to Thomas Hutter, his employee, a man whom I shall not call a twink but still have the urge to. Thomas Hutter is a very unsuspecting man, probably numbed to it all by the long-term effects of working for someone like Knock, a giggling lunatic (i say this lovingly). Oh. Did I mention that the Hutters are shown to not have the most wealthy lifestyle, and Knock is described as "paying his employees well", and he also tells Hutter that he might get quite a lot of money from the deal (at the cost of just a bit of blood)? I think you can see the themes here. Well, Hutter takes up the journey. Instantly regrets it (I mean, not really instantly. It took him long enough. As I said, a very unsuspecting man). Enough about him let's talk about his wife. He loves his wife, that's what he would have wanted, trust me.
Ellen Hutter! Introduced as Thomas Hutter's wife, indeed, she is. She is a kind woman, I'd say, extremely so - the first line we hear from her is her "Why did you kill those beautiful flowers?" in response to Hutter bringing her a boquet. Normal reaction, don't worry about it. The two are shown to have quite a happy life, they love eachother; that is, until Orlok sees Ellen's portrait, compliments her neck and decides to go to Wisborg to get the blood. When he tries to drink from Hutter, we see that Ellen also has some sort of a telepathic connection, either with Hutter or Orlok, who knows, thing is, she calls out to Hutter and wards Orlok off. So, we've got two telepaths tied to some men. We'll come back to that later. Both Hutter and Orlok arrive to Wisborg; Hutter has a book from which he learned about Orlok (also called Nosferatu), but refuses to let Ellen read it. Not sure why, maybe he thinks that everything he saw was just a hallucination created by the book after all? Anyway, the Plague from Orlok's rats sets in. Ellen has no choice but to investigate; in doing so, she finds out that to destroy Orlok and earn redemption, a willing sinless maiden must sacrifice herself and let Orlok drink her blood until sunrise, until Sun gets him. Ellen, unlike Hutter, instantly knows what she must do. And she does.
ooo :3
i mixed up the names but i’m somewhat sure orlok is the … ratty looking one ??? i think knock is the sorta round fella
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missxfaithc · 1 year
Okay I gotta bone to pick with Markiplier about something.
In his livestream breakdown for WKM, way back when, he made a big deal of saying how if something wasn’t expressly stated in the story, then it wasn’t canon. Like, even if he verbally said it later on, it still wouldn’t technically be canon, unless the story itself was added onto to reflect as much.
But then, by the time ISWM came around, he added in a bunch of cryptic shit to fuck with the fans and when people naturally began to theorize and be like “ohhh I see some plainly laid out connections here between this scene/character/line and something in WKM” he was just like “nahhhh none of that shit means anything. You’re looking too much into it”.
Like… bruh. You were the one who told us that the only things that mattered were the things actually stated in the story itself. Like, he made the conscious decision to put parallels in the story between some of Engineer Mark’s decisions/lines and some of the things Damien said in WKM. The same thing goes for the parallels between Mrs. Whitacre (or however you spell her name) and Celine.
People also pointed out, at the time, how Engineer Mark’s whole speech at the end to the Captain about how tired he was, and how sorry he was could be representative of Actor Mark finally taking accountability for his actions in WKM.
But then Mark was just like “nope. They’re two completely different people. ISWM is a completely different story from the WKM thing with completely different characters. Actor Mark isn’t a part of this… except maybe he is”.
Like ??? 😩😩😩
Please, Mark, just give us something. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t simultaneously say that “only the things in the actual story are canon” and “I just added that shit in there to fuck with people”. Those two statements severely contradict each other.
Unless he changed his mind and that’s no longer how he wants us to view these stories??? I guess???
Idk, fam. This is no shade to Mark. I just find it kind of funny in a weird way and also kind of frustrating.
The way I see it, there are 2 ways to look at the Markiverse. You can examine the stories themselves on their own and draw your own conclusions thusly. Or you can listen to Mark’s explanations and get the version of the story that he either intended or wanted, regardless of whether the content itself expresses as much.
Again, this isn’t me criticizing Mark (well, mostly 😂). I just love the universe (multiverse, I suppose now) he’s created so much, and I love discussing it and theorizing about it. I just find it interesting how different a story’s content can be sometimes in comparison to how its creator views that story, and what message they want people to take from it versus what message it’s actually sending.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that at one point during the livestream breakdown for ISWM, I’m like 99% sure Mark said something along the lines of “yeah this story isn’t connected to WKM at all” and then like before the end of the stream he also said “I’m sure I’ll get back to finishing that story eventually” (in reference to everything that got started in WKM). So like…??? Which is it? Are the character arcs started in WKM actually finished or not? My man’s out here changing the rules on us again during the SAME livestream.
Also I saw someone in my replies mention those godforsaken masks that came from WMLW and yet to this day have never gotten an explanation. Mark E. Plier, Sir, please… I am begging you 😩 just put us out of our misery and give us SOMETHING we can work with.
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casinoquartet · 5 months
okay i am going to be real i have 0 idea if this post will make any sense but holy shit k!ash and k!clown have been spinning in my head so much after that confrontation in clown's study because. Holy Shit .
(long ramble under the cut)
okay first off. why are you, as a man, waiting for some guy in your study so you can monologue about your shared history, all while actively insulting him where you know it hurts and talking in a semi-cryptic way so he can piece together your history with him. with that out of the way there are so many specific things about their relationship that i think about A Lot
first off, i'm not sure how obvious this is to anyone who doesn't watch ash's streams, but my man is Constantly breaking the 4th wall and generally not giving a shit about his constant environment. like, my man has killed multiple cats because he asked chat if it would be funny, before scurrying off and causing property damage and or robbing everyone. and also he spends most of the time meta gaming the entire time so.
like i shit you not he still has this attitude with god himself. quite literally makes a deal with god and still is constantly muting to talk to chat and meta gaming the entire time
going on from that, because of the tone of his character, k!ash never exactly takes anything seriously and (generally) doesn't really care about any consciences or threats around him. he usually brushes through them and doesn't actually feel threatened about anything ever
except when clown confronts him in his study. like very noticeably, ash's demeanor changes when clown starts throwing (metaphorical) punches where it hurts. ash is instantly defensive about all of this, but clown's words Get to him. to the point where when clown calls him a lab rat, he panic teleports into the shadow realm to get tnt. and he does straight up attack clown for all of this.
and just. the entire confrontation in general. i'm gonna assume that k!clown is telling the truth because of k!branzy saying that ash went missing and was also in the lab, and also ash's limited memories about clown pushing him in. which if you're running with this interpretation, ash was literally warned by ivory that clown lies a lot, and clown straight up confirms that branzy wasn't in on the "keeping ash around to use as a lab rat" thing because branzy was really fond of ash (which also lines up because during the branzy cameo, branzy does mention that clown wouldn't push ash down the portal because clown loves ash just like how branzy also loves ash so ?!?!?!) and clown's only admiting the truth now because branzy is gone and there isn't any reason to lie anymore. which. okay buddy. confess that you do have history with this man and that your subordinate also really liked him . Okay
also like, clown's words Really got to ash. like ash is actively insulting his guy the entire time and after he (non canonically) kills clown he keeps on telling chat shit like "hes lying right chat? there's no way this guy would take my work (in the lab) under my nose and do that" while calling clown a bitch and hopes that he dies. i'm so. what in the toxic yaoi is up with these two. workplace-turned-enemies partners i guess.
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dhmis-autism · 1 year
I think Red Guy is interesting too I think it's because he's the most likely to play along until he suddenly isn't. Yellow has specific things he plays along with and things he doesn't, Duck doesn't like to play along at all, and Red... plays along until he gets fed up with it. And then when he's done, he just explodes. And then he's fine again. I imagine his inner monologue is complete nonsense until he's annoyed
HES SO WEIRD TO ME!! In the webseries and show both lol, his parts or parts focusing on him have always left me the most confused.
Him being annoyed with certain things always seems to come out of nowhere for me and be totally unreadable beforehand (though like. that could be the autism . _ . ). I think a lot about his jokey pivot from "You- You said you weren't gonna talk to him like that anymore :(" to "I'M DEALING WITH IT" like every time he's annoyed in the series it genuinely feels as jarring to me as that.
I think the only times I was able to get where his head was at was when it was clearly telegraphed to my little baby brain like in the Computer ep in the webseries.
There are some episodes especially in the series like, at the start of Transport, he starts off the episode already exasperated/restless. Nobody else is, just him? It's so weird to me. I would say same with the Jobs ep? Though it kind of mirrors him at the beginning of Time, where he's just annoyed at his routine being interrupted right? But then in Jobs he winds up being one of the two who goes along with everything the most, contrast that with Transport where he stays restless the whole episode.
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Like, Duck I get. Full of himself ( I think Joe and Baker in one interview called him delusional 😭), lots of weird rules in his head that only he can make sense of, let's keep this organized, let's keep things right, super blunt, missing half the social cues in the room. That's so easy.
Yellows also again, SO easy for me to get a grip on. Super empathetic,super curious, thoughtful and easy for people to get on with at first, occasionally drops cryptic shit, has a very clear disconnect between his complex thoughts and what winds up coming out through the limited vocabulary of their world ( when charged, this disconnect goes the other way, using wildly out of world words and concepts and not catching how uncomfortable he's making everyone at first) LIKE. I GET IT.
The MOST I can get about Red is that he's definitely got a theme of isolation going? He's got this weird longing to be with people like him ,visually at least, but anytime he is, he's IMMIDIATELY rejected. ( Family ep and Dreams ep) He's way goofier than people remember like Yellow and Duck are down for bits always but on a good day so is he. He gets real looney with it he gets real goofy with it. ( HE MADE THOSE HAND PUPPETS IN THE WEBSERIES!! HES A SILLY GUY) He's also like? weirdly shy about weird stuff? Like, in electricity during his little talk with Duck he won't even LOOK at him when he's saying he likes looking at him?? WHAT IS THIS?? God he's so weird to me I don't get him at all. THATS ALL I COULD TELL U ABOUT HIM. LIKE AT ALL. I DONT GET ITTT
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killersnarl · 7 months
okokok as someone who is starting to collect facts to write a 9fic, i have a question
you've mentioned he sounds like corpsehusband a while back, if i remember correctly
would 9 do the iconic "whaddup baby" line if asked, for shits and giggles?
// yes cause tbh that’s just how he talks normally, he talks super casual no matter who he’s talking too. only exception is his weird biblical monologues when he’s being a freak
i have all this stuff linked in the carrd and i think ive posted this before, but i compiled some nine writing info for my friends a while back and i figured it could be useful to you guys if you haven’t seen it already :3 under the cut (there’s also my list of nine mannerisms i posted a little while ago, and i posted some notes on his accent if it’s ever relevant lol)
i think part of the difficulty that comes with writing nine is due to his characteristic unpredictability. that’s why he’s so fickle to deal with, as a character and as a person. his characterization is complex. even though he’s unpredictable in behavior, there’s some things integral to his personality that can probably help figure out what he’s going to do. the hard part is, to other people, he’s an enigma.
something you’ll find in nines behavior along the line is that it’s contradictory. humans are contradictory. he doesn’t know what he wants.
he’s very nice, i can say that. as long as you’re not a target, he’s a sweetheart. he’s nice even if he’s terrorizing you, sometimes. if they know what he is, a lot of people will have a very hard time with his attitude. they seem to think it’s all a ruse, a trap, but the truth is he’s just being honest. he doesn’t care enough to be a dick. he doesn’t care about you enough to be rude to you. being mean takes energy away from him. it’s much easier for him to be politely apathetic. it’s in his nature to be kind to others, even in his own twisted way. he shows basic regards to everyone without being super enthusiastic.
part of that shows in how he treats employees in places, i think. he rarely ever causes trouble in stores, unless it happens to be a place of target practice. he always pays for things, leaves tips, he’s not very partial to stealing. that being said, he definitely gets things for free a lot of the time. he’s huge and scary.
nine is pretty chipper for someone who hates himself and his life and thinks he’s a horrible person (he is). you’ll barely ever catch him moping around. he only mopes when he’s alone and even then he doesn’t do it much, he hates moping. he’s in constant emotional (and physical) pain and he has been for so long to the point that comfort makes him uncomfortable. he’s extremely comfortable in his suffering. he pushes away things he likes, people he likes, because he’s not used to feeling that happiness, and he doesn’t want to feel that happiness.
he’s hypocritical about it too. he hates happiness and being unhappy makes him happy. sometimes he’ll make himself happy on purpose just to make himself uncomfortable. it’s a paradox.
he does take time to entertain himself sometimes, even though he hates admitting it. he usually doesn’t even realize it’s making him happy, which is why he immediately stops what he’s doing when it finally comes to him. he’ll stick around with people if he can, people that he likes watching. he likes watching how people behave, making comments about it, irritating them about it. that’s just his way of making friends. tell him about your interests, life story, favorite memories. he loves hearing about other people because it means there’s less space for him to fill up about himself.
he doesn’t like talking about himself. if asked, he’s usually pretty cryptic. he puts his whole life simply, more simple than it is. simple so you won’t ask questions. simple so he doesn’t have to think about it too hard. some people would probably see this as being humble, and he is humble, humble to the point of hatred.
he hates himself very thoroughly but that doesn’t stop him from making jokes. he’s a flirt, as everyone knows. very into teasing people about having crushes on him (which works, because they either do or they will.) people might take this as self confidence or arrogance, it’s anything but. he just likes reactions.
i think a lot of people might see him as careless. and he is, at least a little bit. he’s not careless as in sloppy, but careless as in nonchalant. he’s extremely nonchalant. some people might even find it annoying. nothing spooks him, nothing worries him, nothing excites him. nothing you know about, at least, nothing you’ll ever know about. he’s always calm and casual, and he never wipes that lazy smile off his face.
nine likes feigning things. not because he’s dishonest, but because he likes making jokes, he likes being entertaining. you’ll never really scare him, but he’ll give you a delayed gasp and hand over his heart just to irritate you. you’ll never really make him angry, but he’ll give you a sudden outburst if he thinks you need to be scared back into your place, and quickly laugh when you jump. it never seems like he’s being serious. he’s always joking, he’s always lighthearted. you’ll know when he’s being serious.
something that was a LOT more apparent when he was an older teenager, he can be protective. he’s very aware that most people are weaker than him, he’s been aware of that for a while now, and he’s learned to take advantage of that. when he was younger he was almost like a communal bodyguard. wherever he was, nine was the protector of whoever was there, and they all knew that. he used to equally see himself as a protector and a punisher, but now he’s just a punisher. at least he thinks so. now protection is somewhat of a habit. he’ll put himself between you and a stranger, block someone off with an arm, tell you to walk on the inside of him on the sidewalk, make you walk close in front of him in unfamiliar places.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Enemies to Lovers part Four of however many it takes for my coworker to Love Vil, by God, stop being stubborn
Summary: Azul kidnapped Vil to offer you a job?
A/N: okay, I'm so excited about next week's part of this lmao. Haven't started writing it yet, but hopefully when you get to the end you'll see why I'm so pumped
Part one. Part Two. Part Three. Part Five. Part Six. Part Seven. Part Eight. Part Nine. Part Ten. Epilogue.
You couldn't believe it. Azul kidnapped Vil just so he could offer you a job. It couldn't be good whatever he was about to offer.
"What kind of job?" You said, trying to appear as calm as possible.
"I'm glad you asked!" Azul pulled out several pieces of paper and placed them in front of you. "You see, dear prefect, we have spent the first half of our summer break undoing what you did. We cannot have your dorm for the second location of the Mostro lounge. That's fine. We moved forward, and purchased some space. We've had a building team on it, and are expecting it to be up and running by the second week of the new school year."
"What does this have to do with me? Or Vil for that matter, you literally could have just called me, I'd probably have shown up."
You heard Jade snickering, and Floyd giving what sounded like a pouty hmph. You chose to ignore them.
"What this has to do with you, dear prefect, is I need a manager at the second branch. You've proved yourself more than capable, despite your magical…limitations." He gave a smirk and pushed his glasses up his nose. "As to why Schoenheit is here, well, if you don't know, it's not my place to say."
Cryptic bastard.
"There's gotta be a catch," you said skeptically.
"I'm quite offended that you think so!" He didn't look offended at all. "I make it my business to hire good workers, and you happen to be one of them. We are prepared to offer you a salary at least double that of your current job, as well as help renovating your dorm. No worker of mine will live in a condemned death trap."
You bit your lip, thinking. It sounded too good a deal to be true. You looked at Vil, who just rolled his eyes. So helpful you thought.
"Alright, you win," you said, "but I want a back out clause in my contract just in case things go wrong."
"But of course!" Azul drafted up a contract, then handed you a pen. Once you signed, he extended his hand to you, and you shook it.
"It's a deal."
"956, 957, 958"
"Vil I'm sorry! If I'd known you were one of those psychos who brushed their hair 1000 times, I swear I wouldn't have messed it up! Just forgive me already!"
"965, 966, 967,"
You put on your best angry face, stood on your tip toes, and messed up his hair again.
"Gah! Why do you do these things!" He dropped the brush in exasperation.
You couldn't help but giggle. "It's fun to tease you," your face took on a more serious look. "Hey, I'm sorry you got caught up in all that."
Vil gave you a thin smile. "Do you really think the twins could take me down? Please," he rolled his eyes. "I was curious what they wanted, so I let them 'kidnap' me."
You suddenly felt angry. "You jerk! I was worried to death about you, and you just willingly went with them? You scared the shit out of me!"
"There's no need to be so upset, my sweet potato." 
Was he… giggling? Seriously? He was giggling at your  angst!
"Vil Schoenheit, you are an absolute jerk!"
He giggled again. His giggle was so sweet. He placed his hands on your shoulders, and gave them a reassuring squeeze. 
"Would you prefer if I say I was actually kidnapped, and that I have you to thank for being my savior?"
"Yes," you muttered with a pout.
He cupped your face and squished your cheeks together, making your pout protrude even more.
"Thank you, My beloved Y/N, for saving me from the evil Octavinelle trio," he said with mock bravado.
Suddenly, you were very aware of how he was holding (squishing) your face. Then you noticed how close he stood, and how beautiful his relaxed smile was. You could feel your face burning so you pulled away.
"Anytime. You can make it up to me by taking tomorrow off so we can spend time in the spa," you looked at him, and saw his smile falter a little, "Unless you're scared of a little relaxation?" 
He scoffed. "Of course not. I will speak to my manager about it immediately."
You were  getting a pedicure while Vil was getting massaged. You recognized the masseuse as the one that helped with your back. As she continued Vil's massage you over heard,
"How's that shoulder doing, hun?"
"It's fine," Vil groaned.
"Wait, what's wrong with your shoulder?" You asked.
"Nothing. Early in my career I injured it on set. Instead of getting it looked at I kept trying to work through it. Our darling Angela here helped me work through the worst of it, but whatever I did to it, never fully recovered. It bothers me now and then, which is why she's on our home staff."
"Is that why you made me get my back fixed early?" You asked.
"Mhm." Vil hummed. 
The masseuse, who you now knew was named Angela, finished up with Vil, and he joined you for his own pedicure.
He looked so relaxed. So at peace. 
"I think you should take more days off," you said. 
"Why?" He snorted. "I thought you learned your lesson after we went to the beach to 'relax'."
That had been so long ago, you had almost forgotten. But you couldn't let one failed experience get you down. You would get him to relax.
"You are definitely overworking yourself." You said. "If you want me to not overdo it, then you have to practice what you preach."
"Are you threatening me by telling me you're going to overwork yourself?"
"Is it working?" You giggled.
Vil sat quietly for a moment and then sighed heavily. 
"I will schedule one day a week for the rest of the summer where you will lead a relaxation session for me. In exchange, at the end of the summer there is an awards show. I have been invited as an audience member, even though I haven't been in any films recently, and I need a plus one." He stared pointedly at you. "That will be you. Do we have a deal?" He smirked.
You did your best Azul impression, "It's a deal."
On their first "relaxation day" Vil arrived at your door at the crack of butt. He had knocked heavily on the door, waking up both you and Grim, leading Grim to start yelling at both of them.
By the time you were actually able to answer the door, you were already debating quitting before you had started. Then you saw Vil standing patiently at your door, trying to hold back his excitement. The poor man needed to learn to relax, and by God you were going to help him.
"Alright, sweet potato. What are we doing today?" He asked.
"Well, I was thinking we could go on a hike and have a picnic at the end."
"Excellent, I assume you are almost ready?" He asked with a smirk.
"Yeah, yeah, I won't be long," you groaned.
Once you were ready, you went out on your hike, all alone except for nature. Vil used the opportunity to playfully quiz you on ingredients you'd used for potions that he had taught you. He was beaming with pride that  you got all of them right, and your heart fluttered that that smile was just for you.
They chose a place to have the picnic. Once they were both settled on the ground, you pulled out the food, which was just sandwiches, really, but the piece de resistance was the apple pie you had found at the bakery near your job. 
Vil let out a satisfied hum as he ate his slice, "I think, for our next relaxation day, we should make one of these."
"A pie?" You questioned.
"Mhm.  I've never really had the opportunity to just bake something," he said, violet eyes looking at you with a sweet innocence.
"Alright, next week then…"
Over the next week, you had received more information about your new job at the secondary location of Monstro lounge, and Vil had gone out to do…whatever it was he did. You tooootally didn't care. Nope. Not at all.
You'd forgotten all about the promise to bake on relaxation day. Vil hadn't.
Just as on the previous week, he was at your door bright and early. This time though, Grim was much more excited, considering you wouldn't be going outside, and you  would be working with his favorite thing…food.
The entire time you were baking, you found yourself mesmerized by Vil's every movement. You realized this was probably second nature to him, considering potions were not so different from baking. He sliced the apples as though cutting through butter, he mixed the crust with trained movements, and he baked it to perfection. He was just so….
"Perfect," Vil said, eyeing the finished product. He glanced at you, eyes flashing with something you couldn't pick up. "Thank you for doing this with me."
"You did most of the work," you laughed. 
He smirked, and looked away, humming as though he knew a secret.
The next week, you had learned your lesson, and we're up early.  However, things were different when he came to your door.
"We have to change our plans today. The time has come to pick the new Pomefiore housewarden. I think you should come with me."
You tilted your head in confusion, "why?"
"Because, Epel is up for the running, and I'm sure he could use his favorite people for support." He turned to leave, before looking back at you. "Text Deuce and tell him we'll pick him up on the way."
Tag list: @stygianoir @da-disappointment
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helloaugustmoon · 3 months
Hot Street - Thoughts
first of all, I hope Michael can fight, bc lord knows when I get to the pearly gates it is on SIGHT for not RELEASING THIS ?????????
listen. I respect him bein all about love and peace and the world becoming a better place- great stuff, good for him, but keeping HOT STREET in the vaults? WHY I OUGHTA- 🤺🤺
no but seriously.
this is the epitome of 80’s funk. this song IS time travel. wasn’t even dropped in the 80’s but you can feel it he fr had the nerve to ask can we feel it umm YES MF WDYM
honestly sick of this me n Mike have personal beef at this point.
he had the nerve- nay, the AUDACITY, to sing backing vocals of “badadeedaaaaah” and then he was all “heehee 🤭” keepin that shit under lock n key? actually unbelievable.
this would have been number one for weeks I don’t wanna hear anything to suggest otherwise. certified hood classic. a banger. a tune for the ages. the day I found this on my spotify, my frontal lobe formed.
that said, I have absolutely no idea what the lyrics are on about he was honestly just riding the beat talkin shit that sounds good and for that I can only commend him. anyone know if he actually says ‘hot street’ at any point in this song bc I swear it just sounds like he’s singing OUR street and if that’s the case, where did Hot Street come from?
someone needs to get ouija board out and get the answers from Mike himself bc he’s got to have done some cryptic bs w this one. it’s too good. crack in a song. also, if anyone gets him on the line could they please deal the followup question regarding whether he gives his blessing for us to blow up S*ny for buying his music? thank you xoxo
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saturnalorbit · 6 months
how vivid/stasis, a free rhythm game on steam, is fucking with my brain chemistry and making me desperate to get better at a genre i usually wouldn't care about that much (spoiler alert: it's girls): spoilers up to the end of chapter 1 below the cut as this will be a story summary as well as my personal experience with it
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for context, vivid/stasis is a free lane-based rhythm game (if you don't know what i mean it's a similar gameplay style to guitar hero) that i found on steam (suspiciously close to the launch of fortnite festival, also a lane-based rhythm game) with a mystery-genre story. (if you're interested at all already stop reading and play it before i spoil the whole story up to the point im at.)
you progress through the story by unlocking nodes in the node flowchart using battery power, which you gain from playing songs that you unlock from either the flowchart or shop. pretty simple. ordinarily you can't fail out of a song, but if you're good enough at the game, you can use a different "decryption style" which gives you a life bar but also offers much larger rewards in either shop coins, battery power, or both. now i'm sure this isn't too bad for someone who has rhythm game experience, but i'm pretty new to the genre and can only do level 2 songs with the life bar, maybe some level 3 at a stretch, but mostly i just stick to the basic decryption style without a life bar.
moving onto the story, you play as saturday (pictured at the top), who has perhaps the best name in all of fiction, so much so that i almost considered stealing her name for a minute or so. her sister tsuki has gone missing from her workplace, and while the incident is under investigation by the police, saturday can't sit still and decides to launch her own investigation along with her friends kotomi and allison. simple enough so far.
so we end up investigating tsuki's workplace, a geology lab. we meet the detective there whom saturday is pretty pissed off with for seeming so complacent in the investigation, but she calms down once she learns that the detective, eri, is allison's sister. saturday is pretty hostile with her up to this point, but it's fairly realistic considering the state of mind she's in, and establishing a more personal connection with eri helps bring her down to earth a bit.
the group search her workplace and find a site in her browser history, shrinereport.xyz. as you can probably guess this is a site both on the real web and in the game, and it links to a video with cryptic clues. you can try to solve it yourself, but you don't really need to because in the next scene the characters analyse the video and extract the clues: one of the spoken sequences of numbers spells out UNIX and the other is a unix timestamp. the two sequences of dots when converted to numbers become coordinates.
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quick clarification, the rhythm game and the story at least up to this point are disconnected. it's not like the game is supposed to be saturday putting the pieces of the case together, the game is just how you unlock more of the story.
so the gang puts the pieces together and figures out that whatever the deal was, tsuki must have gone to the shrine that is at those co-ordinates at the time indicated by the unix timestamp. her route would take a few hours of ferries, so they next go to the ferry terminal to see if there's a record of her taking a ferry around the time they expect. sure enough, tsuki left on a ferry pretty much right when they expected. saturday briefly tries to book a ferry to go and find her, until...
this is the point where i'm gonna say if you're interested so far, and you like rhythm games or would be okay picking them up, stop reading and play it. we're getting into the insane shit now so if this interests you at all, give it a shot yourself.
the girls are interrupted by a booming sound, and to their horror they find that the geology lab has gone up in flames. they rush there to find out what happened, only to learn that eri is still in the building. kotomi rushes in to try to save her sister, followed shortly by saturday.
they don't have much luck. surrounded by flames, saturday calls out for kotomi, only to hear her anguished yell coming from somewhere. she looks in room after room, but she can't find kotomi. she calls her name again, but there's no response this time.
saturday falls to the floor, the flames engulfing her. her adrenaline failing her, she finally sees what her reality has become. she failed to save both tsuki and kotomi, and with the fire closing in around her, now she's going to die before she can do anything to help them. she weakly calls for someone to help her, and admits that she's scared. she shouldn't have gotten tied up in all of this, but now she's going to pay the price. everything that "saturday" is fades away.
god fucking damn. if you care enough to have gotten this far, go and watch the cutscene on youtube or play the game. i had to write all this to provide context but i didn't really do it justice here, saturday is just written in such a realistic and compelling way here.
actually, i'm going to take this chance to talk about saturday, and myself. when i hyperfixate on a character, oftentimes it can be really hard for me to even get them off my mind. i don't really tend to anymore but i absolutely used to kin characters i was obsessed with, and while i don't do that anymore, hyperfixating on characters still does things to my brain.
i really like saturday. (and need to be her. big surprise.)
honestly i'm not great at putting together my reasons why what i will say is her design is amazing and the way she's written is very relatable to me personally in a really interesting way. her thoughts contain a lot of subtle observations about the people and environment around her, almost seeming like a little too much, in a way that felt sort of unnatural to read at first but really ended up gelling with me personally. like, i don't know. i just feel like if i were to write a character, this is how i might end up writing their thoughts.
there are also the 'funny' relatable moments, which are also adorable in their own rights but for the most part i just find her really intriguing. i love how she can be kind of an asshole sometimes because yes, she is in a vulnerable position and is lashing out at people sometimes when she doesn't mean to. that's just a fairly understandable way to act in her situation. there's also some stuff about her later on that i spoiled myself on that i won't spoil here because i'm sticking to just chapter 1 for the moment, but just to say it only made me like her even more as a character.
so, what happens next? the story isn't over, obviously, you're told as much. you're separated from saturday and brought to a screen with three locks, which each turn out to be some kind of cryptic puzzle, with the middle one requiring both of the side puzzles to be finished before you can find the correct string.
now, i kind of suck at cryptic puzzles. i'll usually look at them for a few minutes, not figure anything out and then maybe ask for help or look up a guide.
so why did i put in all this fucking effort this time?
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okay, i know they're not the hardest puzzles in the world and i did get a little bit of assistance near the end but this is really unusual for me to put this much time into trying. now i'm really getting to the crux of what i'm trying to say, why vivid/stasis is making me put so much effort into these things that i never really bothered with before.
pretty much, it's saturday.
i considered trying to figure out the arg-style hints earlier, but i elected to go forward with the story anyhow, and the girls ended up solving it. now, i'm being presented with a puzzle i have to do myself. and my first thought is, "if saturday was able to figure out her puzzle, and i want to be her, i have to do my best on this too." and i did, and i actually figured out a large amount of it myself. i didn't fully figure it out, but i got close enough to where i felt like being nudged in the right direction was okay. i mean, saturday got help from her friends too. i understand this is a really weird and roundabout way to get motivation to do something, but vivid/stasis made it work for me.
so after solving the puzzles, getting a web link out of it and then getting a code from the web page to enter back into the game, what happens? a cutscene plays, introducing me to...
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a level 8 opening with a forced life bar.
so we're coming full circle now. remember what i said at the start? that i struggle with even level 3 openings with a life bar? and now i have to do a level 8 to progress. look, i know a level 8 isn't that bad for experienced players. i'm not an experienced player. i'm new and i suck.
and now i can't find out what happens to saturday until i get much better at the game.
saturday who extremely quickly, over maybe 30 minutes or so of cutscenes, managed to become one of my favourite characters. they fucking set her on fire and told me to get good before i can find out what happens next for her. i have been losing my mind over this. i'm desperate to know what happens next but i can't for a decent while until i improve. i cannot stop thinking about saturday's unknowable fate.
now, this would be the part in another game where i'd just give up and watch the rest of it on youtube, or turn on autoplay to just play PYROMANIA for me. the problem is they fucking got me. hook line and sinker. because this is the first time a song has been directly connected to the narrative. PYROMANIA in this context i believe symbolizes the fear and adrenaline in saturday as she realises she's going to die in this fire. what this means for me is that just skipping the song isn't a satisfying conclusion here. it seems insurmountable for me at the moment, but saturday is facing something insurmountable too. i have to push through it for her. god fucking damnit.
anyways that's as far as i've gotten for the moment i'm honestly just rambling about how weird my brain is and how it's motivated i'll keep trying and i'll poast an update when i improve enough to beat pyromania sorry this was so long winded happy saturday wednesday bye.
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happyandticklish · 2 years
Tickletober Day Three - Suspense
Notes: Tagging @lizzienaut as the prompt comes from their list. For the request by @bugzz21~ I’m actually lowkey really proud of this one because it turned out exactly how I wanted it to and that rarely happens. I was also suffering through an annoying lee mood while I wrote this, so this is slightly fueled by that lol.
Summary: Bakugo is in a bad mood, and pays the price for it. 
I’ll deal with you later.
The words had been playing in Bakugo’s head on loop for the past several hours. It was a threat. It felt like a threat. But there had been something in the lift of Todoroki’s mouth as he turned away that made him wonder otherwise. It didn’t necessarily seem like a good thing, but…
The cabinet door slammed as Bakugo moved around the kitchen, pouring a bowl of cereal. They’d had practice that afternoon, right before Todoroki had dropped that bomb on him, and he’d been too nervous to participate in dinner. The cereal wasn’t pouring fast enough and he slammed the back of the box in irritation. Granola came flying out of the box and all over the floor. Bakugo closed his eyes, trying to decide between breaking something or grabbing a broom.
It wouldn’t have been so bad if he hadn’t been so damn cryptic about it. He could’ve challenged him. He could’ve fought back, called Bakugo out on his shit right then and there. It wasn’t as if Bakugo wouldn’t have deserved it.
He had woken up with a crick in his neck because he slept wrong, followed by tripping on the stairs and spilling his water bottle all over his jeans, and when he finally showed up to practice, Deku was there, rambling on about some dumb new strategy he had come up with that Bakugo didn’t have the time to deal with that day.
So yeah. Maybe he had been in a bad mood. And maybe he had taken that bad mood out on Todoroki when they were sparring, because he couldn’t handle that smug-faced asshole beating him in a match. They had argued all the way back to the dorms, bickering about who won (they both knew the answer, but Bakugo wouldn’t—couldn’t accept it), until finally Todoroki whirled around and delivered those five words that had been seared into his brain ever since.
That was the last time he had seen him that day, and Bakugo was on pins and needles waiting for what was sure to be a swift and terrible retribution.
He eventually decided on the broom (he didn’t need Aizawa pissed at him as well), and starting shuffling bits of grain and nuts into a pile.
He was nervous. Though he wouldn’t dare admit it out loud, here, in the sanctuary of his own mind, he could finally say it. He was used to people being pissed at him. That was his normal state of being. But having his boyfriend—or whatever you call a guy whose throat you’ve stuck your tongue down—pissed at him was a different story entirely.
“Are you getting cereal?”
The broom stumbled to the ground as Bakugo jerked back in a panic to face Todoroki’s inquisitive eyes. Thankfully only inquisitive.
“I was hungry.”
“It’s midnight.”
“Skipped dinner.”
They stood there in the kitchen for several, silent moments, Bakugo tense with anticipation of the lecture he was about to receive. Todoroki merely stared at him however, gears turning behind his eyes.
Another minute passed.
“You dropped your broom—”
“Will you just do it already?” Bakugo demanded, crossing his arms in what he hoped was an intimidating gesture. “Beat me up or yell at me or whatever insane thing you have planned. No point in all this beating around the bush. I can handle whatever you have planned, just let me have it already.”
Todoroki raised a brow, a slow smile creeping across his face. Amused and thoughtful all at once. “Ah. I forgot about that. Have you… have you really been stressing about that all this time?”
Bakugo shifted defensively. “Yes. I mean. I don’t know. Should I have been?”
Todoroki shrugged, walking towards him and grabbing the broom, setting it back against the cabinet drawers. Bakugo resisted the urge to take a step back at his approach; Todoroki’s casual attitude was rattling him more than he wanted to admit. “To be honest, I didn’t really have anything planned. It just seemed like they easiest way to shut you up at the time. Which, based on how quiet you got after that, worked better than I could have hoped. But since you’ve spent all this time worrying about it, I suppose I should follow through, don’t you think?”
Bakugo opened his mouth hesitantly, unsure if he was supposed to protest this point or not.
“All I want is an admission that I won the fight, which I did, so it shouldn’t be that hard.”
His voice kicked back in briefly—this he understood. “Why in the hell would I do that?”
“Because you don’t get your reward otherwise.”
“My reward,” Bakugo deadpanned. “I thought you were going to punish me.”
“Not getting this has proved to be punishment enough for you before.”
It wasn’t.
It probably wasn’t.
It couldn’t be. But the way Todoroki was staring at him, the teasing glint in his eyes, the smirk curving into his cheek, made him think that it was, in which case Bakugo found himself trapped in a corner that he wasn’t sure how to get out of.
“And if I don’t want it?” Bakugo asked, energy rattling under his skin. He had never felt so tense before, and he couldn’t decide if he liked it or not. “What happens then?”
Todoroki shrugged like none of this mattered to him, like he wasn’t caught in the same bubble of tension as Bakugo. “Then you don’t get it.”
“That doesn’t seem like much of a punishment.”
“Maybe,” Todoroki admitted, moving to turn away. “But I know you’ll be kicking yourself all night if you refuse. I can’t deny that I’ll be disappointed that I won’t get to see you squirm underneath me, but if that’s really the way you feel, I’m hardly going to force you into anything. You’re free to live with the regret tonight if you want.”
Bakugo watched him turn to leave, his dry throat clamming up any words, negative or positive, that he might have used to save himself from the frustrating situation. In truth, he didn’t really care about the battle, or who won it. That issue was built around unrelated annoyance that he had dealt with already. However, admitting that he wanted this, no matter how much they both knew he did, no matter how many times Bakugo had told Todoroki that very truth before, was the last thing he wanted to do.
His body felt too hot and too tight, embarrassment squirming in his stomach. Todoroki was almost at the door by now. Bakugo watched the way his hand gripped the door, imagined those fingers in other places, skimming over his skin, curling against his sides, transforming the embarrassment into something pleasant and fluttery and unbearable.
Want and guilt and panic seized him and he lurched forward, grabbing Todoroki’s arm before he could leave.
Todoroki turned around to face him, raising a singular eyebrow in a gesture of cool haughtiness that Bakugo himself could never pull off. “Yes?”
“I…” he broke off, floundering over his words, over what he even wanted to say. He gripped Todoroki’s arm tighter, his gaze bouncing around the room as if the perfect response would be written on the sliver of wall above the fridge. “Can you just… I mean…”
“Can I just what?”
“I wasn’t finished!” Bakugo snapped, more flustered than angry. “Just… god, could you just do it?”
“Do what?” Still, infuriatingly, calm.
It was unfair how attractive that was on him.
“The thing!” Bakugo threw his other hand up in desperation, unsure how else to phrase it without going to the trouble of actually saying it. He wiggled his fingers in a brief, harried demonstration before quickly shoving them back in his pocket for protection. “You know what.”
“Ah,” Todoroki said, as though he was just now getting it—the bastard. “You want me to tickle you. Was that it?”
Bakugo was certain that if his face got any redder, it would burn right off his body. “What the fuck else would it be?”
“Mm.” Todoroki hummed, and with a quick, sudden movement, used Bakugo’s grip on his arm to whirl them around and press Bakugo up against the wall. Bakugo’s eyes were wide with surprise and a shy, nervous excitement. “Of course I can. I did offer, after all. I just need to hear you say it.”
“Fuck off.”
“You won the goddamn fight, alright?” Bakugo glared at him, his anger not even half as convincing as he wanted it to be. "You won. Is that what you wanted to hear?”
“Not really,” Todoroki admitted. He tugged the arm that Bakugo was still holding up above their heads, grabbing his other wrist and doing the same. Bakugo jumped as he felt ice, cold and solid, encasing his wrists all at once, leaving Todoroki with his hands free and Bakugo stuck—fortunately, or unfortunately he wouldn’t have been able to say. “But it was fun to watch you struggle. Like you’re about to now, though probably for much different reasons."
Bakugo inhaled sharply, but before he could say anything, fingers were curling under his arms and leaving him a writhing, gasping mess of laughter, head thrown back against the wall.
“Try not to squirm too much,” Todoroki advised him, pressing a soft, gentle kiss against his forehead; Bakugo tried not to lean into it. “After all, we wouldn’t want you breaking out and ending this early. Just sit back and enjoy your reward; you've earned it after all."
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