#and she played love story and the crowd was not into it bc we were so burnt out on it from eras
godofsmallthings · 4 months
had a taylor dream last night 🥰
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watchmegetobsessed · 10 months
A/N: im so excited to post this fic bc *drum roll* it's a collab with @harrysfolklore !! the post tour depression is still kicking our butts so we decided to team up for a story that features LOT! hope you guys will like it and as always, make sure to head over to her blog to check out her fic that features all social media posts for this story!
SUMMARY: Y/N and Harry were once friends, but his career pulled them apart. Then in 2019 Harry decides to invite her to ONO London and so their story begins or more like continues.
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The handmade banner hanging over the white board in the classroom is crooked and two balloons have popped already. The sign reads ‘Good luck, Harry!’ and every letter is a different color. The desks and chairs were pushed to the side to make room in the middle and the teacher’s desk is full of snacks and drinks the kids brought in for the little impromptu party the class decided to throw before Harry’s big day.
He is going to his big X Factor audition this weekend and though he is not convinced he will make it, everyone in school is rooting for him. If anyone deserves the success it’s Harry, the goofy, kind boy who makes everyone smile and always helps whenever he can.
The soon-to-be rockstar is mingling with his friends and classmates, music is playing in the background and the chatting is nonstop. Everyone keeps asking Harry if he’s nervous or ready or which judge he is afraid of the most. He tries his best to talk to everyone and be everywhere, though he keeps an eye on one specific girl.
Y/N has been staying in the back for most of the time, sipping on some soda, listening to her friend as he enjoys the spotlight. She’s been friends with Y/N for quite some time, they live just a street away from each other, they often bike to school together and whenever one of them is sick the other one can be expected to show up at their house with the homework.
Good friends. That’s what they are. But deep down, Y/N is definitely feeling more than just friendship towards the curly haired boy who is now set to step his foot on the road to fame.
When the party is over and everyone has headed home already, Harry and Y/N are the last ones to walk out of the school’s building.
“So, be honest, are you nervous?” she asks as they are walking home , pushing their bikes this time. Harry said he hurt his ankle at PE today so he better not get on the bike, but in reality… he is just trying to spend more time with Y/N. 
“Kind of, yeah,” he admits with a chuckle.
“I’m sure you will crush it.”
“You think so?”
“I know so,” she smiles at him and his heart skips a beat. 
Harry has been trying to work up his courage to ask Y/N out since probably the sixth grade, but he just never got to the point. Now he tells himself that if he gets into X Factor she will see him in a different light and that’s when he should ask her out, but little does he know he doesn’t need to be in a talent show to have her like him enough to want him.
Reaching her house she wishes him good luck and even hugs him before he waves goodbye and continues his way home. Y/N stands by their front door and watches him get farther away, hoping that whatever happens that weekend won’t change their friendship.
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The tour bus is quiet, everyone is asleep. Everyone, except Harry. 
Lying in his bunk bed, his face is illuminated by his phone as he aimlessly scrolls on his social media apps, checking out posts by fans, reading news, just killing time. He knew he shouldn’t have had a nap earlier, because now it will be way too late by the time he can fall asleep and won’t be rested enough when they arrive in the next city. 
He opens up Instagram and goes through his feed, he posts a picture he took of the crowd at the show the other day and then watches the likes flood in like crazy. 
Going back to his feed he goes through his friends’ posts, it’s just the usual, parties, vacations, hanging out, everyone seems to be living their life even though Harry often feels like time has stopped since he’s gotten on the road. 
He can feel himself growing sleepier and he is just about to put his phone down when he comes across a post that wakes him up.
Y/N is not one to post often, she is not like most girls he knows who want to share every and any moment of their life. Last time she uploaded something was probably weeks ago. This time she was snapped in her graduation gown, her hair flowing in the movement flawlessly and he recognizes her parents’ home in the background. It totally slipped Harry’s mind that in a life he left behind graduation was happening these days. 
He scrolls down to the caption and all it says is “Soon” and then a crown emoji. It’s enough for him to know she’s going to King’s College London, that’s what she always dreamed about and it seems like she hasn’t changed her mind.
Before he could think about it, he double taps on the picture liking it, completely oblivious to how fans can see his activity and they instantly start guessing about who the girl is whose graduation photo was liked by Harry Styles.
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The screaming intensifies wherever Harry goes on the stage, he is jumping and shaking his long hair to the music while his bandmates are singing ‘Steal My Girl’ and the girls are going crazy, the energies are insane, Harry loves performing, this is truly his element. 
He’s been on the road for what feels like forever and if you asked him what day it was, he would have no idea. It’s a miracle he knows which city he is currently in.
Walking to the side of the stage he stops for a moment right before the bridge that’s his part. He lifts his mic to his lips and starts singing when the music dies down right before his lines.
“She knows, she knows, that I never let her down before…”
His voice fills up the stadium, thousands are singing together with him and he runs his gaze over the sea of people in front of him. He sees so many faces, some are even familiar, Harry tends to remember fans he sees over and over again at their concerts, but most of them are new. The song carries on and the boys start singing along with him, Harry is about to move back to the middle of the stage, but then he sees her.
He sees Y/N.
Or so he thinks. It’s hard to tell, because it’s dark and she is so far away from the stage, it could be just someone who resembles her, but something in his gut tells him it’s her. 
He does a double take, losing the familiar face for a moment but then he finds her again and a shiver runs down his spine. He hasn’t seen her in years, life has been simply way too hectic to keep in touch, last time he met her was probably in 2012 when he went home for Christmas, they ran into each other in town and promised to talk soon because they were both kind of in a hurry, but they never followed up with it. Y/N went to college, Harry’s career was skyrocketing, it was impossible to stay as close as they were before X Factor and Harry always regretted not trying harder, because now he has no idea what’s happening in her life. 
Niall walks up to him and pats him on the back and Harry’s focus shifts to his friend for just a moment, but it’s enough to not find her again when he looks back at the audience. Did she duck down? Walk out when she realized he was looking? Or did he just entirely imagine seeing her and it was just a mirage? 
He can’t get her out of his head for the rest of the show and he finds himself looking for her over and over again, but he doesn’t see her again and his consciousness starts to convince him she wasn’t even there. 
It was just a cruel trick his own mind played on him. 
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Why does he feel like he is sending out an invitation to the Queen of England? Why is he so nervous to hit send on an email? This is nothing Earth shattering, nothing will happen if he sends it out and life will go on even if she never replies.
One Night Only is set to happen in a few weeks and Harry is now sending out his invitations to his friends and family, he wants everyone who matters to be there on such a big night. Making the list was no hard task, but then he thought of inviting Y/N as well even though they haven’t talked in so long.
The other night, Harry found himself stalking her Instagram which he is still following. She has been posting once or twice a month, tiny glimpses into her life that doesn’t include Harry anymore.
But he wants to change that.
“Fuck it,” he mumbles under his breath and then adds her to the list of people who will get the invitation and then he just hits send and it’s officially out there. 
Harry is not necessarily one to get overly obsessive about something, but the next few days he finds himself checking his inbox every hour, scrolling through the new emails, looking for one particular address to show up, but he has to come to the conclusion every time that Y/N hasn’t answered. 
Days go by, Harry’s enthusiasm fades and by the end of the week he is convinced she won’t be there and soon he doesn’t even have time to think about it. 
One Night Only arrives to London in december. The venue fills up with excited and devoted fans, but no one is more nervous about tonight than Harry. 
He is ready, his band is ready, everything is perfectly in place, but he knows he won’t feel fully calm until he is on stage, performing to the people who gave him this amazing life. 
It all goes as planned, Fine Line is finally officially out there (it has been for about a week if we are being exact) and Harry couldn’t be happier. Coming off the stage he is still high on adrenaline, taking all the congratulations the crew and guests are giving him relentlessly. His smile is so wide, it’s starting to hurt his face, but it’s a pain he could happily deal with for the rest of his life.
He hugs his mum and sister, all his old friends, they do a group hug with the band and he is sure he has greeted everyone by now, but then he spots one specific figure in the back of the room.
At first he thinks he is just imagining it. That his mind is playing the same trick on him it did a few years ago when he thought he saw Y/N at one of their concerts. Blinking a couple of times he is ready to watch her disappear like a ghost, but as the seconds go by he realizes that she is truly there.
Y/N is standing across the room with a nervous smile, looking all grown up and most importantly fucking beautiful. Even though Harry has seen plenty of pictures of her from recent times, it’s still a shock to have her stand in the same room as him. 
His body moves before his brain could process it. His feet start to carry him towards her and before he even realizes he is running and when he finally reaches her he wraps her in his arms, twirling her around, making both of them laugh.
“You’re here!” he breathes out, still hugging her even when he has put her down.
“I am, you invited me!” she chuckles and they finally lean back enough to look at each other. 
“I know, but… you never replied, I didn’t think you’d come and… You are actually here,” he repeats.
“Sorry I didn’t reply, I wasn’t sure until the very last minute if I would come,” she admits nervously.
Harry’s invitation was all she could think about since the morning she got the email. It was more than unexpected, for a moment she even thought it was just some kind of prank, but it came from Harry's old email address, so she had to believe that it was genuine. She hesitated until probably a few days ago when she woke up one day and just knew that she had to be here tonight. 
“It’s okay,” he smiles at her softly, taking in her every feature. The girl he knew is still there, but she changed a lot, she looks so much more mature and her features have definitely gotten a lot more feminine. 
She looks gorgeous. 
Suddenly it all comes down on him clashing, all the questions, the feelings, he wants to know everything, but he fears they don’t have enough time.
“How long are you staying?” he then asks.
“I took a couple of days off, I’m staying for three more days.”
He sighs in relief. 
“Come on,” he smiles, his hand taking hers. “I want to know everything.”
“Everything?” she chuckles, ignoring the tingles wherever his hand is touching hers.
“Harry, don’t assault the poor girl! She almost didn’t come!” Gemma chimes in. Harry stops, his eyes snapping back and forth between Y/N and his sister.
“Wait, you knew she would be coming?” he asks Gemma, who is sipping on some champagne with a knowing smile. She shrugs.
“And you didn’t tell me?” he scoffs, hands on his hips. The sight makes Y/N laugh, because she can see his sixteen year-old self in the pose so vividly, it’s insane.
“You never asked,” Gemma says and walks away. Harry turns back to Y/N.
“She messaged me if I got your invitation,” she admits. 
“So you’re telling me, all I should have done is to send you a message and ask for confirmation?”
Y/N just chuckles, shrugging her shoulders innocently. Harry exhales as he shakes his head.
“Alright, now you truly have to tell me everything.”
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“Can you hear me?” Harry asks, as the FaceTime finally loads and Y/N’s pixelated face fills his phone’s screen. He leans back on his plush couch and he tries his best to ignore how fast his heart starts pounding in his chest when he hears her laugh.
“Yeah, I can hear you,” she answers and it seems like she just sat down somewhere too.
Struggling with the unstable connection they share how their day has been so far, though Harry has been up just for a few hours while Y/N’s is almost over. The time difference has been making it hard for them to keep in touch, but Harry has learned his lesson and he bends his schedule around these talks, because there’s no way he would waste even a moment he could spend talking to her.
ONO and the days that followed changed everything. It didn’t take long for Harry to realize that his boyish crush is still very much present and after seeing her it quickly evolved into something more mature. Seemingly, Y/N has been sharing these feelings, because it appears she enjoys spending time with Harry in any way possible just as much as he does. 
It took them quite some time to catch up and it feels like they still haven’t shared everything they missed in each other’s life in the past years, but they know they have all the time they need, even if the circumstances might not always be the best. They are both trying their best.
There’s a comfortable silence in their call where both of them are just staring at each other through the screen. The unsaid things have been hanging there between them, they know it’s more than just their old friendship rekindled, but saying the words out through a FaceTime call wouldn’t be right.
“I miss you,” Harry finds himself mumbling the words, kind of to himself, but she hears the words.
“I miss you too,” she replies, biting her lip as she adjusts the phone in her hands.
“Can I… Can I see you before I go on tour?”
“That’s like… in three weeks,” she chuckles.
“I know. But I want to see you.”
“I don’t know, I have a regular, mundane job, I’m not an international rockstar who can just travel whenever it’s convenient,” she reminds him jokingly.
“Okay, then let me visit you.”
“You’re way too busy to come here.”
“I’m never too busy for you.”
She gasps at his words, the pink clouds so thick around her mind it’s almost sickening. If only she could reach out and through the screen…
“Let’s talk about it tomorrow and if you still think the same, we can… figure something out,” she smiles shyly. Harry knows he’ll feel the same tomorrow and the day after and forever. So he just smiles and nods.
They chat some more until Harry has to leave. Unwillingly, but they end the call and return to their separate lives.
Y/N stays on her couch, her phone still in her hands and Harry on her mind. Her TV is on, but it’s been muted, the screen is the only thing illuminating her in the dark room. With a tired sigh she reaches for the remote and turns the volume back on.
The news are on. She stands from the couch and starts cleaning up, not even listening to what they are talking about on the screen.
“... therefore COVID-19 has been officially declared a pandemic. WHO warns everyone to wear a mask in all public places, countries with a high number of cases are urgently discussing what other safety measures should…”
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Y/N is questioning her sanity. She has been for the past week that was spent packing her suitcase, she took three covid tests in the last two days and now she is about to board a private jet at an airport that’s scarily empty. The last part shouldn’t be surprising, the whole world is under lockdown because of the pandemic, Y/N has spent her last month isolated in her apartment, right until one day Harry begged her to fly over to him.
“Y/N, please. I will settle everything, I’ll send a private jet for you, pay for it all, just please… please come here and be with me!”
There’s probably nothing she can deny from him. So here she is, escorted onto a private jet by an airport worker, they are both wearing their masks, just like everyone she has seen in the past week preparing for her travel.
Just as she settles in her seat on the jet, her phone buzzes from a text.
HARRY: Everything alright? Are you boarding already?
With a smile hidden under her mask she types her reply.
Y/N: On the plane, we’re taking off in 10.
HARRY: I can’t wait to see you.
Last time she traveled overseas was for a vacation years ago. She flew commercial then and it felt like hell, wedged between an obnoxious little boy and a middle aged woman who complained about everything. Now it’s just her and literally one single stewardess who is there to serve her. It’s a whole different experience for sure. 
Luckily, the journey feels a lot shorter when she’s comfortable, she can get up anytime and eat excellent food instead of some weird frozen meal on a plastic plate. By the time the jet touches down she feels rested and most importantly excited to see Harry again. It feels like forever when they had to say goodbye in december and in all honesty, it took them way longer to reunite, but it’s all because of the pandemic. It’s late april now, they were planning to meet about a month ago originally at the end of march before his tour was set to kick off. By now he was supposed to be on the road through Europe, but instead, he has been under lockdown just like the rest of the world.
She walks through LAX as if it was zombie land, it’s so eerily empty she is expecting zombies to round the corner any minute, but it never happens. She reaches the car waiting for her, the driver loads her begs to the trunk and then they are off to Harry’s place. 
It’s her first time at Harry’s LA home, and naturally it still baffles her to see where he’s gotten from his old life in Holmes Chapel, one that included her.
But his life includes her now as well, she reminds herself just as the car rolls up the long driveway. Getting out of the car she is about to grab her suitcases from the back of the car when the front door flies open and Harry sprints out. Literally.
He is running towards her with such speed, she almost gets knocked over when he finally reaches her and locks her in his arms, twirling around in the air.
“You’re here!” he breathes out, making her laugh.
“Were you not expecting me?” she teases him when he finally puts her down, but his arms remain around her.
“It’s just… I’m so happy to see you,” he smiles widely, taking her in. She hasn’t changed much since December, maybe her hair has gotten a little longer, but she looks the same.
However their feelings are nowhere near the same.
He thanks the driver and then grabs all her bags, urging her to come inside. Y/N wanders further into his home exploring it right away, already migrating towards the pool outside. Harry sets her luggage down in the hallway and walks after her, watching her stop by the sliding doors, admiring the enormous backyard. She turns around and catches him staring.
“What?” she asks, nervously laughing.
“Nothing,” he shakes his head. “I’m just really happy you’re here.”
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He’s nervous. There’s no use in denying, anyone could see it. But no one can blame him, it’s been so long since he last stood on a stage, he’s afraid he lost his groove, though the people who know him beg to differ. 
Washing his teeth in his fluffy robe he is eyeing his outfit for tonight that’s hanging in the corner. He knows his fans will love it, the color pink alone would make them go feral, but the sparkly vest with no top underneath will be surely like they won the jackpot. 
He spits and rinses his mouth just when there’s a soft knock on the door and just by the rhythm of it he knows who it is.
“Come in!” he calls out, wiping his mouth with a towel just when Y/N pokes her head inside, her body following a second later. 
“Hey,” she smiles shyly, taking him in for a second as he moves around the room.
“Told you, you don’t have to knock when you come in,” he chuckles.
“But, what if you’re… naked or something?”
He stops and stares back at her, giving her an ‘Are you kidding me?’ look that gets her all flustered in an instant so he decides to take it even further.
“Nothing you haven’t seen, baby. In fact, you can see it right now if you wanted to.” He starts untying his robe, but she stops him laughing and taking the opportunity of having her so close now he wraps her in his arms and kisses her.
It never gets old. The feeling he gets whenever he gets to kiss her, whether it’s a good morning kiss right after he wakes up, or a tired kiss at the end of the day, a needy kiss when he just wants her more than anything or a make-up kiss after a fight, which doesn’t happen often. He can count it on one hand how many times they got into an argument since they’ve become an item in April 2020, when Y/N spent most of the lockdown with Harry. Originally, she planned to stay only for a couple of weeks, but she didn’t return home until the start of June and she was back by July.
Now it’s September 2021, so it’s been almost one and a half years since then and they are still just as in love as they were during lockdown.
“You’re nervous,” she mumbles against his lips and it’s not a question. She knows him, all of his looks, his movements, she knows what he thinks about most of the time if not always, she can read him like a book.
Harry hums and just goes in for another kiss.
“You’ll be amazing, don’t worry,” she smiles at him, patting his chest as she pulls back. “And even if you make a mistake, the pink sparkles will distract everyone,” she jokes, nodding towards his outfit.
“You’ll be out there?”
“Of course. I’ll be the one screaming the loudest.”
“As loud as last night?” The cheeky grin that stretches across his face is proof that he is not that nervous if he can make dirty jokes.
“Shut up or I’m going home,” she laughs, poking a finger into his chest teasingly. He grabs her finger and pulls her back for another kiss.
“Nope, you’re stuck here. With me,” he smirks, lips coming over hers again.
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The bittersweet feeling has been lingering around the crew not just all day, but probably for a week now. Everyone knew that the end was coming and now that the final show is officially here, the emotions are overflowing. Everything they are doing, they are doing it for the last time on Love On Tour. It’s the last stage, the last sound check, last time Wet Leg takes the stage before Harry and it’s the last time Y/N is sitting in his dressing room, watching him put on his outfit of the night.
She can sense that he is different than he usually is before a show, he seems antsy and his eyebrows have been furrowed probably since lunch. Y/N watches him pace the floor back and forth in his sparkly outfit, nervously fixing the wire behind his neck even though it’s exactly in the same spot it usually is.
“Do you want me to help?” she asks and Harry stops in his tracks, as if he just realized what he’s been doing. His hands fall by his side as he exhales sharply.
“Sorry, just… fidgeting.”
Y/N stands from the couch and walking over she absentmindedly fixes his fringed vest, planting her palms onto his chest gently.
“It’s okay to be sad, H,” she reminds him. Harry tends to hide his big, sad feelings, because he feels like it would bother others. He is always so considerate about dealing with everyone else’s feelings, but this time his emotions should be in focus as well.
“I don’t want to be sad, that’s the thing. It was a great experience, sadness should not be a thing when I think of Love On Tour.”
“But that’s why it’s okay to be sad. Because this amazing experience is ending and it’s natural that you’re mourning it. It lasted, what? Like almost two years? And if we count in the planning, this tour has been part of your life since 2019. That was four years ago, no one expects you to just let go of it laughing.”
Harry nods, his arms snaking around her waist as he pulls her into his embrace, needing to feel her close in this overwhelming moment. She’s been his anchor, the person he could turn to no matter what during this insanely long tour, he’s convinced he couldn’t have done it all without her. 
Not even Harry can slow time down, so the moment to step onto the stage for the last time in this tour finally comes. Y/N stands with his family and friends at the side, holding Anne’s hands whenever an emotional song is played by him. He puts one thousand percent into it, just like every time on this tour and Y/N’s chest swells with pride when she realizes that it’s one hundred thousand people screaming at her lover.
Or fiancé, to be exact. 
When Harry sings Falling, to his fans’ surprise, she notices him looking for her in the crowd. The song is melancholic and it was written about a time he felt at his lowest, but to look in his eyes tells it all to Y/N.
He is not there anymore, because he has her. 
She’s twisting her diamond ring around her finger as tears dwell in her eyes while she sings along to the song, hoping that her expression tells him too, that she is happy to be the person who brought light into his life, because he did the same to her.
Then the time comes for Harry’s thank you speech and no eye is left dry after his words. Y/N has to swallow back her sobs when he turns to her and addresses his words straight to her.
“My love, thank you for everything, you were such a big part of this journey and I hope that our journey will continue forever.”
The fans are screaming, phones are pointed at her, recording her reaction as she just nods eagerly, one hand covering her wobbling lips. 
For his final piano piece Y/N moves backstage to watch him from there and be there when he walks off the stage for the very last time in the history of Love On Tour. She is standing there with the proudest and most emotional expression on her face when Harry jumps down the steps and he smashes into her arms right away, burying his face into the crook of her neck. She can feel his tears against her skin and she gently keeps combing her hand through his hair, giving him as much time to recover as he needs. 
When he finally lifts his head his eyes are glassy, but there’s a smile on his lips.
“You did amazing,” Y/N tells him, gently wiping his cheeks with her hands.
“And you did too,” he says and his words make her laugh.
“I didn’t do anything.”
“You did the absolute most, Y/N. You gave me your love and support and I couldn’t have done it without those.”
Her heart melts as she pushes up to her tiptoes, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.
“You’ll forever have those. You’ll forever have me.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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chrollohearttags · 7 months
reverb: chapter ten
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synopsis: after making the decision to show up to Armin’s yacht party, courtesy of her sis and uncle’s advice, (Y/N) lets loose and unwinds alongside big time names and familiar faces. Even with the event in full swing and not a thing to worry about, her mind can’t help but linger on the man who had all but flipped her world upside down (for the better, of course!) and where he was on this wonderful night. Almost certain that he had declined his own best friend’s invitation, (y/n) washes her hands of the idea that she’ll ever cross paths with the rapper ever again. But she’s taken aback when he makes a surprise appearance and with only one goal in mind: whisking her away for some alone time! Hot, drunken hookups and heavy love making await the couple for the weekend ahead. But what follows them after a second rendezvous? A potential relationship or more confusion?
word count: 10.4K
content + themes: sexual content (this is almost entirely porn with 30% plot), alcohol use, 69, fingering, body worship, mentions of weed, creampie/cumshot, missionary, drunk sex, oral (m. receiving), reverse cowgirl, back shots, squirting, daddy’s used like twice, hair pulling, lotsss of dirty talk, remnants of toxic EJ.
“So do you run game on dudes like that too?” “No baby, I don’t play with my food…I devour it.”
📝: When I tell y'all I have missed this story dearly and couldn’t wait to update it more frequently. I’m even more grateful that y’all feel the same. 🥹 seeing yalls support, the way y’all ask when the new chapter is coming and headcanons of this story has truly made me happy bc I honestly thought everyone was tired of it. But it will not be going anywhere anytime soon! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter (I got a feeling you will 🌚)!
previous chapter <<<
The initial shock of the moment hadn’t quite processed for you and you couldn’t be certain if it was truly who you thought it was standing before you. Surely, he wouldn’t show up to something like this, even if it was for his friend. He hated large crowds, he hated social gatherings and being in these sorts of environments was not this man’s style. Yet here he was, in the flesh!
“N-no, not at all..” turning to face him as he pulled the chair out to take a seat. But not before giving you the tightest hug in the process and you swore you could’ve died right there! He smelled so good; the essence of his cologne wafting through your nose and felt so warm. He was like twice your size and it brought a swarm of butterflies throughout the pit of your tummy. “I missed you.” Admitting whilst wrapped in his arms and he’d return the sentiment. “I missed you too.” Just as you were greeting your acquaintance, the bartender would slide another glass across the marble countertop and you’d thank him once more. Your eyes couldn’t help but to be fixated on Eren though…tan skin glistening underneath the moonlight, he was dressed like everyone else on the boat in a two piece outfit that had his pecs and abs exposed. His chain sitting idly on his chest; diamonds flickering underneath all the lighting and when he’d flash you a smile, you’d see the bottom row of his teeth littered with matching grills. He was so insanely attractive and without effort!…
“And here I was thinking you’d withstand the heat of peer pressure and not show up. Looks like we both got dragged along, huh?” That deep, somewhat raspy voice rang in your ear as you watched him wave the bartender over. He’d asked for four shots of Casamigos and offered to cover the remainder of your tab as well.
“Mm, I guess you could say that. I had my own reasons for showing up.” Amidst your conversation, he’d slide a glass over to you as well. “Really? And what might that be?” “You’re a smart man, I’m sure you can figure it out.” The subtle gestures shared between you guys were teeming with tension. It was blatantly obvious that regardless of how much time had passed, you weren’t exactly on bad terms. In fact, you’d even chock it up to that old cliche about distance making the heart grow fonder. Not only that, with the physical attraction between you two was so utterly strong, it was impossible to just write that off. You’d chuckle amongst yourselves and clink those cups together before knocking back your first half of the set. The tingle of the liquor coursing through each of your veins…if you weren’t careful, you’d find yourselves in the same predicament..it was bad enough that your first little rendezvous almost ended up all over the internet. Even without his face in the camera, people were still speculating that the abrupt conclusion to your livestream was caused by your man..who didn’t exist! Shrugging his shoulders, Eren tossed back another and merely chuckled to himself. “Gonna take a wild guess and say it’s not the buffet downstairs.” Running a finger along the rim of your glass, (y/n) let out a soft giggle and licked the remnants of salt from it. You loved his sarcasm, even when others found it repulsive.
“No but the shrimp puffs? Good as hell.” “Listen, if you wanna go stuff your purse full, I’ll stand watch.” “Already ahead of you. Gotta get my money’s worth out this new Birkin somehow..” Assuring before turning to face him. He couldn’t help but to burst into laughter at your quick witted response to his joke. “Damn…my type of woman.” The two of you cackling before clicking the top of your glasses together. Honestly, there was no point in playing coy or acting like total strangers. Why even beat around the bush and pretend that he wasn’t on your mind? Kind of hard to ignore a man who ate your pussy to the point of literal tears! This little charade was kind of cute but futile nonetheless. You knew exactly what you came here looking for tonight and now that he had shown up, there was truly no need to stick around. Everything else seemed like background noise..mind numbing, useless chatter when he was around. So instead of wasting any more time, he’d usher the bartender over once more to give you guys one last round and a pretty hefty tip of fifty bucks for his troubles. With those drinks flowing and the liquor beginning to loosen you both up, you’d use the liquid courage for the purpose of getting your words out. Express those feelings and say what was weighing on you guys' chests' and addressing the obvious elephants in the room.
“Heard you’ve had a rough couple of weeks…hope you’ve been doing alright. I was thinking about you..” declaring in that raspy tone as he avoided direct eye contact, knowing you’d more than likely get his heart to flutter if he did so. Those innocent eyes, pouty lips and pretty face was his Achilles heel, truly! The same way his devilishly handsome looks caused a pang in the pit of your stomach. You could stare at him for days and never grow tired..it’s the same way you felt when you first saw him in that viral video, singing to his heart's content at the shoe store he was working at....in awe of him then as an adoring fan and in awe of him now, as a little something more. In regards to his statement, you’d merely laugh it off and toss back another shot. The circle of emotions you had gone through over the past few days was an understatement of how you truly felt. Grief, anger, sadness, confusion and finally, a bit of happiness. You weren’t trying to drudge them back up at the moment. Of course, seeing him contributed a bit to the joy.
“How sweet of you..but I’m okay now. Much better than I was at least.” Which was an understatement because just a few days ago, you were hurled over a toilet after drinking more than half your body weight. Needless to say, you refused to go back down that path. That was a relief to him, especially after getting a brief rundown of your ordeal. Out of respect or not wanting to ruin the mood, he’d refrain from mentioning it. Instead, he’d nod and tell you that he was glad you were doing better. Even looking you up and down when those subtle glances. But you couldn’t help but to feel the same..it was blatantly obvious that the dormant tension between you two hadn’t dissipated at all. Rather, it was only growing and soon, sparks would fly yet again.
“I could ask you the same thing though. I saw you all over Instagram..” The declaration caused immediate fluster from the rapper. His cheeks glowing bright red at the sheer thought of you seeing him in that state. Normally, he wouldn’t have given a shit how people perceived him but needless to say, you weren’t other people! He didn’t want you thinking less of him because of some dumb mishap. “Yeah, about that..it was nothing. Just another misunderstanding. Don’t worry about it. I’m sorry I hadn’t hit you up though. Guess I’ve been kinda busy.” But he’d be surprised to learn that you aligned with his decision just as much. Taking one more sip, you’d nod your head and listen to him tiptoeing around his explanation. Not that he had to explain a thing to you or anyone else. You would’ve liked to have thought that you had a rather keen sense of judgment when it came to reading others..that you could tell when someone was a good person or just pretending to be and although EJ came off as brash and nonchalant, you could tell that deep down, he was the former.
“Nah, you good. Hey, if somebody scratched up my new car, I would’ve blanked too. Don’t feel bad.” The words seemed to have put him in a far better headspace regarding his decisions. You weren’t judging him or turning away at the mention of it. But your next piece made him even more elated. “I know it can’t be fun having people in your face like that and they expect you not to react. Besides…I ain’t never seen somebody look fine as hell in their mugshot.” And something about having that encouragement from you made him feel all the more comfortable with his decision. Suddenly, a cheeky grin would appear across his face and he’d laugh a bit, thinking about how similar the two of you were. It was crazy, but he had never met anyone quite like the lovely (y/n).
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were flirting with me.” Joking once more and just like the first time, you met it with equal humor. “Perhaps. You’re kinda cute when you blush.” Becoming even more tickled by your praise…if it’s one thing he loved more about a woman than her physical appearance, it was her personality and you had a ton of it. He hated to admit it but a girl who could make him laugh could get him out of his clothes real quick! “Aye, you said you came with your girl, right? Did she ditch you or something?” Inquiring as if he couldn’t already make a pretty presumptive guess and figure out where she was. Holding your glass, you’d roll your eyes at the thought of your bestie getting cracked while she left you around a bunch of practical strangers. Thank goodness EJ had shown up, otherwise, you would’ve been looking mighty awkward. “If by ditch, you mean go hump on her man like a damn dog?..then absolutely.” “That quick, huh? Getting involved with that dumbass willingly can’t be good. She better be careful.” However, you’d beg to differ. You knew your best friend better than anyone so it made perfect sense that they were messing around. Still cradling that glass, (y/n) attempted to mask your laughter but it was of no use because you knew what she was capable of. He had nothing to worry about! “Save your well wishes. Haven’t met a man yet she hasn’t left crying. It’d be a miracle if your homeboy doesn’t end up in her jar of souls too.” The banter about your best friends sending you two into hysterics; laughing and cackling. Talking about how equally toxic they both were..it seemed that your energy should be focused elsewhere. Perhaps on your own little situationship..that’s when things would escalate a little further and a little more lecherous as well. “Shit..so do you run game on dudes like that too?” Posing the question as a means to tease you but you merely saw it as a way to get his blood rushing..in more ways than one. And to let him know what type of time you were on. “No baby, I don’t play with my food….I just devour it.” Alluding to your impeccable oral skills with the twirl of your tongue around the cherry that was resting in your martini. He was going to end up fucking you right there against that railing if you didn’t stop! That’s when Eren had to regroup and remember where he was at the moment.
“Well speaking of devour…you look amazing tonight.”
those jade eyes of his surveying your entire frame from head to toe, sending you into complete fluster. Not only was that alcohol starting to course its way through his system but he had done a little pregaming with a blunt shortly before arriving. The combination of being cross faded and seeing that milky white bikini against your beautiful brown skin, had him fighting off thoughts he shouldn’t have. Granted, he hadn’t been able to get you off of his mind since the first time you had sex. He was stuck for days afterwards, thinking about how amazing you felt and how he had never had a woman quite like you. How well you took him and everything. Little did he know, that was merely a teaser for what you could really do. Given the time and opportunity, you’d make sure he’d never wanna leave you alone. But his mind wasn’t the only one running wild with indecent thoughts because the second he came aboard deck, you had to stop yourself from pouncing on his ass! You’d never say so out loud but this man had been on your mind everyday since Houston. Even in the midst of your depression, you’d longed for him. Going as far to imagine him holding and comforting you during your difficult time. Also, what you neglected to tell him was that his mugshot, the one you referenced circulating Instagram had made you hot and incredibly bothered!…as bad as it was, you had never seen someone look so good in such a vulnerable state. Not only that, seeing him up close with those grills beaming from his mouth…it was unreal. It made you wonder what he’d look like with them on whilst eating your—
“You think so? Good enough to eat, huh?” “Good enough to get licked, sucked..whatever you want. Almost made me trip over my damn self when I saw you..” scooting closer as he doubled down on the sentiment. He was far past the point of being shy and he hoped you were as well. If he could truly be real…in all honesty, he was trying to end the evening with you fucking up his sheets. That pussy was the best he’d ever had and he most certainly wanted a second helping. Inching closer, the two of you slowly began bridging that distance between your bodies. “I think you’re just being nice.” Causing the sexual tension to rise even higher…anyone from the outside looking in would most certainly say the same. Including the bartender, who had been stealing glances at the two of you. Even he could see how madly infatuated EJ was. Taking his hand, you’d toy with his fingers and inevitably close the gap of space between you.
“....you sure that’s not just the liquor talking?” Sarcastically teasing him as you ran a long acrylic finger down the center of his chest. Those pouty lips breaking into yet another smirk when he glanced down at you; the gleam of those diamonds in his mouth refracting against the lights.. eliciting a full body shudder from you. But alas his response was exactly what you were hoping to hear. “Nah, that was from the heart..” and in that moment, EJ would wave you towards him with two fingers before whispering into your ear. The gravelly voice uttering the most lascivious of sentiments. Leaving you unable to mask or hide your reactions. Uttering every nasty thing he planned to do if you’d let him. All you could do was chew profusely at your bottom lip and try to feign your facial expressions with a hand cupped across your mouth. “That was the liquor talking.” There was no doubt of the type of time he was on and it would seem your clock was ticking just the same.
“EJ. Quit playing. You tryna’ get a bitch in trouble.”
“You should know by now that’s my favorite pastime.” Hitting you with a smug look before sipping his drink. Luckily, no one seemed to have heard you two at the moment. “Speaking of…you still got that limp or you good?” Besides, you’ve said and done far worse at this point. But that’s exactly why you wouldn’t leave him alone any time soon. Smacking your lips, (y/n) furrowed your brow while taking another sip of the liquor.. “..no, but I see you still have that slick ass mouth.” “Yeah. Better come shut me up then..” Subtly flicking his tongue in his drink to resemble that of his movements he used on you a couple weeks ago. If anyone would’ve spotted you guys, they would’ve sworn you were a couple..but you were having the time of your life, being flirtatious and having fun. No labels needed. Especially with a vibe like this. It just came naturally..
it was at that moment, you realized that this was your cue to bow out gracefully and get the hell up out of here. It was blatantly obvious what was on the forefront of both of your minds so you didn’t care to even talk to anyone else at the moment. The fact that he managed to slip by undetected by everyone else and bumped into you on his first encounter was nothing more than the universe intervening. He wasn’t about to wait around long enough for someone to come bothering him and delay his inevitable plans with you any longer. Or wind up in an awkward confrontation with people he had no interest in talking to at the moment. Not with you practically clinging to one another; your arms coiling his torso and his around your shoulders, he’d glance down once more and pose a question:
“So you trying to leave with me or what? I don’t really see a need to stick around here..what you think?” And of course, the answer was rather simple as well.
“..what took you so long to ask?” He needed no further explanation and after tipping the bartender once, thanking him for his service, EJ would extend his hand, guiding you out of your seat and following suit right after. The faithful attendant would toss him a wink; a signal among men that knew what was about to transpire. Tonight, however..you weren’t much in the mood to be docile or let him get the drop on you. Little did he know nor was he aware that you were about to give him a night he’d never forget..walking hand in hand with you trailing a couple steps ahead of him, you’d glance over your shoulder to tease him..only fueling that desire even more. “Don’t be staring at my ass now.” Only to be met with an expected, sarcastic retort, along with a smug grin. “Telling me not to look when you sat it on my face three weeks ago is crazy.” Immediately sending you into laughter. “Shut uppp.” It felt good to have amusement like this. However, the fun was only beginning! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
page break and time skip bc I shall spare you all the unimportant details + I cannot be vexed to write them.
thirty minutes and one long Uber ride later, (y/n) found yourself stepping foot over the threshold of the spacious mansion, owned and occupied by the man who had accompanied you tonight. A whopping seven thousand square foot home with seven rooms and six baths. It was huge..the kind you would’ve only ever seen on television as a kid. Yet here you were being invited in with open arms by this world famous, fine ass rapper. Nineteen year old (y/n) was somewhere screaming! Turning to you as he extended his jewelry flooded fingers, Eren reached out to pull you in so he could shut the door behind you both. You couldn’t stop gawking at how picturesque this place was!
“Don’t be shy, beautiful. You’re my guest.” Immediately tugging you towards his chest and swaddling you in an embrace. “I apprecIate the hospitality. You have a beautiful place here.” But in all truthfulness, there was only one area either of you were interested in at the moment and that was the bedroom. That much was apparent by the snide grins on both your faces as they met only a few inches apart. Your head was practically buried in his chest because of the stark height difference until he tilted it up by your chin. That pretty face was going to be the death of him..with another hand coiled around the small of your back, he’d hold you close; observing you for a moment.
“Well I’d be happy to give you a grand tour..” of course, there was the latter option and he was certain you’d choose it, seeing as how your hands were roaming all over his exposed chest. “But something tells me you’d rather wait.” Not to mention, the way you were teasing him through his shorts in the backseat of that car. Running your tongue along his earlobe and whispering in it how turned on you were. He knew you were freaky but this was a different side of you tonight..not that he was complaining whatsoever! How could he when this sexy ass woman was practically begging for the dick? Now, with no limitations or disturbances, he could do exactly that. So in a matter of seconds, EJ shoved his tongue into your mouth whilst gliding those hands lower down your frame until both palms were cusped around those thick asscheeks..only sheathed by the thin cover up tied around your waist. It didn’t take long at all for that intensity to kick back up. Initiating a series of sloppy kisses, he’d push his tongue farther in between your jaws until you were moaning into the pecks. Heavy traces of that liquor still prevalent on your breath. Those plush lips smacking against his own and his fingertips gripping the plumpness of your cheeks. Occasionally feeding you light spanks..he couldn’t recall the last time he’d felt up on a woman that drew forth such intense emotions from him. “Can’t believe it’s been three weeks..needed you so bad..” whimpering against his lips; gently rutting yourself in his grasp as your hands snaked up around the back of his neck. He couldn’t resist those sweet moans and those beautiful eyes gazing upon him full of lust. “Did you? You missed me, baby?” Questioning rhetorically with a faint smirk. Tapping at your bottom lip with his thumb. He could tell you were feigning and although he felt the same, he wanted to hear you say the fateful words. He wanted you to let him know exactly what you needed. Something about getting a woman addicted to him inflated his ego. “Yes..couldn’t stop thinking about you..” And you had no problem doing so..shuffling you to a nearby wall with his frame towering over your own, he'd bring a finger underneath your chin, drawing your faces to eye level. Your words slurring slightly and his reactions a little slow but you both were well aware of what you wanted and needed.
“Well tell me…what’s on your mind?..I’m all ears..” displaying those silver bottoms once more with a wide simper. If he stared at you any longer, you were afraid your knees would buckle. It was then that you’d feel those digits snaking from your backside all the way to the front of your torso..so casually slipping between the thin seat of that bikini. Immediately causing your breath to catch in the back of your throat. That’s when you’d whisper into his ear, whimpering about you needing him to fuck the shit out of you and how you were so wet at the moment.
“It’s like that then?”
“Been like that..”
hearing such a bold proclamation come from your mouth made him ready to pounce but he maintained restraint. He had his fair share of plans to do that already but first…more so than anything, he wanted you to keep talking. Keep telling him all the thoughts that plagued your mind when he wasn’t around. Slowly working those digits around, he’d let one slip inside of you and impale you on it, allowing you to ride it down to the knuckle. He couldn’t lie..he’d had a few hookups in his lifetime, specifically when he became famous and granted, they were good. A model here or some married singer or actress there who had no business at his show in the first place there..or even some fan who told him her boyfriend was out of town but she could keep a secret and he’d make sure she got her money’s worth if she were bad enough. Mainly done out of sheer boredom and to shut his friends up about how he needed to live a little more. But they were nothing like you..not one of them could ever think to hold a candle and that was exactly why he was doubling back. It’d be times that he’d find himself lying in bed; replaying the imagery of you underneath him, watching the recoil of your thick ass bouncing as he fed you backshots. Staring at your pretty face in missionary and watching you wet him up each time you came. He had to all but restrain himself from fucking you into the mattress because it felt so good!..not to mention when you managed to stall Niesha for the evening and there were no limitations. He had you all to himself that night and he took full advantage. The memories of you with your legs folded behind your head as he dicked you down. The visible imprint in your stomach and the sheath of cream smacking between his balls. Not to mention the way you squirted for him at will. Making and maintaining eye contact whilst he rubbed your clit. It was hands down, the best fuck session he’s ever experienced and had it not been a shame, he would’ve asked you to be his girl right there on the spot! That’s how stuck (y/n) had the infamous EJ..
but it wasn’t just the sexual aspect of it. It was your energy..he felt comfortable and safe around you, as weird as it may have seemed. The way you not only begged him but submitted yourself fully. Not in a fit of desperation in hopes of being with him. More or less telling him: ‘Imma give you this pussy, I trust you know what to do with it..’ He didn’t take you as the type to go run your mouth or try to ‘expose’ him if things ever went south either. He’d lurk in your comments and lives, where people were already speculating about you two. But you ignored every one of them. Your only words were ‘he’s one of my favorite artists. That’s it. Don’t talk about people and make up shit when they’re not here to defend themselves..’ followed by a block if they kept pushing it. It was no one’s business what the two of you did. Hence why he told all of his staff they were off for the weekend, for his boys not to come bothering him and his assistant to stay away..he had plans and they didn’t involve anyone else but you. Giving you one more sloppy kiss, Eren would slowly and reluctantly withdraw his fingers from inside of you and allow you to clean off your own flavor before ushering you over towards the foyer area. Out of courtesy and respect, he didn’t make you walk far but rather, showed you one of the many nifty little perks within his house..including the discreetly hidden elevator shaft near the staircase.
“Let’s go upstairs..I think we can work sum’ out.”
gonna drop a lil song suggestion here while reading
after making the short journey from the downstairs to the master bedroom, all bets were safe to be said off. Completely free for you to do as you pleased and he wasted no time in taking advantage of the empty nest. With the door shut and bolted behind you, he’d make haste in scooping you up and getting you out of those clothes entirely. Toiling with the strings of those swimsuit bottoms, he’d untie each side and let them fall to the floor beneath you. From there, his hands made place right back on your ass, roaming and caressing gently. He’d squeeze and smack the soft ample flesh..getting a good feel. Even marking them with a couple heavy handed smacks. “Damn, this shit’s so big..” mumbling as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. Constantly smacking and admiring the supple flesh that was your rear. He loved the softness, the jiggle and the ripple effect that was drummed forth by his hands. You were both so intoxicated that every feeling and emotion coursing through your bodies were ten times more intense. Saying whatever comes to mind without a filter, rhyme or reason. Eventually, his lips would trail from your neck down to your collarbone with his hands roaming the rest of your frame. Just to really get him aroused, you’d bounce those cheeks on your lonesome and make them twerk in his grasp. “Fuck..” still in awe of how stacked you were. Your body was incredible and all natural to boot. He’d lost count of how many times he’d watch you shake it on Instagram and how mesmerized he was. Nothing against the girls that took the surgical route but your physique just hit different. Seeing the stretch marks across that ass and your thighs jiggling when you moved it had him salivating and ready to see it in action again. “You like it?” “Mhmmm..love it.” Muttering into your shoulder blade as his lips grazed the skin. His hands soon ran up the sides of your torso and to your breasts. By now, the two of you had shuffled over to the foot of his king size bed and he was teetering backwards as he felt you up. In one fell swoop, he’d cup your tits into his palms and squeeze gently once more.
“Can I take this off too?” “Of course..” Mumbling so sweetly against your lips. You loved that he asked for your consent but you all but begged him to remove that top before he’d place those perfect double D cups in his palms and flicked his tongue around those sensitive nipples. Meanwhile, you couldn’t just sit idle and complicit either..so instead, (y/n) trailed a hand down the center of his abdomen; your nails scaling that chiseled six pack until you reached the drawstring on his shorts. While he delicately pecked and licked on those little brown buds, you would take the liberty of stroking him through his boxers. The wide elastic band with ‘Dolce and Gabbana’ inscribed across the top being tugged down in the midst of your hand cradling his shaft. That entire lower half was stripped bare in less than a minute once you began playing with him. So much so, he lost concentration on the task he was focusing on and brought his mouth back up to meet your own; swishing your tongues around in a sloppy manner that ended with two half smirks and strings of saliva from you both. But not before you’d whisper a rather lecherous request against his lips…
“Lemme taste you, baby..”
and who was he to deny a pretty lady’s command? Falling back onto the foot of the bed, Eren wasted no time peeling off the remainder of his clothes, including the socks, slides and the button down shirt he had on. “Please, feel free..” His pants and boxers were already pooling at his ankles as you had removed them yourself. He’d take a seat and allow you to maneuver his body as you saw fit. Positioned on your knees, you’d run those nimble hands along his thighs; marked with scattered tattoos and flick your tongue around. You could spend hours admiring him..tracing your fingertips along the perimeter of his inner crevices, you’d slowly work your way up to his exposed shaft. Seeing it at this angle truly put into perspective just how big he was. Nine inches long, veiny but with ample girth and a puffy tip. Not to mention, it looked so pretty all trimmed around the base and glistening with precum. No wonder you were crying and making a mess last time. His dick was so fucking beautiful…meanwhile, he’d recline with his arms stretched backwards and a tiny quiver on his lip as he waited in anticipation at your next move. Suddenly, he’d feel and see that tongue run up the bottom side of that shaft before your first would enclose the top half. You’d slowly stroke from the tip up; getting it far more stimulated. You were about to show him the effect you had on the men who’d cross paths with you before. Although you could count them on one hand and only a few fingers, you knew they’d come running back if you told them. Rather than some toxic game of cat and mouse, you preferred to make them fall for you. Ensure that no matter what..or who they were with, you’d always be at the forefront of their minds. It wasn’t uncommon for an ex to be trying to spin the block whilst in a new relationship. Mad at their old girl for not fucking them the way you did, some broke ass nigga who never stood a chance to begin with or some spiteful rapper who could only hope you acknowledged him would throw shade in his new song..but you could care less. You only doubled back if they were worth the time. And so far..
“Damn… ‘s so big.”
he was the only one worth the trouble! Any man who could leave you stuck like that, could always get some pussy! Gliding your hand up the side of his shaft, (y/n) would carefully move his cock towards your mouth..providing a single lick around the tip; twirling your tongue in a circular pattern to get a feel..he didn’t say a word and rather, waited with bated breath to see how you did. If the sex in Houston was any indicator of how skilled you were in the bedroom, he might truly not be able to leave you alone. However, he couldn’t handle this teasing! Your fingertips grazed over his balls; tracing along the singular vein running across them as well as his shaft. Soon, your lips were cradling his tip and that tongue worked the top half. Instantly, he could feel just how wet your mouth was..pooling with saliva from his previous teasing. You were practically salivating for a chance to suck him dry. Finally taking a couple inches in, you’d gently suckle the tip and allow your mouth to become adjusted to his size. The first time, he didn’t even allow you to touch him because he was so adamant on getting your nuts first. Now, it was time to reciprocate.
“..shit…suck it just like that, baby. ” it wasn’t long before the words were spilling from his mouth in a whiny haze when those suctioning noises and sensations began to increase. Your mouth, hands and tongue..all working in perfect unison to please him. Your head was perfectly cradled in his lap, bobbing to make the rhythmic pace of your mouth. Your hand worked to create a counterclockwise rotation; your hands twisting one and and your lips shooting straight down. Eventually, slurping sounds would emit from you and long, trailed strings of spit were puddling down his shaft. It was blatantly obvious that your talents extended far beyond pole dancing.
still gently massaging that sack, (y/n) removed your other hand entirely from his length and replaced it with merely your mouth. Both palms eventually remained planted on his thighs for leverage. Two inches turned into five and five soon turned into nearly his entire dick residing down your throat. Eren would rake those beautiful locks of yours out of your face so that he had a better view. Those beautiful brown eyes fixated on him until they began to roll back from practically fucking your own face. You’d meet the strokes reminiscent of his; using this man to your leisure right now and he had no complaints! Choking, gagging and spitting all over his cock as if you were disrespecting it and he loved it! Reaching for your head, Eren finally found the strength to assist you..only after clawing his nails into the sheets for five minutes straight and gritting his teeth.
“Eat that fucking dick up, baby..C’mere.” Ushering you towards him with his fingers coiled to the back of your head and his lips drawing near. In a split second, he’d steal a rather passionate and sloppy barrage of kisses from you, despite your entire mouth and top half being drenched in saliva. He’d even spit into your mouth to help aid the effort..soon, his erection was soon lodged back into your mouth, muffling any noise that was coming out. You were an absolute mess of bodily fluids and sweat sheen. Your makeup begins to smear from how hard you had been going. You didn’t care about appearances or how nasty it looked..all you wanted was the satisfaction of seeing him lose his mind. “Don’t be shy, come on my face..” Which he was well on his way to doing when he felt your hand pumping and squeezing both balls and shaft. You’d blow bubbles of saliva and precum at you spat against his cock. From the smile on your face and the constant laughter, it was obvious that you were enjoying this just as much as he was. Of course, that could have also been attributed to being drunk as hell. You’d be met with the vibrations and trembling from his legs as you forced every inch of him to the back of your esophagus. You’d gag for a split moment, only to hold him in place and allow drool to pour down to his base. Allowing him to sandwich your head between his palms and buck his hips into your mouth. Meanwhile, you’d massage those swollen, full balls with the gentlest of hands; in hopes of working him into an orgasm. “Ohhh..my gosh—fuck! You’re so fucking nasty, I love it.”
but before you could drum up those inevitable strings of cum, Eren would halt you in your tracks and lift you from the floor.
“Fuck, baby..climb up here.”
mainly out of sheer desperation to not blow his load too quickly. With his chest heaving and hands trembling from the impending climax that he decided to hold off on, Eren hoisted you onto the bed and on top of him, but not before bringing you in for one more nasty kiss. This time, tugging you by the back of your hair. You were beaming from ear to ear…this was only the beginning of what awaited you two this weekend!
“Mmm..why’d you stop me? I was just having fun..” muttering with a deviant glare and soft giggles, (y/n) traced a fingertip down his chest and noticed the immediate shudder..you had truly worked him over and you had a feeling he was going to burst any second. However, he had other plans. Plans to edge both of you so that when you finally did fuck, it’d be even more intense. “Way too much fun. ‘Bout to make me nut..shit.” Laughing as you laid atop his body; being felt up by his sweating palms. A firm grip followed by a subtle slap to your asscheek..you’d trace your fingers momentarily across his chest. Marked by a plethora of tattoos and chiseled up. He was so sexy, it truly seemed unreal!..how’d you find yourself in bed with a man this fine? Snaking your tongue from between your lips, you’d run them down the prominent jugular vein protruding from the side of his neck, which sent an immediate shiver up his spine..next was his earlobe; subtly teasing around it as your hands canvassed his upper half. You could feel the immense pressure radiating throughout his body. Especially when that licking made its way down to those pieces. “ ‘M sorry..can’t help it..you just look so good..” You couldn’t help but to admire them..admire every line, every color..every square inch of his incredible physique. There had been many of times where you’ve watched his performances or gone to a show of his, only to see that he had taken his shirt off after a mosh pit got too insane or just drenched in sweat fron jumping around like a fucking madman. Either way, even from front row seats..it still didn’t do him justice! Eren truly was the essence of perfection. You couldn’t even stop yourself once you got started. And trust, that’s the last thing he wanted too. “I really…I really missed you..miss the way you fucked me..” drawing out in a slurred tone. Remnants of that alcohol are still fresh on your system. Your fingers scoured his sides whilst you straddled his waist and lips mulling over his body.. “..that dick was sooo good..never had anybody make me squirt before. Feels nice not having to use a toy to come.” Sending both of you into subtle laughter at the mention.
was this a byproduct of the liquor?..were you being so reckless at the mouth because of that or was it true? Did this man really give you life changing sex and you couldn’t let him go now? Regardless, he was loving the praise. Loving it and letting you pop all your shit. Lying there with a wide grin stretched across his face, Eren subtly gripped your ass again as you flicked your tongue across his artwork. “For real, baby? Glad I could be of service...” Laughing amid another whimper as your tongue grazed his nipple. One of his most sensitive areas. He had to admit that his sentiment was the same. That pussy was something serious. The grip, how wet you got and so tight, he barely pulled out before spilling his load. And that head he just got? You were lucky he had an ounce of shame and self control. Otherwise, you’d have his last name right now! The two of you would continue unveiling confessions and admitting all the perverse things you probably wouldn’t have sober. Eventually, neither of you could take this tension and decided to act on it. You’d adjust yourself to take the reins; preparing to ride him with a hand cradled around the shaft but he’d halt you before you could actually get it inside.
“Nah..turn around.”
demanding in a deep, gravely tone. His intention? To see that grip and asshole puckering whilst you rode him. He wanted to watch every movement, every reaction and flexing muscle while you took his cock. Making haste in doing so, you’d reverse your body to face towards the giant mirror and dresser he had placed adjacent to his mounted television. The fact that this huge room alone was just his bedroom was insane…he may not show it publicly but he enjoyed a rather lavish lifestyle. It was the goal honestly..nonetheless, you’d get yourself situated and take a seat down on his cock. Your smaller hand wrapped around his base as your flesh met. The two of you released loud whines, letting both of your loins become adjusted to the new sensation. “Ooh..fuck. ‘S so tight..goddamn.” Noting both the feeling and view of that plump ass swallowing him whole. You were so wet when you’d slid down that there was an initial ‘plop’ noise that caused a twitch from within your walls. “Go ahead, baby..fuck me. Show me you know what to do with it..”
and you had no problem following that order! With his hands folded behind his head, Eren prepared himself fully to be your toy at the moment. You could do as many tricks as you desired..he was yours to use. And in a matter of moments, you were taking your first thrust. You forgot just how big it was until you felt that initial stretch.. “..shit!..so big..” giggling and eliciting one from him as well. “You got it..” but regardless, you kept going..especially with his encouragement. And it didn’t take long before you were propelling yourself from the tip down to the hilt..slowly but surely becoming readjusted to his fullness. He was already erect..swollen to the brim from your previous foreplay and those balls heavy with his arousal; waiting to burst at any moment. Gathering your balance with your feet planted firm into the mattress and palms pressed to his thighs, (y/n) began to find your groove..slamming that ass up and down on his dick! It didn’t take long before a sheath of translucent liquid began to form between your laps. The sound erupted throughout the room..a chorus of moans and smacking noises between colliding skin. And the view was even better..at least from Eren’s side! Watching you find your rhythm was a beautiful thing because you’d bounce on it as if it were nothing. The grip of that tight cunt wrapping around him with each passing stroke. “Mmmph!…fuck meee..right there, yes..” you’d cry out in a high pitched whimper as that cock head made home in your sensitive core. Hitting it every single time you went down. You couldn’t be contained and he damn sure wasn’t going to stop you. Another bonus was that pretty little asshole flexing for him as well. The things he wanted to do with you would undoubtedly get him judged. But he was glad to know that you were equally nasty. Maybe things were going a little fast, maybe nothing would come out of this. Hell, he was no good for relationships anyways but you were way too fine to pass up on in any capacity. At this point, he didn’t know how he’d react if he saw you with another man and never in all twenty six years of his young life had he felt that way! You weren’t even dating or remotely close and he was acting the fool..
“Fuck, ride that dick. Matter ‘fact..spread that ass open..yeah, that’s it. Lemme see that pussy squeezing me.”
happily obliging with your long acrylics clawing across that supple flesh. He saw just how much of a vice grip that little hole had on him. He was already pulsating and throbbing so you better move quickly. Watching each of your movements in the mirror really boosted your ego and quite frankly, gassed your head up. Especially when he told you how pretty you looked riding him. Those perky titties popping out, drool seeping from your mouth down to that tummy and those expressions. “Yeah, just like that. Keep going, baby. Got my fucking shit so hard..swear this pussy too good..” Eventually, you’d one up yourself and transition into a split. You didn’t even miss a beat, slamming down on his balls. That coupled with the lit blunt that was previously burning from the nightstand..now pursed between his lips was nothing short of euphoria. The face of his AP flickering in the light as that hand crept back up to spank your cheeks. “Nnnghh..thank you, daddy. Wanna squirt on this fucking dick..come all over it.” A bold proclamation that wasn’t far out of reach by any means. Especially when you recoiled your legs and laid flat to really let that ass slam down on him!
your knees to either side of him and that juicy bottom bogging down on his cock. “Shit!—do it then, baby. Get your nut. Squirt on that dick—“ and like clockwork, his words did the trick. You’d shoot up as if you had sprang a leak and let that liquid pool all over his base, cock and swollen balls. You made an absolute mess and he was certain it wouldn’t be the last. “Fuuuck..that’s it. Wet it up, we’ll worry about the mess later.” Ensuring that the momentum wasn’t wasted, he’d let your ride out that orgasm for just a second or two before coiling his arms around the backs of your thick thighs and tugging you backwards until you were seated on his face. He didn’t want to waste a single drop and instead, immediately buried himself in between those cheeks. All you could elicit was a loud laugh, grinning from the constant stimulation. You could hear him smacking and kissing on your pretty pussy lips. “Ahhh—haaa..eat that pussy, baby..stick that tongue in it.” Prodding and flicking his tongue around that clit and he enjoyed every second. His arm circulated your waist and kept that ass reigned in; mashing it into his cheeks. Meanwhile, you’d add to his moans by cupping his member and tasting the remnants on his entire lower half. Both of you were unhinged; working hard to please one another.. seeing who’d tap out first for this round. Eren didn’t have much restraint left, especially with his nose buried deep into your essence. The wetness, the sweet smell..it was so delectable. “Spit in it—oh fuck..like that..”
doing so whilst you swallowed his dick whole. The two of you went back and forth, exchanging filthy commands and praises just alike. Only certain to end in inevitable climaxes for you both. He’d finish drumming out the remainder of your juices and you?
“F—fuck..wait, I’m com—aghhhhh! Fuck me, fuck yes!”
met with a stream of hot, white cum pooling into your mouth. The warmth filling your jaws and splattering down your chin. The sweet tasting remnants rested on your tongue for a moment before you’d gently squeeze his balls. That swollen mushroom tip was beaming bright red and oozing with pearlescent cream; twitching on its own accord. But you’d immediately be thrusted forward and positioned on your knees as Eren quickly mounted behind you. He was so riled up right now, he wasn’t responsible for how hard he was about to fuck you. In a split second, you found his hand clutching your throat and the other pulling your hair. His fingers twisted around those thirty something inches of pure Brazilian; toiling them around until he gently tugged you towards him. Meanwhile, (y/n) wiggled your way back against his pelvis, signaling that you were more than ready for round two. “Put it in yourself..” growling into your ear with such a sexy tone of voice, it nearly made your legs buckle. “You can have all this dick..” constantly taunting as you struggled to maneuver him back in. Mainly due to being inebriated..so when you didn’t move fast enough, he’d grasp the top of your shoulder blade and pull back until you were impaled on his cock yet again, being met with a ‘pop’. Releasing yet another breathy sigh, you’d beg for him to give you all he had and not be gentle about it either. You needed him to be rough, to let you know regardless of a status, he wasn’t coming up off of you for a while.
“Mmph..give it to me.”
arching your back and placing your hands on those round cheeks, spreading them apart for full access. Which he took full advantage of by letting a long trail deep down to your folds before he glided back in. It was like a blanket of warmth cradling him upon reentering. Needless to say, you had opened up quite nicely but a little more couldn’t hurt. “Whatever you want, baby...I got you..” pushing past the tip and the first couple of inches, he’d keep a firm hand on your waist and another on your neck..wasting little to no time before thrusting up into you at a more speedy pace. He figured he had sat idle long enough and now it was time to show you just how badly he had been missing you. It wasn’t long before he was pounding and impaling you with full force. The strokes weren’t terribly brutal but he ensured that you felt each one. The bed jolted underneath you as he thrashed you around. But the best part? Was how vocal he had gotten. It was something so attractive about a man who wasn’t afraid to moan, grunt and even verbalize how good it felt. And trust, he had no issue letting you know what was on his mind. “So fucking tight!..goddamn. Open that shit up, baby. Let me in it…it’s mine now, right? That’s what you said..c’mon, lemme hear you say that shit again..” “Yes! Stretch this pussy, daddy! It’s yours...” the constant smacking and pressing of dewy skin together filled the air. The two of you were a hot, sticky, intoxicated mess with plans to go until either of your bodies could move. “Love when you call me that, baby. Makes me wanna fuck you even more.” And even then, you’d only rest up to get right back to it. You wanted him for as long as possible..
“Shit!..you feel so good..creaming all over me. Fuck, ion wanna pull out, baby.”
the words slipped before he even realized it. It didn’t matter though..you two had well established the first time that you were well covered when it came to the contraceptive department. Not that you had any use for it until he came along, but you had a handy little IUD and the pill to ensure you were straight. At this point, anything was a go. Boundaries, consequences and even fallout from this..nothing mattered in that moment. Being with a man who made you feel alive again was all you needed. Especially when he’d pull you back to his chest, still drilling your little cunt and your upper half coiled into somewhat of a headlock.. “..come in this pussy..” “..yeah?..want me to nut in it? Swear, I’ll fill your pretty ass up.” “You heard what I said. Do it..” Whispering in a haze of passionate, sloppy kisses. Pressed face to face, skin to skin and no chance of being apart for the foreseeable future. That was at least for the next forty eight hours. Whatever was to follow and wherever the chips may lay…you were prepared for it all. Even the possibility of this turning into something a little more than just another one night stand..
as frightening as it was!..
from sundown to sunrise, the two of you made love in every position known to man. From some passionate missionary where he looked you in your eyes the entire time to being hoisted midair and propelled on his cock like a little fleshlight to even lying on your sides because you both were entirely too spent to move but still needed more. The entire ordeal ended when neither of you could take anymore and you collapsed in the sheets, covered in one another’s cum, sweat and tears. It was a mess but a beautiful one. One that neither of you had experienced in a long time, if ever for that matter! Going round after round with a person you could joke, laugh and be comfortable with. It felt great and needless to say, your friends would be proud of you both for finally loosening up and letting your hair down. You couldn’t lie, it was nice to wake up next to someone you didn’t feel anxious around. Even so, you couldn’t get too complicit..it wasn’t as if he was your man. Hell, even after fucking you like he was trying to make you his baby mama, it was important to be careful. At the end of the day, you didn’t know him as well as you wanted to. It was as if he were equally as guarded. Almost as if you were only seeing the sides of him that he wanted you to witness. That was the thing about EJ..even after all this time. A solid ten years or so in the game and no one really knew the true him. The man behind the dark imagery, the grim lyrics and beautiful sounds. As far as who he was outside of the music…your guess was as good as anyone else’s. You even thought back to the first night you met and he admitted that he suffered from social anxiety. Although it was obvious that was a secret he didn’t exactly go around divulging in everyone, there was still this sense that he wasn’t going to fully open himself up to you anytime soon.
“Now this is how I like waking up..”
“Mmm…I could say the same. Good morning.”
meanwhile, Eren was sharing similar convictions. As he found himself on top of you once more, sheets cradling your bodies and private areas meeting once more, along with his face nuzzled into your neck, he couldn’t help but to think about how fast this all was moving. Granted, he wasn’t helping the cause and maybe he hadn’t exercised the restraint he wanted to but now it was starting to hit him just how nonchalant he had been. Did he really want to keep this going? Did he really want to give you false hope that somehow you’d end up with him? He was no more fit to be in a relationship now than he was when he was younger. He didn’t for a reason..he couldn’t guarantee that he’d be able to give you what you were looking for past the physical aspect but even so….
what is it about you? I don’t get it..we’ve only known each other a month and some change and here I am losing my fucking mind…acting like I’ve never had pussy before. I’m tweaking. (Y/N), you’ve made me the happiest I’ve been in a long time and as much as I hate to admit it..I’m not like Armin. I actually give a damn about who I lay up with. I don’t want you to be just another body but I’m not ready. I’m not ready to have to answer somebody else. To have to worry about somebody else other than myself. Sounds fucking crazy considering that we’ve been fucking like animals since last night and I mean it when I say I don’t wanna come up off of you for nothing..but you deserve better, baby. That much I can be sure of. I’ll only end up hurting you, I just know it. Still…I can’t help it. I can’t help it when you look at me like that. The way you call just to ask about my day. When you tell me it’s all mine..the way you call me daddy..what the hell else am I supposed to do? Pretend I don’t feel shit? I hate it. I hate that you did this to me and if I were smart, I’d kick you out right now to avoid either of us getting hurt but ion want to quit you just yet. I want more. I’m a selfish asshole, I’ll be the first to admit it. So what do I say?…what else am I supposed to tell you besides…
just then, he’d find himself snapping from his trance when he began panting heavily; your fingers clawing into his arms with a look of pure ecstasy on your tired face. You had come for him once again and were begging him to ease up because your legs couldn’t stop shaking. “Sorry, baby..” cooing to you with a gentle hand on your cheek. Your eyes and energy told a story of pure desire..desire that burned brighter despite the distance between you two. “Don’t be..I don’t want you to stop. I don’t even wanna leave.” Maybe this was a little rushed, a little crazy but so was life itself. It was also entirely too short to sit and mull over decisions pertaining to your happiness! Why deny yourselves the joy of companionship when the attraction was obviously too strong to ignore? So with the reluctance diminishing by the second, EJ would gently cup your face in his palms and utter the words he swore to himself he never would and a question you never thought you’d hear from a man you had so long looked up to:
“Then go out with me. Let’s turn this into sum’. What do you say?”
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :
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xhoneygirlxx · 9 months
Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince
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Steve Harrington x Reader
summary: The cheerleading and boy's basketball coaches are the talk of Hawkins High. When they can't seem to put two and two together, the students have to take matter into their own hands to get the pair together.
warnings: fluff. Steve and reader are both in their 20s. gender/body size/ethnicity are not discussed (the name of the fic was simply picked based off of one line). a little cameo from our favorite metal head. a bit sappy but who cares. idiots in love. we stan the students in this fic, they were doin god's work frfr. also modern au! spelling errors/shitty writing, i'm sick so forgive me for any mistakes lmao.
*if i miss anything please let me know*
a/n: As we all know, today would have been the last day of Honey's birthday bash. That was the plan my friends but bc of party festivities, hangovers, and now a bad cold, we are now behind on schedule. Thank you all for hanging in there with me :) I hope you all enjoy this, love you bunches!
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The whole school is rolling fake dice.
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Whispers traveled through the echo chamber hallways, bets being placed with the shaking of hands, and gossip being passed back and forth in the lunchroom like a breadbasket at dinner. All anyone could talk about was the two coaches that were blind to their own attraction to one another.
Unbeknownst to you and Steve, you guys were in the middle of a storm of circulating rumors since the beginning of the season. From the moment you two met all hell broke loose, a wildfire spreading through the classrooms of the school.
Everyone could see how much you liked each other, it was so clear like the scoreboard that shined brightly in the gym, except for you. The perfect love story, the cheerleader and jock, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
It started as a game between the cheerleaders and the basketball players, betting on who would break first and finally make it official. Soon it became a game amongst the rest of the student body, all of them biting at their nails and crossing their fingers in the hope that one of you would crack.
To everyone's disappointment, neither of you ever did. It was exhausting watching the two of you dance around your clear feelings for one another. The two of you tried to play it cool, act like any of the accusations were just that, accusations. But it was there, bright as day, on display for the whole world to see.
It was in the way your eyes would find each other's in a crowded room, feather light touches that would linger for way too long, shy smiles and rosy cheeks. The way you talked to one another was anything but two people who worked together. It was teasing, flirty, and breathless any time you talked.
There was a big wager for this whole thing, which team would win the biggest check and which one would have to fork over all the money. The cheerleaders and half of the school had their money on Steve, his reputation as a ladies man helping them with their decision. The basketball team and the other half of the school bet on you, knowing you were more outspoken then he is.
Now it's been months since the bets were placed but neither of you finally crossed over the line from friends to lovers. So the cheerleaders did what they do best, they rallied everyone on their side, made a plan that would guarantee their win.
Winter formal was only a week away, both of you were sure to chaperone without a date. So the cheerleaders got to work, making sure their plan would be executed flawlessly.
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Phase #1: Plant the seeds
Two loud knocks against the heavy wood door of Steve's office bring him out of his computer screen. Shouting a come in, he's met with the sight of the student council president, Lauren McPhee who holds a white paper.
"Sorry to bother you but I need this form filled out for the dance next week!" She's too chipper for a Monday morning, smiling brightly like the sun that hangs in the cold December sky.
"Oh yeah, let me just get a pen." Wheeling back on his desk chair, Steve begins to pat his shirt while looking around at his cluttered desk for the writing instrument.
Once he snatches the ballpoint pen from under the stack of papers, Steve grabs the flimsy sheet from Lauren's hand and scribbles down his signature on every empty line.
"Alrighty, there you go." With a tight lipped smile, he hands it back to the nice girl.
Steve watches as her eyes flit over the paper, flipping it front to back to make sure everything is filled out properly. When her features twist in confusion he can't help but wonder why.
"Everything look good?" He questions and she shakes her head while still reading over the curled letters of his name.
"Y-yeah, it's just," pulling her lip between her teeth, Lauren begins to chew on it anxiously, "the section for your date has been left blank. Excuse me if I'm crossing a line here, coach, but you're not bringing a date?"
Her voice is sympathetic, lips pulled into a deep from and her eyes sparkling with pity as she looks at the older man. Steve isn't sure why she seems so upset about him going alone or why it would be a problem, but when she looks at him like a dog that's been kicked he feels the need to answer.
"Oh, well I don't really have anyone to take. Plus it's more important for me to be paying attention to the punch bowl to make sure no asshole- I mean jerk, spikes it." With a forced laugh, he waits to see if his answer is enough to suffice the girl's curiosity.
"O-oh that makes sense I guess, I just though maybe you and the cheerleading coach would go together. You know cause they're also going alone and from what they told me, they never been to their winter formal before." Shrugging, the girl moves her sights from him back to the paper.
"They told you that?" Steve's answer is met with a hesitant nod from the girl. "I-I didn't know that." He breathes.
"At least they'll finally be able to go, right?" Again she shrugs, pulling a folder from her bag to put the paper away.
"Wait!" It comes out louder than he expected, cringing slightly at his volume. "Can I hold onto that and then had it in later?"
"Sure! I'll be back on Wednesday." A sunny smile shines at him, the white paper being passed back to him. "See you then, coach."
Waving him goodbye, Lauren shuts the door behind her where the cheerleaders wait for her. With a singular thumbs up, they begin to jump with joy only for a moment before moving on to phase two.
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Phase #2: Destroy the band room
Now destruction of school property was not something any student was willing to get written up for, but with the help of an adult maybe they wouldn't have to.
Mr. Munson was the band instructor and drama teacher, as well as Steve Harrington's right hand man. Before he was an educator, Eddie Munson menaced these halls for many years. Before getting his act together and after he quit selling weed to the students in the woods, he worked as an apprentice for a while, following a plumber around for months while he went to college for education.
"Mr. Munson come on, don't you want to see your bestie finally get a happy ending?" Karissa Thomas batted her eyelashes at him as she begged for his help.
"I don't know guys, I could get into a lot of trouble." Rubbing his forehead, Eddie sighs as he weighs out his options in his head.
"Think of it this way, you can finally give principle Higgins the finger. At least metaphorically." Anthony Whitmer adds.
"Plus, we'll give you some of the profits." Mark, another band kid pleads from the group.
Eddie leans against his desk wide eyed, smirking slightly at his band students. Who knew they would be so devious.
"Fuck it, I'm in." The group before him shout in victory while Eddie laughs devilishly. Somethings never changes, he thinks.
So this morning when he arrived at school, Eddie made sure that no one was around when he began fucking with the pipes. After about twenty minutes and sore upper arms, he finally succeeds by springing a leak.
When he reported the leak to principle Higgins, he was met with a side eye before getting the approval of the gym slot after school, which meant you and your team would be forced to share with Harrington and his team until it got fixed.
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Phase #3: Offer planning services to coach Harrington
Now to bring this whole plan together, cheer captains Dan Morrison and Amber Hall needed to be in the same place at the same time as Steve Harrington. The only problem was his office and where he usually occupied the most was the east wing of the school. The east wing was the closest to his office and it was the least traveled hallways out of the whole school.
That meant they needed to make it look like they were that way for a reason. Luckily for them, the art room was also in the east wing, so they would make it look like they were grabbing poster boards for last minute winter formal posters.
Lunch time was the best time to put this into motion, so the minute the 11:50 bell rang, Dan and Amber sprinted to the east wing in the hopes they would catch him.
After rummaging around for glitter, markers, and poster boards, the two waited at the door, peaking over the frame in the hopes to catch the older man. When the door of his office opened, the two seniors began to walk out of the room talking about random things to not make it look so obvious.
In the hopes of sparking a conversation with him, Amber dropped the container of markers causing colorful pens to fall all over the hard floor.
"Amber, I told you not to drop them!" Dan laughs, putting the white posters to the floor in order to pick up the rolling markers.
"You made me laugh!" The girl argues back, laughing loudly as she crouches to help.
"I didn't even do anything." He replies, making the girl laugh even harder at his comment.
The echo of Steve's heavy footsteps could be heard by both teenagers, but they ignore it so he wouldn't catch on.
"You guys cool?" Steve asks, crouching down to help pick up what fell.
"H-hi coach," Amber greets, catching her breath from her heavy laughter, "We're okay, Dan just made me drop these."
The boy in question huffs and rolls his eyes playfully, continuing his actions of gathering the rest of what's on the floor.
"So what are you guys doing with all this, anyway?" Steve asks, pushing off on his knees to stand.
"Oh, just last minute posters for the dance." Dan says nonchalantly as he gathers his pile of supplies.
"You're going, right?" The young girl asks and Steve responds with a small sigh, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Yeah I'll be there." Nodding his head, the man places his hands on his hips looking at the two kids in front of him.
"That's fun! Are you bringing a date?" Amber wiggles her eyebrows.
Shoving her playfully, Dan looks at her with a gasp. "Oh my gosh, Amber you can't just ask that. Sorry, coach." Doing his best to look sympathetic, Dan offers his best smile to the older man.
"It's okay, Dan," Steve places a hand out, looking at the brown haired boy, "Actually, I was wondering if you guys could help me with that."
"Sure!" The cheerleaders agree in unison.
"Let's talk about this in my office." Pointing a thumb to the end of the hall, spinning of the ball of his foot to lead the way.
Steve defiantly doesn't see how bright both of the teen's smiles are from where they walk behind him and he surely doesn't see them giving each other a high five.
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Phase #4: Get you to go to the parking lot before practice
This phase was probably the hardest of them all. You were very keen on punctuality, always the first to be at the building to make sure everything was set up. Now that you'd be sharing the gym with the basketball team, you were more than likely to be there a whole lot earlier than usual.
Now this is where the most important players come in, Lauren Hernandez and Simon Carter. The two freshmen were bright stars at Hawkins High, the leading members of the mathletes and very trust worthy students.
When this whole plan started it was known that they'd need someone who was convincing to divert your attention, so the two meek students volunteered without a second thought. The amount of money they'd win if coach Harrington made the first move was way more important than credibility at this point.
When they spotted you coming through the outside gym door, the two kids began to put on their show. Rushing through the two gymnasium doors, Lauren and Simon pant acting as if they ran a mile.
"C-coah, we need-" Simon bends over, bracing his hands on his knees while breathing heavily, "We need your help!"
You immediately drop your bags, sprinting over to the two youths. Worry is written all over your face, eyes immediately checking for any visible injuries on them.
"I-is everything okay? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Placing a hand on your chest, you wait for them to catch their breath.
"There's a fight outside. Max Newman and Devon Lewis are fighting in the parking lot." Lauren rushes out, eyes wide and glassy under the gym lights.
You're more than shocked at the news, the two boys have been great friends the whole time you've coached them. In a flash, you urge both kids to get coach Harrington from his office while you break up the fight.
What you don't know is neither Simon or Lauren have to get him, waiting until the slam of the heavy gym door both run after you to make sure they don't miss a single moment.
Rushing through the entrance doors, the cold winter chill instantly hits you but you don't pay too much attention to it when there isn't a fight happening.
When you walk outside, you see your team of cheerleaders lined up on both sides of the steps, a red rose in each hand. As you walk, they hand them to you, bright smiles on each of their faces when they do.
You can't speak with the amount of confusion that runs through your brain. Even though you want to ask them what all of this is about, you just let your feet carry you out into the parking lot.
You jump slightly when you hear Wildest Dreams being play, the only difference is the band kids stand off to the side with their instruments. Giggling slightly, you imagine Eddie Munson teaching his kids a Taylor Swift song but Bridgerton style.
With a bundle of roses in hand, you continue out into the snow covered parking lot. Under the street lights you see him standing with his hands in his pockets. Behind him stands some of the drama kids, holding big white posters. Taking a moment to read the blue and silver lettering, you gasp when it finally hits you.
F O R M A L ?
Tears prick your eyes and not just because of the cold winter wind. The thought and dedication that went into this must've taken so much (more than both of you even realize), you're heart beaming with the thought of Steve putting this together.
"So what do you say, coach? Will you do me the honors of being my date to the dance?" Steve's cheeks are red and his teeth glimmer under the florescent lights.
You can't help but let more tears fall, all of the pining and wishing finally coming true under the darken sky, right where the two of you first met. It feels too good too be true, a real life fairytale happening in real time.
"Of course I will." It comes out loud enough for only him to hear, the two of you looking at each other in adoration.
In a split moment, Steve's strong hands pull you in and wrap you in the tightest hug, something you dreamt of all this time. Even in the cold temperatures, his body heat, his touch holds the heat of a thousand suns.
The roaring cheer of all of those around you, besides the band who continue to play, fills the open air. You and Steve are so wrapped up in each other you don't even notice the flash of the camera, Andrew Johnson of the yearbook committee getting multiple shots of the whole thing.
Pulling back enough to look at one another, you smile brightly up at him. Steve looks so pretty like this, cherry nose, snow flurries collecting in his eyelashes and hair, and a smile so sweet it could rot your teeth.
"I can't believe you did all of this." You say with a laugh, shaking your head in amazement.
Chuckling slightly, he looks down bashfully at you. "Yeah well, I had some help." The two of your look all around the parking lot where multiple students stand, all from different clubs, groups, and social brackets beam and cheer for the two of you.
The two of you turn back to one another, gooey looks on both of your faces and love filling your eyes. "Who would've thought." You say breathlessly and he agrees.
"Can I kiss you?" It's breathless and hopeful when Steve says it, and you're answer is just as breathless.
Connecting his lips to yours felt like two puzzle pieces fitting together, it's feels like home, and it feels right. Like a snow globe, you and Steve are frozen for just a moment under the December snow.
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I hope you all enjoy! Love you all <3
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badasgirlfriend · 8 months
hi I love your jesse Swanson x reader stories. Loved them!! If you're still doing requests, could I request a jesse Swanson x reader where the reader is also a singer and is in the bellas and do the part in pitch perfect 1 where they do the riff off and Jesse sings feels like the first time and do the reader rapping instead of beca?
Pretty Boy | Jesse Swanson
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pairing: jesse swanson x fem!reader
fandom: pitch perfect
a/n: hii thank u for the req and sorry for taking so long i was ia for a bit, i only changed the ending bc i dont like the song because beca raps (dont attack me) hope u like it<3
"Come on, sing along," Chloe chirped, gesturing for Y/N to join the Bellas as they prepared. Y/N just shook her head, feeling anxious, riff of, what they called it wasn't her thing. But Chloe didn't seem to notice.
"Nah, I'm good," Y/N said, attempting to be polite. Chloe just nodded in response and flashed a smile of support as she joined her friends
Y/N noticed Jesse gazing at her, and she stared right back with a curious expression. Jesse cracked a mischievous smile, then madr a thumbs-down gesture and mouthed, "You're going down."
Y/N giggled as she let loose a playful blow kiss right at him. only for him to catch the kiss midair and press it against his heart
Y/N was relieved that it was night and that Jesse was too far away from her to notice her blushing. But this exchange had not gone unnoticed by Aubrey, who had been watching their whole interaction from the beginning.
"Go, Stacy!" She cheered for her closest friend as she stole the spotlight from Donald. Everyone's eyes were on her
"Baby, all through the night I'll make love to you," Fat Amy chimed in, but Jesse stepped in front of her, stopping her mid-song.
"And I guess it's just the woman in you," he sang, making the Belles groan. The rest of the group made their way to their designated spots, grumbling in protest.
"That brings out the man in me" he pointed at Y-Y/N smiling
"Idiot" she muttered trying to hide her grin
"It feels like the first time" he continued singing, opening his jacket to show his chest. He placed his hand on his heart just like before and winked at her
"Feels like the very first time"
Y/N didn't understand where her newfound confidence was coming from, but she suspected the drinks she had earlier might be playing a part. Yet, she was also convinced Jesse was behind her feelings. Without giving it any thought, she charged towards Jesse, eager to take advantage of the moment.
"it feels like the first time-"
"It's like everytime they turn the lights down," Y/N cut him off with a sly smirk and Jesse's eyes widened in amusement. He backed away and gave Y/N the spotlight with a round of applause. "just wanna go that extra mile for you"
She looked at the crowd and everyone was staring at her confused, even the Bellas.
'extra mile..?" Aubrey muttered trying to remember the song
Y/N was now regretting her decision as everyones eyes were on her, even the Bellas weren't backing her up
'Seriously does no one know this song' she thought to herself
Jesse's encouraging smile gave her the confidence she needed to dive back into the song "Go on,"
"We can get down," Y/N sang, now more in tune "Like there's no one around"
Amy and Stacey both gasped as they began to understand what Y/N was singing. Stacey had already joined in the song, her voice perfectly harmonizing with Y/N's. The two Belles' vocals blended together seamlessly, now with Amy joining them
"We keep on rockin' we keep on rockin"
"Cameras are flashin'" Amy made camera noises towards Emma and Stacey as they grinded on each other "while we're dirty dacing"
Jesse let out a sharp "woah" as Emma danced. One of the Treblemakers patted Jesse's shoulder in encouragement. Jesse didn't care about the outcome of the competition; if losing meant he got to see Y/N like this, he would willingly come up as the losing team every time.
In his eyes, Y/N was breathtakingly beautiful. Every laugh was like a melodic refrain that made his heart race a bit faster. His eyes were glued to her every movement, especially the graceful twirls that she would execute.
"They keep watchin' they keep watchin" The rest of the Bellas all joined in, singing the lyrics with the trio, except for Audrey, who seemed oblivious to the song.
Seeing as the crowd was completely caught up in Y/N's performance, she turned towards them and sang in a louder voice, "Feels like the crowd is saying", prompting the audience to join in with
"Gimme, gimme, more gimme more gimme more." Y/N beamed in satisfaction as everyone joined in and sang along with her.
"Anddd, we're out" Y/' said as they finished the song, everyone clapping and cheering. Jesse laughed joining the applause. Before he could say anything the MC came
"Okay funs over sorry laddies the word you needed to match was 'It' not 'It's'. You are CUT OFF" he shouted and the trebles cheered
"What when did that rule happen" Chloe shouted
"Whatever stupid riff off"
Y/N smiled, her expression showing no sign of disappointment. As she saw Jesse in the crowd, she sent a warm, appreciative smile and said, "Congratulations, pretty boy."
Jesse grinned mischievously and replied, "Does the winner get a gift?"
"You wish" Y/N rolled her eyes
This was the moment, Jesse thought to himself, the perfect instant to ask Y/N out. "Hey, I was wondering if maybe..."
But before he could finish, Audrey abruptly interrupted, "Y/N! We have to go."
Disappointed with the interruption, Jesse turned to Audrey, his expression one of annoyance.
"Sorry, chief's calling," she said with a light chuckle
"I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked
"Definitely," Y/N replied,
Y/N followed Audrey and then suddenly stopped, turning to face Jesse once again "Jesse," she breathed, her eyes shining with determination.
With swiftness, she leaned in towards Jesse and planted a brief kiss on his cheek, leaving him completely stunned and unable to hide his flush of surprise.
"Good night"
As Y/N hurried away, Jesse was left standing there, his face flushed with surprise. His hand was still covering the spot on his cheek where the unexpected kiss landed he murmured to himself
"Good night... fucking hell." He shook his head the grin never leaving his face
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tkwrites · 8 months
Our Heroes Meet - Quinn Hughes x ofc
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Photos from Pinterest
Title: Our Heroes Meet
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Beginning: Quinn Hughes x Original female character 
Warnings: None? First dates, first meetings, so many firsts. 
Summary: When Quinn and Sarah meet, they’re pulled into each other's lives in a way neither one expected. 
Word count: 4,300
Comments: This is the beginning snapshot of Quinn & Sarah. 
I posted this earlier, and took it down less than 4 hours after. I felt that the ending, while cute, wasn’t true to character. After re-working it, here it is again. 
It’s so cute and earnest and I just love it so much. 
Thank you so much for all the support and love for these stories. I really can’t say it enough. 
Our Heroes Meet
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
On a rare free afternoon with the prospect of the following day off as well, Quinn found himself wandering Stanley Park. He hadn’t really set out with the park in mind, but after being home for a few hours, playing an hour or so of Call of Duty with Jack and Luke before their pre-game naps, he needed to get out of the house. Long stretches at home alone didn’t suit him anymore after COVID, when he'd been contractually stuck inside anytime he wasn’t at the rink. It reminded him too much of those long, lonely days.
The Park was touristy, but he liked it. He liked the water, and all the trails, and there was always something new and interesting going on. 
It began to drizzle as he wandered. Within minutes, as it so often did in Vancouver, the rain picked up, pounding into the pavement in sheets. 
Cursing himself for not checking the weather before leaving his apartment, Quinn darted under the awning of the aquarium to keep from getting soaked to the skin. His first thought was to turn away and run back to his car. He didn’t need to be with big crowds of people, especially when everyone was rushing to get inside. On the other hand, he'd never been to the aquarium, and the thought of returning to his empty apartment made him squirm more than the thought of a crowd. 
So, he bought a ticket and wandered into the building, keeping his distance from others, hat pulled low so less people would recognize him. 
He was wandering the BC exhibit when he stumbled upon a pretty young woman speaking to a group of school aged children, explaining to them how octopus camouflage worked. He'd missed most of her talk, but she had several graphics attached to the tank. A little girl in the front was holding a plastic model of an octopus like it was the best gift she'd ever been given. 
The woman's dark hair was pulled up into a bouncy, wavy ponytail. Something glinted in her ears, but she wore no other jewelry. She had a curvy figure, highlighted by the jeans and t-shirt she wore. She looked put together, but not overly so. 
The thing that really made him pause was the light in her eyes when she talked. She was obviously passionate about her work and it was infectious to watch. She answered every child with the same thoughtfulness and enthusiasm. From deeper questions about how the changing environment was affecting marine life, to the little girl holding the model, who asked why octopus have eight arms. 
“You know, we haven’t really figured out why eight is the magic number for them, but they use all of them, so I guess they got to eight and decided they were done.” 
Quinn found himself chuckling while the kids giggled. 
The classes wandered away,  and she began cleaning up her display, putting models and diagrams into a bucket before easing the graphics off the tank glass.
Something pulled him to her as if he'd been hooked in the navel and reeled in. Maybe it was because Millsy had just been chirping him about being too quiet to get a girl. Maybe it was the longing he felt wandering the park alone. Maybe it was fate. Whatever it was, he couldn’t seem to talk himself out of it. 
Standing there like a fool, he watched her work for a few heartbeats too long. 
Quinn didn't like to talk to strangers if he could help it. It’s not that he was scared, necessarily, but he was quiet and often just didn't know how to break the ice. Talking to someone when he didn’t have a middle man to bridge that first interaction made him nervous.
“Can I ask you a question?” he finally said. Lame. Lame. Could he be any more fucking lame? 
“Hi there,”  she said with a bright, friendly smile that took him off guard with its forced cheerfulness. It was such a different look than she’d just been wearing that he found it unnerving that she could flip that quickly. “Where can I direct you?” 
“Oh, no,” Quinn gestured at the place he’d been standing, “I missed part of your talk,” he said, feeling his cheeks begin to blaze. “I wondered if you could tell me more about their camouflage?”
The light that had been in her face came rushing back, as if someone had flipped a switch. She met his eyes and smiled. Something twisted in his stomach. 
He was even a few inches taller than her. More boxes checked off his list.
“Sure, what would you like to know?”
Mostly, he wanted her to keep talking. Finally, his brain came up with something semi intelligent, “do they have all those colors in their skin and just bring them up to the surface when they want to?” 
“Sort of. Their skin is full of chromatophores, which are basically specialized cells that have an elastic sac that’s filled with one of a few pigments, and as they expand and contract the muscles around those cells, more or less pigment is visible. Octopus, and other cephalopods have a nerve attached to every one of those cells, so they can change almost at will. Some scientists are trying to understand if they even need to think about changing, or if it’s just an autonomic nerve response.” She stopped abruptly, “I’m sorry, that’s probably more information than you were looking for. ”
“No, it’s really interesting,” he assured. “How do you know all this? Are you just in charge of the octopus tank?”
“I'm getting my masters degree at  UBC in marine zoology. I do research with one of the octopus we have named Walter, so they ask me to do these talks while I’m here working on that.”
He laughed, “Walter? That's quite the name for a fish.”
“Right?” she agreed, resisting the urge to correct him that Walter was a cephalopod, not a fish. They were two very different categories of animals. “I didn't choose it, but it suits him. He's kind of a curmudgeonly old man sometimes.” 
His phone buzzed, reminding him it was nearly time to eat lunch. 
“Hey, I swear I don't usually do this,” he said, more for his own benefit as he silenced the vibration on his phone, “but do you want to grab some lunch?” 
She glanced at her watch and he felt his face flame as the reality of what he’d just said sunk in. He'd asked her to lunch? While she was working? How out of touch was he? Not everyone worked in the morning for a few hours and basically had the rest of the day free. 
“I have a break coming up at 1, but I'm giving another talk at 2:30, so we couldn't go very far,” she said apologetically, hoping it wouldn’t put him off. 
Quinn felt like he'd won the lottery. He just wanted to keep talking to her. It didn't matter how far they went. For all he cared, they could go to the aquarium cafeteria. “That’s fine.”
A relieved smile spread over her lips. 
Pulling out his phone, he checked the time. “So, I’ll meet you out front in twenty?” he suggested, gesturing vaguely to where he thought the front of the building was.
She nodded. 
As Sarah headed backstage, Rick, one of the aquarium staff, saddled up beside her, waggling his eyebrows, “he was cute.”
She went to scoff and wave him away, but found that she couldn’t. Her mystery man was cute. Lovely brown eyes, a few inches in height on her (which if she was being honest, wasn’t all that difficult), dark hair along with a dark shadow of a beard on his jaw, and a prominent, interesting nose that was somehow distinctive and at home on his face all at once. On top of that, he came up to her, obviously interested in what she did, and that in itself was incredibly attractive. 
He hadn’t even paused when she threw out her graduate degree, a kind of douche litmus test she’d devised to tell right away who would be too intimidated by her education and who would be cool with it. 
“I know,” she said, a little surprised by her own sincerity.
“Did he get your number?” 
“Please tell me you got his. It’s the twenty-first century, girl. You don’t let a man like that pass you by.” 
“He invited me to lunch,” she said, feeling that overwhelming sincerity wash over her again. It was a bold move on his part, making his intentions known right away. She wasn't sure she'd ever been asked out so quickly or decisively. 
“Well, I guess that works,” Rick shrugged, as if to say it wasn’t the route he would have taken.
Twenty five minutes later, Sarah rushed to the front, dodging the local hall so she wouldn’t be pulled away to answer a question, which happened more often than she’d ever anticipated after taking this research position.
He was standing near the entrance, looking at his phone with a kind of studied practice. Like he was trying hard to seem absorbed in whatever he was looking at, but the set of his shoulders made him look like he was bracing himself.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, halting her progress, “I got stuck talking with my research supervisor.” 
He smiled, finally lifting his head, “It’s cool. Glad you didn’t stand me up though.” 
A relieved smile took over her face. “I’m Sarah by the way, I didn't get your name.” 
“Quinn,” he said, extending his hand. 
He’d forgotten to introduce himself. He'd been so caught up in keeping her talking that he forgot the most basic part of polite conversation. Internally, he rolled his eyes. 
A small spark raced up her arm when their hands touched with the formal shake. 
“So,” he shoved his hands in his pockets, unsure of what else to do with them, “where do you wanna go?”
“Oh, I…” she paused, looking out to the park, “do you have a favorite place?” 
“I'm not down this way much, so I don't really know.”
“Do you like bao?” she asked. 
He just looked at her, so she continued, “they're like dumplings with different things inside. They're Asian. There's a great place just up the street I go to sometimes.”
“I've never had it, but sure?”
Leading the way, Sarah started out of the building in confident strides that spoke of someone who had little time to waste in getting from one point to another. The rain had let up to a light mist that would do little more than dew the grass. 
“So… are you from Vancouver?’ she asked, glancing over at him. He kept pace with her easily. 
“No, I'm kind of from all over, but mostly from Michigan.” 
“Oh, cool. I'm from Nevada.”
“That's a long way for school.”
“Well, it's a bit hard to study the ocean there,” she teased, “being landlocked and all.”
He laughed. “So, you're a student and you do research, what else do you do?”
“I honestly don't have a whole lot more time. Grad school is kind of a joke that way. I hang out with my roommates,” she added, feeling incredibly lame. “What about you? What do you do?”
He cleared his throat. This conversation always went one of two ways. “I play hockey.” 
“Like, for a job?” she asked, her eyebrows shooting up into her hairline. 
“Yeah. For the Canucks.” He gestured around himself, acknowledging the city as a whole. 
She looked at him, and he held his breath, hoping his gut reaction wasn’t about to be proven wrong. 
"That must be a wild job.”
A sigh let go in Quinn's chest. “It is. I feel really lucky.”
“So you're what, 20?”
“I hope I look older than that!”
"Sorry," She laughed. "I'm so bad with age. Especially with dudes. The facial hair always throws me off, so I usually aim low.” she said, gesturing to his jaw.
He grinned at her and her heart did a pitter pattery little jig against her ribcage. 
“In any case,” she said, flipping her hands, “aren't all the guys in the NHL really young? Like, you have to be drafted before you're 20 or something?”
“21, technically,” he said, looking very impressed. “Do you follow hockey?”
“Not really, but my roommate is obsessed with the Canucks, so I've picked up a few things." 
Quinn hoped she was the good kind of obsessed. 
“So how old are you then?”
“24. You?” 
The guys were going to give him so much shit when they found out he took out another older woman. 
He couldn’t help it. He liked older women. They were more likely to have their lives together in the way he did. It was easier to be himself - a little more serious and quiet than his peers - with older women, who seemed to appreciate those qualities more. 
It seemed he was naturally drawn to someone older, even when his basic instincts took over.
After 10 minutes of walking, they were seated in a cozy little restaurant, and Sarah made sure he was facing the middle, where the chef was assembling the dumplings. 
Quinn looked over the menu, feeling instantly overwhelmed. There were so many things he didn't know here. “What's good?” he asked, trying to calm his nerves. 
Truly, what the hell was he doing? He felt so out of his element. He dated, but never like this. Usually via set up and occasionally from an app, but he always knew something about his date before they met in person. 
This was all his least favorite parts of getting to know someone in a situation that felt too high-stakes. He wasn’t even sure why. Sarah was pretty. Not in the overly stunning instagram pretty way Jack usually favored, but more girl next door kind of pretty, in a way that made him interested to know her more, but he didn't feel intimidated or uncomfortable around her. Something about her tilted him off his axis enough to make him go out of his comfort zone enough to ask her to lunch. For the first time, he found himself thinking, this could really go somewhere, and that scared him shitless.
“Everything I've tried is good. You should at least try the rainbow dumplings. Then you can try all the flavors.”
He nodded and set the menu down. 
“We could split an entree too?” She suggested, sensing his unease. “The dumplings aren't really a total meal.”
“Sure. You pick.”
“Anything you don't like? Any dietary things?” 
Quinn shook his head, “no, I’m off tomorrow, so I’m not watching what I eat.”
They locked eyes over her menu, “do you have to do that a lot?” 
He nodded, “it comes with the territory. Gotta stay in peak condition, you know?” 
She didn’t, but she nodded anyway. 
He took off his cap and nervously ran his hand through his hair before replacing it. His hair was thick and a little wavy, she saw. It made her like him even more. 
After holding eye contact for a beat too long, she tore her eyes away to look at the menu again. “Do you mind if I do something a little weird?” she asked. 
When she dared to meet his eyes again, he was looking at her like he was bracing for something that was going to ruin his whole reputation. 
“I mean with ordering,” she said, laughing. 
“Oh,” Quinn felt his whole body relax, “sure.” 
“Were you worried I was going to ask for pictures of your feet or something?” 
Laughter burst out of his mouth, splitting his face into a natural, easy smile that suited him. The childish scrunch to his nose coupled with the wide, sure-of-himself smile made him look somehow younger and older at the same time.
“I don’t know,” he admitted, “I’ve seen a lot of weird shit.” 
“I can’t even imagine,” she said, laughing. 
The waiter came up to the table then. 
Sarah glanced at Quinn, a smile still playing on her lips.
“You order,” he said, feeling childish. 
“We’ll have two orders of the rainbow dumplings, and whatever main dish you want to bring us.” 
Quinn choked a little on the water he was drinking. 
“Just no seafood.” 
The waiter nodded, like this wasn’t an unusual request, “spice level?” 
Sarah looked to Quinn for guidance. 
“Mild,” he said. 
“Mild, then.” 
“No allergies?” 
Sarah shook her head, and the waiter walked away. 
“Do you do that a lot?” he asked. 
“Sometimes. I have a friend who does it every time we go out. It’s a great way to try new things.” 
“And no seafood?” he asked, “has your work turned you away from it?” 
“No, not really, but I only get it if it’s sustainably sourced, and I didn’t want to have a whole conversation over who their seafood supplier is, and most waiters don't know that stuff anyway, so it’s just easier to say none.” 
Their conversion slipped into a silence that wasn't completely uncomfortable. 
“So,” she said, starting to fiddle with the things on the table, a soy sauce decanter and a square ceramic container with a tiny spoon in it. “Tell me more about yourself.” 
“Like what?”
“Like,” she paused, filtering through the questions that raced through her head, “what's your favorite movie?”
“Star Wars.”  
“Which one?”
“I like all of the original trio, but probably The Empire Strikes Back most.”
She breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Oh, I dated a guy a while ago who told me his favorite Star Wars movie was The Phantom Menace and I almost broke up with him on the spot.”
Quinn laughed. 
“What's your favorite?”
“Oh, I have so many,” she said, “For Star Wars: A New Hope. Overall, it kind of depends on the day, but I have some go-to comfort movies, like any of the original Marvel movies, Lord of the Rings, and this chick flick called In Her Shoes I used to watch a lot with my mom.”
Feeling more and more like he really had won the lottery, Quinn smiled at her. It was strange to think a girl like this existed and had been existing in the same city as him for some time. A woman that was cute and curvy and had so many of the qualities he always said he was looking for. Passionate about what she was doing, didn't take herself too seriously, was a bit of a nerd like he was, but not too nerdy, didn’t want to date him for clout or money.
People in his life had often wondered if the list was too long to find in a real person. He'd started to wonder the same thing over the past few months. Part of it was that it felt easier to have a long list so he didn’t have to worry about looking for someone while he was so busy. He'd always figured he'd meet someone later on in his career or even after it was done. Then he would have the time to dedicate to dating and marriage. 
Despite all that, here Sarah was, smiling at him over a lunch table like fate had just dropped her into his life. 
Their food came and they continued talking. Sarah could tell he was a quiet guy, always taking time to think before he spoke. Despite that, she didn't feel like she was carrying the conversation. It was a pleasant surprise for a first date. 
At one point, Quinn looked so lost at how to eat the dumplings that she took pity on him and gave him the instructional card from the table. “I was lost when I first came here, too,” she assured. 
When they finished, and Quinn had shut down her offer to pay for half of the food, she glanced at her watch, surprised to find that it was already 2:05. Their conversation had been so consistent and comfortable, she hadn’t realized how much time had passed. 
“Oh, shit,” she said. “I’m sorry. I have to get back.” 
“I’ll walk with you,” he said, standing and putting  a cash tip on the table. 
Sarah felt a little dizzy. Everything felt so sudden, like Karma had finally noticed all her pain and delivered her something good for a change. She’d gotten so used to slogging along, enjoying what she was doing, but not really looking forward to the future with any big hope or optimism. The sudden change had her reeling.
When they got back to the Aquarium, Quinn stopped at the entrance, tucking himself behind one of the pillars to provide a little more privacy. 
“I, uh,” he found himself saying. How did you end a date with a woman you were beginning to feel might just be your soulmate? 
“I had a really nice time,” she said. 
“Yeah, me too.”
He leaned in, trying to gauge if she wanted to be kissed, or if a hug would put him too much in the friend-zone. His brothers probably would have chastised him for not going in for the kiss right away, but the last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable. 
They did a short, awkward dance, neither knowing what, exactly, to do. It struck Sarah as the most uncomfortable thing on their date thus far. 
Finally, she took charge and wrapped her arms around his neck in an embrace. 
 Quinn sighed as he gathered her against him. 
His willingness to wait for her to dictate the level of physicality they shared ticked another box on her list. She wouldn’t have minded kissing him, but the fact that he respected that boundary right off the bat had game show-winner bells ringing in her mind. 
“I know you have to go, but can I get your number?” he asked, stepping back from the embrace, letting his left hand linger on her hip.
She giggled a little, thinking what a weird formality it was that he had to ask at this point. She gave him her number and he texted to make sure it was right. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she pulled it out, showing him. 
“I’ll see you later?” she asked. looking up into his face. She wasn’t surprised to find the same hope she felt reflected back at her. 
He glanced at her lips before meeting her eyes again, “yeah.”
Another glance at her watch had her stepping back from him. “I’m sorry, I’m late,” she said, turning away before turning back at the last second and brushing her lips over his cheek. “See you later.” 
He watched her run down the hall before turning around and heading back home, feeling like he could stomach an evening alone with Sarah on his mind. 
Later that night, studying in her room, Sarah finally pulled her phone from her backpack and typed out the message that had been pulling at her thoughts all day, making it impossible to really focus on anything else.
Some of her friends, she knew, would tell her she was putting too much out there too soon. Perhaps she was, but losing her mom had given her a fuck that attitude to many things - not expressing her true feelings being one of them. If it scared him off, that would tell her all she needed to know. 
She hit send, hoping she wasn’t wrong. 
Quinn was in his own apartment, not really paying attention to the Devils-Hurricanes game playing, mostly trying to figure out when it would be okay to text her. With the way everything had gone that day, he felt like any time would be the right time. The anxious part of his mind battled against that thought, worried about coming on too strong or seeming needy and messing things up. 
He pulled his phone out, finally deciding that he should just say something. 
It dinged in his hand, and her name flashed across his screen. Shocked, he dropped the phone and had to fish it out from under the couch before he could read her message. 
Thank you for today. You were such a welcome surprise. 
It was so heartfelt, he sat on the floor between the couch and coffee table for a while, re-reading their conversation.  
This is Quinn. 
Thank you for today. You were such a welcome surprise. 
The embarrassingly earnest part of him wanted to tell her all he was feeling, but he knew it was too soon to tell her he thought they could go the distance. It was too soon for him to be voicing those things to himself. He didn’t really even know her. Yet.
Sarah watched his text bubble appear and disappear several times before she clicked off her screen, unable to watch.
Her heart was rioting in her chest. Yes, fuck that, but also if he proved her wrong, she knew she would be crying herself to sleep. 
Finally - finally her phone buzzed. Hands shaking, she struggled to unlock it, eventually having to put her code in twice before it worked. His message slid onto the screen, and she released the breath she’d been holding. 
I feel the same way. I can’t wait to see you again.
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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generallysapphic · 1 year
talking to you about everything +18 (riri x reader) part 1
after you and riri pass your finals, you both decide to get high, relax, and talk, as your relationship starts to grow and develop. talking about boundaries, desires, and where you see your relationship heading for the future.
riri my love, you will not rest so long as i can write! y’all wanted this very badly and the playing dumb story line is just so good, i had to continue!! so this is a three part story, bc i’ll be branching off from what the reader and riri talk about in multiple parts so this is a long oneeee
same reader from playing dumb and say it more, so read those before this one!
song inspo: LOVE by kendrick lamar
warnings , the usual: overstim, tribbing, multiple orgasms, talk of sex, praise kink, squirting, recreational drug use, name calling, light bullying, mentions of lesbianaphobia, talk of kinks and boundaries, mentions of previous slightly abusive relationships.
Dedicated To; @vlkyriesverse @verachii 🤎🤎
tag list! @nightlife-things @widowmakker @luvvtrinnii @no-oneelsebutnsu @playgurlxoxo @dejaonline @remwritess @letitias-fav @blackgcomica @rebellious-mutant @chidinma @ppawmpkin @an1meslvt @shuristan101 @quintessencewrites @chiimerangel @yvxmpire @rxcently
enjoy 🫶🏽
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your hands still feel cold, even through the gloves you wear as you stand outside, waiting for the professor to post grades.
you know you passed, that’s not really what you’re worried about, you just want to see how well you did. a couple of students start letting out “finally”’s once the professor comes out and tapes the grades to the door. he turns to settle you all, “alright, alright, it’s early as hell and it’s right before break so get a picture or a quick look and then go back to your dorms, enjoy your breaks.”
he shuts the door and everyone piles the the front, cameras out and ready. you squint and adjust your glasses, trying to get a good look before you give up and just take a picture and shove your way through the crowd.
your eyes follow your last name. y/n y/ln………97%
you smile, so proud of yourself and your thoughts immediately jump to, i have to tell riri, and your face heats up, even in the cold.
you pull your scarf over your face, and head to her dorm. you had been dating riri officially for some months now and it’s so perfect, she’s practically your every waking thought. you used to just keep to yourself, never really sharing your grades and minding your business, but riri made you feel so proud. she never let you dumb yourself down, and even though she definitely got a higher grade than you, she always made sure to celebrate you as you did her.
so sweet, so loving, you blushed and suddenly you were at her door, the trip nearly cut in half as you’ve been so many times, it’s ingrained in your mind. she’s at the door before you even knock, an expectant smile on her face. you laugh, “97!” and she laughs with you, hugging you tightly, and picking you up. she’s practically spinning you around before you tap on her shoulders to put you down, almost dizzy.
“okay, okay! let me in cmon i’m freezing,” and riri laughs and pulls you into a kiss as you both back into her dorm, shutting the door behind you. you wrap your arms around her and pull her closer, sighing deeply into her mouth. riri’s kisses were practically a fucking drug, you could feel your mind floating away as she maneuvered you out of your coat.
she moves you both against her desk and you moan, she’s worked up, you conclude, as riri’s hands move lower and lower, squeezing your butt and you moan a bit into her mouth. “ahh, riri, wait,” you say softly, and she pulls back, eyes blown and lips wet.
“oh, sorry, i thought we were about to have celebratory sex,” she says all too confidently and casually, and you stutter still not used to her boldness. “i— im not saying we’re not, i just— you didn’t even show me your grade for your finals.” you deflect, avoiding her gaze and she chuckles and grabs her phone, showing you a picture of her grades. 98%, of course, you sigh and lean closer, “congrats, i literally hate you,” you say sarcastically and laugh.
riri laughs with you, “i know, i know. now can we have celebratory sex since we won’t have to deal with lectures from the worst people alive?” and you smile and nod,
“yeah, we can,”
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“haa, fuck— fuck,” you huff out, the music behind you drowning out as riri held your legs open, one hand soothing over your thighs. she’s practically swallowing you, it feels like, her fingers stretching you out at a slow pace and her mouth sucking on your clit, and you toss your head back, feeling your orgasm rush over you.
you hold onto her hand, gasping, “riri, riri fuck— i’m cumming— i’m cumming, baby, fuck—!” and she moans against your pussy, letting you know you could let go and you do, pulsing against her and feeling your thighs flex under her hands. you let out a long drawn out moan, whimpering in overstimulation once youre done, pulling away from her slightly, and she does the same. riri comes up to your mouth, kissing you and letting you taste yourself, moaning in your mouth when you do the same.
the song changes behind you, and riri pulls away “good?” she asks, breathless and mouth still glossy from your cum. and you nod, licking your mouth slightly, “your turn?” she smiles, “yeah, but i want you on top, is that okay?” and you shy up but giggle and nod, sitting up as riri takes off her shirt and lays down, opening her legs and you climb on top of her.
you always loved tribbing with riri, even though you weren’t a fan of it before, riri had made you a fucking porn star when you two did this, riding against her like she was your only life line. you slowly lowered yourself on top of her, your clit kissing and she lets out a curse, watching you eagerly, and holding eye contact. you close your eyes both to avoid her gaze and to focus on your pleasure, beginning to move slowly against her, and your holding on to her thigh. your clits start rubbing slowly against the other and you moan, and riri squeezes your thighs in her hands, sighing lowly.
the friction of her clit on yours has you gasping already, still coming down from your last orgasm. you don’t why you agreed to be on top, your legs were already giving out and the support from riri’s thighs wasn’t helping, your legs shaking as you felt another orgasm spark inside you, suddenly right at your pussy, you moan, quietly, “i don’t— uhhnn riri i can’t, i can’t —” tears threatened to spill from your eyes and riri shushes, soothing over your thighs, “it’s alright baby, just let me feel you yeah? be my good girl, it’s okay,” and you gasp, the praises spiking your brain directly and causing you to speed up in your hips, moving with more vigor, wanting so bad to hear her again.
you could hear how wet you both sounded after not too long, the sound of your slick combing right under her moans and her music. you decided to look at her, riri’s mouth agape and her watching your pussies rub together has you tossing your head back, overwhelmed at the sight of her. you twitch slightly, obviously overstimulated, but wanting to make her cum has you rutting harder and harder against her.
and before you know it, riri’s cumming before you do again, you can tell, she’s cursing louder and louder, biting at her lip and thrusting up towards you. you huff, “you close?” and she whimpers out an “mhmm, fuck—” such a lovely noise, and you want to push her over and have her cum against you, she babbling now, “fuck, fuck, make me cum baby, god fuck i’m so close, you feel so fucking good, fuck—!” and you moan in tandem with her as she cums, hips stuttering and nails digging into your thighs and you feel it— her pussy is twitching under yours, a slew of curses and moans leaving her mouth and you buck against her, your orgasm right behind hers.
riri’s rubbing up and down your thighs now, whispering “good girl, so pretty for me,” as you ride your orgasm out, your pussy squirting and squeezing around nothing, and your head lulls forward, you feel yourself shaking and sighing. riri leans up and kisses you, capturing all the air in your mouth and you wrap your arms around her again, moaning softly as she rubs your back.
she pulls away first, “you’re so sweet yknow,” and she sounds practically high, mumbling and eyes low and you giggle, “i should say that about you, you’re so nice to me,” and riri chuckles, “i was talking about your mouth but thank you,” and you scoff, shoving her playfully, both laughing a bit, as you two start to move and lay down next to each other, letting your bodies calm down.
her music is soft in the background and it’s a comfortable silence before riri sits up, “imma get some clothes, you want my hoodie?” and you nod, starting to head to the bathroom yourself.
it’s so nice, you think, having a girlfriend like riri, all she does is just make you happy. you think back to your previous relationships and how you felt like you were pretending to be someone else or how much you hated yourself in those situations and it’s just never like that with riri. you smile at the sink in the mirror as riri hands you her hoodie, dressed with some shorts on, “whatchu thinking about?”
you smile at her, putting on her hoodie that covers your whole body, “you. how much i like you,” you say boldly and riri chuckles, “well i hope so, i wash my sheets damn near every week because of you, that dorm laundry mat is not cheap, baby,” and you laugh, “oh whatever, you love it! just reminds you of great my pussy is,” and riri lets out a hard laugh at that, and you lean over and kiss her cheek, smiling to yourself and walking back over to her bed, and yep, it’s still a little damp.
she sits next to you, sighing, “finally on break, fuck. what’re you doing?” you shrug a bit, being honest. “i don’t know honestly. i can’t go back home so maybe i’ll get a little air bnb or something,” and riri looks at you solemnly, “right, yeah,”
you had told riri about your mom, your whole family even, and how little support they had given you, during college and even after you came out. it was hard, doing a lot of everything on your own and riri had assured you that regardless of where you came from she’d be there for you. but most breaks you had spent alone, this being your first break with riri, so who knows where you two might end up.
riri speaks again, trying to get your brain away from what she knew you were thinking about, “hey i already told you, you got a room in chicago, baby, or even if you wanna stay here, i can get us like a little mini apartment or something.” you laugh a bit and shake your head, “no, god, riri don’t waste your money on me, i’ll be fine,” and you get up before she can retort and change the subject, “wanna smoke?” you ask to completely throw her off.
it works, “since when do you smoke?” she asks, smirking, most likely proud she’s had an influence on you. “just, causally, don’t get too excited now,” and she laughs, pulling her lighter from behind her pillow as you go for your bag.
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you huff out a puff of smoke, riri’s music still playing in the background as you scroll on her wishlist, “why do you want a blender?” you say, probably too loudly, riri’s laying down with her eyes closed and joint in hand. she stirs up, “you said you liked smoothies that one time, and that smoothie king was too fucking expensive so i figured we’d make some at home, instead,” she says and takes another huff.
you smile to yourself and feel your face heat up. most of the wishlist items weren’t even for her, they were for you, you had noticed. from the skirt you really wanted to small things like her agreeing to making smoothies for you instead of buying them out. and you don’t miss what she says either, ‘we’d make some at home,’ casually referring to her dorm as your shared home. you were over her dorm more often than she was yours too, mostly because her junior housing was much bigger than your sophomore one.
you lay next to her, “okay, so are any of these items for you?” she laughs out some smoke, “yeah, go to my private wishlist, password’s your birthday,” you smirk at her and go back on her page and find it, 26 items, and type in your birthday, gasping once the page pulls up.
it’s a lot of sex toys, some boxers, a couple of books, and some lingerie. you feel your face heat up, scrolling, and getting more and more hints of what riri was into, “am i allowed to ask questions about this?” you say, jokingly and she laughs, getting up and grabbing her computer, “yeah, i don’t really care,”
you chew on your lip a bit, not really knowing where to begin, “you like lingerie?” and you glance at riri, who’s sitting back down next you and her face is slightly illuminated by her computer screen, “mostly on other girls,” she says casually, and your mind backpedals into thinking of the implications of what she could mean.
you whisper it out, “you want me to wear lingerie?” and she holds your gaze, “yeah, if you’re up for it. it’s a wishlist because i don’t know what you like, but i know what i do, it’s all hypothetical, baby,”
fuck, okay, you say it before your mind convinces you to not, “do you wanna know? what i like, i mean..” the weed in your veins has made you bold, you assume, and it catches riri’s attention, completely wrapped at what you said and pushing her computer aside, “yeah, yeah i do,” she scoots closer to you, sitting criss cross right in front of you and rubs your thighs, encouragingly.
the soft music in the background plays and you swallow, most likely your pride, and set her phone down. “um, well, i haven’t experimented that much, yknow, i told you about my ex, so yknow i didn’t do a lot,” and riri nods, licking her mouth and holding on to your every word.
you continue, “but, um, i know i like when you’re on top of me, i like it a lot. i like when you do that— take control and hold me down thing, like when you ground me, i think is the term—”
“you like when i tell you what to do?” she gasps out, and you look at her, and nod, suddenly breathless, high, and horny. “yeah, like when you encourage me,”
“praise,” riri nods, and you do too, giggling a bit, “you know everything, huh?” and she laughs dryly, “yeah, well i got around for a bit before you finally talked to me.” you scoff, “you could’ve talked to me, yknow. i mean i wouldn’t have believed it, but you still could have,” and riri smiles, genuinely, before grabbing the joint and inhaling and leaning over blowing out in your mouth. you inhale it and sigh, her lips inches from yours,
“yeah, well, i like obedience. i only praise when it’s deserved,” and you cock your head at her, “what do you mean?” asking honestly and she chuckles a bit, sitting back down, “you’ll see what i mean, maybe later. tell me what else you like, mami,” and she’s rubbing your legs again, just barely past your underwear and you feel yourself grow warm.
you stutter, “um, i haven’t tried it but i think i’d like strapping, like you strapping me, if that makes sense,” and riri’s eyes grow a bit, now more interested, “yeah? like you’d want me to strap you, you’d be okay with that?” and you nod, eagerly and encouraged by her excitement. but a question buzzes in your head, “you’ve strapped before?”
and riri smokes again, nodding and looking off upset, “yeah but she was kinda crazy. we were in this friends but not really friends with benefits situation; i was just eager to experiment because i knew i was gay but like i didn’t know what i liked, just yet. and she didn’t either so she’d strapped me, i’d strap her, all that type of stuff.” you feel jealousy grow at the bottom of your stomach as riri talks about this ex of hers, and she sees it, your nose flaring and the way you’re not making eye contact anymore.
she smirks a bit, “but we broke things off. she transferred and went to a culinary school in cali so calm down, baby,” she whispers the last part, coming closer and kissing your nose. you huff out of it, “yeah, good, because i probably would’ve found her if she was still here,”
and riri laughs, big and loud, surprised by your outward jealousy, and nods, “noted, you get jealous,” and you huff, offended you were so obvious, “maybe, but like how would feel if i random told you all the time my ex fucked me?” and she laughs quietly, “oh i kill her regardless, but not for that, you told me how shitty she was to you, so it’d be for a different reason,”
you mumble and change the subject, “tell me what else you like,” and you take the joint from her hand, and inhale, “well, i found out i really like strapping, and even though i haven’t done it in a while, i’d love to try with you,” she whispers the last part, watching your lips exhale the smoke and you lick them, still feeling bold, “we should order one then,”
riri blinks a couple of times, you were surprising her a lot tonight, and you smile, “i saw the one you wanted on your wishlist. it looks fine, to start, i mean,” and she smiles a bit, “i mean, it’s 6 inches so imma drop down a size, but you’re serious?” and you nod, grabbing her phone and unlocking it, not before seeing her screensaver— a picture of you and her cuddled up, from her laptop.
you find the strap set, a pair of black boxers and a 5’1/2 inch dildo that it comes with, as well some water based lube. riri is watching, still surprised at your readiness to have one. “what? cmon, we were just talking about it, don’t tell me you’re shying up now?” you challenge her and she scoffs out a laugh, “oh no, i’m not, go ahead and order it, but don’t be mad when i fuck you so hard you can’t walk,”
fuck, why would she say that so close to you! you laugh shyly a bit, shocked by her boldness and click purchase, the delivery date for three days from now. you toss her phone, “done. it’ll be here in three days,” you say with false confidence and she smiles again, leaning over and grabbing your face to capture your mouth, kissing you wetly and holding you still. you moan a surprised gasp in her mouth and taste the weed in her lips and the melon flavored chapstick she was wearing and follow her lead, moving slowly against her mouth, and sitting up on your knees.
you’ve done it a million times but making out with riri has you high every time. the internet’s ‘hold on’ is playing in the background and sway slightly, nearly sitting on top of her and she prods at your lips, nearly inviting herself in, moving her tongue around. you moan a bit, fuck, you wanted to fuck her all over again, as if you didn’t just do so not even three hours ago.
riri moves you both until she’s on top of you, rubbing your (her) hoodie up until your nipples are exposed and your practically naked once again. she releases your mouth, panting and looking at you with wide, high eyes.
“keep telling me what you like,” she whispers to you and you alone, breathless, and you nod, high and complacent, and she kisses at your neck and handles one of your breasts in her hand. you moan a bit, squirming, “i like— haaa, i like when you kiss me and call me yours. i love it when you say i’m sweet and that i’m your good girl,” she moans against your neck, “yeah?”
and you nod again and again, she’s kissing down your stomach now, pinching at your nipples and sliding your underwear off, “i like it— i love it when you call me names, when you call me baby and mami and sweetheart— fuck, riri it drives me crazy,” she’s face to face with your pussy now, your leaking and aching like you hadn’t just cum and she kisses at you lips and you gasp and arch, the next thing you were gonna say getting caught in a breathless moan.
“keep talking baby, can you do that for me? be my good girl, okay?” she says into your thighs and you whine, the combination of being high on riri and weed spiking your brain in waves, but you nod nonetheless. “i— i like it when, ungggg— fuck!” and she’s licking at you, swallowing you once more, keeping her mouth sucking on your clit and holding your legs open.
“riri, baby, fuck— i, i can’t, i can’t—!” and you want to whine and give up, just lay there and let her devour you but what riri said hits your head like a train; “i like obedience,” shes saying lowly in your head and you gasp, wet tears spiking your eyes, and you moan. she wants you to listen to her, regardless of what else is going on.
you sigh, “i like, i like when you make me— haaa, i like when you make me ask for it—! unnfffuccckkk, i like when, when— like it when you make me squirt and you keep… fuck.. keep fucking me after i’ve cum— haaaa, riri baby, i can’t, i’m cumming, baby, please—!” and you feel her nod against you, your clit pulsing under her tongue and it washes over, body twitching and twisting in your overwhelming orgasm. you moan and buck, pussy twitching under her mouth yet again, and you sigh out small ‘thank you’s as she pulls away and kisses you mouth, and you sigh, pulling her closer and wrapping your legs around her waist to pull her against you once more.
“mhmm, fuck, you want to?” she whispers against you, and you nod, already moving against her and she slides off and shorts and bucking against you, her pussy slapping against your once more. she gasps against your mouth and sighs, “you wanna know what i like baby?”
and of course you’re all ears, listening to her and your pussies rubbing together, “i love hearing you, love making you cum,” she twists in a way to wear you feel her entire clit on yours, moving harshly against yours, and she uses her hands to settle your shaking thighs as you buck and moan, “i love when you listen to me, when you’re good for me, baby, you’re such a good girl, yknow that mami?” and she sounds so sincere and it makes you toss your head back and gasp, “yes! uhffff, i’m your good girl, all for you, riri, fuck—!”
and it’s all riri needs, she suddenly gasping against your mouth and slowing her thrusts as she cums against your pussy, her legs shaking slightly, as she moans out curses. you feel it just like you felt it not even three hours ago, her low pulses against your own clit cause you to moan and twist, but you still your body so she can finish.
she lays on top of you once she’s done, sighing and gasping as you hold onto her, sighing yourself. riri leans back up and kisses you again, moving your legs around her waist again and you moan; she’s not giving you any pressure or moving you, she’s just holding you against her.
she releases your mouth and lays on the side of you, sighing, “fuck, my legs are weak,” she says quietly and you nod, giggling and agreeing. “pussy’s that good, right?” and tosses her head back to laugh, shoving your arm. she sighs again and calls you quietly,
“thank you, baby,” and you smile, confused, “for what?”
riri shrugs, “for talking to me, for telling me what you want. i really do like that, yknow, like no bullshit. it might be a kink, honestly.” you laugh slightly, “but in all honesty, i appreciate it. i’m happy you talk to me, about anything,”
so fucking sweet. you smile harder, sitting up slightly to kiss her mouth, mumbling, “of course,” before kissing her deeply.
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when you wake up, there’s a smoothie on the dresser next to riri’s bed and you wear the shower running. you sigh, and smile, grabbing the smoothie and sitting up to drink. once you’re up and stretched, you open the bathroom door, “thank you!” and riri gasps, “holy shit, you fucking scared me! i thought you were still sleep,” she says signing and you can see her through the shower curtain, your mind wondering back to night before.
“i was just saying thank you, baby, didn’t mean to scare you,” you giggle, and start to strip, setting your smoothie down outside and stepping in the shower, the hot water hitting you immediately. riri sighs as you wrap your arms around her and pull her in for a kiss, she mumbles a “good morning” against your mouth and you agree with her, because it actually is.
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part one completed!! don’t worry the other two parts will be out soon, y’all know how i do, they’re being worked on right now. also my requests are still closed at the moment, so do be mindful of that before you ask me to do something; i have a set list i’m working on right now, so i’ll let you know when they open again!
i hope you enjoyed and reblogs, replies, and likes are always appreciated! i hope you guys are having a good new year!! 🤎🤎
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here are all my thoughts and notes from purcon!! not formatted for tumblr but readable!!!
Day 1:
everyone was so happy to be there, and so shocked how many people were there!!! 2500!!!
they showed vids before bringing everyone on stage and continued that throughout the panels. it's a cute touch
Misha auto:
he smiled and i got shaky knees and giggled like a 12 year old with a crush
jensen was at the table next to him!!
very quick but there was a huge line
he signed my book!!
i said "hi misha" and he said hi back
he looked at my destiel shirt and smiled :)
Ty & DJ:
started by telling us thank you for the congrats on their engagement
you can see how much they love each other!!! no pda but the way they look at each other!!
plus they both said multiple times that meeting each other was the best thing that happened
dj has been obsessed with eastenders since the 90s, never missed an episode
ty told everyone not to smoke cigarettes
dj had a glass of wine (it was 1pm)
left 5 mins early to get the Darius auto
Meeting Darius:
so nice and kind!! gentle vibes, literally what you would expect from misha's best friend
i was 2nd in line out of four people
four people in the autograph group so he talked to us all for about 15 minutes as a group
he signed his name on the picture, then asked if misha was going to sign it as well. i said no so he asked if he could sign misha's name for him and we all laughed and i said yes and it literally looks like misha wrote it
he told us him and misha have a competition to see who can bring the other person to a bigger event - darius took misha to the oscars, misha took darius to meet zelensky, but now darius got invited to meet the pope!!
talked to us a bit about filmmaking and how the picture aspect is basically the same throughout film history, but sound changes every week
it took 26 weeks in post for the sound of metal to get the sound right
he's friends with emilia clarke??? and said that she was so upset over the got ending because so many babies have her character's name
he felt the spn ending was rushed
sooooo handsome in person and the nicest voice
darius is getting austrian citizenship bc his grandma was from austria but she had to flee
only saw the last bit but he was of course wandering the crowd
talked a lot about mental health and how we're not alone
said the best place to have a panic attack is a spn convention
Sachin & Osric:
fun!! not that interesting but fun!!
sachin just learned about destiel. like minutes before the panel started
talked about being poc in the industry and how much better it has gotten
it was fine but again not interesting
talked about pranks
talked about maybe being on the boys
talked about mental health
Misha & Jensen:
an hour late bc they made jensen do photos :(
they played the confession right before they walked on stage???
question queue was very long, they took about five or six not so great questions
someone asked what their fave gym equipment is (wtf) and misha said it's the towel to slap others on the butt with
but they were very fun!!
some people decided to tell a sob story at the mic which wasted time. like they know you love supernatural, they know you're nervous, you don't need to tell them.
they joked around a lot
three touches!! fingers, high five, hug!!!
you can just see how much they adore each other
darius was sitting on the steps but they wouldn't give him a microphone :( hopefully he'll come out at misha's panel tomorrow
Day 2:
Jared & Jensen VIP:
question abt Radio Company coming to Germany
Jensen says they're discussing it, his fave songs are Quarter To and City Grown Willow
Mario Kart characters - Jared Yoshi because he poops eggs, Jensen Blue Shell guy??, his 7yo plays Rosalina, JJ can beat him in Mario Kart now
Jared is 25% German (maternal grandpa)
Jensen wants to turn his next Purcon visit into a vacation
one person is talking so slowwwww
Jensen would want to reshoot Bugs without the bees
They had to do a bee allergy test where someone actually picked up a bee with tweezers and made it sting them
3 part question 🙄 with backstory 🙄 about their kids and if they can grow up normal and if they have a strategy if their kids read fanfic
Jensen played baseball in HS
His first school play was a musical
thanked us for letting them do the panels in english without a translator
Crowley was more excited to spend time with Dean instead of being in Hell
Mark went upstairs and helped a fan who had a bad photo with Jared
Got a standing ovation
Ty & DJ:
DJ used anti wrinkle creme on his balls but he stopped when his doctor said it would make him infertile
Ty told us to listen to a 23yo Canandian who sounds like Johnny Cash (Colter Wall??? maybe??)
Ty listens to a lot of country, DJ doesn't really have strong feelings about music
DJ adopted a dog who pissed on his belongings for 10 years - he was supposed to live until about 2 bc of health problems
DJ says to watch the movie Overboard
several questions were asked yesterday
DJ, Ty, and Ty's daughters have matching tattoos (they got them drunk) it's a little skull
Sachin & Osric:
Osric is Timon, Sachin is Pumba
couldn't do notes bc i was in line!! wasn't picked tho, because everyone rushed to the microphone before the last panel was over
one person spent five minutes monologuing
misha said people should ask him questions on their knees
Bishagate reference!! He asked a girl if she was coming out as an alien and she said "that's rich coming from you", Darius laughed so much (while he was still on the stairs)
Compared whipped cream to cum
Darius was on stage!!
greeted us with Guten Abend, Guten Tag, and howdy y'all
said it's not a goodbye to spn, it's a see you later
said swan song was easier than sacrifice bc he was lucifer for swan song so he had to act... reminder: that's his job...
first question was not a question
second question was a prank question
trivializing the thing where jared put coins in misha's car!!! wtf
praising mark p ew
woman keeps talking about her alarm sound which is german dean
called out a woman's shirt that says "save an impala, ride a winchester"
looks like jared will be on the boys, he basically confirmed it
he likes mountains more than beaches
says they might do a beach episode in the future
talking about the finale and the dean death scene
wants to bring jdm to the next con
GIANT line to ask a question
first woman named her kid Dean Jensen
hates toy slime bc it's all over his house
danneel moves a creepy doll around the house to mess with jensen
question abt cas in the winchesters and cas returning!! how to address the confession!! jensen thinks the confession was a long time coming and beautiful and raw and real!! dean understands cas loved him!! said cas saying he loves dean was clear text (rather than subtext) said cas and jensen found each other and when they meet again cas' feelings are just understood
says demon dean is stronger than soldier boy bc demon dean has no soul
boys question - jensen talks about herogasm, jack quaid just told jensen good luck when he went on set, nobody on set knew what was lube and what was hand sanitizer, he was unprepared to see so many naked people, he was standing next to a guy when the robes came off and he "had to do the glance", couldn't help looking at people having sex "there's four people here in a position i've never seen before"
woman crying while asking a question
woman said dj said he wanted to exchange his husband for jensen, and jensen said he doubts it because ty is pretty great
woman telling bad jokes, one about how women having orgasms is like a snowstorm because you can't see it coming?? not true for either i think
jensen needs to do more solo panels. i could listen to him talk for hours
i can't believe i was in the same room as this man wtf
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Hello this is the same person who asked for part 2 of the story “heart patch”. I couldn’t finish my request since I ran out of space so I’m continuing here.
They started speaking and slowly raised their voice almost to the point they started screaming. They told on how disappointed and ashamed they are to have them as students and that they didn’t deserve to be sorcerers. Everyone was scared at them and did not dare to say anything, except for the girl who harassed y/n. She quickly got up and yelled back at them and say stuff like “Why are you both defending her, she’s nothing but a useless human being, she’s so annoying and weak, she’s not even pretty and yet you both fell in love with her!? That’s wrong, both of you are special grade sorcerers, you guys deserve better than a person who is lower then grade 5. You guys should be dating me, I’m far way better than her, and I’m not a useless, annoying and weak person like her. And also I’m way more prettier than her, I’ve tried so hard to make you both fall in love with me and yet you both would always reject me and now your dating her. That’s cannot be allowed. Just break up with her and be with me damn it!!!” She kept screaming until she got punched in the face. Both of them didn’t say anything but gave her death glares and she realized it and shut up. They immediately went to y/n, calmed her down and decided to leave. But before they left, they said “if anyone gets near her and tries to hurt her, we won’t hesitate to fight you back”. They left and went back home feeling satisfied. The grudge they had towards them we’re finally gone out of their system. They got home, got cleaned and made a promise to y/n that they’ll make sure that those people will never harass her ever again. She thanked them and felt really happy of what they said to her old classmates, she felt much better after spending the night cuddling, watching movies and play video games and went to sleep feeling happy to have them as her boyfriends and feel asleep smiling. Sorry if it’s long I wanted some drama into the story and I really wanted to see those old classmates get revenge after what they did.
Heart patch 2
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Paring: Gojo & Geto x reader
Words: 3,4k
Warnings: teacher/student relationship (ex-teachers, bcs they are 28 and yn is 20), bully, slight yandere, violence
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You were in a hurry as you walked down the aisle.
You've been running around the city since morning. Mainly looking for products to buy that you can use to welcome your boys home.
It's been a while since you've been with them. And therefore, for the fact that they are with you, you want to give them everything you can. Surprises and gifts. You don't earn as much as they do because you gave up being a sorcerer for your sanity. And you don't regret it. You don't want to do what you can't do, and you're not going to do it, for your sake and for theirs.
Satoru and Suguru wouldn't want you to do something you don't want to do.
For how they support you and show you affection, you want something more for them.
That's why you've been running around the city since morning looking for products to make their favorite dishes for them.
And everything had to be perfect.
They are coming home tonight from a few days overseas mission. You must greet them with dignity. To just give them everything that will keep the same smile on their faces as always.
You already had all the products that you only had on your list.
And even though Suguru doesn't like sweets that much (not like Satoru) you wanted to make a little dessert for them. Or rather, a dessert plate. In the morning you baked a cake to make a small cake. And today you went to the store to get decorations and accessories. The last thing you needed for this was cream mochi.
You don't have time to go to Sendai and buy those that Satoru praises so much. That's why you wanted to go to Tokyo's handmade mochi stall that Satoru buys.
You couldn't fight your way through crowds of people on the sidewalks and streets all the time. That's why you wanted to take the subway there. It would be faster.
But the queue at the store was a little longer, and now you're practically running to the subway station to catch your train. The sooner you get home, the sooner you can get ready.
You've got to clean up a bit, you've got to cook what you need.
You have a lot of things to do.
You looked at your watch to check the time.
And you hit someone's shoulder.
You almost lost your balance but managed to stay on your feet.
You gripped your shopping bag tighter, checking to make sure nothing had fallen out.
You automatically turned to the man and started apologizing.
"(y/n) (l/n)?"
You looked at the person's face.
You go to school with her Jujutsu...
"Long time no see." She said.
"Yes... I'm sorry but I'm really in a hurry." You said frantically looking at your watch. You have 10 minutes to get to the subway.
"Oh, okay." She said with a small smile. But as you were about to leave, she suddenly stopped you. "(y/n)! I was thinking, why don't you come to the class reunion? It's in three days at the restaurant around the corner."
Why is she telling you this?
"None of us have contact with you, so some have already given up the idea of ​​inviting you... But I managed to meet you, so I invite you now!" She gave you a nice smile.
After all, she was one of the nicest in your class.
"Sorry, I already have plans..." you said. You didn't want to go there because you remember times when others weren't nice to you.
You can always go out with Satoru and Suguru. And no one can prove it to you.
"I see... Maybe you'll change your mind? The invitation will always be up to date. However, if you want to come, just come to this address at 6pm." She handed you an embellished invitation card with everything written on it.
Saying goodbye to her, you quickly walked the other way, hoping to catch the train on time.
Because the subway was a few minutes late, you made it in time, and managed to buy mochi flavors that suit them.
Satoru will eat anything. And Suguru will eat anything that isn't overly sweet. That's why you thought you hit the right flavors.
You prepared two big cupcakes for them. For each individually. One had purple cream and the other blue. Just so you don't get confused.
The blue one had sprinkles, tiny marshmallows on custard, filled to the brim with chocolate inside.
The purple one was more fruity because you didn't want to make a different cake for two cupcakes. Both were chocolate, however, Suguru's one had plum jam inside. On the cream some sprinkles and fragments of dried strawberries.
You thought they'd like it.
But every time you did anything, all you thought about was the invitation you got.
Are you going to that class reunion or not?
After all these years, you're supposed to look people in the eye who never liked you?
Why did you leave that life to start over? Better. No more sorrows.
If you go there, it will be really uncomfortable, won't it?
You stood there stirring the soup while you also waited for them to come back. They should be here soon.
You have to hide your discomfort in your thoughts for them. So that they don't have to worry about you.
Due to the fact that you are not focused on your surroundings, but on your thoughts and stirring the food in the pot, you did not hear the door to your apartment open.
Strong hands appeared around your waist, and before you could react, you were lifted up.
"Got you!" Satoru screamed, cuddling up to your back as he held you up.
You laughed at his childishness (even though he was older than you).
Geto's face appeared in front of you and he greeted you kindly and kissed your lips softly, because when Gojo picked you up, you were higher than ever.
When the white-haired man released you, putting you on the floor, he suddenly disappeared as he ran to the living room.
You grabbed a spoon and stirred the food in the pot so it wouldn't burn.
Suguru hugged you from behind, resting his head on your right shoulder. Keeping your hands wrapped around your belly.
"It smells delicious." He said with a small smile. He watched you slowly you stir with a spoon steaming food
"This is the second course, especially for you." You replied to him, turning down the heat on the burner under the pot.
"You are so good and perfect..." he said.
You didn't feel that way now. Because without them, you'd still be nothing as a sorcerer...
You found your place with your former teachers at school.
And your meeting with your classmate today made those moments come back to you like a boomerang.
Pulling out the necessary plates and bowls to eat, you started preparing a table for three.
Just then you saw Satoru enter the house again, several boxes in his hands, a small paper bag in his teeth.
They always had gifts for you.
But after you ate, your mood took a turn for the worse. Previously, you might have had a bit of a distraction while reading the exact recipes to cook it all perfectly. And now all you could do was look at their happy faces and the food.
You hate hiding something from them so much...
You feel so guilty then. But you don't want them to care.
"You're quiet, are you okay?"
You looked at the white-haired man sitting on your left.
"Yeah." You nodded putting on a fake happy smile. "You better tell me how it was on your trip."
After your hair was well dried after your shared shower, you started making the bed for you while your boyfriends finished brushing their teeth.
"Have you noticed the way she's acting?" Gojo asked as he stood in front of the mirror looking at his chin, wondering if he had shaved properly this morning.
"Nah. I noticed. Something happened. Besides, she never asked how the missions were because she knows it's shit." The dark haired man replied, combing his dark strands and making a low sleeping ponytail.
"She's worried about something." The white-haired man looked down at the floor, his eyes wandering to the bathroom exit.
Then they both left the room to go to bed.
But also to know from you the truth about what happened.
They both entered your bedroom and asked you seriously what happened.
Of course, as they expected, you avoided answering their question at all costs.
"Do you think the color of the pillows is ok? I changed the sheets but forgot to ask if that's okay with you." You took the pillow in your hands and showed it to them.
Suddenly a soft thing was ripped from your fingers.
"Pillows are okay. But you're not." Geto said, watching carefully.
"What happened, (y/n)?" Gojo added seriously.
"Nothing's wrong. I'm just tired. Let's go to sleep now, okay? Tomorrow we can go out together. If you want."
"Stop avoiding this topic." The dark haired growled.
Your chest tightened at the tone of their voice. They know full well that you're not okay. And they want to get the truth out of you. Only for your own good. So that they can comfort you.
"... I met one person today who I went to class with in Jujutsu High..." You said with a lump in your throat. And tears started to slowly build up in your eyes. "I've been invited to a class reunion. And I don't want to go. I don't want to be the laughing stock again. I don't want to be hated by the rest of the people again... I don't want them to remember me... I don't want to meet them only to cry when I get home later..."
For the next hour they lay in one position with you, squeezing you soothingly in their body hug and so. Hugging you and comforting you like never before.
Every time in school they saw someone bully you somehow. How sorry you are for others.
They were sorry that they had to have students like them.
It was just a shame that they had known them all for several years.
They promised you that they would go with you.
They wanted to make you feel good there, because neither will they make you feel like a princess there.
They will walk with you, they will be with you all the time. You will be together everywhere. To make you feel your great value.
No one has the right to hurt you after so many years. Because they will also do everything to make you there with a smile on your face. Everything for you.
They got out of bed in the morning and took you shopping.
You could pick anything you liked and they would buy it for you. Shoes, dresses, jewelry. Even though you may have felt bad about them buying it all for this one occasion, they told you that you could always wear it for them on a date. And they also love to pamper you.
At home, the final choice of outfit for you has been made. So that both of them wouldn't be jealous, they decided that the most sexy dress for them would stay on your body only as a sight for them.
And the dress they chose for you to wear to your class reunion was just as beautiful.
They did it on purpose. To overshadow with your beauty those who have always hated your closeness with them.
You held their hands as you entered the room as you walked between them.
And your entrance made many look your way.
They had the right to come here. As your former teachers.
And they looked so handsome in their black button-down shirts, along with black pants and shiny leather boots.
Many people looked at you with admiration.
A few with envy of your outfit and the fact that you are with the handsomest teachers they couldn't get at school.
One person in particular who hated you for it. And she wanted to destroy what you have because of them. Your self-esteem as well as your happiness. Only because you managed to make them fall in love with you. And she failed to do so after years of trying.
You stood more aloof sipping drinks with your boyfriends. Sometimes others from your former class asked you about various things, eager to talk.
There were moments when the questions did not please Geto and Gojo, and they cast scowl at their former students.
The person who had always been so nice even to you was now staring at you with daggers in her eyes. Just because you had her two dream men with you. Handsome, rich, so what if they were a little older. They were her ideals, even if sometimes there was something she didn't like about them. She's been trying to get them for years. That's why now when she sees that you, someone weaker than her, has such men next to her, she can't be nice to you anymore.
You were the reason why she could never win their hearts.
After you left, she tried everything to make them notice her. Nothing worked out for her. Because? Because they were clearly showing that they were busy and in love with someone else.
They have always loved you... And it wasn't fair...
When glasses of wine and small desserts were served, your boys disappeared.
But for an hour it felt like someone was lurking to come to you. They left for a while just to get something you like and also your favorite kind of wine. Well, even Gojo who doesn't drink alcohol will be tempted by some sweet wine.
As soon as they disappeared behind a small wall, a girl with a glass of wine appeared next to you.
"(y/n), Hey, I'm glad you came," she said with a fake smile. "I came over to tell you something. Because, you know, this dress is beautiful. But..."
Suddenly, she lifted her glass of wine lightly and threw it at you.
"But you don't deserve a dress like that. You're too useless."
You wiped the red wine from your face and looked down at your dress. All destroyed. Red wine stains are not easy to remove.
She cut you off before you could say anything. She hit you on the cheek.
She followed you and suddenly shoved you, causing you to fall into a small red puddle next to the shattered glass.
"You could never be a sorcerer, and you never will be. You're just a disgrace calling yourself someone with cursed energy.
As you tried to get up, she kicked your arm, causing you to fall a second time, surely hurting your knee on a piece of glass on the floor.
"I don't know how you did it, but how did you manage to get Gojo-sensei and Geto-sensei to be your boyfriends? You are pathetic. You are nobody!"
Tears welled up in your eyes as you heard those terrible words. And the giggles of people around. It's literally like you're sitting in the spotlight and the whole world is watching your tears.
Someone appeared in front of you, stopping the girl for a moment from further action, but someone then quickly disappeared after a few equally harsh words were received.
Another glass of wine was slowly poured over your head. Making alcohol run down your hair, down your face, down to your dress.
"A hopeless bitch who thinks she can be somebody. You never deserved them –."
She heard a call and then they saw two tall men with murderous auras.
Gojo took two glasses of wine from his best friend and walked over to her.
"Shall we drink some wine?" He asked without any expression on his face.
She looked at him with sparks of happiness in her eyes.
But just as she was about to reach for the glass from him, she saw him tilt the glass, spilling the red drink over her. Wetting her hair and dress. Making her make-up slowly run down.
"Gojo-sensei..." She murmured in surprise.
"What? That's what drinking wine is like for bitches like you."
Suguru walked over to you and gently lifted you off the slippery floor.
You pulled your hands away from him and pushed him away, still crying.
He hugged you without hesitation, reassuring you a little.
And with a silent saying "I love you" he left you against the wall and with rage boiling up in him he approached the girl.
"Geto-sensei." she muttered, hoping he wouldn't be like Gojo.
She was wrong.
At the same time, the back of his hand hit her cheek, causing her to fall to the ground.
A sign that you can't mess with someone who could even kill her with one hand in a second.
She looked at you as you stood against the wall with your back to what was going on.
Your skin was wet. Just like the hair. Your shoulders were shaking, which could have been a sign that you were sobbing.
Another glass of wine was sent to her head. The glass was thrown to the ground.
"You don't know what a shame it is for us that we had to have students like you... You don't know what a disappointment you are to us. Anyone who thinks they're better than her. I've never regretted teaching someone so much before!" Gojo said slowly changing his tone of voice from serious to screaming.
"Probably none of you ever deserved to be sorcerers." Geto added, adding even more darkness to the situation.
The girl snorted in rage and got up, not wanting to sit there and listen to it.
"Why are you both defending her, she's just a useless bitch, she's so annoying and weak, she's not even pretty, and yet you both fell in love with her?! That's too bad, you're both special grade sorcerers, you deserve better than someone who may be lower than 5th grade. You should date me I'm way better than her and I'm not a useless, annoying and weak person like her. And besides, I'm so much prettier than her, I tried so hard to make you both fall in love with me, and yet you both always rejected me, and now you're dating her. This cannot be allowed. Just break up with her and be with me!!!" She yelled at them.
And she stopped when a hand appeared in front of her face and slapped her hard across the face. The sound of the impact echoed in their ears, and without a word they came over to you, massaging your shoulders and gently hugging you. They started walking out with you, guiding you protectively outside.
"If anyone gets close to her and tries to hurt her, we won't hesitate to fight back." Geto said, giving them a death glare that everyone feared.. When Gojo opened the door for you, he did the same. Making their former students' hearts almost stop.
You were lying on the bed hugging a pillow to your chest.
Straight after a soothing hot bath, they took you to bed wearing one of Suguru's very loose shirts.
You sat up when they sat on either side of the bed and placed one hand on each of your knees. They both drew invisible lines on your skin.
"(y/n)-chan, never worry about what other people think of you when they are jealous. You are beautiful and wonderful. Ideal. And we will always be with you." Satoru said, giving you his smile.
"We promise that only you will be the most important for us and we will only love you. And we will never let that happen to you again." Suguru said.
You nodded slightly, pressing your nose into the pillow in your arms.
"Thank you for doing this for me..." you murmured, feeling as if small tears were still on your face.
"For you always everything." They said almost simultaneously.
There were snacks and various other things on the bed.
They specifically moved the TV from the living room to the bedroom and hooked up the console, giving you a game pad, letting you choose what you want to play. Same with movies.
Only they can make you go to bed with a smile every day. Snuggled up in them.
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adorecline · 2 years
If you ever do a khloe kardashian x reader could you do her introducing reader as her gf in the confessional thing (yk where they talk to the camera) And R pops in w True on her shoulders giggling, then when she leaves (the person behind the camera who like asks them questions yk??) comments how good she is with true and Khloe is like “Yeah, she sits and watches frozen with her everyday because I can’t stand it anymore”😭😭
Maybe R is at the house w khloe while they’re filming and she’s like talking to the camera while Khloe religiously organises her fridge and Kris is like “but it’s perfect because you’re just as OCD as Koko!” and R is like “…how did you know that” completely forgetting Kris has seen her very organised house
Cut to clips of everyone being asked how they feel about Khloe and R and they all say how they love R bc she’s great and makes Khloe happy and is amazing with all of them always calling to check in and asking if they need anything yk?
Basically R being the perfect match for Khloe asfter trashton and the whole internet loves her and Khloe together. Maybe R is an actress or athlete✨✨
4 Fan Favorite Khloe x Y/N Moments {Khloe Kardashian x Fem!Reader}
Summary: a series of the fan's favorite moments of Khloe and Y/N from the show.
Warnings: mild cussing, possibly implied sexual situations, maybe more
i do not give anyone permission to copy or repost my work on here or any other websites. no translations either. likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
1.) The Reveal
It was revealed y/n and Khloe were together when y/n appeared on the show out of nowhere. She and Kylie were in the background playing with True, Stormi, and Chicago. Then skip forward a few clips to Kris and Khloe talking and y/n walks in with True sitting on her shoulders and y/n kissed Khloe's cheek telling her that she's going to watch a movie with True. Then cut to the confession scene with the person behind the camera asking what's going on between Khloe and y/n and Khloe blushes a little and is like "We've been dating for a little over 5 months and it's been amazing. I love her, my family loves her." And then they ask what True thinks about her, "True and y/n are literally best friends. She's so great with her. They watch Frozen together everyday which I'm thankful for because I don't think I can handle watching that movie anymore."
2.) 1 year Anniversary Photo
Khloe posted this of her and y/n for their one year anniversary. Fans went absolutely wild of course because THIS PHOTO IS SO FUCKING CUTE!!
story behind the photo: of course we know it's their one year anniversary, BUT there's more to it. y/n took Khloe and True on a trip to Puerto Rico and they spent a week there. They had multiple dates. (True stayed with y/n's friend who lives in Puerto Rico or something)
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3.) Paparazzi Interview
Ok so y/n was drunk when this happened, but she was out with some friends celebrating one of her friend's birthday and when they were leaving y/n gets stopped by the paparazzi and they start asking questions about her and Khloe's relationship and she's literally just starts gushing about how much she loves Khloe. She's literally just like "I love her more than I've ever loved anyone" "I don't know what I'd do without her" "She's so fucking important to me" "I wanna be with her forever" Fans were freaking out and making little edits of them with the audios of her saying all that.
4.) Lucky Charm
y/n is a basketball player and she always gets Khloe and the other KarJenner siblings + Kris front row seats to her games. The team was running out onto the court then y/n runs over to Khloe and kisses her for good luck making the crowd "awe"'s and cheers for them and they're on the big screen. They win the game and the clip goes viral and Khloe's new nickname is 'Lucky Charm'.
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oh-my-wolfstar · 2 months
Taylor Swift Wolfstar songs day 36
Todays swing is going to be Timeless, Speak Now from the vault. POV Remus as he imagines all the different ways his and Sirius’s love story would have played out in worlds where they were never torn apart. Set post OOTP as Remus let’s himself realize that Sirius was the love of his life.
And, somehow, I know that you and I would've found each other In another life, you still would've turned my head even if we'd met Remus know that he and Sirius would have found their way back to each other, even if only in another life. He knows that the way he loved Sirius was so magnetic they would have been drawn together through space and time if that’s what it took.
On a crowded street in 1944 And you were headed off to fight in the war You still would've been mine We would have been timeless I would've read your love letters every single night Even if they’d met in the middle of a war not before one, even if they’d been torn apart like they were they still would have fallen for each other. And you would've been fine We would have been timeless 'Cause I believe that we were supposed to find this So, even in a different life, you still would've been mine We would've been timeless
But in another lifetime they would have been ok. Because their love transcended time, even if their story was written on another page they would have been in love.
I thought about it as I started lookin' 'round At these precious things that time forgot That's when I came upon a book covered in cobwebs Story of a romance torn apart by fate Hundreds of years ago, they fell in love, like we did And I'd die for you in the same way if I first saw your face
And thinking about all the love stories he’s read Remus can’t help seeing him and Sirius in them. In stories of love and tragedy, of people who fell in love when fate forced them apart Remus saw them. And he knew he’d die the same way as the characters of his books if he could save Sirius.
Time breaks down your mind and body Don't you let it touch your soul It was like an age-old classic The first time that you saw me The story started when you said, "Hello"
Time has worn Remus down but his love hasn’t changed, he and Sirius were destined to be the greatest love story ever told from the moment they met.
In a crowded room a few short years ago And sometimes there's no proof, you just know You're always gonna be mine We're gonna be I'm gonna love you when our hair is turnin' gray We'll have a cardboard box of photos of the life we've made And you'll say, "Oh my, we really were timeless"
The first time they met seems like only a few years ago in Remus’s mind, and somehow he just knows that he’ll always be in love with Sirius. Somehow he knows that he’s going to love him when he’s old, and in another life they both would have been old together, knowing that their love was timeless. Because in this world they were torn apart, but in a thousand other ones they were bound to be together.
yea, so that was sad. But this whole song is sad, the way she says “we are gonna be” and then doesn’t finish just tells me that she knew they weren’t going to be timeless in this life. Also, in my head cannon Remus never gets with Tonks bc that whole relationship literally never would have happened.
edit: I’m so sorry, I forgot to put the freaking day 😭
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wackymaci · 2 months
Maci Wiki Snips - the entire backstory - part two!
(Part one here!) [part two!] (part three here!)
bc who tf knows if I’ll ever really finish wiki and, well, this is all written!
Pre-canon events & backstories: This section contains information about Maci from before the canon Elysium’verse began - events that have taken place essentially “offscreen,” but are still canonical, and even crucial, to Maci’s history. Presented as a short biography… into narrative story.
copypasted again! still very long and still an entire STORY, of course picking up in the very next section following the previous post.
CW: Thanatos. THIS IS TRULY AN EXCRUCIATING READ (it was also an excruciating write) - physical-emotional-sexual abuse, violence, etc etc etc - PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
we (all of you allowed on this blog) basically already know the whole gist of Maci and Thanatos’ past (although I know there is one Specific Detail in this that I have NOT shared before that is going to make you all Gasp) - but since this is a very detailed summary of their full entire story it is of course horrific. s. sorry in advance. WELL.
So without further ado and wincing through reading this the entire way -
Ages 17 to 20... Thanatos.
Maci was now 17, and was being eaten alive by gnawing desperation, but she’d circled back to reminding herself that at least she was pretty. This was something she felt she could cash in on while she waited for Thanatos to realize she was available.
Without telling anyone what she was planning, that winter Maci gathered an insane sort of press conference in the Underworld and announced to the crowd that she was willing and ready to have sex with anyone who would have her. The audience of Chthonic entities did not actually seem to mind the thought of taking the virginity of a teenager clearly in the midst of a manic breakdown, but Maci's announcement was at first met with silence and hesitation, for if this was some sort of trap laid by the royal family, surely anyone who touched her would be subject to the wrath of the King and Queen. While they were slowly realizing that Maci was in fact completely serious - though again, clearly, in the middle of some sort of episode - Maci's flirty speech was interrupted by Thanatos.
Thanatos was always discreetly monitoring Maci for his own ulterior motives and he had been in the crowd that had formed. He was alarmed – not over Maci’s visibly waning mental health in this moment, but merely at the thought of “the ultimate prize” he had spent so much time carefully shaping and grooming giving herself away to anyone who wasn’t him. On the spot, Thanatos decided that he couldn’t risk anything or anyone getting in the way of everything he'd planned for years and seized the opportunity.
Thanatos appeared next to Maci and made a show of concerned outrage, beginning a hushed argument between them in front of the grumbling crowd until Thanatos told her that he’d keep her safe by sleeping with her himself. Finally stunned into acquiescence, Maci allowed him to teleport her with him back to the palace. Once they were alone, she lashed out at Thanatos for making fun of her, but Thanatos (who knew exactly how to talk to her and what she wanted to hear), assured her that he wasn’t joking. He told her that sure, doing all of this was… unhinged, but who was he to stop her from doing whatever she wanted to do? She was the Princess, after all. And if she was dead-set on sleeping with random people – sure, why not, but also… why not let that first random person be someone she knew and trusted, instead? Tearfully, Maci confessed that she could not possibly allow him to have sex with her out of pity, for she was in love with him, and always had been. And Thanatos, playing her like a fiddle, replied that he’d always loved her too - that was all it took.
Maci and Thanatos began to date, and Thanatos insisted they continue as an open relationship to allow Maci to meet her goal of sleeping with as many people as possible. The sex addiction that would follow Maci for the rest of her eternal life well into the present day (and never resolved) began here, as she was instantly intoxicated by the rush of endorphins and easy attention that came with. Meanwhile, Hypnos acted weirder than he ever had now that Maci and Thanatos were together, perhaps, in Maci's opinion, on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She chalked it up to jealousy (at Thanatos’ expert assessment) and paid him no mind.
Thanatos hit her for the first time about a month and a half in.
When it happened Maci burst into flames and threw him out; he didn't argue and retreated to his home in Tartarus. Days later, when she could no longer stand being alone, and felt that the string of anonymous sex she was having was no longer a sufficient band-aid, Maci sought him back out and demanded answers. Thanatos was all syrup sweet apologies, promising it would never happen again and swearing he had no idea what had come over him. Desperate to bury this and move on, refusing to acknowledge the glowing red flags and with no one else to turn to, Maci had Thanatos swear an unbreakable Stygian oath that he would never hit her again. He did swear this on Styx as asked. This was in fact the only time he would ever hit her through the rest of their relationship.
A few days later, Maci was with Thanatos when out of nowhere his mood turned suddenly cruel, and he began to neg her with sharp barbs and personal insults. Maci was successfully triggered into anger, her emotion-fueled powers setting ablaze again. But this time Thanatos was ready, armed with a theory he had been working his way up to testing: immortal deities did not need oxygen to function – but fire did. He strangled her until the fire went out, and Maci found herself choking literally beneath him, in a state of shock as Thanatos assumed the upper hand. As he finally dropped all his pretenses, Maci at last met the real Thanatos.
Over the next few days, weeks, months, Thanatos carefully outlined their new dynamic. He explained he was in love with her; he’d always been in love with the blind adoration and worship she held for him, though now he loved the look of fear in her eyes much more. Maci tried to break up with him – he refused. That wasn’t up to her. When Maci sought out Hypnos, he followed her to him with his scythe, and revealed, as Hypnos sobbed and bled, that Hypnos also didn’t make decisions of his own.
Maci couldn’t process the cruelty that was being inflicted upon her by her best friend, the love of her life, the only fucking person who had ever seemed to care about her. In fact, Thanatos seemed to enjoy reminding her that there was no one else beyond him. It was springtime by now, and Hades was not about to notice that anything was amiss in Maci's personal life. It was the time of year that Hades hardly noticed she even existed. When Thanatos began to wield his scythe against her too, Hades did not spare a second glance at the gory slashes Maci barely hid, proving Thanatos smugly right.
But though she was horrified to admit it, during these early months Maci was still in love with Thanatos, and she also couldn't stomach the thought of solitude. She was crippled by a fear of abandonment that had festered and grown by this time in her life. Thanatos plied her with niceties and the attention she craved, taking pleasure in the way he could easily dictate the rise and fall of Maci’s hopes, and she remained wrapped miserably around his fingers even when his faux kindness turned viciously cruel. She told herself over and over that at least he was better than no one. He also wasn't keeping her prisoner in the formal sense, and the terms of their open relationship still stood. Publicly, Thanatos still acted as the Underworld's darling, and they both knew no one would believe her if she tried to tell anyone what was happening. In her spare time, Maci numbly took solace in endless random sexual escapades, grasping after any fleeting moments of pleasure and affection that she could manifest.
This all went on, though by the next year, Maci age 18, her adoration for Thanatos had at least finally faded. Maci was far from the docile plaything that he was trying to force her into being, and she found the indignant energy to snap back; verbally, physically. Thanatos could overpower her every time, and everything was worse when he was angry, but she felt that it was worth something to piss him off, at least. The gravity of the nightmare she was living in began to sink in whenever Maci was alone with her thoughts, so she did everything she could to avoid ever being alone. When she was not with him, she distracted herself by seducing anyone across the Underworld, building a new reputation for herself that she felt vaguely proud of. She spent all her time in random beds or with Thanatos and was rarely at her home palace - and whether or not her parents noticed that she was a touch more withdrawn, a touch angrier, a touch cagier; whether they had heard the rumors about her activities; Maci never knew, as neither of them ever addressed her about it.
She also spent more time with Hypnos. He had always been a part of Maci’s life as her second best friend, but it was only now with the first spot open that Maci really started to pay legitimate attention to him. Eventually at Maci’s insistence, Hypnos admitted to her the scale of which Thanatos had been terrorizing him for their entire lives. He also confessed that he’d suspected Thanatos’ plans for her and regretted that he hadn’t tried harder to get her (or anyone prior) away from him before it was too late. Maci was stricken with the realization that Hypnos had been truly at her side while she had taken him for granted. Bonding through their mutual abuse, they began to lean on each other more and more when Thanatos was not looming over their heads. Eventually, Maci pushed their deeply trauma-bonded friendship into something more, and Maci and Hypnos began to date, secretly, behind Thanatos' back.
He found out, of course. It was at least a year later (Maci now 19 years old) that he finally acted in response, though Maci suspected he’d known for much longer before. Thanatos was always annoyed each time he caught the two of them together innocuously, but the level of anger he reached when revealing he knew their relationship was more than platonic was beyond anything he’d ever shown. Unfortunately, it was not difficult for Thanatos to twist this new dynamic back under his control. As an act of humiliating punishment, he forced Maci and Hypnos together; each terrified that the other would be hurt, they had become each other's biggest weaknesses. On this night, Thanatos used his scythe to slit Maci’s throat, nearly decapitating her.
Gods cannot die, and even what would normally be considered a grievous injury could eventually knit back together over time. In unimaginable pain, barely even able to speak, Maci was now left as prisoner tossed within Thanatos’ Tartarus cave, though he did not come or go and had whisked Hypnos away with him. Maci’s worst fear was to be alone, after all, and this was a punishment. The wound Thanatos had slashed into her healed tortuously slowly - when it was eventually “healed” enough for Maci to collect herself and leave, she disguised the horrific injury with a scrap of black fabric torn from her own chiton, tied around her throat like a choker. This black choker accessory would become part of her signature look forever through the modern day - though today that scar is only noticeable under close scrutiny, faded from time.
Not knowing where else to go, she looked for Thanatos, hoping at least Hypnos would be with him, and Thanatos promptly collected her back under his wing. During this second wave of their “relationship,” the occasional manipulative kindnesses he had sometimes tossed to her were no more. Thanatos was now bitter and cruel to Maci all the time. The resistance Maci had spit back upon him during those early years was also fizzled away - Maci quietly disassociated through each day. Thanatos' levels of physical violence escalated to include the occasional breaking of bones in addition to his ever-present scythe, and he now forced Maci and Hypnos together often. They still secretly clung to each other whenever they could, but both had numbly accepted that there would be no reprieve from this and Thanatos' constant surveillance. The passage of time was a blur. In public, Thanatos was somehow still all smooth charm, and though he was always flanked by a trembling Hypnos and an uncharacteristically docile version of Maci, no one ever guessed the truth.
The scope of Thanatos’ abuse came to a final crescendo sometime after Maci was 20 years old (maybe even beyond that, as she had reached two decades and stopped counting her immortal years). Unbeknownst to Maci, Thanatos had secretly procured a poison that he believed could strip a deity of their immortality - this had always been a long-time dream of his. Though Hypnos had grown up listening to Thanatos talk about this impossible goal, he was floored when Thanatos bragged to him exactly how his relationship with Maci would soon come to an end.
Hypnos had never stood up to Thanatos before, but he knew that he could not let this happen. As Thanatos cornered Maci alone to insist that she drink the glass he’d prepared for her, both Maci and Thanatos were equally shocked when Hypnos burst between them and shattered the poison in the nick of time. While Thanatos was frozen in disbelief, Hypnos breathlessly explained what had almost just happened to her... and Maci's state of disassociation flickered. No deity had ever died before. The sheer, insane, terrifying gravity of the Fate that she had missed by mere seconds crashed upon her as a weight heavy enough to launch her back into her senses. Then Thanatos snapped back into his senses, too.
He descended into an unhinged frenzy of rage and obscenity and lunged to hack violently at Hypnos, who was instantly overtaken. The scene unfolded before her in what felt like slow motion. Staring frozen in shock, it was here that it dawned on Maci what was happening and had happened; what Thanatos was doing to Hypnos and had done; what Thanatos had just tried to do to her; everything that Thanatos HAD done to her. Again she was snapped back to sudden reality. Maci, shoving down the fear that had consumed her for the past few years, forced herself between the twins and exploded.
Though Thanatos was in an uncharacteristic state of wild madness, redirecting his scythe wildly as Hypnos stumbled out of reach, Maci was now fueled by almost four years of her own stifled fury and she fended him off as a blazing inferno. Successfully forcing Thanatos back, Maci urged Hypnos to flee to the palace and bring back help. He returned with Persephone, who only understood what Hypnos had been trying to frantically explain in the throne room once she saw the scene of violence still unfolding. Infuriated, she peeled Thanatos off her daughter with an endless cascade of vines summoned from the underearth. The veneer of normalcy Thanatos always put on in front of everyone was shattered, completely gone even in front of the Queen herself, and he howled and fought as he was restrained. Restraining Hypnos too for good measure, Seph rushed to Maci, who now extinguished and collapsed.
And then it was over.
The immediate aftermath of Thanatos
Thanatos and Hypnos both were collected to the palace as prisoners (despite Maci’s insistence that Hypnos had nothing to do with this – they were known for being inseparable, and Seph wanted to be safe rather than sorry at this point. Hypnos did not argue), and before a court made up of the King, Queen, and the Primordial Titan-goddess Nyx, summoned as Thanatos and Hypnos’ mother, Maci finally revealed the truth, leaving no details out.
The list of shocking accusations would have seemed almost impossible to believe if Seph herself had not witnessed Thanatos at his worst. In fact Thanatos, even while held now within the constraints of thorning vines, was no longer bothering to hide his chilling demeanor. As the three elder divinities listened to Maci explain the sequence of events with Hypnos timidly chiming in when prompted, their reactions varied. Nyx seemed… appropriately horrified, but strangely did not protest the descriptions of Thanatos’ behaviors. Seph was visibly furious and heartbroken, devastated that Maci had gone through this, especially without anyone realizing. As for Hades – at first, he managed to be skeptical, but the evidence of Thanatos’ crimes in Maci and Hypnos' clear injuries could not be denied, as well as Seph vouching for what she had personally seen. Staring next into Thanatos’ unrepentant icy glare, Hades too settled into anger that such a betrayal of the royal family had occurred.
Maci had chafed at the fact that her word alone was not enough for her father to unconditionally support her, but by the end of this conference, it was still clear that something needed to be done, and all eyes turned to Lord Hades to announce the punishment that Thanatos should face. But Hades suddenly seemed troubled in a different way, and after a period of terse silence, he unexpectedly requested to speak to Maci alone. He sent everyone out of the throne room and Maci, with some anxiety, faced her father one on one.
Hades was quiet for a long time. He solemnly began to explain to her that since Thanatos was a Death God, one of only two in eternity’s existence, he did not think there was anything he could comfortably do to punish him, lest he risk the collapse of the functioning of the Underworld. Then, as Maci listened in dull horror, unable to believe what she was hearing, Hades turned on her, exasperation and frustration in his voice. He demanded to know how could she choose to get involved with this situation, knowing Thanatos was essentially untouchable? What exactly did she expect him to do to fix this now? Hades turned vicious, falling back into their pattern of relationship after all this time - had she done this on purpose to make a scene and be the center of attention again, wasn’t that just oh so typical of her? And for that matter how dare she prostitute herself across the Underworld, making a fool out of the King? He spat that he had always assumed she could take care of herself, but now it was clear that she was not capable of it, and again, what did she possibly expect him to do now that she had ruined her own life, and allowed Thanatos to take advantage of her stupidity?
Though Hades' words were callous, it almost seemed as though he had not yet fully made up his mind on what to do, or not do. For once, Maci did not respond to Hades’ provocation with matching vitriol. Instead, with another piece of her shattering inside, Maci tried to plead to Hades' sensibilities as her father and not just the King, begging him not to do this to her. But the longer Hades went on without responding, the more Maci's temper began to boil, rising in sheer desperation even while tears welled in her eyes. Finally she snapped at him that it was some move to send everyone away first, lest Persephone find out what a heartless fucking monster he was - the second the words were out of her mouth, Hades' gaze turned ice cold, and Maci knew she had sealed her own fate.
He reconvened their conference. Before Hades could issue his final decision, Nyx had the quick audacity to address them and plead for mercy for her son (just the one, ignoring the other who had suffered at his hand). Maci never knew whether Hades’ decision was drawn from this final request from the influential Nyx, or from her own last conversation with him; either way to the shock of everyone gathered including Thanatos himself, Hades formally announced that Thanatos would be free to go.
Ignoring Maci sobbing next to him, Hades issued a proclamation to serve as a restraining order, barring Thanatos from interacting with her ever again. This would serve as Thanatos’ singular punishment. Then, ignoring the furious disbelief of Persephone on his other side, Hades went on to issue a further proclamation – citing Maci’s clear inability to responsibly handle herself, effective immediately until further notice the Underworld’s population as a whole would be ordered to embargo her, and in fact anyone caught interacting with her would be personally imprisoned. As Maci wailed and screamed and pleaded to deaf ears; as Seph sat disgusted and outraged at her husband but unwilling to override him; as Thanatos bowed to the King, recollecting himself at once into his simpering, smirking demeanor; as a horrified Hypnos was ushered away by him and Nyx, still tethered to his brother with no end in sight; Hades offered no apologies, and he exited without looking back.
And with that, the saga of Maci and Thanatos' initial "pre-canon" history, and generally the overall sequence of events that inform the crucial components of Maci's character, is considered to officially end here. Thanatos would actively re-enter Maci's life after about two millennia had passed, now within the narrative of the Elysium'verse's canon storylines.
Maci would remain in Hades' forced isolation for the next eight years before circumstances (also pre-canon, briefly discussed in the following section) finally allowed her embargo to lift. She would then carry on into the rest of her life as the person this history had formed her into, the version of Maci who exists currently - all of it neatly compartmentalized inside of her, but quietly fueling absolutely everything about her personality, behaviors, and decisions.
✧*̥˚Maci literally would not begin to deal with any of the emotional or mental effects of her childhood and adolescence until about 2,000 years later, throughout the canon Elysium'verse.✧*̥˚
one more part left to finish this pre-canon up, the brief events immediately following that include Melinoe! (Part three is here now!!)
IF you made it to the end of this post- holding you I’m so soRRY.,,, but let’s all cradle Maci together because :(((((((((( AAUUUGHHHHHHHH— ahem once again questions and comments are appreciated AAHHH—
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seblos · 3 months
how do you think the glee gang would mesh with the hsmtmts gang, if at all?
i at least think klaine and seblos would like, never shut up about musical theater together akfjdlsk. brittany and gina would be dancing circles around everyone. and i like the idea of a tina/ashlyn friendship idk
oh my god i have thought about this so much you dont even KNOW....
i cannot tell if klaine and seblos would absolutely love or hateeee each other like you have the two very distinguished gays of more or less the same taste and then you have daddys money and his farmer boyfriend who are equally as annoying (said with love) but in the opposite regard. i honestly do think carlos and kurt would be besties but i think they would lowkey side eye each other at first.
now that i say it i can absolutely see carlos kurt and blaine all talking about cashmere and seb is just like :) <3
i think carlos and gina would hate rachel tho 😭 the whole hsmtmts gang in general is so omg were so different but were so family and we all play to each others strengths!! and then seeing rachel just dominate theyd be like uh. no
gina would sooo be into the unholy trinity crowd but i think she would also bring them down to earth a little, and i think it would lowkey spook ricky to see all of them hanging out and talking to him bc big red told him when they were freshman or smth that santana put kurt in a dumpster 💀
also tina and ashlyn friendship is gold, and them + kourtney and mercedes as well i think <3 (hsmtmts did just take the glee cast and duplicated it but thats another story 😭)
also need s1 ej and rachel berry to meet. sent a girl to a crackhouse x slipped the lead a bad deviled egg are a match made in hell
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tuxedokit · 1 month
If you could relive any of your memories, which would it be?
weve been mulling this over like all day but we have so many good ones from this lifetime its hard to decide. im gonna ask around and we'll compile the best ones here - [AR] Autopilot 💾
last summer on our familys annual beach vacation we did shrooms and saw through the fabric of the universe and befriended The Horrors. that was pretty cool. id like to relive being high off my gourd stargazing in a place with such little light pollution - Starlight 🌌
im gonna say when we were in tennessee like almost 2 years ago. we had flown out to visit our friend (now qpp & partner system) seepy and heart's so small they're shorter than us and i dunno it was the first time doing something like that and she was so small in my arms and i could honestly have just held him forever. i love you seeps ◇ - Carpet ✨️
yesterday for our friend bears birthday we went to an enchanted forest escape room and it was so well put together and ethereal and it was the best 40 minutes of my life in this physical realm ive never felt so at home. there were puzzles and mushrooms and music and gnomes and my bestest friends were right there too!!! oh it was so wonderful - Sayakura 🧚‍♀️
confessing to luci. nuff said. but i wanna say more so im gonna: it was me realizing i was in love at the same time as confessing cause i kinda just asked for advice in a group server w them fdsgjsksl. we were already qpps and apparently my family thought we were already dating (i mean we called beem our soulmate like - ✨️) but like i wound up spending the whole afternoon just thinking about them and being giddy. it was nice - Luna 🌙
mine's gotta be the first time we climbed that abandoned water tower past the ravine. we had spraycans and i wrote trans rights on the side of it. the wind gave us such a thrill, it was incredible. and the view was definitely worth it - Waks 📹
im claiming that time in grade 11 when our gr9 science teacher + gr11-12 bio teacher mr coulter approached me and asked if i wanted to go on a field trip to the science centre that was intended for the grade 12 kids. i didnt know anyone but i didnt care bc mr coulter was there and i wore my new animaniacs shirt and i got to run around the science centre itself during the lunch break and play with genetics stuff (i was such a nerd about punett squares and all that its no wonder he asked me specifically). i think the best part was the feeling i had when i was sitting next to mr coulter on the bus ride there and back. he let me take a selfie with him.... mr coulter was like a father to me, so it meant a lot. - Quinn ✉️
i wanna relive when we were playing with shanny and teagsi and we climbed the big tree near the ice rink by our school. i used to read up there too :) - Little One 👾
the body's nanna flew us out to grenada in march... i would like to relive swimming at that beach, on that little island in carriacou. the water was clear and a such beautiful blue, the air was just a little too warm and humid, and sitting on that beach reminded me of my old home - Riku/Shore ⚔️
mine's gotta be the second year we went to camp mini yo we! specifically, reading the letters mom wrote me for each day of the week. she wrote a little story about me; i was the doctor's daughter but i didnt know it, and i had powers that warped me through space and time seemingly at random. she wrote that i found a place and led a revolution against tyrannical oppressive overlords. not single-handedly taking down the villains, but helping empower the people so they could fight for themselves. by the end of the week we had found a crowd of invested listeners in the other girls at camp. it was nice... i think about those letters a lot - Secret 🧩
we were bodily sitting alone in the grass at a local park, it was right as we were discovering our plurality. i could see all of us all over the park, as if we were all there. the kids were playing tag, some were poking around in the forest right there, quinn was in that big tree we like to sit under... scrooge and quinslap were off smoking a joint, sitting on a tree trunk that had grown a little horizontal before it remembered to grow up. it wasnt in our view but we know the path and it was in the area enough that they could be there while our body simply sat in the grass. it was a fascinating and beautiful feeling. like a family picnic, but with only one person present. - [AR] Autopilot 💾
might add more later
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i absolutely love your bard reader series! it is practically perfect, just so well written.
my only complaint would be how much detail is put into the self insert? i wish they'd be a little more,,, vague, i guess? for premium self insert fun. but i get it, their backstory does add to the story so, and it's not a big deal to me !
anywho, here are some fun ideas for bard!reader, just cause. brainrot.
-liyue: a peking operatic, maybe with a pipa or a guzheng
-inazuma: a musical rakugo(storyteller) with a shamisen
-fonatine: a steampunk rocker with their nations newest musical invention: an electric(mechanical?) guitar
-sumeru: a ghungroo dancer (the ones with the bells!), or maybe a bharatanatyam/another classical indian dance one
-snezhnaya: a ballet dancer or even a conductor that uses their elemental powers to simulate a mini orchestra
-natlan: a griot(poet, sort of) themed after anansi, an african storyteller spider god OR a native american dancer with a flute
Bard!reader does feel more like an oc, huh? They've always felt more like their own character to me, with their own story that just needs to be told. I've had their starting story in my head, from back in Monstadt, and I felt with the situation in Sumeru they'd need to lean more a certain way, personality wise, to survive. Sumeru is not welcoming, there's heavy crowd mentality, and with their backstory I'd feel they'd act and feel a certain way bc of that. So maybe it's better to read them as an oc that you're tagging along besides.
And these ideas!!!! Put under the cut bc this gets long...
But, even though I know their story from Monstadt, and Sumeru to some extent, it was hard for me to brainstorm the other nations! A peking opera singer in Liyue? That's amazing, maybe they're working under Yun Jin, like how now they're working with Nilou at the theater! Mister Zhongli is a frequent visitor, and is an amazing source of history, telling you all about the origins of the peking opera.
They probs had to stay low in Inazuma bc of the Vision hunt decree, but maybe is secretly helping the resistance by being a rakugo, with either a shamisen or guquin (chinese instrument they learned from yun jin!!) and listening in on meetings and the like. After all in 'Second Male Lead, Enter!' Our bards says,
"I had a wanderlust. Spent a lot of time in Liyue, Inazuma was pretty interesting. I spent most of my time with a felon running from the Shogunate, whom I met on a pirate ship."
What felon do we know from Inazuma, huh?
They would play and hang out Xinyan, so they recognize the rock and roll style in Fontaine and sends her and Yun Jin (and Barbara back in monstadt) post cards and photos and lots of letters promising to go on tour with them there one day. (They all formed a performers club and promised to go on world tour together one day.)
I did a little research though, and ghungroo dancers and griots both seemed tied to religious and cultural traditions. For instance griots were typically born into the role and assisted their kings, while ghungroo/ bharatanatyam dancing was restricted to temples before it became more mainstream in response to the British and Christians trying to bash and ban the arts. And I'm still doing research for the native american dancers and flute players, but that also looks cultural and particular to certain tribes and the like?? Maybe Bard!reader meets these sorts of people, helps them out and learns things from them, like meeting other characters in a quest!
Ballet is also something that takes years to learn, but our bard has some experience, so maybe they join a school in Sneznaya, and there they meet a girl named Tonia. You two become friends and she insists you come for dinner, her brother has come home to visit so mom is making a feast, there's plenty to eat!! Only she failed to mention her brother is the famed Harbinger Tartalglia, whom you met in Liyue and wouldn't. Stop. Flirting with you. He steals the food from your plate and tries to feed you off his own, and their mother jokingly asks when's the wedding. she's not joking.
There's so many cultures and so many traditions and each have their own acclaimed spot for the arts and I think that's amazing. It's so interesting to think of exploring these cultures and arts, and our bard definitely wants to explore them all. Imaging them as part of these cultures is neat too, I'm just not sure how to write them and I dont want to disrespect or demean these cultures with mediocre writing.
Thank you for all the ideas love, and thank you for enjoying my story! You've definitely given me a lot to think about, and I hope you stick along for the rest of our bards story!
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madisonrooney · 7 months
I hope this isn't too personal or anything but what kind of relationship do you have with Dove? Do you have her phone number and actually talk to her or is it more of a fan level relationship? I'm not trying to be mean or anything I'm just a new follower and don't know a whole lot
we're married /j
no youre totally fine!! it is a fan relationship but like to the extent that she knows who i am, remembers me, remembers details about me, etc. and ive met her many times over the last 8 years
ill put it in under read more for the people that have already heard these stories hundreds of times lol
i first met her at d23 expo 2015 when i was cosplaying as maddie. was absolutely sobbing when i met her and she started to tear up herself. she called me honey and sweetheart and rocked me back and forth while i hugged her still bawling lol
my first liv and maddie taping was about 2 months later and when i reminded her who i was (she didnt know right away but i get that since i wasnt wearing glasses or a ponytail) she jumped out of her chair hugged me and said HI SWEETY and wouldnt let me go even when jordan fisher started talking to me lol (he recognized me too) she told me my cosplay made her whole weekend.
we had some more great interactions at the next few live tapings. at the last one with a meet and greet, she said "i know you!!" right when she saw me. i mentioned my mom coming to the following taping (which sadly never happened bc it was cancelled) and she was like "ive never met your mom!!" and the fact that she was aware of that and saw it as something important warmed my heart.
about a year passed without seeing her but i saw her again at the 2017 rdmas which was the first time she said "i love you" to me without me saying it first. this was around when she really started to remember me without me having to reintroduce myself.
the rise of the isle of the lost book launch was the following month and she said she loved that im always at these events. 2 months later was d23 again and she said "hi love!! how are you!?" when i got my descendants 2 cd signed by her.
one of my favorite interactions was 2 weeks after that at the stage door of mamma mia at the hollywood bowl. right upon seeing me she said "hi baby!!," hugged me, and asked how id been in the last two weeks since we'd seen each other. at the time, i didnt know when id see her again so i took a moment to remind her how much she means to me and she said "you are an angel in my life."
a random meet and greet came up a few months later for her hair extension line where i was once again greeted with an immediate "hi baby!!" and hug. when i walked away and waved goodbye she shouted "i love you!!"
another favorite was at a panel for agents of shield the following year that happened in nyc when i just so happened to be there for spring break. as she walked in the room while they were playing a clip, she quietly said hi to people and gasped upon seeing me, gave me the usual "hi baby!" and stopped on her way to the stage to give me a hug. after the panel, she said goodbye to everyone, saying "i love you, i love you, i love YOU" and hugged me again saying "thank you for being here as always"
8 months later was the first preview of clueless the musical which i went back to nyc specifically for. this was another all time fav interaction. her face lit up when she saw me in the stage door crowd. when she was done meeting other fans, i once again got hi baby, "so good to see you," and her telling me she saw me in the audience + proving she meant it by telling me where i was (so she def saw me drooling over her for 2 and a half hours...but she probably expected that from me). i met thomas that night as well and my mom was with me too and she said "hey babe, they approve of you! and theyve been around longer than you have!"
about half a year later was disney channel fan fest where i once again got a hi baby when i was next in line plus a cute little dance over to me that lead into hug when i walked up.
that was my last interaction pre-covid and the only ones ive had since (save for her 2021 concert where we did interact but im not certain she knew it was "me" bc we didnt like talk and i was wearing a mask) have been at the cameron boyce foundation gala where ofc shes still sweet to me but naturally shes not as excited or talkative given that were mourning someone. but last year, she said "hi babe!" and gave me a hug. i didnt get to talk to her much then but this year i wanted her to know that even tho i wasnt able to show it for a while bc of quarantine that im still supporting her every step of the way and she brushed my arm sweetly and thanked me. she blew my friend and i kisses when she left and told us she loved us.
worth noting tho that the only social media interactions weve had have been her liking a handful of my comments on instagram and tiktok, and i cant even be sure that she knows the comments shes liking are from "me." i have too much social anxiety to be on stan twitter, so we dont communicate over social media at all or anything. but she knows me on a face to face basis and knows ive been there from the beginning and have gone to lengths to see her in her biggest moments.
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