#and stalked Sebastian for 5 of those hours
miraco · 8 months
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Guess who’s into stardew now :3
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angelkurenai · 4 years
Worth it - Sebastian Stan x Reader
Title: Worth it
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Warnings: None
Prompt: hey, do you write for sebastian stan? because if so, here’s my request: sebastian say on a talk show that he have a crush on a singer and would love to meet her, and her manager contact him to be in her new music video! if you decides to write it, thank you x
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“Speaking of- of fans and how passionate they can get about something, I think we can all agree that when it comes to finding things, no matter how hidden, they're masters at it, right?” Conan asked, pausing for a moment as the audience cheered and clapped, he looked at Sebastian who nodded his head with a small laugh “Like, the FBI should just fire all their staff and hire fans because they put even Sherlock Holmes to shame!”
“You can't hide a single thing, if it's out on the net.” he said “And they're fast too! Sometimes I have to spend hours looking for the most simple thing, like a good recipe for pasta, and you'll see them dig up tweets from ten years ago in five minutes!”
“I know right?” Conan laughed a bit “I mean, personally I don't mind to be honest. But it's like, before you know it,videos of you from the '90s come up on your feed again and the naked pictures you took in the 2000s reposted again for everyone to admire your-” but he stopped, giving a look to the audience who cheered a little bit too loudly, some even laughing “Oh you sick per- I didn't mean that!”
“You-” Sebastian tried to hold his laughter, frowning as if to look more serious “You're talking about yourself here right?”
“I-” Conan stifled a laugh “Well, yeah. I usually embarrass myself and not the guest unless you have something to share with us now Sebastian.”
“I-” Sebastian cleared his throat, shaking his head “No, I'm good. I think I'm good, no need to give Mackie more info. Although I feel like after this interview-” he couldn't help but crack a smile “My social media accounts will be... attacked to say the least. Who knows what they'll dig up.”
“Now that you've mentioned it, well technically I did but it's easier to blame you because I can't lower myself any further than I already have in this show-” Conan pause, once more narrowing his eyes at the audience who laughed “Whose side are you on?” he shook his head dramatically “Anyway, where were we? Oh yes, remembering our sinful pasts.” that earned more laughter from both the audience and Sebastian “And speaking of that, I wanted to tell you, that there is this account that's called “Sebastian Stan doing things.” are you aware of that?”
“I mean, yeah, it's called my life.” he said with a small smile, earning a chuckle.
“There are accounts like this for other celebrities and while we were going through this account we noticed one major difference from the other ones: It was filled with posts of you that were actually very rare. According of course to the comments because it's not like we stalk you or your social media or anything. I definitely don't have posters of you shirtless around my room or anything.” Conan scoffed, shrugging casually and earning more laughter, continuing after a couple seconds “But there was this particular video of an interview of you and during that interview you got to talk about uhm your favorite singer...?”
It ended mostly as a question only meant to ask Sebastian in a way if he remembered it. It certainly didn't take more than half a second before the man was laughing in embarrassment, head hanging low as he could feel the nervousness settling in. Maybe he couldn't remember the entire interview per se so he couldn't remember if it was as embarrassing as he feared – not that he had much hope, he had been told plenty of times by his friends that he lost control when it came to you and his obvious admiration for you – but that didn't mean that this one wasn't going to be. If anything he was 100% sure that this one would be even worse. But he nodded his head anyway and spoke.
“I uhm. Yes, yes I think I know which one you're talking about.” he said, finally looking Conan in the eyes.
“Well-” the man couldn't hold back a laugh at the silent plea in Sebastian's eyes to not speak up further because it honestly was too funny and in the end spoke again “It's good thing, really, because I was watching it and I have to say this, that I realised early on, you are a big (Y/n) fan, aren't you?”
“I'm... somewhat.” Sebastian cleared his throat and avoided eye-contact only because he knew that was a big fat lie that anyone could see right through.
“Somewhat? Alright, let's- How about we take a look at a small clip of the entire thing, yes?”
“So the Grammys happened last night and you guys didn't mis on the opportunity to do a live. Anthony let me tell you that Beyonce can't compare to you.” the interviewer looked at Anthony and Sebastian who laughed “You singing along to her will forever be remembered. Just like Sebastian's own mini concert. One we didn't really expect, to be honest, because you seemed to know the lyrics real well. Given that it is (Y/n)'s newest song. I wonder, is there even a moment you hesitated?”
“Oh sister you've seen nothing. The real question should be: Is that how you're on a daily basis? And I'll tell you, calmly: Fucking hell no! He doesn't shut up about (Y/n) or how amazing she is, how funny and how sweet, how great of an artist she is or even singing her songs!”
“I'm not... that bad. It's not like- I mean it is mostly the shower!” Sebastian defended himself “And besides that, she isan incredible artist! She puts her heart and soul into every song and, come on, you saw her performance too! (Y/n) nailed it and she was worth every grammy and every win of last night.”
“The neighbors ain't gonna think so, though.” Anthony muttered “very time she won, you'd hear Sebastian nearly screaming 'Yes!' at the top of his lungs. Don't deny it, don't! Just don't even try to, I have proof and I'm sure the entire neighborhood will come to as witnesses to the court.E”
“Is that so? Well, interesting to know. See, I was actually going to ask you Sebastian: what was the most say memorable moment and, say, your favorite one but I'm guessing it's-”
“(Y/n)” he laughed a bit shyly after his too-fast-and-honest response “I mean-” he shrugged a bit “(Y/n) is simply, how can I say it, (Y/n). And she's incredible, it's impossible to not be in awe and not to admire the woman simply for who she is and for how wonderful she is as a singer too. She manages to make people, me included, feel so many things with the way she sings, her words and voice could just as easily be out of this world. And it's not just her voice, there is all this raw emotion coming out on her face, in her eyes, as she sings that you can't help but feel it too as you get pulled in. I mean, even her videos can leave you speechless, easily compared to some of the greatest movies I've seen. I swear I've cried more times during her songs and videos than I have ever before in my life. She's got this-”
“Friendly advice: Stop him here, he could go on for hours. He has done it before!” Anthony warned.
The interviewer laughed and nodded her head “Noted. So Sebastian, I'm taking it you could also say you're a fan then?”
“I'm-” he looked carefully at the camera “... Maybe? Well, yes, obviously yes. Alright.” he ended up adding after a good few seconds of silence “Gosh I know that if this ever gets out on the net, I'm not gonna hear the end of it from my friends.”
“I might be playing a dangerous game here but, may I ask why?”
“And that-” Conan paused for a moment to let the crowd applaud “Is only the beginning. We don't have much time but the interview kept on for much longer, yes? And you get to talk about her and your admiration for much much longer, correct?”
“Yes.” Sebastian cleared his throat nervously “That would be the case, yes. See although we were also talking about the movie too, she was mentioned many times because it was relevant to the topic.”
“Yes, for you. Because, and I say again I've watched the whole thing, Anthony was speaking about the movie too but he didn't bring her up every 5 seconds.” he looked him dead serious in the eyes, which earned a nervous awkward laugh from Sebastian and laughter from the audience.
“Come on man, it-” he chuckled, head ducking almost shyly “I wasn't' that bad. Just give me a break.”
“But I'm not even exaggerating here! People will think that just because I'm a drama queen that I'm somehow making things up but, and the video is up now on channel for you to watch, I'm completely serious. Do you- See you spoke a lot about her and clearly had a lot to say about her, we don't blame you. Who can? (Y/n) is indeed incredible and an amazing singer. But do you know how many times you said her name for real?”
“Uhm.... no?” he asked slowly “I- I think it was plenty of times because I'm a big fan, I can't help it-”
“Yeah, no kidding.” Conan teased him, unable to hold his laughter “I would have never guessed!”
“Come on man. Stop it.” he said but only in a low voice, the awkwardness and embarrassment growing with each minute passing by. He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck “I mean-” he dared look Conan in the eyes “There are so many fans of hers worldwide, why embarrass me out of all of them the most?”
“You are our guest tonight though.” Conan chuckled “If anything, I'm pretty sure Anthony said at some in the interview – and you should all go ahead and watch it- that you are more than just a fan. He went s far as to say that she's your celebrity crush. No?”
“I-” he started but cleared his throat, shifting in his seat and look at him with a tight smile.
“And the fact is also verified by Chris Evans in another interview, which our amazing staff found. That one by chance, mostly, but it was well worth it.”
“By chance. I'm starting to believe both Mackie and Evans pushed those videos forward to you or something.”
“We shall forever wonder.” Conan chuckled “But besides that, crush or not – a question you skillfully voided answering – you are quite the fan. Yet you don't know how many times you mentioned her, at all?”
“No, no of course I didn't keep track. Seriously I have no idea.”
“Really? Because, Sebastian, you said her name 18 times.” he paused only for two seconds to let the crowd cheer and applaud while Sebastian laughed even more nervously than before “Like, I kid you not, I counted. I even made the rest of the staff count. It was 18 times. In just one interview. What do you have to say about that?”
“Well... I might be a really big fan?” he suggested slowly and with a smile that could only be described as awkwardly cute but it did the job of making the crowd laugh.
“You might Sebastian. You might.” Conan laughed “But seeit surprises me that, you are a celebrity yourself, you're well-known and famous and really successful and despite having all that and despite being such a big fan, despite admiring her for years, you have yet to meet her, correct?”
“Well, seeing how I am still alive, I have not met her yet no. Though, as everyone that knows me is already well aware of, I'd really love to one day. Will I survive to tell the story? Probably no, but it will be worth it.”
Was it worth it though?
He kept asking the same question to himself over and over again ever since he got the phone call from his manager. And with it being two days now and the interview having been three days now, he couldn't help but feel like this was not real. It could not be, he had to be dreaming and yet try as he might to wake himself up he couldn't do anything about it. Maybe the way his stomach was tied in knots and his heart was beating so hard and fast, threatening to break free from his ribcage, and the way his mind felt so lightweight as if he couldn't even think straight was enough proof that this was very much real as much as it was a torture. A torture to feel all of that, a torture to wait, a torture to watch the minutes tick by without any news and in a maddening silence of a small room, a torture to feel this anticipation without a result with each passing second. It was all of that that made him wonder if it was worth it.
And all of that that answered the question as well. He was probably being overdramatic but even if it were for him to not survive meeting you, it would all have been well worth it.
It was all well worth it indeed, and even more than he imagined, when the door was pushed opened and the first thing he saw was your sparkling eyes, almost widening at first, and the beautiful albeit shy and nervous smile that got only bigger when you saw him.
It was all well worth it when you spoke to him, voice low and soft, sweet as honey “Oh gosh, I can't believe this is happening. I'm-” it was all well worth it when you laughed sheepishly “Hello, it's great to meet you at last! I'm (Y/n).”
It was all well worth it when he reached for your hand and took it in his with murmured words of his own and a smile that made his cheeks hurts. It was all well worth it when he felt that skip in his heartbeat.
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erchommai-a · 4 years
main timeline.
●     Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern is born on the second year of the Uprising.
●     Jocelyn’s betrayal.
●     Jonathan is presumed dead along side with Valentine on the 3rd of February.
●     23rd of August Clary is born.
●     On his 3rd birthday, Valentine gives him his first sword.
●     His training begins.
●     It was on the eve of 21st of January that he learned about the existence of the other boy.
●     On his 4th birthday, he learned about demons and met, face to face, with his first one.
●     He wasn’t allowed to fight it.
●     On his 5th birthday, Valentine taught him to hunt.
●     He was also 5 when he first tried to kill Valentine.
●     When he fails, he hears Lilith for the first time and thinks it’s a dream.
●     He learns to take care of himself out of necessity ─ Valentine’s absence is frequent and unpredictable.
●     A week before his birthday, he manages to break into Valentine’s laboratory and burn half of his books.
●     He is 6 years old when he first learns of the whip.
●     He is also 6 years old when Valentine explains to him the nature of his birth when he realizes the scars don’t heal.
●     On his 7th birthday, Valentine gives him a Falcon.
●     He named it Munin to match Valentine’s Hugin.
●     He doesn’t ask anything when he’s ordered to kill it.
●     He asked Valentine if he learned that from her instead.
●     He shot down everything that dared to fly over the cabin in Valentine’s absence for a month.
●     He makes his first attempt to find out where Valentine keeps the other boy so he could kill him.
●     Valentine finds out. As compensation, he lets him kill his first wolf.
●     On his birthday, he gets a bow and a spear and the whole day with his Father.
●     Jonathan asks him about Jocelyn for the first time.
●     He breaks both of his new gifts a month from overuse.
●     Valentine introduces him to other weapons to pass the time until his next lesson.
●     On his 9th birthday, Valentine gave him the challenge to kill his first demon after teaching him the exact place in a man’s back where you can pierce his heart and sever his spine all at once  .
●     He thinks he hears a voice inside of his head but it never answers back.
●     Valentine starts with his formal education. Having instilled enough of what could be considered discipline in the boy.
●     He introduced him to languages, history, and the art.
●     He introduced him to all the necessary education that comes with the life of a Shadowhunter.
●     He learned to play the piano and the violin but his interest was still pulled more closely to things he could do with his hands.
●     He enjoyed whittling and woodworking with his Father.
●     And consuming books in his absence.
●     On his 11th birthday, Valentine informs him of his plan to give up Jace as his present.
●     His unquestionable loyalty to his Father is sealed then and there.
●     His lessons begin to focus on adapting more human traits, spycraft and learning quick magical spells to help in fights and healing.
●     Valentine also starts rigorous experiments performed on him to study the full effects of the demon blood on his constitution.
●     Physical and Mental experiments alike.
●     It’s the first time he’s seen his mother since she had put him to bed that night before Valentine fled.
●     It’s the first time Valentine brings him to the apartment and he only sees his mother in passing before he is sent on his first mission.
●     He dreams of Clary.
●     He spends the next six months stalking and studying Sebastian Verlac.
●     He explores Paris with him.
●     He learns everything about him.
●     He only kills Sebastian when his Father calls him back.
●     He introduces himself as Sebastian.
●     He finally meets Jace and Clary face to face.
●     He dies by the foot of a river before Valentine’s plans come into fruition.
●     Presumed dead. ( Again. )
●     For six months, he is enveloped in darkness ─ practically dead except in thought ─ forced into silence and face the absolute madness of solitude and only Lilith’s voice in his ear.
●     Lilith brings him back through the twinning ritual binding his life source to Jace.
●     He is incapacitated for at least a month ─ borrowing strength from Jace to build his body and his strength back.
●     Jace and Jon shenanigans.
●     Team Evil shenanigans.
●     Clary ruins said shenanigans and breaks the bond between Jace and Jon.
●     He flees to Valentine’s backup apartment in St. Petersburg.
●     He recuperates only for a month but not before leaving dead angel’s wings ( which he actually just stole from Valentine who stole from Ithuriel ) in front of the New York Institute’s doors with “Erchomai” drawn out on the asphalt in red blood like the dramatic bitch that he is.
●     Starts the Dark War while also starting an “affair” with the Seelie Queen.
●     Kills more wolves than people tbh. ( Sorry Praetor Lupus peeps. )
●     Mostly turned a lot of Shadowhunters into Endarkened.
●     Drags Dark War into Edom.
●     Makes himself God. Traps the heroes.
●     Dies.
●     Like an idiot.
●     “ I’ve never felt so light. “
●     TO CLARIFY:HE DOESN’T DIE  because he doesn’t have humanity left because THAT IS ABSOLUTELY BULLSHIT and I don’t sign up for that. HE DIES BECAUSE CLARY STABBED HIM IN THE HEART which is a lot more poetic and also appropriate so fuck that CASSANDRA.
●     RIP.
 2009 / Alternative Post COHF .
●     On the off chance he does survive ─ through some miracle or another ─ but also you know you can’t tell me that Clary couldn’t have just you know thought very hard and tried to save him. LIke I get why she didn’t cause he sucks ass but I’m just saying.
●     Okay for my preferred canon ─ I prefer Jocelyn being the one to go through great lengths to keep him alive.
●     His body is carried in her arms from Edom back to Earth. From there, he is submitted to the Silent brothers for funeral preparations but he isn’t fully gone. 
●     The fire is low but it’s still burning through his system. 
●     Tying his soul to his body.  
●     And one of the effects of the Heavenly Fire is kind of a test of wills. A challenge of how much of that little ounce of humanity in him can survive before the fire burns out. And the answer is six months in a comatose state ─ under 24 hour supervision from the Clave and the Silent Brothers where his survival and existence is kept in close wraps and is unknown beyond those within powerful influences.
●     A fake funeral is done in the interim ─ there is no grave. The Shadowhunter World’s biggest threat defeated. 
●     When he wakes up, he is immediately put in a cell without Jocelyn’s knowledge. The deliberation on his sentence takes months.  
●     Eventually his existence is exposed before the clave could come to a decision ─ the calm and peace that came with his death disappears overnight. Demands on his death are made. Attempts on his life follow not long after. The deliberation worsens.
●     Jocelyn is the only one arguing for his humanity. 
●     He hasn’t spoken to a single soul in months because no one is allowed to speak to him. His cell is warded off. 
●     He makes three attempts to kill himself. None ever quite work.
●     On the eve of his sentencing ─ he thinks it Jocelyn when its Clary who breaks him out.
●     “ Mercy, “ she said.
●     He remembers the word and he says no more before he flees.
2012 .
●     He hides in plain sight in Bucharest for a few years.
●     His skin no longer pale. His hair is sometimes a golden sheen under sunlight.
●     His eyes are a bright green.
●     He still has his Father’s resources.
●     He still has his skills.
●     He still has his weapons.
●     Sometimes he still hears Lilith even though he knows it can’t be.
2014 .
●     Moving to Munich, he fell in love with the Architecture of the city.
●     He was almost mauled by a werewolf, suspecting it first as an old demon coming to collect a debt he had owed or Valentine had.
●     He only lasts a few months before rumors start spreading that the Clave might be circling him.
●     He drops everything and changes his Alias for the 3rd time.
●     It’s snowing when he makes it to Amsterdam.
●     He falls easy prey to the many offers of the city ─ mundane and supernatural alike.
●     Find favor in a local warlock, he seduces him for information and protection.
●     Keeping himself safe for another few years.
2017 .
●     Leaving on somewhat good terms, he re-settles in Bolungarvík, finding it much easier to assimilate in a small town.
●      Building a life as a complete stranger and carving the smallest footprint available as his own home.
●      He picks out land on the outskirt of the town, much closer to the mountains where it reminded him of home than to the sea.
●      He gets back into Woodwork.
●      Eventually, sparking up a relationship with the local fishermen he gets the occasional job when he needs it.
2019 .
●     He gets a dog.
●     For the first time, it’s not named Jace.
●     He names him Wednesday.
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longhornanderson · 4 years
he left the bloodstains on the carpet ₪ seblaine
TAGGING: Sebastian Smythe & Blaine Anderson
WHEN: 5 MAR 2020, 1900
WHERE: One of the many UT Gyms
WHAT: One smooth criminal stops to lay down some lines on a sexy fellow student. Both of them fill with tension in a hot moment, however that tension shifts when they realize who exactly they’re flirting with. 
Before every workout, Blaine always washed out the tightly held down curls and put away his bow ties. Then it was a tank top, zip up jacket, and shorts. Just like California, Texas always had that crisp air that made joggers unneeded. There was a bit of cold weather every now and then, but he liked to let his skin breathe for once. 
Even though the university had several gyms, Blaine always choose the same one. He used his student id to check in and abandon his things in a locker. Walking into the gym, he was typing up his hands. He took his usual position next to the punching bags. He noted that somebody was there and did a small head nod. He knew them from days before. He started to move his arms in a bit of a warm up before peddling his feet. Hoping up and down, he started to get his body warmed up while his friend was just finishing up his own work out.
the  thing  about  sebastian  is  that  he's  a  man  of  routines.  or  rather,  the  sort  of  man  who  plans  a  routine,  follows  it  for  a  few  days,  and  then  changes  it  completely  to  better  suit  whatever  he's  got  going  on  that  day.   but  he  makes  the  effort,  which  some  days  feels  like  half  the  battle.    some  of  it  is  petulance,  a  way  of  thumbing  his  nose  at  the  strict  PT  regimens  he  used  to  have  to  follow  after  the  accident;   it  is,  if  he's  honest,  the  only  reason  he  still  bothers  with  the  gym.  (  though  picking  up  hot  guys  is  surely  an  added  bonus.  ) 
he's  fresh  off  the  treadmill,  40  minutes  of  light  cardio  down  and  about  an  hour  of  weights  training  to  go,  when  he  let's  his  ennui  get  the  best  of  him.   his  eyes  dart  around  the  room  as  he  wipes  down  his  equipment,  eyes  locking  onto  fists  connecting  with  a  punching  bag  a  few  stations  over.   he  doesn't  recognize  the  guy  —  not  unusual,  given  he  usually  frequents  the  gym  closer  to  his  dorm  room,   but  decides  there's  no  better  time  than  to  change  that.    so  he  tosses  the  cloth  over  his  shoulder,  approaches  like  a  predator  stalking  his  prey  as  he  comes  up  from  behind.    (  in  reality,  he  simply  dips  his  head  down  to  drink  from  the  water  fountain  ...  affording  him  the  opportunity  to  get  a  good  look  at  that  ass.  )      but  he's  not  a  creep,  so  he  straightens  up  and  makes  his  presence  known.   "  nice  form. "
Eventually, Blaine high fived his friend and waved him off. Afterward, he put up his hood and continued his warm up. Striking lightly, getting use to the sensation. There was nothing he was particularly angry about today, but he had enough energy for short loud burst. With his body warm, he started one of his usual routine. 
Blaine fell in love with Gym culture. Every once and a while, you'd run into that one jackass. Overall, everybody was cool. Blaine found himself talking to some of the regulars after his workouts. Especially if they come talk to him during. So when he felt eyes on him, Blaine didn't stop. He kept hitting, letting the sweet sound of the sand bag vibrate in his ears. 
"Thanks." Blaine growled through clinched teeth. He didn't mean it, he was in the moment. He breathed out his next sentence. "Better be, being doing this for years." He got in three more jabs. Left, right, left. Front curls flopped out the front of his hoodie. The last hit was louder than the rest. He breathed out the tightness in his muscles. He leaned onto the punching bag as he reached down to get his water bottle, keeping his face unintentionally hidden from Sebastian. His dark eyes glanced around to the other punching bags. "I'll be off in about five minutes if you want a round." Blaine offered as he took a drink.
the  guy's  intense,  focused  on  what  he's  doing,  and  sebastian  respects  that.   he  watches  as  fists  hit  the  bag,  interest  in  his  eyes  as  he  comments.   "  it  shows.   impressive.   how  ...  rocky  balboa,  of  you. "   he  turns  away  for  a  moment,  goes  through  the  motions  of  filling  his  water  bottle  even  though  he's  already  decided  to  cut  his  work  out  off  short.
the  smirk  settles  easily  when  the  guy  responds,  his  voice  smooth  like  silk  as  he  responds.   "  depends.   if  you're  asking  if i  want  a  round  with  the  bag  ...  i  think  i'll  pass. "   it's  as  subtle  as  a  giggle  at  a  funeral  but  that's  sort  of  his  M.O.   he  sees  what  he  wants  and  he  goes  for  it.    "  --  but  i  was  just  about  to  hit  the  showers,  maybe  go  for  a  drink. "    brows  lift,   eyes  still  dancing  over  the  muscles  of  the  mystery  man's  back.    selfishly,  he'd  be  just  as  happy  skipping  the  drinks  and  heading  straight  to  dessert  ...   but  he's  patient.   or  can   be.    (  you  have  to  work  for  the  things  you  want  in  life.  )    "  what  do  you  say,  killer  ? "
Blaine almost blushed at the compliment. He had to admit, it was nice to get this sort attention. This wasn't the first time that Blaine picked up numbers at the gym. A smile formed on his lips around the water bottle. He finished his sip. 
Drinks though? This was new. It took all his might not to whip around to get a look at the man who was flirting with him. Oh that voice, it was so smooth, silky, so sexy. But there was something so familiar about that voice. Especially the use of that word, Killer. "Well, if you need a partner--" He finally turned around and his hoodie fell off his head. Loose curls bounced out and adjusted to the frame of Blaine face. The words got caught in his throat as he finally saw Sebastian's face. "Sebastien." Blaine articulated every syllable of his name carefully. "Sebastian." He repeated with wide eyes. 
he'll  kick  himself  later  for  not  waiting  to  see  a  face  before  laying  on  the  charm.   he's  a  sucker  for  tight  muscles  and  loose  curls  and  apparently  they've  finally  gotten  him  into  trouble.   he'd  always  figured  it  would  happen  one  day,  but  he'd  never  expected  to  accidentally  flirt  with  his  archenemy  (  okay,  that's  a  stretch.   blaine  barely  cracks  the  top  five  '  worst  people  he's  ever  met '  list  on  a  good  day  )   like  something  out  of  a  romantic  comedy.    a  meet  cute.   ugh,  he  hates  everything  about  this.
"  you. "   it's  almost  an accusation,  like  somehow  this  is  blaine's  fault.   "  you're  ...  not  who  i  expected. "    no  way,  no  how,  in  a  million  years  would  he  have  imagined  that  this  was  what  lingered  beneath  the  bowties  and  excessive  amounts  of  hairgel.   the  fact  that  blaine  anderson  is  hot  is  borderline  offensive;  it  should  be  a  crime.   he  refrains  from  saying  as  much  though,   he  needs  to  maintain  a  modicum  of  self-respect.   (  he  can  bounce  back  from  this.   he's  a  smythe,  it's  what  he  does  best;   spin.  )    "  so  this  is  what  happens  when  you  strip  away  the  hairgel  and  the  sweater  vests. "   he  observes,  clicking  his  tongue  against  his  teeth.    "   huh. "    despite  his  annoyance,  his  eyes  are  still  reluctantly  glued  to  the  sweat  gathering  at  the  hollow  of  his  throat.   (  he  wonders,  with  his  traitorous  mind,  how  satisfying  it  would  be  to  push  him  up  against  the  wall  and  taste  the  salt  against  his  skin.     so  much  for  self  respect.  )
Two seconds ago, Sebastian's voice made him trip. The way those golden words had captured him and made him eager. Blaine could feel the high he got whenever he was talking to Sam or another cutie. As he took in those beautiful green eyes, Blaine cursed himself for falling for that irresistible charm. Damn it. How did it get to this point. If Sebastian knew, Blaine knew he wouldn't live this down. 
His lips wavered slightly at Sebastian's harsh tone. Now that Blaine was looking at Sebastian clearly, Blaine suddenly became flushed with rage. That way he spoke reminded him of the daunting arguments in class Sebastian's infuriating way of speaking. Surprisingly, that's not what caught him off guard. Sebastian was... hot. Hidden beneath preppy clothes and a smart mouth, there were well defined muscles and lean long legs. Blaine's jaw clinched. His brown eyes danced over Sebastian's body. If it was anybody else, he wouldn't even be wasting his time on drinks. 
"Right back at cha." He stretched out neck, gave slight glare and matched Sebastian's tone. "And it looks like you're a big fan, considering five seconds ago you were just asking me out to drinks." The words poured from his mouth as if somebody else were taking over him. The water bottle in Blaine's hand crumpled under the pressure. "Or did you come over here just to tell me that? Because that's a little bit weird to stalking a gym Bas." Blaine hissed Sebastian's name, as if Sebastian were the dark lord.
the  fact  that  blaine's  right  might  be  what  makes  this  all  the  more  infuriating.   he  has  him  backed  into  a  corner,  unable  to  refute  the  claims  that  —  yes,  he'd  clearly  liked  what  he  saw.   denying  that  now  would  simply  be  an  insult  to  both  of  their  intelligence.   (  blaine  might  get  under  his  skin,  but  he's  no  idiot.   he  can  acknowledge  that.  )     he  huffs,  jaw  clenching  as  he  sucks  in  a  breath.    the  anger  clenches  white  hot,  knuckles  in  a  similar  state  where  they're  gripping  his  water  bottle  in  a  deadly  fashion.    were  it  not  stainless  steel,  he's  sure  it  would  warp  under  his  fingertips.    "  congratulations.   you're  attractive. "   a  pause,  deliberate.   "  when  you're  not  talking.    quick,  someone  get  him  a  medal. "    or  a  muzzle,   he  thinks  dryly.
he  sees  red  at  the  nickname,   something  he  feels  is  too  personal  for  blaine  to  spitting  at  him;   like  its  a  weapon  in  his  arsenal,  twisted  to  inflict  pain.    (  well  two  can  play  at  that  game.  )     "  trust  me,  stalking   you  is  not  on  my  to  do  list. "    he  takes  a  step  closer,   crowding  in  on  blaine's  personal  space  as  his  eyes  narrow.    there's  a  fire  burning  in  his  chest,  whether  it  be  the  rage  or  something  more,   and  rather  than  try  to  extinguish  it   —   he  pours  the  gasoline  and  watches  it  ignite.    "  it's   sebastian. "    words  are  light,   but  there's  an  edge   to  it.    "   unless  we're  in  bed  and  you're  moaning  it. "     right  inflection,  wrong  words;   because  now  that's  where  his  head's  at,    and  he  knows  almost  instantly  that  he's  toeing  a  line  he  should  be  wary  about  crossing.
Blaine felt his body go ridged when he realized he called Sebastian a nickname. What came over him in that moment? The air that came out of his mouth wavered. How did Sebastien have this power over him? To make him stumble. Neck cranked up and a scold on his face, he took in Sebastian’s words. Sebastien though he was attractive? Oh how this made Blaine want to cave to Sebastian. Steal him away into a broom closet to enjoy seven minutes in heaven. A more adult version of that though. Then Sebastian had to ruin it. Send Blaine back to the original reason why Sebastian made him angry. When Sebastien stepped over him, Blaine cranked his neck. He felt every cell in his body. From the tips of his toes, to the fibers in his chest hairs, and to the roots of his hair. Suddenly, Blaine felt his nakedness in front of Sebastian. Instead of cowering away, Blaine leaned his head back more to match those intense eyes. He put on a scold of his own. He let out a brave scoff, knowing the heat of his breathe would reach Sebastian. “Even though you’re hot as hell, never in your wildest dream.” Those words lingered on his lips. At the end, Blaine could feel his heart thumping wildly in his neck. If it weren’t for the height difference, Sebastian could probably felt Blaine heat rising from his skin. “I’ll try to remember that next time.” Blaines brown eyes lingered just a second longer before he ripped his gaze away. He stepped aside and aimed for the door with his chest held high.
he's  almost  grateful  that  blaine  retreats,  leaves  him  feeling  like  he's  won  even  if  it  wasn't  a  competition,  or  a  fight.   has  he  won  though  when  he's  still  thinking  about  him  even  as  he  retreats?   (  he  hates  that,  a  little.   hates  how  he  fixates  on  things,  how  he  can  never  just  let  it  go.  )     the  fact  that  blaine  clearly  finds  him  attractive,  has  said  as much  and  made  it  abundantly  clear,  only  fuels  the  fire.   "  until  next  time. "    he  calls  out  after  him,  the  beginnings  of  a  smirk  warming  his  features.    with  blaine's  back  to  him,  it's  likely  he  won't  see  the  flush  to  his  cheeks.    it's  good;    for  the  best.     on  the  list of  mistakes  he'd  made  this  week,  he  has  no intentions  of  adding  hate  fucking  blaine  anderson  onto  it.   no,  no  thank  you.    "  i'll  see  you  around.    in  your  dreams,  i'd  bet. "   he  turns  and  makes  a  beeline  for  the  treadmills;     weight  training  will  have  to  wait,  he  needs  to  run  —  burn  off  whatever's  pounding  in  his  veins.    (  if  he  won,  why  does  it  still  feel  like  he's  fighting?  )
Stiff back, head held high, quick legs. It took all of Blaine's control to keep his body from collapsing at the exhaustion of that interaction. He kept this up all the way to his locker room and even beyond the doors of the gym. It wasn't until he got to his car did Blaine finally let a breathe out. *What the hell*? He thought to himself. With the thought he breathed out. Suddenly light headed, as if for the last ten minutes he was all on one breathe. One thing was evident, Sebastian had gotten to him. However, not in the way he wanted.
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marvelspnbaby · 7 years
Daddy’s friends - Sebastian Stan
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Paring: Sebastian Stand
Words: 1043
Rating: All ages
Hi 🙊, If you're still taking requests. May I request a dad!seb x pregnant!reader where they have a 5 yrs girl. And one day she goes to the gym with Seb and when they come home she tells you that she met daddy's friends. (Feel free to add anything you want) THANK YOU. 💋🙌
I had some trouble with this request, because I don’t have mom-feelings. Which I have been bullied with in high school (I was the only girl who didn’t want to be a mom). And it made me really insecure, writing this brought those feelings back, that is why it took so long to write. I do hope you like it and I will continue writing pregnant/mom reader ones because I feel that I need to get over this insecurity that I have and writing may help do that.
Requests are open!
Y/D/N walks into the room with a huge smile on her face in a pink Adidas tracksuit. She is jumping up and down around Y/N while showing off her clothes.
‘You look amazing sweetie’ Y/N says petting her daughters head in a sweet manner. She is 8 months pregnant so she has trouble getting on the ground to hug her daughter so petting her head will have to do for now. She can’t wait for this little one to be born so her daughter has someone to play with and Sebastian finally has the son he has been dreaming about for years now.
Sadly, it took a little while longer to get pregnant the second time, but it is almost time for the little one to be born and Y/N can’t wait any longer to hold her son in her arms and show her to Y/D/N.
Sebastian walks into the living room and picks up Y/D/N twirling her around in his arms.
He bends over to kiss his wife on her nose before doing the same to his daughter. When he puts the little girl on the floor, he puts his hands on Y/N her stomach feeling the little guy in there kick against his mother’s stomach.
‘He is going to play soccer’ Sebastian laughs softly when he feels how hard the little one is kicking.
Y/N nods her head and walks over to the couch sitting down on it.
‘Mommy, daddy is taking me to the gym today’ Y/D/N says sitting down next to her mom and putting her tiny hands on the growing stomach.
‘Why isn’t the baby kicking anymore?’ she asks looking sad.
‘He went to sleep, because you need to come with daddy’ Sebastian laughs picking up his daughter from the couch. He holds her in the air and tells her to give her mom a kiss, which she does before Sebastian puts her down on the ground next to him.
He bends over himself and kisses his wife sweetly after which he kisses her clothed belly.
‘Be good to mommy’ Sebastian whispers to the belly before telling his wife to call him if there is anything. ‘Chris and Antony have their phones to, so you can call them to’ he whispers into her ear. Y/D/N doesn’t know that she is about to meet her dad’s friends for the first time, including Chris Evans who is playing her idol, Captain America, in the marvel movies.
Y/N nods her head and waves towards her husband and daughter before they leave the house. Y/D/N skipping towards the car with her dad caring behind her looking almost as happy as the little girl in front of him.
Smiling to herself Y/N closes her eyes when she hears the car start. She never thought that her life could be this perfect but it is. She has an amazing husband who loves her more than she could ever imagine. Her little girl is the best thing that ever happened to her, even when she is having a smart mouth she is the best thing in the world. And now she is caring a little boy and she hopes he is like his father. Sweet, gentle, kind and handsome like his father.
With the thoughts of her family she falls into a dreamless sleep.
Y/N wakes up from touch of soft hands on her face and when she opens her eyes she looks right into the smiling face of her little girl.
She sits up straight and Y/D/N crawls against her mother while Sebastian sits down on the chair across from them.
His hair is currently growing out for the filming of the new marvel movie and it is still wet from the shower he clearly had at the gym. He looks hot like this and it makes Y/N want to jump his bones, only she can’t jump because of her pregnancy and there is a little girl next to her dying to tell her story.
Sebastian understands the way she is looking at him and he smirks at her while licking his dry lips.
‘Mommy, I met daddy’s friends’ Y/D/N says beaming up at her mom.
‘Really, sweetie? Tell me about them’ Y/N says moving her attention away from her handsome husband and towards the little girl next to her.
‘He is friends with Captain America and he was so strong. He could lift all these kinds of things that I thought daddy couldn’t. But he can do that too. And there was this other guy, named Ant and he couldn’t lift it’ Y/D/N starts rambling completely mispronouncing Anthony’s name. Sebastian helps her and says the name in the right manner and being raised as a good girl Y/D/N says it back in the right was.
‘Later, I want to be as strong as daddy and his friends’ she rambles on sounding incredible happy which makes her parents smile to themselves.
The baby starts kicking against the belly and Y/D/N smiles even wider.
‘He is kicking, mom’ she tells happily while moving her tiny hands all over the round belly with a huge smile on her face.
‘Tell mommy about what Chris did’ Sebastian tells his daughter when she is in awe with the kicking of her baby brother. She nods and moves her hands away from her mother’s belly and starts talking again.
‘He lifted me up so right up into the air like dad always does. Only he didn’t spin me around be threw in the air and catched me. It was so much fun’ she laughs moving around with her arms making her mom laugh.
Y/N yawns even though she just slept a few hours on the couch this pregnancy is making her tired and she sleeps most of the day. It makes her sad because she can’t spend enough time with her daughter, but luckily Sebastian has time of from filming and he can spend much needed father-daughter time with her.
‘Come Y/D/N, let mommy sleep’ Sebastian says standing up after which he kisses his wife on the forehead.
‘One more month’ he whispers in her ear before leaving the room with Y/D/N behind him who is stalking again about how awesome her dad’s friends are.
@sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @ailynalonso15 @yoyolovesbucky
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rhenal · 6 years
To the Void with the Void
Few things in Dragon Age lore bother me quite as much as the Void. It appears just about everywhere, in every faith, but what any one teaching says about what it actually IS never seems to be consistent - even in the same set of teachings.
Come with me on this journey, as I go through the Dragon Age Wiki page on the Void and follow every single cite note to the source - and look through those cited sources as well.
It starts with a brief summary, then goes into Chantry beliefs, because of course that comes first. It lists some verses from the chant. 
All that the Maker has wrought is in His hand Beloved and precious to Him. Where the Maker has turned His face away, Is a Void in all things; In the world, in the Fade, In the hearts and minds of men.
Passing out of the world, in that Void shall they wander; O unrepentant, faithless, treacherous, They who are judged and found wanting Shall know forever the loss of the Maker's love. Only Our Lady shall weep for them.
—Canticle of Threnodies, 12:5
So... the void is both a vague emptiness in everything the Maker doesn’t like and the Andrastian version of Hell? Right. How conveniently vague. It never says ‘the Void’ though, just ‘a Void’. 
Next follows some extrapolations. Since I know that fanon and canon tend to intermingle a lot in small, subtle and insidious ways, I shall stick as close to the source material - and only the source material - as the wiki and the rest of my resources will allow for, while mostly ignoring the wiki-specific text. So. Let’s follow the cite notes, in order. 
The first one refers to a conversation with Sebastian in DA II. I don’t have that DLC, because I think that guy is kind of an arse and not worth my money, and after over an hour of searching both the wiki and youtube, I have not found this conversation, so I’m gonna drop that trail for now. 
Second cite note also refers to a Sebastian conversation, but this is one I can actually find. It’s a banter conversation between him and Isabela. 
Isabela: So, I've never understood why the Chantry says if you're good, you'll be taken up to the Maker's side. Sebastian: Those who die with the sins cleansed from their souls will walk beside the Maker in eternity. Isabela: That doesn't sound fun! Isabela: If they really want people to be good, shouldn't they offer an afterlife with... lakes of wine and a dozen naked virgins? Sebastian: Anyone who wants that will be going to the Void. Isabela: Sounds like that's where all the good parties will be.
So, Andrasian hell. K. Still doesn’t tell me anything useful.
Next few cite notes are grouped up. These unfortunately refer to books that I do not have access to at the moment - World of Thedas vol. 1 and the Dragon Age Origins official game guide - so I’ll simply settle for sharing the statement on the wiki.
The sinners are lost, endlessly wandering the Fade or even returning to the "ether" (the primeval matter of the Fade) from which they were made.
So, conflating the Void and the Fade now, are we? The next sentence references the Canticle of Threnodies, saying that it says that the Void is a place within the Fade. Time to check out what’s available of that Canticle myself...
Huh. Oh, that’s a lot. Yet after reading it all, the only mention of the Void I could find is in 12:5 above. “Where the Maker has turned His face away, Is a Void in all things; In the world, in the Fade, In the hearts and minds of men.” I think that can be interpreted in a lot of ways. It doesn’t quite say “The Void is a place in the fade” to me. It just says that there is an emptiness - a Void - in everything that the Maker found fault in. And he certainly found fault in the Fade, according to earlier verses in that very same Canticle. I don’t know, but this instance seems more figurative to me. Maybe I’m wrong. 
Moving on. Up next is another Chantry verse. 
Here lies the abyss, the well of all souls. From these emerald waters doth life begin anew. Come to me, child, and I shall embrace you. In my arms lies Eternity.
—Canticle of Andraste, 14:11
I can’t help but notice how ‘abyss’ isn’t capitalised in this verse. I checked in game - it’s not capitalised there either. 
This verse bothers me. When reading further into the codex entry of “Here Lies the Abyss”, there is some musings by Revered Mother Juliette accompanying the verse. They read as follows:
Chantry sisters have long debated this section of the Chant of Light. It is tempting to assume that the "well of all souls" is a literal well, but such imagery appears nowhere in Andraste's other works. An examination from Threnodies 1:4 yields clues:
From the waters of the Fade you made the world. As the Fade had been fluid, so was the world fixed.
It is possible—even likely—that the "emerald waters" Andraste refers to are the substance of the Fade, which began as an "ocean of dreams" (Threnodies 1:1) and was reduced to a well—bottomless but limited in scope—by the Maker's creation of our world.
Is Andraste urging the listener to come to the Fade? Should we take "From these emerald waters doth life begin anew," as literal evidence of reincarnation—or even of life after death, as the Cult of Spirits suggests—or as a figurative benediction indicating that the Maker is the source of all life, and in finding His embrace for Eternity, we will only be returning our souls from whence they came?
Vague, is it not? Juliette seems as confused as I am. 
Now, I remember when The Descent came out. When seeing The Wellspring at the end of that story, a lot of think-pieces popped up in the Meta community about how it looked an awful lot like what Andraste might have been describing in that Canticle of hers. Note how, in the Wiki page for the above-mentioned codex entry, there is a trivia section with a quoted passage from The Calling? 
"It’s where Andraste goes to speak to the Maker for the first time. It’s where she convinces him to forgive mankind. It was supposed to be this beautiful temple deep under the earth surrounded by emerald waters."
Interesting, no?
If anything, it seems safe to say that The Chant doesn’t seem very interesting in defining just what either the Void or this abyss is in the first place, and anything further simply seem to be interpretations by various Chantry people, which is hardly a reliable source of anything.
Continuing down the Wiki page on the Void, we have the Elven beliefs section. Something something The Forgotten Ones dwell there - the cite note leads us to Codex Entry: Elven God Andruil. Well. Not beliefs of modern elves, then, since this entry is found in the temple of Mythal, but that’s splitting hairs. 
One day Andruil grew tired of hunting mortal men and beasts. She began stalking The Forgotten Ones, wicked things that thrive in the abyss. Yet even a god should not linger there, and each time she entered the Void, Andruil suffered longer and longer periods of madness after returning.
Andruil put on armor made of the Void, and all forgot her true face. She made weapons of darkness, and plague ate her lands. She howled things meant to be forgotten, and the other gods became fearful Andruil would hunt them in turn. So Mythal spread rumors of a monstrous creature and took the form of a great serpent, waiting for Andruil at the base of a mountain.
When Andruil came, Mythal sprang on the hunter. They fought for three day and nights, Andruil slashing deep gouges in the serpent's hide. But Mythal's magic sapped Andruil's strength, and stole her knowledge of how to find the Void. After this, the great hunter could never make her way back to the abyss, and peace returned.
—Translated from ancient elven found in the Arbor Wilds, source unverified
Here is a much more clear distinction of the Void as an actual, tangible thing. Abyss is still not being capitalised, though. Abyss speaks to me of something deep down below. And the ancient Elves were actively encouraged to seek the deepest parts of the Fade, as seen in Codex Entry: Vir Dirthara: The Deepest Fade.
The pages of this book—memory?—are instructions on how to reach the deepest parts of the Fade, realms so far removed they're unmarked by Dreamers:
"Epiphany requires a mind smooth as mirror glass, still as stone. Put aside ten years for practice, and the next hundred for searching. What others have learned will ease your journey. Those who never manifested outside the Fade will find it easier to find its stillest roots, but it is rare the compulsion overtakes our brethren of the air."
Andruil roaming the Void was considered a bad thing by the Elves, yet seeking the deepest parts of the Fade was encouraged. That says to me that they are not the same. That says to me that the Void is not found in the Fade. 
The Andruil codex entry also says that “all forgot her true face” and that because of her actions, “plague ate her lands”. The idea that it was Andruil who caused the Blight has been around for a long time. This codex entry is the source of that theory. So far, I am inclined to agree that it certainly sounds like that may be the case. So. Quite possibly, according to this tale, if this plague is indeed the blight, it can be concluded that the Blight came from the Void.
However, that is a whole lot of conditions. A lot of ‘if’s.
Next up, there’s talk about the legends of Fen’Harel and The Great Betrayal - which we know for certain fact by now is a lot more complicated than the legends make it out to be. However, I don’t remember there being any mention of the Void or an abyss - or even the Forgotten Ones - being mentioned in our conversation with Solas in Trespasser. Sometimes I wonder if the Forgotten Ones are just a trail that Bioware wants to drop, but then I remember that their most explicit appearance in all the games so far is as recently as Jaws of Hakkon. Well. Back on track. 
The cite notes here only lead me to Arlathan: Part two and the Dread Wolf codex entry - both tellings of the Dalish legend, which tells me nothing new. The Forgotten Ones were allegedly trapped in the abyss. Might be good to point out that these legends also appear to imply that the Forgotten Ones came from the abyss, or at least that it was their home. “[...]if only the Forgotten Ones would return to the abyss for a time.“
Hmm. The Void wiki entry next says that The World of Thedas includes accounts of the Evanuris being trapped in the Eternal City. I thought that was just a theory. I really need to get that book. Clear some things up.
On to the next cite note, which leads me to the codex entry Elgar’nan: God of Vengeance. Another Dalish account, but this one brings up something interesting that I’ve not paid attention to before.
The sun, looking down upon the fruitful land, saw the joy that Elgar'nan took in her works and grew jealous. Out of spite, he shone his face full upon all the creatures the earth had created, and burned them all to ashes. The land cracked and split from bitterness and pain, and cried salt tears for the loss of all she had wrought. The pool of tears cried for the land became the ocean, and the cracks in her body the first rivers and streams.
Elgar'nan was furious at what his father had done and vowed vengeance. He lifted himself into the sky and wrestled the sun, determined to defeat him. They fought for an eternity, and eventually the sun grew weak, while Elgar'nan's rage was unabated. Eventually Elgar'nan threw the sun down from the sky and buried him in a deep abyss created by the land's sorrow.
A deep crack in the earth - a crack referrenced to as an abyss no less - created by the Sun’s rage. 
Perhaps, this instead is a reference to the war in which the Evanuris were generals. The war that enabled their ascent to presumed godhood. And this chasm was opened by the battles waged in this war. 
My mind wanders to The Abyssal Reach in the Western Approach. You know the one - the ginormous black chasm? The one that you fall into during Here Lies the Abyss?
The Wiki entry on the Western Approach says that “This area was the site of a major battle during the Second Blight. The darkspawn swarmed out of the great chasm to the south named the Abyssal Rift and corrupted the land beyond recovery.” Note that it doesn’t say is that the chasm was created during the Second Blight. It would appear that it was already there. 
I’m thinking that this chasm is the same as the one referenced in Elgar’nan’s legend. 
Although - nothing about this says that this chasm and the Void is the same thing. But I suspect that they may be connected. 
Continuing down the Void wiki page, all that’s left is the cult of the Empty Ones - who worshiped the blight - as well as a fairly lengthy trivia section. Nothing I find here is new. The Empty ones say the Darkspawn came from the Void and that the Void is a place of nothingness. General mentions of a hungry, yawning void - which doesn’t really say anything because that’s a pretty general turn of phrase. The Staff of the Void’s description talks about a void as an absence of something, which once again sounds more like a turn of phrase than anything substantial.  
There is always the Anvil of the Void - the thing that the Dwarves used to forge Golems. Since it essentially functioned by transferring the soul of a dwarf into that of the Golem, it could imply that the Void is somehow related to souls - or at least Dwarven souls - which would support the verse from the Canticle of Andraste mentioned before. But then, we also know that Elven souls come from the Fade - or at least that is what is implied, considering their close kinship with Spirits before the Veil. 
And there is still the whole thing about where we have absolutely no idea where the Humans even came from in the first place...
So far, I’ve seen a lot of fairly interesting thinking points - but absolutely nothing that would really lead to any real consensus to what the Void even is - IF it even is. I can’t help but feel that despite the frequent use of the terms Void and abyss in both Elven and Chantry lore, none of these references are similar enough - or substantive enough - for me to be able to be able to safely conclude that the Void even is a special place or thing at all. It sounds to me like metaphorical speech far more often than it does anything else. A metaphor for deep underground or something. The Deep Roads. I don’t know. 
But then I remember The Descent again. The Wellspring. The ‘lake’ that seemed almost like a sky. The Dwarf legend of the king who dug so deep down that he and his entire thaig “fell into the sky”. It makes me wonder...
In the end, all I feel I can really conclude for myself is that whatever it is, the Abyss is mostly deep below, and the Fade is mostly up above. I don’t think they are the same. Also that the Blight probably comes from the Void in one way or another. 
But honestly, any more than that, the lore just doesn’t seem to converge into anything substantial anywhere. There is simply far too little to go on to make any solid conclusions, and what little lore there is appear to go into different places more often than not. We can assume, we can theorise, we can extrapolate - but what real lore there actually is tells us surprisingly little.
If anyone has any thoughts about this that are more coherent than mine, I’d love to hear them, because it feels like I’m thinking in circles.
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prettypincher · 7 years
She Sets the City on Fire
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Request: A Sebastian smthye imagine with the reader being small and a part of new directions (I'm 4'9"1/2) and they are secretly dating and he sees some carry the reader during a performance and he gets jealous so he sings she sets the city on fire or closer (in front of new directions) and then he kisses them saying she's is his girl(?) -Anonymous
Pairing: Sebastian Smythe x Reader
Notes: PRETEND FINN IS NOT WITH RACHEL RN. Hope you like it!
“Babe.. babe.. baaaaabe!”
*record scratch/freeze frame*
“Hi. My name is (y/n) and this is my boyfriend Sebastian. I’m currently trying to study for the big history test coming up and someone is not being very helpful.” 
“Sorry, babe, but I can’t help the fact you’re incredibly gorgeous, you look completely adorable when you’re concentrating and the whole.. situation we have working here isn’t in fact.. working.”
“Yeah. I should probably elaborate. I’m in a club in my school-McKinley High-called Glee. You’ve probably heard of it. We’re called the New Directions and are currently in the middle of a legendary battle with Seb here’s glee club from a neighboring school, the Warblers. Somehow this little idiot convinced me that it would be a good idea for him and I to date.”
“I don’t know, babe. Even if I were the one to convince you, it was pretty easy.”
“Whatever, Warbler. So, now we’re hiding it from our teams because we don’t want any unnecessary drama between the already feuding clubs. Dating in secret definitely has it’s perks, but Sebastian doesn’t exactly like the fact that he can’t ‘flaunt’ me around in public. His words.”
“I just want to be able to show off my best girl like any other sane guy in this world. I don’t really care what your.. friends think of us as long as we can be together. It would be so nice to be able to take you out without having to always be on alert or driving over an hour away.”
“I know, honey, but I don’t think I’m ready to hear what they have to say. Especially Santana and Finn.”
Sebastian scoffs. “Finn? Why would you care what Finn thought? I’m sick of him always hanging around you. It’s time he realizes that you’re mine a-and taken and.. mine.”
“Aww. Is someone getting a little jelly there, baby?’
“No! I just.. want people to know you’re mine.”
“I know, Seb. We’ll tell them soon. I promise.”
“Ok. As long as it’s soon. I’m tired of sneaking. Although, it is kinda hot isn’t it, babe?”
My cheeks turned bright red. “Seb, hush! We don’t talk about that!”
-The next day-
“5! 6! 7! 8! And step! And step! And spin! And drop! And step! And-hey! Guys we have to focus if we want to win at Nationals and beat those wiry Warblers!”
The high and slightly squeaky voice of Rachel Berry rang through the auditorium as she directed the glee club and led everyone through their respective steps.
“Rachel. We’re working really hard and I just think that everyone could use a little break,” Tina tried to reason with the diva, but when does reason ever work with Rachel Berry?
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know my passion for this team and club was too much for you. I just want to win. Us! I want us to win.”
Everyone tried to hide either their annoyance or amusement at their female lead. Most failed.
“Ok, Rachel. You win. Let’s run it again.” “Thank you. 5! 6! 7! 8!”
The first notes of Taylor Swift’s You Belong With Me reverberated across the auditorium and the stage came a live with song and passion. Mr. Schuester gave me the ‘role’ of Taylor with Finn as respective love interest. Go figure.
The glee club did a wonderful job of playing out the events of Taylor’s music video. Too good of a job. At least according to Sebastian who was hiding in the back of the first floor. He watched as his girlfriend was paraded around the stage portrayed as a love struck girl who had the hots for the exact guy he wanted her to stay away from. As (y/n) stole the stage, Finn held up the newly added male vocals. Sebastian could start to feel the anger and jealousy seeping into his veins. He was about to rage. At the end of the performance, Finn and (y/n) strutted up to each other and demonstrated a stage kiss. You know. The thing where the guys brings his hands up to girl’s face and places his THUMBS OVER HER LIPS AND KISSES HIS FINGERS! Sebastian was mad. He stalked out of the auditorium and made his way to the glee room where he knew everyone would be going after the performance. It was time.
The voices and laughter of the members of McKinley High’s glee club were nearing closer and closer. Sebastian recruited the instrumentalists for a very special performance. She Sets the City on Fire by Gavin Degraw began playing as the New Directions came into sight. (Y/n) was at the front of the group with Finn not far behind. They stopped in their tracks when they saw Sebastian standing in the middle of their choir room.
“What’s the devil doing here? In our school? In our practice room?’
“Hello to you too, Santana. I’m here to serenade my girlfriend so if you all could take a seat.”
“GIRLFRIEND?!” Everyone was very confused including yourself, but everyone surprisingly listened and took their seats.
“Everybody knows she's a perfect ten
And I'm hanging on tight til the whole thing ends
Cause New York sky don't get much brighter
She sets, she sets the city on fire.”
Sebastian walked up to the group and pulled (y/n) onto her feet. 
“Somebody told me if I'm not careful
Well, this one's gonna roll me
I got my hands full and this one's gonna own me and control me
I'm so mystified
She caught the last train last night, left another note
Saying "see you next time; miss me if you don't"
You look good in your bed; til we meet again
You went through my head and nobody told me so.”
The New Directions were all very confused. How could their sweet little (y/n) fall for such a cold-hearted jerk?
“Everybody knows she's a perfect ten
And I'm hanging on tight til the whole thing ends
Cause New York sky don't get much brighter
She sets, she sets the city on fire
She sets the city on fire
Burns like a million lighters
I'm going up, I couldn't get much higher
She sets, she sets the city on fire.”
As the song went on, the glee club actually started listening and watching. The whole time Sebastian was staring into (Y/n)’s eyes and twirling her around. He looked like a love struck little boy who had fallen in love with what he thought to be an angel. He looked.. kind.
“New scene, next block
She'll be jaywalking right across while the cops talk
Make you feel like a boss when your eyes lock
And you can't stop staring endlessly
She got the whole thing figured out; hits me where it hurts
And I know I might be swinging at a curve
I don't mind it, though, when the lights are low
She can hit the notes wearing my T-shirt.”
Sebastian ended the song with the chorus and everyone was either deep in thought or their jaws were on the ground. Sebastian then began speaking.
“Hello, New Directions. If your public school brains hadn’t caught on yet, (y/n) and I are dating. We’ve been together for 5 months and I felt it was time everyone knew.”
The choir room then exploded with yells and screams. Everyone was upset at because not only did (y/n) not tell them she was dating, but she was dating Sebastian Smythe-glee club enemy #1 and who Santana called Satan.
“Guys, guys! Calm down! This is exactly why we-I-didn’t want to tell you. I knew you’d freak out and basically forbid me from seeing him. It’s just.. I know he hasn’t been on your best sides.. ever, but I really, really like him. As in more then I’ve liked any guy before. He’s kind and caring and apparently overprotective and I love him. I just hope you can support me in this and trust that I know what I’m doing.”
All was quiet among (y/n)’s friends. For about three seconds.
“But (y/n), he’s the enemy!” “He has caused nothing but trouble for this team!” “Do you not remember all the insults and threats that came from his own mouth?!’
A loud whistle pierced the shouts and hollers of the enraged glee club, effectively silencing all the voices in the room.
“Excuse me. I’m still quite confused as to what’s happening here. Our little ray of sunshine, (y/n), has chosen the devil himself as her lover. That's complete bull!”
“(Y/n) was trying to say that she cares about all of you just as much as she cares about her own happiness. Actually more! She was scared to tell you because she didn’t want to disappoint any of you, but I’m telling you that there is nothing you have to be disappointed in her about. I love (y/n) with my whole heart. No one has ever made me as happy as she does. She’s loving and passionate and the cutest little alto I have ever met. She completes me and makes be want to be a better person.”
“And he’s gotten better,” you jumped in. “Sebastian has been nothing but swoon worthy throughout our whole relationship. Just a bit annoying sometimes.”
“Hey! I have been a great boyfriend!” “Yes you have, dear, but everyone has their own faults.” “Whatever,” Seb scoffed.
Everyone was watching Sebastian and (y/n) with mild interest and disgust.
“Guys, please. I’m a big girl. I’m not a baby like you all treat me.”
“We know that, (y/n). We’re just shocked you chose our competitor who has continuously tried to demolish us to date,” poor Finn muttered.
“I think they’re cute.”
Eyes widened and stared at Rachel as the seemingly traitorous words slipped from her mouth.
“What? It’s not because Finn has a puppy crush on (y/n). I know she doesn’t like him like that. Obviously. But haven’t you been listening to what they’re saying. They love each other. Who are we to get in the way of that?”
For once everyone agreed with Rachel’s statement. The last bits of resistance drained from the room.
“OK. We’ll support your relationship as long as you know one thing. If you’re doing this to mess with us, hurt our team or just screw up like every guy does and hurt (y/n), you’re are going to suffer. Do you hear me? I will make you want to have never been born, much less have ever met us,” Santana threatened.
“Message received, but my intentions with (Y/n) are completely- ok mostly- innocent. I genuinely love her and I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. Ever.”
“Fine. Then we give you our blessing. Treat her well.. or you’ll regret it.”
“Ok, Santana. Thanks for you approval,” you tried to calm her.
“Thank you all for your cooperation. I was just ready to let everyone know that this angel is mine. I want her to wear my jacket, go on public normal dates with me and not have to hide anything.”
“I love you, my Warbler.”
“I love you too, my angel.”
“...you were a little pitchy in areas.”
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spellyjane · 7 years
Ironman Cozumel - a day of “nearlies”
It is always good to wait for a few days after an Ironman to write up a race report. I never quite trust my sanity until I have processed the race day caffeine, eaten solid food, had a good sleep and dealt with my post race laundry.  
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I had originally signed up for Ironman Cozumel as redemption for my frustrating 1st Ironman in Arizona last year. But it just felt too far away and I decided to squeeze in 2 more Ironman and 3 more 70.3 races as well. Yeah, nuts. So I arrived in Cozumel feeling a little wary. I  was carrying great fitness but I was feeling mentally DONE with all the intensity. The pain of that Kona course was still fresh enough in my mind to make me even wonder if I really wanted to do it again. I wondered how much I could make myself hurt for a Kona slot or a PR or a podium.
I fell in with a fun bunch of Colorado based athletes at my hotel and was really thankful for their company, it was great to share the race weekend with them. I will be keen to catch up when our family relocates to Denver in January.
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Did you read my Kona race report? Remember that nasty Aunt Flo who decided to turn up the day before the race? Well can you believe she did it again? Seriously, this needs some investigating, this has happened (unscheduled) the day before 3 races this year. It is not a disaster but it does add a little more anxiety and more time consuming pit stops. Anyway, moving on.
The course layout at Cozumel makes for a busy race morning. Swim start, T1 and T2 are all in different locations. I got myself to the swim start with enough time to squeeze my way up to the fast kids corral, take a few deep breaths, throw down the 1st of 11 Gu packets and go!
I loved that swim. I got onto the pier and dived, yay, I can't remember the last time I was allowed to dive into a swim start. I took off hard. I was wary of being complacent in the current assisted conditions. I settled in, I did get tangled up with other swimmers a couple of times but for the most part just put my head down and worked hard. I was a little bummed that the course was short. I measured it to be 3463m, 350m short! That combined with the current and my more than usual aggressive intensity gave me a ridiculous 13 min PR at 53:21.
I tore through T1 with no complications, glad I chose to clip my shoes on my bike so I could put some speed into my run.
I was out on the bike course in under and hour and I was excited! I thought, right, let's not waste that massive swim PR, let's turn this into a race PR. The swim had not left me feeling as fatigued as usual and I was right on top of my target watts right from the start. (I had struggled with this in my last 2 IMs.) I had ridden 1 loop of the 3 loop course on a rental scooter before the race so knew what to expect. The smooth, flat, straight roads were a TT queen’s dream! (Yeah, I am calling myself a TT queen.) The wind was not as dramatic as I was expecting and even when it was, I just reminded myself that everyone was feeling the same and I just stayed tucked in aero and held my watts. I must say, it was all going quite well, I was right on target for a 5:15 bike, I had made the left hand turn and was about 15km from the bike finish and was crunching numbers in my head and thinking come on girl, you could totally go sub 10 hours when I heard that dreaded “pop - phshhhhh!” Oh dang, back wheel puncture, I shifted into my small ring, jumped off and started getting the puncture sorted. I had pulled out my old tube and was reaching for my new tube when the Ironman bike mechanic arrived, we worked together to get the job done quicker. When we discovered the 3-4mm tear in the tyre we both groaned. Oh crikey, I did not have anything to seal the hole! The mechanic grabbed my old tube, hacked a piece off and shoved it between the new tube and the tear and began inflating the tyre. I wonder if I would have thought of that? Even if I did, I would have struggled to cut a piece with no scissors. He pumped it up to 80psi and I could see the old tube starting to show through the tear and I nearly died, eek! “Stop!” I panicked, but he said, “no, a little more.” He got to 90psi and seemed satisfied. We got my wheel back on and I grabbed his hand and with a squeeze, gushed my most heart felt “Gracias!”
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I took off, feeling relieved and terrified. My race was not over and even with a 5 min stop, I was still on target for a very reasonable bike split. However, with just 2 thin pieces of latex between the road and my inner tube, I was terrified that I would not make it to the finish without another puncture.
Well, it worked, I made it to the bike catcher and passed my bike (and a shit ton of anxiety,) right over to him at a time of 5:18:47,  with my watts and IF right on point.
T2 was uncomplicated and I was on my way. I had set myself up for a sub 10hr if I could pull off a good run. Even at that stage I still was not sure what my body was going to let me do. I have struggled with dodgy guts in a couple of Ironman runs and I was not sure if this was going to hit me again, I was feeling as good as I have ever felt as I took off so I just focused on keeping tidy, holding good form and pace.
The 3 loop, out and back course was pretty flat, had some shade and a noticeable tail wind coming back into town each time. So, 7km out and 7km back 3 times. Easy peasy. (Haha, the silly things I say to myself in races.) Sebastian Keinle passed me on his last loop as I was hitting the 4km point, he looked like he was doing it easy and so was I at that point, he must have passed me thinking “Whoa, that age grouper is looking so tidy, I hope I can run like that when I am her her age!” So you can imagine he was super keen to pose for a selfie when he saw me at the award ceremony!
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There were only a few other girls out on the course at that point and I began to wonder who they were and what my position was. I had stalked my age group competition prior to the race and will be honest, I was not expecting anyone to be ahead of me given the race I had had so far. So when a spectator friend told me,I was in 3rd place as I hit the 2nd loop I was really bummed. I wondered who they could be, every one I saw on the out and back looked either younger or pro and no one seemed to be looking particularly uncomfortable. I worked really hard to push those thoughts out and told myself that I was having a killer race. I reminded myself that I could only control my own performance and that I was doing a good job of it right now. That being said, I began to slow down a little, I was getting tired. I stopped for the loo just before the 21k turn around. I made that turn and could see the 10hr race slipping away, it was a tough loop that one. I was looking at every girl on the other side of the road and thinking that they looked amazing and that I did not look like I was holding it together etc, my mind was being really mean to me. My new Colorado friends cheered me on as I made the turn for the last loop. I remembered all the races where I have picked up places in the closing stages. I kept that front and centre and just kept trying to look the part. As I made my last turn at the 35km point I started to see girls who I had thought were ahead of me still on the out leg and I realised that I had been really hard on myself. I did not over take anyone in in my AG but I was on target for a respectable run and a big IM PR so I pushed on refusing to slow down and made that final turn onto the carpet. I lept over the finish line with a not terrible 3:46:25 marathon and an awesome 10:04:32 a 10 min PR.
I found the gal who came 2nd in the post race area, I recognised her from the course, I thought she was a pro! Neither her nor the smoking fast gal who won were on the pre race athlete list I had stalked, I guess they signed up late - serves me right!  Anyway we exchanged a few words about the race before she apologised, turned away and puked. Oh and here those doubts flood back to me even now, why wasn't I puking? Did I not try hard enough? I was gaining on her and as it turns out I ran a faster run split than her. I also beat her on the swim too. She went under 10 hours and I did not. Yes I have lamented that flat big time and more and more so since she was able to claim the 2nd of the 2 Kona slots up for grabs. Ok, enough of that, it is what it is. I did the best I could all dang day, I know I did.
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I am planning my 2018 race season, still hoping for the perfect race and I hope I can snag another Kona slot in the process.
I look forward to working with my most excellent coach Rick Schopp at INTENT, training at a mile high and starting a new chapter in Colorado with my family in 2018.
Huge thank you to Simon and my kiddos, your support and love through all of the training and racing is wonderful!
See you out on the course next year, I will be the one grinning like an idiot because I am doing something I love!
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Answering 99 Questions (I reblogged them before this post - they don’t belong to me)
1. Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it? Probably not
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now? Considering I am 18, yes
3. When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time? MAMA. The 🐍
4. Would you ever smile at a stranger? Nope
5. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? Nope
6. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? Not today, I’m too sick to have earphones in TT
7. What exactly are you wearing right now? Leggings and an oversized hoodie and mr Friends t-shirt
8. How often do you listen to music? Every day, bro I’ll go home
9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? The last time I wore sweats was 2 years ago when PE was mandatory for me so...
10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2013? ... no. No I don’t.
11. Are you a social or an antisocial person? A n t i
12. Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘A’? Nope
13. What about ‘R’? Only a D which is coincidental since D also stands for DICKHEAD
14. Can you drive a stick shift? I can’t drive
15. Do you care if people talk badly about you? Idgaf I know me and that’s all that matters
16. Are you going out of town soon? 2 months ish probs shouldn’t say that on the internet so pls don’t stalk me
17. When was the last time you cried? A couple of days ago my dad accidentally hit me in the eye with a sock
18. Have you ever told someone you loved them? Yep
19. If you could change your eye color, would you? Absolutely not
20. Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for? There’s 7 😏
21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having. I’m unwell.
22. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead? yES
23. Are you dating the last person you talked to? Absolutely not
24. What are you sitting on right now? Me sofa
25. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you? Nah
26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? Oh, yes. Haven’t we all?
27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? My dad
28. Do you get a lot of colds? Considering I have one now, yes. Wait does hayfever count???
29. Where is the shirt you are wearing from? Primark
30. Does anyone hate you? Probably
31. Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room? Fuck no. I don’t drink
32. Do you like watching scary movies? nOpE
33. Do you want your tongue pierced? I’ve thought about it but I’m scared of the pain and the fact I won’t be able to eat for a few days
34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? Year 9. Definitely year 9 (when I was 14, don’t ask me what year that was because I don’t know what year it is today never mind four years ago... wait 2014 there ya go)
35. Did you have a dream last night? Yeah but I can’t remember it properly, I know Namjoon was in it and there was a gameshow
36. When was the last time you told someone you loved them? Can’t remember
37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? Bitch I hope the fuck not
38. Do you think someone has feelings for you?*laughing in the distance*
39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Most likely not in the way I want them to
40. Did you have a good day yesterday? I suppose
41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship? Nope
42. In the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a girl? Yes I will
43. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? Yep
44. What’s the best part about school? *harder laughing in the distance*
45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? I deleted Facebook over a year ago
46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school? Nope
47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head? Yes
48. Were you single over the last summer? Technically, yes, but I’m married to somebody called iPhone
49. Is your life anything like it was two years ago? No, thank fuck
50. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Not posting to tumblr lmao
51. Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with? Nope
52. Are you nice to everyone? I try to be
53. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Oh yes
54. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? Of course, I’m not a fucking waste of oxygen 🙃
55. Are you good at hiding your feelings? Yep
56. Do you think you like someone? No, I know
57. Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’? Nope
58. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? I don’t have a preference
59. Has anyone of your friends ever seen you cry? Yes
60. Do you hate anyone? Hate is a strong word
61. How’s your heart? What’s a heart? Lmao mines good fam. Three years later and it’s finally alright
62. Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about? Yes.
63. Have you ever cried over a guy? Unfortunately. He never deserved those was though
64. Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now? My mum
65. Are your toenails painted pink? No
66. Will your next kiss be a mistake? Lmao I probably won’t get kissed again. I don’t do relationships or shit like that anymore
67. Girls love it when boyfriends cry; correct? No. Why would anyone love it when someone is crying??????? Tf
68. Have your pants ever fallen down in public? No
69. Who was the last person you were on the phone with? College (I called in sick)
70. How do you look right now? Like shit. I’m not being over dramatic, my face is pale, I have shitty sickness eyes (bags, swollen n shit) my sinuses are swollen. I’m a mess.
71. Do you have someone you can be your complete self around? Nope
72. Can you commit to one person? Yes
73. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? Yes he’s one of the greatest friends anyone could ask for
74. Have you ever felt replaced? Oh yes
75. Did you wake up cranky? Every day I do
76. Are you a jealous person? Unfortunately I am
77. Are relationships ever worth it? No.
78. Anyone you’re giving up on? Everyone.
79. Currently wanting to see anyone? No
80. Name something you have to do tomorrow? College
81. Last person you cried in front of? My dad
82. Is there someone you will never forget? A few
83. Do you think the person you have feelings for is protective of you? Nah.
84. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now? Crying
85. Are you over your past? I’ve done some shit so no
86. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex? Nope
87. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to? Nah
88. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? I would accept punching them in the face
89. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in? nO
90. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? Yep (I’m sorry Sebastian they’ll never understand your beauty, or you JDM)
91. Will you be in a relationship in 2 months? No
92. Is there anyone you know with the name Michael? Nope
93. Have you ever kissed a Matthew? Nope I don’t think I know any Matthews apart from famous ones
94. Were you in a relationship in January? How was it going? Nope. I was doing good on my own.
95. Were you happy with the person you liked in March? I didn’t like anyone
96. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive? All my friends attractive af they beautiful bitches 💖
97. Who do you have texts from? My three best friends and my parents.
98. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? Been there, done that, bye
99. Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Does family count?
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lady-divine-writes · 7 years
Kurtbastian fic - “Beside Myself: Chapter 5 - The Thunder to My Lightning” (Rated NC17)
Kurt has been kind of stalking a man for weeks, going to the same mediocre cafe every day just to have lunch in his presence. It starts out as harmless - crushing on a guy that reminds him of his boyfriend - until Kurt starts to feel guilty. Right when he decides that leaving is the right thing to do, something unexpected happens.
Glee/The Flash sort of crossover (2404 words for this chapter)
Chapter 1 - Caught in the Act
Chapter 2 - Plot Twist
Chapter 3 - A Freudian Black Hole
Chapter 4 - You (and You and You) and Me Make Things Complicated
Read on AO3.
“So, what do you think, love? Does that bear repeating?” Sebastian asks as he kisses the top of Kurt’s head. He can’t stop kissing Kurt since their little orgy a few hours ago. After a power nap and a quick shower, Barry and Carson, still responsible adults in the middle of an actual work day, bid Kurt and Sebastian a fond farewell while the couple stayed behind to make the best possible use of their hotel room. They took a long, hot shower themselves - Sebastian lathering up a washcloth and cleaning his boyfriend down, subconsciously focusing on everywhere Barry had touched him and kissed him. Sebastian had a soft spot for Barry Allen, more now than before, but that didn’t mean he wanted any of the man’s DNA left behind on Kurt’s skin.
After their shower, they ordered up an obscene amount of room service and got back into bed. And why not? They had nowhere they had to be, no one to answer to today. Sebastian is his own boss, and as for Kurt, all he had to do was tell his boss Isabelle the truth, that he was having a spur-of-the-moment orgy with two guys that looked exactly like him and Sebastian, emphasizing the fact that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She immediately gave him the rest of the day off, but made him promise that she would be the first to hear the deets afterwards (meaning even before Chandler!!), including pictures if he could swing them … plus a sample of whatever it was he was dropping, if applicable.
Kurt and Sebastian segued seamlessly from orgy into romantic afternoon, basking in the glow of their phenomenal first ever foursome. It was a perfect set-up for what Sebastian had in store. He’d gone into this deciding to play it by ear, but the longer they linger in post-orgasmic bliss, the more he’s sure it’s time.
“I don’t know,” Kurt says, tracing swirls over Sebastian’s pecs with his fingertips while Sebastian strokes trails up his spine. “Maybe one more time. I didn’t get a chance with Carson, and I would have loved to have seen you with Barry. But that might be a little too weird. Surreal.”
“Yeah.” Sebastian chuckles into Kurt’s hair. “Maybe a tiny bit. We might tear a hole in the space time continuum or something.”
“It was fun and all, but it was hard to concentrate – being with someone new, focusing on him and his needs, finding out what makes him tick, all while making sure Carson was comfortable and enjoying himself, and then wanting to watch you, how hot you looked. Sensory wise, it was a little much.”
“Well, when you put it like that, sure. I guess you were putting a lot more thought into it than I was. I was just going with the flow.”
“Too each his own.” Kurt shrugs. “Besides, I love you. I love making love to you.”
Sebastian grins. That’s what he wanted to hear. “Do you?”
“Mm-hmm. No one knows me the way you do. Part of the fun in having sex for me is finding someone I trust and being vulnerable with them. It’s hard to be that way with two people I don’t know, and it’s a little confusing when one of those people looks so much like you, who I do know. I know that there’s a lot of people who manage these types of relationships and enjoy it, and kudos to them. I just don’t think I’m one of those people.”
“Makes sense,” Sebastian says. “I’ve always been down for a multi-partner fuck fest, and I’m glad you were willing to take the plunge with me, but I have to admit, I cherish the times that you and I spend together. They’re special to me. Important.”
Kurt smiles. That’s what he wanted to hear. “I’m glad that I’m important.”
“You always have been, babe. Still, that was a big step. Probably one of the biggest steps we’ve taken in our relationship so far.”
Kurt hums, snuggling against Sebastian’s chest with eyes clothes, ready for another nap. “Probably.”
“And we came out of it unscathed.”
“Relatively,” Kurt says. “I mean, did you see the scratches I left on Barry’s chest?”
“Yeah.” Sebastian laughs. “But they faded pretty quick, so maybe you’re losing your touch.”
“Ah! Bite your tongue!” Kurt snickers, but Sebastian goes quiet, lost in thought with his fingertips playing down the steps of Kurt’s spine, his other hand sneaking beneath the pillow to fish out something he’d left there before their shower … just in case.
“You feel like taking another one?”
“Hmm? Another what?”
“Another big step.”
Sebastian feels Kurt shift upward a hair to hear him better. “What do you mean?”
“I mean …” Kurt feels Sebastian swallow, his head against the hollow of his neck “… Kurt Hummel, would you do me the tremendous honor of being my husband?”
Kurt’s brow pinches. Was he speaking hypothetically or …? Kurt opens his eyes, about to look up except right in front of him, sitting on Sebastian’s chest in an open blue box, is the most stunning platinum and diamond ring he’s ever seen in his life – and seeing as he works for Vogue, that’s saying something.
“Oh my God,” Kurt gasps, picking the box up in disbelief and sitting upright with it. “Are you … are you serious?”
“A-ha.” Sebastian sits up with him. He takes the ring from the box and holds out his hand. “I’ve had this ring for a while now. I’ve just been trying to find the best time to give it to you.”
“A-and you felt that right after our first orgy was the best time?” Kurt asks, marveling when Sebastian slips the ring onto his finger, the smooth metal band fitting him perfectly. Kurt doesn’t even wear rings. How the hell did Sebastian know his size?
Because Sebastian loves him, so Sebastian found a way. He probably measured Kurt’s finger one night when Kurt was so knocked out on Ambien, he couldn’t think straight.
And as ridiculous as that sounds, it melts Kurt’s heart.
“Absolutely. It’s a milestone, babe.” Sebastian curls Kurt’s hand over the ring and holds it. “I knew if we could get through that with no hard feelings, we could get through anything.”
Sebastian kisses Kurt’s hand, and Kurt has a sudden flashback of the things they’ve been through up to this point – the jabs and the insults, the angry sex, the passionate sex, the moments of quiet, Sebastian sitting beside Kurt in the hospital when Kurt’s dad had his second heart attack, and then sitting beside Kurt again in Kurt’s own hospital bed after he’d rushed into an alley to save a man from being beaten to death by homophobes and got the shit knocked out of him, graduations and dinners with family and holidays and all the celebrations, big and small, that go into sharing a life together. In retrospect, the bad blood between them only lasted about a year total, and every day since has been incredible.
Kurt looks at his hand wrapped in Sebastian’s grasp, the ring at home on his finger as if Sebastian always knew that Kurt would say yes, so he’s not even waiting for an answer.
Snarky, conceited, cocky, know-it-all Sebastian.
The completely unexpected and wonderful love of Kurt’s life.
Kurt leans forward and rests his forehead against Sebastian’s forehead. “D-did you ever have any doubts?”
Sebastian shakes his head, and kisses Kurt gently on the lips, smiling against Kurt’s watery smile. “Never for a minute.”
Carson and Barry used work as an excuse to leave the hotel room, but they never actually went back. It was a difficult thing for them to put into words, especially after everything that had just happened between the four of them, but both men had begun to feel like they were overstaying their welcome, that there was something else planned for those two in that room that Carson and Barry should not be a part of. They went to Barry’s room across town to defrag and reflect. They were going to talk, really talk, sit down and hash out everything they were feeling, what they wanted to do, how they were going to proceed.
But five steps into the room, they ended up tearing each other’s clothes off and heading straight for bed.
In their defense, at least they were talking.
“So, did you like him better than me?” Carson asks, sliding up and down slowly on Barry’s cock in his lap. He runs his hand down Barry’s chest where the tracks of Kurt’s nails had been.
That was only a few hours ago, but there isn’t a single mark left, and thank God. Carson didn’t know how long he could look at them.
“What a time to ask that question, Car.” Barry laughs, pulling Carson down so he can feel the full extent of his arousal, every inch of it buried deep in Carson’s body. “But no,” Barry answers quickly, honestly, knowing Carson doesn’t let a question lie once it’s been asked. That’s why he’s a shoo-in for the Pulitzer; Barry just knows it. “There’s no contest. He doesn’t even compare to you.”
“I don’t know,” Carson teases. “It looked like he had you pretty convinced.”
“He wasn’t you, Carson. He doesn’t feel like you. He doesn’t taste like you. I was so nervous with him. I didn’t know how to touch him, how to kiss him, what to say to him.” Barry stops Carson in his lap, smirking deviously. “And with him, I can’t do this …”
Barry puts his hand flat over Carson’s bare chest. The second they connect, forks of blue electricity fly from Barry’s fingertips. They dance over Carson’s skin, outlining jagged, branching marks that faded a long time ago. Barry pulls and the electricity pulls back, trying to re-seat Barry’s hand on Carson’s flesh. Carson’s head falls back. Barry’s electricity calls to the electricity inside Carson’s body, igniting every cell. It fills Carson with a comforting and erotic heat.
He feels an intense light burning behind his eyes. It turns him into a beacon of power, one that Carson is specially equipped to withstand.
Growing up, Carson Phillips was an imaginative boy who wanted to fly – far away from his small-minded town, far away from his manipulative mother, far away from the tragedy that was his young adult life. He was planning to attend Northwestern, become a reporter and, eventually, the youngest editor of The New Yorker, among other things. He longed to break free, defy expectations, and make something extraordinary of his life. Instead, on the last day of high school, he was hit by the world’s most random bolt of lightning and, by all clinical definitions of the word, died. It took members of his community over three days to find his body. But in a strange turn of events, he came back to life a day later in the morgue while being prepped for an autopsy, and no one could explain why, including the coroner who suffered a heart attack when Carson opened his eyes and sat straight up on his table. Carson’s experience with death set him on the path to not only becoming the journalist he’d always wanted to be, but to search out the supernatural.
The impossible.
Carson was open to any lead pointing to the unknown, but he focused mainly on searching out survivors of lightning strikes, trying to find an answer to why what happened to him happened. But all of the victims he spoke to were of the average, run-of-the-mill, struck by lightning survivors, each with similar experiences of being caught unaware either before or in the middle of a storm, most of whom received the same warning signs - static electricity causing their hair to stand on end, or just a general feeling of dread.
Carson had experienced none of those. He had been happy, content when the bolt of lightning hit him, having being brought down by circumstances earlier but finally finding peace with his direction in life. And he’d had no warning. There was no storm coming, no clouds that he remembered, no feeling of static electricity. His mother had said that she thought maybe Carson himself had pulled that bolt of lightning out of the sky.
Whatever happened to Carson, it lit a fire in his belly that sent him traveling all over the globe.
And that’s how, over a half-decade later, he found Barry.
Barry, who’d been struck by lightning himself after a particle accelerator malfunction.
Barry, whose accident not only put him in a coma for nine months, but also infused him with interesting abilities that defied all logic.
Barry Allen, also known as, The Flash.
When the two of them met, the sparks between them weren’t just metaphorical.
A good friend once told Barry that he felt the lightning that struck him wasn’t random; that maybe that lightning chose Barry for a reason.
If that’s the case, both Carson and Barry pulled lightning from the sky.
The two of them meeting had to be more than a coincidence.
“Yeah.” Carson gasps, watching the electricity arc between his chest and Barry’s hand. “That’s pretty damn awesome.”
“You know,” Barry says, leaning in close to kiss Carson’s neck, sending sparks sizzling over that sensitive skin, “most people joke about finding someone whose demons play nicely with theirs. For us, that’s more than just a saying. And since I can only do this with you, you know what that means.”
“What does it mean?”
“It means …” Barry curls his hand into a fist, lets the current break and dissolve “… we belong together. No matter what, Carson. If I’m in the middle of a case and we don’t see one another for days, or you get called out of bed late at night to cover a story, we’re two parts of the same whole, and that will never change.”
Carson nods. He winds his arms around Barry’s shoulders and hugs him tight. “I think you might be right.”
Barry brushes back hair that had steadily been creeping into Carson’s face so he can see the latent charge in his blue eyes. “I love you, Carson.”
Carson smiles. He closes in for a kiss, a single thread of electricity jumping from his lips to Barry’s. “I love you, too.”
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Welcome to The Real World house, CHARLIE! We are very excited to have KURT HUMMEL here at the Real World house. Don’t forget to send in your account within 24 hours and make sure to re-read the rules and check out the navigation so you know what tags to track! We can’t wait for you to join us.
Name: Charlie. Age: 21. Timezone: CST. Activity Level: Anywhere between 5 and 7 out of ten. I’m out of school for the semester, but I’m going to be moving soon and it keeps me busy. I’ll also be on a weird timezone in a few days. Previous Accounts: Removed for privacy. Triggers: Removed for privacy. Anything else?: Removed for privacy.
Character Name: Kurt Hummel. Date of Birth: May 27th. Sexuality: Gay. Occupation: High school drama teacher. Current Location: Pecos, Texas. Three Positive Traits: Ambitious, strong, honest. Three Negative Traits: Competitive, superficial, sensitive.
Born to an almost picture perfect couple, Kurt Elias Hummel was a creative, artsy kid with a big heart and a dramatic flair. They had a balance of sorts, where Burt handled the practical and Elizabeth handled the emotional. It worked well, until Elizabeth fell ill. It wasn’t slow, but it was painful. One morning found her rubbing her temples at home, the next unconscious in a hospital, and the last found both of those beds empty.
Kurt believed his mechanic, football-loving father wouldn’t understand him in all of his musical theater, sewing machine and feather boa glory. It took them until Kurt was halfway through high school to connect again, when he plucked up the courage to come out to him after years of trying to pretend he wasn’t gay.  
Aside from fixing his relationship with Burt, high school was hell for him. The only out gay kid at his school, he was constantly the victim of his school’s particular brand of tormenting, which involved various creative assortments of rotten food from the dumpster and trash cans. He saw it all; inside his locker, in his messenger bag, on his gym clothes, in his shoes and worst of all, dumped on his fastidiously groomed hair. Aside from that and the occasional shove, it never got otherwise physical, so the school board couldn’t (or wouldn’t) do anything about it.
Sophomore year was a busy one, steadily building a resumé so he could get out of Pecos at the end of senior year for his ultimate dream destination: Parsons School of Design at New York, New York. He joined clubs, took extra classes, built a portfolio and self-taught new skills.
Burt would always say that when his acceptance letter came, no one was the least bit surprised. Kurt’s entire world seemed to click for the first time when he headed off to New York; he was made for this.
At first, while not easy, everything seemed to fall into place. He made great new friends, did pretty well in his classes, and he fell in love. Kyle, at first meeting, was one of those people that seemed perfect. Gorgeous, kind, talented, he gave Kurt a run for his money when it came to Broadway trivia, and it certainly didn’t hurt that his body was almost to die for. If he believed in that whole thing, he’d say that he was sent from above.
It didn’t take long for them to start dating. In fact, things got very intense, very fast, and they remained that way all throughout college. Kurt wasn’t completely aware of it, but over the course of their time together, he put a lot of pressure and expectations on Kyle. They had ups, sure, and they both clung to those as reasons to stay together, but they had a few downs as well. It was likely during one of those downs that Kyle seeked out Sebastian. It wouldn’t have hurt him so much if it hadn’t involved a series of lies and promises that culminated in Kyle leaving him for some… meerkat. Kurt absolutely hadn’t stalked him online, but if he had, he would’ve been sure that Sebastard was not worth throwing a four year relationship away.
The breakup was the first in a Series of Unfortunate Events, as Kurt liked to bitterly call his last two years in New York.
It felt like bad things kept happening to him, one after the other, leaving him almost no time to breathe. From shutting out his friends, to juggling two dream jobs with crappy bosses, to getting fired from both of them for ridiculous reasons. From getting mugged and gaybashed to accidentally-on-purpose hooking up with Kyle only to get rejected again. From a pest infestation in his apartment, to appendicitis on his own. He stuck it out for a while because there were very bright spots in the middle of it all.
One day, it all came crashing down. It was as simple as getting asked by the cashier how he was, and he couldn’t breathe. It felt stupid to get taken to the hospital for an anxiety attack when so many people had it so much worse. His test results said he had low blood sugar, slightly high blood pressure and some anemia, but he still just wanted to get it all over with. When Burt came to visit, though… he cried like he hadn’t in years, and going home was all he wanted.
He took a couple months off, just casually doodling designs and resting, on Burt’s orders. When he felt a little more like himself again, he found himself standing in front of Pecos High School, wondering if maybe, he could make a difference there. As soon as he found out the Drama position was being temporarily filled by the ninety million year old Math teacher, who had as many emotions in his body as Kurt had pairs of Crocs, he interviewed for the job and got it.
Fast forward two years, and Kurt could tell he was getting too comfortable to leave. Pecos had become safe, somehow, and his career needed a push forward. He needed a push forward. On a whim, he decided to audition for The Real World, hoping for a sort of fresh start, and deep down, friends. It couldn’t hurt to let loose and party a little bit, either, right? Right?
Para Sample: Removed for privacy.
WHY ARE YOU AUDITIONING FOR THE REAL WORLD? I’ve spent too much time running lately. Running from adulthood, and even from love. I was cooped up in this “safe haven” that I created for myself and just… stifling myself. This is my way to put myself out there, to start over, and maybe catch an eye or two out in the professional world. I mean, why not? I don’t want to run anymore.
WHAT AND WHO ARE YOU LEAVING BEHIND BACK HOME? My dad, mostly. I semi-recently moved back home and we’ve grown quite close these past couple of years and I’m gonna miss him a lot while I’m gone. However, I know he knows this is for the best, and I’m sure he’s gonna spend some desperately needed quality time with the lovely Camille, his partner.
WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO GAIN IN THE NEXT SIX MONTHS IN SAN FRANCISCO? Freedom, I think is the best way to describe it. The freedom to be myself again, fully, fearlessly and fabulously. Getting my name and my perfectly cared for face out there is also a goal. I’d say I’m hoping to get through this with minimal drama, but who am I kidding? I wouldn’t be on a reality show if I wasn’t expecting drama. That’s like watching Meryl Streep and expecting to not be awed by her performance.
WHILE ON THE REAL WORLD, AMERICA IS WATCHING YOUR EVERY MOVE. WHAT’S THE FIRST THING YOU WANT TO SAY TO THE VIEWERS AT HOME? Always be yourself. Screw the jerks who want to bring you down. You get to hold your head high and be proud of the things that make you different, so do it. Never be ashamed. Only mix prints and patterns if you know what you’re doing.
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