#and that whoever created whatever you've shared. they will have feelings around it
A Graves x Reader x Ghost Love Triangle
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As Shadow Company’s second in command, you’ve seen firsthand the kind of man Graves could be, including the kind of man he wanted to be for you. It was a game you two unknowingly played, one that would surely not end well. A quick distraction meant to tame your busy souls. Warm bodies to lie with. Anything other than that was pure fantasy, though you two couldn’t help dreaming...
Future NSFW 18+, Future Angst, Pre-MW2 Events, Fluff, Flirting, Teasing, First Kiss, Romance, Drama, Build-up, Implied FWB, Make-Out Session, Shadow Company!Reader
WC ~ 2k
AO3 Link | Masterlist
A/N (2024): Made a few minor grammatical fixes and touched up some of the sentences that weren't making sense. Hopefully, this reads a lot stronger now! ^.~
A/N: I have never posted on Tumblr like this before; I’m a grade A lurker. But I’m obsessed with this for whatever reason, so now you’re being subjected to my writing. This is chapter one to a longer story that’ll be posted on AO3. Sorry if the characters feel OOC, I’m trying my best with what we got. Please enjoy! (T^T)>
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Phillip Graves was as much of an enigma as the rest of the men in Shadow Company.
He could be many things when asked: Confident and self-assured, charismatic and dependable, disciplined and cutthroat, remorseless … as cold and calculated as a well-trained attack dog, or as warm and inviting as a long-time friend. All these personas existed within the commander, ready to be switched on in a single order. A chameleon, true to his craft. He’s grown accustomed to making himself whoever the world needed him to be. Anything that gets the job done.  
There was never any mistaking where Graves' thoughts lie, as more than often he'd just admit to them out loud. He accepts that others believe him to be an open book -- easy to read, with little complexity or depth beyond being a good soldier. Being lighthearted and obedient to the right people has worked wonders for him in the past, so he's mastered this façade and uses it well to his advantage. Proudly too.
But for a man so unafraid to be himself, Graves could be surprisingly secretive. 
As his second in command, you've seen firsthand the many personas your commander wore, including ones he's worn for you. Most of his tricks and plays you recognized by now, even as you've yet to understand them. Though as of late you’ve watched these many faces of his waver into something unfamiliar. They chip away slowly, each time you surrender yourself to his needs, taking your place beside him in the black of night, when no one's around to see. There, he's created a new façade, for your eyes only.
One that only made things complicated.
When you first began spending your nights together, it was more of a means to an end. It had been months since either of you had the pleasure of someone else's full attention, and lately, you were starting to notice. Shadow Company had grown more acclaimed and busy this past year, making dating pretty impossible. And after a while, anyone starts to look like a good lay if they're not ugly. Unfortunately, it didn't leave you with many options, until you'd caught the starved eye of your very own commander. 
You’d hardly been a part of Shadow Company for a month before you’d picked up on Graves' interest in you. He was surprisingly subtle with his flirting, if not predictable. It was the way his eyes lingered on you in quiet moments, his expression turned soft as his lips curved into a charming smile whenever you'd catch him. He could always spot you in a crowded room, always noticing when you were away for too long. He laughed just a little too hard at your jokes and always looked your way first after sharing one himself.
Before long, you found yourself beginning to watch him back. 
It was the little details you noticed first. The small cuts on his face from past firefights, how glossy and full of life his blue eyes looked in direct sunlight. Its rays would make a halo over his dirty blond hair, each strand looking clean enough to run your fingers through. He once caught you looking at him lick his lips, something he did often. When your eyes lifted from his mouth to see your superior officer looking dead at you, it shot a bolt of lightning through you. But you didn't look away, perhaps wanting him to see you looking. Taunting him.
Graves didn't say anything at first when he saw you ogling, but you knew he'd made a mental note of it just from the way he smirked afterward. "See something you like?"
"I see you, Commander," you'd said, hoping your glib nature would cover up the embarrassment you felt from getting caught. But Graves was like a shark in the water, and you'd just given him a taste of your blood.
"I see you too, Songbird." 
It seems all he needed was that clue that you were interested in him, because it wasn't soon after this when he decided to make his move.
You and the Commander had just finished prepping your mission brief for the other Shadow Company members. By now it was getting late in the night, as the building you two were in was a small facility only authorized personnel could enter. You occupied one of the empty rooms converted into an office space for all the pencil pushers to work out of. They’d all clocked out for the day though, leaving you two alone; and the tension in the air between you had just reached a boiling point.
You stood up from one of the tables in the room, preparing to slip into your coat and call it a night, until you watched the Commander approach you suddenly. You assumed he was getting ready to leave as well, until you noticed his come-hither nature.
“So, you got any plans tonight?”
And just like that, the game was on. You knew right away where this would go and it had your heart already skipping a beat. But you didn't want to jump to conclusions, nor did you want to rush this either. The thrill of the pursuit provided you with a nice little rush.
Wicked as you were, you began to smile.
“Why?” you ask. “Did you have something in mind?”
“I can think of a few things,” he said, behaving purposefully coy, in hopes of getting a rile out of you. He always did enjoy your banter and had no problem doing a little teasing himself when presented with the opportunity.
“Is that right?” you say flirtatiously. “Will I like those “things”, Commander?”
Graves smirks, raising an eyebrow at your comment. Hearing his title roll from your tongue so provocatively brought a sudden twinkle to his eyes. At this point, he didn’t need to guess where your mind was, which only made him more bold.
He chuckles under his breath, taking a few small steps closer, until he’s only an arm's length away. His next play.
He wasn't the tallest man you met but he still managed to tower over you by a few inches, the light from the room casting a shadow over him. This close you could smell the aftershave and cologne he’d used this morning, watching the way his eyes took in every detail of you, pupils dilating, black over-compassing the deep blue of his irises. He leans against the wall and unconsciously licks his lips again.
It was like a switch flipped in him.
“You will.”
You scoff, laughing under your breath at his boldness. You were wondering when he would be. Still, you wanted to poke at him a little more, see how long you could keep him waiting, if not to see if he was being for real. “Cocky as always.”
“Would you like me some other way then?”
You play on his words from earlier. “I can think of a few ways.”
“And what might those ways be, Songbird?”
"You're a smart boy," you hum. "I think you can figure them out. My lips are sealed, otherwise."
Graves steps even closer. He lifts a hand and pushes a stray strand of hair behind your ear. His touch is gentle and surprisingly warm, gliding against you like feathers, his fingers trailing across your jawline and resting beneath your chin. Goosebumps formed where he touched, and you could tell from the doe-eyed look he had that it was doing something to him too, seeing you like this. He takes his hand beneath your chin and lifts your head, forcing you to lock eyes.
"And if I order you to say them?"
His voice was now much lower than before. Sultry. You could feel it in the air he was ready to come in closer, simply waiting for an opportunity to do so that felt right.
Butterflies shot through you like a thick swarm; you didn’t want to let on that his words had you like putty in his hands, though you feared your little lip quiver may have given it away. You instead look down at his lips again, your gaze sullied. You began thinking of all the ways you could close this space between you two and put an end to the tension. The thrill of it all had your adrenaline spiking in all the right ways, simply waiting to see where things go from this point. "Then I won’t listen," you purr.
"Insubordination is rather punishable," he said.
"So is fraternization."
"I can keep a secret." Graves brought his thumb to your lip, lightly running it across, as his eyes lowered to your mouth. He nearly says in a whisper, "Tell me what you’re thinking."
"Let me show you."
His lips slowly come down to yours, kissing you gently. When you pressed your lips back against his, he exhaled pleasurably, tongue grazing your bottom lip. He moves his hand from your chin and curls it to the back of your neck, holding you in place and continuing to tease you with short, velvety pecks. His lips danced against yours with the skill of a seasoned player, clearly experienced in his craft, but it wasn’t until he felt your hands glide against his hips and tug him closer that his kisses grew insatiable. 
His grip on the back of your neck tightened, lips pressing harder against yours, feverishly. When the sudden aggression brings a low moan from you, it only makes him push harder, his other hand grabbing the small of your back and roughly pressing himself against you.
His weight causes you to shift backward until he has your back pressed against a wall. Unknowingly, your arm bumps against a nearby filing cabinet on the way there, knocking over a few papers that now littered the floor. Mere background noise to Graves, who only continues, his arms planted on other sides of the wall around you, as his lips trailed down your neck. His kisses reach your collarbone, the sensitive sensation causing you to gasp out a moan. “Graves!”
Hearing his name be moaned out sends him on a personal mission to hear you say it more. He takes his hands and slowly runs them down your body, feeling every bit of you he can through your uniform, before resting them on your thighs. In one swift motion, he then lifts you, taking your legs and straddling them around his waist, as he keeps your back against the wall. He presses himself to you and breathes heavily, rejoining his mouth with yours.
By now you could feel him through his pants, and you pushed yourself against him in response, the grinding motion bringing quiet moans from both of you. That’s when you two suddenly hear footsteps.
At the drop of a hat, you two freeze, going completely silent. The footsteps come from outside the room -- someone walking by in the hallway. A janitor maybe? God forbid it was anyone in the company. You held your breaths for only about a minute, listening to the steps pass by the room until you couldn’t hear them any longer.
The two of you let out a shared sigh, before looking back at one another. Graves had you still pinned to the wall, your legs tucked in his arms. He can’t help but chuckle. 
“This probably ain’t the best place for this, darlin'," he spoke. "As much as I want to keep going."
“I don’t know,” you joke. “I like the vibe. It’s very risqué.”
Graves smiles at you. And then, he pauses for a moment. Suddenly his eyes can’t seem to pick a spot he wants to look at on your face. You see something in him change, gears turning in his mind. Thinking of what he might say to you now. Hiding away his vulnerabilities. It makes your own mind begin to ponder.
“See something you like?” you ask him.
“I see you.”
Graves leaned in and kissed you another time, softly. Like you’d been lovers your whole lives. That’s when you realized how truly dangerous your commander could be; for a minute there, you started daydreaming about what tomorrow could bring you both. You wanted to fall for his pretty words. But then you remembered where you were, and who you were with.
This was a game. A mutual distraction. As things stand, thinking that this could be anything else beyond a good lay was purely a fantasy. You almost just lost yourself in it.
And so it goes.
"Your place or mine?”
...Chapter Two Here!
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moviesludge · 5 months
I'm usually pretty easygoing and forgiving about movies and tv. I don't know why, but I don't really get upset or something if a show is just okay. I guess maybe it's because it served a purpose of being something new to watch while I was eating dinner or whatever. If it has some action or humor or a compelling narrative or all of the above, it's all for the better.
But I watched the new WILLOW show and really disliked a lot of things about it. There were some good bits, like some refreshingly charismatic funny characters and some fun nostalgia and effects, but an overwhelming albatross around the neck of this show was some unrelenting bitchy whining characters. MONARCH shares this horrible element. Both shows have characters that constantly second guess anything that's said to them, are always being contrarian, are always bitching and complaining about something, are not in any way complex, and are just generally extremely unlikable. I don't know if this is a writer's attempt at creating conflict or trying to illustrate the character's struggles, but it fails in both shows. I stg in MONARCH someone will be like "I think we should do this proactive thing" and one of the moody asshole brother/sister characters will be like "That's the best plan you have? Our dad abandoned us to go off and chase Godzilla for a reason we can't possibly make an attempt at understanding because the only thing that's important about this is our perpetually hurt feelings, and that's your plan? FUCK YOU". And it happens over and over every time anyone says anything to them. It's like okay we get that they're upset, you've established that. Do they have to caustically eat up minutes of every episode harping about stuff we already understand??? And just being generally shitty?
I'm not sure about WILLOW, but I get the sneaking suspicion that whoever is writing MONARCH is a person who thinks all younger generations are spoiled insufferable whiners who are just complaining to hear themselves complain, and don't have any significant real problems. All of the elder characters (like Wyatt/Kurt Russell's Lee Shaw) seem to be stoic asskickers who are proactive and deal with their problems in stride, which while you're watching the show, is a balm against the opposite. If you think it's a good idea to write horribly annoying characters like the ones in these shows in any tv show, you're basically guaranteeing failure, regardless of intent.
Oh yeah, and would it kill them to actually include some fucking MONSTERS in the show? Like there are a few, but for a show called LEGACY OF MONSTERS it sure is 99% people running around jawin'!!
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cljordan-imperium · 11 months
Happy WBW! ♥️ What's the section of worldbuilding that's your favorite? Feel free to gush about it or share something you've created!
Hi Sweetheart!! <3
Oooh, thank you for asking this question. I may have to come back to it and gush later, but I'll make sure to tag you. I haven't had enough coffee to get the synapses firing completely. I've built a lot of worlds over the years. I may have to go back and look at some I've done to find it. Maybe while I'm on lunch!! Okay, my favorite part? Is painting the picture for the reader. I HATE info dumps. I hate reading them. I LOATHE with every fibre of my entire being writing them. They bore the ever loving fuck out of me. So I prefer, if you haven't noticed, to paint as I go. But I love to have a character walk into a room and describe it as the character is seeing it, especially if they are in awe. OOOH...hold on...I have one that I think I can use for this... we are going to have to put in a break, this babe is gonna be long. *big grin*
This is from the story arc where Abriella (then Gabrielle..long story on the name change) and the other core residents of Imperium went to rescue Talia in the prison realm where Stennis (The Source) had put her. I had so much fun imagining this prison realm, so the world building built in here is one I totally enjoyed. So...hope you can picture this...
As the band of 14 teleported into the center of the tower, all quickly scanned the surroundings.  This was a vastly different atmosphere than they’d really expected.  The floor was squishy, like walking on a sponge.  The walls were some kind of iridescent metal that while the colors changed when your angle of viewing did, there was no reflection.  They were cold, ice cold.  No one could put their hand on them for more than a minute or so before it began to ache.  The air around them was thick feeling, with a smell that most resembled formaldehyde on Earth.  It was a wholly unpleasant environment.  
The hallways off of the center hub were easy to find.  Each one was illuminated in a different color light: purple, blue, and green.  No one was quite sure what that meant.  All of them had half expected there to be some kind of alarm when they teleported in, but there was nothing.  Instead of making them feel reassured, this made them more on edge.  It wasn’t clear what that meant, but it was almost assured that it was nothing good.
Mithos cast protective wards over the three who would be hunting.  They would give them some protection should they be attacked.  No one knew what the inhabitants of this foreign place looked like or their weaponry.  For that reason, all of the team had brought many options.  This was another reason for the wards, they weren’t sure any of their weapons would be effectual against whoever or whatever they would face.  Once the three started making their way cautiously down the hallways, Mithos cast layers of wards over the remaining ten that still formed a circle.  All were tense, blades and/or firearms drawn.  Mithos’s back was against Brie’s.  Adriel was on one side of her, Thinius on the other.  Thanases was in front of her, ready to create illusions should the inhabitants of this place eventually show up.  While they did not doubt the fighting prowess of their Queen, none were quite sure of her fitness for battle.  While Mithos could detect nothing wrong, he knew her powers were still depleted.
As the three made their way down the hallway, they found it often hard to see with the colored lights.  They cast weird shadows and distorted the view through what seemed like glass doors into holding cells.  It was like some kind of prison.  However, no two creatures being held looked the same. 
Abbadon was the only one who felt the air change suddenly.  Unlike the others, he had experienced life in many realms and realities.  A being strait from the Source, he was able to detect life forms that the others could not even dream of existing; and in some case they would be the things of their worst nightmares, even for the demons.  “We have incoming.  Don’t ask where because I can’t see them either.”
Taking a step back, he lightly bumped into Thinius.  As he looked over he raised a brow.  With the four males who were surrounding her, he wasn’t sure if Brie would be able to fight.  At almost two feet shorter than them, he doubted she could even see anything other than Thanases’s back.  Not that he was even going to attempt to disagree with the arrangement,; he was actually relieved that whatever it was that had decided to come see them, it would have a hard time getting to her.  
“Ummm…look up…” Arioch’s voice sounded a bit unsure and as everyone looked towards the ceiling, they understood why.  Replacing the blackness that had been above them were multitudes of eyes.  No faces, no heads, just eyes.  The entirety of the ceiling seemed to be covered in them.  And it wasn’t just one being, all of them were blinking at different times.
“Well, that gives a new meaning to death from above!” Dez sarcastically quipped.  Why had he agreed to come on this mission? Oh yeah, the babe that was at one time his bestie, and who he was working on getting back to that level with.
Okay, so that is the past...now the present...well...future...I love this one too...even if it is shorter...
Told you it was going to be a long post *grins*
“It makes me all warm and fuzzy to watch her stomp on their little egos and turn it all to dust.  Then Cruz or one of us gets to blow it all away and watch them wither like a forgotten plant in the corner.”  Arioch grinned then chucked then put his hand on the handle to the gilded heavy door that reached all the way to the ceiling of the throne room that he would open in unison with his twin.  Raguel’s hand was already on the handle to the one next to him.  “1...2...3…”
The brothers stepped back to swing the doors open together in unison, the grins on their faces were a matching pair.  They’d practiced this a few thousand times when deities and royalty from various realms had started making appearances.  It was almost habit now, but one that they enjoyed.
“King Kellen Cythraul of Uffern and Chancellor Grae Drwg, you have been granted an audience with Queen Abriella Estephania Bethania Engel and King Cruzantheon Alexadre Demetrios Engel.  Come forward and state your business.”  Lucifer’s voice echoed throughout the Throne Room.
The throne room was elegant.  The floor was black marble, the walls a white marble with black veins running through it,  and the ceiling a polished hematite that acted almost as a mirror.  Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, illuminating the room and making all surfaces almost seem to glow with their golden warmth.  At one end of the room were three steps up to a platform.  In the middle of that platform was Brie’s throne.  Elegant and ornately carved black marble that was crafted in a way to fit her perfectly, and she was seated upon it in a gown that was peacock blue.  If she were to move it would shift from a brilliant turquoise to a deep purple.  It was sleeveless and had a sweetheart neckline before having a full skirt like something out of a princess movie.  She hated it, and hated all of the pins that were holding her hair in some complicated updo even more. A tiara of silver, opal, and black diamonds sat upon her head, glinting in the light with every movement.  Next to her stood Cruz, clothed in regal finery as well. His crown was black titanium and diamonds.  There was no doubt anyone laying eyes upon him that he was a powerful and competent King.  At each of the front corners stood one of her grandfathers, slightly behind Lucifer and Div stood the other two Horsemen, Olly and Deacon who were.  All four were likewise dressed in regal finery, indicating their station within the realm.  Behind her throne stood her entire Royal Guard flanked by Dez and Talon.  All of them were dressed equally elegantly, and all were well and obviously armed. They were standing at attention, hands resting on the swords that were sheathed at their waists.  It was a grand and imposing picture when viewed through the doors that had just been opened.  
SO....sneak peek to when King Kellen of Uffern comes to Imperium. Although, he obviously is not going to be the first Uffernian to visit since Karlen is currently chatting and having coffee with Jean Pierre. So...we'll see how long it takes for Kellen to end up there and how that comes about......I can't give it ALL away.... I love painting the picture. When I do my revisions, I normally end up adding rather than removing. My first drafts are bare bones, and I add the meat until my story is no longer a skeleton, but a beautiful fluffy bunny, or a sparkling, fluttering humming bird.
I hope you enjoyed and this all made sense. I get a little excited about sharing my worldbuilding! <3
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What remains after here?
What comes after the last step?
Is it the holy land as promised in the scriptures?
Is it simply a grave, that stands there gaping?
Is it an eternity of waves? Is it simply the feeling of getting out after a long swim, or getting home after a long run?
Is it like the last swim of the summer? The feeling of a temporary goodbye?
Knowing that as you push through the water, you're closer to your final time. You know your friends are waiting outside, and your dad calls you out to go, he tells you that you've got places to be, things to do.
You ask him for five more minutes and he laughs a little.
Telling you that your mom's waiting for you to come home, she's probably got breakfast made, and will yell at you both.
You tell him to go ahead, that you're right behind him.
You know that's a lie.
You know that you really don't want to go.
He tells you that it's time, he tells you that you'll be back next summer, you ask him for next spring.
He laughs and says okay.
Or is it like coming home after a long day?
Your mother waits for you as you get off the bus, your childhood dog greets you and you bend down to pet his furry little head.
You wave goodbye to your friends still on their way, maybe you'll see them another day.
You watch the bus disappear around the bend, knowing that you'll see it again.
If not the very next morning, then maybe after two.
You smooth out the wrinkles from your clothes, the sun is warm but not unpleasant. There's a faint wind blowing and you can still feel the laugh bubbling in your throat, as you remember the punchline of your best friend's joke.
You tell it to your mother, and she tells you that she's glad you had fun.
You tell her that your day was tiring, that you would like to do nothing more than sleep, and she laughs and tells you that you still have school tomorrow, but agrees to let you stay home.
She offers to take you out but you tell her you'd rather not.
You turn back to see if the bus is still waiting for someone else to get off, because there's always your neighbor's son, who seemingly always forgets his stop.
But maybe he was on time today, because there's no bus at the corner, just the happy rumbling of an afternoon well spent.
Or is it simply a symphony's last note?
A final key and a final bow, the pianist turns to the waiting crowd, she bows long and deep.
Maybe she curtsies.
She picks up her notes a final time, and as the clock lets out its inevitable chime she fades back into the crowd, waiting for the next pianist to take the stage.
To make his first play.
She claps the loudest at the crescendo, waiting with bated breath at his final note.
Perhaps he's better than her.
She hopes he is.
She hopes that he carries on the tune that she left behind, despite knowing that perhaps it won't be quite the same.
After all, he isn't her, he doesn't share her name.
She knows that that symphony was meant for her alone.
That that note was hers alone.
Or perhaps it isn't a performance at all, perhaps it's like the quiet before bed, when there's a million things that split your head.
A thousand worries that crave your immediate attention, but there's a certain calm in the incredible pandemonium that they create.
You know that it's inevitable, you lie in the dark for a while, listening to them complain and crow. And then sudden relief, your mind goes numb as you finally are granted the sweet relief of sleep.
Whatever it feels like, I hope it's true, or at least it feels so.
Even if it is the feeling of despair, as you wonder if anyone might care.
That you're gone.
That you won't ever play another song.
That there are no more buses to get out of.
No more last swims.
No more bitter wins.
Even if it is just a sea of regrets, I hope you aren't sad.
That you don't hold your breath
I hope you greet whoever or whatever's on the other side with open arms, I hope you aren't afraid.
Even if at the end, it's just darkness again.
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bogkeep · 3 years
re: the post i reblogged about how People Can Read Your Tags And Additions, here are some supplemental Thoughts! as an artist i LOVE when people write in the tags or write comments. i can safely say that most artists on tumblr always look forward to seeing nice messages in the tags and that this is one of the features that makes tumblr rewarding to post art on. i also enjoy it for my non-art posts that have made some rounds as well, i LOVE reading tiny ramblings from a stranger’s life that they felt like sharing in the whispers of tagworld. i just really like it, even if it also means sometimes people just add Bad Takes or try to start an argument. but of course, not every feedback feels as nice as “omg i love this” or “i adore how you drew X”. i think there’s been several PSAs about how “i hate the ship but i love this art” is not the compliment you think it is (i personally don’t mind this type of comment so much, but i see why it’s upsetting) and also how it can feel very uncomfortable if someone tags art of an OC or a character that is very personal to you with “kin”. i do not remember all the Weird and Uncomfortable comments i’ve gotten ever, but here are some examples that are just... Weird. - someone adding “reblogging so i can pretend i drew this” on my art post - some nsfw roleplaying blogs “““adopting”“““ my OC and naming it in the notes of a commission i paid an artist to draw for me - fandom specific blog reblogging art of a character from an entirely different series, tagging it with a character it reminds them of even knowing it’s not that character, and then seeing other people reblog it from them tagging it with the wrong character... - this was on twitter, but someone replied to a piece of fanart i had drawn of a character i obviously love enough to spend hours drawing, to say “i wish this character wasn’t so shit tier”. worth noting that the creator of the character was also tagged in the reply. ah twitter, PLEASE change - also on twitter. someone writing really cryptic and antagonistic replies to me for drawing a human AU of a character who has grey skin in and horns in canon (i will specify this was not homestuck). it turns out that they just really hated that she wasn’t grey, but the whole thing was pretty upsetting because it seemed at first that they hated that i had drawn her as Not White. WELP like, being on the internet where everyone is just a url to you, it’s not always easy to realize how you come across to someone, or that you’re playing very fast and loose with boundaries and ettiquette. i sympathize a lot, i think we’ve all been there! but it’s nice to remember that like, people will see it, and if you make someone uncomfortable just once, it can be really hard to come back from that.
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magicsunwheel · 3 years
Why You're F#cking Amazing
How to play: pick one of the photos below using your intuition. You can close your eyes and meditate for a bit or just take a few grounding breaths while thinking of the topic. Feeling drawn to more than one is fine! You might have messages in more than one pile
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Pile 1 (x) Pile 2 (x) Pile 3 (x)
My pile numbers always go from left to right, then down to the text row (if applicable)
Pile 1
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Cards: The High Priestess, Five of Swords, Seven of Pentacles, The Moon Rx, Five of Rods, Ace of Pentacles
You are so intuitive! You're either very in touch with your divine feminine or are working your way there right now. Something about you is severe in the most beautiful way. You can take things seriously when they need to and the way you command a room with just your presence is unmatched. Maybe you're also a tarot reader or involved in spirituality/divination in some way. Maybe you really like Pick-a-Cards.
Something beautiful about you is that you never give up on a fight, especially when you know the end is worth it. Your ambition is strong and you will fight for what you love and what you want. You are not weak-willed by any means.
This also makes you so unique! You work so hard and put so much labor into your love even if you know it will take a long time to come to fruition. The times that you feel discouraged by a lack of results are few and far between. If for some reason you do find yourself wistfully hoping for faster results or an easier path, you can easily remind yourself of why you started in the first place.
You might have moments where you think of yourself as sneaky or like you're hiding a part of yourself from others, like your true self would be too much for them. I'm here to tell you that your intensity is exactly what make you such a beautiful person! You thrive in competition and in adversity. It gives you a chance to show off your quick thinking and survival skills. Others look at you with envy of how you can make an opportunity out of seemingly nothing!
If you need help improving your self-love, Spirit says to stop comparing yourself to others! You are amazing and beautiful and unique all on your own! Throwing yourself into the fray to compete against others who are nothing like you will only fim your inner shine. And you really do shine! When I asked for a card about why you are beautiful, nearly half the damn deck flew out!
Sprit loves you and I love you so please take care of yourself and keep making those amazing opportunities to improve your physical surroundings. (I feel like you have a very clean room/home)
Pile 2
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Cards: Nine of Rods, the World, King of Cups, Three of Rods, Ace of Rods, Two of Cups
Ahh the Loona pile!
Similar to Pile 1, but much more fiery! You are resilient! Taking time to collect yourself before pushing forward with a renewed sense of energy and purpose is such an amazing and useful trait. You maybe aren't as commanding of a presence but you have such an inner strength that no one can deny.
You got the World for the reason why you're beautiful! Maybe it's related to physically being very beautiful and possibly exotic-looking. You might have very specific features associated with a certain area of the world that stand out where you live. You also have such a wonderful understanding of the world and where it's currently at. Things can seem negative or like hope is lost but you still seek out the beauty and share it with others. You see opportunity where others do not and feel a sense of peace and connectedness with all of humanity. Wow!
Your uniqueness shines in your emotionality and compassion. You might be a natural born leader who makes sure to understand all under your rule. You lead with kindness and, most importantly, by example. You don't have any desire to use you position for ill-gotten gains. Power to you does not corrupt, it solely provides a tool for you to do good in the world and really make a difference in the lives of others, whether it's on a large or small scale. You are probably the kind of person who makes sure to give money to those who need it when you pass a begging mother and her children, or buying a homeless man a bottle of water on a hot day.
Your card for why you think you are not perfect actually came out quite positive. Maybe you don't have a very low self esteem, but I can see a few possible scenarios here. You might be constantly planning in your head, waiting and watching for the next move to take but never actually getting to the action part. Maybe you're planning for your future and have so much planned out that you're excited for, but haven't made the practical plans on how to actually get there. This could make you feel bad about yourself especially on days where you're reminded of others moving ahead in their lives while you're still planning. Visualisation is very important in manifesting your desired reality! If you are moving slower than others around you, remember that it is okay to not be where "everyone else" is. Life is not a race or a competition. Taking your time to get to where you need to be when you need to be there reminds me of the story of the tortoise and the hare. Quick does not necessarily mean better.
You can improve your self-love by creating! Using your creativity and passion to make something! Create art, whether it's physical/digital art, music, writing, inventing, anything that uses those creative muscles of yours. It doesn't have to be good! Just creating something will help burn up that excess energy you have that's trying to rush you somewhere. Self-expression this way can be a wonderful hobby even if you don't consider yourself as a creative person.
Your kindness really shines through. You care so deeply about the people around you and your spiritual team cares just as deeply about you. You are loved and watched over and protected by Spirit. Others around you also see your sparkle and appreciate and admire you, even if they don't show it. Know you are beautiful and amazing and bringing a light into this world that needs to be here.
Pile 3
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Cards: Six of Rods, the Hierophant, Four of Rods, Six of Cups, Ten of Swords, the Hermit Rx
Damn, who are y'all!? You've got some mighty power and pull in this world. Maybe you're a public figure or have some kind of platform, like a social media with many followers. You could also be well-recognized within your field of study/work. Whoever you are, people see you and look up to you. They celebrate you and how amazing you are! Spirit loves this about you and you really shine in the spotlight. Your achievements deserve all this pomp and celebration!
You are naturally authoritative. People listen when you speak and take your words to heart. You might also be a religious person or someone who enjoys organization and the comfort of hierarchy. People will willingly follow you wherever you lead them because they trust you with all their hearts. "A merciful ruler" (lol) You hold your position with grace and dignity befitting a king or queen.
You are unique in ways the public recognizes, but we knew that already! You might be someone who likes to entertain and you throw the greatest parties and get-togethers. Maybe you've planned a wedding and everyone had such an amazing time! You know how to relax and have fun when the time for celebrating arrives. You can out down your guard and bit and let loose. Not many people with such responsibility can let go of the reigns like that, but you don't seem to hold on to control too tightly.
Your past might be a source of anxiety for you. Maybe you're worried that what you've done when you were younger will catch up to you and ruin what you've got going on now, but it's important to remember that the past is the past. It cannot be undone or wished away. Taking time to accept what happened and recognizing that you've moved on to bigger and better things is important here. Whatever happened, take time to heal your childhood wounds and forgive past actions.
Ending this cycle will bring much more self-love to your life. Old habits and patterns being out to rest is the way forward. It might be a painful ending and something you don't necessarily look forward to, but it is something that needs to happen to clear out old energy and welcome in everything new. You can't expect to move on if you're still repeating old actions or ways of thinking. It's time to set these things to rest and evolve. Leave behind what no longer serves you.
Your understanding of yourself knows no bounds. You've taken the time to inquisit yourself and learn all of the shadows that lie there. Self-reflection might be a favored pastime for you. Through this knowledge of yourself you are able to see truths that many struggle to see all their lives. Your light can cut through the fog if bullshit and see the true source of something. Use this knowledge of yourself to become the best version of yourself that you can be! I know you're already on your way there and it's amazing to see! Spirit is so proud of you and loves you so much!
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kimnjss · 3 years
HELLO!!!! I wanted to make a request for clips with context✨
So i was thinking for the vlive where hobi gets all sad bc in the comments they keps asking for jimin. Y/n was watching so she went to comfort him🥺 and also comfort him 🥵
Feel free to add whatever/whoever you like😈
Hope this works and hope you like the idea 💜💜 take care💜💜
[ part six of a new series called: ‘clips with context' - feel free to request your own! ]
sad about the way his livestream ended, you know exactly what to do to get that smile back on his face. // explicit. 1.2k words
warnings: cursing, slight dirty talk, marking, hand jobs, hints of dom!reader, oral sex (m. receiving), spit, cum swallowing, deep throat… hoseok is whiny as hell.
“you're done on live?” you had heard him leave, but was too busy enjoying your shower to pay any real attention to it. he's huffing as he plops down on the edge of the bed, pulling his cap off to run his fingers through his hair. “yeah. they wanted to talk to jimin,” he tries to shrug it off, but you can see the hint of sadness in his eyes. hear it in his tone.
you don't make a deal of it, crawling to the edge of the bed to wrap your arms around his shoulders. a soft kiss is pressed behind his ear, bare chest smushing against his back. “good. i wanted you to myself anyway,” your hand reaches around from his hip down to his lower belly.
hoseok cranes his neck so he can get a better look at you, which makes it easier for you to capture his lips in a kiss. hot and wet as your hand slides down toward his lap, feeling the way his cock hardens underneath your touch.
“do you want me to suck you off?” he's nodding before the words can fully leave your mouth. reaching for the waistband of his pants and scrambling to tug them off as a rushed, “please,” falls from his lips.
you're giggling at his eagerness, sucking a kiss behind his ear as you watch his hands reveal himself. waiting patiently for you to come around, but you're too focused on marking him. in a not so obvious, obvious spot. right below his earlobe so his hair could cover it, but you'd still catch glimpses of it.
the soft moans that fall from his lips urge you to tease him so more, knowing how much you love the way he looks when he's all riled up. trying desperately to hold out when all he really wants to do is cum at the simplest touch. his eyes flutter, head lulling back as your hand wraps around his length.
one experimental thrust has his hips lifting. you plan to turn his mind to mush, wipe away that sullen look he had on his face upon entering your shared suite. get him to forget how excited he had been earlier about opening up the live. get him to focus on you until the sting of rejection was just a faint memory.
he's rolling his hips, cock sliding in and out of the small opening you've made with your first. the sound of his low grunts fill the room, the soft whine he lets out whenever you've hit a particularly sensitive spot. the press of your lips never leave, a wet line of kisses going down the length of his neck and then back up again.
“you're leaking already. does it feel that good, baby?” hoseok ignores your slightly teasing tone to nod his head. the wetness of precum hits your palm and you use it to create a smoother slip, hand jerking faster, that paired with the twist of your hand has his eyes rolling back.
mouth finding his, you're reaching your free hand to tangle in his hair. holding his head steady as you push your tongue past your lips. his moans die on your tongue, the movement of his hips speeding up until he's nearly fucking into your fist. “shit,” he's gasping, jaw falling slack. from the quick rise and fall of his chest and the slight tremble of his legs you can tell that he's close.
but, you have a lot more playing you want to do before that point, so you're pulling your hand away. earning a squinted eye glare from the man in front of you. “not yet, baby. i wanna taste you.” despite your words, you make no effort to move. back to sucking hickeys into his skin while your nails drag over the skin of his thighs.
he's squirming, ready to drag you down there himself. cock heavy between his legs, he's sure just a few seconds on your tongue and he'd be falling apart. your mouth always felt so good wrapped around him. not to mention, how pretty you looked stuffed full of him, sucking down every last drop he has to offer. the thought alone is enough to get his patience in check, wanting so badly to see you like that and knowing one wrong move and you'd up your teasing game.
you pull back once the skin is red and you're sure it'll bruise. then, without a word, you're hopping up to get down on your knees in front of him. he's got this real fucked out look on his face, cheeks flushed, eyes glossy and lips parted. he looks perfect, fisting the sheets as he anticipates the warmth of your mouth.
and you have to tell him what you know he loves to hear. just before you're dropping a glob of spit onto his tip, making him shudder. “you're so precious to me,” only a split second is allowed for him to react before you're leaning down and taking him into your mouth. done with teasing.
one hand cupping his balls as you lower yourself, swallowing him down until his tip catches on the back of your throat. and then you're pushing a bit further, taking in that last few inches. he curses at the sight of your nose pressed against his groin, hand scrambling to find your hair.
“fuck- make me cum, yn. please, please.” the begging chant continues as he rocks his hips, desperately trying to keep up with the bob of your head until you're stopping completely, letting him fuck into your mouth. it's messy. drool and precum dribbling from the sides of your mouth, but that's also how he likes it.
eyes watering from the strain of having your mouth open for so long and you know he likes that too, so you're looking up. he's taking one look at your teary eyes, soft lips wrapped tight around him and his stomach is caving. body dropping onto the sheets and the grip he has in your hair loosens.
incoherent words of praise fall from his lips, eyes unfocused as he orgasm washing through him. the first spurt of his cum catches you off guard, shooting straight down your throat, but you're prepared for the rest – mouth working him through the entirety of it. only pulling off when his heavy breaths shift to soft hums.
he's spent. an arm covering his eye, body spread out on the bed. his softening cock lays lazily against his hip bone, so pretty that you have to talk yourself out of taking a seat on it. instead, you take to straddling his waist ass resting just above his belly button. hoseok moves his arm at the weight of you on top of him, hand lifting to cup the side of your face.
“that felt so good, baby.” hoseok's laughing out in slightly disbelief, which has a large grin spreading across your features. you're lowering yourself until your chest is pressed against his, chin resting on your arms as you look up at him. “are you still sad?”
the look of confusion on his face makes your heart happy, mind still foggy with thoughts of you and you had no plans on further reminding him. when he doesn't get it, you're shaking your head – leaning up to capture his lips into another soft kiss.
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enamouredfae · 3 years
♡ Pick a Card ♡
What you need to know in order to be ready for the love you so longingly seek!
This reading is looking at anything you might need to heal or grow into in order to enter future relationships as your higher self. I am not looking at your future, but simply trying to guide you towards your highest good in the field of love. Many of us have internalized certain perceptions of love that we must unlearn, or have lived through difficult moments which have closed us off or made experiencing love more difficult. If you are in a toxic relationship/situation, please do not take any messages that might seem to tell you to stay in it. With this reading, I will hopefully open you up to some introspection and hopefully growth. You may very well be attracted to multiple piles and that is ok! Read all that attract you and take what resonates. Each pile has three pieces of advice, so mixing and matching is invited!
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This reading is for entertainment purposes only.
This is a timeless reading for the collective, therefore it is likely that some messages will not resonate with you. Please only take the messages that do! The messages that do not, are meant for somebody else. Remember that the future is never set in stone and that you possess free will! Love you! ♡
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Pile 1
Charm: Knot
1. Yang
Yang tells me that you need to learn to become more proactive in love. You cannot wait around. You must act! You need to manifest your desires into the material world by doing. It's perfectly fine to do the first move, no matter what society deems "acceptable", it is even invited with this card.
23. Peace
Radical acceptance is necessary for inner peace and in this case for a higher love. You must first love yourself fully, light and shadow self, before loving someone else in the way that you both deserve! And you deserve radical acceptance, we are all flawed and intricate people! As long as we are willing to change and grow and put in the work, past mistakes can be atoned for.
38. To be fair
This card tells me that you need to learn to be more balanced in relationships. Are you giving more than the other parties? Are you giving less? We must be fair to both others and ourselves. When someone in the relationship gives more, they may feel underappreciated which can become unmotivating, but they can also overwhelm the other person. You must learn balance.
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Pile 2
Charm: Cactus
7. To the sea (reversed)
"When fishermen cannot go to sea, they stay at home and repair their nets." This is a quote from the guidebook that I had to rewrite here because it encapsulates the advice perfectly. You probably long for love like fishermen long for the sea. This card is telling me that the problem isn't coming from you, but the external world. An idea that just popped up in my head is a queer teen living in a homophobic area or with homophobic parents, so it is likely that this could be your situation. If it is, I love you, please take care of yourself, love and better days will come, don't worry! But you must wait a while longer until the external world matches your vibration, perhaps you'll have to move, wait until you're safe to go out to the sea. Until then, go with the flow.
50. No place like home (reversed)
This card seems to work perfectly with the previous one, it reminds us that what is familiar isn't always the best, because it keeps us from growing. If you want change, you can't keep going to the same things/people that haven't worked before, it's counterintuitive. It is natural to go back to what's familiar, but try something new. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Choose unfamiliar.
34. A leg up (reversed)
You are carrying the burden of your world all alone. You probably don't feel safe sharing what you feel, or are very uncomfortable with vulnerability. To be honest with you, right before writing this part of the reading, I started tearing up, you are holding in so much hurt... You need to voice your struggles, being vulnerable is proof of immense strength, believe me! I know it's hard! Start little by little with someone you really trust!
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Pile 3
Charm: Star
35. Loyal Heart
Ok if one pile is ready for the beginning of a relationship it's this one. It is the perfect time for you to create loyal commitments. It is possible that you are already in a committed relationship, but at the very least you are surrounded by loyal, devoted people. Don't forget to be devoted and loyal in return!
4. Higher Power (reversed)
This card is inviting you to trust in whatever divine power you believe in, trust that the universe is divinely guiding you and protecting you. I feel like if a certain religion or spiritual path attracts or fascinates you, you should start looking into it, careful with being disrespectful or appropriating it, especially with closed practices, please do your research! But connecting to Source would be beneficial to you in the long run!
25. Round and Round
You are stuck in a cycle that you must break. Do not worry, you shouldn't feel bad, it's all part of the learning process. Remember: you've been through this before, think back on how that made you feel the previous times, are you sure you want to go through that again? Breaking this cycle is a form of self-care, and you need to care for yourself! You are subconsciously punishing yourself by staying in this cycle, try thinking about the root of why you're doing so! It could help you in breaking it!
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Pile 4
Charm: "Love"
8. The tribe
You may want to find your tribe, or you have recently found it. You might feel like you finally belong, or are longing for that feeling. Whenever I get this card, I think of the astrology/witchcraft/tarot community here! It may be the same for you! You are welcome here, and hopefully, you feel like you belong! Contributing to any community that you are passionate about, whether online or in real life, will bring you great joy and satisfaction. Your tribe awaits and needs you! It's possible that that's where you'll find love as well!
6. Not for you (reversed)
Let them go. Whoever you first thought of, it's time to stop obsessing over them. "Don't chase after what flees you." I'm sure you realize this is not serving you, but how do you stop? This card is suggesting radical acceptance and surrender, that this is a sign that someone or something much better is waiting for you. I suggest reminding yourself that they aren't perfect and that you have just come to idealize them.
52. Mending (reversed)
You are very likely going through a grieving period right now. There is so much hurt and disappointment. "Heartbreak is a strange healer of souls." It may feel awful now, but trust that when you look back one day, you will see that the hurt you're feeling now, transformed you in a powerful way. This card is inviting you to accept the heartbreak and push through it, situations like this open us up to seeing the world in a new way, to growing. Better days are coming!
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Pile 5
Charm: Angel
28. Building blocks (reversed)
Are you acting according to your belief system? Are you following the advice you give others? You must look carefully at your core foundation. It seems to me that you have done a lot of inner growth, but are still stuck in your old ways. Your outer self isn't matching your inner self. Start doing what you preach!
47. Go the distance
I feel like you're someone that wants love right now! For it to come fast and smoothly, like a sprint. You must learn to see love more realistically, as a long-distance race of endurance. You may be the type to immediately run at the sight of a problem. You must learn to be dedicated and work in love, it won't always be the idealized version you keep reading about or watching. Love demands work!
32. Here and Now (reversed)
You live in the past, don't you? So much regret and nostalgia... Or perhaps you live in the future? Daydreams and ambition. There is a need to learn to live in the here and now, you cannot change the past, and the future is infinite. They're both elusive, and unreliable; now is tangible, real, and full of immediate possibilities.
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Pile 6
Charm: Mars Symbol
22. Blessed
This beautiful card talks about an unexpected and "unearned" wonderful event, that seems like divine intervention, a gift from the universe. The advice I take from this card is to practice gratitude because you seem to be blessed in the love department. Perhaps you already know who "the one" is for you. If you don't, trust that the universe has someone wonderful for you!
31. Why?
Ask yourself why you feel as you do about/in love? It is time for some introspection. You need to think and identify unhealthy patterns in your love life. Why do you act as you do in a relationship? Identify what in your past has caused this behavior. It won't solve the problem right away, but it's a good first step. Understanding the problem will be validating.
27. Exchanging gifts (reversed)
"Be careful what you pray for because you might just get it." You need to be ready for the energy exchange that will happen if this happens. This card talks about an imbalance between giving and receiving. You must learn that if you receive a lot, you must return a lot, love needs to be balanced. If you give more, you aren't actually in control, the other party could be consciously or unconsciously taking advantage of your generosity!
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Pile 7
Charm: Eternally Open Heart Locket
17. The Fates
You must learn to accept that there are things and people you simply cannot control and change. You cannot blame yourself for things beyond your control, nor can you blame others for things they cannot control. Just be wise enough to tell the difference between things one can control and things one cannot!! If you have a tendency to mold people into your ideal, making them lose their essence, you must learn to accept people for who they are. It is not your job to change them: the desire to change must come from them, for them.
15. Message in a bottle
Try asking for specific signs from the universe, or start becoming more aware of them. Synchronicities are all around you, they're the way that the universe confirms that you're on the right path! Listen carefully to those you communicate with, they could be delivering a cledon to you. This card itself is a good sign, a favorable answer to the question occupying your mind.
9. Treasure Island
You might've already, but if you haven't, MANIFEST YOUR LOVE!! You will be greatly rewarded when you embrace the law of attraction and your intuition. Depending on your belief in how manifestation works, try being mindful of free will! If you believe that love spells on specific people are influencing their free will, then it is immoral to manifest a specific person. If you don't believe that that is how manifestation works, do as you will, just be in line with your beliefs! This card is also a great sign, you're on the right path, and have good fortune on your side. Very lucky pile!!
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Pile 8
Charm: Boot
2. Yin (reversed)
You must learn to receive, only being the giver isn't good for you. You deserve to receive! Be open to embodying yin and yang equally. "You stop the flow of abundance when you constantly insist upon being the giver." Be the listener, the one that learns, the one that is being led.
33. Chaos and Conflict
You may be afraid of chaos and conflict, but you must remember that they can rid you of what's no longer serving you. Conflict also implies two sides, remember that yours isn't the only one, and conflict can lead to mutual understanding. Learn to put up boundaries, but also to respect those of others. When you finally see the potential of healing that conflict can cause, you'll be ready for mature communication in relationships.
20. Imagine
Remember that you can create what you imagine! Your imagination is powerful in manifesting your desires, but it can't do everything for you! Manifestation is work, when an opportunity arises, act! This card can also be a sign that the person you're manifesting will be entering your life soon. When they appear, don't just wait, and daydream! The imagination part of manifesting is done, now it's time to act.
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Pile 9
Charm: Knife
21. Clean it up
It's time to let go and declutter your mind. Think about what is no longer serving you, about the things that only overwhelm you, and make you overthink, they aren't good for you. It might also help you to declutter in general, your house, your closet, your phone, your feed, etc. Make room for the new and the better.
48. Poised (reversed)
Think carefully, are you really ready for love right now? Because this card is telling me that you aren't. It's ok to be a "late bloomer", and it's important to be ready for love, as to not hurt the one you love, and yourself. Being single isn't a sign of "failure", it gives you the time and space to focus on yourself, on your growth, on your healing, on exploring and understanding yourself. Being single can seem like a curse, but it's a blessing, it's what you need right now.
16. All that glitters
Are you being yourself in love? Are they? Don't succumb to the power of superficiality. Either let go of the mask or look beyond theirs! "Imagine that all the glitter is gone. Would you still desire the object or person?" If one falls for the glitter, what will happen on the day they forgets to glue it on?
Thank you for reading! Love you all.♡
You can buy me a coffee if you feel called to do so! This is never necessary, but always appreciated! ♡
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mmmleckerlecker · 3 years
I was reading the questions you've answered, and I'm curious now: you said that the co-existence between preds and prey is very recently. So I was thinking the HP world from years ago, when pred could snatch up whoever prey they wanted... How was the society in that time? How did they live? (Headcanon: prey lived underground?) Did the preds have no qualms in consuming whoever they could find? (prey children/teens or the elderly, for example?)... The harmony was founded by a prey or pred? (1/2)
What was the reason for the preds to make the jump from consuming indiscriminately to the public/private contracted prey? (another headcanon: preykind severely disminishing in numbers?) I find your worldbuilding so enchanting, I'm sorry for the avalanche of questions. You're awesome! (2/2)
AHHHH YES!!! THE QUESTION I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!!! No need to apologize!!! I have considered making a post about stuff like this for awhile now but I’m always like “do people REALLY wanna hear all that?” But now i have the perfect excuse. Thank you, anon! You’re awesome too!! (WARNING this kinda turned into a chapter length read. So I hope y’all like to read history about fictional worlds.)
Okay so. This is all stuff I’ve sorta kept in my head and have built upon when I’ve had ideas, so sorry if there are some gaps currently haha.
So I imagine preds and prey started trying to “make peace” about five centuries ago but didn’t start living in true “harmony” until about two hundred years ago. And I use the term “harmony” loosely because clearly there’s still a lot of infighting happening. Before that, the preds and prey lived in two entirely separate cultures. The prey lived in larger, more stationary groups while the preds lived in much smaller, more nomadic groups. They also DEFINITELY didn’t speak the same language.
So for preds, the groups they would live in were more like traveling pods that consisted of maybe 1-3 families living/working together. Having groups of preds getting too large was… not sustainable. It would create too much competition for food. So each group would usually give other groups of preds a wide berth. Granted there were definitely still spats for territory, especially if said territory had a good supply of prey available.
Prey, much like in modern times, were never really the preds’ main food source, however. Preds would still hunt and gather like normal. It would usually take some organizing to get a raid together on a prey village (or a pred could just get lucky and stumble across one that wandered off alone). Consuming prey all the time was just too much effort. They weren’t a practical food source nor a completely sustainable one if they were over-predated. Also! Keep in mind, the more a pred consumes, the more their body acclimates to handling such a large meal. It would be better for the preds to consume every once in awhile and have their prey take longer to digest (hence, keeping them fueled longer) than to consume ALL THE TIME and risk addiction. I think consuming would probably become more regular in the cold months too, when it was harder for preds to find other food sources.
As for WHO the preds would consume? Definitely adults would make for the best meals. Children? Well, I imagine prey would be very protective of their children, first of all, making them difficult to obtain. But also they would just make… not as filling meals? Also prey children are mostly the same size as pred children so there might be that little hesitation there on the pred’s end as they’re reminded of their own kind. I guess if the pred is desperate? There’s always gonna be a time and place for special circumstances. As for the elderly… I imagine they also live in places that are harder for preds to get to. I also think if a prey managed to live that long, they would have a trick or two up their sleeve. But like I said, there’s always a possibility for things to happen.
Now for how prey live…. Like I said, they live in larger groups. There is safety in numbers, after all. These groups were basically villages, sometimes even cities where prey could really know their territory and set up defenses against any invading preds. (An underground dwelling is really cool idea tho! I also believe that prey evolved to be able to fold themselves up and be comfortable/feel safe in tight spaces that preds could never reach them in, so prey living in like a cave system might actually work really well!) Like it’s been stated in the story, prey tend to have a lot more children than preds for “just in case.” This could cause their towns to become rather large and populous sometimes.
Prey, also unlike preds, usually tried to keep in contact with neighboring towns/villages/cities. This was one of the key factors for what made it possible for the shift to both sides living in harmony to happen. Since the prey lived in settlements and kept in contact with other prey settlements, it allowed for a certain development of culture as well as the sharing and recording of knowledge that preds… just didn’t have. Prey were able to develop things like farming and running water. They could study math and science and share their knowledge in libraries and schools. They were really on their way to becoming an advanced society, they just had one big (both figurative and literal) problem holding them back. They constantly had preds attacking and killing off their people.
Despite their efforts to fight them off, the prey just weren’t winning. So they decided, if a war against preds wasn’t going to get them anywhere, then why not make peace? The first step for this was the prey learning the preds’ language. This was… dangerous, of course. But it was done enough that the prey were able to open conversation with preds. Just this move alone caused a huge shift between both sides. What are you supposed to do when your food, which for centuries has only babbled nonsense at you before you swallowed it down, suddenly starts speaking to you like an equal? It certainly gave preds pause, but not enough to stop consuming. Not that the prey didn’t expect this. They approached the preds with more than just a common language. Their first big move was offering them food. And not just any food, but GOOD FOOD. Cooked food, decadent food, spiced foods, foods that preds didn’t have the resources (nor the patience) to prepare.
Sharing food took… probably a little more effort than one might expect. Prey and preds view food fundamentally different. To prey, it’s sustenance but also something to enjoy and connect with. To preds, it’s simply something to stop hunger. There was a sort of learning curve for preds to actually learn to ENJOY food for its flavor, but once they got it… OH BOY!!! A door was opened! Because despite LIKING prey food, the preds weren’t always so good at preparing it, so it gave the prey something they could exchange for safety. (This is also something that persists into modern times. Preds are still often stereotyped as not having very refined palates and not being very good at preparing food. This is referenced a little in Heart Pangs itself as well as the one-shot I posted last week!) Once the food trade became established, it opened up relations enough to exchange other things!
The prey shared would they could with the preds in exchange for their own survival. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. Sometimes it SEEMED to work but then the preds turned on them and things went downhill very quickly. But the prey had the advantage of sheer numbers and determination on their side (that and if they didn’t keep pushing they would literally be eaten alive). It took generations of negotiations, but the preds and prey eventually came to a sort of truce, though consuming never stopped entirely.
The preds weren’t stupid, they saw the prey had a lot of good stuff to offer them. At first they took what they needed and went their separate ways, but as they gained more trust from the prey, the preds encroached more and more into their territories until both sides were more or less neighbors. There were some advantages to this. If both sides cooperated enough, they were able to make further advances as civilized societies. But there were also disadvantages… like the fact that the preds were always bigger and the prey were always making sure not to anger them so it became very easy for the preds to take whatever they wanted and leave the prey with less than they deserved.
The prey even began to lose their own language as most of the preds couldn’t be bothered to learn the prey’s language (although a lot of prey terms for food and science stuck around). The preds stopped being the enemy who lived outside the prey’s walls and suddenly became the bully who lived next door. Yes, technically the prey were a little safer than before, but the advantages they once held over the preds were slipping away as the preds claimed more and more of what the prey had until the preds were able to start developing their OWN advantages.
For a long time, the preds and prey operated as two different societies that lived in one space, meaning each group had their own leaders and their own laws. But as things began getting more and more strained between each side (as they tend to do when two natural enemies live side-by-side), the prey (once more) tried to make peace. They made the bold move of reaching out to the pred leaders in an attempt to work together and function as a singular society (although both sides more or less continued to live as two societies, just under the rule of one government). The preds were surprisingly open to this change, which was a relief to the prey… at first. But then it became clear that this was mostly just a power grab for the preds to acquire more status and wealth and power amongst the prey.
Besides the fact that a lot of prey were falling into poverty because of this, the most glaring issue was that the “unification” had made it even easier for a lot of preds to break the peace and consume prey with barely any consequences. This caused a lot of prey to flee and seek out safer, more remote places to live. Eventually it got to the point where the prey leaders threatened to break away from pred society completely. The preds didn’t like this, though, as they’d gotten very used to having prey within easy reach. They also knew that losing half the people in their society would cause a lot of problems in terms of keeping everything running smoothly. However, the preds very much did not want to give up consuming entirely. It was in their nature after all, they argued.
So after A LOT of negotiations, both sides came to a compromise. The preds would actually start enforcing consuming as something illegal UNLESS the prey being consumed had agreed to it beforehand. Obviously the prey leaders couldn’t see any prey ever AGREEING to being consumed, so they settled on the compromise thinking that was the end of it. This was the true beginning of the “harmony” between preds and prey, but of course, the preds always have something up their sleeves.
Rich preds began offering up money and food and shelter to all those desperate prey in poverty. Those prey could get everything they could ever want for, the only payment was their lives ending in said pred’s gut (after a specified amount of time). These ventures started slow, but once they started to catch on, BOY DID THEY CATCH ON. The desperate prey began hearing about certain preds who were practically giving away wealth, all it took was a signature written in (figurative) blood. Meanwhile preds began hearing about other preds who had found a loophole in the consuming law and wanted in on the action. Like any good entrepreneur, the preds turned their contracts into a business and started selling them to other preds.
The prey leaders, of course, despised this, but what could they do? It all aligned with the compromise they had made. The only thing they could do was stand by and help come up with regulations for this new practice. So they did. Over the decades, the contracting businesses grew to what they are today (large corporate monsters… although the smaller, more private contracts still exist) as well as became the core to keeping the peace. Even the government itself offers contracting services now.
Society has shifted considerably in the years since harmony was reached. The two sides have mostly learned to live with each other. Prey have fought viciously to be treated as equals while a lot of preds go their whole lives without consuming (particularly fatally) even once. And, as you know, the development of neutralizers allowed preds to experience consuming without having to hurt anyone. A lot of progress has been made, but a lot of progress still needs to happen.
And I think that pretty much catches us up to the setting of Heart Pangs (whew)! I keep thinking it would be really cool to write a story that takes places in an earlier time period to further explore how different the relations between preds and prey would be, but I have yet to come up with a plot haha. Maybe someday. I’m sure an idea will come to me at a proper time. Anydays, thank you for your interest! It was really nice to be able to (finally) type all this up somewhere!!
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sweetcherrypie1967 · 3 years
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I’ve seen other people do this so I’m going to share one of my short stories from my Dramione Imagines book (on Wattpad and FF.net) I hope you enjoy! Also this is not my image, it helped create the inspiration for this imagine though!
After All This Time?
He knew what day it was, of course he did. Firstly, it was all anyone would talk about and secondly, he couldn't get it out of his mind. He told himself to just forget about it and go on with his life instead of moping about but he couldn't help it.
You see, today was the day the girl he loves is getting married.
And no, not to him.
Draco Malfoy paced the floor, how could he have gotten himself into this mess in the first place? How could he have fallen in love with Hermione Granger of all people? And even worse than that, they let each other go. Both too afraid to take the risk and admit their feelings so they drifted apart, trying to bury it inside them.
Draco knew today was his last chance, but what chance was there? A small fraction but with a bigger possibility of losing her in every way, rather than one, forever. Even if she had loved him, did she still? He found that hard to believe since she was getting married, to Ron Weasley of course.
Hermione and Draco had started getting close a few months after graduating Hogwarts, he had gone out of his way to apologize to everyone he had bullied in his school years. After that they kept bumping into each other, they quickly found they had much in common and before he knew it, he was falling in love with her. Hermione and Ron were "on a break" for awhile so one night Draco almost kissed her, only for her to subtly reject him and inform him that her and Ron were back together.
Though Draco couldn't help but notice the regret in her eyes. After that, neither had the courage to meet up again.
Knock knock knock
His heart pounded, it couldn't be her...could it?
Thoughts swarmed through his head. What if it was her? What would he do? Draco wasn't sure. It wasn't whoever it was knocked again that he realized he hadn't even moved.
The blond walked to the door of his flat and opened the door slowly.
"Jeez, Drake, what took you so long? Been waiting out here for ages," Blaise Zabini said letting himself in.
"Oh," Draco said plainly, "good to see you too, Zabini."
"What's with the tone? Too disappointed that I'm not a certain bride to be?" Blaise said from the couch. Draco turned to look at him quickly, he's never told Blaise about him and Hermione. How did he know? Blaise just smirked, "ha! I knew it! You still fancy the know-it-all!"
"I-I don't know what you're talking about.." Draco said unconvincingly. Blaise just gave him a disbelieving look for Draco to lose the act. "How long have you known?" He added.
The Italian smiled, "since Hogwarts."
"I didn't fancy her in Hogwarts," Draco argued sitting down next to his friend.
"Oh yes you did," Blaise said. At Draco's confused look he continued, "drooling over her throughout the Yule Ball? Fretting over her safety during the Black Lake TriWizard Tournament challenge? Staring longingly at her from across the Great Hall? Anything sounding familiar?"
Draco gaped, "I did not!"
"You may not have realized it for yourself, mate, but the rest of us did," he told him.
"'The rest of us'? Draco asked.
"Oh yeah. Me, Daphne, and Theo would joke about it all the time. You've loved her for a long time," Blaise said.
He put his head in his hands, "what do I do, Blaise? She's getting married."
"You stomp off to that wedding, throw open the doors and object! But you can't do it till they say 'if any object come forward now bla bla bla' because it's gotta be dramatic as hell," Blaise said standing up.
"But what if she doesn't feel the same and I make a giant fool out of myself? I don't want to lose her forever," Draco said sadly.
"And what if she does feel the same? What if you two get your happily ever after and ride off in the sunset?Now, are you gonna just sit back and watch that weasel take your girl?" Blaise asked.
"No," he said standing up as well, "no I won't."
"Than go get her!" Blaise said excitedly. Draco then dashed out in a hurry, "hey! Wait for me I gotta get this on video!" Blaise called before going after him.
Draco had managed to slip into the wedding unnoticed with the help of Blaise and his wife, Daphne Greengrass now Zabini, as she had become a close friend of Hermione's since Hogwarts and was now one of her bridesmaids. Before leaving he'd changed into a nice suit and Blaise had grabbed a camera (then proceeded to film everything to "capture the memories"). Now he was sitting with Blaise near the back, trying not to glare at an overly giddy Ronald Weasley, and unable to help bouncing his leg in anxiety. It felt like forever since he's even seen Hermione in person. Not since that night...
Then the music started, all eyes turned so he did as well.
And there she was.
Draco's heart seemed to stop, he had no words. She was simply stunning. Though he recognized the staged smile on her lips.
He couldn't take his eyes off of her the entire time, that was until Blaise nudged him, it was almost time. Draco steeled himself for whatever may happen.
"..if anyone objects please say so now or forever hold your-"
"I object!" Draco said standing from his seat.
It was dead silent for a moment, then there were gasps all around the room.
"Draco?" She said barely loud enough for him to hear. Then the whispering began. "Is that Draco Malfoy?" "What's he doing here?" "Why would he object?" But he didn't care, all Draco cared about was the look on Hermione's face when she saw him.
Her face was confused then it lit up brighter than he's seen so far, and on her wedding day that's saying something.
Draco walked across the aisle towards her and she met him half way.
"Please don't do this," Draco practically begged, holding her arms for emphasis.
"I don't understand, what're you doing here?" Hermione asked, putting her arms on his.
"I love you, Hermione. I've loved you for a long time, I was a fool not to say so sooner," Draco rambled though he meant each word.
"'Mione?" Ron asked not quite hearing anything they're saying, both ignored him.
"You...love me?" She asked with wide, almost teary, eyes, "after all this time?"
"Always," Draco said.
"Oh Draco I love you too," She said, tears now falling down her rosy cheeks. Hermione leaned forward slightly as if to kiss him before looking to her fiancé then back at Draco, "hold on a moment."
Hermione then walked to a dumbfounded Ron, took off her ring and put it in his hand. "I'm so sorry, Ron. I hope one day you can forgive me," she told him before kissing his cheek and rushing back down the aisle. Her and Draco crashed into a passionate and breathtaking kiss (earning a whoop from Blaise and Daphne) before walking hand in hand out of the Church.
Blaise had kept this tape and played it again and again for many occasions. The couple's anniversary, eventually at their own wedding, when they had found out Hermione was pregnant with their first child and even when they had their third. Eventually Ron did forgive Hermione and they became friends again, he even warmed up to Draco and through him Ron found his own happily ever after with Pansy Parkinson. It had been a surprise for everyone.
But now they all watch the tape, joking and laughing with each other as it is nothing but a distant memory.
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Hi! I'm new to your blog but found a few posts that were about a JayTom ship, and I was wondering who Tom was? And also you've mentioned in a couple of posts the idea of Jason having a lineup of Titans in his age range and you talked about the Ray and Damage in one. Do you have a whole lineup in mind for them and if so, is there a post on that somewhere?
LOL man, I really need to start pulling all my posts about JayTom and Jay’s lineup of Titans together for some kind of a masterlist, so thanks for the reminder haha. Like, I saw this ask and thought of various posts to point you towards but ugh, I don’t know where any of them are.
Anyway, so. The Tom of JayTom. Aka my ideal ship for Robin!Jason in the series of one-shots about an AU where Jason doesn’t go to Ethiopia in ADITF and thus never dies, that’s kinda grown out of that of a one-shot I started as a writing commission a couple months ago, if anyone else remembers that….the one that was like ‘what if Jason called Dick after the Garzonas incident and Dick sided with Jason’…that one. 
Which then snowballed into ‘well, then I could give Jason his own lineup of Titans who are in the same age range as like a younger gen learning from Dick’s generations of Titans but still older than Tim’s generation of YJ and then eventual Titans.’
Sigh. Oh, me. Right! So! Anyway! Tom in JayTom is Thomas Bronson, the son of JSA member Ted Grant, aka Wildcat. 
Tom and Jason have never ever interacted in canon as far as I know, as I don’t think Tom’s ever appeared outside of JSA and Jason never appeared in that book either before or after his death. BUT by the magic of winging it and Canon Has Not Definitively Contradicted Me, I think the two of them are feasibly in the same age range, so I’m going with them both being fifteen when they meet here.
Tom’s a scrappy, street smart, attitude throwing teenager with daddy issues of his own, lol, thanks to Ted’s general non-existence in his life, for most of it….and he’s also tiny, like, 5′6″ and 135 lbs even at the end of his teenage years. LMAO, I honestly don’t remember, but I think that might be the whole basis of this ship for me, or where it originated. Like, I happened across Tom’s stats as listed on one of the DC wiki sites, and was like, lol oh, he and Robin!Jason could be pint-sized punks together! And then from there, I had the inevitable thought “okay but now make them gay” and then from there I fell into my usual trap of “oh no, it was supposed to be a joke but now I’m taking it seriously and seriously pondering how it could seriously work.”
And then from there it consumed my brain and devoured my life. I swear, it was Dick/Kyle all over again. Ugh, my brain is so problematic.
So anyway, this is Tom:
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He’s a werepanther, he can shapeshift into a panther form to fight, which brings up an interesting facet of his character and something I think could be really fun to play off Jason and his own issues…because Tom hates fighting. HATES it. Will run from a fight at any given opportunity rather than engage….but its not because he’s a coward, or doesn’t have heroic instincts of his own, and its not even because he’s not GOOD at fighting.
Its that he’s scared of himself, and scared of hurting whoever he’s fighting…at least more than he means to. Because he has trouble controlling his shift when in fights. His panther form just comes out in response to his own amped up levels of aggression. The fight or flight response for him is actually more like “flight or turn into a raging whirlwind of clawed and fanged fury that can’t stop won’t stop until he’s definitively won his fight….which by extension, usually means his opponent is currently bleeding out on the ground from a few dozen deep claw marks because Panther!Tom’s claws and fangs are SHARP.”
Now pair this fear of his own power with Tom’s natural belligerence and problems with authority at certain points in his life, AND his desire to follow in his hero father’s footsteps as well as his resentment and giving himself grief every time he realizes he even has that desire, because he doesn’t owe his deadbeat dad shit and can’t stand that he nevertheless admires him in a lot of ways and still feels a desire to prove himself to him…
Then pair him up with Jason during his Robin years, going through similar issues and emotions as well as a comparable dynamic with Bruce as him not dying in Ethiopia nevertheless changes nothing about the two of them likely clashing more and more over their views on how to deal with criminals and the appropriate levels of aggression when dealing with them….
And that right there, IMO, is super strong potential for a dynamic couple with a lot in common and yet occasional clashes of their own due to different opinions on which direction to go in so as to address those shared issues…but who likely would never hesitate for a second before backing each other up and presenting a united front against anyone else who tried to give one or the other shit for any reason whatsoever.
Also, I have vastly amused myself with the thought (and the occasional post here and there) of Ted and Bruce continually glowering at each other and blaming each other’s son for being a bad influence on their son, who has never done anything wrong in their life ever, CLEARLY (even if Bruce had actually just grounded Jason the day before. Whatever. Ted doesn’t need to know that).
Anyway, so that’s the JayTom I reference now and then. I’ve always maintained that Jason could really benefit from having a stronger support system of friends distinct to him and not sharing similar dynamics with any of his siblings, so then I was like, well if Jay doesn’t die, and I have him and Dick closer in this AU than they’re usually written as being, plausibly Jason would spend a lot of time at the Tower to get away from Bruce and his own fights with him. 
With Dick being more than able to relate to trouble dealing with Bruce and thus happy to lend a sympathetic ear….and eventually maybe express to Bruce that it might do them both some good for Jason to make more friends his own age and have some normal routines that took him out of the house and Gotham enough that he and Bruce don’t constantly feel like they’re breathing down each other’s necks and keeping tension a constant thing between them. A little space now and then could benefit them both, give them chances to cool off after their fights and actually MISS each other before readdressing the issues.
So then I could see the Titans kinda sending out invitations/recruiting various teen heroes around Jason’s age that they’d all maybe had their eyes on for awhile as kids who could benefit from the same kind of team unity/group support that helped them so much when they were that age just a few years ago themselves.
Which leads me to where I am now which is….I still haven’t settled on a solid lineup, because I came up with too many choices, lol. Basically, my parameters were I wanted characters who could feasibly be said to be in the same age range as Jason and Tom, and didn’t have super strong associations with any other characters that would create any kind of conflict with them being on a Titans team at this point in the timeline instead. And because I’m all about my thematics, I wanted them all to have certain root issues in common that they could all bond over and actually, y’know, support each other with and through. 
(The same way I think Dick’s generation of Titans actually has certain distinct themes and issues that almost all of them share and can relate to in varying ways, which I think has a lot to do with how quickly and fully they all bonded and why they created such lasting friendships and teams between them. But that’s a whole other post, lol.)
So the central shared issues I decided to focus on for Jason’s age group of Titans were: teen/young heroes from abusive homes or runaways, ones with issues and fears stemming from and regarding their own powers or tempers, etc, and misfits who were regarded warily by other or older heroes and considered potentially able to end up on either side of the hero/villain line in the sand.
Which Dick’s generation of Titans, which of course includes Raven, Kory, etc, would not be in agreement with that last part, and thus be all the more likely to recruit these specific teen heroes and be like nyah, nyah, watch how with our help and oh yeah, SUPPORT, they all become the best damn heroes that ever did heroically hero. Suck it, JLA-holes!
(And then Donna would be like, not you Diana, you know we’re cool, its just I gotta do the team solidarity thing and Dick, Garth and Roy are still being Displeased with their mentors/dads at the moment, and also we’re all kinda ticked you guys stole Wally. Btw, we’re stealing the new Green Lantern kid, because Revenge and stuff. He’s ours now, you snooze, you lose).
 So, Jason’s lineup of Titans will consist of some of the following, I’m just not 100% sure which yet, because I have to whittle down the list.
1) Jason (nominally mentored by Dick, but the latter just calls it an excuse for brother bonding time and neither of them make much reference ever to having any kind of actual mentor/protégé relationship like I see the rest of Jay’s lineup having. Plus, Jason unique from the rest already has a mentor in Bruce anyway, so his situation and reasons for being part of this team aren’t quite the same from the others, especially as one of my reasons for this AU was always addressing the issues I have with Bruce’s parenting before the canon event point of Jason’s death, and like…..so like, Bruce does get better once Dick calls out some of his shit with Jason based on his own experiences with Bruce and then later Jason returns the favor by calling out Bruce for taking Dick for granted and no longer putting in the same effort connecting with his eldest and being an actual PARENT to him like he used to).
2) Tom Bronson/Tomcat (who else would act as his personal mentor other than Gar aka Beast Boy aka Changeling, the shapeshifter extraordinaire?)
3) Grant Emerson/Damage (recruited by Roy and his personal protégéand likely BFFs with Jason IMO, as I think their temperaments are complete opposites but Grant’s the kind of kid who would roll his eyes and dolefully follow his troublemaking best friend Jay into likely danger, because his power to blow things up really comes in handy with the kind of scrapes Jason gets himself into and this in turn is a really handy thing to point out in the aftermath of pulling Jason’s butt out of a scrape and then gloating but in the totally mature and “I’m much too nice to actually be gloating, you must be mistaken about what’s happening here” manner in which I see that going down. And in terms of the parameters I mentioned, Grant grew up bounced around abusive foster homes, is watched like a hawk by various groups and heroes because of the huge catastrophic potential of his powers, which he has his own fears about, and also he has no idea who his parents are either, and I imagine him and Jason going on a ‘find out who our real parents are roadtrip’ after graduation or something).
4) Ray Terrill/The Ray (potentially recruited by Kory and her personal protégé. He was briefly a member of Tim’s Young Justice team, but part of the reason he was never that close with the other members was he was a little bit older, just a couple years or so, but enough to put him squarely in Jason’s age range. Also comes from an abusive home, and spent the majority of his childhood living in complete darkness because his asshole uncle told him he had the same powers as his father which meant sunlight would be harmful to him and make him dangerous to be around. When in reality, like his dad, Ray’s powers are fueled by sunlight and he’s like a living solar battery, keeping him afraid to leave the dark was just meant to keep him passive and powerless. Even knowing his uncle lied now, Ray still has long had fears about his own powers, unable to totally shake the fears his uncle instilled in him).
5) Todd Rice/Obsidian (potentially recruited by Raven and her personal protégé. He and his twin sister Jenny-Lynn Hayden are probably a bit older than the rest of this team, but their ages aren’t definitively linked to any points in the DC timeline, so there’s no real conflict between handwaving them as aged down to be right around the same ages as the others. Todd and Jenny-Lynn are the twin children of original Green Lantern Alan Scott aka Sentinel, and the DC villainness Thorn. They grew up in separate foster homes though with Alan unaware of their existence for most of their childhoods. Todd’s childhood was notoriously rough, with him having several abusive foster parents. He’s canonically gay and mentally ill/neurodivergent, which several of his foster homes targeted him for. In addition, his shadow powers are tied to a dark dimension that’s said to prey on his mental state and led to occasional times where he’s been a villain briefly, and at all times his powers are regarded fearfully by most people and with him shunned and avoided because of them. All of which I think makes Raven an ideal mentor for him).
6) Jenny-Lynn Hayden/Jade (Todd’s twin sister, even though they didn’t grow up together for the most part. Honestly, she doesn’t share in a lot of the issues the rest of the team prospects do, and had a relatively good childhood before her powers developed and she found her brother and they started operating as heroes together. But upon learning who her brother and dad are, she’s always been committed to growing closer with them, so I think anywhere Todd goes in this AU, she’d definitely follow, and its not like the team can’t benefit from a heavy hitter like her, let alone more girls. Not totally sure who I picture as most mentoring her in specific, probably because I don’t see her as being recruited per se, so much as just going with Todd when recruited….but I’m thinking maybe Garth, actually. Garth has a lot of range and versatility with his powers and magic, which makes him ideal for mentoring someone who not only has the same powers as a Green Lantern, limited only by her imagination…..but who also might benefit from being mentored by someone who ISN’T a Green Lantern because she doesn’t share their traditional weaknesses and thus she’d be best off training with someone whose own techniques and instincts aren’t geared around weaknesses that are literally irrelevant to her powerset).
7) Courtney Mason/Anima (A metahuman runaway who was almost sacrificed by a cult before her powers kicked in….she’s also right in the same age range as Ray, Grant and Jason, and has briefly been a member of a couple Titans lineups but never for long and usually only for big event stories. But she fits the runaway/rough home environment parameter as well as fear of her own powers….she absorbs life energy from people and animals and can potentially kill them by draining too much. She also has a separate power that’s basically a connection to an other-dimensional spirit called the Animus that she can summon forth and unleash on her enemies. I’m thinking she’d make a good recruit/protégé for Jericho actually, for a number of reasons).
8) Cynthia Reynolds/Fantasia (? Maybe? Not sure yet. Not her actual codename, but her actual codename is a slur, so I’m def gonna make up a new one, I just haven’t 100% settled on what it is yet. Suck it, DC. She’s most known for being a member of Justice League Detroit along with Steel, Vibe and the Ray, but she’s the right age range to end up recruited to be a Titan here instead, like Ray. Also is a runaway from an abusive home, and often deals with mistrust and suspicion due to her illusion powers. Perfect recruit/protégé for Lilith, IMO).
9) Cisco Ramone/Vibe (Also created as a teenage hero to be part of the Justice League Detroit lineup, which makes him the right age range and he’s another runaway. The nature of his powers makes him a good fit to be a recruit/protégéof Mal Duncan/Herald).
10) Amy Allen/Bombshell (Totally self-indulgent on my part given that I basically would ignore the vast majority of her storylines and writing, which I think suck. She was in the Titans stories revolving around Tim’s generation of the team, but she was always stated to be a few years older than the rest, like in her late teens when the majority were probably sixteen, so I think she’s a good fit for this age range. Also had a crappy home life and parents, and her powers are hugely destructive in certain applications…she basically has the same powerset as Captain Atom, though she’s never had any kind of official mentor or sidekick relationship with him. Also, I think Captain Atom is an asshat and a dillhole and he sucks, but I do like his powers, so reinterpreting Amy as a character who doesn’t suck and playing around with her powers instead is solid decision making on my part and renders Captain Atom irrelevant now. I think I shall kill him. Because I can do that. Anyway, I think she doesn’t need him as a mentor but could make a good recruit/protégé for Leonid/Red Star).
11) Carla Moretti/Cinder (Odd choice, given that she’s only ever really been used as a villainous member of Deathstroke’s anti-Titans team and was easily in her twenties at the time. Pyrokinetic who happily makes bonfires out of her enemies but written with zero attempts at nuance, like a total one note villain framed as having long since abandoned her own humanity….which bugged the crap out of me, as she was given a super angsty backstory of childhood sexual abuse and that’s just ‘why she’s like this’ and I have a deep seeded loathing for asshole writers writing survivors as villains and just blaming their casual homicidal ways on their abuse while serving up said villains to just be punching bags or dominoes for the heroes to knock down on their way to the Boss Fight. So I do have inclinations towards making an actual Titan out of her, like with Amy, because surprise surprise, both these characters being written shittily and one note was the work of the same writer, shocking. So I’d just handwave her down to the right age range and have her recruited/mentored by Donna, probably…more due to me thinking Donna would be the best person to help her deal with stuff because she’s mastered the art of avoiding avoidance via having Dick Grayson as a BFF. So with them its not really because Carla needs mentoring with her powers specifically. Idk, Carla anyway you slice it I think has a lot of rage, and Donna knows what to do with that. Written right, Donna’s not a character who judges or shames a victim or survivor for being angry…she gets angry with them, and helps them find options for what to do with that now.) 
12) Hero Cruz (Lesser known Titan, has a device called the Dial H device that lets him turn into a different hero with different powers depending on the setting he puts it on. Basically Ben 10, but Hero came first. Doesn’t really fit most of the parameters, other than being around the right age range, and not even sure who would make a good mentor for him though I wanna say Vic, but not totally decided yet. Mostly I just like him and think he’s underused, so whatever).
There’s also a few other candidates that I have mostly ruled out but not totally. I thought about using the aged up version of Chris Kent, and just introduce him earlier than he showed up in canon. And then Kara/Supergirl could be his mentor because I kinda handwave her into Dick’s generation of Titans anyway, even though it was the alien Matrix version of Linda Danvers that was the only Supergirl ever on the team. Whatever. She should have been a Titan all along anyway. But also Chris would fit the team well as he had an abusive childhood as well, at his dad General Zod’s hands, and again, I just like the character. 
Thought of including Virgil Hawkins/Static too, even though I think he’s closer to Tim’s age range. And again, just another character I’m a fan of and think is underused, but he would definitely be an odd man out in this group because like….he comes from a happy, healthy, loving home and family, and he loves his powers. So he would constantly be just like nodding his head along while his teammates talk and like ugh that sucks, but 10/10 absolutely can not relate, my parents are awesome.  Same with Natasha Irons/Steel, who really would have to be handwaved to even be in the right age range, and again has a happy loving home environment and a superhero uncle of her own so its not like she needs a Titan mentor…..but I kinda wanna see Karen Beecher/Bumblebee take her under her wing anyway, and have them be science nerds together.
Also pretty much the only reason I ruled out Connor Hawke too, as he doesn’t really match the rest of the team in any of the parameters except for feasibly being right at the upper edge of the same age range. But again, I just love the character. 
So I’m probably gonna end up throwing at least one of these other characters in there anyway, lol. I do know myself).
Anyway. So that’s Jason’s lineup of Titans, or at least the candidates as they exist bouncing around in my head now. Also, they’re pretty much Team “Everyone is Gay Except For When They’re Bi.” Which, granted, is basically how I view Dick’s generation of Titans, but with them I have to be like Make It So, in my brain, whereas with this group like….canon’s actually done the work for me for the most part lol. Ray is gay, Todd Rice is gay, Courtney is bi, Hero is gay. And I can’t actually find anything confirmed Tom was stated to be gay somewhere in canon, but I SWEAR he was, like, ugh this is bugging me.
But anyway. That’s that about all of that.
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Bea & Lola & Ronnie & Charlie
1st attempt at group chat style
Bea: Celebrations are in order! Who's in and where do we start? Lola: Hell yeah count me in! 🎉 pre-game at ours if we're stocked? 🍸💊 Ronnie: Finally ditched the freckled dead weight, yeah? I'll drink to that Charlie: Lmao Charlie: We were good last time I checked but if not sounds like princess is in the treating mood, yeah? 😉 Good news all 'round Bea: Since when do you need a reason? 🤔 but I got a first, if you must know Bea: I'll be round in a bit then, save me some, Lola talking specifically to you now, know a losing battle when I see one Ronnie: since we ain't all getting bankrolled by the student loan. fitzy that's where you're wrong bitch we out Lola: Yes girl! 🤗 I got you and will be keeping suitable 💊 from the mouths of these babes 😏 Congrats on being a brainbox confirmed too btw Lola: if someone ☝ stayed outta my stuff we're good 🤞 Ronnie: fuck you. sharing's caring Bea: says THE most selfish one in this chat ok Bea: and thanks Lo 😘 Ronnie: get off my tits princess Charlie: even the club drugs??? why you been doing them alone in the middle of the day you nutter 😂 ah well Lola: They were mine and I took them Thursday 👍 Bea: tits, where??? Charlie: children please! there's always a dealer with a dick to suck, we don't need to eat each other quite yet, chill out or you need some of that too Charlie: Christ Ronnie: on it, no complaints outside of this chat like Charlie: He'll be devvo its not me 😕 Ronnie: if I was scoring from big dom then yeah but like fuck am I going that far for you cunts Lola: he asked me if I wanted a free tat last time I went 😕 looking to branch out or just touch my body with needles? No way to know Bea: God, Lola, do not ⛔ its free hepatitis is what it is, Charlie already dicing with death there 😷 Grotty Ronnie: fuck it they're treatable 'cept for A Ronnie: shit at drawing though so forget that like Bea: 🙄 well then, go ahead and catch 'em all like pokemon, aim for those mid-grades though, over-achieving will get you 💀 Ronnie: reckon its too late for that. he's sound though 'cept this art on my arm looking like a dog's dick Ronnie: all I got from him Lola: have you even shown me that? 👀 viewing party tonight too please Charlie: Didn't think that was your thing Lolly? As long as it's attached to a dog you're into it? 😵 alright our kid 😬 Lola: Shut your gob Charlie! 🖕 Bea: you WANT to be insulted, masochist 💘 if it was decent it wouldn't match the rest, man knows your aesthetic if nothing else Charlie: 😂 soz babe Ronnie: fuck off and get a tramp stamp you sket Bea: good one 👍 bitter you won't get to see Ronnie: nah I'm bitter that he hasn't written that cunt's name on you yet. guarantees a break up like Bea: Whoever could you be talking about? You're so unclear about your feelings, so mysterious Lola: guys this is not a party atmosphere! I wanna wreck my head in a good way Lola: Calm the tits you both have please Charlie: Agreed, now everyone say thank you to Ronnie for going on the drugs run Charlie: THANK YOU RONNIE 💖 Ronnie: what happened to not eating me out fitz? you strike out last night or what? Lola: I'll say it when I get my share not before 😏 Charlie: I'm trying to create a party atmosphere, silly bitch Charlie: What says party better than oral? Ronnie: we haven't had an orgy for ages, miss me that much yeah? Bea: only domestics these days, init? Charlie: not in front of the children, please Lola: 🤒 Lola: thanks for the mental scars Ronnie: any time Bea: Well, you've really brought me down Bea: Get a better night out if I stayed here, saying something 🙄 Ronnie: knock you down if you want Bea: I was asking for a good time, not necessarily in pissing myself at you trying but if that's all you've got, babe Ronnie: this bitch Bea: Yeah, I am. Lola: 😂 you two kill me Charlie: so much unresolved sexual tension Charlie: its getting to us all Charlie: sort it out lads Lola: speak for yourself ✌ Ronnie: she couldn't turn me on if her boyfriend's life depended on it you filthy scrote Ronnie: porn hub's here for you lad, use it Bea: Oh, please. You're never off, out here panting like a dog. Bea: And you can dream on too, Charlie. NEVER going to happen. Ronnie: something to fucking agree on Ronnie: around you I'm dead below the waist cheers for that Ronnie: like im on ket Charlie: You both know it will 🌈😍🎆 and it will be magical Bea: Welcome. Perhaps you could use the moments of clarity to do something with your life. Ronnie: I'm scoring for you right now princess so go fuck yourself Bea: One for the CV, I'm sure. Bea: If you thought I was thanking you, or going down on you...I'd be quicker to get my own. 👑 remember? Get it flown in from Columbia before that Ronnie: get your fucking own then Ronnie: i asked for neither that's fitzys wet dream Bea: Always quick to martyr yourself Bea: No one asked you to go get the gear Bea: and you took it all in the first place so; what's your issue here? Ronnie: fuck you Ronnie: you're a cunt that's every day's issue Lola: 🤦 Bea: Are you TRYING to make Charlie cum in his pants? Bea: Take that shit private, I've told you both I'm not interested Bea: What, not room for two in this town? Ronnie: no need to try he's pulling himself off as we speak Bea: Well, always nice when they essentially do the job themselves when you're past your prime, I imagine Charlie: I'm ignoring you both, is what I'm doing Charlie: You're both clearly blobbing so we'll save the idea for another day Charlie: Damn 😏 Lola: 🙄 Lola: Charlie I raised you better than that! Charlie: What?! Did you see how cunty the lone rangers were being Charlie: and I say ONE thing Lola: period bants are so 20 years ago boy Lola: know better Lola: Just cos they don't have any idea how to play nice Lola: that's old too Charlie: Who said its bants? Speculation 'bout the state of their knickers if nothing else Charlie: also, I add, probs in a twist Charlie: ba-dum-tss Ronnie: get your head outta my crotch for 5 seconds lad christ Charlie: 🐶 Ronnie: get your red wings from that bitch, just be prepared to be disappointed like, princess talks a good game but that's it like Bea: Yet here you are, all mouth. Bea: Both of you stop projecting your creepy shit, thanks Lola: everyone stop this shit or I bounce, thanks 👌 Lola: I could have a better party on my own at this point Bea: Agreed Bea: I'm staying here, see you around Lo Charlie: Ughhhhhhhhh Charlie: Guys no Lola: Laters then B xx Charlie: I'll even miss the chance to be 'insensitive' and tell you to kiss and make up, alright? Charlie: We're all bored, obvs, we need a party Charlie: Everyone suck it up, we can split up after pre-drinks, so what does it matter Lola: Fine, one more chance 😌 don't fuck it up Lola: Bea you in? Charlie: Ronaldo? Bea: Yeah, whatever Ronnie: suck a dick charlie I was never out Charlie: Well...with that confusing display of enthusiasm, we're back on! Bea get your fine ass on that train, we'll sort the rest between us Charlie: Everyone happy? Lola: 😁 Ronnie: 🖕 Bea: Nothing and no one's bringing me down 💋
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beautifulgiants · 4 years
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E. OLIVER WHITNEYDecember 28, 2016
Michael Shannon might be the busiest actor of the year. In 2016 he starred in 10 films, including his Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice corpse cameo and two unreleased films from the Tribeca Film Festival. Shannon continued his ongoing collaboration with director Jeff Nichols in Midnight Special and Loving, he played Elvis Presley opposite Kevin Spacey’s President Nixon, portrayed a hilarious Texas sheriff in Tom Ford’s Nocturnal Animals, and reunited with Werner Herzog for Salt and Fire. And after all that, he even found time to put together the best red carpet outfit of all time.
Shannon works so much that when I sat down to talk with him last month, he’d just gotten off a red eye from Toronto after wrapping one of his five films expected out next year. In his latest and final release of 2016, Shannon plays Frank, a Las Vegas chef who falls for a woman with a mysterious past. Frank & Lola begins as a quiet romance between Frank and Imogen Poots’ Lola before switching to a tense psychosexual drama about jealousy and betrayal.
This Day In History
The actor told me about filming Frank & Lola back-to-back with Elvis & Nixon, an experience he called “pretty f–king weird,” and why he almost turned down his role in Bad Boys 2. Shannon also revealed he doesn't like being photographed and said, despite his 24 years of experience and overflowing resume, acting has become more difficult for him over time.
You’ve been in so many films this year and played a lot of intense, energetic characters, from Nocturnal Animals to Midnight Special and Elvis and Nixon. In Frank & Lola your character feels much more stripped down and naturalistic.
Yeah. Well look, at the end of they day, he’s a cook, you know? That’s what he is. And from what I’ve seen their primary focus is food, making food. So they don’t necessarily have to be super verbal you know? I mean, it’s a hard life. It’s a hard job.
Were you familiar with a chef’s lifestyle before this film?
Just to the the extent that I had worked in some restaurants and I spent some time with a friend of Matt [Ross’], the director, who’s a very successful chef, and he kind of showed me the ropes. It’s not like I’m a complete and total expert on it, but I’ve certainly been around it.
There’s a relatable vulnerability and human quality to Frank and his jealousy that I don't think is reflected as much in the louder characters you’ve played. Did you understand him more as an everyday kind of guy rather than compared to the big personalities you've played?
I don’t know. I feel like all my characters are human beings. I’m not playing, like, a minotaur or something. They’re all people. They’re different people, and they operate differently and they think differently.
So it’s hard for me to answer that question I guess. I’m always approaching any part I play as an inquiry into the identity of the character, whoever they happen to be. But I guess maybe what you’re thinking or saying is that he’s not a tremendously complicated person, which is probably true.
He is a very simple guy.
Yeah, so maybe that’s what you’re responding to. I mean, he’s very pure. He loves cooking and he loves Lola. It’s very simple, and then he gets hurt and then he flips out.
That response can easily be sensationalized or hyperbolic in movies, but the ways you reacted with jealousy and suspicion in this film are more subtle.
Well that’s good to hear. It’s always hard for me to comment on that because I’m not in the audience, you know? I can’t say, yeah I was so subtle in that movie. It’s just not my prerogative I guess. I just show up and do the work.
Do you watch your films later?
Oh yeah, I watch ’em. I saw this movie and I don’t have any problem. I’m always curious to see how they turned out because you know the work is very hard. I think it’s a lot harder than most people realize. Every shot is a battle. I mean this movie, we shot it very quickly. Imogen [Poots] and I, we had a real natural kind of chemistry, which is weird because I didn’t know her from Adam before we started shooting the movie. We shot that part in Vegas in like, three weeks. Which is crazy. We shot all the Paris stuff in one week, which was even crazier. So maybe it’s like Japanese sand painting or something, you just do it really fast.
When you say every movie is difficult, is it the same for you when shooting indie movies compared to big studio movies? Is it still the same level of difficulty?
Honestly the weird thing about acting, for me anyway, maybe it’s different for other people, I find the longer I do it the more difficult it gets. I feel like any human being on earth could probably be in a movie. I saw American Honey recently and the girl, Sasha Lane, she’s great. But could she play Ophelia? Can you keep showing up and doing it over and over and over again, and every time you show up you’re supposed to be somebody else? You feel like you’re going to run out of possibilities.
That’s the way I look at it. I’m trying to create a whole different person each time. So, it’s like excavating yourself. I just finished a movie last night in Toronto. It was very hard. But also, I think the harder it is usually the more likelihood that it’ll be worthwhile to see it, to watch it because it shouldn’t be easy. It should not be easy to make a great movie, and it isn’t.
Is there a role that’s been the hardest for you?
They’re all difficult. Honestly, playing Elvis was a very demanding thing to do. It took me a long time to wrap my head around that. But eventually I started having fun with it once I got on the set and settled down a little bit.
It’s hard to stand in front of a camera. I don’t really like having my picture taken to begin with. People are always like, “Can I take a picture?” I’m like, “No. I don’t want to.” Then I realize how absurd that is because I’m getting it taken 24 frames-per-second at work. But it’s a very unnatural thing, you know?
I read you shot Elvis and Nixon in Vegas right before Frank & Lola. What was that like making those back-to-back?
No, I shot it in New Orleans. What happened was, we shot the Vegas part of Frank & Lola for like three weeks. And then I went to New Orleans and shot Elvis and Nixon. And then after that we went to Paris and did that part of Frank & Lola in Paris. So that was very trippy. That was pretty f–king weird.
Bleecker Street
What was it like to navigate between those two?
It was surprising. I was surprised when I got to Paris how quickly I clicked back into it. Because I had really been just eating, breathing, sleeping Elvis all the time for five weeks. So I was a little anxious, like what if I don’t remember what my voice sounds like or whatever. But the second we got over there and plugged back into the story, I was like “Oh yeah...” It wasn’t as difficult as I anticipated it was going to be.
You bring a lot of humor to Nocturnal Animals. The scene in the police station with Karl Glusman is so great. Was any of that improv or was it all in Tom Ford’s script?
The owl [scene], I think I had said that out of my imagination. But it was mostly the script. Tom worked really hard on that script. It’s based on a book. Tony and Susan. Tom is pretty meticulous guy and filmmaker. We pretty much stuck to the script. There’d be a little thing here or there. There was some – well see, I don’t like to say. It’s a secret.
Nocturnal Animals Movie CLIP - The Interrogation (2016) - Jake Gyllenhaal Movie
I love that character. It’s my favorite of yours from this year.
I love Bobby. He’s a cool dude. He’s a good fellow, he’s very sweet. He’s kind of a curmudgeon, but very sweet because he really cares. He winds up caring about Jake [Gyllenhaal’s] character in spite of himself. He doesn’t want to, he really doesn’t want to and he can’t help it.
I enjoyed you in Loving. I read that you shot that part in one day.
Yeah, it was totally manageable. It wasn’t like we were rushing around. It made sense. It would have been silly for it to take longer. I was sad I didn’t get to spend more time on that set. I always like being around Jeff and Joel [Edgerton]. I really liked Ruth [Negga] a lot.
She’s great in that.
I hope she gets nominated. And Joel, and Jeff.
Last question, has there ever been a role you hesitated taking or that you needed convincing to take?
Oh yeah. [Laughs] There’s been a few. I remember when I got the offer for Bad Boys 2 to play that silly man in the KKK. I read the material and I thought, “This is humiliating. I don’t want to do this.” But my manger at the time said, “Michael you can’t pass this up. This is one of the biggest franchises in the world. This movie will make half a billion dollars at the very least and everybody on Earth is going to see it.” I’m like, “Yeah but then they’re gonna see me wearing a white robe.” So I was really on the fence about it. But it was all in good fun at the end of the day. The fact that it was so silly made it very clear that I was not a role model in any way shape or form.
Read More: Michael Shannon Reflects on ‘Frank and Lola’ and His Busy 2016 | https://y105music.com/michael-shannon-interview-frank-and-lola/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral
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