#and the way he truly cares and worries and misses his girl best friend
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Look they are anxious golden retriever x mental support black cat coded
P. S. Ignore the amount of different signs, it just that i have different signatures for different art accounts on different platforms, confusing i know, i think ill have to unite them sometime soon.
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h0ck3yl0v3r · 5 months
sparks fly
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
lh43 x childhood!bestfriend
warnings: none?!?!
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she missed him, and he missed her. with hockey season starting he was a mess. they had gotten paired together for a project in their english class. it was awkward, none of them knowing what to say.
The way you move is like a full-on rainstorm
And I'm a house of cards
they sat in class trying to figure out the topic they should research about. still no words spoken, luke couldn’t help but admire her as she worked. the way her hair kept falling in front of her face, and how she bit the top of her pen from nerves, and the way her eyes were so beautiful.
And you stood there in front of me
Just close enough to touch
Close enough to hope you couldn't see
What I was thinking of
after an hour right before class ended, the two finally found a topic to research on. they settled on how miscommunication can affect ones life. ironic isnt it he thought.
“hey y/n” luke said trying to catch up the girl in a hurry to get back to her dorm.
“what do you want luke.” she said turning to look at the youngest hughes.
“i was wondering if maybe you’d wanna meet after my game, you don’t have to go to it but i figured itd be best if we talk and clear the air since we got paired together.” he said in one breath looking down at her looking for a response.
“okay.” thats all she said. “okay, ill text you after the game, bye y/n.” he said softly, “bye luke” she whispered softly watching him leave.
Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
tonight was a big game, the game against msu. yost was packed, luke was in the locker rooms trying to prepare himself for the game but all he could think about was the one girl who truly made him happy that he hurt. as for her, she was finding her way through yost being dragged out of her dorm by her roommate who was dating one of the players.
as the team skated out for warm ups all the girl could think about was when she’d always attend lukes games, how cute he was in his element, how passionate and focused he is once he hits the ice. she couldnt help but notice how the lighting brought out his green eyes, and how his small smile still has a hold on her.
'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile
Get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down
Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around
the game ended well, umich winning and luke scoring a hat trick, during his third goal in the third period he finally saw you, pointing at you during his celly. your heart melted at that, almost forgetting entirely about why you were mad at him.
My mind forgets to remind me
You're a bad idea
luke quickly finished changing back into his normal attire as you waited for him outside the locker rooms.
once he came out he gave you a small smile which you did the same back.
“care to go for a little walk m’lady?” he said and you couldn’t help but laugh and nod.
you guys walked in a comfortable silence before taking a break on a bench near his dorm.
“congrats by the way, you did amazing tonight.” you said looking up at him a d he smiled whispering a soft thank you.
“i know i said i wanted to talk to clear the air because of the project but it’s more than that.” he said and you nodded for him to continue “im sorry for everything, truly. i miss you so much it physically hurts and i know its not fair the way i treated you, i don’t expect you to forgive me but i just want you to hear my side of the story. i pushed you away because i thought you deserved someone better, someone who could be there all the time, and to have someone you wont have to worry about having to leave one day and do long distance. but in reality i did it to protect myself, because im in love with you, and i didnt want to have to face losing my best friend, or the heartbreak of when i have to leave for the pro’s but i realize now all i want is you, my whole life, its been you.” his voice cracking and leg bouncing from anxiety. you placed your hand on his knee softly rubbing it to comfort him. “lu, i thought you didn’t like me because you became so distant and went after so many other girls, so i never said anything to protect myself, i was so in love with you, the night i left i had cried to quinny, i thought i never had a chance so i pushed myself away too. but im still so in love with you, no matter how much i try to push it away” you said softly as he cupped your face caressing it softly, “i thought you knew, i gave so many hints” and you looked at him confused, “remember all times in high school when guys tried to hit on you and i immediately scared him away, or whenever id call you after a bad game, or when all i ever wanted was to be with you so i came over for like three days, holding your hand or cuddling watching movies that it came to a point my mom had to drag me back home. i thought you knew.” he said tears now falling softly down both of your faces. “im so sorry lu, i never picked up on any of that, i thought it was just because we were best friends.” he wiped your tears away “we were always more than best friends, so much for miscommunication huh? we better get an A on that project” he joked and you couldn’t help but crack a smile and laugh. and as the clouds began crying too, for the first time luke hughes kissed you. the most soft passionate kiss ever. “i love you.” he said pulling away resting his forehead on yours “i love you luke hughes.”
And the sparks fly
taglist: @drysdalesv @shy4turcs @ghostfacd @jackquinnswife
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sinsirellaxx · 4 months
Forgotten hero, friend and love
Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Requested on AO3: Hey :😀 i habe two requests if you dont mind!
(I suck at writing plus english is not my first language)
Both are Sebastian x F!Reader with HE
First one is with a healed Anne (Solomons death ever happened) and Sebastian (and Ominis, slightly) is too focused on Anne that he kind of forget the friendship and his crush on Reader. Reader is hurt and distance herself from them. Ominis notice this and want all of them to be a quadruplets. Plus Ominis is the best wingman for the two morons 😆
A/N: This is kinda sad at the beginning. 🥲
She was happy – she truly was. It had been their mission ever since they met each other after all … but she had not expected to feel this empty, this used after succeeding. After successfully helping her best friend and first love save his twin sister. Anne was lovely – she truly was, don’t get Y/N wrong. She was elated that she could finally come back to school and join her twin and their best friend in tackling all kinds of Hogwarts related stuff. She vividly remembered the way Sebastian’s eyes had lit up before he was overcome by his emotions, running to hug his twin before lifting her up to twirl her. Y/N remembered the way their uncle had tried to hide his tearful face as he apologized for not believing Sebastian.
After this and the threat of Ranrok finally being gone – the girl had expected everything to be better, now that Sebastian’s mood had obviously improved by a million and herself did not have to worry about saving the school anymore.
They were four instead of three people now at school – and she definitely did not expect to feel this lonely. The teenage girl felt like she had been replaced – although she obviously had been a replacement for Anne … and now that she was back, there was no space for her. At least that’s how she felt as she stared at the entrance to the undercroft – her eyes blinking away the tears that were fighting their way up, trying to prove that she was more hurt by the changes than she refused to accept.
Sebastian had stood her up.
As the first tear successfully rolled down the corner of her eye, her bottom lip started wobbling.
As the first sob made its way up her throat, she slid down the wall, hugging her legs to her chest as she hid her face from the world.
As the first hour passed, she gave up completely and sat in the dark in silence.
The next day she glared at the mirror, visibly offended by the treacherous way her eyes had swollen up slightly over the night. There was a brief moment of panic as she thought about an excuse, about what she was going to tell her friends – but she highly doubted they’d notice, so her shoulders relaxed as she got ready for the day.
And just as expected: the trio hadn’t noticed – not that Ominis could even if he wanted to. Even though she knew that Sebastian forgot, there was still a slight sliver of hope that he would apologize for standing her up for the fifth time in three weeks – he didn’t. She knew he wouldn’t, but her heart still broke into a million pieces, leaving a trail behind as she followed the trio to the Great Hall.
Her eyes lifted briefly as she stared at their backs, her eyes stopping at Ominis – he had always been so sensitive to other people’s feelings. But now, even he did not notice – or care to notice that Y/N was drifting away. Y/N understood, he had known Anne for so long and the Sallows were like family to him. She could never be that.
As they sat down to eat, Y/N didn’t bother lifting her head to look at her friends, knowing that they were invested in talking to Anne about everything that she had missed and everything that they’d do together. She pushed her food from one side to the other on her plate until she let the fork slip from her fingers and onto the table with a small clinking sound. Heaving a sigh, she pushed herself up and away from the table as she clumsily climbed over the bench, sluggishly walking away and out of the Great Hall. There was no one calling after her as she left.
Sat in Divination she was glad she wouldn’t have to see any of the trio. Leaning back in her seat she stared at the cup in front of her.
“Y/N, is everything alright?” At the soft voice of her dear friend Natsai she looked up and was met by warm yet worried eyes.
“Are you alright?” She softly repeated her question, her left hand reaching out to softly hold one of her’s. “You look like you have been crying.”
At the last question, Y/N had to bite her tongue to prevent herself from bursting into tears right in front of everyone. The only thing she could manage as a reply was a short nod and blinking eyes. Natsai did not look convinced, yet she did not want to pressure her best friend into answering if she did not feel comfortable in doing so. She gave the sad girl another – hopefully – reassuring squeeze before letting her hand go.
At dinner, before she could move to her table, Garreth Weasley stood in front of her, with a wide smile on his face.
“Want to sit with us? We haven’t really talked in a while – and I kinda missed it.” He asked as he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. The word ‘you’ left unspoken, as it was what he really wanted to say.
“Only if you want to, that is!” He quickly added as he saw the hesitation on Y/N’s face.
With a small smile the girl nodded as she let herself be pulled to the Gryffindor table, her wrist warm from the way he had wrapped his big hand around her small wrist.
As she sat down next to a smiling Natsai she briefly forgot about her heartbreak. It felt nice to be a part of a group again, she thought as she laughed at a joke Garreth told.
Days had passed and Y/N hadn’t sat at the Slytherin table ever since the day she had been asked to join her Gryffindor friends. Ominis had been the first one to notice her absence and he immediately felt guilt settle in his stomach at the realization of having completely neglected their dear friend. He walked up to Sebastian’s bed before going to sleep and asked him if he had talked to Y/N in the last few days.
Sebastian frowned as he sat up in his bed. “Not really … honestly. I think I haven’t really talked to her in weeks.” His eyes suddenly widened. “Merlin, I haven’t even been to the f*cking study-dates that we had agreed upon!” He shrieked as he jumped up from his bed.
“We have been completely shutting her out of the group, you realize that right?” Ominis spoke calmly with a raised brow.
Sebastian groaned as he paced their dorm, his hands in his hair as he thought of all the times, he had stood her up without her even saying anything. He remembers the first two times he had forgotten – she had lightly scolded him for having her wait the whole night before she had finally given up. Sebastian had told Y/N then, that he would make it up to her only to forget about it again.
And after that Y/N had not said anything anymore. Sebastian felt like throwing up – how could he neglect the one person he actually fell in love with – the one person, who helped him save his sister without really knowing him or her. She had done everything, faced so many obstacles and dangerous situations just to help him.
“Yeah, you f*cked up big time, Sebastian. But not just you … I wasn’t exactly a good friend either.” Ominis mumbled as he hung his head.
“B-But, where has she been the last few days? She hasn’t been sitting with us at all – right?” The brunette questioned as he let himself fall on his bed.
“She’s been spending more time with Garreth.” Ominis knew that Y/N had been spending more time with all her other friends but he chose to only mention his name, because he knew that mentioning Garreth’s name would ring all the alarm bells in his stupid friend’s head.
“What? With Garreth?!” Sebastian sputtered, the nausea returning tenfold at the mention of his name. He was aware of the crush the ginger-haired boy had on Y/N. “I need to see her.” He jumped up, angrily marching towards the door only to be stopped by Ominis’ firm hand on his shoulder.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Ominis asked, his voice not hiding his annoyance.
“I’m going to Y/N’s dorm.”
“And then?”
“I-I don’t know. I’ll talk to her. Why would she spend so much time with that Weasley?!”
Something snapped in Ominis as he hit the back of his friend’s head. “Are you for real, Sebastian? That’s the only thing you’re worried about right now?” The blonde scoffed. “You’ve been basically ignoring Y/N for the past few weeks, after everything she has done for you – for us – and you are just worried about her being close with Garreth Weasley?” He cocked his brow in disbelief at the male twin’s audacity.
“What are you going to say if you walk to her right now? Aree you going to say: ‘Hey, Y/N. I know I’ve been ignoring you for the past few weeks but – why are you talking to Garreth?’? Don’t be ridiculous, Sebastian.”
“You’re right.” The brunette mumbled as the initial anger melted away. He let himself fall on his bed face first, his voice muffled as he spoke. “What am I going to do?”
“Beg for forgiveness – I don’t know.” Ominis shrugged his shoulders as he thought of a way to save their friendship and Sebastian’s possible future relationship. “You’ll have to think of something.”
Y/N waved her friends goodbye as she walked towards her dorm. It was finally Friday, which meant she – and almost everyone else – could sleep in. The closer she got to the Slytherin common room, the tenser she grew – she hoped she wouldn’t see any of her Slytherin friends.
The common room was weirdly empty – just a few lone students reading or playing card games together. Her shoulders relaxed as she walked up the stairs to her dorm room, her brows furrowing as she noticed a letter lying right in front of her door. Bending down to take the letter into her hand, she turned it around to see who it was addressed to, her eyes widening as she saw her name written clumsily onto the envelope. Turning it around she opened it and pulled out the folded paper.
Please meet me at the undercroft. I’ll be waiting.
Y/N clenched her jaw as all kinds of emotions rushed through her, her eyes scanning over the few words again and again. She felt sadness, bitter, petty, curious but most importantly: she felt angry. Sebastian had completely forgotten about her and now he suddenly wanted to see her and asked her to come to him.
Y/N stared at the offending paper for another two minutes as she contemplated about her decision. She had been stood up several times, so why should she go because he asked one time? But if she ignored his request, she’d surely regret it, curious as she was … and a small part of her heart roared as she read his initials. Yearning to talk to him again. With a huff she folded the letter and stuffed it into her pocket before she turned to walk towards the undercroft.
Her curiosity always won.
Walking through the entrance there were many things that Y/N had expected – she had expected Sebastian to impatiently pace the room, with weird scripts in his hands that he wanted to show her. She had also expected the room to be empty with no Sebastian in sight. What she did not expect, however, were a trail of rose petals and lit candles leading up to a nicely decorated small table with snacks and drinks – and more roses.
The young girl’s mouth fell open as she took in the sight, coming to a halt as her eyes moved up to Sebastian’s figure standing behind the table with a tense smile on his face. The brunette was obviously nervous as his eyes carefully scanned over Y/N’s features.
“Hey …” Sebastian finally broke the silence – way too impatient to wait for Y/N to say something first. His nerves wouldn’t let him be patient.
“Before you say anything … I want to apologize; I am so sorry for neglecting you – the one person that has helped me through everything. You, who has saved my sister. You put so much trust in me, even though you barely knew me. You were always there for us – for me. And yet I managed to make you feel invisible. I probably made you feel like I used you too …” Sebastian paused for a second, catching his breath as he walked around the table and towards you.
“I know I don’t deserve it – I am a complete twat for all of this – but please. I’m so, so sorry. I need you – I don’t think I’ll ever not need you anymore. Please forgive me. I promise to always put you first.” Sebastian begged, tears welling up in his eyes as he stared into your equally watery eyes. “Because I love you – I know it didn’t look like it the past few weeks – but I really do. I love you. I have loved you ever since you beat my ass in our very first duel.”
At that a giggle forced its way out of Y/N’s lips, her cheeks growing hotter as the male continued.
“You are – you are just amazing. Please … please forgive me, Y/N.” Sebastian whispered as he lifted his hands to wipe the tears that had found their way down her flushed cheeks, before moving to cup them lovingly.
“Sebastian … I honestly don’t know what to say. You truly hurt me and when I got your note, a big part of me didn’t want to come. I didn’t think I’d be ready to see you. I’m still so angry and hurt.” Y/N spoke carefully, her eyes taking note of the way Sebastian’s jaw tensed. “And it is true that you probably don’t deserve it … but I love you too, Sebastian.” She finished as she averted her eyes – and if she had not, she would have seen the way the male’s eyes lit up in excitement, the way the corners of his lips tugged upwards into a beaming smile – his brain too focused on the fact that his crush reciprocated his feelings.
“So … do you forgive me?” Sebastian asked hopeful.
“I guess I will … in time. But it’ll cost you.” Y/N teased as she lifted her gaze, lifting her eyebrow jokingly at him.
“Anything you want. I’ll do anything!” Sebastian rushed out as his thumbs stroked over her cheeks.
“Start with a kiss, then.”
A/N: Idk why, but this oneshot started off as rather depressing. Hope you still liked it! I also felt like I rushed through most bits but honestly, this could be a whole chaptered fic in my opinion.
Would you have forgiven Sebastian? 👀
Hope you liked it!
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thefrontofmymind · 1 year
Helping Hand (Matty Healy x Reader)
hi! i just came across your blog and read both your matty works! if your requests are open could you write a friends to lovers with matty? maybe a confession with tension from not knowing the other’s feelings? –anon
Could you write a Matty Healy smut where he and the reader share an apartment as friends. Reader comes home pissed and Matty offers to ✨take care✨ of the reader for the night. Reader also has a praise kink – @kmsmedine
Prompt idea: “you know I can fuck you better, right?” With matty –anon
WARNINGS: piv unprotected smut, blowjob, a little bit of alcohol consumption (lmk if i missed anything)
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The way you’d describe your life, in a word, would be bittersweet. You had your dream job, a great family, a gorgeous apartment, but there was one part that was missing, an important part–you lacked a connection, at least in a way that was satisfying.
You hated the idea that you were some kind of cliche–you had everything you ever wanted except a boyfriend, it sounded like some half-arsed romcom you’d find on DVD in some bargain bin at a Poundstretcher. Sure, you weren’t completely hopeless, you could get a shag if you felt so inclined, when you felt so inclined. But your heart was never in it. Because of one man, your closest friend in the whole universe–and roommate–Matty.
You’d spent years pining over him. From the moment you’d met him, you could feel your heart jump every time he’d look your way, and then crack and crumble when he’d look elsewhere. It wasn’t from lack of trying with him–the first year of your friendship you tried your damnedest to get him to notice you in the way you craved.
The nail in the coffin came with his first serious relationship–a lovely girl called Heather, or Hannah, or some name like that–you pushed the feelings to the very back of your mind as best you could, but they refused to stay quiet. You had many a crises over what to do. You loved Matty, more than a friend, and even more than a lover, he was your person and you couldn’t bear the thought of living without him, no matter how painful it would be to see him hold another’s hand, whisper in an ear that wasn’t your’s, see the way he smirk at other girls in clubs when they’d tell him what they wanted to do to him on the cab ride home–something you could never get the courage to do.
Though once you’d mourned the loss of what may have been, you realised what you did have, a man who knew you like the back of his own hand and would run to you the second he was beckoned, though just platonically.
Eventually you began to put yourself out there, started seeing other men–nothing serious ever came of any of them, but it was a distraction, nonetheless. You’d simply made your peace with the situation and resigned yourself to the fact that it would never change.
You figured you’d never get one of those looks from Matty that you’d seen made other girls’ knees wobble, and you’d certainly never get that close to him, and you’d simply have to make do with any distraction you could find, as hopelessly downcast it seemed..
It was late on Thursday night, very late. You weren’t home yet and it worried Matty–he knew you’d have left work almost an hour ago and you hadn’t let him know you were going anywhere afterwards–it was all very unlike you. 
He sat in your shared living room on the sofa, laptop in front of him as he fiddled around with some demos that George had sent him, though he was immediately pulled out of it when he heard the front door slam shut and saw you huff as you walked to your bedroom. He quickly got up and followed you, concerned.
“What’s got your knickers in a twist then?” He asked you as he was greeted with the sight of you sat down on your bed, taking off your boots and eyes that were full of tears–a horrible side affect of being left with your thoughts on the walk home.
“I’m not in the mood for a joke, Matty,” you sighed, not wanting to make eye contact with him.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” He was truly worried. 
You took a second to collect your thoughts before you spoke. “Why is it that some guys just never learn, hey? Like they just do not care about the girls they’re fucking and don’t even try to give them attention?” Matty gave you a questioning look as he sat down next to you, seeing your wet eyes threatened to spill. “You remember that guy, Sam? The one I met at the work Christmas party last year?” Matty nodded. “Well, he asked me to go over to his after I got off work, and I went-uh-and he just doesn’t care.” You couldn’t stop the sob that came out as you finished your sentence. As if on instinct, Matty pulled you into his chest and let you cry, to which you had no protests. You had been building up for a while and it seemed you just couldn’t hold off the breaking point any longer.
“That’s so shit,” Matty said, holding you gently. “You deserve better than that.”
You sat in silence for a moment, you could smell the faint scent of weed and his regular cologne on Matty’s jumper.
You laughed. “Yeah, well it’s not like I really have any other prospects at the moment, so I’m just kinda stuck with Speedy Sam for now…”
Matty laughed with you for a second before his tone changed drastically. “C’mon, you’re a stunner! Surely you’ve got a lineup just waiting for ya?”
“No one else seems remotely interested…” You sighed. You knew it wasn’t productive to pity yourself the way you were, but you’d had a few glasses of wine at Sam’s so you couldn’t really help yourself.
“Well that’s just not true, now…” Matty muttered–under his breath but still loud enough that he knew you’d have heard it. You didn’t know how to answer him, you were simply gobsmacked–surely he didn’t mean what you thought he was hinting at? After all these years?
You tried to laugh it off, break the tension with some joke and asked Matty if there was any takeaway from the other night left in the fridge, but his face didn’t crack and he never broke eye contact, and that sobered you up really quick. 
It felt like the earth had stopped turning and time had stopped ticking–it was just you and Matty at a stalemate in your apartment. 
“Just something I thought about…” He mumbled as he got up and went back to the living room, leaving you wide-eyed and gobsmacked in your bedroom with a mind going a million miles a minute.
As if on autopilot, your legs carried you to the living room, standing right in front of Matty–who was ever-so unbothered and scrolling on his laptop. You didn’t quite know what to say, so you stood with wide eyes fixed right on him as you mulled over how you could ever respond in this situation.
“Can I help you?” He said, as if he didn’t drop a bomb on you merely a minute ago.
“You can’t just say that to me,” you said with a deadly serious tone that even took you by surprise.
Matty closed his laptop and stood up so you were eye-to eye. “I only said it because it was true.”
“Wha-” You couldn’t speak, all the air in your throat felt trapped, you couldn’t breathe. This couldn’t be happening.
“You know I can fuck you better, right?” He said, without a microgram of hesitation nor taunting in voice, while his eyes stayed unwavering and staring into yours. “Better than that dickhead and any other guy you’ve been with since I’ve known you.”
You could barely stutter out an answer, you knew what you wanted to say–you had fantasies of a proposition like this from Matty for years, you’d resigned yourself that it would never happen and that was just something you had to make peace with. You needed to tell him, and now.
“Then prove it,” you said, a small waver in your tone, showing the sliver of trepidation.
Matty’s thumb lightly rubbed the side of your cheek, not breaking eye contact. “Can I kiss you?”
“I think you should,” you answered, feeling so much anxiety at this newfound revelation in your best friend and roommate.
His lips were ever-so soft against yours, giving you the chance to pull away, should you want to, but you didn’t. Without thinking, you grabbed the fabric of the collar of the hoodie he was wearing and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. You couldn’t quite process what was happening, your mind felt like mush as you lightly bit on his bottom lip, earning a stifled moan from Matty. You eventually had to break the kiss to get a proper breath in, as much as you wish you didn’t have to. You stayed close–nose-to-nose–as you caught your breaths.
“So your room or mine?” He asked.
You pulled him back to your mouth, this time with a bit more ferocity, and your hands quickly found their way to his hair as he grabbed at your waist. You both managed to stumble to your room–the closer one–without breaking the kiss. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to be doing, and you were just glad it was finally happening, not just in your mind when you were alone and bored.
Matty quickly pulled away to take off his hoodie, while you rid yourself of the sweaty and dishevelled blouse you’d worn to work that day. Before you knew it, you’d gotten completely bare in front of him–you weren’t scared or worried or insecure, it was Matty, he knew you, so there was nothing for you to be afraid of, nor him.
He sat on your bed before you, you didn’t quite know how to proceed. You’d been through so many scenarios like this in your head, you were overwhelmed.
“C’mere, darling,” he said, holding out a hand to take yours and guiding you to straddle him–it all felt much more sincere and…intimate…than before–you finally realised this was real and it was happening. 
Matty locked his arms around your waist as you began to kiss down his neck and into the crook of his shoulder, eliciting a breathy moan from the top of his throat. His hands began to wander down your back and he took grip of your ass cheeks as he kissed you again.
Your hands soon found their way to his cock, slowly giving it a couple of strokes before you readjusted so you could press a warm kiss to its head. 
Matty’s head was spinning, never did he think he would ever have a chance with you, in the years of your friendship. He was simply too scared to say anything, and it got to a point that he’d come to the conclusion that he’d left that grace period of early-friendship confusion well in the past and there was nothing he could do about it, so he tried to move on–girlfriend after girlfriend, with as many pointless hook ups in between, but they all weren’t you. It was a miracle you hadn’t punched him in the face for what he said; he’d had a couple glasses of wine and it went straight to his head, giving him the confidence to do what he truly wanted to in the first place.
Matty sunk into a sea of ecstasy as your lips closed around him and his cock inched further and further into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat.
“Oh darling,” he barely managed to stutter out between moans as he gently grabbed a handful of your hair and your tongue swirled around his tip. “Ple-please just let me fuck you.”
“I think you should.” You said as Your mouth was replaced by your hand and you looked at his face to answer him–his lips parted and eyes almost completely shut from pleasure. You weren’t sure where the sudden confidence you exuded came from, but you were sure glad it appeared when it did. 
Soon enough, you were once again straddling Matty’s lap, his cock rubbing against your entrance–you felt like your head was just about ready to explode from the anticipation.
“Are you ready, baby?” Matty whispered, leaving a trail of kisses from your ear to the crook of your shoulder. You couldn’t find the words to speak, so you let out a hum and a fervent nod, and that was enough for him.
You felt so full as each inch of him entered you, leaving you a moaning mess immediately. Matty was in a similar state, breathing deeply and trying to blink away the stars in his vision of you. You began to move, just a little, which made the pleasure increase tenfold–leaving you twitching and whining every time Matty hit your g-spot. He took hold of your hips, helping you bounce on his cock.
“So…so good…So good fo’ me…” he moaned, leaving you smiling to yourself.
As time went on, your legs began to grow tired, and Matty noticed as your movements slowed.
“Want me to be on top?” He asked in between feverish kisses wherever he could place them.
“Yeah,” you chuckled. “M’legs are getting sore.”
After some readjustment, Matty was now hovering above you, while one of your legs wrapped around his hip to keep him close. His thrusts were slower than you were expecting–going as deep as he could get. One of his hands was holding himself up from next to your head, while the other found its way to your clit, rubbing slow, deliberate circles on to the swollen bud.
It all just felt so comfortable, so natural–not at all like a first fuck, the two of you moved so in sync with each other, you’d think you’d been together for years with just how responsive you were to each other.
You felt your lungs get tighter as your breathing got shallower, and a tension began to grow between your thighs. You urged Matty to go faster, to which he obliged with a smirk that didn’t go unnoticed by you.
All at once, everything let go, and you were sent into orbit as you released–all the while moaning and whining which only spurred Matty on more, soon reaching his release as well before collapsing on top of you, fully spent.
The two of you laid there on your bed in silence for a little while, Matty’s softening cock still inside you. There was something so intimate about the whole situation, you couldn’t keep your eyes off his face as he caught his breath with a small grin on his face. You noticed freckles on his nose, faint lines around his eyes, things you’d never had the chance, nor the right before this, to see.
Eventually, Matty moved to face you before speaking. “That was…” He um’d and ah’d for a moment, trying to find the right words. “It was everything I’ve ever hoped it was.”
“Really?” You never thought of Matty hoping something would happen, and what it would be like.
“And more,” he added, kissing you again while you chuckled in the afterglow. You both began to drift into the lull of sleep in each other’s arms. “And I never want to hear about Speedy Sam again…”
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loveandmurders · 1 year
hello buddy ol pal! came here to request some billy loomis or stu macher x fem/gn reader who’s like *super hot* but too ditzy to notice? (cringe i know 🤭) if you can’t write it no worries!
Hello love, thank you for this request! It was a very cute idea actually.
Hope you'll enjoy <3
SO HOT & SO CONFUSED (Billy x female!reader)
Warnings: no proof reading, mentions of murders, protective and possessive Billy, mentions of sexual desire, reader is a hot himbo.
You only arrived in Woodsboro two weeks ago, and yet it felt like you had always been there.
You didn’t know how that happened but the most popular people in school instantly brought you to their side, and everyone knew you and treated you kindly. You were invited to every party, you were greeted by everyone and even male teachers seemed to give you better grades.
You thought you had always been lucky in your life, because people were generally kind to you, and you enjoyed that.
You were kind in return.
However you disliked how men could sometimes be creeps to you. But weren’t they the same to every woman on the planet anyways?
This time it felt different, though.
No guy tried to annoy you.
And the one who tried, disappeared soon after and you never saw him ever again. Until his face was on every street of the town with a big “MISSING” beneath his picture.
To be fair, it happened a few times.
It also felt different because of Billy Loomis.
He was the hottest guy of the town and everyone wanted him in their bed at least once in their lives.
And you had to admit that you would also like that.
But you weren’t feeling bold enough to start flirting with him. Especially because you didn’t like drama and you were pretty certain every girl in school would start hating you if they saw you in his arms.
Good thing he was bold enough for you two.
Whenever you would arrive in school, you could be certain that Billy, sometimes closely followed by his best friend Stu, was going to spot you and to walk to you or to gesture to you to come closer.
You were almost certain that Billy was already dating another girl though. Sidney or Sandra or something like that.
You didn’t really care about her, as Billy’s charming presence was always making you forget all about the people around you.
You tried your best to never sit next to him in class or you knew you would never be able to follow what the teacher would say.
But sometimes you failed, because the man seemed to enjoy your presence a little too much for both your own good. He needed to keep an eye on you.
For the sole reason that he had never met a girl he so physically desired before. He couldn’t even imagine how your naked body would feel beneath his, nor how truly gorgeous you were.
He needed to make you his.
And that was why Ghostface was killing whoever was getting a little too close to you for his own liking.
He couldn’t share you with anyone else.
Was it Billy’s fault if you were the hottest gal he ever saw in his whole life?
The first time he saw you, he was smoothly talking to Sidney… and you made him forget his lines. Sidney had been quite pissed at him, and it had been hard to recover from him being distracted because of another girl.
Gosh, you had become his favourite sight to look at. He could watch you all day long without getting bored. You were a masterpiece.
And he needed to have you.
Of course Sidney was in the way, and he really couldn’t wait to get rid of her.
Stu had to remind him countless times that they were supposed to follow the plan or it wouldn’t be as good as they had thought it would be.
But Billy was getting impatient.
You were so hot.
And yet you didn’t seem to notice it.
More than once Billy flirted with you, calling you all kinds of pet names including “beautiful, beauty, gorgeous, hottie,...” but you never really caught on to it.
You were taking care of your body and you enjoyed putting on trendy clothes and a little bit of makeup sometimes too with nice hairstyles.
But you never really thought anything about the way people were watching you. Why would you care as long as everyone was nice to you?
You were used to boys asking you to carry your stuff, and you didn’t see why you should refuse it.
If people wanted to be kind to you, why shouldn’t you take the opportunity?
(Plus your bag always crumpled your tops and you really didn’t like that at all.)
It also often happened that boys tried to kiss you at parties or in your daily life, especially when you were getting along with them or when they were too drunk to realise how stupid they were.
You had to admit that now that you had Billy by your side it was a little bit different. In a good way.
He was protective.
And you were enjoying your time with him. He was cute and funny and intense.
He was so hot.
But you couldn’t imagine that he could want you. He had a girlfriend, anyways.
He was always doing his best to avoid Sidney when you were at parties so he could spend time with you, flirting with you and making sure no one else was talking to you.
He was getting very possessive with you, and the fact you didn’t seem to catch on how much he desired you was only fueling his desire to have you all his.
When he needed to go play with Sidney, he was asking Stu to stay with you. Not that he particularly trusts his friend in the presence of such a hot girl, but it was better than having you with someone he didn’t like or didn’t know.
Billy and Stu often wondered if you were stupid though.
You never caught on to the flirting.
You never seemed to understand their “subtle” remarks about your body.
You never understood either when they were calling you “hot stuff”.
You always giggled and rolled their eyes at them “I’m not hot, I’m just a girl”.
And unlike any other girls Billy flirted with, while being with Sidney, you didn’t play with the situation. It was actually confusing you a lot
“I thought you were dating that girl… what was her name again…?”
“Sidney. Yes I'm dating her and…?”
“Oh well, then maybe you shouldn’t invite me to your place at night… I’m not sure she would be happy about that”
“I’m not planning on telling her, you know. And you neither”
“I don’t even know who she is! But really… why do you want me to come over anyways?”
You were really making things hard for Billy.
But because you weren't noticing anything, he thought you might make things easier for Ghostface: you would never be suspicious of him.
He even thought that you would be pretty easy to kill… but he really didn’t want that. It would be a waste.
And one day, you would be his, body and soul.
Or he would go insane.
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fandom-chic · 10 months
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Please Please Please: Chapter 7
Summary: Y/N is only a child when she and Tommy Shelby meet. The two quickly become best friends as they grow up in Small Heath. As the years go by, Y/N and Tommy realize there may be more to their friendship than they originally thought.
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Y/N
Previous chapter
A/N: Sorry for the delay! Life has been chaos. I wanted to get something out so I apologize if there are some typos.
"Are you sure this is right?" she asked.
"Why wouldn't it be?" he replied.
"I don't know," she turned towards Tommy, letting the gun hang limply in her hand. "I just feel like there has to be another step to shooting that I'm just not getting. This seems too easy," Tommy smirked at Y/N.
"It's truly simple, I'll show you." He gladly took her hips and angled them towards the old can that had become a target. It didn't take long for a blush to rise to her cheeks as his arms reached around her, his hands adjusting her grip on the firearm. She couldn't help her eyes from looking back at her lover and admiring his focus on her hands. It was his idea to teach her how to shoot. After the Peaky Blinders had begun to become more involved in affairs around town, Tommy believed that it would be best for Y/N to have some sort of protection when he wasn't there. She laughed at him, wondering who would come after someone like her, but deep down she knew. Going after the leader's girl was a death sentence but also a statement. One that she didn't want to finish.
She felt Tommy give a final adjustment to her fingers before feeling his hands go back to her hips. His lips went up to her ear, whispering, "And now you shoot." The reality of the danger she could enact suddenly became tangible. She could snuff out someone's life with this device and that was something she felt she was incapable of. That was when she began to shake.
"Are you sure?" she whispered, feeling her grip become looser and looser.
"Of course, I am, my love," His lips didn't leave her ear as he coaxed her out of her mind. "You don't need to shoot to kill, just to warn. Learning to shoot straight at your target will allow you to shoot straight at a target behind your enemy. I promise, as long as you are by my side, you will never shoot to kill." She couldn't help but look back at Tommy. His face was so close to hers, she wanted to drop the gun to the ground and jump into his arms.
"You promise?" she questioned, although she knew she could always trust her Tommy.
"I promise." At that, she faced forward, readjusted, and shot. The sound was closer to her head than she expected. It jostled her, but Tommy was there to stabilize her. He always was. When she got a good look at the can, she saw it fully intact.
She let out a disappointed sigh, "Well, damn," she said, seeing she not only missed but she missed the target by many meters.
"Hey, don't worry," she turned back to Tommy and both his hands went to her cheeks, "this is what practice is for." Her eyes could not leave Tommy's as his words filled her chest, making it swell.
"I know, I just wanted to be as good as you." This got a chuckle out of Tommy.
"Once you have been shooting for 10 years, let's compare."
"We can shake on that, Mr. Shelby." But she didn't put her hand out and instead leaned in, letting Tommy's lips grace hers. Even after all these months, it still surprised her how soft his lips felt. They fit perfectly to hers, making her think of nothing until he had pulled away. But he hadn't yet and all her mind could do was fixate on the way he made her feel. She felt the gun slip out of her fingers and fall to the ground beside her. With her hands now free, she let them lace behind Tommy's neck, pulling her chest to his. His hands left her cheeks and began to trace down her sides and grab onto the small of her back. She didn't care where they were right now, all she knew was that she wanted him.
She felt his lips lightly pull from hers as a hoarse whisper escaped Tommy's mouth, "There's an abandoned barn around the corner if you-"
"No," she interrupted as her fingers began to slip his jacket off, "I want you now." Tommy didn't question her. How could he when he understood her completely? As articles of clothing fell off the pair, they soon found themselves wrapped in each other's arms on the grass. When he was inside her, the world stopped. She knew it was impossible but if someone told her this reality was a lie and it truly was just the two of them in each other's arms, she would laugh in understanding.
He let out a long sigh as they lay tangled in limbs. Her head rested on his chest as she traced the freckles on Tommy's chest.
"So much for shooting practice," she said. She looked up at Tommy to see him reaching for his discarded jacket. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.
"I do think this was time well spent," he said, putting a cigarette between his lips and lighting it. She watched as the smoke created shapes in the air. He gestured the cigarette toward Y/N and she gladly accepted by taking a deep inhale.
"I still have to learn to shoot," she responded, smoke escaping her lips. Y/N gave Tommy back the cigarette, and he took another drag before noticing his watch.
"Shit," he muttered, sitting up rapidly.
"What's wrong?" Y/N asked, sitting up too.
"Meeting," he muttered under his breath as he began to grab for his clothes. She followed his lead, beginning to throw back on her garments. Before she knew it, they were on horseback heading towards Small Heath.
"What's so important about this meeting?" Y/N questioned as they trotted down the road, her arms wrapped around Tommy's waist.
He let out a sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose with one hand as the other handled the horse, "It's about the gambling business. It's beginning to get off the ground."
Y/N gave Tommy's waist a little squeeze, "Well, that's a good thing. Why the stress?"
"Because I'm late."
The couple arrived at the Shelby home 30 minutes after what would have been the beginning of the meeting. Y/N jogged behind Tommy as they rushed in. To her surprise, Polly, Arthur, and John were chain-smoking languidly at a rickety table. No discussion of business at all. Only Polly bothered to look Tommy in the eye as he grabbed a seat.
"You're late," she said as she blew a puff of smoke out of her lips.
"I had other affairs to take care of," Tommy responded, causing John to look back towards Y/N. She sunk into the corner of the kitchen, quickly averting her eyes from his.
"Affairs?" John questioned with a snort. Tommy's eyes shot to his brother's, narrowing.
"Yes, John, affairs. Is there anything else you would like to add before we commence?" John silently fumed as Tommy grabbed a cigarette from the pack on the table.
"Actually, yes," The flame finally seemed to ignite. Tommy leaned back in his chair, folding his arms.
"And what is that?" There was malice laced into his words.
"You're never bloody here, Tom. You are always out for 'affairs' or 'meetings,' but we all know what you're doing," John took a quick puff of his cigarette before continuing, "You're fucking Y/N."
"John," Arthur warned. Y/N's eyes moved over to Tommy. He was still, staring straight ahead.
"It's fucking true," John said.
"Stop fucking fighting," he spat before taking a breath, "Tom, you haven't bothered to show up, and it's causing the family business to fall. Family comes before whores." The words left Arthur's mouth faster than she could think about them. "After all these years, I thought you saw me as more than..." She couldn't say the last part. It stung too much. Arthur opens his mouth to respond but is interrupted by Polly.
"Alright, enough," she said, slamming her hand on the table to punctuate the words. Polly takes a sip of whiskey to alleviate the stress before she continues, "We all know Tom has been absent, but we are still making a profit. Not as much as we wanted, but things are moving forward."
Tommy let out a semblance of a sigh of relief, "That's something," he put his cigarette in his mouth, puffing on it, "Pol, do you have the financial statements." Polly turns to the cabinet behind her and fishes through. She pulls out a folder filled to the brim with papers. Tommy grabs it and begins to go through. His look of relief quickly turns to one of annoyance as each paper flips by.
"What the fuck are all these damn charges?" He asked, turning to his brothers. Arthur avoids his brother's gaze, but John stares him down.
"Who said all work and no play?" There is a smirk on John's face that Tommy wanted to smack off. His hand clenched his glass of whiskey instead.
"John, you spent almost one hundred pounds this month alone. What the fuck are you spending that kind of money on?" John leaned toward his brother, his face inches from Tommy's.
"You'd know if you were fucking here." That was when Y/N heard the sound of a fist on flesh. Her eyes widened as Tommy threw himself over the table, grabbing at John. John fought right back, lunging into his brother. Y/N felt her feet rush toward the boys, grabbing at Tommy, trying to pull him away from John. Polly follows suit, grabbing the bloodied John away from Tommy.
"When did you all turn into children?" Polly yelled, dropping John into his chair with a thud. The adrenaline seemed to have left his body as he fell partially limp. Y/N held Tommy to her chest as he seemed to calm slightly. "Meeting tonight." Polly said, turning toward Y/N, "Family only." Those words were the last straw for Y/N as she let go of Tommy and strode quickly out of the kitchen and out of the house.
She didn't let her feet stop until she was by The Cut, gazing out at the water. It was not the most beautiful body of water, far from it, but it calmed her. She held herself as the sun began to fade behind the trees and the air cooled. The meeting must be happening now. The one she couldn't attend because she wasn't family. She was just a whore. Y/N took a deep breath and continued to stare. It wasn't long before footsteps approached her. She looked over her shoulder, expecting to see a beggar or a prostitute, but instead saw her love, her Tommy. He stayed silent as he moved to her side. Together, they gazed out at the sun brushing the water. It was the most peace they had all day.
She couldn't help but sneak a peek at Tommy and was met with a black and blue face. She tried to suppress the look of horror on her face, but she knew Tommy noticed.
"Is it bad?" She shook her head, avoiding eye contact. He let out a snort, "It's that bad then?"
"It's not awful, not great either," she said, letting her hand reach for where the bruise rested on his cheek. He flinched slightly as her fingers brushed against it. She pulled away and shoved her hands into her pockets. It must've been a sign. Some twisted sign that her touch truly was a danger to him.
"I don't care what they say," Tommy's words cut through her overthinking, and she let herself look back at him, taking him all in. "You're my family." Tommy looked down at her as a twinkle gleamed in her eyes. It lasted for a second before it disappeared.
"That's kind of you to say, Tommy," she let her fingers wrap around his and squeeze, "but I'm always going to be an outsider. That's just the way it is."
"No," he responded. Afterwards, his words were quick. So fast she almost let them fly by her. But she caught them, "Marry me."
It wasn't a question. Far from it. It was a statement. A declaration. He was telling her that she was his and he could be hers if she would take him. She looked up at her Tommy, and he was already gazing upon her. Her hand left his and snaked behind his neck. She pulled him into a kiss, and they both knew what her answer was.
Next chapter
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maxphilippa · 11 months
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babe wake up new GKGG AU designs just dropped
I should have done these long time ago but my brain just doesn't want to cooperate ig
You can find some info of them under the "Read More"!:
Marshmallow: Marshmallow was an influencer back then, even before the show began. Unlike in canon (Canon Bow), her friendship with Knife and Mic is explicit, since Marsh was a part of their friend group and she got to know II thanks to Mic because of her fangirling about it. She quickly got interesed on the show. She's an young adult that is, and was pretty close with the current Green Gamers polycule + Taco. Marsh is sweet and kind, shy as well, but she does like to have fun and once she wants to prove herself, she's reckless, to the point where others could call her dumb. Cobs didn't want her getting in trouble/hurt for getting in the middle of one of the challenges, but once he got the call from ADAM, he ended up accepting Marsh's presence in the show and made her a contestant. Marshmallow is a pretty social person as the time passes and she doesn't give up easily. So when they got her inside of Idiotic Island she wanted to escape since it was terrible, and Cobs made sure she didn't by... telling her to not do that, that they would go out sooner than later and that he was truly sorry for it, that it was what the showrunners asked him to do. As weird as it sounded for Marsh, she didn't focus on that but the fact that she still wanted to escape. And she almost did but... they trapped her inside of the metal box to not let her out. But no one really knew that she was there. Her Feral Look isn't exactly feral, as she is full of adrenaline and physical pain. Her thing here are pillows instead of chairs.
Bow: Bow is an special case. Marsh and her were best friends back then when Marsh was alive. Bow was a very known musician, who was also recognized by her strong attitude and quirky personality of sorts. But she was a great violinist and knew how to play the piano just great. Marshmallow was a big fan of Bow's songs, and Bow was a big admirer of Marsh's work. They did some collabs as well, and everything was going just fine. Until Marsh just... started to drift away slowly. Bow didn't want to say anything since she didn't want to bother Marshmallow, but she did miss her friend. She started sending her messages but Marsh couldn't reply because of the show and eventually, the box. When Marshmallow's definitive death was announced, Bow wasn't able to process it. So she was in denial. She didn't believe it and didn't want to do it. But... it was true. She knew Marsh was gone. She just didn't want to say "bye" to her friend. Stuff happens and, well, she ends up dying thanks to S&P. Marsh does no longer remember her, but she's happy to be with her friend again.
Dough: He's both a mix of Canon Dough and Canon Apple. He's slow at understanding things and doesn't get a lot of stuff, but his heart is in a good place. He doesn't have a lot of friends so he loves and cares deeply for those who he has (Apple, for example), but he's not as energetic really. He has a good heart and tries to be there for Apple, but Apple has troubles opening up after all. He likes to play the piano and likes making songs time to time. Even if his memory is kind of shit, he does remember that way back then, he had an step sibling to who he showed how to play some instruments as well. He doesn't know what happened to her ever since she went away, and... well, there's not much he can do anyway. He's an splendid guy, just needs more critical thinking.
Apple: Apple is a smart girl. But she's not smart emotionally for the record. She has troubles with recognizing her own feelings at times and she feels awfully guilty for what happened with Marsh, and with what happened to Dough, since there was a distance made by Marsh's allucinations. She didn't end up on good terms with Dough after he got out, and was worried she messed up the friendship she had with him. She values her friends deeply and that shows with Taco too! Taco did everything to look after her!
Silver Spoon: Silver is Knife's brother here, most likely the younger sibling, so they most likely had different enviroments/ways to grow up and see the world. Meanwhile Knife threw himself into his studies and became a pretty smart scientist, Silver had a somewhat darker turn. He was similar to Canon Silver years ago that is, always sure of what he was doing and soft spoken (but not in the way Candle would be), and his main job was and is to help people spiritually. However, one of those jobs ended up terribly, and that led him to have another being inside of his body- The Inner Shine. So him being unstable wasn't helping since this creature was a treat to others and everything you know. But thankfully, Knife was there to help him on that, and was never scared towards The Inner Shine. That helped Silver to recover emotionally from his new situation of some sorts, but then, he had to work on himself to dominate this spirit. And he did. Once he reached peace within himself, he was able to control the spirit at his favor, and the spirit warns him about future events that may occur when he meditates. Nowdays, Silver is charming, dear and soft spoken in a way that actually calms others. He looks up to Knife, and wants to help everyone out, since he knows what it is to be helpless. The color of his quartz would be light blue + cyan instead of purple and pink. He does feel useless if he can't help others, since it's the thing he has been doing the most for years after all. Though Knife tries to cheer him up and say that Silver has to focus on himself instead of others sometimes, but it's still hard. He seems to have low self esteem in a way and self doubts too much. Other than that, he's a good friend and only uses his crystal when it is truly necessary.
Candle: Candle comes from a very high-class family, which means she always got what she wanted too. She's smart but in a way that most people don't like (Taco) and is too full of herself at times. This is mostly because she hasn't really made any "friends" in terms of relationships for most of her life, so she's too out of touch with that. She's sarcastic and likes to tease others, Taco specifically, but even then, unlike Silver in canon, she started to show more frequently that she actually does care about her fellow teammates and contestants. Her friends, to an extent. Mostly thanks to Silver that is. He became her spark in a way. She started to be kinder, in her own way, which would be "a dick but with good intentions". Though she's still full of herself.
But she generally does appreciate her friendships and alliances, she just sucks a lot at emotional stuff and is awkward towards it, but she still tries. However, when Silver was eliminated, she felt guilt. And that started to sink in for her. This is what she wanted, right? So why does she feel sad? That's because, as much as she joked about her not caring for her friends, as much as she could act like an asshole, she missed and loved them deeply. She wishes she could have said anything to Taco and Silver before they were eliminated. She wished she could apologize for the things she said. But now, she's completely alone.
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findafight · 11 months
i don't get why robin and eddie clocking each other is so popular. firstly i find it kind of cheap esp since it's usually a set-up for robin and/or eddie being all-knowing arbiters of lgbt knowledge while steve is clueless and dumb and not lgbt enough (despite usually being bi) to partake in this exchange as well. then it's otherwise used to establish an immediate connection between robin and eddie since they are both gay which automatically makes them besties. secondly it doesn't make much sense w what we see of either robin or eddie. like we know robin struggles w social cues and we see that that extends to sexual orientation through her interactions w vickie. also i think she is just not paying that much attention to eddie i must be honest. then w eddie he spends his time campaigning for the stancy revival while steve blatantly stares at his mouth so. i don't think he'd be good at that either. like the irony in this being so common is that steve is the person that does clock someone else on top of being consistently socially and emotionally intelligent and perceptive. idk sometimes i feel like ppl take him not clocking robin as proof he's incapable of it despite him then clocking someone later and being right, and that s3 scene fitting into the broader context of steve being lonely, insecure, and off his game for most of s3 as well as between s2 and s3. tbh missed comedy potential w steve being the one person in that trio that actually knows what's happening.
oooohg yeah i feel you anon. Not to say that all the fics that have these tropes in them are bad! it just. sometimes gets annoying? I don't want people to feel too bad about it but yes agree.
I think it really is used as a way to fast track their friendship. Truly unfortunate that it's often used to make them all knowing queer guides instead of the disaster teenage gays they are.
Robin is a small town lesbian who is only out to one singular person, she does not know anything, let alone vague little queer codes that might be happening. She wouldn't know Eddie was queer for a variety of reasons. She says herself she's not good at reading people! She's also busy worrying about if she's doing something that might out her or make people suspicious of her, so she's not analyzing other people's actions. She does not care about men that aren't Steve enough to pay enough attention to figure out if Eddie is queer or not lol. She can't even figure out if the girl she likes who likes her back is queer when her best friend is telling her. Oblivious icon! open your eyes, queen!!
Eddie had a man he deliberately broke a moment of romantic tension between his love interest by throwing a vest at his face staring at his lips and still pushed him towards said love interest. Sir. what are you doing. and once it's clear stncy isn't happening you know eddie would be like okay. why aren't you dating Robin? hmm? she's cool! and causes Steve to Suffer. (Steve was flirting with Eddie .5 seconds before he started on this please get with the program Eddie!!)
Also think it's silly that people would stereotype Eddie as Queer from how he dresses as though that's not just how a lot of people dressed? long hair was In in the 80s. Metal fashion was there. It also likely had some/a lot of ingrained homophobia in the subculture (as many things did). Sorry Eddie, but I'm pretty sure our boy Brucie did more for the gays than metallica. (Kissing Clarence Clemens Right On The Mouth Many Times On Stage thank you mr. springsteen and mr. clemens sirs.)
Steve's the only one of these three that 1) knows how to flirt 2) knows when someone is flirting with him 3) has consistently demonstrated being emotionally and socially intelligent to observe people (more than arguably anyone else in the series) and 4) has any kind of functioning gaydar. Totally agree that Steve not clocking Robin despite his gaydar is that he was way off his game, insecure, in a funk, pathetic sad meow meow era, and in a weird state of squish-or-crush on Robin, that was pushed towards crush by Dustin but slam dunked into squish by Robin coming out (does that make any sense?)
I truly, truly believe Vickie returned Fast Times paused on 53 minutes and five seconds specifically when she knew Robin and/or Steve would be the ones to rewind it. Why else would she not rewind it? when clearly they knew who had rented it and could potentially out her if they read into it? She was getting vibes from robin and knew that Steve would at least report Back to Robin (I refuse to believe the championship game was the only time stobin gossiped like they did. Vickie knows their shenanigans.) so she decided to be indirect but kinda obvious about it!! And while Robin is denying this Steve has seen the truth, he knows exactly what Vickie is doing. (would be very funny if Steve and Vickie clock each other, and then make eye contact like I know what you are. They deserve to become funky little friends while Steve is trying to get her and Robin together.)
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enviedear · 1 year
telephone cord ⟶ sirius black
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DESCRIPTION ⌙ sirius black is making his slow return back home to a girl, who, before his leaving, had no idea just how much she'd miss him. PAIRING ⌙ sirius x fem!reader WORD COUNT ⌙ 3.0k
❛ ֪ ׂ and she twirls that phone cord around her fingers as if it were all she possibly had of him ֪ ׂ ❜
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you couldn't stop your deadpan glare directed at one jesting james potter. your friend seemed to enjoy the way you wrapped yourself up in your phone cord, laying like a schoolgirl, upside down on your couch. in complete truth, it was an absolutely horrendous display.
he made one, final, little teasing gesture before both mary and lily tackled him onto the armchair, soft silly little smiles on their faces. you focused back in on the beautifully coarse voice coming through the receiver.
"—this was only after i had walked an hour in the wrong direction. i swear if i don't learn a bit of korean soon i'm going to end up getting sacked." sirius drawls, unaware of the silent drama going on around you.
he was away— had been away for six months— for a touring gig with one of your shared favorite bands. they were outrageously popular now, followed around, as sirius told, "by a gaggle of obsessive people"
but you could tell he loved the job. for, in just the first month he had been promoted from, in his words, "average lights guy" to "the best backstage manager this century had ever seen".
you were beyond proud of him. your best friend getting to see the world with one of the best bands of the modern age.
how you missed him, though.
especially now. now, that you'd let it slip to all your mutual friends just how much you truly cared for him.
you feel your ears go hot at the memory. it was funny, really, how nice it felt to finally tell them— someone— of your universe-sized crush.
it did help that they all seemed to enjoy the information almost as much as you. giving you hugs and suggesting over and over just how much they had always known. you seriously doubted the later. yes they were all happily keen with their newfound knowledge, but none like james, who enjoyed the topic for the jokes it presented.
but even the lighthearted jokes didn't dim your joy. too much.
"despite how much i'd like you back here, start using those maps i sent you! now is not the time to swear off navigation." you smile.
sirius chuckles, "would you believe me if i said i was using it, just a little bit upside-down."
"merlin, you're pitiful pads. really— that's borderline worrying." you joke, closing your eyes. you try to imagine him in the streets of seoul with nothing but an upside-down map and a carton of cigarettes.
but then again, this is the same sirius orion that, until sixth year, couldn't for the life of him find a way around hogwarts without trailing behind james and remus.
"yeah, yeah poke fun all you want, love," he pauses, "speaking of stupid, how's james? he forgot to call me back tuesday and i'm starting to worry."
you spare a look at the newly twenty-two year old, his glasses sliding down his nose and face scrunched up in a faux kiss— somehow still worried about trying to tease you.
"he's gotten worse since you left. somehow. not even lily can quell him, it's disastrous really." you sigh, eyes devilish.
james perks up, "are you talking about little ol' me?"
"has he always been that loud?" sirius mutters and you laugh.
james is quick to crouch beside you, trying to speak into the phone, "sirius, my heart, we miss you! you missed my birthday, i'm starting to think i'll see twenty-three without you."
"just two more countries dear friend, until i'm back in your arms." sirius replies to him, somewhat earnestly, causing you to make a face of faux disgust.
james smiles and sticks his tongue out to you before whispering, "tough competition, miss heart eyes."
you almost hit him with the heavy handset, but settle for a stern middle finger instead, knowing that your phone call is nearing the end.
"where to after korea, pads?" you ask, already knowing the answer. you were acutely aware of just where and when he'd be— because, honestly, you could barely wait for his return home.
"japan! the sound guy told me they've got a great car scene, but really i'm only leaving my hotel room if someone's got a bike. you know how i am." sirius replies.
japan soundly lovely to you. sounds even more lovely if sirius is involved.
"lucky you. and here i am bored and stuck with prongs." you giggle, "and after japan?"
you knew this one too, because it was marked on every calendar in your home, since the minute he left. england. he'd finally be back home.
"oh come on, as if you're all not planning me a rager as we speak." he says, tone dripping with mirth.
there's a smirk on your lips, "you don't have enough friends for a rager."
he laughs lowly, "you're a vile little thing— i'm wounded." his tone is playfully sardonic, "also—"
you cut him short, "you need to go. sorry, i kept you so long, but, have a wonderful show! we all miss you like crazy!" your voice is cheery but the look on your face is dim.
you hate hanging up.
sirius hums, "i miss you too, love. i'll phone later tomorrow— keep prongs in line for me. i'll see you soon, i promise."
you nod, to yourself, before replying, "i'll take your word! see you soon, pads."
and with that, the line goes dead. you stay in place for a moment, the phone cord still somehow, impossibly, wrapped around you. your eyes are shut, but you can still make out the bright light coming from your open window. you sigh, loudly, and follow it up by sliding off of the couch and onto the floor.
"you have to tell him, ya' know." lily says pointedly, and you open your eyes to stare at her. she's smiling down softly at you so give her one in return.
"not over the phone." you reply, simply.
mary removes the throw pillow she'd been using as a sun shade from her face, "obviously, better yet, how doesn't he know it yet."
james sends her an uncharacteristic reprimanding look and then says, "forgive pads for not being able to see the way she flounders for him through the telephone."
you shriek, "i do not flounder!"
the three of them look at you before breaking out with vindictive smirks, "oh— you most definitely do."
˖ ࣪⭑ ꒱
days pass after your last phone call with sirius, with no fault to him. no, you had become wrapped up entirely with work. all you'd know for the past few days was countless due dates and passive, yet direct, requests for you to stay "just a bit later."
but finally, here you were, arms wrapped around your legs as you sat on your barstool staring expectantly at your phone.
it was late already, as you had, again, stayed over at work. it was already eleven when you got home, so despite your microwavable dinner and rushed shower, time only seemed to fly forward.
but sirius had said he'd call before leaving japan. he had sworn on the voicemail.
so here you sat, towel wrapped around your hair, eyes heavy, and desperate to hear his voice.
almost on cue, the phone rings— and you let four go by before answering, "hello?"
you could hear chatter and hurried steps in the background, "hi love, sorry it's late. show went late, but i'm waiting for my plane now."
"you're fine! tell me about toyko— any bikes?" you question, noticing how coarse his voice came out.
he chuckled, "absolute shit. i saw one, puny little thing though. jax," he stops to explain who exactly jax is, "he's a sound guy— he took me to a street race the next day, but it's hard to enjoy any of it over all the fumes."
"we can't win 'em all," you sigh, "if it makes you feel any better, i forgot to file three patient reports this week, and dr. saion is very focused on me not forgetting it."
you hear him mutter something under his breath before clearing his throat, "he's a grouch, love— however," there was a smile on his lips, and you were sure you didn't need to see him to know, "it does seem as though my impending return is getting you flustered. and although i'm flattered—"
you cut him off, "it has nothing to do with you!" you tone was a bit too serious, so you follow it up with, "not that i'm not beaming for you to get back. i think me more than anyone, obviously."
sirius hums, "obviously?"
you scrunch your face at the word. fuck— no, of course not at all obvious to him.
"i am your best friend, aren't i?" you tease, saving yourself.
he tsks, "it seems you are, little love. oh, and i miss you too. frightfully so, i'm afraid."
you glow at the remark, trying to stifle the feeling out of your voice, "what time are you getting in?"
"god, what time is it there?" he asks, muffled a bit, probably looking around for a clock.
"twenty past two." you sigh.
"love, go to bed! you've got work in the morning, don't you?" he presses.
"fine— after you tell me when you'll be here." you chide, soft smile on your lips.
"if all goes well, half past nine. i promised james i'd apparate straight from the airport and to his. now, can you please get some sleep? finish the week strong, hm?" his tone was caring, and you felt inclined to adhere to his wishes.
"yes, of course, pads. i'll see you tomorrow, please, be safe." your eyes are now drooping, heart determined to talk for as long as possible and head demanding immediate sleep.
"i'm always safe," he chuckles, "but i promise, and i'll see you tomorrow, love. goodbye and good night."
eyes fully shut now and arm barely keeping the phone up, you mumble, "goodnight, sirius. i love you."
your eyes open wide at the words, in pause momentarily. it wasn't what you said that really shocked you— it was the way you said it.
"i love you." as though those words were a rope, tieing you and all of your unsaid confessions together just to unravel itself for sirius.
you pull the handset from your face, listening to the questionary call of your name. you can't say anything, so you just listen. sure that he must know now.
how could he not know?
moments pass before he speaks again, a little quieter this time, "i think you've fallen asleep on me— i, uh, god how do i hang this thing up?"
seconds before his voice sounds again, most of it too quiet for you to hear, "—you when i get home."
then the lines goes dead, the sound blaring into your ears.
when you finally stand up, you feel your head rush. you stand, staring at your phone. there's a fleeting moment where you expect him to call back, and demand an answer to your vibrant display. but minutes pass by with no ring so you head to your bed, a wreck of anxiety.
the covers are pulled over your head, and you're almost suffocated by your own breaths.
you know for certain that hours go by before you're able to sleep.
˖ ࣪⭑ ꒱
waiting with serious worry, you call james' name once more, the sound reverberating in your ear. you had mere minutes before you needed to leave work, and you think now, that it may have been a tad foolish to call james about last night's event.
but it weighed heavy on you all day— so much so that you're sure you've barely said more than four words to your co-workers.
"sorry, i think i just had the best laugh of the year over that." he finally says, voice ridden with humor.
you groan, "what if he..." you trail off.
"you've told him you loved him before? am i wrong here?" he asks.
there's a sigh from you, "it's the way i said it, prongs. i sounded like i belonged in casablanca—"
james interrupts you with a horrible transatlantic accent, "we'll always have paris."
"james." you huff.
"what? it's an excellent muggle film!" he chuckles, "not to worry though, this is the same sirius black, who until very recently, thought that alice and frank were just roommates."
this causes you to smile, "i refuse to say you're right, but, there may be a small chance that you're not too far off."
"merlin, woman, please workshop your gratitude." he jokes.
soon the conversation turns less dire and more excited, the both of you checking all the fine details for sirius' welcome home party. the plan, simple, meet at james' and make sure everything was perfect.
by the time you clocked out, you actually felt better. you gave soft smiles to the other nurses before all of you apparated away.
when you arrive at the potter's front door, you let yourself in.
"hi honey!" lily grabs you for a hug, "how was work?"
you shrug, "long— especially today."
you see both james and remus behind her, bickering over a welcome home banner.
she grins, "i overheard your little confession, you know? james has trouble with private conversations, even more when they're over the phone."
you cringe, "i knew i should've called mary."
lily laughs, guiding both of you toward the kitchen, "he was right though, nothing to stress over."
you lean against the island, "i think i'm more so anticipating how strange it'll be to see him again, now that, well."
your point is mute, but she nods in understanding.
"it's still sirius." she adds, pulling veggie boards out of the fridge.
you grab a few cucumbers and roll your eyes, suddenly much more interested in the wide array of trays and platters of food, "how much do you think a handful of people can eat?"
she looks down at the nearly cluttered island, "james insisted muggles didn't feed people on planes."
you furrow your brows.
"i find it's best when i don't correct him." there's a smile on her lips at the words.
the two of you slip into a comfortable silence, prepping punch, icing a shabby little cake, and trying to find space for all of the different food trays.
the hours fly by. you enjoy the prep though. you've managed to stop at least two petty arguments— both involving the very headfast james. there's little else to occupy yourself with, so you absentmindedly pull out copious amounts of plastic dinnerware and cups.
upon falling short of finding the rest of said cups, you find yourself outside, searching through james' shed. first bought to house sirius' bike and now used as a catch-all.
just as you spot the cups, there's rustling behind you. you freeze and pray to every god that there are no rabid animals living in this shed.
you turn, slowly, and are greeted by messy black hair, a smug smirk, and his deep voice, "fancy seeing you here, little love."
you hastily attempt to exit the maze of the shed, rushing the tall man into a tight hug.
"you should be inside!" you say, large grin overtaking your features.
sirius pulls away from you, letting his arms rest around you, "and not say hello to you first? never, little love."
you can't hide the way your face softens at his words, "i've really missed you, you know?"
he brightens, "of course, everyone kept telling me."
your eyes widen, "what do you mean?"
"mary, remus, lily, dorcas, james, frank— the whole lot. all the every talked about was you. which, i'll add, did bruise my ego." he admits, light-hearted.
you groan, "i'll never tell them secrets again."
sirius looks confused, "we have a secret?"
his tone is full of faux shock and your shake your head, "no, sir, i have the secret."
he lowers his mouth to your ear, "pray tell, what is this secret i've missed?"
you can't help the roll of your eyes, "don't play dumb, pads."
you feel his smile against you. seconds pass without words.
"i brought you something." he speaks finally, backing away from you to dig into his jacket pocket.
the way he dropped the previous conversation stuns you, so you watch wordlessly as he hands you a small green box.
you furrow your brows and he continues, "i, uh, got it back when we were in sydney."
you smile and open the box.
above plush white stuffing, sits a gold charm bracelet. you lift it up, studying it. only one charm hangs from it— a little telephone with red gems for buttons.
you look back to sirius, a stupid grin on your face, "i love it. thank you, really, you didn't have to."
he takes the box from you, setting it on a lawnchair before helping you clasp the bracelet on, "believe me, love, i most assuredly had to."
you look up at him, head mere inches from his own.
"i meant, or i thought better, to tell you now rather than before i left." he whispers, suddenly so earnest.
"tell me what?" you ask, barely above a whisper. you're far too focused on the way his hand never left your wrist, grasped so gingerly.
he blinks slowly before leaning into you, "just how i love you." his words are said with a smile.
you attempt to say something, but he shakes his head softly, "and how i so desperately want you to say it back."
you waste little time, "i love you too, sirius." your voice is breathy, but by the look in his eyes, you can tell he heard you.
he says nothing else, no, he just pulls you into him. his lips find yours in a soft kiss. it feels endearing, enthralling, something so perfect.
his lips taste of vanilla and menthol— and you're sure those two things shouldn't taste as addicting as they do. but they do.
you attempt to kiss him back in the same enchanting way, but more so, you attempt to keep your knees from faltering beneath you.
when you pull away, breathing heavily, you scan his flushed face. chuckling you admit, "i guess you uncovered my secret."
sirius smirks, "actually, you kept it pretty well guarded," he pauses, "until you told prongs."
you open your mouth, "how long?"
"have i known?" he asks, and you nod, "since i landed in italy."
you groan, "that wasn't even a month after you left!
he laughs, "what can i say, love— james isn't fit with secrets." he pulls you close again, staring at you lovingly, "besides, it doesn't matter. i got my girl."
there's a bright smile on your lips and you close your eyes, leaning your head on his chest.
"though, we may have to switch you out to a landline. if i remember correctly, mary may have something about your multiple phone cord incidents." he teases.
far too focused on the warmth of his chest and the beating of his heart, you smile, "not multiple, possibly three handfuls of incidents."
he kisses the top of your head, "you sweet thing, i adore you."
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eufezco · 1 year
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Tyler was scared when you told him that you were pregnant. You had been feeling sick for a couple of days, really tired, not feeling like attending to any of your classes. Your first thought was that maybe a full moon was coming, but you checked your lunar calendar and the next one was in more than three weeks so that couldn't be. Then you thought that you catch a cold. The weather was really cold and Enid always forgets to close the windows properly. But once you didn't get your period, oh, you worried because since the first time you transformed your period became so regular and you hadn't missed it a single time.
But he wasn't scared because of how this could affect your relationship. The idea of leaving you alone never went through his mind, not a single time. He wanted to do it with you, he wanted to be by your side, he wanted you to be sure that you were ready for this. What scared him was his dad's reaction. A child with an outcast and at his age. Tyler truly became his father's worst nightmare.
Ever since she was born, she was the most loved baby in the world. She barely cried, only when she was hungry. Most of the time she was just sucking on her pacifier, looking at both of you with those big green eyes just like her dad's.
Sometimes it was too hard to know if you were doing good. Although Tyler's father made it hard, your family did help you a lot. And Tyler was the most loving partner you could've asked for. He was always reassuring you that you were doing great, that your daughter adored you, and that your girl would be just as brilliant as you. Tyler had been always there. During your pregnancy, he made sure that you were feeling well all the time: massages, bubble baths, delicious meals... You used to say to him that you didn't know how to repay him for all the things he had done for you, but he'd answer that you being by his side carrying your daughter was more than enough.
If she cried at night, Tyler would insist on him taking care of her. He would hold her in his arms and hum a lullaby until she fell asleep again. The truth was that the night song did nothing to her and that the only thing she needed was just to be in his arms and Tyler's kisses on her head. When she was big enough, Tyler would take her to your shared bed, oh and she loved it. She could play with Tyler's fingers until she fell asleep, and he would wait for her to do it before he went back to sleep as well. She'd always end up snuggling on your side thanks to how warm you always were. Waking up and seeing you both sleeping by his side was definitely one of the best parts of Tyler's days.
People talked about you in Nevermore, and they didn't say nice things. Luckily you had a lot of other loving people who supported you. Of course, they were shocked when you told them, but they all quickly became the most supportive friends. Bianca and Xavier were all day making sure that no one dared to look at you in the wrong way or say the slightest offensive thing about you. Wednesday did the same thing as them but in her own way (that way making her end up in Weems' office multiple times). Enid and Ajax were more of an emotional support. And above them all, you had Tyler.
You and your daughter basically lived with Tyler. You got a permission from Weems that allowed you to leave the Academy when you needed with the condition that didn't stop studying for your classes and that you took your exams. Living together with Tyler's dad wasn't always the easiest, especially the first months when he only helped you when it was a matter of life or death. That situation with Mr. Galpin only added more difficulty to the first-time-teenage parenting thing. But even though he didn't like the idea of Tyler being a teenage dad, Mr. Galpin never closed the door of his house to you and your daughter.
A few days after you gave birth, you found Mr. Galpin tickling your daughter's belly and talking to her with a high-pitched voice, and that's when you realized that he was finally starting to accept it.
The first time you transformed after giving birth to your daughter was painful as fuck. Nine months without doing it had to have a consequence. Enid helped you to get to Tyler's house, her arms around your body holding you as strong as she could and helping you to walk. "We're almost there, y/n, come on." She'd say to you.
Tyler spent that whole night awake waiting for you to arrive. He made sure that your daughter was sleeping in her crib. He'd visit her every five minutes to check that she was well tucked in, that she wasn't hungry, and that she was still sleeping. By the time you arrived he made sure that he had cooked something for you and Enid to eat, and that he had the first aid kit nearby in case you were hurt.
While working at the Weathervane you always had an eye on your daughter. Most of the time she was coloring some drawings she made with the paints that Xavier gave her. Other times she was playing around with her toys, showing her plushies to the customers. Tyler and you would apologize afterward to them for your daughter bothering them, but at some point, you both started to think that most of them came back to the Weathervane just to see your baby girl again.
Tyler made her afternoon snack himself every time. She'd just sit on the table by herself, with her small legs swinging and waiting for her daddy to bring her favorite smoothie, or her fruit salad, or a chocolate milkshake, or a piece of her favorite cake.
Oh, she loved when Nevermore allowed students in Jericho because she knew that she was gonna get the tightest hug from Enid, more gifs from Xavier, a lot of compliments from Bianca, and a pat on her head from Wednesday. She loved when the two girls sat with her at the table so she could show them the drawings that she made during that week.
All the love you gave her, she accumulated inside her tiny little body to show it to other people and of course to you two as well. Love to her is playing with Wednesday's braids, and trusting Xavier and Ajax enough to let them give her piggyback rides. It's also giving Enid the most colorful drawings in the world, and letting Bianca take her to the park. Tyler taught her the words 'hug' and 'kiss' so you both could ask for them and the little girl could know what you wanted, but you never had to do it because she was all over you two all the time: reaching out her little arms and closing and opening her hands so you could pick her up, hiding in her daddy's neck, and waking you up by sucking on your cheek as a kiss the morning after you transformed.
Sometimes you and Tyler were too tired after your shifts but you always had time for your daughter: to take her to the park, to play with her once you got home, to prepare her a bubble bath and put all the bubbles in her head (you and Tyler ending up all soaked because of how energetic she is).
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dayumbxxch · 2 months
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Spoiled Memories
The sound of your favorite song drowns out the sound of your heavy breathing. Life in Haddonfield had become too much once again. Your mind was clouded with thoughts of what happened earlier.
"Do you know  Michael Myers?" Dr.Loomis asked Y/N as she sat across from the 'shape' as some call him. "Yes sir.." Her voice had gotten quite like usual. "Would you like to elaborate?"
"We were friends in Elementary."
"Good friends?" This has peaked the Psychiatrist's interest; the only friend Michael was known to have was his mother.
"I guess he was my only friend besides family. We spent all our time together if that's what you're asking."
Your head began pounding from the lack of oxygen, as you rest your hands on your knees to catch your breath a deep sense of sadness washes over you.
Michael wasn't someone you could forget, he was your best friend. After leaving Haddonfield you weren't the same for years. Once you finally got your grounding your brother had gone missing and no one seemed to care. You'd gotten your breath of fresh air and you suddenly began drowning once again.
Slowly you started to jog picking up the pace as your nose tingles and you feel tears coming. It wasn't fair why did all of this happen to you? Wasn't your parents leaving you bad enough? What did you do to deserve such pain?
'Everything is going to be fine. I'll find him and leave this town and it's dark past behind.' You told yourself in order to not lose all the progress you had made over the years.
Your quick run had come to an end at your doorstep where Elvis was waiting.
Sitting in bed Y/N began to think if everything was truly worth it. Her phone showed 4:25 AM which lit up her dark room. Deciding the money was worth it she dragged herself out of bed.
"Hey Isabella." You say with a yawn as your friend groans loudly while setting her bag down. "I just wanna go home." She whines while leaning back against the wall. "What if we just quit and leave?"
"You have to meet Michael again today don't you?" You nod while sighing loudly. "Don't get murdered shit girl. You aren't getting paid enough for that."
To start the work day the girls made their way down the hall towards the dining room. Like usual it was mainly empty, breakfast wasn't a popular meal in this place. Most people preferred to sleep instead of eating the mush they serve.
"So where are you took next week off right?" Y/N nods while setting a cup in front of a patient. "Yeah I'm leaving town for a couple days. Can you still watch Elvis?"
"Absolutely I've been dying to see your house. I heard you moved into that two story out on Benlumpkin road. That place is massive compared to my apartment."
Y/N's palms start to sweat  as she stands outside the double doors.
"He's in his room today."
"Hm?" She turns around to see Dr. Loomis with his hands behind his back. "He wouldn't come out of his room. So I was hoping you could speak to him. It might encourage him to speak once again after such a long period."
"I guess I could.." Picking at the skin around her nails while walking next to the doctor. "Don't worry I'll talk to Mrs. Shalley to give you a raise." The silence between the two grew loud as they reached the end of the hall.
"Ladies first." Y/N walks through the steel door and into Michaels room. "Hey.." The room was more silent than ever.    Y/N takes the opportunity to look around the room. Masks cover the walls, each one different from the last. "Remember that one you used to wear as a kid?"
Tracing her finger along a mask before walking over to the desk where Michael was sitting. The one on the table before him was solid black. "What's up with this one?" He doesn't even notice her or pretends not to.
Moments of silence pass before Y/N walks over to the door. "Doctor Loomis I don't see this benefitting anyone."  He'd been standing in the doorway watching the awkward one sided interaction. "Do you think he'd harm you if he had the chance?"
Thinking about it Y/N answers. "Probably not but I haven't seen him since her murdered a bunch of people, so maybe. Why?"
Dr. Loomis shuts the door with her inside. "We're going to try something new!" The demented man says through the thick metal door. "What?! I didn't agree to this!" She whisper yells in anger in the sudden betrayal. "Don't worry the guards are right outside. Try to get him to speak! We'll give it thirty minutes or so and see what happens."
"If you don't let me out of here right now I'll sue." The doctor puts his hand to his ear to gesture that he can't hear. "You heard me two seconds ago! Let me out!" She slams her hand on the door before noticing the shift in the eyes of the man in front of her.
Y/N turns around to be met face to chest with Michael. "Damn." It was an automatic response to the giant in front of her. "Shit dude. You can't sneak up on people like that."
Going around the side of him Y/N takes a closer look at his room. "These people want us to talk y'know? Like that's gonna help you barely spoke when we were kids." After not receiving a response as expected, she turns around to see the monster in the same spot.
"I don't know what to say.." She trails off with a sign. "I never do."
Attempting to keep the silence at bay Y/N speaks up again. "Do you remember that day we met, when I snuck into the boys bathroom?"
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scmg11 · 2 years
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A/N: HELLO HELLO! Here I am, posting one of my favorites imagines to write so far! So let me know what you think, I really appreciate it.
Wait hold on, already 50 chapters of my imagines book?! Wow, I'm- speechless. This is all because of you amazing people! ❤️
I sometimes forget to mention that I'm Italian and English is not my first language, so I'm sorry in advance for any mistake.
Thank you so so much for reading, liking, commenting and sharing my stories, it truly means the world to me ❤️ I literally have no words to express my gratitude ❤️
As always, enjoy! ❤️
Sending love ❤️
Summary: after a mission with the Avengers, Y/N reports a few injuries and she is injected with a truth serum. When she comes back to the compound, Kate takes care of her.
Warnings: did someone say smut? Yes, smut.
Word count: 11190 words.
"Okay, we’re here. Let’s go!" Steve announced as he prompted the Avengers on to move onto their targets’ destination.
"Remember, just in and out. Delete every single thing on their computers after copying everything with this flash drive." Tony lifted the device he created specifically for their mission as every Avenger present in the quinjet listened to him.
"Noted!" Y/N spoke up first and nodded in understanding, then walking towards Tony to retrieve the first flash drive from his outstretched hand up in the air and smiled at him, who mirrored her grin.
"Okay, let’s go!" Sam boosted the team up with his excitement and walked out of the jet, followed by everyone else.
"Are you all done?" Steve screamed when a goon approached him and tried to knock him out, obviously not succeeding in his task when Steve effortlessly dodged the pipe that the man was ready to hit him with and punched him right into his face, knocking him out instead. "Are we ready to go?"
"Yes!" Scott grew right in front of Sam with labored breath, followed by Yelena and Bucky coming from opposite directions.
"Steve, I need you in the north hallway. Y/N got injured."
"What?!" Yelena yelled in worry and was ready to run towards Natasha’s coordinations but was stopped by Scott who shook his head with a sympathetic frown on his clearly worried features.
"Okay, everyone go back to the quinjet and set it ready. We’ll be there in less than 2 minutes." Yelena nodded reluctantly alongside her teammates before running towards the exit, watching Steve running toward the north hallway.
"Hey Rogers-" Yelena yelled a few seconds later, making Steve turn around in his rush, "take my sister and best friend back on the jet."
"I will, now go!"
"What the fuck were you thinking you idiot?" Yelena's accent was more prominent as she scolded the Y/H/C girl laid into Steve’s arms slipping in and out of a sleepy daze as he took her into the med bay. They just landed from their mission, with Y/N reporting a few injures after she encountered a few thugs in her way out.
"Hey you’re ba- Y/N! What happened?!" Kate was ready to welcome her teammates back from their mission but was stopped by the commotion happening as soon as the Avengers entered their campus, her eyes immediately landing on an unconscious, bleeding Y/N into Steve’s arms lifted bridal style.
"A few thugs tried to stop her from leaving. She successfully knocked them out but got injured in the process. She is going to be fine Kate. I promise." Natasha explained to the shocked archer, whose worried eyes never left her harmed best friend, as they walked into the med bay and Steve laid Y/N softly down on the bed.
"Friday, scan her."
"Miss Y/L/N just reported a few minor injures. A few deep cuts and a dislocated shoulder. Nothing too serious."
"Oh thank God." Kate and Yelena sighed out in relief at their best friend and hugged each other closer to share some comfort from their worrying.
"But- if it’s nothing serious, why does she seem like- so unfocused?" Scott asked matter of factly, eyeing the girl opening and closing her eyes dazzlingly as she murmured she was fine.
"I’m detecting ethanol and sodium thiopental among other chemical components."
"Okay, which means?" Kate urged Friday on but a black out made all the lights go alongside the IA voice. "Great."
"Truth serum." Natasha and Yelena answered Kate’s previous question together as a frown stretched over their foreheads.
"They drugged her to get informations. It’s not dangerous but those are drugs that makes you a bit unfocused. That’s why she is in this state." Yelena explained as Natasha helped Bruce to stop Y/N’s side from bleeding too much.
"She lost too much blood. I need to give her a blood transfusion. Friday is offline due to the blackout- Y/N, can you tell me your type?"
The Y/H/C girl opened her eyes sloppily and stared at Bruce a few seconds before speaking up, a few words murmured and drawled, "blue eyes, black hair, archer, about 5’7, loves purple."
"I meant your blood type."
"Oh." As Y/N went to tell a flustered Bruce her blood type, everyone stared at the Y/H/C girl in shock, except for Yelena, Natasha and Wanda, whose were fighting against laughing their assess off at Y/N basically declaring her love for Kate right in front of her. Speaking of the black haired archer, she was sporting a crimson color on her face and neck as she avoided everyone’s gaze, especially Y/N’s one, who stared at her with a loving grin on her lips. She was trying to keep her cool at the big revelation Y/N delivered right about now, for just a second thinking she was joking, but then she remembered she was under the effect of the truth serum and it only made her blush more as her body lit up and her heart beat wildly in her chest. She likes me back.
"Okay, I got her injures covered but she needs to rest." Bruce explained to everyone gathered around them and everyone nodded in understanding, a lot of them exiting the room while Kate, Yelena, Natasha and Wanda stayed back to keep Y/N company and to be there for her when she wakes up. Kate was extremely glad her teammates and close friends decided to not address what happened a few minutes prior as she sat in a comfortable silence in the room with them, watching worry also stretch over their features before disappearing when Bruce told them Y/N was going to be completely fine.
A few hours later Y/N woke up with a groggy groan, coughing a bit when her dry throat stung from lack of use. "C-Can I have s-some w-water, p-please?" Y/N let out in a strained voice, turning her head around and focusing her still a bit blurry vision on the only occupant of the room, watching them sit up in a haste and walking towards them. "W-water, please."
"Yeah sure. Hold on." Y/N could recognize that voice anywhere. It was Kate. Her vision returned to normal a couple of seconds later and watched Kate walking quickly towards the water dispenser before walking back towards her with a paper cup filled with water. "Here you go."
The archer placed the cup on the table near the bed and helped Y/N sit up slowly without ripping her stitches on her side, wincing in apology at the grunts of pain coming from Y/N, before helping her drink some water. "Did she wake up?" Wanda’s body came into vision as she entered the room, her heart clenching happily when she saw the Y/H/C girl awake and holding Kate’s hand while drinking some water.
The archer sat on the bed beside Y/N, careful in not hurting her best friend, and turned her head around towards the voice and smiled brightly as she nodded enthusiastically, hearing more footsteps walking closer to the med bay, "yeah, she just woke up. I was just going to get you guys after helping her drink."
Wanda run towards the bed and engulfed Y/N in a soft hug, sighing contentedly into the embrace when she felt the Y/E/C girl reciprocate the gesture, "do not scare me that much again."
"I won’t I promise."
"Look who’s finally up." Yelena’s voice echoed around the room as she approached the girl laid in bed, slapping behind her head in reprimand. "Stupid."
"Always so sweet Yel."
"She was just scared. I had to calm her down after crying her eyes out. Three times." Natasha was the last one to hug Y/N gently while Yelena protested at the truthful statement.
"How cute. Belova has feelings." Y/N teased but by the warm smile she was sending the blonde, the girls could tell Y/N was really sorry for worrying them that much.
"We’re just glad you’re okay Y/N." Kate interjected as she squeezed Y/N’s hand hard and smiled down at her warmly.
"Mh, I love how you say my name. You should scream it sometimes." Yelena spit out some of the water she was drinking at the bold sentence as she laughed her ass off, meanwhile Kate, Natasha and Wanda stared at Y/N in shock.
"Ah Y/N, you’re up."
"Yep, always up for Kate." This time Natasha and Wanda joined Yelena with loud laughs, the scene becoming more funny when Bruce stopped in it’s track to stare at Y/N in bewilderment, meanwhile Kate was too busy asking the floor to swallow her as the scorching blush on her face intensified tenfold.
"Okay. Can you all leave? I need to check out how everything is going."
"Mh I’m definitely more keen on checking Kate out." Y/N countered back in a low tone as her eyes unabashedly ogled Kate’s body, skidding up and down as they got slightly darker.
"Okay, no more talking miss Y/L/N." Bruce was trying to give some mercy to the blushing archer as he ushered her and the other three laughing girls out of the room.
"Okay, Kate come shut me up with a kiss." Bruce sent Kate a grimace of apology as he watched her leave the med bay, her eyes fixated on Y/N and almost lost her step when she noticed the girl’s Y/E/C pools were staring intently at her ass.
When she turned the corner, she leaned on the wall and let out a shaky breath with her eyes closed and her face still burning from embarrassment and arousal. "Pretty intense, I know." Kate opened her eyes quickly at the voice beside her on the left and gazed into a pair of green eyes, before noticing the presence of other two people with her. "Hilarious, but intense." Yelena chuckled some more as the events of a few moments prior replayed in her mind, while Natasha and Wanda tried to cover their amused smiles to the flustered archer.
"I- we- hm- how do you feel?" Wanda was trying to find the right words for this a bit embarrassing situation, but she couldn’t find anything better so she asked the first thing that came to her mind.
"I need to recover from all of that." Kate sighed out loud again as her head leaned back on the wall, "was she serious?"
"It’s the truth serum. It frees your inhibitions and everything that comes to mind leaves your mouth."
"Holy shit."
"Look on the bright side, you finally have your shot Kate Bishop. You now know she likes you too, like I’ve always been trying to tell you." Yelena patted Kate left shoulder and smiled at the black haired girl, who merely stared at her with a lost expression.
"I wanna warn you, she will be a bit intense for the next few hours." Natasha spoke up right after, looking at Kate gently while Wanda nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, I’m trying really hard to not hear the thoughts she is basically screaming at my mind. Can you handle all of it?"
"I don’t know. Just a few sentences and I was blushing, gay mess." Kate sighed out as she caressed her temples to subdue her headache, while her heart skipped a bit when a thought came into her mind. She likes me.
A few minutes later Bruce exited the med bay and, completely not surprised, found the girls talking in the hallway beside it, "she can go into her room to be more comfortable and rest. Friday and I checked her injuries and in a few weeks she should be fully recovered."
"How about the truth serum?" Wanda asked the question everyone was eagerly waiting to ask as she instinctively leaned her body closer to Natasha’s one as her body filled up with joy at Y/N being fine.
"It was a massive dose of serum they injected her. But the effect will completely wear off in 6 hours or so."
Holy shit. Kate thought as her stomach flipped over at the prospect of having to spend time with Y/N saying whatever comes to her mind, mainly hitting on her and consequently making her blush hard and turning her on, but happiness filled every cell of her body knowing Y/N will recover from the injuries and was overly fine after her rough fight. "That’s great."
"Okay, let’s go get her and help her to her room."
"Miss Romanoff and Miss Maximoff, Fury asked for your consultation."
The two girls sighed dejected but told Friday they would be right there, before bidding their friends goodbye and walking into the med bay quickly to say hi to Y/N then hurrying towards the elevator. "Well it seems we are going to take care of-"
"Sorry for the interruption, again. Miss Belova, your knowledge about weapons is requested to the meeting taking place on the third floor."
"Great." Yelena grumbled in protest and crossed her arms childishly, before a Cheshire Cat smile appeared on her face as she stared at Kate mischievously, "have fun with miss truth. I wanna know everything that she says."
And with that Yelena hugged Kate goodbye, passed by Y/N to say hi to her like Wanda and Natasha did before hurrying towards the elevator. "Okay, it seems like I will take care of her."
"Great. The bandages need to be changed every 3 hours to prevent infection. She needs to drink a lot of water and she obviously needs rest."
"Noted." Kate nodded as she mentally took note of everything Bruce told her on their way towards the med bay.
"Y/N, be careful with the stitches. If everything happens, call me. Kate offered to help you. Like I said, you need to rest. Do not exert yourself."
"Don’t worry, I won’t." Y/N nodded dutifully and thanked Kate when the archer stretched her hand out and helped her off the bed before supporting her body up and helping her walk by circling her waist with her arm carefully. They walked towards the elevator and entered it, Kate clicking Y/N’s room floor and both waited in silence. "Nice outfit Kate." The blue eyed beauty looked down at her purple hoodie and black pants and smiled at Y/N, ready to thank her, but was stopped when the girl spoke up again, "can I take it off of you?"
Kate’s blush came back in full force at the question as a familiar pressure appeared between her legs. "I-I-" Kate sighed out in relief when the dinging sound of the elevator stopped her poor excuse of words and gave Kate some mercy as she busied herself with escorting Y/N into her room and helping her lay down on the bed.
"Do you need something?"
"Yeah, you."
Kate’s blush couldn’t seem to disappear with the Y/H/C girl’s bold statements, but despite it all the archer didn’t seem to mind. "Other than that, water? Another pillow? Food?"
"Mh, a glass of water would be nice." Y/N seemed to behave with her honest answer, giving the blue eyed beauty a bit of break as she poured a glass of water for the injured agent. "And a pillow behind my back would be amazing. Actually, can you help me sit up. I don’t want to lay down too much."
Kate smiled at the adorableness coming from the Y/E/C and walked into the closet to retrieve another pillow after helping the girl up into a sitting position and handing her the glass of water. "Comfy?"
"Yeah. But it would be 10 times better if you were here with me." Unexpectedly Kate’s blush wasn’t too much visible and it didn’t burn her skin excessively, so the black haired beauty considered it progress as she giggled under her breath and shook her head amusedly. "I’m serious."
"I know you are." Kate chuckled some more before whining in protest at the girl jutting her bottom lip out in a cute pout, "no. Do not use the pout card with me."
"Ugh. That baby voice is irresistible."
"Please." Y/N repeated as her pout deepened.
"Fine, okay okay."
"I don’t know why I still try to fight against that pout." Kate groaned in fake annoyance as she slipped under the covers and got comfortable, her stomach filling with butterflies when the Y/H/C girl leaned over immediately and cuddled her with a soft hum. "So so cute."
"So are you Kate. And beautiful." Y/N rasped out truthfully with her eyes closed and still basking in the archer’s presence. "Mh you smell so good."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure." Y/N lifted her head up from the black haired girl’s neck and opened her eyes to give her undivided attention to Kate.
"I know it’s a stupid question, but I need to hear it from you. Were you serious in the med bay and on the way here?"
"Well, I-"
"Y/N! How do you feel?" The door slammed open before Y/N could answer to Kate’s question and Yelena came into vision, followed by Natasha and Wanda.
"Guys! It’s so good you joined us." Kate spoke up with a strained and high-pitched voice, a bit irritated that her best friends interrupted Y/N’s answer but also glad that they cared so much about the Y/H/C girl to pay her visits.
"It’s really not." Y/N countered back in an annoyed huff as she crossed her arms in a childish manner. "We were having a conversation."
"I’m sure it can wait. We were worried about you asshole." Yelena slapped the back of Y/N’s head as she took a sit beside her, making sure to not hurt her in the process.
"It’s wasn’t that bad."
"It was. I found you almost unconscious on the ground, bleeding." Natasha interjected as she sat on the foot of the bed with Wanda by her side.
"It wasn’t bad at some point. Then some asshole stabbed me while another one injected me something. It was scary."
"Ohw, Y/N/N has a heart." Wanda teased in a sing-sang voice, batting her eye-lashed repeatedly and leaning her chin on her entwined hands.
"Shut up or I’m telling Na-"
"NO!" Wanda quickly used her magic to shut Y/N up by clamping her mouth shut. "Ugh, stupid truth serum."
Natasha stared at the two of them with furrowed eyebrows while Yelena smirked mischievously without even trying to hide it from her sister. "Okay, should I know what she was trying to say?"
"Yes." Y/N and Yelena answered at the same time as Wanda countered back.
"No." The young redhead replied with determination, an hard blush appearing on her cheeks at the intense, scrutinizing gaze the Russian redhead was regarding her with.
"Anyway, how do you feel?" Natasha asked concerned at the Y/H/C girl, who laid comfortably with her head leaned on Kate’s shoulder while the archer was finally getting rid of her crimson color on her face and neck.
"Better." Y/N answered with a long, happy sigh, sinking deeper into the archer’s comfortable and cozy embrace and warmth, "my shoulder is back into place and just hurts a tiny bit, my side stings like a bitch and I’m feeling still a bit sleepy, but with Kate by my side and you guys here for me is making me already a lot better."
Natasha smiled at the Y/E/C girl’s truthful words and caressed her knee gently, "do you need something before we need to go?"
"Where are you going?" Kate asked curiously before Y/N could, leaving her with her mouth half opened, but she quickly closed it and smiled affectionately at the black haired girl before looking around her friends then focusing her attention on Natasha.
"Fury needs us on the west coast facility. Just a small trip. We’ll be back in two days." Yelena explained as she patted Y/N’s right leg gently.
"Oh great, so I can have some time alone with Kate! But I’ll miss you." Y/N talked without properly thinking about her sentence, causing everyone to laugh softly while Kate blushed again at her words.
"I somewhat like this new version of Y/N." Wanda interjected between laughs, high-fiving Y/N when she smiled proudly at the younger redhead.
"I have to agree. She is funnier." Natasha nodded and fist-bumped Wanda, who laughed harder at her friends agreeing with her, Y/N included, who nodded alongside Natasha and Yelena.
"Ah I bet Kate loves this Y/N’s new side too." The blonde Russian continued, teasing the now once again red faced archer, who sank deeper into the Y/E/C girl’s comforting embrace, "even if she seems to blush a lot around this new Y/N."
"She’s cute, isn’t she? Look at that adorable face while she tries to hide her blush."
"Y/N please stop, I feel my face literally burn."
"Okay, okay. I’ll stop, for now."
The five best friends talked a few more minutes, Y/N and Kate genuinely wanting to know what the other girls need to do on the West Coast facility, before Yelena, Natasha and Wanda had to leave to pack once Friday told them the jet would leave in an hour and a half. "Alright, back to our previous conversat-" Kate tried to bring back their convo from before but Friday’s voice prevented her to, making her almost whine out loud in protest from yet another interruption.
"Sorry to bother miss Bishop and miss Y/L/N. But I need to remind you to check miss Y/L/N injuries and to change her bandages."
"Oh right! It’s been three hours!" Kate sat up from the bed and walked over everything she took with her from the bed bay and brought it all to the bed. "Okay, I need you to take off your pants and shirt so I can take a lo-"
"If you wanted me naked on my bed, you just needed to ask babe." Kate’s blush was ready to burst out on her face once again, but the archer repressed it with a small laugh and a gentle shake of her head at the dirty joke.
"Well, I’m not asking." Kate didn’t exactly know where her boldness came from, but she just decided to ride this new confident wave as much as she could, only to see that aroused look form again into Y/N’s eyes. "Here let me help."
Kate walked closer to Y/N when she noticed her struggling with taking off her t-shirt while hissing softly in pain when the stitches on her side started to hurt from the movements. The Y/H/C girl visibly shuddered at Kate’s fingers grazing her torso ever so gently and the archer smirked visibly at that, "t-thank you."
"Don’t move. I’ll help you with your pants too, so we don’t risk to tear the stitches apart on your thigh."
Y/N laid back down on the mattress while taking a deep, grounding breath when she felt the archer pop her pants open and pulling the zip down excruciatingly slow, "I- I’ve dreamed about this so many times." Y/N heard herself say without properly controlling her mouth, cursing under her breath at the truth serum still affecting her inhibitions.
"I did too."
"Okay, let’s start from this one. The bandage is a bit red from the blood still gushing a bit out of the cut. I’ll clean it up." Kate got into work, taking her time as she eyed Y/N up and down, clad in only a black sport bra and matching tight-fitting boy shorts. Her eyes stopped a few seconds on the abs, that contracted each time the oxygen peroxide stung a bit on her cut.
"Like what you see?"
"A lot." Kate answered truthfully as she lifted her eyes up from the marvelous sight that was Y/N’s abdomen and met Y/N’s eyes while lifting her right eyebrow up seductively, watching the girl gulp loudly, not really expecting her teasing back, "let me just put some antiseptic ointment on it and I’ll take care of the other cut." Y/N visibly flinched and hissed in pain at the searing pain on her left thigh and on pure instinct, Kate gripped Y/N’s right thigh hard, very, very close to her clothed center, while she leaned over and blew on the cut softly. "Here. Better?"
"You have no idea." Y/N answers gravelly as she imperceptibly writhed under Kate’s hand, "Kate I love you, but if you’re not going to slip those fingers into me, I need to ask you to pull your hand away. It’s turning me on."
Kate sputtered loudly at that bold statement while her face burned in arousal and a bit of bewilderment at the honest words, "s-sorry." Kate quickly placed a new set of bandages on Y/N’s cut on her thigh and sat up. "Do you have some baggy shorts to wear? They will help your injury to stop bleeding excessively."
"Yeah, third drawer. It should be full of basketball shorts."
Kate nodded as she searched through the drawer to find a pair of shorts, settling purposefully on a pair of purple shorts with her logo on it. "You still have them."
"Of course. They’re my favorite. I wear them all the time." Y/N thanked Kate when she helped her on her feet and crouched down to help her put the shorts on, the Y/H/C girl stabilizing herself on the archer’s shoulders before blushing furiously when Kate’s hands brushed her ass - purposefully Y/N might add - .
"Yeah, they make me feel close to you. You gave them to me with that big smile of yours I love so much. You were so excited that day when you gave them to me. Your first superhero merch."
"I remember that day. It was almost two years ago."
"And since then I’ve been wearing these shorts almost everyday." Y/N admitted, now noticing she was still leaning on Kate’s shoulder despite the girl stood up and was now face to face with her.
"Well, it’s only fair to say that I sleep with you hoodies every night." Kate admitted shyly as she grasped the girl’s naked hips gently, walking imperceptibly closer to Y/N.
"The hoodies you keep stealing from my dresser and that I find so fucking cute on you so I pretend I do not notice it? Shit, you don’t even know how beautiful you look in them. Actually- you always look beautiful. Like right now- wow. You look - gorgeous."
"Y/N." Kate sighed as she inches her face closer to the Y/E/C girl’s one, "do you really mean everything you said?" Kate repeated her previous question and hoped with all herself no other interruption could disturb them once again.
"Yeah. From the bottom of my heart. I may have a truth serum in my system, but it only helped me say what I’ve been trying to tell you for years." Y/N whispered gently on Kate’s lips, that were now just hovering over hers in a teasing way, both literally shaking from wanting- no, needing to close that small gap. And Kate did. Kate closed that gap as soon as she looked into her mesmerizing Y/E/C irises and she was sure Y/N meant every single thing she said without being influenced by some chemical substance, literally melting into the delicate kiss when the Y/H/C girl reciprocated her gesture once she got over her initial shock.
Their lips danced together for what could have been an eternity, but it was actually a few minutes and despite the teasing, yearning vibes surrounding them all evening, they kept their hormones at bay without getting the kiss heated. "I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long, I almost lost hope."
"I never lost it. I would fight for your love forever."
"Good thing, you don’t have to fight anymore. Actually, you didn’t have to in the first place. Because my heart was already yours."
"Ugh Kate." Y/N growled under her breath and slipped her hands up and into the archer’s black tresses to pull her into another kiss, an eager one, their lips sliding over each other with more determination and purpose as they pushed more into the kiss while their bodies flushed together. Kate was still very careful in not hurting the Y/H/C girl with her injuries but acting on pure instinct, she slipped her hands down and groped Y/N’s ass hard, both letting guttural groans at the sensations her bold action elicited while their tongues kept sliding over each other hungrily. "Fuck, I’m so wet for you."
"Y/N, you can’t say things like that!" Kate protested in a whiny tone and leaned their foreheads together in frustration.
"I’m sorry. I can’t help it!" Y/N defended herself as a soft giggle left her lips at the adorable sight of the archer blushing furiously, "sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
"You didn’t. Hm- you actually turned me on even more but-"
"Oh so me being wet for you is turning you on? Or is it my half naked torso that makes you wet? Or maybe is my ass you are still groping so eagerly?" Y/N teased in a low tone, her nose brushing in a teasing manner Kate’s one as she bit the girl’s bottom lip gently, "hm- your hands on my ass are making me feel so many things."
"Y/N-" Kate stopped herself to take a deep breath when the Y/E/C girl started kissing her neck passionately, suckling on her pulse point harshly to obviously leave a mark. "You’re injured."
"No, I’m horny."
"I’m serious."
"I am too. Here feel it." Y/N grabbed one of Kate’s hand and reluctantly pulled it off her ass to push it down her pants but the archer pulled it away from hers just right after the girl succeed into slipping it past her waistband.
"Y/N! Holy shit." Kate pulled herself away from Y/N as she brushed her fingers into her hair frustratingly, "you can’t do that."
"Why not? I can see you want me too. I want you. So fucking bad."
Y/N watched Kate close her eyes as she took deep breaths to calm her horny self. "Babe-"
"Aren’t you wet for me too?" Y/N walked back closer to Kate and slipped her hands down that marvelous ass to grasp it greedily.
"Yes, o-of course- oh!" Kate moaned pitifully on Y/N’s lips when Y/N’s movements on her ass caused her hips to move back and forth and grind on her hips wonderfully. "But- shit, please stop."
Y/N immediately stopped her movements and looked at Kate ashamed, "I’m sorry." She pulled her hands off Kate and lifted them up beside her face as she backed away from the archer, "I’m just too turned on I’m not exactly thinking. You don’t want to have sex with me and I understand it."
"Hey, no, no. Come back here." Kate immediately flushed their bodies together and grasped Y/N’s hands to place them back on her ass, shuddering visibly when she felt the girl squeeze it once again, "I want you. I want you with all myself. But you’re injured. You can get hurt."
"I’m fine."
"No baby. Just pulling a shirt off of you was painful enough. I don’t want you to suffer just because I can’t control myself with you." Y/N smiled at Kate’s concern and pecked her lips softly, "we’ve waited enough, a bit more won’t hurt."
"You’re right. You’re just irresistible. Now that I have you, I want you all to myself."
"And you will. Hell, you already have. But we can’t have sex, not until you fully heal from those bad injuries."
"Okay." Y/N nodded gently as she breathed in and out to calm her hormones down, "okay." She repeated before leaning over and kissing Kate languidly, "shit you’re mine."
"Well- you actually didn’t ask me to be y-"
"Can I treat you with a date here? I want to properly ask you to be my girlfriend."
"Yes." Kate smiled brightly and joined their lips into a slow but intense kiss, stopped after a few seconds due to their big smiles getting in the way, "okay, back on the task at hand. Lay back down, I need to check your other stitches."
"Mh bossy, I like it." Y/N teased as she laid back down on the mattress and gloated visibly when Kate blushed ever so slightly at her words while cleaning her wound. "Ohw!"
"Shit sorry! I need to clean it. Hold on for a few seconds." Y/N hissed in pain when the oxygen peroxide burned her cut, her hand gripped Kate’s entwined one hard as she closed her eyes in pain. "Done." Y/N smiled warmly when Kate peppered kissed all around Y/N’s bandaged cut before stopping at her lips.
"Mh, did I earn some more kisses? I stayed put. I deserve a reward."
"You’re right. You were good." Kate leaned over and joined theirs lips to share a few slow kisses, both humming contentedly into their mouths with big smiles etched on their faces.
"Maybe you can show me the twins as a reward."
"Did those assholes injected a 16-horny-teenage-boy serum into your system too? Because you are acting like one."
"Mh no, it’s just what you do to me Kate."
"I’ll think about it. Let me check the last few wounds and cuts and if you’re lucky, you might touch them." Kate teased in a low tone on Y/N’s lips, taking advantage of their intertwined hands to make Y/N’s knuckles graze her clothed chest as her tongue slipped past the Y/E/C girl’s parted lips to kiss her eagerly, before pulling away a few seconds later and chuckling in amusement at the sound of protest coming from Y/N.
"It’s not easy for me either baby."
As soon as Kate was done checking out all of Y/N’s injuries, she sat up to throw everything into the trash can, before setting a timer in a few hours to check the Y/H/C girl’s bandages again, before walking over the girl’s dresser and grabbing an old t-shirt to put on Y/N. But Y/N seemed to have other plans, because as soon as she sat beside Y/N, now with her back leaning on the headrest after she helped her into a sitting position, Y/N pulled her into a deep kiss as her hands roamed on her back quickly before slipping under her t-shirt and settling on her clothed, left boob. "Fuck."
"Oh Y/N/N!" Kate moaned into Y/N’s mouth as her body involuntarily arched into Y/N’s hand.
"C’mere." Y/N murmured into the kisses as she tried to be as closer to Kate as she could, but their weird angle prevented them to.
"I can’t. If I straddle you I can easily rip your stitches off your side or leg."
"Shit, okay wait." Y/N opened her legs wider and with a bit of exertion lifted Kate up and made her straddle her not injured thigh while Kate’s left one slipped between her legs. "Perfect." Y/N murmured needily as she slipped her tongue back into Kate’s mouth while her hand boldly slid Kate’s bra up and touched the girl’s boob without any garment in the way.
"Oh!" Kate moaned loudly into the kiss, a sound that Y/N promptly swallowed while her tongue kept relentlessly licking every nook and cranny of the black haired girl’s mouth.
"Shit!" Y/N wailed in pure arousal when Kate’s hips bucked involuntarily onto her leg to seek some needed friction and her own leg hit Y/N’s clothed center in the process. They repeated tentatively their movements, starting a slow rhythm as they dry humped each other, the bed squeaking gently in the background a dashing enough sound to increase their arousals incredibly. "You feel so good."
"Yeah babe. So so good."
"Oh yes! Yes! OHW!"
Kate abruptly sat up from the bed when Y/N screamed in pain, watching her with wide eyes as she curled on herself and closed her eyes in pain, "shit, are you okay?"
"Stupid injuries! Fuck I was about to come!" Kate blushed at the piece of information Y/N shared as her pulsating center clenched over nothing in need, but quickly got herself out of her foggy, aroused mind and leaned over the girl to make sure she was okay. "Shit, okay. It’s subsiding."
"Do you want me to go grab some ice?"
"No, it’s okay. It’s going away. C’mere, let’s finish what we started."
"Ah! Mh-mh. Nope, no. We are going to behave. I let you fondle me as a reward. But now we’re going to wait till you’re fully healed. I don’t want to hurt you." Kate stated determined as she crossed her arms under her chest and stared Y/N down with an authoritative look in her blue, almost black, eyes.
Y/N whined in protest as her head slumped back on the bedrest. "Ugh fine!"
"Here, let me help you put this on." Kate grabbed the shirt from the floor and put it on Y/N, before helping her adjust on the bed to be comfortable, leaning over her body to grab a pillow on her left to lay it behind her head, only for her to realize she literally pushed her chest into Y/N’s face when Y/N slid her right arm around her torso and flattened her hand gently on her back as she bit harshly on her nipple through her shirt. "Y/N!" Kate turned her head around to stare at Y/N incredulously while her closed fist laid on the mattress on Y/N’s left side for stability.
"Sorry! You haven’t fixed your bra into place yet and your nipple was screaming at me to bite it!" Y/N turned her head around to stare at Kate in what the blue eyed girl dubbed as fake apology and shook her head gently. "Please, just a minute."
"Are you seriously asking me that?" Kate laughed incredulously at the request, but her eyes darkening a tiny bit, told the Y/H/C girl she wasn’t exactly opposed to her idea.
"Please, I’m in pain." Y/N pouted adorably, hoping it will make Kate break and let her have some fun.
"Oh so now, you wanna use the injured card."
"Is it working?" Y/N asked in a baby voice, staring intently into Kate’s eyes a few seconds before smiling brightly when the archer sighed, a sign she caved in her request. "Yes!" Y/N was about to lean over and take Kate’s nipple into her mouth over her shirt again when a hand gripping her scalp prevented her to, making her moan at the show of strength.
"One minute."
"It’s all I ask." Y/N replied and watched as Kate walked over her phone on the desk and placed it on the nightstand beside her, causing Y/N to stare at her with her right eyebrow arched up in a silent, teasing question, but she was seductively biting her bottom lip.
"I know you. And I know I can’t resist you. So I’m putting a timer."
"That’s fair." Y/N nodded and smiled at Kate as she regained her previous position on top of her, with her right leg bent beside Y/N’s good one on the mattress while she stabilized herself with one hand on Y/N right shoulder and the other on the bed.
"Wait." Y/N was about to ask what was wrong, only of her words to die in her throat and her mouth to hang open when the black haired girl with a quick movement removed her shirt and bra. "You can have your fun now." Kate stated seductively as she pushed her chest into Y/N’s face, before saying in a loud voice, "hey Siri, set a timer of one minute."
"Setting a timer of one minute."
As soon as Y/N heard the robotic voice, she dived right in and slipped a nipple into her mouth, her moan mingling with Kate’s one as she suckled that wonderful mound greedily. "Oh, shit that feels amazing."
"Your tits are delicious."
"Are you sure- shit- you’re not your 16-years-old- fuck, holy shit- self?" Kate pushed her chest more into Y/N’s mouth when the girl switched her attention to the neglected nipple and sucked it hard into her mind, while her free hand kneaded her other breast.
"Positive. I just can’t control myself around you Kate."
"Shit, you’re making me so wet again babe."
"Let me check myself." This time Y/N was too fast for Kate to stop her and she succeeded in slipping her hand into Kate’s pants and felt the archer’s arousal through her drenched panties.
"Y/N/N! Oh, oh yes, yess!"
"Shit, all of this for me?"
"Yes baby, now please, inside! I’m so-"
The alarm when off and Kate groaned in frustration, but it soon morphed into a deep, guttural moan when Y/N quickly used her hand laid on the archer’s naked back to stop the blaring alarm while her other one slipped her hand out of Kate’s sweats just enough to slid into her panties too and then pushed two fingers inside. "Holy fucking shit, you are so wet for me."
"Y/N/N! Oh baby!" Y/N used her free hand to help Kate into a more comfortable position, resuming their previous one with Kate straddling her good thigh all the while she set a slow, but firm pace into her core. "Shit, your fingers are awesome."
"Fuck, wait." Y/N pushed Kate’s right leg more into her center and shuddered when each time Kate rotated her hips to increase her pleasure, her knee hit her center delightfully, stimulating her enough to make her feel a familiar coiling feeling into her lower stomach. "Look at you, so needy for me. For my fingers. Do you want to come, babe?"
"So fucking badly."
"I can feel it."
"Shit, make me come baby. Make me flood your hand with my juices."
Y/N shuddered copiously at that and increased her speed, trying to push Kate over the edge as soon as possibile, while she approached her peek alongside the archer. "Then fucking come. I wanna hear, I wanna feel you come."
Kate tumbled over the edge with her mouth open in a silent moan while her core spurted out its release and dripped onto Y/N’s hand. Kate’s knee pressing into her core and that amazing sight coupled with the sensation of Kate’s juices soaking her hand pushed her over the edge right after with a strangled moan of Kate’s name murmured right on her right breast.
The two came down from their post-coital hazes and smiled shyly at one another, before sharing a few sweet pecks as they cuddled one another in comfort. Kate carefully pushed herself off Y/N’s lap as soon as the girl slipped her fingers out and dressed herself, purposefully putting only her shirt back on. "Mh I feel so much better. We should do it again. It’s better than any painkiller." Y/N stated with a dopey smile as her eyes stayed glued on Kate’s erected nipples, visible from her white t-shirt.
"Horny teenage boy."
"You love it." Kate laid comfortably beside Y/N and rested her head on her shoulder with an happy sigh.
"Yeah I do."
"Do you want to know what I love right now?" Y/N asked with her eyes glued on Kate’s nipples, making Kate’s stomach flip over itself in arousal.
"Let me guess, my boobs?"
"Yes." Y/N smirked mischievously before wrapping her lips around Kate’s lips, her hand gripping the archer’s left hip under her shirt to caress her skin gently. "How about that date? We can order something and I don’t know watch a movie or just be together and talking about anything."
"Sounds perfect."
"How is my favorite doofus doing?" Yelena barged into the room three days later, finding Y/N with only her sport bra on as Kate applied the antiseptic ointment on her stitches, meeting Natasha’s and Wanda’s gazes right after witnessing that sight, finding just as much mirth and mischief into their eyes as she had into her own before smirking at the two girls on the bed. "Well we came at the right time."
"No. She is just changing my bandages. You should come back in in 10 minutes, you’ll find us naked." Y/N replied nonchalantly as she focused her attention from her friend back on her girlfriend placing a fresh bandage on her side, noticing the adorable blush adorning her cheeks she tried to shield away from their friends with her air and smiled imperceptibly at the archer when she met her eyes, Kate mirroring her grin.
Meanwhile Yelena cackled loudly at the joke, followed by Natasha and Wanda as they made their way further into the room, "very funny. I’m glad you decided to keep your funny side."
"I wasn’t joking. Three days ago, right after you left we f-"
"Okay- I think we should update you guys on a few things." Kate helped Y/N with putting her shirt back on before walking over the trash can to throw the dirty bandages away and then sitting back on the mattress beside Y/N, signaling the three other confused girls to sit at the end of the bed with them. "The serum still didn’t wear off completely."
"What?! It already should have been!" Natasha exclaimed surprised, her widened eyes looking at the Y/H/C girl, who smiled sheepishly at them.
"Well it is wearing off, but just a few bits are still in her organism. Bruce told us it is possible since it was a massive dose they injected. He added it may be some enhanced formula or something like that. She sometimes says whatever comes into her mind, other ways is back to her cute self."
Yelena, Natasha and Wanda stared at the two girls smiling at one another lovingly and a smirk immediately flitted over their features, "should we know something else?"
"No, that’s al-" Kate started to say but was stopped by Y/N’s voice.
"Yes. We fucked right after you left and now we’re together." Kate slapped her forehead at her girlfriend’s truthful statement and sighed slightly under her breath.
"Yeah, then there’s- that." Kate added shyly as she tried to avoid her best friends’ amused gazes with her cheeks slightly tinted with a rosy color.
"If you still weren’t under the effect of the truth serum I wouldn’t have believed you." Yelena spoke up still a bit shocked by the revelation, but chuckled loudly at the now more visible blush on Kate’s cheeks that confirmed everything Y/N just said.
"We obviously want the details now."
"Miss Y/L/N, from your blood test, the serum had been completely expelled from your organism. Dr. Banner will see you now to remove the stitches."
"Fucking finally." Y/N exclaimed as Kate helped her up from her bed.
"So no more bold statements that turn me on in a second?" Kate whispered sultrily on Y/N’s lips while her arms circled the girl’s neck and Y/N’s ones went around her waist.
"Mh." Y/N hummed in thought as she leaned down to kiss Kate languidly, her tongue licking the seam of the archer’s lips teasingly while her hands slipped down and gripped her ass hard. "Well for everyone else maybe. With you, mh-" Y/N stopped mid-sentence to slip her tongue into Kate’s slightly parted mouth as the hands on her ass kneaded her firm flesh hard, eliciting a low moan from the black haired girl.
"Oh, babe. We need to go to the med bay."
"Yeah. I can’t wait to get rid of these stitches so I can fuck you properly and thoroughly."
Kate’s legs gave out at the statement and shuddered visibly, "hm, we better get going then."
"Let’s go. It’s time."
"Y/N! It’s so good to see you." Monica walked over Y/N and Kate that were just exiting the med bay, in an obvious rush, and both stopped themselves from sighing out in frustration.
"Monica. Carol. How are you?"
"Good, we have some news for Fury." The blonde answered after hugging both of them.
"I’m afraid Fury is still on the West Coast." Y/N answered with her eyebrows furrowed in apology. "Yelena, Natasha and Wanda left yesterday to join him with Leo and Daisy. I think Tony, Steve, Sam and Bucky are there too and Bruce is gonna leave soon."
"Wait everyone is there?"
"Almost everyone." Kate answered sarcastically, gesturing at the two of them, causing Monica and Carol to laugh gently.
"I just removed my stitches. Bruce told me to rest another week before moving there too."
"I’m staying with her to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself again." Kate interjected as she slapped her girlfriend’s head gently.
"Why everyone’s there?" Monica asked curiously after chuckling at the two girls’ antics and bickering.
"I think it was about some kind of open day at the campus there." Y/N answered but gestured to Kate to continue.
"It’ll be in two weeks from now and they are all there to keep working on a few missions."
"Well might as well join the others. Are you sure you’re gonna be fine?"
"Carol, we’re grown ups and Avengers, we can look out for-" Y/N started with a sarcastic tone, but was stopped by the blonde when she lifted her hand up and pointed to the blue eyed girl.
"I was actually talking to Kate. Are you sure you’re gonna survive a week with this one?" The blonde cracked a joke and a smug smirk made its way over her features when Y/N rolled her eyes unamused.
Kate chuckled softly at that and nodded decisively, "I’m sure I can handle her just fine."
As soon as the door shut close and the sound of the lock popped into the room, Y/N slammed Kate onto the door and connected their lips hungrily, a sudden gesture that the black haired girl welcomed eagerly as her hands slipped in her girlfriend’s hair to grip her scalp eagerly, "hm, we have the compound all for ourselves and I’m finally free from those irritating stitches."
Y/N stated as she assaulted Kate’s neck with bites, kisses and soft licks all the while she groped her wonderful ass, "you still have to be careful to heal completely." Kate moaned gutturally when a particular harsh love bite on her pulse point made her hips buck up needily.
"Mh, yeah yeah. But now we can fuck."
"It’s not like we’ve been behaving." Kate chuckled on Y/N’s lips when the girl’s face slid back up and nuzzled their noses lovingly.
"Mh but now I can move without being careful and you can finally touch me with those wonderful, long fingers." Y/N grasped Kate’s left wrist and pulled the archer’s hand to her lips to pepper kisses on her palm before slipping her forefinger into her mouth and sucked on it without breaking eye contact with those blue irises she loved so much.
"Fuck." Kate stared transfixed with her mouth hang open and used her free hand to grip the Y/H/C girl’s jaw and guided her face up on down her finger, the motion so erotic she was positive she could come without a proper stimulation. "Bed. Now." Kate murmured when Y/N moaned lewdly around her finger and ground down her center on the girl’s thigh slid between legs. They both quickly discarded their clothes all over the floor, leaving a trail of their garments all the way to Y/N’s leaving room doorstep.
"With those stitches gone, I can finally do this." Kate was ready to ask what Y/N was talking about, but what Kate dubbed as a moan and a squeal mixed together got ripped out from her throat when Y/N grasped her ass hard and lifted her up, making the blue eyed girl circle her legs around the Y/H/C girl’s waist, feeling the fabric of Y/N’s bandages on her side grazing her left inner thigh in her new position.
"You just wanted to show off your strength." Kate smirked down at Y/N and slapped softly the back of her head, eliciting a small laugh from the agent. "Even tho it was so fucking hot, I must admit."
"And it will get hotter in a second." Y/N murmured on Kate’s lips before laying the archer on the mattress and crawling over her body immediately after. "Mh, I can smell your arousal from here."
In a quick motion Kate switched their positions and got on top of Y/N, straddling her torso with her hands resting under Y/N’s chest for stability, "you had your fun this week with my body. Now it’s my turn."
"Mh, I’m not opposed to that." Y/N hummed contentedly when Kate’s hands slid up and grabbed her boobs harshly, teasing her hardened nipples while her hips started a slow but steady grinding on her lap. "Oh." A long moan left Y/N’s mouth at the amazing sensation sparkling from the girl’s actions and eagerly met Kate’s hips to create a delicious friction that increased their arousals copiously. "Yes! Babe, please. I want your fingers."
"Your wish is my command baby." And after laying a peck on Y/N’s lips, Kate slid her hips down as she opened the girl’s thighs wider and teased her entrance with her pointer and middle finger, easing them in when she collected enough wetness and shuddered visibly when the girl’s walls swallowed her digits greedily. "Fuck, you feel so good around my fingers."
"Faster baby. I want to come so bad on your fingers." Kate grunted in acknowledgement and without teasing, started thrusting her digits in and out in a quick pace while she leaned her mouth down on a nipple screaming for her attention. "Oh, ah! Ah! Yes! TheRE!" Kate used her hips to thrust her fingers in and out of Y/N as hard and deep as she could, increasing her own arousal profusely when her center clenched needily over nothing.
"Fuck, you are so hot like this."
"Harder babe. Faster. Make me come, please." Kate’s eyes darkened instantly at the needy, whined requests leaving Y/N’s lips while her walls tightened around her fingers, making Kate increase her tempo as she thrusted as hard as she could without hurting her hand and Y/N in the process, creating a sensual mix of squeaks coming from the mattress springs, soft, steady thumps of the bedrest slamming on the wall and loud moans coming from the both of them at the wonderful pleasure engulfing them. Not too long after Y/N came with Kate’s name leaving her lips, her body going still for a few moments to spurt out its juices and drenching Kate’s hand and her sheets before slumping back down on the mattress as the archer slowed her movements to a stop while peppering kisses all the way up from her chest to her lips. "Fuck."
"You looked beautiful coming on my fingers. Ohw." Kate whined under breath when she pulled her hand away from Y/N’s center and cleaned it by rubbing it on the sheets, causing the Y/H/C girl to look up at her in worry.
"What’s wrong?"
"I pushed my hips too hard on my hand. My wrist hurt a bit."
"Oh no baby, here." Y/N kissed lovingly Kate’s wrist, smelling herself on the girl’s fingers in the process and shivering wildly as her scent invaded her senses, before kissing Kate hungrily on her mouth, her tongue immediately slipping in and sliding over Kate’s eager one.
"Hold on." Kate stopped their fervent kisses as an idea popped into her mind.
"You’ll see." Kate smiled mischievously at Y/N before looking up at the ceiling, "Friday?"
"Yes, miss Bishop?"
"Is there someone in the compound?"
"Negative. You two are the only occupants of the compound. Everyone is in the West Coast facility."
"Can you check? I need to be sure." Y/N stared confused at the archer as she met her eyes and wiggled her eyebrows seductively.
"I scanned the entire area. No one is here, except for you two."
"Great, thank you Friday."
"Have a good day miss Bishop. You too miss Y/L/N."
"Have a good day too buddy!" Y/N replied as she smiled dumbly at the ceiling like she was smiling at the bodiless IA, "can you tell me what you have in mind?"
"I need to go in my room to get something. Wanna come with me?"
"Oh now I get it. You checked if we’re alone so we don’t have to dress ourselves back up."
"I love how you understand me so easily." Kate leaned down and kissed Y/N hard, pushing more into the kiss as her tongue licked the inside of her mouth.
"Let’s go, or we won’t leave the bed anytime soon." Y/N hummed lowly as her hands kneaded Kate’s ass cheeks eagerly.
"You’re gonna love what I have in mind."
"Lead the way then."
Their small trip to Kate’s room was stopped every once in a while due to them getting distracted and making out greedily on every surface they came across. They were now kissing heavily on Kate’s drawer while Kate rummaged blindly into it to retrieve what she needed. "Ah-ha! Found it." Kate interrupted they heavy make out session as she lifted the item up in the air in victory.
"Let me see."
"No. Let’s behave for just 2 minutes. Enough to go back into your room. I’m sure that if I show you what I have in here, we will fuck in my bed right after."
"And what’s wrong with that?" Kate felt a shiver run down her spine and hit her already pulsating center at the sultry tone Y/N used while caressing her sternum seductively and repressed the need to fuck her girlfriend right then and there by shaking her head furiously.
"Nothing. We already ruined your sheets, I don’t want to do your laundry and mine too."
"Fair enough. Let’s go now, I don’t know how much longer I can behave."
Needless to say, they spent 10 minutes in the elevator right after. It all started when Kate’s bag accidentally slipped off of her hand and fell onto the ground. She bent over to retrieve it and almost lost her balance when Y/N purposefully stopped the elevator and gripped Kate’s hips hard, causing her to slam her hands on the nearest wall to regain her balance and preventing herself to fall face first on the ground. "Babe!"
"Sorry, but what else do you expect me to do when you give me this amazing view of you bent over for me?" Y/N stated in a humming tone, her lips skidding up and down the girl’s toned back as her hips flushed onto Kate’s ass.
"Can I?" Y/N asked on Kate’s skin while her forefinger teased the blue eyed girl’s entrance, smiling knowingly when she felt the girl push her hips back to ease Y/N’s digit in.
"Please." So, without further delay and any more teasing, Y/N thrusted three fingers in, using her hips’ help to push them in deeper and harder while her free hand grasped her hips harshly to guide the girl’s movements. "Oh Y/N/N!"
"Shit Kate. You look so hot bent over for me. You are taking- shit- my fingers so good."
The sound of their hips slamming loudly onto each other echoed around the elevator’s walls and mixed with Kate’s moans and Y/N’s grunts of pleasure, "fucK! Oh yes, yes Y/N/N!"
"Are you already close? Shit, look at you so needy for me." Y/N slammed her fingers back into Kate’s center hard, the gesture causing the archer to lay her free hand on Y/N’s one on her hips as she came undone with a lewd scream leaving her lips.
As Kate slumped over the elevator wall, Y/N pressed the button to make the elevator move again and resumed their journey up to Y/N’s room floor. "Shit, I’ve never had sex in an elevator." Kate turned around and leaned her body onto Y/N’s one for stability, feeling her legs still a bit shaky from the powerful orgasm. The elevator dinged loudly, signaling they arrived at Y/N’s room floor and Kate reluctantly pulled away from Y/N to ask in a mocking tone, "can I bend over to retrieve that bag or are you going to jump on me again?"
"I make no promises." Kate arched her eyebrows and Y/N chuckled soundly, "okay, I’ll behave. Besides, we arrived at my floor. I will fuck you on my bed in a minute."
"Mh, we’ll see about that." Kate stated mysteriously as she stood back up after retrieving the small, black bag on the floor, giggling at Y/N’s bemused expression before intertwining their fingers together and walking them back into Y/N’s room. "Lay on the bed."
Y/N wordlessly laid back on the mattress and watched Kate’s body in all its naked glory walk towards the bed with that black bag in her hand as mischief swam through her deep blue irises. She straddled Y/N’s torso and signaled her to sit up to see what was in it. "Really?" Y/N giggled loudly when she noticed a strap on in the bag with its harness.
"Yeah." Kate smiled eagerly as the grabbed the strap on and gestured for Y/N to hold it as she started strapping the harness on her hips and legs.
"Babe I have a strap on too here. We could’ve used it." Kate gaped at the statement and slapped Y/N’s shoulder gently.
"Well mine is purple, so it’s better."
"Mine’s purple too." Y/N stated with a satisfied smirk and scooted Kate a bit further away to put the strap on in place when she was done strapping herself in.
"You’re kidding."
"Nope." Y/N stated as she stressed the ‘p’.
"Well at least I gained an orgasm in the elevator. So it’s a win-win situation. But we’re definitely talking about you owning a purple strap on later." Kate giggled cutely before kissing Y/N gently on the lips after she murmured a ‘noted’ and nodded softly, their laughs progressively dying down as lust took over again. Their tongues danced together hungrily as both pushed more into the kiss, Kate’s hands massaging the girl’s scalp as she strap on brushed over Y/N’s contracted stomach. "Mh, yes."
Kate hummed in pleasure when Y/N took a grasp of the dildo and started slow movements up and down its length, stimulating Kate’s center through the small end of the strap on already buried into the archer. "Shit, you look hot as fuck like this."
"I can’t wait to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk." Kate stated as she pushed the strap further into Y/N’s hand, silently asking her to go faster as she felt that familiar coiling feeling make its presence known in her lower stomach.
"Oh shit." Y/N shivered in anticipation and kissed Kate hard as she pumped her hand as fast as she could, triggering soft whimpers from the blue eyed girl that she promptly swallowed. "Fuck!" Y/N’s hips canted up when Kate teased her entrance and collected as much wetness as she could with her right hand, her left one still buried in her hair.
"Mh so wet for me." Kate murmured into Y/N’s mouth, before moving her lips down her neck and then onto her chest to suck onto Y/N’s addicting chest as she pushed her gently down the mattress. She started to spread the tip of the dildo on Y/N’s entrance to lubrificate it enough and when she was satisfied it was all ready, she lifted her head up to stare Y/N down into her eyes and asked gently, "can I?"
"Shit, yes. Fuck YES!" Kate eased the strap on slowly into her girlfriend, making her savor each inch as both shuddered in pleasure while Kate assaulted Y/N’s neck with love bites and gentle kisses. When Kate was all the way in and their hips were completely flushed, she stilled her movements and waited patiently and lovingly for Y/N to adjust to the entire length, "okay, you can move now. Fuck."
Kate decided to start slowly by pulling the dildo gradually out a few inches, before easing it back in, progressively pulling out inch by inch to increase both their pleasures. "How does it feel baby? Tell me."
"Mh-amazing." Y/N hummed out in ecstasy, Kate’s slow and precise movements creating a sense of closeness Y/N had never felt with any of her past lovers and shuddered at the thought. "Fuck, I love you."
"I love you babe. So much." Kate would say she was taken aback from the confession, but she felt it in the air during the past 10 days spent with the girl. She already knew she was in love with the Y/H/C girl but was willing to keep it to herself a bit more since they started dating not too long ago. But Y/N now said it and the archer knew she meant it with all herself, she can feel it deep into her bones that she was being honest.
"I mean it babe. I love you, so fucking much."
"I know baby, I know. And I mean it too, I love you." They shared a soft peck that was stopped by a loud moan coming from Y/N when Kate finally slipped the strap on all the way out before slamming it back in, "YES! Faster babe."
"Ah, ah!" Kate moaned into Y/N’s ear when the small end buried inside her created a wonderful friction that made her stop in her tracks from too much pleasure. "Oh babe, it feels amazing."
"Yeah." Y/N moaned when Kate picked her movements back up, faster and harder, pulling the strap on out and slamming it back in, gradually increasing her speed and force to the point she was pounding quickly and forcefully into Y/N’s center, causing the bedrest to slam vigorously onto the wall while Y/N thrashed around in raw pleasure. "Fuck BABE! Oh shit, I’m so close."
"Then come for me baby." With a few more hard thrusts Y/N came undone with a loud moan, her contracting walls spurting out juices as they swallowed the strap on more into herself, the sensation causing Kate to tumble over the edge right after Y/N with a strangled whine. "Shit, I need a minute. It was so fucking powerful."
"I’m not floating right?"
"I’m literally on top of you babe, if you were floating I would’ve grounded you down." Kate snickered at the dazed expression on Y/N’s face and kissed the girl’s left, rosy cheek repeatedly.
"Well we could both float."
"Last time I checked you didn’t have powers."
"After that orgasm, I might be capable of everything baby." Y/N countered back seriously, causing Kate’s laughs to increase in volume as she hid her face into the girl’s neck.
"I love you, you big doofus."
"I love you my beautiful archer." They share a cute peck that got heated when Y/N licked the seam of Kate’s lips and slipped her tongue into the blue eyed girl’s mouth when she immediately granted her access. "Now it’s my time to hit the bullseye with your arrow."
Kate laughed hard at the corny joke Y/N just whispered in a sultry tone on her lips, causing Y/N to chuckle alongside her, "how long have you been waiting to deliver that line?"
"A while." Y/N chuckled gently before pecking Kate’s lips again, "be honest though, it did turn you on, didn’t it?"
"You have no idea." Kate grunted lustfully on Y/N’s mouth before kissing her again fervently and starting yet another of the many more rounds of the night.
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pedropascallme · 3 months
The Good, the Bad, and the Better II
Pairing: gunslinger!Joel Miller x f!Reader
Summary: "You stood, walking into the main room to see the Millers sat at the kitchen table, conversing in hushed tones. They stopped speaking when you approached; Joel kept his gaze down, and Tommy shifted to look at you, offering a polite smile."
Content: Mentions of crimes? Is that a warning? If I missed anything please let me know!
AN: Hi this took forever to edit because I love overusing adjectives. Anyway this is part 2, part 1 is here! I likely won't be updating this series super often because I'm way too busy but nevertheless I persist.
You learned quickly that this was not a house of God.
The Miller boys were…brash, put lightly. It wasn’t shocking; of course, two grown men, unmarried and in a territory where anything could happen, and often did, were going to eat, drink, and be merry on their own accord. But you were startled by Ellie’s delight at being included in their fliting and fighting. You listened for hours on end as El and Tommy hurled insults and laughed while Joel looked on with a glint of humor in his eyes, never cracking a smile; the men drinking beer and Ellie sipping sarsaparilla, her hand dwarfed by Tommy’s as she tried her best to beat him in an arm wrestle.
You didn’t mind, in all honesty, but the culture shock was something you hadn’t expected. Maybe you should’ve known that your aunt’s friends wouldn’t be gentlemen to the highest degree, given her track record and the company she often kept, but it was better than sitting at home and waiting to join your parents in the Heavens—death by boredom and self-pity.
Despite the disorder, you found solace in the moments you were granted now, in Texas. The sun was radiant, adding natural blush to your cheeks and making you feel truly alive in the midst of all your losses. And the company was, though chaotic, far from bad. You continued to teach Ellie the hand games you used to play with the girls at church, Tommy watching idly, his foot hitting the floorboards in sync with the rhythm of your hands smacking together. You did, truly, have a soft spot for the younger girl. It was something that felt familial, the thought of two orphans living under the same roof and sharing the experience of adventure and the wild west—or maybe it was just because she made you laugh till your stomach hurt, tears creeping out of your eyes when she made you cackle with glee, the taste of the salt on your face finally associated with joy instead of sorrow.  
Tommy, too, was increasingly easy to be around. He was polite, for someone who lived in such a frenzied manner, and seemed to genuinely mean it when he waved good morning, putting breakfast in front of you first when the sun rose.
“How come I never get fed first?” Ellie whined, still in sleep clothes, knees tucked into her chest as the sun crept in through the windows, heating the house.
“Ladies first.” Tommy winked, serving you before reaching over to drop down Ellie’s plate in front of her.
“I could be a lady!” Ellie spread herself out, arms and legs wide as she slumped in her chair.
“Do ya wanna be one?” Tommy arched a brow, feeding himself now.
“…Just want some damn eggs…” She grumbled.
But Joel still made you out of place, still gave you that uneasy heat in the bottom of your stomach that you had grown accustomed to pushing down. He stayed mostly quiet, even when it came to rough housing; his looming presence felt more adjacent to violence than Tommy and Ellie’s wrestling, and his blunt, grunted responses to their insults made your heartbeat pick up just a bit. He barely addressed you, opting to care for the horses while you ate, leaving for town shortly after and returning after dinner. You didn’t know where he went, where he found himself on the long days under the Texan sun, and all Ellie ever told you was not to worry about the work the Millers did.
You heard Joel say your name once or twice on occasion while you readied yourself for bed, Ellie snoring behind you on the mattress you shared, unable to pick up any other dialogue between Joel and Tommy from the other room.
You hated to admit it, so you didn’t, but hearing your name fall from Joel’s lips excited you more than anything else ever had.
Texas, November 1847
“I don’t understand—how will I know if the next card will be the right number to help me get to twenty-one?” The cabin was quiet, save for your conversation, and you heard birds circling nearby, calling down at the nothingness of the fields below. Joel and Tommy had left after breakfast, and Ellie used the silence to her advantage, finally teaching you the games Tommy said would create a poor influence.
“You don’t! That’s the point—give me your cards.” Ellie snatched the stack of cards in front of you, shuffling them together with her own and dealing them out again. “It’s all luck, that’s all betting is. Joel says it’s cheat or be cheated, but I think it’s fun.”
“He doesn’t seem to say much else…” You muttered, peaking at Ellie over your cards, “Oh—uh, hit me.” You tried to remember the correct terminology for the game, making El smile up at you.
She passed you another card, “He’s not so bad. Don’t know why you don’t like him.”
“Who said I didn’t like him?” You felt defensive, “I never said that. It’s rude to talk about people when they aren’t in your presence.”
“Ain’t it also a sin to gamble?” Ellie looked devious, and you bit back the urge to toss your cards at her.
“I don’t have money down. And I don’t think Joel likes me.” You countered. “Never even looks at me.”
“That’s just what he’s like,” Ellie echoed Tommy’s words from a month prior, and you still didn’t like how they sounded, “Quiet type.”
“I think it’s rude.”
“So you don’t like him.”
“I like him fine. Just wish he would address me. Wonder sometimes if he even knows my name.” You felt heat creep underneath your corset when you recalled that he did, in fact, know your name, and the memories of hearing him say it in hushed conversation with Tommy when they thought you were only made you feel warmer.
“Uh huh,” the same devious look returned to Ellie’s face, and she revealed her cards to you—a perfect 21, “I win.”
You heard the patter of hooves outside, a whinny, and then the sound of boots hitting the dusty ground. Joel and Tommy pushed through the door, respectively stoic and jovial. You noticed the guns strapped to their legs, feeling suddenly uncomfortable in your own skin; why did they need those?
And why did you want to watch Joel pull the trigger?
They weren’t anything like the hunting rifles your father had owned but never used. They looked like props, shiny and decorative, but all too heavy on the belts of the men in front of you to be anything but the real deal.
Maybe they just liked hunting in style; you pushed the thought from your mind, supposing that ignorance would be bliss.
You watched Tommy take a handful of coins from his pocket, placing them on the table in front of Ellie, who delighted in running her fingers over the metal. You stayed seated, curiously stealing glances at the money. You nearly jumped when you felt a tap on your shoulder, turning to see Joel standing over you before he reached out his hand to offer you a coin like the ones Ellie and Tommy were giggling like school children over. You placed your hand over it shyly, feeling the cold of the metal where it met the warmth of Joel’s hand.
“Keep it.” He turned before you could ask what for, let alone say thank you.
You looked at Ellie from across the table. She just smiled.
You spent the following morning at the small desk in the corner of your bedroom, writing notes to your aunt and describing in less than stellar detail the events of the past month, asking how New York was and ensuring that she knew how deeply you missed her. The paper was old, and the ink nearly dry, but it was all you could find in the house and felt it would be a waste not to use what you had so luckily stumbled upon. You pushed the letter out of the way, putting down the pen and watching it roll back on the wood of the desk. It hit the coin Joel had given you the day prior, and you sat staring at it for a moment; why on earth was this clouding your mind so much? It was just a coin, a dollar piece—Ellie hadn’t seemed disturbed by the wealth the Millers had brought home yesterday, why should one dollar cause your hands to tremble?
You knew why.
You knew it was because of the mystery, the sudden understanding that these men were likely insincere, despite your best efforts to see the best in everybody. You knew it was because of how the coin complemented the tanned skin of Joel’s hand when he had gifted it to you, and the way you could still see the imprint of his thumb against the stamp of lady liberty. The thought of Joel keeping one of the coins with the sole intent of giving it to you made you turn scarlet.
Your first crush had been an older boy at church; his hair was dusty blonde, and you liked the way he sang his hymns. And then there had been the boy who worked at the stables in town, who tried to steal a kiss from you when your father stopped to talk to the man who ran the place. There was the man who worked at the shop down the road, and the other boy from church. And of course, the boy on the ranch next door that your mother insisted you bring fresh bread to whenever she had made enough, pushing a basket into your arms and encouraging you to find yourself a lifelong connection.
But they had all been so…plain.
You felt dirty, knowing that deep down you harbored any sort of feeling for a man who wouldn’t even look you in the eyes, one so much older than you with a hint of gray in his beard and calloused hands, silver gun strapped to his hip and money you didn’t know the source of in his pockets—but maybe that’s what made it fun this time, instead of harboring a guilty conscious about whether or not you were good enough for him, you were left wondering whether or not he was good enough for you.
It was a complete role reversal, a situation that turned the tired trope of your incessant need to be a good, God-fearing young woman in order to appeal to someone on its head. You were already good enough—great, even. Better, at least, than he was.
And at the very least, it was more interesting than any other crush you had experienced.
You stood, walking into the main room to see the Millers sat at the kitchen table, conversing in hushed tones. They stopped speaking when you approached; Joel kept his gaze down, and Tommy shifted to look at you, offering a polite smile.
“Where’s El?” You asked when you realized they wouldn’t speak unless spoken to.
“Off somewhere.” Tommy was casual about Ellie’s outings. You felt almost jealous of how easy it was for her to go off exploring on her own, taking a horse—her horse—and spending her days wild and free; you wondered what life would have been like for you if you had been granted that type of liberation growing up.
You supposed you would be much more like your aunt.
“Oh,” you tried not to show your disappointment at the younger girl’s absence, or your anxiety at being left alone with the two men currently in your presence. You spoke directly to Tommy, facing him to speak rather than leaving your words ambiguous in the direction of both men. Joel didn’t seem to care, not that you’d be able to read his expression properly if he did. “I have a letter for my aunt. Will you mail it for me?”
“You can mail it yourself today!” Tommy’s grin grew wider, “You’re goin’ on an adventure, girly.”
“What?” You couldn’t begin to hide the surprise in your voice. You hadn’t left the house since you’d arrived, opting to familiarize yourself with the space and the patch of land surrounding it, and the thought of leaving made your stomach churn just a bit.
"You have land, ever think to check on it?" Tommy teased, though he clearly sensed your distress with the way he pulled another chair out from the table, beckoning you silently to sit. You did, crossing your ankles and clasping your hands in your lap.
“When? Now?” You prodded, trying to maintain a shred of dignity, but feeling antsy.
“Slow down, now—in a bit. Y’ever ride a horse before?” Tommy narrowed his eyes at you playfully.
“No.” Joel interrupted before you had a chance to open your mouth.
“I—yes, I have.” You tried to ignore Joel, side-eyeing him while you answered Tommy’s question.
“She’s not takin’ a horse.” Joel was gruff, and you liked the way his accent paired with his deep voice, but that didn’t quell your confusion.
“C’mon, Joel—” Tommy raised his shoulders, something you noticed he did when arguing with his brother.
“No. Too dangerous.” Joel leaned forward, “Not worth the risk.”
Tommy let his shoulders sag, looking between you and Joel. He let out a defeated huff. “What, then—she ridin’ with you?”
With you?
“S’what makes the most sense.” Joel shrugged, nonchalant, and reached for a bottle of something on the table before taking a swig. “Safer.”
You think this may be the most you’d ever heard the elder Miller speak in one sitting, and you didn’t know whether to be honored or threatened that he was talking about you.
“I don’t…I can’t ride that well,” you muttered, feeling as though it was only fair for you to get a say in the outcome of this argument, even if you were agreeing with Joel, “Joel’s right.”
Joel and Tommy locked eyes, and Tommy raised his hands in defeat, before silently leaving the table to prep the horses.
You sat quietly next to Joel, sneaking glances, and listening to him swallow the remaining liquid in the bottle he had in front of him. You felt hot again, unsure of why you had agreed to share a horse—unsure of why it was Joel taking you in the first place, why Tommy couldn’t be your guardian for the day, why you didn’t just take the cart they had picked you up from the train station in.
“Y’alright?” You jumped at the sudden intrusion from your thoughts, looking up at Joel, who stared back at you.
“N—yes, I’m fine…How are you?” You tried desperately to make an awkward situation less awkward, still almost frightened by Joel’s presence despite the way it thrilled you. Joel made a face that neared a smile but still managed to come off as more of a sneer.
“Doin’ fine, darlin’.” He stood, finding his way outside to help Tommy, leaving you to reflect on how stupid you must look trying to engage with him. 
When you mustered up the courage to leave the shack and locate the two men, you found Joel mounted on his horse, Tommy winding the rope they had used to keep the animal close to the house around his fingers. Joel looked statuesque; high and mighty, wide shoulders sending a shadow behind him that you let your shoes toe at in the dirt. The suede of his hat barely hid the graying hair he had pushed back underneath it, and as you studied him atop the white, speckled horse, you found yourself thinking of the Bible verse that had scared you so much as a child, about death and his steed. You felt your thighs tremble and buried the thought.
Tommy snapped you to attention, whistling low.
“You ready?”
“Got that letter?” He smiled at you. You patted your apron pocket, reassuring both Tommy and yourself that the note to your aunt was tucked away safely. “Atta girl. Get on up there, then.” Tommy nodded towards the horse and an uninterested Joel, and you hesitated. There was no mount, no saddle for you, and the Millers seemed to forget that you were shorter than they were—and wearing a dress. You heard Joel huff before he dismounted, boots landing hard on the dirt, crunching rocks underneath him as he walked towards you and, wordlessly, picked you up.
“Joel!” You felt red rush to your face, his arm wrapped tightly around your waist until he stood parallel to the ever-patient horse, where he maneuvered you bridal-style and waited for you to get your legs around the horse’s midriff. You couldn’t look up, stunned and somewhat frozen in place, refusing to make eye contact with an amused Tommy as Joel himself got onto the horse with ease in front of you.
“El jumps. For the record.” Joel muttered at you, “Hold on.” You hesitated again, raising your arms before an impatient Joel delicately connected his hand to one of your own, pulling it against his stomach. “I don’t bite, darlin’.” You could see the white of his teeth when he spoke. You scooted closer, pressing your chest into him slightly as if to test the waters. He didn’t budge.
“Best get a move on,” Tommy reminded you of his presence, “Wanna be back before sundown.”
It had been years since you had ridden a horse. As a child, you knew girls whose parents were wealthy, and could afford the luxury of buying their daughters their own personal mare to parade around. You tried not to feel envious; you were happy for what you had—for everything God granted—but you couldn’t help the flare of envy that rose in your throat when you saw girls braiding the dusty manes of their horses, putting Queen Anne’s lace and dandelions in their tails.
Joel was silent. He hadn’t said a word since Tommy had seen you off on your excursion, and part of you was glad. You could focus on the slow sound of the horse’s hooves against the landscape and the way the breeze knocked the short plants over themselves. You could feel Joel’s stomach expand with every breath he took, your hands still planted cautiously around his waist. You found yourself leaning forward into him every few minutes, the comfort of his back, the friction of his jacket against your cheek keeping you grounded. You jumped where you sat when he turned slightly to spit the chewing tobacco he had in his cheeks.
“Sorry.” Joel grumbled a short apology, and you lowered yourself back onto him hesitantly.
“It’s alright.” Your breathing fell in sync with his. More silence followed, and you tried to think of ways you might break the tension that surrounded you. “Joel?”
“Why did you give me that money?” Your words were quiet, nearly vanishing into the suede of his jacket. Joel didn’t respond for a long while.
“Wanted you to have it,” He shrugged, and you moved with him, his shoulders lifting your neck slightly, “ain’t like you got a job.” His head turned just enough for him to view you in his peripheral, and you looked up at him, not fully convinced by his answer.
You didn’t believe him. “Got land.”
“Not the same, darlin’.” Joel returned his attention to the path in front of him.
“Where’d you get it?”
“The money.”
Joel sighed, as if he had been anticipating your line of questioning. “Y’ask a lot of questions.”
“No, I don’t.”
“You’re difficult, too.” He spoke with an air of amusement.
“Yeah? Well, you’re rude.”
“You don’t address me properly, you don’t look at me when you speak, you drink too much, and you manhandled me earlier.”
“That all?” Joel snorted, amused by your distaste.
“You aren’t a gentleman.” You removed your arms from his waist and placed them at your sides.
“I’m not?” Joel was taunting you now, entertained by your outburst.
“You’re not.”
Joel purposefully kicked at the horse’s side, encouraging it to speed up and cross haphazardly over a brush. You bounced, quickly returning your hands to Joel, wrapping them tighter around him this time, and feeling his stomach vibrate as he chuckled.
“You’re no peach yourself.” Joel brought the horse to a trot once more.
“You ain’t as proper as you act, darlin’. It ain’t hard to tell.”
You spluttered, taken aback by his attack on your virtue. “I hardly know what you mean.”
“I think you do,” Joel brought the horse to a stop, jumping off before reaching out a hand to help you down. “Pretty thing like you in that fancy dress, roughin’ it with three strangers out in th’middle of nowhere.” Joel didn’t wait for you to reach for his hand; instead, he placed his palm on your waist and maneuvered your leg over the side of the horse to let you jump off. “I know you like those card games El taught you. I think you like the idea of letting yourself get a li’l corrupted.” Joel’s eyes were like molasses under the sun, and you averted your gaze, watching his lips move when he spoke instead of trying to make eye contact. The choice only made it worse, pink lips forming his words so precisely that you could practically see his accent. “Where do you think the money came from, sweetheart?”
“I…I can tell you where I hope you got it from…” You felt relief when your feet hit the ground. Joel’s hand didn’t leave your waist, and you looked up at him, realizing that this was the first time you’d seen him smile—all it took was a few insults at his expense, and his own analysis of you.
“A bank.”
“Then that’s where it came from.” He abruptly removed his hand from your waist, and you expected to see a bright red print when you looked down at the spot he had been holding; instead, all you saw was the same blue of your dress, a warm, damp feeling on your hip where you could still feel the excess heat from Joel’s skin. “C’mon. We’re walkin’ the rest of the way.”
You followed him, feeling a bit pathetic at the way you ran to match his stride before he could leave you in the dust.
“But that isn’t where it came from, is it?” You pushed, not done riling yourself up, kicking dirt up on the trail as you walked.
“Why’re you so worried ‘bout where it came from?” Joel stuffed more tobacco in his lip without breaking step.
“I’m—it isn’t worry.” And it wasn’t, to an extent: really, you were just curious to unravel the mystery that the Millers had so plainly laid out for you. That, and with the new knowledge that he had a gun strapped to his hip, something gnawed at you to know any shred of truth you could get out of him. “I’m just curious.”
“I couldn’t tell.” Joel didn’t look at you, but he slowed his pace, putting his hands on his hips. “All money comes from banks, darlin’.”
At that, you dropped the subject, understanding that at the present moment you’d get nothing else out of him. “Why do you call me that?”
“Mm?” Joel’s speed increased again.
“You call me darling. But you don’t call El that.”
“Mm.” Joel mumbled again, in assent this time.
“Do you call my aunt that?”
Joel guffawed, “No—Tess’d serve my head on a platter.”
“So why me?”
“Suits you.” Joel looked down at you, and you avoided his gaze, leaving you unable to see the sudden consternation in his face. “Why? Y’don’t like it?”
“I—no, I didn’t say that…”
You rounded a bend, and the house came into view in the distance; it was old. Worn down, but not nearly as much as the old shack the Millers and El called home. It looked sturdy, at least—like it could sustain life, if someone was there to give it a little love. The thought made you think of Joel, and you didn’t know why.
Maybe you did. Just a little.
You were about to ask more questions, try to get more information out of Joel, when he smacked a hand on your stomach, landing with a thud that made you grab at his wrist to steady yourself.
“Quiet.” He looked stern, a far cry from the grins and giggles he had shared with you, however hesitantly, on the journey. You followed his line of sight, narrowing your eyes against the glare of the sun, and you could make out three men and their horses.
“Joel…?” You whispered now, hand still grasping at his wrist.
“Get down.” You did as you were told, following Joel’s lead and flattening yourself against the sand and pebbles beneath you. The earth was cold, like it had just rained, and you could hear Joel breathing beside you, his arm coming to rest over your back, shielding you. From what? You were unsure. You tried to crane your neck to see what the men were doing—get a glimpse of the people who surrounded your would-be home, who were clearly making Joel antsy—but the weeds were too tall, and the men were too far away. You could hear small crashes every now and then, ground crunching under boots and hooves, unable to make out any conversation. Joel’s hand was heavy on your back, and you could feel his calloused fingers gently brushing against the fabric of your dress. Whether it was subconscious on his part or not, you couldn’t complain; it felt soothing in the midst of whatever you had stumbled into.
You don’t know how long you lay in the dirt before you heard a whistle, and the sound of horses running too close to you for comfort.
When you peaked your head up again, Joel quickly moved his hand up your back and clapped it on the back of your neck, bringing you down to his level, close enough to see the sweat dripping from his temples. “You stay right here.” He didn’t give you any time to respond with so much as a nod before he was lifting himself off of the ground and grabbing the pistol from his hip, walking slowly toward the house; gun drawn, head down, steps silent. You counted the seconds until you were given a sign that you, too, could remove yourself from the ground.
“S’alright,” Joel called over his shoulder to you, “c’mon down here.”
You caught up to him, wiping what you could of the dirt off of your dress and stretching your limbs after lying idly for so long.
“Can I please have an explanation,” you stomped as you approached him, “as to what that was about?”
“Later,” Joel muttered, “Get inside.”
You meandered towards the entrance to the house, the small wooden door looked as though it might fall off its hinges if you pushed too hard, so you tried to open it with grace despite your frustration. Leaning against the frame, your head fell, neck stiff from your attempts to follow the action from your spot in the weeds, and you spotted a piece of paper in the grass.
You bent down, grabbing the torn paper and dusting it off as best you could. Your heartbeat picked up, and the hot air made you feel suddenly thirsty and dazed. The muscles in your knees tightened.
“What’cha got, darlin’?” Joel made his way to the door, ready to get out of the sun.
You pushed the paper into him, and you’re sure you must have looked an ugly combination of hurt and outrage, glaring at him when you pressed it between his ribs. If he was worried, his face hardly gave it away; the cold look he always wore marred only by a bit of mud and furrowed brows as he delicately slipped the paper from your hands and brought it up to his face.
$5,000.00 REWARD
Joel smiled at the poster in his hands, tracing the sketches of himself and his brother with his eyes, then moving his gaze down to you. You continued to glare, now feeling unafraid to look him dead in the eye despite what you had just learned.
“Told you, it all comes from a bank.” Joel sounded almost sheepish, but you couldn’t tell if it was because he now knew someone was looking for him, or if it was because of how quickly the ad had turned you against him.
You turned on your heel, and slammed the door in his face, not caring if the hinges broke and the wood splintered out at him.
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didishawn · 1 year
Hey bestie!!!! Your works are chef kiss 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼 uhm I was wondering if you can write angst w Ferran? Idk like there's an argument n he says something hurtful?? Miss ma'am tbh I have no clue what im requesting😭😭 all ik is that I'd like some angst ending in fluff pls??? N ur writing is amazing so 🤌🏼
Broken souls (Ferran x Reader)
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Warnings: angsty with happy ending, mentions of Ferran's insecurities and mental health, mentions of the internet being assholes, Sira mention (not in a truly bad way as the girl is amazing)
You know Ferran adores Barça and loves playing in it, it's where his best friends play and 9ne the best club's out there, but sometimes you can't help but wonder if things would be better had he stayed in Manchester City.
Words can bring down even the happiest of people, that person who everyone knows to be the nicest, the funniest, being broken by people on the Internet feeling the need to comment on all his flaws and creating insecurities.
It's terrible for anyone, brings them down, worsens their mental health and makes them sometimes not be themselves.
Your boyfriend, you know is broken, as months pass by he becomes even more of a shell of his true self, he might pretend everything is alright out there, but you know it isn't.
He overworks himself, training hours not enough for him, locking himself in the gym or using the goalie on your backyard to practice until late night hours, then waking up even before the sun rises.
You know he is exhausted, but he refuses to stop, you are worried about what will happen to him, you have told him so multiple times, and the screaming match you both are having right now is a repetition, already happened.
"I just told you to please come to bed, I don't think there is nothing wrong with it!" you shout at him, trying to get your words through that thick head of his, he shakes his head, a smile that is not truthful, almost cruel.
"You don't fucking understand, don't you? How can I go to bed when I fucking suck! Its almost as if you have fun seeing how terrible I am!"
"How can you say that? You know I am your biggest supporter! I just think you should also keep in mind to take care of yourself!"
He gives a dry laugh, face to face with you as he glares down at you, you are not afraid though, you know he would never hurt you -at least not with his hands that he furiously moves around and points at you.
"Really? Because I think you enjoy it, having all culers hating on me, maybe you like that I have no one by my side to have me all for yourself! Always so fucking clingy" he sighs "Sira understood..."
You both tense, his eyes snap into yours, apologetic, trying to reach out for you.
"Love, I'm-"
"Fuck you, Ferran. If Sira was so much better then she can take care of you so you don't fucking die from exhaustion" you are in tears "I fucking care for you and you just treat me as if I was a parasite, someone you don't actually love, maybe you didn't want a girlfriend -at least not me as its obvious you did want Sira, you wanted someone to keep your house clean and all that shit so meanwhile you repay me like this"
You walk away from his, you don't let him grab you a she wants, picking up your purse and intentionally leaving the house keys behind. You stop, see the promise ring on your finger, and go to take it off, his hands stop you.
"Please, amor, don't do that I promise I will try to do better, ok? You are right, I am sorry for treating you like shit, I promise I will listen to what you say"
You laugh "Only when you are about to lose me do you react, how can I believe your words for a second if maybe this conversation will repeat itself in a week"
"It won't, ok? I swear, y/n, I will do my best so there is no repetition on this, I want you, I love you, I won't be able to do this without you. I know I am an asshole, bit the one good thing I have is you and I will make sure to always remind it"
You think it over for a second, dropping your purse you let his arms wrap around you, taking a moment in them, you then go on to whisper.
"You are still sleeping on the couch after that Sira comment"
"Totally worth it if you stay"
142 notes · View notes
heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
She Gets the Last Word Part 3
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: You're going to learn one way or another not to mess with the First Lady
Synopsis: An Instagram live featuring Anitta was the absolute last straw when she mentioned the First Lady. She catches wind of it and realizes that there is truly only one way to settle this
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Slight NSFW 18+
Requested by my baby @hoodharlow​ 😘🥰
Read part 1 and part 2 first
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
“Baby?” You said to Jack in order to get his attention. The both of you were laying down with Jack lying on top of your chest.
“Yes mamas?”
“I’m thirsty so I’m going downstairs. Do you want anything?”
“Jackman! I meant to eat or drink!”
“Uh yeah, my wife.”
“I can’t with you. Baby, move over so I can get up.”
“I’ll be right back!”
“You have thirty seconds starting now.”
“Jack, it’s going to take at least thirty seconds to get your ass off of me.”
“Not you fat shaming me.” Jack said while looking down at you from his rightful spot on top of your boobs. 
“No one even said that so stop being dramatic. I’ll be right back.”
“Give me a kiss and I’ll let you go.”
“Fine.” You leaned down to plant multiple kisses on your husband and when he was satisfied, he finally rolled off of you so you could get up.
“I’m already missing you! Don’t take too long!”
“I promise I won’t, it’ll be less than five minutes..”
While you were downstairs, Jack suddenly got a notification on his instagram saying that Anitta went live and he had been mentioned. He immediately rolled his eyes and wasn’t going to bother clicking on it since he knew that this was dangerous territory from previous experiences. You had almost fought her at least two times before and he was trying for there not to be a third time. 
And once he did, he immediately regretted it.
“Shoutout to Donatella Versace for custom-making this outfit, and shoutout to Jack Harlow 'cause he's gonna be taking it off of me tonight, I need everyone to make sure that his bitch of a wife is occupied while he does.”
Oh, fuck. 
Not wanting for you to find out, Jack quickly left the live, and simply threw his phone to the side and waited for you to come back.
He was trying to do something to occupy himself and keep his composure before you came back so that you wouldn’t notice that anything was wrong.
Two minutes later you came back and noticed that Jack was looking a little nervous which left you confused.
“Smush? You okay?” You asked concerned and brushed one of your hands through his curls as you settled back down beside him.
“I’m fine, baby girl.”
“Then why do you look so nervous? Did something happen in the two minutes I was gone?” You asked while laughing wondering what possibly could have occurred. 
“I’ll get it out of you sooner or later. I always do.”
“It’s nothing mamas.”
“Don’t you think I know when you aren’t telling me the truth by now? We’ve been together for almost ten years.”
“I just… I don’t want you to worry about it. Let’s just finish watching the movie.”
“Jack, you don’t want me to worry about what exactly?”
“Baby girl, it’s nothing. I promise.”
“If it wasn’t nothing, you wouldn’t be this nervous to tell me. Baby, come on. Whatever it is, we’ll get through it and deal with it like we always do.” You said while leaning over to kiss his cheek. 
Just then your phone went off signaling an incoming facetime call from your best friend Saweetie and you immediately answered.
Now Jack knew he was in for it because he had a good feeling as to why she was calling you.
“Hey! What’s going on?” You answered with a smile. It had been about two days since the last time you two had a facetime call. But, being best friends you made sure to text each other every day.
“What? Girl, why would I watch that? I could care less about her.”
“Baby, you about to care about this. She said and I quote “Shoutout to Donatella Versace for custom-making this outfit, and shoutout to Jack Harlow 'cause he's gonna be taking it off of me tonight, I need everyone to make sure that his bitch of a wife is occupied while he does.”
You were quiet for a few minutes trying to take in what Saweetie had just told you.
Oh, so she was really asking for it now
“I’m sorry, what? Come again?”
Jack knew he was done for. 
“And she and her fans were tagging Jack during the entire thing! He didn’t say anything to you?! I think they were saying he logged on at one point but didn’t say anything.She was eating that shit right up when her fans started bashing you.”
Jack was now trying to make an escape out of the bedroom, but you quickly caught him out of the corner of your eye. 
“Jackman Thomas stop right there and get your ass back here. Di, let me call you back.”
“Oh shit, don’t kill your husband.”
“No promises.”
Once you hung up, you threw your phone to the side and crossed your arms while looking up at your husband.
“Yes?” Jack answered while rubbing the back of his neck indicating his nervousness.
“Did you log onto her live and not tell me?”
“Did you hear her say that?”
“Kinda sorta.”
“I heard it, but baby I didn’t mention it because she’s not important!”
“Oh, so this is why you were acting all nervous and shit when I came back, huh?”
“Y/N, let it go, please. You know that she is nothing compared to you. I love you and that’s it. That’s all. End of story.”
“Nuh uh. I told that bitch that she had one more time and this is strike three. Imma kick her ass now.”
“No! She’s asking for it and she doesn’t know when to quit.”
“This is exactly what she wants! She wants to get a reaction out of you.”
“Well she fucking got it. I can’t believe you weren’t even going to say anything to me.”
“Admit it. You weren’t. Saweetie had to be the one to tell me and not the person that I’m married to. Do you not see anything wrong with that picture?”
“I thought because she’s not important that it wouldn’t matter.”
“Well you thought wrong.”
“Come here, stink.” Jack sat down on the bed and pulled you onto his lap and kissed your forehead.
“What?” You asked while crossing your arms.
“First of all, lose the attitude before I fuck it out of you. Second, I love you. You know that right?”
“I know, I love you too." You muttered back while trying to look anywhere and everywhere except your husband's eyes.
“You know you’re the only one for me, right?”
“Yes, but you’re mine and I can’t understand why people want to be so disrespectful of that.”
“I agree baby. But you are literally the only person to ever make my heart skip a beat and have butterflies and shit. No one else will ever come close.”
“Stop smush!” You exclaimed while hiding in the crook of his neck.
“I’m serious!” Jack moved you to the side so that he could lift your chin in order to be able to face him. 
“I know you are. I just…. It’s hard to see people talk about your husband and be disrespectful. It’s like we’re married so she needs to back off. If she doesn’t want to be single so bad, she needs to get a boyfriend.”
“I know and the best thing we can do is to ignore it.”
“But!” Jack immediately cut you off with a kiss. 
“Baby, promise me.”
"I'm from the southside of Atlanta and you know good and damn well that I don't play that shit. Someone needs to put that bitch down."
"Y/N, I'm serious."
"I know shit is serious when you're calling me by my first name."
"I'm going to need for you to do better. All of this fighting shit needs to stop. We're trying to build our future and we need to focus on that and not you kicking someone's ass on a weekly basis."
"I don't care if they deserve it either. I need you to promise me and once again lose the damn attitude."
“I promise.” you replied and Jack leaned down to kiss you once more. 
Not being satisfied with your tone of voice, Jack then eyed you and made a face.
"Lay down. Now.”
"Or what?"
"One of these days Mrs. Harlow is going to learn to stop testing me and getting an attitude." Jack replied while reaching under your shirt and massaging your left breast which resulted in a soft moan erupting from you.
"I.. don't have..  an attitude." You replied between breaths as Jack began to place soft kisses on the side of your neck that was facing him before replacing his mouth with his hand slightly choking you making you whimper.
"You sure about that?" Jack asked while slipping your shirt over your head and making the motion to slide you off of his lap and lay you down.
You stayed quiet as Jack then removed your shorts leaving you completely bare in front of him.
"I asked you a question, baby." You heard him say as he reached down to massage small circles on your clit making you whimper.
"I'm sure." 
"Well I beg to differ. Keep them legs spread."
You, Danielle, Saweetie, and Nicole decided to do a small get together and the four of you decided to go to dinner and go bowling afterwards since Jack was currently in New York and you could use the company and the distraction from the instagram live that had taken place.
All of you were in Atlanta, and Nicole wasn't taking any summer classes so you invited her to come along.
You admit that you weren't very good at bowling. None of you were, however, it was still fun nonetheless.
It was your turn when you heard the familiar voice of the one person who you couldn't stand.
"Well, well, well, look who it is. You actually let your husband go somewhere by himself?"
You were doing your best to ignore her and focused on the pins that were staring back at you at the end of the lane to knock as many down as possible.
"No this bitch didn't." You heard Saweetie say from behind you.
"She needs to take her ass on somewhere."
"I know you heard me, little girl."
You tossed the ball down the lane before turning to the left to look at her. 
"I'm going to need for you to stay over there and mind your own business."
"Or what? Is Mrs. Harlow going to beat my ass? I'd like to see you try. Don't like being called little girl huh?"
"Oh shit, her hoe ass is asking for it now." Danielle added while looking over at her.
"Keep in mind, my husband isn't here to hold me back so watch your mouth."
"You would've thought that she learned from the last two times." Nicole muttered while rolling her eyes.
Danielle then stepped in front of you to peer up at Anitta since she was shorter than her as well.
"Walk away. You don't want to go there with her."
"Aw! How cute! Big sister has to step in and fight your battles for you."
"Not at all. She can defend herself just fine. However, if you step towards my little sister, you're going to have to deal with me too."
"I'm not scared of you or her little self for that matter."
"Famous last words." Nicole said while shaking her head. 
"Anitta, I have given you multiple opportunities to walk away and yet you're still over here in my face."
"Hmm oh how did you like my Instagram live? Can't wait until Jack can take a dress off me."
All you saw was red.
You reached past Danielle and lunged at her making her fall backwards and slide under one of the many chairs that was set up near the lane she was bowling in.
"Get off of me you crazy bitch!"
"Oh! I got your crazy bitch alright!" You said while landing another punch as she was trying her best to push you off of her.
Just then Nicole noticed one of Anitta's friends trying to come up behind you to attempt to throw a punch at you and she immediately stepped in.
"Don't you fucking touch my cousin, bitch!"
Two more of Anitta's friends came over to attempt to defend her and that was when Danielle as well as Saweetie stepped in.
“Bitch if you make me break a nail I swear!”
“See, yall talked all that shit and can’t even fight!”
“We from the southside of Atlanta and we don’t play that shit.”
At one point, you were now standing and grabbed Anitta by her hair as she was kicking and screaming and threw her down one of the bowling alley lanes actually knocking down the pins.
"Now that's what I call a strike." You said aloud and could hear Danielle, Saweetie, and Nicole laughing.
You looked down at your right hand to see that one of your nails had broken and you rolled your eyes.
"Your dumbass made me break a nail."
All you could hear was Anitta moaning as you squatted down to face her.
She was bleeding from only God knew where and you didn't feel bad for her one bit.
She got what was coming to her and she was asking for it for almost eight months.
"I warned your bitch ass to stay away from me and my man. Now look what happened. I don’t know why your ass is up here crying. Maybe next time you'll actually listen to directions and stay the fuck away. And hire a new hairdresser. Those tracks came out a little too easily. I always get the last word." You state while tossing the loose track in her face. 
Just then you heard sirens outside and looked at your older sister with wide eyes.
"Go out the back go go! I'll get our purses." You heard Saweetie say as you slipped off your heels in an attempt to be able to get your car faster. 
Once the four of you were safely in your car, the realization of what had just happened was finally starting to set in.
"Finally! That bitch deserved it!" Nicole exclaimed while checking to make sure that she didn't break any nails.
"She did but…"
"But what, Y/N?"
"Jack is going to be so mad at me."
Meanwhile Jack was in New York currently looking at a necklace that he got for you. It had his initial J on it and it was in rose gold. He couldn’t wait to be able to give it to you when he flew back to Atlanta in the next three days.
Just then Urban shoved his phone into Jack’s face to show him something on his timeline on instagram. 
“Watch this! Watch how this girl literally threw the other one down the lane in the bowling alley!”
Jack took Urban’s phone and was watching the fight unfold from the beginning. 
“Got damn, did she tear her tracks out?!”
“And she’s so much smaller in comparison to the other girl, but she kicked her ass. I wonder what started the whole thing.”
“Who knows?”
“How much do you wanna bet it was probably over a guy?” 
“Probably was. Do you think Y/N will like this?” Jack asked, showing Urban the necklace.
“If it has anything to do with you, you know that she’ll love it.”
Just then Jack had an incoming facetime call from you.
“And look at that, you talked her up.” Urban said while walking out of the room.
“Hey my baby!”
“Hey babe! How are you?”
“I’m good, you surviving without me?” Jack asked and you simply shrugged.
“I’m doing the best that I can, but I mean the girls can only keep me entertained for so long.”
“EW! SPARE US THE DETAILS!” Jack heard Nicole yell and all he did was laugh.
“Well it won’t be too much longer and I’ll be back. And what are you still doing up?”
“You already know that I can’t go to sleep unless I talk to you first.”
“I know.”
Just then you moved your hand in front of the camera and Jack caught sight of your broken nail.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“I just got your nails done before I left and you broke one already?”
“Oh, you know me. Just a little clumsy at times. I’ll call her to get it fixed tomorrow.”
“You okay, mamas?” Jack asked while eyeing you. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but something wasn’t right.
“Yes, why do you ask?”
“I don’t know…. You just seem a little off. I just want to make sure my baby is good.”
“I promise I am. I’m about to go to sleep so I love you and can’t wait to see you on Friday.”
“Love you too, baby girl.”
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Liked by jackharlowsource, laflare1017, champagnepapi, druski2funny, normani, theestallion, and 3,293,861 others
theshaderoom: yall remember that video we posted the other day with two girls fighting in the bowling alley in Atlanta? we have officially gotten word that it was none other than Y/N the First Lady of Private Garden and Anitta!! Eye witness accounts state that Anitta went up to Y/N first, however it is believed that the First Lady threw the first punch! We’ll be sharing details as we learn more!
jackharlowsource: oh shit does jackharlow know his wife is still out in these streets fighting? 
druski2funny: y/ninsta THREW HER DOWN THE DAMN LANE!!!! jackharlow GET YOUR WIFE LMAOOOO
lilnasx: all I saw were tracks flying lmaoooo wheww anitta you should have known better girl! y/n don’t play about her man! strike three!
jackandy/naremyparents: come on y/ninsta we love you, but how much longer are you going to keep fighting people for?
thestallion: wait one damn minute, I spy saweetie, mortirolo, and danivalentine 😭😭😭
urbanjack24: did yall notice how all of them are staying quiet as hell? lmaooo but anitta deserved it. y/ninsta kept warning her
druski2funny: anitta how them floorboards taste? you shoulda known better than to play with my girl!
softtcurse: so sad I missed this in person. y/ninsta I am so proud of you for standing up for yourself and kicking that bitch’s ass
urbanwyatt: YASMIN!
softtcurse: urbanwyatt what? what I say?
jackharlowsource: DJ drama is going to end up dropping her ass if she keeps this up. Jack has the patience of a saint but he deserves better from his wife. this makes all of privategarden look bad
Jack was in disbelief as he scrolled through the multiple comments and the tags of the most recent post on the shade room.
All of PG was with him and no one was uttering a word, not knowing if it was safe to do so or not. Jack’s jaw was clenched and the famous neck vein was sticking out.
“Umm, Jack?”
He didn’t even bother responding. 
“Look I know you didn’t want her fighting but the girl deserved it.” Shloob said while passing his blunt to Urban who had a look of disbelief on his face.
“And she didn’t say anything to you?”
“Nope, and she had called me that night and acted as if nothing was wrong.”
Jack was then trying to call you, but it would go to voicemail every single time.
“She has to know that you know. I have never seen a time when she didn’t answer a call or a text from you.”
Jack then sent a text to Neelam who he knew already was aware of what you had done.
Jack- I need to get on a flight to Atlanta in the next hour
Neelam- You still have some things to do first
Jack- It can wait. I need to go and talk to my wife
Neelam- Just call her
Jack- Nah, this needs to be said in person
Jack had then landed in enough time in order to get to your show and was going to confront you before you went on stage. He couldn’t wait until after.
All he could see was red and couldn’t believe that you would keep something like this from him.
Once he got to the arena, Brandi was the first one to spot him and was trying her best to calm him down before he went to see you.
“Jack, I know you’re mad...”
“With all due respect Brandi, you don’t know a got damn thing right now. Where is my wife?”
Brandi simply pointed in the direction of your dressing room and Jack was soon in the doorway. He peeked in to see you, Julissa, Danielle, Saweetie, and Nicole and made a note to get on them later for letting you fight and not pulling you away.
Nicole was the first to spot him. 
“Oh, shit.” You heard her mutter and turned to see that you were now face to face with a pissed off husband.  
“Everybody, out now. I need to talk to my wife.”
Everyone filed out of the room and you were actually legit scared of what was about to happen.
“Yeah, pookie?”
“Cut the fucking shit right now. So you decide to fight her even though I told you to let it go? And end up on TMZ and The Shade Room? Oh, and not answering your phone when I called you? You knew what the hell you did and you weren’t even about to tell me?”
“Don’t fucking interrupt me because I’m not done. Do you… do you not realize how that makes you look? How it makes all of PG look? You’re better than that, at least I thought you were. You get mad when I keep shit from you but you turn around and do the exact same thing.”
“I’m not waiting for a got damn thing. You promised me that you would stop doing this shit and I turn around and here we are again? Why are you even crying? Your tears really aren’t doing anything for you right now so stop. I am so disappointed in you, I can’t even begin to explain how much. So, this is the type of example you want to set for our kids? Because you know they’re going to see this one day, right?”
“That is not fair and you know it! I was defending myself because she legit started it. I was going to ignore her, but she kept going!”
“And I’m about to get on Saweetie, Danielle, and Nicole for just letting it happen.”
“Don’t blame them.”
“How can I not? They were with you weren’t they?”
“Baby, I’m sorry, okay?”
“Nah, sorry is not cutting it. I am so tired of you pulling this shit.”
“You cannot always fight your battles with your actual fists all the damn time, you’re an adult so you need to act like one. We aren’t in high school anymore.”
You were sitting there quiet because for once you were at a loss for words.
“Like Y/N, you promised me and what? You forgot and that shit went out the window?”
You remained quiet and didn’t offer a response.
“So, you don’t have anything to say now?”
“I said I was sorry, smush.” You tried to come closer to Jack to embrace him, but he immediately backed up.
That definitely stung.
“You can be sorry all you want, but it won’t mean anything if you don’t do better.”
Without another word, Jack left out of your dressing room and you were left to sit there and reflect on everything that had happened in the past week. The tears wouldn’t be stopping anytime soon. 
He then cornered Saweetie, Danielle, and Nicole in the hallway and they knew that they were about to be in for it.
“So, yall just let her fight her huh?”
“No, I told yall to keep an eye on her and keep her company, not have her fight and the three of you jump in too! You didn’t even try to stop her!”
“In our defense, Anitta did start talking shit first.”
“Okay? Ignore that shit. All three of you are too old to be acting like that and that is the exact same thing that I told her.”
“We had to defend her!”
“Yall trying to justify what you need is not going to fly with me. And Danielle you’re the oldest so I kind of expected more from you. That’s your little sister yes but come on.”
“Jack if you would have heard how she was talking to Y/N...” Danielle started to say but was immediately cut off. 
“I’m done talking about this, I just…. The four of yall are dead wrong.”
“Wait, Jack where are you going?”
“Tell her I’ll see her at home, I’m too pissed off right now.”
It had been two weeks since everything went down and it was safe to say that Jack was barely speaking to you.
You couldn’t blame him, however, one thing that you’re always going to do is defend yourself.
There was so much tension in the house and Urban was doing his best to keep the peace, but it didn’t seem like anything was working.
You had made one of Jack’s favorite desserts as a peace offering and he didn’t even touch it.
2fo ended up eating it. 
Wanting for this to be over with, you went upstairs to your shared bedroom to confront him.
Jack was scrolling on his phone and didn’t even make a point to look at you when you walked into the room which has never been the case. 
“What?” Jack answered you but still didn’t take his eyes off of his phone. 
“Are you still mad?”
“Not as much as I was before but yes.. Did you need something?”
“I… I really am sorry.”
“You know how you can prove to me that you are?”
“What’s that?”
“You seriously need to go to therapy and anger management.”
“Were you expecting me to say something else?”
“I really didn’t know what to expect.” You replied being completely honest. 
“Seriously, you need to do it because I don’t feel comfortable bringing a child into this situation.”
“No, I'm not budging on this. I’m not having you walk around here mad and angry at the world because someone decided to say something about one of us with you carrying our child. They can sense that shit. And you aren’t about to put yourself or our child at risk. You know how your anger is.”
You sighed before replying to him knowing that he was right. 
“I guess that makes sense. I promise I’ll go.”
“Don’t promise me anything, show me. You promised me that you wouldn’t fight her and look how that turned out.”
“I’ll try my best to do better.”
Just then you got a text on your phone from Brandi.
Brandi- Y/N, I don’t want you to panic but....
You- Out with it Brandi
Brandi- I’m pretty sure that Anitta is going to press charges
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ninadove · 13 days
Nina reads Dracula 🦇
May 24th
And we’re back, thank goodness!!! I’ve been so worried about my good friend Jonathan! I can’t wait to hear how he outsmarted the Count and made it out safely and —
Letter, Lucy Westenra to Mina Murray.
But hey, it’s the girls! I love the girls! Let’s see if they’ve been building any castles in the air recently.
My dear, it never rains but it pours. How true the old proverbs are. Here am I, who shall be twenty in September, and yet I never had a proposal till to-day, not a real proposal, and to-day I have had three. Just fancy! THREE proposals in one day! Isn't it awful!
This is my idea of a nightmare actually. But!!! More points for the poly theory!!!
I feel sorry, really and truly sorry, for two of the poor fellows.
Nevermind, they didn’t pass the vibe check. (Or did they?)
You and I, Mina dear, who are engaged and are going to settle down soon soberly into old married women, can despise vanity.
Cottagecore sapphics anyone? 💖
I told you of him, Dr. John Seward, the lunatic-asylum man, with the strong jaw and the good forehead. He was very cool outwardly, but was nervous all the same. He had evidently been schooling himself as to all sorts of little things, and remembered them; but he almost managed to sit down on his silk hat, which men don't generally do when they are cool, and then when he wanted to appear at ease he kept playing with a lancet in a way that made me nearly scream.
Wasn’t he supposed to be the cool unaffected one? Maybe Lucy just has this effect on people.
He was going to tell me how unhappy he would be if I did not care for him, but when he saw me cry he said that he was a brute and would not add to my present trouble. […] And then, Mina, I felt a sort of duty to tell him that there was some one. I only told him that much, and then he stood up, and he looked very strong and very grave as he took both my hands in his and said he hoped I would be happy, and that if I ever wanted a friend I must count him one of my best.
GOOD!!!!! I LIKE HIM!!!!!
Well, my dear, number Two came after lunch. He is such a nice fellow, an American from Texas —
[Miraculous flashabacks] DON’T —
I know now what I would do if I were a man and wanted to make a girl love me.
Normal Things To Tell Your Bestie, 99th edition
Mr. Quincey P. Morris found me alone. It seems that a man always does find a girl alone. No, he doesn't, for Arthur tried twice to make a chance, and I helping him all I could; I am not ashamed to say it now.
I must tell you beforehand that Mr. Morris doesn't always speak slang—that is to say, he never does so to strangers or before them, for he is really well educated and has exquisite manners—but he found out that it amused me to hear him talk American slang, and whenever I was present, and there was no one to be shocked, he said such funny things. […]
'Miss Lucy, I know I ain't good enough to regulate the fixin's of your little shoes, but I guess if you wait till you find a man that is you will go join them seven young women with the lamps when you quit. Won't you just hitch up alongside of me and let us go down the long road together, driving in double harness?'
OK BUT THIS IS LITERALLY SO SWEET he personalised it and even made fun of himself to diffuse the tension 🥺
And then, my dear, before I could say a word he began pouring out a perfect torrent of love-making, laying his very heart and soul at my feet. He looked so earnest over it that I shall never again think that a man must be playful always, and never earnest, because he is merry at times.
I burst into tears—I am afraid, my dear, you will think this a very sloppy letter in more ways than one—
Why can't they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save all this trouble?
'If that other fellow doesn't know his happiness, well, he'd better look for it soon, or he'll have to deal with me. Little girl, your honesty and pluck have made me a friend, and that's rarer than a lover; it's more unselfish anyhow. My dear, I'm going to have a pretty lonely walk between this and Kingdom Come. Won't you give me one kiss? It'll be something to keep off the darkness now and then. You can, you know, if you like, for that other good fellow—he must be a good fellow, my dear, and a fine fellow, or you could not love him—hasn't spoken yet.' That quite won me, Mina, for it was brave and sweet of him, and noble, too, to a rival—wasn't it?—and he so sad; so I leant over and kissed him.
Honestly? Mood. I am utterly charmed by this cowboy.
Now number 3 has to be something.
P.S.—Oh, about number Three—I needn't tell you of number Three, need I? Besides, it was all so confused; it seemed only a moment from his coming into the room till both his arms were round me, and he was kissing me. I am very, very happy, and I don't know what I have done to deserve it. I must only try in the future to show that I am not ungrateful to God for all His goodness to me in sending to me such a lover, such a husband, and such a friend.
OK OK I am willing to accept that the strength of your feelings can’t be transcribed into words. But still.
In conclusion: these are Lucy’s three boyfriends, and yes, they eat garlic bread. 🧄🥖
(Also the contrast with Dracula’s roommates did not go unnoticed)
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