#and then rouge and pauline
scribblekatz · 2 months
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a wip i have yet to even attempt at finishing but. what if we were both girls and pink
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I missed a lot of characters, but I can only fit so many pictures on-screen so I have to make up for it in the tags
I can only use 30 tags though so I couldn’t do every single character that I wanted to, feel free to add more
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1045: A Start of a Brand New Year! (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
10:45 a.m. Outside of La Shy Guy's Café......
Sonic: (Takes a Sip of his Frappuccino Before Letting Out a Satisfied Sigh) We made it through another year, fellas.
Shadow: With little to no regrets attached.
Mario: (Smiles Softly) And a new beginning for each of us take head on. (Takes a Sip of His Caffé Mocha Before Putting his Cup Down on the Cup Plate) So what kind of resolutions you boys have planned for this new year?
Shadow: Get more sleep and relaxation. ('Sigh') But given what my recent work schedule looks like, I doubt that would happen anytime soon....(Takes a Sip of his Black Coffee Before Turning his Head to Sonic) What about you, Sonic?
Sonic: Huh. (Starts Using his Finger to Scratch the Top of his Head a Little) I haven't really give it much thought as of late....Though I did say I wanted to explore the world more.
Mario: Ooh! Speaking of which, I've been thinking. How about we all spend our next family vacation at the New Donk City this summer.
Sonic: New Donk City, huh?
Shadow: Isn't that one of the locations you venture through in one of your adventures?
Mario: (Happily Nodded) Yep. It's also the place your Uncle Luigi and I grew up in. Kind of. (Gives Sonic and Shadow his Phone With a Picture of Huge City) It used to to be called New York City till Pauline decided to change York to Donk when she became mayor.
Sonic: (Snaps his Fingers) Ah yeah. I remember Yoshi telling me about her once. Was she really your ex at one point in your life?
Mario: That's right. We started dating during our high school. She was one of popular girls in our class...(Chuckles Lightly) And I was the dork that somehow peaked her interest. (Smiles Softly at the Memories) Doesn't change the fact that we enjoyed each other's company though. We eat out at a local burger joint together everyday after school, walked home together, go to the movies and watch any action pack and cheesy romance films they were showing off at the time, you name it and we'd probably might've done that at one point. But eventually, when we grew older and jumpstarted our respective businesses, we....drifted apart from there. It'll be nice for the two of us to catch up more properly. ('Sigh') And here's hoping your mother get along and don't get too jealous of her.....
Shadow: I'd never pictured mother to be the jealous type....
Mario: She doesn't act that way all too often, but when she does, hooooo boy, it definitely shows! I remember this one when her and I went to this really fancy restaurant at the Mushroom Kingdom and....
As Mario goes on to explain his princess' jealous side, Sonic been strolling and looking through all the pictures his father took so far on his phone. That is until he stumbled one in particular that made his eyes widened in shock, making him feel the need to throw up before swallowing it all in and panting rapidly
Shadow: (Turns to the Blue Blur Beside Him) Is everything alright, Sonic?
Sonic: ('Sighs Heavily') Yeah.....I just saw something.....REALLY horrifying on dad's phone right now?
Shadow: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Like what exactly?
Sonic: You sure you wanna know what it is? It'll might sacre you for life.
Shadow: ('Hmph') Please. I've seen far worse in the past. I'm sure whatever it is you saw might not be as bad as you- (Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened at the Picture Sonic Shows to Him in Front of his Face) I-Is that-
Sonic: Yep.
Shadow: Wearing a-
Sonic: Uhhh-huh.
Shadow slowly turns to Mario who is still talking.
Mario: And when I ask for a receipt, she-
Shadow: Father!
Mario: Y-Yes, Shadow?
Shadow: ('Clears Throat') Forgive me intrusion from telling us of your story, but.....(Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking Again) Could you please tell us why there's a picture of you wearing a....very.....seductive bunny outfit?
Mario: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) A seductive bunny out- (Eyes Immediately Widens as He Gasps at the Realization) Oh no. Oh nonononononono! (Quickly Snatches the Phone Out of Sonic's Hands) You two weren't supposed to see any of that!!!
Shadow: Well, unfortunately for the both of us, we did.
Sonic: (Crosses his Arms) And now you got a a lot of explaining to do, Mr. Bunny Boi.
Mario: B-But-
Shadow: Now, father.
Mario: ('Sighs in Utter Defeat') Okay, so.....Last year, on the night of Easter, your mother suggested that we should try something special for the occasion. So she had me wearing that bunny suit and....well...uhhh....(Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth in a Flustered Like Manner) Y-You see, when a man and a woman love each other very much, they-
Sonic: (Quickly Turn his Head Away While Waving Both of his Hands in Defense) Nonono! Don't even try to finish that sentence! I do not wanna hear any talk about the birds and the bees crap from our old man!!
Mario: (Gives Sonic a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Sonic, you're a growing hedgehog with a girlfriend to love and cherish. You're going to have to learn about this kind of stuff sooner or later.
Shadow: He's right. There's no point of ignoring it any longer. But considering how immature you still are, I doubt you would learn much anyways.
Sonic: (Immediately Glares at Shadow) Uh excuse you!?
Shadow: Not excused.
Sonic: Shut up! I'm way more mature than any of you give me credit for!
Shadow: (Raises an Eyebrow) Really? Then how come you're still afraid of water?
Sonic: Hey, I have no control on what scares me or not, okay? And besides, I'm not scared of EVERYTHING water related. I drink a bottle of water after a good workout, water some plants for Mrs. Crocodile's garden, and let's not forget that I have take many showers!....on occasions.
Shadow: .......How that Rose would fall for someone like you will always be mystery to me.
Sonic: At least I have a girlfriend! Meanwhile, you're a workaholic with hardly any social skills.
Shadow: I work for a highly professional agency, Sonic. I don't have all the time in the world to go out and socialize.
Sonic: Oh but have you time to hang out with Rouge, Omega, Lil Sis, and ESPECIALLY mom!
Shadow: That's because they're family, smart-ass! You know as well as I do that I would do anything for them.
Sonic: Which is all fine and dandy and all, but I'm just saying: you keep being a lone hedgehog long enough...(Smirks at Shadow) You'll be known as the Ultimate Virgin in no time.
Shadow: Bold of you to predict a false future scenario, lover boy. Assuming your relationship with Rose would even last that long.
Sonic: (Slowly Turns his Head Back to Shadow With Another Glare) I beg your pardon.
Shadow: Pardon not excuse.
Mario: (Watches the Two Hedgehogs Continues to Argue Among One Another With the Same Deadpinned Expression on his Face) (First day of the new years and those two are already at each other's throat. ('Sigh') So much for wishful thinking I guess....)
Mario picks up his phone from the table and begins to read the message that was just sent by Peach
Peach: Oh Mario!~ I just found out that this year will be the Year of the Rabbits!
Peach: And guess who will be play alongside you as the world's sexist bunnies of our bedroom tonight?~
Mario blushes bright red as he sees a picture sent to him, of Peach wearing a pink, seductive bunny suit winking and blowing a kiss at the screen, with a text below that says "Can't Wait for Our Lovely Night Together, Mr. Bunny Boi~"
Mario: ..........On second thought. Maybe this year wouldn't be too stressful after all. Mamma Mia, Peach.....
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sauvageonmaids · 9 months
Who are some of your muses favorite people to fuck?
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Aggy likes domming Euphemia and Andi ( @siren-euphemia and @symbioteburnout ) with spankings and her collection of large toys. So far, Larxene is the only person that has been able to put her in her place and dom her. That I recall.
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Grande loves to hypnotize her "niece" into doing lewd thing ( @theinnsmouthgirl ). She enjoys Shadow ( @neko-shadow ) appreciating her milfy body. She also enjoys being a dommy mommy or subby mommy to Andi.
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Pauline really enjoys her antagonistic relationship with Riku ( @depravednexus ). Euphemia actually lets her top! And Cynthia is fun to fuck! ( @cynthiaandsamus )
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Shadow seems to take an interest in her, and she definitely doesn't mind having another chaos gremlin to play and fuck with.
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Ann and Rouge have a couple of friends with benefits, including: Manos ( @unbreakable-ribbons ), Andi, and Samus.
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margueritedaisies · 10 months
✨Was messing around with the canvas until I decided to draw colored Beatlettes!Also to test if the makeup I hc for them suits them. ✨
💄Pauline strikes me the type to do 1950s makeup -sleek revlon, sultry eyes, manicured brows. Red lipstick looks really good with those who have prominent cupid's bow.
✨Rachel tends to go for adventurous palettes and lighter colors which makes her look more blooming. It suits her bubbly personality well. The melon eyeshadow and pearly apricot lipstick complements her baby blues.
🦇My take for Gina is that she's channel more of her vampiric aura. Just can't pass it up because if the cheekbones ,everything of her is all angles. 1960s Hazza really got a slight gothic edge on him and I applied that. Her lips are so defined , perfect for muted matte lipstick and rouges. Her spidery lashes and smoky eyes enhances the effect.
🍂As for Joanne, never really got much notes for her. But I see her to be more subtle with her makeup. Muted lip colors mostly matte look nice on her, she tends to like neutrals for her eyelids. Does eyeliner from time to time.
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fosmashorpass · 4 months
Welcome‼️ run by @lovers-lake or more popularly; @negagender
'Smash' means whatever you want it to in this context. Have fun‼️ for allos it can be a sex thing or if you're aspec it can be literally anything else. feel free to specify‼️
MORGAN'S @femboy-central 's OCS
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Growing up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to be gay (not a word I heard thrown toward me) was to be degenerate, abused. I found solace in films and books and writing letters to people I wanted to meet and talk to.
There was a bookstore near the LSU campus where I could buy, without questioning, magazines and newspapers that covered New York in the 1970s, and there I saw Candy Darling and others who were fighting against the abuses and limitations thrust upon them.
Was I able to look at some movie actresses in the same way after seeing Candy Darling apply her interpretations upon them? I don't know. I know that the reviews of Pauline Kael shaped how I looked at films, and because I felt that Candy Darling clasped film stars to her as if they were amulets against the darkness that was around her--around all of us--I came to see them as she did. Idols. Stations of the Cross.
And now, looking at this Serge Lido photograph of Simone Signoret, I see Candy Darling. I saw Candy Darling in a similar pose, and I wonder, Did she mimic Signoret? Or is this just how a grand and beautiful lady lounges in a bed?
Read Cynthia Carr's CANDY DARLING: DREAMER, ICON, SUPERSTAR. And then let's talk.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
[follies of god]
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The bracket is here! I had A Time fitting everything on one page, but it should embiggen so that all the names are legible. Thank you to everyone who submitted! I'll try to have the polls up soon.
Also, feel free to submit propaganda or images for any of the ships. By the nature of the bracket, it might be kinda hard to find stuff lmao.
The masterpost for the first tournament can be found here
Round 1a
Aaron Soto/Thomas Reyes vs. Mr. Mistoffelees/Rum Tum Tugger
Claude von Riegan/Flayn vs. Magic Brian/Brad Bradson
Kodiak Celius/Ambrose Cusk vs. Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill/Marco
Sam Lloyd/Evie O'Neill vs. Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs
Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy vs. Dr. Alto Clef/Dr. Benjamin Kondraki
Jonathan Walsh/Ozzie Graham vs. Bart Curlish/Ken Adams
Blaze the Cat/Rouge the Bat vs. Grimlock/Starscream
Montrose/Ellis vs. John Doggett/Monica Reyes
Gwyneth/Huma Dragonbane/Magius vs. Luz Noceda/Hunter
Lulu/Yuna vs. Zachary Ezra Rawlins/Dorian
Vicki Appleby/Maureen Sampson vs. Todd Anderson/Charlie Dalton
Rosalina/Pauline vs. Tristan Taylor/Duke Devlin
Charlie Airstar/Tesla Magnets vs. Aone/Hinata
Haruto Keats/Theoto Rikka vs. Static Man/Nicholas Waters
Jeremy Fitzgerald/Fritz Smith (Not Michael Afton) vs. Breekon/Hope
Touko Kirigaya/Tsukushi Futaba/Mashiro Kurata vs. Death/Bunnymund
Round 1b
Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon vs. Liam Dunbar/Hayden Romero
Taissa Turner/Shauna Shipman vs. Milo/Piers
Kate Shadow/Emilyko vs. Jupiter/Neptune/Venus
Josh Levison/Sally Malik vs. Sasuke Uchiha/Suigetsu Hozuki
Frank Grunn/Harold Ivy vs. Kyo Sohma/Yuki Sohma
Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji vs. Aleksander/Regina
Officer Lockstock/Officer Barrel vs. Mihashi/Tajima
Chad Cola/Deuu Dino vs. Dale Cooper/Harry Truman
Dee Eliade/Audrey Myers vs. Arthur Rimbaud/Paul Verlaine
Tsukuyo/Sacchan vs. Dark Mousy/Krad
Benjamin Deeds/Nathaniel Carver vs. C-53/Pleck Decksetter
Skeleteen/Ram Man II vs. Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata
Kyoko/Ayaka vs. Char Aznable/Amuro Ray
Wocky Kitaki/Vera Misham vs. Robin/Demetrius
Norita Yuuji/Shiota Nagisa vs. Andrei Bolkonsky/Pierre Bezukhov
Terry McGinnis | Batman/Shaka Okoro | Stalker vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
Round 2a
Mr. Mistoffelees/Rum Tum Tugger vs. Magic Brian/Brad Bradson
Ax/Marco vs. Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs
Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy vs. Bart Curlish/Ken Adams
Blaze the Cat/Rouge the Bat vs. Montrose/Ellis
Gwyneth/Huma Dragonbane/Magius vs. Lulu/Yuna
Todd Anderson/Charlie Dalton vs. Rosalina/Pauline
Aone/Hinata vs. Static Man/Nicholas Waters
Breekon/Hope vs. Death/Bunnymund
Round 2b
Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon vs. Milo/Piers
Kate Shadow/Emilyko vs. Sasuke Uchiha/Suigetsu Hozuki
Kyo Sohma/Yuki Sohma vs. Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji
Mihashi/Tajima vs. Dale Cooper/Harry Truman
Arthur Rimbaud/Paul Verlaine vs. Dark Mousy/Krad
Benjamin Deeds/Nathaniel Carver vs. Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata
Char Aznable/Amuro Ray vs. Wocky Kitaki/Vera Misham
Norita Yuuji/Shiota Nagisa vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
Round 3
Mr. Mistoffelees/Rum Tum Tugger vs Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs
Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy vs. Blaze the Cat/Rouge the Bat
Lulu/Yuna vs. Rosalina/Pauline
Static Man/Nicholas Waters vs. Death/Bunnymund
Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon vs. Kate Shadow/Emilyko
Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji vs. Mihashi/Tajima
Dark Mousy/Krad vs. Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata
Char Aznable/Amuro Ray vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
Round 4
Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs vs. Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy
Rosalina/Pauline vs. Death/Bunnymund
Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon vs. Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji
Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs vs. Rosalina/Pauline
Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
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I've always thought Blaze was more similar to Rosalina in terms of personality, but if there's any duo that needs to happen, it's Rouge and Pauline
UM. I DON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT MARIO CHARACTERS but i'm going to nod and agree because i love the ideas
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vidya-game-fatties · 5 months
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Huntress: 400
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Carmelita: 340
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Coco: 500
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Elora: 700
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Fay: 350
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Klonoa: 500
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Lambert: ???
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Mae: 700
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mama rabbit: 600
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Minus: ???
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Monika: 300
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Nurse: 500
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Rouge: 777
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Roxanne: 3,000
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Saluki: 700
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Sayori: 400
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Tasque Manager: 900
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Toriel: 600
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Tawna: 360
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Ms. Pac-Man: 800
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Haydee: 3.500
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Daisy: 500
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Rosalina: 600
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Pauline: 250
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Zelda: 550
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Samus: 300
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Midnite: ???
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Link: 300
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Morgana: 400 pounds (nearly immobile because of how short he is)
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ladyniniane · 9 months
71 et 133, pour les recs de livre ? :D
Salut et merci pour les questions :)
71) Your favorite LGBTQ+ fiction?
Je mettrai en première place Le prieuré de l'Oranger de Samantha Shannon. L'intrigue est distrayante, les héroïnes sont attachantes et ce livre m'a permis de m'évader à un moment où j'en avais besoin.
Je pense aussi à The Ascendant Series de K. Arsenautl Rivera. J'avais été divertie par l'aspect épique, le monde de fantasy égalitaire porté par des femmes puissantes et les influences japonaises et mongoles. Les couvertures sont superbes en plus.
Un petit mot aussi pour La dame à la louve de Rénée Vivien. Même si toutes les nouvelles du recueil ne correspondent pas à cette catégorie, l'écriture est juste superbe.
Récemment j'ai aimé Valiant Ladies de Melissa Grey et The Valkyrie de Kate Heartfield.
133) A book you came across randomly and fell in love with.
Dans le pavillon rouge de Pauline Chen. J'ai trouvé ce livre par hasard à la bibliothèque quand je vivais à Paris. Je ne connaissais pas du tout le classique de la littérature chinoise dont il s'inspire, mais j'ai été emportée et transportée dans l'histoire.
Book recs ask game
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sauvageonmaids · 2 years
Winter Soiree 2022
Larxene’s Parlor: Winter Treats A platter of cookies, sweets, fruits, hot cocoa, and cider have been laid out to consume as you rest in the mistress’ personal lounge room. Alcohol is in the bar room.
Bar Room: Winter Cocktails In addition to the usual bartending, the house has prepared some spiked punch, cider, and eggnog. Note: Our lovely Andi has taken leave. Grande will be bartending in the meantime.
Open Rooms: Entertainment The following rooms are available for fun away from the events: Home Theater, Mirror Room, Guest Room B and Guest Room C. All other rooms are off limits.
Conference Room: Candles for the Dark Plenty of winter celebrations involve the lighting of candles, so enjoy a nice conference, demonstration, and application on the joys of Wax Play with Rouge.
Ball Room: Unwrapping Gifts Anneau, Kairi ( @nexus-of-sin ), and Tim ( @iiingenious ) will be providing entertainment for the guests. Come watch our lovely gift-wrapped volunteers be unwrapped. Audience participation for each will be allowed after Larxene finishes her demonstration.  Pillory Play will be open for volunteers.
*Agrippina will be managing the coat check. Pauline and Pilfa will be attending to the guests. 
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, June 11th
ANGEL: You're not gonna win. HOLLAND: Well - *no*. Of course we aren't. We have no intention of doing anything so prosaic as 'winning.' ANGEL: Then why? HOLLAND: Hmm? I'm sorry? Why what? ANGEL: Why fight? HOLLAND: That's really the question you should be asking yourself, isn't it? See, for us, there is no fight. Which is why winning doesn't enter into it. We - go on - no matter what. Our firm has always been here. In one form or another. The Inquisition. The Khmer Rouge. We were there when the very first cave man clubbed his neighbor. See, we're in the hearts and minds of every single living being. And *that* - friend - is what's making things so difficult for you. See, the world doesn't work in spite of evil, Angel. It works with us. It works because of us.
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor! Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Drunk Spike by forsaken2003 (Xander/Spike, R)
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Commiseration Fornication by Anonymous (Spike/Oz, M)
It means everything by R4ik3n (Willow/Tara, M)
Over the Legal Limit by 19thsentry (Spike & Tara, T)
Drunk Spike by forsaken2003 (Xander/Spike, E)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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And the Devil Will Drag You Under, Chapter 22 by frogfarm (Dexter crossover, M)
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The Contest of Champions, Chapter 6 by Aragorn_II_Elessar (Ensemble, multiple crossovers, T)
The right kind of wrong, Chapter 3 by DancingAngel0013 (Buffy/Giles, E)
Fundamentalism in the Heat of the Moment, Chapter 7 by Banana_ana (Angel Ensemble, Supernatural crossover, M)
Kindred, Chapter 10 by sweetprincipale (Buffy/Spike, M)
Alternating Skies and, of course, the Hellmouth, Chapter 25 by Popsy (Buffy/Spike, E)
Nocturne, Chapter 19 by RoselynnThornwood and The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Giles/Jenny, M)
Transmitting, Chapter 16 by curiouswombat (Dawn, Tolkien crossover, T)
You Can't Fight Fate - But You Can Probably Piss Him Off, Chapter 34 by Hermione2be (Faith/Bruce Wayne, Batman crossover, T)
144 Days, Chapter 115 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, T)
And the Devil Will Drag You Under, Chapter 22 by frogfarm (Faith/Debra Morgan, Dexter crossover, M)
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House Keeping, Chapter 7 by Cosmic Tuesdays (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Exquisite Clarity: Part 1, Chapter 7 by yellowb, Kanita, JayeMaru, bewildered, incendie, LaceratedLullabies, honeygirl51885, MrsAkers, IndigoDusk96 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Spike and the Quest for the Gems of Amara, Chapter 12 by the_big_bad (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Slayer and the Vampire, Chapter 30 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Big Bad Girls, Chapter 4 by Amina (Buffy/Spike, R)
Daughter of Aurelius, Chapter 46 by Loup Noir (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Stanford's Hunters, Chapter 14 by DebraN (Connor, Supernatural crossover, FR13)
And the Devil Will Drag You Under, Chapter 22 by frogfarm (Dexter crossover, FR13)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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AtS and BtVS nesting dolls found at thrift store by evolmushroom420
Found another VAMPIRE pic. The guy on the right would body double for Angel by FanTheManIsHere (behind the scenes photo)
A Height to Behold (Buffy x Pauline) by YoshiMan1118 on DeviantArt (artwork, worksafe)
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Gif: Buffy “Every Outfit” “Season Two” by whatshisfaceblogs (worksafe)
Manip: AU SPUFFY - they can be a romcom if they want - by loveisntbrains (worksafe)
Spike by kikiack (worksafe)
Faith by gh0stlypup (worksafe)
Oz from buffy the vampire slayer for @faithdeans by demonlandline (worksafe)
Giles and Wesley cartoon by cryotrash (worksafe)
moodboard for the free text “tell me something you like about spike :)” question by chasingfictions
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Video: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Part 2 - "The Prophecy" 🔮 by MMonika Varro (plush toy sketch)
Fanvid: Slayer Trailer [BTVS/MCU] by buffynmarvel
Fanvid: Beneath You: Dark Spike (Buffy) | BLAKWALL - Come as you are by paraprog85
[Reviews & Recaps]
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No Future for You - Faith Comic - Arc - Review (Buffy S8 Comics) - shadowkat67
No Future For You - Review of the Brian K. Vaughn Faith Comic (also Meta on Faith in Buffy the Vampire Slayer) - shadowkat67
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My ranking of Buffy Seasons 1-4 by thetiredstuff
The Body + Forever are the kind of episodes that... by theowritesfiction
The Buffy book "Child of the Hunt" is just full of Bangel Unresolved Sexual Tensionby oveliagirlhaditright
The Buffy book "Child of the Hunt" by oveliagirlhaditright
Giles was just a Grade A jerk to Buffy in the in the book “Child of the Hunt” by oveliagirlhaditright
Buffy Rewatch 2k22 1.8 I, Robot…You, Jane by handsofabitterman
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Angel Season 5 Rewatch – #1 Conviction continued by multiple authors
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Slayer Sunday-Becoming by Jane Talks Reel
buffy the last vampire slayer is epic by baldbookgeek
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Fic recs: Spuffy style Reading Challenge - #3: Around the world by mcgnagallsarmy
[Fandom Discussions]
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Time in the BtVSverse works exactly like in our real world by takaraphoenix
So it’s no secret Spike always liked Buffy’s hair by anonymous and summers-pratt
The Angel Chronicles book sheds a lot on what’s going on in Buffy’s head during Reptile Boy by oveliagirlhaditright
A section in the Angel Chronicles books where Drusilla thought that Spike had actually missed Angelus more than she had by oveliagirlhaditright
by the same metric that angel doubles down so hard on atonement and caution by july-19th-club
Exhibit C - Your honor they love each other! 3.05 [Homecoming] (fuffy) by juanabaloo
My bad take about Into the Woods is that, yes, Spike is a petty bitch, but it’s More than that by disco-tea
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Angel's apartment (Buffy S1) by buffynmarvel
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Mortal Enemies with Claw Marks go to Walmart - New Fanfiction Discussion announced by flow
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Let's Show Xander a Little Love by Appropriate-Slide353
What Do You Like Or Dislike Now Than When You First Watched The Series? by HaleyTheComet8
A small moment in season five’s “Tough Love” that reveals a lot about Willow and foreshadows what’s to come by Primoridalterror
Spike realising he can hurt Buffy, but he doesn’t turn her by holddoorholddoor
The brilliance of “Under Your Spell” from Once More With Feeling by Falkens_Maze2
Top 10 Reasons Why Cordelia Is Angel's True Heroine by Brardu
Without 'You're Welcome' what would you have liked for Cordelia? by PFTETOwerewolves
season 4 cordy by Sliggers420
No one talks about Willow's pain by Brardu
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
Mobile Canon Must List
Undertale/Deltarune Muses-
Alphys the (Ex)Royal Researcher 
Undyne the Head Guard 
Toriel Dreemurr 
Asgore Dreemurr
Snowdin Shopkeeper
Noelle Holiday 
Gravity Falls Muses-
Pacifica Northwest 
Wendy Corduroy 
SVtFoE Muses-
Shifter!MLP Muses-
Twilight Sparkle 
Rainbow Dash 
Pinkie Pie 
Princess Celestia 
Princess Luna 
Queen Chrysalis 
Mrs.Cup Cake 
Maud Pie 
Vinyl Scratch 
Octavia Melody 
Ms. Harshwhinny
Mayor Mare 
Sonic Muses-
Rouge The Bat 
Sonic the Hedgehog 
Tails The Fox 
Amy Rose 
Tikal the Echidna 
My Hero Academia Muses-
Habuko Mongoose 
Toru Hagakure 
DC Muses-
Raven/Rachel Roth
TAWoG Muses-
Nicole Watterson 
Misc Muses-
Helen Parr/Elastigirl 
Violet Parr/Miss Disappear 
Jenny Wakeman/XJ-9 
Lord Dominator 
Astolfo/Rider of Black 
Tom Nook
Miss Kobayashi 
Samus Aran
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Muses-
Angel Dust 
Adventure Time Muses-
Finn the Human 
Fionna the Human 
Ice Queen 
Susan Strong 
Princess Bubblegum 
Marceline the Vampire Queen 
Steven Universe Muses-
Naruto Muses-
Sakura Haruno 
Hinata Hyuga 
Rwby Muses-
Yang Xiao Long 
Nora Valkyrie 
Legend of Zelda Muses-
Midna the Demi-Imp 
Link, The Hero of The Wild 
Kass, The Wandering Minstrel 
Super Mario Muses-
Princess Shroob 
King/Queen Bowser 
Wendy O’ Koopa 
Princess Rosalina 
Princess Peach 
Princess Daisy 
Mayor Pauline
Petey Piranha 
Aggretsuko Muses-
Helltaker Muses-
Malina, The Sour Demon
Zdrada, The Bitch Demon 
Judgement, The High Prosecutor 
Lucifer, The CEO of Hell 
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tilbageidanmark · 2 years
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Movies I watched this Week #93
3 Faces, my third from Jafar Panahi (after ‘Taxi and ‘The year of everlasting storm’). He and a famous Iranian actress play a version of themselves, as they drive to a remote village in Northern Iran, after receiving a desperate suicide video from a young girl. Created on the sly, in spite of a 20-year ban from film making by the regime, it’s a primitive and touching road movie into a very rural area, giving a real feel of nights out in the boonies. The trailer. 7/10.
Visconti + Bogarde X 2:
🍿 The Most Beautiful Boy in the World, a thoughtful, new Swedish documentary about Björn Andrésen, who played 14-year-old Tadzio in Visconti's 1971 ‘Death in Venice’. He was an introspective orphan who lived with his grandmother, and was thrown into insane international fame when the film became a hit. Not only Dirk Bogarde, but Visconti himself and the whole production team were gay, and he was exploited as a gorgeous twink trophy. The rest of his life was colored by melancholy and sorrow. 8/10.
🍿 The Damned, his deviant Nazi-porn melodrama, A Krupp-like family sage, a-la ‘Dallas’ and ‘succession’, but with incest, homosexuality, child rape, and an orgy of perspiration and swastika flags. Tedious Götterdämmerung of greed, decadence, power struggles and hatred in a garish, kitschy 2.5-hour-long faux-historic soap opera. 2/10.
“...Une carafe de rouge?...”
From the opening score of The Man on the Train, its’ clear that it’s a quiet French Neo-Western: Laconic bad boy Johnny Hallyday, dressed in a leather-jacket, comes to Annonay, a sleepy provincial town, planning to rob a bank there. Retired old teacher Jean Rochefort invites him to stay at his large house after they meet by chance at the local pharmacie. As they spend a few days together, they both become envious of each others life: The bank robber wants to retire into a life of peace, and the teacher who never ventured to do anything exciting dreams of breaking the rules just one time before he dies. 7/10.
2 X Young Treat Williams:
🍿 Laura Dern played a restless, sexually-curious 15-year-old teenager in Smooth Talk with such conviction, it’s frightening. This adaptation of a Joyce Carol Oates' short story paints a subtle psychological portrait by Joyce Chopra, a first time female director. But then it turns into a terror-inducing third act, when the sinister ‘Arnold Friend’ coerces her into coming with him for a drive in his convertible. I literally had to stop it numerous times, because I couldn’t handle to see what happens next. 8/10
🍿 ...”The draft is white people sending black people to make war on the yellow people to defend the land they stole from the red people...”
I clearly remember the controversies when non-American Miloš Forman adapted the youth anthem Hair into a movie: so many years after the peace movement died, made by a Czechoslovakian, he changed the performance and the sounds of most of the songs. But the film was then - and is still now - a terrific musical, and a testimony for certain hippy ideals, anti-establishment and anti-war, pro-drugs, sex and Rock 'n' Roll. Terrific dance choreography by Twyla Tharp, breakthrough roles for John Savage and Beverly D'Angelo, and unforgettable Nicholas Ray as the general. (Poster Above) - 9/10.
The Aviator's Wife, my 2nd of Éric Rohmer’s “Six Comedies and Proverbs" (After ‘Pauline at the beach’). A charming story about love of some young Parisians. 7/10.
Hiroshima X 2:
🍿 “Duck and Cover” - The Atomic Cafe (1982), a chilling documentary without any narration, made entirely out of nuclear weapons propaganda from the Cold War on the subject of nuclear warfare. It demonstrates how misinformation and propaganda was used by the US government and popular culture to accept and ease fears about nuclear warfare among the American public.
🍿 "...You saw nothing in Hiroshima”...
It’s been 40 years since I last saw Alain Resnais’s first painful feature Hiroshima mon amour and I was even reluctant to try it again, but within five minutes, it overwhelmed me deeply, with sadness and beauty washing over me. This poetic one night of love and remembrance between the French actress and Japanese architect was my best film of the week.
2 by director Aneesh Chaganty and writer Sev Ohanian:.
🍿 My 4th re-watch in 5 months: Searching, a perfect thriller about dad John Cho frantically looking for his missing daughter. This was Chaganty‘s directorial debut. It was created brilliantly in a ‘Screenlife’ format (where the whole movie occurs on computer screens, smartphones, browser windows and surveillance footage). But what I loved most is the relationship between the father, teenage daughter and the pretty dead mom. 10/10.
I’m very sad to read that they just finished shooting “Searching 2″!
🍿 Their next suspense film was Run, about an isolated, disabled teenage daughter who discovers that her mom is keeping her hostage. It shared some similar traits: with ‘searching’: The bond between parent and child, the claustrophobic scope of just the two of them occupying one house. But it ended with Sarah Poulsen becoming a ‘Misery’-type crazy mother, and the plot twists turned tired and unconvincing. 3/10.
There’s a nice little Easter Egg, with a photo of the "fish_n_chips" model from the previous film on the University of Washington brochure.
2 scores by Bernard Herrmann:
🍿 "The death of a beautiful woman is, unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the world..."
78/52: Hitchcock's Shower Scene refers to the number of setups (78) and the number of cuts (52) in the 3-minute ‘Psycho’ scene, (which took one quarter of the film’s four-week shooting schedule). A good documentary. My usual pet peeve: Stop drowning your film with suggestive background music lasting 100% of the time! Especially when you analyze how integral the sparse original score was to the terror inflicted. 
🍿 Living Doll, episode 126 of the original ‘Twilight Zone’, mentioned in the documentary above. Telly Savalas plays a mean stepfather who is being terrorized by a murderous doll, Chucky’s original inspiration.
2 more with Buster Keaton:
🍿 The Chemist is a 1936 American short talkie featuring Buster Keaton as crazy inventor Elmer “Happy” Triple. It was one of the 17 films he did for the small Educational Pictures. 3/10.
🍿 After writing a play titled ‘Play’ and a song called 'Song’, nonsensical Irish absurdist Samuel Beckett titled his only film script Film. The 21-minute experimental, silent short, starring the nearly-dying Keaton, was subject to extensive analysis and many in-depth interpretations. But I didn’t enjoy it. 🍿  
“..These people are primitive...” My second by Jacques Tourneur (After ‘Out of the past’) I Walked with a Zombie. It’s a strange, atmospheric horror film that was analyzed at great length for its use of Haitian Voodoo, mental illness, bondage and racism. But in my one viewing I didn’t grasp it.
The Adventures of Tintin, was a 1991 Canadian TV series of 39 episodes based on Hergé’s classic bande dessinée. It retained its distinct ‘Ligne claire’ style of clear strong lines with no hatching, while eliminating some of the racist stereotypes of the original albums. I only watched the two parts of ‘The Crab with the Golden Claws’, which marked the first appearance of the alcoholic Captain Haddock. (In the 70′s when i lived with Ester and David, I collected all of Tintin’s books for him, and read it to him many times.)
My first exposure to Polish director Walerian Borowczyk, who worked in France during the 60′s to 80′s, and was called “A genius who happened to be a pornographer”. Immoral tales (1973) is his infamous anthology of four pornographic fantasies. Art house excuse for debauchery a-la Marquis de Sade, which include graphic stories about blowjobs, masturbation, bestiality and incest. Paloma Picasso, Pablo’s daughter, stars as a naked countess who bathes in the blood of virgins in order to gain eternal youth. Boring male gaze - 2/10.
Another “So-bad-I-couldn’t-finish-it-film”: The Decline, a Canadian survivalist camp thriller. As we morbidly wait for total societal collapse, tales about Preppers sound appealing. But this amateurish, predictable debut was awful - I lasted 45 minutes.
(My complete movie list is here)
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Round 1a Results
Mr. Mistoffelees/Rum Tum Tugger beat Aaron Soto/Thomas Reyes
Magic Brian/Brad Bradson beat Claude von Riegan/Flayn
Ax/Marco beat Kodiak Celius/Ambrose Cusk
Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs beat Sam Lloyd/Evie O'Neill
Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy beat Dr. Alto Clef/Dr. Benjamin Kondraki
Bart Curlish/Ken Adams beat Jonathan Walsh/Ozzie Graham
Blaze the Cat/Rouge the Bat beat Grimlock/Starscream
Montrose/Ellis beat John Doggett/Monica Reyes
Gwyneth/Huma Dragonbane/Magius beat Luz Noceda/Hunter (I think this might be the biggest upset thus far)
Lulu/Yuna beat Zachary Ezra Rawlins/Dorian
Todd Anderson/Charlie Dalton beat Vicki Appleby/Maureen Sampson
Rosalina/Pauline beat Tristan Taylor/Duke Devlin
Aone/Hinata beat Charlie Airstar/Tesla Magnets
Static Man/Nicholas Waters beat Haruto Keats/Theoto Rikka (my deepest sympathies to our hardest campaigners)
Breekon/Hope beat Jeremy Fitzgerald/Fritz Smith (Not Michael Afton)
Death/Bunnymund beat Touko Kirigaya/Tsukushi Futaba/Mashiro Kurata
Congratulations to everyone! The next round should be up tomorrow
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