#and then they all got crushed by giant rocks the end
nocontextmiis · 6 months
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munsons-melody · 6 months
putting the x in sixx
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summary: you and eddie go to a party in LA where your old celebrity crush, nikki sixx, starts to hit on you
pairing: rockstar!boyfriend!Eddie x female!reader
cw: mentions/insinuates sex, mentions of alcohol, etc, established relationship w eddie, little smutty towards the end
recommended song: girls girls girls by mötley crüe
word count: 1.8k
a/n: i wrote this after i watched the dirt last night, also not proofread at all :)
requested? no
part 2 can be found here
i do not consent to having any of my works republished, translated, or posted to any other site except here. if you see my works anywhere but tumblr, it has been republished without my knowledge, consent, or permission.
you looked at yourself in the mirror, admiring your new outfit... leopard print pants with a black corset top, your hair teased and hair sprayed to the gods, and your usual makeup, only with a little extra here and there
"hey babe we should probably get a move on cause-" eddie stopped in front of the bathroom door, giving you a look up and down and finishing with a wolf whistle
"jesus" he breathed out, leaning on the door, staring at your outfit causing a small blush to creep up on your face
"you like?" you asked sheepishly, already knowing his answer
you often didn't wear scandalous outfits like this, opting for the most basic t shirt, jeans, and your lived in reeboks that never got a day off but now that you and eddie were out of hawkins for the week as corroded coffin were playing shows at the sunset strip in LA, you figured you'd get less stares wearing an outfit like this
"i love" he purred, stalking closer before locking his lips with yours into a passionate kiss, his hands gently cradling your face as his tongue slipped into your mouth and your hands snaked up to his neck
he started trailing down your exposed neck, and you smiled, knowing what he wanted to do instead of heading to this party gareth heard about and was very persistent in everyone attending, hearing rumors of other rock gods showing up
"eds, as much as i know you'd rather stay here and do this, we really have to get going" you giggled, and he stopped kissing, leaning his head on your shoulder
"do we have to?" he mumbled, his voice vibrating into your chest
"gareth wants the whole band to go with just incase anyone cool happens, hey who knows maybe you'll run into mick mars or kirk hammett" you laughed
eddie moved his face to meet yours, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you in, almost like he'd lose you if he let you go
"already checked, metallica is playing in ohio tonight so slim to none chance I'll see kirk" he said, leaning in for one last kiss before he unwillingly pulled away, walking over to his bag and slipping on a old cut up band shirt and fixing his studded belt
"eddie" you groaned, checking yourself one last time in the hotel mirror, seeing your lipstick smudged
"what" he replied with the same annoyed tone you had
"you ruined my lipstick" and he let out a small laugh
the car ride from the hotel to a massive mansion was fairly short, and you, along with the rest of corroded coffin, stumbled out of the car onto the driveway that you were sure could fit 10 of you and eddie's shared apartment
the music from the house was blasting and you wish you knew half these people, or whos house this even was but alas, you were just as clueless as the boys as you walked into the mansion
people were everywhere, you couldn't walk more than 2 feet without seeing a drink or bottle of alcohol, music was blaring, the lights were nice, adding to the ambience of a party
eddie grabbed your hand, lacing together your fingers as he motioned a "come on" and you followed, leaving jeff, dougie, and gareth to themselves
you and eddie walked to the giant kitchen, where you heard a voice yell "oh my god, are you eddie munson?" eddie immediately turned to where the voice came from, seeing tommy lee and nikki sixx leaning against a table, drinks in their hands
eddie looked at you with wide eyes, suppressing a giant smile which showed a mix of "oh my god they know who i am" and "oh my god they know who I am"
"go" you whispered, lightly nudging your boyfriend towards the two rockstars
he let go of your hand and headed towards them, and they greeted eddie like they were old friends even though they'd never met before in their lives
they immediately started into a conversation, you only heard bits and pieces but it was all shop talk about guitars solos, tour dates, etc.
you took this time to get a drink, walking deeper into the kitchen
you saw an opened pack of beers, and grabbed one out, opening it on the side of the counter (a helpful trick eddie taught you a few years back), and took a few sips, admiring the amount of people at this party and listening to the songs that were playing in the background, barely heard over the amount of people talking
you went to take another sip when you felt a presence next to you, and you look to your left to see none other than nikki sixx
dumbfounded that your old celebrity crush of a few years was standing next to you, you stuttered out a hello and he smiled
"y/n... right?" he asked and you nodded, a taken aback and confused look writing onto your face as he held his hand out to shake yours
"eddie told tommy and i about you just now, thought i'd come say hello" he said with a smile, leaning against the counter and inched closer
"well hello," you said, however, your voice moved faster than your brain processed, and it came out more flirtatious than you intended
maybe it was the subconscious part of your brain that was excited the guy you fantasized about before you met your boyfriend was in front of you, but now all you could think of now was showing him you weren't interested and that eddie was all you cared about
"so eddie's a pretty cool guy.." he said and you looked over at eddie who was engaged deep in a conversation with tommy, a drink in both their hands
you looked back at nikki who took a swig out of a jack daniels bottle he held in his left hand
"yeah, he's so cool i've been with him almost 4 years" you joked, awkwardly taking a sip from your beer
"you ever think about expanding your horizons?" he asked, the flirtiness in his voice increasing
"expanding to what?" you laughed, brushing off the awkwardness and hoping your heart rate would slow down
"to the room upstairs, there's a perfect little balcony overlooking the beach where no one can hear us...." he leaned in closer, his breath hot on your neck
"or see us... me fucking you senseless, my grip on your waist as my thick cock pumping in your tight little pussy, making you scream my name" he finished, leaving a hot, open mouth kiss on your neck under your ear
you felt a few shivers go down your spine, along with heat traveling to your core as a blush spread across your cheeks as you turned to face him
if this was a few years ago, before you met eddie, you wouldn't care that you'd be just another girl in the millions of his roster, you'd be halfway naked in the kitchen on your knees by now
but it wasn't a few years ago, this was now and even though you had the one man you had the biggest crush on literally beginning to have sex with you, but you also was dating someone you had an even bigger crush on
"i- i can't" you stuttered out, looking up at eddie and moving alway from the grip he had around your waist
it was like eddie could read your mind cause he turned around to see you with nikki, and him and tommy came sauntering over
eddie immediate wrapped an arm around you, pressing against your back and pulling you close, causing nikki to stand up straighter next to tommy
"what were you two chatting about?" eddie asked with a smile and nikki shrugged
"not much, just getting to know one another" nikki said, sending you a wink
"holy shit you're mötley crüe" you heard jeff say as him, gareth, and dougie walked up to tommy and nikki
"well half, you guys must be the rest of corroded coffin, right?" tommy asked, extending his hand to fist bump the boys and they all nodded excitedly
"hey while we're all here, let's talk tour dates, we've seen a show or two, and we need an opener" tommy said, extending an arm around nikki and gareth, walking off to where there was an opening on one of the couches, leaving you and eddie by yourselves in the kitchen
you turned around to look at his face, gently holding it with your hand as his arms wrapped around your waist
you kissed him gently and he kissed back, eventually pulling away with a smile
"uh, i just wanted to tell you, nikki hit on me... just now... when you were talking to tommy..." you told him
"oh wow..." he said, trailing off, looking over at nikki then back at you
"well, they always say don't leave your girlfriend alone around motley crue... i guess that actually is true" he chuckled
"yeah, but... he did tell me about this private room upstairs, incase you feel a little jealous and want to take it out on me" your voice again travelled faster than your brain as eddie's eyes darker, a smirk crawling up his face over his lips
"well what did he say exactly?" eddie asked, pulling you in closer and slowly moving his hand down your lower back
"something about screaming his name while he's fucking my tight little pussy-" you cut yourself off, kissing eddie
he pulled away, your foreheads touching
"did he get you all worked up? huh pretty girl?" he asked, staring to move his hips against yours and you whimpered out a yes when he suddenly stopped his movements
"i can't have you hot and horny for some other guy now can we? i guess i have to show you who can make you feel really good not some doped up rockstar who can’t please you the way i can..." he said again
you just nodded at him, staring, feeling like if you take your eyes off him, you wouldn’t get your release
“let’s take this upstairs, shall we?” he asked, extending one hand to yours and his other to one of the bottles of alcohol sitting on the counter opposite of him
you started to head upstairs when mick mars walked up to the two of you, stopping your path upstairs
“hey eddie, right? nikki was telling me all about you!” he said enthusiastically
“later mars, i gotta please my girl” eddie said in a rush, and the two of you ran upstairs to the bedroom
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tsukimefuku · 5 days
lollipop kiss 🍭 kusakabe atsuya
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summary: your workplace crush, kusakabe, is pretty dense when it comes to romance, so you try to ease things out with a bag of lollipops.
cw: gn!reader x kusakabe, comedy, fluff, this man is completely clueless but reader isn’t making things any easier. making out and happy ending. there is a bartender very invested in the drama. a little suggestive if you squint.
wc: 1.4k
notes etc.: my contribution for the foodies and goodies challenge. i’m not tagging myself because the voices in my head haven’t reached that point yet. special thanks to @jjk-eugie for inspiring me, i had hit a slump on this (you can read their kusahigu fic that saved my life here). song (?) > sugar, sugar (the archies). I had a lot of fun writing this, hope you enjoy it too!
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Here’s the thing - Kusakabe was a brilliant sorcerer. He was regarded by all of the other first grades as the strongest first grade there was.
Regarding human matters, though, he could - and frequently would - be dense like a rock.
To put it bluntly - not a door, but just as thick. 
So when it came to romance, attempts to get his attention usually fell on deaf ears. 
When you realized you had it down bad for him, you knew you were in for a ride, to say the least.
First, there were the coffee attempts. You had to call him out for a coffee around three times before he accepted it - according to him, there was no need to spend money going out for coffee when Jujutsu High provided you all with free vending machine coffee. You had to patiently explain to him that leaving the premises for a while was the actual goal.
Then, came the drink nights. These weren’t particularly hard, given he did like his alcohol, but he always invited someone else to tag along. Utahime had the good sense to stop going after realizing what you were trying to do when inviting Kusakabe out, but you weren’t as lucky with the other sorcerers.
And finally, something about the days you went out together always gnawed at you. You felt like Kusakabe was in an unreadable state of mind. He’d either stare at you when you weren’t looking - fully believing you didn’t notice it -, or be the most unbothered person in that place. Whenever you approached him trying to make a move, he would act like he had absolutely no interest in you.
It was driving you insane.
Tonight, you were both sharing a few drinks after a particularly gnarly day at work, exorcizing curse after curse after curse. It was that time of year, after all. You were a few pints of beer in already, and he had downed at least two gin tonics by then. 
“I’ve got a gift for you, Kusakabe!” you chirped.
“Really? What? Is it a special occasion?” he asked while looking at you surprised.
“No, I just saw it and I remembered you.”
You pulled a giant sack of lollipops from your bag and put it over the counter.
The bartender was looking from afar, and had taken the dynamic between you and Kusakabe as a live soap opera of sorts, one new chapter each week. Last week, you seemed particularly annoyed at the sorcerer and he didn’t notice it - as he usually wouldn’t unless you were literally screaming at him.
“Okay...” Kusakabe offered, slightly uncertain as he pulled the bag towards him. 
“This supposedly has five flavors - peach, strawberry, mango, pineapple and watermelon. Since you always have a lollipop with you, I thought it would come in handy,” you chimed in, sparing him a smile. 
“That’s... thanks,” was all he said, and for a moment you thought you saw his face and the tips of his ears take on a dusty pink tint. 
“So... let’s taste it?” 
“Hm... what?” 
His face grew redder, and you were almost sure it wasn’t your imagination. 
“The lollipops, Kusakabe. Taste the lollipops.” 
The bartender scoffed from the other side, keeping down a chuckle.
“Oh! Yeah, sure,” Kusakabe replied, pulling the bag open.
And off you two went pulling lollipop after lollipop from the bag, one of each flavor. 
After about an hour or so of chatting and candy, he pulled the only pineapple one there was inside the bag and shoved it into his mouth.
“Oh, that’s the only pineapple one,” you noted. The liquor-bought courage was finally kicking in, and you were ready to make a move. 
“Hm, really? I’m sorry, I didn’t notice,” he replied, brushing the nape of his neck with his hand.
“Oh, it’s no trouble. Perhaps I can still taste it,” you remarked, a cheeky smile pulling on your face as you edged yourself closer to him.
The bartender heard your words and stepped nearby, fairly ignoring someone that was calling from the other side of the vicinity.
This was it. All the drama and emotional investment... The pay-off was finally coming. 
“Oh, sure. Of course,” Kusakabe replied, and he signaled for the bartender, which got you and the bartender thoroughly confused, “can you get me a glass of water, please?”
It all went swiftly, much to yours and the bartender’s shock. Kusakabe got the glass of water, pulled the lollipop from his mouth, put it into the water and pushed it into your direction.
He seemed pleased with himself in finding a solution for a non-existent problem.
This man better be joking.
“Kusakabe, you moron!” You exclaimed angrily.
“What!? What happened? What did I do!?” Kusakabe asked in earnest, which just served to deepen your annoyance.
“I was asking for a kiss!” you furiously retorted.
He only registered the ‘I was asking’ part.
“Why not just ask for what you want?! Why can’t people simply ask for things directly?! I’m not a psychic!” 
The bartender’s mouth formed a silent ‘o’ before it got covered with an incredulous hand.
The plot thickens.
“God, you have no ease for subtleties! How is that possible!? Are you even human!?” you were actively yelling at Kusakabe by that point, lifting yourself up from your seat.
“And are you allergic to communicating directly what you want?!” he retorted, feeling unjustly chastised for not understanding something he had no obligation to guess in the first place.
You grunted, enraged, and began stepping away from him, towards the bar’s exit. After you left, he face-palmed, upset that somehow, things went south with you again.
Only then it dawned on Kusakabe you said you wanted to kiss him.
“Fuck, I’m an idiot,” Kusakabe muttered to himself.
“Kind of,” the bartender mindlessly replied, forgetting this wasn’t an actual soap opera on TV, but a pretty interactive show.
“Huh?” the sorcerer questioned, not sure if he heard it right.
“I mean... I can put it all on your tab and you go after... Uh... it’s fine.”
Looking at the bartender, Kusakabe inhaled deeply and nodded, grabbing the lollipops bag, shoving it inside his trench coat’s pocket, and running after you.
“Hey!” Kusakabe exclaimed when outside, seeing you a little further ahead on the street. 
You heard his voice and picked up your pace, taking a turn into a smaller, secondary street. 
“Come on, I know you heard me, slow down!” his steps came quicker, and in a second he was right beside you, while you huffed and puffed in frustration.
“Just let me go home, Atsuya! This is too humiliating. I thought you liked me, but I think I’m the moron who got it all wrong!”
He held your arm and you halted your stomping, even though you kept staring at the ground, thoroughly embarrassed.
“You... didn’t,” he stated, voice uncharacteristically faltering.
“... What?”
Kusakabe delicately turned you to look at him and cupped the side of your face with his hand. His eyes were locked to yours, and for a moment, you felt your heart fluttering in your chest. You could smell the sweet, alcoholic scent from his breath, and that was when you realized just how close he was.
“I-“ he stuttered for a moment before clearing his throat, “I’m going to kiss you now.”
Your breath got caught in its way out for a second before you replied.
He closed the gap between you both, pressing your bodies together with his hand over your back, and his lips descended to yours softly, waiting for you to meet him halfway. You pressed back against him, drawing both your hands to the nape of his neck, and deepened the kiss instantly, robbing him of a gasp.
Your tongue teased the seam of his mouth, and he welcomed you in, pressing his own tongue over yours. 
Oh, you definitely tasted that pineapple lollipop.
His aftershave still lingered on his skin, and it smelled minty fresh, filling up your nostrils in an instant as your lips slid over each other.
You both parted for a moment.
“You know what?” you said with a smirk forming on your face.
“Hm, what?” he genuinely asked.
“I think the pineapple one was my favorite flavor.”  
With an amused expression, he suddenly bit your chin, planting quick pecks and kisses down your jawline and neck. 
You chuckled, asking, “since we’re out of the bar, would you like to come over to my house? I remember there were still a lot of lollipops in that bag and I don’t feel like leaving them all to you.”
With a mischievous smile on his face, he pressed a quick kiss on your lips before replying.
“Of course.”
Tag list: @strawberry1042 @darkfaerietails @jay220a @fattybattysblog @suguru-nugget
@senseifupa @aleigant @gigiculona @rahuratna
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kazuyalvr · 3 months
Miyuki Kazuya x F!Reader
In which you and Miyuki Kazuya share a special moment while waiting for the train…
- warnings: none
- notes: this is my first fanfic in a while so sorry if it’s a little bad 😶 and ty to my friend who inspired this idea
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Being in the train station during rush hour in Tokyo is never fun. It’s always too crowded on the platform with sweaty bodies squeezing through. If you weren’t cautious enough, it was easy to get crushed or lost in the crowd of people.
As much as you hated rush hour, this one was a little more bearable since Miyuki Kazuya was standing right by your side. You and Kazuya had just finished watching a baseball game between the Yomiuri Giants and the Yakult Swallows. And of course, the game had to end just at the start of rush hour.
Looking down at your phone while waiting, the train should have been here around five minutes ago.
“The train is unusually late today…” You sighed peering at the train tracks to see if anything was arriving. There was nothing to be seen or heard though.
“Just means I get to spend more time with you before heading back to the dorms.” Kazuya teased. You let out a little chuckle at his words.
“Hmmm, maybe that doesn’t sound so bad. But still, I hope it gets here soon though. I’m not liking how the platform is filling up.” Shifting your balance from one foot to another, you started to feel rather uncomfortable. It was hard to stay calm when more people began pushing through.
Suddenly, a man in business attire accidentally pushed you into the crowd. Losing your footing, you felt yourself slip on your steps and begin to fall. Unable to catch yourself, you accepted your faith of falling on the subway platform. But, then you felt an arm circle around your waist keeping you up. Peering up at the person who caught you, you locked eyes with your boyfriend.
“Are you hurt?” He pulled you back to stand properly.
“Just accidentally got bumped a little too hard. I’m all fine though, don’t worry.” Giving him a reassuring smile, Kazuya was still feeling unnerved.
Without any words, Kazuya wrapped his arms around you from behind. He settled his head right atop of yours while his arms held you close against his chest. Kazuya was never one for public affection, so this was definitely out of both of your comfort zones.
“Wha- What’s this for?” You stuttered. This hug was unexpected, but it was comforting. It was exactly what you need at that very moment. All the anxiety suddenly washed away from your body.
“Hmmm���nothing. Just wanted to hold you.” His actions didn’t need to be explained for you to understand his intentions.
Continuing to wait for the crowded train, he still kept you in his arms rocking back and forth. No words needed to be exchanged between the two of you. You felt his warmth radiate off his body helping to you calm down. This was a type of affection you could get used to.
“Thank you…” You whispered softly. You didn’t expect him to hear you, but he did. Instead of responding with words, he held you even closer to him and continued softly rocking you.
Even when the light of an incoming train started becoming brighter, he didn’t let go. He still held you by his side all the way back to the dorms.
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tkingfisher · 1 year
Following the monk seals snorting eels post, I’d said that it wouldn’t be the tenth weirdest thing I’d heard about mammals. And then someone in the tags asked what the ten weirdest WOULD be.
Okay, I’ll confess there was some hyperbole there, because I didn’t have ten off the top of my head, but here’s three that strike me as A Thing:
CW: Animal injury and death! Also it’s disgusting! Read at own risk!
We all mostly know about hyena genitals by now, which is pretty wild in and of itself, but it gets weirder. Given that they have to give birth through the pseudo-penis, you’d think they’d be better at it, but the umbilical cord isn’t as long as the lady hyena’s junk, AND there’s a weird elbow turn, so cubs often suffocate on the way out. This may explain why they’re born so goddamn angry that siblings have been observed fighting *while still inside the amniotic sac.*
(I once peed while surrounded by hyenas. The African bush is not an easy place for a woman with a small bladder.)
(That’s not a weird mammal fact, except insomuch as I am a weird mammal.)
Lemurs will take giant millipedes, nip them to make them secrete toxins, then rub the millipede on their fur as insect repellent. But the millipede toxins also make them High As Fuck and cause them to salivate, so you end up with a bunch of stoned, drooling lemurs passing around a millipede that probably had other stuff to do today, dammit.
Ambergris is a weird waxy mass that stinks like the devil eating sardines in hell, and so of course is used in perfume. (It mellows.) For centuries nobody actually knew where it came from, just that it would sometimes wash up on shore. Eventually it was discovered in the guts of sperm whales and some clever soul figured out that it involved the indigestible bits of squid, like beaks. “Aha!” said humanity, “it must be whale vomit!”
Humanity, alas, was unduly optimistic. See, the whales regurgitate most of the squid beaks normally—they’ve got four stomachs, like a ruminant, and since they can’t chew, the first stomach is super tough and muscular to crush their food and to resist the assault of the squid, which is often still alive at this point—and so if they barfed up the beaks, there would be no ambergris. But sometimes they swallow the beaks instead and it lodges in the softer bits of the whale intestines. And then more beaks get hung up on it and more and basically it’s like a whale bezoar, and since this is of course moderately painful, the body secrete a mucusy goo to cover the sharp edges so it doesn’t poke the soft bits, the way an oyster coats sand to make a pearl.
Except, of course, it’s a whale intestine, not an oyster, and instead of a grain of sand, it’s like the world’s most disgusting Katamari. (Okay, technically it’s called a coprolith, aka “shit rock” but it’s just sitting there hooking any indigestible bits that get hung up on it, as well as a bunch of whale poop, and getting bigger and bigger, so I stand by my simile, dammit.)
Now, if you get a whale who keeps swallowing their beaks, over time, the coprolith gets so big that it creates an intestinal blockage. And at that point, one of two things happens. Either the sheer force of liquid whale poo trying to come out dislodges the coprolith and the whale takes the sort of crap that songs are written about…
…or the whale’s gut explodes. (Well, ruptures.) And the whale expires, bloats, pops, goes through the process of whale fall (which is amazing in and of itself) and the ambergris floats to the surface and marinates in seawater for a decade or so, casts up on a beach, and gets sold for a whopping $10k a pound.
Interestingly enough, making ambergris is a very rare condition, found in less than 5% of male sperm whales. (It only happens in males. Don’t ask me why.) Hunting sperm whales for ambergris would be ludicrously inefficient, and it’s classed as a “found” object under international treaties, which means that you can sell it if you find it cast up on a beach, unless you’re in the US, which classes it as a by-product of an endangered species, although enforcement is usually a little more concerned with the people smuggling live parrots in their socks and not with your disgusting lump of found whale poop.
So, yeah. Mammals. We’re a thing.
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carionto · 9 months
A Proper Welcoming Party - Epilogue
Always Rig to Blow
Parts 1 2 3 and extra context
Jumping short distances with an emergency activation is generally safe due to the simple fact that the universe is so vast that 99.9999% of the time you'll end up in empty space.
This group of Big Thrashers raiders - Gobsmack's Gobbers (Big Thrasher named everyone and objections meant death) - found themselves in a nightmarish cluster of icy planetesimals, heavily illuminated for some reason, and criss-crossed with makeshift installations and contraptions whose purpose one could only guess at.
Alarms rang out of imminent collision as one of the ice rocks was hurtling towards their general direction. Barely composing themselves, the crew managed to fire up the engines and perform evasive maneuvers, but only just. And only for a brief moment - they were in a navigational nightmare, the likes of which even the most hardcore simulations only ever run as an example for places you never, ever, EVER fly into.
To add to their distress and confusion, the raiders were hailed by a lone Human vessel, which was darting with unbelievable agility through the impossible and ever changing field.
"Howdy there, names Abigail, you boys are lost I'm guessin'. Keep moving for a bit more, I'll turn off the Intermediate track config."
The Gobbers were stunned and blinded by a sudden outburst of hundreds of massive jets streaming immense propulsion force from all of the moving icy objects. Viewed from afar, a magnificent sight to behold - cascading lights, reflections, fiery cones, and sparkly clouds from escaping ice particles. Viewed from within, pure terror, a torturous miasma of fire, ice, dust, and raw force of power emanating from whatever is powering all these massive engines.
Merely a few seconds later though, complete silence. Peaceful even.
"So... bad jump, eh? It happens. Real poor luck ending up here though, gotta say. You should buy lottery tickets beating the odds like this!"
Abigail snort-laughs.
"If ya want, hook up to any of the track-layer movers, those things you just saw that, well, move the track pieces around. I hear our generators can fill up your wee batteries or whatever you got in minutes. Sorry I ain't got much else to offer, still working out the logistics for food and drink stalls here. Hard to get any sponsors so far out, you know?"
The raiders did not.
The more quick witted of the crew had already scanned the whole... mess of whatever this was, as well as Abigail's vessel, and realized something - all these engines mounted on some useless rocks, and her craft in particular, were extraordinarily powerful and tough, and most importantly - not attached to things with giant rail cannons. Big Thrasher wasn't here, so they were allowed to speak up and convince the others using evidence based facts and to make decisions as a group.
The pack of about a dozen ships had made a decision - they would plunder this area, take the Human as a trophy, and form a new Pirate Fleet with their soon-to-be enhanced ships. Abigail did not respond how they expected her to when they made their statement.
"Ooh, so like, you wanna have a competition, eh? See who's gonna be on top of the food chain. Alright."
An excited grin forming on her lips with that last word. A second later, every engine fired a searing jet of energy to once again engage the race track. This time on Expert difficulty.
Two of the Gobbers' ships were instantly crushed between colliding ice rocks, sending a shower of dust and debris all over the place, the rocks bouncing around (with the aid of the engines) to create a true chaos field of death.
It was a struggle to find any valid escape vectors in this ever changing vortex, but a few of the crew were working on a plan. The pilots just needed to keep the ships alive long enough. Meanwhile, Abigail was practically dancing around the field in her customized vessel, named Victor in bold neon lettering on its left flank. Whenever she spotted an opportunity, she manually fired off certain engines to make life for these pirates just a tad more unsurvivable than it already was.
Just as she had split three more ships in half with a particularly slim and sharpened icicle (the size of a small container ship) Victor came to a halt. All systems fried - it was a targeted EMP. Due to the prevalence of shielding technology, electromagnetic pulses were generally not that useful, unless you could generate one powerful enough to overwhelm the entire shield system, but that would be the equivalent of a star shooting one off, so they were rarely fielded. But as ramshackle pirate fleets go, you mount and use whatever you can get your hands on.
One of the more tech-savvy of the crew remembered that they had yet to encounter Human craft with shields, and that one of their ships had an EMP cannon. Being able to put two and two together at a greater pace than their former "Admiral", this one cleverly found a way to quickly defeat the Human.
Another crew member, who liked to dabble in the digital realm, initially dismissed their surprisingly easy access to the engine systems, thinking only a poorly set trap would use "Password" as the passcode for full system access. Once the excitement was slightly lesser from Abigail no longer making it worse every second, did they think to give it a try anyway.
And it worked. The UI was comically simple, again, most would dismiss a screen that just had five buttons on it labeled - [Beginner] [Novice] [Intermediate] [Expert] [Reset] - as a trap, but getting the sense this Human liked things simple, they pressed the Reset button, and once more the fireworks of engines and particles illuminated the area before halting the movements of the race track entirely.
Relieved beyond belief that the nightmare was over, the pirates, formerly know as Gobsmack's Gobbers (they'll come up with a new name soon, they just wanna get rid of Big Thrashers legacy as quickly as possible) set about to strip the place for all it was worth.
All of the pirate ships had indeed taken Abigail up on her previous offer and one of them was the first to finish recharging their hyperdrive, and was about to set out to go and retrieve Abigail's craft, when it suddenly burst back to life and a modified looking escape pod shot off to a fair distance from the track and the pirates who had all latched themselves to it. She opened a comm-link to the pack of raiders:
"Ehmps are annoying, but we got redundancies for a reason fellas. Also, you didn't think this place wasn't set to blow if I couldn't deal with ya'll in a bit more controlled way, did ya?
Well, cuz it is.
Rule #1, buckos - Always rig to blow."
With the flick of a switch and the brightness of a star, Abby's Action Asteroids (trademark never made it through), alongside a half-dozen of the remaining Raider ships, was no more.
Victor, or what's left of him, a shabby escape pod. Hector, sound asleep, she'd just given him a can of wet food before the whole... excitement started. And Abigail - miffed, scuffed, and a little drained, was looking to see what she hadn't "modified" or outright removed from the pod for her other "ideas". Fortunately, basic life support is intact, thrusters and quantum comms though... not so much. There's enough to cobble a regular transmitter and the cryo-stasis module appears intact.
"Welp, looks like it'll just be me, Victor, and Hector, ain't that right? (Oi, at least turn one of yer ears at me). Fine, then it'll be me and Victor. A-hem:
Dear diary, I hope somebody is less than a light-month out from here, cuz I got a fair to attend. They'll be showing off the newest burst jets. Imagine - you're going 0.002C, full stop, 180 turn, then back to 0.002C in under 10 seconds! Sure, any organic'll become a puddle, but at race-track speeds - think of the cornering we can do with that! Anyway, there's food for maybe a week, so imma join Hector now. (C'mere ya bum, we're sleepin' together). The end.
P.S. If you're the popo, it was totally self defense, I got the footage right here, I am not responsible for where the debris goes."
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bunny-extract · 1 year
If you do end up writing that fic based on the “let me drive line” some of us (me in particular) would be very interested in reading it 👉🏻👈🏻
"Let me drive."
It's not a request, the underlying growl a fair enough warning of how any protest will play out. Frustration makes you want to test it, loosening your already sharp tongue.
König takes a step forward even before you show it, eyes tightening beneath the mask. The defiance is clear on your face, and he has none of the patience to play into your games.
"I know the way," you shoot back, hoping you don't sound as petulant as you feel. König nods once without concession. The rear door swings open, a giant hand threatening to crumple the aluminum. "Then you will be the navigator. Get in."
There's a beat where you think, This fucks never been told 'no'. A second where your chest puffs, excitement coursing through you as the word is primed behind your smirking mouth.
Then, the millisecond it takes for König's massive paw to shoot out and grab you.
“Jesus, are you — HEY!”
Your head barely misses being bounced off the roof of the car, shoved down in time before you’re thrown bodily onto the back bench. Just as you catch yourself the door slams, rocking the Humvee like it’s on water. A boot redirects its suspension when König sandwiches himself behind the wheel. You have to pull your legs up to avoid being crushed as his seat rolls back, clicking loudly into place at the furthest distance allowed.
His knees are bracketing the wheel, the span of one hand more than half the diameter when he adjusts even that. You want to quip something smart, tell him there’s plenty of leg room where you are, but your words are left behind with half your spirit when the clutch releases and the engine tries to skip a whole gear.
He's got no intention of lowering gears, that much is obvious, but when he locks the wheel all the way to the left and spins the car in donuts you genuinely find yourself fearing a death worse than capture. At least there was some nobility in torture. If this tin can Tarzans into a tree you wouldn't even get a metal for it.
König turns his head, his deadpan expression inches from your horror-stricken countenance.
"Which way, Fräulein?"
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celestialorcas · 20 days
The Outer Archives
Spoilers ahead for all of The Outer Wilds, all of Echos of The Eye DLC, and all of The Magnus Archives
So played outer wilds a couple years back, and its remained as my favorite game of all time, so I got to thinking recently, which locations in outer wilds can be mapped onto different fears from The Magnus Archives which i also loved! (Not as much as outer wilds but not really a fair comparison-) So today I got to work and made this:
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First obvious thing before I go into my reasoning's for each is Timber Hearth is clearly missing, thats just cause I could not think of a link to any of the fears, it really is just a chill place- Anyway my reasoning's (some are obvious but bear with me) The Sun: Represents the end, I thought about maybe The Extinction, but thats more the end of humanity with everything else carrying on, the sun I think perfectly represents the end cause it's supernovae-ing alongside the rest of the universe, everything is ending and the sun serves as a manifestation of that. The Ember Twin: All those little cramped caves systems slowly filling up with sand that you can get buried and crushed in The Ash Twin: It's the centre of the whole loop, its the ash twin project after all, everything that happens in the game can be attributed to the ash twin project, something out of your control till the end that youre stuck in The Attlerock: Esker..... Its a tiny moon thats easy to miss, with the character who in game is forgotten about a lot by the rest of the Hearthians, a quiet space for them to be alone and forgotten Brittle Hollow and Hollow's Lantern: The whole thing is slowly falling apart and being destroyed, catalysed by the big fire rocks from Hollow's Lantern being chucked at it, Represents collapse and destruction Giant's Deep: Big water planet, open space, tornados that can throw you from a vast ocean planet, into the infinite reaches of space. The depths that Gabbro swears they say a sea monster in, very vast. Dark Bramble: I can see how people could think of The Dark for this, the anglerfish being blind and hidden out of sight, but I think corruption fits better for the "planet" itself, it wasnt always Dark Bramble after all, it was once an ice planet that dark bramble corrupted and grew on until it took over its host, shattering it. The Interloper: The cause of the slaughter of this games Nomai clan, senseless destruction and killing just by chance (The Trickster from Doctor Who/SJA would have a field day with this) The Quantum Moon: Constantly changing from what you expect it to be and what it should look like. It's surface is different depending on what planet it orbits, and everything on it moves around, the world is not right, its the spiral The Stranger (EOTE): Not because they are named the same, thats just an amazing coincidence. The whole thing is unknown, no one you know has been there, all has an air of unease and creepiness to it, the burnt out reels destroying/changing information, the whole time I was there, despite the peaceful river (until...y'know-) and calm vibes, under the surface theres something just not quite right Eye of the Universe: Again, not because of the name, another great coincidence, or i guess not really a coincidence. The eye sees everything and constantly outputs a signal calling people to it, it rebuilds a new world based on the experiences of the hatchling, what the hatchling has seen. Just like the eye in the magnus archives, it takes all the experiences of the main character (Hatchling/Jon) and makes something new built upon them (New universe/The apocalypse). Love to hear peoples thoughts and where they would place things differently (especially if yall have an idea as for Timber Hearth-)
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christinesficrecs · 1 year
Hi! Do you know any fics where the parents are in the known and they help the pack and strengthen the bonds or something like that? Thank you, kepp the amazing work.
Here are a few pack fics with some parent involvement.
Stella and the Wolf by DiscontentedWinter | 52.2K
Stiles Stilinski is trying to juggle homework, high school, stupid dumb crushes on unattainable people, and werewolves. Keeping the supernatural secret from his dad is hard enough, but when it comes to Stella, his eight-year-old sister, it turns out it’s impossible.
Play It Again by metisket | 63.2K
In which Stiles goes along with one of Derek’s plans and ends up in an alternate universe as a result. He should’ve known better. He did know better, actually, and that means he has no one to blame but himself.
Important Things by suzvoy | 71.4K | Mature
Stiles learns that even with werewolves, giant lizards and psychopathic hunters on the loose, life can still find other ways to screw with you. Case in point: everyone keeps assuming he and Derek are a couple. What the hell?
with bloody feet across the hallowed ground by owlpostagain | 29.9K
There were no last words. No more pleas, no more screaming. Just the sound of Stiles squeezing the trigger, the explosion of a second shot rocketing out of the revolver, and the hunters bursting through the open doorway just in time to see the bullet slam squarely into the center of Derek’s chest.
Chosen by exclamation | 99K | Explicit
By tradition, when the Hale heir comes of age, the alpha can choose one boy to serve as the heir's slave for a month. When Peter Hale chooses Stiles, Stiles expects to spend a month being used and abused. But it seems Derek Hale doesn't want a sex slave any more than Stiles wants to be one.
Unfortunately, they're stuck with each other. They have to make it through the next month without killing each other, and without getting Peter Hale to order Stiles' death.
Meanwhile, Stiles wants to know why exactly Peter picked him.
(Sacred) In the Ordinary by idyll | 78.7K | Explicit
The Pack, after college, graduate school and the starting of careers, comes back to Beacon Hills. Nothing's gotten less complicated after all this time.
howling and half hid by unpossible | 24.5K | Explicit
The Sheriff has had some long, disturbing talks with Deaton, as well as the shaman who did Stiles’ tattoo, and the Stilinski house is now awash with mountain ash beams for boarding up doors and windows, and protective runes carved on the roof beams at the four compass points. Stiles suspects his Dad also stocked up on rock salt, just in case Supernatural turns out to be a documentary.
Honey, Can't you See (The Bloodstains on my Teeth) by Loup_Aigre, TroubleIWant | 44.9K | Explicit
“Mr Stilinski.” Deaton’s usually impassive face betrays a hint of surprise today, maybe even disappointment. “You haven’t changed your mind.”
Stiles tips his chin up, smiling against his irritation. “Nope,” he confirms, so cheerily it bites. They had arranged this weeks ago, yet Deaton was apparently betting Stiles wouldn’t go through with it in the end. Fuck that. He doesn’t know what it’s like out there, not really. He can afford to hold himself aloof and uninvolved, knowing his druid power is enough to keep him safe in this little office. Stiles can’t. Scott’s pack has got to protect this whole town, and Stiles’ spark isn’t enough to protect all of them while they do it.
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wjehfshs · 10 months
Ok your price daughter and your a hunter despite you could've become rookie you refused and also price was too scared to lose you.
But one day the task force 141 got a mission and go to a forest and that forest is where your hunting, so when the task force 141 got captured, ghost spots you as your hiding, you slowly raise your rifle and fire at the enemy leg making the enemy drop their weapon and you distracting the enemies.
This gave the task force 141 a chance grab the weapon and kill the enemies as one enemy runs after you, after The other enemies are dead price runs to find you, he sees your hunting rifle destroyed, as he imagines something terrible happen.
He finds you but your passed out from blood loss and a giant wound on your side while the enemy has his head crushed by the giant rock, price takes you to a medic as he thinks he's losing you as your slowly dying but you lived and ghost and soap end up a having a crush on you.
Jesus I’m finally getting to this
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Fem reader, violence, poly relationship??, father price
I do just wanna say over the past couple months I’ve been in and out of depressive episodes so I have no motivation this is just a small boost so I’m gonna try and get as much done as I can but idk if I can get to every request
Price was terrified of ANYTHING happening to you
I mean even before you were born his (now ex) pregnant wife was pampered and protected by him, fearing something would happen to the two of you
When you turned 17 Price thought it would at least be a good idea to teach you how to hunt with a rifle, just in case yknow?
Once he was paranoid about you being hurt if he was gone for a long time so he brought you along to base while he was on a mission
That’s where it all started
By now you’re around 24 but price is still very protective of you, even if you are a fully grown adult
But you wanted to go hunting so you snuck out
That also just so happened to be where they had a mission
Next thing you know you’re hiding behind a rock as there’s gunfire, yelling, explosions, etc etc
Still, everything was a blur and you turn your head to see what happened to them, to your dad
They were tied up with zip ties and restrained on the ground
Ghost spotted you ducking your head around to see what was happening
You raised your rifle slowly, fuck you didn’t know if you could do this
I mean you had hunted animals before but never shot a human, even if it’s just to distract them
But you still aimed and fired, hitting an enemy soldier in the leg
The solider screamed something in another language out of panic and pain
Now switch to Prices POV, he managed to quickly break his zip tie with a nearby discarded knife
He shot the soldiers and freed the rest of the task force
“Captain, [name]’s out there we gotta find her” Ghosts breath was laboured from the adrenaline
Next thing they know they’re running around frantically
Price sees your hunting gun smashed, he thinks “fuck what if something happened?” His mind is running wild as he continues on to find you
They find you underneath a small cliff
A soldiers head crushed by a rock and you slumped down with your head lowered, blood staining your shirt
But you seemed to be alive, just passed out
Now back to your POV, you groggily awake in the hospital room at base, Ghost and Soap by your side as Price rushes into the room
Price engulfs you into a crushing hug, making sure to avoid your wound
“You stupid, stupid girl we thought you were dead” he grumbled at you, pressing kisses to your temple
As Price finally let you go you looked to the side of your bed, seeing a small vase with a few roses, signed “Love Ghost, and Soap” with a little heart at the bottom of it
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steveshairychest · 1 year
k but… rich rock star eddie living in his mansion alone, walking around with this
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and with those long cigarette, like cruella de vil and having his hair tied up in a messy bun, red wine glass on the other with his make up slightly smudged.
Steve would just drop to his knees and pray to eddie like a god.
Oh fuck yeah. He'd live in it.
After a show, he'll come home and just strip off down to his boxers before slipping on the gorgeous robe. He doesn't wash his makeup off and doesn't remove the excessive amount of jewellery, totally content to leave it all on as he lounges on the giant couch in front of the window and smokes the last cigarette in his pack. He's told himself countless times he's going to quit, but he can't resist the comfort of an after show smoke.
And at least 4 glasses of wine.
His fans think he's out partying and doing drugs after his show, but in reality he sits alone in his mansion drinking wine and listening to cheesy love songs because he once again didn't have the balls to talk to the hot sound tech guy he's been crushing on for months.
During his last home show concert, he decides to wear the robe on stage. It isn't practical at all, but he wants the comfort it provides and maybe wants Steve the sound tech to see him in nothing but his ugly boxers and a fancy robe.
He walks out on stage looking like someone's rich mother who's drank way too much wine. His hair is thrown up into a messy bun with bits framing his face and he's got a deep red lipstick that matches his robe smudged on his lips. The crowd loves it. He hasn't heard the audience this loud since he kissed Gareth on stage as a joke.
He let's the robe slip off his shoulder while performing and eventually ends up throwing it somewhere backstage so he's left in nothing but his boxers and jewellery. When he glances over his shoulder towards backstage, he can see Steve the sound tech holding it in his hands as he stares at Eddie, mouth agape and eyes wide. Eddie winks at him and continues the show with the biggest smile on his face.
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sillypiratelife · 5 months
More funny/cute moments from the fake prince Zoro au but this time with the search team:
Luffy finds a giant bug he can sit in, much to Sanji and Nami's dismay. He later insisted on carrying it like a backpack.
There's a moment when he tries to hide the bug under his straw hat. It's Luffy with the giant bug very visibly over his head and the bug wearing the hat.
Luffy's attempt to climb the mountain by extending his arm as long as he can while Chopper begs him to stop because the rocks will cut him AND poison him, probably.
Honestly Luffy has no business being such a menace, but that's not weird for him.
Anyway he eats a bug that slightly drugs him and thinks he's melting, so Sanji has to pick him like he's picking a jelly man from the ground. He leaves Luffy with Nami when it's time to report to the other team, ending with Nami manipulating Luffy to believe he is no longer in risk of melting thanks to her "witch powers / weather control".
"I should have been the prince 😩", "did you really want ZORO with us in this forest? 🤨"
Sanji with his heart eyes for Nami finding comfort in the fact he still likes girls a great deal, thank you very much, all be blessed by the sight of Nami's body.
Sanji doesn't know how to stop hiding his real feelings from Nami, because in his mind he's betraying all women by liking boys. It leads to a post-adventure talk once they are back in the Merry.
Nami is really gentle with Sanji. She wishes she had someone to talk and gush about when she found out she liked girls, but she was too busy trying to survive Arlong and she had no friends, only Nojiko and she was far far away at the time.
That scene of Sanji hiding his face in Nami's neck while he slightly panics. She holds him in silence, knowing there's a lot Sanji has to figure out for himself and she can only be there for him as it happens.
That night in the Merry Nami stays with Sanji in the kitchen. He cooks and she sketches the map of the island they just left and a new map of Skypiea.
But back at the forest.
Nami, Luffy and Sanji getting perfectly camouflaged in the autumn forest with their hair colors.
Nami curses the little folk so bad they get scared and Luffy proclaims in awe that she must be a real witch (he got hit, of course).
The absolute comedy of Sanji realizing he is screwed because everything reminds him of Zoro and Luffy clocking it so fast Sanji is scared for his life.
Luffy doesn't say a thing, but somehow every time Sanji is blushing because of Zoro, Luffy is right there looking at him with his big crazy unnerving yet reassuring smile and a glint in his eyes that crush Sanji's expectations of no one noticing anything.
THE HIDE AND SEEK INTENSE BATTLE. There's a tradition in Altus that says that if you're meant to find something, you'd be able to find it no matter what. The little folk honor it and separate the search team. Nami finds a treasure, Luffy finds an old rotten throne in the middle of nowhere and Sanji finds the cave where the royal family hides.
The whole combo of the oldest prince and Nami bargaining 'cause Luffy made a fortune in little folk currency (bugs) and the prince is trying very hard to save the economy of his kingdom from Nami.
The twin princesses help Sanji find the color changing vegetable that the witch of the farmer village uses for her special soup.
The Queen is really sick when they find her :((
The princes and princesses all worrying over their mother's health, refusing to leave her door, sitting on the ground all bundled in a giant mess. It hurts all the straw hats to see it and they try to comfort the royal family as much as they can.
Luffy distracts the girls talking about bugs. Sanji cooks for everyone. Nami brags about how talented Chopper is.
Luffy tries to convince a whole orchestra to join the ship. A whole. Orchestra.
Sanji dances soooo much with soooo many people. That man does miracles with his feet and he's there to show off.
Nami learning from the King how to cheat in new card games.
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afanofmanyhats · 8 months
The air was suffocatingly thick with despair. Lesovikk tightened his grip on the cliffside as he slowly shimmied across the stone. Below him a group of Manas rumbled as they swung fierce blows at each other. Whether it was a genuine fight to the death or simply a way to pass the time, Lesovikk couldn't tell. He simply thanked Mata Nui that his Faxon gave him the lizard-like camouflage and climbing ability to make it past them. The last time he had tried to infiltrate Karzahni had ended with several bruises and a crushed pauldron due to bad tactics on his part.
What else is new, he thought darkly. It wouldn't be the first time my plans got someone killed.
His foot caught onto a loose stone. His weight shifted, and he managed to grab a better foothold just as the shale fell down to the roiling mass of Rahi below. He held his breath as the rocks pattered against a monster's shell. It didn't bother to look up as a different Manas had just slammed a claw into its treads. Lesovikk let out his breath and continued, even more careful this time.
It was slow going. The mountains that ringed Karzahni were blackened from soot, and the ash-choked wind made it hard to breathe. At the same time he was chilled to the bone; no warmth would be found here. Yet he kept climbing, his mind burning as he made further progress into the domain of the damned.
When the Manas were beyond hearing, he finally lowered himself to the canyon floor. He sat for a moment and caught his breath. The air was colder, but clearer. The pain in his throat somehow revived him, and he soon stood back up.
I won't turn back this time. Sarda, Idris, Piruk- everyone, I won't leave without you.
He kept his camouflage, his armor blending into the rough grey and cold black of the rocks. He followed the canyon's passage until he finally saw an opening into a wider space. At the edges of the wall he spotted two figures on either side. He moved to duck out of sight until he realized they were too small to be Manas. Matoran, maybe?
He crept forward, cautious of any traps Karzahni or his minions may have set down. He detected nothing. As he drew closer, his caution turned to curiosity, then to confusion. They were statues. Rather than depicting guards, as he would have expected, they were Matoran. Bizarrely shaped, gangly Matoran, but Matoran all the same. They sat on rocks, one holding a pickaxe and the other a chisel. Their expressions seemed weary beyond all belief.
They must be a warning to what awaits the Matoran who come here. Toil without reward.
As he passed, Lesovikk got the uncanny feeling they were watching him.
Lesovikk felt his heartlight dim as he surveyed the land before him. The sky was black with soot, illuminated only by the red glows of flames scattered throughout the region. Far in the distance he could see a twisted black metal citadel. Smoke billowed from countless chimneys, and the light glowing from the windows made it seem like a many-eyed monster was staring back at him. A giant gate opened its maw, and he could see tiny figures scurrying in and out of it.
Closer to him, the land was dry with pale sand, only broken up by rock spires, more statues resembling the ones he had just encountered, and twisted plants that didn't seem living. Further away, a collection of huts haphazardly grouped together were centered on a gloomy lake. They were Matoran-sized.
Could it be...? They look like the huts back home!
His pulse rising, Lesovikk began to hurry. If his hunch was right, then his journey would soon be over. Maybe he would be able to start his redemption properly. Even if he couldn't bring his team back, surely he could rescue his Matoran from the bowels of this hell.
One of the statues suddenly jerked up. Lesovikk stumbled in surprise and drew his blade. He leveled it as the figure creaked its joints, its mask turning to face him.
Lesovikk felt his blood freeze.
"Turaga Vrikol?"
He could hardly believe what he was seeing. The Turaga's limbs were crooked and thin, their movements jagged from lack of muscles. His hands were curled in, weakly grasping at air. His purple armor was pitted and rusted. What was most horrifying to the Toa of Air were the dull black pits where his eyes and heartlight were supposed to be.
"You... what are you doing here?" Lesovikk felt anger replacing his horror. The last he had seen this corpse, Turaga Vrikol had been babbling about how all the Matoran under his guidance - under Lesovikk's protection - had been flawed. Had been lazy, wasting their time with music and talking. Lesovikk had left him alone to wallow in an empty village.
The Turaga's head jerked up at Lesovikk's words. Lesovikk swallowed his disgust. He had never seen a Mask of Undeath working before. He never wanted to see it again.
The Turaga's voice was a husky, flat whisper, grating from an empty throat like a dull dagger drawn from its sheath. It was miles away from the soothing rich tones Lesovikk had once loved and respected.
"Gone. Sent away... I sent them away. And they were gone..."
"The Matoran? I'm getting them out of here. Do you know where they are?"
"Gone... I was gone. I was lost. I was sent away to seek the lost... I was lost... I was gone..."
"Turaga!" Lesovikk snapped. "Don't waste my time. What time you have is borrowed as it is. Tell me where they are!"
"Gone... Lost... Sent away... Gone... Lost... Sent away... Gone. Lost. Sent away."
Turaga Vrikol's voice began to change. It grew louder and deeper with each repetition. Lesovikk wanted to walk away, but he felt rooted in place like one of the statues. The Turaga began slowly stepping towards him, the pick that had once been his badge of office trailing in the sand behind him.
"Gone. Lost. Sent away. Gone! Lost! Sent away! Gone! Lost! Sent away! GONE! LOST! SENT AWAY!"
Vrikol's broken hand grabbed Lesovikk's arm as the sightless eyes turned up. Lesovikk saw a flare of green light in them as the Turaga screeched, "THEY'RE GONE! THEY'RE LOST TO ME! I CAN'T SEND THEM BACK!"
The words echoed into the cavernous valley. The flash faded from Vrikol's eyes and heartlight. The pick fell from his hand, and with a long, guttural sigh, the Turaga rolled onto his back.
Lesovikk stood there for a long while, dread gripping him in a vice.
Did he come here looking for them? Did... did he mean they're gone from here, or gone like he was? What did Karzahni do to my people?
He looked back at the citadel. Somehow he knew he would find no answers there. He looked back at the Turaga's body only to startle. There was a grey pallor creeping over the armor. The same shade of grey as the statues.
Those aren't statues.
Lesovikk choked back a scream. He took the pick and placed it into the Turaga's hand. He wouldn't be coming back here. There was nothing here for the Toa. He certainly wouldn't find the Matoran in these statues. But if there was a chance they were elsewhere in the universe, he would scour every last island for them.
We've failed you, my friends. But I won't stop searching.
He turned back to the canyon and walked away.
Behind him, Turaga Vrikol's eyes turned grey.
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OMG CAN U DO MIDORIYA X READER SOULMATE AU? Maybe they are connected with one for all somehow. (Doesn’t need to to anything canon) oh and i don’t care if reader is m or f.
maybe something where deku feels connection to reader and is overprotective but doesn’t first understand why.
your stories are lovely btw <3
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Midoryia Izuku x GN!reader
Thank you, hun <3 I had too many ideas for this, so I made a small drabble instead. Hope you enjoy!
Everyone say thank you to Soup for editing this for me!
Deku was never sure what it was that drew him to you. 
He could ramble on about you for days.  Flowing like a raging river with no sign of stopping. On and on about your favorite things, habits of yours not even you had picked up on, how your hairstyle suits you, your flaws and your perfections, and so much more. His ramblings would never end.
But if you were to ask him why he felt connected to you?
He stops. 
Like something had blocked the flow in the river. Was it a giant rock? A dam? Had the water dried up? What stopped the boy who never stopped talking from talking?
Perhaps that was just the effect you had on him.
That's how crushes worked, right? They left you breathless? Unable to explain the feeling that burned in your chest? Left you at the mercy of the special person who had stolen your heart?
But a crush was elevating. Left you floating high in the sky, away from the harsh reality as you paraded around in your own little heaven where life could do no wrong. 
And Deku felt that, don't get him wrong. You gave him a different kind of high that left him stumbling and unable to think clearly. 
It was just that the burning sensation wasn't alone. The welcomed feeling of love was joined by something stronger. Something that didn't elevate Deku, but instead grounded him. A strong tug, forceful and demanding. Almost like a mini Bakugou had invaded his mind, yelling "TALK TO YOUR CRUSH. TALK TO THEM!" everytime you come near. 
Just like the real Bakugou, this voice was the center of his frustrations. 
He crouched down, stretching his legs. They were currently fighting against class 1-B in one of the natural disaster training grounds. The mission was simple: you had to steal the other team's flag and make it back to base with it.
He and the rest of his class had come up with a formation to ensure they would win.
Ashido, Sato, Jiro, Koda, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, and Todoroki would stay behind to protect the flag.
Iida, Denki, Bakugou, Hagakure, Shoji, and you would go on to try to steal Class 1-B's flag.
Asui, Uraraka, Oijiro, Aoyama, Sero, Mineta and himself would hide in areas by both bases. Their job was to either help their classmate get to base if they were successful in capturing the flag, or stop a class 1-B member if they tried running off with theirs.
He stood hidden between two buildings, stretching his legs and arms. While he should've been thinking about how much of his power he should use, his thoughts got redirected to you. You were strong, Deku knew this, yet he couldn't help but feel uneasy about you going off for the flag.
When Momo had first proposed the formation, he had been hoping to be put in the same group as you, but she had other plans.
"I'm not sure if you've noticed, but you, Bakugou, and Todoroki have become the top 3 in the class. You're leaders. Each group needs a leader."
Momo said Deku could switch places with Bakugou, but he knew that wasn't going to happen. There was no way he'd comply with being back up.
And you switching groups wasn't an option either. You looked so excited about the position you were given. Deku couldn't take that from you.
Logically, he knew he was overreacting. This wasn't a war, it was training. They weren't fighting power hungry villains, they were fighting class 1-B in a safe and controlled environment. Nothing bad would happen.
You would be fine.
You would be fine.
You would be—
"I GOT IT!" 
Your voice-
Deku glanced over to see you and your team making a run for it. You used your quirk to get by as fast as you could, members of class 1-B following close behind.
Deku crouched, making eye contact with his team. He leapt forward, his teammates following suite.
While class 1-A had the advantage of having real experience with villains, class 1-B had improved their quirks significantly.
Deku found it difficult trying to keep up with their quick moments. The fact that he kept looking over to see where you were didn't help. 
He couldn't stop himself, he needed to know if you were ok.
From the corner of his eye, he saw Shiozaki launching Shoda. He was heading straight for you. 
(Author's note: if you don't remember who these people are: Shiozaki is the girl with vine hair, and Shoda is the guy with the Twin Impact quirk!)
He hit your side and yelled the one word Deku was afraid of hearing: 
An invisible force sent you flying into a wall, class 1-B's flag slipping through your fingers.
It was like time froze.
Deku couldn't see anything or anyone other than you—
And the man who hurt you.
Anger burned in his veins, everything within him screaming to do something.
That intense tug returned and it pulled him towards you. 
Always you.
Using 25% of his power, he ran after Shoda.
His black whip wrapped around Shoda's waist, and using the same force he used on you, he threw him.
"Ugh, my side…" You muttered. Though your voice was quiet, Deku heard it. It stuck out from the chaos around him and he found himself making his way to you. 
You held onto some rubble and wiped your bloody nose.
"Are you ok?" He grabbed your arm and put it around his shoulders. He thought about wrapping his free arm around your waist, but embarrassment held him back. 
"Yeah, it's just my back."
"It's not bad, is it—?"
Deku jumped and you groaned in annoyance.
Bakugou stomped his way over to you, "The hell are you doing?! You didn't grab the flag butterfingers over here dropped! Now we have to go steal it all over again!"
Deku opened his mouth to ask him what he was talking about, before remembering the situation they were in. He had completely forgotten about the flags.
Guilt swarmed his stomach, he let his team down. What was he doing? 
"Get your head back in the game before I pummel your ass!"
"That's what she said—"
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Class 1-B won the flag game unfortunately. Everyone blamed Deku for their loss. He didn't blame them. 
This time it may have been a harmless game, but in battle he couldn't let himself get distracted so easily. He felt embarrassed for messing up.
All because he was worried about you.
He sighed as he finished brushing his teeth. His classmates were all currently yelling at Mineta because he said something inappropriate again, not that Deku was paying much attention.
He was exhausted and his muscles ached. The only thing he was focused on was making it to his bed, though he failed that goal because the second he closed his bedroom door behind him, he collapsed on the floor and fell asleep.
He felt warm and comfortable. Floors have never felt so good before and as he drifts off to sleep he wonders why he even has a bed...
Deku looked around to see the familiar ghosts of the past. The past users of OFA.
Their faces were blurry and unclear. They all stood quietly, watching Deku carefully.
And in the center of it all was you.
You stood in the center, eyes trained on him.
"You may not be alone…one more is connected to you."
The holder's voices sounded muffled, but their words were clear.
You had some sort of connection to OFA.
How so, Deku wasn't sure,
But this was the tug that pulled him to you.
This was the connection you two shared.
And from that moment, he knew he had to get closer to you.
He needed to find out your connection to OFA.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
sou !! hello !! this is also random and specific but i saw the datekou headcanon post and i was wondering. might you have any inarizaki road trip hcs?
i didn't until you asked me so LET'S GO
oh god you thought dateko was bad??? they were only stuck in the car for thirty minutes at MOST
(or something idk i haven't quite mapped out their geography yet but miyagi is a coastal prefecture and sendai isn't like SUPER far inland, so i'm just making assumptions out here)
but anyways. kurosu is driving obviously as much as he moans and groans about it
shoutout to the coaches btw they are CARRYING these headcanons
realistically i guess they'd road trip to another school for a training camp or like idk. maybe hot springs for some r&r bc inarizaki def has the budget for it but in my heart they road trip to suna's hometown during one of the breaks so suna can see his family <333
i guess it also kind of depends on WHERE in hyogo and aichi they are but we could get a solid 4-5 hours of driving if it was from, say, asago to tahara
kita makes a list of all the snacks everyone wants and rounds up aran, oomimi, and akagi to help him raid the market/convenience store like the old hunter-gatherer days
they end up with two massive tote bags of drinks, chips, cookies, and other miscellaneous snacks and one cooler for things like puddings and cakes and whatnot
oomimi sits shotgun because kurosu needed someone to help with directions and everyone else was on "make sure the miyas don't kill each other before we get there" duty
they all thought that kita was brilliant for making atsumu sit in the back and osamu up front because even tho they're separated the twins will NOT stop bickering and trying to throw random pieces of trash at each other. poor riseki gets caught in the crossfire the most often
they all converged to make one giant road trip playlist so you've got the weirdest mix of pop rock/bubblegum/k-pop/city pop, lofi, indie soft rock, show tunes and soundtracks, and more
(i named those genres with certain charas in mind so like. have fun figuring that out!)
nobody's willing to take a nap in fear of what the twins might do to each other when they're not looking
they play really stupid games like the alphabet-chain game and i spy and even try for a few rounds of truth or dare because, hey, there's nothing like being stuck in a car with your fellow teenagers for four hours to set the mood for emotionally vulnerable bonding time, right?
anyways. everyone learns that gin is afraid of heights and all sorts of horror movies, akagi would like to get his ears pierced some day, kosaku got rejected in middle school in front of his entire class and has refused to fall in love since, and suna takes pictures to capture the memory of a place he does not want to forget
(sorry i'm being emo about suna missing home again i'll stop)
kurosu is sweating BUCKETS in the front seat btw. "oh my god what do i do with this information am i supposed to talk to them i'm their TEACHER i'm supposed to guide them i do NOT get paid enough for this - "
a shame, really, considering inarizaki could definitely afford to give that man a raise
it's okay they get some really funny dares like daring gin to text his crush a totally random and weird question
(and thank god atsumu has his phone tucked away in his bag)
there's not a whole lot of dares they can do in the car tbh so they get really creative like daring osamu to eat this absolutely evil concoction of mixing tiramisu pudding into a bag of spicy chips and eating the whole thing
he does. nobody knows how he survived it
and then riseki dared both osamu AND atsumu to shut up and sit down and not even so much as GLANCE each other for the rest of the trip
this was at, like, the 1.5 hour mark btw
and okay he didn't say it EXACTLY like that because riseki is a sweet respectful underclassman but that WAS the closest to snapping he's ever gotten
they do stop occasionally here and there to get out and stretch their legs, but this makes their trip even longer bc it takes like thirty minutes each time to wrangle everyone and get them back in the van
also akagi is trying out his most terrible pickup lines. or antipickup lines. either one works
akagi: "are you lactose? because i can't tolerate you ;)" aran: "PLEASE, MAKE HIM STOP"
the only reason aran feels like he isn't completely suffering is because gin is sitting next to him and gin is kind of soothing like a cute pet would be. not that aran is thinking of gin as a pet nooooo ahahaha that would be weird
meanwhile gin is wondering why aran keeps trying to feed him crackers
they finally get to suna's hometown after being on the road for SIX AND A HALF HOURS
and while everyone is happy to be outside soaking up the sun and fresh air, they're all going to miss the bonding of being stuck in a van perhaps just a little bit
it's all right, they've got the return trip to look forward to
(made 100x worse when akagi busts out a drinking game and proclaims they should play with juice boxes, but that's a story for another time)
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moodymisty · 6 months
no fear response, and more that it’s been turned nearly all of the way down.
I headcanon that it’s a similar situation with their feelings of romance or sex. That it’s not completely gone, but that it’s nullified just enough for them, under the right circumstances (a.k.a never truly interacting with baseline humans), to not feel those feelings ever. Because you can’t have your killing machines questioning their loyalty and running off with some mortal, right?
So I this brings me to the thought that a space marine can feel romantic or sexual feelings, it’s just that it’s probably got to be under some very specific circumstances. And that most of them would have no idea what to do when they get a crush on someone. Yes they’re grown adults but new emotion?? New emotion that is affection??? Affection that isn’t platonic or familial?!! Confusion!!!!
Cue a bunch of different reactions to this. Ranging from trying to impress their object of affection by showing off how well they can fight (“Check out how strong I am!” “Well yeah, you’re a space marine.” “Oh… right.”), to deciding to avoid them completely, or being weirdly obsessive/possessive of them because they never want to lose the person that made them feel this way, or getting angry at the baseline human for distracting them from their duties (even though they probably didn’t even realise the space marine had feelings for them), perhaps even deciding to do what they do best and bringing their human trophies of the enemies/heretics/xenos they killed like some kind of giant catboy.
Space marine: 7 years ago I had a crush on a serf in my chapter and I didn’t know how to deal with it, so I wrote her a letter that just said “leave this place immediately”
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(first part of the ask because dumblr cut it off)
Putting this ask on my fridge because you understood the fucking assignment.
Astartes start their transformation at around 10-13, so basically their entire formative years are taken away from them. How are you expected to know what a crush is or love or really any complex emotion if you’re too busy having a bakers dozen of extra organs shoved in you and running through the Tunnel of Terror?
'Yeah I didn't have a girlfriend I was too busy getting acid spit'
I imagine that having to deal with an Astartes who's figuring out how an entire array of emotions work is going to be, a handful. He ends up knocking someones lights out while sparring just to show off, or you end up with the hide of an entire Tyranid Warrior. What do you say to that? Thanks? Them being hyper vigilant of you being around other Astartes, almost obsessively. Also all this depends heavily on the chapter. It would probably be much easier with a White Scar, Lamenter( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), Ultramarine, or Blood Angel( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) than an Imperial Fist, World Eater, or Black Templar (I love my wall husbands but their heads are filled with concrete).
[PENDING COMFIRMATION LOL] And, some of this is actually canon! In a book, a space Marine thinks about how weird he feels when looking at an attractive young woman who’s a refugee they saved. I KNOW this is a thing but I cannot remember the source so I’m going to try and find it. I believe he was a blood angel. If I can't find it please take all this with a grain of salt.
And anyone who manages to land themself an Astartes BF pretty much got themself the himbo to end all himbos. Because while Astartes are super smart and have crazy fast reflexes, they’re fucking dumb as rocks in other regards. (Examples being any emotion that isn’t anger or respecting your superiors, stupid infighting between chapters, Talos Valcoran)
Also in the 41st millenium they’re pretty much mildly worshiped as 'angels', so you have a literal trophy husband. Congrats. Please keep him on a leash the guardsmen are very scared and he has no trigger discipline.
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