#and then your writing…….. hhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
ari.......... will u mutual bingo meeeee?
NIKU ……. say less >:3 here is your bingo hehe pls have a seat n sip on some coffee ☕️ made it extra bitter so **** won’t come and steal it from u….
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captainmera · 10 months
Hello Mera!!! I just want to say thank you for sharing all your amazing artwork, webcomic, and fanfics. I've been inspired by your art style and have gotten back into doing my own doodles. Man your webcomic, I gotta say Oliver is my favorite character but that's probably due to the fact I often have tired deadeye people as my favorites, the story and the writing is amazing aghhhh I'm so hooked on it I look forward to every update!!! And your fic ohh it's awesome! I love how you get into each and every dynamic and bond it's gorgeous man seriously it is by far my favorite fic ever!!! I hope your day is well, that you make sure to also take care of yourself, know that we love what you do, and have a wonderful day! Thank you for everything!
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Mfgghjb gkhöhäjkl, lklök ö hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
thank you. (((˃̩̩̥ɷ˂̩̩̥)))!!! <3333
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holyguardian · 9 months
🌟 ― i love how you portray your muse(s) ✨ ― i love the way you write 💫 ― i enjoy writing with you 😊 ― i enjoy talking to you 💖 ― you seem like a genuinely nice person ☀️ ― your posts always bring me joy ❤️ ― you're one of my favorite blogs
Small symbols of kindness.
I will be bare assed honest, although I don't think it's that much of a secret anyway — I am a chronic lurker. On Tumblr mobile I am only logged into Aerith's blog (her dashboard is that nice cozy spot between not too loud and not too quiet) and while I glance most of what I scroll I do in fact pause to read posts from a select few blogs 10/10 times and @.poeticphoenix is one of them.
Like, shiver me fucking timbers, you're so lovely and it's really obvious how much passion drives your writing. I believe you said Genesis has been a brain cell diva for you for something like 9 years and it absolutely shows, your characterisation is so confident in a way that says to me "I know who I am writing, I could write for this character in my sleep" which is a kind of connection that's such a treat to witness.
TL;DR: Thankyou I'm honoured 😭💖
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kidfoundonstreets · 2 years
now you may be wondering
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how did i get here after staring at this while eating i realized that his braid was specifically cut off......its funny bc 1. that means the braid is a whole other being than his head 2. i threatened to do the exact same thing that aside i feel absolutely deathy destroyed. this is my story. witch’s hea | ok enough this actually sucks ass WHO DID THIS?? WAS IT EVEN ONE OF US?? AND THE WRITING TOO TOTAL BULLSHIT IT SAYS HIS HEAD WAS SEVERED OFF WITH A KNIFE that is not lady dorothy ik we dont know her but i dont feel like she’d do that i know that ashe probably wouldve killed the others but damn. okay also why was ashe in noel’s room? it doesn’t make sense ok so we stole his key and went into his room. took the newspaper walked around a bit and wnet into wilardo’s hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why was ashe even interested in witches in the first place like what made him become a researcher how did this all start when did he become so desperate oh well sirius’s dead rip “ill tell you tomorrow” it never works the guy didnt deserve that at all. literally what did he do to you this ??? guy i really really hope isnt noel (im saying this bc my brother keeps saying its noel when it probably isnt but still) it could be something the demons planned but i dont think theyd interfere or would they ighhhjhkhuuhhg noel after waking up always too late: well shit lime i feel sorry but stop
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this is too far “the killer is clearly dorothy” claire i love you but somebody bonk her i honestly have no idea who did it. it might just be someone outside the cast so that guy is noel’s father,, but it seems that he might’ve not been too attached to admit it was best so easily or he could just be repressing his feelings  also patricia millers....................................mom istg alright i found zizel and talked to her,, what do they mean first time have they been repeating stories?? like i hate to compare but the ai simulations?? how is that even possible???? do they just make these groups of people go through this over and over to see what happens and this is one of the things that interests them claire and noel being closer
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so noel’s basically chained to this mansion if he wants everybody else to go free thats so messed up
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THE GOSSPIERS. WORSTIES but “always” so it really is
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unrequited love real
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OF COURSE IT WAS A DUMMY DOLL AFGHH HOW DID I NOT THINK OF IT IT WAS FUNNY BUT STOP ANYWAY also about lime basically wanting to do all of these things. damn youre really desperate for that “love” youre never gonna get
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regretwords-blog · 6 years
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girl-in-the-tower · 3 years
AZUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU i literally cannot get over how big and juicy your brain is. Your headcanons and ideas and writing is fucking next level. The amount of care and effort you put into everything you do is constantly inspiring! I'm glad I met you and I'm always excited to chat with you about whatever new ideas you've got breweing, and the next parts of WNA. every convo got me like
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And I’m so glad I met you too!! You’re always so sweet and supportive and I can’t thank you enough for that!! I always love chatting to you and developing ideas and hearing about your projects too!! Thank you so much again!!
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pay-with-your-kinks · 4 years
Dude its lunch and i just reread the chan fic and im - HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (I'm also legit kinda ammused that i went "huh being an anon would be cool" and it took me exactly one [1] day to semi-fuck up my anon status) -🍇
Jokes on you because your status is still totally in tact and also I’m rlly glad you enjoyed the fic~ I enjoyed writing it too eheh
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spaceshipkat · 5 years
so i’m reading the sj/m tor interview, and here’s a couple highlights i wanted to share
Q: I want to talk a little bit about the jump from YA to adult. You’ve said in the past that you’d leave the shelving location up to your publishers, but did you know as you were writing that this was different from your previous work?
A: So it wasn’t a conscious choice to write adult, it was just—here is this story that I’m having an extremely awesome reaction to, this is the character that walked into my head. Moving to adult now just feels like the right move, this is the story that’s been so close to my heart for so many years. This is the next thing I’m dying to publish.
Q: What was the editorial process like, was it different?
A: Sometimes giant chunks of the story, or I’ll take out characters or add characters in, I do a lot of very intense revising. I really look forward to the editorial process because its that essential time for the book to become what it needs to be. It gives me time to figure out what I want this book to be. Whenever I turn in a first draft, I know that first draft is awful so I dump the book on my editors lap, and I’m like please help me make it better!
(oh please. i’m rolling my eyes again)
Q: You started on Throne of Glass when you were sixteen. Was it different to work on a series that hasn’t been with you for that long?
A: With Crescent City, I’ve really had to do a lot of planning for the second and third books. What are some of the big reveals that I can set up for in book one? With ToG and ACoTaR, I had the luxury of years of letting those books sit and figuring out what I wanted to do with them, so I could really plan the twists and turns and revelations. But with this one I don’t have all those years, I need to be smart and figure out what I really want to happen. So I’ve been heavily plotting book two and book three, and it’s actually really fun. Even if I’m not typing actual words for those books, it’s really fun to put on my headphones and daydream about what I want to happen next, and then see how I can be really sneaky in book one and put all those details in so that when something huge happens, readers can be surprised. I love writing those moments, my “mic drop” moments, and I love hearing from readers when they say “yeah, I was hoping that would happen” or “I didn’t see that coming but now I totally see that you were planting the seeds for that”.
(this is such bullshit)
Q: Crescent City is a decidedly urban setting, with modern technology alongside supernatural creatures. What was the world-building process like?
A: How can I have an old school fantasy world but give them indoor plumbing? Which, for ToG and ACoTaR—these are set in older times but they need to have toilets that run, and then I have to invent an aqueduct system for the city and explain how the water is carried, there’s a sewer network. But for Crescent City, toilet paper is a given, don’t need to explain that one.
A: There are a whole other set of questions that I’m still chipping away at. I love those world building details, and the world of Crescent City is populated by almost every magical, mythical creature you could think of and they all exist together side by side in this very complex hierarchy. Its kind of like the Roman Empire, and it’s been fun to say, a really hot vampire guy is trolling the clubs, so I can play on some of those tropes and have fun with them.
(well now we know why it has Roman columns so imma need someone to hold my beer. also, she didn’t explain once how the t0g world has indoor plumbling, so fuck that)
Q: And with technology, it doesn’t always work. Cellphones get stolen or lost or broken.
A: And I grew up in New York City, and so getting to write a character living in a city feels like I’m home again. Bryce, my main character, works at a magical antiquities gallery, and I spent one summer in college working at an antiquities gallery. Her job is a lot more exciting than mine ever was, I mostly sat at the reception desk in the gallery waiting for people to come in and if someone did I’d say, here’s the 2000 year old bust from Crete. I would give little tours of it. Bryce has magical artifacts in her gallery that could come alive and kill her so it’s a lot more exciting that my—oh, it’s 10:00AM, time for my yogurt and six almonds. I had a very regimented schedule to keep boredom at bay, I read the New York Times cover to cover every day. It isn’t an exciting market. I loved it because I love ancient art. It was amazing to go into a space every day and sit surrounded by things that were so ancient that were really expensive too. If I break it, I will be working here for the rest of my life. But it was really cool, so I kind of drew on that experience for Bryce—and being young and in the city. Bryce does things that I could not do, but I pulled from my experiences.
( @longsightmyth you’re gonna have to keep me chill while she uses this as an excuse to not do thorough research on how you properly handle ancient artifacts. we saw how she treats ancient books, so this is bullshit)
Q: It’s rare to find a fantasy series built on female friendship. Was that a conscious choice, to center the relationship between Bryce and her roommate, Dani?
A: Yeah, I’m lucky to have the most wonderful husband in the world and I’ve been with him for 15 years now—but so I’ve had this amazing and epic love with him that’s shaped my life. But I’ve also had my life shaped by the friendships I’ve had at different stages in my life.
(not to nitpick, but 1) why would you bring up your husband when asked about female friendships, 2) this is ridiculous bc she doesn’t write female friendships well, and 3) can we stop praising her for stuff like this? so many authors write female friendships much healthier than sj/m, so here we’re just stroking her already enormous ego)
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bkdkink · 5 years
Heyo! I'm relatively new to your tumblr but I just,,,,your art and writing fuels my inner heart eyes™ and gives me life,,, it's amazing ♡♡ thank u for blessing my eyes with its beauty
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demogorgans · 5 years
Shipping Game
Pick your top 10 ships without reading the questions. [or if you’re a one ship dedicated blog, feel free to answer all of them for just that one, or do all the ships from one fandom, this is just for fun].
I was tagged by the amazing @rebelmeg (I’m gonna do this will like all my fandoms)
Tony x Rhodey (marvel)
Sam x Cas (spn)
Tony x Bucky (marvel)
Tony x Ziva (ncis)
Mickey x Ian (shameless)
Tony x Stephen (marvel)
Kirk x Bones (star trek)
Shawn x Jules (psych)
Poe x Finn x Rey (star wars)
Rudy x Liesel (the book thief)
Do you remember the episode/chapter/scene where you first started shipping 6?  "Protecting your reality,,,,, douchebag” i was a goner thank you
What’s your favorite fanfiction for 4? uuuuuuh honestly? never read a damn thing
What’s your favorite fan art/picture for 2?  hooooooooooo booi you done it now i’d have to say this one and this one bc in this house we stan wendigo
What’s your favorite headcanon for 1?  DWEEEEBS ok they learned morse code to talk with each other in the lab and rhodey is dum-e’s godfather and u’s godfather and butterfinger’s godfather and JARVIS’s godfather and they had the time of their lives at MIT and they’ve been in love with each other since day one
What do you like most about the dynamic between the people of 7? "dammit jim”
When 9 have sex is it more giggly or more serious?  uh no thanks
Out of all the ships who do you think have the best chemistry?  shawn & jules from psych. they fuck me up every god damn time i mean that kiss in An Evening With Mr Yang? they kill me 10x over
Which ship has the strongest bond?  Sam and Cas. next question
Which ship to you spend the most time reading fanfiction for/talking/writing about?  hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck sastiel, winteriron, and ironhusbands are all top contenders. i write for them, read about them, and talk about them a lot
Which one was your first ship? like ever,,,,? Max x Fang from the Maximum Ride series. on this list? Tony x Ziva from ncis
If 6 were to break up, how would it happen? hysterically dramatic with strange making portals
Between 3 and 8, who would last the longest if they were in a zombie apocalypse?  winteriron vs shules? the logical thing here is to pick tony & bucky but god can’t you see jules kicking zombie ass while shawn screams
Does 7 hide their relationship, and if so, why? oh absolutely and i will tell you why. kirk thinks bones hung the god damn stars ok he knows his doctor is the single most amazing person he’s ever encountered and he so doesn’t want to deal with the whispers and the staring and the questions 
What is 9′s favorite date to go on?  you absolute fools. these kids nap. they watch rey move rocks and play with bb8
What’s your favorite canon moment between 10?  you mean before rudy died and ripped my heart out of my chest? well it’s the bit where everything about them you will pry my love for these kids out of my cold dead hands
“how about a kiss saumensch”
What do 5 argue most about?  this is an awful question for this otp bc mickey and ian will argue about everything aren’t they great
If you had to pick an OTP which would you chose?  ironhusbands
What’s the biggest kink that 1 shares?  they’re secret love for shitty sci-fi movies
Do 8 want children?  not sure, i can see them with kids and i can see them cooing over Lassies daughter
Between 10 and 4, which would you rather become canon?  tiva was already canon ok i want rudy and liesel to grow old together 
Does 2 do much PDA? And does it annoy their friends?  oh absolutely not, these boys are Soft in private besides can you imagine the fuss Dean would make
Which of the ships would you say is the most romantic with each other?  shules absolutely shawn and jules
How would the proposal between 5 go?  hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh knowing mickey it would be loud and impressive and probably slightly inconvenient in timing
Who cooks more often in 3? bucky he likes to experiment
I tag: anyone who wants to do this honestly it’s so much fun
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argentumtonitrua · 5 years
// hewwo let me just,, get comfortable here,, i brought a blanket for snuggles and i have some gummy bears to share. ily very much and you're amazing and appreciated!! you're so wonderful and ily. not just for your writing (which is.. god.. so good hdfgjh) but also just for being such a fantastic person and a great friend and lovely bean you're so HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ily ♥
I mean, idk how comfortable you can get considering the inbox is empty since I draft things as soon as I get them. You can get comfy over in my drafts tho. There are 25 things in there give or take. 🤔 Blanket snuggles tho yeeeeeeesssss. And I think I actually still have a bag of gummy bears around that I never opened. :0 
Asdfghjkl, you’re too kind I swear aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
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yellow, red, and silver!
Yellow: Your writing is great! Keep it up!
Red: I admire your writing and stories from afar. Just know I always read them.
Silver: How are you not famous for your writing? O_O 
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh omg thank you!! you’re very kind ToT
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roses-and-oceans · 7 years
Frien, lemme start out by saying I am the moST DUMBEST BITCH ALLIVEEEE. I DONT GET HINTS UNLESS YOU STRAIGHT OUT TELL MEE. Lmao I cry 5ever. But seriously HhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMEEEEEEE???? A cinNAMON ROLLLLLL???like legit can't belieeve dat,I think I will always believe I am like a slug. But aahhhhhhhhh I'm glad!! Your writing is so good!! And im just so happy you're creating for this fandom!! We are truly blessed to have you!! (And I know in just said I have no idea who you are but no matter, if I have an inkling who I think you are, you deserve all the praise and words and reblogs!!! I think everyone is but my friend this is for you!!) I love you sweet pea!!!!!
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pigeonzombie · 7 years
Tag Thing I guess
This is like really long and I wasn’t tagged but I saw Deer doing this and I’m procrastinating on a paper so here goes nothing ***********
drink: root beer phone call: my aunt Text message: Hannah  Song I listened to: Guillotine by Jon Bellion Time I cried: I had a mental breakdown in a Kroger’s the other day Dated someone twice: I....don’t think i understand the question Kissed someone and regretted it: one time i impulsively kissed a can of pringles in wallgreens for no reason been cheated on? : My brother cheated during Battleship. Bastard. lost someone special? : uh,,,,,,,,,technical difficulties gotten drunk and thrown up?: Well I’ve never gotten drunk so
favorite colors
Red and Green in that order
In the last year:  made friends? YES definitely fallen out of love? Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn yes laughed until you cried? uh huh found out someone was talking about you? I found out my Mom was talking to my grandparents about something that was my business alone if that counts met someone who changed you? . Yes. found out who your friends are? YES kissed someone on your facebook list? does. does mistletoe count
General how many facebook friends do you know irl deleted my facebook so technically none any pets? I don’t like talking about them bc reasons but yea I have two dogs do you want to change your name? yes I gotta make yeet my official name what did you do for your last bday? went to lunch what time did you wake up? 9 am today what were you doing at midnight last night? watching That 70′s Show name something you can’t wait for Becoming a legal adult so I can get a cat and furthermore leave this god forsaken house when was the last time you saw your mom? Thirty eight minutes ago what are you listening to rn? Mary Jane’s Last Dance by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers have you ever talked to a person named tom? NO. THAT’S SO WEIRD. I AM DISTRAUGHT RN. I AM  something that is getting on your nerves? my mom. Just. Perpetually most visited website? This fuckinhkj blue hellsite hair colour? Brown but we’re going navy blue soon ladies long or short hair? Short and gettin shorter every time I cut t do you have a crush on anyone? *coughs* yes what do you like about yourself? haha. anyway piercings? my lobes are triple pierced and I’m planning on a nose piercing too blood type? this........seems like something I should know nicknames? Jetty Bex, Kett, Fox, Luna, Benny relationship status? Single  zodiac? Scorpio pronouns? any. who cares favourite tv shows Voltron, Last Airbender, Motorcity, Symbionic Titan tattoos? haha I wish right or left-handed? Left handed surgery? once sports? Softball and hopefully field hockey this spring vacation? Mostly to visit my gram pair of trainers? this is a pokemon thing I’m guessing? eating? I had like a shitload of jalepeno Cheetos earlier drinking? Root Beer i’m about to? Write once i finish this waiting for? A will to live (kidding! mostly) want? did. did we not just cover this get married? Who would I invite to a wedding? why must we represent love with big unnecessary ceremonies? I have Questions career? I’m gonna be a nanny and a guitarist throughout my twenties, then I’ll become a volunteer firefighter, after that who knows what  hugs or kisses? ohhh man ok. kisses probably lips or eyes? Eyes shorter or taller? I don’t care man older or younger? same age probably (we’re still talking about s/o’s right nice arms or stomach? ????????????????????? hook up or Relationship? Relationship which is great bc i have horrible trust issues troublemaker or hesitant? Troublemaker. someone round here’s got to do it kissed a stranger? I cant even kiss the girl I like are you fucking cerial drank hard liquor? Yuck lost glasses/contacts? I lost my glasses in a hamper for like four hours turned someone down? No and I would like to keep it that way thanks broken someone’s heart? hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah had your heart broken? Definitely been arrested? Not yet but it’s on the bucket list cried when someone died? mhm. fallen for a friend? yes but at risk of being taken out by a sniper I can’t say any more
Do you believe in yourself? Define myself miracles? Yes love at first sight? Nah dude you know nothing about a person from their looks santa? Who? oh yeah the bastard who eats all the cookies and is on the radio 24/7 during the cursed month of December. Nope. kiss on the first date? If I was friends before I started dating them then like maybe I could see it but I’m not going in with that being the goal or whatever angels? Yes
Other current best friends name? All my friends are best friends eye color? Grey? Blue? Green a little?  favorite movie? The Breakfast Club and The Fantastic Mr Fox
I tag uhhhhhhhhhhh whoever
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@farkaska​ tagged me in this like a million years ago
Rules: Write the first 10 songs that come up on shuffle (no skipping) and quote your favorite lyrics from each song, then tag 10 people.
I will say beforehand, I haven’t put new music on my computer in literal years so..... take the selection with a grain of salt. This is also why I didn’t do it immediately bc it’s gonna beeee rough.
Samy Deluxe - Stumm
Und sag mir was heißt Demokratie? Denn ich find die geschiedt im Sinne des Volkes. Was ist bloß mit unserer Macht passiert?
Rammstein - Mein Herz brennt
Nun liebe Kinder gebt fein acht Ich bin die Stimme aus dem Kissen Ich hab euch etwas mitgebracht Ein heller Schein am Firmament Mein Herz brennt!
Hopsin - Ill Mind of Hopsin 4 (this is where you start to notice that most of this stuff is from like 5 years ago)
I would jack off so much back at my parents' house And now my dick has a permanent imprint Of my hand around it
(why u gotta sing about jacking off man? why did i think this was good music)
Mindless Self Indulgence - Issues (hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
(and that’s all im posting bc god knows these lyrics are gonna get me dragged across the coals)
Slipknot - Wait and bleed
I've felt the hate rise up in me Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves I wander out where you can't see Inside my shell, I wait and bleed
If you got scales, then I'm on your tail And I will not fail Like a free-roaming sandbox game I'm off the rails- I'll walk the trails- Thru awful gales- And storms of hail- 'til all the nails- Are knocked into your coffin I'm not stopping 'till you're impaled and I've prevailed-
AC/DC - Shoot to Thrill
I got my gun at the ready, gonna fire at will 'Cause I shoot to thrill, and I'm ready to kill I can't get enough and I can't get my fill I shoot to thrill, play to kill
Arch Enemy - We Will Rise
I am the enemy I am the antidote Watch me closely I will stand up - now
We will rise (we will rise)
The Dubliners - Whiskey in the Jar
'Twas was early in the morning, just before I rose to travel Up comes a band of footmen and likewise captain Farrell I first produced me pistol for she stole away me rapier I couldn't shoot the water, so a prisoner I was taken
Fettes Brot - Der Grosser
Ich bin ein Grosser, ich bin ein Spinner Ich häng als Poster in deinem Zimmer Meine Lieder hört man laut Ich bin ein Grosser, ich bin ein Penner in aller Herren Länder weil sich sonst wieder keiner traut
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nittaaashari · 7 years
its ok, its very human.
it is been so long since the last time writing on this site.
So, the main issue is........ being in 25 is not easy. Not at all. Yeah! HAHAHAHAHAHA
(as we grow up) We can see all the things in life is about relativity. All the standard that i want to achieve is already gone somewhere in this quarter life crysis.
Dulu pengen banget mencapai ini dan itu di usia segini, kalau gue bisa achieve hal itu kayaknya gue puas banget. Sebaliknya, kalau gak achieve pasti kecewa. I used to think that way.
By the time, some things already achieved, and another things is not yet. And, how does it feels? not sure about ‘kayaknya puas’ and ‘kayaknya kecewa’ yang aku kira-kira dulu. Happy? sure, puas? i dont think so, karena ternyata standard kepuasan manusia itu mudah sekali berubah-ubah, dan aku termasuk satu diantaranya hahaha. Not only about achievement, but also any other aspect in life.
My social life. Like........i used to happy if i can spend a lot of time with friends for hang out haha hihi all night long. But now, happiness is about spending more time with family or stay at home reading a book. Really peaceful.
terus? Karena udah gak terlalu rutin hang out gitu, akhirnya setiap mau ketemu teman-teman dan pergi hang out lagi jadi lebih exciting. You know how it feels. Hang out nya jadi lebih meaningfull gitu lah kira-kira. Bahagia? surely i’m happy!
Career life. Segala dicobain karena kepo dan liat kerjaan orang yang (kelihatannya) lebih fun. Sempat berpikir betapa pekerjaanku sangat menjenuhkan, sampai akhirnya memilih buat stop dulu karena udah gak kuat bosen banget. But, i wont be regret of this choices, i know i still love the last job, the working environment, friends, and also the supportive team. But, i really know what i want. I want some job that makes my heart feel peace. And unfortunately i’m not find it yet. I keep find out.
See? the standard is already change, nothing more about dream job. Because there is no dream job if it keeps shattering your heart. Noted!
Kalau diceritakan masih banyak lagi yah standar aspek-aspek kehidupan lainnya yang cepet banget berubah-ubah ngikutin jaman.
And, suddenly life being so complicated when i’m trying so hard to keep it flowing on track (re: perfect). Seems like i strive for perfection by forcing myself to do so many things perfectly. And it is impossible.
then lately, i thought : It is OK no to be perfect, and its very human. At the end, better I’m doing for some things that makes me feel peace inside instead of doing a lot of things to fits my non-logic and unrealistic sandard of achievement.
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. So, Stop overthinking and enjoy your 25, Readers.
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