#and there will be fans like 'but it happened in the show it's canon' and cool! fine! i literally could not care less!
quinton-reviews · 5 hours
How I sacrificed everything to beg Russell T Davies to canonize Richard E Grant's Doctor
Several years ago, when it was announced that RTD would be returning to Doctor Who, this trend started of people commenting on his photos "Like this comment if David Tennant is coming back," "Like this comment if Donna is coming back" etc.
So I decided to comment: "Like this comment if you're going to canonize Richard E Grant's Ninth Doctor." And so, he liked my comment. And then he blocked me. And for years now, when I tell people that RTD blocked me on Instagram I have to stop and explain the whole story.
Anyways, last night this happened:
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That's an image of Richard E Grant in a lineup of all the TV Doctors, including Hurt and Jo Martin. According to people who worked on the show, it's a special photo taken of Grant just for this scene.
So thank you Russell, it was worth it.
Incidentally, I just want to explain that I was a big DW fan before 2005, so I saw Scream of the Shalka at age 6 and was really dejected when Dad explained it wasn't going to continue. I've long head-canoned that the Richard E Grant Doctor is out there somewhere, with Time War shenanigans accounting for it all. Here's my custom Shalka Doctor:
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sunflowerdigs · 7 hours
The thing that irritates me most about this whole ship war is the way it's such a reminder of the enduring strength of white male privilege. Lou isn't even a very talented actor, but all he had to do was show up for 2 minutes and half the fandom decided to forget 6 years of Eddie Diaz's characterization and dedication to Buck. Eddie literally gave Buck his child, but people are saying Tommy is the first person to really care about Buck. Like, I can't imagine a man of color or a woman having a similar effect (I don't even have to imagine the latter, as I've seen how all of Buck's female love interests have been treated, especially those with problematic pasts - seriously, if you couldn't forgive Taylor for what she did to Bobby despite Bobby giving the relationship his blessing, why are you calling on the fandom to get over what Tommy did to Chim and Hen? It's the same thing, but, wait, no it's not, because Tommy is white and a dude and, lbr, the suffering of minorities at the hands of racists and their subsequent inevitable forgiveness of those racists despite the lack of any clear apology has been normalized in media to a pretty distressing extent).
And then in order to try and justify their behavior, I see a lot of people trying to claim Ryan and Lou are the same racially (even as their behavior and preferential treatment of Tommy demonstrates that they clearly aren't). As though Ryan, as a white Latino man, has access to the same privileges that Lou does as a white man, which is bonkers. You notice how no one even thought to question whether Lou was ok with playing gay as Tommy, despite his father's friendship with Trump; meanwhile, I can't go a single day without seeing people assume that Ryan is the reason Buddie hasn't happened without knowing jack shit about him. And don't even get me started on how people often prioritize Buck's happiness over Eddie's even while claiming to care about them both, or how often Eddie is written as insanely jealous in fanfic even though, canonically, that's a Buck trait. Ryan isn't white in the minds of fans, even if on a very technical racial level he is, and that's an important wrinkle in the discourse that I see a lot of people trying to flatten.
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mischievouswork · 2 days
I respect the hell out of the person who loves 2011-2013 Loki but acknowledges that 2017 Loki is also canon; good for them. However, you do not have some kind of obligation, as a fan, to accept all MCU content as “canon”.
The MCU has been, for some time, a group of people squabbling over their toys like kids in a sandbox, with the ultimate goal being to make as much money as possible.
If you’re in the fandom but canon ended for you in Phase 1, that’s perfectly valid.
If you accept the comics but not the films as canon, that’s fine.
If all films are canon to you but none of the TV shows, that’s okay too.
And, of course, if canon, to you, is the MCU before it became so popular, back when it actually had to try to be good to appeal to audiences? That’s fine too.
As a fan, you are allowed to say, “this subset of the franchise is canon; everything else is insufficiently prominent, is problematic, or is created with contempt for the content it engages with, and is therefore dead to me.”
This doesn’t give anyone an excuse to go out of their way to harass other fans for having a different opinion about what is/isn’t canon. But it does give everyone every right to refer to fics that go off different parts of canon as ‘Non-canon compliant’ or ‘OOC’ in their own space and circles.
You don’t see Legend of Korra fans going, “Bolin/his costar actress is a valid ship that’s just as canon-compliant as Korrasami”. In fact, from what I understand, most of them ignore that entire arc. Because the creators of that show were pulled in so many directions and jerked around with little warning, and sometimes they ended up making things that weren’t great or didn’t fit well with the overall story.
Many Game of Thrones fans are united in their agreement that the eighth season did not happen and “canon compliant” fics can safely ignore it. Absolutely no one needs to accept that season as canon anyway, because it was, quite frankly, absolute garbage.
There are Captain America fans who refuse to accept Endgame as canon, because it directly contradicts the canon established for him in previous films, and because it’s just too freaking sad.
Nobody should be going out of their way to call out other fans, but also… if something is incompatible with previously established canon, it doesn’t matter if it’s part of the official media from the franchise or not. You can decide on your own cutoff for what is or isn’t canon, and ignore the rest. It’s what fans have been doing since the comic days, before superhero movies were around.
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begebege28 · 1 day
My thoughts. Please don’t come for me.
Ever since that man is has been introduced back on our screens, and is now kissing Buck, it’s like we aren’t allowed to view Eddie anything other than, straight? It’s so interesting because we all over the years whether or not people shipped buddie, people viewed them as queer coded. Therefore, queer individuals identified and connect to their story. Now, we can’t because…… NOW it matters what’s canon in show? NOW, it matters what the actors say? REALLY NOW? Did we forget throughout the seasons, the SR and Oliver when discussing buck, classified him as straight… because at that time, he was. To buck and BuckTommy fans, you NEVER viewed buck as bi or queer coded DURING his previous relationships when he was CANONICALLY straight or when Oliver and co said he was straight in interviews? how he talked about his relationship with Natalia pre s7. Bi buck wasn’t even supposed to happen this season. So now they are tying to use Ryan’s comments as a “gotcha”…. They love to throw out the term “actual representation”.. but it’s like, you talk about “actual representation” but bi buck was simply a LAST MINUTE decision. They were gonna continue with buck and Natalia. But due to scheduling it fell though. Then it was gonna be buck and Lucy (same thing). Then Eddie and Tommy. AND THEN WE GET to buck and Tommy. They think Tim is master and this “great love story” but if that was the case, they would have planned them from the start. Not a last minute decision as Oliver admitted. Why have these scenes if you want the audience root for them. For example, their first date. Why include Eddie? Why make it awkward for buck. Why did Tommy leave buck stranded on the sidewalk looking like an idiot. It’s NOT Tommy didn’t have a right to leave. What we are saying is the “joke” wasn’t funny. Why even say it? Especially since Tommy is “so confident” Second, if Tommy knew he wasn’t ready, why continue with the date after buck made the “hot chicks” comment. He clearly saw and realized, and buck TELLING HIM. “THIS IS MY FIRST DATE WITH A DUDE, and IM AN ALLY”. Like…. It’s not rocket science. He led him on. Why not show the continuation of the date? They could have easily done that. But they mirror bucks and Natalias where they only showed like 5 minutes. Buck thought they were continuing with the date to go to the movie. Tommy couldn’t give him the benefit of the doubt. Especially he KNOWS what buck is going through… Tommy immediately, seconds after coming outside of the restaurant ordered the Uber and WAITED until he opened the door of the car to tell him. That’s fucked up and fuck him for that. Then they had buck apologize because he wasn’t ready to come out? LIKE HUH? Or Tommy’s continuation comments of being jealous of buck, the 118, and the way he belittles buck. “Enjoys while it lasts” after earning his medal? Like do you have to be a POS. WHY WHY for the life of me, have his LI say that if you have the audience to like him. The “daddy joke”. Really? In ANY other context, awesome! But there? I simply can’t. The way I have been watching since s1 and have never seen this much pushback to like a character or couple. None of bucks previous LI had this many “defenders”… AND HE ONLY HAS LIKE 15 minutes of SCREEN TIME. It’s weird.
Now, the plot hole that is 7x04 What stopped buck from reaching out to Tommy after the air hanger. NOTHING? He never called or texted… also, idk if anyone realized buck Tommy knew he was goi he to hang out with Eddie, and YET CONTINUED to invite buck… why show us the last maybe minute before they begin to talk about Eddie and where Eddie is NOW in the frame. Why didn’t they show the beginning where buck comes and meets Tommy? Buck getting upset at Eddie circling the basketball game? Buck grilling Christopher on his thoughts about Tommy? When did he care about Christophers thoughts before about his dads girlfriends or friends? Accusing Tommy of lying to get bonus points with Chris. You think he truly cared which movie is better? Why does he try to make him a bad guy to Maddie? He really didn’t have the time to talk to Eddie to go to the basketball game? Really? You mean to tell he HAD to wait until the gym scene? Or hell… even ask Tommy. When he does talk to Maddie after hurting Eddie, he says “i felt left out”. So that tells me something, he felt left out over not being able to do things with Eddie. the fact that buck didn’t know they were hanging out for 2 weeks? Not that he was trying to get Tommy’s attention
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mrabubu · 10 hours
Heya! Ignore this if this is rude, sorry to just dump my opinions in your ask box like this!
About the Leosagi thing, it has a bit of a history in the tmnt fandom, that’s why it’s so popular now with the rise one. I’m not as knowledgeable as some older fans, but the Usagi comic book series and tmnt have been intertwined for a pretty long time. Crossovers and things have been happening almost every iteration, aside from rise. Each crossover tended to focus heavily on the friendship between Usagi and Leo, leading to a big chunk of the fandom shipping them in a bunch of the iterations.
The Usagi chronicles is widely regarded as a middle of the road show. It’s not amazing but it’s great to see the Usagi comic books get a show of their own! (in a, weird, several generations down the line way) The fact that it was released around the same time as rise, and that rise never got to have a Usagi crossover like most of the iterations before it, lead fans into taking the crossover into their own hands. It was tradition at that point, and those leading the charge happened to be the same ones who shipped Leosagi before rise, in 2003 and the like.
Leo being gay or trans has been a popular headcannon for a long time, probably because of the extremely queer fandom. Either way Leo in rise being more flamboyant than any Leo before him reinforced this I suppose. As someone who doesn’t mind the Leosagi ship (and is queer themself), I don’t think just because a guy is flamboyant or confident they’re gay. That’s a pretty small minded take and assuming that a guy can’t be flamboyant in any way without being “outside the norm” is a tale as old as time. But knowing this you can still have fun with flamboyant gay characters. I think some people can find comfort in head-cannoning a character as a confident, charismatic gay man!
But, aside from all of this, everyone should be allowed to do whatever they want with characters forever. People should not feel offended if anyone portrays a character as straight or gay, canon is fandoms personal playground and it doesn’t matter at the end of the day. I think your Y/N stuff is awesome and you should keep doing whatever you find joy in, because that’s what fandom is about. Try not to get too offended at the Leosagi shippers, tmnt has had this tradition long before rise, and it’s just the fandoms history moving forward with the newest iterations. Let the gay people go wild, doesn’t matter who they ship who with, if people are having fun and making art together.
I hope you don’t have to receive any kind of hate for the ship you prefer, you aren’t morally obligated to like anything, and this is your blog, you choose what happens here.
YOU are NOT being rude, anon, don't worry xd
Just in case, yeah, I know about history between TMNT and Usagi, and I know they had crossovers many times.
Again, I have no problems with people who enjoy their headcanons by themselves and don't touch anyone with it. You don't touch me, I don't touch you, simple as that. I'm not a fan of both these headcanons, so I just either keep scrolling or filter/hide them. I don't try to make people stop enjoying something they like because I have no right to do so.
About Leo, there was already a comment that I agree with, and I hope they don't mind if I quote them here:
"There's a difference between being flamboyant and being gay. Being flamboyant does not make you or someone gay. This is a common stereotype that can be harmful to the LGBTQ+ community. Being flamboyant is a way some people express themselves and their identity and trust me, it does not determine their sexual orientation or gender identity."
I have a little personal history with thing that is different, but has the same core, because I'm half-blood. One of my parents was from another country, and because of that some of my actions and personality have been judged based on my ethnicity.
Again, you headcanon Leo as gay? Okay, just please, don't try to make people believe it's canon. Because I've seen cases like this, and there's a whole video where a person basically says that Leo is gay and if you don't agree, "heck, you're wrong! And the fact that you don't agree only proves that it's canon" and a bunch of other "proves" that mostly made out of thin air. Like, wth...? Who gave you right to say something like that? You're not the creator of the show. And because of people like this there are a bunch of those who actually believe this headcanon to be canon.
For me it turns into a problem when people are crossing the line and start shoving their headcanons into your face, trying to prove/make you believe that it's canon, and simply being rude if you don't agree or just say that you don't like it. If a person didn't do anything to you personally, who said you have the right to being rude to them or even harass them?
If this behavior crosses the line of my interests, why do they have the right to be offended by my disagreement, but I have to ignore them if it hurts me?
Not to mention how bad I feel for RIse creators who are still being constantly pressured by people with all this which is NOT okay and shouldn't be okay.
Just in case, all this isn't directed personally to you, anon. I'm sorry for so much text again xd
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lunamond · 23 hours
I actually love reading all the theories by the Acotar fans who noticed the weirdness of the switch-up in Tamlin's characterisation between Acotar and Acomaf and try to come up with canon reasons for it.
That said, I also think that a lot of the people looking for a genuine canon explanation are majorly overestimating SJM's writing ability.
The problem was never that Tamlin comes out from Utm a less than stellar partner for Feyre and that their relationship falls apart, trauma can do that. It's how it happens that is the issue.
As an example, in Acotar, Tamlin frequently surprises Feyre by how little he enforces rank in his court. He is frequently shown to hang out among his people as an equal. He even explains that he changed a lot of these things in his court after his father’s death, which resulted in a lot of his father's courtiers leaving because they didn't like his more hippie approach. All this happened not only prior to Feyre showing up in the SC but also which before Amarantha. Rhysand even mocks him for this, so we know this isn't just an act Tamlin put up to charm Feyre.
But then, in Acomaf, Tamlin is all about court life and upholding the traditions of his father. If this was meant to be a trauma response to Utm, it was very poorly written and thought out.
I don’t doubt that his experiences Utm might impact his ruling style and even turn him into a harsher ruler.
However, after how adamant he was about rejecting his father's legacy, no amount of trauma would suddenly cause him to decide "yeah no actually dad was right!". Especially knowing that his father was a slaver and bffs with Amarantha.
It's doubly infuriating, because suddenly Tamlin's lack of rank enforcement and staunch opposition towards the supremacy of High fae culture is suddenly given to Rhysand, who in Acomaf is all about being buddies with the IC and torn up about the discrimination present in the other courts. Despite literally having been the character mocked Tamlin for those very things in Acotar.
It's these kinds of inconsistencies that make the shift not work, and they are unfortunately not easily fixed with a convenient headcanon about how Tamlin was secretly an asshole all along or how he has a broken mating bond with Amarantha or whatever reason people can come up with.
In a lot of ways Rhysand's characterisation suffered as much as Tamlin.
Many on his good traits and justifications for his bad traits have to be tacked on in Acomaf, despite directly contradicting his prior characterisation. And even post Acomaf, they don't always make sense with what is shown on the page.
By retroactively justifing all his flaws and wrongdoings, SJM literally robbed Rhysand of any opportunity to go through a genuine character arc. If he was already doing everything right from the beginning then there is no room left for him to grow.
As much as I dislike his character and Feysand as a ship, it's actually a shame how much untapped potential there is.
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takemeorleaveme · 2 days
The Difference in delusion
I find it so fascinating that buddie shippers get called delusional because we want buddie to happen but like BT is a canon relationship and those bitches are still delusional af and the difference between us being delusional and them being delusional is the show is literally writing buck and eddie a certain way making us ship them and oliver and ryan both act a certain way (their chemistry is off the charts) and it makes us a little "delusional" even though these are things that are happening in real time (canon) where as BT have scenes where we all watch the same thing and those shippers delusion makes its to where its the most romantic sweet couple seconds of their life and maybe its the fanfictions they are confusing for the actual show but that level of delusional is worse then buddie shippers delusional cause at most the show will make up all look like clowns even though they are feeding into our buddie delusion but BT is the worst relationship buck has ever been in and people think its gonna be his endgame.
also MINI RANT. its really fucking weird that that's his first relationship with a man and they just think thats it he's done gonna get married done dating and some are already saying will be pissed off if he ends up with a woman. & yet they call us buddie shippers homophobic for not liking a badly timed daddy joke when they are outwardly being biphobic and in my honest personal opinion as a bisexual that's a little fucking disgusting and dangerous and there is no room in this fandom for that.
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deltadescent · 2 days
I'm going to clearly state the Do's and Don'ts of my characters regarding their art/use. THESE RULES ARE NON NEGOTIABLE!!!
This is purely here for information so that my thoughts are completely clear and this post can be referred to in the future if necessary.
Read below
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Do not use ANY of my art of my OCs for:
Profile Pictures (ON ANY SITE, Including Discord)
If you see someone using my character artwork for any of the above, let me know. (NOTE: My friends are exceptions sometimes).
You are free to draw them, HOWEVER YOU MUST:
KEEP IT SFW!!! (NONE of my OCs should EVER be in NSFW work!)
@ or tag me, use the #stormyweathersplatoon tag, or message me so that I can find & see it. Inform me in some way that it has been created.
Credit me for the characters.
You are totally free to write fics or stories, HOWEVER:
Notify me it has been written like the fanart. Please include a link as well, I'd love to read it!
Again, credit me appropriately.
I do NOT want my characters being used in roleplaying situations AT ALL.
Do not use my OCs for roleplays with friends or in servers.
While this is less likely to happen, it is something I fear and want to make clear.
DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES add my characters to platforms like Character AI or other AI sites. If you see one of my characters up on these sites, inform me immediately.
I do not want my characters associated or part of AI platforms.
I dont mind if my art is shared to others to show them a piece if you really liked it.
I do not mind if you save it, or if you use it to talk about the characters or otherwise discuss it.
Of course, credit is necessary, but otherwise go for it.
I will allow exceptions to the rule IF:
I am asked and I give you clear permission to use the artwork.
(On Emotes/Emojis/Stickers) If I am in the server or space the emotes/stickers are being used.
This just comes down to getting my permission.
This DOES NOT apply to artwork I've made of CANON CHARACTERS!!!
This would be characters like Marina and Pearl from Splatoon or Ghost and Hornet from Hollow Knight.
If the artwork is of a canon character, you're free to use it with credit!
Thank you for reading!
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warpedpuppeteer · 3 days
i just don't trust these major network showrunners and writers to actually write buddie to its logical and rightful conclusion. I've followed so many shows and observed so many fandoms over the years, so many amazingly layered characters with extraordinary bonds that spawned popular and beloved ships. And each and every one of those ships were used to bait viewers without ever going canon, this way they get the views from the ship fans as well as the more general fans. The only difference in 911 is they somehow managed to make Buck canonically bi, which is a huge deal for a main male lead on a network procedural show. Yet they immediately slapped him with an underdeveloped character who has zero onscreen chemistry with buck, and relegated their relationship to the background entirely. Almost like the networks's checking off a box and being done with it.
if buddie is in the grand plan, I feel like there should've been some onscreen textual hints already this season after buck came out. But there's been nothing from any of the characters, and it's just heartbreaking. I'll remain a buddie truther for the rest of my life, but it really does feel like the show is trying to draw the line in the sand to say "buck and Eddie are bros only," even if the way the show does this is to forcibly retcon/erase all of the buddie buildup over all these seasons.
Sorry Non for not answering this for awhile. I absolutely understand where you're coming from as I've also been a part of fandoms for a long time especially ones who gleefully use queerbaiting to keep fans interested. I think the biggest difference between 911 and other shows is that generally other shows don't have any queer characters or only minor queer characters. 911 however has a main queer couple (henren) and plenty of side queer characters/pairs as well. So that's an advantage for us; this means they're very much open to a queer storyline.
We've gotten bi Buck which is a very big deal for not only queer representation but also in regards to Buddie. The are clearly aware this is something we want and they've told us that it has been discussed in the past for Eddie to be queer as well so they have definitely at some point discussed making Buddie canon. The actors are down for this as well (Oliver no. 1 buddie truther). The setback seems to have come from the network before so it couldn't happen. But things are changing with the new network.
The reason I think they haven't made Buddie canon yet is that it was simply too short of a season for them to do so. Also it seems like there have been a lot of issues with this season and a lot of it was written hastily. Tim probably had completely different stories in mind for the characters but I guess things like scheduling issues put a wrench in it (Natalia's actress had a scheduling issue and the issue with Marisol's actress). I think Tim had planned completely different arcs for Buck and Eddie in regards to their relationship but had to just do whatever to finish the season because of the issue with the actresses. I think he introduced Tommy as a sort of placeholder for the moment because they couldn't expand Buck's bi story just yet. This was also probably to test the audiences' acceptance of a main character being queer after 6 seasons and to test how much leeway they have with the network. This doesn't mean I agree with what he did because I actually hate it lol. Leaving them both single would have made much more sense than introducing another shit character/actor who only created a divide in the fandom and brought in absolute weirdos into it.
Honestly I could go on forever on why I think Buddie being canon is in the books but for now all I can say is that don't give up just yet! I personally think there's been a lot of deliberate choices this season that were made to jump start the 'making Buddie canon process'. Give it another season at least! If they don't get together, I'm hoping there would at least be a CLEAR indication that they're heading there towards the end of season 8. If they don't do anything of that sort then we can consider giving up on them and living happily in our fanon bubble. But for now stay with us! There's much hope yet!!
Also sorry if this got rambly and doesn't make much sense! My inbox is always open and you can shoot me a message if you wanna discuss or vent more!
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ms-nishakadam · 2 days
I still don't know why some Fallout fans are trying to decide which ending in New Vegas is canon. The show happens like 15 years later. Anything could have changed over the years.
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tloupride · 2 days
The Last Of Us Pride Event: Calling All Fandom Creators
Are you involved in the TLOU fandom and have a creative hobby? Are you actively involved in the fandom and want to spread the positivity? Do you wish you could be more involved but don't know where to start?
If you answered yes to any of the above, or you're simply just curious about what a TLOU pride event could entail: the admins of this account (@consultingzoologist and @roselees) invite you to join in the fun ❤️🌈
This event encourages creativity of all types, and throughout the rest of Pride Month and beyond we will be providing themed prompts for the community to use. You're welcome to use as few or as many as you would like, and to interpret them however you see fit; the blog will also be open to submissions, and any prompt ideas are welcomed too!
Need ideas? Any creative response to the prompts would be lovely, but to name just a few examples:
Fanfics 📝 and Podfics 🎧
Whether you write long form works or exclusively one-shots, canon complaint or entire AUs - any of the prompts can be used for TLOU themed fan works.
Fanart 🎨
Do you draw digitally? Or do you hand paint your art? Either way - any of the prompts can be interpreted into art works, however you see fit.
Moodboards ✨️
A fandom classic and a lost tumblr art; how do the prompts make you feel? How would these translate into pictures?
Playlists 🎵
Like the above, what songs do the prompts make you think of? Compile a playlist of what pride in TLOU means to you, or maybe the vibes a certain character gives you.
Meta / Discussion 🤔
Maybe you just want to discuss the relationship between pride and the plot of the game, or the importance it has within the show; whatever the prompt makes you think of, we'd be happy to hear it!
Headcanons ✒️
Do you have headcanons to do with pride and the show? Now is the perfect time to share!
Of course all of these are just a guideline, if you have any other ideas to fulfill the prompts, we'll be happy to see them!
All shared fan works should be tagged with '#tlou pride exchange', and they'll be reblogged and shared here. Let's spread some more positivity within the community, and celebrate all of our brilliant creators! ❤️
(The work doesn't have to have been made exclusively for this event, either. If you have a queer themed fanwork for TLOU you want to share, regardless of when it was made, just tag us for a reblog!)
And now for the prompts...
Coming out
Queerplatonic relationship
Platonic soulmates: what platonic relationships from canon are meaningful to you?
Domestic bliss: write a fic or draw some art about your favourite pairing, romantic or platonic, enjoying some much deserved peace.
Queer romance
Queer joy
Found family: would it be Pride Month without the family we choose? Maybe talk about the meta of the trope, or your favourite instance within canon. Or how it comes into play in an AU.. the possibilities are endless!
Rarepairs: pick a pairing you wouldn't normally write/edit for, and see where the inspiration takes you! Maybe you only write TessJoel... why not try your hand at Ellie/Dina? Or perhaps you want to engage with a new platonic ship; why not take two characters that barely interact in canon, and see how it unfolds? What would happen if Joel had met Anna? How about Sarah and Ellie?
Gender identity: exactly what it says on the tin.
Pride Meta: What does queerness in The Last of Us mean to you? How does it contribute to the story?
"Nature held me close": Based on the quote from Leslie Feinberg, how does nature and queerness come together?
Pride AU: whether it be canon divergent or a modern AU, go nuts!
Remix: create some fanart, or a playlist, or even an edit for your favourite queer fic, old or new!
Music: create a fanwork based around your favourite queer anthem - bonus points if its canon complaint to the show (released before September 2003) or the game (September 2013)!
Of course, all of these are just guidelines and by no means have to be strictly adhered to, let your creativity run wild! We're excited to see what you make, and be sure to share them under the tag so we can reblog and spread the positivity further ❤️
Any comments, ideas, or want to submit a prompt of your own? Send it our way!
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randomminty · 1 year
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widevibratobitch · 5 months
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do you guys ever think about fitzconte
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annabethpursuit · 3 months
going through the percy jackson tag lately has been like one continuous he would not fucking say that and then theres some really cute fanart and then a fun headcanon and then he would not fucking say that
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yuzuna123 · 5 months
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Jun...my sweet beloved lonely angel...you don't deserve this my love! 😢😢 i hope future games and future tekken 8 content, or any content after Tekken 8 whatever they may be, manga, light novels, Story DLC's, movies, treats you with the love you have for Kazuya and Jin.
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autistic-katara · 5 months
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acting like byler hasn’t been used to advertise the show multiple times/has been talked abt by the cast in a way to draw in queer audiences, aka the literal definition of queerbait if they don’t do it
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