#and they sell dvds of the first two seasons
peach-pot · 1 year
hey, you guys have all seen infinity train right… right 🔫?
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jameszmaguire · 2 years
i love physical media
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wellntruly · 1 year
Some M*A*S*H laugh track thoughts (laugh talk), just because I'm having them.
The News, as it were, is that I’ve managed to push past my initial bounce right off no-laugh-track M*A*S*H, and have been catching some episodes without it as I was confirming my B-sides.
It is still true that I’ll get distracted in spots noticing that a scene is paced to something no longer there. This could, however, be an occupational hazard. It was once my actual job to pay attention to the rhythm of an edit of a TV episode, noting that we needed a bit longer of a beat here, or needed to tighten that cut there. But noticing this sort of thing is now mostly my curse—the rest of you don’t have to live like this.
It is also still true that particularly in those earlier days, where the laughter is almost always just ebbing and flowing around any non-operating scenes, to me it really functions much more like a score than anything. It was just part of the audio texture of the show, something I was just resting on, or kind of wrapped up in like a thick cozy blanket. That first episode I tried to watch without it, I felt like that blanket had been pulled off, leaving me feeling a little stark and cold.
However! It is also true, that some scenes? Do play quite different without a laugh track, play better. And in many different moods! I’ve seen characters reveal themselves in certain moments to have been funnier, needier, cuter, sadder. There was a scene of Radar selling Hawkeye shoes that had hardly registered with me with the laugh track underscoring it, that without it was suddenly so sweet and pathetic and lovable. Also, sometimes, scenes play worse! There it’s almost always that the characters feel more callous (that coldness, again). You also, of course, entirely lose the impact of the moments where the laughter goes away. Coldness in a different way (cold big good).
Toggling between the two sometimes reveals things about the actors’ performances as well, which I find really interesting. I only saw a couple from his era laugh-free, but I’m pretty sure Harry Morgan is funnier when the timing is all up to him. Loretta Swit is a fucking professional and built in so much space in the early days of her just making expressions and humph!-ing that she knew would play great with the track, suddenly making her deliveries feel oddly slow without it. Alan Alda, burlesque baby, is playing Hawkeye Pierce as someone who himself is also always waiting for the laugh, so his character feels entirely consistent across any form, which is fascinating and also makes me helplessly shove my hands into my hair. Silence around William Christopher’s Father Mulcahy feels awkward but it works, just a little differently; laughter version of the show is much fonder toward their chaplain.
Like how I feel about M*A*S*H in other ways, it drives me to distraction a little that I can’t have everything I like at once (later seasons Margaret, formally experimental episodes, Charles; early seasons rampant bisexuality, sharper anti-military sentiment, Henry). Sure I’m talking pie-in-the-sky, ‘give me this scene with the laugh track and then the next one without’ kind of dreams, but honestly mostly I mean on a technical level. The difference in picture quality between the restored & remastered edition on Hulu and the original broadcast version on the DVDs (as far as I can tell, the only source for the laugh-free cuts), can itself be almost laughable. Eye clarity in particular is really sapped by that low resolution, occasionally giving the Hulu version somewhat of an "unlocking the secret shrimp emotions" effect.
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An interesting thing where at times the show can feel more real WITH the laughter in the background, because you can actually see into the faces of the people stuck in this tragicomic purgatory.
Then on the OTHER HAND, there’s really getting to hear the whoooole quality of Alan Alda’s voice in something like, say, this scene. (And oh my God.)
The nearest thing to like, a unified theory I’m probably gonna end up with, is that I wonder if M*A*S*H with laugh track and M*A*S*H without might be like film adaptations of books. This sets laugh-free M*A*S*H as "books," surely deeply pleasing the laugh-free M*A*S*H people who are going, correct, because the book is always better. Meanwhile the movie-first people are also nodding vigorously, with their belief that if you watch the movie first then read the novel after, you can love the movie itself, and then just get MORE and different material with the book later, picking and choosing from each to create your own personal whole of the art piece. And based on just, the very consistent anecdotes I've seen on this issue, I'm getting the feeling that similarly, starting with the laugh track version might be the surest way to love ALL the versions of M*A*S*H, every concurrently running story that this show was telling. Which, with a series this....surprisingly meta-textual, I sure want that.
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on-stardust-wings · 1 month
So I've been unhappy about the lack of physical media these days (and, unrelated to Good Omens, mightily pissed off at streaming services), which made me decide if I want to have my favourite shows on my shelf, I will do it myself if I have to. And since Amazon still doesn't look like it plans to sell me a nice DVD or Bluray set for season two, I went and did it my bloody self. I own a DVD writer and a printer and nobody can stop me.
Had lots of fun playing around designing sleeves, labels and on-screen menus. Behold my beautiful creations!
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I used some of the very cool official posters for the covers. I loved the one that became my front cover; there's so much to see on it. (Also has this super handy scroll bit at the bottom where one only had to remove some Amazon logos to have space for labeling!)
Splurged on a couple of sheets of glossy photo paper to print the sleeves on. You wouldn't believe how much of a difference good paper makes for printout quality. The photos don't do them justice. The black is really black, the colours have great depth. I sat here giggling gleefully when these came out of the printer.
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Here's the spines, sitting next to my season one Bluray (which I was happy to buy, hey Amazon please sell me stuff, you love selling things, I will buy things if you sell me things!) and my other self-made fave-show-on-shelf-putting-project.
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If I do something, I do it properly. Disc labels with pictures on them!
Designing them was a blast; printing them was a fucking nightmare. I had a few pages of premade disc labels (sticker paper with perforated circles of the right sizes, so no cutting, yay). Already printing the sleeves took a good amount of test prints and template tweaking; I don't know why printing exactly to scale is still so difficult in 2024. I think Crowley was involved in designing printers. The things are definitely haunted. Printing a rectangle to scale? Difficult, but okay. Printing two circles to scale, in the exact correct position? Oh god I cursed so much. But look at them, aren't they beautiful? Definitely worth all the sweat and tears.
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Menu screens! (Had a video of the first disc menu, mostly to show that it plays the Good Omens theme, but Tumblr hated it. Please imagine that all discs have this menu and that you can hear the theme playing while on the menu, thanks.)
DVDs fit 120 minutes of video, and I was super chuffed that I could get two episodes squeezed on one disc. So I have three discs with episodes, and an additional one with bonus stuff. Deleted scenes and VFX breakdowns with Muriel and Making Ofs. You know, the kind of things that are fun and cool about a box set for a show you like. Which I now have on my shelf. You gotta do everything yourself these days.
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sskk-manifesto · 9 months
yeahh atsushi's internal monologue and plea always felt like a eye of the storm moment to me, absolute silence, except for the plea for "somebody anybody... please fight with me". it could have stood well enough on its own, just atsushi calling out in the darkness, the music was not needed
EXACTLY exactly!! It's a moment of complete solitude, and that can only translate with low and slow music / complete silence tbh.
(Following a line of thought I ended up rambling a bit about some things I haven't had the chance to bring up so far, it's quite negative on occasions so leaving it under the cut / feel freee to ignore)
I don't knowwwww like why are they compressing the episodes so badly to the point in three (3) episodes they never had time to roll the ending credits. I don't get it. In my very humble opinion: chapters 84-87 should have taken one episode and half (again. The sskk / Fitzgerald fight has the same length and that's the anime screentime it got). And it actually works perfectly, because chapter 87 *needs* to be a cliffhanger at the end of the episode, so they could have easily arrenged the episodes like: all the previous episodes events (chapters 78-83) should have taken two episodes and half, then the remaining half together with the entirety of episode four would have adapted chapters 84-87. As in season 4, the amount of events adapted isn't really the issue (they're almost adapting on panel by panel basis) as much as it is the restless pace that leaves you trying to catch your breath. By making the events adapted so far take 4 episodes they could have easily spaced everything better, include some things that were overlooked (I feel like leaving out Fukuchi's motives was a big loss... Like as an anime only, why is he even doing what he's doing? I know some people have speculated it's for political reasons and I understand the argument, but then again even if they wanted to include it, how could they possibly make it fit)- not to mention, well, maybe have enough time to show the ending and not make it overlap with scenes that have a completely different atmosphere.
I don't know why they're cutting things so short. The pace was a problem with season 4 too, but now in addition to that there was also a massive and evident quality drop to the animation which... Eh. Episode 3 had whole scenes of just static frames which are extremely awkward to see, and a thousand times more so in a supposedly action centered episode. From the very beginning: if one was bitter enough to bring together all the time they spent on the same Akutagawa / Dazai on opposite sides frame in the first flashback sequence they'd get 36 seconds, which is just unacceptable.
I don't get it. Wouldn't it make more sense to make as many episodes / seasons as possible as to have more dvds to sell AND to keep the fans engaged with the franchise for as long as possible? It's not like the manga updates super quickly so they were in a rush to catch up or something. But that can only lead me to one consideration: what was the reason of having two seasons come out in the same year? From my very limited perspective, applying a little common sense, here's a very simplified way to describe how I'd guess things should work: anime company releases a season. The anime season gets the fans invested, so anime company can sell them merch for a while- and that's why you can attest an abundance of merch release simultaneus and following the anime airing. After some time passes, the audience will start losing interest: that's when anime company releases a new season, and the cycle starts over. If anime company releases the seasons with such a small time frame between them, aren't them losing profit? This way anime company basically ends up losing all the potential profit of the first wave of interest that comes after the season that released first. And it's reasonable to guess that, given the unusual amount of it, bsd profits /a lot/ from selling merch, so I don't get it. (And that is neglecting, in a way that is reprehensible on its own, mentioning the negative ethical consequences that releasing one season right after the other has, especially in relation of overworking animators. I was hoping the execution of season 5 was assigned to a new animators team who worked on it in parallel to season 4 but, given the evident drop in quality and overall how unpolished the new season is, I'm afraid one can't afford the luxury to believe that anymore).
Tl;dr: Capitalism ruined the Atsushi “I’m all alone someone come rescue me” scene, which should have had either silence or a gloomy background music, but instead got the ending song because they just don't have space to fit things. I really can't seem to understand why they'd rush the anime release because it doesn't make sense to me from any point you see it. Also justice for chapters 84-87
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x0401x · 20 days
Hi! I've only watched the anime for Tsurune and I LOVED the first two seasons but after reading some of your Tsurune posts it got me curious. How different is the anime adaption from the source material? It sounds like an entirely different thing! I really liked the first season, but apparently it was a disaster? In what ways, if you don't mind me asking? Should I read the novels instead? I'm sorry for so many questions or if you've answered these already
Oh, holy shit.
This is not the kind of ask I was expecting to get in the year of our lord 2024.
I’ll start by saying that you’re totally right. It sounds like an entirely different thing because the original work and the anime adaptation are, in fact, almost entirely different from each other. If you ever look for reviews of volume 1 on Japanese sites, the comment you’ll see the most from people who also watched the anime is “it’s so different from the novel that it might be best to just view the two as separate stories”. If I had to estimate how much of the novels was actually included into the animation, I would say 5% to 10%. I’m being pretty generous here.
You’re also right about the first season being a disaster. I remember that when I first watched the first episode of S1, by the moment that the series title came up, I immediately thought to myself, “This won’t sell well. 3k DVD copies, give or take”. And turns out I was wrong. It actually sold around 2.7k, which is even worse than what I had predicted. It did so infamously bad that many fans were worried about the second season before it came out, and some people were being rather foul-mouthed about it, which was a shock for me because you don’t usually see Japanese fans not following fandom etiquette. However, there was much more effort put into S2 than S1, thankfully. There’s also the whole thing with the arson attack, which pulled in people’s interest and support for the series. Overall, it did fairly well, I believe. I would never say that S2 does the novel any justice, but it was light years better than S1. That’s something everyone agrees to, even those who enjoyed S1.
Still, though. Even with S2 being far more successful than S1, that’s technically not so big of a deal, considering S1’s tragic underperformance. The series is known here in Japan mostly because of its association with the arson, but not many people are really into it. I would say that it has a niche audience consisting of 1) people who were already fans of KyoAni to begin with, 2) novel readers and 3) people who practice Japanese archery. As for the overseas audience… barely anyone has ever even heard of Tsurune, be it the anime or the novels. Many people who do know the anime have dropped it by S1, and the reason I see being pointed out the most is that it was “boring as hell”.
Other than this, I’ve noticed something in common when reading comments on S2 from Japanese Twitter. One thing people say a lot (and I do mean a lot) is that they didn’t like S1, but after watching S2, they were able to see that “KyoAni was, in fact, taking this franchise seriously”, so they gave it a second chance. This is meant as a compliment, but although it’s not backhanded per se, it’s kind of underhanded. I mean, who wants to be told, “Thank God you got your shit together this time around”? It’s good that S2 changed people’s opinions on the series, but the fact that it had to be changed speaks volumes about what people thought of S1.
Now, as to whether you should just read the novels, I would say yes. It’s literally the only way to know what Tsurune is truly about. But I have to warn you that, if you loved the anime, you might have to prepare yourself to see the things you loved about it either not being in the novel or taking a completely different turn in it. If you’re able to handle that, then by all means, go ahead and give the source material a try. It’s honestly one of the most unique novels I’ve ever read, and I’ve read just about every light novel out there. The depictions of Japanese archery and Zen go way deeper and you’ll learn much more about the characters, so I’m sure you’ll have a fun time!
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jeffannieresource · 9 months
My (long, long, very long) List of Favorite Jeff/Annie fics -- Part 1b
Click here to read the notes for this list Click here for Part 1a
Tell the World That We Finally Got It Right by ameliajessica Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Feb 06, 2015 "IT'S A BEAR DANCE!" Chaos ensues! Riot! Food fight! Jeff and Annie hiding from the mayhem!
Inevitable by Waffleberry Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Feb 7, 2015 He has thought about it so many times in the summer break; of course he has; and what he has deduced is that it wasn’t just Racquel that broke in that lab. Something between them fractured.
Cry Uncle by Fayth82 Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Feb 21, 2015 He's had those words running around his head all week and it was slowly driving him crazy. It will only take one little thing to tip him over the edge.
DVD Extras by PepperF Rated: T Date Originally Posted: March 16, 2015 Movie-making, romantic melodrama as proxy, the art of subtle manipulation, and ghost (?) ninja alien robots.
If It’s Real (It Stains Your Hand Like Wine) by wright_or_wrong Rated: T Date Originally Posted: May 2, 2015 “But I think to really sell it,” Abed muses. “We need a kiss. I mean, you guys are about to die. What would keep you from going for it?” Alternate/Missing scene for 6x08.
When a Resistable Force Meets a Moveable Object by PepperF Rated: T Date Originally Posted: May 5, 2015 Things are fine, really. The kissing is just an aberration. WAS. WAS an aberration.
only fools rush in by ameliajessica Rated: E Date Originally Posted: May 7, 2015 - Aug 3, 2015 Jeff and Annie are terrible at casual sex. Well, Annie is.
Coming Clean by thebaddestwolf Rated: E Date Originally Posted: June 8, 2015 to Aug 3, 2015 It almost didn’t seem real -- that he’d finally, finally, told her, that he’d kissed her -- that she’d asked him to. After the mess he’d made of everything, all the self-sabotage and self-loathing and other self-inflicted pain, the solution boiled down to something as simple as coming clean to her. A missing scene fic, starting after the S6 finale study room kiss. Spoilers, obviously.
You’ll See How Well We Rhyme by wright_or_wrong Rated: T Date Originally Posted: June 9, 2015 "It’s probably why he’s felt so envious of Annie, going out and changing her life, chasing something new and better – and it’s probably why it was so easy to come up with alternate scenarios for the future after she got her internship. There’s got to be something better out there for him too." Post S6 finale
Advanced Manipulation and Mindfulness Techniques by PepperF Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Jan 31, 2016 Fours all have this look: alert, cunning, and ravenous. It may be hell at the bottom and heaven at the top, but one level down the pressure is enough to forge diamonds. But Annie thrives under pressure.
Intro to Freudian Slips by randomramblesff Rated: G Date Originally Posted: Feb 11, 2016 “By which you mean, Chang emails me rankings every day and I don't respond, because if I did, it would always be Annie one, Britta two.” An alternative ending to Basic Email Security (Season 6, Episode 6) where Jeff is a gupti-gupta who accidentally said something he probably shouldn't have said.
Basic Truth by PepperF Rated: T Date Originally Posted: March 20, 2016 What if Annie had been in the study room instead of Britta?
Aimless Walking and Significant Moments by greendalecoolcat Rated: T Date Originally Posted: April 10, 2016 Jeff reveals information to Annie. She takes him on a walk.
Emotional First Aid for Amateur Busybodies by PepperF Rated: T Date Originally Posted: April 21, 2016 School's out and Annie's going away and nothing really matters. Which doesn't explain why he's awake at 2 a.m. worrying about it all.
Open Doors and New Beginnings by greendalecoolcat Rated: M Date Originally Posted: June 1, 2016 An alternate version of the finale.
One More Goodbye by Nostalgia_101 Rated: T Date Originally Posted: June 5, 2016 Annie's last night in Greendale before leaving for D.C.
Five Times That Annie Seduced Jeff, and One Time She Got Distracted and Forgot (But It Worked Anyway) by PepperF Rated: T Date Originally Posted: June 7-8, 2016 I'm just going to let that title speak for itself.
Lecherous by CeleryLapel Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Aug 18, 2016 to Sept 9, 2019 Canon Divergent fic immediate post Remedial Chaos Theory
Alternative Teleologies of Narrative: A Holistic Approach by jeffwik Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Sept 3, 2016 "Or maybe the dean was right?" Annie asked. "About us?" She searched his features, looking for confirmation of what she'd been so certain of when she'd come up with the whole stupid crack-Troy-and-record-a-taunting-message-to-get-Jeff-to-admit-he-wanted-her plan.
Certainty by CeleryLapel Rated: K Date Originally Posted: Jan 22, 2017 Post-S6. Jeff and Annie are dating. They haven't yet told his mother.
Tell Me by randomramblesff Rated: M Date Originally Posted: March 20, 2017 When he first tells, her he feels partly pathetic and partly terrified. He’s been thinking about it for a while, mulling over all the ways he could screw things up. It’s not that he has a common history for ending things because of what happens in the bedroom - well, technically he doesn’t have a common history for any of it seeing as he’d only really class two or three of his past relationships as just that, genuine relationships – but he knows there’s some sort of expectation floating above him like a cloud. (or... Jeff and Annie take things slow when she gets back from DC)
You Are the Opera (Always on Time and in Tune) by PepperF Rated: T Date Originally Posted: March 23-26, 2017 It had been a long week. Hell, it had been a long forty years, and by the end of Friday he was feeling the weight of every weary minute. So he chose to blame the tiredness for what happened—that, and the tequila. He could never get the hang of tequila. It wasn't his fault he couldn't be strong for even one more minute.
Fill in the Gaps by randomramblesff Rated: T Date Originally Posted: April 27, 2017 “I’m Annie,” She stood forward, her champagne free hand ready to shake. “My fiancée.” “Pffft, ugh, sorry,” She tapped at her chest with the palm of her hand, knocking even more wind out of her than Jeff had already just done, “the, erm, the champagne, I think, didn’t settle right.”
Resolved by NE8675309 Rated: T Date Originally Posted: June 16-29, 2017 Jeff has been forced to realize his feelings for Annie just as she has decided to ignore his very existence. While Jeff is trying to make up for his own past indifference, Annie is trying to make a new start free from her own naivete. Angst and misunderstandings ensue. Post S5. Takes place during the Summer as an Alternate S6.
Basic Booty Call Etiquette by Pigzxo Rated: E Date Originally Posted: Aug 19, 2017 Their yam isn't murdered but Annie still sends that text. You're about to be screwed in the bio lab.
Just Like Always by greendalecoolcat Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Sept 2, 2017 It wasn’t just a debate kiss, or school dance make out. It wasn’t small spaces under blanket forts and it wasn’t smiles from across the room. It was sex and the most intimate moment of her life because it was with the man she loved.
Introduction to Sex Toys by Pigzxo Rated: E Date Originally Posted: Sept 11, 2017 All Annie wants is to buy a discounted vibrator at Dildopolis in peace. Unfortunately, with Jeff insisting on walking her to her door and the flash sale only lasting ten minutes, this quickly becomes impossible. The result? A messy, bumpy, totally unhealthy venture into friends-with-benefits territory.
Emotional Consequences of Cross Country Migrations (x) by cgkm2099z Rated: PG-13/M Date Originally Posted: Oct 3, 2017 This takes place mostly in between the final scene in Study Room F and when Jeff drops Annie and Abed at the airport. It's my own answer to the question: "what happened in that week in between?"
#AndAMovie by albatross9 Rated: G Date Originally Posted: Feb 16, 2018 Post season 6. Annie is surprised to find Jeff Winger on her doorstep and even more surprised when he volunteers to escort her an important work event when her real date flakes. All goes according to plan until their friends decide to crash the gala. Frankie has a surprise for everyone and the group decides that crashing Annie's work event is the best course of action. What can possibly go wrong?
The Mistakes Not Made under the Moonlight by Natalie_Carson Rated: G Date Originally Posted: May 14, 2018 During Basic RV Repair and Palmistry, Jeff sneaks out of the RV late at night unable to sleep only to find that one of the other Greendale seven couldn't sleep either.
I know that other things are not of consequence by middlemarch Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Aug 1, 2020 Something was ringing. It wasn't his alarm. It was his fucking doorbell.
Theories of Romantic Expressionism by Little_Annie_Adderall Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Aug 13, 2020 Annie's 21st birthday party. She rarely thinks of herself as "the young one" in the group anymore. But there's always one person who points out her tender age at every ill-timed opportunity. Tonight, she wants to prove her new adult identity. Although whether she wants to prove this new identity to herself or to... him... she isn't entirely sure. So on December 19, the study group gathers to celebrate Annie Edison finally going to a bar without having to be Caroline Decker from Corpus Christi. And once there, she receives a gift that changes everything.
Falling off the Precipice by HarmonizingSunsets Rated: G Date Originally Posted: Sept 29, 2020 Annie and Jeff aren’t a thing. If they were a thing, Annie would know about it. I mean…she thinks she’d know… Annie and Jeff are done with the will-they-won’t-they thing.
Casting by L56895 Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Oct 13, 2020 Jeff isn’t sure why he agreed to be casting director.
Constants and Variables by Raj_Sound Rating: T Date Originally Posted: Oct 21, 2020 to Jan 21, 2023
Advanced Beginner Knots by jeffwik Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Dec 3, 2020 In the aftermath of “Intro to Knots” Jeff and Annie hook up.
Countdown by practicingmypurpose Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Dec 16, 2020 sight, smell, taste, sound, feel.
Five by onenotewaffles Rating: E Date Originally Posted: June 16, 2021 to August 19, 2021 Set after the events of E304 in timeline 5, my third-favorite timeline.
Pottery for Dummies by naboojakku Rated: T Date Originally Posted: July 18, 2021 Annie tries pottery. Jeff quietly—then not so quietly—loses his mind.
Psychology of Deception by andropithecus Rated: M Date Originally Posted: July 21, 2021 to Aug 6, 2021 Jeff has always been pretty good at lying, and at getting out of things that he doesn't want to do. But what will he do when his Mom corners him into Christmas dinner and asks him to bring the girlfriend that he (lied and) told her he had? Lots of fluff, lots of fun, and an irritated Annie will ensue.
Cruel Summer by Olivia Sprite Rated: E Date Originally Posted: Sept 13, 2021 Jeff comes out to DC to visit Annie during her summer internship, and it takes everything in Annie not to mention 'The Annie of it all,' lest her heart is broken one more time.
All I Want for Christmas by Olivia Sprite Rated: E Date Originally Posted: Dec 24, 2021 Jeff and Annie are dating, and all Annie wants for Christmas is you-know-what. But a mysterious present means it's time to team up and investigate! A little mystery, a little snow, a classic caper; will our beautiful dummies get what they want this holiday season?
Social History and Holiday Revisionism by PinkCanary Rated: E Date Originally Posted: Dec 4, 2022 Seven years after Annie leaves Greendale, she comes back for the holidays.
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dragonmarquise · 1 year
MegaMan NT Warrior officially available on YouTube for a limited time!!
It doesn't seem like anyone in the BN/NTW tags has made a post about this here on Tumblr? So I might as well at least let my followers know more about this. Copy-pasting from a post I made on one of my other social medias:
Yesterday as of this post, practically all of the MegaMan NT Warrior episodes, including Axess, have been uploaded to the official Capcom USA YouTube channel in celebration of the upcoming Battle Network Legacy Collection!~
The playlist for the first season is here, and then here's the playlist for Axess.
Now, some things to note:
The episodes will only be available until sometime in September, so please be sure to watch them while you can!! And also download/rips the videos if you want your own file backups of the episodes as well.
Whoever uploaded the episodes had, for some reason, simply used translations of the original Japanese episodes (one of the big examples is the first episode saying "Plug In! MegaMan!" instead of "Jack In! MegaMan!" :u) instead of the actual dub titles.
In addition, they went by the original Japanese order of episodes. Including episodes that were skipped in the dub. So after a certain point, all of the titles are completely off from the actual episode. Two examples are Ms. Millions' episode being named for the skipped idol episode, and the Wily memory chip episode being named after the skipped baseball episode. :P
It seems, somehow, the first dub episode of Axess was lost. Instead, they uploaded an officially subtitled version of the original Japanese episode. This is the only episode between the two seasons that was apparently lost.
The time limit on the availability of their episodes, combined with that one official sub episode, is leading a lot of people to believe Capcom will start selling a new special DVD/Blu-Ray/etc. set of all the dub episodes together once they take them down from the channel. This could also include a separate set of officially subtitled episodes for all of them, including the seasons that never got dubbed at all. One can only hope!! ;o;
So yeah, if you're a fan of the dub or even just want to watch out of curiosity, go check out the playlists while they're still up!! :D
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n7punk · 9 months
She-ra (2018) Con-Exclusive Merch & Giveaways
I'm assembling a master post of all officially-produced merch for the SPOP reboot, but it's focused on information. I have a separate post focused on promotion-exclusive items, and this post is dedicated to detailed information for the ambiguous middle ground: con exclusives. Some of these were given away and some were for sale.
If I get additional information on any of these specific items, I'll edit the post to add it, but if I find anything new then it'll go in a reblog addition as I've hit the image limit on this post.
Sometimes you have to click photos to see full images, as many are cut off due to varying dimensions. Any [x]s will lead to the source of the images, usually secondhand listings that will eventually become defunct. I use the best photos I can find.
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The buttons (first two images) were at NYCC in 2018. [1st] [2nd].
Han Cholo sells a lot of pins on their website, but the four on the right were exclusive at SDCC one year (concept photo in the final reblog here, this post chain in general has a ton of photos of She-ra merch from a mix of sources). [3rd]
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A foam tiara (2 photos) and a (seemingly foam and plastic) flat sword were at NYCC 2018 & 2019 and SDCC 2019. [2nd], [3rd]
There aren't any good photos and I'm at the image limit anyway, but there are pictures in the final reblog here of knee-high socks that were given out at promo events (possibly cons) and in reviewer/influencer promo packages. They're patterned after She-ra's uniform and have a cape on the back. Any details on this would be appreciated if you know them.
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Temporary tattoos (far left) and stickers (middle left) were at NYCC 2019 and maybe also Power-Con. Coloring sheets and hair ties were at either NYCC or Power-Con. The coloring sheet is watercolor with paint squares provided at the top of the sheet. I believe the hair ties came in three colors (purple, pink, and blue) and the long post* has good photos of the pink one. If you want to look at approximately ten pixels, this listing has all three colors. [1st] [2nd] [3rd]
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Bookmarks were available at SDCC one year and likely any other locations that had the books (Power-Con, etc). [x]
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Collector card sets featuring 16 of the characters were given out at cons, possibly SDCC 2018. First image is the front of the packaging, second is one of the cards, and the third is the back of the package. [1st] [2nd] [3rd]
Buckle up, this is the final, longest part. Posters were at many conventions and some designs may have been available at multiple cons. I mostly want to catalogue the designs here and will list a con just when I know it. Most listings online are of fan reprints unless otherwise specified.
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The first four (left to right) were available at SDCC 2019. The 4th & 5th are the front and back of the same poster, which was probably also distributed at places like Power-Con or wherever they sold the books (since it's a Scholastic poster). [4th] [5th]
Here are clean social media uploads of the 2nd and 3rd image. The 2nd was also the cover image for season 3 and the front of the DVD for seasons 1-3.
The character mini prints in the bottom right [6th] seem to have been given out at multiple cons. They were probably at SDCC (year unknown) and/or Power-Con (year unknown). The collector card designs roughly followed their design pattern.
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All three of these were at SDCC WonderCon. The first was 2019 and the second was probably 2018. The 3rd was supposedly at 2023 but was (probably) 2018 unless they still just had a bunch of extras laying around. WonderCon also had a variant of the 4th poster from the SDCC section above, but I can't find good photos of it and there's going to be a third variant of it further down too, so at this point I think you get it.
The first design is the cover image for season 2.
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The first was probably at NYCC 2018. The right two were given out at a NYCC 2019 panel, as well as sent out with an exclusive statuette to family bloggers to promote season 4.
The first design is the cover art for season one. Its design was also used for a shopping bag at Anime Expo 2019 (photo in the final reblog here). The second one is the cover image for season 4.
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Distribution currently unknown (if there ever was one). The second image is the cover for season 5. I'll edit on the distributions if I happen to find them, but I'm fine with what I've got here. I could have missed one or two posters, but since their distributions mostly amounted to handing out flyers, they're hard to find.
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1980sactionfigures · 5 months
Hi, everyone - I am in a horrific financial situation at the moment and am letting my entire collection of, well, everything go. Here are some of the auctions I have up right now, great Christmas gifts abound:
I am selling a massive part of my animation collection on DVD including tons of RARE and OUT-OF-PRINT titles! The combined amount for these are several hundred dollars more than my Buy It Now or Starting Bid!
Also letting go of a large amount of my DISNEY Treasures and Legacy Collection sets! Again, many are out of print and rare!
Have a MSTie in your life you want to get something for? A signed 1997 Calendar, autographed by five of the cast members PLUS over a dozen MST3K, RIFFTRAX and CINEMATIC TITANIC DVDs!
Halloween may be over, but it doesn't have to be if you decorate your entire place with these 13 movie posters based on the works of STEPHEN KING!
One of the coolest MOTU Knock-off lines, I'm offering a giant collection of IMPERIAL TOYS' DRAGONS KNIGHTS AND DAGGERS! Beasts! Weapons! Chariots!
A huge collection of GODZILLA collectibles!
From the 1970s through the 2000s, over 1300 trading cards based on movies and TV most in great shape!
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thesoftboiledegg · 7 months
The "nerdy" store at the bigger mall never has Rick and Morty merchandise--I found a DVD there once, but that's it--and yesterday was no exception. I did find a cardboard cutout of Sersi, my favorite Eternal:
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Am I the only one who liked Eternals? I think Marvel just marketed it badly.
I usually don't have much luck at Hot Topic, either. They sell bags of tiny figurines from other shows, and I always wondered why Rick and Morty didn't get in on that. Turns out, Adult Swim finally discovered that market!
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When I first saw the characters on the back, I thought "Oh, cool, we're finally catching up to season five." Then I found a surprise: Crow Witch Rick!!
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I wanted that little guy so badly, but the figurines are packaged so that you don't know what you get until you open one. I thought "He has a pointy hat, so maybe I'll be able to feel that inside the bag." I've heard of people using a similar method to find rare hockey cards.
But nope...no luck. Maybe I'll be able to find an opened one on eBay.
Also, it's funny how they're making "Rickdependence Spray" merchandise like that isn't the worst episode in the series. Admittedly, I did laugh at Morty's "dirty little doggy" line. But it wasn't worth it!
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Hopefully, this means that more Crow Witch Rick merchandise is on the way because I would buy all of it.
Hot Topic also had another underutilized character: Philip J. Fry.
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Futurama is weirdly under-marketed. The series has enough of a cult following that it seems like a cash cow, but merchandise is rare. I've always thought that Futurama is strangely underrated in general even though it's aired on two major networks and has one of the most famous cartoonists in the world behind it.
On to Spencer's. They didn't have Pickle Rick OR the Rick and Morty cube. Pathetic! But they did have a new wallet that looked like an old TV set, which is pretty clever.
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GIF of the changing image:
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Today, it was time for a trip to the other mall. As always, I gave Box Lunch a little tip. Someone else requested the "will to live!" I don't think the mall can help them with that one.
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In the food court, I spotted a man wearing a Rick and Morty shirt. I said "Hey, your shirt is awesome! Can I get a picture?" He said "Yeah, sure." When I asked him where he got it, he said "Burlington."
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So Burlington sells demonic Rick and Morty merchandise now? That's news to me.
The pile of Rick and Morty Funko Pops greeted me at one of the "nerdy" stores, but they're still slowly thinning out. I guess nobody wants the huge Snowball.
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Similarly, I posted about this poor Froopyland Beth months ago, and she's still here. Nobody wants her!
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And to make matters worse, there's an identical Froopyland Beth in a different part of the store who's lived there for months, too. They even lowered the price!
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The store also has two identical King of Shit Rick Funko Pops, each with a different location and price.
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Don't want either of those? You can buy Rick in his ship if you're willing to reach to the top shelf.
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Look at him go!
THIS Spencer's location didn't let me down. Pickle Rick and the Rick and Morty cube were squeezed onto a shelf, albeit with a bat blocking the view.
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They also had a couple of new shirts. I love the vibrant colors.
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And a handful of comics in a different "nerdy" store.
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No comics for me, thanks. Not unless they release a Crow Witch Rick one--and how has that not happened yet? Seems like an obvious way to expand on plotlines from the series.
Anyway, it'll probably never happen, but my dream is to get a Crow Rick figurine in this style. Maybe I'll hire someone to design and 3D print one.
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the-bejeesus · 11 months
People need to stop blaming the fact that One Piece isn't nearly as popular in the US as other long running shows like Dragon Ball Z and Naruto on the 4KidsTV dub. Yes the 4KidsTV dub was bad, yes it made it look like a show for little kids. But it aired for just 3 years, and wasn't even viewed by that many people. After all, it wasn't popular. It'd be a setback for sure, but over 16 years later, there's no way this is still the root cause, when shows like My Hero Academia can skyrocket in popularity in a fraction of the time. The newer quality dub is the only dub that's been marketed for a decade and a half, with episodes in sub on Crunchyroll on the day of airing.
The fault isn't the show being too long or the animation or the pacing or any of that. These are problems that every other country has to overcome in selling One Piece. The fault is in Crunchyroll's marketing. While some people point out that "Film Red ads were at Times Square" or "They're showing Episode 1000 at the expo!" there's not much Crunchyroll actually does to encourage new audience members. Yes, the dub is caught up more or less, adapting the most current arc. But that's only if you're buying them on Microsoft Store for $30 for 12 episodes. If that sounds like a scam to you, you have to wait a couple of weeks for it to show up on FUNimation or Crunchyroll, the niche streaming services for dedicated anime fans. If you don't want to subscribe to tons of streaming services and just want to use the most popular ones, it's on Netflix too, but only up to Enies Lobby, it doesn't even cover the first 500 episodes of a 1000+ episode show. A bit odd for a platform that is trying to hype up their live action adaptation of the series, but streaming licenses can be tricky and expensive, at least they have the show at all, as it wasn't even on Netflix in the US for a long time. Hulu fairs a bit better with 457 episodes, though dub is the only option (this was NOT how hulu was with One Piece just 6 years ago, btw. It changes all the time how much sub or dub they have). Don't even get me started on Amazon Prime. It's not even about the $2 per episode, the navigation is horrific. I couldn't even tell you what episodes they have. There's like 3 Season 10s and a Season 11, and all of them have the most random ass selection of episodes. Like straight up, it needs fixed cause idk what the hell's going on. Even if $2/episode was a reasonable price, I'm too scared to buy it. I'm afraid it's not gonna even be the episodes I ordered. If you'd rather just catch the latest episodes on TV, they're on Toonami, the channel that only airs from midnight to 3am. A pretty late schedule for normal people, and even if you can catch them, they're nearly 350 episodes behind there. It actually would have been even more behind, as it was cancelled for quite awhile. But to make up for lost time, they skipped 134 episodes. Those unaired episodes are some of the most iconic, high-rated, and important story arcs of the entire series. And don't expect to catch re-airings, this ain't DBZ Kai on NickToons. You can also collect the series on DVD/BD. But that's gonna cost you $44 for 12 episodes. And don't expect to pick it up at a Wal-Mart or Target. Maybe a Best Buy if you live somewhere busy, but even that's not guaranteed. 9 times out of 10 you gotta deliberately buy that online. Might as well buy two shelves from amazon while you're at it because that my friend is 64 DVD sized boxes you're going to be purchasing, assuming you're buying the Voyage sets. With the Collection sets you can collect the series in just 32 DVD sized boxes, because the Collection sets are literally two Voyage sets for the price of one.
Compare this to Dragon Ball Z. People my age grew up catching episodes frequently on NickToons or Toonami. Many I know started in their teens watching Dragon Ball Super on Hulu. You can catch the whole series dubbed and subbed on Crunchyroll. If you wanted to own Dragon Ball Z, you can get the Orange Brick DVDs, the Dragon Box DVDs, the DBZ Kai DVDs, the Blu-Rays, the Level Sets (jk they discontinued), the DBZ Kai Blu-Rays, the 30th Anniversary Blu-Rays, the steelbook Blu-Rays. Wal-Mart has Blu-Ray Orange Brick sets where you can buy 3 seasons for $30 dollars, that's 1/3rd of the show for the price of 12 niche anime episodes. You can also buy the manga by the volume, by the box set, in a big-print omnibus set, (partially) in a full color set, or online. And while games like Dragon Ball Z Kakarot are still getting fresh dubs, high-budget One Piece games like One Piece Odyssey or One Piece World Seeker are Japanese subbed only, with not so much as an English dub update in sight. Most Dragon Ball movies are available in dub, and even come in 2 or 4-movie Blu-Ray bundles. One Piece only has 6 of their 14 movies dubbed, with only 6 TV Specials dubbed as well.
My point is that the most approachable way to get into One Piece is the same way it was 16 years ago; piracy. It's not kaizoku-fansubs or kissmanga like it was back in the day, but things haven't changed much. Most fans ik don't catch the latest 12 dubbed episodes on FUNimation, they watch them on 9anime. They don't purchase 4 box sets of manga that are all nearly worth $200, they see fanscans of the colored manga on mangasee. With this kind of fanbase, One Piece is always going to stay within the "Film Red grosses $12M at US box office" range of popularity. To get to the "Dragon Ball Super: Heroes grosses $38M at box office" ball-park, you gotta reach out to the audiences who just want to watch some TV and don't want to have to do some digging. Even the 4KidsTV dub knew this. It wasn't very popular, but by airing at day time and having plenty of commercials, and just being on a channel kids tune into, it would at least catch the accidental attention of people every now and then. Sometimes I have to wonder if Crunchyroll even wants to push One Piece as a flagship series, or if it'd rather just be known for more trending anime like Chainsaw Man and Demon Slayer.
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sugirandom · 19 hours
Anime Ocean City
So, yes my best bro and I went to Anime Ocean city for the first time last weekend. A convention that I had no idea is only 2 years old now.
The convention was only 2 days in comparison to the three day conventions we typically attend and since the badges were so affordable we did actually buy the VIP tickets (a luxury reserved for the rich at most cons I've been to). That allowed us to skip the normal line which was already wrapped around the hallway. We only had two people in front of us.
Anyway, overall it was a small convention. They only took up the 2nd floor of the convention center while the first floor had what I now know was some kind of wild-foul carving competition (carving and painting things like decoy ducks). There were only about 4 panels and they were all held in the auditorium. We went to the guest Q and As, the first one was with Catherine Sutherland and Steve Cardenas who were the third pink power ranger and second red ranger. It was interesting to hear about how they ended up auditioning and getting their parts, some stories about how things were on the set, etc. but for me personally I stopped watching Power Rangers halfway through season 2 so I only kinda knew Rocky (Red Ranger) and barely knew Cat so I didn't have many questions but Conner had seen season 3 as his last one so I think he was excited to see both of them.
The second Q+ A was with Wayne Grayson (known for characters like Michalangelo (TMNT...don't know which iteration) and Joey from Yuugioh among others) and Erica Shroeder (Luffy, the 2nd voice of Mai Valentine, Nurse Joy, various Pokemon etc.) It was interesting to hear their stories too overall.
I was kinda disappointed in the Dealer's room because they basically mixed the vendors and artist alley together and there was no clear distinction between the two. There also weren't any vendors selling DVDs or Blurays and no one selling English-language games with only a small amount of Japanese games. I don't mind having the option to get Japanese games of course but for our channel I'm always on the lookout for deals on games we could play on our channel (that and it infuriates me how hypocritical it is to overprice US Pokemon games but keep the Japanese ones affordable!)
There were plenty of places to buy manga but the recent rise in prices for manga has sadly turned me off of buying and tbh even reading manga. I love manga a lot but I feel like it might have to wait till I'm more fluent in Japanese and can comprehend Japanese volumes. Anyway, the local artists there were talented. It was good to see some love for athletic and curvy women from one of the artists there. There were plenty of Pokemon artists, I bought some Eeevlution pins to make up for the fact that all Pokemon plushies were overpriced and I just can't justify buying them because how dare you make me choose one!
Sunday was the day we shopped because there were no panels that day and the hours were short for both days so we honestly spent a lot of time out of the convention just enjoying ourselves nearby. We played some mini-golf at a place near our hotel and of course ate some delicious seafood on the shore.
That's about it, it was a modest convention but it was good overall. I do hope as they get more experience they'll get more events and improve some quality of life things like actually printing a schedule or having a printed out map, these are things that I guess I took for granted until going to a con that didn't have them. I'm happy OC has this now though since as far as I can tell they didn't have a dedicated Anime Convention in the area so I'm glad for that.
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adultswim2021 · 2 months
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Metalocalypse #39: "Renovationklok" | November 9, 2009 - 12:30AM | S03E01
Metalocalypse season three began in 2009. It ended in late 2010, after it, like The Venture Bros before them, decided to split their season into two halves, airing almost a year apart from one another. I’m not accusing them of copying, I swear, but it does make one think. 
This is the season when they changed from a quarter-hour to a half-hour. I remembered this show suffering for the format change, but this episode was a wonderful breath of fresh air. Funny stuff from my favorite dang rock and rollers? Um… yummy!
This one begins with a flashback to some years ago when Dethklok was first signing with their label. Notably missing is Toki. They had some other dude in the band at the time, and It sorta goes unexplained. This is some Nibbler’s shadow Futurama-style world-building. Nathan Explosion punches the shit out the label head’s nasty son, and this may or may not come back to bite them. The flashback ends with their manager very presciently telling them to pay attention to this business stuff, lest they find themselves under-prepared for the day he gets croaked out. We then cut to the present where, apparently, he has croaked out. We saw him laying on the ground, lifeless at the end of season two, and this episode all but confirms our greatest fear: he fucking died.
The episode is mostly about Dethklok being dipshits and burning through cash, buying a lotta weird wild stuff. They also brazenly announce that their upcoming concert, which is going to be one of the most expensive ever put on, is going to make spending money “metal”. The concert begins with them firing a huge sphere filled with cash and exploding it. This is after the power in Mordhaus (now a floating airship) gets shut down and all their hooded servants walk off the job, being that their paychecks all bounced.
The label shuts down the concert and tries to put the screws to Dethklok to renegotiate their contract, being that they are in a much more fragile position. Oh yeah, the label is now being run by the rich kid whose face Nathan smashed up. SPOILERS: a shadowy figure appears just as Dethklok are about to sign said bum deal. It’s their old manager, who’s actually alive and been hiding for the last 9 months. But, that will all get explained some other time, supposedly. 
Comedy is mostly mined from the different extravagant ways that Dethklok is spending their money. This includes various giant-scale projects, some of which require huge tracts of land. In one vignette, they christen their “Doritos Land” in which acres of grain silos have been converted into cool-ranch Doritos dispensers. Nathan tells an excited crowd that this is just for them, and not open to the public, shunning a source of income in favor of unwise excess. It’s the sorta thing The Simpsons relishes with Mr. Burns, who is so rich he can basically do anything. The stuff Dethklok does with their rapidly dwindling funds is simply too huge! 
This episode has one memorable scene where they try to get a record store employee to decipher their contract, thinking that because they sell records that they’ll be able to understand the daunting brick of fine print. This of course, doesn’t work. This scene ends with an overhead announcement that the store is closing in 5 minutes, forever. It’s closing forever, because it’s a record store. Really great, hilarious way to write a scene like this that actually acknowledges reality. This was actually the one scene I had any kind of significant memory of. That’s how most of this season is for me. Looking forward to watching more.
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Xavier: Renegade Angel Seasons 1 and 2 DVD (November 10, 2009)
This comes off the heels of me actually selling my Xavier: Renegade Angel DVD. This thing is worth a lotta money. Did I save a copy of it to my hard drive?? That would be illegal. How dare you ask me that. 
The DVD included what turned out to be the entire series. It was released in 4:3 with letterbox bars, which isn’t too friendly to your modern display. Select episodes featured “fanmentaries”, commentaries done by people who enjoyed the show. I’m gonna level with you, I didn’t really spend a whole lotta time with the extras on this release for my write-ups of it. I do remember seeing that there were extra fan-submitted segments, submitted for Damnesia You. Isn't that nice of me?
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triscribe · 1 year
Tagged by @pumpking64​, thanks!
Share your wallpaper: I’ve never bothered swapping out the generic “abstract blue-green paint smear” image that came with my phone, but if I did it would probably be to one of my best kitten photos, aka The Scrungly Little Beast
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(also the icon for my @triscribeaucollection​ sideblog)
The last song you listened to: Rooftop, by Nick Santos
Currently reading: Working my way through every Sea Beast fan fic on AO3 that catches my eye
Last Movie: The Sea Beast, on Netflix
Craving: Chocolate cake, but I shouldn’t have that for breakfast
What are you wearing right now: Soft green nightshirt, green lounge shorts I pulled on when I first got up
How tall are you: Five feet, three and three quarters inches, or ~162 centimeters for my metric system friends. Why do I specify the three quarters? Because my mom is five foot four inches, and I have been stuck at a smidge shorter than her for years. But my day will come. Maybe not this decade, maybe not the next, but sooner or later she WILL begin to shrink, and then *I* will be the one who is a quarter inch taller! Muahahaha!
...ahem. Moving on...
Piercings: None
Tattoos: Nope
Glasses? Contacts?: Negative on both
Last drink: Sweetened Peach Sparkling Water. My local grocery store sells their own brand in various flavors, eighty cents for a liter bottle. Healthier than soda, at the very least
Last show: Hogan’s Heroes - we have all six seasons on DVD, and they’re good comfort content when there isn’t anything good to watch on television
(”Colonel Hogan, I must know what is going on here!”
“Schultz, if I tell you, you could become a tremendous hero-”
“...I hear nothing, I see nothing, I Know NO-THING!”)
Lasting thing you ate: Piece of fried chicken for dinner
Favorite color: Turquoise! Because I was the doofus as a kid who couldn’t ever pick between blue and green, so I compromised and went with both at once x’D
Current obsession: Father & son feels between Captain Crow and Jacob Holland from the Sea Beast movie
Unrelated obsession: Master & padawan feels between Tajin Crosser and Dan G’vash from the Elder episode of Star Wars Visions. Totally unrelated. Right.
Any pets: YES. So Many Pets. We’re actually at a low point right now, with only two dogs, two rabbits, seven chickens in the bathroom, and twenty eight cats of various ages (which will go down as soon as we start adopting out the eleven most recent kittens)
Do you have a crush on anyone: ...maybe.
Favorite fictional character: My own? Crant the Wolfen. Somebody else’s? Hmm... Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars), Peter Parker (Marvel), Cassandra Cain (DC), Will Treaty (Ranger’s Apprentice), Tiffany Aching (Discworld), Aizawa Shouta (bnha), Eowyn (Lord of the Rings), Bumblebee (Transformers), Brienne of Tarth (Game of Thrones), etc etc...
The last place you traveled: Florida, visiting my dad for my birthday a couple months ago
Thanks again! Tagging: @153-centimeters-of-sass​ @blackbeltkitten2​ @catboy-pentheus​ @kaiseaya​ and as always anybody else who’d like to snag a spot ;)
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brucefromfamilyguy · 7 months
Oh you're a terf too? Every time you post I love you more <3
Clerk of a horror novelty shop in "Chitty Chitty Death Bang"
CPR Teacher in "The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire"
A medium in "Petergeist"
A priest in "Boys Do Cry"
A therapist in "Peter's Two Dads"
A lawyer in "Stewie Kills Lois"
A masseuse in "Baby Not On Board"
Bowling alley shoe counterman in "The Splendid Source"
Bartender in "We Love You, Conrad" (DVD exclusive)
Referee in "Baby, You Knock Me Out"
Laser Tag operator in "Forget-Me-Not"
Waste management in "Island Adventure"
Bowling alley desk in "Better Off Meg"
Couples counselor in "Boys & Squirrels"
Bruce is a major recurring character on Family Guy, known for his various jobs.
Bruce rarely appeared at all in the first three seasons of the show, but has become a recurring character since the show returned from cancellation.
He first appeared as the clerk of a horror novelty shop in "Chitty Chitty Death Bang". In "The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire", he teaches a CPR course at the Quahog Community Center. His name was first revealed when he appeared as a member of the school board committee of James Woods Regional High School in "No Chris Left Behind". This position was implied when he heard the name change proposal to Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial High School sought by Shauna Parks and Brian Griffin in "Peter's Got Woods".
He appear as a Tetris piece in "Prick Up Your Ears" and as a medium in "Petergeist". He worked for Exotic Entertainment.
In "Untitled Griffin Family History", it is revealed he had an African American slave ancestor named Tobi, who spelled his name with several accents, and is seen being whipped by an English colonist.
In "Road to the Multiverse", he performs "It’s A Wonderful Day for Pie" as a parody of Tinker Bell in the Disney-style universe.
He is Peter Griffin's lawyer for his trial in the accused murder of his wife Lois in "Stewie Kills Lois". He calls Jeffrey about Stewie in "Lois Kills Stewie", and about Peter's mustache in "McStroke".
In "Boys Do Cry", he offers communion wafers with wine. He explicitly warns Stewie not to drink the wine.
In "Baby Not On Board", he is a masseuse.
He appeared at O.J. Simpson's welcome party in "The Juice Is Loose", and joins the mob that chases him out of town.
In "Peter's Two Dads", he is the therapist who helps Peter realize that Francis Griffin is not his biological father.
He debates which groceries to leave behind while in the ten items or less line in "Brian Sings and Swings".
It has been hinted that he may be homosexual throughout the series, such as in "McStroke" when a mustachioed Peter walks by. He has a friend named Jeffrey and in "Road to the North Pole", he declares in "All I Really Want For Christmas" that he wants to marry Jeffrey. Seth MacFarlane confirmed Bruce's homosexuality in an interview with LGBT website The Backlot, citing him as an example of a positive gay character on the show.[1]
In "The Splendid Source", it is revealed that he works at the bowling alley, selling rental shoes. He is one of the people to whom the dirty joke is traced. It s revealed he also has a pet rabbit named Steven.
He plays Greedo in Blue Harvest and Admiral Piett in Something, Something, Something, Dark Side.
In "Tales of a Third Grade Nothing", he seems to be the only one who enjoyed the performance of "Guys & Dolls". He also enjoys ginger ale.
He is the announcer of Lois Griffin's boxing match against Deirdre Jackson in "Baby, You Knock Me Out".
He is an alcoholic, participating in Alcoholics Anonymous meetings Peter attends in "Friends of Peter G".
Bruce can be seen as Stewie rides through town under Brian's car in "Family Guy Viewer Mail No. 2".
The uncensored version of "Ratings Guy" includes a scene of Peter getting a haircut from Bruce, who shaves a misshapen, deformed penis into the back of his head. When Peter questions it, Bruce runs out crying, noting that some people have had an accident.
Bruce is teamed up with Bonnie Swanson in the three-legged race in "He's Bla-ack!".
In the courtroom scene in "The Simpsons Guy", the openly gay Bruce is seated next to the closeted gay Waylon Smithers.
Throughout the series, Mike Henry has given certain anthropomorphic creatures such as Jaws and a Xenomorph the same voice as he's given Bruce.
Bruce is revealed to be 52 in "Underage Peter", having told Jeffrey that he was 39.
In "Married...With Cancer", Bruce officiates Brian's wedding and remarks that it's another wedding he has to watch. He makes his intentions of marriage known to Jeffrey who nervously looks away.
Bruce and the Kool-Aid Man swap bodies in "Switch the Flip". He also has a crowd scene cameo in "No Giggity, No Doubt".
Under pressure from his parents Phil & Candy Straight, Bruce proposes to Meg in "Meg's Wedding". She refuses to acknowledge that he's gay at first, but stops the ceremony and admits she's aware after finding pictures in his phone. He is forced to not only confront his parents, but proposes and marries his long-time boyfriend Jeffery.
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