#and you're idk not a little more concerned about us OUT here? or hell expressing concern about the rest of the show? that you were
causticsunshine · 11 months
Reading your tags, what happened with Andrew Cushin? (just woke up, totally confused catching up with the disaster, I’m so sorry for everyone affected!! How horrible, hope everyone is safe!!)
he deleted the original tweet, but i found a screencap:
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(btw the screencap is set to someone else's time; red rock's time zone is only an hour ahead of mine and he DID get to perform)
he has apologized in a few tweets since saying he wasn't aware of the severity of the situation and that's why he deleted the original tweet. but, even if he claims to have not known the severity of things, he was still aware it was hailing HUGE chunks of ice on fans who didn't have any cover over them, as well as the original weather warning that had fans and the show on standby... idk kind of seems like common sense to me that things may be a little more serious?
and seeing that headliner line, which i think is what really got people (myself included) going seeing as this tweet popped up when us non-attending fans were already getting updates about the turning weather from people actually at the show?
like sorry to say but my dude.... you wouldn't have gotten said opportunity to play at such an iconic venue if louis and his team hadn't extended the offer in the first place? it was also a HUGE thing for louis to play there and to, lighthearted or otherwise, make a comment that could easily read like 'rip to the guy who invited me out here, at least i got to play lol!' while fans who largely came for that guy are literally being pelted with ice and had next to no cover or aid to combat said ice storm—or sudden flooding!—and you're already at least kind of aware of the situation.... 😬
sure i think several factors including his timing and wording played him a bad hand here and while he very likely wasn't at all intending to be dismissive, callous, etc. of the overall situation, he was still kind of making light of things and doing so at the worst time possible, only to the come back later and say sorry for a 'little joke made before i understood the severity of things' as if he hadn't pointed out in his original tweet just how crazily it was hailing outside.... at an outdoor venue.... with fans in the stands... idk common sense my friend!
but anyways i hope everyone is alright and was able to receive any aid they needed, as well as get back home/to wherever they're staying safely! 💗
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bambisnc · 3 months
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off the record [ft. j.wy]
pairing : wony x reader genre : fluffyy/crack + fake dating trope! cw/tw : kissing mention ;-; wc : idk it was a page in google docs :/
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“hey. don’t look at him. he’ll get weirded out.”
“ah yes of course, because your ex showing up at your birthday party uninvited and with a girlfriend of her own is totally not more than enough to do that.”
wonyoung rolls her eyes at you. sure she’d asked you to become her girlfriend; her fake girlfriend but that was for a very good reason okay?! 
it was all her ex’s fault. she hadn’t really even liked the guy that much, but the fact that he went from a blinded, lovesick puppy to be the one breaking up with her made her furious. and an angry her did not always have the most logical ideas…
when she saw him drop off his new girlfriend in front of the girls washroom (was it just her or was that highkey weird..) she lost it completely. grabbing you by the shoulders, a girl she vaguely knew from.. chemistry was it?, she immediately pulled you into a stall with a curt, “i need you to pretend to date me.” dropping from her delicate lips.
oh okay, you thought, just an average wednesday. the literal love of your life drags you into a bathroom stall (?!?@?#?$?@#) and asks you to date them. well, fake date them. it’s the same thing really, c’mon.
which is what lead to a major series of unfortunate events (not for you, to be honest – you get to spend time with The jang wonyoung, hell she can use you for whatever nefarious schemes she has cooking up in that pretty little head of hers <3) ending up with you here..
..stuck between a wall and a hard place. quite literally. with wonyoung having placed her hands on the wall, effectively trapping you against it; almost as if in a protective manner. you knew she’d been boasting about you to everyone who’d listen – there was hardly anyone who wasn’t interested in the school princess’ romantic affairs – before you’d arrived.. rather late, unfortunately.
“so are you planning on explaining why you’re late? or will you only be making sarcastic quips at everything i say~?” she asks with the sweetest smile but you will not be falling for that. the nicer her expression is, the more scared you should be is the one thing you’ve managed to learn from having had her arm wrapped around your waist for around 3 weeks now.
“i told you there was just an .. issue. nothing you need to concern yourself with.” you reply back, avoiding her piercing gaze to the best of your abilities. (spoiler you're not really very successful in doing that...)
she’s never been one to back down or leave a matter though, “i’m your girlfriend. how can i not concern myself with every single thing about you.” you’re just about to point out that you are, in fact, just a fake girlfriend but before you can wonyoung interrupts you, tilting your face towards her in a way that leaves your lips inches away from hers (and leaves you completely breathless), her tone dripping with urgency, “he’s looking. kiss me now.”
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[series m.list]
notes : creds for idea and honorary dedication to ml @kyuusberry!!! ♡︎ + [m.list]
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rezzyromance · 3 years
Could I request Heisenberg with a female s/o who's negatively pent up from anxiety and depression and feeling like they're not good enough for Karl but they always put on a brave face to not look weak? They just want to make him happy and proud maybe maybe when they're either fucking or just working, maybe he says an offhand comment that hits home, idk being called useless is a good one to feel like being stabbed. They love him but they've been hiding all their mental struggles and bottling it up be a use they always focused on him first? Mental health feels neglected rn and could use the hurt/comfort if you're okay with this! Up to you if you want to add smut or not, with or without is great
Of course, baby. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the story. (CW: Hurt/Comfort, mentions of anxiety and depression. Sexual scenarios: Fingering, face riding, praising, general NSFW)
Living with Karl is a task that can be mentally taxing on anyone. For you, this wasn't an exception. There was no doubt in your mind that you loved him, but that dragged along a few issues with it. You loved him so much, that you constantly felt an unbearable pressure that pushed you to attempt to impress him out of fear that he may view you as inferior to him. Karl is without a doubt strong, insanely intelligent, passionate, and all around tremendously powerful. Often times you wondered why he even keeps you around.
You had grown very close with him over time. He never put a real title on your relationship, but you both knew that he loved you. He loved you enough to let you help out on his work. He assigned little tasks for you to do such as organizing his blueprints, creating blueprints, and organizing his tools. Each time you did something, he would reward you with praise. Sometimes the praise would be heart to heart while other times it may be skin to skin. While the praise he provided felt rewarding, you began to worry what may happen if your work wasn't good enough. What if you weren't good enough? What if he stopped finding you useful or attractive? These troubling thoughts had been torturing you recently. But, you kept it all bottled up, worried that he may view you as weak if he knew you were so afraid of failure. Whenever you would work on something, you would sit there for hours on end. Nothing could stop you until you were finished. You did this as a way to imitate Karl and his tireless work. Though, Karl does have powers that help keep his body from shutting down the way yours does. That didn't stop you from constantly pushing yourself overboard, though.
A knot grew larger and larger in your throat as you attempted to sketch out a new blueprint, slouching while sitting on your bed. He had asked you to work on it that morning and it was nearly midnight now. The lines were uneven, your hand writing was messy, and it was easy to see where you had erased and redrawn a lot of little details all over the paper. A single tear fell from your eye and onto the paper, causing a wet spot where the ink began to smear. You ignore your body and minds cry for help by quickly wiping your eyes and acting as if it didn't happen. Your hands were shaking as you applied more details, not being close to finish. Your eyes were twitching, fed up with staring down so harshly at the paper for so long. Suddenly, the door to the room opens.
You jump and face the door, realizing how cramped your neck was from your poor posture. Karl entered the room, obviously tired from a long days work. His eyes looked heavy and he was running his hands through his hair. "Still working on that blueprint, buttercup?", he asks as he walks towards you. You look back at the paper and realize how low quality it was, along with unfinished. You quickly hold the paper to your chest, attempting to block it from him. 'Um it's almost finished I swear! I just n-need to add a few more little details.", you assure him. He holds his hand out. "Let me see.", he raises an eyebrow and begins to wiggle his fingers. You attempt to swallow the knot in your throat as you shakily hand it over.
Your hands clutch each other tightly, digging what's left of your bitten nails into your skin. His eyes scan each inch of the paper and his eyebrows begin to furrow. "What.. is this?", he looks over to you. "What?", you're voice is shaky and cracking, but you attempt to cover it up by clearing your throat. "(Y/N)... you've been in here all day and THIS is all you could do? What have you been doing all day?", his voice began to grow into a semi-shout. It felt like thunder as it shook your body. You take a deep breath, attempting to toughen up to his words. "I really did try! I did exactly what you told me an-" he cuts you off before you can finish. "Really? You did exactly as I told you?! You said you could have this done by tonight and i trusted your judgement. But (Y/N) this shit is useless!"
He continues to fuss, but it was all silent to you. All you could hear was the echo of his voice saying that word. "Useless." The one thing you feared of becoming. The one thing you feared of creating. Your balled fists begin to shake. Your lip begins to quiver and your eyes grow cloudy.
"I'M SORRY!", you cry out before looking down at the floor, failing to control your tears as they fell to the floor. Suddenly, your eyes began to flood. Your stomach and heart felt like they were twisting and turning with guilt. He froze, unsure of how to handle this sudden outburst. "Was I too harsh?", he thought. "I'VE TRIED SO HARD TO BE GOOD ENOUGH. GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU! I'VE TRIED TO PERFECT YOUR WORK. I'VE TRIED TO LOOK MY BEST EVERY DAY! FOR YOU! I'VE DONE EVERYTHING YOU'VE TOLD ME TO!", your whole body shakes as you break down. "I never told you that you had to do any of that! What the hell have you been pushing yourself so hard for?", his tone was still stern, but he wasn't angry. He was very concerned, but had no idea how to express it. "I WANTED TO MAKE YOU PROUD!", you continue to cry.
The room was silent other than your quiet sobbing. He didn't know what to say. He had no clue that you had put so much pressure on yourself to impress him. He had no idea on why it mattered so much to you. And in that moment, something in him began to ache. He remembered being like that once. So dead set on making others proud of him no matter what it took. He had no clue what to say due to no one ever being there for him in his time of struggle, so instead he goes for a more physical approach.
He grabs you by the arm and pulls you to his body, holding you close. You bury your face in his chest to try and muffle your cries. He runs his hand through your hair, still confused as to why you pushed yourself so hard for him. "I just..", you sniffle. "I just wanted to be good enough.. for you...", you say as you try to stop crying. He lifted you up, carrying you bridal style to the bed. He crawled up and sat his back against a pillow, continuing to hold you close as you buried your face in his neck.
"Look at me.", he held your chin in between his thumb and pointer finger and waited for you to face him. You sniffle and pull your head up to meet him eye to eye. There was a new look in his eyes. Something unfamiliar to the both of you. Tenderness. "You are good enough. And I am so proud of you. Everyday you make me proud. Every time I look at you I'm proud.", he begins to wipe the tears from your face, struggling to find the right words to say. "Look. You don't need to overwork yourself. The fact that you stick around with me to begin with is enough for me." A small smile begins to grow on your face. The sight warms him and helps reassure him that he didn't say anything dumb.
Once you've seemed to calm down, he pulls you in for a kiss. It was warmer than usual. Softer than usual. And Karl isn't a man known for being soft or gentle. But this kiss was far from rough, but just as passionate. It was reassuring and safe. He pulls away and smiles at the sight of your now blushing face. "There's my pretty girl. Now, if you feel like it... since we're already on the bed.. I think I know a thing or two you can do if you still wanna feel useful.", he offers with a sly grin. You giggle and begin to straddle his lap. "Sounds good to me." you say as his hands start to wander around your hips.
"But, we're gonna be doing something different.", he says as his eyes scan every inch of your body. "What's that?", you go to unbuckle his belt but he grabs your wrist before you can continue. "Tonight's all about you. I wanna make you feel good.", he says. During every sexual situation you've had, you had focused on pleasing him first, not thinking about yourself and your own wants and desires. You don't object, so he moves his hands back to your hips and pulls you off of his body, effortlessly tossing you onto your back on the bed.
He then pins himself above you, towering over you. Your heart races at the new experience and your face glows more and more pink. His eyes meet yours and the sight alone is enough to start making your panties grow wet. He lowers his face down to your neck where he begins to place little kisses. Chills run through your body like ocean waves and you let out a quiet gasp as a kiss turns into a nibble. A hickey begins to form and he lets go, moving his mouth to your ear. "I want you to tell me what you want, buttercup." he whispers in your ear as one of his hands begins to wander across your body. It starts up near your breast where he fondles it gently, earning a lip bite from you. Then, he goes lower to your stomach where he scratches lightly at your skin. You squirm beneath his hand. He smiles and begins to kiss you once more before going even further, slipping his hands into your pants and cupping your vagina through your soaking panties. You gasp while your lips are still connected and he gently tugs on your bottom lip with his teeth, pleased at the reaction he's gotten from you.
"Is this what you want?", he slips two of his fingers into your panties and finds your clit, rubbing it slowly. "Mhm", you whine and press yourself into him. "Goodgirl.", he moves from where he was and makes his way down to your pants. He unbottons them and begins to pull them off. He throws the pants across the room and crawls back towards you on the bed. He removes your shirt and your bra underneath, throwing them in the same direction of the pants. He lowers his head down to one of your hard nipples and wraps his mouth around it, caressing it with his tongue. This causes you to moan quietly and grip the sheets beneath you. Your nipple was already so tender, so the feeling of his tongue was powerful enough to make you squirm. He lowers his hand back into your panties, rubbing your clit with his thumb. Your knees bend inward, trapping his hand between your legs. He chuckles with your nipple gently between his teeth. "Looks like you like this, huh?" You moan in response.
It didn't take long for you to feel a climax building inside you, coming closer and closer to exploding with each touch he inflicted onto your throbbing clit. Moans of all volumes filled the room as you got closer and closer. Then, right when you were about to cum, he stops. You groan in disappointment and look over at him. "I was just warming you up.", he smirks and lays on his back. "Come here.", he commands and pats on his chest, signaling for you to sit there. You do as he says and sit upon his chest. The second you sit down, His strong hands grip onto your hips and he begins to pull your body towards his face. He places you on top of his mouth. The next thing you know, your soaked pussy is being attacked by his tongue. You can't help but let a moan slip out between your lips as he closes is eyes, fully focused on bringing you maximum pleasure. He places each hand on each thigh, gripping them slightly all while his tongue swirls around your clit. You use one hand to grip the headboard of the bed and the other one to grip his hair, tangling your fingers in the grey strands. You grip harder as he sucks on your clit, causing you to throw your head back in pleasure. He let loose a few muffled moans and groans, causing vibrations on your pulsing clit. "Oh fuck Karl!", you feel your body weight sink lower and lower as you melt into the pleasure of his tongue. You begin to grind your hips back and forth, riding out your orgasm. He doesn't mind at all and begins to work harder to finally push you to your limit. With a loud moan, you cum into his mouth.
As you catch your breath and shake on top of him, he grabs you once again and pushes you over onto the bed. His beard was shiny around his lips due to a mixture of your sweat and cum. He looks down at your flustered and flushed face, pleased with what he'd done. You noticed a large bulge protruding from his pants. "I want you.", you pant as you reach over, massaging the hard lump. He responds by stripping, too breathless to verbally respond. Once he's fully naked, he makes his way onto the bed. You take him by the shoulder and pull his face into yours, initiating a passionate make out session. Your tongues caressing one another as you both toss and turn, ending up with you straddling him.
You rub his already throbbing dick, preparing for its entry. It was quite large and veiny. The hair that led from his lower stomach to his pubic area glistened with precum. You position yourself and begin to sit on his dick, letting it slowly fit inside you. Your extra wetness helped lube it. Once it was completely in, Karl groaned, grabbing your ass in his calloused hands. "Fuck.. you're so good.", he encourages. You begin to slowly rise and fall, letting your pussy stretch to comfortably fit his girth. You both moaned quietly. Once you feel comfortable, you wrap your arms around his neck and begin to bounce on it, feeling each thick vein add texture. 'What a good girl..." Every time you made your way back down, you could feel the tip of his dick reach your special spot, making your knees feel weak. As overwhelming as it felt, you couldn't stop. You continued to bounce up and down on his dick as his fingers grip your ass for dear life. "You're doing so good.", he praises you and you thank him by clashing your lips together, sharing sloppy kisses as you both moan with each up and down motion. "Such a good girl.", he begins to squeeze your breast, causing you to squeal and pick up the pace. It felt amazing, but your legs grew weaker and weaker with each motion, and he could tell. You were panting as you fucked yourself senseless on his dick.
"Wait a sec.", he gently pats your ass to get you to stop. You stop and rest your sweaty forehead to his, legs shaking beneath you. You didn't want to stop, but you weren't sure how much longer you could continue. Your legs felt like they were on fire. 'Let me help you.", his hands glide up to your waist where he clutches your sides and begins to bounce you up and down, continuing the motion you could no longer do yourself. You kiss him and whine into his lips as he slams your body up and down, grunting harder each time. "Such a pretty girl.." he pants. "Riding my cock so good..", he begins to slam his hips into you, reaching a point inside you that he's never reached before. You throw your head back and moan, tears of pleasure and bliss begin to form in your eyes. You're both exhausted and so close to finishing. You're whole body felt like it was numb and on fire at the same time as your climax creeped closer and closer.
And with a few more strong pumps into you, you both cum. He lets loose of your sides and wraps his arms around your back, drenching in sweat. You collapse on top of him, unable to move any of your body. Karl places a few more sloppy kisses across your face, his facial hair tickling your skin. "Don't you ever.. ever believe you're not good enough. Got it?", he pressures. You're too exhausted to form words, so you simply nod your head, laying down on his chest. His heart beat was rapid but soothing. Soon enough, it lulled you to sleep. He soon followed, keeping his arms wrapped tight around you the entire time.
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sweetbabysour · 3 years
interruptions - brian may x reader fem
brian may x reader *smut*
idk if its good, this is my first smut writing.
warnings : thigh kink, love bites(aka hickeys), unprotected sex (wrpa it before you tap it)
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I had just woken up and i already brushed my teeth. Then the doorbell rang, "who is it!?" i yelled. I could hear a sudden "uhh" from outside the door. "Yea, yea coming.." i said as i rushed to the door. Brian smirked and showed me a little glass horse. "Thats cute" i looked up at him and saw a bunch of curls upon his face. "Come inside," i requested, "its cold." as brian walked inside, he set down the tiny horse and went into the kitchen. "What're you doing in there?" i lazily groaned, about to fall asleep. "Nothing, nothing." he mumbled, " you sound tired." "mhm" i nodded in agreement and fell back to sleep on the sofa.
I was having a nightmare and woke up to brian looking at me, sitting next to me. I felt beads of sweat falling down my face and almost cried. I quickly hugged him and soon felt a wave of relief flush over me. "Im so- im really sorry." i backed away from him and rubbed my eyes. "Nono, its fine." he extended his arm as an invitation, so i gladly took it and leaned against him. "How are you so warm?" brian asked. "I dont know," i replied with, "i just woke up."  i looked up at him as he was looking down at me. "And why are you acting so nice?" he raised one of his eye brows and slightly smirked. "I dont know, i just- i just feel like it i guess." i scratched my neck and leaned back down on him.
As i leaned on him i heard his gasp quietly, yet fast. "Is something wrong?" i questioned. "Nono, nothings wrong." he looked down at me once again. I could see that something was wrong with the expression on his face. "I can tell when somethings up, " i mentioned, "spit it out." "its embarrassing," i heard him break down with a sigh. "I know you hate me and shit, but i feel like its something that shouldn't be happening." "get to the point." i told him. "alright , alright.." he rushed, "i like you. I know its dumb and all and i shouldn't have feeli-" i put my finger on his mouth, "shh, shh." i calmed him down, " your talking too much."  "but i-" i interrupted him once again, " shh!" i lazily said. He moved his arm and accidentally brushed it against my thigh. He gulped and i just stared into his eyes. what a galaxy, how many stars his eyes can take. How many things he saw in his eyes. I stared deeper into his eyes and didnt notice the print rising under his pants. my god, how huge. I got up and walked to the bathroom and did  what i needed to while brian just sat on the couch.
I sort of woke up a bit more from the buzzing out the restroom door and finally realised what happened. "Yea, who is it!" i asked loudly. "Its the boys" brian yelled back to me. I sighed, rolled my eyes and walked out the door. I grabbed my robe from the hook behind the door and went to the living room. "heyy!..." freddie slumped in the door and threw himself on the couch. "He kinda got a bit drunk." john said, mimicking his hand to his words. Roger just walked in the flat as if he owned it. He went inside the kitchen to do- well something. I walked over to brian and bent down to ask, " can we talk later?" he widened his eyes, "yea, sure." well, what i plan to talk about with him is to share my feelings with him. Maybe it was too fast on how i fell, so deeply in love with him. I dont know, i feel like its best to be open to him right now.
the rest of the boys were already gone, but brian was left. "Can we talk now?" i asked him, while the both of us were sitting on the sofa. "ehh, yea." he replied and nodded his head. "Remember that time you hid my book?" i said. "yea" he told me back. "well, i dont know how, but-" i was speaking as roger barged in the room, obviously drunk. Me and brian looked at him at the same time and i widened my eyes. "What the hell are you doing here?" i whispered-yelled. "Are ya-are you guys shagging?" roger stumbled over nothing and blinked his eyes slowly. I looked over to brian with a concerned look as he looked back at me. He widened his eyes and i stood up and pushed roger out of the room, "hell no we aren't!" i said while pushing him out. I took a deep breath and sat down with brian until we heard rogs footsteps move away from the door. I looked down at his hand and felt his eyes laying on me, " ok." i said, "i think i have feelings for you too." i then looked back up at him and felt relieved.  "god y/n, ive been wanting to hear that from you for so long." he said under his breath. He put his hand on my thigh and slowly stopped smiling, but in a quite good way. I think i know what this meant. I stared at his hand on my thigh and looked at his eyes while smirking. "I want to-" it sounded like he wanted to say it but something stopped him. "I can't stop thinking about you," he started another sentence, "all day long."
this was my chance, i had to do it. I tugged the back of his head and started kissing him aggressively. This lasted a couple of minutes since our lips softly collided each second. I got off of his chest and was left with panting with the taste of liquor upon my lips. "Can we do that again?" brian chuckled and said, out of breath. "Sure." i smirked at him and so we continued. minutes pass by and the things that i thought were unimaginable. At this point, im only left with lingerie and brian was only left with his knickers. "Are you okay with this?" he started crawling towards me. "Yes," i called out, "please." as he grew closer towards me, i could feel his warmth. I felt like i was dreaming. As he got by, he started lead a track of light pecks on my thighs, leading to- "what a beautiful pussy," he interrupted my thoughts, " ive been dreaming of this." and he then started sucking my clit. "mm," i groaned, "oh fuck." Oh that magic was working. After a few minutes of brian working his magic, his name was written on my lips. "Fuck yes," i panted, "keep going." i grabbed the back of his head and rolled my eyes. How i could see the stars. My god was he good. "Fing-" i almost said, "i know." he smirked and slowly moved one callused finger up my pussy and curled it. I couldn't help it but let out the most pornographic moan ever. "More, please." i panted. It was as if my word was his command. He slowly shoved in another finger just as he did with the other. I rolled my eyes as far back as they possibly could and moved my hips to where he was hitting that spot. "Bri, baby," i moaned, "keep going baby." as he moved his fingers, faster and faster, i could feel a slight build up to where i wanted to reach. "bri," i teared up, "fuck yes, fuck, fuck."He kept hitting it until- fuck. "you're so good at that" i said, out of breath. "am i?" he chuckled, sucking his fingers. "I think i should help you," i said in a seductive way, "the way you helped me." "you dont have to do that," he gulped, "really, you-" i crouched down and pulled down his knickers. "i want to please you." i stated. his long shaft sprang up right in front of my face. god was it big. "I knew it." i smirked. as i put my dominant hand on his length, he suddenly gasped and put his hand on his mouth. "I haven't even done anything yet, silly." i chuckled and slowly started stroking his cock. Before i licked his tip, his length was glistening with pre-cum. He groaned and rolled his eyes. "I dont wanna cum yet." he moved his shaft away from my mouth. "good fucking god y/n, your really good at that." he breathed out. god, how much i wanted him in me. "hell," i called, "can you fuck me already?" "someones eager.." he jokingly said. "please" i moaned. "hell, you look so fucking sexy like this." he groaned. I sat on the bed and he blurted, "ass up." the second after he said that, i tried moving my position into where my best features were shown. "bri, please." i panted. I felt his warmth against my thigh and felt the wet kisses that collided with them. "love, are you sure?" he softly asked. I nodded eagerly and positioned myself to where my ass was pointing straight at him and to where my pussy was clearly available to him as i could feel it dripping with my liquids. I looked back at him from my side to see that he was approaching my opening, studying it in his mind as he came closer. fuck, the way he was looking at me was like he was seeing god for the first time. "Tell me if you want to stop," he mentioned, "okay?" well, this my first time, so in the next few minutes i wouldnt consider myself a virgin any longer. I nodded to his words. "no y/n, i need your words." he called. "Okay." i looked at him and stated. As i felt his tip entering my opening, it felt like it belonged there. I gasped and rolled my eyes. "Fuck y/n," he breathed out, "your so tight." he slowly started inserting and extracting his length, but i was eager for more. "faster, baby," i moaned, "i want more." he nodded quickly and slowly started creating a rhythm for both of us to follow. I whimpered and almost
teared up. It hurt, it really did. But that pain turned into pleasure. But his angelic grunts and moans made me feel like i was in the air. "Your a natural," he chuckled and panted. He grabbed my waist and pulled it towards him, following the rhythm. I didnt mind it because we were pleasing each other and it no longer hurt. "fuck, your tight." he whimpered. He bent over as i felt skin to skin contact and i felt the wet, slobbery kisses upon my neck.  "dont give me any love bites bri" i panted. "Ill try baby." he then paused. "What, whats wrong?" i looked back at bri and he had beads of swear trailing down his face. "I want to change positions." he panted while looking down at his long shaft. "sure, okay." i looked at his eyes and saw the galaxy again. Brian sat on the edge of the bed and said, "come here." and patted his lap, motioning me to sit on his lap. I tiptoed to his lap and moved my opening on his thigh and he moved his hands to mine. I took his hands and placed them on my breasts. He started playing with them while he placed love bites on my neck even though i've told him not to. His warmth felt so- natural against me, skin-to-skin contact was completely okay with me. He moved my hair to the other side of my shoulder and continued placing love bites all over me, like i was his canvas and he was painting. I wouldnt stop him though, these love bites only turned me on. I shifted my ass on his staff and started moving on him. He held my waist and asked, " is this alright?" i nodded my head in response to his question. I lowered my body on his shaft and gasped halfway going down. He grunted and started moving a bit. Once his length was completely inside of me, i stayed there for almost 2 minutes. It just felt so nice. "You can move when you'd like." he mentioned and left a peck on my jaw. I soon lifted my lower half up and brought it down slowly.  I let out a quiet whimper and felt pleasure building up. "Fuck y/n.." he groaned. I slowly started bouncing up and down as the pleasure felt spreading throughout my body. "y/n your taking me so well.." he grouped my hair together and tilted his head back. I gave out choppy moans and quiet whimpers through the process. "Your so good to me baby.." he whispered, "i love you." that was it. The final words i heard before we came. "ah fuck bri, your- your really good." i panted, still feeling his shaft inside me. "You are too baby," he breathed out, "a good fucking natural." he chuckled. I smirked and got up slowly, feeling the twitches of his length leave my cunt. he laid down on the bed and i crawled up on him, giving him love bites across his chest and his lower neck. as soon as i was finished, we both got up, lazily. we put on our clothes and headed straight out the door and looked up to see the rest of the boys. "well, about time." freddie motioned towards his wrist an imaginary watch. "You know you guys were so fucking loud, right?" roger mentioned. John said nothing but just looked surprised. So was i, really. I just fucked a guy who i once hated but now i love. i pulled bri's shoulder down just enough to where my mouth was right next to his ear and whispered, "i cant help falling in love with you."
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 3 years
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It's A Long Road to Recovery.
(post Dark-Cream story)
"How's the water my Love? " Cross asked, dipping the tips of his fingers into the bath.
"perfect" Dream replied sinking slightly deeper into the water. The warmth wrapped around his bones and felt amazing on all the aches and pains.
"you got it just perfect"
The guard smiled wide "I'm glad to hear that, soak as long as you want, you deserve it"
The two had returned to the place they called home and Cross had drawn his beloved a bath. If Cross had it his way, he would have attempted to create a full spar treatment to pamper the bruised guardian. However, Dream had been more then happy to have something simple and the way he sighed as he relaxed in the water filled Cross with warmth.
It was so good to be home, even if it was mostly just a void with some rooms and things, it felt like home now. Though Cross wondered, with no anti sanses did that mean that him and Dream could settle down? They were engaged after all.
That thought make him smile wider. it had definitely been a long journey, but now that it was over him and Dream could finally be together. A family.
The gloopy mass had mostly washed off him now, though his joints where not completely free of it. Sadly, the lack of gloop now revealed just how damaged Dreams body was. There where huge cracks running across many of his bones and many bruised and stained areas. Then there was his eye.
Cross was trying hard not to look at it, but he didn't want Dream to know he was. Of course Dream was still beautiful, he always would be, but that didn't make it easy.
The wound was large and caused Cross to think about how it must have felt for him during the transformation. He hadn't seen the whole thing, but the sounds of Dreams bones splitting and his cries of agony became present in his mind whenever he looked at the eye.
It made him shudder to think of the pain he must have, and still was in.
"how's the" he started glancing away "the.... Eye?"
Dream sat up a bit.
"it's fine.... Mostly numb really"
He could sense his partners concern and didn't want to tell him the whole truth. It was painful and throbbed slowly, especially when touched. It threaten to hurt for a long time, not that it was a punishment he didn't deserve.
As soon as he was done in the bath he'd have to bind it.
Dream felt no shame in Cross being there while he bathed. He knew he wanted to stay in the water for a few hours, and those where hours that he wanted to spend with Cross. So therefore he'd asked Cross to join him.
The guardian stretched, wincing slightly as his back bones slid together. It ached and probably would for quite a while.
He pressed his fingers into the crook of his elbow joint, sighing in relief as more of the gloop stuck there gave way. The slime had dried and jammed up most of his joints, making him feel stiff and useless. It would take hours to clean, but it seemed like the warm water was helping it give way.
Taking a breath, he ducked his whole head and body under the water. Laying there under it for a few moments to soak, before resurfacing for air.
There was a trickle as Cross continued to flick the surface of the water with his fingers. Dream lent forward to shake the water from his skull and felt a sharp pain in his back. It didn't last very long but it was quite a surprise so it caused him to suck in air quickly through his teeth. Cross looked up straight away.
Dream took a breath and slowly moved his body back so he was lent against the bath again. The pain stopped.
"j-just moved to fast.... It will be fine, Nightmare said the first day was the most painful"
"right" Cross said, still concerned but with a slightly harder tone. "Rest...."
"I will Crossy, if Night was able to run, I'll be able to take care of myself" Dream replied, trying to sound reassuring.
He scooped up some of the bubbly foam from the waters surface in his hand and blew it in Cross' direction. Cross batted it with his hand in a playful cat-like fashion.
Dream smiled, seeing Cross acting playfully with him, it had been a long time since they'd been able to just exist as a couple. He would have continued to blow bubbles at him, but an intrusive thought ruined the momentary joy and it made him freeze.
" ¿Estaba él en este dolor?" he asked quietly. Cross glance sideways at him.
"Nightmare..." Dream clarified "......was he....is he in this pain?" Cross sighed.
"Dreamboat, you need to focus on your own recovery" he said, once again flicking the bath water with his fingers, though slightly more aggressively.
His tone was firm and slightly bitter "I know you worry, but he has Killer"
Shifting his legs around a bit, Dream sighed. He knew his partner was right, he shouldn't let himself worry about Nightmare to much, they would be in contact in a few days.
Yet he just couldn't help it. If he was in this bad of shape after a few months, then how bad would it be for Night after hundreds of years.
"but what if he-
-just drop it!"
Startled at Cross' tone, Dream flinched slightly. He wasn't used to Cross speaking to him like that and he didn't like it.
He narrowed his good eye at him and the soldier sheepishly looked away. Dream sensed shame from him, but also anger. His emotions were a mess.
"sorry i just meant-
-You're still thinking about what he did to you....."
Cross' shoulders tensing confirmed to Dream that he was right. His expression softened.
"it's not just what he put me through" he said, still avoiding Dreams gaze "it's what he did to you... And heaven....." his voice trailed off and his eyes watered slightly.
Dream felt his soul twist as the memories flooded in. Feeling suddenly very cold, he lowered his legs deeper in the water.
Cross squeezed his eyes shut and shook the tears away. Before opening his mouth to keep speaking, but closing it again.
"oh.. Cross" Dream said, reaching forward in an effort to comfort him. But he soon lowered his arm when Cross continued to speak.
"I know he's your brother... And I know you want to reconnect with him...." he swallowed and turned back to his lover. "I'm not gonna stop you... And I'm not going to hold a grudge, I just need.....
".... time" Dream said finishing Cross' sentence. Cross nodded in response.
He felt selfish just saying it
Even if Dream seemed to understand he still felt bad.
The reality of everything was still catching up with him and it was a slightly rough reality.
He'd been on happy to see his beloved gloop free and happy, that he'd completely pushed aside any kind of confrontation he'd had in mind for Killer or Nightmare.
Both had serious partaking in his pain and he hadn't realised how much he resented them until now.
But the reality that had just hit him was that Dream was going to reconnect with with his brother and if Cross was going to be Dreams husband then Nightmare was going to be a part of his.... Family.
That thought hurt.
Dream stared at his partner for a long time, as Cross watched the water flicking under his fingers. Cross' emotions were very negative, Dream knew he needed to say something.
"it's ok Mi Soldado, you aren't the only one. .."
Cross looked up at him again.
"I may have forgiven him in my head, but I still need to forgive him in my heart". He struggled to keep his voice steady.
"I-it's been so many years"
he bent over his knees and hugged his legs tightly.
"just like my face, there are a lot of cracks to heal..." he'd sighed "it's not just you"
Cross' emotions calmed slightly and he relaxed at Dream's reassurance.
"Its going to be a long road to recovery Crossy, for all of us"
Cross gave him a soft smile, and reached forward to cup his soapy cheek.
"I'll be here every step of the way" he said in a gentle tone.
Dream melted.
He leaned over to catch Cross in a kiss and the soldier happy obliged. It was a soft and affectionate kiss. Something that they had both been needing in that moment.
After pulling away Dream sank back into the water with a sigh. For the first time in a long time, he felt that things were going to be OK.
So here I am was another little bonus Dark-Cream scene. I came up with this recently and sketched it out. I wasn't originally gonna finish it but @zu-is-here asked me to so I did. I'm not really 100% satisfied with it you know? The bubbles was horrible to draw, I'm proud of the water and the bones though. The writing was just a cute Scene I came up with. Because it can't just be all fine and dandy can it? Nightmare put them both through hell and everyone needs time to heal. Idk if that makes sense? But I hope you enjoyed.
Original cross and dream belong to jakei95 and jokublog
Original shattered dream belongs to @galacii-gallery
Based off the Dark-Cream ship by @zu-is-here and the comic by @zu-is-here
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dreamiesdotcom · 3 years
perhaps, Cupid | nct dream
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Summary: You lay down in your bed, watch 13 change to 14 as the clock passes 11:59. You close your eyes, sigh, and hope that the world stops at 12:00 before promptly deciding that Valentine's Day is cancelled.
word count: 2.3k
moon's note: idk why but i usually give gifts during occasions... and out of random... but since its v-day and i caNT give y'all any gifts because idk which part of the world you lovelies are at, so maybe you can please have 2322 words of my nonsense? I tried
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When Lee Jeno, the infamous Na Jaemin's best friend, walked inside the room to the dance club's meeting room with all sheepish 'Hello's and eye-smiles, you underestimated just how much havoc he could bring into your life. He seemed way too soft for his own good like he had no mischief under his sleeve — the exact reason why when he poked your sides to get your attention and asked you if you'd "help the dumb kids get together", you were more thrilled than concerned.
Right now, you think you should've agreed with Renjun and said 'that's a bad idea'.
Donghyuck, Jaemin's dormmate, wasn't even there when you planned things out, but well, you blame him. Jaemin bitterly staring at Jisung as the younger gets cuddled by Chenle? Hyuck's fault. Jisung blushing incomprehensible whenever it's Jaemin's turn to dance? Hyuck's fault. It's been days and resident sweet boy absolutely makes no move to court Jisung? Hyuck's fault as well.
"This pining is painful to watch," even Renjun can't help but point out even if he didn't even agree to the plan. Jeno sends you a victorious smile. "Jaemin, he's crushing hard on you."
"Yes, but what if he doesn't like me because—" you don't even get to clearly hear his reasons. You shake your head. Jeno's smile falters.
Jaemin sulks a lot about Jisung spending more time with Renjun than he does with Chenle, and asks the other if Jisung has a crush on him. Renjun groans in loathing, asks him to just go and make a move and repeats the same speech for days. Days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months, and absolutely nothing happens.
Oh, well, maybe something did. Maybe along the way, you realized that Lee Jeno is one hell of an attractive man.
"Heaven's, Jeno, stop it! Stop pushing me to the side, I can't see what they're doing!"
"They're reading a book for the subject Jisung's tutoring Jaemin in."
"It's a library. Aren't you just inquisitive? That's why they're here. Now let me see!"
"Jeno!" you hiss back, still whisper-yelling turning to decently state at him only to find that he's already looking at you. You tilt away in shock, "Flippity pancakes, distance!"
You see, when you start matchmaking, the goal is to get people together — definitely not fall in love with your partner in crime.
"Just say fuck, no one would kill you," he hisses back. The same whining tone is there as he peeks on the other table, "Saying 'flippity pancakes' in a weird accent doesn't wash away your intentions, so just say it already."
"I dare you."
"I double-dare you."
"Do it," he huffs,"Say 'fuck'."
The way he mouths it as if teaching a child to say their first words make you burst out laughing, and for the rest of the day, you forget the mission and get lost into playing games of your own in the library, muffled hums and all. Renjun decides that he's not gonna get any studying done at this table and waves you both goodbye, and you watch as Jeno smiles at him, an expression worthy to compare to that of a luminous star.
And oh, you're in love.
It wasn't all your fault, though. Jeno was way too pretty, too lovely to not fall for. It just so happens that like the fate of you and all things beautiful, you don't deserve him.
You don't deserve him, so he never gets to know.
"Be my date for Valentine's day?"
"Hell no."
Apparently, his family has this little gathering that coincidentally matched that time, and he stubbornly refuses to go alone. Why you ask? No reason. He just doesn't want to 'go alone and be forced to socialize with mean cousins' and you spent most of the time teasing about how he's probably one of the mean kids in his family. The rest of the bus ride on the way to school remains silent aside from the neverending proposals and bribings — "I'll treat you candy for one month! I'll do whatever you say for three months! I'll even do your assignments!"
It would be a lie to say it's not tempting, but oh, isn't this just the perfect opportunity to ask Jisung out? The enthusiasm in Jeno's eyes matches yours, and the answer is obvious here: Exactly.
For a whole different reason, the bus ride home is silent too. You sit side by side in pure quiet, Jaemin tugging at your sleeves every now and then to gain your attention. You brush him off, keeping your head against the glass with your eyes closed. You don't speak even after getting inside his apartment and the indifference makes Donghyuck pause halfway his concerned nagging, deciding to usher Renjun and Jeno out with such lame excuse of buying ingredients for dinner.
You go straight to their bathroom to get some supplies, and Jaemin sits on the couch, antsy. He silently curses Donghyuck for leaving, Huang Renjun and Lee Jeno too, those traitors. You sit in front of him, doing your stuff without making eye contact.
"Please talk to me—"
"Shut up."
A dejected whimper leaves his lips, and you quite possibly break. You sigh as if to calm down, and you mutter a warning: "Don't."
"But why aren't you talking to me?"
Why... why would you even ask that?
"You promised me, Jaemin. You made a promise to me." you coldly say, dainty fingers pressing cotton against the cut in his lip. "You promised me that you'll stop getting into fights."
Realization seems to flash in his eyes. He seems torn between reasoning and apologizing, but first, he chases after the hand you pulled away from him. You shrug him off harshly this time.
"I did, for the longest time, you saw that! But he called Jisung a—" he looks at you with betrayed eyes, as if a kicked puppy. He never liked that tone. He never liked how distant that felt coming from you, so tears brim his eyes. "Don't be so cold to me..."
"Jisung let him be. Isn't that enough hint that it's not worth it?" your tone remains the same. The fear in your chest remains stubborn, and no matter how many times he squeezes the hand he's holding, it doesn't bring you ease. It only urges tears that you try so hard to hold back as you croak out,
"Jaemin, this will not make him fall in love with you."
The world seems to pause.
"But I already love him." He answers quickly, honestly, and the raw sincerity in his tone is just a fine, thorough stab in the gut. "And I just want to protect him."
It's painful how you're not even regretting this as much as you should — maybe, part of the reason you keep on chasing him is because it's painful. True to your twisted self, maybe it's the sole reason after all. You don't know why you keep on doing this to yourself — you hate it. You hate how the more things hurt you, the deeper you fall. You hate how you can't seem to tear away from him as quick as possible because you know that what comes next will be even more painful, and might even destroy you.
With all these thoughts inside your mind, you let him lean his head in the crook of your neck, holding him in the way you always wanted. Selfishly, you hope that it could always be like this.
"I know, Nana..." you whisper, his locks soft as silk as you brush them with your fingers. "and for the exact same reason, I want to protect you too."
You take a deep, shaky breath. "So don't hurt yourself. Not for anyone, not for the world... no matter how much you love them."
Why is it so easy to say the things that'd keep you safe, but so hard to even attempt just following them? It's as if the Universe wants you hurt, wants to see you bleed unshed blood. It doesn't make sense.
The rules have been pretty simple; never fall in love. You're helping people get together — you come later, priorities first. Don't fall in love; not with your partner, not with your other accomplices, and especially, not with the fools you're helping.
The rule has been simple. Only that you think, it was way easier to break them than to follow, and you've failed this rule pretty early on.
Just how can you not adore Na Jaemin?
You laugh loudly, almost hitting your head to your headboard as you look at Jisung's post. In the picture, Jaemin smiles bubbly, and the caption's way too cheesy to read. Even though you were the one who helped them get together, it's still hard to believe that they actually did, these messes of human beings. You type out a quick 'Congrats to surviving one year together. Give credits to my brain cells, pls' and then turning the device off.
You lay down in your bed, watch 13 change to 14 as the clock passes 11:59. You close your eyes, sigh, hope the world stops at 12:00 before promptly deciding that Valentine's Day is cancelled.
Your phone vibrates in your hold, and you grumble.
From: not hyuck
It's Valentine's day
Let's use that as an excuse to get ice cream at midnight
You stir, set on ignoring his message, but you quickly shoot up once you hear the sound of something — hopefully not pebbles, God, let it not be pebbles — hitting your window. Seriously?!
To: not hyuck
Is that
Is that you throwing stones at my fucking window
And that's exactly how you found yourself with sticky fingers from the desert's residue, watching red lights cover the city in celebration of love. It seems ironic. Today of all days, you don't feel dear at all — it's alright, you convince yourself, it's been a year and it's hurting less now.
It's all lies, of course. It doesn't matter that it wasn't this painful all the other days; what matters is that now it hurts, and it fucking hurts like hell.
From up here, if you spread your arms and think hard enough, the wind would make it seem as though you're flying. You do just like that, the flavor of vanilla suddenly so bitter on your tongue as you realize that there's no escape. Oh, how you hate this day. It makes you chuckle.
Renjun sighs, "What's troubling you?"
"Fun. What gave me away?"
"Your eyes." He shrugs. "They sure tell more things about you than your mouth does."
"How do they look?" you ask out of curiosity, unconsciously moving up to feel your lashes. "My eyes..."
"Well, right now... they look kind of conflicted. Sad. Happy. Somewhere in between, like the person who owns them... doesn't really know. And, well, they're incredibly..." Renjun ponders for a bit; beautiful, he wanted to say. "Hard to read."
"Doesn't sound like it if you said that much."
Did it sound so rude that you were nonchalant? Probably. You're too tired to mind, though. It'd be a lie to say you didn't expect this, to feel alone once they get together, to be scared of being erased in their lives, to be afraid of being less important now. You knew none of them would be real, but that doesn't stop you from being afraid. Would it make sense to say you don't care at all, at this point? To say you don't give a damn when truly, you do. You care so much you feel indifferent.
"You liked them, didn't you?"
And then comes along the question you're most afraid of.
"You were in love with Jisung... now, you're in love with Jaemin." he muses to himself, "Yet you're the one making sure they end up together. What the hell are you?"
Since there's no place for lies in friendship...
"Do you see the way they look? They deserve to be happy, and me... well. Well, I..." you search for words you can't seem to find. After all, you don't even know where to go now — isn't this what you wanted? For Jisung and Jaemin to get together. What's this all about? You bemusedly shake your head, "Should've just fallen for you, huh."
Accelerate, heartbeat, flying — you turn to look at his direction — your eyes tell, your eyes say so much... how do you feel?
"You'd catch me, right, Renjunnie?"
"I'm not some back-up plan, excuse you." He rolls his eyes, huffing, "But, why not? Certainly. Would be my pleasure."
You stare at him in wonder, awestruck, amused and amazed. It's just a random joke you made so you wouldn't have to answer him truthfully, but goddamn, this — you feel oddly seen, chosen; as if you've never been chosen before. Maybe he's right. His heart picks up speed as more minutes pass in silence, so he looks away and smiles sheepishly.
Renjun closes his eyes briefly, "You didn't answer my question, though. To do whatever the hell you were doing... what the fuck are you?"
Both poison and sugar linger on your lips as you smile.
"Perhaps, Cupid."
Maybe, yes, right, Cupid. Makes sense. A matchmaker who creates perfect love, and quite possibly, trouble. Always setting people up but maybe not themselves. Renjun agrees, and so he whispers,
"Suits you. An angel."
You stare at him again, only this time around it's soft but startled, and for a brief moment of losing himself, Renjun whispers in his mind — hey, Cupid. Love me, will you?
Instead, in the real world, he gives you the same exact gaze — only fonder. Renjun knows. He knows that you fell in love thrice in this journey; once, with Park Jisung, another, with Lee Jeno, and lastly, with Na Jaemin. 
Maybe, just maybe, Renjun wishes that at this tale of Valentine's chapter closed, you'll fall in love with him too.
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thechangeling · 4 years
I was debating for the longest time whether or not I would say something about this. I was going back and forth in my brain wondering if I was just overly sensitive or just overreacting. But here's the thing, clearly I was bothered for a reason. So let's address it.
I have some issues with this post. I couldn't figure it out at first, why I felt so icky. So I asked for a second opinion from Alex and she agreed with me. Something was off. So we put our heads together metaphorically speaking and we came up with a few reasons why.
First of all, concerning the first point, I have issues with the idea of all of their main disagreements being about Ty misinterpreting what Kit's saying. Firstly because I feel like Kit would always clarify and be super clear about things because he is aware of Ty's autism. Most if the people in my life who really care about me try to be super clear with what they say and always clarify when they're joking or being sarcastic. Kit loves Ty enough to do that. This over looks the fact that Kit could potentially misunderstand Ty as well and that could let to conflict. But I feel like after everything in TWP they will have evolved as adults and gotten better at communicating with one another. Also Ty probably wouldn't just ignore Kit without telling him that he was upset or asking Kit what he meant. Idk the entire tone of the way this was written made me uncomfortable.
Also in terms of the whole jealousy thing. I've never understood the way monogamous people always treat jealousy like such a adorable romantic thing, and always use it as a trope to cause conflict like???? Yeah jealousy happens, but again like I already stated before my idea of future Kitty is hell bent on proper communication and talking through these things. In terms of making Ty be the one whose super jealous and playing off of the fears and insecurities of real autistic people, it makes me uncomfortable. Because we always gave that fear of not being good enough lagging in the back of our brains. Also a fear of rejection due to intense ableist brainwashing that essentially trains you to believe you are unlovable. Yes it's realistic, but using that as a sort of plot device or trope in a headcannon without any sort of trigger warning makes me kind of upset. Like I feel like a lot of people (allistic people) don't fully get the nuance behind these types of things and just throw them in there for the drama. Yes CC is guilty of this as well. Also on the flip side of that Kit's jealousy is presented with this trope of "oh I'm so alone, no one will love me," gets a little tired. Idk I guess I just want more maturity and nuance from a post TWP kitty.
Another thing I wanted to touch on is the kids thing. Now this is probably just me being picky but I've noticed that a very little amount of people ever headcannon them with kids. I think I've only seen like three kitty children headcannons on tumblr like ever. And it's true that there are plenty of valid reasons why they might not want to be parents, but I feel like a lot of people don't like picturing autistic people with kids because they think we can't be parents or just never want to.
That bothers me because it's just not true. It's also the belief that autistic people can't have children that leads us to getting our children taken away. Go look it up. The shitty thing is autistic parents who have autistic children tend to parent them really well compared to allistic parents. I'm not saying Kit and Ty have to have kids. I'm just wondering why almost no one ever goes there.
This wasn't supposed to be a hate post or an attack or anything. I don't have anything against @shadowhuntertrash I just had some thoughts I needed to express.
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itoshit · 3 years
'Well Vee, you fucked me good'
Both chuckling we fell asleep in your bed not long after.
'As expected Hanma hasn't shown his ugly face since that night.'
'Hm. But Kisaki did'
'Even if I don't like him there isn't any proof that he's linked to Hanma that way'
'Huh? Sorry Mitsuya but the both of them entered Toman together. Of course they are'
Now discussing together, the divisions captains, Mikey and I were reunited around the metallic table. Hanma was the main topic and well by extend, Kisaki too.
Mikey and I had yet to talk but I wanted nothing more than break his bones.
'Mikey? Draken? What d'you think?'
'The best for now would be to ignore him. We've already too much things to deal with. Kisaki is, to me, obviously is connected to him. Despite that we should just keep an eye on him. That's just my opinion'
'But Draken we could just find him through Tetta!'
'No one knows if he's not already in another gang. Taking risks like this one is childish Takemichi. But no worries, if I were to meet him in the streets though, I would take care of it'
'Ken-chin is right. The whole situation is messy but one problem after another. Concerning Kisaki unfortunately there isn't anything concrete so I can't just ask him to leave'
Nodding at Mikey's words I stood up checking my phone.
'I need to go but don't do anything stupid. Especially not you, Chifuyu and Takemichi'
A loud protest reaching my ears at the mention of the two I laughed. They were hot headed so of course I'd to warn them.
'How dare you Draken?'
'Aw come on Takemitchi that's true. You're not even able to fight yet you're always throwing yourself in the worse battles. Not that I'm roasting you, quite the contrary. But I want y'all to let me take care of it myself. I don't need anyone to fight for me alright?'
'Where are you going Ken-chin?'
'I'm meeting with Vee. She wanted to tell her parents about us'
'Oooh s'that serious then?'
Seeing Mikey wiggling his eyebrows at me I hit the back of his head softy while taking my helmet.
'They know me since forever Mikey. It's not gonna be my first time at their place '
'Now that you're talking about it, why doesn't she live with them??'
'She's a very independent person and needed her freedom. Her parents tend to be a bit.. ahem- close minded? But they're very nice, at least with me'
'Just wait for them to discover who's warming up her sheets during the nights!'
'Yeah yeah shut up now I'm leaving'
Hearing wolf whistles as I exited the room I shook my head. These guys I swear.
The deal was to meet you in front of your house so I could bring us both there so drove to your place, excited to see you. I kinda missed you, it's been few days already since our night together and in the morning I'd decided to come back to my place, to not burden you.
Well that was a lie. The truth was; I wouldn't have let you sleep once after what we did.
The scenarios are just so dry for Draken rn help idk what to write for him I'm too focused on Mikey's 😫
LMFAO NOT DRY. i got an idea. don’t worry!
I was nervous, and I had taken that out on my room. The way clothes and shoes were strewn around the room feckless, you’d think a tornado specifically came for my room and disappeared after it tore the place up.
Standing in direct line of my full-length mirror, I pose in my yellow sundress— my nth outfit change of the night. I paired the outfit off with some cute wedges, some bracelets, my customary cross necklace that I never took off, a pair of studs Ken bought me for my birthday years prior and my favorite anklet, convinced this would be the outfit. But the longer I looked at it, the more flaws I found in it, and there was no more time left to change; Ken would be here any minute.
I still try though, rummaging through the closet for an impromptu lifesaver, and freeze when I hear the familiar rumble of a bike. Ken. It took him no time to get up to my apartment door, and I could hear the sound of the door opening and closing as he came in.
Vee, you ready baby? We’re supposed to be at your parents by 8.
I need a few minutes. I poke my head out into the hallway, brown liner on my lips half-applied. Rushing back into the room, I finish the other side and then add lipgloss to complete a combo that’s never failed me once.
I didn’t even realize Ken followed me inside, not until I hear him mutter Holy Shit behind me. Peeking over my shoulder and taking in his shocked expression, embarrassment rushes through me.
The hell happened in here, Vee?
I’ll clean it when we get home, I promise, not answering his question. Not in the way he wants me too, anyway.
I quickly intercept him in the doorway before he can come any further into the room and see just how bad Hurricane Venus had struck. He looks handsome in his outfit, hair freshly braided to boot.
What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours? asks Ken, noticing how I’m frowning at what stares back at me in the mirror. Frowning at myself.
I look bad. I look bad and there’s no time to change and I feel like tonight’s already ruined. Blinking away the tears before they could fall and ruin my makeup—the only thing I thought looked right on me today— I pout and look away from the long medium.
Venus, look at me. I listen automatically. I’ve learnt since I was a child that the moment somebody stops calling you by your nickname and by your full one that they were going to say something serious. You look fuckin’ beautiful. Stunning, he says as he takes me into his arms, his cologne flooding my senses and sending them haywire. As a matter of fact, if we didn’t have to go meet your parents I’d bend you right over this mirror and prove that to you.
He swats my ass and palms it. The sting makes me jump a bit, laughing. My man’s sex drive was insatiable. With him, it wasn’t a question of when he wanted it, but how many times a day he did.
Uh uh. Wagging a finger in his face, I push him back before he could start kissing my neck. We’re gonna be late, remember?
We could be a little late. He ducks in to kiss me again and I skillfully dodge him.
No, we can’t. This is an important dinner, Ken. I’m introducing you to my parents as my boyfriend not best friend. I can’t do that with my lashes falling off.
He kisses his teeth but doesn’t protest. Fine, but all bets are off the second we finish dessert.
I can agree to that. I grin at him, planting a kiss right on his cheek only to wipe the mark the gloss leaves away.
The ride to my folks’ house goes faster than I would’ve liked and standing in front of their house door makes me especially nervous. Ken helps though, passing the time we spend waiting for one of my parents to get the door by making me laugh, contorting his face into ridiculous expressions.
We’re lost in each other’s eyes as the door swings open.
They’re here, somebody says, and it sounds awfully familiar, hideously so.
I snap my head to the doorway, smile falling off my face instantly as I take in the person before me. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, I hiss, staring into the eyes of Rei.
My ex.
0 notes
lgbtqiapositivity · 7 years
Hey! Idk if this is the correct way to request one of those queer stories that you're doing this spring break, so just tell me if not please, the story is about a genderqueer bisexual person who's in love with an agender asexual person, both of them being panro, and the sacrifices they both have to do to make the relationship work, it's also a very angsty story. Sorry again if this is not the correct way of asking for it, I hope i don't bother you! Have a nice day ~Even
Letters: agender, asexual, panromantic, bisexual, genderqueer
Prompt: Two people make sacrifices in order to be together 
Genre: Romance, angst, hurt comfort, some (attempted) humor
Trigger warnings: Suicide attempted, blood, mentions of transphobia, mentions of intersexism, mentions of AIDs, the q word, mentions of homophobia/biphobia
Notes: So I… kind of wandered away from the prompt also I am very tired and I will not proof read this. Also, I think it’s pretty good, but it’s got it’s cheesy parts to it.
“Nice day.”
“What do you want?”
“Well, I’m just standing here, enjoying the view and you’re about to kill yourself.”
“Go enjoy the view on a different bridge.”
“Don’t want to.”
“Why are you here,” it was more like a statement than a question.
“Personal, but I don’t like people ending their lives before they should. Why are you?”
“Things didn’t go according to plan.”
“That’s a shitty reason to die.”
“I guess it is,” they began to laugh, maniacal, crazed laughter. They laughed and laughed. They wobbled slightly, nearly falling. But they were grabbed by the other’s wrist and pulled them back until they hit the payment. They pulled them up.
“Your welcome, my name is Summer.”
“Uncertain eyes stared back, trying and failing to read the expression staring back at them, I’m Winter.”
Winter was tired, they wanted to eat and go to bed. They were just tired of everything that had happened in the last few months. First, their parents had kicked their gay ass child to the curb.
They would have done it years ago, but Winter’s great aunt, who is a lesbian that grew up during Stonewall and the AIDs crisis, wouldn’t let them do it. Now Winter was 18. Winter’s parents could legally throw them out and their aunt couldn’t do anything about it.
However, Sandy allowed Winter to live with her and her longtime wife and partner, who is bisexual… and bireligious and bilingual and biracial. That always caused joking. Winter got along with Rebecca quiet well. Rebecca was funny. She was also kind and made a mean falafel. Her wife, Aunt Sandy was a trans lesbian who talked a lot. Both women were in their sixties and had already watched their own kids graduate high school and start lives of their own.
Aunt Sandy and Aunt Rebecca were also predictable. The most unpredictable thing they did was come home early or sometimes, Rebecca would wear a tichel instead of a hijab. They were old, set in their ways, predictable.
Winter hated unpredictable, hell, they got mad when their period was a day late. Winter had their whole life planned out, step by step. 18 to 22 they’d planned on a major in business, with minors in literature and finance all while working at Barns and Nobel, saving as much money as possible. They’d be top of their class and buy a place in Brookland and open up a bookstore and tea shop. They’d retire when they were 79 they’d interview for possible buyers, people willing to buy 51%, take it over after age 80 and continue the business after their death, which would hopefully be at 94. Age 94 gave them approximately enough time and saved money through the years to visit all the countries on their bucket list. That’s why they counted their calories and planned their meals by the month.
That was the plan, but their parents threw them out and their aunts couldn’t afford to send another kid to college so close to retirement. The plan they’d had since the age of nine had collapsed. Their life was now unpredictable and Winter hated unpredictable.
Winter basically hated anything that wasn’t logical or predictable. They sorta liked friendships that had some sort of benefit, they’d always hated the idea of marriage and love. Sex however, they weren’t a stranger to. Sexual attraction was logical. Winter wouldn’t bang anyone, but yeah, they’d eaten out a few people, they’d rode a few dicks.
Winter remembered this one girl they’d dated a year or two back. They had good sex, Winter started having feelings for her though… naturally, they dumped her right away.
Love wasn’t logical, it wasn’t predictable. Winter lived by logic, they only do things that benefit them, emotion is simply something they fall back on when logic fails.
Love contradicted that. It was the one exception. Sex was enjoyable, it’s purpose is to reproduce. Lust and love should go hand in hand, but love didn’t need lust. Love should fade after enough time for reproduction is given, but oddly enough, it lasts forever or it doesn’t.
You can fall in love with a single interaction with a person, you fall right out of love, you can hate and love someone at the same time. It didn’t follow it’s own rules.
Summer hit send, they smiled. Winter was a big dork, despite what other thought of them as, and what they thought of themselves as. They might an analytical dick, but they were also kind of a closeted softy.
The three dots popped up not five seconds later, then they stopped typing and Summer’s phone buzzed, they picked it up.
“Hey,” came Winter’s voice over the phone.
“Can you come over, my aunts aren’t home?”
“So forward,” Summer deadpanned.
“It’s not like that, I know you’re asexual. I’m not going to try to bang you.”
“Did I say something?”
“I— ugh! Just come over,” Summer could hear the flustered blush in Winter’s voice.
Summer knocked reached for the door bell, but the door was flung open by a frustrated looking Winter. Summer looked concerned, in the kind genuine way that was unique to them. Like the night Winter’s parents threw them out.
Winter stared into Summer’s eyes before turning on their heel and marching forward into their aunts’ house. They threw themselves on the couch, refusing to look at Summer.
“Why am I here, Winter?” Summer’s expression was unreadable as always.
Winter said nothing.
Winter finally turned and looked at Summer, “I wanted things to go according to plan,” Summer whispered.
“I don’t think we should be friends anymore.”
“What? Why?”
“Because why? Because I’m not according to plan?!”
“Summer, don’t do this.”
“No, lemme guess, according to plan was you being a perfect little straight cis girl, without any agender intersex pals to drag you down right?!”
“No, I won’t stop, tell me, Winter, why? Why did you even stick around me? Why—”
“—did you even bother?”
“STOP!” there were tears streaming down Winter’s eyes. Just like that night that seemed like a lifetime ago.
“Winter, Winter I’m sorry… I—” Summer gave up on apologies, knowing no matter what they said, it wouldn’t make up for it. Instead, Summer used their height to pull Winter into their chest as they sobbed, “I’m sorry Winter…” Summer placed a kiss on top of their head.
Winter looked up, starting into Summer’s eyes, “I don’t want to be hurt anymore. Caring opens me up for heartbreak, and I’m tired of being disappointed. I’m tired of being led on, only to be broken down again.”
Summer looked down at the person in their arms, “I love you.”
“I know.”
“Winter, I’m tired of this. You’re scared of the unknown. But look at you. You can’t go to college, your entire life has been disrupted, but you’re still here, you’re still fighting. You think you aren’t, but you’re so much stronger than the unpredictable.”
“I—” Winter sighed, and squirmed out of Summer’s arms, meanwhile Summer prepared themselves for rejection. Instead, Winter grabbed Summer’s waist and hoisted them up so the could reach their lips. It only lasted a second before Winter dropped them, letting them fall on their face.
Summer stood up laughing.
Winter wiped blood off their new bloody nose, “I love you too.”
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goddamnchou · 7 years
Hello! I remember that a time ago you post some drafts on twitter about a kid!levi and kenny fic and a way more time ago one about vampire!levi. Do you intend to post them? I really understand if you don't, it's just that you're one of my fave fic writer and reading your writing is always a blessing.
omgg thank you anon ;___; the most recent vampire one i’ve been talking about i didn’t write anything of, but the kenny and levi one i did write some of for a day or two. i stopped after that and idk if i’ll finish it but i did write a good bit so i’ll just post it here since you asked, just fyi it cuts off suddenly
“Are you sure you wanna do this, sis?” Kenny asked, his voice stricken with a level of concern that was halfway between real and fake. “I mean, aren’t ya gonna miss the kid? A week is a long time.”
In response to his question, Kuchel - his little sister, who had stopped being little a long time ago and who he couldn’t pull the big brother card on anymore when she started bossing him around - just scoffed, rolling her eyes as she stepped into his open door, shoving a large travel bag into his arms roughly as if to demonstrate how determined she was not to take any of his shit. It made Kenny grimace, both because of what he wasn’t going to be able to get out of and because of how heavy the fucking bag was, and he closed the door behind Kuchel once she and her other delivery were safely inside.
“Of course I will.” She replied, in a sing-song voice that was directed to said package more than him - her son, Levi, who was 4 years of age and in Kenny’s opinion, too old for fucking baby talk and coddling. Unfortunately, though, his sister did not agree, as her back was to him and she was currently holding the tiny kid in her arms and kissing the side of his face, all while he stared over her shoulder at Kenny with a bored, unimpressed look. “I’ll miss him so much.”
“Kuchel!” Another voice rang out then, that of Uri, the man who for some reason liked putting up with Kenny’s shit enough to call him his partner.
They had a house that they’d bought and lived in for a while together, but because it was almost 8 hours away from Kuchel, Kenny had only had the pleasure of meeting his nephew a few times. He certainly had never babysat him, he thought with another grimace, which was what he was about to do - for an entire week. Why had he agreed to do this shit again, he wondered, when he didn’t know jack about taking care of kids? Oh right; his sister had needed the favor, and if his damned soft spot for her hadn’t convinced him all the way, Uri and the sway he too held with Kenny had made up the rest. He liked kids, Kenny knew, because his brother couldn’t keep his dick in his pants and had already given him a handful of nieces and nephews, and he for some reason thought that Levi was absolutely adorable.
Unfortunately, Kenny was not sure that he agreed. Sure, the runt was cute, he guessed, if you fell for small kids with chubby cheeks and big ears that stuck out like sore thumbs, but that shit was all just superficial. Kenny had sensed what lay behind that, had a feeling that Levi’s true nature was something diabolical and unruly, and knew that the sweet and obedient act he put on for his mother had to be just that: an act. In reality the little turd was probably the devil incarnate - all kids were, and he was an Ackerman, after all - and he could already tell his nephew was going to be a pain in his ass just from the cold glare he was still giving him over his mother’s shoulder. What the hell was his problem? Kenny wondered, scratching at his beard and watching Uri approach him and Kuchel.
“It's good to see you.” He told her, standing up onto his tiptoes to give her a kiss on both cheeks before he turned his attention to Levi. “There's the little man! Hi, Levi, do you remember me? I'm your Uncle Uri. I'm going to make sure you have so much fun while you're staying with us! Did you bring any toys?”
While Kenny fought the urge to gag and squeeze Uri to death because of his charming-to-him-but-actually-disgusting behavior, Levi turned his disinterested gaze to him as well, staring at him for several long seconds before he then buried his face in Kuchel’s shoulder.
“Sorry.” She said, while rubbing his back as Uri clapped his hands together and practically cooed like a hen. “He's shy.”
“Uh-huh.” Kenny couldn't resist uttering at that, snorting and sidling up beside Uri as if he was trying to shield him from Levi's misleading charms. “Sure.”
“Don't be like that, Kenny, look at him. He's just going to miss his mother.” Uri said though, smiling up at where Levi was still held and hiding his face but doing nothing more to get his attention.
Thankfully, Kuchel turned around too so his back was to them both, now sweeping her fingers through his hair soothingly while she spoke. “He’ll be alright. I brought a few toys, but lately he's just been fine to watch movies. His favorite one is in there, and so is his blanket. It helps him sleep through the night.”
“For fuck’s sake.” Kenny muttered at that, said under his breath but not quietly enough to keep him from getting a sharp elbow to the side from Uri and a dirty look from his sister.
“Watch your mouth around him, Kenny. If he comes back home with any new curse words, I'm gonna knock you out.” She said, in a tone that made Kenny throw up his hands defensively.
“Listen, I told you I'm not gonna swear!”
“You just did!”
“He didn't hear me! Look at him, he's not even paying attention. He's too busy crying into your shoulder.”
“He's not crying.” Kuchel told him, rolling her eyes at him again before she turned her attention back to Levi. “Are you, sweetheart? Mommy’s going to put you down now, alright? Why don’t you go put your backpack in your bedroom with Uncle Uri? I think he wants to show you something in there.”
At that, Kuchel bent to set Levi down on his own two feet like she’d said, brushing his bangs out of his face again before she stood up and he twisted his little head around to look up at Uri. Now that Kenny could see both of their expressions, the contrast in response to what Kuchel had just suggested could not have been more comical. Uri had brightened up instantly and was practically glowing, he noticed, as if showing Levi what they’d bought him in his bedroom - a bed shaped like a dinosaur at Kuchel’s recommendation, purchased specifically for this occasion even though Kenny hadn’t understood what was wrong with the old couch they had in there - was going to make his day.
Levi, on the other hand, looked disgruntled and constipated, with his tiny, thin brows drawn down and his nose scrunched up as if he found the thought of going with Uri to be like going to the damn dentist or something. Naturally, though, his shitty expression did nothing to sway Uri from his delight, which was good because he’d insisted on re-decorating Levi’s room so that he would be comfortable there, and because Kuchel had told him to, Levi had no choice but to follow him anyway, reluctantly trudging down the hall with his backpack in his arms after casting one last lingering glance at his mother.
“You need to be gentle with him, Kenny.” Kuchel said once they were out of earshot, crossing her arms and standing up straight to face him, giving him an icy look that was almost exactly identical to the one her brat had fixed at him.
“Shit.” Kenny said then, running a hand through his hair. “That thing looks just like you.”
“He’s not a ‘thing.’ He’s a little boy, and he’s sensitive. You can’t treat him like one of your bar buddies.”
“What the fuck? I’m not gonna, I told ya. It’ll be fine. I’ll sit him down and he can watch the game with me. I’ll give him a beer.”
“You can’t give him fucking beer, Kenny, he’s four!” Kuchel exclaimed at that, her voice raising in a way that made Kenny cringe. “Are you serious? He can’t have alcohol, it could ruin his development! He’s just started school, and-
“No, I’m not serious!” He all but shouted in response, holding his arms out in disbelief that she hadn’t laughed at his wisecracking. “It was a joke! You don’t gotta go all crazy mommy on me, sis, I’m not that stupid, alright? Calm down. I’m not gonna give him beer. I’ll give him liquor instead. It’ll loosen him up and we’ll get along great.”
In response to that, Kuchel just fixed him with another aggravated, scowly look, tightening her crossed arms and raising an eyebrow in response but saying nothing else. Clearly, she was completely unamused by his continued attempts at humor, and Kenny was only able to stare defiantly at her for another few seconds before he wilted and sighed.
“What do you want from me? You want me to carry him around like a damn baby the entire time like you’re doin’? Tuck him in at night and feed him with a bottle? I can’t do that, Kuchel, the kid is four for shit’s sake. When I was four, I’d already started feeding you ‘cus mom and dad weren’t there and grandpa was too old!”
“I know that.” Kuchel responded, glancing away with a frown at the mention of their parents. “That was our childhood, but that isn’t normal. I don’t want Levi’s to be like that. I want him to be able to be a kid for as long as he can before he finds out how shitty the world really is.”
God dammit. Kenny thought, pausing to stare up at the ceiling in a moment of exasperation. Why had he brought that up? Now Kuchel was getting serious with him and he could tell that this was something that meant a lot to her, and not that he didn’t sort of get it, he supposed, it was just...well, he wasn’t a fucking touchy-feely kind of guy. That was what Uri was for, but if the little shit acted like a little shit and didn’t listen to them, then what were they supposed to do? It wasn’t his fault that Kuchel thought Levi was some kind of angel when Kenny knew otherwise.
“Alright, fine. I’ll have Uri tuck him in and kiss his cheek and shit when he goes to bed. He’ll even read him a story if he wants, he loves doin’ that kinda thing, but to me it seems like Levi doesn’t want anything to do with us. Didn't you see that look he gave me when you walked in?”
“No. I told you, he's just shy. He doesn’t really know you, but he should warm up to you after a while as long as you don’t scare the shit out of him. Promise me you’ll behave?”
Snorting at the thought of Levi being scared of him, Kenny then shook his head too, waving his hands around at how Kuchel had just told him to behave like he was the demonic four year old. Why was she so worried about it, though? It wasn’t like he was going to do anything to traumatize the kid, and Uri was capable of giving him enough of that sappy, motherly attention that Kenny recoiled from for the both of them. “I don’t think I’m the one you gotta worry about behaving, but alright, sis. I promise I’ll be nice, and anyway, Uri is gonna be here like I said, so-
“I know, but he’s your nephew first.” Kuchel interrupted, her expression softening as she paused and bit her lip. She looked away again too, and hesitated while her face turned red, something that made him swear internally because it meant she was probably about to say some emotional shit that would make his skin crawl. “You could at least try and bond with him. I’ve been thinking that maybe you can get him out of his shell some. He doesn’t have many friends at school, and he needs that. He needs someone to look up to.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Kenny muttered, rubbing at his face and fighting exasperation all over again.
Was his sister serious? Why would she want her precious Levi to look up to him, of all people? He hadn’t amounted to shit and had done things that he was pretty sure condemned him to hell twice over - if there was such a place, anyway - and he didn’t think a piece of shit like him was the right person for Kuchel’s son to find a role model in. Even if he didn’t get kids or have a fatherly bone in his body, he knew Levi was more important than anything to her, and the last fucking thing he wanted was to be responsible for the kid turning out like...well, turning out like him.
She’d be disappointed if he did, Kenny thought, and he didn’t do well under pressure like that anyway. Shit, though, what could he say? Obviously Kuchel was pretty concerned about Levi’s behavior somehow if she was telling him this, and unfortunately, he’d never been able to shake the stupid, soft, protective instinct he’d developed as a kid to keep her safe and happy.
“Fine. Fine, fine fine.” He said more seriously this time, sighing in resignation. “I’ll try, but don’t come back cryin’ to me if the kid starts stealing bubblegum and sneaking out by the time he’s 10.”
“He won’t do that. I’ll make sure.”
“Yeah, we’ll see.” Kenny said at that, snorting in jest and reaching out to wrap an arm around Kuchel’s neck. He pulled her towards him and patted her a bit in a rough, awkward sort of hug, and stood there a moment as she just stared at him before continuing. “Don’t worry about it, alright? Me an’ Uri got this. The kid will be fine. Just go and enjoy your vacation with your girlfriend.”
At that, Kuchel immediately smacked him on the chest and pushed herself away, shushing him in a half-panic and looking over her shoulder. “Shut up, Kenny! I told you not to call her that when Levi is here. He might overhear you!”
By then, Kenny was out of expression of disbelief and exasperation, so instead he just closed his eyes and rubbed at the bridge of his nose. Fuck. He thought. This was going to be a long, long week. Kuchel going on vacation - a cruise with her “friend” Traute, whom she had met through Kenny - wouldn’t even change that, as he had no doubt that she would find some way to check up on him whenever she could so that she could get onto him for not treating Levi like a prince or being ‘sensitive’ enough to his emotions.
She seemed to think that they were complicated despite the fact that Kenny was pretty sure Levi couldn’t even read yet - Could he wipe his ass though, he wondered? He should probably ask that before Kuchel left - as she had apparently not told Levi that she had a girlfriend yet because she wasn’t ‘sure if he was ready for that.’ She wanted to make sure he was okay with Traute or some shit first, and gave him an entire lecture about not mentioning it to her son while he was babysitting him, despite the fact that the only reason he had to do it was because Kuchel had wanted to take some kind of romantic vacation with her.
Whatever. Kenny thought, waving a hand at her and nodding as if to pretend he understood, making a mental note that he hopefully wouldn’t forget to not mention Traute as anything other than Kuchel’s friend.
By the look on her face it was clear that she wasn’t really appeased, but thankfully, Uri chose that moment to come back with the little runt trudging behind him.
“He really liked the bed.” Uri announced proudly, walking towards them with a soft, dreamy smile on his face. “And I found out he likes stories. I’m confident that he’ll let me read to him there before he goes to sleep.”
Nodding her approval, Kenny watched as Kuchel bent back down to face Levi, smiling warmly at him while she placed her hands on his tiny shoulders. “You hear that, Levi? Your uncles are going to make sure to tuck you in every night. They’ll give you your blanket and read to you until you’re sleepy, just like Mommy does. Did Uncle Uri show you the nightlight?”
Biting his lip, Levi glanced over at Uri with his eyes widened before he returned to staring at Kuchel, giving her a nod in the affirmative that he had indeed been shown the nightlight.
“Okay. So there won’t be anything to be scared of while you’re sleeping, alright?”
Nodding again, this time sullenly like he didn’t quite believe what his mother was saying, Levi frowned and looked to the ground, his expression now turning into something pouty that made his bottom lip stick out. It was because Kuchel was getting ready to leave, Kenny figured, so that she could catch her flight out to the cruise ship, and Levi could apparently tell that it was time. He was unhappy about it, obviously, and so was Kuchel, who had explained to Kenny that she’d never left Levi for this long before. Kenny didn’t think it was that big of a deal because it was just a damn week and the kid probably wouldn’t even remember this shit later, but whatever. She wasn’t going to hear that, and their goodbye took so long that Kenny had to go take a seat on the nearby couch.
Slumping down on it with his long legs stretched out in front of him, he watched Levi cling to Kuchel like she was leaving him for good, his face pressed into her clothing pitifully while she rubbed at his back and hair and hugged him close. She was murmuring shit to him too that Kenny was now too far away to overhear, but that he presumed was more baby talk and reassurances to keep him from losing it. He honestly had the air of someone who was about to cry, which, of course, was nothing that Kenny had confidence in his ability to deal with - at least in any type of way that his sister would approve of, anyway. Thankfully, though, she managed to soothe him enough so that he eventually let go of her, his now slightly red, wet cheeks coming into view when she turned him around.
“He’s alright.” She said, kissing the side of his face one last time before she wiped the beads of snot that had accumulated under his nose with a tissue. “He’s going to be brave.”
Beside him, Uri brought his hands up to his chest and smiled like he’d just witnessed a miracle while Kenny grimaced, his expression only growing worse when Uri suddenly reached down to grab something to hold onto in an awed, silent rush of emotion. Unfortunately, what he sought out happened to be Kenny’s fingers, and unfortunately, Kenny had long ago lost the strength that it took to pull away. Instead, he told himself that he was just humoring Uri and not actually thinking about how soft his hands were, but that didn’t stop his ears from burning like a stupid teenager or something when Kuchel caught sight of it and smirked wickedly.
It was the expression of a ruthless sibling who had just realized they’d just found new, embarrassing ammo to shoot the other one with, and Kenny fully expected her to start right then and there, to stand up and relentlessly tease him about it until he thought he might explode. Uri always laughed and smiled knowingly while she did that - which did not fucking help - but thankfully, she instead focused on getting out the door, giving Uri a hug and a kiss on the cheek while uttering some last minute instructions about what kind of food Levi liked before saying goodbye to him for good, the look she gave Kenny giving him no doubt that she was just going to file that shit away for later.
Look how soft you are. He could almost hear her saying. What happened to my brother, who used to say he didn’t need anyone?
Scowling at the imaginary conversation he was now having in his head - When had he ever said he needed Uri? He hadn’t; he just chose to have him around because he wanted to - Kenny gave his sister another quick, rowdy hug before she left, mumbling something to her about having a good time before she was gone. She’d given Levi one more wave before she’d walked out the door and told him to be good, and Kenny found that he could not give the kid any shit for the stricken look on his face when he suddenly felt a similar emotion inside too.
Shit. He thought, absentmindedly scrubbing his fingers through his beard again. What the fuck did he do now? What should he get the kid, if anything? Food? Water? Milk? Why wasn’t he talking? He was just standing there, and he hadn’t said a single thing in Kenny’s presence since he’d walked in, he realized, but he was pretty sure he was old enough to speak. He had heard him say shit to Kuchel once before, hadn’t he?
“Hey, kid.” He said at that thought, swallowing the trepidation - he wasn’t going to be intimidated by a toddler, that was ridiculous - when they all remained silent for a few more seconds and Uri looked at him expectantly. He motioned for him to do something encouragingly too, but Levi, on the other hand, was eyeing them both with that shitty stare on his face again. He looked sinister, in fact, like he was standing there plotting all of the ways he was going to misbehave and wreck Kenny and Uri’s house, but he had to say something, he guessed. “You remember me, don’t’cha? I’m your Uncle Kenny. Are you gonna behave for us while your mom’s gone?”
As he’d spoken, Kenny had crouched down in front of Levi like he’d seen Kuchel do, draping his arms over his legs casually and doing his best to look him in the eye even though he was still about a foot above his head. In response, naturally, the kid just kept staring at him, his eyes looking him up and down once like he was fucking sizing him up or something before, surprisingly, he finally did speak.
“You’re not my dad.” He declared, in an obstinate tone that made Kenny frown.
“No shit.” He responded, snorting loudly and crudely in a way that caused Levi to make a face. “That’s a good thing. Your dad was a worthless, no good son of a bitch fuckwad, and-
“Kenny!” Uri hissed at that, interrupting him by shoving his bony elbow into the side of his shoulder as best he could.
Oh right, he remembered. He wasn’t supposed to curse.
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