#angel x female reader
deadghosy · 3 months
I didn't know we could request readers getting hurt. In that case can I request the hotels cast reaction to dogday reader getting the game dogday treatment as an exterminator cuts them in half. Like game dogday they're still alive but ouchy
TW: GORE AND BLOOD MENTIONS (not detailed but it’s there)
prompt: during the fight against the Angels, you let your guard down at the wrong moment…..
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You used your 8ft frame and to slap and crush the angels as Angel dust shoots the angel from your shoulder as husk throw explosive dice and sharp spade cards around you three. It was a good them effort as you had his stomped out an Angel with your huge paw. You were helping the hotel defend against the angels as you never saw this actually coming.
You heard a whimper seeing one of the egg boiz be chased by an angel as you ran over and crushed the angel’s head in your paw that had angelic metal in it. The egg boi immediately cuddled up to you as you picked it up.
You must have been so worried that you didn’t noticed an angel behind you and the egg. But it was too late as the egg boi’s eyes widen seeing an exterminator behind the two of you.
You felt a stab in your abdomen as you looked down to see an angelic spear stab you. You felt blood trickle down your mouth as it burned inside of you.
A piercing scream rang out the battle field as you felt you lose the strength seeing blood pour out. Your friends perk up at that knowing scream of yours. Charlie looks down from the roof with her father to see what was going on. She gasped covering her mouth lookin at you. The angel takes the spear out of you as she slashes your body in half.
Your upper and lower body collided to the ground and blood spill from your mouth hearing foot steps and an evil laughter as you heard someone’s voice. “DONT WORRY! WE’RE COMING SUNNY!” It was all muffled due to the blood loss as you couldn’t hear who it even was.
Blood filled your nose, screams, the feeling of blood loss, and the sounds of bombs blowing up. It all rang in your ears as the last thing you see is the angel who cut you being shot. Before you passed out.
You wake up seeing the crew look down relieved but some had a disturbed face as you tried to move your “legs”…..
Your legs….wait….
You look down to see your bottom half to be gone only to se a bandaged half. Your eyes widen shaking as the white pupils of your eyes disappear. You sob painfully looking down as your dog ears over your face. Charlie covers her mouth seeing your sadness at the lost of your legs as she hugs you .
Angel and husk joins as well as the other as they all crowed you trying to show that they are here for you. You felt loved, but what will you do now…….
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Months has passed and you are in a wheel chair. At the loss of your legs, it’s like you became a new person who doesn’t smile much but still grant a smile towards a friend who needs one. You have the slight scent of vanilla but mixed with blood due to the blood in your body at times. Your voice also had changed as the scream you let out ruined your normal vocal cord. So now you sound a little depressed.
But still Charlie helps you to walk with you using your arms. You got the hang of it quickly but you’re use to the wheelchair since it doesn’t take your energy away.
Angel helps you move around in your wheel chair as he makes joke with you as you smile or with either grumble jokingly at his dirty jokes.
Lucifer, he’s trying to find a way to heal you as he feels like he failed to protect you. One of his own people. Even his own friend that he felt like you were as you always was friendly to other and him.
Alastor lets you sleep in your wheel chair as he plays soft jazz in your room or if you want to listen to his radio broadcast
Husk still snuggles again you but not like a cat in your lap type snuggle. Nah he just lays down with you on the couch as you snore while he purrs.
Niffty decorated your wheel chair to your liking as she smiles seeing your grateful smile as she hugs your fluffy arm.
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yandere-writer-momo · 21 days
Yandere Head Canons:
Past the Point of No Return
Yandere Fae Enemy General x Healer Fem Reader
TW: Yandere themes, yearning, delusional behavior, etc.
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Corvin Fausto it was never one to believe in fate. He truly believed he’d never find his destined one since he lived a life of war. He was the young general of the fae army and lead them to numerous victories against the invading humans… but their elven brethren that turned their backs on the fae and began to help the humans. Which made this war suddenly shift against the fae. A betrayal the fae could not forgive the once peaceful elves for.
He was able to hold the enemy forces back long enough to escape, but they had damaged his wings beyond immediate repair. He’d likely have to go into hiding for a few months until he’d recover… but how? He was being relentlessly hunted by humans.
Corvin hid himself in a small cave, hopeful he could rest here for a while without getting caught… but his hopes were dashed when he saw the form of a young woman tilt her head at him in curiosity.
“Hello? Is someone there?” Corvin didn’t dare speak when a young elf appeared before him. Her beauty was unparalleled, but her ears were much smaller than most elves… she was a half elf.
(Your name) gasped at his wounds in shock. She quickly reached into her satchel to pull out various salves to put on his wounds.
Corvin made an attempt to try to push her away, but he was so weak from blood loss. The last thing he saw was her smiling face as she reassured him with her soft words, “it’s okay. You’re safe now.”
When Corvin came to, he was shocked to find himself in a warm cabin rather than in the forest. His eyes were wild as he searched around but he quickly winced when he shifted his wings too sharply. Corvin was surprised to be patched up and cleaned… where was his armor?
“Oh! You’re awake!” Corvin whipped his head around to spot (your name) leave her bedroom, a soft smile on her lips. “Are you hungry? I have some soup over the fire-“
“I’m your enemy.” Corvin told her with a glare. “You should have left me to die-“
Corvin was shocked when (your name) shook her head and gave him a smile. “That doesn’t matter. You still needed help and it’s my job as a healer to help the wounded.”
Corvin was surprised when she went over to the hot cauldron to pour him a bowl of soup. The half elf placed the bowl beside him. “You can recuperate here for the time being. I’m helping you simply because I want to.”
“My name is Corvin Fausto. What’s your name?”
“I’m (your name).” She gave him a gentle smile that reminded him of spring. And for the first time in Corbin’s long life, he felt his heart flutter.
Corvin hesitantly drank the soup before he smiled softly to himself. He’s never received such care before… did he truly deserve her kindness?
As the days melted into months, Corvin grew attached to (your name). She was kind yet she was stern. Her care never had ulterior motives yet she also didn’t allow him to disrespect her because of her race. She fascinated him. For the first time in his life, Corvin was enthralled.
Corvin found himself helping her around the humble abode. He’d clean, gather herbs with her, fetch firewood, or help her cook. It was such a domestic life together that Corvin slowly began to wonder if she’d want to continue to live a life like this with him. Would she want an idyllic life?
“It’s been really nice having you around, Corvin.” (Your name) beamed at the fae who blushed. His hands itched to intertwine with hers. “I think you have a week left until you’re fully healed!”
Corvin felt his blood run cold with the words. A week… did she want him to leave? He thought they had a special relationship. No. He wouldn’t let her go! (Your name) was his destined mate. The one he’s waited his whole life for… and he’d be damned if she rejected him.
“If you ever get injured again, my door is always open-“ (your name) is surprised when she’s suddenly pulled into his arms in a tight embrace. “Corvin?”
“Come back with me… no.” Corvin thought for a moment. His people would terrorize her if he brought her back, they could hurt her. He could abandon them right? The fae would understand… a destined one was a rule they all abided by. “Let’s just stay together here, in your cabin.”
(Your name) raised a brow. “What do you mean, Corvin?”
(Your name) felt her blood run cold at the crazed look in Corbin’s eyes. “We can live together here in your cabin, far from everyone… far from the war.”
Corvin glanced around the cabin with eagerness. “I think there’s space for two little ones… we can start our life here!”
(Your name) tried to pull herself away from his grip, but Corvin was latched on like a tick. “Corvin, you’re scaring me.”
“You’re my destined one.” Corvin replied in a breathy whisper. “That’s why you saved me despite me being your enemy… you saved me because you knew we were meant to be.”
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koemiexists · 2 months
Sleeping Beauty
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summary: you wanna try something new with your lover tags: finally some porn without plot- oh no there's a bit of plot there, sex, vaginal sex, somnophilia, sex while sleeping, porn, creampie, aftercare, embarrassing conversations word count: 1.9k a/n: i had to, physically could not stop myself as I made this smut shot...
The only person aware of your relationship with the Radio Demon was Husk.
If it were Alastor’s choice, it would have been no one. However, Husk had stumbled upon you exiting his bedroom and questioned you relentlessly on why until you cracked.
You had to plead to Alastor to not have Husk killed right then and there.
You weren’t sure why Alastor would want to hide your relations with him, yet with the talk of the Vee’s, you believed that would be the reason why. His and Vox’s rivalry seems to go back way before you made it to Hell, so it seemed obvious that Alastor would wish to hide anything that may seem like a weakness to him.
In a way, he was caring for you by seeming like he didn’t in public.
Privately, behind closed doors, you two would often cuddle or talk, and on some occasions, Alastor would initiate intimacy with you. It had always excited you, considering how hesitant your lover was with physical contact. His touch on your skin gave you goosebumps, and you would gently pull him in, giving him kisses to melt away that barrier of rigidness, giving you the Alastor you loved.
At the moment, you were fidgeting with a bracelet you had recently bought. It was a bright red, almost glowing. You waited eagerly for your lover to slink his way into the bedroom through the shadows, so you could ask him a favor that had been on your mind.
You didn't have to wait a minute longer when the murky shadows pooled in the middle of the wooden floor, Alastor forming from it after a few seconds. His grin widened a little at the sight of you on his bed, and you gave him a small smile back, facing him completely.
“What’s in your hand?” He inquired, sitting next to you as he stripped his jacket off.
You bit your lip before turning to face him even more. “It’s a bracelet.”
Alastor quirked an eyebrow, a small smirk on his face. “You fancy yourself some jewelry? Just ask, (Name). I’ll buy you whatever jewels you desire, only the best ones to compliment your natural glow.”
“Not exactly...” You fiddled with it and sighed quietly as you tried not to let the embarrassment overrun you. “We have sex sometimes.”
He stopped his stripping, looking at you now, his gaze direct as you stuttered underneath his piercing eyes.
“And... I love it.” You inhaled deeply. “So, I want to try something new, if you’re okay with it.”
He still stared at you, his ears twitching as his short tail wagged barely behind him. “Continue, (Name).”
Flushing, you stood up so he was in front of you. You took another breath, and placed the bracelet against his hand so he could observe it. “I want you to have sex with me while I sleep.”
Before he opened his mouth to say something, you interrupted. “This bracelet is something I will wear at night, so you know that I want it to happen while I sleep. So, we are clear on, uhm, consent.”
Alastor moved slowly, taking your hands away from your sides, gently grasping them. “You want to do this tonight?” He didn’t look up at you, and you shifted in place, glancing away repeatedly.
He hummed in response, slipping the bracelet on your right hand before looking up at you. Rising up, Alastor gave you a soft kiss on your lips, then another kiss on your cheek. “Alright.” He said lightly, his smile widening. “However, as of right now, I have errands to run. Charlie’s tasks never wait! Aha! I’ll be seeing you very soon, darling.”
You watched as Alastor left, leaving you flushed and tired. Glancing down at the bracelet, you left his room silently to grab some food from the kitchen.
Angel Dust was there, and you let out a soft noise of surprise. His eyes moved from his phone to you. “Heya (Name).” He greeted, giving you a smile before turning back to his phone. 
You greeted back, before you made yourself a sandwich. Eating it slowly, you kept glancing at Angel. “How are you?” You spoke up softly, which surprised Angel.
“Eh, so so.” He stretched. “Worked a little too hard yesterday. The sex started to hurt after a bit.” He complained, running a hand against his fluff. “Had to shower twice.”
“Valentino.” You spoke bitterly. “Does he always overwork you?”
Angel thought for a minute, before shaking his head. “No, but sometimes he does. Often enough for me to be pissed off, that’s for sure.”
You nodded in sympathy. “Who wouldn’t be upset?” You begin to shift nervously as you quickly finish your sandwich. “Uh, I have a question.”
“How do I prepare myself... for having sex... while I sleep...?” You asked meekly, face flushing heavily.
Angel snorted, then frantically had to cough as he began to choke on his drink. “H-Holy shit!” He heaved in laughter, wiping a tear from his eye. “Wow! I- just- wow!”
Rolling your eyes, you pouted slightly. “It’s not funny.”
“No- no it’s not funny,” He grinned, laughing quietly. “Didn’t know you were kinky like that.” 
You let out an irritated noise, and Angel raised his hands up, laughing softly. “Sorry, sorry. I’ll stop.”
“Better...” You murmured.
Angel cleared his throat, and gave you tips. “If he’s big, make sure you stretch yourself well before you sleep. But remember, more lube is not always better sometimes. You have a pussy, so it’ll lubricate itself.” He sighed. “Use about this much, maybe a little more.”
He motioned to the tip of his claws, indicating a pea size amount. “You’ll be fine. If you’re a light sleeper, you’ll wake up during it.”
“Okay.” You said softly, still extremely flustered you had asked Angel for him. He didn’t seem to mind, though, his eyes glinting with a knowing look. You were confused, but didn’t ask what he knew specifically, opting to flee from the embarrassing situation to your bedroom.
Twirling on your heel, you locked the door behind you, knowing that Alastor would just use his shadows to check up on you. Slipping the bracelet on, you walked over to your bed, heaving a sigh.
Everything in your room was brought by Alastor. It was his effort to show how much he truly loved you, going through the time to analyze exactly what you liked to personalize your space.
Your bed was perfectly made, and it seemed like the sheets had been ironed. Letting out a soft noise of amusement, you smoothed your hand over the pillowcase, admiring the silk material. After you complained about your hair frizzing with your cotton one, he replaced it with a high quality silk.
The sheets smelled of him, and you inhaled deeply, a smile on your face. Turning off the lamp at your bedside, you slid underneath the fluffy blanket. The warmth comforted you as you slipped into a deep sleep.
You weren’t fully awake when you felt your body being moved. Something curled around both your legs, spreading them open. You barely heard a soft ‘fuck’ as your cunt was touched eagerly.
You tried to shift up into the ministrations; however, your body was still struggling to wake up and move, leaving you to the mercy of whoever was doing this.
Letting out a sigh, you felt relief as something long and thick plunged deep inside you. Your breath hitched as your body was jolted, while your brain fought to fully wake up. Despite this, your body didn’t go into fight or flight mode. Instead you leaned into the thrusts. 
Your eyes remained closed as you let out soft moans, and the bed underneath you banged with each movement. Your arms sought out something to grasp, making contact with a limb. 
Blearily, you opened your eyes a bit, letting out a loud, warbly groan at the sight of Alastor. He was above you, grabbing your waist. His claws were just barely piercing your skin, his eyes focused on you. 
You huffed, moaning again as he thrusted deep into your heat. “You wanted this, didn’t you, darling?” 
Inclining your hips up, you let out a soft groan of agreement. “Al...” 
He smirked, biting your shoulder. You gripped him tighter, letting out a yelp as he pulled back. Blood was covering his lower mouth, leaving him looking wild.
“You’re so precious.”
You couldn’t respond to his comment, instead choosing to lock your legs behind his back. 
Alastor’s eyes glinted, his smile wide. “You’re beautiful.” You let out a whimper at that, your cunt squelching as he thrusted roughly. “You like that? Of course you do. You’re my precious doe, who loves everything I give her.”
“Alastor,” you panted, rubbing your clit in time to his unsteady thrusts, watching as sweat rolled down the side of his face.
“Close?” He asked, breathing heavily as you nodded. “Good girl.”
You whimpered again, and he just laughed. “You want to be so good for me, right?”
He flipped you, leaving you squealing as he grasped your hips roughly. “Ah- Alastor!”
He grinned and moved his hands to pinch your nipples, watching as your pussy fluttered. “Ngh!”
“You want to be good for me, right?” He asked. “If you do, then why not ride me? Show me what your body can really do, my little doe. I’ll give you anything you want once you cream on my cock.” He whispered filthily. 
You pouted a little, not wanting to really do any work; however, you knew that Alastor wasn’t above taming you if need be.
Slowly, you began to rock your hips, letting out high pitched mewls as your clit grazed his pelvis with each motion. Your hands were firmly on his chest, leaving you to use all your strength in your hips.
You panted, sweating as you went faster, watching as Alastor slowly became more undone below you. “Am I... am I doing good, Al?” You asked sweetly, your breasts bouncing as you changed your movements. 
Alastor’s hands instantly sought your hips, raising you up only to plunge you back down. “You’re amazing, my sweet lady.” He purred, as you bit your finger to stop your moans. You reached your climax with a shake, cunt squirting all over your lover.
He hummed, jackhammering into you as you kissed him sloppily. You pulled back, a string of spit connecting you two. The sight instantly had him cumming deep inside of you, letting out a soft sigh as you groaned from the warmth.
“...You could have been more gentle.” You admonished lightly, giving him a cheeky smile. “I would love to be woken up with you creaming my pussy...”
Alastor flushed lightly, something you don’t see often. “Do not say such dirty things around me, dear. I don’t believe I can handle it.”
You cooed, laughing. “You said some dirty things when we were fucking right now, Al.”
“Heat of the moment,” he quipped back, pulling out. With a snap of his fingers, he was fully clothed, and a wet rag was in his hands. “I should not even clean you up, considering how improper you’re being.” His tone seemed serious, but you knew he wouldn’t do that.
“You jest,” you purred, letting him gently take care of you. “You would never forgo aftercare. You’re from Louisiana.”
Alastor smirked, his monocle glinting in the light from the window. “You are right.”
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angelsheartts · 2 months
୭ JEALOUSY ˚. ᵎᵎ ~
#pairing : lucifer, adam, alastor, angel dust, husk, valentino, vox, x gn reader.
#cw: jealousy?, +18 in valentino's/vox's part, suggestive content ig, cuss words lmao.
#notes: u guys don’t know how much i wanna know why lilith made a deal with adam, and how could she even fumbled lucifer.
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⋆.ೃ- LUCIFER .
i don't think lucifer gets jealous easily, at least, but if he is jealous, he will surely become reallyyyy clingy and will try to show off. i mean, he's the sin of pride, after all.
being the partner of the king of hell really meant that there would always be people staring at you, even ones who had no shame at all and would flirt with you, sometimes even in front of lucifer.
"would you mind if I bought you a drink, sweetheart?" a powerful overlord asked you, making lucifer raise an eyebrow and look at the overlord with one of his annoyed characteristics expressions, and before you could even reply anything, lucifer had already bought you both the whole menu of drinks while clinging onto you. "do you think this is enough for you, (name)?" he asked, making the overlord stop bothering you both and making you gasp a soft sigh, knowing he did all of this with such an innocent face, as if he wasn’t getting annoyed just a second ago.
⋆.ೃ- ADAM .
his ego is too big for him to even consider the idea of being jealous, but boy, does he want to get rid of the fucking asshole who is talking to you.
even though you were adam's third wife/adam's first husband, you were nice to being around. not like your husband, who always made snarky comments about everything and everyone.
sometimes, though, people would flirt with you without you noticing, making your husband really irritated and dragging you away while flipping off the angel who initially flirted with you and making some snarky remarks about them. "(name), that bitch was literally fucking you with his eyes! you should have called me before, next time make sure to be around me, got it?" adam called out, making you giggle since his insults were sometimes so unexpected.
⋆.ೃ- ALASTOR .
alastor is the kind of guy who wouldn’t get jealous; maybe once an extermination you would see him acting a little possessive over you, but really, this guy knows your soul belongs to him, so why would there be a need to feel jealous?
actually, only your friends at the hazbin hotel where the only ones who knew about your relationship with alastor; it made sense, since he knew you could get in danger if someone else found out.
that didn’t meant that angel dust wouldn’t take the opportunity to flirt with you as a joke while trying to get a reaction from you. "(name), i think you would get pretty popular if you started to appear on my films" he said jokingly to you, while alastor just looked at him with his usual smile "i don’t think that (name) would want to get involved in that kind of stuff, angel dust, isn’t that right, dear?" alastor answered, kissing your cheek, and leaving you speechless since he mostly kept his affection for when the both of you where alone.
for me, he may get jealous depending on who's hitting on you; if it’s some random imp, it won’t really bother him; he will just tell them to fuck off themselves and leave you alone, but if it’s someone like valentino, oh boy, he acts VERY different.
angel dust didn’t really like you being in the porn studios were he works, because he knows that valentino is waiting to say anything to you, and because he simply thinks you don’t belong in a place like that. he thinks you’re much better working at the hazbin hotel or wandering around the pride ring.
"(name), aren’t you a supportive one? you know that if you want, i could make you a star lik-" "val, we're on set soon" angel dust spoke, looking angrily at valentino. "well, looks like your little boyfriend doesn’t want me to talk to you; i’m sure we’ll have plenty of time the next time," valentino whispered, making you stand there awkwardly.
as you both were finally at the hazbin hotel, anthony asked you not to come next time, since he really didn’t want valentino talking to you ever again. "(name), you know i really don’t want to get you in trouble, and you know that outside of the studio we can do whatever the fuck we want, but still, thanks for the snack you brought." he said, smirking, and letting you cuddle into his arms like you always do after an exhausting day.
⋆.ೃ- HUSK .
husk would only get jealous or, well, mostly, frustrated if someone interrupted you both, like if you both are just having a wholesome moment and someone just steals your attention from him, he’s a cat after all AND will be grumpy afterward.
you were having a nice chat with husk while having a drink at his bar, but as he was explaining you something, alastor came along and asked you something between the lines of 'if you had seen charlie or vaggie' since he had to talk to them about some business about the hazbin hotel.
after alastor left, you turned to look at your partner, noticing how he had been growling this entire time. it wasn’t really loud, though. "tsk, that radio demon really needed to ruin the atmosphere," he said, making you give him a look "what? you know, i dislike the idea of him thinking that he can just do whatever he pleases with my stuff." hearing your partner's words, you knew you had to reassure him that even though alastor had interrupted you both, your attention was still set on him and no one else.
he’s valentino, he surely and kind of obviously gets jealous whenever you’re talking to someone that isn’t him.
the workers in the studio know that since you worked there, you've only filmed with valentino; nobody questions why, and nobody really cares whatever reason their boss has to not let you fuck with others.
today, though, a worker intended to jokingly flirt with you. "(name), i think that if we make a video together, even the most pure souls would want to watch it" oh, well, that wasn’t even a little funny to valentino.
"such a slut for me, mmh? you really thought my sweet (name) would even think about fucking with you?" valentino smirked, while thrusting into you. he had his eyes set on the demon who flirted with you, not even caring about the fact that he was on set.
⋆.ೃ- VOX .
this man has the same jealousy problems, or even worse, than valentino. he's actually such an attention whore, so he obviously would despise everyone who tries to flirt with you.
actually everyone who works for the vees knows how jealous vox is, and that’s because this is a situation that often happens: if someone is even looking at you a little longer than usual, he will become insecure and try ANYTHING he can so he can have your attention on him. like i mentioned, he’s an attention whore.
today, the outfit that velvette chose for you might have made some people stare back at you. i mean he can’t judge them; you looked so fucking good in it, but hell does he want to have you all by himself, so what does he does? take you to his office so he can have you all by himself.
"(name)," he mutters while keeping his hands all over your body. "you knew what you were doing, huh? making everyone stare at your body, but i’m such a good partner for not making a fuss about it, right?" he asked, waiting for you to atleast praise him, 'cause like a already mentioned he’s an attention wh- lmao.
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scoutswritingcorner · 2 months
Can I request Hazbin Hotel characters reacting to an artist!reader that draws a lot but never shows anyone their work but one day accidentally left it out and their partner finds it and sees several sketches and finished drawings of them? Sorry if it’s an odd ask, I’m an artist and I thought it would be a cute idea I don’t see nearly enough, it’s okay if you can’t. Thank you either way!!!
Artist Rendition
Hazbin Gang x GN!Reader
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TW:A little flirty with Angel’s reaction. Other than that none!
A/N: Not an odd request at all, Friend! For Angel’s part I did write for a male Reader and Fem Reader for Vaggie! KINDA SHORT I APOLOGIZE FRIEND!
-🦌 Alastor was very curious to see you carry a sketchbook around all the time. He wanted to pry so badly.
-🦌 But he didn’t, he simply ignored the book and only ever asked about it if you were near him. You always get flustered and hide the book even further. Oh now he’s wondering what kind of dark secrets you have in there~
-🦌 But to his surprise when he finds it open and on a page, he sees drawings of him, he carefully flips the page and sees a half down sketch of him sitting in front of the fireplace.
-🦌 Oh boy you just made his ego inflate and his undead heart soar to new heights. His tail starts wagging and that’s the only way someone can catch how happy he is.
-🦌 Now? He’s going to poke a little fun at you, “My Dear, if you had to pick anyone in the hotel to be your muse who would it be?” 
-🦌 Silly deer man loves you and your abilities, he often tells you that your work needs to be displayed in a museum.
-🍎 Oh boy- when he finds out you can draw? Oh he gets super excited and asks if you can draw him a duck- even if it’s a little doodle! He doesn’t care!
-He doesn’t really ask or pry into your hobby much but he will admit he does want to see what you draw.
-When he does see that you drew him of all people he gets all flustered and he’s prideful cause his partner?? His darling little angel drew him?!?
-He will volunteer to pose for you, he’s used to sitting still for hours on end! 
-He will even pose naked if you want him to! Just say the word and he’ll drop his clothes right there.
-🎰 He watched you sit at the bar and draw to your heart's content and never really commented on it.
-🎰 When he does peek into your sketchbook it’s to pull behind the bar into a safe place so nothing ruins your work.
-🎰That’s when he notices the drawings and doodles of him and his tail curls happily. The way you captured him doing menial tasks sends his heart into overdrive.
-🎰 You were too good for him, damn it. The next time you find it? It has a little sticky note on the cover of your sketchbook and it has a little drawing of you with a small message, “Had to go out with Alastor. Love you, Dollface.” 
-🕷️ Angel Dust 🩷-
-🕷️ Oh this man- he loves it! You’re an artist and he’s also like an artist! But of a very very different genre.
-🩷 He also doesn’t pry much as he understands privacy. He wants to give you that as much as he can since he doesn’t get much of it.
-🕷️ Once he finds out you draw him? He’s over the fucking moon cause his man? His precious boyfriend draws him! 
-🩷Expect him to start flirting more and more but with art related flirts. “Come on, Suga’~ Draw me like one of your french girls~” im sorry. He’s very supportive!
-👑 oh this baby girl..she’s been so busy lately that if she did notice it completely slipped her mind!
-👑 But when she finds your sketchbook? She gets super excited cause you draw this good?? She’s so proud that she immediately goes to find you!
-👑 She is another who fully supports you! You need anything, don't hesitate to ask!
-👑 Will try to convince you to start painting for the hotel! You can say no it won’t offend her.
-🎀 Much like Husk she won’t point it out or comment on it.
-🎀Will find out you draw her when she sees it when cleaning up and gets all blushy cause this is how you see her?
-🎀 Comes clean immediately about seeing your drawings and tells you how amazing they are.
-🎀 Shyly asks if she can pose for you next time, how could you say no to her?
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Love isn't dead
Yandere cupid x reader
Tw: yandere, minor mention of body horror, obsessive and possessive behavior, isolation
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💌you couldn't remember when he first appeared or when you could feel another presence near you. All you knew was that you had a cupid trying to set you up.
💘always nonchalant when you'd open a closet door and he'd be hiding inside. Pausing to stare before continuing to put the towels away. He swore you could see right through him and at him at the same time. But that shouldn't be possible. Because humans can't see cupids. They're not supposed to
💌but that obviously wasn't the case with you. Sweetheart quickly became more bold. Watching you quietly and forgetting his task of finding your soulmate. It got to a point where you blatantly confronted him after you finished bathing, noticing a pair of pink heart eyes staring at you from the top of the shower curtain half way
"are you going to keep staring at me like a creep or are you going to actually introduce yourself?"
"gah-!! Ah.. uh right! Ofcourse! I-im sweetheart! Pleasure to meet you!"
💘after Introducing yourself, you set some ground rules. 1. Don't watch you while you shower, use the bathroom, or sleep 2. Don't Invade your space 3. He can't stalk you while you're out and about
💌at first he followed these rules, nodding obediently and following them diligently. But then he noticed something.. when did you become so beautiful? He swore you were more beautiful than his mother.. so kind and patient, he almost didn't want to finish his job, just stay here with you forever. Offering him food, caring for him, giving him hugs and cheek kisses. He wanted more.
💘he broke your rules, but he never let you find out. He'd never want to upset you! Having gotten better in hiding, he silently watches from the shadows. taking things he's sure you won't notice. All he talks and asks about now is what you like, what you're thinking of or if you got your eye on anyone. Claiming it's because he's curious about humans
💌 growing possessive, he uses one of his hate arrows whenever a suitor tries to approach you. How dare they try and take what was his! Can't they see you're too perfect for them!? He saw everything else as inferior to you, nobody was worthy to see your smile. A god/dess among rubbish.
💘he started using his arrows to distance your loved ones, until he was all that you had left. Comforting you, holding you close, wiping away your tears. He felt a foreign burning feeling in-between his legs whenever he saw you cry. Wanting nothing more than to lick them up but he knew you would consider it weird
💌he didn't dare use a love arrow on you, he wanted to see you. The real you at all times. Ignoring the angry calls his mother and siblings would send him, urging him to finish his job and come back home. So he did something he never would have thought of doing. Something irreversible. He cut off his wings, turning him mortal
💘he smiled up at you with a lovesick grin, while you could only stare at him in horror. You had just gotten back from a miserable day at work and stumbled into the bathroom to find it bloody and covered in familiar pink feathers. Slowly walking backwards, glancing at the small bones of where his wings use to be, sticking out. Bloody and mangled.
"this is all for you.. don't you see? I'M your soulmate! We were made for eachother my darling! So let's be together forever.."
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saturncodedstarlette · 3 months
[Before Lucifer got cast out of Heaven]
Angel!Y/N, just found out Lucifer and Lilith are together : You lied to me!
Angel!Y/N : You told me that I am your soulmate! Just get back to that other woman!
Angel!Lucifer : Don’t you understand? You’re the other woman.
Angel!Y/N : No no! You’re supposed to be with me! She’s the other woman!
Angel!Lucifer : Why can’t you understand? It was a mistake, I would never be with you— *immediately regrets it*
Angel!Y/N, distraught :
Angel!Y/N, silently leaves the room :
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hazbinhotelxreader · 4 months
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Adam x fem reader smut.
Words: 948
“On Top?”
A/n: hi! Okay another smut oneshot, hopefully this ones okay, I’m not attracted to males so it was a little difficult, but hopefully it turned out alright! Also I didn’t get any request for what the gender was so I made in a female reader since that’s easier.
(Requested by Anosquid on AO3)
Warnings: cock riding, size difference, blow jobs, biting, hair pulling, submissive Adam, cussing, insults, bondage, orgasm denial
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You and your oh so holy boyfriend, Adam, were a pretty…chaotic couple. He’s like a teenager who never matured, but you deal with it since you love him. He’s actually very immature during normal conversations, which led you too right now. You, pinning him down on the bed.
“Wow wow babe, chill won’t you? It was just a small little comment” he smirked, not taking this seriously like always. You roll your eyes, sitting on his lap. All he understood was that he’d get a good time with you, not caring about his little immature and rude comments towards you.
“You need to stop being such a bitch so often babe, learn how to fucking chill” He blurted out at you. And with that you roughly pull off his mask and kiss him harshly on the lips, it caught him off guard for a a second but kissed back with the same amount of force. He grabbed your hips and bucked his own hips at you like the whore he is. You slap his hands off of your hips harshly, making him put his hands down a little confused, you always liked it when he touched your hips.
You force your tongue into his mouth, both of your tongues fighting for dominance. He was struggling to keep up with your tongue, getting frustrated and wanting to be the dominant, trying to push you off of him, though you wouldn’t let him. You forcefully pin his hands down, winning dominance with your tongue. You grab some gold ropes and tied it around his wrists, then against the head board, he let out a growl of annoyance.
“Uhh, what the fuck are you doing?” he narrowed his eyes, but didn’t try to move or escape the ropes.
“Teaching you a little lesson” You respond and bit his neck harshly, he let out a surprised groan, looking down a little, and you forcefully grabbed a handful of his hair, pulling it to make his head go back up so his neck was exposed.
“Ow! You bitch be careful!” , He snarled at you. You ignored him, after all he does this often. And you but his neck more, leaving him to grunt and groan, turning on fast.
You could feel his member twitch in his clothes, feeling it hard against your ass. You continue to attack his neck, leaving no part untouched. After your done biting his sensitive neck, you move lower, pulling off his shirt and pants slowly to trade and make him mad, and you succeeded.
“Ugh! Hurry up bitch we don’t have all day”, he said frustrated, you take off his boxers and he immediately bucked his hips up, you grumble and hold them down.
“Be patient.” , you growl at him, you wrap your hand around his pulsing member, making him moan a little dramatically. You put your mouth near his cock and teasingly licked the tip, he groaned, trying to buck his hips more but your hand held them down. You finally put your mouth over his tip, sucking and licked it as you bob your head up and down. He moaned and smirked, closing his eyes.
“Oh ho ho…yea that’s it..taste that dick” Adam exclaimed as he bucked his hips into your mouth, you took in his cock more, feeling him about to cum soon from your skilled mouth, but you were going to let him get off that easy. So right before he was about to cum, you pulled your mouth off off of him.
His eyes widened, you have never denied him before. “H-hey! Get your mouth back on there bitch!” He narrowed his eyes, you put your mouth back on his cock, sucking again, allowing him to get close to an orgasm, but then denying it again.
He growled again and kept insulting and commanding you to continue. You did this again about 7 times, now he was frustrated and needy, starting to beg you for an orgasm.
“Please please please bitch! Just let me cum already! Is this any way you treat the first soul in heaven?!” He yelled, a little whiny.
You decided to finally give him what he’d been begging for the last 2 hours. You took off your own pants and panties, tossing them to the side and grabbed his member, as you started to lower yourself. You gasp at his size, moaning as you slowly take him in.
He let out a relieved sigh as he felt his member enter your tight pussy. “Ohhh yea….thats great..” he groaned..bucking his hips already and not giving you any time to adjust. You gasp and try to hold his hips down. But the pleasure was taking over you.
You throw your head back and closer your eyes while moaning as his member hit your g-spot over and over again. Your groan and gasp, his sounds being heard as well. His wrists started to get rope burned from the ropes holding them together, you grind your hips harder together, skin slapping together as your tight pussy tightens around his thick member.
He lets out a moan and bucks his hips wildly into yours, you both let out a cry of ecstasy, his warm seed shooting into you. You cum onto his member. Panting as you rest your hands on his chest. He smirked and spoke up. “That was great wasn’t it?” He said a little sadistic. “Now untie me so I can return the favor” he smirked..it was going to be a long night.
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cameronspecial · 8 months
Let Me Protect You, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Mentions of Death
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
Summary: Rafe's only mission in life is to protect his girlfriend.
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Rafe has a few rules when it comes to being his girlfriend and he always gets upset at Y/N when she doesn’t use them. One of those rules: be careful with your beverages. The multiple drinks Y/N has drank over the night have built up in her bladder, so nature is now calling to her. The only problem is she doesn’t know where to leave her drink. Luckily, she spots Rafe’s tall figure in the crowd. She pushes her way to him and taps his shoulder. “Hey, Angel. What’s wrong? Are you ready to go?” he worries, checking her over for any wounds. She shakes her head and holds her drink out to him, “Nothing is wrong, I just need to pee. Can you please hold my drink?” 
The glassy look in his eye gets blinked away as he grabs onto her drink. His long fingers round the top of the cup, so his palm is covering the opening of the drink. “Of course I can. I would be more than happy too. Let me walk you to the bathroom and check to make sure no one is hiding out in there,” he offers, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and taking her to the bathroom line. Nobody would’ve guessed that Rafe is so protective of his girlfriend. It makes Y/N giggle at how cute he gets when he takes her safety seriously. 
Another one of Rafe’s rules: always tell him when she is cold. The winter breeze snips at her nose and she wrinkles her nose to try and heat it up. This action doesn’t go unnoticed by Rafe. He gives her a disapproving look, “Rule number four, Angel.” She doesn’t need him to say anything more because she already has the rules memorized. “Rafe, I’m cold. Could you please give me your jacket?” she grovels. He grins at her words and takes it off immediately. He hands it over to her, “Absolutely, it’s what I am here for. Are you okay with staying in line by yourself for a second? I’m going to get my extra jacket in the car.” It really doesn’t surprise her that he keeps an extra jacket for moments like this. “Thank you for the jacket. And I’m okay with waiting. Why didn’t you just give me the extra one though?” she questions, fiddling with the bottom of his jacket. 
He gives her a kiss, “Because I always wear a jacket that matches your outfit when we go out just in case I need to give it to you. The one in my car is merely a random one.” Her heart flutters at the thought he puts into everything he does for her. 
The rules that Y/N likes to contest are the one that also regards his safety. They exit the bookstore side by side with bags of books in hand. As they walk down the sidewalk to the parking garage, she moves herself to the opposite side of Rafe. Before she can process it, she is back on the other side of Rafe again. They go through this charade again. “Why can’t I be the one that protects you from getting hit by a car?” she pouts, trying to get back on the side closest to the road. He tuts her head and moves her back, “Because I am your boyfriend and it is my job”
“Well, why can’t it be my job to protect you as your girlfriend?” 
He shakes his head at her words, “Let me protect you, Angel. If something happened to me, you would be able to live on without me. If something happened to you, they would have to dig another grave beside yours.” This makes Y/N stop in her tracks to look him in the eyes. The tears brimming at the thought of her death break her heart. “Rafe, I would not be able to live without you either. You are so important to me too. But if protecting me makes you feel better, then I’ll stop bugging you about it. At least for now,” she promises, pulling him into a hug. His head buries into her neck, “Thank you, Angel. I’m glad you finally realized that I was made to protect you.”  
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fiendishfables · 4 months
Lucifer: How can I convince you to stay with me? To not disappear into the night again, as you do every single year? Tell me, how can I officially make you mine; to be able to love you in every single lifetime?
Y/N: Bend me over, babygirl.
Lucifer: What?
Y/N: What?
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a/n: this is just the definition of the hazbin community rn pertaining to Luci- he’s so babygurl; not taking any criticism. (•̀ᴗ•́)و
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deadghosy · 2 months
How they would react to teen sinner! Reader getting catcalled/ S/A:
WARNING: long depending on your reading speed, explicit language, uncomfortable themes, read if you don’t wanna read anything you have encountered in life like this. If you are dealing with s/a please call your national hotline. This will be the only time I write something like this cause this is a serious topic.
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It was late in the pride ring as you snuck out of the hotel wanting to get snacks and a drink. I mean shit you died in the late 2010’s, you’re use to this shit. So you went to a store as you didn’t see an older sinner smirk, slowly gazing your body up and down as you grab a pair of chips and energy soda.
“Hey sweetie…” the older sinner says as he slowly appears behind you. You divest even bother to look at him as you felt him get closer. You whipped around and glare at him only to see such an ugly sinner who looks homeless as well.
“Hey now, I’m not gonna harm you.” The man says grabbing your arm and pulling you toward him. “I just wanna see your pretty face little boy/girl.” Your eyes widened shocked. You tried to pull your arm as he tugs tighter. You yelled for him to let you go as he dragged you out the store. You were not gonna let some creep take you! So you bit his arm hard as fuck. He let you go, but not without punching you.
You ate the punch but start to run to the hotel you know and love. You ran as your heart beat for safety and away from anything else. You didn’t think it would be like this, but what could you except. This is hell itself. There’s a lot of ass holes and bastards that deserve to be here.
You ran inside ignoring the look of a certain king who was sitting down in the lounge room, he swore he saw tears fall down your cheeks. He felt his heart ache to know what was wrong with you as he slowly followed after you.
A soft knock was heard as you look up to see the king of hell, the man who always gave you ducks when you first came here. “Kid are you okay? I heard you cry?” He said worried seeing you tear up hearing his worried voice. It wasn’t making it better as you ran into his arms. He was move back a bit at your usually tough attire cracking into a soft and scared one. Now he was concerned.
He set you back in bed as you rant out about what happened, even giving a description of what he looked like. After a bit of comfort in for Lucifer and him petting your back a lot. You sniffled a little, feeling better than what you felt as Lucifer smiled at you sleeping against his lap. He sighs sensing you sleeping as he poofs away from your sleeping body.
“DONT worry kid…that bastard isn’t going to see another hellish day…” Lucifer says walking out of the hotel as his hat overcasted his face.
It was a new day as you woke up to play your regular tv show only for the news to play. “BREAKING 666 NEWS!!! ALLEGED PEDOPHILE DEAD AT GRIMM’S MARKET AS HIS HEAD WAS-” the news was cut off by Lucifer who had a guilty expression as you had a wide eye expression shocked that the bastard got some quick karma.
You and alastor went on a walk together as he wanted you to get off your pesky small picture rectangle. He’s talking about your damn phone.💀
“And I told the fellow gentleman to make my meat, medium rar-” before Alastor could finish his story about how he went to a restaurant. You groaned tired of this, you wanted to sleep and be on your hell phone since you miss the human world.
Alastor rolls his eyes with a smile, he pinches your cheek making you huff. “No need for an attitude!~” he said in a song tune voice you pushed him away from you embarrassed. “I don’t need to fix my attitude old man..” you say walking a bit forward ahead of the deer demon.
The radio demon chuckles, but the chuckles stops when seeing you immediately get whistled at by a male sinner who eyes you. You flipped the sinner off before going back to Alastor, holding the older’s hand as he slightly move in front of you.
It seemed like this asshole was trying to talk to you, but he couldn’t as alastor smiles down at the sinner. “C'mere sweet thing. Why don’t you come and get a drink with me.” The sinner says. You and Al narrow your eyes at the sinner, you weren’t budging from behind alastor who stands strong and confident
“I don’t think they will be going with you anytime soon my dear fellow.” Alastor says with a strained smile. The sinner was definitely new and didn’t know who was companying you at this very moment.
“I don’t think I give a fuck.” The sinner says teaching his hand out to your frame.
The sinner tried to make an attempt to grab your arm from the radio demon. There was a ring of static in the air whilst making the sinner stop grabbing your arm. Alastor grabs the arm that dares to try and take you from him. Alastor smiles eerily at the sinner.
“I’ll teach you some respect you filthy pest.” He says as static seems to boom the area before he goes full demon mode and drag the filth to the alley to have a nice “talk.”
Their screams were broadcasted on his radio station the day after they whistled at you. Alastor made sure to have his shadow follow you for a few months before he was sure you were fully okay. Harassment towards a minor, is a big no-no.
You wanted to help her get more flowers for a decoration of a trust exercise, so she let you run the errand.
You ran out the hotel happy and excited. You always weee excited to help the hotel ever since you died. You knew your mom was in heaven so you wanted to be redeemed quickly and possible.
You went to the flower shop smiling which gained the attention of a female who smile sweetly at you. She approached you holding a flower. You knew not to take things from strangers, even demons as Charlie and vaggie told you.
But it’s a flower, what’s the worse that can happen. Plus you need flowers for the event itself. As you grabbed the flower, the flower sprays out this gas that made you feel slight drowsy. You feel your body limp as the woman comes closer to you.
You try to push her off as she caresses your body. With your mustered up strength, you use your sharp nails/claws to stab her eyes and run.
The flower drug was slowly taking affect until you did a few symbols on yourself. You learnt it from Lucifer as he gave you a book. The drug wore off but your mind was scrambling. You felt yucky and violated. As you bursted through the hotel door, accidentally running into vaggie’s arms.
“What the fuck happened!!?” Vaggie says concerned as she sees the bruises on your wrist. Her eyes widen. “What. Happened..” she says seriously.
You explained the situation while sobbing softly. Vaggie comforted you in her hold as she closed her eyes ashamed at how she wasn’t there to protect you. She was suppose to your guarden. Your parental figure.
Vaggie takes you upstairs, run you a bath and just watched you softly. Guilt in her eyes for not being a good parent to you and just follow you to make sure you were okay.
The whole night, she stayed close to you. Not even dropping her guard when it comes to you. You are too precious to go through this. She just hopes you can recover.
She’s not letting you out of her sight ever again. Hell she might teach you how to fight , but might go overprotective on you and keep you in the hotel until she and you were sure to go outside again.
It was during a trust exercise with one of the new residents…
It was a trust fall activity as Charlie shows the residents how it goes. You say what you have in your mind and do the trust fall. After Charlie does it with vaggie. It was your turn and the sinner’s.
The sinner looked calm and you were anxious as you never done the trust fall game. Even in the human world.
As you stood on the stand talking to every member of this exercise and Charlie. She gives you a thumbs up which made you smile and gain confidence in talking. You fell backwards into the sinner’s hold as they caught you.
But they didn’t let you go. You tried to tell them but they didn’t let go still. You felt their hand travel around you and gr0pe your lower and waist. Your eyes widen as you try to move away from the bastard.
Tears were in your eyes as you hyperventilate at how you feel their touch. It burns, it feels like lit burns. Charlie notices what is going on. She gets up and pulls the bastard from you. She pushes you behind her as she looks behind her to see if you were okay. Whilst she does that, she glares heavily at the sinner.
“WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN TOUCH THEM LIKE THAT?!” Charlie yells as her demon form was slipping out of anger seeing you run towards her. Hell was going loose as the sinner tried to back away from the raging aura Charlie was releasing.
Before Charlie can send hell fire at the bastard who dares to gr0pe you, you grabbed her arm. You know she isn’t really the type to kill someone and might regret it. So while you grabbed her arm, she calmed down and stared at you. Her yellow pupils going back to red as she glares at the sinner.
“Your stay isn’t welcome here..” Charlie says lastly as alastor takes the sinner away, probably to kill them and eat em.
Charlie takes you up stairs as you grip onto her arm. Her gaze on you soften with protectiveness and worry. She can’t believe that happened to you.
She checks on you everyday and has to mane sure you are with a resident before leaving the hotel. She feels guilty knowing she wasn’t there to protect you. Charlie must definitely hands razzle and dazzle to you if you are going out or going to sleep.
A drunk resident had walked into your room as you were busy doing art work.
It was a night that you were relaxing in your room just drawing. You always had a passion to draw, maybe even to be an artist.
Your father figure was down stairs tending the bar. Husk was giving drinks to a resident, husk could tell that the drunk bastard has enough. He told the bum to go upstairs as he had enough beers.
Husk watches the person go upstairs, stumbling and staggering. The cat demon rolls his eyes as he hears a door close, assuming the sinner went to their designated room.
You were so busy listening to music you didn’t notice someone enter your room. As you put down your pencil, going for a crayon. You noticed a resident you would see at the bar. Your eyes widen smelling the strong alcohol from their body as they walked closely to you.
A curling scream came from your room making husk immediately drop the glass he was cleaning. He rushes upstairs to see the problem and why you screamed. He sees you being pinned down by the sinner he was tending to earlier.
“GET THE FUCK OF THEM!” Husk yells, eyes filled of anger. All he saw was red as he pulls the bastard off you and starts to beat the person up repeatedly. Their face was bloodied as heavy breathing came out of their face. You stopped husk as you had already been traumatized. Husk stops, breathing heavy before he kicks the bastard all the way down stairs.
You sometimes still relive through that moment as husk stays beside your bed. Husk would have to calm your down from your panic attacks from that night as you lash out at your own “father”
“Kid. Kid! Calm down…it’s okay. I’m here for you..fuck. I’m here for you.” Husk says calmingly while you try to get out of his hold. Still in panic mode. He had to hold you tightly for you to understand that you were now safe.
Hot tears fall to your cheek as you sob painfully at what you just experienced. Your tears made husk’s heart break and shatter. He was just glad you were okay in your room for now.
He holds you to his chest as his fur called you down even more. You sniffled holding him tight as if he would disappear if you let him go.
He felt your heartbeat go slow as you fall asleep in his hold. He stays close to you the whole night as he promises that he will always protect you. You are like his own child since you came to the is shit hole.
He lets you stay by him in the bar as you fall asleep. He grumbles a lot remembering that night as he almost broke a glass in his hand. You are only a kid…
You were sent to find angel dust, only to see him in a bar drunk. So what did you do? Try and drag him out only to drag into trouble
You went into the bar to see Angel drunk, he was also talking to some demons who smirked at his drunken state.
You scoffed going over to grab Angel dust. As you went to grab him, one of the demons made you sit on his lap as if you were ready to meet Santa Claus. But you weren’t as you headbutt the demon and grab Angel dust.
The rest of the demons pull out knives and gun. Your eyes widen as you rushed pout the bar door, sensing the demons on your tail.
You throw a beer bottle at one of the members, the shards went in their eyes. Even if it was a small trick, the screams distracted those asshole as you make a run for the hotel.
You gently laid angel dust in his bed as his eyes tears up, realizing the situation and what could’ve happened if you didn’t take advice from Vaggie about combat.
“Shit…I’m sorry for getting you in this shit.” Angel dust says as he looks away with a drunk shamed look. You sighed, you’re just a kid looking after a drunk adult.
Angel sobered up a bit after you left him in his room. His memory fuzzy, but it was clear that you were uncomfortable with those damn demons that were eyeing you. Even if you got pulled into someone’s lap, that made him disgusted.
He promised you when you first came here that he would protect you. You was like a little sibling to him. He couldn’t believe how he was a drunk asshole who couldn’t even protect someone he cared about most.
Angel was actually sober for months after that encounter. Worried you would run into those demons he was with that night. He would also make you more like force you to watch fat nuggets while he is at work.
He would probably make a deal with Valentino or probably mostly alastor to make sure you were safe since that day.
You were trying to find Frank, one of the egg boiz in the pride ring only to run into trouble.
You found Frank being ganged by some sinner who looked from the modern era you are from. You looked around for something, and you found an old computer. Mustering up your strength, you threw that bitch at their head.
Frank runs to you, holding your leg tightly. He was happy to see you were okay with him. You and the egg right here was like family as you smile at how cute he was happy to see you. Pentious would be happy to see Frank is in good condition
You left the alley way and start to chat with the egg boy by your side. It was have been obvious that you were being watched as a female sinner stared at you and your body. You felt the gaze and scoff making Frank raise a brow until seeing the sinner. The sinner seemed scary for poor Frank.
A whistle was made towards you, you flipped them off as you picked up the poor egg who was trembling. He obviously was trying to seem strong for you but it fails as he holds tightly to you. The sinner lady smirks as she follows you. You felt more uncomfortable with Frank as Frank was trying to warn you that she was gaining speed for you. But you already knew.
You made a circle with your hand, a portal opened and it closed immediately when you entered it. The portal sent you to the hotel in one piece with the adorable egg boy.
Your face was stoic with some disgust in your eyes. Eyebrows furrowed on your face as you entered Pentious’s room with Frank.
“Ssssweetheart? What happened? Whatssss wrong?” Pentious says as he notices your disgusted look. "Nothing nothing. Here you go penny." You said brushing off the feeling on your shoulders. But it still noticeable in your body language.
Before you could walk out of the room after putting Frank down. Frank just had to open his eggy mouth. The egg confessed that you were catcalled and almost followed to the hotel until you did your powers you have conquered in hell.
“Why that behavior is not acceptable to a minor!! That bunch of filth shall learn to never mess with my dear friend.” Pentious says as he forces out of his room so you can get a fresh start on a new days and this time he is making baby gates for his eggs so they will not bother you anymore
He was planning all night to see what he can use as a revenge for the cat calling you had experienced. Frank was also giving sir Pentious ideas also. It seemed they both agreed on one plan to have your get back.
He used his machine weapons to destroy that monster who catcalled. He was definitely making sure the laser was fast so he can come back to you and make you cookies so you could feel better. For the rest of the week and probably month.
You wanted to grab a snack out for Cherri and you. You left the hotel as she started to stay, as you left you didn’t notice of couple of shark demons. The leader smirked flicking a cigarette from his mouth eyeing you. They whistled at you making you scoff and keep walking.
The leader nods his head at you as the sharks move towards you snickering. You felt their presence, luckily you brought your…damnit you left your pepper spray.
The leader grabs you trying to pull you into an alley as your eyes widen. In a heap of panic you screamed for help, that only made it worst. Next thing you felt was a slap to your cheek as you sobbed.
The leader and the members chuckle grabbing your hair. With one final effort your screamed, but it wasn’t an ordinary scream. It was a sonic one that blew them away (a/n: sorry if it sounded corny😕) With that you left in a hurry inside of the hotel. Tears running down your eyes, you ran upstairs passing Cherri who looked shocked to see you run pat her like nothing.
“Sweetie?” Cherri says softly, her Australian accent showing her absolute worry for you as she followed you into your room. She sees your face in your pillow. Softly sobbing, scared as your adrenaline was still high. She sat next to you softly holding you in her arms hoping you would open up. And you did after calming down. 
After explaining what happened with a tired and broken voice, you couldn’t believe that this would happenu to you. You felt kinda yucky being touched but you felt safe with Cherri.
“What a fuckin' asshole. I bet his dick is small…don’t worry honey.” She says caressing your back as you sniffled before falling asleep.
In the aftermath, she blowed up their house in honor for you.🔥💗 no witnesses either.
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Remember that my requests are closed, so please if you are new to my blog check out my other work as I am currently working on other requests‼️ THAT ARE IN MY DRAFTS, not the ones people are asking me. So please don’t DM me and respect that please.
And mostly, please seek help if you are going through any abuse or assault related issues. Everyone needs to speak up in their own experiences. ❤️
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iheart-alastor · 2 months
Hazbin characters dating you Head cannons!
Tried my best on this hope you enjoy!
𝐍𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫!
Warning:mention of abuse but 𝘭𝘰𝘢𝘥𝘴 of fluff
Characters: Alastor, Angel dust, Husk, Lucifer, Sir pentious,Vox
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When Alastor first realised he had feelings for you it was mainly shocking for him
Definitely starts to keep a close eye on you either with his shadow or just watching you from afar
Would probably never admit his feelings for you
Probably steals something of yours because it smells like you
If he did ever admit his feelings for you his whole persona would change he would be clingy maybe let's you touch his ears
When you do start going out with him he will be more possessive and make sure each sinner who dares to glare at you in disgust or any rude way is next heard on his broadcast
He would start calling you his doe, my fawn, Mon cherè basically cute nicknames meaning deer or literally dear
He will probably start 'sleeping' in the same bed as you a couple months in but the only reason he does it so he has an excuse to watch you sleep
If you don't eat demon meat or venison or any type of meat sorry but he's gonna try sneak some in food he makes for you
Probably let's you cook food with him
Bound to learn his mothers jambalaya recipe form him
He probably doesn't bake that much so he'd be glad if you taught him some new foods
He deffo talks about the other overlords apart from rosie
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Vox cant stand having a crush at first knowing how addicted to watching alastor he is he definitely begins to watch you too
Buys you gifts but they never say who off
Asks you out on a date to a restaurant and talks about alastor the entire time
He likes when you give him shoulder massages after dealing with val or another argument with alastor
Loves to bake goods with you, you cannot tell me this man hates to bake
Doesn't like cooking but will cook some stuff with you depending on how much you enjoy it
Clingy and doesn't let val near you whatsoever why would he want his baby near a pornstar who abuses his co-workers
Likes when you kiss and praise him
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Angel dust
When he first found out he liked you he began flirting with you very bold too he does not hold back like how he does with husker
If he asked you out expect him to be full of joy if you say yes
Definitely wants a sleepover with matching pajamas
Likes talking shit about val to you after a tough day at work
And please when he comes back looking beaten up shower him in kisses and cuddles man will forget val even existed
When around you he liked being sober and not coked up
My man would love if you could bake because bro would love If you baked him some cookies or pastries
Bro don't know how to cook so if you do please teach him
Loves when you and cherri bomb get along
Definitely has a picture of you him and fat nuggets on his door
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He probably found out he liked you if you began sitting at the bar with him having normal conversations and not trying to flirt with him
He starts to be at ease when around you
Would probably talk shit about alastor
Teaches you how to make different cocktails
After a while it's probably you who asks him out but he says yes
Would probably sleep in the same bed as you and you how cats knead something would probably do that to something you own
He so loves when you groom his fur (it almost makes his wings flap)
He starts to lay of the booze when around you so he doesn't look like a complete alcoholic
Liked talking about you to angel dust
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Sir pentious
Gets easily flustered around you and he makes it obvious!
So obvious angel helps him to ask you out
If you say yes he hugs you so hard and all the little egg Bois in the background begin cheering
He likes seeing you babysit the eggbois when he can't or they get to playfull
He wraps his tail around you when your asleep so he knows your there
Is such a bottom spoon my guys hugging your hiding his head in the crook of your neck while the egg Bois sleep on you or besides the 2 of you
My guy is the best Baker we even saw it on episode 5
Only you am aloud to eat the food he makes how dare anyone else think they're aloud the cookies he made for you?
Probably watches a movie with you and cries when something bad happens to his favorite character
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When Lucifer realised he liked you a lot went through his head by he first made a duck of you now he needed to find out how to handle his crush
He first told Charlie who was in awe and in tears when she saw the duck of you now he had his daughter helping him plan a way to ask you out
He came knocking at your door with flowers and chocolate in the shapes of ducks with the duck he made of you sitting on the chocolate box ofc you had to go out with him!
He probably takes you to a restaurant before going home and watching a movie with you in matching duck pj's and a duck blanket while cuddling
Definitely dreams off you all the time
Love sick in the best way possible as you cured his depression
Likes baking with you and probably throws flour on you before you both start play fighting
Likes when you play with his wings and call him cute nicknames
Charlie would probably think of you as her mother at some point
Gets you duck pajamas to wear with him
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Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed the headconnons! Lmk if I should make more in the future I honestly loved making this
More alastor tiktoks because this man's cute as fuck (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡
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hazelfoureyes · 3 months
Besties get Banged
Angel Dust x FemReader Smut
➽─❥Angel Dust x MaleReader Smut version
You didn’t think Angel liked you the way you did him, how could you? While sharing a profession, he was nothing like you. He was the star in every room he entered. After being booked on a shoot together, you find maybe Angel wasn’t so ignorant to your existence.
Warning/Promises: Angel x Reader do not fuck but they do get banged, Val is going to ruin shit but I ain’t writing that part, Foursome but no one cares, handjob, cum countdown 💦, masturbation, making out, porno, vaguely threatening ending from Val
minors dni (👁️👄👁️🔪)
When Angel Dust slipped into the dressing room of Val’s ‘sex dungeon’, you struggled to keep your smile down. You’d never actually worked together. The two of you had attended the same awards shows, frequented the same clubs, danced the same stages. But never graced the same screen. Every encounter left you more and more enthralled. Always the life of the party, but when the crowds would die down Angel would become so sweet, talking with an emotional intelligence many sinners seemed to have lacked or intentionally abandoned at death.
Angel threw himself at many people, sometimes jokingly, sometimes not. But you’d be lying to say it didn’t sting he’d never propositioned you.
“Mornin’,” he plopped into the make-up chair beside you, hand lazily combing through his bedhead.
Angel hoped you hadn’t seen him pause when he saw you. He didn’t get butterflies often, but you always managed to make his stomach flutter. He felt so silly, a kid with a crush.
You knew Val wasn’t going to let it be just the two of you. He enjoyed watching you both get fucked too much. ‘Besties get Banged’ was written on the clapperboard. Angel gave you a wink, “Ooh besties! Is this work or just another Friday night?” His elbow hit a soft spot in your ribs, making you laugh.
“Stop— st-stop that. Get on the bed.” Val used all four arms to separate you, “Bitch number 1 on the left side, Bitch number 2 on the right.” He sat in his chair, arm angrily motioning for the large demons to enter the set already.
It was a standard enough shoot, until you and Angel found yourselves both on your knees, eye to eye from across the pink heart shaped bed. One yellow and one black eye looking back at you, hazy with pleasure as he was fucked dumb by some piece of muscle with a dick attached.
He looked so beautiful when he felt good. You reached out your hand to him, then the other. Fingers laced together, you both moaned into the space between yourselves. Angel’s eyebrows rose up, tongue coming out. His face was so flushed, cheeks pink. You weren’t sure it was an invitation, but you pulled yourself to him and ran your tongue over his. The demon behind you followed your body, trying to maintain contact.
Angel’s eyes rolled closed, tongue pushing into your mouth. The kiss interrupted again and again as the repeated pounding into your holes pulled your lips apart, your entire bodies moving in rhythm.
“Hey!,” Val yelled, “What the fuck are you doing?”
Angel smiled at you, “Whats the matter Val?” He strained forward, capturing your mouth again.
“Stop kissing! You’re ruining it!”
“You never kissed a bestie? Awww,” Angel kept his lips near yours. “Val’s never had a real good friend before.”
Val’s antennae bristled, “Pull em apart, they’re making googly eyes at each other. Killing my fucking hard on. I’ve got a reputation to maintain.”
Your bodies were slid away, fingertips still reaching out to each other. You were flipped onto your back, pacing brutal as if making up for lost time.
Angel watched you, mouth lonely. His cock leaking from just a kiss. Reaching down, he began to stroke himself while enjoying his own personal show. Your body bouncing with the thrusts, eyes watery. He arched his back, looking across to where your body connected with the other demon. You looked so wet, so inviting.
“Angel!” Val seethed.
Angel’s closed his eyes, imagining you around his cock and not his fingers. His eyes shot open when he felt hands on his face. His fear dissolved into relief as he saw you had scooted back towards him, pulling him down for an upside-down kiss. Breath hot, he moaned into your mouth.
“Uh Boss, should we stop em again? It’s kinda hot.” The shark demon behind Angel slowed.
Your fingers slipped through his hair, bringing him deeper into your kiss. There was nothing else in the room anymore but you and Angel. Tongue rolling over tongue, breathy moans exhaled and inhaled.
Val shook his head, “Let the little sluts kiss. If they wanna ruin my shoot so badly, be my guests.” His eyes aglow, Valentino exhaled his toxic smoke throughout the studio, sinister grin spreading across his face.
The demons continued as directed, you and Angel not having noticed the interruption you had caused. Angel’s mouth left yours, head resting on the mattress.
“Val’s going to kill us,” you tried to remember the name of the wolf demon pounding into you, knowing you had some sort of lines.
Angel’s teeth nipped your ear lobe, “He’s gonna do that anyway.”
You moaned, “Feels good when you do that.”
“Yeah?” The wolf asked. You wanted to kick him in the neck.
“Uuh, yeah. You… fuck me so good, Daniel.”
“Donny.” He corrected.
Angel got back on his elbows, “Literally no one cares, David.” Whispering now, “Roll over and come ‘ere.”
Douglas didn’t seem bothered, you using your feet to stop him and twisting around his cock to get back on your knees. The demons whose names neither of you cared to learn followed you again. Angel was pressed into you, two arms holding you against his body, one arm on your cheek, a fourth finding its way to your clit.
You gasped, Angel licking up your neck and chin as his hand expertly rubbed you. Regaining some bit of your brain, you reached down a hand to his cock. It was slapping against this stomach in time with the thrusts. Your hand only need to grip him, the other actor basically fucking him into your grasp.
Angel’s head craned down, sucking bruises into your collar bone, “I wanna fuck you so bad, it hurts.” Another whisper into your skin.
“I thought you didn’t like me,” your words faded in and out, volume jumping as your pussy took hit after hit. Angel’s hand electrifying every part of your body.
Angel pulled you as close as he could, bringing your hand from his cock to hold in his. Now him and his pre-cum were rubbing along your stomachs, pressed together tightly. “Wrong. So wro-uh.” Eyes rolling back, Angel’s words fell apart.
“You close?”
He nodded.
“Want me to count you down?”
A more frantic nod.
You leaned in to kiss at his neck.
A long drag of your tongue up to his ear.
A kiss to his cheek.
You bit at his lip, pulling it with you before letting it go.
Angel clenched his eyes, grip on you tightening as he came across your stomach, thick and hot. You heard the other actor moan, Angel’s ass tightening with his release.
You took the chance to kiss Angel again, lips soft and swollen from the long shoot. His cum dripped down your stomach and found its way to his hand, adding more lubrication to your wet pussy. Angel’s fingers eagerly used his seed to slip and slide over your clit.
The feeling pushed you into your orgasm, legs shaking as you tried to stay up. “For fuck’s sake,” Val could be heard shouting just past the studio lights.
Drawing him in for another kiss, less deeply now, lips sometimes on lips, and sometimes the chin and the cheek.
You stayed, holding each other, through the shoot. The other actors finishing their parts, cumming and making some puns about bosom buddies. When everyone else left the scene, and you two broke apart your hungry mouths to consider getting cleaned up and dressed, the air grew thick around you. Heads swimming now, a horny haze fell on set.
“Bravo, bitches. You ruined my shoot, only fair I get to ruin something now.” You both turned to see the lights gleaming off Val’s glasses. “Where should I start?”
My general tag list is called the Horny Little Deer Cult! To be tagged, you are more than welcome to ask to join
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mvniro · 16 days
won't you kiss my tears away, i look pretty only for you anyway.
tw ; dilf!dazai, daddy issues, fem!reader, older!dazai, a bit of a snippet from my dilf!dazai fic xoxo.
mmm . . . imagine sitting on dilf!dazai's lap and whining as you try to make him stop from kissing and sucking on your neck to leave lovebites, not putting any actual effort cause one -- you are tired from having a breakdown and second, you don't really want dazai to stop.
imagine dazai's tongue licking you neck before he begins to suck that spot, that one sensitive spot you have, it makes you whine as you complain to him to not leave marks but the arrogant man only chuckled, not stopping.
you dug your nails into his shoulders as you whined at him to stop, the sweet pain causing him to let out a small breathy moan mixed with a hiss. he didn't stop, he only bit you harder as a response.
in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping, you are straddling dazai's lap, in his office as you whine and whimper in pleasure at his bites and kisses.
you gasped as you dug your nails a bit too hard into his shoulder, immediately you pulled back your hand and stuttered out a shakily apology. your emotions were still high from your recent breakdown and so, your eyes got teary again at the thought of how much it must've pained him.
dazai's expression grows panicked and worried as he cupped your cheek, tilting your head up to press a kiss on your wobbling chin and and at the tip of your nose.
"shh. shh, i am fine sweetheart. it was just a scratch. doesn't even hurt. you didn't hurt me, okay? don't cry. I'm fine." he cooed as he continued to press soft kisses on your cheeks, chin, tip and bridge of your nose, between your eyebrows and over your eyelids with each word he spoke.
you don't answer as you know if you try to speak, only more broken sobs will leave your lips so you sniffle, continuing to look and nod at dazai who is oh so gentle with you.
you lean up to press your lips against his for a shaky and messy kiss, pressing your lips against his even more to feel as much as you can of his lips moving against your's, his tongue teasing you, his sighs and breaths which hits your own lip or mouth.
you look down after the kiss, unbuttoning his black shirt and pushing it down his shoulder (the one you were digging your nails into) to see small beads of blood merged into his bandages.
"sorry osamu." you whisper shakily, leaning down to kiss his shoulder, ". . really, 'm sorry." you continue as you kiss his shoulder with each apology you mutter.
dazai hums, brushing your hair back with his fingers. he leans forwards to kiss the top of your head, muttering, "go ahead and cry all you want little girl."
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hazbinwhoree · 4 months
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Adam x F!Reader Smut
You’re a child of a demon and a human, considered dangerous by Heaven despite you not even knowing how to use your powers and just living a normal human life. Adam was tasked with keeping an eye on you, and months in your unspoken attraction for one another boils over.
For all my bitches as depraved as me.
Requests open
Adam had never wanted a woman so badly in his life. Well, except maybe Lilith. But not even Eve had driven him this mad.
It was late one night and he was watching (Name) sleep. Totally not a creep. (Name) twitched in her sleep. She made a small noise and Adam came to hover over her bed, half checking on her and half just being nosey.
“Mm,” (Name) mumbled something incoherent. Adam leaned over her. “Adam,” she moaned softly in her sleep. “Adam~”
Adam was both taken aback and thrilled. Was she dreaming about him? In a naughty way? Adam grinned, sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight.
He climbed onto the bed positioning himself over her, and woke her up. (Name) gasped when she registered Adam basically pinning her down without touching her. He was so close.
(Name)’s thighs rubbed together. “Were you dreaming about me, babe?” Adam teased. “Tell me, what was I doing to you in that dream~?”
(Name) blushed, looking embarrassed. “It was nothing!”
“Well you were moaning my name so it doesn’t seem like nothing.”
(Name) pulled the covers up to her face. Adam yanked them back down. “Don’t be embarrassed, doll, it was hot.” His eyes hungrily roamed down her body and (Name) felt heat in her core at his gaze. Adam leaned back on his knees to shed his coat, before leaning back over (Name) and lowering himself so their chests touched.
“Do you want this?” He was uncharacteristically quiet. “Yes,” (Name) mumbled, biting her lip. Adam put a stop to that with his lips on hers, his tongue pushing into her mouth. With his knee he nudged her thighs apart and settled between them, rubbing his erection against her crotch.
“Adam,” (Name) moaned more coherently. Adam pulled back and began attacking her neck, biting and sucking his marks onto her. (Name) tried to push his head back, the sensations becoming almost overwhelming, but Adam didn’t budge, instead he grabbed her wrists and pinned her hands tightly above her head.
(Name) gasped, hips bucking up and pressing Adam’s hard-on roughly against her core. Adam groaned, growing desperate. He’d wanted this for so long.
Well, not really considering how many years of existence he had under his belt, but it felt like forever.
He pulled off of her neck an released her wrists for just a moment to pull her shirt over her head, and pull down her shorts. He knew for a fact she didn’t sleep with panties. Dirty girl~ But it only served to benefit him.
He yanked down his pants and boxers, kicking them off unceremoniously before climbing back on top of (Name).
With both of them now naked, (Name) got embarassed again, covering her eyes with her hand. Adam grabbed her wrists and pinned her hands above her head again. His other hand fondled her breasts, going back and forth between the two while kneading the flesh and tweaking her nipples.
He pressed himself between her legs, wanting desperately to penetrate her, but he could feel she wasn’t wet enough yet. His hand abandoned her chest and moved down to her pussy, swiping his thumb across her clit.
(Name) gasped, then moaned as Adam inserted two fingers. He leisurely pumped them in and out for a minute before adding a third finger to stretch her. “Fuck,” (Name) sighed. He pumped three fingers in and out of her much harder, hoping to prepare her for the brutal pace he would set as soon as he was inside of her.
“Adam, I need you,” she whined, and it was music to Adam’s ears. He figured he’d prepared her well enough. She’d told him once that she wasn’t a virgin so she should be fine.
He released her wrists to line himself up with her entrance before thrusting in all at once. (Name)’s back arched and her mouth opened but no sound came out.
Adam pinned her hands again, but this time he pinned each on either side of her head with his own hands, intertwining their fingers. Then he began pounding into her, not bothering to start slow. (Name) cried out, squeezing his hands.
He swallowed her sounds with his mouth on hers to keep her quiet. His hips snapped against hers as he roughly thrust, the sound of skin on skin and muffled moans breaching the silence of the quiet room.
Adam released one of her hands and she immediately grabbed onto one of his horns with it. He snuck his now free hand between their bodies to pinch her clit, making (Name)’s back arch again.
Unlike how he felt for the many women he’d banged, he actually cared to make (Name) cum.
She was immediately getting close as soon as he started giving her clit attention, Adam could tell by the way she shook and spasmed around him.
“Cum for me, baby, let go,” he coaxed. “Cum on my cock.”
His unholy talk sent (Name) over the edge, and she came with a muffled shout, squeezing around Adam so tightly that he came quickly after. He buried himself as deep as he could go when he came, painting her insides white.
“Gonna put a triple hybrid baby in you.”
(Name) shuddered.
“Hah!” Adam laughed, still inside of her. “Told you I’m the Dickmaster.”
(Name) rolled her eyes. “Pull out, Adam.”
Adam obliged, snickering when his cum dripped down her inner thigh. He collapsed on top of her and (Name) grunted from his weight. He shifted until his weight was comfortably spread, burying his face in her neck. He kissed a hickey he’d made, admiring his work.
“That was great, sugar tits.”
Adam braced himself above her on his elbows, an indignant look on his face.
“The fuck you mean ‘eh’?”
(Name) rolled her eyes. “Fine, it was enjoyable.”
“A bit more than enjoyable if your orgasm was anything to go by,” Adam teased. He cuddled back into the crook of her neck, slipping both of his arms under her back and holding her close.
“I do care about you, you know,” he admitted quietly.
“…I know.”
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*Before the creation of Hell*
Sera: So what did you get Deadpool!Reader for their birthday?
Elder Angel: I got them a kitten
Young Emily: Really? Me too!
Michael: I also got them a cat.
Sera: Looks like we all had the same idea
God: *sigh* [Looks at Lucifer] Please tell me you got them something other than a cat.
Lucifer: I got them a kitten...
[Cut to Reader staring blankly as they are surrounded by cats]
Reader: *Inhales* THIS IS BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!!!
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