#anti cats
k--havok · 8 months
@starlit-hopes-and-dreams suggested I share my cat-related horror stories that have scarred me for years to the point that, to this day, I refuse to own a cat.
I have 2 stories, one a little longer than the other.
TW: My stories contain the neglect of cats (and a beta fish), so if you're sensitive to that... I suggest not reading further.
Story 1
As I mentioned before, I am very sensitive to "cat smell" which is what I have dubbed the ammonia-like stench that seems to permeate most houses and people who have cats. I'm so sensitive to it I can smell it whenever one of my local pet stores has a "caturday"
A person who I was friends with at the time dragged me to one of these caturdays one a day we were planning on hanging out due to her dad randomly deciding they could get a cat.
There was no prep for the house to get a cat. They already owned two senior dogs, one of which was blind, who did not grow up with cats and were never really around cats.
I took her to the pet store after she got some cash from her house and helped her buy all the supplies for said cat... and then she had to actually pick out a cat. She eventually picked up a tabby who did not like being put in the cardboard carrier. Driving her and the cat home nearly gave me a heart attack I am pretty sure. Especially sine I am very protective regarding my car and did not want the cat to bust out and possibly hurt itself, us, and my seats. There was also the cat-smell. Which stayed in the car for several days after this trip. Eesh.
Anyways, after that kerfuffle I let her get settled with her new pet... feeling a bit worried for the cat. This girl was well-known to forget to feed her beta fish for weeks on end. Why her parents decided she could get a cat... I do not know.
This cat made multiple escape attempts, which was not hard as they had a doggy door for the two senior dogs.
As bad as the cat escaping was, its litter box conditions were bad. See, she did not clean it all the time (even tho she promised her parents she would) and they made her move it out of the laundry room (which kinda makes sense for a litter box) into her carpeted room. Next to her bed.
I visited her one night and her room stank. I could barely breathe. Not only that but litter was everywhere. In the carpet. On the TV stand. Even in the bed. I decided to go sleep on the couch as I could not stand how nasty everything was. And when I got home I washed my clothes and took the longest shower I could. My clothes were permeated with cat-smell and I had to wash them twice to get it out.
I fell out of friendship with this person due to how... childish she was. When all this was taking place, she was like. 22 years old. Her disposition really affected our friendship and it had to end. I don't know what happened to the cat but I do hope it was ok. Despite the gross litter box, and it escaping twice, it wasn't in any danger. It was chunky, the dogs ignored it, and the parents seemed to be keeping an eye on it.
I will note, before I go to the next story, one other incident. She kept buying like... Iams or purina or whatever. And listen, I don't know much about cat food, but I do know dog food and what shitty dog food looks like. And it was shitty cat food I'm pretty sure. Well the cat kept getting sick so she took it to the vet and long story short she had to change to a different food that actually had nutrients in it. And she bitched about how the new food cost more. She bitched about this constantly.
And she was not destitute! She worked a full-time job and the majority of her budget was spent on fast food daily and clothes. She did buy the new food but boy she would not shut up about how much she did not want to. Like... girl having to pay for a pet is like. Pet Owning 101.
Story 2
This one is a little... sadder. I had a friend who had two cats that he got to help with his depression and to make his apartment feel less lonely when he was kicked out of his parent's house. And in the beginning years the cats were very well taken care of.
But then the pandemic hit. Personal life and mental illness hit him. And his life was not the same.
His now-wife's grandfather passed away suddenly and he had to help her and her family drive across the country to attend the funeral. Her parents are very cheap and did not want to get plane tickets, even tho the drive would be over 20 hours. On top of that, his wife cannot drive, so he also went to make sure they got up there safe and could switch around drivers since they were going to drive straight up there with no overnight stops.
They would be gone for at least a week, maybe more, so he asked me and my partner to watch the cats for him. I went in the evenings and my partner went in the mornings.
Now the last I saw this apartment it was a little messy but nothing worse for wear. When I entered after years of not visiting due to the pandemic... holy hell. The cat-smell hit me before I even opened the door. I could smell it standing on the other side.
And... god. It was a hoard home. That could not be denied. Things were everywhere. Rotting food in the kitchen. Clothes and trash piled up in corners and all over the floor. And worse, the floor was carpet.
He, like my friend in story 1, kept the litter box on carpet. Except this litter box was an open one with no cover. And the cats were not the most well behaved and liked to kick the litter out. Litter was all over the floor. And so was poop. Cat turds were everywhere, some just sitting there, some smushed into the carpet. And speaking of the carpet... he fed the cats both wet and dry food. The wet food he did not put in a bowl. He just peeled back the little containers and set them on the carpet. And the cats would knock over the containers, the wet food spilling out, and would smush it into the carpet as well as they ate it. The entire carpet was brown rather than beige and crusty as well.
The dry food went into a flat, oval-shaped dish. When I first went to feed them, I picked up the dish and looked for a trashcan to dump out the old food. Well my friend left his trash can full. And he had no trash bags. So I had to go get trashbags. And when I did go to dump out the old food... only part of it came out. Half of the food was completely crusted to the bottom. I went to find a papertowel to scoop it out. No paper towels. So another trip to the store.
I could not get the food out. It was crusted so badly that it would need to be deep cleaned. But... I think ya'll get the picture. No dish soap.
Now, another part of this story is how skittish these cats were. They would flee like cockroaches as soon as I entered the apartment. So I decided to Pavlov' them. They came whenever I shook their treat can, so I made an effort to give them treats whenever I first entered the apartment, whenever they came up to me willingly, and whenever I left. The first cat only took 2 days to catch on. She'd be meowing at the door for treats as soon as she heard me unlocking the door. The second took almost all week, but by the end of it, I could pet both of them and have them come up to me sans-treats.
Now the second cat, when he finally came up to me, I realized he had some matted fur. Both these cats were long-haired. And his matted fur was around the neck area. I looked for a brush and... okay, yeah ya'll know what is coming next.
Well, I fed him treats, and using my fingers, I did my best to gently brush out his fur. I couldn't get the entire knot out, but I did manage to smooth his fur out somewhat.
When my friend got back, I gave him an earful about brushing the cats fur. He said the male cat did not like his fur being brushed. I told him to buckle up butter cup cause it still needs to be done even if the cat did not like it. He had no answer regarding the full litter box he left me and my partner nor the food crust or anything else. His now-wife agreed with me on the state of the apartment and said she'd been bugging him about everything but... yeesh.
Well, he moved from there and I briefly visited his new place. In the new place, the cats are only allowed in one of the bedrooms. Altho he had only lived there for a month, the cat-smell punched me yet again.
There was no poop in the carpet, but there was litter and wet cat food already starting to crust.
Besides the fur and gross living conditions, the cats seemed fine. Claws weren't overgrown, healthy weight, normal behavior (even tho they were skittish).
I did not really know what to do in such a situation. I just let him know how I felt and chewed him out. He said he would start cleaning out their bowls better, claimed he cleaned the litter box every other day (lies but I don't own cats... and maybe his do poop that much....), and promised to start brushing out their fur. He really does love his cats, but I also know he is not taking care of them, or himself, as well as he should. As gross as the living situation was, he was also living in that mess too. But its still incredibly sad. I thought about calling animal control or some society to take a look at the situation, but sadly, there are already too many animals out there in foster homes. And besides the living conditions, the cats were fine. Up to date on all shots and everything. Unless they were physically being harmed or had signs of neglect minus some knotted fur (like being underweight or had wounds), I figured not much would be done.
Either way, I did what I could. I avoid this friend a lot now. And furthermore, the second situation is what scarred me. I cannot overstate how disgusted I was. To this day, I do not own a cat. And I cannot see myself owning one anytime in the near future either.
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blueengland · 8 months
Personal opinions that get me killed: I don't like internet cats. Yes if I see one irl I'll explode, but they're overhyped and omnipresent on the internet. It's annoying.
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iiammrandi · 4 months
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Lena losing her patience and furiously berating Gwen for potentially endangering the staff members of the OAIR is quite literally the opposite of how Elias ran the Archives.
Elias used the Archival staff—as well as his Archivist—as pawns that can be readily replaced as needed. His patron offered them minimal protections at best (the Archivist’s privileges notwithstanding), and even then, he would never actually intervene to save any of them if they were in danger, much less take precautions to protect them at their headquarters. They are used as bait, as sacrifices, as currency, as objects. The listener knows, eventually, how easily he could discard them if his plans called for it.
But Lena. This episode showed us that Lena keeps her entire organization running through keeping her subordinates hidden, safe, and unnoticed by the Externals. It’s quite clear through her conversation with Gwen that such a safety risk has never happened before.
As far as we know, Lena has successfully kept all of her employees alive, watched them come and go, bemoaned the turnover rate, and then got them to look the other way while they documented and dutifully filed the horrors.
But most impressive of all, she’s kept her real work hidden from her subordinates, and her subordinates hidden from her real work—a feat Elias had no interest or desire to accomplish.
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i-am-aprl · 5 months
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Israel is targeting journalists
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wanderingcritter · 1 month
I think we need to normalize using "people" as a species neutral word.
Like idk in my brain the word people just doesn't automatically = human. To me it's just a way to signify intelligence and individuality, and to emphasize the need for respect towards another creature, not specific to any one species.
Dogs can be people, mice can be people, dragons can be people, humans can be people, birds can be people, elves can be people, robots can be people, and so on.
It's also (in my opinion) just much easier than always saying "beings" or "individuals" when referring to varying assortments of creatures.
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jude-us · 6 months
White trans people telling trans men who like to dress feminine that they do it because they “enjoy the privileges of white womanhood” is a really good example of how certain white people weaponize racism to justify anti trans masculinity. Also using POC this way without even acknowledging the existence of brown and black trans men is in fact racist!
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barkatthemoon · 2 months
“you should smile more!” smiling is a threat. its baring your teeth. its aggression. animals don’t smile so i won’t either. two-leg bitch
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Comrade Cat and Comrade Crow say “Free Palestine!”, and tear down the symbols of the occupation. [video]/[video]
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kittyregime · 7 months
"I would've helped Anne Frank" You can't even denounce Hamas.
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anarchycatss · 9 days
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k--havok · 8 months
🔥 cats!
Oh man this is a real topic of contention for me... and I am not being sarcastic! I hope I don't lose followers lol
So I don't really mind cats all that much. I've never owned a cat actually, as my dad didn't like them growing up and my mom didn't want a litter box to clean.
Cats themselves are fine, minus me finding them unhygienic. But the reason I find them kinda gross is mainly the owners I've met over the years and how sensitive I am to what I have dubbed "cat smell" which is an ammonia-like stench that just. Permeates everything.
Hell back when I worked retail, when people would bring in clothes they wanted to return, I could smell the cat on said clothes just as clearly as I could see white hairs on a black tee-shirt. It doesn't help that the majority of cat owners I know personally are both annoying about their cats and also do not clean up after them properly. I've found the few houses I've been in that have cats but no smell are those who have those self-cleaning litter boxes, or are people who clean the litter box twice a day rather than only once or once a week (yikes!)
Another thing is the trailing litter... again for the owners who do not clean up after their cats. Litter is everywhere. And then said owners let their cats jump up on the dining room table or on kitchen counters.... EW!
But... minus all that I do not mind cats themselves. They can be really sweet, fun to play with and watch, and can be cuddly.
It's just the smell. And the annoying owners. And those who don't clean up properly after them.
I also have more than 1 horror story regarding gross cat owners and litter boxes if anyone is curious. One of said horror stories just. Shook me to the core so much that to this day I refuse to get a cat. One day I'll get over it... maybe. But not anytime soon.
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naomiknight-17 · 7 months
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Once again, my mines go uncrafted
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serendippertyy · 4 months
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⚠️yes I pirated it and yes i am very critical of it and no i am not a vivzi supporter⚠️
random character to do first i know but mueheheh i have been itching to get my hands on this guy for so long, he NEEDS a dad bod and it physically pains me that he doesn't,, I had to do something about it!!🗣️🗣️
not sure how I feel abt the wings tho I did make them look clipped, but I basically wanted to hide the card symbols all throughout the design heehee
this is basically the first draft of this redesign that got a bit carried away, so it isn't perfect but my lord I had a Vision 🐈‍⬛
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cloverplover · 5 months
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<< pick up the receiver, i'll make you a believer >>
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