#anti noah puckerman
blaintism · 1 year
So if you could cut out one main character who would it be? And which character would you give more to?
honestly this has been in my inbox for a while (sorry, i've had an extremely eventful past few days) and in the time I've been thinking about it I'm not sure I'd cut anyone out but instead use certain characters differently? my first thought was Brittany because I dislike what the show did with her but it's not like i think she shouldn't be a character. they exaggerate how stupid she is for comedic relief to the point that she doesn't represent anything of a real person, and we're not supposed to take bad things she says seriously, but then were supposed to take certain emotional moments with her seriously. but i don't care about those and often feel offended by the "jokes" made with her. I feel like they had to pick a lane there, make her just comedic relief in the background or a more serious character. and god less jokes that are just "she makes a rude comment about each person in the room." i'm not laughing i'm rolling my eyes
also i wish puck wasn't in the show anymore after season three. they do some henious shit with him in season four that's so uncomfortable to me
who should have more? tina. tina all day long tina always tina should be in everything. give me tina with her parents give me tina adoption storyline?? give me tina kissing girls as the pilot would imply. more tina
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tophsazulas · 7 months
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I hope Jay doesn’t get fucked over like Jake did.
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tuiyla · 2 years
I finally found someone who shares my views 🙌. You honestly have no idea how hard it is to find someone like that in glee fandom I’m not even joking. I was wondering if you could help me I’m trying to see about protagonist centred morality and how narrative lets them get away with shit and I was wondering do you have a top 5 moments of bad things finn, schue and puck did? They are the only 3 who seems to get away with everything on the show
Okay wow, I don't know how a month went by since you sent this but here we are. Hi Anon. I'm not sure which views in particular you're referring to lol but IIRC it was the anti Finn and general anti Glee's shitty framing posts, right? Well, in any case happy to be someone people can relate to.
I'd love to hear more about whatever project it is you have going on because it's a fascinating topic. Sorry I couldn't be of help earlier but I'm hoping you'll reach out if/when you see this. Anyway, to start off the actual reply I'll just say that I'm not sure I'd lump Puck together with those two. For me, Finn and Will exist on a very unique level where they show seems wholly unaware of or unwilling to discuss their bad behaviour. Puck, while he does do yucky things and sometimes without repercussions, is overall considered to be a bully from the beginning and has themes of people expecting the worst from him and him doubling down on that. So I wouldn't say he gets away with everything. What he does get away with is pretty heinous, though.
So if we're specifically talking weird narrative framing and a disconnect between what Glee portrayed and how it treated that behaviour, we'd best start off with just that. This isn't an ordered list so rearrange into a top 5 as you see fit.
Puck gets Quinn pregnant: Even my own wording here is much more diplomatic than the actual scene deserves. I've gone into detail before and I can dig up those posts if you'd like but bottom line is that Glee views this as a consensual act between two foolish kids that has serious consequences. The narrative blames them equally, though tbh Quinn a little more because misogyny. But what Glee shows the viewer in 1x22 is an extremely dubious situation with Quinn verbally hesitating and Puck pushing more alcohol on her, not to mention the reveal that he lied about protection thus committing an act of assault in and of itself. Because this was 2010 and written by three men, they saw nothing wrong with this. To modern audiences, it's hard not to view Beth's conception as very questionable, at best.
Finn is the hero in Santana's coming out: I don't wish to dwell too much on this because frankly I've done so enough and it's self-explanatory. Also it makes my blood boil lol. It's mindboggling how they actively retcon Mash Off in IKAG and pretend Finn just really cares about her, actually. Disgusting.
Will's treatment of the kids Mercedes in Booty Camp: And really all of season 3 because he acted like his life depended on them winning Nationals Will's almost always framed as this benevolent father figure and the narrative has the nerve to blame Mercedes for deserting. His behaviour towards her was unacceptable and his double standard was glaring. And yet, we needed antagonists for ND and so the Troubletones was chosen to be in opposition. And for that to happen we needed Mercedes to leave. There are a lot of Will moments but I think the framing might be most glaring here.
Finn tells the Fabrays about the baby: All of this could just be Finn's greatest hits and I shall make him take the last two spots because as shitty as Will is, he's less obvious with most of his bs. So this is another thing I keep coming back to because I simply cannot comprehend how and why the show allowed this to be Finn's decision and his only and how it never once considered judging him for it. Regardless of the baby mess and how Quinn treated him, Finn had zero right to announce Quinn's pregnancy and the callousness with which Quinn getting kicked out of her home is treated is appalling. The show doesn't stop for a second to consider that this might not have been for the best, actually.
Finn beats up Brody: Another shitty Finn moment, another opportunity for me to wonder what the writers were smoking. This isn't one I've talked all that much about before but oh boy. How could Glee turn Finn's violent and frankly psychotic moment into something heroic? Something romantic? He beats up a guy for being a sex worker and we're supposed to find it romantic. Even though they're not together with Rachel and all Brody did was lie. Which was an issue but Glee never deals with that, no, it judges sex work wholesale and has our hero violently attack another guy. Only for Rachel to swoon at the knowledge that Finn would do that for her. Girl, get a restraining order.
So yeah, I hope that was along the lines of what you were looking for. Obviously there's a lot to be said about each and I really focused on kicking Finn while he was down (funny how people do that, huh) but Will's framing is constant throughout the series. Like I said, I disagree about Puck but he does have this one big one and some smaller instances.
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inlovewith-icecream · 2 years
i'm curious - besides finchel, what do you think about rachel's canon ships?
Ooh, good question. Well, obviously I’m no Finchel stan (as you know by now lol) but I absolutely adore her and Jesse. I love them as famous bisexual wife and husband in the finale. Couple goals 🥰. Though at the same time, I can actually get why people don’t like them, the egg thing was not cool.
Samchel is the other one I kinda like…Okay hear me out. They were really not necessary at all and all this did in the end is make Sam just get with every OG girl, but as a couple they were kinda cute. Probably the only Sam relationship I like, lol.
Brochel isn’t one I’m too interested in. I’m pretty neutral on Brody and I wasn’t really interested in his scenes with Rachel. Also there’s the lying to Rachel and while Finntana were totally out of line there it still rules him out as being her love interest for me 🤷‍♀️. Though the way the show handled it was gross.
Puckleberry…Yeah, I don’t get it, sorry. Probably just because I hate Puck and don’t want him near any woman (though I guess the same could be said for Sam lmao) but also I just didn’t see the chemistry. All they did was dare an episode, come to the realisation they both mutually pine over Fuinn, then cheat on Finn. I mean maybe that’s an oversimplification but yeah they’re just not for me, sorry.
Aaaanndd I think that’s it! If I missed out a dude let me know. Though I guess it’s pretty clear I’m a Rachel/Girl enthusiast by this point. Hope this answers your question.
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angelhummel · 1 year
Quick brought out the worst in each other, not the best
i could agree with that. they weren't good together but also like. they spent so much time being bad in their own way that i almost dont know what their best would even be alsfkjdslfjsd
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moonmoonthecrabking · 15 days
see they had puck and quinn have this dynamic of fated lovers, when they should have made them fight over rachel's affections
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gleekidshooray · 1 year
The way Puck noticed that Rachel would lick her lips before cleaning up if she was slushied with grape, but her literal boyfriend (supposed soulmate) didn’t remember she was vegan. And fed her meat. 😐
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aurumjank · 1 year
AURUMJANK HELLO! I was wondering, what are some of your favorite glee head canons? :D
@sscrambledmeggss hi! Thanks for the question! And, well, it's kind of the hard one for me... I'm not sure about favourite - some of them are just head canons. Be prepared! There's going to be a lot of writing.
1. I mentioned once that I don't believe that Kurt actually had a crush on Finn. It never happened in my world. No, he was lonely, and wanted a male friend, and was influenced by the world around him (telling that you can't be happy without a boyfriend/girlfriend) and so he convinced himself that he's in love. I'm pretty sure he just wanted someone to spend time with him and someone to protect him.
2. Puck is pansexual. I don't have any proof, but he is. At least for me.
3. Kurt settled for Blaine. First, he was scared, and lonely, and tired when they met. Then he ran to Dalton and Blaine was the only student he knew there (and Warblers didn't seem too welcoming, at least for me). Kurt thought Blaine was his only option and so he hang on to him. And then he was afraid that he will never connect with anyone else and that no one will stick around, so he took him back. Twice. (Remember that car ride before the proposal? And the talk he had with Rachel in season 6? I don't think he looked like a guy who's happily in love any of this times... More like "I feel like everyone is abandoning me and I'm terrified of being lonely")
4. And another head canon that's connected ↑ - Kurt said 'yes' to proposal only because of the peer pressure and because he knew that saying 'no' wouldn't be seen as 'not yet' and so everyone would make him the bad guy.
5. Santana was secretly shipping Hevans (I mentioned it once - 'Lady Lips' and 'Trouty Mouth')
6. Santana has a thing for blondes. Just look: Brittany, Dani, Sam and even Quinn. I mean, we all know she just used that cheerleader girl from college, Puck, David and other guys she slept with, but this four actually ment something to her.
7. Sebastian Smythe is fluent in French.
8. Chandler wasn't really flirting with Kurt - he was joking and trying to make a friend. They both were going to be in this big new city next year - it's easier and less scary if you already know someone. Blaine ruined it for them.
9. Kurt is a great cook, can bake and knows how to fix cars (even if he doesn't like to get dirty). He's also fluent in French.
10. The backstory created by actor portraying Adam (Oliver Kieran-Jones) - all true, this is exactly how it is. I also completely ignore the moment that says he kicked Kurt out of Adam's Apples when he found out Kurt was engaged. Adam is a nice fella. He wouldn't. Kurt left after break up so none of them feel more hurt. Or something. But Adam kicked Kurt out? Nope. Never happened.
I think I'll stop on this ten. There's a lot more in my mind, but if I tried to write down everything - I will need the whole night if not more 😅 And you did ask for some favourites, not all of them.
Feel free to share your opinion on any of this and your own head canons - I would be glad to hear it! 😄💜
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ciinelqura · 2 years
posted this on twitter but i wanted to say it here too:
i could genuinely talk all day about how i will never think anyone’s ‘wrong’ for liking a certain character. especially with something like glee where you absolutely need to to pick and choose the parts of the character you actually take into consideration when you say you like them or stan them, you may not think you’re doing this but you absolutely are.
what i mean is that even though i don’t like finn i have the thinking skills to understand that when someone says they like him they’re not saying “i love that he outed santana and called kurt the f slur” and it’s totally hypocritical to act like him doing those things means that no one’s allowed to like him because newsflash… this is glee and the writers made literally every single character do or say something fucked up either because they thought it was funny or that it didn’t matter/that they had written an appropriate arc to address that bad behaviour and it’s our job as a fandom to acknowledge the negative impact these writing choices can have while also allowing people to express their love for this piece of media in their own way.
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marley-bean · 2 years
I have this barely formed headcanon for Quick (🤢). I full heartedly believe that Quinn was with him as a form of self sabotage, or even self harm. Quinn is not in a good mental health state any time she’s with Puck imo.
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satellitesunset · 2 years
A thing I noticed with the Glee fandom as well, is that whenever someone brings up Sam becoming a stripper for money for his family, everyone is apologetic towards him and takes his side.
But whenever someone brings up Puck sleeping with older women (who where grooming him) everyone either bats an eye or blames him. Puck had no parents who genuinely cared to help him (his dad, who kinda verbally abused Puck and used him, is gone and it's shown his mum is very withdrawn and kinda emotionally neglectful towards him and his sister). So he never even had a good role model like we know Sam has.
Neither of them where in control of their situation and we don't know what causes Pucks pool business to be more than that. Even if he did initiate it, it's with women more than half his age and women who are mothers who have kids around the same age as Puck (I'm sure it's confirmed in the episode Kurt becomes the kicker and it's played off as a joke because haha stud sleep with mum of enemy so funny). Even if Sam used his job to help his family and Puck used the money for himself, it doesn't matter.
What matters is they were minors and they have probably been majorly effected. I wouldn't be surprised if it's why Puck slept with many girls since it's the only form of validation he every really received and probably didn't even know if it was deemed as wrong. I'm not using this as an excuse for the bullying or what happened with Quinn but it does explain his actions.
Sorry for the rant but I hate how people blame the victim just because they are either 1-not the best character or 2-it doesn't suit the kind of person they are.
an anon glee rant in my inbox?? in 2022?? it's more likely than u think 😌 anyways my dear anon I do agree with u so I will be providing my thoughts as well.
yeah people's double standards when it comes to defending attractive white boys vs everyone else are fucking irritating to say the least, because while the way it's framed in the show is an undeniable factor in the way it's shown (you're meant to sympathize with sam vs with puck it's played off for joke's and how he should be lucky). it's not *just* that
don't underestimate how much regardless of the way something is written people will interpret it in their own way (example: the scene where Ryder is discussing his SA and both Sam and Artie are like oh you should be lucky that happened (keep in mind I'm not defending either of them) but people will only bring Arties reaction but never Sam's despite that both of them had the same reaction
( Even if he did initiate it, it's with women more than half his age .....Even if Sam used his job to help his family and Puck used the money for himself, it doesn't matter.)
that’s the thing !! puck is the victim here, there’s like no doubt about it !! you cant expect a 15 yo to know better and properly consent especially considering how he’s a child who is hypersexualised in addition to lacking stability in almost every aspect in his life and proper guidance.
yeah i dont think the point of bringing up how fucked up puck’s arc  (and how its perceived) is a justification for what he did (specifically the (non-con) scene with quinn) its just a separate (if in a way related) thing.
dont apologize for it !! i think its worth bringing up.
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tuiyla · 2 years
“We’ve just spent a whole week helping Santana with a secret everyone already knew”
Fuck you Puckerman, fuck you Flopson, and fuck all of Glee while we’re at it.
“Everybody already knew” I will cut you istg not to mention your way of helping her was to sing a song to the teacher you’re fucking and you couldn’t even address Santana without referring to having slept with her, omfg WHY is her worth tied to all these dudes she slept with?? Oh that’s right Glee. hates. girls. Loathes them but not half as much as I loathe Glee
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inlovewith-icecream · 2 years
**TW mentions of rape**
I will never forgive the glee writers for stick Quinn with puck. I don’t care how much he could “see her”. He fucking raped her, and the glee writers thought it was good for her to get with him? Be with him who got her drunk so he could get off for the rest of their days? He did it once, what’s to stop him from doing it again?
I hate Quinn’s fate and choose to believe Dianna’s ending: she gets with Sam and has kids. But honestly, she’d be better off with anybody who isn’t puck
Ohh I definitely agree. I know that wasn’t the intention but that was definitely what it was, no way around it. It’s sad because they could’ve been great if not for this shit. But nope, r*pe is inexcusable, period. Gross. Not a big fan of Fabrevans tbh, but as you said she’s better off with anyone else that’s not her r*pist.
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angelhummel · 2 years
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Glee + Reductress Headlines (81/?)
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backslashdelta · 1 month
Glee ❤️💔
Thank you for the ask!!
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
I know I just went on a Puck rant but I think I have to say Puck for this one too. I feel like so many people just think he's like, this vile person at his core, and from my experience watching and rewatching the show I just think that's not true at all. He has sooooo much depth and character development and really demonstrates a desire and ability to learn and grow and do better, and I think a lot of people don't see that in him.
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
Hmm Will? I feel like we could have had the same or better of a show with a different Glee club teacher. Although that would require a replacement; if I had to pick somebody that couldn't get replaced, maybe Mike? Don't get me wrong I do like him, I just feel like of the main cast he has the least things going on.
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tophsazulas · 2 years
But the way Puck is so selfless with Lauren, Rachel, Beth, and even Kurt compared to how he was with Quinn was very apparent
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