#anti xenosatanist
sadclownfrog Β· 14 hours
Just wanted to specify something because apparently we can't have a single safe space!
Pride month is not for radqueers or xenosatanists
it never has been and it never will be. Go ahead and continue crying saying you're being "attacked" for people telling you that minors and animals can't consent and you will never have the illness you weren't born with. You all disgust me on multiple levels as an ill queer minor. In fact, it's disappointing that a minor has more common sense than multiple of you adults have.
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del3tingalltracez Β· 1 day
would yall be interested in a radqueer survey?
this would be stuff on proship, transids, contact stances, etc
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antiradqueer Β· 7 months
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made by Mod Adam :3c
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antirqvamp Β· 3 months
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πœ—πœš —⁠ why children can't consent .
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πœ—πœš —⁠ a common theme I see , especially in radqueer and xenosatanism spaces is the debate on which if children can or cannot consent .
πœ—πœš —⁠ the simple answer is : no . children cannot consent .
πœ—πœš —⁠ now , you may be asking yourself , " why can't they consent ? they can obviously agree or disagree to things . " and that you'd be correct ! children have the mental capacity to agree and disagree with things , however , for starters , children do not have the mental capacity to fully understand the consequences of their actions and they do not have the full mental capacity to truly agree or disagree to something so big as sexual activity , and second , consent is so much more than just a yes or no .
πœ—πœš —⁠ " Based on age and development, children – even adolescents – cannot fully appreciate the nature and consequences of serious decisions, which is why many areas of law (general medical care, contracts, military service) do not ordinarily allow children to consent. " <- direct quote from harvard university .
πœ—πœš —⁠ " The law recognizes that children are developmentally not able to make decisions about some things, including when to engage in sexual behaviors. " <- direct quote from stopitnow.org
πœ—πœš —⁠ further more , for children , it's harder for them to distinguish the difference between consent and cooperation .
πœ—πœš —⁠ " Additionally, it is easy to confuse cooperation with consent. Cortney Fisher, a criminology and criminal justice professor at the University of Maryland, explains in her book: β€œSexual activity that is prohibited by age or relationship is prohibited regardless of the force used against the child or the cooperation of the adolescent or child. Because of the nature of the crime, there is no legal scenario in which a child can β€œconsent” to the activities. However, due to the nature of sexual abuse and sexual assault, some children may appear cooperative. Cooperation, or the appearance of cooperation, may never equal legal consent.” " <- direct quote from the innocent lives foundation .
πœ—πœš —⁠ " but children can consent ! they can consent to be given hugs and kisses and they can make choices ! " there's a difference between something small like giving your mother consent to hug you , and having sex . it's stupid to compare small things , like normal affection , to something as serious as sex . Yes , children can consent to more minor decisions , but sex is not a minor decision . there's a reason everyone makes such a big deal about " losing your virginity " , it's because sex is such a giant thing in both maturity and social settings .
πœ—πœš —⁠ tl dr : kids brains are too undevelped to fully understand the consequences of their actions , and therefore , cannot consent .
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lol. lmao even
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samijami Β· 5 months
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antiradqueerguy Β· 1 month
Mild debunk
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(I don't believe that the coin listed is the original coin but i haven't found anything to confirm that so if you find anything earlier than NOV 11 2021 talking about radqueers send me a DM)
so going to this site
and clicking "Old Radqueer" you find the original coin that was archived a couple days after the one shown in the post above, scrolling down you find this wonderful post
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well what do those terms mean? glad i asked because scrolling down the coiner makes a post detailing what they mean.
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The (possible) original coiner believed that small children could consent to have sex, and full on admitted to it. right there! like right on their profile only maybe a day or two after they coined radqueer.
which is why i believe that tojiqueer (or whatever they go by now) thinks that the radqueer coiner is the same coiner as xenosatanism, which i couldn't find anything on but the original coiner of xenosatanism was a radqueer, (CW)Dec 4 2021 , like they even use the radqueer tags on their posts there's no denying it.
now this is basically a bunch on crap glued together with elmers and a dream, but if you find anything else reblog because i'd love to see.
Edit: fixed writing error
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halfcorpse-halfghost Β· 2 months
Is it just me, or have I been seeing a lot more radqueers in the #anarchism tag on Tumblr?
The reason why radqueers aren't welcome on my blog is because they romanticize or glorify awful stuff like pedophilia, self harm, etc.
Radqueers, you ARE NOT punk if you're supporting pedophilia, racism, ableism, etc. YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM. YOU'RE ALIGNING YOURSELF WITH FASCISTS.
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freezingnarc Β· 3 months
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† Dissofluffyhair
Pt: Dissofluffyhair /end pt
Dissohairtype subterm related to thinking one has very fluffy hair, which makes the person, whether it be because of delusional or IRL attachments, being an alter whose hair type differs from the body, psychosis, etc., feel disconnected from their external body. This is not for "fun" or voluntary "I wanna be this", this also doesn't override the external body the person has.
This identity is NOT trans/id or rad/queer friendly and are NOT in support for "transitioning" tips/subliminals/advice/etc in cases where it's harmful, furthers misinformation, or appropriative. As well they don't support the fetishization, romanticization, misinformation, etc. of mental illnesses, disabilities, professions, or experiences.
Requested by anon
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† Coined 03.11.2024
† Colors represent different natural hair colors πŸ“ ariso + fluffy + hair
† Tagging @arissodic-archive
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angeliikiit Β· 3 months
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Followers of Starclan [left] | Followers of the Dark Forest [right]
A Ficto-Religion based on Starclan / The Place of No Stars (aka The Dark Forest) from the Warriors series. The specific beliefs are entirely up to user interpretation. Those who are in part of either or both religions do not, and should not, have a moderator or a leader, as it is entirely based on their own experiences.
I do not support fults or fultists for any reason. This term isn't intended to be MOGAI / LIOM in any way, and is just tagged at it is for reach
Blank/Alt Flags
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anti--transid Β· 29 days
i dont think radqueers realize being pro bodily autonomy does not extend to trying to convince preteens/young teens to do sex work
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antiradqueer Β· 6 months
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β€œwhy does tumblr keep banning rq accounts guys?????”
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innoqueer Β· 6 months
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❝πŸͺ½βΈβΈ Purequeer / Innoqueer .ᐟ
β•°β”ˆβž€Λ—ΛΛ‹A queer stance for people who suffered CSA, RAMCOA, Abuse and/or ECSA and are Anti-Radqueer. This stance shows fear and/or aggressive behavior in an defensive way towards Radqueers, Pro-C Paraphiles, Complex-Contact Paraphiles, Neu-C Paraphiles, Radqueer equivalent queer stances, and TransIDs/TransXs. TRANSIDS, TRANSHARMEDS AND TRANSTRAUMAS FUCKOFF, THIS IS FOR PEOPLE WHO SUFFERED ABUSE AND WANT TO RECOVER.
The fear and/or aggressive behavior is caused by: 1. Trauma involving people from those communities; 2. For seeing how much they glorify abuse and ableism; 3. For seeing how much problems those communities did; 4. For being affected by those communities in an bad way (including psychologically).
Emoji Code: πŸͺ·πŸͺ½ (Lotus Emoji and Bird Wing Emoji (Lotus means purity; Bird Wing because Angel and Angels are pure beings and/or related to purity.))
Coined by me.
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Thoughts of this stance:
Anti Thoughts:
Radqueers .ᐟ
β•°β”ˆβž€Λ—ΛΛ‹They are predators, racists, ableists and transphobes who thinks people can be harmful without punishment. They can just don't exist and the world would be better.
Pro-C Paraphiles .ᐟ
β•°β”ˆβž€Λ—ΛΛ‹Pro-Contact means Pro-Abuse, we were Innocent and were groomed into thinking that what we made was good, but feed their fantasies being Innocent isn't consenting.
Complex-Contact Paraphiles .ᐟ
β•°β”ˆβž€Λ—ΛΛ‹We believe that, in order to consent, people have to: 1. have the option to safely say no, without fearing their no could be disrespected or they could receive punishment; 2. be mentally and emotionally mature enough to truly understand what is happening; 3. not be pressured into saying yes in whichever way; 4. have the emotional an mental capability of forming an unbiased and free decision. Animals and Kids can't consent because animals are Innocent such as children, Kids aren't mature enough to understand what is truly happening, animals don't understand most human actions. Complex-Contact is just an excuse for abuse and another way to say Pro-Contact.
Neu-Contact Paraphiles .ᐟ
β•°β”ˆβž€Λ—ΛΛ‹Being neutral in this kind of discourse isn't good and it is at the same level as being Pro-C and Complex-Contact.
TransIDs/TransX/TransRace/TransAbled .ᐟ
β•°β”ˆβž€Λ—ΛΛ‹One thing is change things that are concepts made by the society, gender itself is the only thing that can be transiotioned because it's a concept, it can be distorced simply because even the bible has beings that transcended the concept of gender (especifically angels, demons and god themselves, they all aren't male nor female, only Jesus and Father are considered males by the way they are called, but the Holy Spirit is just called an spirit that can change form). You can't transition to an actual disorder, neurodivergency, disability, trauma, profession, personality, race, age, ethnicy, nationality, murderer, bigot, etc. Also you can't tell you're really that harmful thing but at the same time say you aren't because your trans that thing.
Xenosatanism .ᐟ
β•°β”ˆβž€Λ—ΛΛ‹We see them as the same as Radqueers but worse. Next.
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Neu Thoughts:
Proshipping (in the mean of Problematic Shipping) .ᐟ
β•°β”ˆβž€Λ—ΛΛ‹It's bad because fiction affects reality, there's many news showing that sharks were been killed because of how media portrays them. But we believe you can be a non-open Proship and just do proship fics as a coping mechanism as some proshippers are, but this stance is inheritly anti-proship but we are okay with it being a coping mechanism being made on private and the person don't be openly proship.
Syscourse .ᐟ
β•°β”ˆβž€Λ—ΛΛ‹This depends on who will use, some may be anti-endo, others may be pro-endo, I, the Iudex of Fontaine, am neutral about it.
Good Faith Identities .ᐟ
β•°β”ˆβž€Λ—ΛΛ‹This depends on who will use, some are Pro, others are them, other can be Anti, even if I have an position I am not open about it and don't pester others with my opinion.
Kin For Fun .ᐟ
β•°β”ˆβž€Λ—ΛΛ‹This also depends on who will use this stance, people can be anti, people can be pro, I am Kin For Fun myself but respect the people who are anti, I just do it because: 1. it's an hyperfixation; 2. I feel connected with the character; 3. The character has an backstory who looks like mine; 4. the character have an personality who is like mine. It's more an coping mechanism.
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Pro Thoughts:
Otherkin/Therian .ᐟ
β•°β”ˆβž€Λ—ΛΛ‹We are actually really pro Otherkin, it can be used as an IRL thing, as an spirituality thing, and other ways. Also TransSpecies was made specifically with another meaning made for more than 30 years ago, and we believe that this term can be only used by Therians/Otherkin with it's real meaning and not be used by Radqueers and TransIDs.
Fictionkin .ᐟ
β•°β”ˆβž€Λ—ΛΛ‹We believe people can be Fictionkin and we are pro Fictionkin, this is not dumb, people can feel connected with characters.
Aromanticity, Asexuality, Aplatocinity and their spectrum .ᐟ
β•°β”ˆβž€Λ—ΛΛ‹Everybeing who uses this stance is inheritly supportive of Aromantic, Asexual, Aplatonic, AroAce, AroAllo, AlloAce, AplAroAce, AplAroAllo, AplAlloAce, AplAllo, and their spectrums. As from our point of view about them, they are part of the LGBTQIAP+ community, showing that not always loves win, but respect wins everytime.
ALL Intersex Gender Expressions .ᐟ
β•°β”ˆβž€Λ—ΛΛ‹Intersex is not another sex/gender, but a whole spectrum of things that changes the human body in the part of homones and genital parts. We believe Intersex people can have their own gender expression in all ways.
Bisexuals, Polysexuals, Pansexuals, Omnisexuals and their romantic counterparts .ᐟ
β•°β”ˆβž€Λ—ΛΛ‹People can have people from both binary genders (or even non binary people or ALL genders), not just choose one and just be with this one. As we believe the term "Non-Binary" as an spectrum, bisexuals don't feel attraction for all genders, and yes pansexuals and omnisexuals (as they are specifically for people who feels attraction for people from all genders).
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This term is NOT a joke, as I did a joke before (Infernalqueer) as a bait to the Radqueer community to hate me and I'm not sorry for trolling Radqueers.
I made this for myself and my mutuals to use, but anyone else can use it. (When I'm serious, I write an entire text explaining it rather than just a few words and that's it.)
Credits for the dividers: @/saradika-graphics
Tagging: @chuuyadoesdiscourse, @adorbsies, @antiradqueer
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samijami Β· 5 months
That blog that was sending those hateful anon asks
I keep a tab on it and I just looked at it and
It turned really fucking xenosatanist and uh it had self harm on it but it changed/deleted it and then instead posted the xenosatanist symbol
Oh dear wtf
So yeah I'll mention it so you can report it, they changed their user from superduperpissed to @fuck-ageist-bastards and I'm not afraid to mention them because I don't care anymore
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antiradqueerguy Β· 2 months
If your making a radqueer website i will make a anti website.
i hope they never learn to code
i hope they never learn to code
i hope they never learn to code
So anyway what should be on the website
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freezingnarc Β· 3 months
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† Dissoconcept
Pt: Dissoconcept /end pt
Dissodic subterm related to thinking one is the embodiment of one or more concepts, which makes the person, whether it be because of delusional or IRL attachments, being an alter whose based on the concept[s], psychosis, etc., feel disconnected from their external identity. This is not for "fun" or voluntary "I wanna be this", this also doesn't override the external identity the person has.
This identity is NOT trans/id or rad/queer friendly and are NOT in support for "transitioning" tips/subliminals/advice/etc in cases where it's harmful, furthers misinformation, or appropriative. As well they don't support the fetishization, romanticization, misinformation, etc. of mental illnesses, disabilities, professions, or experiences.
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† Templates
Pt: Templates /end pt
Disso[x]cept is an Dissoconcept subterm related to thinking one is the embodiment of [x], which makes the person, whether it be because of delusional or IRL attachments, being an alter whose based on [x], psychosis, etc., feel disconnected from their external identity. This is not for "fun" or voluntary "I wanna be this", this also doesn't override the external identity the person has.
Disso[x]cept is an dissoconcept subterm in which someone has an involuntary disconnect from their identity that makes them believe they're the embodiment of [x]; it is against transitioning if it is harmful to the user or stigmatizes/appropriates any groups
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† Coined on 03.24.2024
† Colors based on the brain and colors I associate with thought 🌸 disso + concept
† Tagging @arissodic-archive
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