#mod adam
antiradqueer · 7 months
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made by Mod Adam :3c
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divine--tragedy · 1 year
Italian people are not going to appriciate the fact you put their cultural mask on your interpretation of Satan, that is highly offensive.
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italian people aren't real anyway lol
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Callout post!! Sorta kinda!
this post is about @/yourlocalmewtwosimp (he/him, we'll refer to him as Seba) and if you are on the Val n Vals server youd already know whats going on
so PERSONALLY, the issue he had with me is that mf fr tried to excuse himself with his age but then once i revealed AGAIN that i was around his age and that i could relate to his problems he BLOCKED ME?? my boy if you wanted to be edgy dont crawl to adults, take it out with someone your own age
But GENERALLY he just went over and kind of?? spoke without consent to some people who felt guilty enough to lend a hand?? and once the hand was lended he REFUSED??
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The whole thing is that we argued with him like three weeks ago maybe? Idk i dont have congnition of time, but it was a WHILE ago and the main issue was that this guy would not tag his stuff with proper tw/cws (which is REALLY BAD at least in this community i think) and THENNN CALLED PEOPLE SNOWFLAKES FOR NOT "TOUGHENING UP"
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Yeah i know its VERY rich of me to speak since i also was kind of a dick when i was younger not gonna lie BUT MORE THAN ONE PERSON GAVE HIM ADVICE!! anyone of any age reached out to him and tried to be nice about the advice they were giving, one of our mods even went ahead to prevent Seba from any sh attempt after one of his posts about how he was gonna end himself (((i dont like to be that one person but i also feel like that was a lie to get attention, i remember i used to do that so i wouldnt be surprised but AGAIN THATS RICH COMING FROM ME /GEN)))
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long story short if you dont like NOT knowing the possible tw/cws a post can contain, block this guy, as he made it kinda clear he will not give up on his beliefs that apparently hes the one in the right and a TON of people are in the wrong :D
love you guys have a great day xx
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roleplaythecyclone · 10 months
So babes /p
Which of us is gonna play Constance
I’m good with just Jane. what about you guys?
this is a really inconvenient form of communication im ngl. idk which one of u doesn't have discord but since that's out of the equation Do yall got gmail
anyways id offer to take her but like im so bad at writing constance lmaooo
We're desperate at this point and no one's taken the Constance slot dksksks so even though I have little experience with writing her I could probably take her
- Finley
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shittysawtraps · 1 year
it'd be really fucking funny if you met your significant other in a saw trap. like you're at a family reunion and some distant cousin asks how you met and you have to be like "yeah they had to pull out some of my teeth. but the chemistry was great."
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carouselshotgun · 1 year
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kind of obsessed with this photo
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elsa-rain-world-stuff · 4 months
My first region finished!!
But not released yet. Have some sneak peaks
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57 rooms and 205 screens!
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gayfraggle · 4 months
a piece of adamsapple/guitarduck fanart based off a crack fic I read on ao3
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Even though viv's style was an inspo for my art style I am shit at drawing her characters
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dunmeshiminimumwage · 3 months
back when i worked at [large chain coffee store], i tried to unionize my workplace. my manager sat me down and gave me a very guilt trip-y talk. lots of "but i thought we were a family :(" and "you don't *really* know what unionization does, do you?" i played dumb and managed to avoid being fired, but. chilchuck momence.
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antiradqueer · 9 months
Since the most popular PRAT terms are all stolen, I (mod Adam) decided to make flags for the actual definition of these terms to try and take them back :)
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Transage - Age regressors, dreamers, and chronosian people who prefer the term. Can also apply to those who feel sort of “age stuck” due to trauma or neurodiversity.
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Transracial Adoptee - A person of one race or ethnicity adopted into a family of another race or ethnicity.
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Transspecies - Nonhumans or alterhumans who prefer the term.
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Transabled - People with BIID who prefer the term.
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divine--tragedy · 1 year
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I forgot to announce that (it was yesterday ((21 march)))
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adamsstabwound · 4 months
Hi 😚 if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to request a fic – one where Adam's usually tough lover has a rough day and reluctantly asks for some comfort from him. It can be a short fic or even just hcs! I don't mind which one of you writes it, I'd love to get the work of whoever is inspired by this :3 Would love to see how he'd react since I'm sure he wouldn't really be a soft kind of individual :p
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Hi hi hi Mod Balls here how’s it going I LOVE YOUR BRAIN HERE YA GO
A/N: There’s a lot of talk about feeling generally shitty, so like just in case someone doesn’t like that don’t read this!
Summary: You’ve been feeling really shitty lately, and missing your partners gig really was just the cherry on top
That all too well to you known feeling, which settles deep within your ribcage, made itself known again.
It scratched and clawed at your organs as you stared at the neon sign of the building before you.
You hesitated, having already run so late, you just couldn’t move from your bed today, the dreading feeling having encapsulated you.
You texted Adam, four hours ago, that you probably won’t make it to his gig today.
He asked why, but you didn’t want to worry him with the truth so instead you just told him you were busy, and that you’re sorry.
He had read it, but didn’t respond.
Then, just half an hour ago from now, that dreading feeling subsided, and you felt fit enough to listen to your wonderful partners music. And so you texted him, half an hour ago, that you’d be able to make it! Dumb decision, really. What if you felt the dreading feeling on the way there and had to go home again? What, you’re just suddenly busy? You know Adam wouldn’t buy that.
So now, you’re standing infront of the building with the neon sign and staring at the metal door before you, and that dreading feeling is back. And even though you could go home again, you didn’t allow yourself to. You said you’d be there. So you’re gonna be there.
You took a deep breath, inhaling the nights fresh air, before pushing the door open.
It was loud, and there were people everywhere. Some kind of band was playing that you weren’t familiar with, wasn’t Adam and his band supposed to be playing? You looked around, maybe they’re next in line after this band.
Letting the door fall shut behind you, you scanned the room quickly, looking for your fucking ten foot boyfriend to be amongst the crowd. Easier said than done.
People of all shapes and sizes littered the room, a lot easily as tall or even taller than Adam, and as you pushed past them to get near the stage, you couldn’t find your Angel, he was no where to be seen.
Huffing, you took out your heaven phone, checking if Adam responded to your last message at all,
You: I think I’m able to make it sugar, you just wait ❤️ Can’t wait to hear your tunes
Aside from your last message, there were no recent texts other than the ones from four hours ago.
You squinted your eyes at the screen, shoving a hand in your pocket. Adam hasn’t read the message yet, where was he?
You sighed, hanging your hands off of the sides of your neck, and you closed your eyes. You really, really wanted to go back home, it was already so late in the evening. Your ears barely picked up on the current band leaving the stage, and as you opened your eyes something small inside you got excited, you were overwhelmed by stress, yes, but seeing your partner on stage was always so lovely.
A few heads turned to look at who’s playing next, and instead of Adam and his band, there was another band you didn’t know! As soon as they started speaking into the microphone, something about an intro to the song, you left the stuffy building.
Have you seriously missed Adam’s gig? When was he supposed to play again?
Your feeling of dread got worse by the second, taking out your phone you scrolled up your text messages with Adam.
The gig ended an hour ago.
You groaned, holding your face against your phone, grimacing.
Okay. This is fine. He‘ll understand that you had something more important than that gig to do and he’ll understand that you fucking forgot at what time his band was supposed to even play-
There was too much air in your throat, and so you sighed deeply, multiple times.
This went on for a few minutes, just standing in the cold nights air, face against your turned off by now phone.
Then, you texted Adam.
You: Are you home?
Before putting the phone away again you stared at it for a good minute or two, then you started speed walking to Adam’s place.
You had a key, you just wanted to give Adam a hint you’d be there.
As you walked and as time passed, you kept checking your phone, worried that Adam wasn’t answering you. Was he mad? He didn’t even see the message maybe he just didn’t notice? Maybe he’s hanging out with his band friends? With Lute?
Your heart told you he was upset with you, and rightfully so, you told yourself.
Some time has passed, and you were there. Standing infront of his apartment door, you swallowed hard.
And you knocked, and there was no answer.
And so you rang the bell, but there was no answer. So you just stood nervously.
It took some time, but eventually you fished your keys out of your back pocket, unlocking the door.
The apartment was quiet and dark, as you peered through the door, you saw no one. Opting to quietly shutting the door behind you, you put your coat on the coat hanger and sneaked around, searching for Adam. Maybe he just fell asleep?
Your questions were soon answered by the sounds of snoring emitting from the living room.
You blinked, how in heavens name have you not noticed them beforehand? Sighing, you made your way to the living room, peering over the sofa, and- there he was.
Adam was still wearing his robe and mask, laying on his side on the sofa, one wing leaning against the sofa lean, the other sprawled out over the coffee table where his halo lay.
You smile, and lean down, planting a soft kiss on the side of your lovers face, he mumbled something, but you didn’t quite catch it, so you simply leaned up again.
The guilt was eating you up inside, alongside all the other things your brain is stressing you on about, this really was the sugar on the cream now, wasn’t it?
The Angel below you mumbled something again, and your grip on the sofa lean tightened. You’ve gotten to know Adam well enough by now to know that, yes, he mumbles and talks in his sleep, but his words are usually a few minutes apart from each other, so this meant he was waking up.
You heard him whine, and placed a caring hand on the side of his head, gently stroking your thumb over it as he finally blinked his eyes open, leaning into the touch.
„Why are you on the couch?“ You asked calmly, turning the mans head with your hand a bit to the side so he looks at you.
Adam simply hummed, „'was waiting for your late ass“, he closed his eyes again.
And thank god he did, you didn’t know if the guilt was that apparent on your expression- the ‚moon‘-light shining down on it.
„I’m sorry,“ And you couldn’t help the sorrow seep through your voice, and you couldn’t help the grimace you made as Adam opened his eyes again, looking up at you. „Hey it’s- fine man, shit“
Adam sighed, „I just expected you to be here sooner, is all,“ He peered off to the side, clearly upset, even if just slightly.
Your heart sunk for the- God knows what amount of time- that day, just now remembering the plans you two made the previous evening-
„Oh- fuck- Adam I was so focused on that gig the entire day-„ you started, your chest growing heavier by the second.
The Angel in question only quirked his eye brow at you, seemingly confused.
„Thought you said you wouldn’t come?“
You inhaled, „Well- yeah but I changed my mind-„
„Changed your mind-? I thought you were gone because you were busy? The hell?“ he sat up slowly, his wings ruffling slightly, you looked off at them, feeling exposed. „Well I- sorry bad wording- haha- I mean I was busy, but then I wasn’t anymore! So I went to your gig!“ „I didn’t- see you there?“ „No I mean like-„
You sighed heavily, „I completely forgot at which time you had the gig and I went there just a bit ago and-„ you spoke quickly, and Adam raised his brows, „woah babe- babe it’s fine-„ he drew out, stumbling to get up, but managing.
„You don’t-„ he looked nervous? „Have to explain I guess-„ the Angel paused, „Do you need anything-„ he smiled at you anxiously, what the hell?
„No-„ at that Adam couldn’t help but frown, „Are you sure?“
You held your breath, starting a nod but slumping your shoulders. „Ive not been doing well, sugar,“ you manage out, and your Angel blinks at you, before reaching to unclasp his own mask, setting it aside, „Why? What happened?“ That look of nervousness and worry grew more apparent on his face, you don’t recall having ever seen him like this before.
You shrugged, sitting down on the sofa, having climbed over the lean easily.
He sat next to you.
Swallowing, you just stared at your fingers, messing with them, not knowing how to answer that question-
After a long moment of silence, in which Adam was waiting for an answer he didn’t receive, he spoke again, „Did I do something?“ you let out a small laugh and shook your head, „no, no,“
He sighed, and seemed to relax a bit, but he still looked concerned. „Then what is it? Do I need to exterminate someone?“
You give him a look at the suggestion.
„Just sayin‘-„
You sigh, leaning your head on the mans shoulder, he tenses for a moment but quickly relaxes, putting an arm around you, rubbing your side.
„Ive just- I don’t even know why- I’ve just been feeling like shit lately,“ „oh-„
He rubs your side more gently, „Well,“ you glanced over at Adam, seeing him scrambling to find words. „Everyone feels like shit sometimes, it’ll pass? We can- uh“ he looked at you, „do stuff you like? Or- whatever you want! Whatever makes ya happy!“ he tried a smile.
„Well it’s“ you sighed deeply, „it’s not just sometimes- it’s been an entire week,“ and you rubbed your eyes.
Adam squeezed your shoulder gently, and you leaned into the touch. „Maybe cuz- uh-„ he grimaced himself now, he really, really wasn’t good at this, but you felt comforted at the fact that he’s also really, really trying his best.
The room was silent for a moment or two. Maybe three.
„Y’know I was watching this documentary on psychology recently cuz there are so many dumbasses around me-„
You gave him the most deadpan expression in the history of mankind. Adam would know.
The look you gave only made him speak faster „-and they said something about how when you don’t talk about your feeling to anyone for a long time it like- messes with your feels n shit y’know-„
You expression softened, oh so this WAS related to the situation. You tilt your head nontheless.
He looked at you, „What I’m tryna say- if you don’t do the thing for the y’know and time it can be really- oh Jesus fucking Christ-„
You raised your brows. Adam coughed, „may his soul be blessed for eternity-?“ you snickered.
„Just uhm- tell me? Next time that happens? Sooner than later? Cuz y’know the long game of not telling anyone that stuff is like- super shit-„ He huffed, then paused, „That wasn’t an angry huff by the way-„
You nodded, leaning your head on the mans chest, a bit of an awkward position from the way you two were sitting, but it felt right. He started stroking your back gently, „yes?“ „I’ll try,“
You sounded tired, yawning, you nuzzled your face into the mans chest.
„Thank you,“ Adam whispered, carefully pulling you into his lap, holding you. His presence was warm and soft, he felt like a blanket.
„And you?“
„I’ll try as well,“
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ze0wlartist · 3 months
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And along with these.
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shittysawtraps · 2 months
you see john kramer and all his apprentices at the club. wyd?
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sinner-master-adam · 4 months
Have what Adam will end up looking like soon lmao. Goat and Hummingbird motherfucker <3 ]
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elsa-rain-world-stuff · 7 months
Unfamiliar places?
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Something i'm working on with the team (@saelrum @poppy-purpura @lis-zhuk and few more people who doesn't use tumblr)
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