#anyway here's izzy :)
short-king-enthusiast · 7 months
The most irritating thing, is that if you watch season one and then immediately watch season two, everything makes perfect sense. It's a great story. Characters that are vessels for very real emotional storylines and symbolism, but at their core, are silly pirates on a silly pirates show.
However if you watch season one, then spend a year obsessing over the characters, obsessing over characteristics, traits, relationships that are not actually canon but convincing yourself they are. Getting so wrapped up in fanon that your version of the characters and the actual written canon characters are two completely different things. Yeah of course you're gonna be pissed.
Most of the backlash from season two is because people have been reading fanfics for a year and had wildly unrealistic expectations. It's actually fucking fascinating and should be studied. It just keeps happening over and over again in every new fandom and nothing changes
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my-thyla-my-captain · 8 months
the fact that edward keeps stede and izzy in these two diametrically opposed fields. stede in this romantically rose-colored visage where sure he can be emotionally vulnerable with him but not necessarily truthful, meanwhile with izzy he tells and knows izzy sees everything he does, what things truly are at the depths of it, but bars himself emotionally from him. and the thing is both izzy and stede are keenly aware of it, which I think has done leagues in quelling the animosity between them. they both love a very complicated man who doesn't allow himself to be completely himself around either one of them - he's lost them both, after all, when he tries to breech the middle.
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sword--princess · 8 months
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ulgapodatkowa · 7 months
actually if you squint hard enough the show ends on the scene when they're running towards the ship on the beach and frenchie is helping izzy to run. and actually frenchie later on nurses him back to health and they fall in love and on the revenge frenchie is captain and izzy is back to being the first mate. and it's actually peace and love on planet ouizzy.
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seance · 8 months
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kal-fragilelikeglass · 8 months
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anyone wanna talk about izzy in drag for (what i assume is) lucius and black pete's wedding? because i'm feeling such a type of way and it's all positive
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sibmakesart · 9 months
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carmillas-girlfriend · 2 months
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[Source for this wonderful picture of our favorite fisherman here.]
Calling in two experts for this one: @thefandomeffect-noah and whoever is behind @ask-uncle-fang
And also me, I'll share my expert Fang opinion in the tags as well.
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chronicowboy · 8 months
david jenkins understands his audience so well because why did the greatest pirate that ever lived and the gentleman pirate fucking nasty after a first kill before slowing down to make love as fireworks go off and their fucked up little unicorn sings la vie en rose in drag make me feel so downright deranged that i fully sobbed?
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kori-senpai · 9 months
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Glad to see he is taking the break-up well
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iluminaru · 5 months
daily td headcanons
Lauren/Scary Girl is Dawn's niece.
Damien is DJ's distant cousin.
Bowie is Lightning's younger brother.
Izzy and Scarlett are sisters. (bonus) : 1. Tyler is Wayne and Raj's coach. 2. Shawn has a training called "The survivors' club", Axel is his best student. 3. Priya's parents are friends with Sierra. They are so close, Priya even calls Sierra her aunt. 4. Nichelle is a huge fan of LeShawna.
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I'll be honest all I can think of is P!Noah's family react to his tv persona.
Like, they know the littlest of their family is a little unhinged but they know he's not bloodthirsty so they're just a wee bit confused.
(And since Noah has, like, 8 sisters I just like to imagine the rest of their giant family is COMPLETELY normal. Like, they have their own individual quirks like anyone else but they're just normal people.)
If you can't tell one of my favorite dynamics is gremlin x just some guy but in this au it's multiple "just some guy“s and it's platonic.
And they've never actively troed to real P!Noah in either btw. They're perfectly content with their little adrenaline junkie baby brother.
Though it does make me wonder how they react in the P!Noah getting stabbed ask
No, see, this is a part of the AU that I actually have some thoughts for.
P!Noah's whole schtick wouldn't be achievable without the showrunners being aware that he's not really gonna do anything to permanently harm the other competitors- it'd be a PR nightmare to justify having an actual loose canon on the show risking the safety of the other teens. So, at the very least, the producers would know that a lot of his threats of violence or otherwise concerning behaviour are an act. (Or an exaggeration of his wilder tendancies.)
Thankfully, canon has its' own subtle little explanation for keeping someone so 'dangerous' around - Izzy's audition tape(s). In those, Izzy states that she'll do her best to "not be boring", which is probably the line that cemented her inclusion in the show. She's kept around as a conflict starter and an audience engagement device, since her antics are so entertaining to watch.
In a similar vein, in p!Noah's audition tape he explains that he's only auditioning for the show out of boredom, and he mostly sees the whole experience as a relatively quick cash grab - after all, he's wicked smart and plenty talented; it'd be child's play to outperform the other contestants (keep in mind, pretty much all of the OG cast were under the impression that Total Drama was going to be something more akin to a talent-based competition at an island resort). He explains that he's not really interested in the show itself, but it could be fun to spend his summer somewhere new where people don't know him or his eccentricities.
At this point in time, Noah's already got his gameplan planned and set; he's already presenting himself as the stoic and somewhat egotistical bookworm, which honestly isn't too far from his actual personality. Save for his psychotic tendancies, that is. Of course, Noah really is smart - smart enough to know that if he came in guns blazing to an audition tape for what is at it's core a social game, he probably wouldn't be picked.
And then the video is interrupted by one of his siblings, who points out that Noah's idea of "fun" generally consists of tormenting the people around him, providing examples of his more daring pranks from a seemingly endless list.
Then more of his siblings join in, all the while Noah stares towards the camera with a smug smile, which only grows wider - unnaturally wide, with hints of unusually sharp teeth poking from stretched-thin lips - as they share transgression after transgression. The tape ends without elaboration, nothing but a still frame of Noah's sinister smirk.
These pranks themself start off pretty tame sounding, like rigging water balloons full of vinegar above doorsteps. They quickly devolve into Noah cutting the breaks on his teacher's car after recieving an unfair grade, mowing down his classmates on a renegade bumper cart during a school trip to a theme park, and things along those lines. Chris, and more importantly the producers, feel a sense of sadistic kinship with the little psycho after hearing about his dangerous endeavours, and cast him on the spot.
So he's chosen to compete for a similar reason as Izzy; to wreak havoc in an entertaining way, and hopefully to kickstart drama.
His family are fully aware of this, though they don't fully anticipate the gleeful sort of vigour Noah has towards tormenting his castmates whilst remaining undetected... by the castmates. They do, however, expect Noah's sly grins and menacing smirks he throws towards the cameras before each successful prank he pulls off with Izzy. And the blank, uncannily empty stares he fixes towards the audience from the background of challenge footage - as if Noah himself can see through the lens into their souls.
After all, they've dealt with him for his whole life. They know his tricks, they've lived his tricks. The whole family has become accustomed to their baby brother who doesn't fully understand concepts like morality and empathy and, as such, can be a little silly sometimes. And they all know just how committed Noah can be to things he finds fun and interesting.
Their first bout of genuine surprise is during one of his later confessionals, when Noah gets too into the persona he's cultivated and starts portraying himself as violent and out for blood.
In Noah's head, he's just upping the ante of his metasocial game. For his family? They know he isn't nearly as violent as he's portraying himself as.
Sure, he's a little impulsive and thrill-seeking, but he's never had a fascination with blood or sharp objects of whatever else he tries to claim in the confessional. When Noah gets home from his stint on Island his siblings are lining up to berate him for his act - doesn't he realise how dangerous portraying himself as an unstable lunatic for the world to see is?
He justifies that anyone who believed his act is an idiot. It's reality TV - anyone with half a brain knows that things are exaggerated for entertainment purposes. He was just giving the editors something good to work with.
Noah is promptly dogpiled by eight irate older siblings.
(I'm also a big fan of "gremlin & just some guy", in this case it's gremlin & many exasperated some guys who aren't afraid of the gremlin. The rest of his family are perfectly normal people who just so happen to know how to deal with somewhat morally bereft hijinks and tomfoolery thanks to their youngest member. P!Noah has an incredibly healthy home life, he's just like that by design.)
As for the stabbing ask; I'm not sure if I want that little scenario to be "canon" to this AU, (and if it is, it'll be re-written with things like context in mind, as opposed to the shitty sleep-deprived drabble I wrote way back when) but if any of his family witnessed Noah being stabbed on international TV the whole brood would be storming the network's headquaters and/or chasing down the Jumbo Jet to get to him. He's The Baby™, you can't stab The Baby™. (Though, inwardly, they'd all agree that it was karma in action. Noah was tempting fate by playing around with knifes for so long, it was only a matter of time before someone got stabbed.)
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cottoncandysprite · 1 year
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orionsangel86 · 7 months
I know it's considered mean to say, but sometimes the phrase "go touch grass" is really needed in fandom spaces. Like seriously. At least turn off the TV, log out of social media, and go for a walk somewhere with some green. Even a drive somewhere. Get some fresh air. Do something that doesn't involve media consumption. Ground yourself back in the real world. Meditation perhaps? Anything like that. Please. I'm begging you. We all need it for our mental health and if you are at the point where your emotions over fictional characters have caused you to take personal offence to the extent that you are gonna go harass the creators for not keeping the story all sunshine and rainbows all the time believe me, you need the break. You'll feel better once you've had the break.
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peridots-pixiwolf · 1 year
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[Start ID. A drawing of @mieczmaszyna 's character Izzy. In the words of its creator, Izzy is a humanoid robot with a white chassis, oval head, black headset, square green glasses, claws, and a tail resembling a cable plug. Ai wears a cowboy hat, vest decorated by a star and bottle cap, pants with tassels, spurred boots, and a red bandanna. He's viewed from the side, kicking up one leg and holding both arms out in front of itself to shoot finger guns, looking excited and rather jaunty. The background is a dull yellow-green, muddied by the warm reddish tone of the drawing, and in paler green are the words "BANG BANG!!" by ais arms. End ID]
robot cowboy!!!
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totaldramayuri · 7 months
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evzy. blink if u agree
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