#anyway i made that one trans flag a while back so i wanted to make a whole bunch of them
smile-files · 6 months
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some pride wallies!! <3
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donutdisturblivball · 11 months
after rewatching nimona four times since its release (because yes, this movie is just that good), i caught a few little details that just make the whole experience so much better. so, incoming SPOILER ALERT, don’t read this if you haven’t watched the movie yet. speaking of, why the fuck haven’t you?? go watch the movie (and read the comic while you’re at it, some sites offer it for free), then come back and enjoy.
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1. When the Squire gives Ballister his sword, he clearly realizes something’s wrong with it. He’s trained with it for so long that he knew that something was off just by holding it. This detail is something you wouldn’t pay much attention to when you first watch the film, but it’s there to make you realize something is a little off, especially when the Squire attempts to show him the video, but it also has plausible deniability so you could chalk it up to being something else (ie. the Squire wanting a picture with Ballister).
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2. This sneaky line from this sneaky bitch.
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3. Nimona tells us exactly how the movie ends. (Sorta. In a sense. The phoenix rises from the ashes and overthrows the government.)
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4. You can see Nimona sneaking into the jail where Ballister is being kept.
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5. Mini Ballister and Ambrosius! I think a few others have pointed this out before, but I only noticed it upon my second rewatch. (A little surprised younger Ambrosius didn’t have the Asian bob. That’s like a right of passage.)
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6. Nimona’s train backstory versus her flashback.
7. During Nimona’s nightmare on the couch, she turns into a wolf, and then a cat. In her flashback, as the villagers attack her, she turns into a cat and then a wolf. It could be because having her turn into anything else would be too big for the couch, but if this is intentional, then it means Nimona was having a nightmare of that day.
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8. This. Visually, the sparks are sorta similar, and in both instances, Ballister has lost something irreplaceable. I think this one might be a reach and may not be intentional, but my mind connected the two scenes and wouldn’t let go, so.
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Honorable mention: the gay and trans flags above Ballister and Nimona respectively in that one scene. iykyk. I didn’t add it because 1. I think many other people have brought it up and 2. the mobile app is limiting me to 10 images. Anyway, I love this movie and its comic SO much and I’m so glad that it made it to our screens from the box of scrapped movies that could have been great if people (namely, executives) gave them a chance. There is so much love, care, and passion put into this movie, and you can really sense that this was made for its audience and its author, for its story and not only for the money it could make. This movie is metal as fuck, so GO STREAM IT!!
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serpentarius · 5 months
been trying to wrap my head around the cancellation of "Our Flag Means Death" and why it hurts so fucking much. lots of folks who are much more eloquent than I have summed it up perfectly, but I still think it’s important I add my voice to the matter. 
It really, really sucks that the hurt is being compounded on us every time another queer/minority-led show gets prematurely cancelled. and for a long while, we also had to deal with the many shows that deliberately queerbaited us, which was a shitty and traumatic experience unto its own. And even though we’ve largely surpassed that early-‘00s-flavoured brand of queerbait now, mainstream queer media is still predominantly white-led. With the cancellation of OFMD, we've lost one of the very few intersectional queer shows in the mainstream. Shouldn’t we be beyond asking for crumbs at this point? Shouldn’t we get unabashedly intersectional shows helmed by and starring queer, BIPOC, and trans folks without them being axed for no rhyme or reason?
It’s exhausting at this point, honestly. OFMD has done so well in terms of viewership and engagement and fan response—almost entirely due to word of mouth and little thanks to the Max marketing team, mind you—and even still the show got cancelled? Can they make it make sense????
For me, the thing most akin to this OFMD situation was when Sense8 got cancelled. And yes, the fandom fought, and we eventually DID get a movie that wrapped things up years later! That gives me hope for OFMD, that maybe another network will pick it up, or maybe they’ll be able to make a movie someday. But what makes me sad about cases like Sense8 is knowing that the creators still had to force the narrative around the amount of time they were given. That the corporate overlords who only care about numbers and profit dictated how much time they had to wrap up their story.
And it fucking kills me that DJ only wanted one more season. One more season to complete the vision.
I'm just so mad that queer people are constantly being jerked around and used for profit and then left high and dry. And then we're given excuses like "oh there's no budget" or "oh there's not enough viewership, that's all it is". like, sure, maybe those are contributing factors, but then I look at all the useless garbage shows that have little viewership and high budgets that keep going forever and then I think "hmmmm, the math ain't mathing." It's fucking transparent; the corporations can spew all they want with their rainbow capitalism and talks about diversity, but the evidence is clear, and they can't convince me homophobia/racism/transphobia/etc. is not a factor in these decisions.
Anyways, back to OFMD. OFMD made me fall in love with fandom again. I drifted away from fandom for a while in my 20s, and while OFMD wasn't the first fandom that drew me back into the madness, it's certainly the largest. The sheer amount of creativity both within the show and outside of it has blown me away; I've read some of the best fics, seen some of the best art, and witnessed some of the most incredible creativity from people in this fandom.
And let's not forget the role of the show's creators and how they've interacted with us fans. They made us feel seen. And made us feel loved and valid, even when we were being weird and loud and horny. It's so fucking rare to see that. But they understood; understood that the show they made was for us, for any of us who've been marginalized or made to feel Othered or different or stuck in life or unsure of our identities. And they gave us so much love for it.
The story... man. The unique combination of quirky humour and bright visuals and dark, introspective moments, the gorgeous costumes and soft, lovely, unabashed queerness, and veteran actors and new actors all getting to shine, brilliant comedic actors getting to show off their dramatic chops and vice versa. For me, seeing Rhys Darby - an actor I've loved for a long time, but who I never thought I'd see in a leading role - getting to be the romantic lead in a queer role? And seeing acclaimed director/producer/screenwriter/actor Taika Waititi play opposite Rhys, as an indigenous Blackbeard? Fucking incredible. OFMD Edward Teach you will always be famous to me.
Anyways... despite my long ramblings here, I still don’t think I've been able to get to the root of WHY exactly this show has inched its way under my skin and stayed with me in the way it has. Maybe I'll spend years trying to understand it. But I DO know that it's in part to do with seeing both older queers AND a diverse range of queerness onscreen, in a way that I've never seen in media before. I DO know that OFMD has forced me to look inwardly, and allowed me to realize some important things about myself. About my own queerness, my own identity, things I'm still figuring out. I've cherished being able to see myself in Stede, in Ed, and each of the crew members. In Roach’s love for cooking, in Oluwande’s ability to mediate; in Jim’s quick temper, in the way Izzy builds walls to guard his heart. In Buttons’ quirkiness, in Wee John’s sass, in Frenchie’s ability to turn pain into humour; in The Swede’s silliness, in Lucius’ bluntness, in Pete’s soft heart beneath the skepticism. Lastly, OFMD has inspired me. To create, to write, to draw, to devour other peoples' works and worlds while I sit in sheer, overflowing joyousness at their talent.
so yeah. the news of this cancellation is upsetting and hurtful and disappointing. And it's making us cry, and it's making us grieve, and may make us hollow and numb at times because we've lost yet another thing we love so deeply before it was meant to go. It's so much more than "just a TV show". It means more to us than any passive mindless idiotic mind-numbing bullshit - because even though there's a time and a place and a purpose for that type of media, it's the thought-provoking work, the work that creators pour their entire hearts and souls into, that hit us deep in our own souls. The work that changes our lives. The work that has the ability to save lives, as I know OFMD has done for so many. 
please know I'm sending immense amounts of love and strength to those of you who are also hurting. we'll get through this, one way or another, and I'll keep up with the hope that we'll get more someday; but in the meantime, I'm holding you tight. ❤️️🫂
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I still think it's really funny that the "toothpaste"/"listerine" flag I (partially?) made back in 2016 based off an anon's suggestion took off and had so much discourse over it. Because I literally had NO idea about it until years later when I stumbled upon it randomly (iirc) because nobody said anything to my face about it ever. Even now I don't think anyone has said anything to me outside of direct responses of posts I made about it.
Like there's literally everyone across every spectrum of everything either loving or hating the flag for completely different reasons, some of which aren't even remotely true. But somehow it almost never reached me.
I'm just here playing in my mud pit trying to help people make and find flags and terms that make them happy while there's a whole war raging over (at least) one of them around the corner.
Anyway, I got burned out a while ago from making flags because people kept making like 100000 a day with photos and copyrighted images on them and I couldn't keep up so I don't know all the flags the youth are using anymore.
Anyway I just wanted to reiterate that I'm NOT a truscum. One of them took the flag and reuploaded it stating it was the "official" gay man flag and I guess that's when it exploded and people just assumed they made it?
I also still 100% support non-dysphoric/transitioning trans people, bi/pan lesbians/gay men, anyone with "weird" or "contradictory" labels, people with 500 genders or 0 genders or -62 genders, you can detransition, retransition, LMNOP-transition, you can change your sex but not your gender, you can reclaim your slurs, you can do whatever you want forever, just don't be an ass and for the love of cats stop making overly complex flags, they're supposed to be simple for a reason!
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@gayflagblog's version
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Mod Hermy
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s1lly-billy · 7 months
Today (Nov 2) we got another lore stream
1. Juanaflippas reappearance.
The dead eggs came back just for today and we got lots of angst from ALL of the players
Lore wise, this was fucking big. It's now confirmed the "Juanaflippa" that has been hanging out with Charlie this entire time is indeed *not* our old Juanaflippa. This is confirmed because today, the juanaflippa that came back remembered everything.
Baby's first toy
The iron sword
The rap
The missclicks.
But none the less, she was extremely nice and loving to our codey Charlie. She was SUPER physically affectionate and hugged Charlie practically the entire time he was there. She was also super happy to see everyone! But nonetheless, there is some deep shit behind her appearance. She wants Charlie to get rid of the code all over him, wants him to heal, and still wants to hang out with him in the fucking rat king they made.
2. "Juanaflippa" (aka Codeflippa)
An update on what we got from (real)Juanaflippa is that she's completely and utterly not Juanaflippa. She's not at all apart of her and she's not connected to her. But she does know how to immitate her (to a limit ex. The "accent")
I personally don't think Codeflippa has any real intent against Charlie. She genuinely seems to love hanging out with him and meeting new people. She's never tried to hurt Charlie, and I doubt the infection is intentional.
In past streams Charlie has brought up the code to flippa and she said she doesn't know what that is.
She's also expressed fear to her dad about the man. You know, the man with the glasses in the picture.
(I wonder when we get a update on that.)
If she is trying to hurt Charlie and/or infect him she's being put up to it.
(In my opinion)
Possibly by the federation, as they've stated she's a released experiment, or... A failed one.
I'll let you think on that.
3. Slimecicle lore affects (aka Codecicle)
Slimecicle is still under the illusion that "Juanaflippa" is normal and was brought back to life as a gift for his birthday. On a positive note, he's a lot happier knowing for once in his life his egg is here. And she doesn't seem to be leaving. She's happy with him and hes happy with her!
On a negative note.
The code from Juanaflippa has been affecting his body so much and he's just deterioting more and more into code.
And he seriously doesn't have alot of body left before it's taken over completely.
Now while I'm all for a full slimecicle code skin I'm pretty damn sure things are going to go South soon. This arc will be over. And Codeflippa as much as I love her... Shes going to die.
4. Charlie lore but with Cellbit
(Slash lore 💀)
As many know Cellbit is going fucking crazy. He's sick and fucking TIRED of the federation. They're taking his kids and he wants them back. NOW. Cellbit may not like Codeflippa, but he's not above using someone who he believes is using his friend to his advantage. Thus, using Charlie and his absolute murderous will to tear anything apart living or dead for his daughter. Without hesitation.
"In a heartbeat."
Cellbits will to destroy the federation and get his eggs back and Charlies will to keep flippa with him, f0r3√3r. Make the perfect pair! They're going to commit attrocies together and no matter what they're going to protect their eggs at a moment's notice.
Charlies still in a delusion. Not able to see the glitches falling off of everything he has the capacity to feel.
(Also side note I've been trying to split these up better and organize them so they're easier to read and understand for people who struggle with reading, collecting points easily, and multilinguals cause idk any other (qsmp) languages rn so I can't exactly translate these without Google lol sorry for the lil rant)
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pansyboybloom · 4 months
Real Queer America: LGBT Stories from Red States, by Samantha Allen - A Review (8 out of 10)
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"That's precisely the question we asked ourselves on November 9th. To stay, or not to stay? I found my answer at the top of the pride flag: there's no way of course that the color of its first stripe was a commentary on our geographically divided political climate. Red didn't mean Republican and blue didn't mean Democrat until the year 2000 anyway. Red is simply the first color in the rainbow, not a sign from the cosmos for me personally. But back when Gilbert Baker first designed that now ubiquitous emblem of LGBT rights in 1978 he did want that red stripe to signify life."
Samantha Allen, a reporter, wife, and transgender woman who was raised in Utah amidst the heart of the Mormon Church and left the South and its redness behind after beginning her transition, asked herself the questions that many Americans, especially queer ones, asked themselves after Donald Trump's win in the United States Presidential race in 2016. But, instead of moving out to Canada, Samantha decided to move down. Down to Utah, Texas, Indiana, and other red states that had seemingly made it clear that she and people like her weren't wanted, to answer a question that she couldn't shake:
Why weren't the Southern queers leaving?
"What makes an oasis, an oasis?"
In Real Queer America, Allen snakes through the south to pockets of queer safe havens ranging from queer bars in small rural towns, to LGBT shelters across from Mormon temples, to protests in Austin, TX, and places of safety throughout all of red America, no matter how small
As a Southerner, this book called to me. It was written with love, with the respect that only a Southern queer can give to other Southern queers. Allen examines the parts of the queer South that those outside its borders might struggle to understand, like LGBT youth political groups that work with the Mormon church to secure transgender rights in Utah. The chapter on Utah struck me in particular. I won't pretend to have any good opinions of the Mormon establishment, but the fondness Allen has for the community who raised her, even after it hurt her, is mind-blowing. Hearing from people like an ex-Mormon radical who works hand in hand with the church to secure LGBT safety, a mother who is deeply supportive of her transgender son because of her Mormoness, not despite it, a gay youth rights advocate who stated in the heart of Mormonism out of an unshakable faith in the goodness in the people of Utah, and, most remarkable, a trans man who has been told by the church that, should he continue his medical transition, he would be excommunicated, but chooses to love God anyways.
Of course, another favorite chapter was that on Texas. As a Texan, I am all too familiar with names like Paxton and Abbott, but also Wendy Davis and the Briggle family. Allen shows the Briggle family as human, and continues that humanity into her trek into the Rio Grande Valley, an often forgotten part of the state, demonized by both the North for its poverty and the South for its tie to immigration from Mexico. Allen approaches the complexities of race interacting with queerness with attempted grace, but her analysis seems to fall flat-- something she acknowledges later on, in Indiana, in which she has in-depth conversations with a black trans woman on how while Allen may feel safe holding hands with her wife here, her blackness will forever keep the 'queer eutopia' she lives in from truly being safe.
She tells Allen: "There is a difference, it seems, between an oasis and a eutopia. When you're in a desert, an oasis can be a single well of water in the sand, or in this case, one college town with an incredible queer bar. A watering hole doesn't make the desert safe, it just makes it habitable. Even then, when you arrive at the refuge that is Bloomington, so much of your experience here depends on the identities you bring with you. And eutopias? Well, eutopias don't exist. If they did, every LGBT person in the country would move there, and queer making would end."
Allen also carries some of the uncomfortable, if not plain disheartening, pro-veteran beliefs quintessential to the South, spending a long time speaking in depth with veterans surrounding Trump's trans military ban. She repeatedly references a shirt she saw while at an Austin rally: I fought for your right to hate me. The reverence she holds and the anger she feels for veterans was upsetting at times and showed further Allen's privilege.
Still, Allen's beliefs need not be perfect in a book about how the Northern need for perfection leads to the Southern LGBT community being abandoned. This abandonment is mentioned in the Indiana chapter when discussing Mike Pence and his 'return to religious freedom' act, which lead to North wide economic protests and boycotts-- that affected the queers of Indiana far more economically than it did Pence. It was grassroots organizations and local state fighters that pushed back the collection of bills, and many, like the ones Allen interviewed, felt abandoned by blue states that seemed to care more about protesting through inaction than action.
Grassroots education, safety, activism, and community are a recurring theme in Real Queer America, unsurprising to any rural or Southern queer. One such example is the Back Door, a queer bar-- not gay, but specifically queer, an active choice maybe by the "dyke daddy" of the club-- that serves as a bastion of fun and sex in a rural town, but also as a place to come together and practice activism.
"The 'Back Door' is a perfect example of the red state queer ethos-- that being politically active is a responsibility, not a choice."
Allen stresses one thing above all: community. The queer chosen family, and the queering of friendships, she argues, are just as threatening to the average bigot as her sex life or her gender identity, if not more. Together, Southern queers thrive-- something many Northerns don't see. Allen critiques Northern journalism from her own writing background, citing that Northerners only care about Southern queer lives when a politician is passing a bathroom bill, a gunman is shooting up a night club, or a high school has their first trans homecoming king, not out of a desire to share his joy, but to further stress how backward the South is. Amidst the shared meals with bisexuals in Tennessee, watching the dancing queers of the Back Door, the support groups across from Mormon temples, the protests in Austin, and more, Allen asks the reader, is the most radical thing to do as a queer person to simply live and love? Is living, thriving, fighting together, arm in arm-- is all of this what being queer in the South means? She finds answers in each place she goes, and while I will leave her answer up to the reader, I find her comment when meeting with the trans cafe owner of Allen's college youth to shine clear:
"Watching Rachel run her own small business in south central Indiana was my first vision of a future where I turn out okay."
Please, check to see if your local library or bookstores have Real Queer America before buying on Amazon! Let's support local reading!
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jincheeto · 3 days
I don't usually post stuff like this (and don't really plan to do so) but it is pride month and I wanted to share this sculpture I made :3
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So, this is the pride opossum! They're named Marsha P(ossum) after Marsha P Johnson, and he goes by any pronouns!!!! Now excuse me while I be wordy:
It's a stand in for how the community is viewed as vermin, much like opossums, despite the fact that both are extremely beneficial to their surroundings. The LGBTQ+ community allows people to be open about who they are, and fight back against systems that prevent them from doing so.
Opossums perform similar benefits in their own environments! They essentially function as little vacuums for snakes, rodents, and bugs, especially ticks, as they prevent their populations from overflowing!
In addition, they also suffer from false rumours that the LGBTQ+ community suffers from. They're presumed to be disease ridden animals, when they actually kill the animals that spread them! It's difficult for them to get rabies due to their slightly lower body temperature, and their immunity to many snake venoms actually helped scientists create anti venom!
Essentially, both the Queers and the Opossums have helped and continue to help filter out the toxicity in their environments, and make it better for everyone!
I wanted to include as many pride items as possible, but there's only so much room before it becomes cluttered, so I tried to get the main ones (sorry to anyone who doesn't see their flag)
Btw the pan one gets a pan bc I still thinks it's funny (I'm pan)
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Also this was the sample I made before doing the actual sculpture! Chose trans flag mainly because I just think the design is awesome, but it was also a bit of an homage to trans kids, since a lot of them aren't being provided the chance to become trans adults.
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Shrimp and Marsha hanging out <3
Anyway that's all! Happy pride month everyone, and be safe!!!!!
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thewebcomicsreview · 10 months
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Okay, this one got submitted to me, so lets take a look.
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Okay, first things first. This is a pretty solid first page. It immediately establishes our protagonist, an external conflict (”broken rules”) and an internal conflict (”What am I if I’m not obedient”) in three panels and fifteen words. This is a page that makes me want to read more. Good job!
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This leads into a scene that we later realize is a few minutes ago, and I like that the first page was “smoky” like that, which made it feel more like an “intro page” than the actual page 1 of the story. If there had been a detailed background this transition would’ve been more jarring but as is it works.
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Your getting a lot of mileage out of this art. I like that our unnamed trans catgirl is sitting with her legs crossed in a feminine way, and the way the director is covering the P in the sign in the background. HERE TO HELL!
Anyway, our catgirl escapes in a smokey pod while she has a think, letting us know we’ve “caught up” to the intro. Cool.
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She’s found by a group of normal people who awkwardly explain to the black person that slavery is bad, which is an unfortunate blocking decision. Also, I feel like the preceding 16 pages did such a good job explaining the helpers that this exposition is redundant, and it makes Isabelle (who we soon learn is in “the resistance”) look a little dumb, like she joined an anti-slavery network but is only learning about slavery just now. This is kind of nitpicking, I know, but the comic’s been really smooth up until here and this has been the first speed bump I’ve noticed.
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Okay, so, our protagonist is technomagically compelled to fall in love with Isabelle, who is also the most anti-slavery member of the group. There’s a lot to unpack there, and me saying that isn’t a criticism. 
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Isabelle reveals this is a t4t romance and I’m not sure how I feel about the trans flag being in grayscale there. Like, the whole comic’s in greyscale, so it fits, but also the only way to tell it’s a trans flag is from context because otherwise it’s just kind of stripes.
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On the other hand, even ignoring my shit ten-seconds-in-MS-Paint recoloring skillz, busting out the Sin City splash colors makes it really fourth wall breaking, but it’s literally a giant trans flag magically appearing so that ship’s sailed....but also if you ever want to print this book it’d be pain....but also also you could keep the spot colors in the book maybe....I dunno. I’m bouncing back and forth on it.
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Anyway, Isabelle names her pet slave Pandora.They go to a doctor and are all “Can catgirls get HRT” and the Doctor’s all “Fuck if I know, let’s ball” and I’m not sure if that’s handwaving away a detail in the service of the main story or setting up Pandora having an allergic reaction that causes anime shenanigans to happen. Either/or in this comic
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Pandora offers to be a sex slave and Isabella is like :| and they sleep next to each other in an awkward but happy embrace that feels like this comic could end there and be a complete short story, one that I’d say is pretty good.
There’s another six chapters, and I kind of skimmed them and I’m still a little iffy on the resistance side of the story, but at the least this is a pretty solid opening.
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I got to admit, though,...I’m not super fond of the handling of the cops. Not that it’s Objectively Wrong, but I feel like they’re not quite bumbling enough to be comedy foils but they’re too bumbling to be dramatic threats so they’re just kind of there.
My subjective suggestion is think about making the cops even dumber. Having them come in guns ablazing as a serious threat like in the Matrix or whatever doesn’t seem like it’s the tone you’re going for, and you can always have the rich people have Elite Private Security if you need a scary competent villain later.
All-in-all, though, I think this is comic is well-done!
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 11 months
Oooooh. Roxy didn't answer this because she's very done with the insanity and I'm over it too but at the same time... I don't think people realize what it does to people. Because of the shit last night I ended up with assault nightmares because that's how my brain deals with transphobic attacks. I just want everyone to see the type of humans that follow Megan. I think it speaks so much of her character.
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I genuinely don't even know how to cover this point by point and you know I don't like negativity but this? Go fuck yourself. This is the most fake "apology" I've ever seen.
1. You had to have seen my page and my trans flag and my pronouns to make some of the jokes you did. You knew and you did it anyway.
2. You proceed to say "suck pussy juices" which... Do I have to say how that too is transphobic? Do you think I claim to have one? I mean I'd say you can suck my dick but I don't want you anywhere NEAR me. Ever.
3. I'm the least misogynistic person around, all my best friends are incredible women. But guess who likes to throw around that word to trans people? Terfs.
4. I have never seen someone be such a bully while "helping people be better humans". You sound like a lot of Christians I've met and that should say something to you.
I don't feel like picking this entire thing apart enough to go against every point. I didn't want to give this a moment of my life again because I genuinely hate being negative but this was too much. I'm truly horrified people like this exist. You speak of human decency but I don't think you've had a moment of it in your life. You remind me of a Trump supporter the way you can't question your goddess. That's the difference here, when Kells fucks up I say so. But when he's being hurt I back him up because people like you exist who let her spread lies about him.
Genuinely no one was even attacking her. @triplexdoublex made a tiny joke. Much in the same way I made a joke about Col's hairline. See how that works? We don't mindlessly suck his cock. Although...
But guess what? No one actually has to accept any nonsense replies! That's the magic of this being her or my blog. That's the magic of the internet. It's our personal safe spaces you're invading with your negative bullshit. I don't like being angry, it takes all my energy. You could have blocked Roxy or me but you didn't because you feed off this! You love hurting others. I'm sorry for you.
At least you can rest assured in one thing- you're exactly like your fucking idol. I hope that keeps you warm at night.
Edit: also... Did they imply it was bad to support each other? Like as friends? That's... Genuinely depressing. I'm sorry they don't have anyone to have their backs (see how easy this 'they' shit is?)
I've just got a lovely group of friends who I would protect because no one deserves getting attacked like that, and they obviously support me too. Trying not to make a platonic harem joke.
Who's personal life were we attacking? We were commenting about a public picture and if you think she didn't have input about it before it was posted you're fucking delusional. You're the only one attacking people's personal lives here and we're just defending ourselves.
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idontknowanametouse · 6 months
So... I wrote a fic about Jujutsu Kaisen. Cause I refuse to believe canon. Anyway, here it is. (spoilers for Shibuya arc and a lil bit for the Culling Games arc) (briefly, it will be available in Ao3. probably) (sorry for bad english and probable inaccuracy with canon)
Kugisaki is moved to another room of the infirmary. Shoko knows she’ll have to do a herculean effort to try revert the cursed technique, but it’s worth it. Furthermore, she can see that the body modifications that were made on the girl’s body are less profond than those made on Nanami’s. And maybe, just maybe, the fact that Kugisaki’s technique affects the soul may help her during the execution.
When she finally stops doing the Reversed Curse Technique, Shoko falls on her knees, all vitality leaving her body. She feels like she is about to die after fighting with such effort against the cursed technique. Hana helps her to get up, as she was there after being called to take off Gojo’s seal, and Shoko took advantage of her presence to ask for help and try reverting the curse’s technique. The woman is reliefed they cured the girl’s physical form, but doesn’t know if they did the same to her mind.
There are people on the room before Ieiri can stop anyone from entering in. Even though Itadori, Fushiguro and Maki are the only ones to stay in there all the time, the rest of them stays a long time, and it works like this on the following two days until Kugisaki wakes up.
At the first moment, she looks around, confused. One of her eyes is milky and has stretch marks around it, as they couldn’t heal that damage without leaving behind a scar. Kugisaki moans a little because of the pain, squinting her eyes, trying to make the left one see, but in vain. Then, as her gaze falls over those around, her confusion seems to increase with their faces of expectations and tension, and opens her mouth, about to ask what happened, when she remembers she couldn’t speak before.
An avalanche of memories suddenly comes up and burries her under it. Memories from Shibuya and from the week after that.
Then, for the first time in many, many years, Nobara Kugisaki starts crying.
There’s an instant of shock in which everyone can’t do anything except feel their hearts break with the vision of her face getting contorted with pure trauma and pain as tears pour uncontrollably out of her eyes, making clear how broken Nobara is. The following instant, she feels arms squeezing her tightly and continues to cry.
It’s been a few hours since Nobara woke up. She is shrunken on the litter, and, even though she no longer has the empty look from before, now, it seems her eyes are the epitome of silent pain. Yuji hasn’t left her side since she woke up, and everyone agreed on making shifts to stay close to her.
Suddenly, the infirmary door opens and Megumi enters in.
“Ah, hi, Megumi.”
“Do you want to speak?”
“Ok. Then, you just need to turn around to look.”
Without knowing what he means, she turns around and immediatly sits on the litter, exclaiming:
“My cane!!”
She practically rips the metal object out of Megumi’s hands, looking at the pink stars pattern with the trans and lesbian flag stamped on the handle, shocked. She asks:
“How did you get it?!”
“They found it on Shibuya and brought it back here. Yuji wanted it to stay here.”
“...thanks, Yu.”
“You’re welcome!” he smiles, and, for a second, just a second, she seems to almost smile back to him.
Now that she can walk through the school again, it’s normal to see Nobara wandering around without saying anything, but it’s even more common to see her alone, at her part of the infirmary, staring at the wall while hugging her knees, her eye looking so, so tired.
Maki is the third one on the shift to visit her. They see the colorful cane propped up on the wall and the eyepatch with a heart on it (it was gift from Itadori) on the girl’s face. Just as she enters, they say:
“Hey, Maki...”
“How are you doing?”
Nobara doesn’t answer.
“Does it hurt?”
“The eye? No. And... the burn scars?”
“Just when they touch something.”
“I’ve never seen your arms before. They’re beautiful.”
“Ah... thanks.”
She sees a hair strand fall over Nobara’s face. Since they started hanging out, Maki sees that this sometimes happened, and always puts it behind her ear. They tries to do the same now. In an instant, Nobara’s eye gets wide and she almost falls back, covering her face with her hands:
Maki immediately stops. A second passes until Nobara looks between her fingers and uncovers her face, now flushed, murmuring:
“Sorry... sorry... I’m really sorry...”
“Hey, hey, it’s ok. Don’t apologize.”
“It’s just... that...” her voice almost disappears as she speaks. “...his... hand...”
Maki doesn’t need any more information. She just approaches without raising their arms and sits by her side on the bed. Nobara hesitates for an instant, then her head falls over their shoulder.
The cane hits the ground when Nobara enters the other part of the infirmary. Nanami’s eyes meet her and she backs off, getting off the room. She can’t face him. Not yet.
“It’s made to wipe you out.”
“What?” Shoko asks, looking at Kugisaki.
“The needles. They stick you and make you get confused everytime you remember a little bit of yourself. They’re parts of his body that he modified to make it look like this way.
Shoko looks at the girl’s face, so shaken by everything that happened.
“...thank you, Kugisaki.”
‘She wakes up, feeling like all of her body was under the effect of anesthesia. There’s a point of her face that hurts. She tries to move, but feels heavy. She can barely open her eyes, such big is her tiredness. Her mind seems to be completely empty and she can barely think. Suddenly, someone raises her eyelid delicately and her gaze falls over two men. One of them smiles and says:
“Ah, you finally woke up! How do you feel, Hime-chan?”
She tries to speak about the mess that her body feels like, but her tongue curls up and shows itself as being useless on saying anything. The man raising her eyelid giggles and says:
“Oh, of course, silly me! You can’t speak. But don’t worry, you won’t need it. Instead, I’ll explain you what’s happening, ok? But, before, I’ll just put this behind your neck!”
And he creates out of the palm of his hand an ensemble of black needles.’
Nobara wakes up suddenly and turns around, gets her cane and walks out of the room. She doesn’t know what she wants to do, all she knows is that she doesn’t want to stay there to ruminate that again and again.
She goes to her room on the dormitory and looks at her stuff. She gets surprised they didn’t put everything away when they thought she was dead. Maybe Yuji stopped it from happening. Suddenly, her gaze falls over a small bottle of brown hair dying product.
She takes it. Her hair is now on its natural color, black, and she hates the fact that it’s this way. It always gave her a fucking horrible disphoria. She goes to the bathroom, but stops walking once she hears someone say:
“Ah, sorry. I didn’t saw there was someone here.”
She turns around and sees a person on pajamas with brown skin, long black hair with a pink strand and piercings on the lip. Nobara asks:
“Who are you?”
“Hoshi Kirara. I came here cause of my boyfriend.”
“Kugisaki Nobara. I... kind of live here.”
“Kugisaki...? Ah.” They seem to notice the bottle in her hand. “You gonna dye your hair? Sleepless tonight?”
“I know how. Wanna help?”
Nobara was about to say she was fine, until she realizes that, actually, she wants to do anything, except be alone. Then, she nods and they go to the bathroom.
Occasionally, Kirara makes a few commentaries, but they don’t seem to be expecting an answer from Nobara. Instead, they give her space, seeming to comprehend that the girl does that mostly to have someone by her side, to make those haunting thoughts leave.
“You are so pretty!” Kirara exclaims. The morning is arriving when Nobara’s hair entirely brown.
“You welcome.”
(this is the part 3 of a fic I wrote. To get the other parts, research for "the shape of two souls")
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shy-sapphic-ace · 2 months
I want to talk about my day yesterday presenting my pride flag bracelet project at school! :D (if you're not interested feel free to scroll by)
So yesterday at school was the day where the students graduating from my school in my program (International Baccalaureate, or IB) have to present their end-of-year project, that they create themselves and set their own criteria and use to learn new skills and gain new experiences and such. I had all year to work on it with the help of my personal project mentor, my old science teacher who helped me set my schedules and organize my stuff. The presentations lasted the whole day with IB students of the other grade levels coming during the day and in the evening, we presented to our parents, some graduates of the program, and the parents of kids who possibly want to join the IB program at our school.
So my project was to make a total of 315 bracelets with the colours of 21 different pride flags (rainbow, gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, omnisexual, aromantic, asexual, aroace, abrosexual, trans, nonbinary, genderfluid, genderqueer, agender, bigender, trigender, demiboy, demigirl, and demigender) to sell this summer at the pride parade happening in Montreal. All the money I would make is going to Jag, an lgbtqia+ organization. I also sold some bracelets to students at my school on Valentine's Day and I was offering some during the presentations as well. This was my poster:
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I got to stand beside my friends for the presentation, so that was fun. Anyway, here are a few nice things that happened during the day:
One of my friends bought like ten bracelets for herself and her friends, and she'd invited over some more of her friends to see her presentation and they bought some too!
One of her friends had a really nice colourful button-up shirt and I wanted to compliment it but I was too shy, but when they asked to buy an asexual bracelet they complimented me on my shirt and my hair!! So I told them I liked their shirt as well.
A bunch of adults (and some students) said while reading my display "wow, I never knew there were so many flags! I only knew about the rainbow one!" and most of them looked genuinely interested to learn about the different flags and their meanings. A lady also told me "oh my gosh, more people should know this! This is important!"
A young kid, maybe 10-11 years old here with his mom, listened to my presentation and told me it was cool, and asked me if I was lgbtq myself. I said yes, lesbian and asexual, and I pointed at the corresponding flags on my display, and he gave me a thumbs-up and said "Awesome! I support you". (Seriously it was so cute)
I got complimented a lot on how nice the bracelets looked, and how much time it must've taken to make them.
There was also this retired teacher who used to work at this school and who always came back for the project fair, the first openly gay teacher in the school and the former leader of the school's Rainbow Alliance Club, who came by to compliment me on my project, he bought two bracelets and gave me five dollars and told me to have a happy Pride this summer.
And there was this really nice old man who came to see my project, listened really attentively when I explained it, asked me questions about the organization the money was going to, and then took me by the shoulder and said "I think it's wonderful that in this generation, you can do a project like this and present it. Back when I was your age, you couldn't do something like this, and it's just amazing that it exists now. Who are we to judge others, right? Good job on the project." and he called his wife over to show her all the bracelets I'd made and she said they were beautiful.
So anyway I had a really god time even though I was exhausted by the end of the day. It was so nice to have people genuinely interested in my project and the pride flags, and I can't wait to sell them at the Pride Parade this summer! (:
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pluralsword · 2 months
A Case for Trans Pride Flag Corsets~
if we had known we could greatly alleviate our dysphoria over having an organic body by wearing a chest-supporting corset that would complement our HRT by giving our torso a solid structured feel and also making our rounded on estrogens chest feel more and look more solid we would have done this years ago and it probably would have some a lot of anxiety and pain especially in various low points in our life related to gender stuff. a lot of our headmates are very happy. We in part are within the category of a trans gal who did and does want HRT and can appreciate the resulting body softness but would really rather be made of metals and/or be able to wear armor on a daily basis so-
Just putting this out there for any other inorganic or hardened matter therian and/or multiplicity people, creatures, and entities and especially to fellow mechanoidly inclined beings across the gender spectrum: if you're disappointed with the healthcare options at present for affirmation of selves and like us cannot currently afford EVA foam stuff and/or would have to deal with paint chipping that you wouldn't be able to just fix at or near home, and are frustrated you can't go through daily life in half plate, corsets are good relatively much more affordable way to go. the ribbed boning aspects hug the body really firmly and it does wonders for back support, I've never felt more ready from how I dress at any point in my life thus far before or after HRT to leap into action and stride through the needs and wants of life with gusto, and just also feel so happy (being on bicalutimide instead of spironolactone is also helping we personally no longer have to deal with side effects from hormone blockers). we would suggest to other folks who are also fat that getting ones with side lace along with the back lace will help to get it to fit around your body, having only back lace is more difficult. (and of course going by gender neutral letter sizing rather than gender divided numbers is a lot easier to navigate for shape, in this respect for trans people, gender expansive people in general, and a lot of people whose body types and proportions are not kept in mind by a lot of the clothing industry) also, if you are flatchested and like it that way or want to bind your chest, there are corsets for that! We will also say that if the options online or sold around you don't have what you need there are places that will custom-make corsets.
Lastly, we have not been able to find corsets in pride flag colors for anything other than the rainbow flag (and not a lot) , can't find a lesbian or sapphic flag one (somewhat ironic, don't you think), or bisexual or achillean or ase, or a trans or nonbinary flag one (we did find a pink corset with roses of blue and pink with white leaves but it does not have side lace so unlike our other corset we can't wear it with all the back lace in due to our size), so while it is something we've noted to eventually ask someone to make one- this is just an idea to put out there, there is a market for that kind of thing.
We think if more people in the 21st century knew that corsets can in fact be more comfortable than bras if you're willing to sacrifice back bending ability while wearing them (it's better to bend with your legs anyway, we're kind of fucked both ways on that front currently but the legs less so) then more people would be using them
-one other note if you ever get them dirty with anything elephant stone soap is very useful (never machine wash a corset, spot cleaning and airing it out after is enough)
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someone-always-cares · 11 months
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chapter 5, page 46
first - previous - next
[image description: an sac webcomic page. lewis and jade stand before a dilapidated apartment building. the building is surrounded by a barbed wire fence, and has some plants growing around it. the windows are all boarded up from the inside, and several of the windows are broken, with the one exception of a smaller window at ground level, which is unbroken, unboarded and has a blueish light inside. there is some graffiti on the bottom, one white scrawled 'jasper' and a more detailed purple "galaxiaprince". "i'd say i want to find a bin but this place looks like a garbage dump anyway." lewis signs, holding a sparkly and empty bag of crisps in his mouth. "you keep that shit in your pocket until you see one, don't litter, we vigilantes have moral standards. now hand my pliers so we can break into this building." replies jade, pointing at him. end id]
is this the right place? what do you think?
anyway no page last week as i took a week off because i made it 6 years of comic making (and totally not because i got distracted and couldnt finish on time....)
made it for this time though, despite a tooth extraction and while this doesnt have anything to do with comics the other day after said tooth extraction i found a trans pride sticker on the bus stop (never seen this bus stop before since its out of my way normally) but it also had jerma t posing on it?? which is neat but at the time i was like ??!?? because i was shaking from adrenaline, mouth full of bloody gauze, and a bag of my teeth on hand.
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[id: a photo of a sticker on the back of a sign, the sticker is a square trans pride flag with a fullbody of the streamer jerma doing a t pose. end id]
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rgr-pop · 1 year
don't reblog. this is a post where i will be asking for support strategizing how to work with a zoomer comrade who might be easily steered into t*rf stuff. there is a woman in our org who is very young and i want to support her. she is [alma mater] old friends with [trans roommate] who cares about her a lot. [kids from that school are like a whole hive in this org, it's cute actually.] she has a labor organizer job. she got elected to leadership in our org (after being a leader at the college org) but stopped coming to things, rightfully i think, after the behavior of men in this organization. to summarize without letting my own experience of the shit bleed into her experience: she was one of a handful of women who complained on slack that men were blowing up at them over nothing. in response to her saying that, some men in the organization said something essentially doubling down on it and our chair (bad behavior idiot boy) made a public statement supporting the men. anyway the point being, she has had bad experiences around gender in this org, but doesn't have the long experience that i have, and she knows i supported her but we haven't really talked much since that.
[trans roommate] and i have been talking about having her over and chilling more. she sometimes posts things that i would call slightly femcel, but also which kind of is wrapped up in the "puritanical zoomer" stuff. roommate had said she sided with the "ban sex scenes" kids lol and i was like, that's just zoomer solidarity lol. as an example. she's also engaged in the anti hookup culture stuff. this is really classic femcel sex wars so as you can see i regard myself as the best expert to handle it. i had screenshotted something where she was like, leftist men are misogynist degenerates who call women on the left puritans for having morals in their sexual politics. i know those words are red flags but i think she's really like 22 at the oldest so it wasn't a huge alarm for me, i just sent it to roommate and said "i support her femcelery sometimes but how do we loop her back around to 'men are misogynist degenerates who don't fuck'" lol. because i mean --you know i agree that they are misogynists, but they are misogynist to me because i'm the pervert honestly 90% of the time. neither here nor there...
so roommate said to me this is my dear friend but she's my only friend who i worry about becoming a t*rf. and i was like that's real, you know i've seen some shit in my time, we will strategize making sure that doesn't happen. i guess it had been on their mind for a while, and they talked to their other [alma mater hive], another young woman who also has perspective on some of that zoomer sexual politics stuff but she's really anti t*rf (and an icon, i stan). and she said she had the same worries and one time saw this girl interracting with a t*rf account or some such. so anyway
i'm worried and i want to figure out how to do this the right way this time. i do actually think this is the perfect example of her own social isolation making her vulnerable to this and i think that having her over to hang out with us just being us (good role models) will really help. she probably also needs to dump her boyfriend whoever he is (i'm not sure if she's straight but i know she has a boyfriend)
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vickysaurus · 10 months
We’ve all encountered plenty of whatever the latest iteration of spambots plaguing Tumblr is. But don’t forget to stay vigilant for their human counterparts too! I’ve been getting messages from what’s pretty clearly an entirely human scammer trying to pull what is probably a fake check scam. I’ve been having some fun wasting their time with inane nonsense, but I do think their tactic could potentially get to people, so keep an eye out for it.
(Long scambaiting conversation under the cut)
It started, as these things typically do, with an avatar-less account following both this account and @vickysaurus-art. But they did have a post on their profile, so I let them be and moved on. But then, later that evening, the messages started.
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So if the new follower messaging me out of the blue wasn’t shady enough, the second message absolutely confirms this is a scam. They come up with an incredibly vague statement about liking ‘my profile’ and apparently this unholy mixture of extinct animals, the Owl House, various fictional queer characters, and whatever else I feel like sharing has made them see fit to make me their muse for a mural and immediately throw 300 bucks around. Don’t ever be taken in by such obvious appeals to your ego as an artist. I decided to see if I could make them do a bit of homework and explain what exactly it is that is worthy of being a mural.
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Looks like the scammer wants to move off-app as soon as possible. There are several reasons for this: presumably they are trying this shit with multiple people and it’s only a matter of time until enough spam reports come in that eventually even Tumblr staff may take a break from flagging trans people’s posts as mature to close the scammer’s account, interrupting their running scams. Secondly, it is much easier to pressure someone into doing something over the phone, and much easier to get them to accidentally volunteer information. Thirdly, if we communicate here, the records of their scam are going to be much easier to access if this ever were to go to court than direct communication. And finally, one of the main goals of this scam is probably to get as much of my personal details as possible, either to try some recreational identity theft or just to sell them to other scammers. My phone number would be a nice start to that data collection.
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My new friend really oversold their plans with the word ‘mural’. 50x50 cm, please, I’ve seen bigger murals painted on chicken coops. However, they did finally settle on what post inspired them so much! It’s ‘the Bat Queen everyone’s been commenting on’. Ah yes, who could forget my legendary viral Bat Queen post, which was both my original work and has been getting comments from everyone. I think it’s this one, which has SEVEN notes. Hot damn, it does deserve to be on a mural.
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‘I think the Bat Queen is like a novel, which everyone is interested to have it or a paint of it as well’ is my favourite line from this entire exchange.
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Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair. But the scammer is moving on from the Bat Queen now. Notice some more working of my ego, as well as the assurance that they’d never dream of cheating me or breaking the law! Trustworthy folk to be sure. If this is a fake check scam, as I suspect, it's critical for the scammer that I trust them and want them to have their share of the 'profits'. Anyway, never mind that because there’s a problem…
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I do not come to Tumblr to hear people poo-pooing my Bat Queen posts. They are my legacy and I want to hear an apology for this slander. The scammer stopped replying for a while at this point and I actually began making this post as I figured they’d given up, when suddenly the game was back on!
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Well, it’s decidedly mid as apologies go, but I let us move on anyway. There was some other nonsense I felt like trying.
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Scammers will often try and rush things along, set deadlines, imply you need to hurry or you may miss out. Aside from playing on good old FOMO, this ensures you don’t start having second thoughts after having some time to think, nor the time to start bragging to others about the obvious scam they’ll surely see through. But I’m scambaiting here, so I’m gonna be as obstructive and annoying as possible and keep delaying things.
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If you wanna be annoying, ask someone if you can ask a question. For bonus points, make the actual question a pointless, unnecessary one too.
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Plot twist! Though the scammer was inspired by my posts and wanted to make a mural, and the 300 dollars were promised to me merely for being an inspiration, it turns out I’m the one who’s supposed to be doing the painting.
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I wonder if, in a later stage of this scam, I would have ended up talking to the ‘client’. Tumblr ended up banning the scammer before things could get that far, so I guess we'll never know. The scammer mentioning the client will be paying through a check written in my name is an important detail, because what's going on here is most likely a fake check scam.
Anyway, it was getting late so I decided to let the opportunity to really drag things out and ask a lot about the ‘client’ go to instead assure the scammer I was very interested and completely taken in by their scam, with the knowledge I was about to leave them hanging for the night.
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The poor scammer got lonely during the night :( Also they start asking for my location, and I start doing literally everything except answer that question.
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Good morning scammer! Sorry to hear you’re from Florida but then again that’s probably a lie judging by the hours you tried to scam me at. They briefly mention dreams in their continued vacuous well-wishes before getting back to asking about my location. SO LEMME TELL YOU ABOUT MY DREAMS.
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Let’s delay things some more with pointless questions about my own dream.
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You’re not getting off the hook that easily, buddy. You’re gonna interpret this nonsense I made up before we move on.
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Oh, it’s a sign I should proceed with your scam? Convenient. But what if it’s a warning instead? Never mind your bullshit about the client, let us discuss my bullshit some more.
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Oh, I guess we should dismiss this dream if it’s not a sign to jump in. Except I am still hung up on talking about dreams. I’m continuing to ignore the location question, not because it’s a secret - I’ve mentioned my actual home country several times on this blog so if they'd done more homework than scrolling down to 'the Bat Queen post' they could easily know - but because it’s something the scammer wants, so I’m not giving it to them. Eventually, when the question does become unavoidable, I’ll just lie anyway.
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Gotta love some fool trying to scam people on tumblr talking big about the good legacy they want to leave behind.
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If this sounds at all sarcastic and like I'm asking what their mum would think of their being a shitty scammer, it's because it is and I am.
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Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise you wanted me to talk about myself! Have a stream of buzzwordy verbal diarrhoea containing no new information whatsoever. I was quite tired from a long day, so 'synergise' was the only buzzword I could actually come up with.
After this, they once again asked me where I was from, and this time with no other parts of their message to focus on and me getting ready for bed, I decided to throw them a bone.
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I was hoping they'd take the name of this French town as the insult it doubled as, but if they did they did not tell me about it.
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And that's as far as things went, because Tumblr finally got around to banning them during the night. This morning, my reply got a 'Could not send' and when I went to their profile, it was gone. By the afternoon, the chats had vanished too but I took screencaps as I went since I was expecting just such a thing. I was gonna regale them with the entire history of Alsace and its role in Franco-German relations before letting anything else happen too, and maybe throw in another dream I'd had that night.
So, what was the point of all this for the scammer? I think there's probably a combination of two aims here. The lesser aim is to obtain as much of my data as possible, for identity theft, selling to other scammers, and possibly blackmail if I were to start pulling the breaks on the scam. But more importantly, this is probably a fake check scam being set up. Had the scam proceeded, I would eventually have been sent a convincing fake check for the 300 dollars. Probably more. You see, the 'client' has accidentally included the scammer's middle man fee in the amount they sent me! Whoopsie! Now my good buddy will ask me to send them their half of the 600 dollars the client accidentally sent me with the check. And that's the part where they get your money. Because the check I received is fake and will be refused by the bank sooner or later, but the money I sent the scammer is real.
So keep an eye out! The way this scammer talked about my posts, of which my own art is just a small part, made it immediately extremely obvious it was a scam, but a scammer specifically talking about my paleoart instead of 'that Bat Queen post' could maybe have fooled me.
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gamerswift13 · 11 months
Need for Speed Unbound!
Or as I like to call it, High-speed Head-on Collision Simulator 2022
Kia ora, friends!
This is gonna just be a short one this week due to ongoing mental and physical health issues, but on that front I have some news: I think I’m slowly but surely getting better!
But anyway, I wanted to talk a little bit about Need for Speed Unbound this week because I have been playing it a lot over the last few weeks (when I have had the energy) and I can’t think of a game in recent history that has made me rage quit and want to throw my controller so many times but still is able to pull me back in. I love a good arcade racer; my favourite series in this genre is obviously Forza Horizon (and to a lesser extent Forza Motorsport, which I am still excited for in October), but I have been known to dip into Need for Speed now and then. This latest entry, launched last year, recently came to Xbox Game Pass, so I decided to check it out.
My first dive into this game was via Xbox Cloud Gaming and y’all, that service is great for some games, but for a game as fast-paced as Need for Speed Unbound, I absolutely do not recommend it 😅. Playing it this way, I was constantly crashing into things that I didn’t see because the frames fell out, so it didn’t take long for me to decide to make some space on the tiny Xbox Series S internal storage and download the game to play locally. Once I got that out of the way, I started to have a blast… for a while. My TV, which was 1080p, died a couple of months ago, so since then I’ve been using a TV I borrowed from my sister, which is 720p, and let me tell you, again for a game like this, it’s… a less than optimal way to play. Once I started getting into faster and faster cars, I started crashing into things again. A lot. This isn’t a failure of the game itself, I don’t think, I’m just playing it in a really stupid way 😭.
Apart from all the technical stuff I just mentioned, Need for Speed Unbound is really fun. I think my favourite part, though, has been customising my character, as well as the paint/wraps on some of my cars.
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I wish I had more pictures of the different outfits I’ve had my character wear, (I haven’t had the time to go back to the game before writing) but I still really like this look. And oh boy do I love that car. It’s one of the cars the game gives you in the beginning, a Nissan GT-R from I want to say 1997 (or thereabouts), and it’s fast, great at drifting, extremely hot, but the best thing of all: I made it look queer and non-conforming as fuck.
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The game limits what you can write on your cars, I assume because it’s possible other players could see it, so it wouldn’t let me write ‘queer’ or ‘gay’ or ‘bitch’ or ‘fascist’ - those first two are kind of bonkers considering the amount of queer representation this game contains, but I digress. So I substituted ‘fascist’ with the succinct ‘fash’, and instead of ‘basic bitch’ I wrote ‘basic beach’, which the latter is honestly kind of better anyway.
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The racing is fun, though frustrating sometimes thanks to the game only giving you a maximum of retries per in-game 24-hour period, but what really stands out to me is that there is so much queer representation here - like way more than I’d have ever expected from a Need for Speed. There’s one NPC racer you meet and race against named Justicia who is from Mexico and is openly transfem. There are signs around the city that say things like ‘love is love’, or simply have the pride flag on them. And as you may have noticed on my car in the pictures above, you can just put the pride flag and trans flag all over your car if you want - and not just that, they have every single type of pride flag I could think of, which blew me away. Seriously, more games need to be this open about supporting queer communities. There’s also a bunch of representation for people all over the world - the music in Need for Speed Unbound includes tracks in Arabic, Japanese, Spanish, French, and a few I couldn’t nail down just by listening, and it’s honestly super refreshing.
Anyway, that’s all from me this week. Sorry if it feels a bit like it was put together at the last minute because, well, it was, but I wanted to make sure I had something for you.
Thanks so much for reading, y’all, I appreciate it. As always, if you have any comments or questions, hit me up on the social links at the bottom of the page, or flick me an email! If you want to read more stuff from me, you can check out my Letterboxd reviews! This week I reviewed Robot Jox (1989), which I believe may have inspired some of the aesthetics of things like Neon Genesis Evangelion and Pacific Rim.
Stay safe and warm out there (or safe and cool, if you’re in the northern hemisphere!) y’all, and I’ll talk to you all again really soon. Ka kite anō au i a koe. 💚
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