#anyway yeah. it's another azul art
kheyys-worms · 9 months
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A Cecaelia's Lament.
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mysteryshoptls · 2 months
SR Azul Ashengrotto - Luxe Couture Vignette
"Please come this way"
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[Fairest City – Crystal Galleria]
Azul: …Now, now, don't say that!
Azul: I would be honored if you would come by the Mostro Lounge to come see my photo with Eric-san.
Vil: I'm staggered. You would not only use my father, but also myself to increase your reputation?
Grim: Oh hey, if it ain't Vil and Azul. What're you guys talkin' about?
Azul: We just happened to come across each other over here, so we were merely chatting about plans once we return to campus. Have the two of you been shopping?
1. I bought some clothes for myself.
Azul: You bought clothing at the Crystal Galleria? You must be a better shopper than I thought.
2. I bought some gifts for everyone back home.
Azul: A wonderful sentiment. Keeping people in your debt is very valuable.
Azul: I myself just finished purchasing some cosmetics. After this, I plan on perusing some tableware.
Grim: Huh, tableware? Don't really matter what gets used, to me.
Grim: The food 'n drinks're waaay more important than the plates 'n cups.
Azul: I fully believed that would be your response, Grim-san.
Vil: I absolutely adore that sort of dedication. The more opulent the tableware, the more sophisticated the mealtime becomes.
Vil: Weren't the plates, cups, and cutlery at the restaurant we dined at yesterday utterly sublime?
Grim: I don't remember a thing about 'em.
Vil: ...Right, I was a fool for even asking that in the first place.
Azul: The golden rimmed white porcelain plates at that restaurant was indeed spectacular.
Azul: Decorated in both matte and glossy gold, these surely were high-quality wares. A rare sight, indeed.
Vil: Well, now. You're well informed, Azul.
Vil: It may be interesting to shop for tableware with someone who actually knows a thing or two. I'll join you.
Azul: Why, certainly. Would you like to join us, [Yuu]-san?
1. I'd like to. 2. I'm definitely interested.
Grim: 'Kay, then I'll tag along too, then. But anyway, do they even sell stuff like that here?
Vil: Of course. Fine ceramic wares are yet another major product of the Fairest City. There are also many antique shops.
Grim: Uh-huh. So it's not just make-up 'n clothes 'n food, huh.
Azul: It is said that there were 3 primary factors that led to the development of those fine ceramic wares in the Fairest City.
Azul: The first factor was due to the nearby mines.
Azul: The neighboring mountain range had an abundance of high-quality clay, for which artisans from all over began to come for.
Azul: The second factor is the development of pharmaceuticals thanks to knowledge passed down from the Fairest Queen.
Vil: That pharmaceutical science was then used to develop a diverse array of pigments, and that allowed for the field of colors to become what it is today.
Azul: Indeed. It's just as you say.
Azul: And the final factor is the sense of beauty that every Fairest Queen-loving inhabitant of the Fairest City carries.
Azul: Thus, the potters and sculptors who were raised with a heightened awareness of beauty themselves brought their ceramics to an entirely new level when it comes to works of art.
Vil: Only the residents of the Fairest City would find ways to elevate beauty in fields other than fashion and makeup.
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Azul: We've arrived. I hear this shop carries a rather large collection of antique tableware for sale.
Vil: Have you already done prior research?
Azul: Yes, indeed. I must admit I have been looking forward to purchasing new tableware.
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Grim: Woah! There's a ton of sparkly dishes and stuff!
Vil: What sort of tableware are you planning on purchasing, Azul?
Azul: I believe I'd like to find teacups, saucers, and a matching teapot.
1. What about this golden tea set?
Grim: Yeah! The shiny gold color is so cool! Azul: I see they allowed gold to oxidize and used that to create a pattern for the design. I must admit it is extravagant and definitely draws an eye. Vil: An opulent design. However, I feel it may not suit the Mostro Lounge.
2. Look at this pink tea set!
Azul: I see it is a set of teacups with a frill molding. The flower pattern along the rim is so wonderfully subtle. Vil: A rather cute design. However, I feel it may not suit the Mostro Lounge.
Azul: Fufu, I agree completely. Perhaps now we can look at the wares that had caught my eye?
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[Fairest City – Crystal Galleria]
Azul: This is the one I am looking to purchase here.
Grim: This one, huh? It's just a borin' looking white cup with a tiny bit of blue stuff on it.
Azul: That dainty and subtle touch is intended to be its charm point… It seems you fail to comprehend that, Grim-san.
Azul: This bright white porcelain shows not a hint of translucency… Does it not seem to be the pinnacle of class?
Vil: It certainly does have a refined beauty about it.
Azul: The elegant design carved out of the rim of the teacup is called a "scalloped rim."
Azul: And consider this wave-like handle curled along the side… Even the minute details are so stunning.
Grim: A handle? What, you gonna steer somethin' with this cup, then?
Vil: Obviously the handle is where you hold the cup.
Vil: But, Azul. These cups and teapot are a vintage set.
Vil: Is there any need for you to use such an extravagant tea set in a café that caters to students?
Azul: Indeed. I consider this a necessary investment.
Azul: Just because my customers are students does not mean that I intend on compromising my standards.
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[Fairest City – Queen's Palace]
[camera shutters clicking and screaming]
Reporter: If I can run an article on Vil Schoenheit, then there's no doubt that both magazine sales and website traffic are gonna go through the roof!
Reporter: Alright, now I just gotta hop this barrier so I can cover Vil Schoenheit up close…
Azul: Oh, my, it is dangerous to attempt to climb the barrier. Please take all photographs from the designated area.
Reporter: You little brat, don't get in my way! [Azul starts pushing] Urgh, what strength! He's pushing the whole barrier back towards me…!
Azul: If those instructions cannot be followed properly, I may have to take appropriate countermeasures…
Azul: For example, I may be inclined to ring up your place of employment and file a complaint at the highest levels.
Reporter: Okay, fine, just get out of my way, then! I can't even take a picture with you like this!
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Azul: How wonderful that we've reached an understanding. Vil-san, please come this way.
Vil: Thank you… You were awfully efficient in handling that.
Azul: When you've made as many deals as I have, it's not uncommon to encounter troubled clients in need of extra firm handling.
Azul: I'm just glad I was able to put the mediation skills I've accumulated to good use.
Vil: Not only are you handling the press well… But you are doing a fantastic job as my escort.
Azul: Well, it also is not uncommon for me to host prospective business contacts personally, either.
Azul: Ah, we are almost at the staircase.
Azul: Right this way. If you wish, my hand is yours to take.
Vil: Well, then. I shall accept it.
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―A few days later
[Mostro Lounge]
Octavinelle Student: Welcome!
Azul: Oh my… If it isn't Vil-san! You've come, as promised! I'm so elated.
Vil: Excuse you. I don't recall ever promising you anything. However…
Vil: I was merely thinking back to how you handled yourself previously. I do expect exceptional service today as well.
Vil: Business seems to be going well… Are you using that tea set you purchased back then?
Azul: I am. Right now… The guests at that table are enjoying the tea served in it.
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Deuce/Epel: AHAHAHA!
Vil: …There is no way those two even remotely understand the worth of those cups.
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Vil: Neither would the rest of these customers. Do you still think that it was worth selecting that specific set?
Azul: Absolutely. I vow to serve drinks and meals on quality dishes that I have personally selected.
Azul: That is something that I will never compromise as the proprietor of the Mostro Lounge.
Azul: You yourself would never touch clothes or cosmetics that don't suit your design or aesthetic taste, yes?
Vil: So, just as I carefully concoct my personal brand by being particular on how I fashion myself…
Vil: You look to enhance the Mostro Lounge by careful consideration of the tableware and table linen.
Vil: I think that fastidious approach of yours is just as spectacular. Perhaps I have judged you a tad harshly.
Azul: Why, thank you. I fully believed that you of all people would understand, Vil-san.
Azul: However… I cannot deny that at times I would like to share that appreciation of the tableware's elegance with someone who actually understands their worth.
Azul: That being said, Vil-san, allow me to prepare your order on my absolute finest plates.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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crow-stars · 6 months
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❦summary; ice skating can be such a fun time, though that may depend on whether you're new to the rink or have a bit of experience under your belt. ♪the characters in this story; octavinelle; azul ashengrotto, jade leech, floyd leech, gn!reader ✎word count; ~674 words ❀what do the ghosts say?; ambiguous, school trip to an ice skating rink, falling chatacters, first times on ice, mentions of climates in respective twst characters homeland, fun times ☛the author's notes; nothing to note... ☪look at the catalogue?
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❀ He would be... less than graceful
❀ You know that one art with Azul falling because he slipped on a banana peel? Yeah... 
❀ And he was so confident about it too!
❀ Sure, it was cold, and sure, his human legs have never touched ice, but he thought it couldn’t be too bad! 
❀ He was wrong.
❀ So, so wrong.
❀ The first moment he got on the ice, immediately slipped and fell on his butt
❀ Got up, tried again, and he fell
❀ Got up and decided to just hug the rails because he was not ready to be embarrassed for a third time
❀ He’s definitely going to be hugging the walls for most of the time on the ice, no doubt
❀ Azul refuses to try and go further than an arm’s length away from the railing
❀ His legs are horrendously shaky and he doesn’t. Know. How. To. Stop 
❀ Why did it look so much easier in the shows he watched?
❀ “Because they’ve practiced on the ice way more than you have Azul.” shut it jade
❀ But yeah, Azul isn’t getting much movement on the ice. 
❀ He’s used to the cold, but that doesn’t stop it from hurting whenever he falls
❀ Azul is definitely not going back on the ice, no matter how much you or anyone else try to convince him. 
❀ Maybe he would try selling some hot chocolate though...
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❀ Jade has never been on ice before 
❀ So how is he so well balanced on the ice???
❀ No seriously, he’s stable, he can properly skate around and he hasn’t fallen either
❀ How is he doing that?
❀ I like to think that Jade actually has really good balance, so being on ice is a bit of a challenge at first, but he gets it soon enough 
❀ He’s not going to be doing anything flashy, but he’ll definitely be doing small circles around the rink or just idly skating by
❀ If you’re struggling, Jade would lend a hand, though not without a bit of teasing 
❀ Small things like poking at your side to make you fall stumble or just deciding to stop suddenly stop if you’re holding onto him
❀ Jade would apologize, but he’s definitely going to do it again
❀ I do think that Jade would find some enjoyment in ice skating and dabble in it from time to time 
❀ Though he wouldn’t take every opportunity to go skating, he wouldn’t protest to going 
❀ In my honest opinion, I think he’s rather go foraging in the woods to go find new mushrooms or plants he hasn’t discovered yet.
❀ I actually think that he’d prefer that rather than ice skating if it was an option
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❀ Do not let him on the ice
❀ Not because he would be an absolute mess on the ice, no
❀ It’s because Floyd is a menace and has no spatial awareness. 
❀ I mean, he having fun at least? 
❀ But also he should probably have the rink to himself if he really wants to enjoy his time there 
❀ I wouldn’t be surprised if he picked up ice skating because he was bored. It seems like something Floyd would do
❀ And going in shorts in the winter also seems like something he would do, but we’re not here to talk about Floyd’s fashion sense (another post another day) 
❀ Anyway, Floyd definitely has a blast when ice skating because he really fast
❀ How and when he learned how to ice skate?
❀ Oh simple. 
❀ Spite
❀ See, I like to think that when Floyd got to experience winter for the first time, he saw a frozen over lake and thought he could easily walk over it
❀ He was wrong and fell straight ass on the ice
❀ Floyd was completely confused while Jade was laughing by the side
❀ And Floyd was embarrassed, he wasn’t sad, no
❀ He was going to go and conquer the ice. He had bruises for weeks but hey! Floyd learned how to ice skate!
❀ Most definitely would love to go and ice skate in his freetime
❀ That just means more opportunities to conquer the ice
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orginllazyblog · 2 months
Credit to:
They cover up the Queen of Hearts and Scar. So I'll cover up with Ursula, Jafar, Evil Queen, and Hades. Maybe once book 7 is FINALLY complete, I'll do Maleficent or perhaps maliciousmace themselves.
Sorry if it took long as I waited for maliciousmace permission and how long it took me to finish
Oh boy. Yuu woke up by one of the tentacles as they were JUST about to go to sleep
"Tell me, little guppy, where am I?"
"*sigh* You are in Twisted Wonderland where people can do magic and stuff, and you are in my room." *process to go back to sleep*
She did not expect that someone was willing to tell the whole truth as she was about to come up with a deal for Yuu
Honestly, for Yuu, they're gonna just stay up late if the next one shows up late at night as they got up to show the sea witch around Ramshackle as they can't go back to sleep
Introduce to QoH, Scar, and Grim to Ursula to get it over it
"Queen Elizabeth, Scar, and Grim. Meet the sea witch, Ursula. Ursula, her majesty, Queen of Hearts, Queen Elizabeth. Scar, royal family member of the lion pride, King of the Beast. And lastly, Grim, my emotional support cat."
"Hey! 😾"
Oh yeah, Grim can now see the great sev- three spirits (for now)
QoH was happy to have another female companion to talk to as Scar just sleeps like 24/7
"Anyway, going back to bed."
Next morning, now that Yuu got full rest, they told Ursula the whole story. Of how she appear after Azul's overblot and that the world look up to her as one of the great sevens as the sea witch
She was satisfied with the answers, how she was portrayed as one of the powerful historic figure. Guess she didn't need to bribe Yuu to a shady deal
Today is the day where the octo trio, Adeuce, and Jack are going to the museum at the coral sea.
Slight family trip, that your classmates don't know that you're company with three out of the seven spirits
The museum reminded Ursula the Atlantica castle, only Yuu to realize they may have forgot to tell Ursula
"Oh yeah, you may see something you're familiar with. Just please... for keep sake?"
"I know how to keep my anger. You don't have to worry, guppy."
Everyone went to explore around the museum leaving Yuu and Azul alone. Well, technically, Ursula QoH and Scar are stuck following Yuu wherever they go
Azul and Yuu had a deep conversation, with Ursula knowing what made him and her have something in common of being unwelcome in merfolk society
Yuu would go to Montsro Lounge to show Ursula of Azul's business work
Ursula does miss her eels whenever she sees Jade and Floyd
She gave Azul a hug, only this time someone other than Grim was able to feel the cold air
"What's wrong, Azul? Do you have goosebumbs?"
"I just felt a cold air for a second."
"Huh? Okay then."
Now Yuu is panicking on how can Azul feel the ghost's touch over the past week. If he figures out, Yuu would be caught another shady deal or more like a secret to not tell anyone.
About Crowley, Ursula would see why Yuu is mentally exhausted from all the overblot bullshit
Would join with the other two of pranking Crowley
If Yuu's theory is correct: when the next overblot fight is over, the next ghost would probably become not a ghost...
And would you look at that? Only this time, Yuu was up finishing their homework drinking coffee as they waited for the sourceror of sands to arrive in their room instead of heading to bed
"Why, hello there. I'll get to the point: you are in Twisted Wonderland where people can do magic. As well as there are merfolk, beastman, and fairies and such."
"...Looks like you been to this situation a lot."
"Yeah... you were not the first one here, man. Anyway, I'll introduce you to the other's."
Another introduction for the others well
"Okay, let me test this out."
"Kid, what are you doing?"
Yuu grabbed a tea cup and poured some tea
"I'm not sure if any one of you can eat or drink at this point. It worked well with the Queen of Hearts trying to pet Grim and Ursula by giving a hug to the mer student. So, with absorbing nutrition might work or not."
It did not work, to say the least.
Another morning, only this time, Yuu and Grim were spending the time themselves as winter break is coming to an end. Usually, they would of shown Jafar the Scarabia dorm, but then again, it's better to do it now than later.
Jafar was amazed by how the building almost felt like the old palace he once worked as a noble advisor
Another field trip for the seven-four spirits at the Scarabia Dorm
The first three were fascinated; QoH was amazed of the dorm's architecture, Scar and Ursula love the water fountain.
Everything was going great...that is until:
"Is it me or did I just see the great sand sourceror?"
"You're right! I thought I just saw the King of the Beast."
'Well... I'm fuck.'
Not only that there was one student who was able to feel one of the great seven's, now there are more students and soon the teachers who will see one of the great seven's
It's not like the four can stay at Ramshackle, they have to follow Yuu wherever they go. They can look around, but they have to stick to Yuu's side
School is coming soon, and Yuu needed a plan. There are students who might figure it out soon, so they need a person who is trustworthy
Definitely not Ace or Deuce, Jack? Maybe. It would have been easy if Sam was here with them, but sadly he's not here. 
“Why not tell the other ghost staff?”
“Oh! You scare me there. Sorry I haven't been myself, but are you three going to be okay with this? I don't want to drag you guys to this mess.”
“Don't worry youngsters. We have a plan that might pull the trick.”
“Okay, what is it?”
“Here's how it'll go…”
The plan somehow worked out well! The Ramshackle ghosts brought over the other ghosts to meet one of the great seven's and were able to pull off a disguise of the four seven's. So if anyone thought Yuu is surrounded by one of the great seven's, someone would point out they saw one of them in a different location. 
What sucks now is Yuu can't hang out with their friends for a long time as they might see a glimpse of one of the great seven's
“Hey, Yuu! Wanna hang out-”
“Sorry. I have homework to do. Bye!” 
You know what? It wasn’t so bad as they had Jafar who decided to help out Yuu for keeping their presence quiet by teaching them about ancient incantations and astrology. Which is how Yuu was able to do well in their class.
So far, so good…that is when Yuu was announced to be sent to the Headmage's office. Great..
“Who's this particular Crowley?”
“Well…he's a bit…um.”
“A bitch.”
“He's not wrong there, guppy.”
Walking to the office, Jafar already hates Crowley as he reminds him of the foolish sultan
“It seems to be true…You are chosen to be the great seven's vessel.”
If Yuu didn't have a huge grudge before, the four seven spirits wanted to strangle this guy. Yuu tried to hold on, but what's the use if the four are still ghosts
This kept going on for a couple of hours
When everyone settle down, Crowley explain that he figure it out when he caught one of the disguise ghost and promise (for once) to keep their presence quiet by having Yuu stay in their dorm throughout the day and have late night classes with him
It doesn't seem to bad, but the four speak out:
“Now that doesn't seem fair, headmage.”
“If Yuu deserve more, then the best mentors would have to be us, one of the great seven's.”
“You? Teaching the little guppy? Now that is not a good deal, headmage.”
“The four of us will teach them as we are indeed the great seven's.”
In the end, Yuu didn't have to go to class in the next few days if they wanted to. They have the great sevens as their teachers! Well, soon, all of the seven's if they are willing to
Each of them taught Yuu of their own culture and history from their homeland
Yuu's excuse for not attending their regular class was that they have the flu. Only the teachers and staff know the reason
Well, it can’t get any worse…right?
👑Evil/Beautiful Queen Grimhilde🍎
Yuu's close friends have been wondering why they haven't seen Yuu after winter break. They were only told they were awfully sick and can't go out
That is when the VDC was around the corner. Ace and Deuce wanted to join the competition, but it wasn't fun when there other but they participated in the 1 million thuamarks
Grim heard the news and asked Yuu if he could participate:
“Pretty please. With a lot of thuamarks, we can buy so much food!”
“Hm…besides food, we do need to upgrade a bit of Ramshackle. Like a laundry washing machineand dryer, more clothes, and much more.”
It took a while, but Grim must keep their presence quiet
A few days later, the VDC group was tasked to stay in Ramshackle Dorm. At this point, Yuu won't trust Crowley's words
But if they are going to stay for a while, why not just tell them to get it over with it
And that's how they meet Rook. 
Rook promise to keep it a secret, though Yuu plan to tell the OB boys as they are the reason why the four seven's appear. But the question they still question is why them? Wouldn't it make sense if they are the ones instead of Yuu? 
Even the four seven's were questioning that as well
Though they have been focusing on who's going to be the next overblot student, that is someone in Pomefiore
This time, Yuu remembers their dream linking to the great seven's and maybe some clues of the next overblot
Someone who's like the Beautiful Queen…
If Yuu would like to guess, it's the housewarden of Pomefiore, Vil Shoenheit
Turns out…they were right. Luckily, they managed not to let Vil give the poison apple drink to Neige and had their friends to face off Vil's overblot
You can say that the VDC group were shock that Yuu is a company with one of the great seven's themselves
“Yuu, why did you-”
“There's no time! I'll explain later, but this would also be another explanation. Let's bring back Vil by knocking some sense into him!”
“Heck yeah!”
One hour later, the painful battle was over, but the damage of the stadium is the problem other than Yuu keeping the secret that they are the great seven's “vessel”.
Even Malleus was surprise as well, though he was supposed to be surprise
“So…Yuu? Care to explain why you were gone?”
“Yeah, but if you guys win, then I'll consider telling you.”
They didn't win, but Yuu is still going to tell them anyway, and the other OB boys too.
As the VDC event was over, Yuu still had other things they needed to worry about, that is, the beautiful queen herself
To Yuu and the four's surprise, the beautiful queen appearance was crystal clear that she was almost close to being fully human physical, but there was still a ghost fade
“Greetings, your majesty.”
“...You may raise your head, peasant. Can you tell me where I am?”
Another long explanation of Twisted Wonderland and how she appeared by a student who just overblot a few hours ago
And another introduction with the other's
“I think it's time we tell the students who are the reason why you all appear in this world. But from what happened today, tomorrow morning, I'll introduce you to the VDC group and the other students.”
“Wait a minute, we're missing someone. Where's the little kitty cat, Grim?”
Searching for Grim, this time, the five souls didn't need to stick to Yuu's side. Though to be safe as Yuu is magicless, Scar went with them to ensure Yuu's safety as it was nighttime
They did find Grim, but he wasn't himself as he ate another overblot stone and scratched Yuu. Even though Scar thought he could shield Yuu but he’s still a ghost.
He knew he had to take Yuu back to the dorm, but he could only drag their body by the uniform. That is how the Adeuce duo found Yuu on that night
“Y-you are?!”
“Listen here, brats. You need to carry this human child to their dorm while I get this headmage of yours. Understood?”
“Y-yes King of the Beasts!”
Once Yuu was awakened, Ace told them they had run into one of the seven's and were told by Scar to take Yuu back to Ramshackle to be safe from Grim. They even meet the others as they put Yuu back to their room
Yuu told them that the main reason if anyone figured this out, the more dangerous for them to be possible to be target at but they needed to tell the other's who witnessed it as well as the others
But with Grim acting feral, Yuu needs to find him to be sure he's alright
With Crowley hearing the news, Yuu's wounds were treated as he was nervously fangirling his favorite seven's
An explanation to everyone that Grim may soon become dangerous for Yuu and the school as long as “they” don't show up
But that doesn't keep Yuu quiet as they went out with the Aduece duo to go find Yuu only to be told he was already found by a humanoid name Ortho
The three went back to their dorms, even telling Yuu good luck on keeping the seven's well, which brought back to Yuu that they have to deal with one of the scariest one they will be dealing with
If only they knew they would soon get kidnapped…
💀King of the Underworld, Hades🔥
“Hi, my name is Yuu. You might be wondering how I got myself into this situation.”
When the Styx robots came to nrc, they thought they were going to get captured, like how the other OB boys, instead they were treated like a VIP
Of course, the five seven's had to company with Yuu, another reason why Styx needs Yuu for some reason
Yuu got that special treatment while the OB boys were stuck together in the basement (?)
Before they got captured, Yuu was about to tell the VDC group how the five of the seven's came to Twisted Wonderland only to be interrupted by the windows getting shattered
As they came to their destination, later known to be the Isle of Lamentation
“Looks dull here.”
“You're majesty…”
“It's true, dear. This place looks so quiet here, and there's barely any entertainment here, little rosie.”
“Got anything, Jafar?”
“I feel like I know this place, but I can't seem to recall what exactly.”
So they went through the test for Yuu. The scientists wanted to know if Yuu can possibly use magic now that they are seven’s “vessel” but no signs…yet
Though, Yuu wondered if their friends are okay back at nrc
And would you look at that? Rook and Epel found the location 
Yuu could have met Epel before, but they weren't able to back then, and now they get to meet each other
“Have you found Grim, Yuu?”
“So far, no. Even if I ask how he's doing, they wouldn't tell me.”
“Wow… I thought they'll tell you because you're the great seven's vessel.”
“Eh, I couldn't care less of that title. It doesn't suit me. Also, why are you and Rook here?”
Rook and Epel plan to get Vil back while Yuu wanted to at least talk to Grim
Once the boys were done with their test, Idia still hadn't got a clue as to how the five seven spirits appeared in Ramshackle
The only thing he could possibly think is the similarities; coming to Twisted Wonderland from another world
All is going well till Ortho started hacking the Styx systems, and soon Idia overblot
Another long, painful battle as they surprise the OB boys with the five out of sevens on their side.
“Yeah I was meaning to tell you guys this earlier, but fate said they have other plans.”
“Good to know.”
The 6th time Yuu has done another introduction and soon to be 7th once the King of the Underworld appears after, but then again, they weren't sure if he would appear back at Ramshackle or here at the Isle of Lamentation
As for the team, they stick with the Pomefiore trio as they go down down down
“Yes, Sand sorcerer?”
“I seem to remember something I said earlier. This place may be where I meet him.”
“You and the King of the Underworld met before?”
“Heh, you could say that.”
“You might want to skip the conversation”, a phantom appear as the team try to knock them out with the lightning spear
Yuu wouldn't imagine how heavy it was 
But wait a minute! How can they also carry the heavy weapon if it meant to be used by magic users?
Hours and hours, everyone managed to meet up and focus on taking down of the Shroud brothers
By the time, Idia and Ortho were defeated but almost fell completely to the hole that supposedly led to Tartarus. Only this time, Yuu was the one that jumped to save not only the Grim but the Shroud brothers as well
The five freak out of Yuu's silly action
The only thing they remember before they pass out was seeing a tall man figure
Waking up, they somehow are back at Night Raven College only to be in one of the beds at the nurse office
‘Hold up, wait a minute! How am I here? Wasn't I at the Isle of Lamentation along with the others?’
“Oh good! You're awake. Hey there, kiddo, Hades here. God of the Underworld, how are you?”
Hades, God of the Underworld, now enter the group chat
While Yuu was knocked out, Idia took care of repairing Ramshackle, but the money for food and clothes would be different
Hades gift Yuu gems which brought them into tears
Grim came and cried to Yuu of how he’s sorry for scratching them
Crewel also came in to ensure Yuu is good to go, but where would they and Grim stay while Ramshackle is getting repair
“Oh yeah that’s right. What's your name again, kid?”
“My name is Yuu, your majesty.”
“No need with “your majesty” that kind of bullshit. Just call me Hades, okay?”
“There you go! That's the spirit!”
This might be Yuu first laugh as they haven't had a good laugh since they arrive into this world, and it was Hades himself
It come to realization that the other seven spirits are not with them
“Hades, can I ask you a question?”
“Ask away.”
“Where are the others? Before you appear, the five didn't fully have a physical form and stayed as a ghost, as well as stay around me.”
“Oh yeeaaah. About that.”
Earlier, it was Hades who managed to save Yuu, Idia, and Grim from falling to Tartarus. As for Ortho, Grim swallowed the USB and spit it out with the help of Rook
With Hades awaken, the five were able to have a full physical form
The rest went back to Sage Island as for the six seven's and Yuu stay for more questioning
The five were worried that Yuu slept for almost a day, Hades reminded them that they were okay and that they just needed some rest
Oh yeah, Hades definitely remembers meeting Jafar. Let's just say Jafar doesn't want to remember as Hades began annoying him
“Hey, Jaffy! It's been a while, huh?”
“And I'm slowly wanting to forget about you.”
“Hey uncle.”
“Hey! Ursula! You're here too?”
This time, Ursula explained to Hades everything of what happened and that they were brought here to question Yuu 
Back to the present, Yuu shows around Ignihyde Dorm to show Hades around, and to his surprise, it's way more advanced with the technology he's not familiar with
Speaking of which, the rest were at the main building and NOT arguing to a certain crow man
They were relieved that Yuu now awake from their long slumber
“Oh yeah, that reminds me. Yuu, we need to talk about something that happened while you were resting.”
“Did I miss something?”
“Yuu, we know that you're magicless when we start getting used to being around here. We were concerned for your safety as we couldn't do anything to protect but watch. That is until the Shroud director told us the wonderful news.”
“You'll be able to wield magic pretty soon.”
“...But how is that possible?”
Yeah, how is that possible for Yuu? Was it awakening the seven's? No, they would have wielded magic before but but no signs of it. Then was Hades appearing that gave Yuu to use magic?
“Yeah... They still don't know, but hey, you get to learn how to wield fire just like me.”
“Hades, no! They need to learn the basics first.”
“Aaaww, you're no fun, Jaffy.”
“Can you not!”
“They act like an old married couple.”
“Yeah, I could see that.”
Now…If only this sweet moment could last. That is until she’ll be awakened later
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aquaburst3 · 8 months
Latest Japanese Halloween Event Predictions
I only watched the first season of Black Butler and never read the manga, thusly know nothing about the Book of Circus arc other than one...weird spicy scene. However, I've both read the original Pinocchio novel, and watched both the Disney animated and live action versions as research for two OCs that I never ended up creating thanks to...Giddel and Honest Fellow's existences. (I also watched Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio, but that was more for leisure, since it's not Disney or related to it other than them taking inspo from the animated Disney movie and the novel.) So I think I can reasonably say that I'm knowledgeable enough about the Disney version to make some predictions. So...
(As a side note, I'm calling him Honest Fellow, since Fellow Honest sounds extremely awkward, and I think it'll be localized to the former when this event comes out on the international server anyways.)
What will Honest Fellow and Giddel be like?
Honest Fellow will likely be similar to Azul and somewhat Crowley personality wise. A sly and cunning business man, who is good with words and convince even the smartest of folk of anything. However, he'll probably be super shady and up to no good, willing do anything for a quick buck. Like Azul, he has morals and lines that even he is hesitant to cross. Sometimes he will cross them anyways out of fear of retaliation.
Giddel is likely gonna be like a mixture of Chenya and more devious version of Cheka personality wise. He will be cutesy child character, who also willing to go along with Honest Fellow's schemes. He also doesn't have a VA, which also makes that hunch that he's a mute even stronger.
What is their relationship with one another?
I think they are either father and adopted son or adoptive siblings. I heard somewhere that the latter is the case. If that is, that's surprisingly wholesome.
How old are they?
My guess is that Giddel is a child while Honest Fellow is around Leona's age due to him looking a bit older than even most of the third years.
What will the plot be about?
Honest John and Gideon's role in the novel and animated movie are about the same. They are sly conmen, who use Pinocchio's naivety to their advantage. However, there are some differences.
In the animated movie, Honest John first convinces him to join the circus instead of going to school to sell him off and make some money. Pinocchio joins the circus and Stromboli stuffs him in a cage after his performance, hoping to make loads of money off of him. He eventually escapes thanks to the Blue Fairy's intervention.
Meanwhile, Honest John and Gideon are at a pub talking with the Coachman. He offers them a job. At first, they're on board. Though the Coachman's implication of what happens to the boys frightens Honest John and Gideon, the former reluctantly accepts the job. 
Honest John convinces Pinocchio to go to Pleasure Island. They bow out of the story completely at that point, getting away with their crimes.
In the novel, after Pinocchio escapes the circus, he encounters Fox and Cat, who say that if he buried his coins in a field, his money will multiply. Pinocchio, like the gullible dumbass he is, buys this. He follows them to an inn where they ditch him during a meal. When he leaves, they attack him and hang him on a tree, stealing his money. The Blue Fairy cuts him down. (Yeah...the novel is darker than even the Disney version. Imagine that.)
Near the end of the book, Pinocchio notices that they are shadows of their former selves. The Fox is lame and is missing his tail while the Cat is blind. Pinocchio goes, "Eh, they deserve it," and walks off, ignoring their pleas for help.
I'm not commenting on the live action version, because it's terrible and I got so bored I dropped it half way through.
Based on that along with the promo art my theory about the plot summary for this event is this. At the start of the arc either...
Those two take the circus to the island, and people visit it along with the attractions there.
It's similar to the masquerade event, ie Honest Fellow offers up 10 tickets to the fair and Crowley hosts a lottery for them and Yuu goes along for the ride after Grim complains about wanting to come.
Once the NRC boys get there, they all have a blast and get to all sorts of trouble. Little do they know Honest John and Giddel are working for a mysterious figure who wants to mind control powerful mages to gain more power and wealth. They reluctantly carry out his bidding, but do so out of fear of what will happen if they break free. Some of the students fall under his spell while others, probably Kalim, Ace and Ortho are able to escape. At the end, they eventually work together with Honest Fellow and Giddel to stop the Coachman and free the others.
Eh, even if I'm wrong, if I ever do a rewrite of this plot line after the first seven dorms in my fic, I'll make this the plot (minus Kalim for...reasons that will make sense when I get to that point and the lottery thing).
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lowcallyfruity · 6 months
no more favorites this favorites that tell me ur LEAST fav ships and ur least fav characters from each dorm /hj
Ok for ships I know you said least favorite but I actually do not hate any of the twst ships I think a lot of them are nice☹️ they’re more like. At the bottom of the tier list 🥰 (I’m sorry I just wanted to clarify 😔)
The only ships I HATE HATE HATE are the illegal ones- like incest and big age gaps (huge age gaps just make me uncomfortable) (and probably another criteria I can’t remember right now ☹️)
Same with the characters- I love them all so very much they all mean the world to me ☹️
Things under the cut!!!
I might get shot for this, but I’m not the biggest rookvil shipper.
I enjoy their dynamic and I definitely get why people ship them- like they’re definitely zesty- and I also do interact with fanart of them/follow rookvil shippers but it’s just not really my thing ☹️
I also personally see Rook and Vil as cousins so I do not ship it in my own ~twst universe~ - 😭😭 Rook is like Vils really weird gay autistic cousin to me 💔💔
Im also not the biggest Florid fan-
Like with rookvil, I get why people ship it and I do interact with florid stuff sometimes- but it’s just not my favorite-
Idk something about it makes me feel weird and icky 😭 I don’t know why I think this way tbh 😭 it is very cute tho !!
And uhh finally silsebe!
Like the other two, I get it. I understand. I follow silsebe shippers and I interact with silsebe art.
But I see then as brothers/family in my ~twst universe~ So I personally do not ship them. And bc of that they are at the bottom of the ship list 😭😭😭
Umm tbh I think that might be all of my least favorite ships? Unless I forgot one 😭😭😭 but yeah- those r like my big 3 I’m not a fan of 👍
Ok least fav characters time!!!
Hearts SLAY bul-
TREY CLOVER 🤬🤬 DIE DIE DIE TREY CLOVER (/j) he’s a good character and all- I just think he’s ugly 😭😭 I hate him for the memes and lolz he’s so stupid 😭😭😭 I HATE HIS RIZZ FACE SO MUCH
I also do not like ace. I mean I do like him. I love him. But he is my annoying stupid son I hate him so much I hate white people and gingers 🤬🤬 (JOKE. I AM NOT SERIOUS. I DO NOT HATE WHITE PEOPLE 😭😭😭)
- my sister calls Ace “Ace the disgrace” and “ Ace who doesn’t ace his grades” 😭😭😭
Savanaclaw 🥶-
I love all of Savanaclaw- they’re all great-
If you asked me this like. Maybe earlier I would’ve said Ruggie because idk he just wasn’t super Interesting
Uhhh right now maybe my least favorite would be uhhhh 😭😭😭 I’m just saying all 3 of them- I love them so so much. But they also do not get a lot of screen time. ☹️ especially Jack. Idk. Sometimes they are kinda boring 😭😭😭😭😭😭 idk I cannot pick they’re all pookies
Octavinelle 😍-
Azul. Azul is my least favorite. I hate him. I dislike him. He is so evil. Like. Morally. But that’s also what makes him so good?!?! He’s my love hate character.
Fun fact- I started shipping azujami because I hated Jamil and Azul so much I was like- “hahaha my two least favorite evil horrendous characters get shipped teehee 🥰🥰🥰”
Scarabia 🥶🥶🥶🥶-
Jamil. I am actually Jamil’s biggest hater 🤬🤬 /j I hate him for book 4. I hate him for everything he did to Kalim. He is so morally fucked up (imo) he pisses me off so much. I also have a hc for him, which makes me dislike him kinda 🥰
But actually, I’ve grown to like him!!! I adore his character so much. And his hometown event was so lovely… like damn…. Okay Jamil… sobs….
Pomefiore 😍-
Rook. He’s just my least favorite. Like. For no particular reason. I just like Vil more tbh 😭😭😭😭 so yeah he’s last
Idia by default since I like ortho a bit more 😭
Diasomnia 😭😭😭🥰🥰-
Disliking a Diasomnia character is actually illegal and not allowed 😕😕😕 /j
Umm. I love them all with my heart and my soul. But. Lilia is my least favorite by just a bit. I like the others a bit more than Lilia 😭😭😭
And yeah that’s it 👍👍👍👍👍
Sighs deeply
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m34gs · 1 year
Hey friend! A while ago I rambled about my favourite things about Twisted Wonderland, but what are yours? 👀
Aw thanks for the ask, friend! I don't have a particular order or anything to it, so I'll just list my favourite things as I go along :D
I love the character designs. They're so pretty and majestic and well done. I like looking at them and honestly could probably stare at art (official *and* fanart) for ages. My top favourites for aesthetic are Idia, Jade and Floyd, and Jamil. I don't really have much of a reason other than they're pretty to me lol.
I like how easy it is to play even as a free player. Like, there's a lot that you can easily do without paying extra and I enjoy that. I don't want to sink money into something over and over and over and I don't like feeling left out because I didn't have spare money to spend on a game. In that way, it is very reasonably accessible. I haven't spent a single cent on it yet and I don't really intend to.
Book three is my favourite so far (please note I am still at the beginning of book 5 so that is subject to change potentially). I love the aesthetic of the Mostro Lounge (btw did you know that Mostro di Firenze - The Monster of Florence - is the name used for an unidentified Italian serial killer? I'm not saying that they're related in any way to the lounge but I thought it was interesting, brain made the leap between "Mostro" being Italian, and Azul basically running the "Fish Mafia" and "Mafia" also being Italian, and yeah...on another note, it also reminds me of Monstro, the whale from the story of Pinocchio). I really love the jazz music, it is to die for. Plus, you know I ship Yuu and Floyd; I just think they're neat. (And I ship Jade and Azul hehe). Anyway. Book three also centers on My Boys so I really love it.
Divus Crewel is my favourite faculty member and I have the biggest nerdy gamer crush on him. Seriously. I've said it dozens of times; if I ship Floyd with Yuu, I ship Crewel with *me*. LOL. I really enjoy his design and I like the way he talks.
I love the Twistunes. I always love music and rhythm games are really fun. I love the challenges for each Twistune and I love playing them over and over and over to get as good as I can at the most difficult levels. So, there you go, some of my favourite things about Twisted Wonderland. Thank you again for the ask, I always get so happy seeing you in my inbox 💜
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artfulhero-m · 2 years
Introduction Post
Hello there! It's me, the Artful Hero.
With my subsequent return to this hellsite that I had left many ages ago, I've decided to create a brief introduction post to those visiting this blog for the first time.
The name's Maddie. My pronouns are she/her, and I'm older than 18 years old. Consider me suspicious all you want, I grew up in the era where we were constantly being told to never share one's age online so that's what I'm doing until I'm at an age where I feel comfortable sharing it. Friends get to know my age but that's because I know them. If I talk to you for like 2 or 3 sentences that doesn't entitle you to more personal knowledge about me.
One of my current interests and obsessions at the moment would be content revolving around Minecraft YouTubers, specifically content revolving around the Dream Team and the Dream SMP. It's been like this for 2 years now, I'm sure eventually I'll find something new and this post will become outdated, but until then, I'm obsessed with the Dream Team and Dream SMP. Expect to see content from me regarding that.
Another current interest and obsession of mine at the moment would be Twisted Wonderland. You know, that visual novel by Disney illustrated by the same artist responsible for the illustrations of Black Butler that many are surprised is NOT an otome or a BL. Yeah if you hear me say anything about Azul or Riddle, haha. Anyway, this interest in TWST is very recent so I'm learning things about the characters and the events as I go. Currently I haven't played TWST any time recently so I've missed a few events and birthdays, but that's mostly due to my lack of free time IRL and my lack of phone storage. I fear one more update to the app will completely take up the storage on my phone and I will be forced to delete apps that I need haha.
Anyway, I'm sure everyone who visits will learn more about me as we go along and as I continue to once more use Tumblr for the first time in many years. Enjoy my posts, enjoy the memes and shit posts I'll be reblogging, and I hope everyone who comes to visit this blog enjoys their stay!!!
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Haha, yeah Ace would absolutely do that!
I prefer a demon slayer Yuu though simply because of the angst potential. Since being a demon slayer is really dangerous, the prefect would obviously have a shit ton of scars so imagine how everyone would react to seeing them? Like in the event that the prefect is supposed to become the next pillar of a breathing technique, they’d have to be super skilled and have to fight a ton of powerful demons to reach that point so that just makes the amount of scars they have even higher!
Also during an overblot, maybe they get severely injured due to the debris flying everywhere but instead of being phased, they’re like; Tis but a scratch! But everyone else is like; No it’s not!
And the dorm heads after overblotting! Like if the prefect gets badly injured every time it happens which leaves a scar and they’re already aware of the other scars, they’d feel really bad for hurting the prefect, because they’ve already been through so much they deserve a peaceful life! Being at NRC, for the most part, has clearly given them the chance to truly act their age where they can also receive the help they need to work through their trauma and then because of the overblot, things are taking a few steps back again! Of course the prefect is like; “It’s fine, I’ve faced worse!” But that honestly just makes all of them feel worse because damn.
Knowing all this, I bet Crowley and everyone else would be reluctant to send the prefect back to their world cause they don’t want to see their friend suffer more pain.
Everyone is frankly quite horrified at the amount of scars they have on their body and how some of them are near parts of their body that could very well be fatal
They are 16! They should be going out pulling pranks and getting on the teachers’ nerves or being a good student preparing for their future not fighting in battles that could very well kill them
Crowley confiscated their sword because it’s dangerous to have in school but luckily they didn’t get through all those battles and be able to be a candidate to become a pillar only relying on their sword, they can make do with what they get
Despite Deuce’s horror at MC’s situation he’s also pretty curious on just what pillars are and about the demon slayer corps in general though of course he always goes about the topic gently despite the fact it really doesn’t MC that uncomfortable (he wants them to focus on having fun! Not fighting with their life on the line)
Ace takes it upon himself to make sure you have loads of fun in NRC and his shenanigans with MC are actually given some slack when MC is shown to be genuinely enjoying themselves (though he still gets punished, boi you thought)
Jack wants to protect them but also respects their strength so becomes more of MC’s self preservation because they don’t need to run into battle! There are magic wielded though MC can’t really be stopped when the situation escalates
Riddle would feel terrible if he scarred or injured you in any way (which considering he fought with rose bushes, I BET HAPPENED) and want to make it up to MC but MC is just dismissive of it insisting it’s okay when it’s not. (He gets Trey to teach him how to make tarts properly and gifts them to MC who accepts it cause free food!)
Leona on the outside is dismissive of the whole thing cause big whoop the kid has scars, not his problem. Inside however he does feel a little bad though considering the nature of his power they likely didn’t get too injured especially since when faced with demon blood arts that can send you flying without you even seeing (Reference: Yahaba’s demon blood art. The partner of the Temari demon), Leona’s muscles really doesn’t intimidate them
Azul feels pretty shitty about trying to take away their home after learning that they were okay with it for the most part because they didn’t really need sleep much anyway (seriously when do demon slayers sleep, they train in the day and fight demons to sunset the next day, if you think you can stay up all night become a demon slayer, they are on another level) but ultimately settles for treating them to a free treat in the Mostro Lounge and is off. He doesn’t like getting personally involved
Jamil was worried about his plans in all honesty with the fact that MC could see through him and is surprised when they approach him post overblot like he didn’t deceive them and send them flying with Grim. When MC explains he doesn’t need to feel alone, he just feels bad and mends their Haori as an apology (since he saw Riddle and Azul already apologize with food)
Vil didn’t insist on MC working with them since they had recovering wounds and scars that could possibly be aggravated by his strict training but they laugh off the idea his training is strict cause compared to demon slaying training it’s a breeze. When he accidentally injures them in his overblot (since he you know, DESTROYED THE STADIUM) as an apology he does something gets a gift personalized to something MC would actually like (since he luckily has Rook to find out what MC likes) and gets them some potions to speed up their recovery
The students would openly protest if MC was going to be sent home. They shouldn’t have to go back to such a bleak world where death is staring them at the face! They can just stay here and be a teenager!
MC however would insist on coming home because they still have precious loved ones at their home world who they wish to protect and they can’t just live a normal life here while their comrades are likely off fighting demons and possibly even the upper moons and Muzan Kibutsuji something that the students would reluctantly have to accept.
Okay so I know you prefer demon slayer! MC but Demon! MC has plenty angst potential too! I mean with some exceptions, most demons didn’t exactly want to become one because the life of a demon is not an easy one
They would be close to Malleus as a demon since they can only come out when it’s night and Malleus and his centuries of wisdom could be an interesting conversation buddy to the immortal (from everything but the sun and wisteria) demon.
Demon! MC would be way more nonchalant about taking hits than a demon slayer! MC because hey! Their arm might’ve been blown off but it’s already regenerating and since none of the guys have sun powers or Nichirin blades, they can only be killed by being pushed into the sunlight (which no one is possibly an asshole enough to do when they saw what happened to them after Crowley dragged them off to get some sunlight cause “it’s good for them”).
Demons feel the pain of their injuries (ex: Nezuko wincing when her leg was blown off by the Temari demon and the Temari demon’s death) so them using themselves as a meat shield while practical makes the NRC students feel awful when they recall them remarking on cutting themselves the other day or some other passing comment of pain cause they can feel it but take every hit.
The Pomefiore students and Crewel night even volunteer to work on a potion that could get them some form of sun resistance after a near miss after an overblot attack where the sun got exposed to them and if it wasn’t for Adeuce tackling them and hiding them under their bodies they surely would’ve been nothing but ash but MC just laughs bitterly at the idea of sun resistance as it’s after all what “that man” desires most
With demon! Mc being sent home, demon! Mc might actually accept staying in Twisted Wonderland unless they’re someone like Tamayo who’s actively making something to work against Muzan though if they’re just a demon with humanity still in them trying to survive I imagine they would actually like to stay which would make a happy ending but still full of angst potential
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hi yes im still alive
AHHHHHHH, I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS 😭 kjdbbaufbiafafvoaybo LEMME PUT ON MY THINKING CAP AND THROW SOME STUFF OUT ASDYUBUASDLI;AGVUOQIB;VI You’ll understand why I used Leona’s face here even though it’s Idia and Ortho’s chapter after you read my thoughts--
***Chapter 6 (and other main story) spoilers below the cut!***
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Okay, just to keep it simple, I’ll try to keep things in chronological order!
First is a bullet point list of my thoughts on chapter 6 so far, then all my questions and theories (mostly a biggish theory on Ace) are at the end of the post.
Expectation: Idia cowering in his room, Vil and Rook busting down his door using Epel as a battering ram, dead Ortho theory confirmed
Admittedly, I’m disappointed to see that the injury Grim inflicted to MC was basically just a cat scratch and nothing more. I thought it would be a lot more impactful if MC had to deal with juggling the realization that Grim has betrayed their friendship and trust while also on the verge of death (or at least while being severely injured)... And given how MC reacted to the attack at the end of chapter 5, I would think whatever struck them was much more substantial than just a cat scratch. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say either the script got scrubbed by Disney, or the intent was that MC was still woozy from VDC / OB Vil, MC felt so betrayed that it shook them emotionally, or that MC was just that weak by default that they can’t defend themselves against cat claws.
Hey, Ramshackle’s finally getting renovated! Proceeds to immediately get destroyed again--
I feel like????????? They tried to retroactively explain why Neige won to try and mitigate the uproar over how VDC ended. There’s some dialogue between the VDC group about how they didn’t perform at their peak because of having just walked out of dealing with OB Vil, and how Neige’s fans were going to vote for him anyway because they resonated with his background. Honestly, I think they should have moved on from that sore spot instead of bringing it up again, even if how chapter 5 ended didn’t personally bother me.
Okay, I know this chapter’s focused on Ignihyde and Grim, but the standout part to me (so far) has been the scene where Leona’s being kidnapped. Historically, Leona has not been a character that I like (excluding that one time I had to pretend to like him for a game). I feel like he’s one massive missed opportunity (he didn’t show up much in chapter 2, he’s pretty similar backstory-wise to his Disney counterpart compared to the other Dorm Leaders, he didn’t seem to learn anything or become a better person even a LITTLE after chapter 2, etc.). I’m not a fan of his lazy and arrogant attitude either (even if it is justified by his backstory). But here? THIS IS THE LEONA I ACTUALLY LIKE AND WANT TO SEE MORE OF. 
LIKE????? I CAN’T DESCRIBE TO YOU HOW MUCH I LIKE THIS SCENE???? Yeah, we have Leona fighting STYX at first, but as soon as he realizes who they are, he wises up and surrenders because he knows better than to resist arrest. AND NOT ONLY THAT, but he uses King’s Roar in a smart way--to turn the falling greenhouse glass panes into sand so they don’t hurt anyone nearby (namely him and Ruggie).
And after he turns himself in????? LEONA TELLS RUGGIE TO TAKE CARE OF SAVANACLAW FOR HIM!!! THIS is what a real leader would do. He looks after himself and his people, but he knows when to surrender, AND he leaves his “kingdom” (the dorm) in good hands while he’s away. THIS is the Leona I want to see.
AJBDUASHPFBUABFIABIYFBIPFAAFIAF I ALSO REALLY LIKE HIS SASS WHEN HE JUST THROWS HIS HANDS UP AND ASDBIASBIABAIODDAYOFAIPPADAIDB SAYS “I’ll go with you, but be careful while escorting me, okay? Despite my looks, I'm a precious prince. I’ll get sick/dizzy if you drive recklessly.” SARCASTIC SASSY SMARTASS??????? IF YOU HAD MORE LINES LIKE THIS, I’D LIKE YOU MORE
I love how Azul’s still talking about capitalism/how he can profit from Idia (apparently the Shrouds are like the TWST equivalent of Google??????) as he’s being escorted away by the agents?????? IF I WERE HIM, I’D BE PISSED OFF THAT THEY INTERRUPTED MY BOARD GAME????? At least let the man finish first--
Damn, everyone’s being tasered???????? And apparently all the STYX agents are equipped with anti-magic plates? I guess Bind the Heart can just eat shit then--
Lilia’s ringtone is cute, period.
WAIT WHAT CROWLEY’S BEING KIDNAPPED TOO??????? Oh well, the school is probably safer in Trein’s hands anyway--
How does it feel to be held in a room against your will, Jamil? Yeah, don’t like a taste of your own medicine, do you?
Wait, what????? THAT’S IT?????? SERIOUSLY???????
I have so many questions??????? Specifically about STYX and what they do, and how the Shrouds are tied into all of it.
So they say STYX is a specialized unit called in to quell serious Overblot cases. And if Crowley called them to deal with Grim... well, bad times ahead for Grim. STYX has also been studying Overblot for a long time, which is why (I think?) they captured Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, and Vil. 
There’s been some allusions made between Grim and Stitch in a lot of fan art and fan theories I’ve seen, since their struggles have some parallels: that being them struggling to decide if they are “good” or “bad”. I don’t know if this was intentional on the part of the TWST writing team, but regardless, it’s a really good concept that plays into the themes of TWST itself. There’s no good, there’s no evil, no black and white--most of the characters we see may be BASED on villains, but that doesn’t MAKE them villains. They are good, and bad, in their own ways--and now Grim is dealing with that crisis as he fights to keep his sanity and avoid completely succumbing to Overblot.
Though Idia seems to be involved with STYX’s research, it doesn’t sound like he personally gave the order to retrieve those test subjects (or at the very least, he’s not happy about roughing up the test subjects), it sounds like the orders came from other people in the organization. His parents, perhaps?
They mention briefly that Idia’s parents are asking him to “come home”, so it must be for something urgent. Are they worried about his safety? But Idia’s lines at the end of chapter 5 lead me to think he is estranged from his family, since he straight up rejected a job offer linked to them (Olympus Corp is owned by the Jupiter family, and the Shrouds are a branch family of Jupier), and says something like “I’m not welcome anywhere”. Has Idia done something to disgrace him from the rest of the family? Or is it more of a self imposed/self inflicted statement, given that he always says he’s “cursed” and acts like he’s guilty of something that deserves scorn?
Why is Idia participating in STYX research, even if it means experimenting on his fellow students (and fellow board game enthusiast Azul)? People are speculating that he wants to use blots to fully revive Ortho (if dead Ortho theory is true), or that Idia actually has heroic intentions (he wants to know more about blots to prevent OBing from happening?), but at this point??? Literally anything could happen?!
In future parts, I’m guessing Pomefiore, MC, and Adeuce will team up to break Jamil and the Dorm Leaders (except Malleus, Malleus got left out again www) out? And HOPEFULLY we get to see Rook’s Unique Magic or at least more screen time, since I feel like he got so little in chapter 5... Another thing I’d like to see is Ace and/or Epel getting their Unique Magic, or at least starting to develop it. It’s really mostly Ace I want more details for.
A theory I’ve been holding onto for a long time is that Deuce getting his UM will spur Ace on to become jealous (since he has always seen Deuce as an idiot/”lesser” than him), and that will cause a rift in the friendship, or for Ace to throw himself into a dangerous situation to prove himself (he has done it before with Riddle)... and has his ass rescued again. This would make Ace even angrier, since he feels like everyone is treating him like a little kid or rubbing it in that he isn’t “as good” as they are. I don’t know where it would go from there (I’m sure TWST would get creative), but ultimately it would culminate in Ace making amends with everyone and rushing in to save them from either Grim or Idia OB.
I don’t think Ace would discover his UM in a similar manner as Deuce (Deuce had to embrace his own stubbornness and straightforwardness, but as the term “Unique” Magic implies, the way a magic develops and manifests is “unique” to the user). While Deuce has to learn to accept his own way of thinking, I believe Ace is already sure of his own way of thinking and has totally accepted it. I think what Ace has to deal with instead is coming to terms with his fickleness. We’ve seen him time and time again treating his loved ones kind of callously, from constantly bullying MC, Grim, and Deuce to ghosting his own girlfriend and flaking on people when they are counting on him to do a task.
The issue with Ace isn’t that he isn’t aware, it’s that he is aware and he seems to think this behavior is totally okay. He demonstrates little to no remorse in what he does and says, and he doesn’t seem to care about the consequences either (how many times does he get punished by Riddle, yet he keeps doing the same dumb things over and over?). Ace appears to operate under the mindset of always being in the right, or (if he’s in the wrong), he won’t really acknowledge it, or he will wave it off as “no big deal”--and I think that’s his greatest weakness.
In the scenario I described earlier, I mentioned that Ace’s jealousy will cause a wedge between him and his friends, and I think this will play into him realizing the error of his ways. When he has finally driven away all of the people that supported him, what will he have left? Nothing. Then maybe Ace suddenly finds himself relating to Idia, or to Grim, who have Overblotted and are in a similar emotional state as he is. Confused and lonely... and that energizes him to pitch in again, even if all he has is wind magic up his sleeve. Everyone could be shocked that Ace has returned, and in that moment, he could finally realize his true potential and unlock his Unique Magic!
(Maybe that’s too specific, but that’s a scenario that I’ve had playing in my head for a long time!)
... Buuuuut given that Ace has gotten little to no spotlight so far in chapter 6, I’m not sure if they’ll lean into him developing his UM yet (unless they pull a chapter 5 and really start addressing Ace in the latter half of the chapter like they did with Deuce). Seeing as chapter 6 is dealing with a lot of heavy topics (death, Grim lore, Overblot lore), I’m thinking maybe the TWST team will push off Ace’s UM development to chapter 7???? The only way I can see it happening in chapter 6 is if the chapter is SUPER long, or if the writing is REALLY good or really bad. 
Anyway, I’m keeping my fingers crossed!!! I’m so excited for the rest of chapter 6... I hope that we don’t have to wait too long for it!
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leviskokoro · 3 years
Mari’s Birthday (Personal Story)
Uhhh... People voted on my server to have Leona to interview her (thanks a lot, guys -squints-) so here it is! Thank you everyone for sending asks in the inbox to use in this interview~! 
Leona: I’m here. Let’s get this shit over with. 
Mari: Waitㅡ Leona, you’re the one interviewing me for the Newspaper Club?
Leona: Yeah, yeah… That bastard Vil wouldn’t have mercy on me if I didn’t do this. Leona: There was a poll to choose which dorm leader would do this and I ended up getting the most votes for some reason. 
Leona: Grr…. I bet those brats just wanted to mess with me. 
Mari: Ah… Sorry to hear that, Leona.
Leona: Whatever. Let’s just start already. 
Leona: Here’s how this will work: I’ll take a paper from this bowl and you have to answer it. I’ll only pull out a few questions because I can’t be bothered to do this crap too long. 
Mari: I understand. 
-noises of paper being arranged- 
Leona: First question is from this anonymous student: 
How was adjusting to life in NRC like?
Mari: It was honestly pretty easy. I’ve been one of the only humans in an academy full of demons before. Being a magicless student in a school of mages isn’t anything too different. 
Leona: A school of demons, huh? 
Leona: Heh, you’re stronger than you look, herbivore. 
Leona: Alright -more paper rustling noises-
Leona: Next question from another anonymous student: What kind of dessert do you like? And your favorite type of cake
Mari: I love blueberry cheesecake and vanilla milkshake! 
Leona: Next question from another anonymous student: Is that girl you usually hang around with your sister? 
Leona: God, this is already getting repetitive 
Mari: Phoebe…? Leona: She’s that girl who likes arguing with Octo Bastard, right? Heh.
Mari: She’s not my sister by blood but I do like to see her as a younger sister. 
Leona: Right… Next question from that red-haired brat you hang aroundng around so much: Who do you think is the most attractive guy in each dorm? 
Leona: Ugh, These are weird questions. Hurry up and answer them already. 
Mari: Alright. I see you didn’t get enough sleep today. 
Leona: Grr…
Mari: Hehe~ Mari: Anyway, I won’t say the first two because they’re smug bastards and would have their ego get too inflated by this. 
Mari: Azul and those twins are sort of tied for me but Azul does have very pretty eyes. Mari: Jamil is just gorgeous. I love his long silky hair.
Mari: Vil, of course, takes the top spot for all the effort he puts into his beauty every day. 
Mari: Idia has such cool features! 
Mari: And last but not least, Tsunotarou~ Because he’s tall, dark, and handsome. 
Leona: You still call him that? 
Mari: He said I could call him whatever I wanted and that’s what I’m gonna do. 
Leona: Heh. Next question from this person called Moon Rose: What would you do if Lucifer and his brothers showed up in Night Raven College? 
Mari: I’d ask them how they are and apologise for worrying them so much with my sudden absence. Then hug them as hard as I can because I’ve missed my family. 
Leona: Ugh, typical. You’re always going on and on about them. 
Mari: Hehe…
Leona: By the way, this person’s lil posse dropped by some gifts for you. They’re in the back but I didn’t wanna get them myself. 
Mari: Yay~ I’ll tell them my thanks~ 
Leona: Next up is from this Araminta person: How do you wanna celebrate? 
Mari: I’m not picky. I just want to be surrounded by my family at a happy dinner celebration. 
Leona: Right… God, you’re so mushy and soft. It’s hard to see how the fuck you survived literal Hell. 
Mari: ;w;
Leona: Anyway, next question from River: What’s the earliest memory you can remember? 
Mari: Hmm… Earliest memory… I think it’d be my only memory of my father teaching me how to take care of my newborn brother and him asking me to be the best big sister he could have. 
Leona: … 
Leona: Next up is from another anonymous student who wants to know what you like about Twisted Wonderland and your favorite places. 
Mari: It’s so different from my own world where mages are mostly kept secret from the public. There’s a lot of interesting things to learn and experience too. Things are never boring~ 
Mari: My favorite place would have to be Mostro Lounge, I suppose? It’s hard to pick a clear favorite but Mostro Lounge somewhat reminds me of one of my family members. 
Leona: And last question is from me: If I can get you anything you wanted, what would it be? 
Mari: O-Oh! This is a surprise. I didn’t really consider what I would really want. People being considerate enough to give me gifts is enough, really. 
Mari: But… I’d really like some way to travel between my home world to Twisted Wonderland. 
Leona: Right… This wraps things up now. It wasn’t as bad as I would’ve expected. You’re at least more interesting than the other herbivores. 
Mari: Thanks for interviewing me~! 
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Art is a commission by KEMM01 on DeviantArt
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: barbie movies as troupe plays part 1 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw
𝐚𝐧: if you think i won’t do all 36 barbie movies, you’re wrong. regardless of whether people want this or not. i have barbie brainrot 24/7. i’m just separating it into parts so it’s not too long *this isn’t meant to be that serious y’all my reasons vary from legit to just jokes
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥: i won’t go in-depth with any plot differences from movie to play, or how the characters would work out... for now *chuckles in future ppt*
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏: nutcracker, rapunzel, swan lake, princess and the pauper, fairytopia series, magic of pegasus, barbie diaries, island princess, three musketeers 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐: coming soon 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑: coming soon
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! spring x autumn. one of the seasonal events/scouts for A3! has a nutcracker theme, and to avoid spoilers that’s all i will say :3
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: since this is based on barbie’s take on the nutcracker, changing up the cast from what tsuzuru had in plan:
clara/sugarplum fairy: sakuya. i want to see him go through a costume & hair transformation sequence, not gonna lie. 
nutcracker/prince eric: juza. obviously he has to be the ruler of the land of sweets.
mouse king: sakyo or chikage. i want one of them to wave around a sceptre and say quotes like “i’ll reduce the Nutcracker to a pile of splinters"
pimm: taichi... pimm is a spy :O who has to do dirty work :O but the real reason is i just want taichi to follow around sakyo again or maybe even chikage this time lol
major mint & captain candy: tsuzuru and citron respectively. mint is pretty serious and awkward, candy is a lot friendlier- i just think it’ll be a good way to insert some humor in the play
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! summer x autumn.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: rapunzel in this one actually is the “servant” of gothel. also, rapunzel has a magical paint brush and also there’s dragons. who are purple. 
rapunzel: kazunari. obviously. actually, kazu has a lot of similarities with her: a good artist, patient, adventurous, quick thinking, hardly ever complains- also he’d look good with long hair i think ><
penelope: kumon. a PURPLE funny and clumsy dragon- fight me, the only answer is kumon especially once you see who’s next.
hugo: juza. a PURPLE dragon who’s penelope’s dad but he’s gonna be the older bro in this one (i wonder why...) 
hobie: a passive and worrisome rabbit... Tenma.
prince stefan: he also has a couple fight scenes... ngl bc stefan has blue eyes, light brown hair + described by the wiki as “fierce”, he’s banri. 
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: winter troupe. i will stand by this forever. 
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: this is like one of the ones i’ve had figured out for a while already...
odette & odile: tsumugi. i’m just saying, tsumugi’s duality- he can do both the white and black swan because he has power. impact.
prince daniel: not tasuku bc spare him the prince roles he’s sick of it. guy. why guy? because he obviously has a good idea of how to act like a prince :3 
fairy queen: azuma. ugh just- imagining how ethereal he’d look.
erasmus: tasuku. he’s a troll that can act mean, but is genuinely kind and helpful... also, the VA of erasumus is also the VA for “unnamed burly villager” and i’m just saying-
kelly the cygnet: hisoka. there’s too many animal children, so hisoka is gonna be the baby swan. uwu. also, kelly has a quote, “I can't sleep.” and wOW THE IRONY
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: WE’RE GOING FOR THE COMEDIC ROUTE WHAT’S UP SUMMER. reason: i went “wait... no actor really looks super alike though.”
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: tafahfuoahoaf it’s my favourite barbie movie... OKAY SO THE RUNNING GAG OF THIS IS THAT THE PRINCESS & PAUPER DON’T LOOK ALIKE, BUT EVERYONE KEEPS GOING “Wow! you two look so identical!” no they don’t
anneliese: muku. first of all please look at the sprite i used in the header. anneliese = pink = muku. she’s the sweet princess archetype... but in this version she also goes on tangents about rocks and mineraLS AND HOW THE MINING INDUSTRY SUX AND THE ABSOLUTE AUDACITY OF-
erika: kumon. first of all, the sprite in the header again. erika = blue like ugh this is perfect. ALSO erika has a cat who BARKS and i just imagine kumon talking to her cat like: WOOF WOOF WOOF GRRR GRRR and the dog responding and everyone in the palace going wtf
king dominick: i had such a crush on him anyway he’s tenma. rich, young, talented king who disguises himself as a page so he can find love for realsies. im just saying. he won’t be tenma’s only role tho ><
julian: kazunari. the wiki went “he’s the only bestfriend a barbie MC ever married” really shook me like ugh friendship dynamic between muku and kazu roles??? also kazu’s genuinely smart so him as the tutor was just gucci in my eyes
preminger: misumi. FIRST OF ALL PREMINGER IS ICONIC? WHEN HE SANG HOW CAN I REFUSE I WAS LIKE UGH KING. i just wanna hear misumi play an antagonist that’s also funny and do things with his voice.
madame carp: yuki. a bossy and rich woman who owns a dress emporium. pretty much it.
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: spring troupe. i wanna see them have wings uwu.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: just gonna combine the whole fairytopia series into one 
elina: itaru. first of all, pink motif. also i just like the idea of itaru being this recurring protagonist.
bibble the puffball played by kamekichi
laverna: recurring villain citron. for no reason other than i think it’s cool when he plays power hungry villains
enchantress: i just want sakuya to play a role that’s more of a “powerful character” but still really kind uwu. another recurring good guy.
azura & glee: tsuzuru. elina is azura’s apprentice, and glee is a friend who’s generally really happy... ngl, i wanna see tsuzuru play someone more energetic for funsies
nori: masumi. nori is kind of a stubborn and jealous person at first, him and elina won’t get along right away BUT DAMMIT THE ENEMIES? TO FRIENDS IS GUCCI!!! 
merman prince nalu & linden: chikage... yeah i just gave chikage the guy roles ngl... but i wanna see chikage as a handsome merman AND handsome fairy so *shrugs*
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: cross troupe. spring x winter.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: partially based on the ice-skating cards (i have yet to read the event story, unfortunately).
annika: tsuzuru. i thought it’d be fun to cast tsuzuru as a more sheltered character due to annika’s parents’ protectiveness. the contrast y’all.
shiver: sakuya. shiver is a polar bear cub sidekick who’s friendly and likes shiny things and that’s just... really cute... put bear ears on sakuya...
brietta: guy. brietta is annika’s older sister... who got transformed into a pegasus by the villain... i wonder how they’d change the pegasus thing lol
wenlock: tasuku. NOT GONNA LIE- i want tasuku to play the villain for all these wonderful one-liners: "Oh, smile! You didn't lose a daughter; you've gained a pet!", and "I thank my lucky stars I didn't marry you!"
prince aidan: masumi bc i want more roomie interaction on stage i mean their friendship keeps getting cuter and cuter.
cloud queen: azuma... that’s all. i just remembered her bc her hair has a braided crown, and i went “azuma braided hair brainrot”
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! summer x autumn.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: i was gonna make it full autumn, but then the age casting felt awkward since they’re in high school...
barbie: taichi. barbie here is shy but wants to stop blending in the background! i just went “damn that do be resonating”. also i wanna hear taichi sing more y’all and barbie is a singer/guitarist here
courtney: azami. i like the idea of azami playing a spunky character who’s more of a tomboy, but still does like fashion and accessorising and... lip gloss?
tia: misumi? tenma? idk the intelligent and passionate archetype is very broad... especially in a high school setting
kevin: kazunari. just the whole best friend thing + kevin being a goofy person who loves to make ppl laugh ugh
racquelle: yuki. i know racquelle’s a bully here and say not to bullying... but sharp tongue.
todd: honestly? todd was so boring in the moving. we need someone like banri to give him CHARACTER!... yes that’s my reasoning ugh
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ro/rosella: “a 16 year old girl who can talk to animals! adventurous and brave” me: *gasps* mISUMI-
prince antonio: “prince antonio loves travelling and exploring-” okay yeah it’s kazu...
queen ariana: i just want yuki to sing to me “love is for peasants which we’re obviously not” and i’d go :O also ngl... i wanna see yuki in like darker palettes and plotting to poison all the royals
princess luciana: queen ariana’s daughter... played by muku. because i wanna hear muku counter yuki with “all the shoujo mangas books i’ve read, all the poems always said, that the heart is made to share...”
sagi the red panda & azul the peacock: honestly, just basing it off of colour matching but tenma is sagi and kumon is azul lol
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𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: AHAHAHA WHAT IS THIS CASTING? pt 2 
corrine: i keep wanting to put sakuya in these roles oops. i just... let him sword fight on stage again :>
viveca: purple musketeer, artistic, designs clothes... fights with ribbons... you know, for the sake of banri being a fAshIoNisTa... it has to be banri y’all "Don't mess with the animal print dress!"
aramina: green musketeer, fights with fans, romantic and loves ballet... pfft, for the sake of “wouldn’t it be funny-” it has to be azami. poor bby, having to swoon over romance on stage- he can’t relate
renee: chikage. purely because of that scene where she threw a feather duster (?) at a flying shard of glass and perfectly hit it. yeah.
helene: the old and strict instructor that teaches them how to be musketeers... sakyo.. duh.
philippe: the main antagonist... it has to be omi again. and since philippe has a goatee, we’re bringing back facial hair omi~
prince louis: itaru, lol. he’s like the one significant non-action oriented character in the film. he has just enough moments where itaru still looks princely, but mostly? he just wants humans to fly y’all.
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want to order again?
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cobraonthecob · 4 years
list of my anti-LoK feelings
Excluding the Gaang’s treatment and trying to be spoiler free so that i can tell my brother about this, let’s go:
oh no it got long
none of this is in chronological order
- Poor mishandling of the concepts/conflicts (the Equalists being led by a bender)
- K/ya and Bum/i being treated poorly by the Air Acolytes simply because they aren’t airbenders 
- Bloodbending being the only bending subset art that’s demonized (meanwhile lightningbending gets to power Republic City)
- Harmonic Convergence - just random people getting airbending instead of people discovering they have airbending because Air Nomads are nomads and are likely to have descendants everywhere and it’s quite possible that the reason why Air Nomads are the only nation with a population that’s made up of 100% benders is because they gave nonbending children away to other nations, those kids carry on the genes but noooo it’s the most spiritual art or some random bs.
- the name of Republic City - whyyyyyyy you could’ve named it the People’s City in Chinese or something 
- Bu/mi getting airbending and apologizing to a statue of his dad for not being enough
- Te/nzin being the only Cloud kid with a family - because apparently airbending can only be passed down if there’s an airbending parent instead of bending being a wheel spin, coin toss, and draw of the hat chance combined with genetics so both Bumi and Kya could’ve had kids,,,but they didn’t. 
- “There’s LGBTQ+ rep!!!” yeah one of them is in the Fog of Lost Souls and a terrible person, Ky/a’s sexuality was confirmed in a comic that a good majority of the fandom doesn’t read bc the ATLA comics are notoriously abysmal, while Korra and Asami were shoved in last minute
- Kor/rasa/mi being shoved in last minute and that’s not because Nickolodean wouldn’t let Br/yke do it, they literally had no endgame ship until the last minute.
- the Spirit portals. Ah yes, make the Spirit World more accessible and make the Northern Water Tribe have an easy way to invade the Southern Water Tribe
- Water Tribe War of Why Would the North Want the South Except for an Ego Boost - oh stars i could write an essay on this: first of all there’s no reason for the two to unite - they’re on opposite ends of the world, two nations are between the two tribes so the constant travel between the two tribes is just too much. Secondly, we don’t do colonization in this household but apparently the North wanted to be like So/zin-Azul/on-O/zai’s Fire Nation. Thirdly: why. just why.
- The Western fashions and architecture - why is there a big ol’ statue of Aang in Republic City waters a la Statue of Liberty style -_- and why is there Western fashion asfjakjfkdj give me qipaos and i’ll shut up about it. (literally if everyone was wearing a qipao to be fancy i would give LoK less grief except for like “kind of boring but at least you tried”)
- As/ami is treated as a side character instead of one of the main four because she’s “Not a bender” (being removed from major fight scenes)
- Asa/mi being everyone’s emotional support and no one gives support back (sounds like someone we know...coughkataracough)
- non-benders having their roles being downplayed, and I don’t mean the Equalists being scary and then poofing out of existence after the first season. Benders get to be in all the action, but non-benders are mainly left out and only brought in to prop up the benders 
- immemorable/bad lines/immemorable characters (I can’t remember who was in what spot lol)
- the Spirit World looking more like Spirited Away rather than what it originally was (someone drew a bunch of Spirited Away LoK AU and I thought it was a bunch of Spirited Away screencaps until I saw little kid!Ko/rra and was like “????”)
- “spirits should live in harmony with humans” - world proceeds to get invaded with “spirit vines” along with ATLA fans going “wait what about spirits like Koh the Face-Stealer or an angry Hei Bai”
- non-con kisses. love triangles. didn’t need that but okay
- wait i just looked up the screenshots for that wedding and now i’m mad again
- I do not care if they’re Water Tribe. This world was inspired by China, we’re applying the full-on white outfit = mourning color to all nations because I can and I will do that.
- relationships having drama and I mean the type of drama that makes you groan and turn off the TV
- Bo/leska being played for laughs (switch the genders and this whole ship is a nightmare upon nightmare)
- Tenzi/n looking like an A/ang clone and doesn’t even have a hint of anything to suggest he’s half SWT - would it have killed the designers to give him Water Tribe arm wrappings???? 
- okay I said i wasn’t going to talk about the Gaang but I’m talking about Tenz/in so whatever. anyways neither T/enzin nor any of his kids look like they have SWT heritage and like. skin color can skip a generation and get into another. One of the Cloud grandkids could at least be a little tan instead of the entire family being the same skin tone. Ik/ki could’ve had hair loopies. Me/elo could’ve had a SWT name, and R/ohan could’ve been a waterbender.
- Ko/rra going to confront Zah/eer with Mak/o, everyone thinks that because Ma/ko was with her for a very emotional time that they’re probably going to get together because that makes sense, right? Heck, both of them are there for each other in the Big Emotional Scenes.
- The framing of the K/orra-Za/heer confrontation - Zahee/r is higher than her/is equal to her height, visually symbolizing that he still has power over her. This is very different from TSR where Ka/tara faces down her demon (Y/on Rha), all cards are in her hands, he’s sitting on the ground while she’s standing tall. 
there’s probably more but I’ve salted enough for now
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lovelybones81 · 5 years
Unthinkable -Updated 1/12
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Summary: Seven years, three movies, two people, one story. But before they can get their happily ever after, Sebastian Stan and Camille Solis must learn to trust in each other and in themselves, before allowing the unthinkable to happen.
Warnings: Fluff,  Smut, Language, Angst, Mental Health, WOC lead character
Rating: NC-17 (under 18? go away!) 
Notes: HI! Happy New Year! xoxo. Here is the next chapter! If you ever get the chance to visit Big Sur, CA please do so. It is the most beautiful place in the world! Anyway, thanks for all the love! 
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Chapter 21 Butterflyz
 Lately when I look into your eyes, I fly You're the only one I need in my life Baby, I just don't know how to describe How lovely you make me feel inside
You give me butterflyz Got me flyin' so high in the sky I can't control the butterflyz
You give me butterflyz Got me flyin' so high in the sky I can't control the butterflyz
March 2011
 Big Sur, CA  
 Sebastian shut the door behind him, pocketing the room key card in his back pocket for safe keeping. He leisurely walked down the long hall toward the staircase leading to the lobby of the hotel. As he walked, he admired the art on the walls. Damn, this place was definitely swanky, especially for it being up in the mountains. He got to the railing of the stairs, leaned the top half of his body into the rail, glancing down at the lobby and watched as people got directed to their rooms just like he had.
 Blindly he reached into his front pocket for his cellphone, dialing Camille’s number again. It ranged a few times then it went to her voicemail. He frowned and shoved the phone back into to jeans. He anxiously gazed back unto the sea of people down in the lobby, wondering why she wasn’t answering his calls. He had sat around in his room for a good twenty minutes before deciding to step outside to find her. He wasn’t sure what the plan was for later on tonight, but most importantly he physically ached to see her.
 It had been three weeks since he had been in California. It had also been three weeks since they kissed. His stomach did a summersault at the thought. He couldn’t help but lick his lips as the image of them kissing ran through his brain. For the past three weeks that thought was at the forefront of everything he did. It had been unexpected to say the least.
 Had they mentioned it any time they talked on the phone or text? Of course not. Mostly because he felt that conversation should be done in person and he had a feeling Camille felt the same way. So instead they talked around the subject. Were their exchanges awkward? Funny enough, no. They talked like nothing had changed. It was comforting actually.
 Sebastian jerked his head to the entrance of the hotel when he heard the familiar laugh echo throughout the lobby. He blinked a few times to get the figure in focus. He grinned widely like an idiot at the sight of her, thankful no one could see him at the moment. She wore a long sleeve floral maxi dress, her curls in a loose braid to one side of her shoulders. Even from where he stood she looked stunning.
 He watched as she wrapped one arm around the waist of an older lady, leading her toward the front desk. They stood by desk now, talking to a member of the staff. Camille seemed to do most of the talking, every few seconds making eye contact with the older woman as she spoke. Then it clicked-Camille was translating. Realizing for the first time since arriving to Big Sur, California that he was about to truly enter Camille’s world. The last few months he had only gotten snippets of it, but now he was going to be around the people who knew her since she was little.
 He began making his way down the stairs toward her. His hands feeling clammy all of a sudden. He snorted to himself. Get it together Stan. It’s not like you haven’t been around her before.
 He was about 10 feet away from her and was about to call out her name but closed his mouth when a staff member tapped on her shoulder.
 “Miss. Solis?”
 “Yes?” Camille answered, turning her attention away from the front desk.
 “Your aunt said she needs you back in the main room as soon as possible.” The young man said meekly.
 Her back was to Sebastian but regardless he knew she had just rolled her eyes. “Okay.” Then said with a sigh. “Can you do me a favor?” 
 The young man nodded. 
 Camille continued. “Would you mind helping her to her room?” Taking the key card from the woman behind the desk and handing it to the other staff member. 
 “Thank you.” She said with a smile. “Her luggage is still in the car-“
 The young man waved a dismissive hand. “Don’t worry I’ll go get it as well.” And without hesitation he began helping the older woman toward the elevator.  
 Sebastian attempted to take another step to her, but stopped when someone else called out her name, in need of her help. (Something about the place settings for the tables). Once they had gotten their answer they moved along. He didn’t even get the chance to take another step when the woman behind the front desk called for her again. 
 “Miss. Solis?” She said with a phone in her hand. “It’s for you.”  
 “Thank you.”
 But before Camille could even put the receiver to her ear, someone else had come up for an answer to a question. She told the person on the phone to hold on for a second as she dealt with the person in front of her. Only this time the woman asking was not in a uniform and asked in Spanish. Once the woman got her answer she quickly disappeared down a long hall. 
 He frowned slightly, his gut telling him she had been doing this for most of the day. Fending questions left and right. One side of her body leaned against the top of the counter, both elbows resting on it as she talked into the phone. Tactically he took a few steps forward, standing a few inches behind her. She was talking in Spanish and even though he couldn’t really understand the whole conversation, the tone of her voice sounded frustrated. 
 He listened for a few more second before clearing his throat loudly. “Miss. Solis?” He said, trying to disguise his voice.  
 At the name, Camille jerked her head in his direction, phone still glued to her ear with a slight wrinkle of her nose in annoyance. Her expression changed the moment she recognized it was him. The annoyed look from a few moments ago quickly replaced by beaming eyes and a huge grin that made Sebastian feel like he was sixteen again. With the phone still to her ear, she excitedly mouthed “Hi!” 
 Sebastian beamed back like a fool, unable to stop even if he wanted to. He wasn’t sure of what to do or say. But his heart did begin to thump a bit faster. She mouth to him to hold on and quickly went back to talking in Spanish, her eyes never leaving his face. He nodded and only stared back. She spoke too quickly for him to understand much of what was being said, but waited patiently for her to be finished. 
 God, he had missed her. He was never going to get used to saying goodbye to her, but the feeling he felt right before he got to see her again made up for it a little bit. Everything just seemed to get lighter the day or hours before and his stomach would flutter when he thought of her. 
 Jesus Sebastian. Get it together. He repeated to himself. 
 “You really got to stop eavesdropping on phone calls.” He heard Camille say, a hint of playfulness in her voice. 
 Sebastian gave a confused look, then it dawned on him why she said that. She was referring to what caused their little tiff last year in New York. He scrunched up his nose and muttered. “Cute Camille, cute.” But felt his cheeks getting hot.  
 Camille smiled back. “Gracias Ojos Azules.” She answered cheekily at the same time standing up straight to fully face him. 
 He knitted his eyebrows together. “It wasn’t a compliment.” He said dryly. 
 She scrunched up her nose in response and took a step closer toward him. “Stop frowning and give me a hug hello.” She warmly ordered, her arms already reaching out for him. She stopped abruptly when they heard her name being called. He heard a small sigh leave her lips as she took a step back from him, smiling sadly up at him. “Hold that thought.” Swiftly she turned around and faced the person who had just called her name. “Yes?” she responded a smile still plastered on her features.
 Sebastian could only watch, not wanting to get in her way. He must have been staring hard because he felt Camille briefly reach out to touch his arm. “Yeah?” he asked lamely.
 “Do you want to follow me?” Camille asked. “I have to go find the last set of silverware for tonight’s rehearsal dinner. I don’t want to lose you in the sea of people.” She finished with a small grin yet the relax look from a few seconds ago disappearing from her face.
 “S-sure of course.” He sputtered.
 Without another word Sebastian followed Camille and the hotel staff member as they walked down a long hallway. He heard them talking but wasn’t paying attention to what they were saying. He just continued to focus his attention on Camille and her body language. She was tense which meant stress. And that became even more abundantly clear when they got stopped by a few other people asking directions about where things needed to go.
 “Rose?” She started, coming to an abrupt stop.
 “Yes?” Was the response from the woman standing next to them.
 “Forget about the silverware for right now. Can you please direct these two gentleman of where they need to place the cake?” Camille requested.
 Sebastian eyed his surroundings, an idea forming in his head. He half listened to Rose as she asked the two men to follow her and leaving him alone with Camille. Before anyone else came asking for her, Sebastian reached out and tugged at her hand, giving a small nod for her to follow him. 
 “Sebastian! What are you doing?” She hissed, as they now stood in a small breezeway/hall with one door behind him and another door behind her as they faced each other.
 He hoped one of these doors were unlocked. Blindly his free hand searched for the door knob behind him, smirking when his fingers touched it, he pushed the door open with his foot.
 Yes! Success! 
 Giving her hand a light squeeze he drew her into the empty room.
 Camille laughed apprehensively. “What are we doing?”
 Without letting go of her hand, he shut the door behind them and glanced around the room, his eyes widen in curiosity when they took in his surroundings. There were 6 long vanity tables with mirrors all along the back wall, and white couches that made the room feel homey and comfortable.
 “We’re using this as the make-up/dressing room for tomorrow.” Camille explained as if reading his mind.
 Sebastian nodded in understanding. “Nice.” Then quickly locked eyes with her. “I figured you could use a little escape.” He stated, changing the subject.
 She gave him a grateful smile. “That’s sweet.” Letting out a gloomy sigh. “But I really need to go back out there.” But did not let go of his hand.
 “What happened to the wedding planner?”
 “She got a flat coming down from San Francisco. She’s on her way, but if we didn’t start setting up now, then it was going to put us behind. Thankfully Natalie had a copy of everything just in case. One of my tios and cousin’s drove up to meet where she’s stuck at.” She explained without taking a breath. “Nat’s trying to keep Sam from freaking out. So I’m trying to keep Nat from doing the same, while at the same time trying to keep Tia Yolanda from pissing off the hotel staff as she orders them around.” Finally letting go of his hand she began to pace back in forth in the room. “I love her, but she can drive me crazy sometimes. She has been trying to change the menu for tonight’s dinner for the past hour although it’s been set for weeks now! Can you believe her?” Raising her arms up in the air as she talked. 
 Sebastian didn’t respond. Not because he didn’t want to, but because it was obvious she needed to vent. 
 “She’s like: yo los conozco. They’ll listen to me. I’m like Tia: that doesn’t matter! We can’t change the food last minute!” Camille cried out as she continued to pace back and forth. “It wouldn’t be so bad if Staci was here to take care of the rest. But she isn’t, so it’s just me!” Her pacing coming to a halt as she placed one hand on her hip. “Oh and to add on to it-I can’t find my damn phone! I placed it somewhere and I have no clue where!!”
 Well, that answered his question about why she hadn’t answered his calls earlier and he assumed Staci was the wedding planner? 
 Yet, Sebastian had to suppress the smile that tugged on his lips watching her. He couldn’t help but think how pretty she looked every time the sun hit her when she stepped in the direction of the large windows. He wanted to kiss her again. What if she didn’t want to kiss him? He shook his head as if doing so would push those thoughts away. Instead he tried to concentrate on her voice and what she was saying.  
 “And the first thing I hear when I step into the hotel is mi tios wife-who isn’t even mi Tia- by the way- como estas mijita?” She mimicked with a roll of her eyes. “She doesn’t care. She’s a chismosa that has to be in everyone’s business! She had the nerve to say: probecito David. I talked to his mom and he isn’t doing well either.”  
 And there it was. The real reason why she was upset. He had a feeling there was more to her stress than just the wedding part. Sebastian knew this wedding was going to be a bittersweet event for her, even if she kept insisting she was fine.  
 “As if I have the time to deal with all of that right now.” She said with a dismissive wave and taking a step toward the door. “I mean there is all this other stuff that needs to get done before tomorrow; setting up from brunch, and then we have all to be ready for the photographer.” Her hand grasped the door knob. “Plus I have to try and keep Yolanda out of kitchen and-.”
 Before she could finish her sentence Sebastian quickly slid between her and the door. She jumped in surprise at his action. “I know this isn’t easy Camille.” He said softly.  
 She averted her eyes from him. She didn’t say anything for a few moments as if trying to collect her thoughts. “I just want everything to go without a hitch for them.” She finally murmured, meeting his gaze. She gnawed on her lower lip. Silence settling in the room again. “I can’t help but think these are things that I would have had to do for mine...” trailing off. 
 “I know.” 
 Camille laughed uneasily. “Oh god, I’m sorry! This is probably the last thing you want to be hearing about.” Rubbing a hand over her face. “We haven’t even gotten a chance to talk or a have a proper hello-.” She stopped mid-sentence and her eyes widen. “I-I didn’t mean-.” She faltered. “What I meant was there are things we obviously need to talk about and-and-.”
 “I know what you meant.” Sebastian reassured with a grin, not able to control the flutter in his chest. 
 “O-kay...” She barely whispered, taking a small step toward him. 
 “I figured you have other things on your mind right now.” He responded with a slight shrug and that was the truth. As much as he wanted to figure things out, he also knew these were other pressing things she had to do. He found himself taking a step backwards only to find his back against the closed door. 
 “Yeah...” she started slowly. “I just don’t want you to think that it hasn’t crossed my mind.” 
 Sebastian couldn’t help letting out a small sigh of relief as her words hit his ears. 
 “This is not how I pictured us seeing each other again after three weeks.” She mumbled with a lick of her bottom lip. 
 Instinctively he reached out for her hand again, tugging her closer. “How did you imagine it was going to go?” Curiosity getting the best of him.  
 “It included us being alone...” 
 Sebastian tilted his head to one side with a light smirk. “We are alone dragoste.” He reminded, with another light tug of her hand to him. 
 “Ooh-right.” She swallowed not meeting his eye. “I forgot.” 
 He placed his free fingers underneath her chin and gave it a small tap. She must have caught on because she finally lifted her face. “I am making you nervous?” Sebastian questioned softly, eyes narrowing down at her.  
 “Yes.” Camille breathed, biting her top lip. 
 He was surprised at her honesty. “It’s just me, Camille.” 
 “I know that.” She said with a short laugh. “I know.” She repeated, eyes moving to his mouth.
 Sebastian felt the mood in the room change rapidly. He let go of her hand only to wrap his arm around her waist. The electricity between them undeniable. “Is this what you pictured?” He murmured, feeling the heat of her body radiate against his as she pressed the palm of her hand to side of his chest. 
 Before his brain could stop his mouth he blurted out. “Damn Camille, I want to kiss you. Can I kiss you again?” He almost pleaded, his heart threatening to jump out of his chest.  
 “Yes.” She repeated for the 3rd time in the past few minutes. 
 Sebastian swallowed the huge lump in his throat before cupping her face with his free hand, he planted a small kiss on her cheek, and a small sighed left her lips. He wanted to remember every single moment of this. He slowly pressed another kiss to her nose, forehead and side of her mouth with her birth mark sat. 
 "I’m not going to lie-I was expecting a bit mor-“
 Sebastian cut her off as he captured her lips with his own. She sighed against his lips at the same time her arms snaked around his neck to pull him unto her. Sebastian wrapped his arms around her waist tighter. He wanted to taste every part of her. He had been dreaming about this for the past three weeks- if not longer. After a few moments he broke their lip lock and teased. “How was that?” 
 A small chuckle of satisfaction left his mouth at her response. He leaned back in and took her lips with his. Sebastian kissed her again and again, deep, hard, again and again, their mouths slapping together. Then her tongue slid along his lip in a sexy little lick. He groaned into her mouth. She was the perfect mixture of sweet and sexy. She broke from his lips for a split moment to catch her breath but Sebastian couldn’t get enough of her, so he kissed her with everything he had, with deep pushy thrusts of his tongue. He heard the small whimpers leave her mouth every time his tongue touched hers.  
 Sebastian thought kissing her again would cure the need and ache from three weeks ago, but it had done the opposite. He needed more of her. He shouldn’t be surprise of this. Deep down he knew this was going to be the outcome. 
 Camille broke their kiss, licking her lips in the process as she took a small step back. “I-I-uh should probably go back out there...” she said rather unconvincingly. 
 “Okay.” Camille repeated, but did not move. “We should probably open the door...” 
 “Right.” Sebastian answered with a nod. He glanced back trying to find the door knob, but jerked his head when he felt Camille reach for the door as well. 
 They locked eyes and it was like the dam had broken. 
 “But I kind of want to continue kissing you.” She confessed with a non-apologetic smile before letting go of the door knob to wrap her arms back around his neck. 
 Sebastian dropped his hand and pulled her back into his arms, moving just enough so she was now the one against the door. He took her mouth with one hand in the back of her neck, eliminating anymore distance between them. This kiss was determined, hard and urgent. He smiled against her lips when he heard a light mewl sound leave the back of her throat. Camille opened her lips and he teased her lightly with his tongue. Breaking the kiss for a small second, Sebastian pushed a strand of lose hair behind her ear. 
 “Don’t stop.” Sebastian heard her whisper, her eyes full of fervor. 
 He pressed his body to hers while pushing one hand against the door, leaning back in for another kiss. After a few more moments he moved his mouth from hers and nuzzled the hollow of her neck with the tip of his nose. “I won’t.” He promised. 
 Camille shivered as his breath tickled the side of her neck. “G-good, good, just want to make sure we’re both on the same page.” She moaned against his ear when his teeth nipped right above her collarbone, then used his tongue to laved the sting. “Dios mio ...” She mumbled in Spanish. At the same time she slid her arms down from around his neck and gripped unto his broad shoulders. He nipped again before sucking gently on her sweet skin. 
 She smelled like vanilla and shea butter. His nostrils inhaled her in and his mouth only sucked harder. Camille moaned louder, clutching tighter on to him with every suck and kiss he gave. 
 “The collarbone is your spot isn’t it baby?” He asked in a taunting tone, lifting his head up at the same time she opened her eyes, their gaze meeting. 
 Camille tilted her head to one side. “What’s your fascination with finding my spot?” A hint of playfulness in her eyes. 
 A light smirk formed on his features at the sassiness. “Because...” he started with a lick of his lips and brushing them sweetly against hers, then making his way back down to place another open mouth kiss to her collarbone. He felt the grip on his shoulders tighten before she let out another whine that went straight to his cock. “I want to continue making you moan.” 
 Their mouths collided again. Only this kiss wasn’t light, sweet or questing. This one was hot, urgent, passion, desperate, his tongue sliding along her bottom lip, seeking entrance. Everything inside him ached and burned. They were close but not close enough. He needed more. Sebastian snaked his arms down her body, seizing his hands to her hips. 
 Sebastian could feel his pulse quicken. “More what Camille?” 
 She stood on her tip toes, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck, her chest crushing against his. She sighed. “I need more. I need you to touch me...”  
 Her words echoed in his head. Was this really happening? Or was he dreaming? 
 He blinked out of his thoughts when she bit down on his lower lip. He grunted and slapped one hand above her head on the door for leverage. He pressed her back up against it then used one foot to push her legs apart. She dropped her arms from his neck and loosely wrapped one around his waist as the other hand touched and grasped unto any part of him. Her touches were desperate and needy. He returned the sentiment by taking her mouth with his in a long kiss that left them both panting and breathing hard.
 Sebastian trailed his lips down her jaw and then back to her neck. Camille sighed in contentment. He lifted his head for a brief moment catching the look that passed through them- lust and longing. She leaned into him, her breast lightly brushed against his chest. 
 “Jesus Camille.” Was all his brain could come up with. Sebastian angled his head a bit, if he moved an inch closer his lips would literally be on top of hers again. 
 “What?” She asked innocently at the same time her warm tongue licked one side of his mouth. She leaned back in and kissed him fully. 
 She was like oxygen to his lungs. Each kiss had her grabbing him harder, which made him kiss her harder, until they were melded together, breathing heavily and taking and sharing passion. When his tongue invaded hers, Camille rocked forward on her feet. 
 “Tell me what you want.” Sebastian growled, moving the hand from the door down to her hips and spine. He kissed her jaw again and then her throat. He groaned against her skin when she took his wandering hand in both of hers and brought it up to her covered right breast. 
 Her response was a low hum. 
 Sebastian was dreaming. It had to be a dream. But once again he was broken out of his foggy state when he heard Camille’s plead. 
 That was enough for him. He gave her breast a light squeeze. It took everything in him to keep from doing what he really wanted to do at the moment. She stirred against him and he instinctively began massaging her breast as his mouth attacked hers for the hundredth time in past 30 minutes. For the next few moments his hand alternated between both of her breasts, not wanting to neglect either one. 
 This was heaven. Fuck. There was no turning back now. 
 Not breaking their kiss, he smoothed his other hand down her ribs, hip. Easing one knee between her legs again, Sebastian fingers gripped beneath her thigh bringing her knee up to his waist. He pushed her dress above her leg, exposing her skin. His pulse racing. His palm slid delicately up her thigh, touching soft skin. She was hot to the touch. 
 He broke the kiss and pushed his forehead to hers. Licking his lips, he managed to stammer. “A-Any time you want me to stop- just say the word. Okay?” He wanted her to know there was no pressure. Regardless of what he wanted, Sebastian was not going to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with.  
 “Okay.” Camille responded back in a whisper. Then cupped his face tenderly to give him a sweet and soft kiss. 
 Her kisses were going to be the death of him and she didn’t even realize it. 
 Sebastian’s hand slipped between her thighs, gliding over and coming to rest precisely where he wanted them to be. A breathy sigh escaped her lips. He felt her squirm when his thumb started to move up and down, stroking through the lace underwear. Her eyes rolled back and she gave a heartfelt moan of encouragement. At her response Sebastian used his forefinger to deftly outline the elastic edge of the underwear, feeling the light goosebumps on her hip.  
 “Seb... please.” She shuttered, arching her back.
 He slipped his hand out of the dress and gave her covered ass a nice grab, whining himself at how good it felt to touch her. Both hands squeezed her again as his mouth devoured her lips in a hard kiss. He smoothed his hands up her hips, then to the dip of her back. His touches had become more urgent, eager just likes hers. They groped and clawed at each other, every few seconds fighting on who got to bite whose lip first. Sebastian’s hand gripped firmly on one side of her hip. 
 “Untie it.” Camille moaned against his throat. It took a few seconds for the words to register with him. Camille lifted her head up and tugged his large hand toward the string that tied the dress together. “Untie it.” She repeated, her voice laced with hunger. 
 Sebastian’s eyes never left her face and gently began to untie the side of her dress. He watched as she followed his hand with her eyes- daring him to continue. Sebastian’s lips twitched slightly. He expected her to stop him, but her eyes told him everything he needed to know. He got her dress completely undone and sneaked a hand inside, his fingers gripped gently on her warm skin. He couldn’t help but chuckled lowly as her eyes fluttered shut at his touch. She involuntarily pressed herself closer to him and Sebastian was now in contact with the side of her face. Her hair tickled his nose and instead of brushing it way, he buried his face in it and then pressed his mouth to her neck.  God, she was sweet. Sweet and fucking sexy, and he just breathed her in.  “Seb...” She cried out softly.   He danced his hand inside of her dress, up and down her belly. Up, up... To the very undersides of her breasts.... It took everything to keep himself from whimpering like a child. He pulled the dress with one hand so it rested open on her shoulders. He cursed in Romanian. He wasn’t prepared for what was waiting for him underneath it. She wore a matching lacy bra and underwear lingerie. But it was the tattoo on her hip that did him in. Yes he had seen her this way before but he had never been as close as he was at the moment. 
 He grin. “No garter belt?” Referring to their conversation from three weeks ago.  
 “Maybe tomorrow.” 
 If he wasn’t so fucking aroused at the moment he would have laughed at her response. Instead he moved the same hand down low enough to run to the very top of her covered mound... Camille’s hand instinctively found his and she gave a small squeeze as a little whimper sound escaped her and tore at his gut. He pressed his lips to her jaw, her cheek, helpless to resist her smooth skin. 
 “This is better than I imagine. You’re better than I imagine.” He said, his voice dropping an octave. 
 “Seb...”  “Shh, I’ve got you.” he murmured.  “Sebastian.” she repeated, but didn’t move.  “Yeah. Me.” he teased gently. He kissed her jaw again and then her throat. He groaned when she took his wandering hand in both of hers and brought it up to her breasts. He smiled to himself, unable to stop it.  His fingers stroked her nipples through the lacy bra, his tongue worked its way to her bare shoulder and he nudged her against the door so he could lean over her to get a look at what he had exposed. Her dress had somehow slipped off her shoulders and rested half way down her torso. He completed melted at the sight of beautiful dark skin. “I need you...” Camille choked out.  “Yeah?” he questioned.
 Fuck- that was hot, his eyes on her face, as if trying to engrave her in his brain. She didn’t let go of his hand. Instead she pushed it down and it took everything inside of him to not whine in disappointment. But when she pushed his hand-past her quivering belly into the warmth between her thighs-it worked too. She let out a needy murmur, one that had his name on it, and nearly had him coming right there and then. 
 He rubbed her covered mound with his thumb before his fingers found the elastic of her lacy underwear again. Using one foot between hers, he forced her legs wider as his digits moved to her wet folds. 
 “Jesus fucking Christ.” He uttered. “You feel amazing Camille.” His blood boiling at how sexy this moment was. “So...wet.” He grunted. “Fuck-how are you this wet already? I haven’t even eased my whole finger-” 
 “It’s been over a year Sebastian.” She interrupted with a nervous laugh. “Vibrators can only work for so long.” 
 He chuckled as his fingers ran through the narrow slit, circled her swollen clit, and then slid back to the aching entrance of her vagina.  “Sebastian.” she gasped, her body arching up when he moved his fingers, increasing the rhythm.
 “I love hearing the sound of my name on your lips when I have my fingers inside you.” He whispered. He kept his hand on her, and pressed his mouth to her shoulder while he worked her into a feverish pitch with his fingers. 
 Another soft sound left her throat, and he felt her blindly search for his face. “Kiss me.” she pleaded. An invitation if ever he’d heard one, and he snatched it, he lowered his mouth to hers. She made the sound again and spread her legs for him, and he didn’t hold back, as he ran his tongue over her lower lip, and then drew into his mouth to suck then caressed it again, as he glided his fingers over her. Into her.  She gasped his name, and he leaned over her, inhaling her scent, the soft feel of her, the way she panted into his ear, how her mouth clung to his as if maybe, just maybe, he was a lifeline for her. Her breathing had turned into a mantra of his name, and he increased the pressure of his fingers, and she cried out, a needy sound that went straight to his groin. She opened her eyes, glossed over and disoriented with desire.
 “Are you okay?” He asked, trying to hide the smile on his lips. He had caused that look and he was damn proud of it. 
 “Huh?” She responded, blinking a few times, licking her lips as if she was trying to concentrate. “Y-Yeah.” She stammered. 
 “Are you sure? Do you want me to stop?” He asked almost sarcastically. 
 That question got her attention quickly. She furrowed her eyebrows at him. “Only if you want to lose some limbs.” She threatened. 
 “You’re so bossy.” Sebastian mocked but was already trailing feather like kisses down her throat then the front of her chest. He shut his eyes when her fingers delved into his hair. At the same time he stopped his trail of kisses on her chest, sucking gently on the top of her cleavage.
 “I-I’m not bossy.” She protested unconvincingly. 
 “Oh baby, you are.” Sebastian argued as his tongue involuntarily licked her soft skin. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
 He lifted his head back up and found her face flushed, her mouth wet from his kisses and that wasn’t the only place she was wet. She was drenched for him and the knowledge brought a surge of pleasure so sharp he couldn’t contain his groan or keep his fingers from playing in her slippery heat. 
 “Please...” Camille whimpered into his mouth as she rocked her hips in tune with his fingers, urging him on. He wanted to learn her body. He wanted to know what made her cry out in ecstasy. Her hand quickly came down on top of his, holding him there as if afraid he would pull away and stop. 
 That wasn’t going to happen. Not when he had her almost at the edge. Instead he moved with her and increased the pressure and pace as she wanted. He swallowed the lump in his throat and glanced down to watch, nearly making him lose it. 
 Camille’s eyes were shut tightly again as her mouth opened and then gasped for air, her belly quivering as he moved his fingers on her, in her. He bend down and sucked hard on her collarbone as he stroked her. She went tense then burst. 
 “Fuck- you look so hot right now.” He blurted out, lifting his head, unable to keep his eyes off her as she exploded for him, on him, all over him. It was the sexiest, most erotic thing he had ever seen and he hadn’t even been touched.
 Her hips slowed and she released his hand. He was slow to take his hands off her and let them glide up and over her hip, over her ribs, feeling the goosebumps all over her skin before he withdrew, gently helping her slip the dress back over her shoulders. Sebastian didn’t want to let go of her just yet, he leaned into her and pressed his mouth to the side of her cheek, his chest pressed against hers. He could feel her heart racing deep within her chest, just like his. 
 “Holy shit- that was amazing.” She breathed out.  “You’re amazing.” he whispered into her ear.  Camille turned her face towards his. “I think I had some help.” she murmured, sweetly pressing her lips to his. “I need a moment to catch my breath.” She confessed with a light giggle. 
 “Mmkay.” Sebastian answered, nuzzling the side of her face with his nose. Not able to keep away from her. 
 After a few extra moments, Camille finally spoke up again. “I can’t remember the last time I had an orgasm like that.” 
 “Want to try for another one?” Sebastian teased, kissing her.  
 “Yeah.” He answered without a second thought and grinning from ear to ear. 
 “Mmmm, I might have to take you up on that...” Camille responded with another sweet kiss.  
 Their kiss broke at the sound of a phone ringing. Once, twice, three times before it stopped completely.
 “What the-?”
 Camille’s eyes grew wide with recognition and she gasped. “My phone! I left it in here earlier!” Quickly tugging at her dress so it fit right again and tying it back up. She looked back up Sebastian with a disappointed face. “They’re probably looking for me. I should get back out there.” 
 Sebastian placed another lose strand of hair behind her ear. “Okay.” Then cupped her face, tugging it toward him for another one of her kisses. Their lips touched for the next few moments in sweet and small pecks. 
 Finally Camille was the one to pull away with a shy smile. “We should stop now or someone will find us naked in here.” She teased with a wink. 
 Sebastian smiled slyly and responded. “I mean, it is technically a dressing room.” 
“Can I get a picture of you and the bride?” 
 “Of course!” 
 Camille jumped slightly when she felt a light tap on her shoulders. She blinked out of her thoughts and found her younger sister standing behind her with a curious look on her face. “Hmm? What?” She asked stupidly. 
 “He wants to get a picture of us.” Natalie repeated, furrowing her eyebrows. 
 Clearing her throat, Camille set down the plate of fruit and smile widely, wrapping one arm around her sister’s shoulder as the photographer took a few pictures of them. “Oh! Yes of course.” 
 After he thanked them and walked away, Natalie turned to Camille. “Okay- what’s up with you?” She demanded. 
 “What are you talking about?” Picking the plate with fruit back up from the dessert buffet. Rehearsal dinner had just ended and so far things were going without a hitch. Especially since Staci had finally showed up, taking over for Camille, which she had been more than grateful for her to do.
 “You’ve been standing over here for a while now-“
 “I’m getting fruit for Tia Lupe. You know she can’t walk too well.” Camille explained. 
 “Noo, you were supposed to be getting fruit for her but you were taking so long she asked one of the waiters to bring it to her.” 
 By that time Camille had gone back to distributing more fruit on the plate and was half paying attention. A silly smile tugging on her lips.
 “Why are you smiling?!”
 Camille pursed her lips together to try and hide it, but it wouldn’t go away. So she bit down on her lower lip instead, but it seemed she didn’t have control of her face at the moment. She quickly bend her head down and reached for a piece of strawberry to try and keep her mouth busy.  
 She couldn’t help it damn it! Every time she thought about the events from earlier, she would get a burst of butterflies in her stomach and a throbbing feeling between her thighs. 
 Sebastian had given her an orgasm. A hell of an orgasm. One that had not been inspected, but had felt amazing. It wasn’t like she didn’t try and take care of her sexual needs in other ways, but nothing could top a human touch. And Sebastian’s touch had been just what her body needed apparently. Plus, the fact that it had been over a year since she had sex it had made the moment more intense for her. 
 She had left the room before he had, legs feeling like jello as she had walked, but feeling completely and utterly satisfied. With whatever strength she had, she managed to continue getting things ready for the rehearsal dinner. No one being the wiser that she had disappeared for a little bit.  
 “Seriously! What’s going on with you?” Natalie asked at the same time grabbing Camille’s elbow, leading them to an empty table. Camille plopped unto one of the chairs, Natalie following. “Are you drunk?” Her younger sister hissed. 
 Camille jerked her head up to glare. “No!” She exclaimed, placing the small plate on the table.
 She jaw dropped open at the accusations. “No! Estas loca?!” 
 Natalie leaned back against the chair with a shrug. “I just had to ask.” Then folded her arms across her chest, a cautious look in her eyes. “I figured you weren’t though.” She stated with a satisfied smirk on her features. “Now tell me what the hell is going on!” 
 “I can’t believe you would accuse me of being high on your wedding day!” Camille mumbled as she folded her arms in front of her. 
 “Well... I mean I wouldn’t judge if you were...” Natalie trailed off. “I would just be upset that you didn’t offer me any.” Camille rolled her eyes. “It has been a hectic day.” 
 Camille’s mouth twitched, not bothering to argue. It had been a pretty stressful day- until Sebastian had shown up anyway. She licked her lips before biting on the lower one, trying again to keep from grinning like a damn teenager when her mind began to wonder back to their intimate moment from a few hours ago.  
 Fuck. The way he had kissed and took control made her insides flutter. She couldn’t stop her brain from replaying the moments over and over. It had been the hottest thing she has ever done. She wasn’t a prude when it came to sex. But she usually kept that for the bedroom...not out in public. She hadn’t been able to control herself or her hormones because she found herself not just wanting him but needing him. It had almost felt like an outer body experience. That was the best way to explain it.  
 “Mira, you either tell me or I’m going to go get Tia Yolanda.” Natalie threaten. “She’s already asked me twice if I knew why you’ve been so distracted the last few hours.”
 “Maybe because I’ve been trying to help prepare for this dinner.” She reminded, hoping that answer would suffice. 
 It was Natalie’s turn to roll her eyes. “Please.” She started, crossing one leg over the other. “That’s such a bullshit answer. Although- it is the one I gave her.” She quirked an eyebrow. “She was also asking about el muchacho...” 
 Camille sighed. “What did you say?” She knew it was coming. The questions about Sebastian and who exactly was he to her. And as annoying as it was- she would rather answer Sebastian questions than David ones any day.
 “Nothing. I just said he was a friend. She was like: de verdad? Esta guapo.” A sly smile on her face. 
 At that comment, Camille felt a small smile tug back on her lips. He was cute. Her Tia was right about that. Not just cute, but sexy. Never in her life had she described anyone in that way.  
 “Oh my god....!” Camille glanced back at Natalie. Her younger sister was looking back at her wide-eyed. “You guys did it!” 
 “Did what?” 
 “You and Sebastian!” Natalie whispered quickly.  
 “You didn’t?” Natalie asked with a disappointed look. 
 Camille let out an annoyed sigh at Natalie’s interrogation. “No, no we didn’t! We’ve barely had a chance to talk-.” 
 Natalie interrupted her. “You mean- you guys haven’t kissed again?”
 Pressing her lips together, Camille looked anywhere but at her sister. She wasn’t going to lie to her.
 Natalie snickered. “Ha! I knew it!” Reaching out for a piece of fruit to shove into her mouth.
 Camille jolted her eyes back to Natalie and tried to glare, but a goofy smile played on her lips. Ugh! She really couldn’t control it. “Fine…we…might have done some…kissing…” she admitted with a nonchalant shrug. “A lot of kissing.” She couldn’t help but mumble.
 Natalie’s beamed, clapping her hands excitedly in front of her. “Que mas?”
 “Nada mas!” Camille answered back in Spanish. But knew her sister would see right through her. She was right, Natalie was giving her a knowing scowl. Letting out an exasperated sound, Camille bit down on her lower lip apprehensively. Natalie was her sister, she wouldn’t judge, but this was also her wedding weekend and she didn’t want to take that away from her.
 “Okay, okay!” Camille exclaimed. “You know the drought I’ve been in the past year? Let’s just say- it officially ended today….” She gasped in surprise and almost fell out of her chair when Natalie wrapped her arms around her and squealed in delight. “Nat!” Camille cried with a short giggle and gripped unto her sister’s arm for leverage. “Why are you more excited about this than I am?”
 Natalie let go and fully sat back down but still bounced in the chair. “Because you deserve something good in your life!” She said with a huge grin. “And Sebastian is a good guy. He cares and takes care of you and-.”
 “Whoa-whoa. Slow down.” Camille said with a nervous laugh. “We haven’t decided on anything and you’re already making assumptions about something I don’t even know if I want.” And that was the truth. “Like I said-we haven’t even had the chance to talk-“
 “Then go talk to him!” Natalie demanded eagerly.
 Camille gave her a weird look. “I can’t right now.”
 “Why not?”
 She looked at her sister as if she had a third eye. “Because we’re here celebrating your wedding-.”
 Natalie waved a dismissive hand. “Dinner is over. Everyone is just now hanging out, relaxing before we all go to our separate rooms.” 
 That was true. The benefit of having a wedding at a hotel was the fact that people had to leisure to come and go, especially since most of the guest were staying there. Natalie and Samantha has gone through a lot of scenarios/ideas of the type of wedding they wanted. Finally deciding on a wedding in the mountains and ocean. They had picked Big Sur, California. They wanted a weekend celebration with those they love. It felt intimate enough, but also allowed for people to enjoy their surroundings.
 “You’ve done your big sister speech and made sure everything was perfect for me and Sam.” She added with a warm smile. Camille opened her mouth to protest, but Natalie stopped her. “Look-you’re leaving here soon- don’t you think you deserve to know what could be between you two?” 
 Camille opened her mouth again, but shut it. Not having an answer. After a few moments of silence, she spoke up. “What about Tia Yolanda?” 
 Because if there was one thing Camille knew, was her aunt kept tabs on everything and everyone.  
 Natalie creased her eyebrows in concentration. Camille could see the wheels turning in her head. “You leave her to me.” Standing up. “You were able to keep her away from staff most of the day, I think I can I can manage.” She added with a wink.  
 Camille followed her lead and stood up. Her heart beating a bit quicker. “Are you sure?” She tried to stall.  
 “Yes. I’m sure. Cam- you deserve some happiness too. I know these past six months have sucked.”
 “I know. You’re right.” She murmured with a light sigh. “But I don’t even know what I want.” She confessed. Reality settling in the pit of her stomach. She was leaving for 10 months. She didn’t think she was ready for another relationship. She shook her head. She was getting ahead of herself. 
 “Then go find out. And in the process maybe have a few good orgasms.” Natalie teased. 
 Camille rolled her eyes at her sister’s lame joke. “Shut up.” 
 Giggling, Natalie nodded toward the bar. “Go.” She ordered sternly. 
 She looked over her shoulder and found Sebastian standing at the bar. His back to her. She shut her eyes for a split moment then turned back to her sister. “I can’t believe you’re encouraging this on your wedding weekend.” 
 “Hey- I shouldn’t be the only one having sex this weekend.” 
 Camille shook her head but laughed. “I’m not going to have sex-.” 
 “Okay, Okay, fine. I’m not saying you have to sleep with him. But you should go talk to him.” Then pointed a scolding finger. “But- don’t get too crazy. We still have the wedding tomorrow.” 
 Camille wrinkled her nose, without another thought or word, she turned on her heels and walked toward him. Her hands clammy all of a sudden. Once she was behind him, she came to a halt and sucked in a large breath. She took another long stride and stood next to him at the bar. She nudged his shoulder with her own. 
 Sebastian quickly turned his head in her direction, a warm smile tugging on his lips when he recognized her. “Hey.” He responded, nudging her back.  
 Camille felt a jolt of electricity run through her body at the light touch.
 Since Sebastian was her plus one. He had sat at the table with her. Though they had sat together for dinner, the opportunity to talk was limited with other people there. The most they could do was share small smiles and light touches here and there. Whether it was passing each silverware, salt, pepper etc., their fingers, hands touched and it would linger longer than it should. The light touches were meant to look accidental but they were both acutely aware of what they were doing.
 “They finally drive you away from the table?” She teased gently. 
 “Hmm?” He said with a raised eyebrow and a slow lick of his bottom lip. 
 Camille knew he didn’t do it on purpose. She knew it was a nervous habit at times. But damn, did it cause a reaction to her body. “My family.” 
 His eyes widen. “Oh no!” Shaking his head. “I needed another drink.” Showing her his glass. “I’m not one to pass up an open bar.” Camille only nodded as he took a sip from it. “Feeling better now that’s over?” He asked with a knowing smirk. 
 “Yes.” She responded, her eyes searching for the bartender. He was at the other end, pouring drinks for guest. “We still have tomorrow.” She reminded. 
 “Yeah.” She heard Sebastian say. 
 She looked back at him and found him gazing back at her with those sapphire eyes, his jaw set, but Camille caught the clinch. She felt the air leave her lungs. They locked eyes for the next few moments, neither one saying a word. The noise from the guests surrounding them.  Swallowing the huge lump in her throat, she reached and brushed her hand over his arm. “C’mon.” She heard herself say.
 Sebastian blinked in surprise. “W-What?” 
 Taking his hand, Camille nodded slightly toward the exit door a few feet away. “Follow me.” 
 “Are you sure?” He asked in a skeptical tone.    
 “Yeah, I’m sure.” Tugging at his hand, at the same her eyes landed on the unopened bottle of champagne on the other side of the bar. Biting lightly on her bottom lip, she pushed herself on her toes and swiftly grabbed the bottle. “Grab those two clean glasses next to you.” She ordered with a small giggle.  
 Sebastian eyes danced with mischief when he realized what they were about to do. Quickly he reached for them. Once they were securely in his hand, Camille pulled them toward the exit. 
 As quietly and briskly as possible they walked out and into the huge backyard that was the Pacific Ocean on one side and mountains on the other. The sun had gone down, but the lights from the hotel illuminated just enough of the walkway for them to walk down the steps. Camille could hear the waves crashing, even though they were technically on top of a cliff.
 She was never going to get over how beautiful Big Sur truly was. 
 The further they got away from the hotel, the darker the walkway got until they reached the end of the cliff which was safely enclosed by stones you could sit on and a huge fire pit the middle, that was lit at the moment. Letting go of his hand, Camille walked ahead of him and sat down in front of the fire. A small shiver running through her when her body finally reacted to the cold breeze. She sat the bottle of champagne next to her at the same time Sebastian sat down.
 “How is it that I’ve never been here before?” Sebastian mused. Camille squinted her forehead. He continued. “Just…my dad lives up north and I didn’t know this place was here.”
 “It is pretty secluded.” She answered and leaned the top half of her body closer to the fire pit to warm up.
 “Where’s your coat?” Sebastian asked, putting down the glasses to shake off his sport jacket and put over her shoulders.
 “In my room?” she mumbled with a sheepish smile. “Thanks.” she added, sliding her arms into the sleeves of the jacket. He only frowned. “In my defense, I didn’t know I was going to come out here.”
 “Hmm.” Was his only response at the same time she involuntarily leaned into him, and settled one side of her face on his shoulder. He pressed a light kiss to the top of her head, but didn’t say another word.
 Camille shut her eyes, appreciating the comfortable silence between them. A part of her had been afraid that if they every crossed the line, it would make things awkward. Yet, it didn’t feel that way.
 “Everything okay with Natalie?”
 “Yeah, why?”
 “I just saw you talking to her earlier and I wasn’t sure if something was wrong…” trailing off.
 Lifting her head back up, she met his stare. “Everything is fine. We…were actually talking about you…” she said without thinking.
 Sebastian raised an eyebrow in surprise. “About me?” he repeated.
 “Hmm, yeah. About how I needed to find you so we could talk.” She said slowly, watching his reaction at her words.
 That time he raised both eyebrows. “You told her…? I mean of course you told her-she’s your sister.” He reasoned with himself. Then swayed a bit to give her a small nudge, a sly smirk on his features. “You told her everything?”
 “NO!” she cried out. “I mean not in detail-.” She stopped and tried to gather her thoughts. After a few moments, she spoke again. “I’m leaving in a few days Seb…”
 “I know dragoste.”
 She sighed. “And what happened was…wonderful.” She finished, unable to hide the smile on her face as she got flashes of what they had done. “But I mean I’m still leaving for this job…and I don’t know how you feel about it…” she said lamely.  
 Sebastian leaned his face closer to her, pressing his forehead to hers. “Well…” letting his tongue snake out to wet his lips. “I know I like kissing you.” He confessed. “A lot.”  
 She grinned like a fool at his words. “I like kissing you too…”
 “Yeah I kind of figured that out.” He teased, giving her a genuine smile. “So why don’t we just kiss some more before you have to leave for this amazing job?” he suggested, cupping her face with both hands.
 Her heart jumped, not just at the chance of getting to kiss him again, but at the recognition that he was as supportive in what she loved to do, just like her family was. She looked up at him through her lashes. “So…what you’re saying is…we should probably continue doing more if it…right now?” she asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.
 “I would say…yes.” He answered without hesitation and a shy smile.
 “Hmm...” Tilting her head just enough for her lips to brush against his softly. The butterflies from earlier setting back in to the pit of her stomach as she closed her eyes.
 Sebastian tugged her face closer and opened his mouth over hers, almost as if unable to resist the urge to taste her. She shivered at the first lick his tongue did. Her mouth opened slowly, her hand buried in his hair, tugging him for a deeper kiss. She had feeling this was never going to get old, kissing him. Their mouths continued to invade each other for the next few minutes. Small sighs and whimpers lingering in the air with every kiss they shared.
 Camille wasn’t sure how long they had been sitting there before Sebastian broke their embrace and pressed light kisses to the side of her mouth. “Just so you know,” he said hoarsely. “There’s no pressure here. I would never want to jeopardize your career.”
 She let out a shaky breath. “O-ookay.” But her mind was only focused on his mouth now. She pressed one hand on his cheek. “I need you to kiss me.” A light shiver running all the way down and in between her thighs when he outline her bottom lip with his thumb. Her mouth reached out and nipped it. Her whole body feeling like it was on fire. She let her hand trail down the front of his chest as he leaned back in to press a hard kiss. His tongue assaulting hers again.
 They continued to kiss, his hands coming up to grip the back of her head, his fingers tangling in her hair. He trailed his mouth down her jaw, neck, sucking lightly on her skin. Camille squirmed in her spot, enjoying the feel of his mouth on her skin again. Just like earlier.
 “Sebastian…” she whimpered, breaking from his mouth.
 He cleared his throat, opened his eyes and stroked her bottom lip again. His thumb had already made its way into her mouth. Camille took the opportunity to give it a gentle suck between her lips. He grunted at the action. “Fuck. Are you trying to kill me?”
 Camille grinned despite herself. “Only a little.” Sticking her tongue back out to lick his thumb again. She swallowed slowly when his blue eyes darken. She needed for him to take her again. Just like in the dressing room. The smile from earlier disappeared as she took his mouth back on hers, kissing him eagerly and desperately, trying to convey what she needed through the kiss. “My room is only on the other side…” her voice laced with need.
 At those words, he broke from her again and searched her face intensely. “Camille, I wasn’t trying to-“
She interjected by giving his bottom lip a soft nip. “I know that.” Smiling reassuringly at him before pressing her lips to his for another hot kiss. “It’s more comfortable than being out here and less likely to be caught by prying eyes.” She said after a few moments. “And I’m not going lie-I rather be in my room when you get touch me again…”
 Sebastian lolled his head to one side at her words and mumbled something in Romanian.
 “What did you just say?” She asked as innocently as possible. 
 His beautiful chiseled jaw twitched, the lustful look in his eyes obvious. Acting as if she didn’t notice his reaction, she grazed her fingernails up and down the front of his chest. He cleared his throat and writhe on the spot. She gasped in surprise when he gripped her wrist and brought her hand up to his mouth, kissing each fingertip tenderly. 
 “Is that a yes?” She breathed. Her heart feeling like it was going to jump out of her chest. 
 “A yes?” Sebastian mumbled.  
 “About going to my room?” Camille questioned, starting to feel a bit anxious about suggesting the idea. What if he didn’t want to? Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea. What if it truly ruined everything?  
 He pressed a sweet kiss to her temple. “I’ll do whatever you want. As long as you’re comfortable. I’ll follow your lead baby.” 
 Camille sighed in contentment. His words, easing her nerves and calming her. Lifting her head, she brushed her lips against his for a few more minutes. She broke the kiss and stood up. Grasping the champagne bottle in one hand, she felt her confidence building and reached for his hand. “C’mon.” She heard herself whisper, tangled her fingers with his and lead them toward her hotel room.  
@thewintersadie @its-daydreamer23 @janeyboo @peaceinourtime82  @jhangelface0523 @mydragulesebastian
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thespoonplayer · 5 years
(DJ) Spoon’s Review of 2018
This year I haven’t listened to much music at all, at least not in comparison to previous years and I certainly haven’t been to many gigs. I’m sure this won’t last but this year I’ve been busier at work so less likely to plug in, I’ve stuck to the radio in the car just to keep up with how messy Brexit really is (ooer a bit of politics) and my runs have been 100% fueled by podcasts so music has just taken a backseat. However, I couldn’t let the year go past without some kind of list...so here is a pot pourri of my favourite discoveries of 2018.
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1. Podcasts
Seeing as these have been so important this year I’ll start here...and cheat slightly by bigging up some oldies, but good enough to bang on about again.
Old favourites : Running Commentary (Comedians Paul Tonkinson and Rob Deering take you on their runs and chat sometimes about running, but always about life, kids, comedy and anything that pops into their heads), Adam Buxton (always entertaining ramble chat from Dr Buckles whoever is on, I’ve learnt stuff and I’ve laughed a lot), My Dad Wrote a Porno (Sheer filth as ever but genuinely caused me to LOL during my runs, wondering if people can hear that I’m listening to chat about vaginal lids).
New entries : Off Menu (Ed Gamble and James Acaster opened their genie run fantasy restaurant a month ago and it has quickly become one of my favourite podcasts ever. Eclectic guests pick their fantasy 3 course meals, simple premise and it works. The Scroobius Pip episode was a perfect clash of two excellent pods), Blank (another late entry into 2018 from Jim Daly and Giles Paley-Phillips ostensibly about blank moments in life but just rammed with infotaining chat from ‘non standard’ guests including a jaw dropping episode with Michael Rosen and fun with Gary Lineker and Susie Dent), Poddin’ on the Ritz (sadly now finished with maybe its only series) this pod recorded backstage at Young Frankenstein by Hadley Fraser and the sublime Ross Noble made me laugh more than any other in 2018, it might be about musicals but their search for Kenneth Branagh’s snowglobes and Lesley Joseph adoration was a joy.
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2. Board games
They say a family that plays together, stays together. Well we are together more than you can imagine. We’ve played over 220 games this year! Here are our favourite new games into our collection:
The game of the year is Azul, a seemingly simple tile grab and place game, building up a mosaic prettier than anyone else, is full of strategy and a little (but not too much) shafting of others. If you really want to shaft your fellow players though then pick up Unstable Unicorns, a card game where you aim to grow your stable of unicorns, whilst stopping others filling theirs. SO many different cards, tactics and ways to mess it up, you will swear at some point. Discovered in the excellent new board game cafe The Dice Box in Leamington, we bought Meeple Circus before we left, it’s that much fun. Rehearse and perform the best tiny wooden meeple circus performance, accompanied by a bespoke playlist. Stack the acrobats, balance the lions and raise the bar. Another board game cafe, Chance & Counters in Bristol introduced us to the frantic game of Klask, a cross between air hockey, pool and table football. Slide the magnets around to flick a ball into your opponents hole, avoid the magnetic biscuits and don’t KLASK! When is a game not a game? another game of the year has been played a lot in our house, and it’s The Mind. 100 cards numbered 1-100, no words between players and a tense task to lay cards in ascending order. Simple? yes? possible? nope! but it’s sure to cause fun and arguments. The final two of MY favourite sadly aren’t quite as loved by my family, but I’ll get them there. Sagrada is a similar game to Azul with you attempting to build a beautiful stained glass window with coloured dice. More variations and thinking needed than Azul which adds to the challenge. And finally and lovely chess like 2 player game which transports you to the sun dappled Greek island of Santorini. Take the powers of a god and build the traditional blue domed white houses of the island whilst trying to stop your opponent climbing onto a roof. A lot of ‘aha, you’ve stopped me’ moments.
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3. TV
It’s been a long old year at work, and in the world of parenting so we’ve found ourselves flopped on the settee many evenings just soaking up great drama, comedy and chilling ;o)
We are very late to the party with Suits but that means we have 8 series to wade through! Really neat writing, bants and relationships between characters, a ‘don’t worry they will always win’ calmness about it and you get to see the Queen in her knickers...ish. Another Netflix treat this year was Magic for Humans with Justin Willman, a hugely likeable and funny magician pulling off tricks that constantly make me smirk with a huge dollop of WTF? amazing. A huge recommendation. A late entry to my TV highlights of 2018 is from the warped warped mind of Charlie Brooker...of course with Bandersnatch. An interactive choose your own adventure TV ‘event’ (I know) that had us hooked for the full 90 minutes (only if you want to see how much bloodshed you can invoke!). Completely on the other end of the spectrum was the sublime and minimalistic Mortimer and Whitehouse: Gone Fishing. I don’t like fishing and why would I find two old mates just teasing each other for half an hour entertaining? No idea but it was beautiful. Like Radio 4, comforting and perfect. Then a few suspenseful dramas that got us on the edge of the settee, Killing Eve (quirky AF), Bodyguard (did they really kill Keely Hawes that early?) and Informer (bleak bleak bleak) and sweaty bullocks in ‘should be in the next section really’ Bird Box (made Informer seem like a giggle fest).
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4. Films
Really haven’t been to the cinema much in the last 12 months and only once to see a ‘grown up’ film I think but kid’s films are SO good at the moment that’s ok. A few stand out films for me were:
Ralph Breaks the Internet, much better than the first one, lots of #lolz internet jokes and more than a little heart. Wrap me up in a duvet and give me a hot cocoa and Paddington 2 any day, tears at the end. A little more sighing but just as much emotion in Christopher Robin, not sure why Eeyore had an American accent but the characters were spot on and nicely faithful to the original concepts. The one time I did venture out for an adult (it’s a 12 so almost ;o) and saw Ready Player One I was delighted, yeah it might not be a) as good as or b) anything like the book but a visual treat and an enjoyable romp.
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5. Books
I read A LOT, until my Kindle donks me on the head in bed anyway...literally a tiny selection of books that have kept me awake. 
The Secret Lives of Colour - Kassia St Clair. They say never judge a book by its cover. Well that didn’t work...I bought this purely because it is a beautiful package, the hardback a lot more pleasing imho. Simply 2 coloured pages about how each colour was discovered, invented and introduced throughout history. I never really gave it a thought that colours were...made. Weird and fascinating.
This Is Going to Hurt - Adam Kay. A hilarious ‘secret’ diary of a junior doctor that horrifies at the same time. I think we all knew it was a hard life but bloody hell, if you didn’t love the NHS before you will after this. A thoroughly enjoyable and insightful story of Adam’s journey through medicine. And that ending...wooof.
Moose Allain - I Wonder What I’m Thinking About. I love Moose, I love his colour-me-advent calendars, I love his tweet threads that show the best in Twitter, I love his cartoons and this book is all of those wrapped up in one. And a certain Mr Spoon is to thank for the publication, find me in the back of Unbound funders! An inspiring book for anyone who loves art, creativity and childish humour.
Factfulness : Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World - Hans Rosling. A brilliantly clever and educational book about why the world is NOT as shit as it might seem some times. It’s all backed up by real data and lovely lovely graphs!
Lee Child and Ian Rankin. A highlight of the year is the next Reacher and Rebus novels and these two didn’t disappoint. Rebus’ latest adventure Past Tense, is a self-contained story that could introduce anyone to the man machine that is Jack Reacher. Rebus however is back, retired but won’t lie down, in In A House of Lies, an old case comes back to haunt him and will this finally be his downfall? I doubt it!
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6. Music
As mentioned, I haven’t ‘been into music’ as much in 2018 for various reasons but I’ve still enjoyed some great new discoveries:
Barns Courtney - The Attractions of Youth, discovered via the use of Glitter and Gold for the theme tune of Netflix’s Safe. An album of ‘cheesy, commercially viable blues and folk rock’ apparently. I just liked the visceral nature of some of the tracks and it always fired me up at work on slow days.
Isaac Gracie - Isaac Gracie, a rare listened to recommendation from my wife. Isaac is everything I claim to like, fragile thin sensitive boys with acoustic guitars....and I do very much with this. Painful screeched out tales of heartbreak. Sublime.
R.E.M. - Live at the BBC, 104 rare and live tracks from arguably one of the best bands ever. Some of the tracks I haven’t heard since my bootleg cassette buying days at Sheffield Uni, when the world was in black and white. Not all tracks are of the greatest audio quality but bliss for a fanboy like me.
Creep Show - Mr Dynamite, a spin off project for Mr John Grant and even from the eclectic crooner this is an odd one. Glitchy electronica with vocoders all over the place. Weird and very Marmite.
Public Service Broadcasting - Every Valley and everything else. The latest offering from the other PSB was a trip through the miner’s crisis and Thatcher years. Bleak? yup but fascinating snippets of well, public service broadcasting and guest stars including the obligatory Welsh rockers the Manics. This album is perfect by itself but it ‘forced’ me to go back and really discover all the PSB albums. The Live at Brixton release is a huge recommendation, I wish I was there.
Rex Orange County - Apricot Princess, maybe I just added this in to seem cool as Rex, aka Alexander O’Conner, was ‘one to watch in 2018′ from the BBC. A multi-instrumentalist that dabbles with hippity hop, R&B and piano pop. The first track alone contains about three musical styles if you wait. 
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7. Food & Drink
I run, because I really like food. And thankfully I’ve run a lot in 2018 so I got to enjoy a lot.
I was introduced to the weird fermented tea monstrosity that is kombucha by my sister-in-law. Vinegar tasting drink that may or may not help your gut that grows in your living room. WTAF? However, health benefits aside the LA Brewery Strawberry and Black Pepper drink is something, alongside my pilgrimage to Leon, worth going to London for. I’ve heard it’s also for sale in Solihull but I don’t often travel that far beyond my class ;o) I’d say, try it...but I suspect 9/10 people with hate the flavour. 
I suspect 10/10 people that try the Aldi Black Forest Mince Pies would love them, but you won’t get a chance as I’ve bought them ALL. Aldi are a bugger for getting you hooked then never restocking. I only managed 10 boxes in 2018 and we’ve rationed well so have 12 left to get us through the bleak January weather. Cherries, Dark Chocolate, Chocolate pastry and a smidge of mincemeat. Perfect!
There are many ingredient delivery services available and I’ve only tried Gousto but I don’t know why you’d go anywhere else. 33 recipes tried and 32 of them I’d have again, with the one not so good one was still far better than anything I’d cook by myself. So easy, so tasty and if you want to try it I can give you a big discount that will help us buy another box, a tad expensive without a discount but worth a treat every so often.
Genuinely I traveled to London just to visit Max’s Sandwich Shop...kinda. It was certainly the deciding factor in a day out at the Summer Exhibition (see below). I downloaded the Kindle version of this book when it was promoted in an email, I bought some Scampi Fries and made a Fish Finger sandwich, I crumbled up some Ginger Nuts into a Mascarpone and Jam sandwich and I made a Fried Egg, Shoestring Fried and Gammon sandwich then I NEEDED to go and see how it’s really done. Amazing over the top sandwiches in a rough little hipster cafe in Stroud Green (no me neither and it’s a long walk from the tube!). So good I had to a) buy the hard copy of the book and b) carry half the sandwich home as even I couldn’t manage it all...not with deep fried macaroni balls filling me up ;o)
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8. Places
A family that plays together, stays together as a great man once said. And we don’t just play inside, we love adventures so adventures we had.
I’d never been to the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, as it’s in that there London which often seems hundreds of miles away...but I’m so glad that I visited this year. A trip with a good friend with neither of us knowing quite what to expect. We saw, and laughed, and marveled at, paintings, sculptures, videos, photos, models, and weirdness by Banksy next to Joe Lycett next to Grayson Perry next to Harry Hill, next to me mate Lorsen Camps from Coventry. The SA allows ANYONE to submit artwork for consideration and anyone can be accepted. I think this has to become a yearly visit, awesome.
My parents have been wanting to take our kids, and their big kid, to The Forbidden Corner in North Yorkshire for a few years now...and I’m so happy we finally got round to going. Started as a folly to entertain his children this huge labyrinthine site is crammed with strange sculptures, mazes, tricks and squirting fountains. Many hours were spent squeezing through holes, getting lost and getting wet. Beautifully eccentric.
A family holiday to Brittany meant we could visit the loopy city (it’s their phrase!) of Nantes and more importantly Les Machines d’Ile. Ostensibly the workshop of  a group of engineers and artists that make huge animatronic machines and animals...that you can ride on! Needs to be seen to be believed, the Elephant brings out the big kid in everyone...and we can’t wait to go back in a few years when they’ve built a huge forest over the river with ride on caterpillars and dragonfly. Incredible. The city itself is dotted with crazy art and interactive pieces encouraging play, I know a city closer to home that should be the UK Loopy City of Culture!
Luckily Tilly is a Harry Potter obsessive AND it was her birthday last year so it gave us the excuse we didn’t need to visit the Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studio Tour. Wow, just wow. The incredible detail in everything made for the film, the engineering, the amount of artists involved and the presentation of the exhibition blew us away. I’ve enjoyed everything in this list but this maybe was the most magical in the best way.
Many many amazing experiences warrant a mention, but I just don’t have enough words, include Talking Birds - Walk with Me, Print Manufactory Darkroom Workshop, Ludic Rooms Random String Festival, Go Karting with Tilly, some dancing balloons in Broadgate, Godiva Festival with Tony Christie et al, Bristol Gromit trail, Disc Golfing with my girls, Edinburgh Fringe with Dick and Dom and with another wonderful dick from Coventry starring in Bon Jovi musical We’ve Got Each Other, Pandas! at Edinburgh Zoo, Matilda the Musical with Tilly at last, running the Coventry Mile with the girls’ school, Dippy the Dinosaur in Brum, Wicksteed Park (amazing family fun theme park like what they used to be), Cycling on Stratford Greenway in the sun, Autotesting at MotoFest, Bourton-on-the-Water (it’s just a shame 3 million other people know about this gorgeous village), Giant Pac Man in the city centre, Pork Pie making with a good friend, CET several times, Novelty Automation in London and being on The One Show, a couple of Hope & Social gigs and much much much more fun with my wonderful fam and friends. Roll on 2019!
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lumilasi · 6 years
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So. Originally I meant Adam be my main, but I decided I should go with Azul and Reuben instead, given how many connections they have to the other ocs I and my friend got. They are clearly more of the center of focus.
Also there’s a bio for Azul’s familiar Lasha.
Who is a total hoe. 
At first glance anyway, there’s more to him than that actually.
Anyway, character bio; 
Name: Azul Samaros
Height: 177 cm
Human mage
Age: 25
Dark Arts master of the Kingdom of Valencia
Azul is known to be very quiet, only talking when he legit has things to say. He’s also very blunt and honest, and has a dry sense of humor. He is the type to often take matters into his own hands and act before asking for permission. 
He is a highly protective big brother, and while he tends to act like a dick to his lil bro (who acts like a dick back, it’s a bro thing) he loves Reuben dearly and would literally kill anyone who dared to hurt him.
Despite his apparent grumpy nature, Azul is actually far more patient than one would think initially, as it is really hard to make him angry. He can stand his brother’s mishaps and his familiar’s flirty behavior without batting an eyelid for hours. 
Important people:
His brother Reuben: https://lumilasi.tumblr.com/post/174471835666/next-oc-done-this-time-its-azul-feisty-lil-bro
His teacher Lionel: https://lumilasi.tumblr.com/post/174634983311/i-was-supposed-to-finish-him-ages-ago-but-had
Alexander (his king, TBA)
Mellina (His Queen, TBA)
Helias (former ruler, Gwendolyn’s brother): https://lumilasi.tumblr.com/post/174053975541/so-ive-been-busy-with-working-on-designs-for
Gwendolyn (his GF of sorts and also an Empress): https://mad-hatter-rici.tumblr.com/post/174081334714/my-best-pal-since-2010-decided-to-create-a-tumblr
His brother’s Djinn and his familiar’s love interest Athem: https://mad-hatter-rici.tumblr.com/post/174755800804/athem-the-djinn-yeah-so-here-is-another-oc-for-the
Familiar Lasha (more info at the end)
Azul is a dark magic mage so he knows a lot about curses and summoning spells, and can perform those as well, not to mention create enchanted objects or poisons. He can also solidify shadows as a weapon. 
He has the ability to put a sleeping spell on people, this one is sort of his trademark as he uses it a LOT, whenever he wants his bro or Lasha to shut up, or if he needs someone to rest due to their injuries.
He can also command Lasha as he pleases, though mainly uses the snake’s skills for intelligence gathering and occasional massages. He doesn’t want to use Lasha in battles too much both because the snake demon might go a bit far, and because he honestly is concerned the dumbass would hurt himself badly. 
His tendency to act before asking for permission can sometimes lead into rather bad results, where he meddles into something he shouldn’t have. 
He is terrible at making friends because most find him highly intimidating. He mainly really chats with his brother casually, or his familiar. Overall, he just has the tendency to come off cold and blunt, which might be learned from the way his teacher acted. His habit of not always getting enough sleep and staying up too much is also learned from Lionel, although in his master’s case it was fine, since as a Chesire, he didn’t need as much sleep as Azul does.
He is a skilled mage, but there are always those who are more skilled, such as his teacher, Lionel, and sometimes Azul overestimates his abilities.
Fun Facts
- Azul could be considered Demisexual, as one really needs to gain his trust before he can actually feel attracted to them - something Gwendolyn managed to do. He doesn’t care too much whom he’s romantically involved with, at least when it comes to gender. His current lover just happens to be a woman. 
- Azul is pretty kinky and aggressive lover, which Gwendolyn actually enjoys a lot given how feisty she is.
- He sometimes contacts his wandering teacher trough Astral plane if there is more serious matter to discuss
- Azul’s most precious possession is a ritual knife he got from Lionel (the one he can use to contact him) his teacher, and he is highly possessive over this item due to the incredible emotional value it holds. He will get pissy if anyone touches it without his permission, and might either stab, curse or just punch them, or otherwise make their day miserable. The only two people who are allowed to touch it are Reuben and Lasha.
- His nicknames for Lasha are Lash, hoe, Slutnoodle and dumbass.(Lasha has a habit of flirting a lot, and before Reuben found Athem, Lasha also slept around quite a bit)
- He calls his brother either Ruby or Reubie (or dumbass number two)
- He himself is nicknamed “the Blue Demon” by the common folk because he tends to terrify them a lot. 
- Azul is one of the very few people Empress Gwendolyn trusts to see the horrid scarring on her back from the demon attack century ago. 
- Azul can go on for days without sleep, though usually someone eventually knocks him out when he starts getting ridiculous with it.
- That claw thing on his finger is something he uses to bleed magic essence from things. it is based on Helias’ feathers that have similar ability.
BG story in a nutshell:
Reuben and Azul were orphaned brothers whose home village was destroyed by a rampaging magical fire, which originated from their lunatic of a father trying to enchant Reuben’s elemental powers with a forbidden ritual, and causing the boy’s power to lash out of control. They ended up in Mirthas where they lived up to their late teens, during which time both were trained in their respective magic skills, Azul being trained by Mirthas’ master exorcist Lionel. After Reuben’s mental state got worse due to the nightmares and guilt over what happened back in their home village, Azul and Lionel decided to erase every bit of memory from Reuben’s mind regarding to the incident, portecting his sanity.
During their time in Mirthas, Azul summoned himself a familiar, who freaked Lionel out at first upon realizing he was the same type of demon as the one who’d attacked their Kingdom years ago. However, upon seeing how well Azul connected with the snake, he allowed the boy to keep it. He also managed to develop a bond with the then reclusive Empress of Mirthas, who’d been keeping herself away from public eye due to heavy emotional scarring and shame. Azul’s honest, no nonsense nature helped to ease the troubled Empress’ mind, and she grew fond of the young mage.
Azul ended up in his current Kingdom of Valencia after taking a trip there with his brother and the Empress, who was requested to aid her old friends with something. The two brothers grew fond of the human kingdom and decided to stay, especially after Reuben went and fell in love with their elder prince.
So that’s all about Azul for now
Here’s bits about Lasha
Age: Unknown, but he says he’s at least a couple centuries old
Height: 185 cm
Length (snake form): about 4-5 meters
Demon Type: 
He’s what they call “Arthan” which refers to members of the lost kingdom of Arthanos who ended up succumbing into their own magic power and turning into demons. Another name - the one primarily used - is Silver Night Beasts as often they have an element of their body that appears like the night sky and glimmers silvery with “stars”
He’s highly flirty, physically affectionate and seductive, coming off as somebody highly confident with their looks and not afraid to use that advantage. Most of the time he acts calm and well-mannered, though he is mischievous too, playing tricks on people (harmless; Azul would get pretty angry if he hurt people without permission) and loves being paid attention to. 
That being said, he genuinely cares for his Master and gets highly testy if someone insults Azul or his brother Reuben. As a snake, he can act almost cutesy and silly. 
When it comes to his master brother’s Djinn - whom he knows personally from the past - Lasha’s behavior can change drastically and reminds more of how he used to be as human; loud, aggressive, blunt and sarcastic. Athem just seems to know exactly how to push his buttons.
The same time it’s pretty obvious to everyone around them that Lasha still loves him and his blunter attitude is born more out of absolute trust towards Athem and lack of need to control himself and portray himself in a certain manner. basically, he acts a bit more natural with Athem.
He can also be extremely childish and playful around his childhood friend/boyfriend in a manner that resembles what he usually does only in his snake form. 
He is IMMENSELY strong physically, able to even damage the most powerful creature types of their world like Nephilins (Gwendolyn and Helias) or White Tigers (Rayna) He can rip humans to shreds with ease, and his claws in human form are so sharp he can cut trough metals and thick rock. 
He has four forms he can shift in between; a full human form with legs, a half-human, half-snake naga form with two variations; a “friendly” one where his human upper body looks like how he normally looks in human form, and a “demonic” look where his face turns more demonic with a snake-like jaw, no eyebrows and his hair turns inverted with colors. This form is also MUCH larger than normal, easily towering over people with being near three meters tall (not including the tail part, simply the human body) Last form is the tiny snake which is weakest, but he prefers it outside battles (or making out) as it conserves energy.
Lasha, like other demons of his kindred, has a curse he can inflict upon others; his is called “Euphoria” where he can inject or blow powerful poison on people that drives them to extreme bloodlust, or uncontrollable mad cackles that won’t stop, or other extreme types of hormonal rush or so, to the point they eventually die from too much stress put upon your body. 
Lasha can traverse trough shadows like most demons and turn invisible, and see into people’s dreams. He also has a mental link with his master, able to communicate with him wordlessly. 
He’s an excellent dancer as well and gives reeeally good massages.
Being a bound demon, he is not as powerful as he would be when freed. Like majority of dark beings, light magic is pretty effective against him.
Lasha has a demon-type specific weakness where someone using his original name from his time as a human can basically gain complete control over him, making him lose his autonomy entirely, both body and mind if the name-wielder wishes so. The only being able to override this enslavement is his Deity Belias as he always knows the human identity of his demons. Lucky for Lasha, finding out ones original name isn’t easy.
Unluckily, there is a person in his current life that knows it, though he would never use it against him voluntarily, as he loves Lasha. (Athem)
In his snake form, he is pretty vulnerable and can get badly hurt from just stepping on him. 
His past has left him with traumas, and at times he might wake up in a fit of anxiety where he is unable to speak, nor change his form from whatever it is (snake or humanoid) even if he wanted to. 
Fun facts:
- Lasha is a lil intimidated by huge ass tall people, because Mirthas’ Kingdom Bear shape-shifter guardian Cain accidentally stepped on him once. it hurt, a lot.
- He has a habit of nuzzling Azul’s hair as a form of innocent affection; it’s  a habit he developed during their first year of knowing each other.
- Lasha’s favorite people to flirt with for shits and giggles are Azul and Gwendolyn. His flirting style is very different then though, when compared to the person he actually loves; Lasha can be very well spoken and charming when flirting with peeps he’s not serious about, but with Athem he can be absolutely childish.
- His curse bases on what he felt when he first transformed into a demon; in Lasha’s case he was in the middle of a bloody battle and was enjoying it to a disturbing degree.
- Ironically, he’s actually calmer now as a demon than he was as a human, according to Athem who knew him when he was human
- Lasha’s favorite napping spot in snake form is his master’s shoulders. In human form he sleeps on Azul’s bed as it’s often unoccupied anyway due to Azul’s night-owl habits. He does also like to go and use Athem as a pillow whenever he’s available.
- The ruby pendant he wears in human form is the symbol of his contract with Azul, as it used to belong to Azul originally.
BG story in a nutshell:
Lasha was once a warrior of Arthanos, a lost Kingdom known for its dark magic and powerful warriors. He was one of the “channelers” warriors who could channel their deity’s magic power. Like every Channeler, he was paired with a normal warrior, who happened to be his childhood friend Athem. 
Athem had been in love with him since they were kids, and always tried to reign in Lasha’s violent tendencies, though rarely succeeding in it. In turn, Lasha found him an “annoying nag” or “party popping, straight-laced, goody-two-shoes bore with a stick up his ass, and not the good kind.”
Despite his harsh words, Lasha did actually return the feelings aimed at him, he just didn’t want to admit it openly.
It was Athem who was forced to banish Lasha into the dark realm once he transformed, as Lasha almost killed him. The snake didn’t really recall Athem or any of these events up until he appeared back into his new life as a Djinn.
Sometime during his demon years, Lasha was under another master who treated him horribly, thus resulting into his traumas. 
The reason why he adores his current master so much is because of his past experience, as Azul is actually decent towards him - aside from the name-calling and smacking his head when he misbehaves - which Lasha is really glad about, as part of him still yearns to be treated like a human and not a monster.
Lot of stuff here.
I’ll update this later on likely, right now my brain is emptied out of creative juices after typing all that on the fly
Art and characters (C) Me
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