#apprentice and asra
ladysiryna · 1 month
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Silly little mages and their silly little gate realms.
I forgot how to draw in the process.
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bakerozza · 10 months
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I promised you some suffering 😇💖 (I'm a terrible person but drawing Asra's crying face was so satisfying)
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totallyy-not-charlie · 3 months
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Playing Asras route first was a mistake and broke me.
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thekitchenywitch · 6 months
Asra has seen so many things and experienced so much grief for people that came back into his life one at a time.
First he lost his parents who were locked away by the devil for the simple crime helping Lucio and protecting their son.
Then Muriel ( which I think a lot of people forget). I don’t think Muriel would have been able to make himself go back to Asra after he’d been hurt badly in a fight. I truly don’t think Muriel would be able to do that to the bright-eyed, lively, poofy-haired kid that made him remember what life was worth.
Then you and as I mentioned before, he wasn’t even there, he had begged and pleaded with you to come with him but you wanted to stay, you wanted to help those who had been doomed by the plague. And he wasn’t even there to hold your hand or take care of you as you died, and it ripped him apart.
The first to come back was Muriel, who had helped in Asra’s plan to bring you back. Muriel was the first person who came back, the first part of his family he’d seen in years.
Next was you. He gave up half of his own heart to bring you back. To hold you in his arms again. But you didn’t know who he was. You didn’t know who you were. You didn’t know anything or anyone, and I think it would have destroyed him a second time. He taught you how to be yourself again, how to be a person, a magician, a soul, you. And you gave him everything he could ask for in return.
You helped him to find his parents again, you helped him save them and their familiars. You brought them home.
Asra’s route and life held so much grief and so much joy at the same time. He held so much inside of him and still managed to be good. That’s why I admire him. He had so many emotions so many clashing feeling and he still stayed kind. He still chose to be himself. He chose to stay the bright-eyed, poofy-haired, marvel that he is.
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saintunhinged · 7 months
need you guys to tell me if people still are interested in the arcana because im back in that era and i need to write cute things for the m6 ASAP !!!! PLEASE.
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cuhreestina · 4 months
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wanted to design a faceless fan apprentice to embrace the otome game meta
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blu-raes · 4 months
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This idea has lived in my mind rent-free.
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greyhands · 1 year
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Sometimes I like to imagine them still going on an adventure ~⭐
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Yall cant tell me they ain’t hitting the same pose 😭
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herdecisions · 1 year
Saw my old posts on asra and
When is nix hydra going to make another game with the same art style + with also a heart wrenching story? 🤨
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mindie-arts · 9 days
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“𝑰𝒕’𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝑰 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒆𝒅” 🤍🔮
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marixrose · 7 months
The Arcana when they walk in on you changing:
(They haven’t seen you without clothes yet)
Asra: When he walks in and sees you, he quickly looks away and asks if he can grab something real quick. If you say yes he will grab whatever he went in there for and quickly leave. If you say no, he will immediately leave and respect your privacy. He will apologize later on for just walking in there without knocking.
Julian: He will smirk but then become aware that you might be uncomfortable. So he leaves and closes the door and speaks with you from behind the door. “Sorry about that Darling, I don’t know what came over me. Please forgive me.” He waits until you're done getting dressed to do whatever he needs to do.
Muriel: He walks in not even noticing you at first, you're frozen staring at him in horror. Once he meets your eyes, he too freezes and blushes. He quickly looks away and mutters out a “Sorry” before rushing out of the hut. When he returns he apologizes about a hundred times before he accepts that you have forgiven him.
Lucio: Has no shame at all. He walks in, compliments you, stares, then leaves. You yell at him later on about how that wasn’t very polite, but all he does is shrugs. If it really bothers you, you will have him sit down and have a long conversation with him for him to not be doing these things when you are not comfortable yet.
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generationbluna · 1 year
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I took your remains to the other side.
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zeroone-eleven · 3 months
Gifts & Thoughts (M6); The Arcana
Summary: The Main 6 and the gifts they send the Main Character. [Upright Endings]
Requested? ❌
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
"Is it obvious that all of this is right?"
-Elijah Woods, 24/7 365.
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Nadia Satrinava:
Elegance, is the word for the gifts she spoils you with.
Everything she gifts you always has a connection to a certain time you have spent together.
A memorable date? A memorable day? A memorable moment? It doesn't matter;
Even the jewels that always color coordinate with your outfit palette has some sort of underlying memory connected to them.
Prepare to get showered with the finest, most intricately detailed accessories that Nadia associates with your shared memories.
Small mechanical inventions for your familiar. Like the little toys she made for Chandra.
Just as much as she pampers you, Nadia spares no expense in both monetary value and thought value to the things she creates for your familiar.
Your familiar is never going to feel bored within the Palace grounds, what with both Chandra and Nadia's little inventions to keep them company when you aren't there.
Light silk clothes in your preferred color palette, while the Vesuvian weather makes velvet and other similar fabrics impractical-
Nadia is well versed with the versatility of silk with the heat.
The silks she gifts you are to be imported from Praka, she will settle for gifting you no other silks but the finest kind in all the world.
The embroidery on these clothing items are always customized:
A pattern of a colorful forest: When you hunted down Lucio's ghost together.
A pattern of a wheat field: For that time you screamed your grievances to the heavens.
A pattern of waves, a small island with a singular angled tree: For the time you swam with her in the High Priestess' domain.
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Asra Alnazar:
Scrapbooks is the vibe that comes to mind whenever the gift is from Asra.
For his presents are a mix of both learning, and simple sentimentalities.
There are still times where he goes on his own adventures and whenever he does, he never fails to bring back a tricket (Or five) which had reminded him of you in some way.
A leatherbound journal, with a burnt in pattern. For note taking when you're working on spell adjustments.
A small gemstone imbued with a protection spell, or a spell for luck, or healing- That has been fashioned into a necklace.
Herbs that he dries himself.
Self-made tea blends that he has subjected himself to tasting before handing you the perfected blends.
Matching knitted sweaters for you and your familiar, imbued with temperature regulation spells.
Spell tomes he bought, read, and then annotated with possible helpful tips, or everyday commentary to make your learning easier and more fun.
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Julian Devorak:
Tomfoolery. That's it. That's his type of gifts.
A pun book, that he had somehow managed to talk Malak into gently dropping on you.
A sealed bottle with a preserved leach inside, reminiscent of the time you both thought to bathe in a suspiciously muddled pond.
He buys small journals, and writes down his adventure stories within them before handing them over to you.
Sometimes he'd send you a "Doctor's Prescription" that contain sweet gestures such as ten hugs a day, four kisses per hour, a "Nap" with him that lasts at least 12 hours-
Julian is an actor, a performer, an artist, a man of the arts. He always comes up with a new way to make a gift unique from the rest despite them being almost the same in form.
You now have a slowly growing folder of all the Doctor's Prescriptions you have been prescribed.
Thankfully, you only have a single bottle of leech and there is no indication that there will ever be another one.
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Muriel the Outsider:
Handmade. Everything he gifts you is made with love, adoration, and quiet devotion driving his hands.
Sculptures both realistic and abstract, with the wood carefully polished to bring out the unique patterns.
Spice blends foraged and dried by himself from when he goes foraging in the forest every month.
Very seldomly, he gifts you flowers that he dried himself. Whenever he finds some that he likes the colors of.
He doesn't gift you dried flowers often, he appreciates nature and it's bounty but finds it hard to see any flowers as beautiful enough to be given to you.
Home cooked meals that Muriel tries his best to perfectly season and cook to your preferences.
Whenever trading caravans pass by Vesuvia, Muriel heads into the city and does his best to peruse each and every cart. Looking for something that might "Speak" to him as something that suffices as a gift for you in his eyes.
If there is no specific thing that meets his standard, then he'll look for materials in the carts instead so that he can make you something.
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Portia Devorak:
Literature; Portia learned to read and write quite late in life, those two skills have become an integral part of who she is and what she sees as art and worthy of praise.
She writes you verses, poems, short stories- and she scatters them in the nooks and crannies of your shared home for you to find unexpectedly.
The paper is always subconsciously imbued with her magic. Whenever you touch the paper, you end up getting a glimpse into what she was feeling for you when she wrote the piece.
She gifts you books of stories she always comes back to, and books about the history, customs, and culture of the places you and her are sent as Emissaries to.
She makes sure to read through these books herself first, inserting slips of paper with her own viewpoints on a particular scene, or poems inspired by the scene (and the fact that she imagined both of you in it).
She also makes sure to always get you a box of the most delicious looking and smelling treat in the bakeries you visit on your Emmisary trips.
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Lucio / Montag Morgasson:
The World. (No, Lucio does not get you the world turtle- As cute as they may be.)
He is no longer the Count, he has renounced that stature in favor of being a mercenary once more.
On your excursions, Lucio takes the time to sit down and take in the sights with you. Talking about everything and little nothings all at once.
Sometimes he sneaks in a purchase when you're both in the marketplace stocking up on supplies, stuffing it into his pack when your back is turned.
He never knows where or when he's going to give it to you on your adventures, but he knows that he'll know when the time is right.
Lucio picks flowers from the paths you're walking to place it either in your hair, or he pins it to your shirt.
If you get sad when it inevitably wilts away, Lucio reassures you that it's nothing to be sad about because the memory of your happiness from receiving the flower will metaphorically be keeping it alive.
If you find a way to preserve it with magic, he'll buy a sturdy box (He also asks you to enchant it with a few spells for extra safety) in which to keep all the flowers taken from your journey.
Once the box is full, it finds a place on the mantle of your shared home.
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helshollowhalls · 6 months
Portia: Stop! Put me down!! PLEASE!!!
MC, trying to put her on the Christmas tree: THE. STAR. GOES. ON. TOP.
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blu-raes · 4 months
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behold, the absolute behemoth of a 5 page comic I thought I could feasibly draw in under 3 days
@nabesthetics has often joked that Malak would send the apprentice Julian's discarded love letters, and in spirit of the Vesuvia Weekly prompt, I decided to take that idea and run with it 三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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