#appropriation of tragedies
fromchaostocosmos · 9 months
Attention Creatives
You need to stop with the stories, plot lines, background info, and such in your works that are things like:
The Holocaust and the Atlantic Slave Trade were not really about that it was really a cover for vampires to have a way to access to mass feeding farms found in example like The Strain and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
The Spanish Inquisition was really about vampires trying to find witches that could control them story line thanks to True Blood.
World War 2 was because of Greeks gods fighting with each via Percy Jackson.
There are shit-ton more examples of this kind of thing and it is disgusting.
The Holocaust and the Atlantic Slave Trade specifically in regards to United States part of it all and the horrific treatment of enslaved African peoples tend the most commonly used ones, I have found.
That said it does not mean other ethnic cleansing and genocides are not used as well as other major events and tragedies for very specific marginalized and/or minority groups.
These types of stories devalue our on going pain and trauma as well as degrade the memories of both the living and the dead who suffered through those horrors and the many who did not live to see it end.
Our trauma is not a sandbox that you get to play, our history is not something you to play pretend with.
All of us from the various communities that survived these atrocities, these crimes against humanity, these terrors we all each and every one us carry still the scars. Not just scars, but also still healing wounds.
We carry in us the stories of our people, the joys and the sorrows, the hopes and the fears, and we carry the dead so that they may live on in some small way.
You have no right to that, you have no right to pain, to our joy, and most importantly you have no right to recast the reason for it all.
I am so sick of it and it needs to stop.
And this is not even delving into deeper how deeply gross so many of the implications of these storylines are if you think about for just a little bit and the nasty stereotypes they help to reinforce.
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a2zillustration · 6 months
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We made it to the end of Act 2! Is it really a d&d campaign if someone isn't having an emotional breakdown in the middle of a group hug?
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macbethz · 10 months
if i were neil gaiman i would make the good omens guys die tragically in each others arms at the end and delete my tumblr
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canisalbus · 1 year
Hello I made you some more art!! IDK Why your little guys have just stuck in my brain as of late but yeah I'm just on a roll I guess!
This piece was inspired by wondering who was present around Machete's assassination, and how people around him would react to his downfall. So I had the idea for a portrait of a final lover's embrace, as Vasco holds his dying beloved in bloodsoaked arms.
I tried my best with the clothing -- especially the shoes -- and I think I did a pretty good job but BOY were they hard! XD Anyways, I hope you like this one, it was a blast to draw! I love machete sm istg <3
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#Machete#Vasco#own characters#coldandfoggy#gift art#hhhhadgasjgdshad???#THIS#¿¿¿¿¿#congratulations you've managed to deliver some immense mental damage through the ethers#and I mean that as a compliment I live for the moments when art just really Hits You Where It Hurts#loving the way the scarlet red of Machete's cassock blends seamlessly with the pool of blood#Vasco's expression speaks volumes#he was always a very touchy feely person so thinking of their final embrace just puts a pit in your stomach#poses like this are tricky but Machete looks appropriately limp and lifeless and at peace in a way that's cruelly ironic#the halo is a nice touch it kind of evokes pietà imagery#the clothing and the shoes look fine I wouldn't have guessed you had issues with them if you hadn't mentioned it#just a grand old liver punch this one#damn son#thank you for drawing the sad dog guys I'm very flattered they've made an impression! I know I'll be agonizing over this piece for a while#some potentially upsetting lore musings!! violence and tragedy and stuff:#I haven't cemented the chain of events yet but I believe he was ambushed by a single assailant when he was alone#either early in the morning or late evening#he didn't manage to put up much of a fight that time the first stab punctured a lung and the second nicked a carotid artery#I believe you lose consciousness in a minute or so and generally bleed out in less than three#Vasco wouldn't have been informed of the murder because why would he be and even if he somehow found out very quickly#the distance between Rome and Florence is roughly 250 km don't quote me on this but it looks like it'd take at least 4 days on horseback?#I think but I don't know how horses work to be honest#maybe they had some sneaky correspondence going on but if there was a pause in communications it wouldn't have been a cause for concern#so it's highly likely he'd only find out when he rolled in town for another business trip#and Machete had been buried weeks or months ago
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whogirl42 · 4 months
Me watching atla live action 🤝 me watching Percy Jackson show
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ultfan · 25 days
more things that tick me off about dr3… the flanderization of komaeda’s expressions. people forget how like… genuinely expressive he is. yes he smiles a lot but… okay— look—
dr3 basically limits him to :) or :o MOST of the time. even when facing junko— and knowing she’s an enemy:
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i could’ve gotten more images but i’m too lazy to actually watch the anime in full again. but anyway… they made him that one stereotype where he’s calm and cheerful no matter what happens — rarely having extreme reactions. he honestly acts more like my other boy itsuki in that sense. but like… komaeda isn’t ever truly calm and collected. they baby boy-ified him. government assigned little guy.
and like… you look at the game and it’s just
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he is SO expressive!!! yeah he’s very :) :D but there’s so much you can get from his faces. and he can get genuinely angry/pissed/scared/anxious/condescending/etc. people gotta recognize this more i feel
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merevide · 6 months
pls in my theatre class we have to compare a modern character in tv/film to a greek tragedy and then explain how they fit into the greek tragedy narrative…and ofc i thought of yellowjackets the problem is IDK WHICH CHARACTER TO PICK LMAO
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
It seems like Within the Wires is going to be another Night Vale Presents production with a big Native American hole in its heart.
I've talked about this before, but a core motif in Alice isn't Dead is the emptiness at the heart of America, the big open spaces, the land with no people. America is a land of distance more than culture, etc. But except for an offhand mention in the third season and a more direct comment in the liveshow, the narrative doesn't engage with why that land is empty. If we're talking about the violence hidden within our miles, that first, defining act of violence seems critical. (Also, I know it's focused on highways, but if we want to discuss the violence and exploitation of our efforts to bridge those miles, the Chinese railway workers are right there... Also the displacement of poor and majority Black neighborhoods for the building of a lot of those highways.)
Meanwhile, WTNV establishes that Night Vale predates the arrival of European settlers. At the outset Night Vale is this zany town with spooky happenings where all conspiracy theories are true, but if its age means that its history and traditions are rooted in Indigenous beliefs, the surrealist comedy approach makes me a little uneasy.
Finally, I just finished Within the Wires season 3, where Michael talks about how the science and data support the efficacy of the year ten/family separation program. But... there is a major precedent in American history for removing children from their families and deliberately destroying their ties to their heritage, culture, and nation, and that's Native residential schools. Is that what they're talking about? Hell, the New Society seems to have come to power in the 50s and increased its draconian presence in the 60s - it's basically a Sixties Scoop but happening to everyone.
I enjoy Night Vale Present's work a lot, but it is bizarre to me that while all the productions go out of their way via character names to indicate a very diverse world, they consistently fail to engage with this part of American history even when it makes no sense not to.
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Dick & Tim’s favorite picture book
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Dick: Right, I almost forgot about that. The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Grey Bridge. Tim: My dad used to read me that book at night. I think he loved it even more than I did. Dick: Yeah. My dad too. This city and the red lighthouse seemed a million miles away from the circus and the elephant dung. Tim: Even read it to my dad when he was in that coma.
OKAY LISTEN this is just a throwaway panel in Nightwing 140 BUT let us pause to consider this storybook that apparently both Dick and Tim’s dads read to them when they were young and impressionable
It is the story of a little red lighthouse and its IDENTITY CRISIS
I cannot possibly express how great this storybook is but here are some snapshots
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But don’t worry, there’s a happy ending:
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Anyway, in conclusion this is the best possible storybook for Dick and Tim to have grown up on, 10/10, no notes.
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robby-bobby-tommy · 7 months
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the-monkey-ruler · 18 days
The Tragedy of the Old Monkey King (2019) Le voyage du prince
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Director: Jean-Francois Raggio Screenwriter: Jean-Francois Raggio / Anik Le Ray Starring : Enrico Di Giovanni / Thomas Sagos / Gabriel Le Doze / Marie-Madeleine Burguet / Celia Rosich / Catherine Lafond / Friedrich Kerdar / Patrick Bonnel Genre: Animation Country/Region of Production: France Language: French Date: 2019-08-11 (Annex Animation Film Festival) Duration: 77 minutes Also known as: The Prince's Voyage / 老猴王落難記(港) IMDb: tt9144838 Type: Appropriation
The old monkey prince from an unknown era was washed ashore by a wave due to an accident. A monkey boy named Tom discovered him and took this man wearing tattered Chinese clothes with him, speaking a different language. Tom takes him to his parents, two dissident researchers who dared to believe the existence of other peoples. The professor and his wife were surprised to learn that the prince came from different time and space, and planned to use him as proof to overturn the stereotyped imagination of the world by those in power. The Prince, guided by his friend Tom, discovers with enthusiasm and fascination this frozen and sclerotic society. Meanwhile, the researcher couple dreamed of convincing the Academy of the veracity of their previously rejected thesis. The two directors who have produced "Lulumi on the Côte d'Azur" and "Louise on the Shore" have teamed up to create a dreamland, a clever fable that witnesses the touching friendship between a prince and a boy.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/27061544/
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WC0VYRLZLd4
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arollofmirrors · 10 months
Casual fans: I love how wholesome Weird Al is! Not just as a person, but also his work. The humour isn't dark or mean-spirited or vulgar; it's just lighthearted, goofy, family-friendly fun!
Weird Al:
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lulabo · 10 months
On seeing the ads for The Last Voyage of the Demeter
Me before Dracula Daily: they made a movie of Dracula on a boat?
Me after Dracula Daily: OMG they made a movie of Dracula on the boat!
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hyp3rfixation-h3ll · 9 months
Seeing your post about toxic doomed Yuri burgertron/spudmuffin changed my brainwaves. I read it and was like woahhh they ARE toxic doomed Yuri
there is a top 10 messiest breakups botvid and spud / burgertron are in the #1 spot and i will not be considering otherwise. they could have been THE power v-shaped polycule with ulf but fate aligned their destinies and it was not written in the stars . pouring one out for the combo meal of all time 😔✊
#botbots tag 🏪#you've got mail 📬#tf botbots#botbots#transformers botbots#i choose 3 believe burgertron Does miss spud btw.#it hurts him a lot and he DOES still keep the photo of them and ulf on his wall in his nest#idk how 2 describe it but it's like. just because he knows what he did was the correct thing#doesnt mean he Isn't going to grieve#spud isn't Dead but he mourns all the same#because he *lost* someone dear to him#there's also the aspect of me hcing burgs w/ bpd and spud was one of his FPs so after everything happens i hc he black and white splits --#-- a lot because he's under a lot of duress (something i do when someone i love does something bad)#botbots dont have therapists so i think the rest of the lost bots'd help him out with that but i am not going to sugarcoat it#he is a DISASTER . (ENDEARINGLY)#and then there's the days he feels like a bad person for even being the reason this happened in the FIRST place#when it wasnt . it was never his entire fault and some of that blame DOES go to spud because he never took the liberty of just Asking#and yes burgertron didnt know but can you really blame someone for setting events in motion when theyre oblivious???#he didnt know. he couldnt have#and that just adds to the tragedy of it. had burgertron known and spud just taken the appropriate course of action the show'd be different#but of course we all know it didnt go like that#i could talk about them for a while and the fallout of the games bc holy shit there is so much and they make me insane#THANK YOU for giving me an outlet 2 speak and im so glad i could open your eyes to burgerspud yuri#they are So tragic i hope they recover and go to therapy
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miraonpluto · 9 months
the fight gideon and harrow have in alecto is gonna be so awful and mean and hurtful and i’m literally so excited
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