#arabica 100%
fabioverochef · 5 months
Siamo sicuri che il caffè italiano sia il peggiore del mondo?
sicuri che il caffè italiano sia il peggiore del mondo?
Perchè il barista non sa cosa c’è nella tazzina?? Che l’articolo apparso sul Gambero Rosso relativo alla qualità dell’espresso e del caffè in generale in Italia sia stato scritto per destare attenzione è palese. Per altro, quanto descritto dai miei colleghi trainer corrisponde ad una parte di verità, e sono argomenti che io stesso utilizzo durante i miei corsi. Probabilmente si poteva evitare…
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justcolombiancoffee1 · 4 months
100% Arabica Colombian coffee     
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If you are looking for the signature Colombian coffee flavor from a genuine source, look no further. Justcolombiancoffee offers 100% Arabica Colombian coffee, which is hand-picked and artisanally roasted to give you the unique aroma and rich flavor of coffee beans. Order now to experience the authentic flavor of South America's finest coffee beans, right from the comfort of your own home.
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troncelliti · 1 year
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100% Arabica Colombian coffee     
If you are looking for the signature Colombian coffee flavor from a genuine source, look no further. Justcolombiancoffee offers 100% Arabica Colombian coffee, which is hand-picked and artisanally roasted to give you the unique aroma and rich flavor of coffee beans. Order now to experience the authentic flavor of South America's finest coffee beans, right from the comfort of your own home.
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galina · 10 months
Coffee brand recommendations? I usually use a french press.
the best thing is shop local to you, look for coffee roasted in or around your area or nearby cities first, then go further afield once you know what flavours you like.
coffee green flags:
☕️ variety is arabica, rather than robusta or unspecified mystery blends
☕️ is sold in whole beans 🫘
☕️ roasted in your country, or even better, your town
☕️ specifies light / medium / dark or has a description of the taste or a recommended brewing method
☕️ has a ‘roasted on’ date or similar (and is fresh, 4 days is optimal)
☕️ names a country, farm or grower origin
☕️ is graded as ‘specialty’ (scoring above 80 on a sca 100 point scale)
nb good coffee might have none of the above but it’s a good place to start
I really like the cafetière as a brewing method, it can be elevated by grinding your beans a little finer, steeping for the right amount of time for the beans, and pouring with the filter raised to avoid as much silt getting to the cup 🙂
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heghogsblog · 7 months
пришло время, и я не могу больше отлынивать и не отвечать на вопросы про кофе которые мне были заданы какое то время назад. @newpelmeshka , @moonbeam108 , @aczamaz . сначала я хотел ответить подробно, показать кучу фоток со всеми этими делами, а потом подумал и понял, что это совершенно не имеет смысла. потому что каждый человек индивидуален, у него разные вкусы, свои какие то мелочи и детали, плюс возможно там где они живут нет именно таких кофейных прибамбасов и штук, и сорта кофе там может другие и из других стран. вообщем, какое кофе я люблю, да?-один из вопросов. что? да как вы посмели! спросить меня COFFEE KING об этом! 🤴🏻 😂. знаете, весь секрет моей любви наверное и кроется в том, что я пью его много и всякий. разных сортов, по всякому приготовленного. то есть, как я могу выбрать, если сегодня я хочу просто чашку эспрессо, а завтра американо, а после обеда кофе-раф, а потом латте и капучино. ровно как и способы приготовления, сегодня я хочу заварить его в French press, завтра в турке ( джезва), после завтра в Moka pot, а через после- в автоматической эспрессо машине. но пожалуй главное, если я просто не беру стаканчик уже готового «white flat”, в любимом кафе « Peet’s”, это то что я всегда покупаю кофе в зернах, и перемалываю их сам у себя дома, в том размере помолки который будет крупнее или меньше, в зависимости от вышеперечисленных кофейных напитков которые я хочу . это очень важно! плюс обжарка этих зерен в этом случае тоже своя, есть dark, есть средняя, есть специально для эспрессо . ну и конечно сами зерна предпочтительно должны быть 100% arabica .
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у меня есть обжаренные кофейные зерна из Италии, Турции, Эфиопии, Гватемалы, Перу, и многие многие другие. в принципе, я имею возможность доставать их любые и ото-всюду , я просто очень люблю пробовать всё 😆( это относится не только к кофе). что там ещё.. какая должна быть вода? в моём самом дорогом эспрессо-аппарате можно выбрать автоматические настройки, а также менять все параметры самому, то есть я могу повысить или уменьшить температуру воды, а также температуру взбивания молока, плюс там стоит специальный фильтр который эту воду фильтрует и придаёт ей необходимую мягкость . и наверное это на сегодняшний день пожалуй один из самых любимых способов приготовления своего эспрессо или любого в принципе кофейного напитка. но остальные способы я тоже люблю! значит дальше, насчет того должна ли вода закипеть или нет.. должна !.. по моему опыту, который опирается на разные источники и пути собственных проб и ошибок, вода должна начинать закипать, что называется: только-только. специалисты говорят, что идеальная температура нагревания во всех способах и кофеварках должна находится в районе 90-96градусов по Цельсию.( 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit ) это как раз температура начала кипения, когда только начинают появляться маленькие пузырьки. потому что 100 градусов это когда вода уже кипит и булькает во всю, в этом случае нужно подождать минуту , до того чтобы заваривать кофе. уфф.. вот наверное так, если говорить коротко 😅 . спасибо! ✌️
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darkestprompts · 1 year
What kind of beverages (they don't need to fit within the DD universe) would the heroes drink? I feel like PD would be fascinated with the pearls in milk tea to a concerning extent. I want to give Abom a caprisun. Love your takes btw!!!
Alhazred: loves a good coffee, likes to try different types, but is very particular about the quality of the beans and torrefaction.
Josephine: gave Alhazred the hint of where to get his perfect 100% arabica, but is more of a tea girl. Her favorites are traditional indian chai and hibiscus kombucha.
Paracelsus: you are correct, she loves a good taro with tapioca pearls. She justifies it by listing the many benefits of mixing tea and milk, but really, she just likes the consistency and the funny balls.
Boudica: mead, of course, but also sports drinks like Gatorade. She needs to replenish her strength!
Barristan: milk and yogurt drinks, abides by the wisdom that you NEED to drink your milk to keep strong and healthy. Only one that thinks Yakult isn't gross.
Missandei: don't ask me why, but she strikes me as a milkshake girl. Like she treats herself with a big burst of sugar at the end of the day because, damn it, she works hard and she earned it!
Audrey: yeah, it's absinthe, big shock. She's also fond of cocktails, especially Death in the Afternoon.
Amani: citric juices. They give her energy and make her think of sunlight when she misses home.
Bonnie: mulled apple cider, hot enough to burn your tongue off. She finds it comforting.
Baldwin: enjoys all sorts of fragant herbal teas, especially flower-based ones.
Bigby: needs to discover hot chocolate IMMEDIATELY.
Damian: is a silly man that dislikes nice things. Only drinks fresh water and communion wine.
Junia: she'd love guaraná (guarana-plant based soft drink). It's fresh and sweet and bubbly and has no sinful/decadent implications. A guiltless pleasure.
Highwayman: distilled drinks like brandy, gin and whiskey. Likes coffee but unlike Alhazred is completely happy with the cheap stuff.
Reynauld: swears he actually likes those super healthy grain and nut based drinks. Nobody believes him.
Margaret: I'm thinking eggnog for some reason. Maybe because it's something you'd drink at a family party and she had a stable home.
William: makes the kind of vitamin that mixes everything under the sun. It's surprisingly good, though.
Sarmenti: gets obsessed with one drink for like three weeks then spends two years unable to look at it.
Edit: Fuck, I forgot Tardif
Tardif: loves sangria. It's alcoholic enough to get him buzzed but the sugar and vitamins in it are good to keep you from getting completely hammered or the dreaded wine hangover.
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distilled-prose · 6 months
Matt Phillips via LinkedIn 12/22/23
The Battle of the Bulge - 1130 on 22 December 1944 the encircled town of Bastogne, Belgium - 4 German soldiers, waving 2 white flags, approached the American lines. The senior officer was a Major Wagner of the 47th Panzer Corps. The Americans defending in that location were members of F Company of the 327th Glider Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. The Germans explained that they had a written message to be presented to the American Commander in Bastogne.
The message read: (edited for length) "To the U.S.A. Commander of the encircled town of Bastogne. The fortune of war is changing. This time the U.S.A. forces in and near Bastogne have been encircled by strong German armored units. There is only one possibility to save the encircled U.S.A troops from total annihilation: that is the honorable surrender of the encircled town. In order to think it over a term of two hours will be granted beginning with the Presentation of this note. The German Commander."
The Division Operations Officer, Lt. Col. Harry Kinnard recalled that McAulliffe when advised initially asked, "They want to surrender?" Moore told him, "No sir, they want us to surrender." McAulliffe arose and erupted in anger, took the paper, looked at it, said "Us surrender, aw nuts!", and dropped it on the floor and left the HQ.
Upon returning to the division headquarters, McAulliffe was informed that the two German officers were still waiting at the F Company Command Post. Since they brought a formal demand they felt they were entitled to a formal reply. McAulliffe asked that Col. Harper (the 327 Regimental commander) be summoned to the Division Headquarters. Harper, who was still inspecting his units' positions, was contacted by radio.
When Harper arrived at the Headquarters, he was asked to wait outside of the closed door to McAulliffe's quarters. Inside, in the presence of his staff, McAulliffe wondered aloud, "Well, I don't know what to tell them." At that point, Kinnard said, "What you said initially would be hard to beat." McAulliffe asked "What do you mean?" Kinnard, said, "Sir, you said nuts." All members of the staff enthusiastically agreed, so McAulliffe wrote it down on a message pad and said, "Have it typed up."
The reply was typed up, centered on a full sheet of paper. It read: "December 22, 1944 To the German Commander, N U T S ! The American Commander"
Harper took the reply and drove to the F Company Command Post and the German Major who asked, "Is that reply negative or affirmative?" Harper said, "The reply is decidedly not affirmative".
A true classic, and the rest is history...
Please visit our website & shop: militaryjavagroup.com Also at MCX and at Military Java Group on Amazon.com 50% of profits from the sale of our 100% Arabica Java is donated to support our wounded troops from ALL service branches.
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protocolseben · 1 month
I think by now everyone knows if you drink the SEA coffee every other coffee type pales in comparison.
“Oooo 100% arabica coffee” buddy that shit doesn’t compare to the permanent buff stack of Indonesia and Malaysia coffee that has 60 layers of intensity/boldness/flavour in it,
which kinda sucks because people go from European coffee that is mild intentionally with various tones -> the South American coffee tinges -> south east Asia final boss battle. That’s why nobody here can sleep we are permanently jacked. Not in a good way
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mchiti · 10 months
rules: post 10 of your favorite comfort movies and then tag 10 people. tagged by @kallypsos thank you LOVE ♡ (by the way your theme looks incredible, I don't watch house of dragons (that's house of dragons right?) but it's so prettyyyy
100% Arabica (Mahmoud Zemmouri)
Mes frères et moi (Yohan Manca)
Razzia (Nabil Ayouch)
Adam (Maryam Touzani)
The Blue Caftan (Maryam Touzani)
The Motorcycle Diaries (Walter Salles)
Arab Blues (Manele Labidi Labbé)
Mille mois (Faouzi Bensaïdi)
Kirikou et la Sorcière (Michel Ocelot)
Compartment Number 6 (Juho Kuosmanen)
I tag @lewisitshammertime @swaggypsyduck @cryingforcrocodiles @zbee @roobylavender @saintdevote @mountinez @seedlessmuffins @mavieesttriste16 @0alanasworld0 if you guys want ♡
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schdns · 3 months
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- ate at Mano for dinner. I wasn't feeling well that night pero ginaslight ko sarili ko na hindi, wala akong sakit. Kaso sabi siguro ng universe, tinetesting ko ang 100% potential ko. Nag 40 deg fever ako pagkauwi :)
- we went to Veterans para pumalo. I did well naman. My golfing has been better. I reach 75 yards na sa iron 7, 150 naman sa driver. Wala akong sport talaga pero siguro ipupursue ko tong golf.
- natry na namin puntahan sa wakas yung Mitsukoshi mall. We had high expectations pero maliit siya. Walang restaurants masyado and mostly japanese food (obviously). PERO MASARAP YUNG KEY COFFEE! We went to Arabica too para bumili ng beans. Hindi namin masyadong nagustuhan.
- me and my red hair against the world (it's against me as well). I had a haircut. SABI KO TRIM LANG AND I-MAINTAIN YUNG BUTTERFLY STYLE NIYA PERO GINAWANG JELLYFISH NI ACCLA. Naiinis.
- my love language is acts of service. Every weekend, my friends and I bond together. Madalas sa bahay. Eh nag crave yung isang friend ko ng cookies so spontaneously, nag bake pa ako at 9 PM. We did karaoke too.
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fabioverochef · 6 months
La rivincita dei tecnici: Simone Previati vince la finale seconda edizione del Master Coffee Grinder Championship.
Dalla Corte Studio multiboiler coffee machines Grindie Solo coffee grinder Keber burrs Brita filtered water IMS filter basket Pulycaff cleaner products Motta metallurgica tamper Repa Spare Parts IPA Porcellane cups Bargiornale specialized press IWCA the women’s empowerment Diemme coffee Bloom Specialty Coffee Antonelli Specialty Coffees Costadoro Coffee from 1890 Comunicaffè…
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tinytourist · 3 months
Guanabana Gang
On Friday morning, our chauffeur Stacia transported us to La Fortuna. As we approached where we thought our Airbnb was, we lost service. The directions were not at all clear, and our hanger won out, so we quit and went for lunch at the first place we saw.
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It turned out to be everything we needed: fresh dragonfruit, maracuya, and guanabana juice accompanied by fresh ceviche, garlic shrimp, and wait for it…more fish. We hopped on the wifi, downloaded the map, and successfully found our Airbnb!
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After checking in, we went to the Don Olivio chocolate tour. Immediately upon arrival, we were greeted with bananas, papaya, and chocolate fudge. To say the least, we were already into it. We took a quick look at the surrounding fruit trees and saw a two-toed sloth named Maria munchin’ on some hibiscus leaves.
We saw pink bananas AKA bird food, green-rinded oranges, guanabana, and cacao, and we took shots of sugar cane rum. Our guide cracked open the cacao and gave us each a bean covered in a sweet mango-flavored coating. At the end of the tour, we sat down and somehow consumed hot chocolate and pure hot coffee with a bit of fresh vanilla extract.
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On our way back from the tour, we stopped at a local grocery store where we got some local coffee and an assortment of road trip snacks including ceviche-flavored plantain chips, which we ate for dinner because we were too pooped to go out.
The next morning, we had some of that 100% Arabica coffee, and Stacia & Jess were twitching, but it helped us get on the road by 7 am! Less than an hour later with a few bumps along the way, we were at Arenal River canyon for our canyoneering/zip-lining adventure.
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We did 4 repels through waterfalls, 2 zip-lines, and 3 jumps into the water. Stacia was the most scared with me at a close second but only for the free-jumps. Frances took everything like a champ. Our lunch was included at the Mistico Hanging Bridges Park where we got a spectacular view of the Arenal volcano, saw an anteater, and got a huge plate of Costa Rican almuerzo.
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Back at the BnB, we relaxed by reading in the hammock before getting dressed up and listening to our old college playlists. We hit up downtown La Fortuna and got two excellent tangerine ceviches because what is a meal in Costa Rica without ceviche?? We then got a drink at Lava Lounge, where we listened to some sub-par live reggae and hung out with a pregnant cat.
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The next morning, we all woke up at our leisure and went to Mirador El Silencio for our morning rainforest hike, which included a trail with a great view of Arenal along volcanic rocks. We said “¡buenas!” to a few cows on our way out and then headed to the Ecotermales Hot Springs.
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This is Arenal’s only truly natural hot springs, and it felt like paradise. We ate a wonderful buffet of fresh food and Stacia announced “I’ve never been happier in my life” as she held the bare chicken in her hands.
It was a little hot outside to be jumping from hot pool to hot pool but luckily we found a cooler spot and some shade. We left feeling completely relaxed.
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For dinner, we went to La Street where Stacia and Frances split a huge taco platter, and I got fish with hearts of palm and mashed potatoes with a gooseberry on top. We ate until we could eat no more, and then we walked it off. Frances dove into a hearts of palm rabbit hole and learned that we should avoid single-stemmed hearts of palm.
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wbtym-pod · 6 months
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New Collab Alert just in time for the Holidays!
Atlas Coffee Club curates the top %1 of the world's best coffee, roasted and ground to your preference and delivered freshly to your door.
Each month you’ll receive single-origin 100% Arabica Coffee from a new country, a postcard from that country, and an info card detailing the country’s history, tasting notes for the beans, and context about what makes your coffee unique. With a focus on sustainability and a commitment to paying above Fair Trade prices, Atlas Coffee Club is a great way to start the morning with a whole lotta good.
Want to get in on this one of a kind experience? Use code WBTYM at checkout or go to atlascoffeeclub.com/WBTYM to get 50% off your first month's subscription, and up to $50 off gifts.
Get Flirty and Stay Thirsty!
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100% Arabica Colombian Coffee
If you are looking for the signature Colombian coffee flavor from a genuine source, look no further. Justcolombiancoffee offers 100% Arabica Colombian coffee, which is hand-picked and artisanally roasted to give you the unique aroma and rich flavor of coffee beans. Order now to experience the authentic flavor of South America's finest coffee beans, right from the comfort of your own home.
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goldstarcoffeeus · 4 months
Coffee Guide: Buy the Best Coffee brand And Begin With Americano
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Need coffee tips on selecting your first “real” coffee beans and where to start on drink recipes beyond basic brewed cups? Quality coffee begins with choosing reputable coffee bean brands and then experimenting with versatile gateway drinks like the smooth Americano. Buy the best coffee brand and begin with your skills!
What Is An Americano Drink?
The name "Americano" comes from its origins - Americans in World War II would add hot water to concentrated espresso in Italy to make the coffee taste more like the weaker "American coffee" they were used to back home.
How Do You Determine the Best Coffee Brands?
Here are the following steps to determine the best coffee brands.
Arabica vs Robusta Beans
The tastiest gourmet coffee comes from Arabica beans with more natural sugars and acidity than bitter Robusta strains which major brands pad cheap blends with.
Roast Styles and Grind Types
Light roasts retain bright, fruity notes versus darker French and Italian roasts bringing out more robust, smoky flavours. Choose whole beans to grind size for your brew method - fine espresso grind to coarse French Press grind.
Fair Trade and Sustainability
Support ethical coffee farming without exploitive labour practices by buying fair trade certified brands. Their reusable bags prevent waste too.
Why Does Starting with Americano Coffee Drinks Make Sense?
Here are the major reasons to make sense of it:
Accessible Ingredients
Crafting the Americano uses basic hot water and espresso shots available from most coffee shops. But buying your bag of premium coffee beans means pulling better-tasting espresso rather than diluted brewed coffee.
Universal Taste
This simpler coffee drink more closely resembles standard black drip coffee without intensely strong espresso or sugar/dairy additions that might overwhelm developing taste preferences. Americano offers a light, smooth base to build upon.
What Tools Do I Need To Make An Americano Coffee?
Here are the basic tools you need to make an Americano coffee drink at home:
Espresso machine - This is the essential tool required to pull the shots of espresso that serve as the base of the Americano.
Coffee grinder - To brew quality espresso, you need freshly ground coffee beans. An electric coffee grinder allows you to grind beans right before extraction.
Espresso tamper - A metal tamper is used to compress finely ground coffee into the filter basket evenly before brewing for optimal espresso extraction.
Great-tasting coffee relies on starting with whole bean blends from respected fair trade coffee roasters rather than marketing hype claiming perfect roast formulas. Never settle for less than 100% Arabica beans.
If you want tobuy the best coffee brand you can get it from Gold Star Coffee Inc. Contact by Monday - Friday from 10:00 am - 6:00 pm. Also, the contact number is 1-888-371-JAVA(5282) and the Email is [email protected].
Resource: https://goldstarcoffee.blogspot.com/2024/01/coffee-guide-buy-best-coffee-brand-and.html
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