#aria; bp trio
bp-trio · 4 months
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The Astrix Agency Launch Party was a night to remember, filled with glitz, glamour, and celebrations. As Aria Yi, Hana Muira, and Solaire Ivanov walked into the venue, they were met with a sea of familiar faces – celebrities, athletes, television personalities, and professionals from all walks of life. The room buzzed with excitement as guests mingled and chatted, eagerly anticipating the official unveiling of Astrix Agency.
For Aria, Hana, and Solaire, this moment was especially meaningful. As members of the internationally renowned girl group BlackPink, they had always dreamed of branching out on their own and starting their own agency. Their time at YG entertainment had been fruitful, but they couldn't shake the feeling that they were being held back from reaching their full potential. The launch of Astrix Agency represented a new chapter in their lives, a chance to take control of their careers and pursue their goals with unwavering determination.
As the night kicked off, the three founders took to the stage to deliver a heartfelt speech, thanking their guests for their support and expressing their gratitude for this incredible opportunity. Emotions ran high as they reflected on their journey and the challenges they had overcome to get to this point. The audience listened attentively, hanging on every word as the trio spoke passionately about their vision for the agency and the impact they hoped to make in the industry.
In a surprise moment, Hana's boyfriend joined her on the dance floor, spinning her around with grace and precision. The couple's infectious energy and chemistry lit up the room, drawing cheers and applause from the crowd. It was a magical moment, capturing the essence of love and partnership in its purest form.
As the night progressed, the other members of BLACKPINK arrived to show their support, joining Aria, Hana, and Solaire on stage for a special performance. The group danced together, their synchronized movements a testament to the bond they shared as artists and friends. The sight of the seven members moving in perfect harmony was nothing short of mesmerizing, a powerful symbol of solidarity and unity.
The Astrix Agency itself was a sight to behold, a luxurious space designed to inspire creativity and innovation. The name itself evoked a sense of mystery and allure, hinting at the limitless possibilities that lay ahead for the agency and its clients. With its sleek, modern décor and state-of-the-art facilities, Astrix Agency was destined to become a beacon of excellence in the entertainment industry, a place where dreams were realized and stars were born.
As the night drew to a close, Aria, Hana, and Solaire basked in the glow of their success, surrounded by friends, family, and well-wishers. The launch party had been a resounding success, a testament to their hard work, dedication, and unwavering belief in themselves. With Astrix Agency now officially open for business, the trio looked ahead to a bright and promising future, ready to conquer the world and make their mark on the industry they loved.
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taww · 4 years
First Take Review: Valvet Soulshine Preamplifier & A4 Mk.II Amplifier
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I stumbled upon the Valvet brand fairly randomly. Looking back at my original email to Alfred Kainz of highend-electronics, Valvet’s US distributor, it appears I caught wind of the niche German marque via a review of their E2 amplifier ($2,990) on 10audio.com. In it, Jerry Siegel compared it with some very well-respected solid state and tube competition - Pass, First Watt, Cary - and came away smitten with the musicality of the little 20-watter. I perused the rest of the Valvet line and was immediately drawn to how it blended sleek, unassuming styling with a focus on tried and true design approaches. Tube preamps with solid state amps (no Class D in sight), super quality passive parts, minimalist Class A and single-ended topologies, all in urban-lifestyle friendly packaging... Valvet was speaking my language. The relative obscurity of the brand (at least here in the States) and lack of online reviews only added to the intrigue. A review was clearly in order, and Alfred was kind enough to oblige us with the Soulshine tube preamp ($5,890 in the configuration we received) and A4 Mk.II monoblock amplifier ($7,890). 
Alfred provided this description of the company:
Valvet is located in Bargteheide, in the north of Germany, near Hamburg. What we have here is a very consistent vision by designer Knut Cornils in design and execution. Knut founded the company in 1991 and has been building Class-A amps since 1982. Knut has evolved a distinctive architecture of Class-A modules using high-quality components in minimal designs, featuring valve pre-amplifiers with separate power supply and solid-state mono-block power amplifiers.
Valvet Soulshine Tube Preamp ($5,890)
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The Soulshine is Valvet’s top preamplifier line and comes in a number of configurations. The model we received is a line stage and includes a compact external power supply and stepped attenuator with remote control. Recently, two further upgrades became available: the Soulshine IIz ($8,890) featuring a dual-mono external supply, and the Soulshine Trio ($10,990) with built-in phono stage and quad supplies. @mgd-taww​ has the full review of our base configuration coming out imminently, but I'll share some observations from my time with the unit.
I really dug the sleek look of the Soulshine - super slender, with a minimalist front panel sporting two polished chrome knobs, a 2-digit volume display and the Valvet "V" softly glowing in blue. There's zero panel markings, which makes input selection a bit of a guessing game, and slightly odd is the fact that the free-spinning volume knob (it's a rotary encoder for the electronically-controlled attenuator) has a dimple to indicate position, despite it being completely uncorrelated with the actual volume setting. The attenuator itself works extremely well - volume control is a bit on the coarser side, definitely not 1dB across the range, but adjustments are quick, smooth and noiseless other than the gentle clicking of the internal relays. Best of all, the outputs are quickly muted to eliminate any possibility of transients on power-up or turn-off which can be a real hazard with tube designs. The back-panel features 4 inputs - 2 balanced XLR, 2 unbalanced RCA - and both RCA and XLR outputs. The power supply is external, connected with a light, flexible and detachable umbilical cord. Under the hood, the circuit is simple and the parts are high quality, with relatively neat hand-soldered point-to-point wiring (Teflon-sleeved silver in our model). Like any tube component, it'll need some room to breath, but it generates a fairly moderate amount of heat and will fit in shelves with less clearance than typical tube pre's with tall chassis and upright tubes.
Tonally I found the Valvet to be fairly nondescript, and I mean that in the best possible way. There is just a hint of extra juice in the mid-bass, and the low end isn't as extended and tightly-controlled as the solid-state Bryston BP-17 Cubed ($4,500), but otherwise things felt quite neutral and in order - another example of the convergence of tube and solid state tonality over time. The top end had clarity and extension and there was neither the upper-midrange forwardness nor the rolled-off treble that one sometimes gets with tubes.
What it did have was a uniquely singing tone in the midrange that made it particularly expressive with soft melodic passages. E.g. on a performance of the Rachmaninoff Romance by cellist Alicia Weilerstein [Tidal], a passionate rendition of the theme is followed by a pianissimo echo. Through the Soulshine, the delicate passage sounded wonderfully quiet and intimate, yet still expressive; on the Bryston it came across a bit threadbare and pale. Every once in a while this could also come across as a bit of thickening, like just a dash too much cornstarch in the sauce - e.g. with Magdalena Kozena's Mozart arias, the ethereal floatiness of her voice came across slightly more opaque than I heard with the Pass Labs XP10. Tradeoffs, tradeoffs...
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Bryston BP-17 Cubed, Valvet Soulshine and Pass Labs XP10 locked in battle
I (or more accurately, my wife and I) heard a bit more editorializing going on with harmonics and timbre. One late evening I was playing some tunes on the Soulshine, Beethoven Symphony No. 2 to be precise, and my wife commented that the orchestra sounded rather sharp (pitch-wise) and nasal. Normally this is how American woodwind players describe European ensembles (who do indeed tune their A's higher and use totally different technique, reeds and often instruments). But in this case, it was a Montreal Symphony performance which she never previously commented on sounding particularly European. Switching back to one of the solid state pre's (the Bryston or Pass XP10) restored the expected timbre - her ears are particularly sensitive, and I can only surmise she was picking up on harmonic distortion being introduced by the tubed Soulshine. I could hear it as well, but to me it was pretty mild, and probably 99% of people won't notice it to the same degree.
The other area where THD may be coming into play is soundstaging. The Valvet has a healthy dose of that holographic tube feel, suspending instruments across a deep, airy and three-dimensional space... so much so that my wife actually felt the sound to be “too 3D,” something I doubt you’ll ever hear an audiophile say. Nelson Pass under his First Watt enterprise shared a design for a very simple 2nd-order harmonic distortion generator, called the H2, as a fun way to add some color to sound. He made this interesting observation about the phase of such distortion:
So why is the phase important? Well, it's a subtle thing. I don't suppose everyone can hear it, and fewer particularly care, but from listening tests we learn that there is a tendency to interpret negative phase 2nd as giving a deeper soundstage and improved localization than otherwise. Positive phase seems to put the instruments and vocals closer and a little more in-your-face with enhanced detail.
My sense was that the Soulshine adds more of the “negative phase” second harmonic - it has that deep holographic stage, without sounding up front and “technicolor” as some tube designs are wont to. Again, to my wife’s ears this effect sounded a little phasey and unrealistic, but I’m guessing many audiophiles will eat it up.
Some other notable and positive aspects of the Soulshine... it's extremely quiet, with nice black backgrounds. In fact, I found it to be nearly dead silent even when cranked to max volume, and considerably quieter than the Bryston which always had some level of audible hiss. Dynamics were strong, the Bryston capturing big hits in the bottom end with more slam and edge, the Valvet otherwise having more verve and nuance - piano in particular had great weight and presence on crescendi. There was a sense of ease, with plenty of headroom even on the loudest, most cacophonous orchestral passages, though I did find dynamics varied a bit with the volume setting, a likely consequence of placing the attenuator after the tube gain stages thus creating variable output impedance. Separation of instruments was excellent - whether listening to a small chamber ensemble or symphony orchestra, tonally-adjacent voices like viola vs. second violin came through with clarity and color. And while lesser preamps can blur the region below middle C (262Hz) into a bit of a soupy blend, the Soulshine clearly distinguished the lower registers of the cello from the left hand of piano accompaniment on sonatas.
All in all, the Soulshine struck me as a lovely and enjoyable preamp. Musically expressive and pure, it was significantly more engaging than the Bryston BP-17 Cubed, and made for an interesting counterpoint to the Pass Labs XP10 ($5,250 before being replaced by the XP12). I didn’t mention the Pass so far as @mgd-taww also uses the XP10 as his reference preamp, so I’ll let him do the honors of an in-depth comparison in his coming review.
Valvet A4 Mk.II Class A Monoblock amplifier ($7,890)
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The A4 represents the 2nd generation of Valvet’s original Class A monoblock design, the A3.5. This latest “Mk.II” iteration includes 33% larger power transformers (400W), more filtering (132,000µF each!) and upgraded parts throughout including audiophile-brand resistors and cotton-insulated silver wiring. Allegedly this brings the performance of the Mk.II closer to Valvet's flagship A4e ($9,890), a souped-up 4-chassis model with larger external power supplies and a bit more power. Despite the Class A design, the A4 is downright petite, each monoblock measuring just 230 x 110 x 310 mm (9 x 4.4 x 12.2 inches) but feeling hefty and solid - I don’t have the weight on me, but you’ll definitely want to firmly grasp each one with two hands. Power is rated at 55 watts/8Ω, 90 watts/4Ω in full Class A operation. In what seems to be a new craze (Pass Labs XA25 and models from GamuT come to mind), the output stage uses a single pair of high-power transistors per channel, and the signal path is direct-coupled with no global negative feedback.
My first night with the A4 ended in disaster. I still don't know what happened - my best guess is a wire got crossed in the hookup to my REL T-9 subwoofer - but upon powering up one of the monoblocks, sparks, a small flame and smoke ensued. Clearly something shorted out somewhere, and the A4 being a true minimalist design with zero protection circuitry means any mishap can end in catastrophe. Fortunately no human, animal or other device was harmed, but after weeks of anticipation to hear the amps, I was heartbroken. In my desperation, I listened a bit to one speaker through the other functioning amp, just to get a taste... and even from that crippled mono reproduction, I could already tell there was something very sweet and special about the A4, which made my misfortune even more agonizing.
Alfred Kainz was extremely understanding and had the amps shipped back to Knut @ Valvet for repair. A while later I got them back, and this time I completely steered clear of the REL hookup, instead feeding the subwoofer from my preamp just to be safe. The amps have worked absolutely flawlessly since so the only lesson here is to be extremely careful setting them up, which the manual also states very clearly...
With that out of the way... I think these are some very special amps. While I've heard Class A amps plenty of times in other systems, it's my first time having one in my own, and it was easy to hear from the first notes what all the fuss is about. There's a purity and density of tone, a freedom from electronic haze and grain, a fluidity of expression that's subtle in absolute terms but significant in visceral ones. Great Class A amps have given me the feeling of emancipating music from the chains of typical solid-state limitations, making Class AB (and certainly Class D) designs sound synthetic and mechanical by comparison. The Valvet is delightfully expressive, sweet and pure, with an honest and unforced way of capturing the warmth and beauty of a performance. The Bryston 4B Cubed, a 300W Class AB powerhouse, impressed me with how it carried some of these lovely qualities to a surprising degree, but the Valvet communicates with a higher level of musical connection and tactile presence.
At times, I've heard Class A amps come off a bit dark and slow vs. a very transparent Class AB design. I hear no such issues with the Valvet - in fact, it has all the speed of the Bryston 4B3, with even more dynamic alacrity and nuance. Twists and turns of a phrase are conveyed with uninhibited momentum. Its highs are as sweet and refined as I’ve heard in my system, but with no sacrifice of brilliance. Vocals have richness and complexity, and the variegated harmonics of the violin and oboe have startling trueness. And while it doesn't have the big Bryston's bass slam and depth, it still packs plenty enough wallop to be satisfying with rock and electronic fare. The Mk.II upgrades included a significant stiffening of the power supply, seemingly to good effect - close your eyes, and you would never guess you were listening to an amp rated at just 55 watts. It's by no means a current monster so I would stick with at least moderately-efficient speakers that don’t dip too low in impedance, but I’ve heard 150-watt amps that don’t have this level of control and explosiveness. Certainly compared to a 60-watt integrated like the Ayre AX7e or Bryston B60, the Valvet sounds like a powerhouse.
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I'll have much more to say about this wonderful amplifier in the coming months. One of the things I'll need to work on is getting some good comparisons on hand (the Pass XA25 and XA30.8 come to mind). And I have a much larger, 3.5-way reference speaker on order which will stress the Valvet's drive and current capability far more than my current 2-way monitors. In the meantime, if you value beautiful, engaging yet truthful reproduction, I strongly recommend an audition of the Valvet A4 Mk.II - it's captivated me enough to earn a long-term home in my system.
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bp-trio · 4 months
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8 notes · View notes
bp-trio · 4 months
📸 ... ⃕ INSTAGRAM - 2.17.24 !!
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Hanaonefan CEO HANA, ARIA & SOL 😮‍💨
StyleAria LET’S GO ASTRIX 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Sol_World so proud of you guys 🤍✨ congratulations & we’re always here to support 🥺💕💕
Hanahasmyheart the best CEOs ever ❤️👏
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9 hours ago
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bp-trio · 4 months
✶ ׅ ࣪ ᧔♡᧓ ࣪ 📎  …  BLACKPINK Members Profile
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Blackpink (Korean: 블랙핑크; RR: Beullaekpingkeu, stylized in all caps or as BLɅϽKPIИK) is a South Korean girl group formed by YG Entertainment, consisting of seven members Jisoo, Jennie, Aria, Hana, Rosé, Sol, & Lisa. They debuted on August 8, 2016 with their digital single album "SQUARE ONE" and immediately rose to be one of the most well-known and loved artists of their generation.
The name BLACKPINK symbolizes the multi-dimensional nature of the members, not only beauty but also talent. The official fandom name of BLACKPINK is BLINK. The name is a combination of the words BLACK and PINK. A blink is someone who will always love and protect BLACKPINK.
✶ ׅ ࣪ ᧔♡᧓ ࣪ 📎  … BLACKPINK Members Profile:
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Stage Name: Jisoo (지수)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birth Name: Kim Jisoo (김지수)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ English Name: Veronica Kim
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Nicknames: Chi Choo, Jichu
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Position(s): Lead Vocalist, Visual
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birthday: January 3, 1995
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birthplace: Gunpo, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Nationality: South Korean
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Height: 162 cm (5 ft 3 )
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Weight: 44 kg (97 lbs)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Blood Type: A
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ MBTI Type: ISTP
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Instagram: sooyaaa__
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Weibo: sooyaaa__
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Youtube: 행복지수 103%
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Spotify: JISOO’s Playlist
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Stage Name: Jennie (제니)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birth Name: Kim Jennie (김제니)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ English Name: Jennie Ruby Jane
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Nicknames: NiNi, Jendeukie
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Position: Main Rapper, Lead Vocalist
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birthday: January 16, 1996
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birthplace: Cheongdam-dong, Seoul, South Korea
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Nationality: South Korean
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Height: 163 cm (5’4″)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Weight: 45 kg (99 lbs)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Blood Type: B
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ MBTI Type: INFP
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Instagram: jennierubyjane / lesyeuxdenini
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Weibo: jennierubyjane
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Youtube: Jennierubyjane Official
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Spotify: JENNIE’s Playlist
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Stage Name: Aria (아리아)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birth Name: Aria Yi (아리아 이)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Korean Name: Yi Jiah
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ English Name: Aria Yi
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Nicknames: Riri, Crown Princess of Korea, UK’s Sweetheart, Nation’s White Swan, YG’s princess, CEO of YG
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Position(s): Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birthday: July 31, 1996
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Zodiac Sign: Leo
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birthplace: London, Uk
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Nationality: South Korean-British
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Height: 168 cm (5'5)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Weight: 45 kg (99 lbs)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Blood Type: AB
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ MBTI Type: ENTJ-A
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Instagram: ariayi
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Weibo: ARIA YI
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Youtube: ariayi
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Spotify: ARIA’s Playlist
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Stage Name: Hana (하나)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birth Name: Hana Seiren Muira (하나 세이렌 미우라)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Iranian name: Elaheh Davani (إلاه دواني)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Nicknames: Elegant beauty, human Versace, Hanabear, rich girl Hana, Japan’s Pride, Nation’s Brain, Hit marker
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Position(s): Lead rapper, vocalist, dancer
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birthday: August 1, 1996
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Zodiac Sign: Leo
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birthplace: Paris, France
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Nationality: Iranian-Japanese/French
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Height: 168.7 cm (5’6”)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Weight: 44 kg (97 lbs)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Blood Type: A
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ MBTI Type: ESTP
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Instagram: Hana_Muira
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Weibo: Hana Muira
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Youtube: Hanabear
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Spotify: HANA’s Playlist
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Stage Name: Rosé (로제)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birth Name: Roseanne Park
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Korean Name: Park Chaeyoung (박채영)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Nicknames: Rose, Rosie, “Pasta”
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Position(s): Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birthday: February 11, 1997
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birthplace: Auckland, New Zealand
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Nationality: South Korean-New Zealander
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Height: 168.7 cm (5’6”)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Weight: 44 kg (97 lbs)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Blood Type: B
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ MBTI Type: ENFP
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Instagram: roses_are_rosie
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Weibo: roses_are_ rosie
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ TikTok: roses_are_rosie
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Youtube: ROSÉ
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Spotify: ROSÉ’s Playlist
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Stage Name: Sol
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birth Name: Solaire Ivanov (Солер Иванов)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Korean Name: Jung Sol
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ ׄNicknames: Asia’s Ideal type, 3rd gen princess, Hollywood’s It Girl, Aphrodite’s greatest creation
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Position(s): Main rapper, vocalist, main dancer
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birthday: February 25, 1997
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Zodiac Sign: Pisces
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birthplace: Novosibirsk, Russia
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Nationality: South Korean-Russian
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Height: 172 cm (5’7”)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Weight: 46 kg (101 lbs)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Blood Type: O
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ MBTI Type: INFJ
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Instagram: Solflower
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Weibo: Solflower
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ TikTok: Solflower
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Youtube: Solflower
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Spotify: SOL’s playlist
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Stage Name: Lisa
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birth Name: Lalisa Manobal (ลลิสา มโนบาล) / Pranpriya Manobal (ปราณปริยา มโนบาล)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ ׄNicknames: Lili, Lalice, Laliz, Pokpak
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Position(s): Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, Sub-Vocalist, Maknae
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birthday: March 27, 1997
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Zodiac Sign: Aries
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Birthplace: Buriram, Thailand
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Nationality: Thai
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Height: 166.5 cm (5’5.6″)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Weight: 44.7 kg (98.5 lbs)
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ MBTI Type: ISFP
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Instagram: lalalalisa_m
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Weibo: lalalalisa_m
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Youtube: Lilifilm
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ Spotify: LISA’s Playlist
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bp-trio · 4 months
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BLACKPINK’s Aria, Hana and Sol have Established Agency Together!
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On February 17, All three together personally announced through their Instagram accounts the establishment of their new label called ASTRIX AGENCY along with a new profile photo. In their message, they expressed their vision for ASTRIX AGENCY, stating:
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ASTRIX AGENCY’s official website describes the label as follows: “We are thrilled to introduce ASTRIX AGENCY, a collaboration born out of our shared passion for creativity and innovation. It has always been a dream of ours to work together, combining our unique skills and talents to create something truly special. With a focus on pushing boundaries and thinking outside the box”
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Meanwhile, all of BLACKPINK members renewed their contracts with YG Entertainment for group activities—meaning that their group activities with BLACKPINK will still be managed by YG Entertainment, while their solo activities will be managed by ASTRIX AGENCY.
Check out ASTRIX AGENCY’s Instagram here, X (Twitter) here, and YouTube channel here!
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bp-trio · 6 months
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Aria Yi, Hana Muira, Solaire Ivanov are members of South Korean girl group BLACKPINK under YG Entertainment. The member have conquered the world of fashion with their electrifying energy, their impeccable choreographies and their inspiring visual universe.
★ ׂ . 𓆩★𓆪 ׅ       THEM !
BLACKPINK ⋆ Aria Yi ⋆ Hana Muira ⋆ Solaire Ivanov
★ ׂ . 𓆩★𓆪 ׅ       RELATIONSHIPS !
Family ⋆ ships in BLACKPINK ⋆ ships outside ⋆ friendships ⋆ dating history ⋆ relationships with other idols
★ ׂ . 𓆩★𓆪 ׅ       SOCIAL MEDIA !
Instagram; ariayi ⋆ Hana_Muira ⋆ Solflower ⋆ AA ⋆ twitter ⋆ Articles
★ ׂ . 𓆩★𓆪 ׅ       INSTAGRAM STORY !
ariayi ⋆ Hana_Muira ⋆ Solflower ⋆ AA
★ ׂ . 𓆩★𓆪 ׅ       SOLO DISCOGRAPHY !
Aria Yi ⋆ Hana Muira ⋆ Solaire Ivanov
★ ׂ . 𓆩★𓆪 ׅ       BROADCAST !
Variety shows + Interviews ⋆ vlives ⋆ YouTube ⋆ TikTok
★ ׂ . 𓆩★𓆪 ׅ       WRITTEN !
Launch party
꘎♡━━━━━━━━━━━━━♡━━━━━━ ━ ♡꘎
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bp-trio · 1 month
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⌕ ‣    ARIA’s INSTA INFO ׁ⠀ ࣭ ⠀⠀⊹
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﹒౨ৎ﹒USERNAME: ariayi
﹒౨ৎ﹒DATE JOINED: June 2018
﹒౨ৎ﹒POST: 1,050
⌕ ‣    HANA’s INSTA INFO ׁ⠀ ࣭ ⠀⠀⊹
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﹒౨ৎ﹒USERNAME: Hana_Muira
﹒౨ৎ﹒DATE JOINED: June 2018
﹒౨ৎ﹒POST: 1,180
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﹒౨ৎ﹒USERNAME: Solflower
﹒౨ৎ﹒DATE JOINED: June 2018
﹒౨ৎ﹒POST: 1,261
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bp-trio · 2 months
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— MISC. ❪ 1/? ❫
「 ✿ ✶ ׅ ࣪ 」 i got bored so here is bp-trio and blackpink’s height comparisons, according to kprofiles.
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bp-trio · 4 months
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bp-trio · 4 months
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bp-trio · 11 months
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Hana opens the door introducing herself with a smile. "Hey Vogue! It's Hana and you guys are getting ready with me for the Met." She says with a cheery tone as her staff cheer, causing her to giggle.
Hana sits on her chair while her stylists swarm around her, trying to do her hair and makeup. "So today I'm going to be wearing a custom made dress and heels sent by the incredible Versace."
"The look is inspired by Barbie. So actually I was the one who came up with the theme of Barbie. One day I was watching Barbie: A fashion fairytale with my niece and I thought Barbie would be a good theme to go with as the theme for this year Met gala is the embodiment of an American style. And what's more American than Barbie. I actually dyed my hair blonde for the first time for this.”Hana explains her dress.
"So, I send my idea to Donatella and she absolutely loved the idea. So this is our take on Barbie, I guess." She says smiling before walking to into the closet to get changed before coming out in a very long pink dress. 
"Rose and I used to dream about ever attending a Met Ball. And never really even believing that would ever happen. Is the literally the biggest dream come true." She says doing a big twirl.
"This is my first time going to the Met gala so I'm just looking forward to being there. I feel like I've seen it for so many years, so it'll be interesting to see what reality of the Met really is. So I hope I don't trip On this dress." She stands still while her stylists are fixing the dress.
Hana now has her hair, nails and makeup done, so she begins to taking pictures on her phone in the mirror and having her staff help her take pictures for her.
Once she received the signal to leave, the Vogue camera follows her outside to where many fans stood behind barriers cheering and scream her name as she and her team leave the hotel. Hana waves at them as she was being escorted to the car. Hana blows a kiss to fans before the door was closed behind her.
"WE LOVE YOU HANA!" A group of fans cheer to the Vogue camera before the videos ends.
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[ INTERVIEW; Blackpink's Hana on Attending Her First Met Gala | Met Gala 2021 With Emma Chamberlain ]
Hana walked up to Emma with a warm smile. “No freakin’ way.” Emma said. “Hi!” Hana said as she gave Emma a hug. “Umm, Hello. Excuse me but you look so gorgeous right now.” Hana thanked her. “Thank you. I’m glad my first gala is going well so far.”
“Wait! This is your first Met Gala?” Hana nodded. “No way. Me too.”
“Really?” Hana asked enthusiastically, now feeling less anxious since she wasn’t the only first-timer with Rosé. “Yeah! I honestly thought you have been to the Met before since you have become such a big icon in the fashion world.”
Hana shocked her head, “No, it’s my first time and Rosé’s.
“So, tell me about your outfit?”
“To do that, I would have to bring this brilliant woman to the spotlight.” Hana brings her hand out, and Donatella comes from the corner and takes her hand.
“Hi, how are you?” Donatella asked Emma, “I’m so good, how are you?”
“Very good, thank you.” Donatella responded with a smile.
“So obviously I know who you are wearing. Tell me how you guys came to the conclusion about this dress.”
“Well, when we found out about the theme for this year’s Met Gala, we had many ideas. Hana came up to the brilliant idea of using Barbie for the theme and it was only right that we create custom dress. It’s one for the books and Hana is perfect for this dress. She brings out every aspect of the dress and more.” Donatella explained with her thick Italian accent, her passion shown through each word she said.
“That’s amazing. You really pull of this dress amazingly. I love all of this. So how many Met Gala have you been to?” Emma asked Donatella. “Lots and lots. Twenty maybe?” Donatella laughed. “No way.”
“So I feel like you are the best person to ask this. What advice would you give to us? It’s my first and Hana’s. I have no idea what to expect.” Emma asked.
“You are gonna be surrounded by people with lots of creativity and the Met is one of those events that allow you to connect with people. There’s something very special about the Met. So when you are in this great building and have the courage, and freedom to express yourself. My big takeaway is have fun.”
“That’s amazing. Well, I’ll see you guys in there.”
“Thank you.” Hana and Donatella say simultaneously.
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• Hana and Rosé arriving together. Creating one of the most iconic pictures in the Met Gala history.
•Hana and Donatella Versace being each other’s date.
• Hana staying a little longer than she was supposed to watch Lil Nas X’s transformation on the red carpet.
• Hana and Normani posing together.
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[ Best & Worst dressed Met Gala 2021 ]
[ Drew Dorsey ]: oh man, you guys! It is not the first Monday in May, but it is a Monday in September. The 2021 Met Gala is coming at ya!
[ Jackie Iadonisi ]: I can't believe we're here. I can't believe people are actually there. On the carpet, walking it. We are at the 2021 Met Gala, it's happening!
[ Drew Dorsey ]: it's very exciting. This year's theme is America: A lexicon of Fashion and it is very exciting because we did not get the Met Gala last year but we are getting it in 2021. All guests are fully vaccinated and masked, and we are back in Here.
[ Jackie Iadonisi ]: woo woo! And it's also really important because this is coming off the 20th anniversary of 9/11, and it's the tail end of New York Fashion Week, so it's just fashion on fashion on fashion, people, people, people, outfits. I can't wait to see these looks.
[ Drew Dorsey ]: So exciting. Also can we talk about the co-chairs, okay? We have Billie Eilish, we have Hana, we have Rosé, we have Timothee Chalamet, and we are up in here, okay? So you guys know we gotta talk about the fashion.
[ Drew Dorsey ]: it's dirty laundry.
[ Jackie Iadonisi ]: you know. let's go.
[ Carly Henderson ]: Hana, looking like a true Barbie doll coming to live.
[ Renee Ariel ]: oh my god. I'm here everything about this. She looks absolutely stunning.
[ Jackie Iadonisi & Drew Dorsey]: Ooh, okayyy. Oh my god.
[ Drew Dorsey ]: Wow, she is so pretty and her dress it's to die for.
[ Jackie Iadonisi ]: Okay, Hana in all custom made Versace. Looking good, looking fly.
[ Renee Ariel ]: Listen, she brought it. This is her first ever Met Gala and I love this look.
[ Carly Henderson ]: I love that her waist looks so snatched and small. And it's makes it the dress look even more amazing than it already is.
[ Drew Dorsey ]: I love this Barbie theme look and the split in the dress is gorgeous and makes her legs look long and sexy. I absolutely love the slit v in the middle of the dress.
[ Jackie Iadonisi ]: I completely agree with you. Her eyes are so pretty.
[ Carly Henderson ]: oh, the jewelry!"
[ Renee Ariel ]: it's all custom made MIKIMOTO 18k Pearl necklace and earrings for her birthday.
[ Carly Henderson ]: oh wow. I wish I got all custom made 18k diamonds for my birthday.
[ Drew Dorsey ]: her shoulder look absolutely amazing. I love the fact she dyed her hair to blonde.
[ Jackie Iadonisi ]: we just gotta talk about Hana for a second, because she's been having a moment after a moment with her solo career. Ah, she is absolutely amazing and an icon.
[ Drew Dorsey ]: Then She brought it to the Met Gala in this, the dress looks like an art piece to me. This is such a gorgeous dress. The color on her is incredible, and the fact that she carried it on with the eyeshadow, this colorful pink makeup look of the night. Obsessed with it, and the confidence, taking up the space. I'm here for it.
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•Hana arriving with Rosé. Both were seen dancing with many top celebrities, such as Olivia Rodrigo, smiling and laughing.
•Hana taking part in fun drinking games.
•Hana officially became best friends with Megan Thee Stallion.
•Hana dancing with Anitta and Lil Nas X.
•Many celebrities taking a photo with her and following her on social media.
•Rihanna posting Hana on her Insta story. In the clip, both of them look happy in each other's company where Hana waves at the cam and also showers a flying kiss.
•Rihanna saying she would steal Hana from her company to her sign if she had an entertainment agency.
•Hana, Hailey Bieber, and Kendall Jenner playing rock, paper, and scissors.
• Hana getting a ride in a private helicopter to her hotel.
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bp-trio · 1 month
. . . ♡ INSTA ! ✶ ׅ ࣪ STORY ★ ゚๑
[ ★ ] ... ⃕BLINKS, ariayi, Hana_Muira & Solflower added to their story !
📸FROM ARIA : April 19, 2024
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bp-trio · 11 months
✶ ׅ ࣪ ᧔♡᧓ ࣪ 📎  …  THE WIKI OF BP-TRIO
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Aria Yi, Hana Muira, Solaire Ivanov are members of South Korean girl group BLACKPINK under YG Entertainment. The member have conquered the world of fashion with their electrifying energy, their impeccable choreographies and their inspiring visual universe.
「 ✿ ✶ ׅ ࣪ 」 IMPORTANT links!! —
✿ ✶ ׅ ࣪ m.list ; tags !!
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࿓ welcome to my blog!!! This is for entertainment only. do not take any of this seriously because it is just for my entertainment and yours. I am not shipping idols! This is simply entertaining blog that means that the idols in this blog are totally made up and are not real people.
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