guraokamoto · 1 year
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I published a picture book. It's on sale on Amazon with arquet. It's a story about the adventure of one person and one robot who got lost in the world of Kagami. 絵本出版しました。 arquetさんとamazonで販売中です。 かがみの世界に迷い込んだ1人と1体のロボットの冒険のお話です。 #Picture book #new book #arquet #amazon #robot #petarobo #絵本 #新刊 #ロボット #ぺたろぼ https://www.instagram.com/p/CmX_mKUyWch/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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twinmix · 1 month
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石田製本株式会社様にお声がけいただき、オンデマンド画集『部屋と日々 松峰作品集』を出版いたしました!
■直販サイト販売ページ(送料無料) https://arquet.official.ec/items/85113327
■Amazon販売ページ(送料400円) https://amzn.to/3VTwoYW
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O que é a vida? "Dor e sofrimento."
Caminho intenso, cumprir e crer que ideia de ser e existir, soprei momentos ah! como eu vivi chego com aquilo que meus olhos viram e meu coração sentiu grandioso dia, um momento iluminado, inusitado eu diria. não sei de onde e muito menos pra onde vou e como poderia? que cores terão os arredores do arquete? verde, vermelho, azul ou preto, branco e cinza me instiga não ter a mínima noção da beleza incompreendida que só irei sentir no final de minha aventura como um equilibrista de circo pois o resultado reside em se chegar ao lado mas com queda iminente. são tantas perguntas de uma mente inquieta e um coração tranquilo o sino das 00:00 ou 12:00, dívida por dois lados, em um a saudade e no outro presente. dois lados, com resultados diferentes, da mesma moeda talvez seja hoje ou amanhã mas quem saberá dizer? (é o que é o amanhã? delírio derradeiro do desconhecido, imprevisível, presente da vida e surpresa do novo) pausaria Tchekhov tal acontecimento para deleite do infinito amanhã? mudanças inconcebíveis de antever.
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nukescarredbard · 1 year
An Anglian soldier’s account of being fired upon by Lithi rocket-arrows.
A pluritude of arquevolts was thryed unto ous by the Lithi, by arquets emissed not, per thryed in avant by a bustion of internous fyre.
Lithi rocket-arrows, often called “sun spears”, are a substitute for muskets or bows, fired in large volleys from wooden tubes. They are coated in various spark dusts and sparkpowders to provide an incendiary effect similar to flaming arrows.
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keke30jp · 6 months
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(GASPUNK がとりんぐ三等兵作品集 | Arquetから)
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vimogra-art · 11 months
Danses Corpus Gegants i Cabuts/LÉscola del Grup de Danses Hawwara i L
Danses Corpus Gegants i Cabuts/LÉscola del Grup de Danses Hawwara i L´Escola Tabal i Dolçaina Tuzer. Danza dels Llauradors. Dansa interpretada per huit xiquets o xiquetes, vestits de llauradors i portant panderetes que fan sonar al mateix temps que realitzen la seua dansa, que sol tindre un esquema de dues fileres de quatre executant figures i acabant amb una reverència. La Moma. Dansa moralitzant que simula la lluita entre la virtut i els set pecats capitals. La virtut (la Moma), personatge central, està vestida de blanc, coberta la cara, amb una corona daurada amb flors al cap. Els momos porten un vestit de color roig, groc i negre, coberts la cara amb antifaç i el cap amb un capell que representa un drac. Danza la magrana. La magrana es una Dansa ornamental de trenat de cintes que entrellacen els balladors, vestits a l'estil calabrés, al voltant d'una perxa que a que la part de dalt té una "magrana" s'obri al final i mostra una custòdia, moment en què els dansants, que representen el poble jueu, s'agenollen en acte d'adoració eucarística. Danza el Cavallets o morets. Els cavallets o morets Huit dansadors infantils formen el grup, en dos fileres de quatre, vestits de morets o turcs, cadascun amb la reproducció d'un cavall, amb la significació que inclús els infidels fan testimoni de la seua adoració al Santíssim Sagrament. Danza dels Arquets. Aquesta dansa coincideix amb la dansa que es coneixia antigament amb el nom de "*polonesas", encara que en el territori valencià el nom usual i popular ha sigut sempre en de Dansa *dels *Arquets a causa del complement de l'arc floral que s'empra durant la dansa. És una de les danses que més tardanament es vaig introduir en la Cavalcada del Corpus, ja que es cree la seua participació data de 1846. Solen interpretar-la un grup de huit xiquetes.​ Es creu que aquesta dansa simbolitza l'alegria dels llauradors per participar en les festes del Corpus. LA SEYERA Pasa Carrers de la Senyera, amb cinc portadors vestis amb brusa. ´Es...
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444names · 1 year
communes of calvados department
Ablen-Bulle Aille Aille-Piercy Aillen-Auge Ailly-en Ande-Hon Andes Andier Andrée Andrémy Andé-de Ange Annerremais Annille Arguer Arnetigny Arquessy Arquetion Arrol Asne Asny Astal Audon Augers Aves Bages Baine Baint-Livet Baltot Balvay Banille Barbecy Barber Barcoue Bard Barse Bartièret Bartont-Mers Basseaux Bassins Bavilly Beau Becy Belles Ben-Augers Ben-Bucy Bermange Bervieuille Bes-Boufolle Beulle Beuze Blaissin Blanour-Orne Blanvil-Sain Blopele Bocagny-le Boigny Boir Boix-Jully Bonnay Bonville Bour-Seux Bracy-Auge Brangues Braye-l Bre-enry Bres Bresnille Brevil Brier Bruce Brucel Brécy Brées Brévilles Caenté Cahaon Cain Cal-en Calay Camigny Camps Candepedie Candes Canille-les Canne Cannœilly Carg Carpigalle Casla-Pintin Caudes-les Caux Chagnayé-des Champ Chaon-Arne Cineville Clangle-les Colle Coller Collesse Colocque Comber Commune Communey Conce Condesny Conne Connœille Cont-Gavres Coques Cormigny Cormoy Corour-Marcy Cors Coublorbon Couer Coullerron Coulonne Courto Couvreville Covilly Cres-Bocage Cressart Creux-Juvres Cria Crier Crisonfler Cron De-Fau Debour-Sal Deur-Seulq Divay Doulle-l Dour Dourville Dozulle Drussighter Drustaint Du-Gray Dubin-ents Démondé-de Elles En-Pay Ent-Pies Erne Ernis Espier-Auto Esque Et-Seux Falle-en Faullente Fiernillosq Fle-Lamps Fle-lette Folis Fonde-le Fong Fons-lardel Font-Bully Font-La Fonts Fonvillet-d Formanvie Fouay Fouene Fouf Fous Fouver Frainays Fres Fres-la-Cha Frolont-Ajon Frées Gerret Glain-des Gloc Gloperchons Gongrey Goulles-Bes Grancellinet Grante-Cha Grate Gratilles Grays Gresne Guison Guébec Géfourvie Hictot Hon-Aubers Horquerrains Houpparbes Houville Hôten-Bult Int-Sain-Pie Ints Isillet Isin-Aur-Mer Jonfle Juaint-Laux Jumerres Juvier Laille-Pier Lamps Landier Lanolon Lanvier Laulle-sur Laumesnières Laux Lefitille Lespigny Lis-Perieulé Littes Livet Liveux Logny Londalle Loutonceux Louville-Mer Magen-Hon Main Mainte Mallemé Mances Mancherme Manterie Marbay Marcom Mardes Marommune Martot Martot-Grand Merres Merrey Mervilles Molanville Molly Monannelvart Monaye Mond Monglessy Monne Monnebœuf Mont-en-de Monte Mosquery Mouay Mouf Moumeriers Mour Mour-Main Mourtille Mourtme Moutint-Mon Mouvres Mézières Mézièret Naufolle Nay-la-Maist Noir Noitten Nont-Litel Nord-enau Norel Normainten-d Normanières Normant-Auge Normaur-Mers Noron Nors Nort Noten Nototighlie Notre-laize Nots Nour-Meux Noustair Odondrévet Orne-lesny Osmanceaule Oueville Ouis Ouisy Ouébe Paintières Paronde-sur Patie Pelsen Pent-enay Pers Pint-Auber Pinte Pla-Damps Pla-Dangats Planne Plume Pon-Beurg Pon-Châte Ponnayeux Pons Pont-Cots Porthe Pot-Manch Pote Pottedie Péron Péront Péronvilly Quen-l Rabery Rancy Rane Rangats Roques Rumonne Sain Sain-Ajonchy Sain-Augy Sain-Bery Sain-Piperny Sainch Sainche-let Saines Sainge Saingy Saint Saint-Augle Saint-d Saint-endieu Saint-Logny Saint-Per Saint-Pie Saint-Pon Sainter Saintint-Lan Saintry Saints Sainvicoup Sainville Sainville-l Sair Sais-en-Lain Sais-Ifs Saises Saisevilley Saison Saisons Saisordenes Saissigny Saistres Saisy Saizenay Saizet Salay Salday Sallery Sally Salvarcy Sant-Loge Saongy Saonteauge Sasson Seu-Bern Seulesnivage Seux Soisy Soitelle Solocy Sommunay Sour Sour-Sain Souvière Suiller Sul-delleu Sulle-desnil Sur-Auge Sur-Maron Sur-Soir Sursemangy Terber Tes-surs Tesnisy Tesquebaye Thagglier Thame Thes Thie Thierres Thigny Thille Thur-Mon Thur-Ouézy Totrandcagny Toult Touléville-d Tournay Tournedienne Tracre-leu Trainebay Traints Travichy Trondieu Trévilles Vaasse Val-envilles Valaux Valle Vasly Vassint Vaur-Oues Ver-Odonne Verber Vermay Vernes Verry Vey-let Vey-sur Vichy Vicquet Vier Viercy Vieuville Vignay Vigne Vigny Vil-Engy Ville Villes Villouvilly Villy Wint-engy Wint-ent-Lis Émicommuney Épardes Épints Épière Épres Équaintgombe Éque Éte-sur-Oge Éton Évre Évrepiquet
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slavesofpop · 2 years
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🏳️‍🌈 | O Mês Do Orgulho LGBT+ Começa Com Um Delicioso Single Pop Com Hayley Kiyoko, Vincint & Kesha. 》"Taste So Good (The Cann Song)" É Um Single Com Artistas LGBT+ Para Uma Marca De Bebida Britânica Com Cannabis. Apoiadores da Comunidade. 》Assita Ao Clipe Com Participação De Patrícia Arquete, Sara Michelle Gellar & Drag Queens Do RuPaul Drag Race. 》Kesha Não Foi Creditada No Título Da Música Provavelmente Por Motivos Jurídicos. Ouça Em Todas As Plataformas Digitais. #slavesofpop #kesha #vincint #hayleykiyoko #pop https://www.instagram.com/p/CeVxCWtOCfM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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meanwhileinfillory · 5 years
Pretty much the only saving grace of SCREAM: RESURRECTION is that it’s just 6 episodes. Seriously, not good.
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livastia-universe · 4 years
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it's been an awful long while since I've posted, so here's a sort of recap of the art I've made in the mean time 👀
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booasaur · 5 years
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Coronation Street - 2018-11-30 pt2
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
May 27, 2020: 8:43 pm:
(Tumblr prevented the post from posting, second attempt now)
I’ll say some more about what I recall about Twitter Beta User Program, and the time that was going on, the things that happened around my home at that time, and some of the people I recall having met as a result: My memory is not very good from then, there was so much killing, I was not well for having seen so much horror at that time, which I can associate to the same general time that the television air waves were mandated to change from analog to digital. That is important to make some connections between roll out of Twitter.com, and broadcast spectrum. I was very interested in spectrum at the time, and was quite knowledgeable about the changes, the players, the auctions, and the deception that followed it all, was a costly reality for me.
So, 2008 and there about. There came a day in the neighborhood, when some men, three of them, dressed in US Military uniform, came and knocked at the door. They had Thompson Sub-Machine guns with drum magazines. The uniforms looked correct, the gun did not look correct. The three men told me there was an emergency, they had brought a bus, that I should gather some clothes, and we were going to a shelter, where food and other supplies would be provided. No!
I am not going, I’ll take my chances with the emergency. I don’t  recall much more than that. They left without me on the bus to the shelter. The next few days, the sky turned brown. Everything tasted the same as everything else, and the taste was unpleasant. I don’t remember any odor. I stayed at home for extended time, and at times I felt very alone, and panicky. About a week passed, and the sky stayed brown. I took a drive to where the exit 66 is at the interstate to have a look for other people, there were no people around for quite awhile. The freeway had some traffic on it, but the sky was brown. I looked from a vantage point there, and saw that there was a visible bubble of a dome shape over the North Valley area, from where I was at by the freeway, and it extended west, and south of there by about five miles. There was clear air farther east along Jump Off Joe Creek Road, and there was clear air that could be seen beyond that five miles or so that that brown dome was creating. It was a dome of brown colored air, and was not smoke. I don’t know what it was. Another way to say it, is there was a difference in air pressure, creating a bubble of brown air over the North Valley area. Eventually, the bad taste stopped being a bad taste, and the sky cleared up, but there was no news of the condition, news media weather was reporting the weather conditions that existed above the bubble of brown air. That happened around the time of the Twitter Beta program, and spectrum auctions. I used the Twitter to get some help, joined the beta program for that purpose, and wound  up making a lot of people angry. I started to tell those who were bothering me, that I was “Quality Control” having learned that there was some kind of bullshit happening. “Quality Control” seemed to stop the people from threatening me. “I make sure all the bases are covered” kind of a defense. So, I kept trying to get help, disguised as “Quality Control”. Nancy Sinatra caught wind of my trying to get help. She contacted me, and whatever was said is available at the Twitter Beta Archives. Patricia Arquet contacted me, and I think she showed up in Grants Pass. They were upset that I was exposing information, and reading coded messages, deciphering them online. Hillary Clinton came to Grants Pass.
She brought thugs, a Thermite welder, and used a small private airplane to shoot people from the sky with a fifty caliber machine gun on the Freeway. State Police and ODOT followed along, and cleaned up the mess that she made. The Thermite was used to try to torture me at my house, but that got turned around, and she has hole in her tongue now. I should have killed her. I didn’t know that was her shooting people from the airplane at that time. There was a Robinson helicopter that was doing the same thing along Grants Pass Parkway. I was in town and on the road at the time, and took cover under the overpass at the 7th street & Red Wood hwy interchange. I followed the helicopter though, and it went to the Asante hospital, as I went into the parking area there to observe the thing. The helicopter crashed into the hospital after landing on the roof above the ER, dropping someone off on the roof, and then flying away, only to crash into the side and corner of the building that is closest to a place called Revolvo West. The hospital was undergoing a remodel at the time at the ER side, and the building that is out front of the ER now, was still just steel girders, being built. I left there and felt fortunate to have gotten away, and I felt foolish for following the Robinson helicopter. The helicopter had two guns on it, one on each of the landing rails, and I could see the linkage that was used to operate them from the cabin of the helicopter. I was way to close right then and they were shooting at me as I drove forward, the helicopter was coming towards me, just over top of the hospital roof. The bullets went on each side of car, I drive between them. It left holes in the blacktop. Reporting the helicopter crash and shooting turned out to be a bad idea, and it generated more grief, unspecified, but I remember learning too many times not to call 911, that was one of those times. There were a lot of famous people coming to Grants Pass at the time, and that is the time that I learned of SAG ClubMed Junket, a vacation for actors and musicians to come and have a heroin festival of mass murder with large contraptions, machines, and mideaval old European torture devices and other things, including a trebuchet used for throwing live, human beings, and a very large construction crane with a weight on it, to squash many victims at once. That’s all, I cannot go on, the memories are too overwhelming.
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nerdcorp · 5 years
Oh Bloody Night,Late November back in 2018 - Oh, Hi! Oh, Guys....Podcast
Oh Bloody Night,Late November back in 2018 – Oh, Hi! Oh, Guys….Podcast
View On WordPress
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karamyoussef · 7 years
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Work in progress. #brass #arquet #saw #mirror #project #geometry #designs #Karam_Youssef #islamic_art #islamic #geometric_designs #art_jameel #art #traditionalart #traditional_art #crafts (at Al-Fustat)
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vimogra-art · 11 months
Els llauradors & Els pastorets & Els arquets, & Els Turcs & Dansa de les...
FESTIVITAT DEL CORPUS CHRISTI Cavalcada del Convit Els llauradors L'estructura coreogràfica dels quadres per a l'execució de cada figura es troben en altres danses valencianes de tipus ritual o processional, o variants de danses de carrer. Els pastorets Vinculada a la representació del Misteri del rei Herodes, huit dansadors executen graciosament un senzill i antic ball. Els arquets, antigament anomenada de "poloneses", formada per un grup de xiquetes vestides de pastores amb un barret de palla al cap amb flors, fent ús d'uns arcs florals per a aconseguir diversos efectes coreogràfics. Significa l'alegria per la participació de la gent del camp en la festa del Corpus. Els Turcs es una dansa de tipus guerrer, els balladors fan evolucions amb l'ús d'espases que combinen els tocs dels seus talls i es desplacen per parelles als quatre punts que marcaria una creu imaginària. Dansa de les vetes, es una dansa ornamental de trenat de cintes o vetes de color que els balladors van entrecreuant, sense cap suport o perxa, per a construir un entramat horitzontal, el qual desfan després.
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blueuchan · 6 years
I just finished The Dragon Princes first season
And is realy good. Like the world is well done, a little clasic fantasy and the story is kind of epic  basic (war agains magic realms, bla bla). But I think what really works its the characters, If well they are arquetics the show made an efford to made them three dimensional.
Lord Vyren is so amazing done. Yes, he is the villain, I suspect he is not the final villain, but he is ambisuous, liar, betrayel, manipulative and cruel. But, but... at some point he want to save the King, almost at cost of his own life. And he likes his children, he uses them and all. But there is flashes of concern and proud.
King Harrold is so proud that he get killed. Like man! no, you are the King. And he kept secrets and had so many regrets. Also all his kneel thing with Vyren, dude, what was that? He loves his child too and his kingdom. 
Claudia is so fun and carefree and then bam! dark magic and secrets. And his brother is nice, a little rude with the prince but he is protective and honest but maybe he has a murder side, I don’t know. 
Collum is our standar protagonist who is going to grown and save the world. He is going to become a great mage and I can see his paralelism with Lord Vyren at some point, I can’t wait. 
Rayla is the amazing assasin who doesn’t want to kill anybody. My smol child is just so perfect. 
And we had a support cast of a father figure elf, a mute commader, an adorable capitan with freckles, a tiny girl with a giant wolf and a baby dragon. 
And Ezra, who is the perfect child with no flaws but I love him anyway because he is going to be the best king ever. 
My point is when is the second season?
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