#ashara x eddard
souryam · 1 month
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“They whispered of Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, deadliest of the seven knights of Aerys’s Kingsguard and of how their young lord has slain him in single combat. And they told how afterward Ned had carried Ser Arthur’s sword back to the beautiful young sister who awaited him in a castle called Starfall on the shores of the Summer Sea. The lady Ashara Dayne, tall and fair, with haunting violet eyes.”
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queenaryastark · 1 year
In somewhat connection to Ned Stark being more aggressive and assertive and stubborn in the books than he's given credit for in fandom, I think it's silly that it's heavily assumed by fandom that nothing happened between Ned and Ashara. The rumors are that the two were romantically involved during the Tourney at Harrenhal. What we have thus far:
They're noted as dancing together during the Knight of the Laughing Tree story. To be fair, Ned was too shy to ask her himself so Brandon did it for him.
Edric Dayne said they were in love and that this is a story told by Ashara's family.
Harwin said there were either words and kisses or maybe more between them.
Catelyn heard rumors from the servants that Ashara was Jon's mother. While this isn't true, it suggests that there was enough between Ned and Ashara for assumptions to be made. Since Ned put a stop to that talk rather than use it to hide Jon's identity, that means the rumors weren't started by him.
Cersei also knew enough about Ned/Ashara to suspect that she might be Jon's mother.
Barristan wishes Ashara had turned to him instead of Stark and that she was dishonored at Harrenhal. I have trouble seeing these two as necessarily the same thing ... unless Barristan wanted to dishonor Ashara himself. But I don't see how it's enough to overwhelmingly dismiss the rest of the evidence and prove that it was Ned's brother rather than Ned himself who had a relationship with Ashara. Besides, what Barristan sees as dishonor might be very different from what actually happened and from what Ashara herself would see as dishonor.
Anyway, I don't think Ned was too honorable not to have an infatuation with someone when he was a teen. Besides, the Vale isn't that far from Dragonstone and King's Landing by ship. There's nothing to say Ned and Ashara didn't interact to some degree after the tourney. Since GRRM said Ashara was out and about during Robert's Rebellion ... well, I've always wondered if she was the one to tell Ned where Lyanna was, which is one possibility for what Barristan could have meant about Ashara turning to Stark instead of him. Had he been the one to arrive at the tower, it might not have turned into a fight in the way that it did.
I'm not saying this was a grand love story. Just that more seems to have been going on.
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hazel081012 · 1 year
Ashara : This is my ex-fiance, Ned.
Ned : You have to stop introducing me like that.
Ned : I'm her husband
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Domestic Ashara/Ned/Elia with little Rhaenys and Balerion for @bol-stark , hope you like it! :)
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alaynasansa · 1 year
My opinion on some asoiaf ships
Jal ->
* They aren't gonna be endgame. Val is kinda a blank slate, even Harry Hardyng has more personality and he only appeared in a sample chapter + Jon dreams of an idyllic life with Val, but based on his own tastes, in his own image of what Val should be, and this imagined future is shattered the moment Val declares that Shireen, an innocent child, should be killed. Jon is rightfully disgusted "this was a Val that Jon had never seen before", this Val is the real one, not the one he had imagined, and Jon isn't attracted to the real Val
Stardyng ->
* I kinda ship them. Listen Harry isn't perfect, far from it, but he isn't significantly older than Sansa, he didn't abuse her, he didn't sexualised her (guys she's 13), he geniunely admires her qualities (her intelligence and humor), he apologized for his classism (and he hates LF so it's no wonder he didn't want to marry LF's "bastard daughter")
Starkpoole ->
* They're perfect, okay ? They need to heal and get justice and then to be happy together in Winterfell thank you very much
Ned x Ashara ->
* I'm of the opinion Ashara was Ned's teenage love. Cat was the love of his life, but in my headcanon he geniunely cared about Ashara and he repressed his memories of her. Just like his eldest daughter, Ned repressed a lot of his trauma because it hurts him too much. He only thinks of Lyanna when he's triggered by traumatic events like Sansa pleading for Lady or when he's injured and anesthetized by the milk of the poppy and he barely thinks of his own father and brother so it wouldn't be surprising
Jaime x Addam ->
* Why not ? Childhood friends and sparring mates. He's the only speaker Jaime trusts with his secret
Arianne x Daemon ->
* I don't mind them they seem happy together (though it's complicated since Arianne is the crown princess of Dorne and Daemon's a bastard)
Sansa x Dickon ->
* We know next to nothing about Dickon but why not perhaps it could work in an au
Robb x Jeyne ->
* Perhaps Robb is Sleeping Beauty. He's the one with the evil step-mom who wants to kill him and his family. Old Fairy Walder Frey is offended by the Stark-Tully family and curses 16 YO Robb. Seventh Fairy Edmure tries to save the day but it doesn't work. Anyway. Robb was young, he made a ton of mistakes, especially towards his own family, but he didn't want any of this, he didn't want to be king, he wasn't ready, he wanted to save Jeyne's honor, he wanted to do the right thing (unlike the show version). I want Jeyne to make it at the end but I'm pessimistic. They deserved better. I kinda ship them
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laurellerual · 1 year
Do you do pre-ASOIAF fanart? If so, would you be ok with drawing the Amethyst Empress and the Bloodstone Emperor or Aegon V's sisters meeting Dunk since they have yet to show up in the Dunk and Egg books?
I've never drawn the characters you mention, but who knows. Maybe one day... if I get a cool idea about them.
Here I leave you the pre-ASOIAF fanart I made.
On the Age of Heroes: Crowns
On Aegon's Conquest: Planning the conquest, Dark Sisters, Three Rhaenys'
On F&B: Harwin x Rhaenyra, Cregan Stark
On Robert's Rebellion: The Vale, Ashara Dayne, Lyanna Stark, Lyanna and Elia, The royal family, The Knight of the Laughing Tree, The triangle, Promise me, Tower of Joy
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amber-laughs · 1 month
Ned and Lyanna's Pale Blue Roses
There is so much yet to be revealed from the Tower of Joy but the most notable missing detail is Jon Snow himself. He has no place in Ned’s memory of Lyanna’s death. Ned explicitly says only he and Howland Reed left the Tower of Joy alive that day, but we know this can’t be true. They left the tower with another living breathing human being and Ned knows that too. So what gives?
“I might mention, though, that Ned's account, which you refer to, was in the context of a dream... and a fever dream at that. Our dreams are not always literal.” - George R.R. Martin. Not only that but Ned himself admits there is much he simply blacked out from “They had found him still holding her body, silent with grief. The little crannogman, Howland Reed, had taken her hand from his. Ned could recall none of it.”
and may I remind you “A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness” A Clash of Kings - Daenerys IV 
I think Ned’s mind, through his trauma, grief and determination to leave the past behind, has altered his memories. I think Ned has mentioned Jon almost everytime he mentions the scene in the tower. I think Jon is the blue rose petals from Ned’s memories.
"Eddard!" she called. A storm of rose petals blew across a blood-streaked sky, as blue as the eyes of death. A Game of Thrones - Eddard X 
If Lyanna’s voice was as damaged as Ned claims “The fever had taken her strength and her voice had been faint as a whisper” and yet he could hear her calling for him, surely he could hear a baby crying. Surely Ned knew the Kingsguard would never let him, a rebel whose cause had just murdered Aegon and Rhaenys in cold blood, anywhere near Rhaegar’s last living son. So as Jon’s cries blow across the blood streaked sky Ned knows what comes next.
“The fever had taken her strength and her voice had been faint as a whisper, but when he gave her his word, the fear had gone out of his sister's eyes. Ned remembered the way she had smiled then, how tightly her fingers had clutched his as she gave up her hold on life, the rose petals spilling from her palm, dead and black.” A Game of Thrones - Eddard I
So was Jon just lying on the floor of the tower? He had to have been somewhere? His mother’s arms? Until her muscles gave out and fell to the bed she laid on maybe.
“But Jon isn’t dead, the rose petals are dead.” True but the petals Ned claims he saw in the wind weren’t dead either. Jon Snow isn’t dead but Lyanna’s son is. He never existed. Rhaegar’s children are all dead. Only Ned Stark’s bastard remains.
"The night of our wedding feast, the first time we shared a bed, he called me by your sister's name. He was on top of me, in me, stinking of wine, and he whispered Lyanna." Ned Stark thought of pale blue roses, and for a moment he wanted to weep. A Game of Thrones - Eddard XII
Cersei is currently speaking of Lyanna but make no mistake, this conversation is wrapped around Jon Snow. 
Ned thought, If it came to that, the life of some child I did not know, against Robb and Sansa and Arya and Bran and Rickon, what would I do? Even more so, what would Catelyn do, if it were Jon's life, against the children of her body? He did not know. He prayed he never would. A Game of Thrones - Eddard XII
He doesn’t list Jon with his biological children but Ned’s saying he’d react with the same paternal instinct and, unlike Catelyn, he wouldn’t save them at the expense of Jon. That’s why he shifts to it to her, she’s the unknown variable in this. Ned doesn’t need to wonder because he’s already done it. He’s chosen Jon’s safety for fifteen years knowing the Starks could be executed over his secret.
What do you take me for? You've a bastard of your own, I've seen him. Who was the mother, I wonder? Some Dornish peasant you raped while her holdfast burned? A whore? Or was it the grieving sister, the Lady Ashara? She threw herself into the sea, I'm told. Why was that? For the brother you slew, or the child you stole? Tell me, my honorable Lord Eddard, how are you any different from Robert, or me, or Jaime?" "For a start," said Ned, "I do not kill children. A Game of Thrones - Eddard XII
Cersei asks a few questions here that in large boil down to “Who is your bastard’s mother?” Ned’s only response is “I do not kill children.” He’s given her his answer. Probably the most answer honest he ever gave about Jon. All he wants to do for Cersei is keep her children from the same fate as Rhaegar’s. He’s done it successfully once before, that his blueprint here. But of course he won’t allow his mind to go there. He never dwells on Jon’s parentage, not even in the privacy of his own mind. “(…) and he whispered Lyanna." Ned Stark thought of pale blue roses, and for a moment he wanted to weep.” He thinks of pale blue roses, of the innocent children at stake. Of the death of his sister and how she died and he wants to weep.
The Kings of Winter watched him pass with eyes of ice, and the direwolves at their feet turned their great stone heads and snarled. Last of all, he came to the tomb where his father slept, with Brandon and Lyanna beside him. "Promise me, Ned," Lyanna's statue whispered. She wore a garland of pale blue roses, and her eyes wept blood. A Game of Thrones - Eddard XIII
They are angry with him, the Kings of Winter, Lyanna, there is something he didn’t do. In Jon’s own dreams it’s the Kings of Winter he sees on his way to his mother’s grave. They try to tell him. They scream he’s not a Stark, they want him to know just as much as she does. Her pale blue roses still haunt him while she cries for the promises they both know he can no longer keep. When he slept, he dreamed: dark disturbing dreams of blood and broken promises. A Game of Thrones - Eddard XV
Ned Stark reached out his hand to grasp the flowery crown, but beneath the pale blue petals the thorns lay hidden. He felt them clawing at his skin, sharp and cruel, saw the slow trickle of blood run down his fingers, and woke, trembling, in the dark. A Game of Thrones - Eddard XV
For certain only Ned and Howland Reed knew the truth. A good argument for Benjen, who Ned’s heard is dead beyond the Wall. No he’ll never tell Jon the truth no matter how much he wants now wants to, “The thought of Jon filled Ned with a sense of shame, and a sorrow too deep for words. If only he could see the boy again, sit and talk with him…”  Secrets hidden beneath pale blue petals never to be revealed. 
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crimsoncold · 23 days
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A list of Fanart by @crimsoncold
Organized by Fandom, includes links to posted art work (in white) and a list of ongoing series (in green), in progress works (in blue), and soon to be posted pieces (in red)
(All artwork will be tagged and made searchable with #Crimson Cold)
A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones
Jon Snow x Sansa Stark (Jonsa):
Family Portrait in the godswood of Winterfell
Jonsa Beyond the Wall (A Wildling AU)
A Shared Dream of Family (day time version)
A Shared Dream of Family (night time version)
Wedding in the Godswood (winter version)
Wedding in the Godswood (spring version)
Escape to the Free Cities/Essos AU
Jonsa Modern Hockey AU
ASOIAF/GOT Second Generation: (ONGOING)
Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark,
Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark,
House Stark
Willas Tyrell, Garlan Tyrell, Loras Tyrell
Margaery Tyrell, House Tyrell
Arianne Martell, Myrcella Baratheon
ASOIAF First Generation: (ONGOING)
Brandon Stark, Eddard Stark,
Lyanna Stark, Benjen Stark,
House Stark
Arthur Dayne, Ashara Dayne,
Elia Martell
Alayne Stone
Harry Potter
Harry Potter x Hermione Granger (Harmony):
Family Picnic (TO BE POSTED)
Dancing in the common room (IN PROGRESS)
Sirius Black x Hermione Granger:
Family Outing to Diagon Alley (TO BE POSTED)
Attack on Titan/ Shingeki no Kyojin
Erwin Smith x Levi Ackerman (EruRi):
Expedition beyond Wall Rose
The Witcher/Wiedźmin
Geralt of Rivia portrait (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Fae Jaskier | Dandelion (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Star Wars
Padmé Amidala x Obi-Wan Kenobi (Obidala):
Tatooine AU (TO BE POSTED)
Queen Amidala (TO BE POSTED)
Check below for a bit about me as an artist and what my posting is going to look like...
Sudden Inspiration and a backlog of art...
For several years I was without the energy or drive to engage in the hobbies I loved so much growing up.
In 2020 (facing a sudden surplus of both free time and solitude) I started to encourage myself to take time for things that had no other purpose than making myself happy. Slowly I once again started to create art that was for my own enjoyment and done at my own pace.
A huge inspiration became the various fandoms I was a part of and by 2021 the ideas I had for various fanart pieces soon became nearly overwhelming- after a multi year drought I was finally excited to make art again!
It would however take me a while to find the courage to share my work anywhere - like many artists I sometimes struggled to see the worth in my own work and soon the absolute plague of AI generated images and AI content scraping was making me dread the idea of sharing anything publically. But with positive encouragement from friends (and holding to the firm belief that any art work/song/story/or creative piece made with the passionate effort of an inspired individual will hold vastly more worth and outdo any AI generated thing in terms of quality, impact, and longevity) I finally decided to just enjoy fully engaging in fandom and posting my fanart for anyone to enjoy.
So right now I have a 2-3 year backlog of fanart I've been working on but never posted anywhere so I'm making a master list up above that will have links to each individual piece organized according to Fandom, Concept/Series, and Pairing.
Also included in the list are completed but not yet posted pieces and in progress pieces that I will post at a later date (hopefully this will encourage me to complete and to post my 50+ backlog of art pieces steadily over time while I focus on making new fanart).
- Crimson Cold
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☆ Ashara Ali Dayne, younger sister of Arthur Dayne;
☆ Like her brother, she started law school after finishing her master's in art history, she specialized in Dornish arts, but decide to go for her second degree;
☆ She has a rather playful crush on her new flatmate, a girl from the north that has a very alluring personality;
☆ But she ended up, dating her brother older brother Ned, who was on his way to become a lawyer himself, they go on very cute dates, and Ned always gives Ashara flowers;
☆ Ashara is the younger sister of Arthur Dayne and has been a friend of Rhaegar’s since they were young children, so she does see him as an older brother of hers. Yet unlike them, she is a very extroverted and loves a good party, seeing herself a party animal;
☆ Having living in Dorne most of her life, she loves to go to the beach and surf with her brother, something she is very good at;
☆ She is bisexual and has never denied her sexuality, specially because she comes from Dorne, a very liberal place;
☆ Ashara has the dream of having her own law that will focus on the fight for equal rights for women, and helping specially women and queer people with their legal life;
☆ When it comes to hobbies, she loves singing, and dancing so open mics, and karaoke are some of her favourite places to go out;
☆ She is the first person to see the spark between Rhaegar and Lyanna, and made it her life’s mission to see them together;
☆ Asha, is very annoyed by the way her older brother tries to protect her from everything;
☆ Ashara is a 1D fan and has no shame about it;
☆ Asha is happy with her life and very happy with the new friends she has;
PART.1, PART.2 , PART.4 , PART.5, PART.6
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cocoalover1956 · 4 years
Sunlit Sister
Elia wasn't sure what to expect when she learned that her goodsister would be marrying a northman. @gotsecretsanta gift for @riaen. Happy Holidays!
FF | AO3
Elia wasn't sure what to expect when she learned that her goodsister would be marrying a northman.
Her husband took her hand, his face almost pleading for her approval. Since their family's tragedy a year ago, he had come to the devastating conclusion that he would not risk her life in childbed again, which made Ashara his heir for the foreseeable future. As such, her choice of husband became of great concern. Allum had always been protective of his little sister and would only consider a gentle hand for her.
When Ashara had gone to Lord Whent's tourney at Harrenhal, the girl had lost herself in love to a boy near her age, a son of Lord Stark. She was fond of retelling the story of how he had been too shy to ask her to dance himself, and instead his brother had asked on his behalf. Elia knew nothing about him, but Allum approved the match heartily. By law he didn't require Elia's consent for the match, as he was the head of House Dayne, but Allum had been going out his way to soften the blow of denying Starfall to Elia's blood.
She knew he was trying to protect her. She understand his concerns. Her frail body had been her blight since her too-early birth, and now the reason her husband did not wish to get her child again, but nonetheless it stung. And now he was asking for her approval of the man whose children would inherit what she had wanted for her own children. Elia was not childish enough to scorn the northman for a choice Allum had made long before he had entered their lives. If it wasn't this northman, it would someone else. She might as well not break her goodsister's heart.
Elia forced herself to smile, "If this Eddard Stark has made such a good impression on both you and Ashara, I'm sure he's the right choice."
"He prefers to be called Ned," Allum nodded.
Unfortunately for Elia's bitterness, Ned Stark was pleasant young lad. Polite and modest and always stumbling over his words, the perfect opposite of her brother Oberyn. Then Elia understood why Allum gave his man Ashara's hand. A wolf without teeth couldn't bite his precious little sister. Ned kept looking at Ashara throughout the wedding ceremony as if in awe that such a beautiful creature had deigned to be his wife. In truth, he didn't cut nearly as impressive a figure as his father or older brother, but Elia knew Ashara liked her men soft and sweet.
Because Winterfell and Starfall sat at opposite ends of the continent, Lord Hoster Tully had gladly offered his hospitality to both families for the wedding. Elia guessed he mostly wanted to chance to show off his wealth and boost about his new grandchildren to all who would listen. In the past year he had married his older daughter Catelyn to Ned's brother, Brandon, and his younger daughter Lysa to Ser Jaime Lannister, heir of Casterly Rock. The sisters had been married together and gone to childbed together, with each sister producing a son. When the Tully women offered to let her hold their babes, Elia bit down hard on her lip and declined as politely as she could.
Allum had brought his youngest sister, Allyria, to the wedding as well. She was barely five years old and had never been outside Dorne before, but she was clearly enjoying herself. King Aerys had given Ser Arthur leave to attend Ashara's wedding, but he spent most of his time bonding with Allyria. Elia couldn't blame him. Allyria had still been in the cradle when Arthur joined the Kinsguard, so the little girl barely knew her big brother.
Normally she would try to make friendly conversation with the other guests, but Elia had not yet recovered her good cheer. She spent all her time clutching Allum's arm, watching as everyone else twirled around the hall during the wedding feast. She danced once with her husband and goodbrother, then claimed fatigue to stay in her seat. Ashara was a little butterfly, dancing her new husband, his kinsmen, his best friend Lord Robert Baratheon, his friends from the North and the Eyrie, and even the Lannister men. Elia remembered visiting Casterly Rock with her mother and brother, how she had almost been married to Ser Jaime. Perhaps Lord Tywin's rejection was a blessing in disguise. She did not wish to imagine what that man would have done to her if she failed to give his son an heir.
The bedding ceremony came and went in the blink of an eye, but Elia noted with amusement that Ashara seemed far more comfortable with it than her new husband. Shortly after that spectacle, Elia told Allum she wished to retire. After giving Lord Tully their thanks, the Lord and Lady of Starfall slipped away from the feast.
After taking a few days for everyone to rest from the festivities, House Dayne took their leave of Riverrun. It took them a week to reach the small port town of Hag's Mire and from there take a ship to Starfall. In a short time, Starfall had become nearly as dear to Elia as Sunspear or the Water Gardens and the sight of its tall, white towers rising against the Red Mountains filled her with contentment and warmth. The day following their arrival home, Elia took to her bed at Allum's suggestion to recover from the strain of travel. She appreciated his concern, truly, but there were times it felt suffocating.
Meanwhile Ashara took joy in showing her new husband every wall and window Starfall had to offer. Ned felt incredibly out of place in the sweltering heat of Dorne, his furs and boiled leather traded for light linen and silks. Many in Dorne made jokes about it, but Elia didn't have the heart to join in. She had not experienced such a drastic change in environment when she wed Allum, but she knew how it felt to leave behind one's home and loved ones for the good of her family. Still, watching Ned learn to be a Dornishman quickly became a rather amusing past-time. As the following weeks and months passed, Elia gradually grew accustomed to Ned's presence. She did not seek out his company nor he hers, but their interactions became more comfortable and amiable.
Before she had even noticed it, Elia found her thoughts frequently drifting back to her babe, her poor little Donnia. Had she lived, she would have reached her second nameday by now. Allum hardly ever talked about their daughter and Elia had little wish to talk of such sad things with him either. She liked to think they could move past it, but Donnia's death seemed to always linger, like a shadow trailing their marriage.
When Ashara announced her pregnancy with uncharacteristic shyness, Elia knew the trepidation was for her benefit. It made her feel weak, too fragile to handle another woman's joy. "I'm so happy for you," Elia said insistently as she wore a smile clearly too wide to be natural. Afterward she quickly excused herself like the air was full of smoke and she couldn't breathe. She hoped no one noticed the oddness of her behavior.
She hoped.
Ned came to confront her later that day. Elia had been taking a quick meal with Allyria on a balcony of the Palestone Sword, the glowing sunset turning their silhouettes a burnt orange.
"Princess Elia, may I have a word with you in private?" Ned asked. His tone was perfectly polite, like always, but his eyes had turned a sharp grey that resembled the blade of a sword. Mayhaps the wolf had teeth after all. Elia gave Allyria a fond pat on the head and bid the girl go to her chambers. Ned watched their little goodsister curtsy gracefully and take her leave of them. When he turned his attention back to Elia. "You're not happy about Ashara being with child."
His boldness surprised Elia. "What would make you think that?" she dodged. "I love Ashara like a sister."
"That does not mean you'd love her children." Ned stated, looking at her carefully. Elia rose to her feet in anger. How dare he! "Pardon me for bringing up such personal matters, but Allum told me of your condition. That you cannot bear children."
Despite her best efforts, Elia's face twisted into an ugly grimace. "You don't know what you're talking about," she hissed.
"My father warned me that you might grow to resent my children for they will be your husband's heirs, in place of the children you could not give him."
Before she was fully cognizant of her actions, Elia slapped him with all her strength. She hissed again from the needle-sharp sting of her palm right afterward, but the bright red mark on Ned's skin gave her a measure of satisfaction. "I know you northmen are brutally honest, but one would think time spent with Jon Arryn would teach you some tact. What would your mother say if she knew you spoke in such a way to a princess? Your own goodsister, no less!"
Ned looked properly shamed. All the ice left his eyes. "I...I did not mean to...I beg your forgiveness Princess Elia. My comments were...insensitive. I should not have spoken to you so."
"You shouldn't have," Elia agreed with a shaky voice. Suddenly she felt foolish for slapping him like a hot-tempered child. Mayhaps she was becoming too much like Oberyn.
With growing discomfort on his face, Ned said, "I shall take my leave, if that pleases you."
"It does please me." Elia muttered. Ned had barely taken three steps when she called out, "No, wait."
Ned looked back at her with trepidation. "Princess Elia?"
She awkwardly gestured to the seat Allyria had not long vacated. "Will you sit with me a while? I think there's something we need to talk about." When he had taken the seat across from her, Elia asked, "Did Ashara or Allum tell you about my daughter?"
His surprised expression gave the answer before his lips did. "A daughter? I thought you and Allum had no children."
"No living children," Elia corrected. She should not have found comfort in his horror, embarrassment, and guilt, but for some reason she did. "I was so happy, but scared. My mother had lost two boys in the cradle before I had been born. I came too early and my health has been fragile ever since. When I gave birth to my daughter, I nearly died. And Donnia..."
A steady stream of tears flowed from her eyes, coating her long, black eyelashes and running down the sides of her nose. Elia had always been a quiet crier, from the time she was babe. Her throat seemed to close up tightly when her eyes became wet. She did not bow her head to hide her grief from Ned, nor turn away to spare him discomfort. To her surprise, he reached into his shirt and presented her with a dark blue handkerchief. Insensitive, but not unchivalrous. When Elia wiped her face and got her bearings, she unfolded the small cloth and noticed the clumsy stitches of a young girl spelling "ES".
"From your sister?" Elia guessed with a smile, remembered the humorous, vivacious girl from the wedding.
Ned smiled back, "She likes me more than she hates embroidery."
Elia's smile faded as she got back to the topic at hand. "Donnia lived for only seven days. I was so weak, I never got to hold her. I couldn't leave my bed for half a year, not even for her funeral. You should have seen Allum; it broke him. He feared losing me too."
By now Ned's eyes were softer than morning fog. Dusk had crept up on them, orange and red giving way to blue and purple. In the corner of her eye, Elia noticed a servant filling the lamps with oil and setting them alight. Crickets joined the song of the Torentine. Elia stretched out her arms to grasp Ned's pale hands in her own brown ones. Somehow it felt like holding Oberyn's hands.
"I am so happy for Ashara," Elia whispered, "I'm just sad for myself."
Ned reciprocated her gesture and covers her hands. His fingertips were rough and calloused from swordplay, so unlike her smooth skin. "You have my condolences Elia."
She liked her title, but sometimes it was nice to just be Elia. "They are appreciated. And you have my congratulations Ned."
"Thank you," Ned smiled sadly. "My child shall have a wonderful aunt."
From that evening, Ned became an unexpected friend. Elia found that they had a similar temperament. He understood that she at times felt overwhelmed by her younger brother, just as he felt overwhelmed by his older brother. True, Doran had a calmer disposition, but he was much older than her and had not been present for much of her childhood. It had been her and Oberyn, joined at the hip for as long as she could remember.
Ned had many stories to tell of the North, some she had to coax out of him because he deemed them to frightening for a gently born lady. She decided to surprise him with tales that could make a maiden blush, and to her never-ending amusing they made Ned blush. When he wasn't devoting his attention to his pregnant wife, Ned could be found in Elia's solar; if not working with her on some important task, then simply enjoying her company.
Ashara gave birth to a baby girl with her father's pale blonde hair and Ned's grey eyes. Elia did not try to hold back her sobs as she held her niece for the first time. Allum wrapped his arms around her shoulders as Ned placed a hand over hers.
Arya Dayne was named for her great-grandmother, a lady of the Northern Mountains, and she made the Red Mountains of Dorne her own little kingdom. Everyone in Starfall doted on the little girl from her birth. She loved the outdoors, feeling the sun on her skin. And unlike other children, she had four parents rather than two: her father, mother, uncle, and aunt. She did not remain alone in that distinguishing trait for very long, for soon after reaching her third nameday, the gods blessed Ashara with another daughter, whom she named Corlia.
And she wasn't the only woman in Starfall the gods had smiled upon.
Allum's face went white with livid fear when Elia whispered the news to him one evening in his solar. "How could this have happened? We were so careful. Perhaps the moon tea was not strong enough..."
"It's done, my love," Elia clasped his hands, trying to reassure him. "Whatever happens now is in the hands of the gods."
Elia would be lying if she said she wasn't scared. It wasn't death that scared her so much as helplessness. After having Donnia, she had been confined to her bed for day after day after day, unable to care for herself or her dying child. Unable to comfort her husband when he broke down as tears as he told her that Donnia had gone with the gods.
But she was happy. She almost tasted the joy like honey in her mouth. A child of her own, an heir for her beloved husband, a cousin for her dear nieces. Elia imagined singing her baby to sleep, Allum sitting his child on his knee while he worked. Oh, Ashara would be such a wonderful aunt and Ned a fantastic uncle. The dream was so close she could reach out and touch it.
Yet she feared that if she tried, it would turn to dust on her fingertips.
Allum shook his head, "I should not have taken you in that manner, even with the moon tea. Forgive me, my love."
"If you will recall, I was a very active and willing participant," Elia joked. Her small smile did little to alleviate her husband's fears. "I want a babe. I want to be a mother. I know it's dangerous, but I don't want to live in fear of my own body my entire life."
"You'll be risking your life," Allum pleaded.
"I'm aware." Elia replied. Her tone came out colder than she had intended, judging from the hurt look on her husband's face. She rose from her seat and draped her petite form over his lap.
Allum rested his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes. "I beg you, don't make me face a life without you."
"What would you have me do, Allum?" Elia murmured against his cheek. "How could you ask me to give up my child?"
"How could you ask to me give you up?" Allum murmured back.
Elia ran her fingers through his long, silvery hair for a few moments, then lifted his head so that they were staring each other in the eyes. "You can never give me up, for you can never lose me. A piece of me will always be in you, even if I die."
"Don't talk like that!"
"Don't fight me, Allum. I will have this child. I want it," Elia stated with finality. "I would very like it if my husband wanted it too."
"I want," Allum paused, then closed his eyes in resignation, "I want my wife to be happy."
After what happened with Donnia, Oberyn had returned from his misadventures in Essos to be by his sister's side and he did the same when he learned that she was with child again. Watching her brother befriend her goodbrother despite the vast gulf in their personalities was a welcome distraction for Elia. Oberyn once tried to teach Ned to milk venom from a viper's fangs, but Ned couldn't bring himself to even touch the creature. Elia was sure Oberyn would never let him live that down for the rest of his life.
Elia grew weaker and more sickly as she neared her confinement, but it was not nearly as bad as the first time. Instead of letting his worries known, Allum busied himself with Elia's comfort. All the attention was tiresome, but Elia would not complain. Ashara spent each morning in the sept praying for a safe delivery and healthy babe. Even Ned prayed to the old gods of the North in the godswoods, though Elia silently wondered if they would hear him from Dorne.
When the time came, Allum held tightly to Elia's hand as she brought forth their second child, tears clouding his vision the entire time. The delivery was mercifully quick. Elia sagged against her pillows as the sharp, high cry of her babe filled the air. A strong, lusty cry.
"A son, my lord," the maester announced, "He is healthy and well-formed."
Healthy. Healthy. Healthy. That's all that matters, Elia thought to herself as she found herself drifting to sleep.
She had closed her eyes in the early morning, and when she opened them, it was morning again. Confused, Elia groped around for something familiar and found Allum's hand. He started, now awake as well.
"Elia, my love," he whispered roughly.
"How long?" Her throat cracked from disuse.
"Two days," Allum wiped his tears with his sleeve. "Your heart still beat, but you would not wake. We feared..."
"Our son?" Elia asked desperately.
Allum’s face broke into a wide smile, "Beautiful. He is so beautiful and strong, just like his mother. He's with Ashara now. She's been nursing him, but I think Corlia is jealous." Elia couldn't help but giggle. The exhaustion caught up with her once more. She fought to keep her eyes open, but Allum kissed her forehead and said, "Rest, dearest Elia. You've earned it."
She was bedbound for a year after having Edric. Recovery was miserable work, but it was worth having her son. He was a happy, playful child from birth, with far too much energy for Elia to handle by herself. Not she minded. She loved every inch of him, from his pale hair to his big, blue eyes, to his little toes. Visitors often remarked that he would be remarkably handsome when he grew to manhood, especially his uncle Doran. Elia hugged her older brother tight when he came to Starfall, sending a prayer of thanks to the gods for letting her see him once more.
When she grew strong enough to rise from bed, Elia would take her son on long walks through the gardens, the clear, clean spray of the Torentine keeping them cool in the burning sun. And sometimes Ned would join them.
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shining-m00nlight · 3 years
At Harrenhal probably:
Cersei: Ok ladies, let's play bed, wed, behead!
Cat: Sure why not.
Cersei: Good, Ned Stark!
Ashara: ...Cersei you need to pick 3 people.
Cersei: Oh no. This is the reversed version where we each do one of those things to him.
Cersei: Ashara you go first!
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thelastdragonsnet · 3 years
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The crannogman saw a maid with laughing purple eyes dance with a white sword, a red snake, and the lord of griffins, and lastly with the quiet wolf... but only after the wild wolf spoke to her on behalf of a brother too shy to leave his bench.    
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So beautiful 😭😭
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aquilege · 4 years
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The comets of Starfall
Ashara had little time to cry over her brother’s death before the weight of lady of Starfall was thrust upon her shoulders. 
“My brother was born to be lord, I surely wasn’t.” she confided to Ned the night of the funeral. 
“You’ll learn and I’ll be here beside you.” 
And so it happened. Ned moved at Starfall with the birth of little Robert with Clarisse still a babe and still fragile for the complications of her birth, it is not advised to decide to be born during a war, after all. 
Ned even accepted to take her wife’s family’s name with no complaining and he limited his travels north to once a year for his nephew Rickard’s name’s day. 
Ashara knew she couldn’t have asked more from her husband for the rest of their lives. 
During his abscences, Ashara didn’t like to be idle and she would go visit Elia and Jaime at Lannisport or Oberyn and Cersei at Summerhall making sure to pay the right visits to the right houses on the way. She had often thought she didn’t have the mind for politics, but she had discovered that they weren’t all that different from managing gossips at Sunspear when she still was lady in waiting for princess Elia. 
When Clarisse was considered old enough to make the journey north with her father she was ten and when she came back her mother had a marriage proposal waiting for her: prince Quentyn Martell. 
“It is a good match, Eddard, it is more than good if I’m being completely honest. He’s a prince of Dorne, they’re almost of the same age and he’s a sweet, dutiful boy. I was sure Doran was going to marry him off to the Yronwoods, but I guess there probably still is some bad blood between the families.” 
“I told you I have intentions to marry her with a northern noble.” Ned replied, not angry or annoyed, but disappointed. 
“Well, I didn’t think you were serious.” 
“May I ask why shouldn’t I have been serious? Are northern nobles not enough for House Dayne?”
“Oh, don’t say that while married to me. I thought I show excitment enough when you proposed to vanish any doubts.” 
“You were pregnant, you didn’t have much of a choice.” Ned replied immediately and there was a sort of sadness in his grey eyes. 
Ashara paused. Surprised by her husband sudden burst of emotions. 
“Oh Ned. That’s what it is all about?” she finally said affectionately. “Eddard Stark, I’ve loved you from the first moment I caught you stealing glances in my direction that day at Harrenhal ten years ago and if my brother had survived I would have followed you to Winterfell without a moment notice and lived as happy and proud there as I’m here, in the castle of my ancestors, because you decend from kings and queens as much as I do and you’re wardens of the north and all the darkness that comes from beyond the Wall and there is no more honourable house in all of the Seven Kingdoms.” 
Saying that, she put her delicate hand against his bearded cheak and he closed his eyes breathing slowly. 
“I’m sorry, I’ve been unjust with you.” he whispered before turning his head to deposite a sweet kiss in the palm of her hand. 
“No, you were right, I should have spoken about it with you. You’re lord of Starfall and Clarissa is your daughter too. If you think a northener would be a better match...” 
Ned shook his head taking his wife’s hand in his. 
“I reacted poorly because you caught me by surprise with the news, that’s all. I didn’t realize we were already discussing marriage for Clari.” 
“It wasn’t my intention to act behind your back.”
“I know. Quentyn would be a great match for Clarisse, they grew up together at the Water Gardens and I hear lord Yronwoods praised his skills as a squire.”
“I do agree, my love.” Ashara replied with a fond smile and kissed her husband’s cheak lovingly. 
They reached the children in their rooms where Clarisse was showing Robb, Arya, and Jon the presents uncle Brandon and aunt Catelyn had sent for them.
“Speaking of Robb...” Ashara started in whisper while watching the kids playing. 
Ned gave her a suspicious look: “We weren’t speaking of Robb.”
“Well, speaking of marriages then.”
“Listen, every single lord in Dorne will try to marry their second child to Myrcella we might as well start now. After all, we’re advantaged because Cersei likes you.”
“She does not.”
“She does, everybody likes you.” 
Ned chuckled softly at that and laid a kiss on Ashara’s head.
“Let’s agree to postpone every discussion of marriage after their tenth name’s day.”
Ashara sighed: “As you wish, my love.” 
“But I see no arm in inviting Cersei and Oberyn with the girls here for a couple of weeks, Clarisse and Myrcella always seemed to go along very well.” 
Ashara laughed loudly at her husband’s words drawing their children’s attention who came at their side demanding to know the reason of such sudden myrth. 
Marriage wasn’t an easy feat. Ashara had learned that quite well in her ten years of marriage, but with Ned at her side it always felt more like a fairytale’s quest.
The members of House Dayne living in Starfall:
Lady Ashara Dayne, lady of Starfall
Lord Eddard Dayne of House Stark, her husband 
Clarisse Dayne, their eldest daughter and heir
Robert Dayne, their first son
Arya Dayne, their second daughter
Jon Dayne, their youngest son
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thetudorslovers · 4 years
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"Cold bones, yeah that's my love"
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mskrianna · 4 years
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“She threw herself into the sea, I’m told. Why was that? For the brother you slew, or the child you stole?”
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