#ask me my theories :D
ilikethequiet · 1 year
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They’re just so dorky and I love them. To be honest, I think we caught them on a bad day, I can’t believe these two have been together for a year and yet were still so hostile towards each other. Think about it, surely Seven would have put in for a transfer if that were the case. 
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
It may not come as a surprise that I am OBSESSED with the paranormal, and thus I posit a silly little thought nugget-
Devil Fruit eaters in general being No Longer Human. Like. Not even just Zoan users, but ALL of them.
The Fruits were created by the Sea Devil, offering odd and incredible powers in exchange for a weakness to water, a tomb of seasalt. The abilities are varied and dynamic, but they are still, by definition, an exchange - a Deal. It is Give and Take, a contract forged with the life-span of the eater as the signature. The Fruit braids itself into their genome, into their Soul, and makes them Other.
More beneath the cut, I just have so many thoughts send help
For some, this is an instinctive change. They Know things, information fed from the magic in their veins and marrow to their brain, all that the Fruit has learned from previous users in an abstract way. For some, the information from their Fruit is Locked, tidbits bleeding through the cracks and grooves of the chest which contains the treasure trove of knowledge which they are not equipped to handle. The Fruits are only truly Conscious when they are Bound, Eaten, Active, after all. To needlessly overwhelm and kill their hosts would be unfortunate.
In that vein, one could argue that the eaters are something of a sacrifice, a symbiotic relationship between our world and the one beyond it.
Some Fruits however simply do not HAVE the knowledge to pass on. Some have not been active in a very long time. Some have not had the experience in thriving with their Host. Some just simply rarely get eaten for whatever reason.
Some simply protect their Host from the Truth.
What all Devil Fruit eaters have in common, loosely though it is, is an innate ability to recognize one another, to identify each other, and to toe the line between the mortal world and the Other. The sharpness of the awareness varies person to person, soul to soul, but all Notice in their own ways, can reach beyond the veil to varying degrees and with varies intentions.
Luffy can See into others, an ability he's had always, but after eating his Fruit, it sharpened. His gaze cut deeper, his sight clearer, and he could read a person as easily as a scholar with a juvenile practice book would read the text therein. His gaze is clearest beneath the skin of others.
Luffy, inhuman as parts are, must feed both aspects:
The body he has, and the form which his Devil Fruit has woven itself into, must eat. He loves meat, a trait often found in Ds, but his appetite is voracious even then, feeding and feeding and feeding. What few realize is that his hunger is both mortal and not, a craving for meat of any variety. He will eat anything. Anything. His natural defaults mesh well with his Fruit, and he simply catalogues it easily within his existing paradigm
The soul he carries is fueled by love, freedom, expression. He is emotional and unhindered by expectations because he chooses not to be. He gives himself the freedom to do so. He wants to be untethered and to feel and experience and BE. He wants for others to have much the same. He finds people who are Chained and he takes their shackles in hand, asks them why they are there, and then he shatters them beneath the force of his Care and Ambition and Temptation. He opens the doors of change and growth and liberation, and then he lays the choices before those he can. It's a subconscious thing, mostly, but he Feeds the carnal, bare bones Drive of his Fruit in the same breath as him feeding his own freedom and thus his own soul.
Buggy on the other hand does not have the same basis to work from. Whereas Luffy's Fruit is Other Than and thus not as impacted by its infrequency in circulation, Buggy's is not so blessed. The Bara Bara no mi is not a common Fruit to be eaten. It has had precious few holders who survived long enough to learn much of anything regarding its properties. As it stands, Buggy himself is the longest survivor of this power. Not only does it initial stage impact the nervous system in unique and bizarre ways but it also changes the musculoskeletal structures and the host's brain. In order to be able to split and still function, your spatial awareness needs to be far higher than average, and the synapses in your brain must be able to handle the strain.
Many holders of the Chop Chop Fruit were driven mad by this. Be it the influx of information or the psychosomatic pain of a limb loss or worse, it would often lad to death - and not always by the hands of another.
Buggy was always more cerebral than his crewmates, than Shanks and the others. He was a thinker, and his specialty was operating outside of normal conventions - it was how his weapons making skills improved leaps and bounds. Chemistry, physics and mechanics were his biggest passions, followed closely by some dabbling in medicine and botany. There were no limits in his mind, on questions and redirected pathways. Where one path did not lead to an expected result, another would open, would branch off, and the yield of these actions would be cataloged and coveted.
The Bara Bara no mi was not much different in this. That Devil Fruit was perfect for Buggy, for his natural processes and his demeanor. Buggy already toed the line of fragmented, puzzle thinking, and his Fruit simply exacerbated this.
He feeds his mind with the options and dynamicism he exhibits with his body.
He does not however feed his BODY with the same. Oh, he eats when he remembers or someone reminds him. He has noticed some things taste better, make him FEEL better than others. But he doesn't seek them out.
This is partly due to mental health issues, and an unidentified food aversion which began in his childhood. Food was often used as a punishment/reward system, and things, unattended to, spiraled from there. Buggy doesn't even realize it.
Another problem is that his tastes in foods he has had the best responses with remind him of things he would rather not think on. Specifically, they remind him of his late captain. Roger always preferred his steaks rare and juicy. Buggy adores his much the same.
And a final issue is that the few times Buggy DID act on the Hunger, the Drive for something, he was punished for it, told it was bad and not okay. In their defense, he was a child, and raw meat is not safe for consumption, especially in one who has such a problematic immune system as Buggy. He always draws the short end of the stick in things.
He subsides loosely on intimidation tactics, licking the blood from his knives, a habit which began after the loss of his family. He does not acknowledge the baying hunger in his chest when he does this. He has buried it along with so many other things.
Buggy is good with his Devil Fruit, but he is good with it while starved and unwell.
It truly would be beneficial for another Devil Fruit User with long term experience to ask him what he Feeds on, wouldn't it?
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thinkin-bout-milgram · 9 months
Hello! If it’s okay, I’d like to know your thoughts on the Trikoto theory (3+ alters). I think it’s a cool theory! And pretty likely, honestly. (Here’s a document about it in case you don’t know what I’m talking about. I didn’t make it, and I unfortunately don’t know who did, I just found it in another blog)(I really hope that link works lol)
Hey FF! I was wondering when you might send something in. Not the topic I expected, but I'm here for it!
I've definitely heard of this theory before. I can't say I know for sure where it originated, but I've always been under the impression that a blog called @bertrandcaillet started it as they're the first one I saw talk about that theory and they told me about it a while ago. They've since deactivated, though, so I can't really check with them to see if that's true.
I think the trikoto theory is interesting, and I fully agree with what's said on the document about how it would be nice if Milgram is showing a system with more nuance than just having two alters.
That being said, I personally don't believe this theory for a number of reasons. I'm going to do my best to explain why here. I do want to say going into this that while I do have extremely minimal psychology teaching (as in, undergrad psyc MINOR), I do not claim to be that educated on DID or similar struggles. So, anything that I say will be focusing much more on Milgram as a piece of media from a writing standpoint, because that's what I have much more extensive experience in.
I will say that I am very aware that most systems have more than 2 alters. That being said, I think I also remember from my psyc class that the average number is, like... 16? I'm not at my dorm right now and that's where my notes are, so I can't check, but I remember specifically thinking about it in the context of Mikoto and trikoto theory, so I'm pretty confident it's Above Three. That means that either way, it's not like we're doing The Most Common Number, so I think two versus three is largely irrelevant on that point.
For the sake of clarity, I'll be using the names in the doc (Akakoto, Midokoto, Aokoto), but I only personally believe that two of them (Akakoto, Aokoto) exist. I've taken to calling them Orekoto and Bokuto, but for this post, Akakoto and Aokoto it is.
At its base, my problem with trikoto theory is that I don't see a lot of evidence for it. Most of what I've seen has been talking about the implications of it if you assume it's true, but I've just never really been convinced in the first place. I'll just go through some of the main reasonings real quick:
The RGB Colors
I do acknowledge that I'm very much not a visually oriented person, so the color shifting is something I'm less inclined to notice. However, while the background of the room is blue and the train station and apartment are pretty green, I don't feel like there are ever really any red backgrounds (other than when the headspace becomes red as ooposed to blue). Because of that, I have a hard time believing that the backgrounds themselves contribute to the idea that there are three. I definitely think the red/blue coloration in the eyes and such are indicating different alters, but I don't think that specific fact supports there being three of them.
The Voice Changes
This might be a me issue, but I only really hear two different vocal inflections. I understand the point about there being some harsher (?) sounding vocals that don't have the growl, but personally, I still think the tone matches the one described as Akakoto enough to count. Similarly, the parts towards the end that are picked out for Midokoto ("I'm probably not to blame," etc.) actually sound more like Aokoto to me even if I do try to track the three voices.
I'm hesitant to go too hard in believing the different voices because to me, doing so would severely limit the amount of control Natsuki Hanae would have over the emotions he wants to put into the song. The vocalists in Milgram do a fantastic job at using specific vocal intonations to convey deep layers of emotions in their songs. I feel like it would be very limiting to only be able to use certain vocal effects (ex. growl) in specific places due to the limitations of the characters. If there are two, the two voices are far more separate, which gives more space for customization within the bounds of each voice.
This is also a little bit iffier on evidence, but there's the Es cover of MeMe. I don't know how much Yurina Amami knows about Mikoto's story and the entire video is in grayscale, so take all of this with a grain of salt, but to me, I feel like Es uses two voices here, not three. Notably, they even have a bit of vocal growl on the "switch" and on "split and half, make that heart beat," which are both squarely in the Midokoto tone. They do still have the two voice split, sounding a bit more apathetic and aggressive in the Akakoto parts and cuter in the Aokoto parts. To me, that signifies that there's suppose to be two voices going on, not three, but you could argue that that's just Es' perception of Mikoto, so it's not decisive or anything.
Mikoto Fighting Es
Yes, in his first audio drama, Mikoto is able to beat Es up until Kotoko stops him. Yes, that's inconsistent from what we've seen from Futa and also t2 Amane. I agree that that's because the Milgram rules only apply to one or more alters, and thus any others that may exist can get around the rulings. We saw this between trials, too, with how Mikoto (seemingly Akakoto at the time) was able to avoid being restrained despite his guilty verdict, likely through the same loophole.
(Side note: this implies to me that Milgram's system for restraining guilty prisoners is, like the protective barrier around Es, somewhat magical and isn't a physical thing. Thus, if we were to, say, vote Amane as guilty, I am fairly confident she would be unable to harm any other prisoners, as we've already seen the barriers are able to prevent her from attacking others. I still lean Amane innocent anyways, but I wanted to point this out.)
Anyways, I don't think that this is actually evidence towards trikoto theory because it works perfectly fine with just the two of them. Aokoto is the prisoner in Milgram and Akakoto isn't. This doesn't necessarily mean that Aokoto is the one who was fronting while the murder happened, though; the rules of Milgram just necessitate that the prisoner is involved in/related to a death. It can be indirect.
I think that that's exactly what Milgram is asking us with Mikoto. The question is, how do you fairly hold a system accountable? Can you blame one alter for the other's actions?
Milgram loves to complicate these, and I can see the appeal of a complication being learning about a third alter. Personally, I think it's much more likely that the route Milgram is taking is looking at how much knowledge the alters have about each other and asking how much Aokoto would have to know to make him an accessory to Akakoto's murder plans. It could go either way, though.
Some Bonus Points
I think the strongest piece of evidence brought up is the use of threes in Mikoto's design. Other than "they just liked it aesthetically," there isn't much of a counterargument I can make about it. My best one would be that they might be going for a "switching between black and white" type of thing, which would work better with more stripes, but that's pretty weak. I also had the idea that the first character of his name looks like three stripes, which might be a better or worse explanation! You get to decide, I have no idea.
The cake sells me less, though. It's true that Kazui's is a perfect 50/50 and that Mikoto's isn't, but that's because they're representing different things.
Kazui's is half and half because his song is called half, and it could also be a sign of how he and his wife didn't actually connect more in a marriage sense; they're still two fully separate people rather than being a unit.
Mikoto, if he has two alters, is still physically one guy. Mikoto is mostly sitting on the flower designs. I'd argue that the flowers are meant to show Mikoto as a whole: the connection point of the two alters.
That's pretty much all of what I have to say on the doc (in terms of the trikoto aspect, whether I believe it or not there's some good work done in character/lyric analysis that applies to two or three alter theories), but I'll go over some of my reason for why I actively believe there to be two, because there are some reasons.
Reason 1: The Song Titles
The doc explains what the meaning of MeMe is in trikoto theory, but it definitely still works with two, more obviously so. That's not evidence, though, because the trikoto theory has a viable explanation too.
I have no idea what they'd be doing with the song title Double, though. I guess it would be a play on somebody being someone else's double, meaning they're someone like them, which is no doubt part of the song title either way, but I think it's difficult to ignore the meaning of Double that means, y'know... multiplied by 2, or:
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But that could very easily be a diversion and we haven't seen the second video, so I'd let that slide. However, that brings me to the bigger problem:
Reason 2: Upright Versus Reversed
AKA, the tarot cards.
Tarot cards can be read two ways, Upright or Reversed, based on the orientation of the card when it's placed/picked up/whatever. I already went over in my original theory (which is pretty outdated, I could do a way better job but I wrote that one literally first out of my milgram thoeries and I hated not having a good name scheme for the various alters) why I believe Akakoto to be the Hanged Man (Upright) and why I believe Aokoto to be the Hanged Man (Reversed).
I struggle to imagine why the devs would pick tarot, something that clearly has two meanings to it, when there are actually three alters. Maybe it'd just be to throw us off the scent, but it feels a bit too intentional to me.
Plus, if it was meant to throw us off, I'd expect we'd get a different metaphor/symbol for the second MV (as we have been with pretty much everyone). However, the association between Mikoto and "reversible" things has continued into trial 2, even before his MV has come up.
I say this because of his trial 2 cover song: Reversible Campaign. Funnily enough, I actually thought this song would go to Kazui before it was announced as Mikoto's, but then I looked again and understood why they wanted it for Mikoto.
My thoughts get confused and fight with each other
Very Mikoto, works for either two or three alter theories. However:
I just want to waver between black and white
It's turned me upside down
There's more that seems to paint Mikoto's mind as a dichotomy, not a... trichotomy? Is that a word? I don't actually know.
The Song Lyrics of MeMe
This is sort of an extension of the above part, but there are also definitely song lyrics in MeMe that sound like they're heavily implying two. Again, you could argue that that's trying to throw us off the scent, but some of them are, in my opinion, actively difficult to justify for trikoto theory.
Split in half, Make that heart beat
I cannot for the life of me understand why any of the three alters would say "split in half" if there are three. I guess if any of them were aware of one of the other alters, but not the other? I don't think that's what was being argued, though, sorry if I missed that.
I’m already the fake one
Little harder to argue this one because I don't know how definite versus indefinite articles work in Japanese, but saying the fake one really sounds to me like there is one fake and one real. If you were just having a moment of existential crisis, in most situations, I think you'd opt for "I'm already fake."
The Mirror
This is sort of the same argument as the tarot cards, but there's also the use of mirror imagery in Mikoto's MeMe MV. Mirrors have two sides and are a reflection. You could use Haruka logic and say that it depicts self reflection, I guess, but considering the reflection acts differently, I think it's much more likely that this is meant to show the two alters.
Hopefully this all made sense? I respect trikoto theory and I could easily be super wrong about it (see also: my original opinions on gay Kazui theory and police Kazui theory), but I've just never really been sold. It's possible my opinion would change if I saw evidence that I felt worked better for trikoto than... twokoto? theory, but personally, I feel like most evidence I've seen for it is still better explained by there being two alters. Let me know what you think, though :)
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latinokokonoi · 6 months
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the-fear · 7 months
hiiiii :3
i read tags on that post you reblogged for me and i agree that its most likely that kayne is nyarlathotep since it'd pretty much align with cthulhu mythos - it often takes human form to walk the earth and it's character is pretty similar to kayne's. It also acts with seemingly no particular goal again just like kayne! and i can't really think of any other gods in cthulhu mythos that would fit him so well
also I'd love to hear more about that theory of yours ^_^!!!!!!
Aw thanks for asking about this! :D
{Putting this under a cut because this is a lot of information. It’s pretty condensed but still quite long}
Please take in mind that this theory only just popped into my head when I read the post, so this has more holes in it than Emmental cheese.
I was thinking on the fact that Harlan’s post mentioned explicitly that Kayne’s identity will be addressed in season 4, and I was wondering what other things have been added to the podcast this season. Most notably are the characters (Oscar, the Butcher, Daniel, etc. - Noel is a Very Close Contender for being Kayne for me), but we’ve also had some other things at least slightly confirmed. Probably one of the most important things that have been confirmed it the time dilation.
I seem to remember that there were quite a lot of theories around time loops and similar phenomena (I think a few were on @ty-betteridge’s blog but I can’t find the posts for some reason). With Scratch’s apparent ability to live longer in dreams than in the real world, eldritch time dilation is basically canon, as far as we know. This could further open the door to other time-related shenanigans, including time loops, to be canon as well.
It’s also been mentioned in the time loop posts that John could in fact be a future Arthur (I may have got this wrong because it’s been a long time since I caught up on the theories). I personally don’t see that (I don’t know how that would fit in with the KIY stuff) but I do really think there’s going to be some stuff involving timeloops and Arthur and John.
Anyway, enough of that ramble! Let’s get back to the important part: who is Kayne?
I 100% believe Kayne is Nyarlathotep - or at least one version of him. Maybe not the one directly from the Lovecraft source material, but definitely an entity that shares the same role as him in the story. Especially with the common description of Nyarlathotep as “joyous”, and we can defintely say that Kayne is enjoying himself with Arthur’s story.
I say that Kayne may not be entirely based on Lovecraft’s Nyarlathotep, because that entity is described as an Outer God, and this theory hinges on the fact that Kayne’s origin is something much closer to home.
So what are some things that we know for sure about Kayne / Nyarlathotep?
From Lovecraft’s source material: his description tends to be of a “tall, swarthy man” but it’s often noted that he can shapeshift.
From the podcast: he has no canon appearance apart from wearing a black suit (and other details), as described by John in part 20. He is also noted to be playing piano in his first appearance.
He also has an Extreme interest in Arthur’s life, as far as to having “watched [Arthur’s] life unfold”. He wants to find out what’s “different” about Arthur compared to other people.
So here’s my theory:
Kayne is Arthur (+ John) from the future.
If you’re thinking that’s a slightly far fetched, I agree! There are several problems with this theory that I need to iron out. I’m replying to this ask because I hope other people can add to this theory, correct me on things that I got wrong, share some more stuff about Nyarlathotep, etc.
One question with this theory is that surely John would recognise Kayne if he looked like Arthur? Well, that’s already got an answer - Kayne can shapeshift, so probably changed his appearance to throw John off his scent. That might also explain the difference in accent between Arthur and Kayne: Future Arthur!Kayne is trying to be incognito, he doesn’t want Arthur and John to find out who he is.
Another question is why is Arthur!Kayne doing this? The motive I think Arthur!Kayne has is pretty evident: he wants to find out what makes him different, what allowed him to become Kayne. We’ve already been told that Arthur is different to most people in that he can hold a piece of the King in Yellow in his mind without succumbing to their will (compared to Marie’s sister, who was taken over completely by Mr Scratch, and the people who did not survive John’s book). Perhaps this difference allowed Arthur to become Kayne (remember that Kayne discusses hearing voices too, perhaps in a similar manner to John + Yellow in Arthur’s mind). Maybe what sets Arthur on the path to becoming Kayne is… accumulating other parts of Gods? Mr Scratch maybe - Arthur might be strong enough to keep charge of his body and Scratch just lives in his mind like Yellow did (if his plans with the stone go badly).
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charkyzombicorn · 8 months
What's Roger's pirates' opinion of Buggy?
My headcanon?
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Buggy is severely annoying and doesn't mind yelling, screaming, mocking and insulting people. The majority of the crew thinks he's super annoying but won't complain because Buggy is a very good choreboy and also Roger likes him. General dislike though
Rayleigh didn't notice he favored Shanks, he just did. He helped raise Shanks from a baby, they adopted Buggy when he was 8-9. Buggy had already been raising himself and had most of the crew convinced the only thing he needed from them was 3 hots and a cot. Maybe protection from more dangerous enemies but he was brought to all those situations so it didn't count. Buggy wasn't the crew baby, he was a choreboy that was annoying as hell and always looking for an audience. When Shanks did the same thing he was coddled - Aw isnt it sweet how much more responsibility Shanks is taking on to match the choreboy, isnt it cute he's acting all jealous, isn't it adorable he keeps trying to show off all he's learning to the whole crew - to be fair, Shanks didn't do stuff like that nearly as often but he didn't feel the need to fight after Rayleigh told him Buggy was just jealous and vying for attention because he's not used to the crew. Shanks may have mentioned this talk during an argument right after Roger's death and Buggy punched him in the face for only noticing him because of Pity.
Also, Rayleigh was good at handling Roger crazy, which was from an honest place. He didn't like the way Buggy conducted himself and while he accepted it he still tended to drift toward Shanks. Especially after Roger trusted him with his hat, because he knew Shanks was the future and he hoped Shanks would succeed Roger after he died (he just wanted a piece of Roger to stay, wanted to make sure Shanks and Roger's legacy was safe, but he was young and stupid and didn't realize it until he got told by Luffy that Buggy was an east blue pirate the last decade and Rayleigh didn't know. That he hadn't spoken to Buggy since the execution, a boy he thought of as his son)
Shanks didn't like Buggy at first, because Buggy was New but not Good New. One of the first things Buggy ever said to him (or more to Roger but pointing at him) was that Buggy was more useful. That Buggy deserved a place in his home more than Shanks did. And then Shanks started noticing how much a ship really needed to be cleaned and maintained, watching Buggy zip around the deck doing so many things that Shanks had never done in 8 years on the ship. Buggy didn't act like a kid, said he wasn't a kid anymore. So Shanks assumed he was childish, that Buggy was right and he was useless on the ship. So Shanks started doing a few chores here and there - even if Buggy had to redo them the crew still praised him for being very kind and helpful. But then Buggy was mopping and Shanks was mopping the same corner over and over, and Rayleigh told Shanks it looked like he was working hard. Buggy slammed his mop down and stormed out, so Shanks asked why and Rayleigh explained. Buggy wanted attention, he was competing because he thought he couldn't share. And Shanks felt bad for him, so he started actually talking to him. And Buggy was hesitant but then there wasn't anywhere Shanks would go that Buggy wouldn't follow, or anywhere Buggy would go that he wouldn't drag Shanks with him. Eventually Shanks forgot any sort of pity toward Buggy. He only brought it up after Roger died because he was angry, he didn't mean it.
Roger loved Shanks and Buggy equally. He loved to watch Shanks grow up following his footsteps and Buggy grow up unique and interesting in his own right. Roger loved Buggy's little performances, was often the only one that would clap. He knew Buggy had great things in store, but tieing Buggy to a promise as great as the one on his - now Shanks' - straw hat? Terrible idea. Buggy didn't need a promise to follow, he needed an audience to applaud. Roger had full faith his crew would be that audience, watching Buggy grow and get more talented and strong enough to do more than Roger could imagine. He knew Buggy was far too social to ever be alone, he would make a great crew of his own or a great family if he wouldn't be a pirate. Roger wished he could have seen it, been right at the front same as when Buggy was 10 and he was the only one clapping while Buggy juggled swords he most definitely stole from Rayleigh.
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daincrediblegg · 3 months
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Nothing wrong with me
#behold: the sowed seeds of my upped vitamin d dose#just would like to say that part of this is sponsored by a couple of very kind inboxers who reached out and said that they DID want to know#more about lady terror and which really helped reinvigor my motivations#and I WILL be answering those asks soon enough#(harder to do until I have my laptop back. like I’m sorry y’all I literally wish I knew what I was on in 2019 when I was writing all my#joker headcanon fics on my phone but I cannot replicate that and I dare not even try#)… but regardless it will happen#but also yeah so this is a 6 page chapter summary for the fic and I’ve just started on chapter 2 and this will help a lot when#I get my computer back I think I’ve cleared my head a lot about this fic while not having it#but anyway#yeah uh…#egg’s wip’s#moral of the story is telling people you wanna hear about their oc’s that they’ve been working on for a whole year works#also went down a classical music rabbit hole about it today if that’s of interest to anyone but… me#bc one of my students did a presentation on poe’s impact on music theory and danse macabre which incited me to get familliar with composers#and pieces that would have actively been known in the 1840’s and have wanted to do since that bit about schubert on crozier’s hand organ#got dropped in the scripts#I think they’re going to feud on classical music tastes#average beethoven and chopin stan vs schubert enjoyer FIGHT#(except the serenade. that song was actually written about lady terror I’ve decided)#also thinking about lady terror and poe bc he’s said himself music is the highest art. they are concert buddies for sure#I bet that mf liked beethoven. poe is a big bass guy if I’ve ever seen one#it’s the drama you see
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ari--anon · 1 month
When writing I am weary with contending did you take inspiration from anything for mumbo and ariana's relationship, asking because it was written incredibly well and the lasting effects it had were accurately heart wrenching.
+ just curious but were there any scenes you thought about but scrapped between the two of them? And did Mumbo ever open up about the full extent if it to the other two or is he someone that's better at tackling those kind of things by himself?
Sorry if you can't tell I think about this fic *such* a normal amount (lie)
Thank you so much to give me an opportunity to rant about her :D
Funnily enough, I remember rewatching the movie Whiplash to get inspired for Ariana. For very vague, moreso aesthetic reasons I also got inspired by Slay the princess. Personality wise I knew what I wanted.
As for missing scenes... Sadly none that I've ever actually written, but I did think about her a lot to get a better picture of her and Mumbo's relationship. I certainly could've added more scenes where Ariana was friendly-er to Mumbo, or where things were 'normal' and sort of safe. That was still a big part of their relationship, because even though she wasn't a good person, she did really like Mumbo (even if it's more in a pet way than anything else). Also just for a false sense of security, lol. There probably would've been moments where Mumbo would even defend her in front of Grian, since Grian really liked to rag on her (reasonably) and Mumbo himself wouldn't really know why'd he do that (is it a sense of belonging or is it him being afraid that she'd hear, or is he geniuenly trying to defend her, etc.)
As for Mumbo telling the other two about Ariana, I'd say Grian already knows a lot about her.
He was there around the same time Mumbo was, living in the area long before they actually met. He saw a lot that went down (and maybe even saw some things without Mumbo knowing it). And much much later, as was said, Mumbo would open up about her abuse much later on in life when he felt comfortable enough to do it, and Grian would listen.
As for Scar, I feel like he'd eventually figure out though bits and pieces of them mentioning her, or whatever brief answer he'd get from asking them directly. But the only way he's getting a complete timeline is from Grian, who was involved but only on the outside looking in. The only one that could know the extent of *everything* is Mumbo himself, and sometimes, it's hard for him to know the extent of what happened.
He was affected very badly, but after the epilogue he's at a position in his life where he can settle down and let it go.
Thank you again, and I'll gladly answer any follow up questions!
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xjumbled-up-brainx · 11 months
Could you tell us more about the Vegimal Reflection Theory? You're the first person I've heard talk about it. Who are reflections of who? I think the theory is pretty dang interesting.
Why thank you for asking it reminded me! (Again if someone has already said this out there in the octo-community just lemme know!^^) And mind you, my thing is theorizing/writing and reading wayyyy too far into things😎👍
So the Vegimal Reflection Theory is as follows:
The Vegimals in the Octonauts TV series, aside from Tunip, are completely new and not featured in the original books. This being that the show creators had to formulate new animal/veggie combos as well as give these new characters personalities, as Vegimals in the books were not often singled out(and there are far more in the books compared to the show). The Vegimals are more comedic relief, fun little side guys for laughs. While this is true, they need some character of their own, something that sets them apart from the main more serious Octonauts crew. Something to complement the shows intensity to better suit the young audience, ergo, reflection theory. This theory means that every vegimal is the opposite or reflection of one of the main characters, even tho the numbers don’t match up some can double:
1. Tunip : Shellington and Barnacles : Tunip is actually classified as one of the 8 Octonauts, though never really referred to as one except for merchandise. The biggest episode for Tunip’s complement to Shellington is the Immortal Jellyfish, being more in control and on top of things. Tunip is the “captain” of the vegimals, and we see Tunip bonding with Barnacles in above and beyond. Because Tunip is one of the Octonauts, the reflection theory is bended to more of a representation factor.
2. Tominnow : Kwazii : I’ve talked about this one before, as it was what originally tipped me off to this theory. We see Tominnow check on Kwazii’s room and drive the Gup B in A Very Vegimal Christmas, an episode I used for the first initial bases of evidence for all of em. I’ve talked about how I think Kwazii is FTM transgender, and how Tominnow being a reflection is MTF, it also works with the biology of minnows and the likeliness of vegimal siblings. Kwazii is also very brave, courageous, self confident, while Tominnow is more shy, quiet, a little clumsy. This pair along with Tunip is also in the Barracuda Episode.
3. Grouber : Peso : This is almost an inverted version of the last one. Grouber is the biggest and strongest vegimal, while Peso is smaller and shies away from attention or taking up space. Again partnering with the last one, Kwazii and Peso are often seen together as a good duo, the same with Grouber and Tominnow. Grouber helps Tominnow accomplish bigger tasks, and Tominnow is more of the brains and softer/caring side. Similarly to their complement.
4. Barrot : Tweak : This one is more obvious on a surface level, the Bunny’s opposite is their favorite snack, a carrot. There isn’t as much here as the others, but I suppose Barrot is known for being very speedy, while Tweak is more hardworking at a get-it-right-the-first-time pace. My main point is just the physical opposition, I think they are secret mortal enemies (animators I need a fight scene between these two to the song Flight of the Bumblebee lmao, the reason Barrot is speedy is that they must be ready when the fated day arrives)
5. Codish: Inkling and Dashi : Dashi was the hardest character to place, I’ve always thought Dashi needs more development and doesn’t have an overarching character trait to define her by, but Codish fit the most. Dashi is very much in control, on top of things, acting as the IT Officer and Photographer, one of the only people who knows how to operate the Octopod it seems. Inkling is similar but different, wise and knowledgeable of creatures and topics of his interest, but we saw in RoF he has no idea how to work the Octopod. Codish is a more scatterbrained or clumsy character, typically causes silly problems. This relates because being the reflection of two contrasting characters would cause a jumble of character traits, and Codish lacks the control, precision, general knowledge of the two. Also yes I see the color scheme similarities, I suppose that helps solidify it more with this being the weakest one I’d say lol.
Again, these are just my thoughts with the little veggie guys, I luv em very dearly ^^ To summarize, each Vegimal is an opposite/complement of 1-2 of the main Octonauts crew, as seen through their personalities across multiple episodes.
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halinski · 21 days
me: *cries for a reason*
self @ me: "get a hold of yourself!!"
me, completely delusional: "i cried for no reason today looool"
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softshuji · 6 months
y'know it's a night when hal sits and eats cereal in the dark room at 1.30am.
#i was thinking abt it earlier#but i've been crying so much lately like so much. almost every second day if not every day and i dont know why#actually i do kinda know why.#i think im hitting my limit with a lot of things and one of them is my parent dumping their problems on me#earlier today my mom told me again abt the whole debacle with my dad cheating on her multiple times and everyone knows i find this subject#too much for me i dont tlike to think about it or anything and im so tired of hearing it and especially when i lived through it trust me i#was literally there the whole cheating subject is very raw to me for many reasons and im just tired of being the emotional dump so often#especially because she always comes to me for everything all the time and im so sos tire d#everyone always tells me i should consider my own needs as a person and its okay to have them and yk in theory i agree with this but i just#cant. i grew up not having any needs met so how can i let myself have them now it makes me feel absolutely awful with myself to even#consider having to ask for something off someone and yet i know how wrong this is iknow needa and desires and wants are natural#but mine have always been on the back burner for everyone else. so its' no surprise ive let myself think im something to be used for other#peoples sake. whether that be physically or emotionally and especially the latter. because thats how i see myself someitmes. something#something to make people feel betetr about themselves that has no use outside of how i make them feel - just something to use until they#move onto the next best thing. something more entertaining and better value whatever that might mean something with less feelings less#sensitive. it feels like sometimes thats what i am. the indestructible never breaking hal that somehow has a solution to everything and can#always be there to fix every issue and is there to make people feel better but needs nothing in response#and god it really does feel like my problems dont mean anything to anyone#it does feel like no one thinks theyre worth anything#not worth listening to not worth thr same attention etcetc and yknow what i hate hate hate asking for attention and yet i get upset when i#feel like im not actually being heard or listened to#and i find it happens so often. sometimes i wanna hear it just once for once i wanna hear 'hey its okay to be upset i wish i could hug you'#or something like that god i dont want to be strong and nursing my wounds in private anymore#god i want a hug so bad and someone to just let me cry on them just once i want to be held and told someones got me instead of me doing it#for everyone else all the time#is thisselfish? it feels selfish to say#this is why it affects me so deeply whenever anyone does validate me or tells me its ok to want things or that im loved or anything nice#god i cant handle niceness at all it feels like it knocks me so bad it takes me ages to recover#and yet somehow all i can tell myself is that theyre only saying nice things because theyre being obligated to and not becayuse they feel#like they actually like me
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archersgaymerblog · 2 years
Regarding Volo at the moment, but also in general with any hardcore villainized characters, I certainly get the sentiment behind wanting to not woobify antagonistic characters too much, but also like. I think for me, when the primary fandom take away is that a character is HARDCORE IRREDEEMABLE, NO GOOD QUALITIES IN THIS ONE!!! it’s almost like… an act of balancing out. Yes, I get Bad Man did Bad Things, I’m a person with a brain, but when it seems like EVERYONE is talking about how the Bad Man did Bad Things and needs to be, generally, physically harmed for the Bad He Did, it just feels like an act of balance to say,
“Okay but why don’t we explore this line where he said he’s experienced trauma before? And how he instantly backs away from talking about it under the explanation he gave himself that everyone must experience trauma to that degree?”
Or, “Hey, the guy has three friendship evolution Pokémon, two of which notably will leave their trainers if they don’t like them. Why do people extrapolate from that that he must be an abusive trainer?”
Or, gods fucking forbid, “Hey. Why is this character, who’s notably got indigenous roots to the setting, constantly being made the villain in angsty stories for the two white twins?”
Idk man, again I get not wanting to woobify too much, not wanting to strip a complex character of their complexity and the like, but if your takeaway is that any sympathetic or nuanced takes on a heavily villainized character is “woobifying,” like… idk, touch grass as the kids say. Who’s going to stop me, the Anti-Wooby Police?
#my dumb textposts#AGAIN THOSE OF YALL WHO HAVE BEEN HERE FOR MY FNV SHIT - YALL SAW ME DO THIS WITH VOOPS QNSBDKSBSKSNDM#I REMAIN UNCHANGED IN THE FACE OF BAD FAITH TEXTUAL READINGS WHBDJDBD#and I do think there’s a difference between. All That Bullshit and good faith criticisms#saw someone bring up that volo’s weird ass Greek coding is probably because there’s a LITERAL conspiracy theory that the Greeks-#-came to japan first based on the architecture of a building or something. like#WHAT. that’s wild. THAT I would argue is a good faith criticism. to me that just motivates me to make his story and the story of the clans-#-even more aligned with the Ainu of Hokkaido to counteract THAT bullshit. but I can see how different folks would feel differently on that#to me if Canon Bad I can Fix It. but sometimes people don’t wanna touch on bad canon and I think that’s okay too#but like. any reading where he’s this irredeemable conniving emotionless asshole is just. huh. where’d you get that from#cus we certainly didn’t play the same game and honestly? I’ve seen people just straight up admit they haven’t. they’re in it for the twins-#-only so /who cares/ about how they decide to horribly misrepresent volo right? I do fuck off JWBDJSBSKSBSJ#tldr canon was rough to volo and fandom is even worse. I’d just like to try to counteract even a little bit of it#know what sure I’ll add his tag now and see if it shows up wjdbdjdb#volo#LIL TAG ADDITION CUS SOMEONE ASKED: yes it is entirely okay to reblog this! :D#if I ever wanna post smth and have it not be rebloggable I’ll just set it to ‘no one can reblog’ lol no worries!
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torgawl · 1 year
i'm actually obsessed with this line from chapter 6 of trigun maximum. this might be my favourite scene so far!!!
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bonus cool vash panel from the same scene because it's so *chef's kiss*:
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#i haven't read past it but it's obvious this is such a character rebuilding moment for vash#the way vash 'peace and love' stampede who refuses to kill and wants to be kind to all humans is confronted with a deeply recurrent ethical#question in our society which is : is it ok to kill someone if they have committed an atrocious crime?#he is obligated to ask himself who is he to impose his beliefs on this man that is carrying such a deep wound and hurting with him because#of the person he wants to save in a matter of seconds...#it's him coming to terms that peace and love are good in theory but in practicality morality is so much more a grey area than his - until#now - black and white thinking#if my beliefs are wrong does that make me a bad person? but are my beliefs wrong if my intentions have always been the best?#idk vash being the character he is has always had great potential to be thrown into situations that challenge his morals and deep rooted#beliefs besides the humanity vs plant motif and i'm so glad he is being presented these fille as#dilemas* (pardon)#it's very satisfying and i'm very excited to see the way he will handle all of this and what he will take from it#also excited to see nicholas' stance and progression throughout the manga#trigun has been such a pleasant read :D#all the characters are so good!!!!#i'm also surprised how the story is so different from stampede#i can't wait to know more about knives in the manga#so far i'm enjoying knives in stampede quite a lot (also the fact he named himself post everything and hasn't been knives from the start)#i thought it was a cool detail#anyways that's all#i had to make a post cause i can't find any post with this scene and this made me extremely excited 😂#trigun spoilers#< gonna tag it for the people reading the manga atm like me i hope this is okay tell me if you want me to tag it differently
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c4ts4ndstuff · 2 years
i love all the jokes about Todoroki asking Izuku if he was All Might's secret love child, but in-universe that would seem much more likely and make way more sense to anyone not in the know than "All Might somehow transferred his quirk to this random teen for seemingly no reason"
Midoriya never mentions his dad. never. he gets special attention from the number one hero (who randomly decided to get a job at UA), and gets flustered and denies it whenever it is brought up. his quirk is very similar to All Might's, and his costume has subtle references to All Might
when you add all that up from Todoroki's POV, which then includes quirk marriages and his dad, the number two hero, working constantly to try and make Todoroki into his successor, it would make so so so much sense for All Might to be doing something similar
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spaceman-spaetzle · 2 years
sorry 4 this but now you got me interested: how did u develop ur style? :D its distinct n vibrant n i love it
there's absolutely no need to apologize! this will probably become an incoherent ramble so i'll see what i can do! thanks again for letting me learn about your style too :) <3
i've drawn since i was a tot tbh. i've been told that i was always a bit self critical (do not recommend 0/10), and 3 year old me once complained about how what i drew looked like a potato. but with that came determination and a genuine free feeling that came with drawing.
i think i started actually keeping sketchbooks since i was maybe 9-10? mentioning this because keeping sketchbooks is intrinsic to my work. and like a lot of artists this generation, i was very inspired by anime. i definitely drew anime girls awkwardly standing stiffly with hands behind their backs, LOL. i couldn't decide on a distinct style for a long time though, but throughout my childhood i grew inspired by pop artists like roy lichtenstein.
i hung out with a lot of animators during my uni days, and i found myself studying a lot of artists and animators who had these crazy, dynamic poses and vivid characters. i was in the fandom for a long time, but in the middle of college, i took a break and really began to experiment! my love for inks, which was introduced to me when i was about 14, stuck with me and from there i was able to develop my style.
like you, i've taken all sorts of art styles ive appreciated and sort of made it into my own thing, but from what i learned from my animator friends' art and my brief time taking animation classes, i really wanted to make my art feel bold and full of movement. i still struggle to capture movement the first time when i draw things, so i still have a long way to go! but i guess what really helped me develop my style was establishing my values in my art practice. what do i want to see? how do i wish to draw for myself? those kinds of questions! and that meant crossing out things such as same face syndrome. i also find it really important that character designs say something about the character's personality. so for roderich, i like drawing him in a mix of sharp and soft angles. his pointy nose, chin, and sharp shoulders to me resemble a judgmental aristocrat and the softness resembles the contrast between people's assumptions of him and aspects of him you would have to get to know him in order to learn. i also just generally think he's a bit on the thicc side and a bit soft to touch, haha. i also like trying to vary the body types i draw.
sorry that this was so long! as for artists i like, i tend to follow a lot of twitter artists that have very fleshed out, distinct voices in their styles and i like to learn from them. one of my fave artists is victoria vincent/vewn! and growing up, artists i enjoy include erte, alphonse mucha, and Plenty more. and lately i've been feeling inspired by egon schiele. he makes me want to play with exaggeration and proportions a lot more!
thanks for asking and please know your art just feels very vivid and tangible, if that makes sense? like they're clearly stylized but it feels like there's so much thought put behind the characters! they almost feel real in a sense.
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
my mom:
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me, does not and has never professionally offered book illustration or comics, has been so kicked in the dick by Mental Illness™ since [checks notes] 2019 that I’ve been turning down inquiries for the kind of commissions I do do and even my personal work for fun has been spotty at best:
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#I'm not WORRIED like... she's been Like This for forever nobody's gonna take her up on it so it's not worth even saying anything to her#literally don't even know how to approach it without feeling like an ingrate shooting down her well intentioned hype-up#but also like the SPECIFIC context of me being like 'hey guys I don't do enough art to even wanna feel like I'm asking for money'#'but I just wanna make sure you know you can follow patreon for free to see my art if you want to no pressure just fyi 👉👈'#and sharing THAT like 'MY DAUGHTER WILL ILLUSTRATE YOUR ENTIRE BOOK' dude no the fuck I won't :'D#she's trying to hype me up! she's trying to be helpful and supportive! but she's also putting words in my mouth!! stop that!!#I have a friend who asked about a commission I am afraid to even check how many months ago that I'm still behind on doing#(I was thinking about not charging him to begin with and I sure as hell am not gonna now lmao but I still intend to DO it in theory)#and like even being as nonconfrontational about it as [polite cough] I'm actually not accepting commissions right now#would just invite oh but why NOT your art is so BEAUTIFUL you should be SELLING IT etc#ANYWAY all the Nuance is a moot point when at the end of the day 'my daughter will make your comic book' has simply never ever been true#I know she has absolutely no context for HOW MUCH fucking WORK that is but I DO which is why I don't! do it!! lmao!!!#about me#irl frens#posts from facebook#my art
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