#crocodad theory
sidglorious · 9 days
"crocomom" should only be used to talk about those hella hot asf drawings of genderbended crocodile not about the crocoDAD theory you transphobes /hj
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latinokokonoi · 6 months
luffy must’ve been jumping and kicking every single day when he was a fetus in crocodile’s uterus
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1pcii · 6 months
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i still think about this sometimes
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treeflesh · 10 months
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if u see me supporting croco-dad no u don't
yes u do
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zombie-eats-world · 9 months
Suuuuuure dadodile’s just a crack theory… no good enough evidence sure…
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mjrtaurus · 2 months
Alternative, healthier Crocomom/dad/parent theory to juxtapose the previous one I posted.
Luffy was still a Cryptic pregnancy, because if he and Dragon had known, they would have very likely aborted so as not to bring a child into a world that would be irrationally dangerous for them (See: Ace and Robin being hunted like dogs by the WG for the "sin" of their heritage). But Dragon and Croc would have embraced this surprise baby boy with open arms and open hearts.
But they still would have to give their baby up. They both knew this. To make sure their son has the very best bet of survival in this world, he would need to have as few ties to his parents as humanly possible.
They couldn't even bear to name the boy, knowing they would have to let him go.
It... tore them both up. It ended up with the two men growing distant, and eventually having their relationship fizzle out. They still loved each other, yes, but the magic just wasn't there anymore. It all went away with their baby boy.
Cut to Alabasta.
Crocodile is fully transitioned by this point, thanks to Iva. He's a Warlord now, he's feeding the Revolutionaries a steady influx of information on World Government activities, but he's seeking out Pluton on the down-low to wipe the WG off the face of the earth.
He is, unfortunately, not as merciful or patient a man as Dragon. He wants shit done and he wants it done as fast as possible, consequences be damned.
This attitude also contributed significantly to the distancing between himself and Dragon.
And now Luffy arrives and starts to put a wrench in his plans.
Crocodile doesn't recognize him. Not his face, as he'd all but blocked it from his memory. Not his name, as they chose not to name him.
As for the surname? Well, he and Dragon had an unspoken thing between them. Neither of them knew the other's full name so that information wouldn't get out if either were captured and interrogated.
Crocodile didn't know Luffy was their son until Sengoku dropped that particular hazardous info bomb in Marineford.
So, he did as any crocodilian parent would do when their hatchling is in distress and wrecked house.
His goal? Draw as much attention to himself as possible. Instigate total chaos.
Stopping Ace's execution and jumping in the middle of the crowd to announce how petty you're feeling? Attacking Whitebeard with reckless abandon in broad daylight in front of his crew?
He wanted all eyes on him at Marineford so none of them would be on Luffy, which worked on just about everyone but a volcanic freight train named Sakazuki.
The horror of realizing he had stabbed, mummified, and poisoned his own son back during the Alabasta coup only hits him later when the dust has settled.
And man does it hit him hard.
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local-loser-clown · 2 months
Buggy cracked the code
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bucksboobs · 6 months
My favorite part of Normie One Piece fans discussing Crocomom/Crocodad theory is that there’s inevitably a moment where they have to concede that yes, AFAB!Crocodile is a believable theory but Crocoparent is simply crackpot and based on a single moment in the canon where Crocodile saves Luffy after learning Luffy is Dragon’s son. And they’re so right but it’s great that this fandom has gotten to the point that Crocodile being a trans man is seen as completely rational compared to other theories
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madameinfinitehearts · 6 months
So you guys remember the One Piece Mafia Wars mini-episode?
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Yeah, that one.
I've seen plenty of peeps compare Luffy to Crocodile (even using it as evidence pointing towards the CrocoParent theory)
What if that short story was hinting at more than just that?
Sir Crocodile is a character that doesn't trust anyone. He's made that very clear. But what happened to him in the past that made him that way. The "Croc is Xebec's kid" theory suggests that Crocodile may have witnessed some of the Rocks pirates (like Whitebeard) betray their captain at God Valley. It would make sense for him to be bitter about something like that but... is it enough?
Is one bad experience with betrayal and backstabbing enough to make him jaded towards trusting others?
I'd like to suggest another possibility. That Crocodile may have had another experience that ruined his trust in others. For now, let's assume that Crocodile is Xebec's. Sometime after God Valley, he could have been taken in by another family. Perhaps one with ties to the criminal underground. There, he would have gained a new family. Maybe things had been nice for a while. He could have built a close relationship with his new 'siblings'. But for one reason or another... that family met an unfortunate end. Something along the lines of a massacre, leaving Crocodile as the sole survivor.
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(I would also like to take this moment to point out that in the mini-sode, everyone ends up killing each with guns...)
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(It's probably not that important but you never know...)
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Croc would have watched them slaughter each other over their own greed. He would have seen the worst sides of people at that moment and it would have stuck with him for years. But ultimately... Crocodile would find himself alone. Who could he trust now? And would they maintain that trust? Would it mean anything to them?
This is all speculation, of course, but until Oda gives us his actual backstory, I'm going to continue to speculate.
(Also I don't usually do longer posts but I felt inspired to do so by @moongothic. I enjoy their discussion posts so why not make one of my own?)
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cutiecandychopper · 6 months
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Crocodad! I wonder who he borrowed that shirt and hair band from ;)
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latinokokonoi · 4 months
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doffies · 13 days
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[I wonder how that brat's doing now?]
big fan of the crocodile is rocks' kid and garp let him go free back on god's valley theory. also ties into why roger trusts garp with ace later on
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aalesu · 3 months
One of my biggest dreams as a one piece fan is one day opening Tumblr and seeing #Crocomom and #Sir crocodile as trending
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zombie-eats-world · 8 months
All Crocodad Evidence I Could Find
Hello friends, I wanted to put together an ultimate post with links and pictures showing all the evidence for the Crocodad/Dadodile theory. This post is not here to make you think about the theory, (if you're looking for that you can read my other post about the theory here), this post is going to be a record for anyone trying to find a condensed list of the evidence that exists. Big or small, I'm listing all of it. If I miss anything please add it! Thank you!
Alabasta Existence
Miss father's day.
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Crocodile and Luffy's similarly goofy reaction to seeing the underground passage to the Alabasta Poneglyph.
Episode 123, episode time 13:16 Crocodile spots the entrance and laughs, "ha, now I see secret stairs." Also in episode 123, episode time 20:47 Luffy looks around and spots the secret stairs. "That hole... it looks gator-ish."
Crocodiles strange relationships with children. From hiring a sixteen-year-old Miss Goldenweek, leaving her out of the Mr. 3 assassination order, and her history of actually sinking Crocodile's ships before getting hired, all the way too how Crocodile lectured Luffy in their fight. It just had the cadence of a parent.
Marineford Evidence
Crocodile's missing reaction to the reveal that Dragon is Luffy's father.
Crocodile stops his single-minded pursuit to kill Whitebeard in order to step in and help Luffy by saving ace. (I feel like it needs to be stated again and again that Crocodile actually laughed at the idea of Ace dying before in Impel down)
Crocodile orders Daz Bones to protect Luffy.
Crocodile steps in to fight Mihawk in order to protect Luffy.
Crocodile risks his life to stop Akainu's finishing blow.
Whisks Luffy and Jimbe to safety while standing in solidarity with the Whitebeard Pirates (his stated hated rivals).
The missing explanation for everything above that happened in Marineford. No, Crocodile just wanting to keep Sengoku from victory or being inspired by Luffy doesn't count.
Misc. Evidence
How funny it is, Oda would do it just because it is hilarious.
The wordplay! (Crocodile being closely linked to a Bananawani-> Monkeys like Banana's-> Monkey D. Dragon is a reptilian Monkey attracted to Banana reptile.) Fight me
How similar Crocodile and Luffy look.
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How much of a troll Oda is about it.
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The sheer symbolism
-Crocodile's smiles are the most well known descriptor of a mean/intimidating/menacing smile and gators are said to have the biggest smile in the animal kingdom. It would be kismet that a Crocodile gave birth to Joyboy. -Since Oda has stated a mother in One Piece would stop the adventure, it would fit that the first major villain in the Grandline to try and stop Luffy's adventure ended up being the man who gave birth to Luffy.
That is all The direct Dadodile/Crocodad evidence I can think of off the top of my head! Add more If you think of any, id like this to be a complete list of the known evidence!
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drawnale · 1 year
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That Luffy will climb on people isnt something new.
But why Crocodile will allow Luffy to sit on his shoulders is a secret Crocodile will take with him to the grave.
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embrose · 2 months
Lol I just learned about the theory that Sir Crocodile is trans, which is still a somewhat believable one. There are hints that I have witnessed myself and trans characters are canon in OP universe.
But the theory that he is Luffy's mom? That gave me a hearty chuckle, it's just the kind of crack theory that gives me both laughs and warm fuzzies, I like it.
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