#ask meme responses
ruby-red-inky-blue · 5 months
AU ask: the Rogue One crew in a doomed (or not) nineteenth-century Arctic exploration story...
oh my god???? YOUR MIND! no joke, can someone write this, please?
Bodhi as the scientist kicking the whole thing off (Bodhi must always be The Catalyst this is a rule)
Jyn as a geologist - her parents set heaven and hell in motion to send her to university. Geology was her mother's special interest, too, and they used to spend a lot of time together with Jyn's books.
Also, her father was a scientist and the one to originally plan this mission. He went to Lord Krennic (House of Lords) for government funding, the mission got infinitely more dangerous because they added some kind of land claim for the Crown to it.
Bodhi fell ill at the last moment - he was Galen's best student and supposed to go on the expedition - and Galen's crew disappeared into the Arctic, never to be seen again.
Bodhi and Jyn are half wanting to complete his work, half trying to find out what happened to him
Cassian as the captain, obviously. He resents this whole idea from the get-go, but he needs the money and he secretly thinks these green idiots need all the help they can get. Also, this could prove that Lord Krennic and Lord Tarkin are corrupt and sent Galen Erso to his death to further their own means, and Cpt. Andor may or may not be part of a group who has been trying to prove this and other machinations like it for probably a decade...
Melshi as first mate, Chirrut as one of the sailors (I feel strongly about this), Baze as the ship's cook, Kay as the ship physician (we're going a little Master and Commander on this now)
Cassian and Co. are initially very apprehensive about Jyn and Bodhi - a bourgeoise young lady and a university student who never goes outside, they won't last the week! - but it turns out that - Jyn spent a lot of time after her father's disappearance with "uncle" Saw, a US Navy captain always sailing *dangerously* close to, uh, piracy - Bodhi is trying his best and his best is actually very helpful - he also turns out to be a very talented navigator in his own right
things get *grim*. I could never do this fic justice because I know nothing about ships, geography, the navy, or the Arctic, but there must be storms on the high seas, the ship getting stuck in the ice, some undercurrent of political intrigue (please note here that I have no idea when to set this and therefore can't give examples. Maybe mid- to late 1800s. I feel strongly about it NOT being the 1830s simply because that fashion is Not It for this scenario)
several crew members have to die tbh, maybe main crew members
at least one of the extended crew was paid off by Krennic, actively trying to sabotage the mission (so they don't find out what happened to Galen)
at some point, I want them to be Doomed and all the long-time sailors completely giving in to their fate, only to have Science and Modern Thinking by Jyn and Bodhi save the day (it's a very old trope but it's period-appropriate!)
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vergess · 6 months
give me your good and normal and positive opinions on madohomu
[Send me a ship and I will give you my honest opinion]
I am SO ready to once again watch Homura Do Everything Wrong As Catholically As Possible meanwhile Madoka is just like, "I'm enjoying this? Should I enjoy this?? I am enjoying it though..??"
Truly these girls have no fucking concept of self left at this point, and I LOVE WATCHING IT
Peak fucking girls love, and yes I know it's bait but listen. I'm falling for it. I'm always falling for the MadoHomu bait. It's how I live.
Truly taking all the worst Repressed Glasses Girl tropes Japan has to offer and filtering them through Catholic Grandiosity is just. it's artisanal. It's delicious.
Taking the classic Pink Girl archetype and being like, "what if instead of The Empathetic Ditz, we invert that, so she's unbelievably smart but completely fucking without a single ounce of social skill whatsoever, and just Let That Simmer over the Pink Girl fire for a while."
And then taking these two derangements on the theme of Pink And Purple Girlfriends, and letting them make out naked in space?????
Then do it again in the nethervoid???
Truly peak anime
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mettleborn · 2 months
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@kit-just-kit sent: [ 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 ] - for Igor & EvilKit as I need the tale of their first kiss!
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It is humiliating to be made to sit in the waiting room of her offices like this. Kit’s receptionist has already warned Igor twice not to smoke inside the building, but after waiting this long, he’s decided to blatantly ignore her instruction, much to the small woman's obvious chagrin. Nicholai gave up an hour ago, choosing to search the city streets for some food instead.
During a late-night phone call Miss Prince had teased that the Pakhan wouldn’t dare get on a plane to London and that is exactly what he did, arriving at Heathrow only a few hours ago. All this way and now this? She is testing him, testing his patience, testing his mettle.
Quietly Bortsov sits, seething, lurid images playing through his mind; imagining the fantasies she has delicately woven through his mind all this time; seeds she has carefully planted so that they will bloom wild and wanton.
Grinding his cigarette out against Kit’s marble floors, Igor determines it is time. Rising from seat, to the sound of much protest from the receptionist, Igor strides towards the large oak double doors ahead of him and swings them wide open. Inside sit a War General, a Foreign Diplomat and a British Politician, all positioned to direct their attention towards Kit. She looks impeccable as always, and in this moment, more commanding than ever.
“I want to fuck you.” The words are blustered, blunt and aggressive in their need. Striding across the room Bortsov ignores the startled stares and shocked gasps and grips her. “I want to fuck you.” He repeats, as if it is his only infallible truth. Tilting his head, he catches Kit’s eye then claims her mouth in a desperately deep kiss; the first they have ever shared; a release of shared fever.
Backing her up against her desk, his tattooed hands grip at the hem of her skirt to hitch it up. Hearing the receptionist behind them desperately try to remove the other men from the room, Igor grins against her biting lips before beginning to kiss a wet trail down the line of her throat, his hunger utterly unabashed.   
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for the ask meme: Heather
Hi, and thank you for asking!
My overall opinion of the character: I enjoyed seeing this character in the show. I didn’t expect her to return after Defenders of Berk ended, but I had no complaints for when she became more of a recurring character. 
One virtue they have: Heather is very clever, able to come up with an idea for Toothless's prostethic tail to help him fly faster, manage to infiltrate the dragon hunters with Windshear when having the dragon hunters flying on dragons wasn't yet implemented, and find out that singing calms a Death Song hatchling. 
One flaw they have: She doesn't always let her friends know when she needs help, or even helpful things like how she's infiltrating the dragon hunters and it would be nice to avoid shooting her and Windshear down should they run into each other while she’s undercover. She only tells Astrid, but only because the two ended up fighting against each other, and she immediately makes her swear not to tell the others. This might've been to reduce the chances of her being caught, but that almost wasn't a problem due to how Hiccup was chasing after her and Windshear, determined to stop Heather at any cost, and it was only Astrid's intervention that saved her.
Favorite moment from their arc: Seeing her actually want to join the other dragon riders on Dragon’s Edge instead of her and Windshear remaining alone was nice, given how many episodes she’d spent with only her dragon helping her, if that. I do wish she’d been more involved in finding the solution to Windshear’s protectiveness, however. 
Least favorite moment from their arc: Her "forgiving Dagur" arc. The writers did not at all address that despite his change of heart, he still killed everyone else in her village, including her adoptive parents, and then painted her as the villain for still being upset about that because "he's good now, honest, so you absolutely have to forgive him for everything he's done to you and everyone close to you." They don't even mention the fact that he murdered her family and everyone she was close to, if I'm remembering right (I haven't watched Race to the Edge in a while, especially the later seasons). The way that the writers handled writing their friendship felt extremely rushed and trying to ignore the fact that Dagur was ever a villain in the first place.
One relationship they have with another character: Her and Astrid have come so far since they first met, from Astrid distrusting her to Astrid being the one she has the warmest farewell to in the end, to Astrid being the most cheerful around her than most of the other dragon riders on Dragon's Edge whenever she visits, to Astrid being Heather's sole confidant when she infiltrates the dragon hunters, not even trying to tell Hiccup when he and Toothless were trying to kill her.
One relationship I'd like to see explored from this character: I don't remember  seeing much in the show regarding her and Windshear, surprisingly enough. I don’t think they ever really mentioned how the two met, if it was before or after Dagur killed everyone in her village. The one episode they dedicated to Heather and Windshear’s friendship, the problem with Windshear trying to protect Heather from the other riders was ultimately resolved by Fishlegs’s idea. Race to the Edge had less focus on the dragons than Riders/Defenders of Berk, but even so from what I remember Windshear really got the short end of the stick compared to the others.
What I would have liked to see happen with them in the media: I would have liked, instead of Heather's whole forgiveness arc with Dagur and then leaving to go find Oswald together, would've been for her to acknowledge that Dagur meant well, but that he'd done too much to hurt her to get that sibling relationship that he was wanting. It would've respected her arc with how she decided against avenging her family, and her newfound family in the dragon riders, and added more to Dagur's redemption arc by showing he was doing it less for the "reward" of having a close sibling bond and more because he wanted to do better.
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empoweringkittens · 2 years
Top 5 KAZs
5: that time he was trying to murder my brother. Cringe
4: cube. Hard to cuddle.
3: Friendship Network avatar. Not the same as reality
2: Copybot. Why can't he eat? Unfair.
1: KAZ in general.
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pokemongoexcitement · 2 years
19 for the Pokémon asks
Hi, and thank you for asking!
I would say that my favorite Poke Ball is the Jet Ball, both for appearance and for use. It happens to my favorite color, and the stylized wings on it are pretty cool and fits the flying-type theme they've got going there perfectly. I don't know why, but for some reason it reminds me of Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, and I really like that. I've found myself using this quite often for more than Pokemon flying around in midair because how fast it flies made it easier for me to catch wild Pokemon outside of battle, and sped up gathering items and starting battles once I caught the Pokemon. And it may not be unique to it in Legends, but I love that it sends up a small firework after successfully catching a Pokemon. I hope that this Poke Ball sees some use in future games, even if it’s made to be just an Ultra Ball that looks different. 
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trickerycleric · 2 years
urianger for the blorbo bingo :]
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hes my everything i love him so so so so so os so much
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moveslikebucky · 2 years
"The thought of Aziraphale being so desperate to touch him makes his skin burn even hotter. Crowley has never been one for being seen, for being known; and this all feels a little too much like that, a little too much like letting go."
-your lips, my lips (apocalypse)
I was very proud of these sentences what if i Cry about It T-T
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krourou2 · 4 months
Faux Fur (Crow/Corvid Do I need to explain myself), Early AM Radio, Low Battery, Promises to Keep, Felidae, Mariana
Absolutely no explanation required.
A mistake, really.
Probably not wise, I tend to briefly misplace things.
You're welcome to all the ice cream you can find.
Not if I find you a cool rock first (we could trade maybe).
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 5 months
Rogue One Crew playing DnD or as a DnD RP.
Jojo. Jojo. Listen. LISTEN. You have to understand how pathologically I've been procrastinating for the past nine months (seriously it is a problem to the tune of, I don't know how I'll finish my degree like this, please someone fucking help me)
anyway. to *checks notes* "help me understand the mechanics of 5e" (for absolutely no reason other than my ambition only takes ridiculous non-employable forms)... I made a very broken build that perfectly encapsulates R1! Cassian Andor (lv 8 Assassin Rogue, lv 3 College of Valor Bard):
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Here are his spells, that you could flavour as not-spells but just persuasion skill/spy training quite easily
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(He has a resistance to cold because he's from Fest, okay. Also, naturally, took the sharpshooter feat.) This character, like Cassian, would be kinda useless in combat after the first round BUT supremely useful in a) spying, b) sabotage, c) recruitment and d) interrogation.
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vergess · 10 months
Ask game: 15, 26, 51!
15: Most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you during sex?
I'm an exceptionally skilled blowjob bitch with top tier deepthroating abilities, okay, I need to start the story with that to exemplify how humiliating this is.
Because, see, I don't have much of a gag reflex, due to all the deep throating. What I do have, however, sudden, uncontrollable, projectile vomiting about 2 times a week (no diagnosis).
You can see where this is going. I know you can. But it's worse than you think. Because it wasn't until the end.
Have you ever thrown up while 6 inches down a cock actively ejaculating?
I literally couldn't get off in time to reach a bin. Just. Just vomiting all around a perfectly nice dick. Bile and semen all in my nose and shit. Heinous.
All this after the 30 minutes of deep throating with no issue whatsoever.
Fortunately the other party was a good sport and doesn't still harass me about the one (1) time I ever "spat" instead of "swallowed."
26: Something that will never fail to get you horny?
As discussed here, I'm the wrong flavour of asexual for this question, however for the sake of argument, let's go with satin gloves. Opera gloves were designed specifically to drive me to despair.
51: Is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter?
All of it, trust me, I've tried it all and it's always more headache than its worth. If you are stuck alone with only a carrot and your fingers, use your damn fingers.
But, let's say you're really into foodplay, that's fine, live your bliss. In your case: only use unsweetened chocolate.
Yes, I KNOW milk chocolate melts better; I don't CARE. You can and WILL get yeast infections in body parts you didn't even know you had. The microabrasive of the cocoa with ANY sugars (INCLUDING MILK SUGARS) will make you regret being alive.
Do you know how miserable a yeast infected asshole is? Do you? Imagine trying to shit out of an active yeast infection.
Use the unsweetened goddamn chocolate.
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threecatgirls · 2 years
top 5 anime cat girls
The only one I know about is Ferris, and she's really cool! She's pretty much a Traa'VVian herself :D
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didthekingdieyet · 2 years
im boorrreeeeddddd whens he gonna be died
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empoweringkittens · 2 years
Top five numbers, go. -Enker
5: Pi
4: e
3: 11^6 / 13
2: i
1: SCP-033
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attleboy · 6 months
Can I chew bones with pomni?
sure thing!!
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original image
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trickerycleric · 2 years
estinien varlineau for the blorbo meme!
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one of my ocs is actually his kid so the parental square is funny to me
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