Ecrin De Literature Holiday Gift
A pleasure to make your acquaintance, I do hope you enjoy this gift of mine.
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Layla leaned against you as the fire crackled and your heartbeat soothed her frayed nerves.
Finally… She was on winter break…
A respite from the constant grind on her mind and body that was her work.
Now, she can have some small bits of Rest and Relaxation.
She had everything she needed for it.
A nice soothing sound, a warm room, blankets, and her favorite meal in her belly.
Layla yawned, the many factors she had just listed and her own overworked mind and body leading her to become more and more drowsy with each passing second.
“Hey…” Layla muttered.
“Yeah?” you quietly responded.
“Can we stay home tomorrow… just… doing this? Just, staying like this?” Layla asked.
“Of course we can, I would love nothing more than to do so.” You responded to her, placing your hand on her head and running it through her hair.
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Furina watched you intently from her seat across from you at the dinner table.
Or it would be more accurate she watched you as if she was a cat and you were the most interesting thing in the world.
This is how she looked at you all day, every day.
Furina knew that she was completely infatuated with you.
And tomorrow, on the last day of the holidays, would be when she sprung her plan.
A plan involving the little black box in her dresser.
However, she needed this to be perfect, so she needed to be smooth about it.
“Hey, you want to go out to see the marriage courts with me tomorrow?” Furina asked.
In response to this, Furina berated herself by yelling “Smooth as goddamned sandpaper!!!” in her head.
You swallowed the last of your food before speaking.
“Sure, I would love to go out with you. Also, Yes, I will marry you.”
Furina lost all sense of composure at this, and began a weak attempt to cover up her plan which seemed to have been instantly figured out.
“Furina, my lovely, lovely, wife. We share a dresser, a room, and a house. Do you really think that you could hide an engagement ring box under my clothes and I wouldn’t notice?” You asked Furina, calling her wife as naturally as if you were breathing air.
This, of course, made Furina even more of a mess.
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Kokomi felt antsy.
She had been forced to take a day off.
True, it was a day off with you but the lady Sangonomiya had grown accustomed to the war time workload.
Stacks of paper to the roof, couriers running into her office, reports being sent for her to read, and the writing of speeches to boost morale.
“Kokomi, relax.” you told her as you hung the decorations.
“Wha- I am relaxed!” Kokomi stated with a pout, lying through her teeth.
“Love, I can hear the gears turning in your head. You are more tense than that Kujou General right now.” you stated in response to her atrocious lie.
“I- I- *Sigh* I can’t hide anything from you can I?” Kokomi asked as she allowed her shoulders to slouch.
“No, you can not. Also, can you come here real quick?” you asked of the great priestess of Watatsumi who quickly complied.
“What is it that you require?” Kokomi asked as she walked next to you.
“Would you please look upwards?” you asked your love.
And above your heads, was a single sprig of mistletoe.
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Ghost-Blood//Revenant: 3
Khonshu, Marc Spector, Steven Grant x Fem!Reader
Maybe some Layla x Reader later if you guys are as Bi as I am
You and Arthur are gonna be Worsties with a side of Conflicting Emotions
Chapter List, Including Prologue
Rating: PG-13/T, for cursing and later violence
Warnings: None
Summary: You make a big step in your career. Marc, meanwhile, is having a Time.
A/N: Note that Khonshu’s voice is only bolded and italicized when he is speaking as a disembodied voice.
“Marc, make the Worm break up with the artist.” The hollow socket’s of Khonshu’s skull bored into his soul as the god clutched his staff in a vice grip.
Nighttime blanketed the city of London in a pretty pitch of deep blue-grey, even if the light pollution washed out the number of stars, leaving the sliver of the moon that hung in the sky far lonelier than it normally should be.
But Marc paid no attention to that, focused instead on the wind in his hair, and the gauze-wrapped moon god in front of him.
This was fucking ridiculous.
“They video call a few times a week,” He raised his eyebrow at him with an unamused huff and crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s not like she’s moving in with him.”
All the things being Khonshu’s avatar had taken from him (including his wife), and now he wanted to mess with one of the few people in Steven’s life that actually paid him any attention?
Yeah, no, Marc wasn’t letting that fly. (And he wasn’t going to let himself admit that he found himself fond of you, as well. You made Steven happy, and that went a long way in his book. And besides that, you were a total catch. If he’d been the one to meet you first, he would’ve asked you out without hesitation, if he wasn’t still so hung up on Layla.)
But he wasn’t going to think that right now. Instead, his expression hardened as he shot Khonshu a firm glare. “What’s your problem?”
“That’s not your concern.” Khonshu shook his head in a way that reminded Marc of an offended cockatiel, leaning forward so his beak was all up in his face, slamming the staff down on the floor and making his hair blow back from his face. “Your concern is making sure that you and your alter stay far, far away from that woman.”
But Marc was used to Khonshu’s tantrums at this point.
“I’m not messing with Steven’s relationship.” He said firmly. “I don’t know why you care, but it’s not keeping me from your errands. So it doesn't matter.”
Khonshu let out a low growl, and held his gaze for a solid moment before he let out a huff. “Make sure you keep it that way, Spector. Or I’ll be forced to go elsewhere for an avatar.”
“I’ve got it under control.” Marc scowled at him, but nodded. “Now let’s get to work finding that scarab before Steven loses too much sleep.”
“Steven, I don’t think I can do this.” You groaned exaggeratedly, leaning back in your desk chair, face in your hands. You’d probably ducked out of your camera’s view by accident and given Steven only a partial view of your face in the video call, but you were too nervous to care, heartbeat hammering in your chest like the beat of hummingbird wings, and nausea swarming in your stomach.
“Aw, come on, love, there’s no way they could turn you down.” He said softly, and you peeked in between your fingers to see him smiling encouragingly in the corner of your screen, just about the cutest thing you’d ever seen in his too-big sweatshirt. God, you wanted to hold his hand for support right now, but a literal ocean stood between that. “And… I know it’s not working with Dr. Jackson, but you could still be a courier from London if you’re serious about moving here. But you can’t make a plan if you don't open your mail.”
“Right.” You sighed, clenching and unclenching your hand repeatedly.
Getting Steven on video call for moral support was the right choice, even as nerves choked your chest in a vice-grip.
You wanted this research position so bad. And it would let you move to the same city as your quasi-boyfriend of three months, Steven. And he was right, you could move to London anyway. A big change, but one you’d intended on making for years but never had the opportunity to follow up on. No matter what happened you could move anyway. You would be devastated, but you could still be in the city you’d want to.
But still, you don’t know how you would recover from the blw of being rejected from your dream position managing and analyzing items sent back fresh from dig sites. Sure, Dr. Jackson had been a mentor to you from a distance for years, but that didn’t mean you would get accepted automatically.
“C’mon, you can do it.” Steven prodded.
“Yup.” You popped the ‘p,’ eyes returning to the screen and hovering your mouse over the email sitting innocently in your inbox, unaware of your inner turmoil. Mocking you. You squeezed your eyes shut, and clicked it. “Just tell me if I got in or not, please.”
“Iris!” Steven gasped, almost a holler, sending a lance of panicked shock through you as you opened your eyes. “You got in!”
Holy shit!
You practically screamed, hands shaking back and forth in the air in happiness. “Steven, I got in, I’m moving to London! Oh my god!”
“I am sending you the biggest virtual hug, congratulations!” Steven’s face was radiant, eyes shining in the low light of his apartment. “You deserve it!”
All you could do is squeal in delight, your whole body moving now. “Not as big as the hug I’m giving you when I see you again!”
“Is this the last of it?” Steven’s voice sounded from your right, in the meager kitchen of the little studio apartment you found yourself in just about a month after that fateful video call. It’d been so hectic that you’d hadn’t been able to talk as much as you’d wanted, but now that you were in the same city, you had high hopes your long-distance thing with Steven could turn into something more substantial - if he was ready for that.
But there was no need to rush. You could wait for him to be ready as long as it took.
“Yeah, that’s everything.” You smiled softly to yourself, surveying the room. It would take a bit until you felt at home in the space, but already you could see the possibilities. “Oh! And just you wait until I get the kitchen set up, my friend Baran taught me a bunch of vegan recipes I want to try to make for you, do you have any preferences?”
You turned around to face him with a smile, just to see him stock-still, staring at your fallen-open sketchbook with an expression you couldn’t decipher, looking half-way to nauseated.
His eyes shot to you, like he hadn’t realized you’d been talking, swallowing thickly. “What’s this?”
You tilted your head, but came up behind him all the same to see what had him so rattled.
It was one of your drawings of The Knight, as close as you could remember.
“A nightmare.” You said simply, taking it from its spot in the pile and closing it, and pressed your lips into a thin line. “It started after my car accident freshman year of undergrad.” The one you’d never gone into much detail about.
“Oh.” He faltered, playing with his own hands. “Do you want to talk about it?”
You just shrugged, turning away with a tight feeling in your chest.
“There’s not much more than what you already know. It was dark, and raining warm summer rain, and a deer darted into the road.” You closed your eyes, fingers digging into the fabric of your shirt, and took a deep breath. “It took four hours for emergency services to find me, but by the time they got there I was already out of the wreck, curled up underneath an umbrella. The thing is, I remember someone pulling me out and waiting with me. But whenever I try to think of their face, all I see is wrapped linen and glowing eyes.”
You pressed a hand to your face and shook your head. “I guess that’s what happens when you get head trauma after anthropology class, huh?” You cracked to lighten the mood, opening your eyes to look at Steven again. “Hallucinated that a mummy’s your savior?”
He looked abysmal.
“I think I’m gonna be sick.”
And he darted to the washroom before you could see the evidence that he was right.
All you could do is stand outside the door and feel guilty as the wind outside picked up.
“Okay Khonshu, time to fess up, who is she? Why does she remember Moon Knight saving her, huh?” Marc paced back and forth as the god reclined casually on Steven’s couch.
“Because Moon Knight saved her.”
The simple response made him still. “Before I was your avatar.”
He closed his eyes. Okay, kind of fucked up, he could give it that, but that still doesn’t explain why Khonshu was acting so fucking coy about you. It’s not like you knew enough to risk their identity whatsoever, and as bad as he felt about making Steven puke in front of you, he knew Khonshu didn’t give a rat's ass if he embarrassed him. Fucker probably thought it was funny.
“You going to tell me why you're protecting her?” Marc settled on saying, eventually. Because he had to be. It was the only explanation for his hissy fits, when combined with the fact he’d had Moon Knight save you in the past.
“That’s none of your business.”
“She’s not like, your long lost freaky demigod baby or something, right?”
And Khonshu laughed at him, and laughed, and laughed, and called him stupid.
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virtie333 · 9 months
1, 9, 12 for the writing ask! Please 🪷
Thank you for the asks!!!!
of the fic you’ve written, which are you most proud of?
I answered this one here!
9. a passage from a WIP
I actually just did my WIP Wednesday post, but I'm always game to give little teases. This one is a foreshadow of my patented angst!
As she neared the counter, her eye caught on something by the door. She stopped and stared for a moment. The papers she had brought the day she had arrived here, the papers she had already signed, the papers that had caused more than a few tears since they had arrived by courier all those months ago. The papers her husband had forgotten to sign before sending them.
She moved toward the table next to the door. She had tucked them up against the wall and they had not moved since then, but now they lay on the table, open and facing up, with a sticky note attached. As she got closer, she could read the two words written on the sticky note in Marc’s familiar sprawling handwriting.
I’m sorry.
Her heart racing, Layla picked up the papers and quickly scanned them, disbelieving but knowing she wasn’t imagining it. Every spot where the little sticky note saying ‘sign here’ with an arrow was filled in with the same familiar signature.
Marc had signed the divorce papers.
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12. what’s your favorite place for writing resources?
Well, with the majority of stuff I write, I have to say Wookieepedia! LOL Other than using an on-line Thesaurus, I pretty much wing it. I was an A student in all my English/Writing classes throughout school, both undergrad and in college, so it's pretty rare I search out help for my actual writing. I'm a horrible speller, though, so I'm very grateful for spellcheck!
Oh, and no beta, either. I'm definitely out here living on the edge!
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lefae · 4 years
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indie. selective. multiverse. multiship. oc + duplicate + au + multifandom crossover friendly. platonic priority. ships with chemistry.
sideblogs of @lefaemun:
@immortaljackal - Layla Jacquel - Multifandom / Fandomless OC (Osirian Hybrid [DWEU] / Egyptian Demigod / Paradoxical Duality) open starters || memes || ask memes || starter memes || sentence starters
@vortexparadox - Doctor Who Expanded Universe Multimuse - mostly Classic and EU muses (ignores ‘Timeless Child’ plot) open starters || memes || ask memes || starter memes || sentence starters
@anderwhohn - Multifandom Multimuse - Dragon Age & Mass Effect (canon-based oc’s + canon companions) + Skyrim’s Courier open starters || memes || ask memes || starter memes || sentence starters
separate rp main:
@starkastichotmess - Tony Stark / Iron Man (ignores IW/EG) open starters || memes || ask memes || starter memes || sentence starters
|| complete muse directory || permanent interest checker ||
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For your fallout ocs, what are their favourite drinks??? I'd love to hear more about your ocs!
asdasd  I’m so happy you asked but you didn’t tell me how many so I’m just gonna answer for all!!!
Rose - nuka cola quantum, she doesn’t actually drink it because it’s absolutely disgusting but it glows! it glows and she loves it!
Cecelia - nuka cherry
Layla - mutfruit vodka
Cher - irradiated whiskey
Blair - purified water
Iris - bourbon
Anya - nuka-bombdrop 
Aiyana - dirty wastelander or just whiskey
Emilia - nuka cola
Sienna - absinthe
Courier - irradiated scotch or fuckin toxic water
Nia - steeped aster tea
Jun - vodka
Segovia - beer
Trevor - scotch
Hyun - nuka cherry
Ezekiel - old possum
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nihilnovisubsole · 6 years
U said secret world has a small fandom and ur right but I for one would LOVE to see more of ur secret world ocs 👀👀👀👀
layla o’rourke is a former garda turned illuminati operative, who believes there’s nothing that your wits and a pair of handguns can’t solve. unlike many gifted secret worlders, she takes an analog approach to combat, preferring to rely on her old pursuit and gunplay skills - but with magically-augmented results. she also had a torrid affair with alex mccall, but that’s beside the point.
here’s a fallout sprite of her:
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more backstory under the cut!
layla was the daughter of a dublin undertaker, and a housewife whose family had left their traveller community under mysterious circumstances. as a child, she had a handful of surreal - maybe even paranormal - experiences, but she chalked them up to superstition and put them out of her mind. when she grew up, she went to police academy against her parents’ wishes, and joined the dublin gardaí out of a naive desire to help people.
a few years into her career, a serial killer came to town, and layla figured out the culprit’s identity before anyone else. the problem was, time was of the essence, and her detective friends couldn’t figure it out, so she started planting evidence to lead them to the right suspect. she was caught. the department was furious, and needed her to fall on her sword - so she agreed to leave the force, to spare herself from being kicked out.
after that, layla drifted, and lost her purpose in life. she became a courier in the european underworld. no matter the cargo, she’d deliver it, no questions asked. but when she accidentally delivered an illuminati artifact in serbia, she caught the secret society’s attention. they kidnapped her, and dragged her to new york. she knew too much, so they gave her two options: have her mind wiped, or join their ranks. a few months after she joined, she woke up with powers, and the rest was history.
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freelancingbuzz · 4 years
The Big Freelance Skills Needed As Companies Rebuild After COVID 19
Getty Over twenty two million Americans lost their jobs in a little less than a month due to COVID 19. It took the Great Depression more than four years to achieve an equivalent level of unemployment. Millions of freelancers around the world have also lost critical project and consulting work; many clients have closed up shop. Gigsters have struggled to make a living as companies focus on conserving cash, reducing non-essential expense, and planning for an uncertain post COVID 19 world. So, it made sense to ask freelance platform CEOs and thought leaders this question in our series, the freelance revolution during COVID 19 : What freelance skills / professional specialties are likely to be most in demand on your platform as the global economy begins to emerge out of COVID 19? What guidance are you sharing with your platform members and clients? Chandrika Pasricha, CEO of Flexing It (India) reports, “We see demand for seasoned strategy consultants to help companies revise plans and market scenarios; digital skills are critical in reaching customers and for business continuity; finance expertise to help plan cash flows and cut burn; HR talent to manage employee morale, and guide how to manage pay cuts/employee separation. It’s an important time for freelancers to assess their strengths, sharpen their skill profiles and think about new products and services they can offer.” Florent Ogoutchoro, CEO of Thetechguys.io (Africa) notes, “”Since we are specialized in IT and software development, I’ll first bet on those. But I think more generally that there will have more demand for people with digital skills, finance expertise, and business development.” PROMOTED Seb Robert, CEO of Gophr (UK) mentions, “The demand for home delivery during lockdown has created extraordinary opportunities for couriers and delivery services, especially those that support last mile delivery. Whilst it is not a specialised skill, I think the shift in customer expectations around home delivery created in lockdown will continue post lockdown and remain in high demand.” Layla Lynn, Co-founder of AceUp (US) adds, “As the economy emerges out of COVID-19, the coaches most in demand are skilled at helping managers to facilitate change, and support them in developing the leadership skills that are so clearly important during this crisis.” Chris Keene, CEO of Gigster (US) notes, “Freelancers need the ability to work effectively as part of a distributed workforce. No matter how long social distancing is with us, the pandemic has underscored the need for workers to thrive outside of traditional office settings. We’re advising our clients to become adept at managing distributed workforces.” Edgar Mwampinge, Founder of Worknasi (Africa) tells us, “ COVID-19 has forced African businesses to embrace technology. Everyone is learning technology tools, and wants an online presence. Many businesses will reduce workers and automate processes. We advise freelancers to sharpen their skills to prepare for a future which will be different.” Jennifer Napier, Marketing VP at BTG (US) points out, “Creativity, resilience, and high EQ are demanded for the urgent special projects we are […]
Click here to view original web page at www.forbes.com
from Freelancing Buzz https://freelancingbuzz.com/the-big-freelance-skills-needed-as-companies-rebuild-after-covid-19/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-big-freelance-skills-needed-as-companies-rebuild-after-covid-19 via https://freelancingbuzz.com
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thebitterpill-blog · 9 years
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A commission for pookie02. c:
Pictured: thatwarmtoastyfeeling's OC, pookie02's OC, and some horrible potato man named Boone.
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roger-the-bear-blog · 12 years
I can't bear your attitude.
Oh, a bear pun. Is that really what you're going with? Oh my, I better back off before I cut a nail on that rapier wit of yours.
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