#at this point i have no idea how my gijinkas work!!
friedri-ce · 6 months
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the dreamers?!?!? are they real??
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i wonder who's that
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tarochimochi · 3 months
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Winner Gijinka redesign! I like to think they swap between the skirt and pants depending on the challenge.
Uh I don’t know why I thought their old design was ever okay to bestow on human eyes!
Cut below the entire design process (it’s gonna be long)
So I knew immediately after finishing my Loser design I wanted Winner to be the opposite of Loser. Which ment no warm colors, no vest sleeveless thing, no sunglasses, esc. I wanted them to be 80s inspired to match my Loser’s 70s Inspiration! I wanted them to parallel Loser by being so different but the same at the same time. So I wanted to do alot.
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I think very clearly with the first ever winner draft (on the right) I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS DOING LOL. I really don’t like it now looking back and it really doesn’t feel like Winner to me. I think just to show how old this is, this was before I even made established age headcanons so I also had no idea how older I wanted Winner to be.
That age headcanon list will probably be shown at another time, I think I showed it once on instagram after somebody asked.
The one on the left I did right after I finished my Loser design and oh my god I also really hate it looking back. I had this idea that Winner’s hair could be the opposite of Loser’s hair where instead of being from like brown to blond and lighter blond it would be the opposite and oh it looked horrible to me.😭
I think also at this point Winner was still just black and not biracial
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Now here are what I would call my “Stuck in design hell”. Characters I struggle with immensely when creating a design I think fits/I personally also like for them. It doesn’t mean I have no ideas, some of them I know exactly what I want to do with them but can’t figure out how to emulate it. I ended up abandoning Winner for awhile because they were giving me so many problems because I set so many restrictions for myself which weren’t exactly working.
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So then we got this.. I tried to force myself to finalize their design on the spot… bad idea.. worse idea I could ever fathom. I don’t like any of these designs and plus the way I draw now has changed since I made these designs. I had an idea that Winner’s arm could also be translated as one of those super cool arm grabber toys from the 80s which I don’t know, maybe I’ll bring back?? Depends on how I feel about it after focusing on writing more Winner central stories and exploring Winner more as a character and talking to people who really like Winner.
I should also note the inspo for Winner in the fluffy coat and overalls came from the fact that when I was in the movie theater, I saw a kid wearing black overalls and periwinkle jacket and went “HOLY SHIT WINNER TPOT.”
Somewhat unrelated but in this design Winner also became Biracial because @/exitstudent was like “Oh Winner feels afro-Latino to me” so I changed my headcanon almost immediately. This is why I probably shouldn’t have put my race hc chart out so early because my opinions get swayed so easily PLUS I changed a few things around. (Nothing to major, Snowball and Spongey are Wasian now, Donut is Dutch, put Bomby back in Blasian, Gaty is Finnish)
I also had the idea that instead of Winner having highlights (because I highly doubt Winner would go out of their way to highlight their hair) their greying really early on due to stress and poor genetics probably. Another cool parallel to Loser about how Loser’s hair is something he essentially paid for Winner in a way earned theirs. Loser also bleaching pretty much all their hair would also be a cool symbolism for how he’s not the truest to himself while Winner’s still having almost all their natural hair color is symbolism for them being way more true to themself. But that’s for another day to explore.
I tried to interpret Winner’s shape as being kind of like fuzzy fleece on their jacket and I tried to make this work so bad but I really shouldn’t have. I was just all over the place with the colors too.
After design a bunch of the other characters and finding and discovering new ways i like drawing i quickly figured out why I was hating Winner so badly.
It was everything 😭
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So after actually after researching 80s fashion instead of half assing it to make it obvious. I drew up these two concepts.
My first realization was “Wow that fleece is ugly as shit.” So I realized I had to stop trying making the fleece work, kudos to anyone who can. But away from the negatives, I really did love the big black Jacket and the legwarmers (I am a sucker for leg warmers so once I put them in them, it was over for me) Something about the headband also struck me because previously I out a strict “no head accessories rule” but honestly? It really just had to be not sunglasses so the headband stayed.
With some color rework and some help from my qpp (Shout out to her, she doesn’t use social media.) We were finally able to get the current design shown!
I guess if I learned anything from this, people should make gijinkas also based off people they know and see in day to day life. Some of my favorite gijinkas are based off people I know. Like Match being an Afro-Chilean Jew is because my friend who actually introduced me to BFDI was a huge match fan, and an Afro-Chilean Jew so I was inspired to make Match look almost identical to them. With Winner I pulled inspiration from alot of popular Black celebrities in the 80s and Chile again because of said friend 80s.
Thanks for reading this whole kuffuffle here’s some bonus doodles!
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Yes Winner is going to crush Loser and Clock, stop them.
The last winclock one may or may not be a reference to something.
Now who’s next? Honestly just whoever people want a ref of next, I think I’m a little burnt out from doing now 59 characters and drafting more currently I think I need a break. Although I’m definitely gonna redesign Clock’s outfit, I’m really starting to dislike it. Until next time bye bye!!
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wonderful-magician · 7 months
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More likely than you would think my friends.
Ok so I worked on the drawing above for maybe 10 hours and I'm very proud of it! And I felt like this post would be a good transition into elaborating MY VERY LONG LIST OF HEAD CANNONS for this rat.... Since he has very little backstory canonically similarly to most Kirby characters who have like a sentence of backstory. And unlike Meta knight or King DDD who have a general concept or idea. We know nothing about the silly rodents!! Nothing!!
So I'm here to basically write a whole damn book for these guys. But specifically daroach because... I'm biased. Lmao. SO I decided to give him something! The life of a poor child from 1920!! ....woohoo?
I believe I've said this before, and I don't think it's that crazy- but I enjoy playing with the fact these characters are for the most part from different planets and have different cultures and experiences because of this. And I love to write little things about it. And just like many others. We have no idea where daroach is even from in the first place.
I like to think the original species of squeaks/squeakers originated from the forgotten land. But at some point they all moved to different planets and locations. You can find them on different planets, and they have a unique culture to each other. The only thing they all share is the bells! Which I shared on my post all about the bells!!
Anyway I figured I would have two bulletin lists about the fun head cannons of mine! But put both of them here for simplicity. And I hope this is coherent and doesn't come off too ... Wow! Tragedy! Daroach is really a chill, happy guy despite some of the things that happened to him in my personal canon...
Despite the events I list here, Daroach actually has a very positive attitude and outlook on life! Despite how his homworld has shitty living conditions and child labor.
Daroach lived with his father until he was ten, when his father was drunk and shot by an officer for being openly against the current mayor.
Daroach never met his mother. But he worries about it little. He cared about it more when he was younger. He also has no known extended family.
Daroach had to live in the streets for a while because of this. Working as a newspaper boy.
He met Storo during this time. The two quickly became good friends. As Daroach was fast and Storo was ... Big. Even as the two were only 10-12 year olds.
The boys became familiar with a lot of the adults in town. Knowing the baker or the locals well. Storo liked to speak to a specific man named doc, quite often.
One harsh winter. Daroach gets sick. And Storo starts to feel under the weather as well. Storo, worried for their well being. Begs doc for help one morning. Doc, after seeing the full conditions of the two boys. Let's them stay with him.
While this was originally temporary, doc ended up enjoying their company. And the three live together like a family. But none of them want to call it a family.
Daroach starts working at a factory and so does Storo. Doc trying to revive his career as a scientist. ( and failing.. miserably. ) around this time doc also takes in spinni. Who's only 7.
Daroach starts to become a more intense thief. While he was always good at it, he did live on the streets for two years after all. But he gets... Very good at theft. For he learns how to float and teleport.
As they all get older. They form a early version of the squeak squad. But it's more like a group formed against the current situations and political climate. As a civil war is occuring in the country and the city is very divided.
Daroach gets himself into a lot of fights. But is both loved and hated by the press. For his hatred to the government but attractive looks by squeak standard.
After daroach is wounded in a fight. They get money, and leave on their newly made airship. Never to return to this planet. As it's just miserable there.
Ok that was a basic outline of his story on my end! Time for more basic head cannons that can be applied much easier !!
Daroach has been smoking since he was like 13. This was normal for his planet. But nowadays he mostly understands his mistakes. But he still smokes, even if he's polite about it and smokes outside it matters little. Meta knight likes to absolutely mock him for this...
Daroach hates being hatless for an extended period of time. It's just ...weird...
Daroach is the only squeak/squeaker to stand on his tiptoes constantly.
Won the triple star in a bet with a certain wizard who plays star stacker.
Used to have a alcohol problem, as his father originally did. But he did actually recover from this.
Dated meta knight for a couple months before they broke up with no explanation.
Nobody but them and galaxia know why.
At the age of 11 he developed a limp and still to this day he doesn't even understand how he got this mysterious limp.
Owns like three of the same outfit and does his laundry often. Pure comfort
Hates not being formal. You won't find this man in public wearing slides and a T-shirt. Must be a poet shirt. Or something alike that.
Totally not weird that he dated meta knights reflection. When he broke up with the real thing.
Okay this better post correctly 🙂
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xenodile · 18 days
While I still haven't gotten Elegg, by an unbelievable stroke of luck I've gotten Maxwell, Laplace, and Drake among my starting roster, and I love this fucking goon squad. This trio are Syuen's personal minions, whom she markets as the "heroes" and protectors of the Ark.
First up, the face of the squad is Drake, a scary, demon-looking lady in black and red armor, whose personality of what I can only call "a gijinka of those flaming, gun-toting, motorcycle-driving skeleton memes that say corny wholesome things, with the moral sensibilities of a Disgaea demon." She wants to form a "Villain Union" because being part of the most popular squad in the entire Ark isn't enough, so she'll surpass her reputation as a hero as a villain. Except her idea of villainy is the most harmless petty stuff possible, like walking in the bike line, buying out the entire stock at a food stall so no one else can get any, or paying for a meal at a restaurant with her autograph. These actions all ultimately cause more good than any harm, which only makes her more beloved as a hero, much to her frustration. She's kind of hilarious, being an effortlessly intimidating and charismatic figure that cackles like a supervillain while also being a goody twoshoes that needs help ordering a pizza because she gets nervous when talking on the phone.
Then we've got Laplace, who are respectively a hyperactive idiot that screams about justice and being a superhero while causing massive amounts of property damage with every "heroic" action she takes. She's got gold and blue armor, and embodies the "Good Is Dumb" trope, lacking any and all common sense. She jumps through windows rather than use doors, sees every situation as a chance for her to be a hero, and uses breaking things as her go to solution to any problem. Building on fire? Blow up the surrounding buildings so the fire can't spread! Naturally her popularity is mixed as while she means well, she ends up causing more problems with her rampant collateral damage and lack of sense, but having her status as a "hero" called into question is so emotionally damaging it physically paralyzes her.
And backing them up is Maxwell, an utterly deranged mad scientist that is openly manipulating you for the sake of testing her dangerous inventions and completely defies the ideas that Nikkes need to carry out normal human activities to maintain their mental health by having fully robotic legs and a railgun directly integrated into her spine. Uncommon for many, Maxwell freely talks about her life before she volunteered to become a Nikke and how convenient it is to be free from biological processes of being human. So she can spend more time working. She has no hobbies, no friends, and doesn't even think about things like food or drink, because all her time is dedicated to squeezing more power out of gun she refers to with the same affectionate nickname as the Commander. At this point I think she's trying to trick herself into falling in love to see if that will get an extra 1% energy output in her railcannon.
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genesisgijinka · 3 months
I have returned with another essay on worldbuilding.
Part one: Design.
Your world has more animalistic pokemon. Going for a more... Adapted to a real functioning world where physics and biology are mostly in accordance with how it would work here.
My favourite example of this is this post. In it is pictured a Gardevoir. I don't know if the design is still accurate, but said gardevoir is less a funny alien creature and instead an elongated owl.
Another amazing example of this is the Power Scale post. The beastly legendaries and especially Arcy look sick. With "unrealistic" features like Arcy's fence gate being adapted into much more believable features/body parts.
That being said, we get to
Part 1.5: The Point
With most pokemon being animal-ified, there are some where that just isn't realy feasible. Good contenders for this are the magnemite line, a ton of Grass types and otherwise plant pokemon, and a bunch of object pokemon
small list of examples: Chandelure, klefki, Sudowoodo, oddish, bellsprout, shroomish, grimer, gastly, voltorb, Porygon, Koffing, Cofagrigus, and Ditto. (to be honest, ditto needs its own section)
How would you handle pokemon like that?
I kind of like the idea of naturally occuring mechanical life. You open up a dead Magnezone and there's just a load of gears and electric components in there. (imagine steampunk but with electricity instead of steam)
similarly, How would Gijinka of robotic/ object mons work?
Part 2: Pokespeak
In the anime all Pokemon speak Pokespeak. With pokemon being more animalistic, How do you handle them communicating?
Same question with the sentient mons situation from the anime. Most if not all pokemon on the protagonist's team (COUGH Pikachu) are of similar intelligence as a human, they have complex logic, can read, experience the entire spectrum of emotion, can perfectly understand language, etc.
How does that work?
That'll be it for now.
Part 1-1.5
Yep, gardevoir design is still accurate. Most of my design process for figuring out how I'm going to interpret pokemon design is deviating from a lot of common things that I see. Continuing with the gardevoir example, it's one of those pokemon that you don't google bc everyone just turns it into a booby waifu. I looked at the face and kinda went, 'Hey, that looks like the facial disk of an owl,' and started there.
For things that aren't easily interpreted, I switch to scribbling around with shapes. The Arceus fence thing was more inspired by the biblically accurate angels thing from the book of Revelations bc i thought that was funny lol. Sometimes I just give up tho and things like sylveon still gets it's weird ribbon things bc it's a Fey and they are not beholden to normal rules.
Other ways I design pokemon is by trying to figure out what niche they would fill and how would they have evolved to fill it bc nature is bonkers like that and doesn't like empty spaces. The universe of Genesis is absolutely riddled with ambient energy, so you get things like sentient almost-rocks and minerals or florauna creatures that make up plant types since everything is essentially swimming in a sort of low-key primordial soup. Sometimes a loose spirit just really thinks that chandelier is cool looking and would make a good home. The Good Soup™ makes it easier for that spirit to move its new body and now you have a new pokemon! All that loose energy gives life to things that on our world, would not work. But hey, such is magic-science.
There are lots of different paths I can take, so I don't really have a set process of how I generally do it. And there are so many theories of how certain pokemon came to be - either through in-game lore talked about in the pokedex/from NPCs or someone with their red string on the wall making a spider's web of what's going on in the world of pokemon - that I can take some of those and just run with it. For example; you brought up ditto. Congratulations! You've discovered Prime's "siblings," since I'm using the theory that ditto were Rocket's failed attempts at cloning mew. Little blobs that use the energy of the world around them to craft bodies several times their mass and size, using moves that they don't normally learn.
Robotic/object gijinka would depend on which pokemon is the base form. There's a whole lot of human in a gijinka which keeps things to a mostly human base (this is how I ignore the egg types in gijinka when it comes to reproducing and y'know, keeping your culture alive), so it would mostly boil down to types. If someone was of the magnemite line, they'd have iron/steel deposits in places where the skin is thin, like how Heph does on his knuckles, a characteristic of a steel type gijinka. They'd also be more prone to generating static electricity. Or a doctor giving a vanilluxe gijinka a check up has to have a different base body temperature to test against since ice types have a body temp that runs a little bit cooler than most others (fire types have the opposite problem. Razor has torched off shirt sleeves before, which is why he's almost always in a tank-top of some sort)
Part 2
How do pokemon communicate with each other? Idk, the same way they do in Tarzan. They just, can. Smth smth, pokemon speaking with their hearts, not words. Pokéspeak isn't suuuper well understood, mostly due to not having enough cases to study, but it does very rarely crop up in people from time to time. N is canon to the Genesis timeline (not sure when just quite yet but anyway) and he can fully understand pokemon. Biggest theory is that it's stored away somewhere in the human DNA, a leftover from when pokemon and humans were once considered the same, ala Sinnohian lore. Kinda like how every now and then irl there's a human baby born with a tail. Tail genes are still in our DNA, but it gets switched off at some point during fetal development.
That being said tho, some pokemon have managed to learn human language, in a way. Unown being the starting point for many languages in the world used to communicate more with people back in the day, but now it's considered a mostly dead/slightly resurrected language like Mayan.
The abra line are particularly clever and good at figuring out human patterns. Champion Red from Kanto taught a lot of his pokemon sign language as part of their training and a few of them can sign back at him. He's rarely seen without his kadabra, Pythagoras, and she's the most fluent out of all his pokemon. It's still broken and incomplete tho, kinda like how an african grey parrot would string words together.
A lot of how pokemon speak to each other is mostly body language tho, which even in humans is calculated to make up a whopping 55% of how we communicate with one another (38% is vocal tone and a measly 7% is the actual words and their dictionary definition/context. So it's no wonder why so many people get into arguments on the interwebs with black text on a white background) Pokemon still pick up on all of this, and with their different way of communication, they can still usually pick out human meanings just fine.
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ladydelaisol · 11 months
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@heropartnerweek Day 7 Previous Prompt: A Quiet Day
For this entire week I avoid using my explorers pair due to how being the oldest pair I use, they’ve been needing a revamp for their story (Since my old ideas from over a decade just don’t work.) This included their Gijinka designs.
I still don’t have them, and I don’t want to use the outdated terrible designs, but I still thought it be fair if I use every other pair at least two times, giving these girls at least one day is fair. So, ahead of time I choose the final day for them, and picked a previous prompt with their normal Pokemon forms (It’s been years since I’ve drawn them like this) 
A quiet day for the explorers who work hard and deserve some time to themselves. They share a bed, and cuddle. More then likely this is after they defeated Darkrai so they’re probably girlfriends at this point.
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livewireprojects · 14 days
Paper towel Sonic 06 comic from high school
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Originally posted April 24, 2014 on DA(lol didn't notice that I was one day off from the anniversary of this being posted)
I decided to post a few things Sonic related since I was working on posting stuff for Lost Prince AU. This is technically connected just it was made before the AU was a thing but some ideas were already coming together.(I dunno how to explain it)
These two were originally together on one image but I split it apart for Tumblr. Wanted to put the pics side by side but kept getting errors for daring to drag them to each other.
So I mentioned a paper towel comic in the ref I posted for Shadow.(Might mention it again later) This is the comic I was implying, at some point in high school(according to the date close to when I graduated) I felt like drawing at lunch but didn't bring paper to the cafeteria so I grabbed a paper towel from the bathroom.
I wanted to draw Silver & Shadow pissing each other off pre-reboot & post-reboot from Sonic 06, dunno why Silver is dressed like that in the pre-reboot. This gets funnier if you've seen my past Sonic art especially for Sonadowtober, I might think about redrawing this with their upgraded designs but it might take some time.
At some point in Sonic 06(pre-reboot)
Silver: So what time period are you from? Shadow: SHUT UP GOTH BOY! My sister made this for me! Why do people dress in leather when time traveling?! Silver: Shut up & help me look…(Pretty sky…)
They both find each other annoying.
Later on in current time after Elisa caused the world to reboot at the end of 06, a couple years later Shadow meets Silver(Who may or may not be a time traveler still) again. Both still remember the events of Sonic 2006 but have changed some Silver more than Shadow. Shadow is still annoyed from Silver's back handed comments & tries to get payback.
Shadow: You're from the future? What's with the glasses? You have contacts the first time? Silver: SHUT UP! At least I don't look like a vampire!(Plus the time line restarted)
Both think the other's comeback is lame.
Silver isn't really wearing his mom's(he gained a family in the timeline reboot) glasses. I poorly worded that for some reason, I meant to say he needs glasses like his mom use to. The difference is that Silver while needing them doesn't need them that bad & his mom until something happened to fix his vision was blind without his glasses.
For context on Shadow asking about leather, for some reason I've seen a few jokes in the past I saw were people are dressed in leather/cool looking black outfits when they travel to the past from the future. It was unintentional that Silver dressed like that but it worked for the joke.
Post-reboot Silver's design is inspired by yuji8sushi(account deactivated) on DA. Shadow's old design was inspired by mitarashiarts's old gijinka Shadow.(You won't find the pics on their tumblr, they're on their DA)
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your-local-uwu-artist · 9 months
okay so I'm vibing thinking on the sketches i drew at like 2 am last night:I've been working on the idea for a possible youtube video (if you've been following me you've def heard that before... and yes just like every other time i swear maybe i'll go through with this one) of making dc heros into magical girls: that would mostly focus on discussions of what defines the magical girl genre as well as discussing iconic character design. anyway: so I'm like 'well damn i should listen to some video essays so that I can draw and research' but then I remembered 'well damn this is a lot of content... I"m going to draw eevee gijinkas and listen to trope-talks instead' and so I"m just going straight fro the trope talks playlist and the second video in the playlist is discussing dc media and um
my fucking god
I could've just drawn my eevees and later on some magical girls and called it a day but how the fuck am i supposed to NOT read a bunch of wikipedia articles and then procede to delve into an entirely different culture than i've focused my studies on (western media) like DUDE
the point of the concept was so I had an excuse to rant bout' magical girls: the genre i am actually well-versed in, and combine my areas of expertise with concepts i am less familar with. I was SUPPOSED to just skim over wiki articles and then mostly just focus on designs: BUT MY FUCKING GOD THERE IS A WORLD OF OPPURTUNITY OF DISCUSSIONS TO BE HAD AND HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DRAW MAGICAL GIRLS NOW KNOWING THAT THERES SHIT LIKE THAT WAITING TO HAVE THE TROPES DISCUSSED AS TO HOW/IF THEY COULD BE ADAPTED TO A MAGICAL GIRL GENRE
so uh yeah: If any of my mutuals are well-versed in dc or heck just studied on the western side of comics and animation in general: would you like to share your knowledge with me so that I can feel thoroughly prepared to make a concept for a magical girl spin off
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eevee gijinkas :D
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lightofunova · 2 months
💖 if is ok ... AND for u: I love your gijinkas they're so good. They have like this vibe where. I could absolutely see them in a show or something. I also like your depiction of Reshiram where she is not totally high and mighty and can even be unsure of herself at times even though she is a deity. She is a really well rounded character and I wanna see what happens!! Also Zapdos is a fun you. You also get bonus points from me for featuring a Gothitelle it's my favorite Pokémon :D
dhdjjsjxjsjsbd You are too freaking sweet whAT?! This was meant to be for everyone else and here you are typing out a whole paragraph for me?! This made my night when I was on my break omg the idea that all my characters stand out so much just make me so happy aaa I’m glad Reshi comes off so well too!!! Just thank you so much?(Also Gothitelle was totally unplanned!!! It was thanks to @/life-of-kalos during easter past year that I got a random egg!)
But however onto youuu! I just have to mention how LOVELY your art is like omg??? Its so so satisfying to look at with the shape language you use and the way you design your characters really stand out!! I loved reading through your other blog so much omg, the way you show your characters interacting are so much fun and really draw the reader in! And then starting this blog it is just…so so good so far omg. I looove seeing your Tapu Fini interact with everyone all grumpy like XD it’s such a fun concept for a blog and I adore it! I loved how irritated he was at Zapdos XD i laughed so hard reading that response it was so so perfect. Everything you create is so cool honestly and I always wanna watch and read your work! Keep it up because you’ve got a big fan on this side of the community :D
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
So I was browsing through some of your old hk stuff and thought about the backyard wyrms thing, and I wonder what a society would be like in a world where there are gods, but tiny. Why would they be endangered? What is the relationship between wyrms and humans? (Also find if funny to imagine someone finding a wyrm eating their watermelons)
Have a lobster 🦞
rip honestly can't help you with this one buddy because putting humans and hallownest together is almost always an automatic nope for me bc putting humans in there just really ruins the magic for me. the only exception to this is with gijinka aus, but in those cases the wyrms still have mandibles the size of city spires and all humans are still very much their prey if they don't make themselves useful and start worshiping them right fucking quick. plus my gijinka au has only the beetle tribe being true humans bc honestly humanity as a concept is just fucking boring unless you're using them as a groundline offset to show how weird/magical the rest of the world is. For example, I'm especially fond of my gijinka Lurien, because he's the only one of the Dreamers who is human, but even then he's been altered by close proximity to PK's magic to the point where he looks almost elven in nature. I just really don't like humans all that much, which was part of the reason why I asked to put an end to the backyard wyrm thing (the other reason was that the idea of treating a highly intelligent and dangerous wild animal as a cute wild cat or pest you'd find in the garden made me extremely unconfortable).
But those are my personal preferences, and that doesn't mean that they're automatically superior over anyone else's- I'm just explaining why it was a dead-end for me, even though other people clearly liked it. And as for what you might imagine, I suggest that you take on the au for yourself! Think about those questions that you asked me and try to work out how you think they would be answered, either logically or humorously. The biggest fun of aus is figuring out how they'd work, and it wasn't even my idea to begin with, so it's completely free for the taking. Go fun go feral have a great time, it's all good
Also ty for the lobster I have been very hungry lately
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featherlouise · 1 year
what exactly happens when the sibling dies btw? i needa envision this correctly - 👹
Okok so in my head it’s during an assassination attempt (I have no idea about like. The assassin’s aims, who hired them etc yet. Maybe they’re the same people who got Hollow kidnapped and led them to meeting moth bf??? Idk yet)
SO it’s an ambush, probably happens outside of the palace, maybe during the trip to PK’s tomb??? Like on the way home??
The carriage they’re in (gijinka equivalent to stags ig??) gets knocked over and they tumble down a hill, Hollow grabs their kids and shields them as much as they can and ends up being the only one injured (save for some scrapes and bruises on the kids) and they’re super disoriented from the fall
While they’re righting themselves, the attackers start to close in on them and eldest kiddo, seeing his mum isn’t about to get up any time soon, grabs his nail (it’s his first real nail he got for his most recent birthday) stands in front of his mum and sibs and tries to defend them
He manages to slash across the leader’s chest, which gets a “you liTTLE SHIT!!” And a kick in the gut that knocks the wind outta him. I don’t wanna make his death TOO violent so from there the leader grabs the kiddo’s nail (which may as well be a dagger in his giant fkin hands) and stabs him with it
At this point, Hollow has managed to shake the stars outta their eyes and got the ringing in their ears to stop enough for them to turn around and check over their kids, when they hear the “YOU LITTLE SHIT,” and turn their head just in time to see their kid being stabbed with their own blade
U know the drill with angry feral Hollow, except now this isn’t their ancient, powerful father being injured. No, this is a child, their child.
So u can only imagine just HOW violent the next 5 minutes is.
The leader looks up, starts monologuing, and his speech is cut off a few words in as the area around them goes deathly silent.
Hollow tells their kids to cover their eyes, and reassures their eldest that he’s going to be okay via voidspeak (they’re part void so they can hear and speak it)
And then just fkin massacres them ALL, making sure to leave the leader till last.
During his monologue, the leader mentioned something about an “employer,” so they pin him to the ground by introducing his hands and legs to some soul daggers, then slices their own hand and pours void straight into the wound on the fucker’s chest so they can demand who exactly this employer is thru the void (something something if u get stained/poisoned enough by void u can hear voidspeak) but all he manages to do is beg for his life before succumbing to the blood loss.
They rush over to the oldest kiddo and say something like “it’s okay baby, it’s over, you can open your eyes now,” but it’s too late
Cue guttural scream and that entire area of the queen’s gardens is covered in a layer of frost, and will be for years to come. It’s like. A physical manifestation of the king’s grief (magic god made frost doesn’t melt easily lol)
They stay there cradling their child until one of the other kiddos manages to work up enough courage to step up behind Hollow and hug them from behind, which kinda snaps them out of their grief and puts them in mum mode™️ and they put that shit aside until they can make their way back to the palace. They wrap the kid in their cloak and try to explain to the other two that he's just super tired right now, so mum has to carry him home, and he has to be wrapped up like this so he won't get cold.
The other two are twins and are like 5ish (subject to change, I've literally just this second decided that lmao)
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yessu · 2 years
HMMMmmm so since I’ve been sharing so much about my gijinkaverse headcanons lately, I’m a little stumped on something and wanna run it by y’all for your ideas
Mystery dungeons are absolutely a thing, they’re essentially little pockets of warped reality, usually with fixed entry/exit points, that are constantly shifting in layout within. They sometimes produce treasures, magic works a little differently in some of them (i.e. items you can Only use inside a dungeon) etc but for all the years I’ve had guild-related characters I’ve never actually figured out who the Enemies are. Sometimes it’s an outlaw like the older games having bounties to pick up, but like… ok.
I think “strong foe” encounters and some bosses are basically crossing in Monster Hunter vibes. Big, powerful feral pokemon- that may or may not be real? A lot of them Are but I think also dungeons might just sort of… spawn phantom monsters out of the magic that powers them? A monster house would basically be like the distortions in Legends. But as for like, threats just as you navigate the dungeon itself 🤔 I don’t think there’s As Much activity to have to deal with as there is ingame, considering like. Gijinkas actually putting in the effort of exploring is far more involved and the danger is more in the environment than wandering threats, but what do you guys think of that idea? Dyou think there could be anything else? I don’t know how to incorporate like, People Opponents into this, or if I *should* yknow?
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julianobungus · 5 months
Passengers can wander around the Train for months, and it's actually not so bad unless pregnant women become passengers. Or unless the female passengers get pregnant. In both cases, the result is the same. If Passenger did not get off the train on time, then the baby will be born right on the Train. And since the child will not have a number, he will not be able to get off the Train. Of course, the trick of reflecting someone else's number will work, but not everyone would have thought of it.
But not all children are raised by their parents. This is mainly done by Denizens whom the child's parents trusted enough. It's like putting a child in an orphanage, that's what they think. And at some point, the parents calmly leave the Train. These Passengers are by no means bad, they just understand that they will not be able to take the child with them. Some Passengers did not want to have children at all. Different cases, one outcome. And there are cases when Passenger dies for some reason, for example from Ghoms, and absolutely any Denizen can find a child.
But there are also cases when Passenger gets pregnant from Denizen, or vice versa. I can't imagine this topic well yet, considering how many species the Denizens have. I'm pretty sure that all Denizens who look like living organisms can have children with Passengers. On the one hand, healthy offspring are fun, but unhealthy ones have a certain charm. Moreover, the appearance is an interesting topic for thinking about.
For examples, lets think about children of Samantha and Simon. Cat girls are boring. Something Khajiit-like is already better. But something that looks like cats from film Cats is something that I definitely don't want to see.
It will also be easier for the children of the Passenger and the Denizen to learn something related to their Denizen parent. That is, it will be easier for Simon and Samantha's children to become cunning dealers like Samantha.
The thing is that Denizens are based on concepts. The concept of personality, the concept of a species, the concept of an activity, that's what every Denizen has. And children receive concepts from their Denizen parent. But these concepts are influenced by the biological nature of the Passenger parent. If the hybrid of a Passenger and a Denizen dies, then he will be rebooted like any other Denizen. He will have amnesia, but otherwise he will be the same. But there is another option where, in addition to memory loss, the biological nature of the Passenger is lost and only the concepts of the Denizen remain. Well, there is also the third option, where is death for hybrids is the end and they cannot be rebooted.
Oh, sometimes the children of a Passenger and a Denizen may have memories that didn't actually happen. In fact, this is a background that every Denizen has, and this thing doesn't work correctly on hybrids of creatures of flesh-and-blood and creatures of digital code
Wooft, I love these ideas (also, based for Simantha - and I agree, I think them having khajiit-esque kids as opposed to Gijinka kids would be more fun). I honestly love your ideas for these, mate. They follow a logic that is quite fun and easy to digest/understand. I'd say you're doing a great job fleshing out the world of the Train with these posts, and I'm now incorporating them into my headcanons. Makes it more vibrant and, like I said, fleshed out.
God, imagine being the rarity that is a human being born on the train - a train-born human, knowing only the normality of the chaotic train, and so bears no desire to leave. Imagine a book centred around that - hell, imagine if Hazel was one of these humans!
EDIT: Also, the three options regarding a hybrid's death are equally interesting, and I currently can't decide which is preferable.
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genesisgijinka · 1 year
hello! i've been reading genesis for...oh god, since 2017-2018, i think. and it's been a blast, i love the series a lot! it's a really unique storyline with one of my favorite characters (mewtwo, beloved) and your art is fantastic! i was wondering how much of the storyline you have planned out/had planned out, and how much of it has changed over time? and how far along we are in the storyline/how much is left before the end. i hope you have a good day!
Oh wow, you've been around for a while lol Hi friend!
I'll be honest, Genesis had the most bare bones of starts. I created the characters for what I thought was going to be a one-off costume month long challenge, with some other old ocs to fill out the roster. I had zero plan to create a story with these new characters, since I was brand new to the idea of having a story based off of pokemon game play. I've always been a first and foremost Zelda fan and was actually slowly picking at my own Zelda story at the time but I couldn't quite get the story to go the way I wanted and I was determined to draw that comic first.
And then I drew this:
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This is the first time I drew Prime, and a younger M2-K, I think. One of the very few things I drew before I launched into starting Genesis. Y'all might recognize this scene from the first few pages of chapter 2 lol. I was riding off of that high of finishing my first long-term project and now I had somewhere where I could start. So three months after that October challenge, I decided screw it, I'll just draw this pokemon comic as a practice, be done in like 2-3 years, then work on Zelda again. And then lol here we are almost 7 years later.
Read more bc it accidentally kinda got long :'D
A lot of my planning has gone like this; I draw a thing, and then work it into the story somewhere like threading pearls on a string, then I add more beads in between the pearls as I go.
So Genesis has points that I know I'm going to hit (the ending has probably the thoroughly written script of all of Genesis and I'm quite happy with it) but a lot of it is in a fuzzy grey area of I only kinda know what's going to happen next, I just need to write how to get there. It keeps me engaged with the story and the few drawings I have as story concepts are the juicy carrots I dangle in front of myself to keep the motivation going even if I'm going through an art rut or if work has been particularly draining.
As for things that have changed? Alcina didn't exist in the beginning. I sketched up a gardevoir gijinka in my sketchbook bc I needed K to talk to someone. And then she stuck around. Heph wasn't originally planned either, and he actually replaced this guy:
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left to right: M2-K, Talil the heliolisk, and Jean-Luc (mega'd)
Talil was originally going to be the one to fix K's prosthetics, but that's all I really had him around for, and he eventually got scrapped. Which is a real shame, because heliolisk is one of my favorite Kalos mons. I did later use the concept of shorting out K's prosthetics when he fought a luxray in chapter 1.
I can't remember when V came into being, but I think it was sometime after Genesis had started, but well before she was introduced. She was originally supposed to be that one mewtwo from the Genesect movie (and that's where the V in M2-V originated from, M2-K was originally short for Mewtwo-Kalos. And then I made it worse by going alphabetically :) )
As for how much longer are we going to have? We've definitely passed the halfway point. But since I've had a revelation and added [REDACTED] in to the story, chapter 3 got longer unexpectedly and is gonna be split into a surprise fourth chapter. And then an epilogue, but //handwaves that's farther down the line.
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fozmeadows · 3 years
race & culture in fandom
For the past decade, English language fanwriting culture post the days of LiveJournal and Strikethrough has been hugely shaped by a handful of megafandoms that exploded across AO3 and tumblr – I’m talking Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Dr Who, the MCU, Harry Potter, Star Wars, BBC Sherlock – which have all been overwhelmingly white. I don’t mean in terms of the fans themselves, although whiteness also figures prominently in said fandoms: I mean that the source materials themselves feature very few POC, and the ones who are there tended to be done dirty by the creators.
Periodically, this has led POC in fandom to point out, extremely reasonably, that even where non-white characters do get central roles in various media properties, they’re often overlooked by fandom at large, such that the popular focus stays primarily on the white characters. Sometimes this happened (it was argued) because the POC characters were secondary to begin with and as such attracted less fan devotion (although this has never stopped fandoms from picking a random white gremlin from the background cast and elevating them to the status of Fave); at other times, however, there has been a clear trend of sidelining POC leads in favour of white alternatives (as per Finn, Poe and Rose Tico being edged out in Star Wars shipping by Hux, Kylo and Rey). I mention this, not to demonize individuals whose preferred ships happen to involve white characters, but to point out the collective impact these trends can have on POC in fandom spaces: it’s not bad to ship what you ship, but that doesn’t mean there’s no utility in analysing what’s popular and why through a racial lens.
All this being so, it feels increasingly salient that fanwriting culture as exists right now developed under the influence and in the shadow of these white-dominated fandoms – specifically, the taboo against criticizing or critiquing fics for any reason. Certainly, there’s a hell of a lot of value to Don’t Like, Don’t Read as a general policy, especially when it comes to the darker, kinkier side of ficwriting, and whether the context is professional or recreational, offering someone direct, unsolicited feedback on their writing style is a dick move. But on the flipside, the anti-criticism culture in fanwriting has consistently worked against fans of colour who speak out about racist tropes, fan ignorance and hurtful portrayals of living cultures. Voicing anything negative about works created for free is seen as violating a core rule of ficwriting culture – but as that culture has been foundationally shaped by white fandoms, white characters and, overwhelmingly, white ideas about what’s allowed and what isn’t, we ought to consider that all critical contexts are not created equal.
Right now, the rise of C-drama (and K-drama, and J-drama) fandoms is seeing a surge of white creators – myself included – writing fics for fandoms in which no white people exist, and where the cultural context which informs the canon is different to western norms. Which isn’t to say that no popular fandoms focused on POC have existed before now – K-pop RPF and anime fandoms, for example, have been big for a while. But with the success of The Untamed, more western fans are investing in stories whose plots, references, characterization and settings are so fundamentally rooted in real Chinese history and living Chinese culture that it’s not really possible to write around it. And yet, inevitably, too many in fandom are trying to do just that, treating respect for Chinese culture or an attempt to understand it as optional extras – because surely, fandom shouldn’t feel like work. If you’re writing something for free, on your own time, for your own pleasure, why should anyone else get to demand that you research the subject matter first?
Because it matters, is the short answer. Because race and culture are not made-up things like lightsabers and werewolves that you can alter, mock or misunderstand without the risk of hurting or marginalizing actual real people – and because, quite frankly, we already know that fandom is capable of drawing lines in the sand where it chooses. When Brony culture first reared its head (hah), the online fandom for My Little Pony – which, like the other fandoms we’re discussing here, is overwhelmingly female – was initially welcoming. It felt like progress, that so many straight men could identify with such a feminine show; a potential sign that maybe, we were finally leaving the era of mainstream hypermasculine fandom bullshit behind, at least in this one arena. And then, in pretty much the blink of an eye, things got overwhelmingly bad. Artists drawing hardcorn porn didn’t tag their works as adult, leading to those images flooding the public search results for a children’s show. Women were edged out of their own spaces. Bronies got aggressive, posting harsh, ugly criticism of artists whose gijinka interpretations of the Mane Six as humans were deemed insufficiently fuckable.
The resulting fandom conflict was deeply unpleasant, but in the end, the verdict was laid down loud and clear: if you cannot comport yourself like a decent fucking person – if your base mode of engagement within a fandom is to coopt it from the original audience and declare it newly cool only because you’re into it now; if you do not, at the very least, attempt to understand and respect the original context so as to engage appropriately (in this case, by acknowledging that the media you’re consuming was foundational to many women who were there before you and is still consumed by minors, and tagging your goddamn porn) – then the rest of fandom will treat you like a social biohazard, and rightly so.
Here’s the thing, fellow white people: when it comes to C-drama fandoms and other non-white, non-western properties? We are the Bronies.
Not, I hasten to add, in terms of toxic fuckery – though if we don’t get our collective shit together, I’m not taking that darkest timeline off the table. What I mean is that, by virtue of the whiteminding which, both consciously and unconsciously, has shaped current fan culture, particularly in terms of ficwriting conventions, we’re collectively acting as though we’re the primary audience for narratives that weren’t actually made with us in mind, being hostile dicks to Chinese and Chinese diaspora fans when they take the time to point out what we’re getting wrong. We’re bristling because we’ve conceived of ficwriting as a place wherein No Criticism Occurs without questioning how this culture, while valuable in some respects, also serves to uphold, excuse and perpetuate microaggresions and other forms of racism, lashing out or falling back on passive aggression when POC, quite understandably, talk about how they’re sick and tired of our bullshit.
An analogy: one of the most helpful and important tags on AO3 is the one for homophobia, not just because it allows readers to brace for or opt out of reading content they might find distressing, but because it lets the reader know that the writer knows what homophobia is, and is employing it deliberately. When this concept is tagged, I – like many others – often feel more able to read about it than I do when it crops up in untagged works of commercial fiction, film or TV, because I don’t have to worry that the author thinks what they’re depicting is okay. I can say definitively, “yes, the author knows this is messed up, but has elected to tell a messed up story, a fact that will be obvious to anyone who reads this,” instead of worrying that someone will see a fucked up story blind and think “oh, I guess that’s fine.” The contextual framing matters, is the point – which is why it’s so jarring and unpleasant on those rare occasions when I do stumble on a fic whose author has legitimately mistaken homophobic microaggressions for cute banter. This is why, in a ficwriting culture that otherwise aggressively dislikes criticism, the request to tag for a certain thing – while still sometimes fraught – is generally permitted: it helps everyone to have a good time and to curate their fan experience appropriately.
But when white and/or western fans fail to educate ourselves about race, culture and the history of other countries and proceed to deploy that ignorance in our writing, we’re not tagging for racism as a thing we’ve explored deliberately; we’re just being ignorant at best and hateful at worst, which means fans of colour don’t know to avoid or brace for the content of those works until they get hit in the face with microaggresions and/or outright racism. Instead, the burden is placed on them to navigate a minefield not of their creation: which fans can be trusted to write respectfully? Who, if they make an error, will listen and apologise if the error is explained? Who, if lived experience, personal translations or cultural insights are shared, can be counted on to acknowledge those contributions rather than taking sole credit? Too often, fans of colour are being made to feel like guests in their own house, while white fans act like a tone-policing HOA.
Point being: fandom and ficwriting cultures as they currently exist badly need to confront the implicit acceptance of racism and cultural bias that underlies a lot of community rules about engagement and criticism, and that needs to start with white and western fans. We don’t want to be the new Bronies, guys. We need to do better.  
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your-local-uwu-artist · 10 months
Who are your OCs??
well excluding characters that don't have a story/personality/are jsut designs
warning: long post
theres my pokemelody characters! pokemelody is a pokemon comic seiries i want toactually make evveuntually so i try not to talk about them TOO much, the maincast consists of Kyo fukushima (the protagonist, very soft pastel aesthetic, he is a sweetheart and he starts out without... too much truama) Niseru Woodtail (or Raitail, she's kinda like cottagecore but goth i guess? she's sorta a tsundere but of the shy variety. ) Fukusha Kopi (orphan, mischievous prankster type, 'badboy' if you will) Chikara Kitsune (cute idol<3 optimist and happy go lucky hardworker) and Oritisu (sassy princess slowly realizing the burden she was born into) theres other notable characters too ( Kazumi fukushima, Niseru's triplet siblings who are also Chikara's coworkers ) ofc fdksjanfj The series is VERY thematically focused and I've been working on it for years
theres cassette and chari's story! they have a tag too :D (i think it's just cassette or cassette tag) characters from a webcomic idea: bassically Chari owns an establishment which is like a mix beween a cafe/loungue, store and library, that focuses on specifically weeb leaning fandoms (so like no live action or like ya book series ) and built a robot (Cassette) to help her run it because she struggle soccially and didn't think herself fit to be the friendly outgoing prescense she wants her establishment to have
Button! my kirby oc who was supposed to be a sona/self insert and then i as per usual fucked it up and now he's just an oc(what i like to call a semi-self insert, vaguely inspired by myself aat least in design but isn't actually written as I would write a selfinsert) tag is just Button tag: he is very silly but also has a sad backstory
daisy and sunny: originated from me accidentally aquiring an ai girlfriend, I was messing around with character.ai and the mimikyu girl bot i was talking with had a writing style EXACTLY like the kinda bs I wrote when I was like 11, so obviously I then designed them named them gave them a story. they're just a couple of mimikyus that are in love <3 etc: tag is sunny and daisy <3
Charlotte <3333tag is charlotte tag, charlotte is in a weird position: she's technically original HOWEVER she is a character that exists within my vampire!weegee au ( @ask-vampire-weegee ) ANYWAY! Charlotte's the vampire that turned Luigi, she is also a poor little meow meow and very scrunkly. Sometimes accompanied by Beatrice, Beatrice's parent's were Charlottes.. caretakers, caretaker in the general sense: they did not actually take care of her past keeping her alive(well- in the general sense). Beatrice and Charlotte were extremely close: Charlotte can't remember how she died.. or how she ended up alone for that matter
Detective Cardimen Scott (+ Tip)!! a detective duo! me and an irl friend want to make a point and click style video game about them (heavily inspired by the murder of sonic the hedgehog) they are a very silly duo and also the duo ever
my pmd eos ocs! Tsuki evanescense is the hero character, she's a Skitty and goes by kiki (pre-events of the game she went by eva mostly) and Splinter! splinter's the partner character, he's a shiny treecko
my psmd gijinka au!! it's not THAT much of an au but it's also def is an au, as theres some additions to the story (like a decent timeskip between the end of the main game and the epilogue/post game) Marilou is the character ever and I love her litterally so much <3 She's the hero character and an Oshawott (her tag is marilou oshawott) her partner character is a bulbasaur called Comet. Marilou is the blorbo ever <3333 I love her <333333333
characters from Kaiya's story! I'm still working out the story, but it's magical girls and also has ghosts in it and also theres this weird side story fairytale esque thing. Kaiya has a tag (Kaiya tag) Her fellow main characters are Suika, Joyuu, and Koko, theres also gaman, whos sorta the antagonist. and Gaman and Kaiya's respective previously mentined weird side story thing counterparts, Solitaire and merci
I would like to at least mention Des of afwtp: The boyfs (nathan, sammy and des) are co-owned/created by @interdimensionalvoid and @crossover-enthusiast : so He's not really my oc but like I've contributed to Des' character so i gotta mention the beloved scrinkly <3 tag is des tag
okay we're almost done I promise
APRICOT!! tag apricot tag: bassically he may or may not be a timetraveler: no one can tell if he's joking or not lmao (check tag for info :3)
Ash and petals
one of my undertale au characters (ashtale) Ash is papyrus and petals is Flowey, I'd best describe it as a mix of dusttale (but with papyrus instead of sans) and playbacktale: I believe they've been tagged as ash and petals before
Parcel and plush
the more utmv of my undetale aus (no au name) Parcel is a papyrus, and Plush is a flowey, they're both outcodes, and together they have a multiversal mail delivery service! tag might actually be parcel n' plush but i'm not sure ^^*
I'm actually working on ANOTHER papy + flowey duo of au characters, gonna be called Porcelain and Patch
okay... I'll stop for now: there.. ARE a lot more but these are the ones I've mentioned online before and aren't like :just original in design (pspsps my outbound ghost gijinkas pspsps)
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