#ateez comfort fic
thenewblackcanvas · 11 months
7 nurses, 2 patients
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The coincidence of getting appendicitis at the same time as your boyfriend was a bit unbelievable. The recovery started off as a frenzied hellscape despite having just arrived home. You and Mingi wanted nothing more than to sleep but with 7 boyfriends ranging from a chaotic babygirl that never shuts up to an overprotective mother that insists on cleaning every 15 minutes you two can’t seem to keep your eyes closed. Originally he was in his own room but he was lonely. How he was lonely with at least one boyfriend coming in constantly you weren’t sure but you did like holding his hand as you relaxed in the comfy bed.
After a few hours of this you finally spoke to Seonghwa and Hongjoong, the parents finally ushering the kids out to give you time to actually rest. You knew it wouldn’t last long but you would savor the time while you had it.
Fully relaxed you were still having some discomfort but not in pain. Unlike the poor boy you were holding hands with.
“I’ve never been in pain in my life”
You give him a silent look but squeeze his hand anyway playing the next YouTube video.
Soon you hear the chorus of footsteps. “The nurses are coming”
7 men pile into the room- food, water, meds, heat pads, books all in tow. They’re trying to keep it down but god knows they just can’t. Immediately Woosan get into a whispered dispute about the food.
Matz are fussing over you both respectively, switching so they can each talk to both of you.
Yeo2ho quietly yet chaotically clean the old food containers and water bottles. Dropping some and laughing about it.
Then just like that the door closes behind the last one.
They’re gone. The storm of your boyfriends care had come and gone in an instant and it was dizzying.
“Were they really even here??” He questions
“Well wooyoung ate a chunk of my food and Hongjoong dropped a book on my foot then left it so I think so.”
Just then woo slinks back in and steals another bite and a kiss from both of you before slinking back out.
You two stare at the door. Chaotic.
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hwaseonghwasworld · 1 month
ATEEZ Reaction To You Accidentally Texting Your Crush Maknae Line
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cheeseceli · 1 month
Hold me
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Pairing: Choi San × Gn!reader
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff, short drabble
Prompt: If you hold me without hurting me, you'll be the first who ever did
Warnings: reader is touch deprived
A/n: I wrote something similar to this a few months ago, and I think it was the perfect draft for this work. Hopefully you'll like it <3 | join the 1k event
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Touch was never a synonym of love to you.
The feeling of a foreign skin on yours made you feel uncomfortable,way more than you'd like to admit. It reminded yourself of all the fake hugs you were forced to tolerate, all the boys who never learnt about basic respect, all kisses you wish you had never given away.
Touch was not welcomed anymore.
You thought this was okay for a while. You didn't miss it. In all honesty, you felt better this way. But if so, why did you feel so differently about someone's touch?
You remember when it happened for the first time. A hug. San hugged you when you won a plushie in a claw machine he swore it was rigged. You smiled, content with your prize. What you didn't expect, however, was for him to be so happy. That's when he embraced you in his arms, rocking you from side to side so excitedly. It was the first time someone had touched you in a very long while. You thought you'd hate it, but it felt so... good.
You discovered it was because of San himself. You felt relaxed when he offered his shoulder for you to lean on during the ride back home. You felt genuinely happy when he kissed your cheek for the first time, and all times after that.
Touch, his touch, became something you began to crave.
You desired it so much, but you never had to beg for it. A perfect example of it was what is happening right now: you, on San's bed, feeling his arms holding you close to his chest by your waist. He was warm, his slow breathing making everything peaceful. He didn't even know he was touching you, his mind lost in a calm dream, but he was holding you like you've never been held before. It was light, if felt comfortable. You even dare to call it love.
Right then, you cried. Tears falling from your eyes while you felt something heal inside of you. You hugged San back, feeling his arms unconsciously hold you closer, careful.
Touch was, maybe, a synonym of love after all. At least it surely was whenever it came from San.
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: Proud
Thank you for reading 🤍
Taglist (open): @yuyubeans
Credits for images 1 , 2 and 3
Dividers by @isisjupiter
The San drabble I promised to @hyunjinvoid 🫶🏻
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idyllic-ghost · 3 months
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title: Hopefully pairing: idol!hongjoong x reader genre: domestic fluff, slight angst, idol!au, secret relationship, hurt/comfort warnings: anxiety over a relatively new relationship, a sexual innuendo, general fears about abandonment and the future of the relationship, not proofread synopsis: You haven’t seen Hongjoong in a week and it’s starting to take a toll on you. wordcount: 3k taglist: @d0nghyuck, @fantasy2wonderland, @niktwazny303, @wonwoospartyhat, @stariightjoyy, @hyneyedfiz, @crazywittysassy, @yeosayang rating: PG
a/n: this is a bit inspired by “oxalá” (aka hopefully) by MARO! i know i was going to write something else, but this story came to my mind and i needed to get it out😭
join my taglist
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
You’ve got one (1) new voicemail!
“Hey, babe, I’m not going to make it to your place tonight. I got stuck at the studio and lost track of the time- I’m sorry, I know I said I would come over… I have practice tomorrow morning, but maybe I can try to sneak off to you tomorrow evening? I promise I’ll try my best to make it work! Sleep w-”
The beep cut off the message before Hongjoong got to finish. It was the second time you had listened to it. He had called you while you were at work, doing overtime, and you hadn’t heard your phone buzzing in your bag. It was typical of the two of you; you always managed to miss each other by a hair. You sighed and put down your phone on the counter. The clock on your kitchen wall said 12:30, and you’d usually be in bed by now but you couldn’t bring yourself to lay down in it. Not when you knew the bed would be empty, and the sheets would be cold. Therefore, you sat by the counter with a cup of tea in front of you. 
You were nursing the cup in your palms as if the warmth of the mug would be as comforting as your lover’s embrace. It was late when he had called you, and it sounded like he was heading off to bed, but you were still mulling over whether or not to call him - you just needed to hear his voice. Your phone was next to the cup on the counter, its dark screen was taunting you with your reflection. The little amount of willpower that you had was not enough to keep you away from him; so you picked up your phone and texted him.
You [12:32]: are you awake?
After pressing send, you quickly put your phone down and sighed. You had lost to your needs and wants yet again. The two of you weren’t even official - you couldn’t be. It was easy to fall in love with him, but harder to keep loving him. Everything had to stay secret, no matter how much you wanted to shout to the world that, yes, you were very much in love with Kim Hongjoong and he actually liked you back! However, with his line of work came a lot of restrictions. Seeing him was difficult, meeting up with him in public was even more difficult, and telling people that you were dating was out of the question. 
As much as you enjoyed sneaking around with him, you couldn’t deny your want to be his and for him to be yours - you wanted to be his partner, and you wanted others to know that you were his partner. Instead, you’re stuck in an in-between-relationship; where you’re exclusively seeing each other, but unable to do things that partners would or tell anyone that you were partners - a relationship where you were still scared to seem clingy, despite the two of you barely seeing each other. The low buzzing of your phone brought you out of your spiraling thoughts.
Hongjoong [12:34]: yes, but why are you awake?🤨
You smiled at the message, trying to contain your excitement by biting your bottom lip. The cup was set to the side, the comforting warmth on your palms no longer needed, and you picked up your phone.
You [12:34]: I couldn’t sleep.. did I wake you up?
Hongjoong [12:35]: no, I’m still in the studio🥲why can’t you sleep?
You sighed yet again, trying to come up with an excuse that wasn’t utterly embarrassing to type out. Before you could answer him, your phone buzzed again.
Hongjoong [12:36]:  do you want me to call you?
It was as if he could read your mind. You quickly sent him a yes, and put your phone down to wait for him to call. It only took a few seconds. After waiting for a few seconds, trying to figure out when the appropriate amount of time had passed to answer, you pressed ‘Accept call’ and held the phone up to your ear.
“Hi, baby.” Hongjoong’s voice was raspy like he hadn’t spoken for a long time.
Baby. The nickname had slipped out so casually that you almost didn’t realize that he had said it. Now it was all you could think about. Hongjoong didn’t call you by pet names often, they’d slip out in the heat of the moment and he’d get shy. He could suddenly go from slightly irritated over you touching something in his studio, to a flustered mess because of you teasing him about calling you babe. You would never get tired of it.
“Hey, am I interrupting?” You brought your hand up to your mouth, biting down on your thumb’s nail.
“No, I’m packing up for the night soon.” He sighed, and you could hear him push his chair away from his desk. “I’m sorry for not coming over today.”
“It’s okay, I understand,” you murmured. “Work is important.”
“Not more important than you,” he countered a little too quickly. “I’m working on work-life balance. I promise.”
“I know.” You chuckled under your breath. 
The line went quiet for a moment. You could hear his breathing - soft and steady - and you could picture him, sitting in his chair with a large hoodie draping over his frame. A mixture of comfort and disappointment flooded your veins. Comfort from hearing his voice, disappointment from not being able to hear it in person. Hongjoong cleared his throat, bringing you out of your thoughts.
“Why can’t you sleep?” he asked.
“Oh, I don’t know…” you trailed off, but shortly thereafter continued, “I miss you.”
“I miss you, too.”
His words lingered in the air, and you closed your eyes to savor them. A part of you wanted to yell that if he missed you so much he should try to be here more, but you knew it wasn’t fair. It’s not his fault. You shut your eyes tighter, bowing your head down as if to curl into yourself, and tried to hide from the angry feeling bubbling up in your stomach. Tears started stinging in your eyes, and, despite your efforts, a weak sob made its way past your lips.
“Y/N…” You could hear the frown in Hongjoong’s voice. “I’m sorry, please don’t cry.”
“I’m not,” you lied as you wiped away your tears. “I promise, I’m not. It’s okay. I’m okay.”
The line went quiet again as you sniffled. You could hear shuffling from his end, as he gathered together his things. As you pieced everything together, you quickly tried to protest - telling him that he didn’t have to come over and that you really were fine.
“Stop it.” His voice was shaky. “I’m coming over, and you can’t stop me.”
“I wasn’t trying to-”
“I know.”
“... could you stay on the phone with me until you get here?” you asked quietly, your voice coming off as weaker than you wanted it to.
“Of course.”
You grabbed a tissue and wiped your face from tears and snot, and the realization of what you were doing hit you then. It felt stupid to cry over this, but it had gone too long since you had seen him. The urge to cry, kick, and scream was overwhelming - but you kept it inside your chest with a deep breath. 
“Thank you,” you mumbled. “I really didn’t mean to pull you away from work.”
“I know, it’s okay,” he assured you. “I’m heading to the parking lot now, it’ll only be a few minutes.”
A few minutes until you get to see Hongjoong. You could wait just a few more minutes, right? Despite the assurance that he’d be here soon, the empty feeling in your heart didn’t dissipate. In fact, the cavity in your chest only grew larger. You knew he wouldn’t get here for a while, but you still got up from your chair and walked over to your front door.
“How long has it been since I got to see you?” you thought out loud.
“I think it’s been a week already.” Hongjoong groaned. “I’m really sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, okay? I knew what I signed up for with you.”
It was meant as reassurance, but it came out wrong and you cringed as soon as the words left your lips. Hongjoong laughed, making you feel just a little lighter on your feet. You heard the jingling sound of his keys, signaling that he was already near his car.
“That came out wrong,” you said.
“It’s okay, I get it.” You could hear him open the car door. “Let me put you on speaker, hold on a second.”
You leaned against the wall and listened to the rustling sounds of Hongjoong getting into his car and putting down his phone. The engine started, and he stayed quiet as he focused on getting out of his parking space. The parking lot must have been almost empty because it didn’t take long for him to get back to you.
“Alright, I’m on my way now!” he chimed.
“Thank you, baby…”
“Baby?” he teased, laughing as he finally got to take revenge on you.
“Shut up-”
“No, I deserve this,” he argued. “You never call me pet names, I’m taking advantage of it.”
“Well, now I’m never doing it again.”
He gasped on the other side of the line, and you could practically hear the fake-hurt pout on his lips as he muttered something under his breath. No matter the situation, Hongjoong could always find a way to make you smile.
“I teased you once and now you’re revoking my pet name privileges?” He scoffed. 
You liked him like this. It made you forget about everything else; this was the actual Hongjoong, and only you could witness it. In one slow movement, you slid down onto the floor and crossed your legs. With your head leaning against the wall, you looked up to the ceiling and smiled.
“I thought you didn’t like the mushy stuff,” you said, “I would include pet names in that.”
“I don’t dislike mushy stuff… I just get shy,” he admitted quietly.
“You don’t seem very shy when you go on stage,” you countered.
“That’s different!” he exclaimed, and added with a hushed voice, “I just get shy around you.”
Your smile grew wider. You wanted to tell him that you got shy around him, too, and all of the other things he made you feel - but you couldn’t find the words. His words were saved in the back of your mind, for you to think of later and come up with something equally heartwarming.
“I’m almost there,” he said to break the silence, and you could hear the clicking sound of his blinkers as he was probably driving up to the car park already.
“Good,” you said. “Hongjoong?”
“I’ll stop teasing you for calling me nicknames,” you said, “if I get to keep calling you ‘baby’, too.”
“Deal.” You can hear the grin in his voice. “I’m getting out of the car now, baby.”
A laugh bubbled up your throat. Partially because of his silly tone, but also out of pure excitement. Your giddiness was apparently contagious, as Hongjoong let out a giggle as well - and you could hear the echo of his shoes hitting the concrete floor as he sprinted towards your building.
“I’m almost at the elevator!” he whisper-yelled.
He swore under his breath, clicking the button to the elevator multiple times. Eventually, you heard a ding and the doors opening. He was so close. You wanted to run out of your apartment and meet him halfway, but you knew that his being here was already a risk in itself. So you settled beside the door, no longer sitting on the floor. And when you heard the keys you had given him unlock the door, you quickly opened it and pounced on him. He stumbled back slightly, pressing ‘End call’ on his phone before hugging you back. With your arms still wrapped around him, he walked into your apartment and closed the door behind the two of you. Only then did he fully embrace you. You buried your head into his coat, cold from the chill air outside but it smelled like him so you didn’t mind. Your hands balled up into fists, creasing the soft material of his coat, and you pulled him even closer to you. Hongjoong’s chin found its rightful place on the top of your head. 
“I’ve missed you,” he repeated, and you felt your tears threatening to spill onto your cheeks again. “Fuck, I’ve missed you.” His voice was trembling now.
As you tried to get out of his grip to look at him and comfort him, Hongjoong put his hand on the back of your head. He held you in place, soft enough to still allow you to leave if you really wanted to let go but firm as if he was silently begging you to stay. So, you stayed and pretended not to notice the tears that fell from his eyes and hit the top of your head. He shifted to kiss the top of your head and gave you one last squeeze before letting you go. You watched as he wiped his tears with his sleeve, quickly as if you wouldn’t notice. For his sake, you pretended that you didn’t.
“Have you eaten?” you asked.
“I ate some take-out for dinner.” He bent down to take off his shoes. “If you’re hungry we can eat, but I just want to go to bed with you.”
Yes. Bed. The concept that had seemed so daunting before now felt like a long-lost dream that had come to life. He stood back up, and you took a long look at him. He had colored his hair, you had seen pictures but you hadn’t seen it in person yet. Blonde always did suit him. He was busy taking off his coat while you watched him. It hadn’t settled in your brain that he was actually in front of you, it felt unreal.
“Are you hungry?” he asked with a smile. You had really missed that smile.
“Oh. No, I ate earlier.” You held out your hand to him. “Let’s go to bed.”
He took your hand gleefully and followed you like a puppy who’s just been promised a walk. You brought him to your bedroom. It was clean, and the bed was still made from this morning. While Hongjoong sat down on the edge of your bed, you pulled out some of the clothes that he had left there - an old pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt, that you desperately didn’t want to give back.
“I’ve been looking for this,” he hummed as you gave him the clothes. “I didn’t know I had left it here…”
“I, uh… I may have stolen it.” You sent him your best smile, trying to look as innocent as possible.
“You’re cute.” Was all he said before he went into the bathroom to change.
You had the sudden urge to follow him - and, despite what he would think and tease you for, it was not with sexual intent. Now that you finally got to see him again, you couldn’t stand him leaving even for a second. However, you stood your ground and decided to fix up the bed instead. You removed any throw pillows, and pulled down the covers. Just as you got into your side of the bed, Hongjoong came back from the bathroom. He left his clothes on a chair, before he all but ran to your bed. When he had gotten under the covers, he shuffled closer to you and began peppering your face with kisses.
“I’ve missed you, I’ve missed you, I’ve missed you…” he muttered between every other kiss.
You laughed until you were gasping for air, but you didn’t dare lean away from him. As he planted a final kiss on your lips, you let out a low hum of approval. Hongjoong pulled you closer, letting you snuggle up against his chest. It was almost impossible for you to stop smiling. As it settled in your bones that he was actually there, right in front of you, you finally relaxed.
“I want it to be like this all the time,” you admitted.
“Me too,” he murmured. “I’m sorry it’s so complicated.”
“It’s okay,” you hummed. “I guess it makes times like these more special.”
“I’ll try to make a plan for the future, okay?” he said. “I’ll talk to the company and we can figure something out. We could find a good apartment and-”
“You want to move in with me?”
“Yeah, I love you.”
Maybe it was the fact that it was late, or maybe he hadn’t been sleeping a lot since you last saw him, but the words slipped out of his mouth so casually that you almost didn’t register that he said it. You looked up at him. He was still talking about his plans, not having realized what he had said. Putting one of your hands on his face, gently cupping his cheek, got his attention. His words faltered and you brought his lips to yours for a chaste kiss.
“I love you, too.”
At first, he just seemed shocked, but you could see the gears turning in his head. When he finally remembered what he had said, his face was practically glowing in the dark. He quickly tried to explain how he was very tired, and that he was going to make the moment more special but he had forgotten. You simply smiled and put your head on his chest again, the action silencing the man lying next to you again.
“Keep telling me about your plans,” you said.
He started talking again, and you felt the soft vibration of his words in his chest. As he talked about your future, you slowly drifted off to sleep. Hongjoong kept talking until he finally heard you snore. He brought the covers over your shoulder and hugged you closer. Hopefully, he’d be able to spend every night with you just like this.
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justaaveragereader · 9 months
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Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Genre: Smut, Comfort Sex
Warning⛔️: Unprotected Sex (No Glove, No Love), Slight Choking, Cream Pie, Needy And Clingy Hongjoong, Marking, If I Missed Anything Let Me Know👀!
NSFW & Warnings Under Cut - Minors DNI!!! 🔞
Your smile was enticing, your smell was perpetual, you were addicting. Everything about you was worth being addicted to. That frightened Hongjoong. He wanted, no, needed your presence to weigh down on him. He needed you to back him into a corner and suffocate him. He needed it, he wanted it, he craved it. He was addicted and he didn’t want to stop.
Not only did he have the crushing pressure of the company on his shoulders, he also had the responsibility of producing not only for his own group but also for Xikers. It’s not that he didn’t love what he did, sometimes it just got exhausting. You were a light, and he was a careless moth drawn into you.
You were always good to him, if he called, you came. If he needed you while he was halfway across the globe you tried your best to show up for him. He was convinced you could cure any and everything he went through with just a simple glance. He is a very intense lover, you knew that, and tried your best to match him and the thought of that made his eyes glass over.
Standing in the doorway of his studio, hands full of food amongst other small snacks and drinks. He could smell your perfume clouding the small studio, your eyes ogling over him. Not like he was a chore, not like he was a burden, like he was the only man for you. You jiggle the bag letting him know that the items inside are for him to enjoy.
“I figured you hadn’t eaten yet, so I thought I would stop by and bring you something to eat, and snack on for when you are feeling snacky.” You say while walking towards him placing the bags down, his eyes trailing over you like it’s his very first time seeing you.
“And…I missed you, I wanted to see you. So I thought why not knock two birds with one stone.”
There it was, that tug on his heart, he could physically feel you love him, still at times it didn’t feel like enough. He needed you 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Even if he had you all the time, it still wouldn’t feel like enough to him. He was always longing for you, and the thought of you missing and longing for him always made him just a smidge more addicted to you.
“You missed me?” He breathes out in a raspy voice, heart taking over his mind. Cock slightly growing hard in the thought of you wanting him.
“I always miss you Joong.” You turn your body full towards him, pulling his chair out slightly so you can stand in between his legs. Your eyes looking down at him with love, while he cocks his head back to fully take you in. A true goddess. Your words were enough to take his breath away, feeling his chest squeeze he brings his hands up to your hips. Slightly lifting your shirt so he can run his thumbs over your skin. He needs to feel your skin underneath his fingers tips.
“You miss me?” You say lightly, you know the answer, yet you want to hear him say it. Your fingers comb lightly through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp.
Bringing his face into your clothed stomach, inhaling your scent. He exhales, dopamine filling his inner body. His body always spoke louder than his words ever could.
“Morning, noon, and night.” He says through a muffle voice, face still pressed into your stomach.
“Miss me all the time it sounds like.” You speak quietly, hands now working their way down to run at his tense shoulders, your hands on his body immediately ease him, his shoulders loosening instantaneously.
“I miss you even when you are next to me.” He says pulling back from your stomach, your hands pausing at his shoulders. His hands coming down to undo the button on your jeans. He needed you to feel every word that he was going to say. His mask was slipping off, his true self and feelings were surfacing.
“I don’t think you understand how much I need you.” He whispers out, dragging your jeans down to your ankles, helping you step out of them. His lips place light feather kisses along your lower stomach.
“I love you so fucking much.” His voice slightly cracks at the end, a small smile graces your face. You were always enamored with Hongjoong, his intensity is a key reason why you were drawn to him.
“No matter how much I have you, it never feels like enough.” His wet lips leave a trail of small hickies behind, marking you for the future. So you can look back and see that you are marked by him. He would engrave his name into you if he could.
Standing up he pushes you down upon the small couch in his studio, cock throbbing hard against his pants, gripping his bulge to relieve some of the pressure. He wanted to carve this moment into his head forever, just like all the other moments spent with you. You had to be more than soulmates, you had to be made for him. Your eyes glaze over, a shine in them that even brings the sun to shame.
“You have me Hongjoong, you will always have me, for as long as you want me.” You breathe out. Voice far from sultry, but in his ears you spoke like sex each time.
“I want you forever, I want you now, I want you in the next life.” He breathes out, voice thick with need. His emotions were crashing quickly. His heart taking over as the pilot.
Freeing his cock from his pants, he’s dripping pre cum, the tip a vibrant red, almost as pretty as his lip color. His eyes scream predator yet lover intertwined. You lock eyes with Hongjoong, slowly pulling your panties off of your lower half, wanting to make sure he knows that you are all for him no matter what life time it is. It’ll always be Kim Hongjoong.
Usually he would give you more foreplay but today he couldn’t, he couldn’t bear the thought of being not in you. He needed this, just like he needed you.
Easing himself into you, letting you get used to the stretch. Your head falls back instantly, eyes fluttering shut. Everytime was like the first time. God, he was a love sick man. His hands gripping your hips, fingers more then likely to leave marks. Drawing his hips back, he slams back with a powerful deep thrust, savoring the way your back arches, you instantly cry out.
“I love you so fucking much. I want you all the time, I need you all the time.” He pants out, hips speeding up slightly, drawing his hips back far enough to make sure that you see stars. He was sure to make sure he hit every spot in you. He could be blindfolded, and would still know what spots on you to push.
The way your back arches, the way you are holding his wrist while he’s stroking you to heaven is so much to bear. The emotions are a cracking weight on him. You try your best to look at him through your hooded eyes, pleasure nurturing your body. You wanted him to feel you in this moment, you wanted him to know you were with him within this moment. Your cunt clenches, drawing out a loud moan from him. Trying his best to make sure his eyes remain on you. With each thrust the squelching noises bounce around in the small studio. Even though he was in his studio, the wet noises you were making were music to his ears, a song he could never replicate. His eyes glass over with unshed tears.
“I love you.” He grits out, trying to hold onto his orgasm so you can waltz into bliss first. You grip his wrist tighter to let him know you are there, that you are his.
“I love you even more Joong.” You rasps out through a moan, trying your best to remain coherent but the way he cock is sliding in and out of you it’s nearly impossible.
“I love you so fucking much, I need you all the time.” He grits out, tears now rolling down his face, his hips picking up speed, cock deep in your guts. Your back arches, eyes rolling back into your skull.
“I don’t think you understand how much I truly need you. I can’t breathe if you aren’t next to me. I can’t lead if you aren’t there.” Thrusts getting deeper, you needed to feel him. He was going to make sure you never forgot this moment.
“I can’t survive unless you are with me. I’m so in love with you.” He grips the side of your neck, tossing one of your legs over his forearm, hitting inside of you from a whole different angle. Tilting your head forward, he pushes his forehead against yours, unshed tears spilling onto your skin.
“I’m addicted to you, I don’t think you truly understand how much I’m in love with you. I need you with me just so I can function.” His hand on your neck comes to the sides of your throat, making sure to apply the correct amount of pressure that he knows you like. Your eyes start to water, not sure if it’s from his words or from your orgasm that is quickly approaching. Your toes curl, one leg locking him into place so he couldn’t move, you grab him by the front of his shirt, placing a desperate to his lips before shoving your tongue into his mouth. Pulling back slightly he breathes into you, panting heavily above you, his thrusts becoming sloppy.
“I love you so fuc-fucking much.” He stutters out, orgasm crashing down upon him, his stuttering hips push harshly into yours. Making sure that your walls milk him dry. He pulls back slightly, brushing some of the fallen sweat and tears off of your skin. Adjusting you so that he would slip behind you on the small couch.
Turning you over so your noses brushed, your hand coming to push back some of the sweaty hair that had fallen upon his face. Heavy pants are shared between you both, his hand finds its place on your hip again, brushing your skin as if to make sure you don’t fade away, that you aren’t just a figment of his imagination.
“I’m so addicted to you jagiya, and I don’t think I can stop.” He whispers out onto your lips, before running his tongue along your bottom lip. Savoring your taste on his very own.
“Good…I don’t want you to.” You whisper back on his lips. Smile taking over your face before driving back into his lips. Loving you was a addiction he would never beat.
A/N: I just want to say thank you to @whatudowhennooneseesyou for requesting this, she wrote such a AMAZING piece like this for Bang Chan called Limerence go give it a read! She wanted me to write something like it for a Ateez member, and she chose Hongjoong which made me dizzy😵‍💫 bc why do I feel like it screams Hongjoong. I hope I was able to do you justice babes😚! Honestly while writing this I listen to Just Pretend by Bad Omens on repeat bc I feel like it fits this perfectly👀👀. I hope all you guys enjoy reading this!
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starry-nights-garden · 6 months
Ateez Reaction ✧ When their s/o struggles with physical affection
✧ Ateez all members x gn!reader ✧ genre: fluff, reaction, a bit of comfort? (reader doesn't dislike physical affection but feels awkward about it/isn't used to it) ✧ warnings: none
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will share touches with his partner naturally once you start dating, and he'll also be very quick to realize something's off about the way you receive them
doesn't think much of it when you don't really initiate any physical affection at first, after all you might just be shy or prefer your partner to make the first step and he's fine with that
but when you hesitate to hug him back or you let your hand slip out of his hold the first chance you get, he starts becoming suspicious
"Is something up?" he'll simply question you when you avoid his touch again, not liking the current potential for conflict at all
so in case you try to brush it off at first, he'll make sure to ask again, because communicating things like this openly is very important to him
when you do end up telling him that physical affection makes you feel uncomfortable because you're not used to it, he understands and immediately apologizes
will ask what you need of him for a chance to get used to it so you can enjoy it when you share touches, and he'll do exactly what you tell him to
if you need him to go slow, he will, if you need him to warn you in advance, he'll do that, if you tell him he should keep things as they are and you'll get used to it eventually, he will wait patiently for that moment
the most important thing for him is that you're comfortable, so whatever he can do to ensure that, he will!
he's definitely not one to overwhelm his partner with physical affection and tends to be careful with initiating it, especially if you haven't been dating for long
however, when even that seems like it's too much for you, he starts feeling a bit lost
becomes awkward around you, and when you notice the way he always holds himself back last moment whenever he mindlessly goes in to take your hand or to put his arm around you, you begin feeling bad for him
so eventually you just tell him that it's not like you hate being touched, you just don't know how to react and aren't used to it
there's both surprise and relief in his expression after hearing your explanation
"Then should I ask before trying to touch you?" - he wonders out loud and so that's what you agree on
and sure enough, him being careful makes you feel at ease, and you slowly get used to what it's like to hug him, to hold his hand, etc...
until you too start initiating physical touches, and this guy finds himself overjoyed whenever you approach him even just for a simple hug
he's only shy about touching you at the beginning of the relationship, and seeing you being even more shy about it gives him a lot of confidence actually
that's until the first time you instinctively duck away when he's showering you in just a bit too much physical affection
he questions it immediately and asks if he did something wrong, and when you're not sure how to reply he becomes very serious
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable." 
makes you sit down with him because this is very important to him, and he doesn't ever want to hurt you
when you tell him that physical affection can feel overwhelming to you, he tries his best to understand and asks you some more questions to try to figure out where exactly your limits are
will be careful about how and where he touches you from now on, but at the same time he'll do it in a way that still feels natural, and not like he's forcing himself to act differently
once he notices you becoming more comfortable with his touches, he'll initiate them more often, and when you're the one to approach him for a hug or a kiss, he'll be both happy and flustered about it
sure enough you're soon more than okay with sharing touches with him, and even if at some point things get too much for you again, you simply have to tell him no and he'll give you space right away
he's awkward about physical affection as well, so he actually understands you quite well
to be honest he's thankful that you're not immediately all over him, because he needs a lot of time to adjust to people and to become comfortable enough to share loving touches
so while it might feel a little awkward, getting closer physically in tiny steps feels just right to the both of you
and because you're both taking your time with it, holding hands, brushing a strand of hair out of the other's face, or one leaning their head onto the other's shoulder will soon feel just natural to you
you do tell him at some point that you're usually not big on physical affection, but somehow with him everything feels right, and that's one of the moments he realizes just how much he loves and trusts you
this will end up in a kiss, maybe even your first, and even in the way he kisses you you can feel a slight hesitation quickly turning into him comfortably conveying his feelings to you
it's not that he can't understand how you feel, but he'll also inevitably sulk at least a little bit about it
he'll quickly pick up on your discomfort whenever he tries to hug you with a bit too much excitement or when you get overwhelmed by the passion he pours into his kisses
and he just can't but think that it's personal, and you act like that because you're not as in love with him as he is with you
but he's also San, meaning he really can't hide his feelings for shit, so he'll end up blurting out how he feels only the next day or so
he needs you to honestly tell him that you're simply a bit uncomfortable with and not used to physical affection, and then his mood will immediately change
apologizes about a hundred times for unknowingly making you uncomfortable, and will be very careful from now on
makes it a habit to ask every single time before he touches you, even when he can barely contain his own feelings for you he'll calm down as much as he can first and ask if it's okay to touch you
and soon you feel that him giving you the space to say yes or no and the time to prepare yourself for a hug or a kiss or whatever, actually helps you gradually come to enjoy sharing touches with him
very unsure what to do with this situation
he thinks you don't like physical affection since you never initiate it and when he does, you always seem uncomfortable
eventually starts wondering if maybe your feelings for him aren't that strong after all and that's why you don't want him to touch you?
but then again you always return his kisses, and when you're spending time together he undeniably feels loved
he figures that maybe there's a different reason to it, and he'll simply ask you about it
feeling embarrassed and somewhat guilty, you tell him that you're simply not used to physical affection and so it feels weird to you, but it's not that you don't want to share touches with him
so what he does is offer you a hug, spreading his arms apart and giving you an encouraging smile, waiting patiently for you to accept his offer
gives you time to relax in a gentle embrace, and helps you get used to the feeling by carefully offering you more hugs or his hand to hold from time to time from now on
he's not one to hesitate when it comes to physical affection and he actually thinks it's cute how flustered you get everytime he traps you in a bear hug, pulls you close, kisses you out of nowhere, etc...
however, it won't take long for him to realize that you're not just flustered, you're actually also uncomfortable, and that's when he very quickly tones it down a few notches
will confront you about it and tell you that you should've told him to stop whenever he did something you didn't like (he might actually sound angry in the moment, but that's only because he's so worried he might've actually hurt you)
when you eventually explain to him that you're just very awkward about physical affection and he was going a bit too fast for you, he'll be relieved for the most part
can't resist teasing you about it in the future and pushing your limits just a bit, but overall he'll be careful and he'll do exactly what you tell him you need in order to become more comfortable
soon, you'll find yourself being more than okay with being touched by him and even initiating a hug yourself, and as soon as he senses you're okay with it, he's going to be all over you
another one who's quick to catch onto what's going on when you avoid his touches or you don't return them
he's not the biggest fan of physical affection either so he gets you, and he can mostly do without it if you really hate it that much, though there are moments where he'd really want to hold your hand or put his arm around you but he doesn't, so as not to make you even more uncomfortable
he will eventually bring it up to you if you don't speak up about it first, because he wants to understand exactly why you feel uncomfortable with him touching you
so when you tell him that you're simply awkward about it and don't know how to go about physical affection, he's pleasantly surprised
"So... you don't hate it?" 
and so he'll start trying out all kinds of small touches (after giving you subtle warnings so you can prepare yourself) in order to figure out what's okay with you and what isn't, and also to show you you don't have to feel awkward about it at all
and sure enough over time that'll help you get used to it, until touches shared between you two simply come natural and don't feel weird anymore
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bubblyyeonjun · 1 year
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this specific thought has been haunting my mind for WEEKS now and i have to make it a reality. this is actually something that happened to me before and i cant help but think abt what it would be like with san. 😵‍💫
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  🧸  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
so imagine san, leaning above your form. hes holding your jaw softly, making sure not to be too rough or scare u away as hes making u hold his eye contact. after eventually releasing his grip, he gently pushes your hair aside so he can bend down to leave tiny but soft kisses on your neck. the only sound u are able to hear are the little smacks sans lips produce when letting go of your skin to kiss along other spots as well. he drags them further along your throat, giving a barely there lick to the underside of your jaw until he eventually ends up placing the last kiss on your sternum.
san starts to pull himself upwards. the fingers of his right hand softly stroking your cheek to let u know he is right there and will take good care. his intense gaze now seems to get softer as hes leaning down, his lips replacing the feeling on your left cheek. he pulls away but comes right back to place another one really close to the previous spot, and again, and again until his nose is touching yours. u close your eyes, letting him drag his lips over the side of your mouth as u feel him place a kiss there. basking in the warmness of another kiss on your cupids bow, the other side of your mouth and your bottom lip until he starts to pout his lips again, doing the unexpected as he slowly leaves a proper lingering peck on your mouth to test the waters.
san releases and pulls himself up above u so he can rest his upper weight on his elbows as to not overwhelm u any more. he is too focused on the way your cheeks are starting to heat up now, it makes him giggle. his eyes literally sparkling when they search for yours.
"your very first kiss.. hmm u are so adorable doll." san whispers, admiring the way your nose slightly scrunches when he pecks it as well. he plops himself beside u on the bed, looking up at the ceiling of your bedroom.
processing what just happened, this is definitely NOT what u expected hanging out with your best friend would end like.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  🧸  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
reblogging would be really appreciated ! 🫶🏻
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icarusignite · 1 month
the ships have come to carry you home (Kim Hongjoong)
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Pairing: Captain Hongjoong x Runaway Princess Reader Summary: Desperate to escape a horrifying marriage to the man who murdered your family and stole your father's crown, you escape your opulent life, only to realize that your longing for freedom has landed you in the clutches of ruthless pirates who are willing to trade your life for one of their own. Determined to prove your worth, you must persuade the enigmatic captain that you are indeed worth keeping after all.
Word Count: 5.7k
Genre/warnings: Hurt/comfort, angst to fluff, captain is kind of a jerk in the beginning
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The damp, dark underbelly of the ship seemed to swallow you whole as you pressed yourself into the corner, drawing your knees up to your chest in a desperate attempt to make yourself as inconspicuous as possible. Above you, the reverberating boom of an explosion echoed through the wooden planks, sending shivers down your spine.
Your heart pounded in your chest like a war drum as you prayed fervently that whoever was raiding the ship above had no interest in you, that they would simply pass by without a second glance. But fate seemed determined to thwart your hopes as heavy footsteps clambered down the rickety wooden steps, each one resonating ominously in the darkness.
You squeezed your eyes shut, willing yourself to disappear into the shadows as the sound drew nearer. When the figure finally emerged into the dim light, you felt your stomach lurch in dread. He was a muscular man with sharp eyes that seemed to pierce through the darkness, searching every nook and cranny for any sign of life.
"Found her, Captain!" the man called out to someone above deck and your blood ran cold. 
Panic surged through your veins, but you remained frozen in place, hoping against hope that somehow, by some miracle, you might escape notice.
But the man's sharp gaze landed on you immediately, you knew your hopes were in vain. He approached with purposeful strides, his every movement calculated and precise. When he reached your hiding spot, he crouched down beside you, his expression almost apologetic. 
"Come on, then,” he said, his voice surprisingly gentle despite the urgency in his tone. "There’s no use hiding. You'll only make things harder for yourself."
You shook your head frantically, your breath coming in shallow gasps. You knew you had to fight, to resist with every ounce of strength you possessed, so when the man reached out to grab your shoulder, you recoiled instinctively, fear overwhelming your senses.
He sighed heavily, a sound laden with weariness and regret. "I'm sorry, truly I am," he murmured, his voice barely audible above the din of the ship. "But orders are orders.”
With that, he seized your arms firmly, his grip still gentle despite the urgency of his actions. You struggled against him, your muscles tensing with the effort, but it was futile. The man's strength far surpassed your own, and with a determined grunt, he began to drag you towards the stairs leading back up to the surface. You kicked and screamed with all your might, and in a desperate attempt to break free, you lashed out, your elbow connecting with the man's nose with a sickening crunch.
A string of curses erupted from his lips as he stumbled back, clutching his bleeding nose. "Careful, Captain," he growled, glaring at you with annoyance. "She's a feisty one."
“Thank you, San,” the captain presumably, responded with a sigh as you were unceremoniously dumped at his feet. 
He stood before you, a tired expression etched features, shadows lurking beneath his weary eyes. He ran a hand through his dishevelled hair, muttering something under his breath as he regarded you with a mixture of exasperation and resignation.
"You're more trouble than you're worth.”
“That’s right,” you nodded frantically. “I’m nobody. I’m irrelevant, and of no use to you, so please…please let me go.”
The captain scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping his lips. "You? Unimportant?" he retorted, shaking his head in disbelief. "Sorry, Princess, but I find that hard to believe. You are our most important cargo, and we've been tasked with returning you home."
That wasn’t even the word you’d call it anymore. Bile rose in your throat once again. You couldn’t return, especially not after what had happened to your family. Not after what they would do to you. 
You had hoped against hope that you could somehow escape that nightmare, that you could slip through the cracks unnoticed and reclaim your freedom, but now, faced with the harsh reality of your situation, you wondered if your fate was sealed.
"Please don't make me go back,” you tried again. “I was going to leave. I promise I'd be no trouble at all. I was going to go away and never come back."
The captain's expression hardened at your words, his frustration evident in the furrow of his brow. He knelt before you, his grip firm as he grasped your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze. His eyes bore into yours with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine.
"Are you really that hopelessly naive to think that these people would have simply dropped you off at the next harbour?" he spat, his voice laced with bitterness.
Your heart sank as you glanced around at the crew of the ship, your stomach churning with dread. They had been subdued and tied up by this new captain’s crew, their faces grim and resigned to their fate. 
"No, they were going to sell you out just the same," the captain continued, his voice low and menacing. "At least this way, you’ll be helping to save someone’s life.”
He seemed to seethe with anger, his fist clenched at his side as he struggled to contain his emotions. But then, a hand rested gently on his shoulder, and he glanced up to see another man standing beside him, his expression calm and reassuring.
"Ease up, Hongjoong," the man said softly, “you’re scaring her.”
“I don’t care, Seonghwa. Can you imagine how Jongho must be feeling right now? And to think we’ve sailed halfway across the continent for this pathetic creature, in exchange for his life. It’s ridiculous!”
“I know you’re worried about him…we all are, but this is no way to act.”
Hongjoong sighed, his bruising grip on your jaw easing before letting go completely as if deciding that you simply weren’t worth his energy. He felt the smallest stab of guilt at his behaviour, particularly when he caught the flash of hurt that crossed your wide eyes. It wasn’t your fault that the new king had decided to capture their youngest crew member, holding him ransom until you were returned to your kingdom. By the looks of it, you didn’t seem too fond of the new sovereign either, but he did wonder what it was that you were so desperate to escape from back home. 
He jerked his head to the rest of his crew, “Take what you can of value, and prepare to return to our ship.”
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Back on the captain's ship, the crew was abuzz with activity as they prepared to set sail. Your captor, San, seemed distracted as well, and you took this moment of distraction to break free from his hold again and do the only thing you can think of, throwing yourself overboard.
Just as you can though, strong arms wrap around your waist, pulling you back with a force that knocks the breath from your lungs. You gasp in shock, the world spinning around you as you find yourself ensnared in another's grasp.
"By God, are you insane?" a voice exclaims, the words ringing in your ears. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
It's Hongjoong, his voice filled with disbelief and concern. You thrash against him, your body writhing with the desperate need to break free, but he holds you tight against him, his arms like steel bands around your trembling form. Upon further struggle, he bends to place his arms beneath your knees and sweeps you clean off your feet, and despite your protests, he carries you effortlessly, his stride purposeful and determined.
If you weren’t quite so hysterical, you might have been comforted by the warmth of his frame against your frigid one, but there is no comfort to be found. When he finally places you on your feet again, you are in what you assume to be his personal quarters. 
“Do not even think of doing what you just did again!” he snarls. “You are of no worth if you’re dead.”
“I shall do just as I please,” you return with just as heatedly. 
“If you’re going to cause trouble, I’ll put you in the brig. See how long your act lasts in the company of the rats.”
With that, he stormed out, slamming the door to his chambers behind him, and even as you rushed toward it, you heard the resounding click of a lock being turned, effectively making you his prisoner. 
You spent the next few hours pacing the room, rummaging through his belongings in an attempt to find something, anything, that might aid in your escape. There was a large table strewn about with maps, and he owned an absurd amount of books, which was a little surprising as you didn't think pirates read. Still, when you realized your search was futile, you slumped to the floor in the corner, picking up one of the books to thumb through. 
Eventually, a soft knock on the door came, followed by a familiar click as it opened slowly with a creak. It was San, his frame filling the doorway for a few moments as he hesitated at the threshold. He held a tray of food in his hands, and behind him, darkness swallowed the rest of the ship, by which you assumed night had fallen. 
“Captain says you have to eat,” San mutters, setting the tray down in front of you, but you turn up your head. 
Almost as if he was inside your head, Hongjoong’s voice echoed from outside.
“Tell the snobbish princess that if she doesn’t fancy starving, she had better eat what she’s given.”
Your lip curled in disgust, and you turned away from the tray with an even more aggressive shake of your head. San sighed softly, before settling himself on the captain’s bed to simply watch you. You noticed that he had cleaned up his nose and you felt a stab of guilt. After all, he was simply following orders too, and you had decided that if anyone was to be the target of all your ire and hatred, it would be Hongjoong. 
“I…” you began hesitantly. “I’m sorry about your nose. I didn’t mean to…”
San chuckled, “Yes you did.”
“I…I mean I did but I didn’t—”
“It’s okay,” he shrugged. “Hazards of the job, I suppose.”
“Still. I am sorry.”
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When Hongjoong finally returned to his chambers, his weariness was palpable, etched into the lines of his face and the slump of his shoulders. But as his eyes fell upon you, curled up in the corner of his room, a pang of guilt tugged at his heart. You were a sorry sight, alone and vulnerable in the darkness, and he knew he could not put you in the brig. A person of your station must have always enjoyed the finest things in life, so being here must be quite an adjustment, and despite his earlier animosity, he did not wish to cause you greater discomfort. 
He approached you slowly, his footsteps echoing softly against the wooden floorboards. The sight of the untouched food on the table made him sigh in resignation. With a weary yawn, he ran a hand through his tousled hair, his exhaustion evident in every movement.
"Hey," he said gently. "You can take the bed. I'll sleep on the floor or something."
You shook your head stubbornly, your lips pressed into a thin line of defiance, but Hongjoong could see your weariness and it mirrored his own. He sighed, realizing that arguing with you would be futile.
"It'll be uncomfortable for you on the floor," he tried again.
Still, you remained silent, your gaze fixed on some distant point in the darkness. Hongjoong rolled his eyes in exasperation. 
"Suit yourself.”
As he began to undress and prepare for bed, peeling off his shirt with practiced ease, you couldn't help but let out a squeak of surprise, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment. You turned your head away so fast it was almost comical, your heart racing in your chest.
Hongjoong chuckled at your reaction. "Relax," he said with a teasing grin. "It's not like you haven't seen a shirtless man before."
You hadn’t, and it made your face redden even more. You huffed indignantly, refusing to meet his gaze. When he realized, he cleared his throat awkwardly, hurrying to put on something, internally berating himself for such a comment. You were a princess, brought up in refinery, so he should refrain from making such crass comments around you. 
When he settled down for the night, you remained in your place on the floor, eyes wide open in an attempt to evade sleep. However, unfortunately for you, it proved a fruitless endeavour, and eventually, the subtle shifting of the ship on the calm ocean waves lulled you into a restless slumber. 
You dreamt of fire and bloodshed, and the violence that seemed to haunt your every waking moment, following you even to the realm of Morpheus. You had to watch your family be slaughtered in front of you all over again, their blood seeping into the cracks of the pristine marble of your castle’s floors. The new self-proclaimed king, the usurper, grinned manically while the gore dried in the creases of his palms, his sword held aloft as he prepared to deal the final blow. You wished he would kill you, end your suffering once and for all and send you to be with the rest of your family, but he had much crueller plans for you. 
Hongjoong’s sleep was just as fitful as yours as he tossed and turned, and it was only made worse when he heard the quiet sounds of your sniffles. It made him bolt upright, gaze falling to your frame, curled up in a fetal position in the dark. Cautiously he approached you, only to see that your eyes were still screwed shut tightly, but a steady stream of tears flowed from behind your eyelids, and a pained whimper escaped your lips every now and then. 
The captain shook your shoulder gently in an attempt to wake you, but whatever dream you found yourself trapped in seemed to have its claws embedded too deeply and you only flinched at his touch. He sighed, mumbling a brief apology before lifting you from the floor. 
Almost instinctively, you curled into him, tucking your face into his chest, still in the throes of sleep, and Hongjoong froze. With a great sigh, he placed you on his bed, smoothing back the matted tangles of your hair away from your face. Your features were troubled, and he pressed his index finger against the wrinkle between your brows, easing your frown a little. It seemed to help a little, at least to the extent of halting your tears, but your face retained its characteristic pinched expression. 
Hongjoong watched you with fascination. He would not be cruel, he reminded himself. He would be kind to you and hope that wherever Jongho was, he was being treated with kindness in return. He doubted the new king’s ability to be kind, but there was little else he could do besides hope for the best. He was no stranger to the new king’s capability for cruelty, so it made him wonder just what had driven you from home, so desperate not to return. 
The next morning, you woke up with damp cheeks, and a throbbing headache, but much to your surprise, you had been covered by a threadbare blanket, and you were no longer on the cold, damp wooden floorboards. A tray of breakfast had been left out for you, but despite your rumbling stomach, you pointedly ignored it. 
That is how you spent the next few days. Hongjoong no longer returned at night, leaving you the sole occupant of his room, and when eventually your curiosity got the better of you, you decided to settle down with some of his books, biding your time. 
The opportunity presented itself one night when San arrived to bring you your evening meal, and when he left, you noticed that there was no telltale sound of the lock clicking. You crept up to the door and it swung open without much protest. 
The ship was bathed in darkness, and you could hear the distant sounds of the crew members, but they were muffled. Slowly you inched up the steps to the main deck, arms outstretched as you felt your way, holding your breath in anticipation. You hoped that everyone would be too busy with their own endeavours to pay you any mind. 
The surface was bathed in silver moonlight and it was almost ethereal, the way it reflected off the softly lapping waves. The sea was calm, but as you made your way to the edge, you were almost taken aback by its vastness. The murky depths stretched out as far as the eye could see, almost too infinite to fathom, and with a grim sort of resignation you realized that there was nowhere for you to go. No escaping your fate. 
You slumped against the wooden railing, almost listless, as you turned your attention to the stars above, charting the constellations that you could make out in the clear night sky as your father had taught you. You missed him terribly, and the prospect of having to marry the man who killed him made you want to pitch yourself overboard. 
Still, you had some sense of self-preservation because you remained with your feet firmly planted on the wooden deck. There were other ways, perhaps, for you to prove that you were worth more, that you could be of use to these pirates who were determined to return you to a monster. 
“Good to see you aren’t as determined to escape us,” came a voice, startling you. 
You felt a frown pull at your lips when you saw Captain Hongjoong standing right behind you, arms crossed over his chest, a satisfied smirk on his face. 
“What do you want?” you muttered sullenly. 
“Just testing out a theory.”
“I’m not your guinea pig!”
“No, you’re not, but you’re also not as determined to die as I had previously thought.”
“No one really wants to die,” you pointed out somberly. “It is our circumstances that drive the urge.”
Hongjoong hummed thoughtfully, coming over to lean against the railing beside you, and that is how you remained for several long moments, each one of you lost in thought. It was a comfortable sort of silence, one you didn't think was possible between the two of you, but you supposed he wasn’t entirely unpleasant to be around, provided he kept his mouth shut. 
“I am sorry, you know,” he spoke first. “I may have been…”
“I believe asshole is the word you’re looking for?”
“...excessively harsh,” Hongjoong finished sheepishly, still staring straight ahead. “Nonetheless, I apologize. I should have minded my manners, and that was no way to treat a princess.”
“That was no way to treat a person,” you corrected immediately. 
“Yes, you’re right. I was terrible. I’m truly sorry.”
You watched him from the corner of your eye, not missing the way the moonlight highlighted his sharp profile. You found it difficult to resist his apology, particularly due to the sincerity that was so evident in his tone, but you didn’t say anything in return. Perhaps, you’d let him ramble on, giving you the opportunity to figure him out, and see if there was any way to convince him not to take you back. 
“It’s not about the money, you know,” the captain continued, running a hand through his hair, dishevelling it even further, and you resisted the urge to brush a wayward lock away from his face. “It’s been a terribly worrisome few weeks…and it’s all my fault. I should have been more cautious, less naive. Jongho was taken because of me. He’s imprisoned, out there all alone because of me. Who knows what they’re doing to him, and there is nothing at all that I can do.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, although you didn’t know what you were apologizing for. Somehow it felt like it was your fault. 
“It’s not your fault,” Hongjoong suddenly turned to you, his eyes heartbreakingly earnest, and you swore you could see the glint of tears in the moonlight before he blinked them away. “But, you understand why we have to take you back now, don’t you?”
You were taken aback by the intensity of his words, the desperation of a madman almost. 
“I’m not sure I—”
“The king…he said he’d return Jongho to us, if we found you and returned you to your kingdom. It’s the only way we’ll get him back. 
“The new king is a cruel man,” you spat bitterly. “There is no telling he’ll keep his word.”
“But I have to try,” Hongjoong continued desperately. “I owe it to Jongho to try. His life is worth at least that much.”
And what of my life? What is my life worth? 
You closed your eyes, trying to block out his words, guilt and bitterness warring inside of you. It wasn’t fair. None of this was fair. You didn’t ask to be a pawn in this terrible game of chess. You didn’t ask to be born into such a family. You just wanted to be happy, to be free. Were your dreams worth so little, were you that insignificant to the fates?
Hongjoong pulled away, composing himself and clearing his throat, “It seems I have upset you again. I am sorry.”
“Another apology?” you scoffed. 
“It seems I have many things to apologize for,” he laughed self-depreciatingly. “I am a man of many flaws, and these days there is little I can do right.”
“It wasn’t your fault either,” you blurted, feeling the sudden urge to comfort him. It was strange, you should have despised him, but you felt that you understood him in some way. And besides, it had always been in your nature to be the peacemaker, to always out the feelings of others before your own. 
“Of course it was. I was there. I watched them take him away and could do nothing about it.”
“The…your crew member’s captor. He is a cruel man. I am certain there was nothing you could have done to save him.”
It was Hongjoong who watched you carefully now, “Is that why you do not wish to return?”
You found yourself unable to answer him. There were no words to describe it. No way to speak the terrible things you had witnessed out loud, and if you did, you would only cause the captain further worry, as his crew member was still in the king’s possession. 
“You do not have to tell me, of course,” he amended quickly, finally stepping back to take his leave. “I shall let you get your rest, princess. I do hope you’re finding my bed to be far more comfortable than the floor.”
And then with a polite bow that seemed much too formal on one such as him, he was gone, leaving you to contemplate your pitiful existence. Unbeknownst to you, Hongjoong felt your burdens deeply as well. His brief conversation with you made him feel even more guilty, but there was nothing to be done. He had a duty to his crew, to protect them and do whatever it took to ensure their life and safety. His crew had to come before some foreign princess. Jongho had to come before you. There was nothing else to do about it. 
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The next morning you were pleasantly surprised to see that the door to Hongjoong’s chambers had been left unlocked again, and when you made your way to the deck early in the morning, no one stopped you. A few of the crew members nodded politely at you as you wandered the ship, and San even granted you a smile. Hongjoong, as usual, was nowhere to be seen, and briefly, you did wonder where he had managed to hole up when you had taken over his quarters. 
Over the next few days, you put your only plan into motion. You learned the names of every member of the crew, attentive in your endeavours. After your conversation with the captain, you realized that he wasn’t entirely cruel and that perhaps there was still hope. If you proved yourself to be a useful enough member of the crew, perhaps he’d let you stay. They were pirates after all, and surely, if they liked you enough, they’d manage to come up with a way to keep you as well as rescue their youngest crew member from the cruel king’s clutches. 
You helped Wooyoung in the galley, and Mingi with polishing the canons. You even offered to mop the decks; anything at all to remain useful. You had been schooled in the arts of diplomacy as a princess, but you found that you did not have to make a great effort to pretend to be interested in their tasks. You genuinely enjoyed hearing their stories as they amicably conversed, and watching them during the night, when despite the subdued air about them due to their missing member, there was a sense of camaraderie to them that you desperately yearned for. The way each of them cared and valued one another was truly astonishing, particularly to someone like you who had never before seen such friendships. 
Hongjoong’s relationship with them in particular awed you. You imagined a captain to be harsh and commanding with his crew, but Hongjoong was anything but. They obeyed him because they genuinely respected him, and valued what he had to say, and in return, he treated every single member aboard the ship with that same courtesy, everyone including you. Sometimes he’d flash you one of his charming smiles, as he’d go about his day, and you found yourself wishing to stay even more desperately. It felt almost pathetic, caring this much about a group of people who surely did not care for you. 
However, what you didn’t realize is that your desperate efforts had indeed endeared you to the crew, the captain most of all, and when the day arrived for the ship to dock at the harbour, the sky seemed overcast in shadow. 
It could be put off no longer. You had to be returned, and they would be reunited with their brother. You supposed you could beg, plead for them to let you stay, but if you were to bear what was to come, and their inevitable denial, you needed to hold on to whatever shred of dignity you had remaining. You would not cry, you would not say a word. With grace, you bid your goodbyes and hoped that you weren’t imagining it when the crew seemed almost sad to let you go. 
Perhaps they might remember you as they set sail on their next adventure. Perhaps your memory would receive the freedom your physical form could not. 
It was Hongjoong who led you to your castle, its towering spires no longer comforting. You held your head high, as the guards led you to the throne room where the usurper sat upon your father’s throne, wearing your father’s crown. To the side stood another three guards who held down a chained young man between them, beaten and bruised. Hongjoong’s fists clenched at the sight of him, so you imagined that this must be the infamous Jongho. 
“You have returned,” the king drawled, slowly descending the dais. “I did not think a pirate capable of it.”
“I am a man of my word,” Hongjoong stated through gritted teeth. 
“As am I,” the king gestured toward his guards who promptly let go of Jongho’s chains. “You may take your scoundrel and be gone.”
Before the king could reach you, and before Hongjoong could move toward Jongho, your hand shot out to grab his wrist. It was an unconscious movement, your body moving against your will. You had promised yourself to show dignity, you had promised that you would not beg, but you could not deny yourself this small act at least. 
Hongjoong looked at you in surprise, his heart hiccupping in his chest when he saw the tears pooling in your eyes. 
“Please,” you mumbled, fingers squeezing around his. “Please, don’t leave me.”
“I’m sorry.”
With great difficulty, he wrenched your hand away from his, lowering his gaze so that he did not have to watch as your expression plummeted at the act. He took measured steps toward Jongho, kneeling to help his crewmate stand, providing much-needed support to the injured man. 
You, on the other hand, swallowed bile as the king approached you slowly. When he was before you, he trailed a single finger down your cheek and you flinched, feeling sick. 
“I did miss you, you know,” he lamented. “You had to know, I’d do anything to have you back.”
Then he struck you. 
The blow was sharp, sending you sprawling to the floor with the force of it, but you pressed your lips together defiantly. You would not cry out. He would not get the satisfaction of watching you come undone. 
“Did you really think you could run away?” he snarled, grabbing you by the shoulder to haul you up. “There is nowhere that you could go to escape me. I would drag you back from the underworld if I had to, and if you are to meet death, it would only be by my hand.”
“You cannot command death,” you spat, despite the blood dripping from your lip. “Not even you are that powerful.”
“I commanded it just fine when I ended your family, and I can do the same to you if you do not silence yourself. We are to be married tomorrow, so I suggest you make your peace with it. There is nowhere to run anymore.”
Before you closed your eyes, your melancholy eyes met Hongjoong’s one last time as he strode out of the throne room, Jongho in tow. Despite everything, you could not bring yourself to hate him, and you hoped that perhaps he did not despise you that much after all. 
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It was well past midnight when you heard the knock on your door. You had been moved to one of the towers, a prisoner within the stone walls until your impending nuptials, so you most certainly were not expecting visitors. It could only be one person and your blood ran cold. Having to marry him tomorrow was one thing, but if you had to see him tonight, you would fling yourself out of the balcony that very instant. 
The knock came again, urgent and sharp. 
“Go away,” you whispered. “Please, please, please, go away. I’ll marry you, so please, just go away.”
Another knock and rage bubbled in your chest. How dare he impose himself on you like this. How dare he take and take from you until you had nothing more left to give. No, you would not stand for it, but before you could make a move, the door wrenched open and there stood the last person you expected to see again. 
The captain was out of breath, and there was a nasty cut on his forehead that bled into his eyes, but he seemed otherwise unharmed. He did not let you utter a word before grabbing your wrist and dragging you down the isolated hallway. A quick glance backward revealed the incapacitated guards that lay slumped at the threshold of your door and your brow furrowed in confusion. 
“Hongjoong, what are you—”
“I couldn’t leave you!” he blurted, still dragging you along, pausing every now and then to duck into a different alcove, or through some hidden passageway. “I couldn't bear to leave you behind.”
And it was true. The sight of you, teary eyes pleading with him as he walked away was the final straw. He would not have been able to live with himself if he had left you to the vile creature you were to marry, especially after seeing how he treated you. 
The two of you emerged into the dark night panting, the cool air soothing against the sting of tears in your eyes. 
“You came back for me?” you could hardly speak the words, lest they turned out not to be true.
“Of course, I came back for you. I had to!”
“We still have to hurry. They might not have noticed you are missing just yet, but they soon will, and when they do, we need to have set sail far away from here.”
Only when you had reached the docks did he let you pause, ducking into an abandoned alleyway to catch your breath. 
“But, the others…”
Hongjoong laughed, “In case you hadn’t noticed, they adore you. They may even like you more than me if I’m being entirely honest. No doubt, they’d have threatened mutiny if I did not bring you back.”
Your shoulders slumped, “So…you came back because of them?”
It was pathetic. You should have been grateful regardless, but you couldn’t help the stab of disappointment you felt. 
“No!” the captain frantically shook his head, taking your face in his hands ever so gently. “I came back because of you…because of me…because I could not bear not having you around. I came back because I had to.”
“And I am sorry I have been such a fool. I should have done something different, planned it so that you did not have to spend even a moment with that wretch of a man who does not deserve one such as you.”
He brushed away your tears, his thumb pausing at your split lip. 
“I’m alright,” you tried to put on a brave smile, but it came out more of a grimace, and he chuckled. 
“No, you are not. And you do not have to pretend to be. Not here, not with me, not ever again.”
And then he was kissing you. It was just a mere brush of his lips against yours as if he was afraid of hurting you further, but he tasted of freedom and possibility and something so distinctly right with the world, that it stole the very breath from your lungs. 
It was over all too soon, and then he was pulling you forward again, eager to return to his crew and to the net adventure that now awaited the both of you. 
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed this one. Comment to be added to the taglist. Comments/reblogs are highly appreciated, as I'd love to hear what yall think <3
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solarswonderland · 11 months
Seonghwa, teaching Hongjoong to drive: Okay so you're driving when Yunho and Wooyoung walk in front of you. Quick, what do you hit?
Hongjoong: Definitely Wooyoung, I could never hurt Yunho.
Seonghwa, massaging his temples: The brakes. You hit the brakes.
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mingtinysworld · 23 days
Hongjoong cute comfort drabble
“Sweetheart slow down!” Hongjoong yells across the skate park.
You pay no mind to his warning, and end up crashing face first into the ground, knees getting skinned in the process. As soon as Hongjoong sees your falling figure, he sprints to your side, ignoring all passersby. You sit up with a groan and cradle your legs against you. Your knees are bright red and the sight of it almost makes you dizzy.
“Y/N! Are you badly hurt?” Hongjoong asks frantically. You shake your head and force a smile, but on the outside it looks more like a pained grimace. Hongjoong looks around for his backpack, realizing he dropped it along the way. “I’ll be right back.”
While he’s off to grab the bag you take another look at your bloodied skin. Or lack of skin in this case. Hongjoong scrambles back to you, backpack in hand. He rummages around for the first aid kit, grateful that he didn’t listen to you and packed it anyway. Your eyes fill with tears as you look up at him, feeling silly and like a child for falling. He catches the swelling of tears and crouches to eye level.
“Oh babygirl, you’re ok. It happens to everyone, but Joongie will take care of you alright?” He taps your chin and takes out the contents of the kit.
He takes some towels and wipes up the blood, then proceeds to get a disinfecting ointment, making you whimper in apprehension. “Shh my love, this will sting only for a little bit.” He swipes the ointment across your skin, creating a glossy glaze. He then takes out two fun band aids, per your request of course. The mandatory paw patrol band aids. He announces you done and helps you up gently.
“There you go baby, all good now.” He beams with adoration.
“Thank you Joongie.” You sniffle and turn to throw your arms around his neck, burrowing your face into him and his comfort.
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nrqsvns · 3 months
— 240224!
you were sitting in your room, absolutely heartbroken.
your boyfriend of two years, mingi had just broken up with you. he left you for your best friend.
your heart ached from the thought, your eyes were sore. you were tired of all of this.
you took a deep breath and picked up your phone. you sent a quick text and put your phone back down.
you began counting in your head.
3... 2... 1...
suddenly a loud thud could be heard from outside of your room.
your door swung open and rushing towards you are your obsessive stalker, who's also mingi's best friend, jung wooyoung.
"oh my baby...." he saw the state of you.
he took you and held you close to him.
"i know dear, i know."
you began sobbing harder than before, soaking his shirt with your tears.
"don't worry, i'll handle this."
you got up and wiped your tears, still sniffing.
"what are you gonna do?" you asked.
he softly pecked your sweet lips, wiping your tears gently with his thumb.
"don't you worry about that, baby. i'll take care of them. then i'll come back here and take care of you."
"and trust me, i'll do a damn good job at it."
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jungkookslipring · 6 months
This is Home
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summary: reader's house no longer feels like home, but she has her best friends to help her escape.
pairings: Yeosang + San + Wooyoung x Reader (w/ mentions of OT8)
relationship: Platonic
genre: hurt/comfort
tw: mentions of depression, crying, mentally/verbally abusive parents. If any of this is triggering I would steer more towards my happier fics. Please be kind to yourself<3
It wasn’t uncommon for you to show up unannounced at your friends’ apartment, especially late at night, but this time, it was different. This time you ASKED if you could come over. The group chat was only used to send memes, nothing more nothing less.
~8 makes 1 Team + y/n~
You: ‘Can I come over please?’
Your phone immediately started ringing, and San’s profile pic popped up on your screen.
“Y/n? You alright?” he asked. You bit your lip, shaking your head. 
“Would you like us to come get you?” He asked quietly. He was assuming you were trying to keep quiet. You hum in a disagreement, cause if you talk you’ll lose it.
“We’ll unlock the door, come over whenever you’re ready,” he whispered. You sniffled, hanging up and trying to catch your breath. You packed up an overnight bag and tiptoed out of your bedroom and out the door. The drive was short, blessed that they lived only 10 minutes away from you. You walked up to the door and knocked quietly it was midnight, so there was a chance everyone was awake or asleep except for San. The door opened, San’s face full of worry.
“You normally don’t knock either, Y/n,” he said with a worried chuckle. Everything you were doing was beyond out of character. You sucked in your cheek, trying to will the stinging behind your eyes. San pulled you into the warm apartment out of the freezing weather. 
“Here let’s get you out of this,” he whispered, taking off your winter coat. 
“Is every one asleep?” you ask. San nodded.
“Yeah but they’re heavy sleepers I’m sure if you ran around screaming like a banshee they’d be dead asleep,” he joked, trying to lighten the mood. You couldn’t help but smile at the efforts San was making. You saw the couch had a few pillows and a couple of blankets, where you normally slept. You put your bag down and got ready to sit down. San gently stopped you.
“You can take the bedroom, Woo and I are going to be out here,” he said. You looked at him in disbelief.
“What? Sannie, no, that's your guys' room.”
“We want you to have your privacy,” he said kindly. Wooyoung stepped out of the room with worry in his eyes. You were so used to him nearly breaking the furniture and decor to tackle you into a hug, so you weren’t used to him walking up to you slowly but with urgency. 
“You okay?” He asked quietly. You bit your trembling lip, your vision blurring when Wooyoung touched your shoulder. 
“Oh come here…” Wooyoung said, pulling you into his arms, San joining shortly after. 
“Do you want to talk about it,” San asked, rubbing his hand up and down your back. You shook your head sniffling. You weren’t ready yet.
“If you want to talk about it we’re here, for now, let’s get you in bed,” San said, patting your head. You nodded while Wooyoung wiped your eyes. San had already grabbed your bag and took it to the bedroom. Wooyoung gave you one more squeeze before he got settled under the blankets on the pullout bed. You made your way to San and Wooyoung’s shared bedroom, giving San one more hug before you got under the covers. 
“Let us know if you need anything,” San said, squeezing your hand. You nodded before turning over in the bed, almost immediately falling asleep. 
The next morning you woke up feeling groggy. Your eyes were swollen from the tears you let fall when you got into bed. You checked your phone, seeing it was 9 am, everyone was probably awake by now. Normally, you would hear people stomping around, voices loud, just chaotic, but it was something you were used to. What you weren’t used to was it being super quiet. You heard footsteps but it sounded more like tiptoeing. You were brought out of your thoughts when there was a small knock at the door. Judging by the knock you knew who it was. 
“Hi, Yeosang,” you called quietly. A timid “hi” was at the other end of the door.
“You can come in, Sangie, it's okay,” you say from your bed. The door knob slowly turned and in came Yeonsang.
“What time did you get here last night?” He asked as he came and sat at the end of San’s bed. 
“Around midnight, I think everyone was asleep except for Sannie and Woo,” you said. He hummed as he tapped your foot.
“Did something happen?” he asked carefully. He didn’t want to push you if you weren’t ready. You nodded, trying to hold it together.
“Is it your dad?” he asked. You bit your lip and blinked back the tears. Wordlessly, Yeosang came and sat next to you, pulling you into a hug, but making sure you stayed warm under the blankets. 
“We were worried when we saw your text, wasn’t very on brand of you to ask to come over,” he said comically but with a sad tone. He and San were right; because they started leaving their door unlocked so you could waltz right in because you would stand and knock repeatedly on the door or ring the doorbell till it was close to breaking. You sighed and decided that if you didn’t say something now, you probably wouldn’t later. You let Yeosang in on everything, telling him what had happened, and he didn’t speak a word until you were done, heartbroken seeing you so hurt.
“He had no right saying that about you, you know that right?” he asked. You were torn because you had the “I don’t give a fuck what you say” energy but you’re still human, and cruel words from anyone hurt, let alone your own family. Yeosang was alarmed by the lack of response, and he slowly turned his head towards you.
“He had no right, Y/n, what he said was not true,” he said with more confidence this time. You nodded because Yeosang was a man of very few words but when it came to the ones he loved, he would do and say anything to protect them. Shortly after his little speech, he offered to go refill your water jug, and not too long after, there was a small knock at the door, it was San and Wooyoung.
“How are you feeling, Y/n?” Wooyoung asked. You shook your head.
“Not great, I just told Yeosang what happened,” you said rubbing your eyes.
“Are you okay with sharing what happened? If it's just him that knows it’s okay!” he reassured seconds before Yeosang walked in with your water jug that was now filled with ice cold water. You took a swig and set it on the bedside table.
“I can tell you,” you croak, already feeling yourself choke up again. Everyone made their way onto the bed and you told them everything. While you explained your story, tears coated your cheeks and it took them everything in them not to get angry. They were appalled by what they were hearing, but also so sad seeing you hurt. 
“Y/n… you do have respect for yourself. Everything negative your father says about you is wrong,” San says as he wipes your eyes. Wooyoung rubbed a thumb over your hand while your head rested on Yeosang’s shoulder.
“It just sucks…*sniff* the one permanent safe space, my home, doesn’t even feel like a safe space anymore,” you say before breaking down in Yeosang’s arms. Yeosang’s heart hurt while San and Wooyoung saw red. How dare the person who is supposed to be a role model, a friend, or a PARENT, not make your home a safe space. They let you cry for as long as you needed and didn’t dare speak a word until your cries were reduced to sniffles and the occasional hiccup.
“How can we help, Y/n?” Yeosang asked. You shrugged, because what can you do? The damage was done. 
“Unless you know how to magically reverse emotional damage, I don’t know… I just don’t know anymore,” you whisper, feeling so defeated.
“Well, is there anything we can do for you now?” Wooyoung asked. You shook your head.
“I just don’t want to go home…I don’t feel safe,” you whisper, your vision blurring again. The boys gave each other knowing looks, clearly able to read each other’s minds.
“You are more than welcome to stay as long as you need to, and if you truly don’t want to go home, you are more than welcome to move in,” San said confidently. Your eyes almost bulged out of your head.
“Guys…no, this is your space… there are 8 of you already living here!” you say in disbelief.
“What’s one more?” Yeosang asks. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You put a hand over your mouth and tears of happiness started flowing,
“Don’t you make me cry now!” Wooyoung exclaimed while he was looking up at the ceiling blinking back the moisture in his eyes.
“Take all the time you need, okay? Let us know and we will support you no matter what,” San said before all of them pulled you into a group hug.
“I love you all so much,” you said tearfully. They said it back, and when you heard them say it, you knew they meant it. Your house may have been where you lived, but in this space, this was home.
taglist: @felixmainacc @felixburneracc @myforevermelody143 @dunno-wut-to-do @itzsana-kiddingmenow
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cheeseceli · 5 months
Seonghwa who deadly glares at anyone who interrupts you while you're talking and encourages you to keep talking
"What were you saying?" he asks kindly, looking at you "Keep going"
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idyllic-ghost · 2 months
How about a Yeosang comforting fluff...When Y/N cannot sleep alone this time because of too many nightmares.
Or maybe...A nice Yeosang fluff when he will help you play your new favorite video game. (I am not good at playing RPG games you know haha)
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title: Whispers in the Dark; Sweet Dreams of You pairing: yeosang x reader genre: comfort, fluff, slight angst warnings: nightmares, dreaming of death synopsis: You've been having nightmares for a few weeks now, and you refuse to bother your boyfriend with it - no matter how much he asks you to. wordcount: 1k taglist: @d0nghyuck, @fantasy2wonderland, @niktwazny303, @wonwoospartyhat, @stariightjoyy, @hyneyedfiz, @crazywittysassy, @yeosayang rating: PG 13
a/n: sorry for taking so long!
join my taglist
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Waking up in a cold sweat, yet again, you clutch your chest and frantically look around the room. It's dark; the only light coming from your alarm clock, that says 3:04 am. The creeping feeling that your nightmare followed you into the real world is still lingering under your skin. When the ringing in your ears come to a stop, you hear the soft snores of your boyfriend, who was sleeping peacefully beside you.
You're unsure of when the nightmares started, but it was somewhere around the time when Yeosang went on tour shortly after you had moved in together. Getting used to having him around was easy, which only makes it harder when he leaves. Back then, you'd call him and hope that he was available. Most of the time he was, the different time zones meant that you could call him in the middle of the night and not have to wake him up.
However, Yeosang is back now. You shouldn't have nightmares anymore, but they're sticking around - and now you can't call for him without feeling bad about waking him up. Sometimes, Yeosang would wake up from you moving but that just meant you had to adapt. Nowadays, you stay as still as possible whenever you wake up from another nightmare. You hate to be a bother, so you'd rather lay awake for a while than wake him up.
This time, your attempts fail. Yeosang stirs awake as you shift to lay on your side. He groans and shuts his eyes tight before they flutter open, and then you know you successfully woke him up.
"What time is it?" His voice is hoarse, yet somehow still sweet.
"Go back to sleep," you say.
He repeats his question, ignoring your statement because he knows your ways by now. You sigh and answer him, it's useless to try to hide. Yeosang hums and lazily wraps his strong arms around you to pull you in closer.
"Did you have another bad dream?" he asks with a slightly pampering tone.
You nod, and he hums again in approval. In slow motions, he rubs your back in circles. When you press your ear to his chest, you can hear his steady heart beat. Thump, thump, thump... his hand move to the same rhythm, practically forcing your own heart to slow down.
"I was having a weird dream," Yeosang whispers suddenly.
"Do you want to tell me about it?" you mumble, your eyes already drooping.
"I was in an empty swimming pool, but it was filled with clouds," he muttered, "and I couldn't find my way out... I know that you were there but I couldn't see you, you know? And I think Wooyoung was there, mocking me because I couldn't get out, but I couldn't see him because of the clouds..."
A fond smile found it's way on your lips as you listened to him ramble. The nightmare is long forgotten, Yeosang triumphantly banishes it from your thoughts. You took a deep breath, the scent of his laundry detergent and the lingering smell of his cologne filling your head.
"Are you falling asleep on me?" he asks, somewhat offended.
"No..." Your body betrayed you, as you were cut off by a yawn. "It's just nice listening to your voice."
"Yeah... it's soothing."
You snuggled closer into his chest, taking in his scent and the way his arms felt around you. While you knew that he'd have to leave sometime soon again, you didn't know when. Every moment until then counted, and you had to live like you wouldn't see him for month on end the very next day every day.
"Baby," Yeosang whispered and you hummed. "You're not trying to squeeze me to death, are you?"
"Sorry." You loosened your grip on him, and tried to shuffle away from him but his strong arms stopped you from moving further away.
"Y/N," he murmured. "Are you okay?"
He was looking directly at you now, and you couldn't bring yourself to look away. Yeosang's eyes were always easy to get lost in, but this wasn't the case right now. His gaze was stern, yet worried, and you couldn't help but to feel like you weren't allowed to look away.
"I know you usually don't want to talk about it..." He sighed. "But, please, let me in. Tell me about your nightmare."
"It's stupid," you muttered. "I was seeing you off at the airport, and everything was okay. But when your plane took off, I was watching from the windows, and I saw it... it went down, and you were gone."
Yeosang hugged you closer again, putting his hand on the back of your head to put it by the crook of his neck. You muttered out some more details about the dream that Yeosang couldn't hear, but he let you rant for as long as you wanted to without interrupting you. It was only when you had been quiet for a while that he started talking again.
"Are your nightmares all like that?" he asked.
"Not exactly... but similar, yes." You played with the hem of Yeosang's shirt. "I think I just don't like it when you leave, that's all."
"I don't like leaving you either... why didn't you tell me this sooner?"
"It just felt stupid, I didn't want to bother you with it." You sighed and looked back up at him. "Not when you're sleeping, I don't want to take any rest away from you."
You put your hand on his cheek, brushing your thumb over his cheekbone right by his birthmark. Yeosang put his hand on top of yours, holding it still as he turned his head to kiss your palm.
"I'm not resting when I know you're hurting," he muttered before pressing another kiss to your hand. "Don't be scared to wake me up, Y/N, please. I want to take care of you too."
You nodded, and he made you promise out loud before the two of you got ready to sleep again. In his strong arms, you felt protected. You didn't have to worry about him all the time, he reminded you, you could let yourself be taken care of by him from time to time.
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asherthehimbo · 7 months
Outliving the stars | Choi San
synopsis: You've always felt a part of you was missing, the desire for something greater only being lessened when you were gazing at the stars. You know you lost something, someone, you just dont remember what, who. Maybe the astrology major your friend sent you on a blind date with has the answers.
Pairing: Choi San x Male!reader
Info: one shot, words(2.1K),
Trope: reincarnation, Immortal x mortal, hurt/comfort
Warnings: mentions of nightmares, anxiety, topic of death, suggestive jokes, it's said they have sex but no actual smut, injuries, birthmarks shaped like scars, insecurity, self scrutinizing, social anxiety, overthinking, talks of past lives
Song inspo: Burn out the stars - Bryce savage
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It was at times like these that you wished you could punch your best friend. Wooyoung was sweet, but you swear he had it out for you, sending you out on a blind date with nothing but a first name. Now you were standing at the planetarium entrance like an idiot waiting for someone you didn't even know.
Wooyoung had pesterd you for three weeks until you finally gave in. He kept trying to set you up with one of his classmates, and you were too tired to register what you were agreeing to. "Come on [Name], you can't keep being hung up on some mystery guy from your dreams. San, on the other hand is perfect, broad shoulders, an astrology major, rich, handsome face, smooth voice and he's kind" Wooyoung rambled on as you were sitting in your dorm, trying to finish the economics paper you had that was due on Friday.
"Do you want me to go out with this guy, or do you want to do so yourself?" You asked him, only receiving a pillow to your face as a response. Sighing, you looked at Wooyoung, who was taking up your entire bed. "If I go on this date, would you let me finish my paper in silence?"
Wooyoung immediately jumped up from the bed. "YES, OKAY YAY!I'm gonna go tell San you agreed! Oh! This is gonna be so much fun! SATURDAY 1PM SHARP, " Wooyoung shouted while jumping around before sharply turning on his heel to sprint out of the room, leaving with a shout of "WEAR THOSE CUTE JEANS I BOUGHT YOU!"
You only sighed, turning back to your paper and relishing in the silence.
You did, in fact, end up wearing the jeans he bought you, black baggy jeans with white stars splattered on them, matched with your red converse, and a red hoodie.
You did not want to be here, it was cold, people were staring (probably because of the scar on your face, a voice in your head told you, you ignored it) and you were craving a strawberry refresher. You guess arriving an hour early wasn't the best course of action, but you were up early, not being able to sleep the night before.
Dreams of your faceless lover had once again plagued your mind. It had been a common occurrence ever since you turned 10. You would be cuddled up in the arms of a man you could not remember, but you knew him. In a soft grass field he would be holding you tightly, you would both be watching the stars, you listening as he points out different constellations, these dreams were safe, they made you feel at ease.
But all too often, these dreams would evolve into nightmares, the same 7 scenes playing out. Your therapist had said it must have been a physiological way to deal with your own insecurities. The birthmarks that littered your skin had always looked like scars. You remember talking to her when you were 12. She said it was your brain trying to justify the marks, trying to create a story for them.
You believed her. After all, she knew better, but these dreams just felt so real, so vivid. You would hear your own heartbeat slow down and hear the cries of your mystery lover as he holds onto you. You could feel the tears dripping from his face onto yours. No matter what turn these nightmares had, they always ended with you dying in his arms.
You guess Wooyoung had been right in his concern, as your best friend he knew first hand the effect these dreams had on you. The nights you wake up gasping for air, vomiting out your dinner, clawing at your neck because something in your throat is burning. The times you're awake while your consciousness is still trapped in whatever nightmare you were experiencing. He had been there since the age of 10, he had been there.
You rubbed together the two sleeves of your hoodie, starting to feel more uncomfortable as time passed by. People were walking past, laughing, and giggling at one another. You wondered what was so funny, what were they all laughing at? Were they laughing at you? no, you didn't do anything funny, did you? oh, it's your face, right? Your face is funny, it's ugly, creepy, the scar covering your eye, one you did not deserve. A mutated freak born with scars that were not earned a fake, a- "[Name]?" A hand on your shoulder disrupts your anxiety fueled thoughts.
You turn around to find a black haired man, he's a little shorter than you, although his shoulders are broad. Jawline sharp, eyes as soft as a warm blanket on a winter's night, despite the intimidating structure of the man, his eyes, his smile, his dimples, he seems inviting, familiar almost.
He stands smiling at you, the arm he used to grab your attention is hovering awkwardly in the air, his cheeks are flushed, a pink matching one of the familiar drinks in his hand. "Umm, I'm San? your date. " he seems unsure of himself, but you find it cute, having to suppress a giggle so as to not make him feel bad.
You give him a small smile as you mentally thank Wooyoung for choosing someone good looking,"Nice to meet you, San." You nod your head at him as you shift your weight between your feet. You're being so awkward right now, but something tells you that San doesn't mind.
Despite your lack of social skills, the interaction itself does not seem awkward. Although you can feel something straining it, you brush it off to first date jitters. "Oh!um I also got us some drinks, Wooyoung said you liked strawberry refreshes, although I don't know if he was messing with me. He has a tendency to do that lately, but um drink?" San asks as he lifts up the hand, holding two drinks questioningly. His shoulders seem to tense as he awaits your reaction.
"Woo didn't lie, I do like Strawberry refreshers, thank you" you nod your head at him, his shoulders relax as he lets out a breath of relief, he picks up the pink drink from the holder in his hand and gives it to you. Your fingers touch for a moment as you take the drink from him and you jump back a little, San doesn't seem all that surprised, but he chuckles "Static electricity's a bitch, huh?"
You don't think that's how it works, but you laugh along nonetheless. It's weird as you walk with San into the planetarium. You don't like new people, don't feel comfortable around them, yet with San, it's different. You feel safe with him. He feels so familiar.
You spend the day following San around the planetarium, he excitedly points out constellations, and you swear the fake stars above your head shine dimmer than the light in Sans eyes. Somewhere along the line, your hand had been intertwined with his, as a precaution to not lose one another, you told yourself.
The date ends when the sky outside matches the one in the planetarium, a dark purple background with little specks of light twinkling above you both. The date lasted the whole day and you were having so much fun you didn't even realize, Wooyoungs gonna kill you for not telling him how everything went immediately but you can't find it in yourself to care about the headache your best friend will inevitably give you tomorrow morning.
That night, you sit on your bed, smiling down at the goodnight text from San, despite him having wished you a goodnight merely a few hours before when he walked you to your dorm. That night is the first night you sleep peacefully, no dreams of your mystery lover, no dieing, no waking up in a cold sweat despite it being winter. Nothing
Instead that night you sleep, cuddled up with the tiny red star plushie that San won for you at one of the planetarium games, you named her 'astéri' the greek word for star. Also, the exact name you put as your contact for the man who won her for you.
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Your relationship with San had been a fast development, one date, then two, then you start eating lunch together, he starts walking you to classes, he joins your friends and you on movie nights, he plays games with Yunho. San becomes a part of your life faster than you can imagine, and you don't even care.
It's on your hundred day anniversary, a hundred days of dates and hangouts, and obviously being together despite no official title, that San officially asks you to be his boyfriend.
It's an emotional ordeal. He made a picnic in his backyard, creating a fort where you could both lay down and watch the stars on the soft grass. It's summer now, much hotter than when you first met, you wear a red tank top. San has expressed his love for your collarbones before, and thinking back to the moment makes you blush.
He was a bit tipsy when he blurted it out, face flushed pink given the alcohol of the drinking game he had played with your friends earlier, the room was hot, filled with college boys and liquor, so of course you took off your jacket, San had started cheering, then giggling, talking about how much he liked your neck, your collarbones. You don't know if he remembers this moment, you hope he doesn't, it would save you the embarrassment.
San presents you with a necklace on the night of his confession, a black leather strap threaded through a red star that's rimmed with silver. On the back of the necklace, the name 'astéri' is carved, under it lies numbers which look like coordinates. You don't ask.
San slips the necklace around your neck, fingers trailing dangerously slow along your shoulders. You were scared at first, you liked San, loved him, as much as you trusted him, you were scared of what his reaction would be.
He may have seen you in strappy clothing before, but he's never seen the extent to which your birthmarks your scars cover your body. The worst of them were located on your waist.
Despite your hesitance, the way San looks at you after you agree to be his, after you agree to let him be yours, it makes you want to kiss him, let him embrace every part of you and let you do the same to him.
He looks at you like you yourself were the star and who were you to deny a mortal access to a celestial entity?
That night, you learn the true extent of San's love for you, the way he trails his fingers overy every inch of your skin, extra soft kisses placed on the marks littering your body, he's gentle almost as if he knows the phantom pains they bring you, despite you never having told him.
That night you and San become, you and San, under the stars. On the soft blanket he laid out in his backyard as the warm wind of summer nips at your exposed skin.
It's when you're lying down, breathless, in between San's arms that he starts talking, answering your question from earlier that night. The numbers on the back of the necklace, the coordinates, are of a star San bought in your name. He literally bought you a star and named it 'astéri'.
"You deserve the whole galaxy, and yet I do not have the power to retrieve it for you. This way, you can have a piece of the outer world, and it can have a piece of you"
You don't think you've ever felt so loved in your life. You had fallen for San so quickly, so hard. It's hard to imagine a time when he wasn't in your life, despite the fact that you hadn't known him long, everything with him just felt so right.
You were sure you were meant to be with San in every lifetime, meant to spend every moment of your life with him. When you told him this, it had been the first time you ever saw him cry, genuinely cry. It was as if your words affected him more than you knew. You're sure they did.
That's one thing you never did understand about San, he has told you everything about himself, but you still felt as if something was missing, a piece of information locked away, it was like he was guarding it, scared you would find out. He thought he hid it well, but you prided yourself on knowing people, knowing your boyfriend. You trusted him. He would tell you when he was ready.
You and San would watch the stars burn out together, watch the world fall in each others arms, protected by a love so pure that the only thing left in the universe would be you and San
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Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland @itsvxlentine @liyatime @hetalia-pol @mommahwa1117
Home page | Ateez masterlist
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starry-nights-garden · 4 months
Mingi ✧ 9:37pm
✧ Ateez Mingi x gn!reader ✧ words: ~1.2k ✧ genre: angst, comfort ✧ warnings: reader breaking down crying, mentions of reader considering hitting themselves
Desc.: Your boyfriend Mingi notices something’s off about you right away as you’re trying to keep it together so as not to break down crying in front of him. In the end the tears come out anyway, and he’s right there with you to comfort you.
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“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m sure,” you answer coldly, feeling yourself getting annoyed at your boyfriend’s repeated question. You busy yourself with rummaging through your bag that you had put on the chair in your room - at this point you forgot what you were searching for in the first place, but you obsessively keep your hands busy with its contents anyway. Mingi falls silent, strangely silent, or maybe it’s your overall agitated state that causes you to tense up, because you desperately wish for him to just start a casual conversation with you about fuck knows what.
“I don’t think so…” you hear him mutter, and the sadness resounding in his voice has you gulping. You bite your lower lip because you know if you don’t, your own sadness will break out of you as well, and so eventually you decide it would be better to go find something else to do, solely for the purpose of moving into a position where instead of seeing the side of your face, he can’t see your face at all. You move to your wardrobe, opening it in an attempt to decide on your outfit for tomorrow in advance, but Mingi’s gaze that’s glued to your back won’t let you focus. “Y/N,” he calls out your name, speaking softly, and again you feel yourself coming close to the verge of breaking.
“What?” You manage to force out a single word, your voice cracking from the strain you’re putting on your whole body, and upon hearing his next words, you feel the anxiety spreading through your body like an explosion.
“Look at me,” he says. “Please.” Your legs trembling, you know you shouldn’t refuse. If you want him to believe you when you say you’re just fine, you should prove it to him by putting on a brave face, just like you had done all day. And so you turn around, and you think you end up glaring at him instead of the confident expression you had planned, but you can’t tell. It’s almost like the fear and the pain you’ve been holding in for days is making you numb to all other sensations you should be feeling in your body. 
Your boyfriend has made himself comfortable at the edge of your bed, upper body leaned slightly forward as he shoots you a worried expression. He knows. And still you stay stubborn. You’ve broken down every time you came home and were finally alone in your room at night for the past few days now, you don’t want to go through this again - especially not in front of him. You don’t want him to worry, you don’t want to burden him, and you will make damn sure he won’t. So why does it feel like he’s about to break down the walls you’ve built up around yourself with his bare hands?
“Y/N,” he says your name again, sweetly, and you currently hate him for it, because it’s not helping with your plans of keeping it together at all. “Come here.” And then he pats the empty space next to him, on top of your fluffy blanket, and you freeze up completely. You know that if you walk over there and sit down next to him it’ll be just like the past few nights - and yet, even just the thought of it makes you tear up. It’s like hearing his words has formed a crack in your facade, and with every breath you take and let out again, it’s only getting bigger. You can’t stop it anymore, and as you sink to the ground and the sobs violently make their way to the surface, you close your eyes and hide your face behind your hands in one last sorry attempt to not let him see what’s really going on inside.
“Baby…” you can hear him breathing out right beside you only moments later, his steady hands placed on your shoulders as he crouches down next to you.
“I’m s-sorry… I’m… s-so sorry…” you whimper as the tears stream down your face, guilt overwhelming you, but you just can’t make yourself stop crying. You form your hands into fists, considering whether punching yourself would make a difference and help you stop crying, but when you feel Mingi’s hands leaving your shoulders only to wrap around your wrists instead, the anger at yourself leaves you along with the strength in your limbs.
“It’s okay…” he mutters. “It’s okay.” He carefully adjusts your position until your back is leaning against the surface of your wardrobe door that he must’ve closed in advance, and when he leads you to lean your head against his shoulder you simply accept it. One arm wrapped around you, he pats your back gently and at a slow pace, and as you feel your heart beating in tune to his touches, you can finally somewhat relax.
“I didn’t want you to see me like this,” you say, having trouble keeping your voice steady, but he hears you.
“Why?” he turns his head, his lips brushing against your temple. 
“Because… I dunno…” you mutter, too tired to put all your complicated thoughts into a coherent sentence.
“You don’t have to,” he answers, extending his neck so he could place his chin atop your head now as he tightens his embrace around you. “Just know that I’m here if you need me… and that you don’t need to be strong when you’re with me.”
“But-” Mingi simply shushes you and shakes his head when you’re about to protest.
“I love you for who you are, not for all the strong faces you can put on.” Upon hearing his words, you tear up again, and you instinctively hide your face in his chest, reaching out to grab his shirt now as you cling to him. His hand patting your head for a while, he continues speaking eventually. “You know I’m not always good with words, but I just want you to know that you can be yourself with me, and I’ll accept all of that - the good sides and the bad sides. Okay?”
“Okay,” you mouth an answer. With his hands back on your shoulders, he brings some distance between you two so he could get a proper look at your face, and when he sees the state you’re in, he furrows his brows. You avoid looking directly at him, still embarrassed about your puffy eyes and the tear stains on your whole face. You sniffle at him, but as he wipes away the remainder of tears on your face you can’t help but melt into his touch. “I’ll protect you,” he says, and somehow the way he’s telling you such a cheesy line so seriously unexpectedly makes you laugh. “Why?” he now whines, and as you glance at his face you can see the offended expression on it and it just makes you giggle some more. Then you shake your head, giving him a weak smile and you say,
“Nothing… I just love you.”
“Well, if it made you smile that’s all that counts, right?” 
“Yeah…” you mumble, and as you see him still sulking over your reaction you lift your hand to ruffle your fingers through his hair, before bumping your head against his chest. “Thanks… for being there for me. I mean it.”
“Of course,” Mingi answers, welcoming you back into his arms, as he lets you simply rest in his embrace, for however long you need to. 
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