#attempted vore???
blaackbiird · 3 months
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I'll understand if you want to leave
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furbearingbrick · 3 months
everyone loves going "eat the rich" this and "eat the rich" that. But when I, Peter Benjamin President,
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wutwutno1 · 7 months
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This was way funnier in my head
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 1 month
I Won't Let You Die (ShiIta)
Finally wrote something again wooo, so here I come with Naruto Shippuden content :)
Enjoy :]
TW: Safe/Soft Vore, kinda unwilling prey, attemted suicide, talk about eyes being taken out
Shisui was saved by Itachi just in time, being taken away from the anbus led by Danzo, who had stolen his right eye.
“Itachi… I thought you were… on a mission…” he said.exhausted, while looking at Itachi. “I felt like something was wrong so… I decided to come back..” he responded, clearly worried about his friend.
“I'm glad…” Shisui said as he looked at him with a small, slight smile. “I'm sorry for the inconvenience…” Itachi only shook his head. “You need to rest Shisui-…” “I need to talk to you first, Itachi…” He interrupted, clearly implying that it was important.
Itachi nodded, understanding his friend. Shisui guided him to a cliff that ended in a river and turned to Itachi. "It seems that there will be no way to stop the clan's coup... Just when I was going to start the mission, Danzo stole my right eye so I can no longer use the Kotoamatsukami" he said.
“If the other villages find out about the Uchiha rebellion, they could invade us and it would be an all-out war… And that would have big consequences”...
He let out a small sigh before looking at Itachi. "Danzo didn't trust me to stop the coup so he will surely come for my left eye, that's why I will give it to you.." he continued as he took out his left eye and handed it to Itachi, who placed it in one of his crows.
“I can only trust you, my best friend. Protect our village and the name of the Uchiha..” “I have accepted it.. What will you do now…?” Itachi asked him, still a little worried. “Who knows if my death will change the situation a little… I have already left a note…”
Itachi's eyes widened in socks. “Wait, Shisui…-!” “Don't stop me Itachi…!” Shisui said, prepared to fall backwards, when in a second he felt slightly nauseous, falling to his knees before being picked up and held by hands larger than him.
“...Itachi...? Why…-?" "..I won't let you die Shisui..." Itachi interrupted before placing the ninja reduced to 4 inches into his mouth. He held him in for a few seconds before swallowing, feeling him go down his throat and into his stomach a few moments later.
Shisui let out a slight sigh as he settled into the warm, soft spot, leaning against one of the stomach walls. He didn't think Itachi would use that jutsu to prevent his death. He looked around trying to remember what his friend's stomach looked like, mostly because he couldn't see it since he didn't have the eyes to see, keeping his eyelids closed.
After a brief moment to make sure Shisui was alright, he quickly headed towards the Hokage, but not before picking up Shisui's note, since it would be pointless leaving it there if Shisui was going to survive. He explained the situation to the Third, who said that he would take action against Danzo and that they’ll regain Shisui's right eye.
After a few days they managed to recover Shisui's eye and transplanted both of his eyes back. With that resolved, Shisui was able to put his clan under the genjutsu they had planned to put on them to postpone the rebellion and be able to reach an agreement with them later.
The sky was clear and the breeze was blowing gently. Shisui let out a soft sigh as he looked at the sky, looking back when he heard someone approaching. “Hey, Itachi…” he said with a slight smile. The other Uchiha waved back and sat next to him.
"You know... You didn't have to go to the point of commit suicide, Shisui... Even if it was for our village and the clan..." he said softly without looking at his friend.
"I guess I was rushing into thinking that I couldn't get my right eye back and put our clan into genjutsu..." He paused for a moment and looked at Itachi sympathetically, knowing how he felt.
“...I'm sorry, Itachi…” This time he did look at Shisui, sighing slightly before giving a small smile. “Just promise me you won't do something like that again without considering other options, okay?”
Shisui gave a small laugh before smiling again. "Alright Itachi, I promise." He paused for a moment before looking at Itachi with a raised eyebrow.
“By the way, could you do the jutsu thing again? I couldn’t observe my surroundings well during that moment.” Itachi just laughed at the comment. “Okay, when would you like to?”
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@local-squishmallow @brick-a-doodle-do
if anyone else wants to be tagged, ask me :]
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maw-and-pawp · 2 months
I've been having some hurt/comfort thoughts for awhile now. I might make some ocs around this. SFW, platonic (queerplatonic?), victim blaming, blood mention, background murder, found family, angst and fluff, vore-adjacent.
A pred and a prey duo, in an unlikely friendship. The pred is smaller than the prey, and is somehow vegetarian, but is definitely still intimidating to the prey due to their long claws and sharp teeth and stoic face. They're aware that they come off as threatening to others, and do their best to be kind with their actions, and hide their claws in thick gloves. Besides, if no one knows exactly what they're capable of with those claws, then the chances of being traced back to their "nightshift" are low.
The prey is a survivor of an almost fatal digestion, and they would've been just another victim if their pred hadn't saved them and brought them to a hospital in time. Since then, the prey has both developed trauma from the encounter, and a fragile bond with the pred. The pred insisted to give them their number, afterall. To call just in case they needed help again. For anything.
They started talking, and one thing led to another, and now it's a common occurrence to find the pred in the prey's apartment, taking care of stuff the prey can't always manage on their own now. Making sure the prey doesn't forget to care for themself, helping them run down to the laundromat, cooking for the both of them when the prey can't get out of bed. The pred has been helping them when their family is either too far away to, or blames the prey for what happened (you wouldn't have been taken if you hadn't been alone that night, we raised you better than to go to a mixed bar, let alone by yourself). Because of that, they keep the pred's night time habits to themself, and pointedly do not ask about the faint smell of blood whenever the pred shows up in the mornings. They don't want to know (and they'd like to keep plausible deniability, thank you).
The prey's been going to a support group for others like them. People who were lucky. Someone suggested something like exposure therapy once, mostly as a joke (which wasn't well received). Which...honestly at this point, the prey is tired of being a live wire after what happened, and they would do just about anything to just Go Back To Normal now. So the idea stuck. All they had to do is work up the courage. The prey doesn’t fully trust the pred afterall. They can't after what happened, and what they know the pred is doing to other preds. It's not illegal, technically, if sufficient evidence is found that it truly was in spontaneous aid to a caught prey. But it's not spontaneous. And the pred isn't going to court.
But the pred did say that it was ok to ask for help, even for the 'small' things. Not once have they made them feel like they were anything other than a person...a dear friend. Right. A dear friend. It would be fine.
So they ask to listen to the pred's stomach one weekend. The pred is flustered, confused, stoic face twisted up into a look something like they just got slapped in the face with a fish. Which would be funny, if the prey's heart wasn't trying to run out of their chest from nerves. They quietly explain what they mean to the pred, and the pred's eyes soften in understanding, face unscrunching into something once again unreadable.
The pred is...awkward. If the prey wasn't wholly consumed with their own worries, they would've picked up on the pred's rigid stance as fears of their own...They can't remember the last time someone had touched without the intention to hurt, or to take. And they need to be calm, or their big prey friend will be on edge and that would defeat the point. And their friend deserves to feel safe. Heaven help anyone who takes that away.
They set up in the living room. A cushiony chair is pulled up - a small couch really - and they somehow maneuver the pred to sit in it and the prey to kneel without saying a word. Lots of awkward shuffling, and a pillow for the prey's knees later, and the prey is nosing into the pred's stomach gently.
It's tense underneath their face, and the prey can hear the pred's breath hitch when they first make contact. Slowly, the pred relaxes into the touch, when pain doesn't come. The pred still grips the seat like a lifeline. (It's dizzying, to be so vulnerable, and to do it on purpose)
Then, the prey takes a breath, and presses their ear to the rumbling gut beneath them (it was just before lunch, like they planned). It whined and begged and burbled, warm and hungry. It sends a cold jolt of fear through them, making them freeze. It sounds so loud, so needy, just like it was when it was all around them that night when the acids started flowing in -
Tears are wiped away before they even know it exists. The pred strokes a finger gently through the fur between their eyes, hesitant but firm. They hush the prey, remind them that it's safe. They can stop if they need to. They don't even have to do this at all. They sound close to tears themself. The prey looks up into their face.
The gaze is piercing as it always is. But not unkind. They really would stop if the prey gave the word. They'd get up and get on with their days, and the prey wouldn't be just a meal stewing away inside their pred friend. The pred is more hungry for the tofu in the fridge than them, and their pred is a full head shorter anyways. Even if they wanted to, their pred couldn't take them past the point of no return.
(They wonder what it's like to be so short. Preds were usually a head taller than the prey or more. Perhaps their pred isn't a vegetarian by choice at all - they can't catch anyone being so small. They might also not be quick and strong and lethal by choice either...it must be easy to confuse the pred for a prey, or it might not functionally matter to some)
Armed with this knowledge, the prey nuzzles back in without a word. Their pred's breath hitches again, and comes out shaky when the prey snakes a hand upwards to run their thumb gently over their clothed lower belly. The same comforting little circles that their pred had been rubbing between their eyes a moment ago. They tense along with the motion, and the prey goes rigid again as the wet glorps roar again under their sensitive ears, announcing to the world just how much their pred's tummy was enjoying the attention (even if it would prefer attention from the inside at the moment). The prey counts the pred's climbing heartbeat, and stubbornly holds on even as they (both) shake in restrained fear. As the hour passes, they've never felt so safe and yet so afraid.
They decide that it's been a productive day, schedule another encounter next weekend, and break for lunch. No, the prey did not eat the last of the tofu, thank you very much. They much prefer the beansprouts anyways.
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cellohorsead · 10 months
No way, a hungry Kirin before 8/8?!? Illegal!
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Wowie, what's this? Blatant posing within the gulping action of some hungry ass Kirin? Golly! It is the day before 8/8, and because of it, my brain is as empty as... idk, something hollow. I got not much to say aside from beware! Hungry kirins out there are quite dangerous, especially on 8/8! Dorks, nerds, and any other sort, beware of such a danger c: Oh, and yes, I do plan to share the one shameless story of Partisan and Pepper doing stuff. It's self-indulgent, has no proper plot, and is very much a byproduct of feederism brainrot I suffered from lmao
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risto-licious · 2 years
four adventurer decided it was a good idea to break into the old magician’s domain to steal some spell books. apparently they were ignorant to the local’s legends warning them about that old magician being a people-eating monster........... two in the tum, one pinned down, the last one....living to tell the tale. UNDER THE CUT BECAUSE.......well, it’s maybe just a little bit spicy. not really, but just in case.
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ALSO.......who knows.................maybe a bold mighty knight is soon sent after the three missing adventurers....................
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quotemenevervore · 1 year
Hehehe I finished that rewritten section really fast
Content warnings: soft, safe g/t vore, parties are unaware it’s safe, character thinking he’d killed the other, character having bad thoughts about themselves, character attempting to throw up, mention of the prison but not what happened in it
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Dream perked up at the mention of the potions, and busied himself by going and collecting a good amount of them while George moved to the living room to try and relax until he couldn’t push it off any longer.
Sure enough, the other returned quickly with a piece of string, a totem of undying, and several potions. A good amount of them were splash potions of healing and regen, and then two regular potions, one of night vision and the other of shrinking. Setting the bottles carefully on the table, he handed the totem over to the brunette before sitting down on the sofa beside him. He pulled out his communicator, sending off a quick message before shutting it off and pulling a book out. “Who did you just message?” “Told Sapnap we couldn’t hang out today. He hadn’t made plans to, but you know how he is.” Not even a moment had passed before George got a message, opening his communicator only to read from Quackity, ‘don’t have too much fun with Dream ;)’ Groaning, he quickly replied ‘we’re not doing anything, we’re investigating something important. Fuck off’
“Should have waited until he got here to say anything. Now Quackity is gonna lord this over my head forever.” “You think yours is bad? Sapnap’s been blowing my messages up, I can tell.” The brunette snorted at the reply, tilting his head to get a peek at the cover of the book. “It’s just some basic stuff. Like a tutorial book, I guess would be a good word for it. Figured it would pass the time.” “Can I read it?” “I guess. Here.” Dream moved the book and himself so the two were sitting leg to leg, setting the book down between the two of them. “Better read fast, though.”
They got through the entire book before Dream finally became impatient enough to ask. “How long has it been since-“ “It’s been about forty five minutes. I guess if we’re gonna do it now would be the time.” George began uncorking the potions, drinking the night vision first before his face scrunched up at the scent of the other. He powered through, forcing himself to drink it as Dream got the other things ready. When George had finally shrunken to the five inches he usually became, the blonde already had the string ready to tie a knot around the other’s waist. He tied it as securely as he could, watching the other’s face for any sign that he made it too tight. The brunette wouldn’t lie, seeing the amount of concern the other was putting into making sure this went okay put a warm feeling in his chest, and he couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his face.
At the same time, he couldn’t help the curiosity building inside him either. He’d always been stored by Sapnap, and Quackity had yet to have a chance to store him. Would being stored by someone without those instincts really be so different? He genuinely didn’t know what to expect, and it made the fluttery feeling in his stomach grow, but not out of fear. The knot was secure, the totem was in his inventory, and his communicator was in his pocket, waiting for him to start the call when he finally made it down. There was no way he could get gravely injured with all the precautions they put in place, and all that was left to do was see how this went.
“Ready?” Dream asked softly, and George didn’t hesitate before giving him a nod.
Getting eaten by three different people all the time gave Dream an advantage he hadn’t thought about before; He knew the best way to get George ready to be swallowed without causing him discomfort. He didn’t even get anywhere near the other’s teeth when he’d been gently placed into his mouth, and the movements around him were nothing short of calculated but gentle. It did not take long at all for him to be nudged back, and his nerves began to grow again. Even with the precautions they had in place, something could always go wrong. Gripping the totem of undying tightly in his hand, he used the other to pat at the tongue below him.
That was the sign Dream had been looking for, as he was then pushed the rest of the way back and tugged down with a soft swallow. Almost instantly, his friend gave a choked sound, and he froze up completely. “Dream!?” “String.” The larger rasped out, swallowing again and again to send him further down enough that his airway could clear and hopefully help the scratchy feeling the string left behind.
His hands were shaking badly due to the painful sensation, and honestly he should have expected an outcome like this. When the string was jerked out of his weak grasp to his next swallow, his mind froze in shock. He jammed his fingers into his mouth, trying to grasp the end of it before it was gone, but he was helpless to stop it as he swallowed a final time, the last of the string disappearing from his mouth.
Well… at least his throat didn’t hurt so bad now. The second his airways were clear, he was hyperventilating, scrambling to his feet to rush to the bathroom. He needed to let George out, he needed to let him out now they didn’t know if this was safe he couldn’t let anything happen to his best friend-
His throat hurt still, and he was shaking with adrenaline and fear, heart racing as he tried to make himself throw up. He would have thought feeling so sick at the thought of hurting his friend would make it a little easier for him to succeed at that goal, but all he was doing was dry heaving. Tears dripped down his face as he kept trying, unable to bear the thought of something happening.
It only occurred to him that it was a potion side effect when his abdomen was completely sore along with his throat and he still hadn’t thrown up George or the berry, only the saliva from his mouth. Collapsing against the vanity, he started full-on sobbing, arms wrapped around his stomach. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry George, it was a stupid idea you were right-“ his communicator began to ring, and he almost ignored it, he almost threw it against the wall. He didn’t want to talk to anyone after this, not after he was the reason George was going to die. Maybe Sam would lock him up in the prison, it’d be what he deserved-
He only faltered when he saw just who was calling. He answered immediately, shakily holding the com up to his ear. “Stop! Stop crying, you’re literally disorienting me, for Prime’s sake-“ “George?” His voice was raspy and weak, as if in disbelief. “I’m fine, I’ve been trying to tell you I’m fine but you couldn’t hear me! You need to calm down, Dream.” “Are you-“ “The berry’s whole. The potion shuts your system down completely, I’m safe. Just breathe, okay?” Now that the organ he was in wasn’t jumping around as often as before, he could feel his own fear beginning to subside.
~ ~ ~
When he’d been dropped into his stomach he couldn’t figure out for the life of him why Dream was freaking out, his heart beating rapidly enough to raise concern in him. It wasn’t until he felt something fall into the organ with him that he realize what had happened, finding the end of the string and holding it up to the communicator so he could identity it. “…Shit.” He whipped around, directing the light towards the other side of the stomach, searching for the berry and finding it whole with a sigh of relief. At least he wasn’t in danger. Of course, he couldn’t even begin to relax at that point, as the other began trying to empty his stomach, the walls clenching and relaxing around him and throwing him around as they attempted and failed to bring him back up. “..Dream? What are you-“ the next attempt threw his balance off, and he landed in an ungraceful heap on the floor, groaning as he tried to sit up again. His fingers were wrapped tightly around his communicator, knuckles white as he tried to keep his bearings as his friend continued to try and throw him up. He needed to get the other’s attention, he needed to calm him down. “Dream! Dream, it’s okay. You gotta calm down.” He tried rubbing at the stomach walls, something he did with Sapnap knowing it made him relax, but he got no kind of positive response, only hearing his friend give up, and begin to sob, shaking the organ worse than before. With a sigh, he pulled his hand away.
“Dream? Dream! I’m okay, I’m safe!” “I’m sorry, I’m sorry George-“ he can’t hear me, he realized. Quickly pulling up his contact on the com he wasted no time dialing him.
~ ~ ~
Eventually, the blonde had managed to get his breaths back to the semi-calm it had been before, wiping the last of his tears away as his shoulders slumped against the vanity. “Are.. are you sure you’re okay?” “Yea. Berry’s completely fine.” “George, how am I supposed to bring you up? The potion makes it impossible to throw up.” “I.. dunno. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.” The brunette tried once more to rub at the walls surrounding him, trying to ease them of their tenseness. Thankfully, it worked this time, Dream relaxing more around him. “Should I swallow another string-“ “I said we’d cross that bridge when we got to it. You’re just stressing yourself out. Go lay down.” “George-“ “Go lay down or I’m calling Sapnap.” A frustrated sigh answered him, but at least the admin listened, if the movement around him meant anything.
Once everything settled down again, he felt something press against him.
“..Guess I could tell Skeppy and Bad what the potion does.” “Make sure your voice is better first. You know how much Bad worries.” “My voice is as good as it’s gonna get.” As George scoffed at the response, his call was ended, and before he could complain about that as well, Dream spoke up, his voice echoing around him. “If something happens, tap three times. One for yes, two for no otherwise. Sound good?” He tapped the wall once before continuing to rub at it, now trying to distract instead of comfort the larger. A content sigh sounded above him, and he relaxed as he felt something- Dream’s hand, what else could it have been- rub against him from outside. Not that it was hard to relax, of course. Dream wasn’t as warm as Sapnap, not by a long shot, but the darkness and the warmth was comfortingly familiar, along with the larger’s heart beating and breathing now that it had settled. Even his voice, which had become mostly background noise as he spoke to their demon friend, was a comforting rumble to relax to. As his eyes closed, he wondered if maybe he should have let Dream know he was falling asleep.
He found he didn’t really care. He’d deal with it when he woke up.
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fastfur07 · 1 year
Ok, here's a slightly riskier idea:
A prey is kidnapped and taken to a vore-based restaurant, whose clientele is… not the catch-and-release type. Their pred, while searching for them, goes unwittingly to the same restaurant, only to have their own prey served to them.
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gorgin-gals-muses · 5 months
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"Of course, I could surely go for more!" Fubuki ate two turkey legs. "And more?"
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"And more!" Fubuki ate a plate of fries. "And more?"
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"And- HUOOOARP- more!" Fubuki ate a tin of brownies, groaning. "And more?"
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"And... mnah.. mo- URP more..." Fubuki ate a quart of ice cream, clutching her oozing, overfilled gut. "And more?"
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"A- urgh... and... huff- mmmnnn... more..." Fubuki ate two beef bowls, feeling her stomach go numb, pinning her to the chair with its weight. "And more?"
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"Oourp... no... no more." Fubuki didn't want to eat that. "No... more? Aren't you hungry?"
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"Yes." "Then eat."
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Fubuki had never felt more full in her entire life, completely unable to reach past the spherical mass of her bloated, packed gut, she felt her food thrash and buckle within her as she digested. Her mind and body felt like tiny extensions of her belly. She ate... what did she eat? She couldn't remember.
Maybe it didn't matter. She gasped and heaved. All she wanted...
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"Is there any more?"
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jkknight98 · 2 years
Not your normal museum visit (summer gift exchange)
For @aperson03
Tubbo defiantly wasn't happy when his parents decided that their vacation was going to be at a museum, how lame was that, but somehow... he manages to make a new friend and avoid certain death, not such a boring vacation now is it?
I hope everyone enjoys the story~
Of all the places to go to for a vacation, why did his parents decide to pick a museum, even the beach would have been better than this. “Come on Tubbo, you can have fun while learning, it's better than you being hold up in your room like your Nan used to be.” He could only huff at his mother's attempt to cheer him up, and so what if Nan liked to stay in her room with salt on the windows and always would make him put a nail in his pocket before he left, she always told cool stories about mythical creatures. “ If it makes you feel any better, they have an exhibit about some of the things that mum used to talk about, you can go there while me and your mother head to the other exhibits.” This caught the boy's attention a bit, sure the museum would be the most boring vacation by far, but at least he can get away from his parents and the dumb lovie dovie stuff.
“Alright Tubbo, here’s fifteen pounds for lunch, don’t use it to buy something stupid from the gift shop.” His mother ruffled his hair gently as she turned to join his father who was waiting for her at an exhibit hall called lovers through time, which made the boy shiver in disgust but turned after sending a wave toward his dad. He should hurry up to get to the exhibit for what little bit of entertainment he can get from the place before he dies from boredom.
Tubbo did have to admit as he passed through the hall of dinosaurs, this museum was pretty impressive, he didn’t expect it to have the full skeleton of a t-rex. Some impressive artworks showed what the animals could have looked like, from the scaly monsters from the movies to a life-sized velociraptor, it looked like an eagle on steroids. But this wasn’t what he wanted to see as he made his way to a decorative stairway at the end of the hall, covered with fake ivy and small yellow lights to mimic fireflies. It was a cheesy design in his opinion, but he gave it the benefit of the doubt as he continued to climb, and was actually amazed at how deserted the area got. Did no one like myths anymore, and actually jumped when he was met with the sculpted face of a kelpie. He had to grip his chest for a moment as he caught his breath,” fuck your a scary sight…how did anyone fall for you.” The horse’s face was a gold color with bright green eyes, but with the patches of green scales and dripping water weeds, the most terrifying thing was the wide mouth with teeth sharp enough to rival a shark’s… perfect to devour those who rode its back. He took a few cautious steps around the statue, the emerald eyes seeming to follow him until he was fully immersed in the exhibit. He was amazed to see more statues of brownies, paintings of terrifying redcaps, a terrarium of bright green clovers, and just as many creatures his Nan spoke of. 
It wasn’t too long before he came to a grand painting that was placed near an authentic-looking fairy ring, the circle of mushrooms being filled with plenty of chocolates and pocket change, it made the boy pause as he wondered how the museum kept them from being stolen. His eyes looked to the painting and he smiled at the weirdness of it, moving to stand next to the blond guy his own age as he pondered it. It almost looked like an A.I generated paintings with clouds of browns and purples with two figures emerging, the upper figure having a skull-like face and slim frame while the other was masculine with dark feathers and a bird-like face, it was weird as it was pretty. He looked down at the title card,” Lady death and the crow father…kinda weird name huh,” the other boy's head whipped to face him quickly and Tubbo could see the surprise on his features.
The blue eyes of the boy scrunched slightly as he took a step closer, making Tubbo step back slightly and bump into the raised platform of the fairy ring,” You can see me?? Like really see me,” the blond turned his head around to scan the area for anyone else Tubbo could have spoken too,” holy shit we’re the only one’s here.” The blond turned back and his face was split into a super wide grin and he excitedly grabbed Tubbo’s hand,” Dad told me that humans don’t see us anymore since they’re too wrapped up in technology, but you can see me!”  The boy turned to the painting and lifted his middle finger towards the lower figure with a loud cry of laughter,” Suck on that old man” 
Tubbo was just confused, why did this guy act so surprised that he saw them, he wasn’t exactly hiding in his white shirt and jeans, and what was he talking about humans,” dude I don’t know what you're talking about, but your grip kinda hurts,” besides the tight grip the guy had around his wrist, there was a faint tingling sensation where each of the digits touched his bare skin, like a worse version of a limb falling asleep. He tried to pull away again but it was as if he was fighting against a steel trap, the boy just looked at him more confused as he tried to fight him, almost amazed he couldn’t pull away.
“Wow your weak, but that's what happens when humans come up against the fae, oh dad said that some humans are born with a partial cawl over their faces,” one of the boy's hands went to cover Tubbo's eyes, and the brunette powerless to stop him despite his best efforts. “ If I do this it should give you full vision of the glamor and be a bit better than normal lame humans.” As soon as the appendage covered his eyes all Tubbo could feel was pain strong enough that he would have fallen to his knees if the boy wasn’t holding him up, but as soon as he felt like crying out, the pain completely disappeared. “There we go, now you can see me in all my awesome glory!!”
The hand lifted away to reveal the room once more, and absolutely nothing looked different, did the weirdo put something in his eyes as a prank?? “ Nothing looks different you as-” but the boy did look different, and completely inhuman. The blue eyes looked way too big for the boy's face now, and they were framed with red feathers that trailed to feathered ears where the human ones should have been and looking further Tubbo could see a double set of red hummingbird-like wings that ruffled slightly in the blond’s apparent excitement. The more he looked on the more mixed his feelings became, this boy before him completely turned into a different…thing after covering his eyes... His mind immediately went back to what his Nan warned him about the fae. They never really looked like they were shown in movies or on television and could easily have the features of animals… and they always took interest in young people. This made Tubbo gulp slightly as he smiled weakly,” Yeah boss man, you look pretty fucking awesome.” There were two rules that his Nan drilled into his head the most should he ever meet a fae, that was to never insult one...and to never give your name to one.
The now fae smiled brightly, showing off some sharp teeth, “ I knew it, your lame human world has just been blown,” The hands went to grip his again as the boy spun him, making Tubbo smile at how infectious the energy was,” What do I call you since you're going to be my new best friend, you can call me Tommy.” The words were spoken with such a sense of finality that it scared Tubbo slightly, making him frown and the fae frown in return,” Hey… why aren’t you giving me your name, I can’t just call you human, thats what my brothers do and you're going to be my friend… Right?” Tommy looked sadder the longer Tubbo was silent and kept looking sadder as he waited on an answer.
Tubbo could only take a shaky breath as he looked into the unnaturally large eyes again, a nickname should be safe right, it's not his true name but he will still respond to it. “ You can call me Tubbs, and I’ll be your best friend if you give me your word that you won’t harm me intentionally or unintentionally.” The fae seemed to shiver slightly as the words left his lips, and the boy swore he felt a cold breeze drift through the room, but he relaxed as the fae smiled again with a nod. Tommy shifted his grip to hold both of the boy's wrists as he started to walk towards the fairy ring, flapping the feathery wings slightly to land in the center, and dragging Tubbo with him. “ Uh Tommy… what are you doing, we're going to step on the mushrooms?” But the fae was gentle with setting him in the center of the ring, leaving the two standing within its center.
“I have to show you too my family, like I said it's been ages since we’ve had a human who can see us,” Tommy smiled brightly as the mushrooms around them started to take on a faint glow,” I’m so going to rub it in The blades face since he hasn’t caught a human in centuries!”
Tubbo didn’t even get the chance to comment on that last statement before the feeling of the ground under his feet turned to mush, and he couldn’t yell out before he was sucked downwards. His free hand reached out to try and grasp anything that could save him, but as he disappeared into the fae wild, the only thing he held was a single metal screw.
Tubbo did have to admit to himself that after he was pulled through the display to the alternate world, the ‘fae wild’ as Tommy put it, his apparent kidnapper wasn’t all that bad. He told pretty hilarious jokes and after a mild scuffle that turned into a full playfight, he could easily be friends with him if he was a human. He still didn’t like his wording about being captured though,” Am I captured, last I checked friends don’t kidnap each other?”
The fae just smiled as he continued to pull him through the weirdly colored landscape, with ferns and mushrooms the size of trees,” Oh I’ll return you to your side of the vail in no time, time passes differently here so a day here is only half an hour on your side, but hurry up Tubbs. We need to hurry through this section of forest before the goat bastard shows up.” The fae sniffed the air quickly and pulled the two of them off the clear pathway towards a grove of branching mushrooms, wings twitching irritably as they sighed. Tubbo couldn’t help but start sneezing due to the spores, causing the other male to look at him in annoyance,” would you stop it, your human noises are going to get us noticed by the asshole who lives here, it was bad enough to get past him for me to enter your world.”
Tubbo didn’t hesitate in the slightest to snap back at the blonde, snarling in a way that made the fae raise a brow in surprise,” then why don’t you use your magic to stop these stupid things, I didn’t think I would be allergic to mushroom pollen!!” The fae went to respond in turn, but the low reverberate thud cut off any come back,” the fuck was-” a hand swiftly shot out to cover his mouth, sharp nails just poking the skin in warning. He wanted to fight against the force, but the fae’s fearful appearance stopped his angry muttering, Tommy’s eyes and ears were flickering in every direction to find the source of the sound.
But the source came from directly above them as a low voice rumbled menacingly,” fee fi foe fum, I smell one of human blood,” the sniffing sound followed,” Tommy you little shit, what did I say about coming into my territory. Didn't your bird-brained daddy teach you anything, or is your head too full of feathers?” A large cloven hoof thudded to the ground before the boys, sending up a poof of more spores to Tubbo’s horror, the appendage was the size of a small car. Tubbo’s eyes drifted up the furred legs until he could see the face of the giant through the branches, despite the scruffy facial hair and red-rimmed eyes, the man's face held that same perfectness that Tommy’s has; the ram horns ruined it though. The giant man sniffed again as he moved an equally giant flask to his lips to drink, the dark liquid sliding down to splash near the smaller boys, making them both jump in surprise. Tubbo’s body couldn’t help but betray himself as another sneeze broke the silence, causing the goat-like ears to twitch, and the giant crouched down with a speed unmatching his size. The eyes quickly settled on the two boys and the giant face split into a sinister smile,” You little shit, you managed to drag a human here with you, don’t mind if I take it from you.” 
Tubbo screamed as the massive hand shot forwards to grab him, ducking while dragging the fae with him, but had the breath knocked out of him when the second large hand slammed down on his body. He wheezed for breath as the two of them were lifted into the air, and felt the sickness of vertigo as they were brought to the giant's face,” dude… you need a fucking breath mint.” This made Tommy slightly snicker while the giant raised an eyebrow in slight amusement, but that look faded as it took another deep breath through its nose, and the eyes were fully dilated when they blazed open. 
The look in them was no longer one of amused triumph, but one of near animalistic hunger as the giant licked its lips,” A mint won’t make it any better where your going kid, it's been ages since I’ve had a human, but young ones like you always last longer anyways.” The large tongue slid out and trailed up Tubbo’s face, leaving putrid-smelling saliva all over him,” Oh yes…. You got the sight too so that makes it even better-”
A loud shriek sounded from Tubbo’s right, making his ears ring painfully,” SHLATT YOU FUCKING BASTARD, YOU WILL NOT TAKE HIM FROM ME!!!” The words quickly changed to a louder shrieking and Tubbo wished he could raise his hands to cover his ears before his eardrums burst, Tommy’s face had shifted from the uncanny beauty to something terrifying, looking more like a vengeful harpy than a fellow teenager. The giant looked equally pained as they flattened their ears,” Fucken shit kid, why are you attached to it, humans don’t live that long. I’m saving you the heartbreak by eating it now.” This only made Tommy angry as he hisses out more expletives as the giant separated the two, leaving the fae in one hand and Tubbo in the other, Tommy did try to hold onto him, but his hand seemed to have been forced away before the grip got too tight.
The giant moved to hold Tubbo over its face as Tommy continued to shriek in his other hand,” Sorry kid, you picked the wrong day to enter the wilds, but enjoy yourself to some genuine fae whiskey while you can.” The mouth opened widely under him, the slightly stained tongue laid out like some demented red carpet and the dark abyss of the throat behind it. The large fingers slowly loosened their grip and Tubbo could only flail his limbs in panic as gravity dragged him towards his death, and everything seemed to move in slow motion. He looked away from the giant mouth to look at Tommy, the other boy was still screaming and almost looked like he was crying, which made Tubbo feel bad. They didn’t get to know each other for long, but he did feel like they could have become true best friends.
Tubbo closed his eyes as the mouth grew closer, apologizing to his parents for not being able to meet them at the museum entrance, and apologizing to his Nan for not listening to her warnings when he slammed into something extremely warm. He waited for the dampness to soak into his clothing and his skin, but he still felt the air rushing around him… it didn't make sense. He opened his eyes to not see his death, but dark green fabric instead, looking upwards he met a familiar-looking pair of blue eyes framed with midnight black feathers,” you alright mate, we almost lost you to the belly of the beast just now if we didn’t hear Tommy shriek.” Tubbo couldn’t help but smile widely as grateful tears started to slide down his face, looking down he could see the giant yelling as two other winged faes antagonized it, one with insect wings and the other had more dragon-like wings. The older male gently adjust his grip as he flew above the chaos,” hurry up boys, we got the fledglings so leave the drunk bastard be,” The other two-winged males quickly flew towards them, leaving the giant to yell curses at them, and Tubbo was happy to see a certain blond in the arms of the pink-haired fae. A low throat clearing brought Tubbos attention back to the blond fae holding him,” Now then, why don’t you tell me why my son was with a child of man?”
It wasn’t long before Tubbo was sat at a wooden table before the blond man and the two other faes, the brunette looking at him curiously while the heavily scarred pink-ete was glaring down at Tommy, who was gently gripping his wrist while looking like he wanted to turn invisible,” So let me get this straight… you used the gateway in the museum and found a human with partial sight, and in your excitement gave him full sight, made a promise with him, and nearly got him killed trying to show him off!! What were you thinking!!!” Tommy just shrank further into himself and whined softly,” What would you have done if this boy died, there are rules for this, why do you think your brother stopped bringing humans anymore. It's dangerous!”
The blond male just sighed before turning to look at Tubbo,” and you… I don’t know what to do with you..”
But Tubbo had enough, the stress of everything finally hit him and he couldn’t stand seeing Tommy so upset,” Look, sir, I will give you my word that I won’t tell anyone about this, I know the fair folk like promises,” this caught the three adults off guard but he cut them off before they could speak,” the promise Tommy made that you were so worried about, it was just for me to be his best friend and despite nearly dying,” he turned and gave Tommy a brilliant smile,” I’m more than happy to say he’s going to be my best friend no matter what.” The blond’s red feathers fluffed up in excitement at his words, and he wasn’t being anything but truthful with his statement. This just made the older blond sigh in exasperation as the brunette moved over to gently ruffle both his and Tommy's hair, commenting on how two gremlins would keep the house lively.
The pinkete turned their red eyes over to him and sniffed slightly, causing Tubbo to wonder if he smelled bad,” are you related to the Underscore Beloved family, specifically an Alice?” This caught him off guard, Alice was his Nan’s name, and by telling them this, it made both the pinkete and elder blond smile in both relief and another emotion he couldn’t read,” Of course, Tommy would make friends with one of her line, guess we won’t have to eat you in your sleep.” 
The elder blond quickly slapped the pinkete on the arm, telling him to “Shut” before sending him outside with the brunette, and looked at the two young boys with a soft smile,” Well then, anyone of that family is as good as family to me, but we need to set some ground rules before this goes any further, it’s going to be some things your nan has already taught you I’m sure.” As the elder started to drone on Tubbo looked back towards Tommy, the blond seemed to glow in his excitement, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
“So Tubbo, did you have a fun time at the folklore exhibit, it looked pretty cool to me when I and your mother saw it, but I’m glad you didn't spend your whole time there when we went looking for you.” Tubbo jerked up to look at his parents, he was too busy tieing the cord on his new bracelet, a single ruby red feather dangled from it and felt warm every time it brushed his skin. His mother looked at him with a frown and sighed,” Didn’t I tell you not to buy anything silly from the gift shop..”
His dad just laughed,” Now now dear, you're the one who gave him money, but I think it means he enjoyed his time here.”
Tubbo smiled up at his dad gratefully as they made their way home,” yeah, I guess a vacation to the museum isn’t too bad,” and it wasn’t since it inspired him to work on a new project. He can work on his music later, now he needs to learn how to grow mushrooms.
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luckyshotwrites · 1 year
since the other anon already asked. is xander ever going to see lynette as something other than food? and does lyenette consider any of the coworkers as a friend
I cannot answer the first one, I KNOW it's a wait and I'm sorry.
I feel organically speaking it wouldn't be rushed because they only work together. They've had very few interactions outside of that setting, but nothing too deep.
Lynette at this point is far to passive and doesn't know how to approach things quite yet. And Alexander- actually more will be explained later.
Does Lynette consider any of them friends: Out of all of them, she thinks Viola and June are friend material. However as she moved quite frequently she doesn't always know how to approach friendships. Nor how to get to know someone better, etc. She still tries to be friendly and nice to anyone she meets though.
On night crew, she's weary of Drake, but trusts him the most out of everyone there. So in her eyes, he's nearly a friend.
(Now, Lynette would not introduce any of them to Wicks. She'd be afraid Viola and or the others might attack him as he's not on the same contract, and that June might spill the monster beans. XD
Funnily enough, she'd maybe be willing to introduce him to Drake. Only because she doubts he'd attack Wicks, and Drake acts really calm compared to the others).
I hope this answered your questions well enough and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THEM!!
Again, I'm sorry it's a slow burn. There's so many characters/stuff I have to set up with these chapters. It's like- I just put a bag of popcorn in the microwave, all those little threads or passing remarks are the kernels, and I promise, once it starts THEY all are going to start popping. I hate waiting to trust me.
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furbearingbrick · 2 years
get inked idiot
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stomach-rental · 2 years
reeses pieces … reece my poor little guy pls im keeling over at your feet what did rhey do to my sweet boy —spitwick
WELL you see [cracks knuckles] (talking about Reese's problems is one of my favorite things sometimes)
Reese and Beni typically come as a pair. BUT. Benita is easily fired up and doesn't like dealing with emotions. If it turns out she may have soft spots or that she may be feeling weird or awkward about something, she will turn directly away from it into another direction to look for distractions. In Chicagoverse, that direction is partying, getting with people for flings, etc. She is running on high strung energy and wants to carry those highs as far out and away from all of the bullshit and things that need therapy in her life as possible.
Normally this isn't a problem for Reese, as they always usually have time for each other, but, uh. He starts getting emotions, and suddenly he's the one Beni is avoiding because of it. Reese really, really likes Beni, not necessarily in a romantic way, but seeing Will and Louis getting closer makes Reese realize just how spaced out his own life is, and how he doesn't get very close to other people but really does want to have those same comforts, and the closest person in his life IS Beni, so. You know. Maybe he wants to talk about doing their own thing together. A platonic partnership of sorts, maybe hugging and cuddling more often with none of that weird kissing stuff, just. Testing out the waters.
Beni is TERRIFIED of emotional closeness and would rather do sex with strangers at a party than actively admit and talk about any sort of familial closeness between the two of them. She starts acting weird because of it and Reese feels really bad, everything is just Tense. Reese doesn't just have a magical solution like vore to deal with his internal trust issues and his need for closeness that he's been shoving down for years now, and that's why he is having Problems in this fic. It may not seem as dire or stressful as the stuff will and louis get into at times but it IS pretty stressful for him, as he Really does not have a lot of people and he Does Not want to lose the one person he's got, you know?
This is based off of a Couple of RP things I have done in the past with Reese, one of which Louis ends up asking for Tactical Sleeping Hugs in attempt to scare away nightmares because no one else is available, and the other of which Reese is attempting (and failing) to understand how vore actually Helps will and louis. I actually DID do a drawing of one of them, let me see if I can find it since it's relative to this fic
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pastelblood · 2 years
Prey who saves another fellow prey from their pred bf
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fiber-optic-alligator · 4 months
Hello! I’ve always been curious about the “human in a space shuttle somehow ends up on a cybertronian ship and all the bots are trying to figure out what this random metal this is while the human is terrified” plot.
It would be interesting to see it played out with any character, but for the sake of direction, I’d like to request this with the Lost Light Crew?
It could be vore if that’s what you feel like wrong at the time, but I’d also go for some good ‘ol fearplay.
I apologize if this is too vague, have a good day/night and I love your writing!
Thank you for the request Glitch! I hope this is up to your expectations! I hope you don't mind that I picked specific members of the Lost Light crew to include in this story. Feedback is always appreciated! Have a great day/night as well! :D
Doctor’s (And Scientist’s) Orders
Pairing: IDW Ratchet, IDW Perceptor, and IDW First Aid x Human Reader
Word Count: 3115
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Summary: You are a teacher who is being sent from Earth to a colony on Mars. A new life as an educator for the red planet’s children is on your horizon…until you are thrown terribly off course and end up in the bowels of the Lost Light. All seems lost for you when you find yourself injured and cut off from human society, at the mercy of the three Cybertronians who end up finding you and taking you in, whether you want them to or not.
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The first thing you hear when you come to is the horrid screeching of your ship's alarms.
  You groan and sit up. Smoke and flickering emergency lights greet you when you open your eyes. Electricity sparks from the stasis tank you were asleep in. Gas spurts from the ceiling, and everything is strewn about with the chaotic air of a tornado that just tore through an entire town.
“Warning,” your ship’s AI urgently alerts. “Breach detected. Damage is collateral. Warning-warning-” It sputters and fizzles out.
  You rub the back of your head and feel something warm and sticky coat your palm. When you pull your hand back to take a closer look, you see blood.
  Shit. That’s not good.
  Standing up makes you feel like you are going to puke. Your head throbs and every breath you take sends piercing pain through your chest. Dragging yourself out of the stasis pod takes longer than it should while black spots dot your vision as you stumble to the dashboard and press your hands against it. “Run ship diagnostics,” you manage to rasp. The voice that struggles to exit your mouth is one you hardly recognize. It is thin and strewn with violent coughs. A metallic taste coats your tongue. More blood.
  The AI glitches as it attempts to answer you. “Severe damage to hull. Severe damage to engines. Severe damage to thrusters. Life support online, but rapidly depleting. Escape pod offline.”
  “Shit,” you breathe. “Try contacting Earth control.”
  “Communications systems offline. Attempting self-repairs. Current status…5%.”
  “How long until repairs are complete?”
  “Estimations indicate repairs will be completed in…5 days.”
  Not good. Not good at all. You push yourself away from the dashboard and take in all that has happened. This was not how the mission was supposed to go. When you were chosen to be sent to Earth’s Mars colony as a teacher for the young children growing up on the red planet, you thought it would be a smooth seven month trip with you peacefully slumbering away in stasis. You were supposed to be woken up by fellow human beings, not a devastating crash resulting in your ship being decimated. Something must have thrown you off course. A freak asteroid strike probably. Which begs the question…where exactly are you?
  Ignoring how much pain you are in, you hobble through the remains of the vessel and head for the airlock doors. They remain tightly shut when you make it to them, hiding the knowledge of where you are from view. “Open the doors,” you call out to the ship.
  “Warning. Remaining onboard is strongly recommended. Current exterior environment is unknown.”
  “Override. Open the doors.”
  The doors whoosh apart. You know there’s oxygen outside. If there hadn’t been, the ship would have prevented you from even entering the airlock chamber in the first place. Stepping off, you expect to see the barren landscape of Mars, or the alien environment of some other planet you might have ended up on. Part of you thinks you might still be on Earth; perhaps something went wrong with the ship before you could even break the Troposphere.
  What you see surprises you. You are in some sort of…massive cargo hold.
  Gigantic metal crates surround you, most of them exuding a pinkish glow. There are lights on the ceiling far above you, but they are dim, and serve little aid in giving you an estimate of just how large this place is. Turning in a circle, you feel awe fill you. “Yeah,” you murmur to yourself. “The ship definitely didn’t crash on Mars.”
  Speaking of your ship…you take in the damage. It's an absolute mess of warped, crippled metal doomed to remain collapsed on its side until self-repairs are complete. It would take days, maybe even weeks, for damage of this caliber to be fixed beyond the communications systems. With no way to contact Earth or Mars, you truly are stuck.
  You close your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose. Calm. You are calm. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. Yes, your ship is destroyed. Yes, you are suffering from critical wounds. Yes, you are in an unknown place with seemingly no way out. But you're alive. That’s what matters. And now you just have to survive for five more days.
  You hear thumping in the distance.
  It takes you a moment to register the pattern of heavy steps that are coming towards you. It’s something alive, you realize with dawning horror. Wherever you are, you have obviously made quite a racket, and now this planet’s local faunal residents are going to seek you out. There’s no way for you to know exactly what sorts of animals live here; any technology you might have used to your advantage is directly connected to the ship. With the ship offline, thus go the tools as well. You are completely in the dark, relying only on the little information about alien lifeforms you have to keep you safe.
  You don’t need that information to know you have to hide right now.
  You scurry back into the ship, biting back a shout of pain. God, there’s pain everywhere. How have you not passed out yet? Adrenaline does wonders for the human body, you sourly think to yourself when you have to lean against the wall to catch your breath. A hacking cough swells within your chest. When you cover your mouth with your elbow and release it, blood is splattered over your suit sleeve.
  That’s when you hear the growling.
  It’s unlike anything you have ever heard before. You’ve studied a multitude of animals. You’ve heard big cats roar, wolves howl, hyenas cackle, and birds screech. This is not a growl you can associate with any of those. It…holds similar qualities. But there’s something about it that remains blatantly off.
  It sounds strangely like the growl of a machine.
  You look outside of the airlock doors, and something huge lumbers out from behind a stack of crates. The first things your brain registers are its red and white armor platings, its bright blue eyes, and the horn-like finials extending from its forehead. It’s humanoid, yet possesses qualities that remove it from any such grouping. This thing is definitely not like you in any sort of way beyond having a face and walking on two legs.
  “It’s…a robot,” you whisper. It’s a giant fucking robot moving all on its own, and looking none too happy to be here.
  The mechanical creature snarls, lips upturning to reveal sharp canines that are probably longer than your arms. It hasn’t noticed you yet. Its focus is trained on the datapad it holds in its hands. Your mind is blown. This is obviously a member of a clearly intelligent race. Have you just discovered a new extraterrestrial species?
  The robot looks up. At first, its eyes scan the crates around you, and it doesn't seem to notice the little ship nestled between them. You remain still, prey instinct taking its course and demanding you freeze where you are. Hopefully it will just move on…
  It backtracks, and to your utter horror, it makes direct eye contact with you.
  Fucking shit, you think.
  The robot stares at you with an expression of pure shock. You stare right back with an equal amount of terror.
  It steps towards you. That’s all it takes for you to scream at the ship. “Close the airlock doors! Close them now!”
  The doors slam shut. You hear a shout from the robot, and everything shakes as it thunders forward. You stumble and fall with agony ripping through your poor body when you make contact with the floor. The cry that leaves you is riddled with pain.
  “A-Activate self-defense protocol!” you order the ship.
  “Self-defense protocols offline,” it says back.
  “Well, how long until they are online?!”
  “Estimated time equals…ten hours.”
  “That’s not enough!” you scream rawly.
  A gentle tapping echos from the other side of the doors.
  You push yourself back, heart pounding as you listen to the robot move all around you. It’s growling softly to itself, and you can hear it touching the ship, running massive mechanical fingers across the walls that act as the only barrier between you and potential doom.
  You don’t know what to do. Panic makes you frantic and you desperately try to think of how you can get yourself away from the monster outside. You have no way to defend yourself. You can’t even run. This thing wants you out, and you know it has the power to rip your ship apart in order to get to you if it wishes for it.
  Suddenly, everything rocks. Your stomach drops when the entire ship shakes and you feel it being lifted into the air. Realization of what is happening hits you: it’s picking it up. If it can’t get you, it’ll just have to take everything.
  “Nononono!” you cry out. The ship tips a little, and you slam into a wall with a grunt. “Stop!” You bang your fists against the metal. “Put it down! Put it down now!”
  The robot simply growls in reply. You don’t even know if it hears you. There’s nothing you can do to stop this. You slump back and cover your face as hot, helpless tears finally begin running down your cheeks.
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  “What exactly is it?” First Aid asks as he peers down at the mangled hunk of metal sitting before them on the medibay berth.
  “It’s a ship,” Perceptor flatly replies with a silent “What else would it be?” evident in his tone.
  “This is a ship?” First Aid looks horrified. “But it's completely destroyed! How could it have gotten here?”
  “It must have crashed during our last refueling.” Perceptor lays his servos over the top of the ship, examining it closely. He huffs and straightens, looking at Ratchet. “Where did you find it?”
  “The cargo hold,” the medic replies. “I was down there searching for some extra medical supplies I know we have stored. I wouldn’t have seen it if it hadn’t been for what’s inside.”
  “There’s something alive in there?” First Aid gasps.
  “A human,” Ratchet replies. “It locked itself inside when it saw me.”
  “Impossible.” Perceptor shakes his helm. “Humans are an endangered species that only occupy a small sector of a primitive solar system. They don’t have the technology to make it this far out in space.”
  “Well, clearly they do. I know what I saw. These old optics aren’t that far gone.” Ratchet raps his knuckles gently against the ship. All three mechs have to lean in close so they can hear the soft squeak from inside.
  “How do we get it out?” First Aid asks. “It could be hurt!”
  “It is hurt,” Ratchet answers. “I saw it before it hid itself away. I don’t know how severe the injuries are, but I know it's in pain.”
  “Then what are we waiting for? We need to help it!” First Aid presses his forehelm against the ship and whispers softly. “Hello, little human? Please don’t be afraid! We aren’t going to hurt you!”
  A whimper is all he gains in reply.
  Perceptor crosses his arms. “I can force it out, but you won’t like how I do it.”
  “You can’t hurt it,” Ratchet sharply snaps. “That would be cruel.”
  “I’m not going to hurt it,” the scientist bites back. “I’m simply going to pump a nontoxic gas into the ship that will cause it to eventually lose consciousness. It will have no choice but to come out, and then we can go on from there.”
  “Are…are you sure?” First Aid wrings his servos nervously. “I don’t want it to be scared of us.”
  “Whether it’s scared of us or not doesn’t matter,” Ratchet says. “It’s injured, and if we don’t do something, it’ll succumb to those injuries. It’ll understand we don’t want to hurt it after we patch it up.” He nods to Perceptor. “Go ahead, smoke it out.”
  The scientist’s right servo transforms into a syringe. Ratchet watches with anxiousness churning in his tank as Perceptor presses his left index digit against the side of the ship and presses a small hole straight through with little resistance to stop him. A terrified shout from the human within causes First Aid to whimper.
  Perceptor sticks the upper part of the syringe into the hole, pumping gas into the ship and pulling it back out after a moment, wisps of vapor trailing from the tip. A few seconds later Ratchet hears a string of weak coughs from inside. There is a tense moment where all three of them stand there, and then the doors open and you stumble out with a cloud of gas nearly enveloping your tiny form. You wheeze into your servos, then notice the mechs staring at you and try sprinting right back into the ship. Perceptor cuts you off, slamming his servo down and pinning you under his digits before dragging you back even though you yelp and thrash. You squirm one last time in his grip before suddenly going limp.
  Perceptor gently shifts you to lie in the center of his palm. For a terrifying moment, Ratchet thinks you are offline when he sees how still you are with your optics closed. But then his sensors pick up on the rapid beating of your organic spark, and he relaxes. Not dead. Just simply unconscious.
  “Give it here.” He holds out a waiting servo. Perceptor hands you over; you are given a quick look-over as Ratchet scans your body. There is a nasty cut on the back of your helm, and your vents are gravely bruised with terrible red marks. “Internal bleeding,” he mutters. “As well as external wounds. The crash really messed it up.” He curls his digits lightly over you and brushes his thumb over your forehead. “Doesn’t have a fever though, which is good. Damage is minimal, nothing life threatening. I can have it fixed in a few hours.”
  “You know how to heal organics?” First Aid questions.
  “I’ve been around for a long time. War changes you. I’ve had my equal share of saving Decepticon-ravaged planets inhabited by organics as well as machines.” Ratchet walks over to another berth, being careful not to jostle you too much. “First Aid, go grab the restrainers. We’ll have to keep it still so it doesn’t accidentally hurt itself when it wakes up.”
  “You’ll have to keep it sedated too,” Perceptor says. “I can help with that. Just a little puff of the gas will keep it asleep.”
  “Thank you,” Ratchet says, then pauses. “Listen. Don’t tell anyone about this yet. I don’t want everyone flocking into the medibay and stressing it out. We could accidentally scare this thing to death if we aren’t careful.”
  “I won’t.” Perceptor nods. “Just…make sure it heals properly. I don’t doubt your expertise, but…” He looks down at you, and his optics soften. “It hurts my spark to see something so small in so much pain.”
  First Aid returns with the restrainer. It’s a small mechanism that runs on magnetic power, created by the Lost Light’s resident mad scientist, Brainstorm himself. Ratchet places it directly over your lax form. With a quiet beep, it presses lightly over your midsection, and magnetic bindings weigh down your ankles and wrists. Seeing you trapped like this makes him feel guilty. This obviously isn’t going to be something you will like when you wake up. But there’s no other way for this to go. You won’t understand his good intentions until he heals you. Until then, he has to keep you still.
  He grabs a small serum of glowing blue liquid and bends over you, gently pinching your little fleshy cheeks and working your intake open. “C’mon little one, drink up,” he whispers when he carefully forces the liquid down your throat. He sees your faceplate tighten with discomfort, but your throat pulses as you subconsciously swallow. “There you go. Good human, good human.”
  “What are you giving it?” First Aid asks.
  “Something I learned to make back in my early days,” he replies. “It heals from the inside. Works on both organics and machines.” He pats your cheeks praisingly and draws away. “There. That should help with the bleeding. It’ll be fine now. I’ll continue to monitor it over the next few days.”
  First Aid exhales a relieved sigh. Perceptor reaches out a tentative hand and brushes your hair away from your closed optics. “It’s so small…so soft…”
  “We have to be careful with it,” First Aid frets. “We don’t want it to break.”
  “Listen.” Ratchet’s tone hardens authoritatively. “I said this before, but I’ll say it again. We have to keep this between the three of us. Don’t tell anyone about a human being in here.”
  “But what about the captain?” First Aid asks. “Shouldn’t he know?”
  “The captain can’t know. If he finds out there's a human on the ship, he’ll go nuts with excitement and probably end up accidentally crushing the poor thing. Until I confirm it’s not going to drop dead at any moment, we keep it a secret. Got it?”
  Both bots nod. Ratchet nods with them. “Alright. I’m going to stay here and make sure it’s condition remains stable. You can come back tomorrow to check in on it and see how it’s doing.”
  Perceptor dips his head and leaves without another word. First Aid lingers, optics never leaving you.
  “It’ll be fine,” Ratchet reassures him. “I’ll take care of it. Go recharge.”
  It takes a lot for the other medic to step back and exit the medibay. Ratchet watches him go, then sighs and drags a servo over his faceplate. Becoming the caretaker of an injured organic lifeform was not something he had planned for today. Primus, how the hell am I going to tell Rodimus?
  A soft noise drags his attention away from the alarming thought of what might happen if the extroverted captain learns about his new “crewmate.” He looks down at you and startles a bit. Your eyes, foggy and unfocused, are staring right at him. There’s a fatigued expression of utter terror on your face that once again has his spark feeling like it's been ripped from his chassis and stomped on.
  “You’ll be okay,” he whispers to you. “I promise.”
  You close your eyes and let your helm loll to the side. Ratchet watches the soft rise and fall of your chassis for a few moments longer, then dims the medibay lights and returns to his previous work on the other side of the room.
  Never do you stray far from his mind.
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