deadboydoodling · 25 days
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Let me know whose your favorite and if I should do a part two! ❤
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sleepy-gee · 3 months
avox!coryo who wants to kiss you and be with you so badly but he can't because he's a servant and you're his master and it would be wrong :(
avox!coryo who's in such agony because he can't express his feelings for you with words (which he's so good at) so he has to resort to writing you little poems and sonnets, coming up with a fake persona to sign off with in case anyone happens to find them
avox!coryo who truly follows you around like a lost puppy. his eyes tell you he is one, too. you're all he has left and he isn't ready to let you go.. nor will he ever be.
avox!coryo who knows his feelings are so, so wrong and beats himself up over it. he's tried to get over you so many times but he can't.
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snowjanuscentral · 6 months
Omg there so much potential Even sejanus reading into things that aren’t there and like thinking Coriolanus likes him more than he actually does and making a romantic move on avox corio lol
Literally I have so many thoughts about Avox!Coriolanus, I have a fic outline but i'm gonna treat you to some headcanons, i'm Not Okay about this
(In this au, Gaul is even more psychopathic than she is in the book - she cares so deeply about the perpetual state of war, and a twisted fairness in the games, that she perceives Coriolanus' actions as unforgiveable, and effectively discards him. She can always find another star pupil to take under her wing)
Coriolanus is accused of being a traitor to the Capitol due to his aiding of Lucy Gray in the games. To preserve the sanctity of the games, Lucy Gray is pardoned, as she has been 'manipulated' by Snow's evil rebel tendencies. In reality, she takes a deal to return to District Twelve by throwing Coriolanus under the bus.
The footage of Coriolanus attempting to rescue Sejanus from the arena is heavily edited to make it appear as though Coriolanus snuck into the arena and killed Bobbin to give Lucy Gray an unfair advantage.
Sejanus' role in the arena break-in is forgiven due to Strabo making a sizeable donation to the games.
The Snow family reputation is irrevocably destroyed - thankfully, the Capitol public holds great pity for Tigris and the Grandma'am, as they appear to be such fragile and pathetic creatures.
Plot Points In My Brain That Will Not Leave Me Alone
Coriolanus is utterly broken by the whole situation. Even when he was almost destitute, he could rely on his wit, charisma, manipulations and lies to get him out of trouble. That has all been stripped away. His own selfishness and hunger has ruined everything
Mr and Mrs Plinth are offered Coriolanus by Dr Gaul, and they agree to take him, albeit for different reasons; Strabo, to teach Sejanus the lesson he still hasn't learned about the Capitol, and Mrs Plinth, to try and give Coriolanus an easier life than he would experience elsewhere. They keep this acquisition to themselves.
Coriolanus stays in a room at the end of the servants quarters. In the first week, he doesn't come out of his tiny box room. Sejanus visits him on that first night, but Coriolanus doesn't even acknowledge his presence.
There are other Avoxes in the Plinth household, of course, but they hardly interact with Coryo. He isn't obedient, he isn't anything bar borderline catatonic, and they've learned the hard way what that leads to.
Eventually Coriolanus is coaxed out into the greater Plinth residence, and Sejanus treats him nicely enough, but Coryo cannot bring himself to eat. It's too painful on his throat, the food given to him far too rich, Sejanus far too sweet. He cries.
They settle into a new normal, but Coriolanus struggles to pick up the sign language the avoxes use. Not that Sejanus would understand it. Sejanus procures a notepad and pen for Coriolanus to write out his thoughts. It is confiscated by Strabo.
Sejanus misinterprets Coriolanus' eventual acquiescence to his circumstances as comfort. He thinks Coriolanus is becoming content in his company; instead, he has allowed the overwhelm to consume him. Coriolanus feels safer in Sejanus' presence, but not safe.
Coriolanus has nightmares often, and sleeps poorly. It is late one night in Sejanus' room, and he is reading a book, Sejanus reading out the words. They are sitting next to each other, and Coriolanus tires, eventually nodding off with his head on Sejanus' shoulder.
Sejanus begins to enjoy having Coriolanus at his beck and call, just as Coriolanus becomes accustomed to following orders.
It is another late night when Sejanus' hands begin to wander. It is not something Coriolanus has anticipated. He lets it happen anyway.
(I literally have so many thoughts and feelings, I WILL WRITE THIS FIC I PROMISE!!)
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f1llory · 7 months
i know this all started like 11 years ago but i'm still so mad at how the hunger games movies have removed practically every trace of the avoxes that they can. i know that movies can't include everything from the books, but the avoxes are so important to the story and it does a real disservice to the movies by removing them. also, it would have added maybe a couple minutes per movie to include them the way they were in the books.
there are mentions of them here and there, and we do see lavinia briefly, but the only avox who's there in any meaningful way is pollux. and they couldn't take him out of the movie! not only is he important to include with the camera crew, he has to be there because he's the one who leads the group through the tunnels. if it were possible to cut him out of mockingjay, i think they would have.
removing so many scenes with lavinia genuinely detracted from my enjoyment of the first movie. especially witnessing her capture & carrying the guilt about it. when there are avoxes waiting on her, katniss does treat them politely, but i think it would have been so important & impactful to see her truly recognizing lavinia and her humanity and trying to communicate with her like anyone else. fixing this probably wouldn't add more than like 5 minutes to the runtime, but it would be such an improvement.
and don't even get me started with darius being removed from the movies. maybe he shows us a little less about katniss's character than lavinia would, but the mentions of him in catching fire add so much to our imagination of the hob and illustrate just how different peacekeepers were in district 12. this is also the first time this has happened to someone katniss actually knows. i think this would take maybe a minute and a half to fix? at most. really all we would need to see is darius talking to katniss in the hob, then being one of the peacekeepers getting captured when thread takes over.
obviously they kept pollux in because they literally couldn't remove him from mockingjay. i don't really have any complaints about his portrayal in the movies, which is kind of surprising given how passionate i am about him. also, the movie actually portrayed castor's death better than the book! it wasn't really in the book, basically castor was there and then he wasn't. so the movie version has a lot more impact.
also, it sucks that we didn't get to hear what happened to lavinia and darius. i always have intense second-hand embarrassment at the fact that in the book, peeta realizes pollux is an avox then immediately starts trauma dumping about seeing lavinia and darius tortured to death. if it were done as written in the movie, i might have experienced literal physical pain. but at the same time, i think it's very important that katniss finds out what happened to them. also in the books, squad 451 hears all the avoxes in the tunnels screaming as the mutts kill them. i feel like that would have been really easy to add in.
anyways we are moving on before i write an entire dissertation on pollux.
it was even worse in tbosas! the movie cut the scene where snow sees dr. gaul experimenting on and torturing avoxes. it would have been absolutely horrifying to see that translated to the screen, but it's incredibly important to snow's character development and his transformation into someone who both allows and perpetuates that cruelty. also, justice for ma plinth! i think it would have been incredible to see more of her and the way she treats people. in the book, she is so kind and caring to the avoxes working in her house. they're able to communicate with her, and she cooks food that will be easy for them to eat. since treating the avoxes as remotely human is so unusual, treating them with such love and respect is a revolutionary act, and goes to show what kind of person sejanus was raised to be. i know that this would add quite a bit to the runtime, but it probably should have been two movies anyways.
i know that side/background characters are cut from movies all the time. it happens. but even without getting a lot of lines, the avoxes are incredibly important to the story. these are people who have been enslaved, tortured, and dehumanized more than basically anyone else in panem. once characters truly see the avoxes, they're forced to confront the true brutality of the capitol and what they'll do to keep people in line. i think the movies don't truly force audiences to confront the brutality of this punishment. any rebellion is punished by literally robbing people of their voices and cutting them off from everything they've known. even if there's someone left to buy their freedom, they're physically disfigured for life--even removal of part of the tongue can have catastrophic side effects.
also, characters' perceptions of avoxes can say a lot about the kind of person they are. avoxes are the lowest class in panem, and treated with about as much agency as a piece of furniture. people aren't supposed to treat them like people. they're only supposed to talk to avoxes when giving them an order. despite this, there are certain characters who choose to show them kindness and love.
anyways i'm gonna end this here before i write a post so long it crashes tumblr but pls ask me literally anything about pollux i am in love w him <3
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darlingsnow0 · 2 months
Lucy gray: "can't take my talkingggggg"
Avoxes: ...
(ᵍᵉᵗ ⁱᵗ,ᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᵗʰᵉʸ'ʳᵉ ᵃᵛᵒˣᵉˢ)
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hrrystylesbookclub · 5 months
as someone who loves to reread books, i feel like the hunger games has some of the best rereadability
i’ve read each of the trilogy each least 5 times each, and tbosas twice, and every time i pick up something new, sometimes about panem as a whole, sometimes it’s character insights, sometimes it’s connections to the real world.
ive said it before, but suzanne such a brilliant author, and she manages to give every character such depth that makes them ALL such compelling characters
i just think it’s incredible how she can write books that fall perfectly into a ya dystopian genre and also provides such profound commentary on society and government
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adsosfraser · 10 months
I have an idea for an angsty-ish everlark one shot (or even longer if something can be built off of it). Peeta could’ve seriously permanently harmed Katniss when he attacked her during their ‘reuinion’ in 13. He could’ve damaged her throat and vocal chords/muscles needed for speech so it would be impossible or difficult for her to ever speak/sing again, effectively clipping the Mockingjay’s wings. District 13 would lose its mouthpiece and even if Snow wouldn’t have planned the outcomes exactly that way, it would be quite the stroke of luck and irony for him. It would devastate Peeta completely once he recovered and is able to make more sense of his memories. But I imagine with his presence and encouragement they would both work together in 12 to heal and learn sign language to communicate. Eventually, Peeta would forgive himself for what the Capitol did to them. I just think it’d be interesting to explore a healing katniss parallel their healing relationship as they get through it together and how she would get through the rest of her life (or months if it went down the path of an injury that could be healed) and learning how to communicate differently. I just don’t have the energy myself to explore that type of fic right now and give it the attention and nuance it would deserve.
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faebriel · 10 months
brrrr rainduo hunger games au
mad shoutouts to bee, beans, daisy and cherry for hopping on the rainduo hunger games bandwagon kdhkdjd
okay so nonnie i have a bit of hunger games knowledge (have watched the first two movies with some pals in the last month, various clips on youtube, etc) so i decided to take this one to my friends in clout farm to bounce some ideas around. niki and wil as tributes? niki as a tribute and wil as an estranged old friend who won the games five years ago and then was swallowed up by the capitol? two coworkers in the world's worst subminimum wage job? then bee comes in with the sledgehammer
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for everyone else who also thought oh god i need to google that: avoxes are rebels, traitors or deserters who had their tongues cut out as punishment, and are forced into servitude by the capitol.
alright so. wilbur and niki are two kids in district 12 in the midst of a potential regime change - and they're kids, around ten and fourteen each. to-be-president schlatt is shoving around president dream and it almost seems like this might be a window for change, something wilbur is so passionate about
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and then that wrong person overhears, and wilbur is gone.
niki assumes that wilbur is dead. (and tries not to think about how he got taken, because of nothing more than sheer bad luck, and she didn't.) it's awful, but seven years pass and she does her best to cope with it. and then her name is called at the reaping, when she is seventeen years old.
niki has absolutely zero intention of playing along with the games - she thinks they're horrible, just another way for the capitol to terrorise the people of the districts, even if she's learned by now the consequences of actually saying that out loud. she meets her mentor, jack - a year younger than she is, district 12's only remaining victor. he came out of the coal pits at thirteen, with just enough charisma and confidence to win over the sponsors and just enough grit to outlive every other tribute in his games, despite his age.
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unfortunately for jack, niki is stubborn as hell when she makes her choices, and she's chosen not to play. fuck the capitol - fuck acting as their entertainment while they burn her entire fucking world down. fuck smiling how they want her to and acting sweet. why should she? she should she, when they've ripped her away from everything she had to lose? niki can hold her own, but not like this - and if she is going to go to her death, she refuses to act pretty about it.
and then she encounters wilbur.
it's one of the dinners for the tributes - one of the early ones, right after they're paired off with their stylists (niki doesn't entirely know what to make of hbomb, who asks her what colour hair dye she'd prefer in one breath and then lays out the most cynical, how-to-get-ahead guide to the games in the second, and then exalts the benefits of a kitty ear motif in the third) but before the interviews and grading. they're eating the fanciest food niki has seen in what is probably her entire life, although it tastes like nothing more than ash in her mouth, and pouring the tributes and their mentors glasses of expensive wine - never mind that almost all the tributes are underage, because when else will they get the chance to drink, hey? niki is still silently fuming, pushing her food around her plate and refusing the sixth damn offer to refill her wine glass and she finally looks up and behind the mask he's wearing, behind the unrecognisable silence, behind seven years of thinking one of her best friends had been horribly killed (and being entirely unable to process that fact) - she sees wilbur.
she immediately asks, wilbur? - not that he responds, and now hbomb and jack are giving her weird looks as hbomb informs her it's just an avox and jack goes oh, yeah, they don't have them in the districts, but -
none of their words matter, because half of niki is solidly trapped in this space between reality and dreams and her worst nightmare - she's only able to pull her shit together once jack has dragged them all back to the district 12 tribute spaces, and gives her the whole spiel about what an avox is, and by extension, what happened to wilbur.
niki is horrified. to think she mourned for all those years, and wilbur was alive - not just alive, but mutilated and tortured at the hands of the capitol. niki didn't think she could become more furious, more enraged with them. she was wrong.
the problem now, then - if niki wants to help wilbur, actually help him, she has to play. she has to win.
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(and yes, she does set the forest on fire. she has to win, after all, doesn't she?)
this post is getting so so long so i am putting some more miscellaneous thoughts about The World and more details about niki's games under the cut ⚔️
okay so dream WAS president but was overthrown by schlatt in a "peaceful transfer of power". this was around when niki and wil were 10/14 each - and naturally uprising resulted in a peacekeeper crackdown in the districts, leading to wilbur's capture and arrest :(
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2. haven't really nailed down other tributes in niki's reaping (i'm already handwaving the guy from district 12. he doesn't exist to me he is stock image steve) besides uhh ranboo who niki makes brief friends/allies with and then dies horribly. i was thinking aimsey and guqqie because from what i've seen of their content they love a tragedy? but yeah idk
3. sam is the gamemaker for this arena! he was a former victor and has decided to use this knowledge in the worst way possible.
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quackity is Also a gamemaker (young upstart with no experience yet in the arena or out of it) and they have terrible workplace drama. is he hooking up with the president? i will not say yea or nay.
4. rest easy in the knowledge that, as a servant to the capitol, wilbur got to see on live television the moment niki was reaped :']
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5. niki does, in fact, win the games - by the skin of her teeth. while she is so full of fury at the capitol, i feel like she'd Actually kill like, one career and then feel Extremely ill about it. unfortunately, she has too much on the line to lose. this isn't just about surviving, or going home - she needs to get herself and wilbur home in one piece. she Cannot Afford To Fail.
she ends up winning by setting the arena on fire with use of a match donated by jack and some sponsors he managed to twist the arm of, plus probably some clever digging around in the arena itself to find something flammable (maybe some kind of fuel to power the arena itself?) this fire ends up killing off the remaining few tributes at that point - at least one in front of niki herself - and damages the arena too. niki, already injured before the fire started and now barely clinging onto life past her burns, doesn't even hear the sound of the cannon shots as her victory is announced - she only realises that she's won once the hovercraft descends, perfect steel against a fiery, smoke-filled artificial sky.
she can't really stand the sight of flames after that. unfortunately, fire becomes her new branding.
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6. district 13 Is a thing. Eventually. can't overlook niki's beloved anarchist friends :3c
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and finally:
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heavensbeehall · 6 months
Katniss: I saw that girl and her brother get captured by the Capitol when I was out in the woods with Gale. They killed the boy! I did nothing. I think I might be a horrible person. Peeta: [Katniss stan since childhood] ... so is Gale your boyfriend?
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notafraidtodissapear · 2 months
why do we never see any good darius rep???
justice for my boy :(
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dashing-luna · 7 months
Everyone’s yapping about wanting a book on Haymitch’s game or Finnicks game but you know what I want? I want the first ever quarter Quell, the 25th Hunger games. To those who don’t remember the whole premise of the first quarter quell was everyone had to VOTE who got taken into the games! Which is already a horrific concept. This could either take place with the victor themself as the perspective ( a way to explore other districts, preferably one of the career districts, especially 2), OR a personal idea of a perspective from Tigris in her designer days! So not only do we have more insight into the games, and capitol, but the deterioration of Snow and Tigris’s relationship.
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sleepy-gee · 4 months
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avox!coryo who's a little bitchy at first- he's only listening because he has to, and he makes his displeasure known to you in every way possible
avox!coryo who surprisingly flourishes under your care. what you're able to feed him is only a bit more than he had at home, yet it's enough to keep him happy. you can't use hunger as a weapon with him like you could the rest of the staff- the boy was born starving
avox!coryo who slowly warms up to you over time, maybe making your tea a little extra special with herbs he knows you like or leaving kind notes. maybe to get on your good side? to recieve better treatment?
avox!coryo who finds himself appreciating your familiar presence more and more every day. yes, you stole the plinth prize from him. you're living his life, and he'll always resent you for it.. but at least he's not under the care of a total stranger. at least he knows who he's working for
avox!coryo with a little bit of stockholm syndrome. you're the only one to treat him like he's still human.
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snowjanuscentral · 6 months
okay but Avox!Coriolanus who does not eat. It hurts his mouth, in the beginning, to eat whatever broths Ma Plinth leaves at his door. Sejanus tries to spoon feed him, but Coryo keeps his mouth shut, partially because he has no appetite, and partially because he does not want Sejanus to see the gaping wound in his mouth.
Avox!Coriolanus who sits with the other Avoxes during meal times, and does not eat a bite. The other house staff let the Plinths know that Coriolanus is wasting his portion. Sejanus frantically tries to ensure Coriolanus keeps his strength up, aware that his father will dole out a reasonable punishment for Coriolanus' wastefulness.
Avox!Coriolanus who begins to waste away, who stands up too quickly one day and drops down cold on the floor. Who is forced to eat by Ma Plinth, despite the fact he cannot accept her kindness in any form, that he doesn't deserve it.
Avox!Coriolanus who wishes he could just tell Sejanus how dare you try to feed me. You have taken so much from me, and you dare to think a meal will fix your transgressions? That a meal will fix me when I have been so thoroughly broken and bought for your leisure?
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So the new Hunger Games book. I have some thoughts.
Can't wait to see who's gonna play which characters.
Wonder what Snow will look like middle-aged.
I'm guessing the movie will cut Maysilee having a sister due to Madge being absent from the original films & if so, I wonder how that will affect the Mockingjay pin origins or if they'll completely remove the fact that it originally belonged to her.
Omg, the film could use the same reaping dress (or more likely a replica) for teen Miss Everdeen that they used for Katniss as it is said to be something that belonged to her mother during her time as a Merchant, in the original series.
Can't believe we might finally learn Katniss's parents' names lol.
Omg, do you think they'll at least hint at the baker/apocathery/hunter love triangle?
Oh (no hate to Woody Harrison but) young Haymitch is gonna be white, isn't he? Well, at least they could let him have black hair. & that wouldn't nessaryly even break movie cannon. All they'd need is to have a scene showing/implying that the stylists are gonna dye his hair after he ends up winning the games. The movie could even create an in-universe reason (outside of the Capitol citerzens just thinking it looked better). Such as with blonde people in 12, not coming from the Seam. Snow views it as the perfect subtle punishment to help Haymitch feel a loss of cultural identity by separating him from his community (now that he looks & lives more like the Merchant class).
Hope the movie won't try to appeal to Hayffee/Effie stans by adding unnecessary scenes of them meeting back then, as if Haymitch didn't have a whole ass girlfriend while Effie would be nose deep in Capitol propaganda.
Don't know if this is at all realistic/accruate, but this is how I'd want the movie to end. Haymitch, back in 12. Maybe waking up in his new house after being sedated (due to him losing it after his last interview). Him desperately trying to find out where his family/GF is after discovering his old house empty (left there as a reminder), his GF's family not opening the door & everyone seemingly too nervous to speak to him. Till he eventually ends up on the Everdeen's doorstep (where Miss Everdeen is being comforted) & they explain what happened as best as they can. Then, after he returns to his new home, he gets a phone call from Snow bassically telling him that he should have behaved himself, leading him to rip the phone out of the wall before completely trashing the place. When he eventually wakes up, Hazelle is cleaning up the mess (he forgot to lock the front door). She tries to talk to him about applying alcohol (she was given by miss Everdeen) to the wounds he sustained from smashing up the place & about his girlfriend (as I could imagine the two having been friends as I can only see Haymitch's GF being from the Seam), but he tells her to get out before he starts drinking the alcohol right from the bottle, with a voice over of older Haymitch saying the line 'there's survivors, there's no winners'. Or something along those lines.
Maybe that's too fanficy, though.
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itziwitzib · 7 months
That weird feeling when you are re-reading a book and suddenly you get hit by Feels™ for a character you had completely forgot that existed
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 4 months
Summary: “Don’t let them think you have any last humanity left,” he says, and claps her on the shoulder. “You’ll want to keep that to yourself.” He lumbers away to meet Caesar and Katniss is left staring after him, wondering what the hell Haymitch means. It’s another shred of useless advice, surely, but she doesn’t dismiss the note of warning that had threaded through his words. Then finally Caesar is calling her name, and Katniss steps forward to be baptised as a victor, her triumph bathed in Peeta’s blood. (or, Katniss is the lone victor from the Seventy Fourth Annual Hunger Games. Somehow, a rebellion still happens.)
Author: @revelationinthelightofday-writes
Note from submitter: This is my absolute favourite hunger games fic. I read it for the first time this year and have reread it multiple times already
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