#bambibelle fic
loverboyjamespotter · 1 month
i just posted chapter 2 of my fic 'all or nothing, i want all of you'! its a prongsfoot fic about james being injured on an order mission during the war and sirius stepping up to take care of harry!
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Pretty Eyes
Sirius absolutely loathes James' eyes.
Look, don't get him wrong: James has pretty eyes. Like, really fucking pretty eyes. They're all chocolate brown and smiling and doe-like— the perfect picture of innocence.
The perfect picture of innocence, that is, up until he pulls shit like this.
Sirius pinches the bridge of his nose and breathes out a sigh. "James Euphemia Potter."
His boyfriend just blinks his large brown eyes— great Mother Magic help Sirius, why does he look so fucking cute— and makes a small, inquisitive sound in the back of his throat. "Yes, sitara?"
That little shit.
James knows exactly what he does to Sirius when he uses Marathi, Hindi or Urdu terms of endearment. Sirius finds it very unfair that his (annoyingly adorable) boyfriend can reduce him to a sticky puddle of happy goo with just a few words.
Then again, he knows just how hot James thinks he is when he speaks French, so he supposes it's a win-win.
"Get off my bed, Potter."
James scrunches up his nose, then deliberately snuggles deeper into Sirius' covers. "I was promised cuddles," he grumbles, eyes narrowed, "and I will get them, or so help me, Sirius Orion— I will make you sleep on the common room couch."
Sirius grins and raises an eyebrow, sticking his thumbs into his belt loops. "But then who'd give you cuddles, mon soleil?"
James glares at him, but he looks so sleepy and warm and comfortable in Sirius' bed that it just looks like a pouting kitten. And that's without the pleased flush that spreads across his cheekbones at the French term of endearment. He is just... so fucking adorable. Sirius cannot handle it. "Sirius, get on the bed. Cuddles, now."
Sirius sighs again. He has an Astronomy assignment to complete that he has to turn in less than twelve hours from now. But then again, he muses, he did promise James cuddles.
"Fine," he murmurs in fond exasperation, and dumps his schoolbag next to the bed before kicking off his shoes and stripping off his outer robes. He collapses onto the bed, loosens his tie, unbuttons the cuffs of his sleeves, and opens his arms. James makes a happy little noise and turns around, and Sirius wraps his arms around his waist from behind to pull him back against his chest. He buries his nose in the crazy mass of black curls, breathing in the faint mogra smell of James' shampoo.
"You are too fucking cute for your own damn good, Potter," he mutters, but clutches James closer, letting out a silent, satisfied sigh.
James snickers, and it's the last thing either of them remember before falling asleep.
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jamesunderwater · 6 months
Relationships: Sirius Black & James Potter, Sirius Black/James Potter
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Mental Institution, Mental Institutions, Gay Sirius Black, POV Sirius Black, Sirius Black Needs a Hug, Sad Sirius Black, Sirius Black & James Potter Friendship, Sirius Black is Not Okay, Hurt/Comfort, Suicide Attempt, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Random & Short, Prompt Fic
word count: 634
inspired by the song "here comes a thought" from steven universe, written in response to a tumblr ask meme request.
sirius is just one of those kids you can't fix. no one has ever thought otherwise. until james potter.
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the-chaosbringer · 1 year
Mission: Impossible— Skirt Scheme
On ao3
Sirius refuses to be too rough with James. James, on the other hand, wants Sirius to toss him around like a ragdoll.
He has a plan to make it happen.
Tag list:
@ambrxsiaa @achilleslikespeas @padfootastic @prongsfoot-wolfstar @mycupofrum @fiendishfyre @soopsiedaisies @narcissa-black-supermacy
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starchaserdreams · 6 months
My fics on AO3
Alright, so I deleted my AO3 account a few months ago (thinking I was done with this) and orphaned all of my works. Well, now I deeply regret that. But I have collected as many of them as I could find here for anyone who's interested.
Temptation Eyes (Now Complete!) - My Jegulus Regency AU. Completed, being posted one chapter twice a week. James enters the London season hoping to find a wife. What he finds instead is Regulus Black, and he never looks back. But as implied by the era, it won't be easy for them. Background wolfstar, shown as a different approach to a queer relationship in the regency era.
Get Regulus Out - 82k, Rated M, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Working Through Trauma, No War/Riddle AU, background Wolfstar, background Marylily. James tries to convince Regulus to leave Grimmauld Place as Sirius once did, and save himself from his parents.
How to Spot Signs of Jealousy - 4k, fake/pretend relationship, mutual pining, miscommunication. After Regulus gets fed up with people asking him out because of his family name, he and Barty agree to fake date. For some reason, James Potter seems livid...and Regulus can only guess that it's because he's homophobic. That's got to be it, right?
But Where's Regulus - 1k. James on laughing gas after getting his wisdom teeth taken out and talking about how much he likes Regulus
Waking Up Slowly - 2k. James wakes up in bed with Regulus in the Gryffindor dorm, something Sirius might not take kindly to.
I've Read Your Book - 1k. Two one shots based on the same premise: Writer!James didn't even know Regulus knew about his book, let alone had read it, but Regulus comes up to him and says "I've read your book" aka the most exciting words of all time to start a conversation for a writer.
Little Ball of Fire - 1k. Regulus gets into an argument with Snape. Regulus begins threatening him, so James picks Regulus up and carries/drags him out of the room before anyone gets hurt.
What's in a Name - 5k, Soulmates AU, secret crush. In a world where soulmates exist and can identify each other by the feeling they get when they say each other's names, it's pretty easy to identify who your soulmate is. But for Sirius and James who only call each other by their nicknames, it takes a while to finally know.
The Bachelorette - 15k, mutual pining, Bachelorette AU. Sirius and James are both cast as contestants on the Bachelorette. Although their stated goal was to woo Lily and capture her heart, they don’t quite manage it. They fall for each other instead.
A Real Marriage Under Wizarding Law - 6k, mutual pining, fake/pretend relationship, drunken shenanigans. Sirius and James get a quickie drunken marriage in Knockturn Alley. When they wake up in the morning, they decide not to get it annulled so that they can save Sirius from an arranged marriage.
The Only Transfer Students to Ever Come to Hogwarts - 9k, arranged marriage, hijinx, angst with a happy ending. Sirius is upset to learn that not only does he have to transfer to a new school, but his parents have set up an arranged marriage for him. James assures him that's impossible, but Sirius knows his parents don't make empty threats. (Written for Prongsfoot Bingo)
The Smell of Water - 4k, Amortentia, idiots in love. Sirius and James argue about what they're smelling without realizing that there's Amortentia in the room. When Sirius realizes, he becomes a whole mess about it. (Written for Prongsfoot Bingo)
Wolfstar Microfics Theme: Love - 8k, a collection of 22 microfics themed around love
6x James Found Out, and 1x Harry Did - 10k. Six ways James could have learned about Sirius and Remus' secret relationship, and one way Harry could have learned about it. *This is specifically ATYD fanfiction, and it's set in that universe.
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where-is-vivian · 15 days
2024 Prongsfoot Fest is open!
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Time for the 2nd edition of the summer fests we host on this account! This year, Prongsfoot (James Potter/Sirius Black), and more specifically in Canon Divergent alternate universes.
Sign-ups are open until July 24th, and Assignments are open until July 31th. Feel free to submit prompts, for writers and artists to fill them! And if you want to participate, the fest is already open.
If you have more questions than those answered in the FAQ of the fest, feel free to drop by my ask box. I will post the prompts as they get submitted on this account, as well as the finished works, to share it with everyone. Both fics and fanarts/artworks are welcome. All the rules are listed in the description of the fest!
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sn0wp1anets · 4 months
does anyone have long prongsfoot/bambibelle recs of any kind (like any rating au or canon like i dont care at all just over 50k) !!
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snarky-magpie · 2 months
(Am I writing another Prongsfoot fic? (Among other things) Yes. Do I have any chill about these two? No. Also, Sirius' wand obeys James and vice versa without any loss of power to their spells. (Plus, there's the inherent homoeroticism of wizards using each other's wand.)) James fumbles around the bedding in the darkness until his hand encounters a piece of polished wood. Distinctly square-shaped and with a surface rough with engraved symbols. Sirius’ wand, then. He’s wielded it enough times to recognize it by touch only. Sirius thrashes on the bed, and when another awful, pained sound tears from him, James’ fingers automatically curl around the handle. It goes against good manners to use another wizard’s wand without his permission, but he’s certain Sirius wouldn’t mind under the circumstances. They drifted off without the usual precaution of silencing charms, and Sirius, proud, stand-offish Sirius, wouldn’t be happy if his friends heard him whimper. Not even Peter and Remus are allowed to see the ugly parts. The vulnerable parts. The pieces of himself he considers disgusting and broken and unworthy of love, no matter how hard James works to convince him otherwise. Because yes, James has access to the innermost workings of Sirius Black. A privilege he doesn’t take lightly.
A burden he doesn’t deserve, Sirius argues, or he would if he weren’t perfectly aware James would hex him for spouting such rubbish.
When he casts a quick silencing spell with a quick flick of his wrist, a flow of magic rushes through him, warming his arm from shoulder to fingertips. According to what he managed to ferret out in books about wand lore, a stranger’s wand usually yields unreliable results, but James has never encountered any problems when borrowing from his friend. Perhaps it recognizes a twin flame in James, his magical core so intertwined with Sirius’ that even magic older than words can tell them apart.
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arliedraws · 2 months
Okay, I’m feeling the pull of James Potter and Slytherin!Sirius Black again. Verrryyyy short drabble below. It’s just sexual tension.
a good little errand boy
James was twenty-six when he became an Auror. He avoided it for years, ignoring the whisper in the back of his head that the only way he would put Sirius Black in Azkaban was to put the chains on Black himself.
He denied it. He promised himself that he could be satisfied hiding with Lily and Harry until Harry turned eleven, but the damned stories in The Daily Prophet and magazine covers that lauded the most eligible bachelor in the country persisted in mocking him until he finally gave up and told Lily he was getting a job.
By that time, Lily was already working from home as a freelance enchanter, fixing and strengthening charms on magical objects for a repair shop in Diagon Alley. She told him with a cheeky grin to get his lazy bum out of the house.
It took several brutal years of training to become an Auror, and he quickly understood why so few people were admitted to the program. But James was clever and his experience with the Order of the Phoenix propelled him to success; he was satisfied that each agonizing trial and stage of his education brought him closer to bringing Sirius Black to justice. The obsession drove him to wake up early and study before Lily stirred; it compelled him to stay late in Frank Longbottom’s cubicle, rifling through old files and cases, memorizing the history of the department until he knew better than anyone how dark wizards came to power. He traced Black’s long history from his great grandparents to his involvement with two Ministers for Magic and a little-known scandal with a witch from The Daily Prophet who claimed Black tried to pay her off when she dug too deep into his business. She eventually retracted her accusation and left her career as a journalist and refused to talk to James about it when he found her.
Before he was an apprentice, he thought he would have to hunt for Sirius Black once he became a fully qualified Auror. He imagined chasing him through seedy clubs or breaking into old country houses, but it became very clear that Black would eventually come to him.
Black was a frequent visitor to the Ministry. He slithered into the offices of department heads, spilling Galleons from his palms into the hands of tired bureaucrats who simply wished for the whole war to end so they could go back to delegating instead of handling one disaster after another. Black eased their troubles. He was so generous and helpful with his robust understanding of wizarding politics and clever insight.
James recalled seeing Black in action for the first time when he stumbled upon a very pleased Sirius Black shaking Wilmot Blevins’ hand the day after Blevins was made head of the Department of Magical Transportation. Black had turned to James, his smile broadening with delight.
“James Potter,” said Black. There was a feral look to him that made James too furious to consider its implications.
“What are you doing here?” James demanded, looking between Black and Blevins.
“Mr. Black is very kindly congratulating me on my new position,” said Blevins. His long, face appeared dizzy with admiration and he was perspiring slightly beneath his shining fringe of blond hair. “I was telling Mr. Black that I look forward to working with our most prominent families to ensure I serve our community to the best of my ability. Input from exceptional wizards like Mr. Black keeps our fine institution functioning.”
“It was a well-deserved promotion,” added Black. “Don’t you think, Potter? Mr. Blevins has proven to be an incredibly valuable and cooperative component of this governing body. Wouldn’t you agree?”
James wanted the pale, colorless eyes to turn elsewhere but they were observing him with keen interest.
“Yes. Congratulations, Mr. Blevins,” said James, gritting his teeth. Of course, he did not think so at all. Blevins was a half-blood who desperately pretended his mother’s pure blood made up for his father’s muggle heritage. No doubt Black was falsely promising a place for the greedy Blevins among the notable families.
At this, Black smiled again, but somehow, his teeth appeared sharper and whiter.
“Was there something you needed, Potter?” said Black.
“A signature,” said James, locking eyes with Blevins. “It’s about—well, Auror Moody should have sent a request this morning about the matter. I’ve come to confirm your approval.”
Blevins looked uncomfortable as Black’s expression slipped into something neutral.
“Er—well, I’m afraid, Potter, I won’t be signing that just yet.’
“Oh,” said James. “Er—why not? I mean—er—is there a reason? I apologize, sir, I mean, what should I tell Auror Moody? He was expecting this to be signed—”
“Tell him I have not had adequate time to investigate whether or not an entire Knight Bus is necessary for this sort of thing,” said Blevins. His eyes shifted from Black back to James. Assured by a flickered look from Black, he straightened and looked down his nose at James. “Assure Auror Moody I am taking the matter very seriously. The trouble is, as much as I would like to help, I’m afraid my hands are tied. I will do my best, but I can’t make any promises.”
James heard the dismissal in his voice. “Thank you, Mr. Blevins. I’ll let him know.”
He left, avoiding the smirk on Black’s aristocratic face, hoping the humiliation wasn’t evident on his own. He left quickly, hearing Blevins apologize to Black for the interruption. Had he heard the clink of gold exchanged? Maybe he’d imagined it: Black wasn’t that brazen.
Moody would be livid—he’d warned everyone that Blevins was trouble, but James insisted he could get Blevins to approve their request, and now he was returning to his department with his tail between his legs. It was Black’s fault.
He waited for the lift, breathing deeply. Lily told him to count to ten whenever he had a run-in with Sirius Black. Now that they were no longer in school and James was an Auror, the consequence of James attacking Black would not be detention and points from Gryffindor. It would be foolish to blow all that he had done to become an Auror.
“What a good little errand boy. So polite and obedient.”
James went rigid.
“Three years of training, a year of apprenticeship, months of excruciating exams…” said Black. “All that so you can obey the petty commands of an old codger who should have died twenty years ago. I’d be disappointed if I were you.”
James gripped the unsigned, rolled-up parchment as Black made a pitying sound beside him. Don’t look—don’t dignify that with a response. Just do your duty. Ignore him, Potter.
Black sighed. “I suppose you must regret rejecting all of those recruiters for Quidditch teams while we were at school, don’t you? Imagine—you nearly played for Puddlemere United. I don’t doubt you would have been made Captain, and I reckon you might’ve even played for England in the World Cup this summer. Personally, I find it rather disappointing that you didn’t. I would have liked to buy kit with your name on it.”
“What were you doing in Blevins’ office?”
“Welcoming him to his new position.”
“I’m surprised you weren’t on your knees.”
To his surprise, Black laughed. “No need for that with Blevins. He was practically foaming at the mouth when I came in. I suppose we’re lucky you didn’t catch him on his knees.”
“Blevins would suck off anyone with pure blood.”
“Yeah, reckon he might.” Black bent forward, trying to catch James’s gaze. “He’s not propositioned you, has he, Potter?”
James nearly responded with a quip he knew would make Black laugh again, but he bit the inside of his cheek instead. It made him furious. Although they hadn’t spoken in years, there was an ease between them that was almost irresistible.
“Of course,” Black went on when James was silent, “I wouldn’t expect you to take him up on the offer. Ugly bloke, isn’t he? Bit of a downgrade from what you’ve already got at home.”
“What?” James snapped his gaze to him.
Black grinned. “Oh, I meant, I am sure you would much prefer to watch Evans and her pretty little mouth suck you off than Blevins’ ugly mug.”
The lift doors opened suddenly and Black slipped inside, disappearing amongst the throng of passengers.
It was full of people, so much so that James had to squeeze his arms to his sides to wedge himself between them. Like everyone in the lift, he turned and faced the doors, gripping the handle overhead as he quelled the waves of rage that were slamming down on him. Black loved to taunt James about Lily—he’d always done that, long before Lily admitted she had feelings for James.
The lift took off, and James, distracted by his fury, lost his grip and stumbled backward. A strong pair of hands squeezed his hips, steadying him.
“Easy, Potter.”
The shock of Black’s hands on him, carefully keeping him from falling over, dispelled rationality. His mind scrambling, James lurched with the lift, still unable to find his footing; he felt Black curl fingers over his wrist to guide James’s hand back to grip the handle above him.
“Don’t touch me,” James hissed.
The damned lift jerked to a halt, and he staggered again into Black’s hard body. There was a low rumble of laughter in his ear as the doors opened, and people streamed in and out, all of them oblivious to the way his heart palpitated so loudly, the sound of it lost to the shuffle of feet and murmured greetings. He felt like a complete idiot. He was not some bumbling fool, but Black was directly behind him, breathing down his neck, the smell of tobacco leaves and bergamot suffocating and intoxicating all at once, and when the lift doors closed and more people pressed inside, James was shoved firmly against Black.
Heat pooled in his face as he stared at the back of a witch’s coarse, silvery head, pretending he did not notice or care that he could feel Black’s body flush with his. Around them, memos fluttered aloft, and people gazed dully at the lift doors, waiting for their turn to get out. Everything was so ordinary. This was simply another day at work. James pretended to feel the same even though Black’s heart was thudding against his spine.
It felt like provocation even though Black said nothing at all. Hatred and excitement were welling inside of James as he felt Black’s chest expand and release. Something about the soft, warm breath skimming the damp sweat above his collar made James tighten his fingers on the handle overhead. The body behind him was a comforting threat. It electrified him.
When at last the doors opened to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, James wriggled out between people, eager to leave the stifling lift behind. As he cleared the throng of people, he chanced a surreptitious glance at Black.
Black slid his gaze to him from beneath eyelids that seemed a heavy burden to raise as if looking upon James was an arduous chore. His clear, pale eyes swept over him with disinterest. Then the lift doors closed, and James hurried to find Moody and tell him the bad news, desperately trying to forget the brush of Black’s breath against his neck.
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solitaire-sol · 3 months
Daily Prongsfoot Thought
James and Sirius both have astounding memories, which is partly what lets them succeed so well at school while dedicating surprisingly little time to studying. While Sirius is still living with his parents, he destroys James' letters whenever they make it to him so that his parents/Regulus/Kreacher can't get their hands on it. When he's feeling most alone, Sirius 're-reads' James' letters in his head, often falling asleep while almost hearing James' voice speaking those written lines: How much James misses Sirius, and what they're going to do when they see each other again, and how, one day, no-one will ever be able to keep them apart.
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loverboyjamespotter · 1 month
i posted chapter 2/3 of my fic 'you were made just for me'!
here's a snippet:
Usually, James played Quidditch all day into the night in the week or so before the others came round. And he had tried practising that morning but it just felt weird. He kept missing goals he could ordinarily do in his sleep and the wind was blowing wrong and his broom was uncomfortable and he’d eventually gotten so irritated he’d bounced a Quaffle off the wooden fence and it had ricocheted in the opposite direction and landed in front of a bemused country cow. 
If he kept this up, he thought to himself gloomily, he’d lose his place on the Quidditch team and then he’d have to quit school forever and run away to live in Siberia in the freezing cold all alone. That would show Sirius.
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resident-gay-bitch · 4 months
Who wants a prongsfoot first kiss drabble?!?!?
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siriusblack-the-third · 6 months
Haven't written anything in a little while so here's a short prongsfoot drabble :))
Sirius can't find James.
Ergo, he does the most logical thing that can be done in this situation— goes to the Marauders' hidden library.
It wasn't originally a library. Sirius isn't sure it can be called one now either, but it's theirs, and the boys are proud of it. They found a hidden room behind the tapestry of Wilhelm the Weird in their second year, and Remus and James— the bookworms that they were— immediately pounced on the idea of setting up their own little library/ experimentation nook. It took them most of third year to set it up, what with dragging furniture to the fourth floor and smuggling in curtains and a chandelier and carpets and other stuff. Now, in their seventh year, it's the Marauders' favourite place.
Sirius slips behind the tapestry and places a palm on a particular stone. "I solemnly swear," he murmurs, lips twitching at the password they had set at the beginning of fourth year, "that I am up to no good. Marauder's honour."
Immediately, a door materialises next to the stone, and he turns the handle and swings it open silently. The walls are covered in shelves upon shelves of books ranging from magical theory to textbooks for Mastery to research papers to old myths and ancient histories to stories and novels and fiction and nonfiction— you name it. The candles and chandelier are lit, and the circular hearth in the centre of the room sports a magical smoke-free fire in a soft green. Sirius smiles. Green is James' favourite colour.
As expected, James is curled up in his favourite cozy green armchair, knees tucked close to his chest and glasses at the tip of his nose. His head is buried in that giant book Mr Potter sent him an hour ago, Arithmantic Advancements in The 18th Century, and it is no surprise to Sirius that he is almost a quarter of the way through it. James has a phenomenal reading speed, and is obsessed with Arithmancy.
Nerd, Sirius thinks fondly as he leans against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets, knowing full well that the term applies to him as well. All the Marauders are giant nerds and they know it, they own it; they make being a nerd cool.
Quiet as death, he pushes off the doorframe and moves forward till he is standing behind James, then leans down to murmur in his ear.
James near about jumps out of his skin, and Sirius dodges the reflexive curse with a loud roar with laughter that echoes off the walls of the room. James reaches out to smack him upside the head, and Sirius lets him, too busy with doubling over and clutching his stomach to mind it much.
“Ton visage,” he gasps breathlessly, shoulders shaking with mirth, “ah putain, ton visage—”
He breaks off once again into helpless laughter, and James huffs indignantly.
“I could have hurt you, murkha!” he exclaims, and Sirius laughs even harder even though he knows just how dangerous that curse was. It would have made him cough up his lungs— certainly a most painful way to die.
“We both know the counterspell, mon amour,” he breathes, still chuckling. “I'd have been fine.”
James huffs again and crosses his arms over his chest, glaring up at Sirius. Times like these, Sirius relishes the few inches he has on James; he smirks and leans down to press a kiss to his forehead, raising a hand to tangle his index finger in a strand of pitch black hair and tug gently as a silent apology.
James cocks an eyebrow, and Sirius simply grins back, making him sigh in exasperation.
“Fine, fine, I forgive you,” he grumbles, and Sirius beams, wrapping an arm around him and tugging him forward into a soft, chaste kiss. James melts into the contact, reaching up to cup Sirius' cheeks and tilting his head down for a better angle.
“What did you want?”
Sirius shrugs. “I couldn't find you.”
He does not really have another answer, and they both know he does not need one. James gríns, that one expression that always promised chaos. “Then, help me get back at Moony, for giving me shit about that essay on reactive properties of powdered dragon scale.”
Sirius grins back, silver eyes sparking with mischief.
Aai zhavli: Marathi, literally "mother is fucked"
Murkha: Marathi, "idiot"
Ton visage: French, "your face"
Ah, putain: French, "oh fuck"
@roalinda @gracelesslady23 @strwbi-laces @prongsfoot-wolfstar
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jamesunderwater · 7 months
“you have no idea how long i've been wanting to that." + prongsfoot :))) -goldenbi
@goldenbi I hope it being 1,000 words of trans sirius prongsfoot smut makes up for the belatedness of this prompt fulfillment... 😁 <3 ty so much for the requests!
Prongsfoot: "you have no idea how long i've been wanting to do that."
Sirius’ breath caught in his throat, the sensations overwhelming him. “Prongs…” He whispered the name like a question, but his pleasure interrupted the rest of his thought, what are you doing? Knees quivering, he held himself up on the edge of the sink, head leaned back and mouth still hanging open from his initial surprise. 
The club bathroom was expectedly disgusting, graffiti on the walls of the broken stall doors. Despite the place being packed with other people, James had locked the door behind them when Sirius wasn’t looking, apathetic to who it might piss off. They could always use the women’s room – what was the point of gendered bathrooms in a queer club, anyway?
He glanced up at Sirius from his place on the floor, mouth suckling gently on the sensitive head of his throbbing clit. James himself was stretched long and hard inside his pants, but the look on Sirius’ flushed face was more intoxicating than any attention his own dick could receive. 
Closing his eyes to focus on the sensations of the moment, James pressed his tongue forward and was met with the slippery wetness of Sirius’ excitement. He groaned and brought his hands up to the other man’s waist, pulling his hips forward to bury his face further into his delicious taste. The residual hint of alcohol on his tongue was overwhelmed by the familiar flavor of Sirius’ juice, the taste of which never failed to drive him wild. Moaning, James began slipping his tongue in and out of Sirius’ opening, while his lips kissed and nipped at the head of his length. 
Sirius had been woozy with alcohol and dancing before James unexpectedly pulled his pants down and put his mouth on him. Now he was truly light-headed and weak, the dim unnatural lights of the dingy bathroom adding to the surreal feeling of the moment. He and James had been fooling around since they were teenagers, experimenting with each other’s bodies as they changed and transformed over the years. But it was always at home, never consistent, always laced with trepidation, both of them worried that this time might be the one that fucks up their friendship forever. 
Of course, this didn’t stop Sirius waking up desperate for James’ cock in his mouth multiple times a month, or masturbating to the thought of leaning James over the edge of his bed and fucking him within an inch of his life. But that simply wasn’t their dynamic. Sure, the sexual tension between them was literally painful at times, but it was always friends first. Bros over hoes even when the hoe is your bro, or whatever.
Read the rest on AO3.
send me prompts!
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fiendishfyre · 2 months
Prongsfoot Microfic: February - Vomit
@prongsfoot-microfic Ao3 ★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂★𐂂
James vomited as he saw the carcass of the deers, mother and child. Sirius stood behind him, rubbing his back in circular motions. “There, there pro-” “Don’t! Not that name right now,” James said with a shaky voice. Sirius felt his heart twist in dismay. Then, with resolve, he moved away from James and took out his wand. James gave him a confused look, but turned away when Sirius lifted the dead bodies. He made a grave for them. Slowly, James approached and took Sirius’ wand, making swirling motions with it. Up sprung some flowers over the grave. He passed the wand back to Sirius who then put it away. There wasn’t much he could do or offer James. It was life, creatures died, then rotted. But James had grown less comfortable with seeing ‘prey animals’ dead. Ever since he became an animagus. Sirius told himself he’d be there to comfort James at least. 
Also Happy Bday, James. c:
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jaylienpotter · 4 months
New fic on Ao3: For you, anything
Pairing: Sirius/James
James Potter's life turns upside down when Lily - his wife and mother of their two year old son - asked for a divorce. Will he lose himself in the midst of a failed marriage and joined custody? Sirius Black has been in love with his best friend for over a decade. After offering for James and his son Harry - Sirius's godson - to move in, will he manage to keep his feelings a secret?
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