#baron of the baronies
embraceweird 2 months
I love Riz being so used to Baron's shit from his nightmares he's so unfazed by all the shenanigans Baron pulls throughout Mordred.
He's all "that's just Baron being Baron 馃槓" while the most disturbing thing is happening in the corner
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meigsbrainrot 2 months
man, watching riz try to explain baron without scaring the others and without fully going into the implications of what he is a manifestation of. it makes me want to SOB
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ashes-in-a-jar 2 months
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He's been there the whole time
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brumleys-bones 2 months
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The bottom of the ball's breifcase
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witchhazelnut 3 months
diversity win! the nightmare manifestation of the lies you tell to convince yourself you aren鈥檛 as lonely as you seem uses he/they pronouns!
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colombinna 1 month
i know it was a 2 second bit in the middle of ep 14 but kipperlilly unironically having a crush on riz would be so funny. acearo character who keeps having creepy villains have a crush on them and not leaving them alone. absolutely astounding character dynamic
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sotacticalsolate 3 months
so we've had Kalina, we're about to have Baron. Chungledown is on the horizon
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halcyon-autumn 3 months
the EXACT moment when Baron of the Baronies shows back up
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Tag yourself I'm Lou's unhinged glee
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artofmissdemeanor 2 months
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Jump through the briefcase
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stacy-fakename 2 months
On the one hand, that 1 was clutch! One the other hand, I鈥檓 DEVASTATED that we didn鈥檛 get to see Baron鈥檚 true form in action and the entire second act of the fight. As a DM, I feel the pain of your awesome player鈥檚 brilliance skipping the cool thing you were gonna throw at them.
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Diversity win! Your nightmarish ro毛mance partner that exists out of your own desperation to fit in and haunts your every waking moment uses a double pronoun
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mattzerella-sticks 2 months
I'm just gonna say - there's poetic magic at work that Lou failed his wisdom saving throw and FABIAN was possessed by Riz's romaence partner.
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blueberryblogger 3 months
look i know baron from the baronies is Riz Gukgak's aroace fear nightmare born of lies HOWEVER i think they should be friends. i think Baron from the Baronies who lives in Riz's briefcase of holding could be a very good friend, a good listener.
idk. im just really attatched to the idea of Baron as a confidante when Riz feels kile he can't tell his friends how he really feels.
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cariocake 2 months
i do love how baron from the baronies is not confined to mirror dimensions or nightmare forests or the haunted house at the bottom of riz' suitcase bc they were canonically invited to a masquerade ball by an actual lord of the baronies?? like what does their social circle outside or riz look like?
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eowynarchives 2 months
me 馃 baron of the baronies
being a they/them obsessed with riz gukgak
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hellishfig 3 months
so much happened this episode...
i spent the whole time kristen was talking to naradriel fucking convinced that nara had done the spies/spy's tongue curse/agreement on that 3 week retreat with her family and been taking devil's nectar/honey to start to believe the lie that she believes in wolf song and loves tracker
when emily mentioned spies/spy's tongue i got incredibly excitwd and then was immediately crestfallen when she was talking about the gods
but clearly something is up with the gods! AND ADAINE LEARNED THE NAME OF THE DEAD GOD! and everything went IMMEDIATELY WRONG!!!
the moon attacking fig's curse! adaine counterspelling it! the curse on fig being broken, sort of not quite maybe! baron's return!
i'm so excited for next episode, but having minis for baron... seeing his fucking. skeleton smile as a weird little boy. and then his final form of long, snaking limbs of bone with that same smiling face... terrifying! i look forward to it!
final thought is that i hope the werewolf we saw isn't jawbone, but also i think it is jawbone and that makes me nervous about emotional damage, which is turn actually makes me hope that it is jawbone bc i enjoy pain and suffering in my stories
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