#bcs wow it really makes it feel like i'm not alone. + other friends ofc esp online here!! like wow wgbahjdg but yea this guy with.
astrxealis · 2 years
god so a little story. one of my best friends uhh we chat in discord often! have our own lil bff server ^_^ and we have mudae bot LMFAO and ... okay as a little “friend bonding time” she looked up all those in my wishlist (also artemis’s!) and bhgadhjg i just. think it’s funny that out of all of them she finds grimnir and fandaniel pretty
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#HSGJDBJG FUNNYDANIEL IS ESP FUNNY TO ME ............... bcs it wasn't even. Yeah. it was yeah#her comments hhasgbjdhb vrtra with the winning smile pls i love my friends even if they are sometimes </3 but that is just how things are#i just found it really interesting bcs hmm they haven't been able to play xiv recently bcs Time but if one day they do get so far as to#meet daniel! :O considering she doesn't like akechi that much. i wonder hmmmmmm and w zenos tbh#i'm really curious abt how my friends will react to characters like that >_< esp the guy we got into xiv that takes a lot of notes on lore#apparently and on rare occasions we vc and stay up until 5 having shennanigans in xiv WHJABGHBJGH .... lvl 30+ cnj SOBS#anyways small thing bcs im getting into a thinking state again i think bcs of music. hmm. really glad i met that guy tbh#bcs wow it really makes it feel like i'm not alone. + other friends ofc esp online here!! like wow wgbahjdg but yea this guy with.#so much ... also ig it helps that in the first month of meeting we already laid out our philosophies and all WHEEZE HGBSDJBGJH#fe kh ff drak/enier . persona. guilty/gear . vtubers. MAN we r getting the guy more into ff but i thank him for getting us into vtubers#RAMBLING RAMVLING ........ goodbye but hi yeah Rambles galore#TBH I KIN GRIMNIR....... i just kin for fun and idk who is my biggest kin/s but grimnir is one up there. dghsbdhjbgsjh#and then alisaie is big up there bcs WHEEEZE OKAY ANOTHER FUN LITTLE STORY. my closest friend from xiv that i met thru xiv#SO HAPPENS TO ALSO HAVE A TWIN. AND IS THE YOUNGER ONE LIKE ME. AND REALLY LIKES ALISAIE AS WELL. the world is so small and also so big. WOW#still amazed at that tbh qwq and we have even shared our real names to one another! that is so nice. + they are an ally sobs thank god#i js think stuff like this is really interesting ... i have been thinking abt this all lately so woopie rambles to put down my thoughts!!!#yk i've realized it is really so important to have frinds like me :O aka in the stuff i love! it is a personal thing#bcs i am vv passionate and the stuff i love ties deeply to who i am ... its really nice bcs with each xiv friend it's like#hey! we may not be super close (yet!) or maybe we are! but there's that. connection of sorts. like yeah. we're not alone
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writerinloves-blog · 8 months
In the Gardens - Kit Tanthalos x Reader
Request? : Yes! I hope I've made justice to their request.
i was hoping you could write something with kit, like about her and the reader being in a secret relationship (bc of the times ofc) and queen sorsha finding out?
Word count: 5,015
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It all began with jealousy.
 When Jade started talking to Kit about a new friend she had made in the village, Kit couldn't admit it, but she felt a twinge of annoyance. Things took a turn for the worse when Jade started cutting short their training sessions to spend more time with this new girl. Jade was Kit's best friend, exclusively hers. Kit didn't even know this new girl, but she was convinced she must be annoying or something, although she couldn't pinpoint exactly what bothered her about her.
Kit was well aware that, as a princess, she had the power to make Jade train longer with her. However, she understood the moral implications of such an action, so she kept her feelings in check, quietly resenting this unknown girl without ever getting to know her.
Until one fateful day.
Kit found herself on the training grounds, waiting for Jade who was running late. Frustrated, Kit began practicing her moves on a wooden dummy. Lost in her training, she was jolted back to reality by a voice.
"Wow, you're really good," the voice remarked. Kit turned to see a stranger standing there, eyes filled with genuine admiration.
"Ah-ah- thank you," Kit managed to say, caught off guard. Her response elicited a warm smile from the stranger, a smile that Kit found genuinely sweet.
As Kit's mind slowly started working again, she realized she had never seen this person before. They stood there, in a silent understanding. Gathering her courage, Kit blurted out, "I'm Kit!" perhaps louder than she intended.
The stranger returned her smile, about to introduce themselves when a familiar voice interrupted them. Both Kit and the stranger turned to see Jade hurrying toward them, her face radiating excitement.
"You came!" Jade exclaimed, hugging the stranger tightly. Kit was utterly confused. "Do you guys know each other?" she asked, unable to hide her curiosity.
"Yeah, this is my new friend I was telling you about," Jade said, her smile wide, mirroring the one on the stranger's face.
Kit was most definitely not expecting that.
For two months, you attended almost every training session that Kit and Jade had. Despite Kit's initial attempts to deny it, she found herself enjoying your company, perhaps a little more than she should have. Knowing that you were observing her during training motivated her to push herself harder, and she felt a surge of pride every time you clapped for her victories over Jade.
When Jade's birthday finally arrived, the three of you had dinner in the castle, a request made by Kit. That night, at your suggestion, they all dressed semi-formally. Both Kit and Jade opted for semi-formal attire, eschewing dresses, a choice that made them burst into laughter when they saw each other
You arrived last, and upon seeing you, Kit froze in place. When you approached to greet her, after wishing Jade a happy birthday, Kit couldn't help but feel her heart racing. She was astounded by how beautiful you looked in your blue dress, adorned with ribbons in your hair. It was in that moment that Kit realized something had changed within her during this past month.
Throughout dinner, the three of you shared laughter and jokes, and every time you touched Kit's arm, she felt a jolt of electricity run through her. After the meal, you all decided to take a leisurely walk around the castle grounds to continue your conversation.
Sometime later, Ballentine approached Jade and asked for a moment, prompting Jade to bid her goodbyes and leave. This turn of events left Kit and you alone together.
"Maybe I should go too," you said in a soft tone.
"You could stay a little longer," Kit replied, her voice shy. You nodded with a sweet smile, and in that moment, as you continued your walk under the moonlit sky, Kit felt something stirring inside her, something that went beyond mere friendship.
You two fit perfectly. Eventually, you ended up in the garden, pausing to gaze at the stars. While you were awe-struck by the celestial display above, Kit's eyes were fixed solely on you. In her eyes, amidst the enchanting flowers and the moonlit night, you outshone everything else in the garden. Overwhelmed by her emotions, Kit could no longer contain her feelings.
"I think we have a problem," Kit blurted out hurriedly, causing worry to bubble inside you. "What? What is it?" you asked, concern etched on your face.
"Turns out that I don't hate you," Kit began, her words rushed. "At all... not one bit."
"I do not understand. What are you trying to say, Kit?" you replied in a hushed tone. Kit approached you, now standing directly in front of you.
"Turns out that I actually like you..." Kit confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "And I don't know what to do with all of this that I am feeling." With those words, she brushed her hand against yours, her touch tender. She then gently kissed your hand, leaving you both exhilarated and perplexed.
A whirlwind of emotions swirled inside you, rendering you momentarily speechless. Kit looked at you with anticipation, her brilliant blue eyes searching yours for a response. In that moment, you realized the depth of your feelings for the girl standing before you. Determination filled you, and you took a step closer, your hand caressing Kit's face. You wore a sweet smile, silently asking a question that hung between you.
Kit nodded in response, her own emotions mirrored in her eyes. You closed the gap between you, your lips meeting hers in a tender, electrifying kiss. The world around you seemed to fade away, and Kit responded by moving her hands to your face, pulling you closer. She couldn't believe what was transpiring, but in that moment, all she wanted was to feel you near.
After a few blissful seconds, you both pulled back, gasping for air, yet radiating joy. "I like you too, just in case you didn't get the memo," you teased, a playful tone in your voice.
Kit made an affirmative sound, a mix of contentment and amusement. "Good to know," she said before leaning in to kiss you once again, sealing the newfound connection between your hearts.
The next day, you didn't attend Kit and Jade's training session. However, Kit showed up wearing the ribbon that you had worn the previous night, wrapped around her wrist. Jade immediately noticed this, causing her to smile broadly.
"I thought you hated ribbons," Jade teased Kit.
Kit felt a wave of nervousness wash over her. "Yeah, I just thought this one was nice," she stammered, to which Jade playfully rolled her eyes.
"So, good to know that I'm officially the third wheel," Jade remarked, a smile on her face as she started preparing for the session.
This statement caught Kit off guard. "What? She told you?" Kit asked, excitement evident in her voice. Jade seized this moment of distraction to begin the session, leaving Kit caught off-guard.
"Of course she did," Jade replied, finishing her sentence. With one last dreamy smile, Kit started training too, the revelation of her newfound feelings adding an extra layer of motivation to her movements.
In the days that followed, a secret romance blossomed between you and Kit. It was a delicate dance of stolen glances and hidden touches, a love story meant to remain hidden from the world. Yet, the joy that radiated from both of you was undeniable.
Your clandestine meetings became precious moments, tucked away in the secluded corners of the castle gardens or in the quiet corridors of the palace. Every stolen kiss, every shared secret, felt like a treasure, something too beautiful and fragile to be exposed to the harsh light of day.
Despite the secrecy, your relationship was an anchor for both of you. In a world where duties and expectations weighed heavily on her shoulders, the love you shared became a sanctuary. Your laughter filled the empty spaces, and your whispered words of affection drowned out the noise of the world around you.
Kit was enraptured by the simple joy of stealing your ribbons whenever you wore one. To her, each ribbon became a tangible reminder of your presence, a way to feel connected even when you weren't near. When you questioned her about this habit, she looked into your eyes with sincerity.
"To feel you close when you aren't near," Kit confessed, her voice filled with vulnerability and affection. Those words hung in the air, encapsulating the depth of her feelings for you.
In the quiet nights when the moon bathed the castle grounds in its silvery glow, Kit often found herself marveling at the serendipity that had brought you into her life. She couldn't believe how fortunate she was to have you by her side, your laughter becoming the melody that filled her heart.
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Six months had passed since the beginning of your relationship, a secret love that had flourished behind the castle's stone walls. One day, with Jade's assistance, you managed to sneak into the castle and found your way into Kit's room. There, in the soft glow of candlelight, you sat on her lap, your lips dancing together in sweet kisses, punctuated by soft giggles.
You peppered Kit's face with kisses, causing her to laugh joyfully. As you drew near her ear, you whispered, "I am so lucky to have you." Your words sent a shiver down Kit's spine.
"You don't even know what you do to me," Kit replied, her voice filled with longing, as she gently caressed your face.
With a swift move, Kit took hold of your waist and shifted positions so that both of you were now sitting. She leaned in to capture your lips in a passionate kiss, losing herself in the sweet taste of your affection.
Amidst the stolen moments of intimacy, you paused to share some news. "I've got a job," you revealed, your words met with a kiss on your cheek from Kit.
"What?" Kit asked in confusion, her heart sinking at the thought of potentially seeing you less. "Why?" She moved back slightly, her worry apparent.
"Well, my parents thought it was time for me to get a job, but don't worry," you reassured her, gently cupping her face to plant a tender kiss on her lips. "I'll be working here, in the castle. Yes, I'll have to cook meals, but I'll see you more often," you said with a warm smile.
"Really? Why would you do that? It's very hard work. I could have gone to see you wherever you were," Kit expressed, her hand finding yours.
"I did it for us," you replied, your eyes sparkling with determination.
Kit felt like her heart might burst with emotion. In that moment, every part of her longed to tell you what she already knew. She mustered up the courage to speak but was interrupted by Jade's voice from the other side of the door.
"Time's up, lovebirds," Jade called out, breaking the spell.
You shared a laugh, then planted a soft kiss on Kit's lips. "You'll tell me later, Kit," you said as you reached for your shoes, preparing to leave.
Before you could step away, Kit gently grabbed your hand, pulling you back towards her. In the dim light of her room, she leaned in, pressing her lips to yours in a lingering kiss, a silent promise of the words she couldn't quite voice yet. The moment hung between you, filled with unspoken emotions, before you finally pulled away, your heart echoing Kit's unspoken affection.
With a tender smile, you whispered, "Goodnight, Kit," before slipping out of her room, your heart brimming with the love that had grown between you both, even in the quiet secrecy of the castle's halls.
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You began working at the castle, and if Kit were being honest, she truly loved all the extra time she got to spend with you. Every stolen glance during meals, every gentle touch, and every moment your hands brushed against each other only deepened her affection. Kit cherished the nights when she showed you the secret spots in the castle, relishing every single second spent in your company. In those stolen moments, amidst the whispers of ancient stones, Kit found a happiness that felt like a treasure, one she wanted to hold onto for a lifetime.
This particular day, Kit woke up with an unusual sense of excitement. She and you had planned a little date night in the castle gardens, and Kit was determined to make everything perfect. She had even made arrangements to ask Jade for help in gathering candles and preparing food for the evening.
As Kit got ready for the day, her excitement grew. Breakfast time was always a bittersweet moment for her, as it was when you served her breakfast. Kit hated the fact that you needed to do that, but at the same time, she cherished the opportunity to brush her hand against yours and share secret smiles, hidden from her mother's watchful eyes.
Entering the breakfast room, Kit greeted her brother and her mother, but her attention was entirely consumed by thoughts of you. She couldn't help but admire how your hair looked that day, how the ribbon you wore matched the one she had chosen for her wrist. Every detail of your appearance seemed to captivate her, and she eagerly anticipated the moments they would share after breakfast.
"Kit! Were you listening to me?" her mother's voice broke through her thoughts.
"No, sorry, Mother," Kit replied, her gaze briefly shifting away from you. You returned from the kitchen with a fresh tray of food, wearing a small, warm smile that momentarily eased Kit's unease.
"I wanted to talk to you about something important," her mother continued.
Kit grabbed a muffin, taking a bite while trying to maintain her composure. "Okay, what is it?" she asked, noticing you making your way back to the kitchen with the tray.
"You are to be engaged to marry Prince Graydon of Galladoorn..." The sound of a tray clattering against the floor cut off the queen's words.
"Oh! I am so sorry, Your Majesty," you stammered, quickly kneeling down to clean the mess. Kit wished she could stand up and assist you, but she felt rooted to her seat, her breath catching in her throat. This couldn't be happening. She couldn't marry anyone else, especially when the person she truly wanted to be with was you. She turned her head to look at you and saw a tear streaming down your cheek.
Once you had retreated to the kitchen, Kit found her voice. "What? Mother, no. Please, I beg you!" she pleaded, desperation lacing her words.
"It is your duty to your kingdom, Kit!" her mother declared. "The meeting to sign the alliance is next week, and by then, I expect a change of attitude," she finished, rising from the table and leaving only Kit and her brother. Airk hurriedly approached Kit and embraced her tightly. In that moment, Kit finally allowed herself to cry. Her whole world seemed to be crumbling into pieces, and the weight of her responsibilities bore down on her shoulders like a crushing burden. The prospect of a future without you felt unbearable, and Kit clung to her brother, seeking solace in his comforting embrace as she wept for the love she feared she might lose.
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The rest of the day proved to be a torturous ordeal for Kit. She wandered aimlessly through the castle, desperately searching for you. She even ventured into the kitchens, hoping to find a trace of your presence. Instead, a blonde girl informed her that she hadn't seen you since breakfast. Disappointed and increasingly worried, Kit's optimism began to wane. Even though she hadn't been able to plan the date the way she had envisioned, a small glimmer of hope persisted. Perhaps you would still show up.
As the hours passed, that hope gradually ebbed away, replaced by a sinking feeling in Kit's chest. The first hour of waiting felt like an eternity, but as the second hour ticked by, her optimism turned into a painful realization. Yet, Kit made the decision to stay, clinging to the possibility that you might still come.
She waited in the gardens, her heart heavy with anticipation. The night passed, and Kit remained there, alone and deserted. You never appeared. Deep down, she understood why you hadn't come, yet that understanding did little to ease the ache in her breaking heart. The night seemed endless, each passing moment a testament to the love that had been left unfulfilled, leaving Kit alone in the shadows of the garden, shattered and inconsolable.
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For three agonizing days, Kit felt as if she couldn't breathe. The absence of your presence was like a suffocating weight on her chest, a relentless reminder of the love that had slipped through her fingers. Desperation gripped her heart, and she knew she had to do something about it.
"Jade, please, I need to talk to her, please," Kit pleaded, her eyes filled with raw emotion as she looked at her friend. They stood together in the training grounds, the weight of Kit's desperation heavy in the air.
"Kit, I know you do, trust me, I've tried," Jade replied, her voice filled with honesty and concern. "But she really doesn't want to see you right now."
Tears threatened to spill from Kit's eyes, her heart breaking a little more with each passing moment. "Please, I just want to tell her that I love her. She needs to know that I love her," Kit said, her voice trembling with the intensity of her feelings. She managed to contain her tears, but the pain in her eyes was unmistakable.
Jade fell into a thoughtful silence for a minute, her eyes searching Kit's face. "Go to the gardens tonight. I'll make up some excuse to get her there," Jade finally said, her voice softening with understanding.
Gratitude surged through Kit, and without a second thought, she enveloped Jade in a tight hug, a heartfelt thank you escaping her lips. There was a glimmer of hope in Kit's eyes, a fragile optimism that maybe, just maybe, she would have a chance to mend the shattered pieces of her heart.
That night, you arrived at the gardens, hoping to see Jade. She had promised to take you horseback riding, knowing that your days were occupied with work, leaving you with no time during the day for such leisure. As you spotted a figure in the garden, you called out, "Jade!" Your voice carried happiness, but as the figure turned around, you realized it wasn't her. Disappointment flooded your expression, and you turned away, ready to retreat.
"Please, wait!" Kit ran toward you, her voice carrying a tone of desperation. She grabbed your hand, her touch pleading with you to stay. "Please," she repeated, her eyes filled with an intensity that matched your own conflicting emotions.
Reluctantly, you turned around to face her. Kit looked exhausted, dark circles under her once bright eyes indicating the toll these past few days had taken on her. Yet, even in her weary state, you found her breathtaking. She reached out, gently touching your cheek, and you melted under her tender caress.
"We've got nothing to talk about, Kit," you said, your voice small, trying to push her away.
"Of course we do," she insisted, her touch soft and persuasive, inching closer to you.
"No, we don't," you replied, even as every fiber of your being yearned to kiss her, to hold her close and never let go.
"Let's just... talk," Kit suggested, moving closer, her determination etched on her face.
"Kit, you're getting married. What we had... it can't be anymore," you said, tears now freely streaming down your face.
"Don't, don't say that, please. We... we could find a way around it," Kit pleaded, her eyes searching yours for a glimmer of hope.
"We can't, Kit. It's your duty, and I understand. I knew what I was getting myself into," you whispered, pressing your forehead against hers. "And I still jumped headfirst into this... and I would do it a million times, just to have the time that we had."
It sounded like a goodbye, and Kit hated it. She knew what she wanted to say, but how could she, when it wouldn't change a thing? So, she did the only thing she could. She kissed you, savoring the bittersweet taste of your tears mingled with her own. In that moment, she tried to memorize every detail, every feeling, knowing it might be the last time.
The kiss broke, and you held each other, clinging to one another as if afraid the other might disappear. The moment was both heartbreaking and beautiful, a collision of love and loss. Kit hated the instant you let go of the hug.
"Goodbye, Kit," you said, your voice heavy with finality, and as you started to walk away, Kit didn't want to let go of your hand. But she had to. So, she watched you go, standing there in the darkness of the garden, her heart shattered and tears streaming down her face, aching for the love she was about to lose.
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On her way back to her chambers, Kit couldn't stop crying. All she wanted was to lie in bed and cry until she had no tears left. However, her misery was interrupted by a stern voice slicing through the darkness.
"So, she's the reason you don't want to comply with your duties?" Kit turned around to see her mother, Queen Sorsha, staring at her with a mix of disappointment and concern etched on her face.
"I don't want to talk about it, Mom," Kit replied, her voice cracking from the weight of her emotions.
But her mother wasn't ready to let it go. She grabbed Kit's wrist firmly, demanding an explanation. "No, we are going to talk about it now," she insisted, her tone firm and unyielding.
"Fine!" Kit answered, her voice sharp with frustration.
"Is she really the reason? This... maid?" Sorsha asked, her tone dismissive and condescending.
"Don't! Don't call her that, and don't look down on her!" Kit retorted, her voice laced with determination and protectiveness.
"That's what she is, Kit. A maid. You, on the other hand, are a princess. You have duties," Queen Sorsha said, her words cutting through the air like ice.
"Don't talk about her like that. She took the job for me!" Kit said, her voice rising with a fierce intensity.
"What do you mean by that?" Sorsha inquired, her curiosity piqued.
"She took the job as a kitchen maid to be closer to me," Kit confessed, her voice almost a whisper, laden with vulnerability and despair.
Sorsha paused, her eyes studying her daughter, taking in the signs of her heartache. "How long has this been going on?" she asked, her tone softening, sensing the depth of Kit's feelings.
Kit turned around to face her mother, her eyes swollen from crying. "For over seven months," she began, her voice breaking. "But you don't have to worry about it anymore. As of tonight, there's nothing left for you to worry about," she added, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Sorsha stood there, silently watching her daughter break down. A mixture of emotions crossed her face, a realization dawning upon her. "Does this girl really mean so much to you?" she asked cautiously, moving closer to Kit.
"I love her, Mom," Kit said, her voice filled with raw emotion, her love pouring out like a waterfall breaking free from its dam. "I love her so much that every day, when I wake up, all I want to do is see her, hold her, look into those beautiful eyes, and take her to the gardens to hear her talk about her favorite flowers. I want to cherish every moment with her. I was so lucky," Kit finished, her voice barely a whisper, as she sank to the ground, crumbling under the weight of her heartbreak, tears flowing quietly once again.
Sorsha looked at her daughter, her heart breaking for the pain she saw in Kit's eyes. Deciding to approach her differently, Sorsha knelt down, attempting to reach for Kit's hand “Kit, why didn’t you tell me?” but before she could touch her, Kit moved abruptly.
"When, Mom?" Kit's voice cracked as she screamed, her pain and anger bursting forth. "And even if I did tell you, you probably would have banished her to another realm, taking her away from me! And yet, you managed to rip her away from me!" Kit's voice wavered, her eyes filled with a mix of anguish and fury as she stood up, her body trembling. With that, she turned away, heading toward her chambers, leaving Sorsha standing there, alone.
As Sorsha stood in the corridor, she felt a profound sense of loss and regret. She realized she had never given her daughter the opportunity to confide in her, to trust her. Her intentions had always been to protect Kit, but now, she had lost that trust, and her daughter's happiness had been shattered before her eyes. Witnessing her brave, beautiful daughter break down made Sorsha vow to herself that she would do anything in her power to prevent that pain from ever consuming Kit again.
She didn't even know what Airk might be hiding from her. It was time to rearrange things, to reevaluate her decisions and actions. Kit's happiness was paramount, and Sorsha was determined to make amends. It was time to change the course of their lives.
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Kit dreaded waking up the next day, fully aware that everything with you was over. So she dismissed all the ladies' maids, seeking a moment of solitude. However, after a while, Kit heard her chamber door creak open again. Prepared to send the intruder away, she turned around and found her mother standing there.
"Wake up, Kit. You have a busy day ahead of you," Sorsha said with determination.
"Really? Why? Is my wedding today, and you didn't tell me?" Kit retorted sarcastically, although she complied and rose from her bed.
Her mother, seemingly unfazed by Kit's tone, observed her daughter with a knowing look. This made Kit uneasy.
"I am not getting married today, am I?" Kit asked cautiously
"No, you're not. You're going to train with the knights of Galladoorn," Sorsha informed her.
"What?" Kit asked, bewildered.
"Next month, you are set to begin your training with the knights. It will mark the first time a princess joins their ranks," Sorsha finished.
"Great, now I won't even be able to see her. I just know it!" Kit exclaimed, frustration growing within her. But Sorsha remained composed.
"With this new alliance, your engagement with Prince Graydon won't be necessary," Sorsha said, shocking Kit, who turned around to stare at her mother in disbelief.
"What? What are you trying to say, Mom?" Kit's voice quivered with hope.
"What I'm trying to say, Kit, is that you should get ready to go and tell that sweet girl, the girl who has captured my daughter's heart, that everything will be okay," Sorsha began walking toward Kit, who stood frozen in place. She reached out and gently took her daughter's hands, this time not facing rejection. "Everything will be okay because your mother loves you, Kit. And your mother is also the Queen. It might take time, but you go and tell that girl that you love her, and that I'm going to fight for you two," Sorsha concluded, and she felt Kit's arms enveloping her. It was a hug she hadn't received since Kit was a little girl.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Mom!" Kit said, practically running toward the door.
Everyone in the castle was surprised to see the princess running with a broad smile on her face, even giggling. Their shock intensified when she burst into the kitchens. But when Kit entered, she couldn't find you anywhere.
"She was sent to pick some flowers, at your mother's request," the blonde girl from last time informed her. The gardens. Of course, her mother would have sent her there.
Hope bubbled up inside her as she ran, and once she reached the gardens and saw you there, picking flowers, it felt as if she was looking at you for the first time. This time, she knew that nothing would ever come between you.
"I love you!" Kit screamed, startling you, your confusion evident.
"I don't understand, Kit," you said, your confusion clear.
"I've loved you for quite some time, and I am not losing you," she said, walking toward you. "I love you," she repeated, quieter this time.
"But you're supposed to be engaged?" you said, caution in your eyes.
"I am not engaged, and I won't be, unless it's with you," Kit said, reaching for your hand. She placed a kiss on it, sealing her promise.
"That's impossible, Kit," you said, your eyes still filled with caution.
"Not anymore. My mother is going to fight for us, for this... so if you would have me, I am all yours, and every beat of my heart belongs to you," Kit declared, determination shining in her eyes. You just kissed her; you knew you had kissed her yesterday, but that kiss had felt like a goodbye, while this kiss was a promise.
"I love you too, Kit, more than anything in this world," you said, and then you joined your lips once again.
You both stayed there, kissing in the gardens for some time, only breaking it to repeat the words "I love you." A new beginning; that's what this meant. Not just for the two of you, but for the whole realm. Everything was about to change, and you two were at the heart of it. Regardless, you had each other, and that was all you needed.
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blusidez · 1 year
may recs!
** nsfw works ahead so 18+!!!!
neon signs - @pantoneyoongi ; yoongi x reader
- eek okay so hsm is still one of my favorite movies so i automatically knew i would love this. it was so cute seeing the guys hype yoongi up and he’s trying so hard to be humble 😭 i found myself rooting for this blooming couple the entire time!! such a refreshing read
in which series - @onlyswan ; jungkook x reader
- okay so i literally recommend every single installment of the in which series like the love you can feel between these two through writing is mind blowing 🤯 and it's done so beautifully. here's some of my faves this month!!
moving in together!  - i mean c’mon... this live was so iconic and there’s something so heartwarming about learning such a minuscule task like folding your partner’s underwear lol too lazy to shower alone ;) - i thought it was so funny how he just forgot to come back and shower bc chores distracted him like i relate so bad
you suck! - @ugh-yoongi ; seokjin x reader
- this made me realize how much i love vampire fics!!? the banter at the beginning between these two was so entertaining. seeing the relationship between them blossom and how they began to blend their lives together was actually so beautiful!! i never knew i needed twitch streamer jin until now. honorable mention to the supportive bffs tae and jungkook, we love u <3
obviously - @ugh-yoongi ; jungkook x reader
- my most beloved friends to lovers trope!!!!!!! it was so entertaining to see them genuinely believe they were tricking all their friends. like y’all are standing in a glass room!!!!
me and your mama - @joonberriess ; namjoon x reader
- i loveddd the story telling in this one! seeing the journey of their relationship was so sweet and ofc spicy. you can tell there’s just a special love between them, it shows there really is no timeline for love. i just love me a good joon fic too 🫶🏾
bts and types of kisses they remind me of - @melimelon-kawai ; ot7
- i miss my ot7 😔 this was such a sweet read
may 18 - @tattookoo ; jungkook x reader
- 1999, 2002, and may 18!!!! i just love the storyline! its really cute to see one date hold so much meaning and it was awesome to see the couple grow and how life panned out for them! i do not remember life back then lol so i think it’s really cool being transported back to those times with how they talk and everything, every detail is so thoughtful!
redamancy -  @eoieopda ; namjoon x reader
- plus lacuna!! i’m also a really big sucker for ex to lovers so wow omg i think seeing the growth between the two individually then together was really beautiful and one of the best parts. the ring in the teapot really got me like UGH it was so cute and such a nice detail
a little taste -  @jeonqkooks ; jungkook x reader
- this was literal smut so why was i smiling so much??! this was just a beautiful way to show the love between the two, the competitiveness and playful banter was just chefs kiss
love ring - @personasintro ; jimin x reader
- sparked my love for boxer jimin ngl. i love when it's obvious to literally everyone except for the two in the relationship. "i just want to be loved!" got me sooo bad i'm so happy they were able to take the chance for each other 🥹
how would they react if you liked each other but weren't dating - @seokjinsonlyone ; ot7
- ok imagining joon as a rizz master got me so bad. these all were so soft and cute i loved it. it felt perfect for each of them
marshmallows and report cards - @untaemedqueen ; taehyung x reader
- again i just love seeing relationships blossom! i too would fall for dilf tae especially if he kept making me chocolate chip cookies like !??! the whole storyline was written beautifully i loved this couple sm
oui - @pixieknj ; jimin x reader
- didn't find this in may but it's one i genuinely cannot stop going back to it's soo good.
"jimin was terrified of being found out, but never afraid to ask you to- "strip."
LIKE OKAY IM GAGGED! everything was just so good and the ending was so hilarious
new girl - @jjkeverlast ; jungkook x reader
- oh my gosh i got so giddy when this popped up! new girl is a comfort show so i knew this was going to be amazing and one of my faves. even though i know the plot of new girl i was still so entertained while reading this and on the edge of my seat rooting for them lol. also jimin being schmidt inspired was PERFECTION, the character development with hobi and tae too is just so enjoyable, i found myself laughing along often! i’m glad they’re all still so relevant to the plot. def one of my favorite series, i’m excited to see how this develops!! 🥹
grad school is draining the life out of me but i wanted to try and show appreciation to some amazing writers (and organize my collection finally)!!!
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ncityavenue · 2 years
Would I chill with them in highschool? (127 edition)
This is something that has run through my mind alot of times and also THIS ENTIRE THING IS NOT SERIOUS 100%
Respectfully, I would forget he's in my class every now and then just because I feel like I wouldn't talk to him a whole bunch. He's someone I would stare at alot bc he's hot, and everytime I think we would interact it'll be like a group project or sum? But idk if he'd be a bestie, he'd be a acquaintance that I can trust.
SEE CAUSE IM 50/50, I would want to be his friend but he'd be so popular that he wouldn't have time for me😭✋🏾. I would want to talk to him but every chance I'd have he'll get snatched up by another friend, I feel like he would be a friend more than a best friend. I'd be like "oh yeah my friend johnny" Because he would have too many best friends but he'd refer to me as best friend bcuz he's very friendly.
Would also unexpectedly hug me? Like we see each other in the morning and he'd be like "wassup!" And go in for a hug...AND I'D ACCEPT FUCK IS YOU TALKIN BOUT🙄🤞🏾
See cause since most of the time my friend group happens to be quiet but still chaotic people and I think taeyong would fit right in my friend group.
I'd definitely see him as bestie, I HAVE URGE TO BABY MY FRIENDS SO I'D BABY HIM ALOT. I see myself walking in hallways going to the next class with him most of the time, We'd be the "You never see them without one another" type besties.
HELP IDK WITH YUTA— shiii he'd be a sneaky link fuck is you talkin bout🥱🥱 I see him as someone I'm not really friends with, more like, mutual friends. Like we don't talk without the others around and when we do it's very short conversations or it's just..straight up flirting 💀💀, sometimes we'd end sitting next to each other and strike up a random conversation. Feeling like the deepest convo I'd have with him is "are mermaids real?" DEEPEST CONVO EVER DUDE. But I think we'd be close to the point if someone was to bother me he'd stans up for me🤭🤞🏾
HELP WE'D EITHER BE VERY VERY CLOSE OR NOT KNOW EACH OTHER AT ALL😭 I feel like doyoung is someone in my friend group, secretly a psychopath but is just a sassy drama queen on the outside, he would be someone I'd just be dying laughing off of from simply existing.
He's someone I would copy my homework off of, he just seems like the type to do his homework and on my lazy days I'll just contact him.
He's someone I'd think would bully tf outta me but then when I talk to him he's the total opposite, I'd sit next to him for my comfort if I had a rough day or I'll vent to him because all his vocab would be "wow." "Ok." "That's nice." "Damn." "I'm sorry." SAY MORE WORDS JEFFERY 😭✋🏾, ofc I'd have a crush on him tf you think this is? (As well as, all the others🙇🏾‍♀️). I feel like he'd know I like him but don't say anything because it's nothing new to him, WOULD DEFINITELY DO SHIT TO MAKE ME SWEAT AND ACT AS IF HE'S INNOCENT. For example, I'm talking and then he puts his hand on my thigh and I'll be like
"Uhm- oh- so..as I was saying-"
"Mhm go onnn"
Like jaehyun what is the reason?
Omg Kris x Jaehyun🤨 NO LEMME STOP. Unless...?
We walk to class together sometimes, but I'm still with Taeyong.
Definitely met through Johnny or Taeyong.
BESTIE FOR SUREEEE. He's someone I'd stare at and be like " I wanna be his friend." (Yes that's how I manifest friendships leave me tf alone✋🏾), HES THE ONE THAT WILL HAVE ME DO NOTHING IN CLASS. Would get me kicked out the class cause his goofy ass,he's the one that I'd go out with 24/7 bc he'd force me to go out with him. Weird enough would pretend to be my boyfriend outside of school bc of creeps even without me asking, if I get paired up with him in a project best believe that project is getting submitted SO LATE😭. But the teacher knows we are besties so they'd never pair us up.
"Bitch my partner is so fucking weird–"
"What happened now jungwoo?😭"
We'd greet each other like "BESTIEEEEEEEE" or "BIIIIIITCCHHHHHHH"
Oh no baby...he not a friend,bestie,acquaintance,or mutual friend. HE'S MY BOYFRIEND🙄🤞🏾, well before that he would obviously be a bestie. He'll be my first for EVERYTHING; first "date"(bc he'd be too awkward to say it's a date), first kiss, first time (🤭🤭 me's a freaky gal), he's the mf that I would introduce to my family after a week of knowing him I HAVE FAITH IN HIM. He's the mf that'll have me late up at night on the phone with and swearing to end the call bc we're tired but we said that 3 hours ago. EVERYONE WHO'S IN MY LIFE WOULD KNOW ABT HIM. Him, Taeyong, and I would always walk together. He's the mf that I'd have a dating rumor with and get shipped with (I wouldn't mind but I was decline them so I won't get my ass beat by my mom💀 just kidding!) I'd have so many deep convos with him but they all last 5 minutes bc our topics go on and on (ft yuta), I guess he's the one that introduce me to yuta. Yeah. He introduce me to everyone tbh, BUT MARK IS A 4LIFER FR FR😋🤞🏾.
I've been waiting for this one, TURN IT UP! We'd be besties for sure but it'll be so SO chaotic, I've dealt with Geminis before (I'm a sag btw) AND NOTHING BUT CHAOS😭 OMG HES THE ONE ID HAVE ARGUMENTS WITH BUT THEN MAKE UP WITH IN THE MATTER OF 15 MINUTES, would bother me 24/7 I have no breaks with this man, I either would have dating rumors with him or Mark. Point blank. I'm also getting nothing done in class with him😭😭, ass smacking competitions🤗💞 ( I win<333) but he smacks really hard😕 since this mf is funny 24 hours in the day he'd be the most funny in algebra bc he knows neither of us are paying attention 😭. Haechan actually reminds me of a best friend I use to have and now I feel like I could compare, he would call me MAD pet names as he does all his friends. Have the most embarrassing stories with him, and photos.
Was this me being delulu? Probably. I just have an urge sometimes to put myself in situations like this, I love headcanoning my own self sometimes🤭💞
So my friend group would be: Taeyong,Mark,Haechan,Doyoung, and Jungwoo.. The chaos is definitely there😋🤞🏾
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ezralva · 8 months
I've been following you for a coupla years now ever since your xicheng era. It's interesting to see whenever you get into new fixations, it introduces me to lesser animes or BLs or new ships that otherwise I would never think of and more often than not I got hooked to them thanks to you 😁 I'm very shy and awkward so mostly in fandoms I'm in im just a silent enjoyer and follower. I'm so happy when you started posting and reblogging jjk because it's a fandom I've been silently lurking for years and moreover because you like stsg and also chousou because they are one of my favorites too. I pretty much enjoy reading your posts and your reblog tags, they are funny! May you share how you got into that? Because you mention one time that you regret those who drew you into jjk 😅 is it something to do with big fandom?
Ps. I like your fic so much, it's like a healing session after chapter 236, I thought i'd let you know here because i'm too shy to comment directly on the fic
Omg this is so sweet of you, anon, thank you! I hope y'know your kind words just made my whole day <3. Wow if you've been following me that long then you shud go off anon so I wud know who you are ^^ but I get it! I enjoy being silent lurker and follower too from times to times.
Also wow I'm amazed you've put up with my everchanging fixations that long lol I know I'm annoying that whenever I'm into new fixation then I wudn't shut up abt it for a while and too lazy to ever make sideblogs. Anw, I don't really remember when I said that ahaha I'd most likely just joked or be sarcastic when I wrote that. I did feel so much pain knowing my otp is a doomed ship but it's nothing I didn't know before I even started jjk. Moreover it ended in a good note for me what with the latest chapters of them so it's all good now. The abundant loveable characters of jjk making it easy to explore other dynamics and ships too. Even dynamics I'd usually nvr entertain so it's been an eye opener experience! I don't regret a thing. Glad to know we share similar tastes :)
but yea I'm really not good with big fandoms overall and am usually content with the tiny corner of my own. My last experience with big fandoms, before I switched completely to obscure fandoms, were too unpleasant that I didn't wish to ever repeat it. But I'm more adept with curating what I wanna see now so I won't get put-off or get bored quickly. Tiny fandoms are nice and comfy but they were oftentimes unsustainable for me due to the lack of interactions. Still, I'm so happy to hear my shitposts could actually introduce you to new fixations!
Abt how I get into jjk. Well, unlike any other animes mangas I'm into, I actually have irl friends and coworkers that are fans of jjk. 3 of them are close to me (one of them is my spouse lol) and had literally pestered me to try it for long so they'd have someone to talk with. So I'd known about it since around 2 years ago when the movie came out. I was curious bcs it was such a hype around me even though they were all adults who usually didn't even watch anime so there must be sth different abt it. Yet I kept putting it off cz I was just not into supernatural fantasy shounen. I decided this year would be a good time to start since with season 2 the hype around me was too high that I just got swept in it, naturally. I cudn't tamp down my curiosity any longer plus I got time now during this break so why not, right? The thing is my irl friends arent into simping let alone shipping (at least not that I know in public, who knows what they might be doing in private) so I keep that side here ofc!
Awwwh thank you so much for letting me know you like my fic! Ch 236 was indeed devastating for a while tho it was still a HE in some aspects (for me). It's an outlet for me to pour my HCs for the characters that stuck with me. I hope you know that even if it's just excited emojis, a comment in the fic worths a lot for authors cz it let them know not just abt whether their fics are being read and liked, but how their works actually affect the readers, it's a potent drive for authors and feedbacks are helping authors so you don't need to be shy 😉
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harryconcepts · 2 years
part 38
it's been a minute but slay
he overhears a conversation you're having with one of your girl friends at a little gathering you're all at and you're talking about sex as girls are prone to do 😌 maybe she's talking about how her new bf made her squirt the other night, and you're like omg my fingers could never and then you're laughing and changing the subject, but harry is just over there biding his time 😌 when things start winding down and everyone else heads home Harry stays to help you clean up, acting all innocent and pretending he just wants to be helpful but as soon as the last person is out the door he's all "so i hear you talking earlier... you know i could help you out with that 😌" and you're mortified blushing so hard it hurts but he just steps closer and says "don't be embarrassed, I'm your friend and as your friend i want to show you how you deserve to be treated 😌"
i know harry is literally so good at communicating in a relationship and that makes me so 🥹 when he's having a bad day he makes sure not to take it out on you, he says "I need you to know that I'm not mad at you or upset with you at all, I just had a really shitty day, so I'm going to go for a walk, okay? just try to clear my head" and he ofc kisses your forehead before he goes 🥹
harry rubbing your back 😔 maybe you're not feeling well, you've had a little cold and you're just miserable and can't sleep and he just wants to help you feel better however he can 😔 he has you lay down on your tummy, and he sits on your legs so he can reach everywhere 😔 he uses some lavender lotion to help you calm down and sleep better, and he talks to you in a low voice to help you relax 😔 soon you stop responding with little hums and nods, and he leans closer to see you've fallen asleep 😔 he kisses the back of your neck before he pulls the blankets up over you, and then climbs in to cuddle up to you 😔
thinking about a bodyguard harry au 😋him being hired bc your family does some dangerous shit and has a ridiculous amount of money so they hire him to keep you safe 😋and ofc spending all that time together in such close proximity who can blame you for developing a little crushy crush 😋 then one day you decided to go for a swim in the pool and you're wearing the tiniest little suit 😋and well no one's going to be home until the next morning so what's the harm in doing a little kissing 😋really there's no safer place than in Harry's bed bc he can protect you so much better when you're that close 😋
and bodyguard harry teaching you some self defense 😋 thats such a yummy concept wow... he wraps his arms around you and says "try to get away, I'll give you some pointers" and you're like "well why would i want to get away from my man 😌" and he's so over your antics bc he's trying to be a little bit serious, but ultimately you're too cute to stay mad at 😋 he says "just try it, go on" so you do, and he immediately tightens his arms saying "that's the best you can do?" and other stuff to piss you off a little bit, and finally you huff and throw your arm back to elbow him 😋 he gasps bc he didn't see that coming and then in the big wall mirror you see him grin and he says "good girl, that's a good move" and then he shows you a few more 😋 and ofc you both get turned on from being so close, and also seeing him be so strong and skilled makes you a little 🥵 and him seeing you being his sexy little gf who now knows how to defend herself makes him 🥵 too so you end up fucking against the wall 😋 and he probably tells you to watch in the mirror bc he's a freak like that 😋
god harry would not be able to keep his hands off you when you're pregnant.... maybe you're 6 ish months along, at the point where you can definitely tell that you're pregnant, he would never leave you alone 😋 and your hormones have been all over the place and you want him more than ever so he is more than happy to give you anything you want 😋one day you've just been laying around naked all day bc there's no point in getting dressed when you're just going to be taking the clothes off soon anyways 😋 an hour or so after your second round that day you reach for him again, but he grabs your wrist with a little laugh and says "I can't go again, give a man a chance to recover" and you roll your eyes, but he says "but that doesn't mean we can't do other stuff..... come sit on my face" and you're definitely not going to say no to that 😋 he would also be so obsessed with your boobs, how they've gotten so big and they're so much more sensitive now 😋 he thumbs over your nipples saying "need to make sure my wife feels good, don't i? carrying my baby for me, you deserve to get whatever you want" 😋 such a horny boy allllll day 😋
harry thinks you look so pretty when you're ready for bed 🥹 you took off all your makeup and you have your hair tied up away from your face and your glasses on, you're wearing one of his shirts and some little shorts and he can't stop staring at you 🥹 youre like "what?" and he goes "nothing, you're just so pretty" and you roll your eyes climbing in bed saying "don't lie" and he pouts saying "I'm not lying, I think you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen" and scoots closer to kiss you 🥹 you say "really?" and he nods, hugging you close and kissing your neck sweetly 🥹 he says "I think you're always pretty, and especially now, because you're wearing my clothes and only i get to see you like this" just being such a sweet boy 🥹
i have this lymph node problem that makes my stomach hurt really bad (like literally as painful as appendicitis but it's not dangerous and there's no treatment) and it's rlly bugging me lately and I need harry 😔I know he would be so sweet and gentle and try to help any way he can 😔 bringing you medicine and a heating pad, staying in bed with you all day bc he knows you're hurting and just want to lay around 😔 he would put his hand gently over the spot that's hurting so the heat will help it feel better 😔 he'd run you a warm bath and sit with you 😔ugh where is he 😔
ok so I'm thinking about being in a movie w our fav actor in the world: harry 🤩 and for the purposes of this concept ofc there's going to be some spicy scenes involved 😌 and maybe you're a bit newer to the acting scene and and you know this stuff is going to come up, but it's just a bit nerve wracking bc it's harry and he looks like that and you've always had a little crush on him 😌one day you're eating lunch together in a common area on set and he asks how you're feeling about things so far, and you say everything is really great but there's maybe a few things you're nervous about and he would immediately lift his head and say "please let me know if i ever do anything you're not okay with, it's really important to me that you're comfortable and feel safe with what we do" and you nod, really glad that's something he takes so seriously 😔then he asks what scenes you're nervous about even though he already has a pretty good idea, and you say "you know... the ones where we're kissing and- doing other stuff" and he's trying so hard not to smile bc he can tell you're actually a little freaked out, but it's so cute the way you blush and won't quite meet his eyes 😌 but first he's ofc gonna try and make you feel better so he says "it's really nothing to stress about, the intimacy coordinators are amazing and they make sure you're okay with everything we do" and you nod, still looking down at your food, and say "but i still feel like I'm just going to embarrass myself, you know? it's easy to run lines by yourself, but you can't really practice this kind of thing" and he nods, wanting to make sure you feel heard, and bc he really does understand 😔
he remembers how stressed he was about this kind of thing when he started acting, and he wishes he would have had someone to talk to like this 😔 then he gets a little idea 😌 he says "i have a bit of an idea, and it's completely okay if you don't want to do something like this, but if you're worried about how the pacing or whatever will go, we could definitely practice it a few times before we actually shoot the scene? that way there's no surprises, and we'll be a little more prepared" and you're shocked that he cares enough to suggest something like this, but also very into the idea 😌 you agree, and then he drops the subject so you don't get too freaked out bc he's nice like that 😔 that day you both get to go home early bc they're working on other scenes, and harry ofc walks you to your car 😌 he says "so about our talk earlier..." and you're blushing immediately, trying to hide how flustered he makes you so you say "yeah?" and he goes "I mean, I've got nothing going on for the rest of the evening, so if you're up for it we could do some practicing 😌" and you are also very down for that so you agree 😌 you end up going back to his place, and you're feeling a little awkward but he does everything he can to make you comfortable in his space, offering you water and anything you need :( you end up in his living room looking through the script, you run a few scenes where it's just taking to get warmed up, and then you flip to the first kissing scene 😌
it's pretty passionate, your characters are supposed to be confessing their love for each other so ofc it's a big deal 😌 you look up at each other, not exactly sure how to say "anyways let's kiss" but then he takes over and says "why don't we just go for it? let's just run the whole scene, and it's ok if it's a little awkward, I think it's best to get a full run through to see what we're working with" and you think that's a pretty good idea, so you start the scene 😌you get into it pretty quickly, and before you know it you're supposed to be kissing 😌 you stop and look at him, and say "and now we're supposed to-" and he says "I know, we don't have to if you're not feeling it though" and you shake your head saying "no, we can do it" and then it's a few seconds of looking at each other before he just goes for it 😌 he 100% takes your face in his hand to tilt your head however he wants it, and he puts his other hand on your waist 😌 and he is a good kisser, like so good you almost forget what you're supposed to be doing for a second, but then you snap out of it and do what your character is supposed to do 😌 so you both get really into it, and then you pull away a little flushed and say "it's says- I'm supposed to be on your lap for the next part, but if you don't want to do that here we can just-" and he says "I'm fine with whatever you want to do" and you think for a second before swinging your leg over his and getting settled in his lap 😌 he has his hands on your hips to keep you steady, and in this position you're up close to his face so you're noting how pretty his eyes are 😌 he sees you smile a bit and he says "what?" and you say "you just have really pretty eyes" and that makes him blush 😌 then you say "you know, if 16-year-old me knew she would someday be making out with harry styles, I think she would lose it" and he laughs saying "oh so you had a little crush on me?" and you nod, and he's soooo cheeky about that 😌 then he says "well if it makes you feel better, i had a crush on you too" and you're very surprised and don't really believe him, but he says "I'm serious, when i found out you were in this movie I freaked out, and I think I was probably more nervous for the kissing scenes than you were" and you're just staring at him like 😶 and then say "and now that you know me?" and he says "if I'm being honest, i like even more" 😌 you say "that's good, because i still have a massive crush on you" and then you're both just so smiley 😌 he says "think we should run it again?" and you nod, even though the script is the last thing either of you are thinking about😌 he takes initiative again and and puts his hands on your face, you have your fingers in his hair at the back of his head 😌
he clearly likes that a lot, letting out a few little whimpers against your lips when you play with it 😌 he licks against your bottom lip, making you shiver and open up for him 😌he's gripping your hips so tight, trying to pull you closer and closer, and finally you grind down on him a little and he groans 😌 when it starts to get a little heated he pulls away and he's a little out of breath when he says "we should probably stop, or something really embarrassing is going to happen" and you giggle, running your hands up and down his chest when you say "I don't think it would be embarrassing" and he's all "well not for you!" and then he sees how needy you still look, so he says "but we could do something for you... I bet you're soaking through your panties right now" and he grins when he feels you squeeze your thighs together 😌 he says "want me to take care of that for you?" and you've barely nodded before he's flipping you over and crawling up over you 😌 he kisses you again, this time fully pressing his hips down into yours, and you can't help the little gasp you let out 😌 he kisses down your neck, trying his best to find any sweet spots, and then you feel his fingers sliding down your tummy 😌 soon he's at your waistband, and he hums softly asking if he can touch and you nod so fast, so he slips his fingers in and brushes them against you 😌 he murmurs "just like i thought, you're soaking for me" and he circles his fingers around your clit 😌 you're squirming around and trying to kiss him again, but he keeps moving his face away to be a pest 😌 you groan and say "will you just kiss me?" and he says "since you asked so nicely 😌" and then he gives you a few minutes with his lips on yours and his fingers working you up before he says "how would you feel about me kissing somewhere else?" and you have to close your eyes bc it's just too much 😌 so he moves down, kissing along your skin as he goes, and finally he pulls your clothes off 😌 he kisses around your thighs, getting you all worked up and sensitive before he gives you what you want 😌 he holds your hips down to keep you in place so he can do his thing 😌 and he really is just making out with you, making such a mess of things 😌spitting on your clit to hear you whine, and using his fingers to spread you open so he can really get in there and suck on you 😌 he senses you're kind of trying to be quiet, so he lifts his and says "make some noise for me, or I'll have to stop" and you gasp out that you don't want him to stop, and try to let out some nice noises for him 😌 every time you moan he moans right back, and you can feel the vibrations which only makes it feel better 😌 soon you're gripping his hair and trying to push him closer, and he gives a particularly hard suck on your clit that makes you gasp 😌 running his tongue over anywhere he sees is sensitive, using his grip on your hips to pull you closer to his face 😌 he sees your muscles starting to tense up and he knows you're close, so he doubles down and does everything he can to make you cum 😌 you grasp his hair tighter and your legs tense up in his hold, but he's strong enough to keep you open for him 😌 he works you through it too, and soon you're trying to push his head away because it's too much, so he turns his head to kiss your thigh before he comes back up to give you a kiss on the lips😌 you're breathing so hard and your heart is pounding, and he barely gives you any time to process what just happened before he says "so yeah, anytime you want to practice just let me know" and you playfully shove him for being such a pest 😌 but you can't be too mad at him bc he's a pest who knows how to use his tongue 😌
watched the episode of keeping up w the Kardashians where Kourtney and Scott go to the pregnancy sex class and the scene where they suggested she could sit on his face and he was all "this is what we're doing? after a long day I'm supposed to come home and have you sit on my face? yeah okay" and I was literally in shock bc that is such an unharry thing to do 😭 I know that man would literally beg you to sit on his face, even if you're a little nervous at first he's just grabbing your hips and pulling you down 😋
harry putting your panties in his pocket during a show 😌 in his dressing room he sits you up on the vanity and he's standing between your legs to kiss on you, his hands are sliding up and down your thighs and then he hooks his fingers in the fabric and says "why don't you let me hold onto these for now" and your jaw drops at how filthy that is and also bc he finds a sweet spot on your neck at the same time 😌 but you lift your hips and help him pull them off, and he definitely raises them to his face to smell them before he slips them into his pocket 😌 you're watching with wide eyes but he just smiles, kissing your cheek before says "I'd better be going, but I'll see you after" and walks out all smug 😌
harry being a little stern 😋 gripping your chin to make you look in his eyes, saying "look at me when I'm talking to you pretty girl" and making you hold eye contact bc he knows it makes you 🦋🦋🦋 😋 when he's going down on you he tells you to hold still, and when you try to move your hips he lifts his head and says "do you want me to stop?" and when you whine out a no he says "then you better do what i tell you, or you won't like what happens" 😋
thinking about all the intricacies of harry being between your thighs yummmmm he uses his thumbs to spread you open so he can look, and you squirm a little bit being embarrassed to have him staring like this but he just gives you a gentle little slap on your thigh, just enough to make you gasp, and he says "told you to stay still, so be a good girl and do that for me" and you nod, just wanting him to get into it already, but he still wants to keep looking 😌 he runs one finger through the wetness and says "you're soaking, baby, just from a few words?" and he would tease you so much about that 😌 he leans closer and spits right on your clit, then watches as it drips down 😌 at this point you're moving so much and begging him to just touch you already so he does, leaning in to lick a long stripe 😌 he would be so messy with it too, shaking his head to get in deeper and basically making out with you down there 😌 he wants you to be soaking wet and as needy as he can get you before he even tries to slip his fingers inside 😌 you'd be able to hear how wet you are every time he licks and you're both getting off on the sound 😌 he would suck on your clit so hard that you lift your hips up, then he would push you back down and hold you in place so he can keep working 😌 i just think he would be disgusting and depraved and you would both love every second 😌
harry would be so sweet whenever you're not feeling well 😔 he comes home to see you in bed, sleeping way earlier than you normally would and he thinks you were just tired so he smiles and brushes some hair out of your face, but when he's doing that he feels how warm you are and he gets worried that maybe you're sick 😔 he wakes you up gently, saying "need you to wake up baby, are you not feeling well?" and you groan, still half asleep, but you open your eyes to look at him and he knows you have a fever from how glassy they are 😔 he gets a pouty look on his face and says "I'm gonna get you some medicine, ok? I'll be right back" and he runs to grab you something for the fever and also some water, then he comes back and helps you sit up to take the pills 😔 he has you drink some water then lays down with you and cuddles you close to him bc he knows you feel chilled from the fever 😔 he plays with your hair and rubs your back until you fall asleep😔
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bittersweet--chaos · 2 years
Ok another Gabe, Angel, and David one sorry
Ok so what if Gabe got into a fight with someone at school bc David and Angel raised a good son so when Gabe saw someone getting bullied he wasn't just going to watch so he got involved but he tried to not throw punches but once the bully started to throw punches and talk shit about Asher's and Milo's kids (aka his friends) he thought that was the last straw for him and hit back because when he was little David told him if someone throws the first punch then take self defense or something like that and he thought him how to fight and once they were done fighting the bully was fucked up ofc but Gabe was also kinda bet up not as bad as the bully.
When they were done the bully ran off and when they looked back and the person that was getting bullied was gone but he just wanted to get home but when he exited the school the person that was getting bullied ran up to him and thanked him and how he didn't have to do all that but he said that he did because he doesn't stand for that shit (just like David)
Once he gets home he thinks that Angel is in their bedroom and David is in his office so he goes to the kitchen but he sees David and Angel there making dinner and they see him and offer him to help them witch he would because don't get me wrong he loves cooking with his parents but he didn't want them to see so he before they turn around to see him he puts on his hoodie so they won't see his face but David could see that something was wrong because 1. Gabe never puts on his hoodie inside the house 2. Gabe never refused to cook with them, and 3. David could smell Gabe's nose bleed. So to David that's all red flags and yeah could you continue because I ran out of the idea how? Idk :'D
Dude the obession we have with Gabe lol. I feel like you overestimate my writing abilities just a little bit though.
Asher has a daughter and Milo has twins I don't make the rules. I hope you enjoy!
Gabe hated bullies. They were people who messed with people because they were insecure about themselves. And Gabe wasn't going to let a bully do that to someone. So when some random kid started messing with his friends, he wasn't going to stand for that. "Would you leave them alone? They did nothing to you!" Gabe said as he stood infront of his friend. "Or what? You gonna do something?" The bully scoffed. "Gabe, c'mon. Let's just take the others and leave. We're not trying to start something." Asher's daughter, Leah, called. Gabe let a small growl out before nodding. "Yeah Gabe. Listen to your girlfriend and leave like a coward." Gabe rolled his eyes as he turned towards the kid. He wasn't going to let some jackass rile him up for some stupid comment. "Wow you really gonna run away and hide? Might as well cloak like that stupid little stealth you hang around."
"What did you just say?"
"You heard me. Cloak and hide like that stupid little stealth friend. Or shift and run with your tail between your legs." The bully scoffed and crossed his arms. Gabe turned back towards him, his friends behind him with the kid that was being bullied. "Shut up. You're not gonna shit talk my friends." Gabe let out a low growl and stared at the bully. "Or what. You're gonna make me shut up, wimp." The small growl that Gabe had amplified as he stepped closer to the bully. He stared up at him, his fist curled up by his side. Silence filled the hall that the group were standing in. A crowd was beginning to form around them and if Gabe looked around, he wouldn't be able to spot his friends from it. Finally, Gabe spoke, which broke the tense silence that was fogging the atmosphere. "I'm not gonna waste my time with someone as pathetic as you."
"The hell did you say?"
"You heard me. I'm not gonna waste my time on someone as pathetic as you. I'm leaving."
Gabe turned, but before he could walk away the bully threw a punch at the back of his head. A loud chorus of the word, "Fight, fight, fight fight," rang out and Gabe turned back towards him. He held the back of his head, a achey pain blossomed through his skull as he snarled at the guy. A smirk was on the bully's face as he went to throw another punch, but this one Gabe managed to dodge. Gabe usually wouldn't result to violence. It wasn't something he was taught to do. But, he was also taught by his Adi that, and I quote, "When someone hits you first, you have my full permission to whoop their ass. I'll cover for you." To which David would always sight and tell Gabe otherwise. But today, he was taking his parents's words into consideration. He threw a punch at the bully's nose, a thick loud crack noise coming after the impact hit. "FUCK!" They bully yelled and held his nose. It was probably broken, but definitely bleeding. He kicked Gabe in his stomach, kneeing him back in the nose when he doubled over.
Before Gabe could even reach his nose to wipe at the blood, the bully butt his head against his. The crowd around them was so loud, screaming for the two to continue. Gabe quickly composed himself, throwing another punch at the bully. It landed on his face, then another to his eye, then his stomach. "GET HIM GABE! YOU GOT THIS MAN! WHOOP HIS ASS!" He could hear his friends cheer for at in the crowd. Gabe continued his barrage of punches until two teachers tore the two apart. The bully looked horrible. His had a black eye with bruises littering his face. His continued to hold his broken, bloody nose as he walked to the nurses office with a teacher. Gabe looked a bit better than him, only a couple bruises and a bloody nose. "Gabriel Shaw, to the principal's office. Now."
Gabe spent most of his day in the office with the principal, explaining to her why he got into a fight. His friends, Leah, Amber and Ashton, came into the office much later. When Gabe had asked if the kid they stood up for was ok, they shrugged. "We don't know. Once the fight had started I think they ran away." The twins spoke at the same time as they sat down beside Gabe. He sighed and looked down at his hand. The knuckles were bruised and bloody. "I could try and heal that for you if you want." Leah asked, grabbing Gabe's hand and looking over it. "No it's fine. I don't want you to tire yourself." Gabe smiled. "I'm not gonna get tired from simply healing a few bruises. I'll be fine, just let me help?" Gabe sighed and nodded. The refreshing feeling of healing magic washed over Gabe's bruised hand. The small bruises slowly began to heal until there was nothing left. "Thanks Leah." Gabe smiled up once everything was over. "No problem."
As the day waned on, Gabe finally got to go home. As he walked out the school building alone, a voice called out from behind him. Her stopped walking, turning back towards the voice. He small figure stopped infront of him, breathing heavily as if they ran to catch up to him. They probably did. "I-I just- god that was a long run. I just wanted to thank you. For-for sticking up for me back there. You didn't have to." It was the kid that was being bullied. Gabe smiled shyly and rubbed the back of his head. "Oh, it's no problem at all. I hate bullies and wasn't going to just ignore you."
"Well, I gotta go. But, thank you again." The kid smiled amd waved good bye while walking away. Gabe smiled and continued to walk back to his house. But he stopped again when realization dawned on him. His parents are gonna ask why he's so beat up! "Damn it." He groaned. He pulled his hood over his head and continued with his trek home. Upon returning home, he thought his parents would be in their own rooms, doing their own things. He hoped so, that way he could get into the house and not be noticed. He kept his hood on as he opened the front door and walked inside. "Gabe? That you baby?"
A voice called out from the kitchen. Crap! Gabe remained silent, hoping he could simply walk to his room without being noticed. "I know your home Gabe. We're in the kitchen." David called. Gabe silently cursed, walking to the kitchen door way. His head was hung low and his hood covered his face. "Hey Adi, Dad." He said sheepishly, tugging at the hem of his hoodie. The two of them stopped cooking and turned towards Gabe. "Why is your hood on? What's wrong?" David was the first to ask, noticing immediately that something was up and that his son was trying to hide something. "Nothing's wrong dad. I'm fine." Angel and David both looked at each other with a knowing look. "Then why is your hood on? Inside the house." Gabe's fiddling increased as he thought of some lie. "Uh...it's cold in the house!"
"Uh-uh. Gabe I'm wearing shorts." Angel pointed out, causing Gabe go look up a little. "Oh....right."
"Hood, off. Now." Angel said, using the spatula they had in their hand to point at Gabe. "Do I have to?" Gabe whined a little, his hands never moving to pick the hood off his head. "Yes. I'm not asking Gabriel." Sighing, Gabe reached up to take the hood off. "What the hell happened?!" Angel asked, dropping the kitchen utensil they had in hand to rush over to their son. He cupped his face, scanning over bruise and bit of blood that remained. "Adi I'm fine. Just a small fight-" Angel looked at Gabe, squishing his face in their hands. "A fight?! With you in it?!? Who was it?! Did you win?"
"Angel, now is not the time to ask if Gabriel won a fight. Why'd you get into a fight in the first place?" David asked, walking up the them. Angel released Gabe from their grasp so David could could inspect his face. There was dried blood on his nose and a few bruises, but he looked fine for all David could care. "It was some bully. They were messing with a kid so I stepped in," Gabe started telling his story. David placed a hand on his son's face, healing the bruises and cleaning off the blood. "We were gonna leave, me, the twins, and Leah, but then the bully started targeting Ashton. So I told him to stop. He didn't so then I called him pathetic."
Angel snorted a little from beside David, quickly clearing their throat when their husband gave them a look. The walked over to the counter and grabbed a paper towel, putting a little water on it before walking back over. They wiped at whatever blood David could clean off with his thumb. "Then he punched me. I didn't start the fight at least. He did! And Adi said that if someone hit me first then I had their permission to hit them back!" Gabe said. "I did say that." Angel leaned back to inspect Gabriel's face again. It looked better, not bruised and bloody like when he first came home. "Did you win though?" Angel asked as they threw the blood stained paper towel away. "Yes I did win. I may also have broken his nose."
"That's my son." Angel smiled. "Don't encourage this Angel. You still got into a fight." Gabe sighed and looked down at his hands again, fiddling with the hem of his sleeves. He was completely ready for his dad to read him the riot act, but instead he felt a hand get placed on his shoulder. "But it was to protect people. I'm proud of you." Gabe looked up to see his dad smiling at him. It was a small smile, but a smile none the less. A small sense of pride filled in both David and Gabe's chest. "Alright. Now that everything's ok, let's go back to making dinner ok?" Angel smiled Gabe and pecked a kiss on his and David's cheek. "Can we make my favorite for dinner?" Gabe asked, walking to the kitchen sink to wash his hands. "Fine. Wash your hands and we can get started." Gabe nodded and smiled. At least he wasn't in trouble.
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
amy and rosa talking about sex, rosa being surprised at how good jake is in bed (not like she's interested in him OFC, but like a "oh not sure i clocked he's the best you've ever had sexually" kind of surprise)
(I will pair this with a really rather old ask: Is there a fic of 4 drink amy spilling her and Jake’s sex life secrets aka how amazing he is at it and going into much detail bc I need)
"Oh good, we're at four drinks." Rosa sighs after Amy has made the lewdest hand gesture known to man in response to a frankly tame kissing scene in the movie they're watching, while Gina grins and refills Amy's glass.
"I love 4 drink Amy." Gina quips. "Still can't believe the little dormouse has it in her."
"Am not a doormouse!" Amy hiccups from the floor, where she has comfortably squeezed herself against the couch instead of on it next to Rosa, to be in prime reaching distance for the bowls of chips on the table in front of her (and also maybe because she kinda fell into the place after one very awkward dance step at Drink 3 stage).
"Sure, sweetie." Gina pats her head from the armchair over, but Amy swats it away.
"I'm not! I-I-I do sex all the time!"
"I do sex, exactly the way a non-dormouse would phrase that."
"Jake and I wear each other out all night!"
Now it's Gina's turn to groan as Rosa laughs her short, sharp laugh.
"Oh yeah, alright, you got Mr. Cheap-Date-Loverboy all hot and bothered."
"No!" Amy hiccups again, but then turns around, fixing her friend with a stare she's not really used to, her voice almost at a low whisper as she tries to sound serious. "Rosa. No. Rooosa. Jake is so good."
"I am both intrigued and grossed out." Gina interjects from the side as she leans over to listen in.
"He- his hands." Amy sighs, much less annoyed than Rosa did a moment before. "His mouth. His-" She mouths a word neither of them can really make out, but they don't exactly need to when they watch her hands held up and slowly drift apart to convey a size that probably is 70% alcohol-exaggerated.
"Oh this is getting dirty."
"Shuddup Gina."
"He will do. Anything." Amy grins and then hiccups again, taking another sip of her wine with an almost dreamy look on her face.
"Do I want to hear this?"
"Gina, I said shut up."
“He makes me feel so good.” Amy hums again, talking to no one in particular. “He knows all my spots. And I know his. I can get him done in 3 minutes, I can get him done in 3 hours.” She giggles. “But 3 hours is more fun. Especially when we-”
“Oh, wow, I just realised, I absolutely totally do not want to hear this about my little bro, sorry babes, need to check on my twitter riiiight now~" Gina sings as she almost jumps up to hide away on Rosa’s balcony with her phone already out, moving way too fast for her to stop her and not leave her alone with horny Amy.
“Traitor.” Rosa huffs under her breath, but quiets when Amy turns her head towards her again, her eyes almost swimming and such a vulnerable look on her face it makes even Rosa’s heart twinge a little.
“Rosa.” She whispers again, her lips a little wobbly. “He makes me feel so good.”
“Good to know.”
“No.” She turns around now, lays her hands on the edge of the couch, staring up at her like some little puppy. “No, it’s- he- it’s so different.”
Rosa tilts her head barely an inch, sees Amy’s wine glass empty on the floor and realises she’s jumped from 4 drink Amy to 6 drink Amy without any stops in between, judging by the tears suddenly collecting in her eyes.
“With Jake I feel- it feels- it’s so right.” She mumbles, and Rosa is gearing up for an awkward hug-and-backpat situation soon. “It’s never awkward and I don’t have to be afraid to ask and he doesn’t make me feel stupid and he takes care of me and I love him and he knows everything I like even when I don’t know it and he makes me figure out new things and it’s so good and I don’t ever want anything else because it’s so good and I didn’t think I would ever get this like I had good boyfriends and I’m not a prude and I’ve had fun but it’s so different, Rosa, it’s so-” 
She sobs the tiniest little sound after that verbal onslaught, and Rosa can’t even react before she buries her head in the side of her thigh and she can feel the tears soak into her yoga leggings. There is a split second, a tiny moment of hesitation, but then Rosa’s hand finds itself in Amy’s hair, curling it softly around her fingers and scratching over her head like she does when Arlo is upset about something. It seems to work on humans too as she watches Amy turn her face to the side to look at her again, eyes red but not crying anymore, a shine to them she’s only ever seen in Jake’s, really.
“I’m glad you’re happy.” Rosa manages to say, unsure about whatever else could be appropriate. 
She thinks about a few years ago, in this same spot, the same constellation of movie night girl time, Gina grilling a much quieter 4 drink Amy about her relationship. She thinks about Amy’s almost sad smile talking about Teddy being ‘so sweet’. She thinks about her quiet sigh whenever Gina was extolling the stories of her latest hot and heavy date, about the nervous stutter when Kylie suggested a Never Have I Ever game during a pub crawl. 
She thinks about Jake and his latest ‘date escapades’ he was telling Charles about, who didn’t know how to read him well enough to see the blatant lies, not the way Rosa could easily clock them. She thinks about the shy, sad looks both Jake and Amy would just constantly level at the other when they thought no one was looking. 
“I’m so happy.” Amy sighs as she leans against her thigh some more. “I love him so much.”
“You better call Jake before we get to 7 drink Amy. I do not want to deal with that.” Gina suddenly breaks through the serene, quiet scene as she stands in front of the tv, and Rosa both hates her and loves her for ruining the moment as Amy’s head jerks up and away from her still petting hand.
“I wanna call Jake!”
He’s there to pick her up in no time at all, like he always is, and Rosa wonders what exactly he does on girl nights except for sitting around waiting with his phone in hand for the inevitable ‘come and get your drunkard’ text from her. Probably not much.
Amy squeals and nuzzles into his shoulder after he and Rosa have wrangled her into her shoes and jacket, and Gina has been convinced to delete that video. 
“My Jake.” She quietly mumbles into his leather jacket. “My love.”
“You got her all the way up to 6 drinks on movie night?” Jake shoots both Rosa and Gina a look as he hugs Amy closer, but they both only shrug.
“We had to get her away from 4 drinks.” Gina gags as she taps on her phone. “I do not need to hear about your schlong.”
He stills for a moment as Rosa watches a barrage of emotions run over his face, all of which she finds extremely amusing, before he rolls his eyes in a way he’s definitely picked up from Amy without even realising.
“I guess this would be more awkward with anyone but you two.” He shrugs, careful not to jostle Amy - almost asleep on him - too much. “S’not like either of you haven’t seen me in my birthday suit.”
“Yeah, I’m still trying to burn that image out of my brain, thanks.” Rosa punches his shoulder and uses the momentum to turn him and Amy around. “Now get your drunk girlfriend home before you have to carry her, I know you haven’t got the upper body strength for that.”
Jake seems like he wants to protest for a second before he admits defeat with only a look and shuffles Amy out of the door.
“Jake.” Rosa stops him, out of the blue, and both he and Gina turn towards her slightly confused. “Nevermind. I’ll text you.”
If you ever hurt her or make her feel bad about herself or something I will hunt you down no matter where you hide and no one will find your body afterwards
THATS what you wanted to tell me?
Also congrats on finding each other I guess and figuring out how well you fit together at the crotch Idk
thanks Roz
I know what you mean
Don’t act like you know me
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fr3aklike-me · 2 years
yesss, they’re really relatable too and it’s so fun to read them !! i haven’t read a lot of it but i do really like watching it, with other people ofc. i couldn’t watch a horrifying movie alone tho, only true crime hahaha. but yessss it’s so cool and takes on such a deeper meaning when it’s used like that, it’s super interesting. yes yes i will definitely start making one !!! omg, okay those sound really good i’ll have to read them, are they book books or online ? it makes me feel so comforted and warm when you like them so much omg, it’s so sweet. ahhhhhh kfjjdhd i literally do it everytime, and omg you’re giving me butterflies and making me blushhh you’re so cute. yesss i wanna pick flowers for you🥺 and kiss you in the flower field, and write about you, and then we can bring a picnic and lay there and talk and watch the sunset<3 and omg, you’re so sweet, you do the same thing to me, im literally gushing over you so much. and it’s okay, sometimes it’s easy and sometimes i just don’t sleep until i’m so tired i can’t stay awake anymore, but that’s also why i love waking up at like 5 even when i don’t work bc then by 10 or so i’m dead tired yk ? and on those nights too if i feel like i can’t or don’t wanna sleep yet i’ll go sit somewhere else in my room and go on my phone or write till i’m more tired, bc if i lay in bed doing something, even if i’m exhausted it’ll keep me up way longer. and it’s great tho bc i have plans tomorrow morning for breakfast so i have to be up early !! it’s so exciting hahahha i just love the morning sm. and i slept so good !!! it’s really good, like pretty, but if you don’t focus on the lyrics too much in some songs then it’s not as sad which i love. okay i’ll write out the order if you wanna check it out, and i can explain the songs too !! actually i talk alot so i’m gonna put it in a separate ask lmaooo but yess i love every song !! and omg yes it’s so much fun to do that in the car, music sounds so much better in the car too it’s so fun. it wassss, but in the end i cried in a good way too, like you’ll have to see but it’s really good, and yes omg the religious aspect too, and it’s so relatable to so many people. well of course, id come just for you, id also care a lot more about seeing you than any tourism too. seeing you is definitely my secret motive in coming to Canada… i really would i hope you know hehe. me too, like i’m so so happy i did
you’ve only brought the good tears<3 omg that’s literally the sweetest thing, i read your responses a lot too, they mean so much to me. jdjdjjsjs aww you make me so happy, im smiling at this too like you’re the sweetest ever. yesss omg i will, i wanna talk to you all the time. ahhh im always melting from you, im so happy you feel that way bc of me omg you’re so cute jkfjsjhs angel, that’s what you are. and omg don’t worry, you needed to sleep and i’m glad you did, you were up pretty late <3 and wow that’s so early for sunrise omg, ours was at 7:00 a few weeks ago that’s crazy !! thank you, it was so nice omg, but aww hopefully you feel more awake soon, im so excited to speak w you too 💗
in all fairness, watching horror movies with other people is sometimes so much more fun than watching them alone. my friends and I will sometimes make fun of everything, laugh, break the tension, and it's so much fun. do you like watching them with friends? same, they sound so good, and The Jasmine Throne has South Asian rep, which I love so, so much. I saw some of them are in my library, so I'm so excited to sign some out. and, yeah, they're book-books, like published novels. though, I'm sure you could find some of them online or in PDFs. ooooh, if we read one at the same time and updated each other - that'd be so cool. you do it everytime? omg that is actually just so fucking adorable, like the image has me literally melting because it is just so sweet that you feel things strong enough when reading my responses that you do that jflkdjfl and blushing too? brb gonna scream, that is so cute, holy shit. stopppp, that made me smile - the idea of us writing about each other, maybe letters to exchange later on, and just eating the picnic together and then resting afterwards on the picnic blanket, sharing small kisses every few moments as the sun sets. omg, my spring-loving, yearning, cottagecore ass is legitimately melting and feeling so many things rn at the thought of all of this. oooh, for sure, waking up so early consistently and then doing work throughout the day definitely makes it easier to be so sleepy in the evening that you're ready to fall asleep by the time you get into bed. like, now, I stay up so late, but back in high school, when I'd wake up around 7AM every morning, it was so easy for me to get tired by 10PM. it's so great you know yourself so well, and exactly what'll make you tired and keep you awake. sometimes, it helps to read, or watch a documentary, or my friend watches art restoration videos like this or this, and watching the process is so satisfying and definitely helps lulling one to sleep. omg that sounds so exciting! I hope the breakfast is so much fun! same, like, I do enjoy the quietness and privacy of nights, but on non-Ramadan days, I love waking up early and having lazy mornings where I get to do as much as I want, like write or watch a movie or read. it's such a refreshing feeling. what do you do on early mornings? ooh, okay, nice, so they're good to listen to even if you don't want to be saddened by any music. yes, yes, please write them out and the order, if you're also good with doing it! I'd love to hear what you have to say. omg, I think I'll cry too, I know what happens in the end bc I've spoiled myself a few months ago dfjoldkk, but it sounds super emotional. "I'd come just for you," djfdjf that is the sweetest thing ever. not gonna lie, I'd want you to come just for me too, because I'd probably stay latched to your side the entire time and want to fill all your time together.
me too, like, when I saw your response when I was at the dessert place, I got so excited and felt so tender while sitting there. they really hold a special place for me. whenever you say you smile at a message, that literally makes me feel all the more sweet because the image there is just so, so cute. we definitely can stay up together one night <3 I'd love to spend those hours speaking with you. yes, omg, of course I feel that way with you, you're so kind and considerate. "that's what you are" - okay, I cannot compute anymore, you are making me soften into a blob of feels over here. omg 7:00 wow! yeah, ours is pretty early now, I'm so glad bc we had quite the long winter. I'm so glad the rest worked well, you deserve such good, fulfilling rest <3
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sundogsandrainbows · 7 years
Do you have any distinct "headcanons" (your OC, your canon lol) for your Wardens? Like, what makes them distinct? I really love what I know of your Mahariel, and I'm wondering if you have any others that you've developed as much! ^^ -A Gay Bloodmage ♡
Lenya occupies 99% of my creative writing headspace, so there is not really much room for other characters or wardens beside her right now, ahem xD Which has the unfortunate effect that I don’t talk about them as much as I probably should.
I do have a Brosca, who I would call my main Warden aside of Lenya. Or second Warden, for that matter. Saria is pretty much an accidental byproduct of me playing around in the character creator and gosh, how could I not play this cutie then:
Tumblr media
HC/random facts: (oh boy, this got long)
Saria is a shield and sword warrior, mainly because she’d looted a shield from a corpse someday and found out how much fun it is to bash people in the head (or, if they are much larger than her, into their dicks/respective squishy bits) with it.
Alistair is fucking terrified every time he sees her fight, because it is such a stark contrast to her otherwise shy and rather insecure persona.
Fighting is cathartic to her, because it means (re)acting rather than having to think, which she does all too much. About everything. She is very self-conscious.
Speaking of which, her insecurity, shyness and questioning of self-worth stems from a life of abuse through her alcoholic mother, who made her feel unwanted whenever possible.  
Rica was the one who gave her the name Saria, since their mother only called her mockingly “duster”and never bothered to name her properly.
Rica is also the one who raised her, showed her love and protected her from their mother’s aggression/frustration whenever possible.
Thus her sister means everything to her. She is also the reason why she joined the carta, despite her struggling with this line of work. Saria hates it, but knows as duster there is little choice other than follow orders and be a carta thug.
Leske makes it easier. At least a bit. They had an one time thing/tumble, but stone it was weird and no, never again. They agreed to stay friends and partner in crime, ofc.
If you threaten Rica you are dead, no matter who or how tall you are. Bye bye. Never threaten her friends either, unless you like being smashed to a pulp. 
She had a few casual flings with women and men. Rarely, but it happened. 
Duncan is the coolest, kindest human she’d ever met. Also the first, but hey, that doesn’t count right? He immediately treated her like a person, with respect. Unlike the rest of Orzammar
She had a total Eowyn “I’m no man” moment in the proving arena.
Saria can’t understand why Duncan wanted to recruit her, but holy nugshit yes yes yes, she agreed before he could change his mind.Though even then she couldn’t leave without making sure that Rica would be okay.
First time she stepped outside was a disaster. She saw the big gaping hole above, clung to the next stone she saw and refused to let go. Duncan needed an hour to convince her that it was save. 
After walking a few steps she became wobbly and queasy, and emptied the content of her stomach into the next brush. Duncan was very patient with her, which she appreciated a lot. Even more that he endured how she clung to his leg for half the journey to Ostagar. 
Water from above? Why? How? This shit is terrifying. Even more so thunderstorms. Snow is awesome, though. Mainly because she can form it into round projectiles and throw at somebody. 
Flowers and herbs are weird. Why are there so many different ones? And why is Morrigan yelling at her not to eat them? What purpose have they then?
Saria can never remember the many names and looks of animals Alistair and Leliana explained to her, and thus calls almost every animal a“nug.” Or if they are bigger “bronto.” She learns it later on, tho.
She managed to convince Shale to give her piggyback rides. The golem has a strict 1 gem=1 ride rule, however. Too bad that Saria seems to stumble over gems EVERYWHERE xD
She is sort of head over heels for Alistair? Like he is so fucking huge, a giant basically, but he is friendly and patient and smiles as she asks all the things about the Wardens?
After Ostagar, they both bond over their shared grief about Duncan.
Her crush on Alistair solidifies as well during that time, but she never acts upon it. He is so pretty and tall and when he tells her that he is a human prince in Redcliffe, because ofc he is, it is obvious that he will never love her.
Leliana’s forehead is constantly reddened from all the facepalming she does, because these two are hunting from one misunderstanding to the next, and are thick as bricks regarding their attraction to each other. While it is obvious to everyone else of course.
After Redcliffe, Alistair and Saria hit a new low, after he yells at her for letting Isolde sacrifice herself. So 10000% certain she butchered any chance with him and pissed and shocked he’d yelled at her like her mother always did, she takes Zevran up on his offer for a “massage”. Ironic twist: She is so tense that Zevran focuses on the massage alone, because brasca my dear warden you needed that.
Vanishing into Zev’s tent naturally made matters only worse between Alistair and Saria. Both are pouting and avoiding each other for days afterwards.
Save Leliana’s forehead Dragon 9:30
Zev is unsure whether to help or make another move, but is amused about their…complete lack of understanding romantic relationships. Not that he is the one to talk, still, it makes long evenings spent at the camp fire much more interesting. 
Morrigan and her never get along well, mainly because she feels defensive/protective of Alistair and dislikes how she is always insulting him. They hit off much later in Orzammar, after Morrigan met Saria’s mother. They basically bond over their abusive parents. Which is not the best, most positive thing to bond over, but hey it works for them.
She is fearful to return to Orzammar, knowing what is waiting for her there. It takes a lot of pep-talk of Leliana and Zevran to go there at all.
Seeing her sister again months later, and her doing so well for herself let her forget about her anxiety quickly. Naturally she is all for supporting Bhelen. 
She is an aunt, gosh. She loves the little boy so much. 
Then Leske happens and everything falls apart again. Seeing how devastated she is after she’d to kill her best friend, Alistair throws aside his stupid grudge/jealousy and consoles her. 
Afterwards, they talk things out, and he confesses his feelings for her and gives her The Rose™.
Naturally Saria does not know what to do with this, but gosh he called her a rare and beautiful thing, when she thought she would never escape dust town, even after becoming a Warden. So she might keep that herb…flower thing instead of eating it. After all, she doesn’t need Morrigan to yell at her again, after they get along now. 
They kiss and spend the rest of the day cuddling. Somewhere in Orzammar, Leliana dances a happy dance. 
She hates the Deep Roads. But then again, everyone does.
Bhelen is crowned king and her sister is his mistress. Wow, cool. And with Alistair being a prince and heir to the throne she could have that too :)
Due to her alcoholic mother Saria never touches any drinks. Also out of fear to become like her then. Naturally her and Oghren don’t get along well. She tries to help him in hiding his stash, which goes over just as well as you imagine it to go. Their relationship is very distanced, tho she appreciates his aid in battles. Beyond that, she lets the others handle him.
Being caught between fearful and fascinated by magic, she nearly recruits the templar in the circle quest, until the passionate plea of Zevran changes her mind and she save the mages in last minute.
Wynne becomes the group mom and is practically/somewhat the mother Saria never had.
Alistair’s and Saria’s first time is after the circle quest, in the inn. Saria had made moves before, quite enthusiastically even, but Alistair asked her to still wait a bit, since he wasn’t ready.
Loving Alistair is terrifying and beautiful alike. Saria had always conflated love with sex, so learning that she is worthy of love and even is loved in such an open, genuine way by him, is a whole different experience than the quick tumbles before. 
They are that gross lovey-dovey doe-eyed couple who can’t get enough of each other and make Morrigan gag while Leliana (and also Zev, bc no hard feelings here) cheers them on xD
Saria never hardens Alistair (well she does, quite often in fact, but just in another way…ahem) since after visiting his sister the last thing she would say is “everyone is out for themselves. You better learn that.” She consoles him and they declare their love for each other…again. Somewhere in the distance, you can hear Morrigan gagging.
She breaks the curse and saves both, the elves and humans turned werewolves. Forests are weird, especially this one. Saria is happy when they are able to leave there again. 
After meeting Arl assho…Eamon awake and seeing how he treats Alistair like a pawn despite him protesting against it, very loudly and often, Saria quickly changes her mind on making Alistair king. He should be free to choose his life and not be bound to the family and blood that never even acknowledged him and treated him like nugshit. (If they weren’t all dead already, Saria would smash them into a pulp for that)
She is not a huuuge fan of Anora, mildly put, simply because she reminds her too much on the dwarven nobles at Orzammar. But, as Alistair puts it, better her than him. 
She hates human politics and is glad when the landsmeet is finally over and Queen Anora gives them the much needed troops for the last push.
Alistair is so happy to NOT be king that he visits Saria in her room afterwards and declares once again his undying devotion to her and thanks her…with sex. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The Dark Ritual is as always an ugly affair and nearly doesn’t happen. But, like Lenya, she let him choose whether or not to go through with it. And Alistair does, bc, like Lenya, he doesn’t want her to die.
Saria is the one killing the archdemon and ending the Blight. Alistair and her run off to rebuild the Wardens together. After putting up a memorial for Duncan in Highever and having many weeks off from darkspawn slaying, ofc.
Zev and Leliana stay around in Amaranthine, helping to run things. At least until the Crows come knocking again and threaten Saria once more. Then Zev leaves to “clean up their ranks” but always returns to those he calls his “true friends.”  
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ourlesbianlives · 7 years
I'm so tired I need to get this out of my chest :(.When I was 8 I had my first "crush" on a girl. It was an innocent thing ofc like I made her Valentine's day cards and I asked my mom to buy me a little heart bracelet like mine so I could give it to her so we could match and things like that. During my pre-teens and teens years, it was the same thing. I had my first gf when I was 16 and my first time ever was with her. But this entire time I had people in my life saying that I was too young 1+
to know. dad tried to take me away from my mom because she tried to understand me and my feelings and let me had my little crushes and talk to me about it and was in general really supportive. But everyone else tried to say I was wrong, that I was (am) too young. I’m 19 now and I feel like I should “water down” my attraction to women and I’m feeling so lonely and sad.
I never felt attraction to men and sometimes I feel like a “freak” and I don’t want to feel that way but idk any lesbians that had similar experiences because most lesbians I follow had past relationships with men and ofc they talk about that and I can’t relate (and they have every right to) I just want to talk with other lesbians like me. This pressure to try with men are stressing me so much and people just don’t understand I have 0 interest and never felt this way I never doubted my sexuality even once.
Maybe my life would be easier if I try but I don’t want to harm myself like this. I’m in love with a girl and I will ask her out soon bc my friend told me she likes me too. I want to really try with her and I don’t want to let what people think of me and my sexuality bother me anymore. I want to stop thinking that I should not feel the way I feel about a woman or let these thoughts that something is wrong with me because I never had anything with a man and have no desire to. I want to read more about lesbians like me. I want to know that lesbians like me exist. I want to feel less isolated and lonely and I want a more man-free lesbian narrative and I don’t want to feel bad for wanting that tbh.
I’m just tired today bc a “friend” tried to set me up with this guy that doesn’t leave me the fuck alone and I’m so mad and so afraid that he’ll take my “no” as a challenge and I just want to live my life in peace and plan my date with the girl I like in peace without people trying to “correct” me or doubting my own sexuality for me bc I NEED to try date man to make sure. Sorry about the rant. :/
wow, sounds like a lot of very complicated feelings. most lesbians feel like a freak in one way or another, and i’m sorry that you’re feeling alone on your particular lesbian path. you are absolutely NOT alone and i encourage you to seek out other lesbians to connect with on this issue. if any of our followers is looking for other lesbians of this experience to talk to, comment, reblog, seek each other out! i know this can be a contentious topic but i understand what it’s like to feel alone in a specific experience of being a lesbian. this is your experience and you deserve connection with other women facing the same internal and external struggles as you.
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