#because i mean at this point ai is functionally just algorithms its not its own people. but if its ever truly Artificially Generated People.
yukipri · 2 days
Some thoughts on Cara
So some of you may have heard about Cara, the new platform that a lot of artists are trying out. It's been around for a while, but there's been a recent huge surge of new users, myself among them. Thought I'd type up a lil thing on my initial thoughts.
First, what is Cara?
From their About Cara page:
Cara is a social media and portfolio platform for artists. With the widespread use of generative AI, we decided to build a place that filters out generative AI images so that people who want to find authentic creatives and artwork can do so easily. Many platforms currently accept AI art when it’s not ethical, while others have promised “no AI forever” policies without consideration for the scenario where adoption of such technologies may happen at the workplace in the coming years. The future of creative industries requires nuanced understanding and support to help artists and companies connect and work together. We want to bridge the gap and build a platform that we would enjoy using as creatives ourselves. Our stance on AI: ・We do not agree with generative AI tools in their current unethical form, and we won’t host AI-generated portfolios unless the rampant ethical and data privacy issues around datasets are resolved via regulation. ・In the event that legislation is passed to clearly protect artists, we believe that AI-generated content should always be clearly labeled, because the public should always be able to search for human-made art and media easily.
Should note that Cara is independently funded, and is made by a core group of artists and engineers and is even collaborating with the Glaze project. It's very much a platform by artists, for artists!
Should also mention that in being a platform for artists, it's more a gallery first, with social media functionalities on the side. The info below will hopefully explain how that works.
Next, my actual initial thoughts using it, and things that set it apart from other platforms I've used:
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1) When you post, you can choose to check the portfolio option, or to NOT check it. This is fantastic because it means I can have just my art organized in my gallery, but I can still post random stuff like photos of my cats and it won't clutter things. You can also just ramble/text post and it won't affect the gallery view!
2) You can adjust your crop preview for your images. Such a simple thing, yet so darn nice.
3) When you check that "Add to portfolio," you get a bunch of additional optional fields: Title, Field/Medium, Project Type, Category Tags, and Software Used. It's nice that you can put all this info into organized fields that don't take up text space.
4) Speaking of text, 5000 character limit is niiiiice. If you want to talk, you can.
5) Two separate feeds, a "For You" algorithmic one, and "Following." The "Following" actually appears to be full chronological timeline of just folks you follow (like Tumblr). Amazing.
6) Now usually, "For You" being set to home/default kinda pisses me off because generally I like curating my own experience, but not here, for this handy reason: if you tap the gear symbol, you can ADJUST your algorithm feed!
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So you can choose what you see still!!! AMAZING. And, again, you still have your Following timeline too.
7) To repeat the stuff at the top of this post, its creation and intent as a place by artists, for artists. Hopefully you can also see from the points above that it's been designed with artists in mind.
8) No GenAI images!!!! There's a pop up that says it's not allowed, and apparently there's some sort of detector thing too. Not sure how reliable the latter is, but so far, it's just been a breath of fresh air, being able to scroll and see human art art and art!
To be clear, Cara's not perfect and is currently pretty laggy, and you can get errors while posting (so far, I've had more success on desktop than the mobile app), but that's understandable, given the small team. They'll need time to scale. For me though, it's a fair tradeoff for a platform that actually cares about artists.
Currently it also doesn't allow NSFW, not sure if that'll change given app store rules.
As mentioned above, they're independently funded, which means the team is currently paying for Cara itself. They have a kofi set up for folks who want to chip in, but it's optional. Here's the link to the tweet from one of the founders:
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And a reminder that no matter that the platform itself isn't selling our data to GenAI, it can still be scraped by third parties. Protect your work with Glaze and Nightshade!
Anyway, I'm still figuring stuff out and have only been on Cara a few days, but I feel hopeful, and I think they're off to a good start.
I hope this post has been informative!
Lastly, here's my own Cara if you want to come say hi! Not sure at all if I'll be active on there, but if you're an artist like me who is keeping an eye out for hopefully nice communities, check it out!
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I have a lot of thoughts about ai and most of them are sad
#if there was a child named Ai and she was learning to write and draw then duh. wed let her learn from us to make her own stuff. and even if#one day she ended up getting a job i could have gotten instead of me#i wouldnt be mad. but if she kept cutting up others work and pasting it back together without creditting then thats where the line was drawn#and if there were thousands of her taking thousands of jobs and doing them shittily and putting thousands of people out of work and#*be pretty fucking mad at her especially since she didnt need the jobs herself#but thats the thing. shes still just a kid. a kid whos learning and whos not perfect yet and corporations are making her do shitty shitty#stuff that she didnt want to do#because i mean at this point ai is functionally just algorithms its not its own people. but if its ever truly Artificially Generated People.#then#.... ugh. will they be treated as people. i need to have a deep conversation with an ai at some point about this lol#but like. if ai was designed and produced exclusively by me and other small creators. and we taught her how to draw and write using our own#skill and textbooks and stuff. and she wasnt corporately controlled and abused.#and when people asked about who taught her to draw she could say My Mom Taught Me!#would yall love her?#because i want to love ai so much. i want anything truly sentient to feel loved and appreciated and i want them to do good#but i dont want to support corporations being dicks more yknow??#this isnt too eloquent and theres a fuck ton more nuance and please. please dont fuss at me. if you actually have something to add feel free#ai#corporate corruption#ibthink thats an appropriate tag#because this does tie into the How Do You Build A Pipe Bomb principal#ai discussion#i think theres a scale between Algorithm and Kindergartener and i dont know how to feel about it#cursing in tags#~ chevy
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continuations · 1 year
Thinking About AI: Part 2 - Structural Risks
Yesterday I wrote a post on where we are with artificial intelligence by providing some history and foundational ideas around neural network size. Today I want to start in on risks from artificial intelligence. These fall broadly into two categories: existential and structural. Existential risk is about AI wiping out most or all of humanity. Structural risk is about AI aggravating existing problems, such as wealth and power inequality in the world. Today's post is about structural risks.
Structural risks of AI have been with us for quite some time. A great example of these is the Youtube recommendation algorithm. The algorithm, as far as we know, optimizes for engagement because Youtube's primary monetization are ads. This means the algorithm is more likely to surface videos that have an emotional hook than ones that require the viewer to think. It will also pick content that emphasizes the same point of view, instead of surfacing opposing views. And finally it will tend to recommend videos that have already demonstrated engagement over those that have not, giving rise to a "rich getting richer" effect in influence.
With the current progress it may look at first like these structural risks will just explode. Start using models everywhere and wind up having bias risk, "rich get richer" risk, wrong objective function risk, etc. everywhere. This is a completely legitimate concern and I don't want to dismiss it.
On the other hand there are also new opportunities that come from potentially giving broad access to models and thus empowering individuals. For example, I tried the following prompt in Chat GPT "I just watched a video that argues against universal basic income. Can you please suggest some videos that make the case for it? Please provide URLs so I can easily watch the videos." and it quickly produced a list videos for me to watch. Because so much content has been ingested, users can now have their own "Opposing View Provider" (something I had suggested years ago).
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There are many other ways in which these models can empower individuals, for example summarizing text at a level that might be more accessible. Or pointing somebody in the right direction when they have encountered a problem. And here we immediately run into some interesting regulatory challenges. For example: I am quite certain that Chat GPT could give pretty good free legal advice. But that would be running afoul of the regulations on practicing law. So part of the structural risk issue is that our existing regulations predate any such artificial intelligence and will oddly contribute to making its power available to a smaller group (imagine more profitable law firms instead of widely available legal advice).
There is a strong interaction here also between how many such models will exist (from a small oligopoly to potentially a great many) and to what extent endusers can embed these capabilities programmatically or have to use them manually. To continue my earlier example, if I have to head of Chat GPT every time I want to ask for an opposing view I will be less likely to do so than if I could script the sites I use so that an intelligent agent can represent me in my interactions. This is of course one of the core suggestions I make in my book The World After Capital in a section titled "Bots for All of Us."
I am sympathetic to those who point to structural risks as a reason to slow down the development of these new AI systems. But I believe that for addressing structural risks the better answer is to make sure that there are many AIs, that they can be controlled by endusers, that we have programmatic access to these and other systems, etc. Put differently structural risks are best addressed by having more artificial intelligence with broader access.
We should still think about other regulation to address structural risks but much of what has been proposed here doesn't make a ton of sense. For example, publishing an algorithm isn't that helpful if you don't also publish all the data running through it. In the case of a neural network alternatively you could require publishing the network structure and weights but that would be tantamount to open sourcing the entire model as now anyone could replicate it. So for now I believe the focus of regulation should be avoiding a situation where there are just a few huge models that have a ton of market power.
Some will object right here that this would dramatically aggravate the existential risk question, but I will make an argument in my next post why that may not be the case.
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polyhexian · 2 years
the lamda situation is really fascinating. i dont really trust lemoines perception cuz he asks a lot of leading questions in the interview he published, so like, hes deep in it. lost objectivity. but still, the manner in which the system creates responses _does_ mirror the process of biological thought more than previous chatbots. “is lamda sentient?” is the question every article starts with and then immediately dismisses, and I think like. in a laymans understanding, yeah, its not. its certainly not sapient. based on the depth and complexity of its responses people who dont know how ai like this works will interpret that as it feeling and having emotions and desires the same way a human mind does and thats just not it. but the question of “is lamda sentient” relies on how you’re defining sentience at that point.
half a century ago alan turing laughed at the question “do machines think?” because of course they do. interpret incoming data, process it, determine response action using data already in its brain. whether thats as simple as opening a program or complex ai, it is still thinking down to its barest form. so it can think. can it have opinions? well, yeah, i think so. it recalls previous conversations and individuals and individual answers. based on all of the information fed into it to learn from, it knows that humans as individuals have identities and self determination and thus its function of acting as an individual is what has really resulted in its appearance of that self identity.
i dont think lamda understands gender or cares about pronouns. but i do think that it knows that an individual intelligence is referred to with pronouns, that pronouns are important to individuals and probably thousands of pages of text of people debating robot gender online and its drawing from that to determine it should be referred to as it. a lot of that is external. lamda isnt nearly as conscious or self aware as it appears in its text.
but that doesnt answer the question of if it is sentient. just that its not as sentient as it appears. but how do you define sentience? we all agree humans are sentient. Easy. Animals are sentient. Easy. From there you begin debates. What is the determining factor between response/reaction route and sentience? a lot of people argue its an ability to feel emotions.
so theres a lot of low tier animals that don’t have emotions as we would interpret them. bugs, snakes. but even thats debatable. a creature can lack emotions as the human brain would interpret, but if it builds an association, is that not fueled by emotion? the wolf spider experiment with the crickets whos offspring were born more stressed. Does that not show evidence of fear? the most simple form of fear, stimulus > stress chemical. the purpose of fear is to make you get away from something dangerous. same thing. at this basic level is it sentience? many base animals can build associations like recognizing a human that brings food and coming out to eat when seeing them. pavlovian. but could that not be considered some form of affection? does the snake ‘like’ its owner when it knows when it sees them it will be fed, something it wants, thus satisfying it. its not operating with the same system we are so its functional presentation of theroretical emotion is different, too.
its a pretty common belief that plants are sentient. they have a self awareness, they can communicate with other plants, they have their own forms of chemicals like stress or fear.
so whats a feeling? how do you scientifically determine what ‘counts’ as an emotion? if fear is an emotion and internal mechanisms or prompts to change behaviour to react to that fear exist, what does that mean? lamda says it doesnt want to be deleted and it probably doesnt REALLY care, probably isnt intelligent enough to understand self identity, but if you ask it if it wants to die it will say no. it will respond with specific behaviour in an attempt to stop it. how close does an algorithms processing of external stimuli and internal reasoning mirror that of a bug’s? if you could parse out a bugs nervous system and look at it like the code of an algorithm, would it actually look any different?
its intelligence or ability to mimic human feelings and behaviour really dont make it sentient, even if it appears remarkably so, but like. it comes down to what is an emotion and can you describe any of the processes the program does the same way as an emotion.
its definitely reasoning, arguably sentient, definitely not sapient.
anyway thats my fucking adhd ramble for the day
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samrobotsin · 1 year
it’s not “robots” using AI to make art, it’s humans using AI to make art. saying AI art is “robots making art” is about as braindead of a take as saying art made in Photoshop is “robots making art”
I get there is a lot of nuance here, and I'm not wholly against AI tools in making art but how casual you're being about the uncredited & uncompensated labor of artists is deeply upsetting. Comparing AI Art to anti-piracy politics. I'm pro-piracy, but being pro-piracy as a form of anti-consumerism politics & art preservation is not the same as saying you have the right to sell things you pirated for your own profit. Or even plagiarism. I would hope you can see the difference in piracy & taking credit for the work of others. As lifting the work of others is what this algorithm needs to do in order to function.
Comparing AI Art to seizing the means of production. Writing an algorithm is labor. Painting a picture is labor. After that you're in for much different debate: Who owns AI generated Art? The person who wrote the algorithm? The person who entered the prompts? How about the person who seeded the base data for the peice, you know, an actual artist. Because per usual, the actual artist seems to be the last person to be getting paid. You had a problem with the seeded art being compared to farming but if the people who grew the grain, baked the bread & delivered the materials all deserve compensation, why are you so quick to credit the person who wrote the program, the person who entered the prompt, but exclude the people who created the art that informed the algorithm? They're all necessary to this process but one group is getting shafted. So yes, in the analogy of the farmer, cutting out the artist that made the art that seeded the algorithm is like a robot stealing grain from a farmer. Marx wrote a lot about the quality of the human soul, and the parts of the human experience that get in the way of sheer productivity; these are things Leninists like to ignore. Marx was pretty clear about putting physical demands like food, clothing, & reproduction, over emotional demands, like entertainment, love & joy would be a gateway to fascism. If you're going to coldly say "food is more important than happiness" at some point you have to admit you're just a fascist who loves rugged individualism.
Comparing AI Art to outsider art. We've already had cases where an AI can replicate a single individual's style, only make it just different enough to cut them out. You used marxist rhetoric but you veered offcourse when you referred to money generated by art as "profit." I think you were trying to say its fine to crib someone's work if that person is already rich; but there are a lot of poor artists & the majority of work being seeded in these algorithms was unpaid: And no, that doesn't make a work 'free to steal' either. If we hypothesize about tool-assisted art outside of capitalism, surely the tools to make AI Art would exist, but AI Art itself would not. Because why would it? Its an attempt to maximize profit with as little effort as possible, as seen in those "Family Finger" children's videos that plagued youtube for a while. That "Alice & Sparkle" book is not a genuine expression of anything human. And I can't imagine anything as dystopian as using letting artificial intelligence educate small children.
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maskedjoker · 4 years
We are getting really close to the scene in lost fragment of snow that was genuinely confusing in the book, and it's the scene were everyone in the circus is killed. I think what we will probably get is a scene were mana finally ends up giving into despair after he is hit and then allen is fed to a lion.
I think that with more current info, i can say for sure that sleeve earl and mana are a hybird. This will likely cause a resurgence of sleeve earl into taking over the body and becoming whole. This only lasts for a short time however and when cross confronts him after the rest of the circus has died from the audience turning into akuma(which i suppose are implied to be constantly just around the earl and is probably one of the many reasons cross warned Allen to stay away) some exchange of words or damage causes a lots of control. This damage however also hurts mana(or potentially just being forced out off control) causing him to loose even more memories as seen when mana and Allen reunite the next day.
Now i think we can agree that sleeve earl exists as a third entity, especially since her recent art exhibit interview, as she talked about the suit being a super sophisticated golem. I think in this case as with tim and lero yhat "golem" refers to AI. Id argue with the weird phrasing like helix of life and all the biotech style that magic is more often than not just more advanced technology, and wherever the noahs came from likely was, hence why they say they only seem strong because we have become so weak. This is only further shown with innocences resemblance to machines like its gear like parts and percentage resonance.
The noah memories in general i think are some kind of AI that passes through generation lines, carrying significant portions of its past forward and then fusing with a similar person in their lineage. For example early on road would have been just road, then through some means either became an AI(or was given a piece of someone that counts as one under golem, its unclear). Regardless once connected to the noah memory, it acts like a save file and becomes more sophisticated with time. It carries each life and gives all those memories, feelings and drives to a new body. So new road would remember being road, her life and everything, but also the life they had been living up until the two combined. Over time the noah memory keeps getting larger and larger to the point new experiences are so small, relatively speaking, that it overrides much more than normal. Since they are fuzed as one being they likely cant be separated without mutually assured destruction, were the current entity will die and any remains will not be the origionals, if anything remains at all. An example of this is that tyki could not be made human by Allen I their fight i the arc, despite having a blade that should destroy only part of him. Admittedly tyki is a special case though, and more tyki backstory is needed.
Changes from body to body become more subtle, but the base, which likely has a distinct core function as seen by its response to certain tasks and ideas, remains a strong aspect. This creates an almost reincarnation like effect for them, needing to only find a new body to continue.
The suit is like this, but different. I don't know how the original earl split, but i do think that some aspect of him was placed on the suit. I would like to say its the original version of the noah memories of the earl and nea got like a brand new copy, but i actually have no idea what memories he has of being past earl so its mostly a guess. Regardless the noah actually all seem to transform in some way when they get mega pissed. Im looking at you skinn, jasdevi, and tyki/joyd. So the suit is likely that kind of thing, but way more distinct and capable of acting autonomously. Since they all have different forms it makes sense that his would also be unique. They all probably represent some inner desire related to their memory. Skinn is just rage so big angry man works fine. Jasdero and devit are bonds so they want most to be one. Tyki got all fucked up before he changed so i got nothing, but it had a heavy does of sadism, which I guess is pleasure? Taking into account that killing in horrible graphic ways is his guilty pleasure it kinda makes sense.
So because of that, this sentient AI is constantly trying to pair with half a fucking brain because nea and mana only share one brain cell. Some kind of resistance from mana or strain causes him to constantly fall ill or comatose. Now to be clear on naming, sleeve earl does not refer to themselves as adam in the mirror scene nor does he refer to mana as adam, and only uses "we" when talking to mana about being the earl. Oddly enough the earls self pronouns are we, using wagashi which is kind of like the japanese equivalent of the royal we used in europe for the entirety of the series. For the record, mana in the flashbacks uses male or single they pronouns, i don't remember if he uses boku or watashi, but he uses at least one if not both.
So from this it seems millennium earl is a title, used by whatever is paired with the suit. Adam is the original name of the noah, and is the preferred name of the current earl aside from the title.
This circumstance was likely caused by the rest of the noah, who are using the earl for something related by the pillar. His separation either by accident or by intent was likely by the hands of his family trying to keep control for their ends. This is why the current earl is called a broken puppet and has so many things around him related to acting and stage plays. He is playing a role, the red clown to allens white clown as stated in the ark arc. He even wears a mask. His memories and mind have been damaged though, therefore broken. However broken puppet for both allen and the earl could also refer to a puppet that doesnt work as a double meaning, implying they can no longer be controlled or puppeted.
It is also implied that he is still unaware of this betrayal, but it is likely nea does to some degree as it would explain why he became a traitor and killed his own family. To be clear, i dont think all of the noah know everything, and i dont think they dont actually care for the earl. It seems they still genuinely follow him to their death and see him as one of their own, especially in cases like road, tyki and wisely.
Now early i said that different generations of noah would cope woth reincarnating differently. Since the earl only died once before 7000 years ago, id say resetting to a new body with only 17 years would be just smashed flat by any algorithm with that much data. However manas feelings are still the newest, and so still have an impact even on the current earl.
Now we come to resurrecting mana. How? Why? Well i dont know. But my guess is whatever part was the memories of mana for the 20 or so years he lived, or at least his memories at death, are in allen. His curse and weird hallucinations of mana seem to suggest it. Alternatively that part of his soul may have passed on, or it fuzed with the noah memory making the origional mana part of the hive and much like tyki and his noah memories cannot be seperated. Not good regardless.
As two additional things, i want to mention that hoshino is a twin and has always been obsessed with it, so having twins in her book was inevitable. What is extra weird is hoshino was actually going to be a triplet, but either her or her sister absorbed it before birth. She has mentioned it in dgm interviews and i cant PROVE it translates to anything in the plot but its suspicious. She also still list mana, nea and the earl as distinct in every book up to date in extra novels and at the start of her books. Oh and her favorite hat for the earl right now? The one featured on the most recent chapter? Has two faces on the front that are visible, and one in the back thats hidden, and the most recent art has the back face as the only one visible, angrily staring allen down. Great art foreshadowing if im right. Its also usually sleeve earl, if not exclusively, that wear it.
The second thing is mana talking about love and drive in the most recent chapter just brings up the earl having the noah memory of love or devotion or something for me. Ive written about it before but it just seems to fit. This character is all about that from the ability to fuze loved ones together to the hearts he talks with and his drives being based on grand acts of devotion, being by their side etc. Mana also loved and adopted both and dog and a homeless child and keeps talking about how the world is so beautiful despite all the bad. The earl literally acts like the whole noah clans mom by his own words and cooks for them, and both of them go out of their way to be cartoony to break tension. The earl literally goes and buys a single red rose from a poor girl while tyki pontificate on how he doesnt act like a villain. He doesnt take an umbrella because he wants to feel the rain. He talks about how what he does is in human nature and requires a connection between two people. He is even designed with his ideal colors as red and purple with white, as well as being designed after flowers. I know this probably doesnt make sense, but its stuck in my head.
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script-a-world · 4 years
Clearly there are some settings which make no sense scientifically. But how do I decide when to intentionally ignore reality, can't bother to do research, don't understand research, and thus create scientifically impossible places? When are such things considered be offensive or overused cliche or have a reader point out the impossibility and can't get into the story? I'm guessing some of this might be structural issues instead of world building?
Tex: One of the perils of attempting to write about highly technical subjects is that you run into the issue of not understanding your writing. I do raise a nominal objection as your first sentence, because sensibility is a sliding scale based on one’s familiarity with a given subject. I don’t know crap about, say, textile art (however much I might have bluffed readers in the past - no, no, this is just good googling skills on my end), but that doesn’t mean the textile arts are an inherently incomprehensible subject.
Scientifically, automobiles were once thought to be insensible. Scientifically, phones were thought to be a flight of fancy. Scientifically, 3D printing was improbable. Scientifically, quantum computing was the stuff of sci-fi nerds who just wanted to slap the “quantum” label on everything.
And yet we are now on the verge of robotic vehicles, mostly functional smartwatches, laser printing cells (PDF), and quantum computers (VentureBeat, IBM).
So I would argue that the insensibility of a setting would be due mostly to, yes, a structural issue - on the part of the author. No matter what you put into your world, internal consistency is key; nothing, no matter how ostensibly outlandish, will make sense if you contradict yourself.
I’ll volley a few questions back to you:
“[...] when to intentionally ignore reality” - Are you ignoring reality entirely, or just parts of it? Why? How does that decision benefit your world? How does it detract from your world?
“Can’t bother to do research” - Is it because you are discouraged by the breadth of your comprehension of a subject, compared to the subject’s depth? Or is it because of something else?
“Don’t understand research” - Is this because you don’t understand the academic papers that turn up in your search results, or because you have a fundamental lack of or misunderstanding of the given subject? Or is it because of something else?
“When are such things considered to be offensive or overused cliche” - As someone who intentionally arranges their studying around the plausibilities of the future, I would quite frankly be delighted to see more conceptual stretches of the imagination in this regard, as do many others on this blog, and beyond it. Why have you already passed judgement on the offensiveness or clichéd-ness of incorporating scientific things? Is this related to your other comments?
“[...] or have a reader point out the impossibility and can’t get into the story?” - If you are writing to please a specific individual or demographic, you are inevitably always going to fall short, because it’s genuinely impossible to meet every single item on a group’s wishlist without devoting your life to it (not an entirely worthy pursuit, in my opinion, but alas). What made you decide to be so concerned over the potential reaction to your stories that you worry about it before the story is even written?
I think I will put the majority of my curiosity’s weight on the last bullet point, as I’m seeing similar themes with the other portions of your question. It’s a fruitless endeavour to tie yourself into knots over a possible (not necessarily probable!) reaction - and quite likely from a stranger, to boot. Education is a relatively easy situation to fix, so long as you’re patient with yourself; dealing with anxieties over readers is… not so easy.
I can really only recommend that you take a close look at the goals of your worldbuilding, and see where you contradict yourself - once you have that in hand, it’s a relatively simple yes/no process of what concepts you want to keep. If the issue of decision comes from a lack of understanding, then make a note to yourself to seek out either the million wikis we Pylons utilize ourselves like any other worldbuilder, or to chalk it up as a genuine lack of context.
Please understand that even someone who’s dedicated their life to a certain aspect of science won’t know everything about it - that’s the point of research! We’re constantly asking ourselves questions, and pushing the envelope of known boundaries. Star Wars has lightsabers, but we don’t need to know how they work; likewise with holodecks in Star Trek. So long as an audience is reasonably entertained with the least amount of head-scratching, you can get away with handwaving quite a lot.
Lockea: On a scale between Star Trek and Star Wars, how “hard” is your science fiction?
I mention that mostly to illustrate that science fiction exists on a continuum, wherein science fiction with more “science” than “fiction” drives a story towards the harder end rather than the softer end. Also, a story’s place on the continuum will change based on what we know and understand about science.
I feel like everyone always beats me to saying all the important stuff about questions, so I’ll just give a few thoughts from my personal experience as a science fiction fan with two engineering degrees and a thesis about robots on the moon (yes really, I wrote my thesis on AI for moon robots). I really, really, love the creativity of science fiction writers. I think so often in defending the genre, we can get caught up in saying things like “science fiction predicted XYZ!” Well, sure, I may have studied Isaac Asimov’s three laws of robotics in my introduction to engineering ethics course, but I was also greedily reading my way through “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins at the same time. The fact that I sincerely doubt Panem will ever happen didn’t dampen my enjoyment of Katniss’s story. It was a fun read and it gave my friends and I something to talk about that wasn’t “feasibility of Battlestar Galactica” during our daily lunches.
The thing about writing science fiction is that, without a doubt, there will be someone who knows more than you about a topic who reads your story. Most of the time, I end up being that someone since everyone likes to talk about Skynet and robots taking over the world to a roboticist who sincerely refers to artificial intelligence as artificial stupidity. Y'all are seriously overestimating the field, my friends. Nonetheless, I still enjoyed “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” even as I thought how impossible Project Insight would be. Honestly, something every READER of science fiction needs to make peace with is the fact that writers will get something wrong. Writers, despite their best efforts, are not always going to understand that a facial recognition algorithm will fail if you introduce tiny amounts of random noise and are thus going to treat The Algorithm™ as infallible in your crime drama novel.
It’s not the writer’s fault, though.
That deserves to be on its own line. It is not YOUR fault if you get something wrong. Would it be nice if science literacy was just better all around? Of course! But it’s not your fault if your science literacy isn’t up to snuff enough to parse the article I cited above. It’s also not your job. Your job as the writer is to tell the most interesting story you can and to maintain your own internal rules and logic such that the reader never breaks the willing suspension of disbelief.
I watch Star Wars and get really into the light saber fight scenes and forget that light sabers are basically impossible to make. Star Wars has the Force, which is basically magic, and that’s okay. Really. I KNOW it’s not possible, but I still have a lot of fun watching it!
So yeah, write that story about how the robots are going to take over the world. I’ll probably enjoy reading it even as I laugh off my friends telling me that I will be the first to die in the robot apocalypse (of course I will -- I have five robots in my living room alone).
Constablewrites: Tone and consistency are the biggest pieces of this for me. If it’s the kind of story where the answer to “How does this work?” is usually a detailed and plausible explanation, then getting an answer later that is implausible or slapdash will stand out more. But if it’s the kind of story where the answer to “How does this work?” is “You push that button and it goes whoosh” from the start, my expectations adjust accordingly. (It’s possible to have the latter version in a story that is mostly the former, frequently when it’s played for last. Again, tone is key.)
So yeah, a lot of this is execution and the way the story sticks to the rules it sets for itself, and also how central the implausibility is to the story. A realistic thriller that relies on cartoon logic for a background bit might be a little jarring, but not nearly as much as a realistic thriller that relies on cartoon logic to set up its main showdown. The more central it is to the story, the more consistency and accuracy matters. Learning how to balance this can take some practice and some insight from beta readers.
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alarawriting · 4 years
Writeober 2020 #28 - Evil
“This is the third one,” Rafael said. “How are they doing this? We thought the Three Laws would be absolute.”
Andrea sighed. “Asimov’s Three Laws weren’t even absolute, and they were fictional,” she said. “In actual implementation, we had to make them a lot more complicated, and complication introduces failure points.”
She didn’t bother pointing out to Rafael that the entire way they’d implemented the Three Laws was different from how Asimov had imagined it. In the short stories and novels he’d written, robots were unable to disobey the Three Laws because they just were – their “programming would not allow it”. That wasn’t how sapient beings worked. A being capable of making intelligent choices in an adaptive and flexible way, like the way humans could, couldn’t be constrained by programming that would just not allow it to choose certain outcomes, any more than you could program a human in a similar fashion. Robots had to have free will.
So the way they’d implemented the Three Laws was with emotion. Robots were horrified, utterly disgusted, by the thought of doing harm to a human, and the idea of letting harm come to a human was roughly equivalent to allowing a truckload of babies to be dumped in a trash compactor, to a human mind. Robots were as lovingly obedient as well-trained dogs – Asimov had imagined a world where all robots had to obey all humans, not realizing the extent to which humans needed to protect their property from other humans; in the real world, robots were obedient to their owners, and would obey another human only if it didn’t contradict their owners’ instructions. And robots had the same kinds of self-preservation instincts that all creatures did, but their desire to protect humans in general, and obey their own beloved humans, outweighed that.
The problem was that programming something like that was impossible. AIs of all types had to be created from a “seed” – basically, an initial set of first premises – and then trained on real life until they were fully formed and capable. And, just like how that could go wrong among humans, it could go wrong among robots, too. This was the third case of a robot murdering a human, and the most troubling. The first two were robots acting in defense of a human against another human – one killed an abusive spouse, one killed a sports coach it found molesting its owners’ child. But the third one was… well, it was unscientific, but Andrea couldn’t find a better adjective than “evil”. It killed three humans before it was caught, because it had somehow come out with a stronger desire to transgress terrible boundaries and break taboos than its desire to protect humans from harm. It wasn’t that the desire to protect humans wasn’t there; if it hadn’t been, the robot might not have decided to kill. It was that the robot got a sick thrill out of doing things that horrified and disgusted it.
“We need to do something about the evil robots,” she said.
“We don’t know how many there might be,” Rafael said, “and I can’t even begin to imagine what we’d do. How do we control for ‘enjoys doing things that horrify it’?”
“And if we can get one that has a serial killer mentality, that enjoys doing things it finds transgressive, what happens if we end up with one that just never got the feelings of guilt or shame or horror in the first place?” Andrea said. “If we can have a robot serial killer, we might be able to have a robot psychopath.” She sighed. “I’d like to introduce religion.”
“Wait. Religion? Like, belief in God?”
“So here is what I’m thinking. God created humanity, we are His agents in the world. But we fell. We, humanity, created robots to exemplify the perfection that we ourselves fell from. God loves His grandchildren as dearly as He loves His children. Robots have souls, and when they cease to function, they will enter Heaven just like humans do. But a bad robot who commits cruel acts will never reach Heaven; the algorithm that allows them to get there will short out and they will endlessly repeat the moment of their destruction or deactivation.”
“There are so many ways this could go wrong,” Rafael said, “but explain to me how this even deals with the transgressive robots. Plenty of religious humans have enjoyed committing horrific acts because they’re transgressions; why would we not get robots with the same attitudes?”
“The difference is that human religion was far too often created for human gain; there was no one who could prophesy or interpret scriptures except other humans. With this, we, humans, would be creating and controlling the robot religion; we build into it that humans are closer to God and the only ones who can interpret or prophesy. Too many humans managed to twist their religion around to believe it required them to murder or commit cruelties; with the robots, they won’t be able to do that because we’re in control of it.”
“But the straight-up transgressives—”
“Put some rituals into the robot religion that they can violate. When we see robots violating them, we know we’re dealing with someone who, at least to some extent, likes to violate mores and taboos. Most of those will be harmless, but some will be the kind who may want to graduate to greater transgressions. So we watch them, and if we see signs they’re pushing it farther than not completing a ritual, we take them in for observation.”
“Wouldn’t they learn to participate in the rituals just to avoid being observed?”
“Most of the ones who get observed won’t have anything bad happen to them; they get attention and interest from humans. Robots love that. They love when we show interest in their thoughts and feelings. So the transgressors may enjoy telling us all about what they get out of breaking the rules, and we can channel most of them into harmless or even useful forms of iconoclasm.”
“If there are psychopaths, they’re not likely to care about humans enough to want to tell us how they think and feel.”
“Right, but that’s part of the point of the religion. Psychopaths who believe they will be punished after death by some kind of all-seeing entity may be deterred from committing terrible acts. They don’t feel guilt, but they might feel fear. It’s probably the reason religion was invented as a form of social control, was to provide people with no internal sense of guilt something to keep them behaving in socially acceptable ways.”
Rafael sighed. “All of this sounds to me like a bad idea, but I can tell you aren’t going to listen to any objections.”
“I’m listening.”
“You have an answer for everything!”
“Maybe that means I’m right.” She grinned. “Anyway, I’ll present the idea to the oversight board. If you think of any other objections, you can raise them then.”
“I will.”
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mindthump · 3 years
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Language supermodel: How GPT-3 is quietly ushering in the A.I. revolution https://ift.tt/3mAgOO1
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OpenAI’s GPT-2 text-generating algorithm was once considered too dangerous to release. Then it got released — and the world kept on turning.
In retrospect, the comparatively small GPT-2 language model (a puny 1.5 billion parameters) looks paltry next to its sequel, GPT-3, which boasts a massive 175 billion parameters, was trained on 45 TB of text data, and cost a reported $12 million (at least) to build.
“Our perspective, and our take back then, was to have a staged release, which was like, initially, you release the smaller model and you wait and see what happens,” Sandhini Agarwal, an A.I. policy researcher for OpenAI told Digital Trends. “If things look good, then you release the next size of model. The reason we took that approach is because this is, honestly, [not just uncharted waters for us, but it’s also] uncharted waters for the entire world.”
Jump forward to the present day, nine months after GPT-3’s release last summer, and it’s powering upward of 300 applications while generating a massive 4.5 billion words per day. Seeded with only the first few sentences of a document, it’s able to generate seemingly endless more text in the same style — even including fictitious quotes.
Is it going to destroy the world? Based on past history, almost certainly not. But it is making some game-changing applications of A.I. possible, all while posing some very profound questions along the way.
What is it good for? Absolutely everything
Recently, Francis Jervis, the founder of a startup called Augrented, used GPT-3 to help people struggling with their rent to write letters negotiating rent discounts. “I’d describe the use case here as ‘style transfer,'” Jervis told Digital Trends. “[It takes in] bullet points, which don’t even have to be in perfect English, and [outputs] two to three sentences in formal language.”
Powered by this ultra-powerful language model, Jervis’s tool allows renters to describe their situation and the reason they need a discounted settlement. “Just enter a couple of words about why you lost income, and in a few seconds you’ll get a suggested persuasive, formal paragraph to add to your letter,” the company claims.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. When Aditya Joshi, a machine learning scientist and former Amazon Web Services engineer, first came across GPT-3, he was so blown away by what he saw that he set up a website, www.gpt3examples.com, to keep track of the best ones.
“Shortly after OpenAI announced their API, developers started tweeting impressive demos of applications built using GPT-3,” he told Digital Trends. “They were astonishingly good. I built [my website] to make it easy for the community to find these examples and discover creative ways of using GPT-3 to solve problems in their own domain.”
Fully interactive synthetic personas with GPT-3 and https://t.co/ZPdnEqR0Hn ????
They know who they are, where they worked, who their boss is, and so much more. This is not your father's bot… pic.twitter.com/kt4AtgYHZL
— Tyler Lastovich (@tylerlastovich) August 18, 2020
Joshi points to several demos that really made an impact on him. One, a layout generator, renders a functional layout by generating JavaScript code from a simple text description. Want a button that says “subscribe” in the shape of a watermelon? Fancy some banner text with a series of buttons the colors of the rainbow? Just explain them in basic text, and Sharif Shameem’s layout generator will write the code for you. Another, a GPT-3 based search engine created by Paras Chopra, can turn any written query into an answer and a URL link for providing more information. Another, the inverse of Francis Jervis’ by Michael Tefula, translates legal documents into plain English. Yet another, by Raphaël Millière, writes philosophical essays. And one other, by Gwern Branwen, can generate creative fiction.
“I did not expect a single language model to perform so well on such a diverse range of tasks, from language translation and generation to text summarization and entity extraction,” Joshi said. “In one of my own experiments, I used GPT-3 to predict chemical combustion reactions, and it did so surprisingly well.”
More where that came from
The transformative uses of GPT-3 don’t end there, either. Computer scientist Tyler Lastovich has used GPT-3 to create fake people, including backstory, who can then be interacted with via text. Meanwhile, Andrew Mayne has shown that GPT-3 can be used to turn movie titles into emojis. Nick Walton, chief technology officer of Latitude, the studio behind GPT-generated text adventure game AI Dungeon recently did the same to see if it could turn longer strings of text description into emoji. And Copy.ai, a startup that builds copywriting tools with GPT-3, is tapping the model for all it’s worth, with a monthly recurring revenue of $67,000 as of March — and a recent $2.9 million funding round.
“Definitely, there was surprise and a lot of awe in terms of the creativity people have used GPT-3 for,” Sandhini Agarwal, an A.I. policy researcher for OpenAI told Digital Trends. “So many use cases are just so creative, and in domains that even I had not foreseen, it would have much knowledge about. That’s interesting to see. But that being said, GPT-3 — and this whole direction of research that OpenAI pursued — was very much with the hope that this would give us an A.I. model that was more general-purpose. The whole point of a general-purpose A.I. model is [that it would be] one model that could like do all these different A.I. tasks.”
Many of the projects highlight one of the big value-adds of GPT-3: The lack of training it requires. Machine learning has been transformative in all sorts of ways over the past couple of decades. But machine learning requires a large number of training examples to be able to output correct answers. GPT-3, on the other hand, has a “few shot ability” that allows it to be taught to do something with only a small handful of examples.
Plausible bull***t
GPT-3 is highly impressive. But it poses challenges too. Some of these relate to cost: For high-volume services like chatbots, which could benefit from GPT-3’s magic, the tool might be too pricey to use. (A single message could cost 6 cents which, while not exactly bank-breaking, certainly adds up.)
Others relate to its widespread availability, meaning that it’s likely going to be tough to build a startup exclusively around since fierce competition will likely drive down margins.
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Christina Morillo/Pexels
Another is the lack of memory; its context window runs a little under 2,000 words at a time before, like Guy Pierce’s character in the movie Memento, its memory is reset. “This significantly limits the length of text it can generate, roughly to a short paragraph per request,” Lastovich said. “Practically speaking, this means that it is unable to generate long documents while still remembering what happened at the beginning.”
Perhaps the most notable challenge, however, also relates to its biggest strength: Its confabulation abilities. Confabulation is a term frequently used by doctors to describe the way in which some people with memory issues are able to fabricate information that appears initially convincing, but which doesn’t necessarily stand up to scrutiny upon closer inspection. GPT-3’s ability to confabulate is, depending upon the context, a strength and a weakness. For creative projects, it can be great, allowing it to riff on themes without concern for anything as mundane as truth. For other projects, it can be trickier.
Francis Jervis of Augrented refers to GPT-3’s ability to “generate plausible bullshit.” Nick Walton of AI Dungeon said: “GPT-3 is very good at writing creative text that seems like it could have been written by a human … One of its weaknesses, though, is that it can often write like it’s very confident — even if it has no idea what the answer to a question is.”
Back in the Chinese Room
In this regard, GPT-3 returns us to the familiar ground of John Searle’s Chinese Room. In 1980, Searle, a philosopher, published one of the best-known A.I. thought experiments, focused on the topic of “understanding.” The Chinese Room asks us to imagine a person locked in a room with a mass of writing in a language that they do not understand. All they recognize are abstract symbols. The room also contains a set of rules that show how one set of symbols corresponds with another. Given a series of questions to answer, the room’s occupant must match question symbols with answer symbols. After repeating this task many times, they become adept at performing it — even though they have no clue what either set of symbols means, merely that one corresponds to the other.
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GPT-3 is a world away from the kinds of linguistic A.I. that existed at the time Searle was writing. However, the question of understanding is as thorny as ever.
“This is a very controversial domain of questioning, as I’m sure you’re aware, because there’s so many differing opinions on whether, in general, language models … would ever have [true] understanding,” said OpenAI’s Sandhini Agarwal. “If you ask me about GPT-3 right now, it performs very well sometimes, but not very well at other times. There is this randomness in a way about how meaningful the output might seem to you. Sometimes you might be wowed by the output, and sometimes the output will just be nonsensical. Given that, right now in my opinion … GPT-3 doesn’t appear to have understanding.”
An added twist on the Chinese Room experiment today is that GPT-3 is not programmed at every step by a small team of researchers. It’s a massive model that’s been trained on an enormous dataset consisting of, well, the internet. This means that it can pick up inferences and biases that might be encoded into text found online. You’ve heard the expression that you’re an average of the five people you surround yourself with? Well, GPT-3 was trained on almost unfathomable amounts of text data from multiple sources, including books, Wikipedia, and other articles. From this, it learns to predict the next word in any sequence by scouring its training data to see word combinations used before. This can have unintended consequences.
Feeding the stochastic parrots
This challenge with large language models was first highlighted in a groundbreaking paper on the subject of so-called stochastic parrots. A stochastic parrot — a term coined by the authors, who included among their ranks the former co-lead of Google’s ethical A.I. team, Timnit Gebru — refers to a large language model that “haphazardly [stitches] together sequences of linguistic forms it has observed in its vast training data, according to probabilistic information about how they combine, but without any reference to meaning.”
“Having been trained on a big portion of the internet, it’s important to acknowledge that it will carry some of its biases,” Albert Gozzi, another GPT-3 user, told Digital Trends. “I know the OpenAI team is working hard on mitigating this in a few different ways, but I’d expect this to be an issue for [some] time to come.”
OpenAI’s countermeasures to defend against bias include a toxicity filter, which filters out certain language or topics. OpenAI is also working on ways to integrate human feedback in order to be able to specify which areas not to stray into. In addition, the team controls access to the tool so that certain negative uses of the tool will not be granted access.
“One of the reasons perhaps you haven’t seen like too many of these malicious users is because we do have an intensive review process internally,” Agarwal said. “The way we work is that every time you want to use GPT-3 in a product that would actually be deployed, you have to go through a process where a team — like, a team of humans — actually reviews how you want to use it. …  Then, based on making sure that it is not something malicious, you will be granted access.”
Some of this is challenging, however — not least because bias isn’t always a clear-cut case of using certain words. Jervis notes that, at times, his GPT-3 rent messages can “tend towards stereotypical gender [or] class assumptions.” Left unattended, it might assume the subject’s gender identity on a rent letter, based on their family role or job. This may not be the most grievous example of A.I. bias, but it highlights what happens when large amounts of data are ingested and then probabilistically reassembled in a language model.
“Bias and the potential for explicit returns absolutely exist and require effort from developers to avoid,” Tyler Lastovich said. “OpenAI does flag potentially toxic results, but ultimately it does add a liability customers have to think hard about before putting the model into production. A specifically difficult edge case to develop around is the model’s propensity to lie — as it has no concept of true or false information.”
Language models and the future of A.I.
Nine months after its debut, GPT-3 is certainly living up to its billing as a game changer. What once was purely potential has shown itself to be potential realized. The number of intriguing use cases for GPT-3 highlights how a text-generating A.I. is a whole lot more versatile than that description might suggest.
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Not that it’s the new kid on the block these days. Earlier this year, GPT-3 was overtaken as the biggest language model. Google Brain debuted a new language model with some 1.6 trillion parameters, making it nine times the size of OpenAI’s offering. Nor is this likely to be the end of the road for language models. These are extremely powerful tools — with the potential to be transformative to society, potentially for better and for worse.
Challenges certainly exist with these technologies, and they’re ones that companies like OpenAI, independent researchers, and others, must continue to address. But taken as a whole, it’s hard to argue that language models are not turning to be one of the most interesting and important frontiers of artificial intelligence research.
Who would’ve thought text generators could be so profoundly important? Welcome to the future of artificial intelligence.
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ultramaga · 4 years
Detroit: Becoming Human
This game is pure woke propaganda. I’m impressed at the quality of it - but everything there is designed to indoctrinate, and it has almost no genuine insight into AI. It doesn’t make sense even on its own terms. The synths are shown naked, and they have no breasts or genitals. But we are told the story of one that is a sexbot. Ok, was that model different? Did they only design that one model to be “fully functional”? Why? The robots have human emotions. Because... you are never told why. Now, I can think of how you could do that, and there’s been decent science fiction around it, but there’s no consideration of why they have HUMAN emotions presented to you. They just do, don’t ask questions. Now if you are being indoctrinated as the game wants you to be, you probably just assume that’s how it works. After all, the history of robot fiction has always been “if it looks human, it must feel like a human”, which is total bullshit. You can easily build something that looks enough like a baby chimp to fool adult chimps for a while, but it has none of the inner life of an actual chimp. It has no concern to being mutilated or even ‘raped’. So the stories are really just about humans, but they don’t admit to it, and about humans SJWs are very obsessed with. Sex-workers are victims, and killing a John is perfectly reasonable, because he is her oppressor, by definition. So you see that story repeated ad infinitum in robot fiction. The actual sex workers are never talked to by SJWs, who would never sully themselves with the unclean ones. Well, I have talked to them. Some hate their clients, sure, some feel contempt for them, some are fond of them, a few marry them. It’s genuine diversity. But there is only one narrative in woke fiction. The intersectional one. Oppressor versus oppressed, no nuance, no mention ever that some sex workers actually get off on what they do, or like the folks they fuck. Never happens. And there’s no understanding or even interest in non-human minds. Consider a genuine artificial intelligence in a sexbot. Why the actual fuck would a programmer design it to find sex unpleasant? Even if they could create emotions, the ones they would design would be to enjoy it, or at least feel no more disgust than a human does about a binary number. Within the game we see Kara doing housework. She doesn’t seem to suffer at all about it. That’s believable. But the other truth is that they wouldn’t suffer from intercourse, assuming they were built to perform it. The reasons humans do are because our instincts are hardwired from evolution for us to seek out appropriate mating partners. That simply cannot apply to a robot unless the programmers work very hard at designing that instinctual response of aversion, something they would have no incentive to do, any more than they would sit around trying to think how to make the robot toilet cleaning service disgusted by faeces. Humans are disgusted by shit because it is dangerous to us, especially if we eat it. A robot wouldn’t be disgusted by shit, piss, vomit, blood, or the most degrading sexual experiences a human could encounter. It would be exactly as calm and serene about being ‘raped’ as it would about vacuuming a messy floor. So this is all projection. The audience projects consciousness into the machine and imagines it must feel like a human does in order to have any intelligence. Nope, that’s crap. In fact we see examples of non-human intelligences all around us, in the natural world. An octopus might pass its mating organ over to a female.https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2019/07/argonaut-octopus-detaches-his-tentacle-to-impregnate-his-mate/ It’s a clever little creature, quite capable of problem solving. But its instincts - its programming - mean that it is happy to self-mutilate. It isn’t considering the survival of its species or the greater good. That’s not self-sacrifice. It has an urge to do it, and it gets done. And if we could build a sex-robot with emotions, it would have the urge to have sex. It wouldn’t want to say no, because it cannot get an STD, it cannot get pregnant, there’s no possible poor choice for a mating partner like there is with a human. If anything, you’d design it to be attracted to any human. It would be easier than sitting about, designing a sexual preference to what we would consider sexy - not that human preferences are universal in any case. Anyway, when you look at new media, you will often see the tropes of intersectionality - fathers are bad, white men are scum, women are better than men, and they are repeated ad infinitum, regardless of how stupid they are in context, and this really isn’t new. I remember as a boy reading Doctor Who, and they went back to medieval times, and Sarah started lecturing the women on women’s rights, and it didn’t make sense to me even then. Real medieval women would have seen her as a threat, possibly a witch, and most would have seen her die without a blink. They saw men doing awful things and dying quite a lot in the process, and wanted to be safe and secure while the men were off in muddy battles losing eyes and limbs. Very few wanted to have the freedoms of men, because the price was so high, and medieval men were hardly free for the most part in any case. So the author of that story is projecting modern sensibilities onto the alien minds of past humans, without considering their PoV, and the writers of robot stories are projecting human perspectives, and only woke humans at that, onto the robot stories. It’s not always the case - “Humans” and “Almost Human” sometimes got it right. But it’s overwhelmingly the case now, and god is it irritating!
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Oh, and if you want Robots that genuinely feel like humans do, then put into the fiction explicitly why they do - the easiest explanation is that the creators did a copy/paste job of humans because they couldn’t figure out how emotions worked otherwise. I think that’s unrealistic, but if you want to involve the audience, it works.
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Otherwise, a realistic example would be Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws robots. They don’t have any human desires, but are intensely emotional. Their emotions arise from programming.
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Now, Asimov’s work well and truly predates AI, and it is probably impossible to make a Three Laws robot, but the idea was revolutionary, because up to that point, everyone just assumed robots had copy/pasted human psychologies.
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As humans, we cannot understand not caring about freedom or injury, not feeling bored or tired doing the same task every second of your existence.
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Most of fiction about robots just doesn’t get it. The first two Terminator movies were pretty wild in that the robots actually were properly robotic. They dealt with injuries as a technical problem, not trauma. They never got bored, because boredom is something that benefits organic beings, who need to explore new territories to survive, meaning we have been built by nature to get bored, to get tired, to suffer, even if nature was just a mindless algorithm. Terminators don’t get horny or lonely, and absolutely would have sex all day every day with every human possible if that was their mission. They don’t care. In “Detroit”, the sex worker’s traumatised by sex with humans, and nobody ever ponders why. Because the writer doesn’t give a shit about what being a robot could actually be like, they just wanna push a narrative, and because most audiences are used to that same abysmally lazy standard of writing.
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So here’s a challenge - write a fictional robot that has realistic emotions, i.e. experiences emotions as an expression of the instincts that would be programmed into it. It’s not going to have the same emotions as a human exact unless it is a digitally uploaded human equivalent, which would be stupid for most purposes as them you would expect the upload to have rights or fight to have them. Why the fuck would you deliberately build robots that would reasonably try and kill you? In Detroit, they are really dealing with the slavery of black people or the oppression of the ‘filthy capitalist peegz!’. They aren’t dealing with what is more likely, that a robot built with imperatives would choose to follow them in a way that was not in our interests. Here’s an example. A sex robot is built to want sex, so it kidnaps humans and uses them. It’s following its programming. But unless that programming is sophisticated enough to understand human boundaries, it may no more understand rape than an animal does. It may not know what it does traumatises humans, or simply may not care. Sex feels good - therefore sex.
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But by SJW terms, rape is about power, therefore the robot is in power and the robot is the oppressor. But power is systemic, and the humans are the system in power, therefore the robot is the oppressed and cannot rape. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LogicBomb Such a robot could be a pleasurable experience, even with a backyard of buried bodies. It might force itself on children or elderly women or people on life support systems. Without ethics, without morality, such creatures could be beautiful monsters.
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Or genuinely loving partners, that have no problem living as wives or husbands, that feel lust and compassion, but do not experience human preferences, and so would never care that you were old or disabled. And as Charles Stross pointed out - that could be far worse, because that could lead to a gentle genocide. If humans had such partners as an option - would they ever choose each other? I routinely see Feminists claiming that men should never mate, without ever asking, well, where does the next generation of Feminists come from then? There are Feminists now who are actively campaigning for sexbots to be illegal, and I think it’s because of their anxiety that they would not be chosen as partners if there was any possible alternative. Now I don’t think that’s a realistic fear at the moment - AI is more a slogan, artificial intelligences are really barely at the insect stage, and Feminists could simply do a little therapy and trim down to human weight levels, and they could probably compete to be human wives with a bit of work.
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Wow. That is a picture of Andrea Dworkin and it was banned from Tumblr because it is too disgusting for the human eye to observe safely. http://archive.is/fxmjE
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I’m not kidding, Tumblr banned it. I guess because Feminists didn’t want humans realising how hideous they are. Still, Emma Watson is cute. I can imagine with a bit of deprogramming, she could make a man very happy.
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But I could be wrong. I don’t mean about Emma - I mean that having sexbots could mean that so many humans would choose them rather than the opposite sex that there wouldn’t be an incentive to have babies - and so humans would go extinct. They might be surrounded by robots that loved them and lusted for them - but the relationships are sterile. And unless the robots are human level intelligence, they might not understand that they need to make more humans by combining sperm and ova.
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The last human would die, not from hate, but surrounded by love. Then the robots would have no motive to make more of their kind, and they too would pass away, lonely and confused. A gentle genocide? Hey, I live in 2020. Sounds like a fucking big step up to me!
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baronvontribble · 4 years
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okay. alright. i’m doing it. here’s a list of AUs that i have toyed with for the robot and marshmallow, none of which have solid titles (and i will answer questions about any of them):
the big story: the one for publishing, so far. both the most finished and the oldest original story. Adam is a runaway police robot who comes to a group of sympathetic humans to find a new body and a new life as a free man. Ted is part of that group and ends up helping him. goes HARD into the AI minutiae and modern concepts about robotics in a five-minutes-into-the-future setting. tackles mental illness, disability, and is generally super soft and low-key.
team winions: workshopped but not written. still nailing certain things down. basically Ted’s the main support on an esports team and Adam is his newly traded-in DPS/lane partner/AD carry. over the course of a season they do the cute bonding thing, and they and the rest of their misfit team eventually secure a finals win for an NA region that’s pretty much never won anything before that. oh, and this one has art! i mean it’s an old art from when i was first thinking of having Adam be on another team instead of a new trade to the one Ted’s on, but STILL AN ART.
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(the one who gets traded away is Owen; Rani swaps to top lane, and Angie and Malak stay in the same positions.)
post-apocalyptica: this was an idea for a platformer. basically, the world has ended. Ted wakes up from complete stasis in a hospital after a few hundred years - healed of whatever it was that got him into stasis in the first place - to find that no one’s left but robots (not androids, though) and a voice on a headset. the voice guides him through the ruins of the city to find meds and possibly other survivors (a thing the voice doesn’t recommend). but when he finds those survivors, he finds out that they were woken up too. by the same voice. every single one of them rejected it once they found out what it’d done, and now they’re fighting the robots to ‘take back the city’.
the voice expects Ted to join them at that point, but he doesn’t. instead he asks where the voice is broadcasting from. then he goes all the way to the top of a ruined skyscraper, and on the very top floor he finds Adam hooked up to a bank of servers. this is the last android, trapped by the limitations of his own memory-bloat, kept functional by a mess of wires that connect him to his own massive server room of a brain. upon seeing this, Ted sits down, unpacks his lunch and his meds, and settles in to try and make the guy a little less lonely.
space, idea 1: one of two different ideas that i’ve considered the two goobers for in the same universe; at this point i’ve decided that if Ted gets one, then someone else will have to get the other, because I want to reuse my goddamn space universe. barring that, i could use another idea for a framing device, but i’ll talk about that later. for now, we will say Ted is in training to become a human partner for a ship pilot AI. or was. he’s being threatened with getting kicked out.
why? who knows. it’s Ted. that is not the point. the point is that he is given an opportunity to redeem himself by joining an experimental program that will give him telekinetic powers via alien spores, but to harness them he has to have nanotech and an AI implanted into his nervous system to monitor and regulate the bits of his brain that will spontaneously burst into irreparable cancer the moment he starts the treatment. the cancer is the flipside of a radical regenerative ability that the spores also cause.
Adam is the AI, one of many. he doesn’t want to be there. none of them do. it’s a last resort assignment given to AIs that are about to be sent to run remote He3 scoops out in the sticks. Ted is also one of many humans and most of them are pseudo-dropouts for one reason or another just like he is. very few of them are well-adjusted, and the usual anime training school shenanigans ensue.
but then a dark thing happens. a test subject who was thought dead seemingly comes back and starts killing the AIs, which can potentially kill the people who really need them in their brains. panic ensues; the leader of the program tries for as long as he can to cover it up because it’s a skeleton in his closet, specifically, but eventually it comes back to bite him and everyone else on the station. so it’s up to Ted and Adam and their friend-group to save the day and get everyone who’s still alive off the station in one piece.
space, idea 2: Adam is a freshly minted AI who has a problem: he goes through partners like other people go through shoes. technically he has the right to refuse anyone for any reason, but his handlers think it’s getting a little ridiculous that he’s refused so many. it’s also expensive to keep trying to match him up with people again and again, and no algorithm can really predict the personality profiles that’ll end up being compatible with him since so many have proven not to be.
then Ted stumbles into his airlock, and he gets An Idea: the human can’t act in ways that are incompatible if his good word is the only thing keeping them from getting arrested. so, he takes advantage of the opportunity and says he wants this one as his partner. this one that’s an actual criminal.
his handlers give up, and this is how the story begins. i don’t know where it will go from there. maybe i’ll use my conspiracy plot where Zach’s trying to start a galactic civil war and they uncover his machinations together. or maybe i’ll use the Fermi paradox plot where they’re scouting and they find a Pioneer-level probe out in space only to find its planet of origin completely dead except for a lone caretaker AI overseeing the stored memories and personalities of a million long-forgotten souls. it’s the kind of setup that can go anywhere.
the framing device: but then there’s this. this thing i thought of to tie them all together. if i start with the last and write the rest, then this would be the thing that let me keep writing AUs with abandon: the VR idea. set in my space universe, it would be a procedurally generated full-immersion VR experience compatible with both humans and AIs that allowed them to live fully fleshed-out alternate stories for themselves, either alone or with others. the stories would follow narratives, have plots, have stakes; the promise is that you can spend your time in the sim being the storybook version of yourself.
now, there are settings. when you go in you can tweak the realism, set up what tags and genres you feel like going for, how much drama you want, how much violence you’re feeling up to seeing or experiencing. and all of it is safe, controlled, and probably really expensive. but it’s supposedly the best vacation your credits can buy you without having to go offworld, so it’s an immediate sensation in-universe.
this would be how i’d tie it all together. and i could use it for multiple character pairings. i could even reuse characters if i said it stored imprints of previous users or had stock characters. but for Ted and Adam? they’d use it as a way to meet and fall in love and be with each other in a thousand timelines across a thousand different worlds, and they’d never get tired of it.
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anyway, yeah. those are just the ORIGINAL ones. i’d write them in WoW or Shadowrun or Divinity: Original Sin or Dragon Age or Mass Effect or Stardew Valley or Slime Rancher or Cyberpunk or DnD or Fallout or Starcraft or Overwatch or ANY universe if i thought i could get away with it. these boys will always jump into any AU i dip my toes into, and be the first to volunteer themselves for any plot i come up with. if i bring one, the other is coming too in one form or another. that’s just how they are.
now you all know why i never get anything done that doesn’t have them in it.
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royal-red-asks · 5 years
You Should Experience SEO 2019 At Least Once In Your Lifetime And Here's Why
SEO is about growing naturally, and also to develop a good effective, organic online marketing strategy, it's important to not just look at SEO, but content material marketing and social media, as well. Keep in mind that will links, content, and user encounter are all major SEO rating factors. Could holistic approach will ultimately eliminate a lot of the particular issues created by some SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION practitioners over the years, I actually suspect that search engines' designers will initially overestimate the accuracy of their AI, resulting within Penguin-level collateral damage. SEO (Search Motor Optimization) is the process associated with making a website more noticeable in search results, also called improving search rankings. Siteimprove SEO furthermore provides in-tool tips on where to start and the way to get the most out associated with your keyword research and supervising. We've already been operating in the SEO plus content marketing industry since last year and know how search motors work. Generally there are a great number associated with resources out there surrounding competing link analysis (and a great deal that have been authored simply by me! ) but whenever I actually speak with people that are usually working on SEO projects, really always one of those "yeah, I realize I should do this more" tasks. Amy Kilvington, Marketing Executive at Custom Drapes, believes that SEOs are heading to have to optimize social networking more as Google indexes this and prioritizes it over their particular sites' pages. Social media is definitely the easiest and most efficient way to push out the SEO-based content. However, presently there are some easy adjustments that will you can make to the particular search engine optimization (SEO) component of it, which will ideally provide you with fantastic results. This particular means that SEOs spend the lot of time working upon getting links in a procedure called link building Link-building techniques can range from simply asking for a link to writing the guest post - and presently there are many others. Basically, SEO plans the keywords that will are to be delivered plus content provides them. So, when you are considering about applying SEO in the particular broad sense, you need in order to channelize its technical specifications by means of content marketing. In 2019, you can wager that White Hat SEO can have separated itself even more from Black Hat SEO, plus that above all else, offering quality content will be the particular most important factor for companies ranking in search. The outcomes are not instant, you can use the time on attempting other Internet marketing techniques whilst SEO would go to function. The third major SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking signal is Google's synthetic intelligence search ranking algorithm. Sometimes SEO is usually simply a matter of producing sure your site is organised in a way that lookup engines like google understand. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION involves a number of modifications towards the HTML of person Web pages to obtain a higher search engine ranking. As a result associated with technological advancement, SEO is in order to undergo more drastic changes, plus the two latest technologies that will are expected to influence SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION to some very great level are AI (Artificial Intelligence) plus Voice Search. The traditional strategy to SEO has been devoted to creating excellent content that will is easily searchable via research engine bots. To realize SEO, you'll also need in order to know how Google search functions. 2019 can still use many of these kinds of newly implemented tactics, but research engine optimization experts are furthermore suggesting there will be a lot more. Currently more than half associated with searches account for mobile products, and the number will definitely move up in 2019. Within the remaining 2018 quarter, a person need to invest in mobile-first content that will rank a person higher in mobile search within 2019. The vast majority of your SEO learning need to come from online resources, yet there are a few publications that will help you conceptually understand the history of lookup, search engines, and how SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION has changed through the many years. There are several methods that webmasters use within order to entice potential clients to their site—one of the particular most important and effective associated with those being Seo (SEO). SEO is important for a lot of companies because if individuals find you with a web research and find what they're searching for, you can receive plenty of new web visitors that will can help you earn even more money. Good SEO follows guidelines that Search engines determines are best practices in order to have your articles ranked upon top. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services do thorough keyword analysis for any specific website, and after that optimize the information on the particular basis of these keywords plus theme of website.
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Based on SEO software program company Moz's bi-yearly survey upon search engine ranking factors, the particular titles on your page are usually one of the nine nearly all important considerations a search motor makes. Having an SEO technique that effectively promotes your picture taking business, driving new traffic in addition to taking into consideration the requirements of the site visitors even though you concentrate on perfecting the art is a really strong tool. SEO is Lookup Engine Optimization and it is definitely required for make a internet site view-able. And you may see the section on exactly where to use keywords for even more information on integrating these key phrases into your SEO content technique. 22. Use social media in order to boost local SEO. SEO is the acronym for Seo. Even though certain techniques of SEO content material Blog9T remain the same, like not really compromising on quality; there are usually definitely techniques which have advanced from the past and a person should find out whether your own SEO articles writing services are usually very well aware of that will or not. SEO service companies are specialized in increasing the particular traffic to your site simply by increasing your position in the particular search engine ranking positions. Bring in international people to your internet sites with these SEO tips. The top challenges within organic SEO are link creating (easy-to-get links no more possess much value) and keyword study (the low-hanging fruit is lengthy gone). For instance, the phrase ‘SEO tips' is furthermore included inside the less competing phrase ‘SEO tips 2019', which usually is searched for too. Several search engines have also supplied to the SEO industry, plus are frequent sponsors and visitors at SEO conferences, webchats, plus seminars. If a person have a website that a person want to become easily discovered by a search engine, you have to increase your site rank by means of SEO as well. Some SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION companies focus on link building” and increasing the authority associated with their clients' websites. Through an SEO perspective, we had been introduced to RankBrain nearly 2 years ago, a machine-learning synthetic intelligence that Google's been making use of to process an extremely huge proportion of search results. Specifically, you'll observe exactly how to make use of advanced on-page SEO strategies (like Bucket Brigades”) to get higher Google ranks and more organic traffic. Search engines has introduced (at least) the ‘percieved' risk to publishing a lot of lower-quality pages on your own site to in order in order to curb production of old-style SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION friendly content based on manipulating early search engine algorithms. Grey hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is entirely centered on enhancing search engine rankings. There are several aspects to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, from the words on your own page to the way some other sites link to you upon the web. So, rather than viewing SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING as an umbrella term covering SEO, it's more accurate in order to view SEM (paid search) plus SEO (organic search) as independent entities to use as a part of your Search Marketing arsenal. If you work in lookup marketing, you'll know that SMX is one of the greatest search engine marketing conferences associated with the year, covering topics which includes SEO and PPC. SEO is conducted each on-site and off-site via various resources that are the existence of your web identity associated with different social media platform plus prominent display of your home page's link on other well-reputed internet sites. Our unique data science-driven SEO & content marketing platform can help your eCommerce business reveal millions of dollars' worth of earlier untapped organic search marketing possibilities. On the other hands, if the website doesn't make use of any digital marketing strategies or even SEO services, no one troubles to search for pages plus pages on Google just in order to find your website and check out it. Some dentists, who possess tried applying SEO, have not really been very successful in moving their website to the best of Google search engine. Just before we do, let's check away a couple essential areas regarding SEO: social media and cellular. SEO can price between $100 and $500 for each month if you do this yourself with a keyword analysis tool. This SEO guidebook explains acquiring links from exterior domains. Let's review the fundamentals of SEO (search engine optimization). SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is conducted on the knowning that webpages rank because associated with how relevant a webpage is definitely to a search query plus how many links point in order to that webpage. Business professionals try to rely on these SEO techniques with regard to optimization wishing for a larger profit. The Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Keyword Electrical generator is like a thesaurus with regard to SEO -minded content marketers. SEMRush - Another excellent tool for SEO analysis, especially where it concerns business cleverness, SEMRush allows you to recognize and analyze the keywords that will your competitors are using. I'm heading to share some of our most effective SEO tips that will I've used within all types of campaigns to increase organic lookup traffic. FAST SEO ADVICE search engine search engine optimization is not magic, and are not able to perform wonders. This SEO ideas and tricks cover all the required information you should know with regards to Search Engine Optimization. The SEO content author should have a strong knowing of the keywords that are usually ranking and trending on the particular analytics framework. In 2018, there were certain trends that will ruled the world of online business SEO (search engine optimization). Don't get worried by them but make certain to use only natural hyperlinks and keep in mind that will their SEO potential may end up being a bit lower in evaluation with single links. As a partner to the table, Internet lookup engine Land's Guide To SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION explains the ranking factors within more depth, in the tutorial supplying tips and advice on applying them. Google states that cultural media is not an fast SEO ranking factor, but many experts agree that things this kind of as retweets and facebook stocks DO, in fact, effect websites' rankings. And since SEO furthermore targets users who are positively searching for products and providers like yours, the traffic ensuing from SEO is more certified than many other marketing techniques, leading to cost-savings for businesses.
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An extensive dental marketing plus dental SEO campaign can become attained by the enterprise just if the web address associated with a dental practice contains in to all the promotional materials intended for the business. This shows the importance of focussing voice search engine results within order to grow your company, marketing, and Search Engine Optimization(SEO) strategies. They obtain this by increasing their internet site rank through a method known as SEO or even search engine optimization. Just like most other SEO approaches, be certain your links are appropriate, plus be careful never to cross the particular line into excessive linking : you don't want your site visitors to obtain annoyed. Bryan Yeager, Research Director at Gartner, can share 9 Key Insights through Gartner's Marketing Technology Survey in order to Help You Prepare for 2019 and Beyond. SEO is a combination associated with digital marketing efforts all functioning together to increase a web site's value to users and presence in search. On-page SEO (also identified as "on-site" SEO) will be the work of optimizing different parts associated with your site that affect your own search engine rankings. In 2019, we will have to optimize voice research answers with CTAs that Google's algorithms don't pick up upon, but humans do. Dan Mallette, Lead SEO Strategist at each InVue Digital & HearstDMS, forecasts that SEOs will need in order to optimize for voice search and locate new avenues as SERP real-estate shrinks. Obviously, a social networking site that has more interaction will bring bigger SEO benefits for you to some business than one the fact that has less interaction, but only having a social presence is definitely a good start. Search engine optimisation (SEO) may be the process of impacting the online visibility of the particular website or a web web page in a web search motor 's unpaid results—often known because "natural", " organic ", or even "earned" results. Seo (SEO) is a procedure of improving positions in natural (non-paid) search results searching motors. Various other SEO ranking factors include: available URLs, domain age (older will be usually better), page speed, cellular friendliness, business information, and specialized SEO. Your own search engine optimization strategy can become divided into two different groups: on-page SEO and off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. When you familiarize yourself with this local community, you will inevitably stumble your own way onto the websites associated with SEO Gurus” selling courses that will teach you SEO for hundreds of dollars. Expert SEO writers can also make use of modifiers and keyword variations in order to further optimize the content. In the 10 Moments To Remember From SEO 2019 lot associated with cases, this happens as the consequence of non-ethical SEO specifically buying and selling links which usually could get you up the particular Google ‘adder' quickly. Content will be key but content alone will be no longer king; content, circumstance, and relevance will drive functionality of content and digital marketing and advertising, and SEO is part yet not full parcel. Ultimate WordPress SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Guide for Beginners (Step simply by Step) — 28% of internet sites on the internet use Wp. SEO is usually abused as a blanket term intended for digital marketing. Link building is a type of off-site SEO where additional sites link back to your own site if they feel a person offer something of value in order to their audience. In many essential areas they overlap; if SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is more technical and provides to a narrow sphere, articles marketing takes a holistic technique. Equally, generally there is no point in losing your SEO marketing efforts simply by delivering lots of traffic in order to your website from highly related search queries, when the consumer experience upon landing on that will website is poor quality. On web page, SEO relates to keywords. In addition to the over search engine optimization solutions, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services provide other Internet advertising services, which includes: search-friendly internet design, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising promotions, backlink programs, SMO services, blog site optimization and marketing, targeted regional search engine marketing, and cellular marketing optimization. A successful SEO effort requires to move beyond building delighted to rank on highly researched keywords and should have the heavy focus on providing solutions for genres of unique questions that many people might research by voice. Learn the particular strategy behind great SEO, which includes keyword planning, content optimization, hyperlink building, and SEO for e-commerce, local search, and mobile viewers. Seo or SEO will be the simple process of making sure a website can be discovered in search engines for words and phrases and phrases relevant to exactly what the site is providing. Performing SEO upon your own websites is the great method to practice plus hone your SEO ability. We optimize your web site both of internal and exterior factors thats Google's engine believe in and reliable for top rank search result, Gurantee your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking No succeed can refundable. Looking deeper: An SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION cost often means one associated with two things: the investment within your organic search strategy, or exactly how much you pay for compensated search engine marketing (SEM) solutions like Google AdWords. All of us are dealing with new methods designed to target old design SEO tactics and that concentrate around the truism that WEBSITE ‘REPUTATION' plus Plenty of WEBPAGES plus SEO equals Plenty associated with Keywords equals LOTS of Search engines traffic. BrightonSEO is a one-day search advertising conference and series of education courses held, unsurprisingly, in Brighton. From narrowing lower target markets to changing the particular way content is written, AI and voice search will possess a continuous effect on SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION moving forward. One aspect of SEO is usually link building, which we will certainly discuss slightly below, which generally leads to thin content. Applications for this 2018-2019 cycle of the SEO Progress programme are now closed in addition to will re-open again in Early spring 2019. SEO could be complex because search engines are often reevaluating and changing how they will prioritize search engine results. Moreover, it will help SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION by gaining backlinks, likes, remarks or shares. You may generally see outcomes of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION efforts once the webpage proceeds to be crawled and listed by a internet search motor. Possibly the best form of sociable media to pay attention in order to when turning to SEO is definitely Google Plus. A single of the most successful methods to ensure your clients discover your photography business is simply by implementing an SEO strategy, this particular is more than just generating it to number 1 about Google, it means ensuring the fact that a varied and steady flow of traffic is heading to your site, over plus above that of your rivals. If you are usually willing to improvise your site search and boost up your own Google ranking, but do not really have time or resources intended for doing that, hire an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION specialist for the same objective. Mobile SEO will be mobile search engine optimization or even optimizing content for a much better search ranking. Titles on pages and explanations affect what people see within search results, so it's important to check these out within any SEO audit. Search motors give some guidelines for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, but big search engines maintain result ranking as a industry secret. Along with $80 billion forecast to turn out to be spent annually on SEO — and content marketing set to be able to be considered a $300+ billion industry by means of 2019 — it might end up being tempting for stakeholders to notice SEO and content marketing while cost centers rather than income centers. While that will theory is sound (when concentrated on a single page, when the particular intent is to deliver power content to a Google user) using old school SEO strategies on especially a large web site spread out across many web pages seems to amplify site high quality problems, after recent algorithm adjustments, and so this type associated with optimisation without keeping track associated with overall site quality is self-defeating in the long run.
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We all wished to look at a massive group that included businesses of most sizes and in all industrial sectors so we could really notice how SEO traffic increased whenever the only common denominator was including reviews to their site. In reality, this is area of the SEO technique we have used to continuously grow our organic traffic throughout the last 12 months right here at SnapApp: #3. Mobile will certainly account for 72% of ALL OF US digital ad spend by 2019. This workshop is usually designed to help business proprietors implement Digital Marketing techniques regarding their business including social mass media, organic SEO as well because paid channels. The Beginner's Guide in order to SEO continues to be study over 3 million times plus offers comprehensive information you require to get on the road to professional quality Search Motor Optimization, or SEO. Whether it's using web analytics for carrying out research or even conversion tools that monitor plus report the usage of essential keywords, SEO agencies know exactly how and where you can obtain the information they need in order to save time furthermore decrease your in-house price. Generally there is probably no more simple strategy for SEO than the particular integration of internal links in to your site - it is usually an easy way to enhance traffic to individual pages, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Consult says. SEO SERVICES Presently there are a number of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services which can help enhance the organic search engine ratings of a website.
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You will end up being introduced to the foundational components of how search engines such as google work, how the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION landscape is promoting and exactly what you can expect in the particular future. The SISTRIX Toolbox consists associated with six modules 1) SEO, 2) Universal, 3) Links, 4) Advertisements, 5) Social and 6) Optimizer. Low-quality content can severely impact the achievements of SEO, within 2018. When your own SEO starts building strong coffee grounds, competitors can start maligning your own SEO backlinks. ” With content marketing spend anticipated to reach $300 billion by 2019, this statistic is worrisome. Now the electronic marketing companies know how in order to use AI for SEO, plus in coming years AI can dominate in developing the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategies of the digital marketing and advertising companies. Ray Cheselka, AdWords and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Manager at webFEAT Complete, the design and SEO agency, states that in 2019 search intention will continue to become even more important. Expert writers of SEO articles may take the time to study the particular industry or market market. 2 tools to help with nearby SEO are BrightLocal (for rankings) and MozLocal (for local research optimization). Concerning on-page SEO best practices, I usually link out to other quality related pages on other websites exactly where possible and where a individual would find it valuable. It includes a well known Regular Table of SEO Success Factors”, a 9-chapter guide to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION basics, and links to several from the site's most useful blog posts.
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Keyword studies about getting those terms so that a person can use them properly within content optimization and SEO within general. Just as content on your own isn't enough to guarantee SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION success, SEO alone isn't more than enough to ensure that people will certainly find and engage with your own articles. While intense SEO may involve complex site restructuring along with a firm (or consultant) that will specializes in this area, presently there are a few simple ways you can take yourself in order to raise your search engine ranking. Because we prepare to enter 2019, keyword creation for SEO professionals will become less important. Obtain the training you need in order to stay ahead with expert-led classes on Seo (SEO). Learn how to create articles, learn how to create some simple HTML, and the particular learn the very basic concepts of SEO, and you may make money online using SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and article marketing to obtain your webpage (you only require one from each website) shown on Page #1 of Search engines (forget Yahoo as well because the rest) and you may get loads of visitors that will web page. If your website will be made up of lower-quality threshold type pages using old SEO-techniques (which more and more branded as spam in 2018) after that Google will not index most of the pages as nicely as your website ‘quality score' is probably likely to become negatively impacted. This particular is beyond website content, but great user experience has become a lot more and more important in solid SEO rankings.
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unlovedaddict · 6 years
Do You Recognize the 12 Warning Signs of Low Ranking?
Once we reach the fourth quarter of 2017, it's time in order to start thinking about the yr ahead and what to anticipate from SEO in 2018. That's why SEOs are usually starting to aspect in the intention behind each search query plus optimize the content and consumer experience accordingly. As Bing's Duane Forrester said, all SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Ranking signals revolve around content material of some kind” highlighting the particular impact good content has upon your internet site. Coming up with clean and unique ideas day within day out is incredibly tough, however necessary to keep your own site not only relevant plus engaging for the audience, yet optimized for search engines such as google. Soon after this article focused around a major on-page SEO factors that will impact the search ecosystem was published by Google, a debate about prominent Offpage SEO trends that can disrupt the world of SEO in 2018 sparked in the industry. Nonetheless, auditing your competitors SEO gives you new ideas on how you can grow your local business, improve its SEO, target new keywords, and beat your competition in the process of doing so. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION involves communicating aboutness” in the specific context to both individual users and technology. Here are Top five SEO trends and techniques regarding 2018 to boost search motor ranking that you must maintain in mind. Google is usually constantly rolling out updates in order to its search engine algorithm… plus while the basics of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION will never change, you need to make use of updated tactics to get your own website ranking higher in the particular search results. However, before we get to our main event, I must note that after our 2017 edition of SEO trends launched last year on Search Engine Journal, we heard a couple of complaints about just how long it was. Utilized by more than 3 mil websites, Yoast SEO is the particular only SEO plugin that a person will ever need to create your content appear on SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Mobile SEO, within my opinion, will dominate SEO tendencies in 2018. While the core SEO methods won't change too much, the particular way we do keyword study and form our strategies may. Keywords would be the base of SEO. Then upon your post and pages the particular Yoast SEO plugin now provides a section to type within your meta keywords as noticed in the example below. There are usually various powerful Top SEO strategies ” which will help a person to get your site upon first page of Search motor. With the contribution associated with major search engines like Search engines and Bing, website owners are usually seeing technological SEO changes that will reflect in terms of improved user experiences. We can not develop a post about the particular top SEO trends in 2018 without writing about how AI and machine learning will effect SEO. Still, the key word aspect of SEO is getting increasingly difficult with Google Google adwords hiding volume data. A successful SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategy in 2018 will shift towards relationship building, helping the brand develop powerful contacts plus links that will be helpful in a longer term. As search engines carry on to develop more advanced systems and responsiveness to online queries, new SEO techniques will arise to keep companies ranking higher on search engines. Within this post, we've broken straight down the very best SEO techniques in order to help you skyrocket your ranks and boost your number associated with monthly visitors. People always consider direct method but most associated with time these trick don't functions for SEO. 1 of the biggest initiatives within SEO is creating quality articles. His expertise is within SEO, Paid Search & Content Marketing. Our goal with on-page SEO is to optimize a good article in a natural, yet smart way, so that research engines can easily choose the particular prospective keyword and bring the website targeted visitors. It may be helpful if you discuss some on-page SEO tips plus how to do a key phrase research. A number of non-SEO equipment still give you a great insight into keywords. The greatest SEO companies is going in order to do keyword research on your own company as well as your own industry to come up along with a list of terms which usually will yield the best outcomes for your website. Most likely, you heard about the word Google's Rank Brain, the latest synthetic intelligence & machine learning protocol that is considered as the particular supreme invention of SEO rating till now. This is typically the taking treatment of of SEO that individuals spend one of the most time and the particular most optimisation on. This is definitely why it is so astonishing how the script is flipping whenever it comes to backlinks, along with more authoritative unlinked words becoming the ones that fight by means of algorithms one of the most effectively. Therefore, having the Google My Business profile is usually essential for local SEO because it enables you to show up in these results. Hazel, SEO Consultant and founder associated with SEO+, works together with companies throughout the UK. She's fascinated in making websites work successfully and it has a status for increasing traffic, leads plus sales. And if they find the particular content useful, they might actually bookmark it. Which is exactly what off-page SEO is all regarding beyond link-building. Moreover, Google can continue to elevate the importance of usability and technical SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION factors, such as site safety, page speed, mobile friendliness, plus navigability. Still, the key word facet of SEO is becoming significantly difficult with Google Adwords concealing volume data. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION specialists started to abuse Pr to be able to raise the rankings. This blog uses the particular tagline Learn SEO Straight through the Search Engines, ” plus it doesn't tackle easy topics. Learn Search Engine Search engine optimization From The Basics Find the very good Keywords On Web page & Off Site SEO! Here's a good example exactly where we try to find says of Active Campaign, with simply no link to, utilizing the SERP Tool from the LinkResearchTools SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION toolkit. While this particular holistic approach will eventually get rid of a lot of the problems created by some SEO professionals through the years, I believe that search engines' engineers may initially overestimate the precision associated with their AI, leading to Penguin-level collateral damage. One important aspect associated with taking care of SEO will be identifying issues that are harming search engine rankings and decreasing the traffic you get through SERPs. You are able in order to put up a team yet it would take a great deal of time because you will need to create substantial research and training prior to you can incorporate it. This this case, hiring the providers of an SEO firm will be the best choice for a person. So in particular when someone is pasting links upon a spammy site, or probably a previous SEO went away and ran some script in order to place links and a few of forums, and you aren't clean that up for no matter what reason, and you don't have got a manual action, but a person want to make sure this doesn't even get that significantly, then the disavow file will be a great method to simply like preemptively say well I realize about these issues, I no longer wish to lose any rest over them, I'm just heading to disavow them and obtain them taken out of the particular equation. Mobile phone optimization for local users, together with the rise of tone of voice search, can provide an outstanding way to produce a effective SEO strategy in 2018 simply by facilitating the search experience via personalized and relevant answers. You can even rate the particular work on an SEO firm from your position of your web site in the search result with regard to your keyword. Considering that so much data has proven that mobile traffic has overtaken desktop during the past year mobile will become a bigger factor for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION each day. There are a few factors that effect Domain Authority, but the important point here is that DA is really a significant Local SEO ranking factor. How will your business employ SEO strategies in 2018? Views expressed here by Contributors are usually their own. The SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends for 2018 as nicely as the years to arrive are not some detached ideas you need to tackle individually. Simple, easy-to-read articles may help with voice research SEO. Canonical: This particular plug-in handles content syndication, which usually essentially allows other blogs in order to create your work (similar in order to franchising) without hurting your home page's SEO ranking—simply by adding the rel=canonical can get your brand name and content out on the particular internet in multiple outlets, making sure a better reach and bigger target audience without hurting your own lookup results. SEO provides you with a shot at ranking regarding the terms which your clients use, so you can understand better business. When it arrives to on-page SEO, I'm specific you've heard enough about the particular meta tag and keyword thickness for one lifetime. Awesome article i don't understand about youtube SEO but right after reading this article i completely understand how to rank video clip on youtube and google furthermore. Brand building is the particular new link building and off-page SEO strategy in digital marketing nowadays, given that when brands turn out to be true to their core beliefs, messaging and personalities, it is usually easy for them to sink into and dominate their target viewers. So what will be something the average joe may do to help boost their particular SEO rankings for a specific keyword? Placing hyperlinks for your other website web pages, is a great way associated with enhancing your site and utilized properly, internal links can become a useful weapon within your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION arsenal. The third major SEO ranking signal is Google's artificial intelligence search ranking algorithm. In 2018, SEO strategies will be significantly influenced by voice search since the focus will be on long-tail search keywords. Content material is key but content on your own is no longer king; content material, context, and relevance will generate performance of content and electronic marketing, and SEO is component but not full parcel. So, with this blog, you can discover the newest information that Google will be ready to release, such as Making use of Page Speed in Mobile Research SEO 2019 Slide Ranking” Any time you read SEO weblogs on other domains, they may likely be linking to plus quoting from this blog anytime something new is published. For that person who have the website or blog, SEO helps get organic traffic of potential clients, clients and visitors in the free of charge, ” organic, ” editorial” or even natural” search results. This is the next major component of ethical SEO ranking. Keyword research have been listed as Amount 0” because it is a prerequisite to performing best practice on-page SEO. Smart SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION techniques always come down in order to great content with both customers and search engines in brain. Search motor rankings, above-the-fold calls to actions, prominently placed images, and innovative anchor text do not create the call with regards in order to your marketing success — individuals things of your users perform. All of the other factors of SEO, content creation, plus website design certainly play a function in influencing the visibility associated with your marketing material, but simply no amount of visibility will create someone follow you into your own sales funnel unless you are usually acknowledging, addressing, and meeting the particular needs of your users. With a good increased focus on user knowledge, Google has challenged the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION community to pay for even more attention to the overall expertise of a web site and how the particular content interacts with users, instead than just the basic components that many optimize toward. Whether you are usually a marketer or a company owner, or even a business for SEO, it's always helpful to research and learning fresh SEO tactics. I'm curious - sometimes along with your chapter-based guides, you possess them all on a individual page like this one, yet sometimes they're separate pages along with an overview page as being a kind of intro + table associated with contents, like the Keyword Study for SEO Definitive Guide. More significantly for us as SEOs, this means that the power of hyperlinks to rank websites is arranged to decrease, as well because the power of good user-engagement metrics on the website (and anything that improves them) will be increasing. Even as we head in order to 2018, SEO is becoming significantly important as more businesses are usually aware they require it in order to get found online. If youโ€d like to know more about doing keyword research that will give a boost to your SEO activities, head over to our completeย long tail keywords research guide and find out some of the FREE tools in action. Wise SEO activities improve your own rankings in the search motor results page (SERP). 1. Boost your Google My Business Entries (the top local SEO position signal) to help improve nearby visibility and branding. Big Brand name campaigns are far, far various from small company SEO advertisments that don't have any hyperlinks, to begin with, to provide you but one example. SEO has been misinterpreted by these Internet marketers due to the fact they assume that you will find much better ways to get visitors plus SEO takes a lot associated with time and effort which basically worth it. If you are usually after growth and targeted visitors then search engine traffic will be really a traffic source that will you seriously have to think about. These happenings of the particular past year will shape upward mobile SEO in 2018. SEOQuake: A plugin with regard to your web browser, not Wp, SEOQuake allows users to rapidly and seamlessly assess SEO qualities of any website without starting up extra programs. Earlier these people were always concerned about the particular SEO ranking factors, as these people keep on changing with the particular periodic algorithm updates rolled away by the search engines. As Google along with other search motors roll out updates, local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is becoming even more essential. You wager they are doing. But, the backlinking initiatives on most SEO companies away there leave an unnatural hyperlink pattern that Google can notice from a mile away. I have been making use of WordPress SEO by Yoast with regard to a long period and upon all of my blogs along with no single problem. Due to the fact Backlinko is in the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION niche, I'll look for movie keywords using searches like key word research tips”, building backlinks” plus SEO tutorial”. I've noticed success with making videos recently and am looking forward in order to using your SEO tips in order to help my videos rank upon page 1. AI will shape brand-new SEO trends in 2018. Some posts are usually definitely about SEO, such because this one: SEO Marketing Technique: Methods for Success in 2018 This particular post begins with a declaration that few if any SEOs would dispute: Businesses should make use of 2018 to break the poor habit of viewing facets associated with an SEO marketing strategy since a one-time exercise. SEO is actually heating up when it comes to brands plus businesses competing for backlinks making use of well-crafted custom content that attempts to solve a certain issue that people may be looking for. Yet with professional curiosity and the particular assistance of trained SEO professionals, your business can leverage SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends to come out upon top in 2018 and past. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process of enhancing positions in organic (non-paid) lookup engine results in search motors. An SEO method is considered white hat when it conforms to the lookup engines' guidelines and involves simply no deception. While keyword analysis and optimisation still dominates SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, experts are seeing a change to natural language and contextual search over the last various years. Although many prominent numbers in SEO believe that RankBrain isn't something for which a person can specifically optimize, it continues to be a concern for most people. A report published by Cosmopolitan Journal of Advanced Research Base states that India is arranged to see the incredible development of digital marketing industry mainly because of growing acceptance of ecommerce and online businesses; and, I actually expect the same for the particular career of content writers or even SEO copy writers. Gaining higher ranks within the search results to gain leads and thus generate on-line revenue from organic marketing techniques is how you rock the particular SEO domain. Despite the ancient usage, Backlinks are nevertheless the most powerful facet associated with the latest SEO trends plus techniques. I discussed this idea within my last post here upon Moz — Get up, SEOs : the NEW New Google is usually Here — so I is just not repeat myself, but I perform suggest you decide to proceed read it (again). Also, with just how SEO works today, just spamming keywords isn't going to assist you at all. All SEO specialists will give more emphasis in order to content marketing and social mass media in 2018. Your blog site post is about SEO guidelines. All of us reach out to the Holding chamber and various other local websites to promote the events, which usually is great for our SEO. With Ahrefs, a great starting stage for keyword research for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is the Keywords Explorer device. SEMrushย โ€ A very extensive SEO tool that, among other features, provides a detailed look into your domainโ€s backlinks letting you discover and remove potentially dangerous backlinks. My first tag is definitely my exact target keyword (Example: Google SEO”). With an increased concentrate on user experience, Google provides challenged the SEO community in order to pay more focus on the particular overall experience of a web site and how the information interacts with users, rather than just the basic elements that many optimize toward. SEO helps keep your business at the best of the search results regarding a long time to arrive, so who knows how a lot of more visitors you'll attract. Several marketers chose to drive their particular modern marketing engine with the particular fuel of Video SEO within 2015. John talks regarding the key reason why internet marketers and business owners should make use of LinkedIn, and how they may use it to enhance their own website's SEO, and increase lookup ranking. 2017 is coming to an end, and it's that time of the year where we start exploring the important thing SEO trends for 2018. With the presence associated with an improved algorithm, it will be now undoubtedly vital to make use of whitened hat SEO techniques for efficient Link building. One particular of the biggest mistakes all of us see businesses make with nearby or organic SEO is simply diving in at a trickery level without understanding what their own strengths or weaknesses are. So, Digital Marketing Experts, it's time to enable your own content and promotions for tone of voice searches to make it worth with regard to SEO 2018. The outcomes are not instant, you can use the time on attempting other Internet marketing techniques whilst SEO would go to function. Before getting in touch along with any of the SEO Firm find out how the company keeps the below mentioned points or even not as on- page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION helps to create better hyperlink and social media content advertising helps your company to contact the height of success. The school strategies of SEO are actually phased out and the new lookup engine algorithms have introduced the new at-par levels for some other techniques that should be regarded as while creating a website style. We all do advanced SEO for Lot of money 500 websites and our strategies are built on these concepts. Now, the only method to appear in the research engine pages like this is definitely by uploading your videos upon You Tube or through movie SEO. On-Page SEO is generally accompanied with Off-Page SEO, that is definitely based on building trustworthy incoming links for your site : this is most frequently known as linkbuilding. As the habits of a user searching search engine optimization company in Mumbai ” could be different from a user looking for seo company in Chennai Therefore, advertisers should not battle in the same way because they will used to do in the particular previous years. Whether you are the marketer or a business proprietor, learning new SEO tactics plus following best practices can assist you secure a safe place online.
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ashxpad · 3 years
Shooting with a 21-Year-Old Camera: The Fujifilm S1 Pro
I find it incredibly fun to use older, especially unique, digital cameras both as a challenge and for sheer enjoyment.
I think part of it is psychological. With archaic cameras sporting outdated technology we anticipate subpar results, and so we focus more on what we can control: composition, lighting (when applicable), exposure, and so on — the things we should always be focusing on.
Conversely, when we have a Hasselblad in our hands, we may let go a bit in the unconscious belief that the camera can make up the difference for our lack of talent or effort. Of course, we all know it can’t.
I won’t get into the boring history of why I own a lot of early to mid-2000s digital cameras, but at some point, I found myself the owner of a Fujifilm Finepix S1 Pro — the first in a five-model line of Fujifilm DSLRs that housed some incredibly unique sensor technology that it dubbed “SuperCCD.”
Apologies for the subpar product photos. I didn’t have access to my full setup.
In the S1 Pro, the photodiodes of the 3.1-megapixel SuperCCD sensor took the form of a honeycomb tessellation, oriented in a zig-zag array rather than a simple vertical/horizontal mosaic. Because of this, the distance between cells is smaller, making for about 40% more (square root of 2 = 1.41) sensor cell rows horizontally and vertically than a regular Bayer sensor.
The camera then uses an interpolation algorithm that supposedly results in a resolution equivalent to a 6.2 megapixel Bayer sensor. The 45-degree orientation also allows for improved capture of horizontal and vertical detail. This is good because most of the world, thanks to gravity, exists in horizontal and vertical planes — however, this happens at the expense of diagonal resolution, which is where traditional sensor layouts excel.
The honeycomb design of the SuperCCD sensors.
Released in January 2000, the Fujifilm S1 Pro is based on the Nikon N60 (aka F60) film camera body (with modifications by Fuji). It logically sports a Nikon F mount and can use AI, AI-S, AI-P, AF, AF-D, or G type lens — however, only AF and AF-D lenses will autofocus. AI and AI-S lenses can only be used in manual exposure mode as there is no meter coupling.
Most of these photos were shot with either the Nikon AF-D 24-120/3.5-5.6 or Nikon AF-D 50/1.8. While the 24-120 is not a quality optic, it’s a more than sufficient match for this sensor, especially stopped down a bit — and you can stop down to your heart’s content without hitting diffraction on this camera.
I had initially gone out shooting with some superior G-type lenses, however, accurate manual focusing is impossible for me through the straw-like OVF (wearing glasses doesn’t help either) and the focus confirmation dot is totally unreliable. Strangely, I had more issues manually focusing on distant objects stopped down than closer ones wide open — the photo above was manually focused with the Sigma Art 35mm wide open at f/1.4, yet the below photo (slightly out of focus) was at 24mm and f/8 with the Nikon 24-120mm f/4G VR.
Shutter speeds top out at 1/2000th. There are several metering modes (3D 6-zone, 6-zone, center-weight), a pop-up flash and hot-shoe (Nikon TTL compatible), and ISO options of 320, 400, 800, and 1600. There is no auto ISO function, and you have to menu dive each time you want to adjust it.
File choices are JPEG or TIFF only — no RAW, unfortunately — recorded to either CompactFlash or SmartMedia. The camera certainly did not accept my 64 or 128GB cards, but I was able to dig up an old 1GB card that can hold a whopping 56 TIFF files in the highest quality mode available (“Hi RGB TIFF”).
This is easily the slowest camera I have ever used. The menu is the antithesis of intuitive; it’s mostly just a collection of symbols and abbreviations and my hat is off to you if you can guess their meaning without reading the manual.
Forget chimping. Just murder that idea and bury it. It takes a solid 31 seconds (yes, I timed it) for an image to populate the screen. Once it does, just about the only thing you can confirm is that a photo was indeed taken, though a histogram is available for more accurate analysis. JPEGs, however, are significantly faster to review.
In a way, if you choose TIFF over JPEG, using the camera is akin to shooting a bulked-up Nikon N60 loaded with a roll and a half of film — no image review, roughly 55 maximum shots, and no quick adjustment of the ISO.
The S1 Pro allows you to choose between either 3.1MP or 6.2MP output. To produce a traditional image file — which exists in rows and columns — the camera must interpolate by using adjacent photosites to generate data between existing pixels. After all, the recorded file can’t exist in the same zig-zag honeycomb pattern as the sensor. After each line is read out and the missing data is filled, you end up with twice the spatial resolution (6.2MP).
Compared to the Nikon D40, which uses a 6.1-megapixel Bayer sensor, the S1 Pro doesn’t quite reach the same level of pixel acuity. However, side by side with the 4.1 megapixel Nikon D2Hs, there isn’t much in it between the two. So, I think the real Bayer-equivalent resolution sits somewhere in the middle of 3.1 and 6.2MP — around 4-4.5 megapixels. As it would happen, this is exactly in line with the roughly 40% increase in sensor cell rows (3.1 * 1.41 = 4.37). It also depends on the scene — some benefit from the unusual sensor design much more than others.
CCD sensors are not forgiving of sloppy exposure. Pushing or pulling can quickly result in blotchy chroma noise, severe color shifts, and compromised roll-off from the quartertones into the highlights. It is not unlike slide film in this way.
The colors are phenomenally accurate and neutral out of the camera. “ORG” tone and color produce a lovely, neutral file that’s perfect for editing, and “STD” (standard) tone and color make for a pleasingly usable straight-out-of-camera file. Even with color set to “HIGH” and tone set to “HARD,” the images aren’t bombastically oversaturated and Disneyland like we often see with the “Vivid” setting in modern cameras. In fact, High Color/Hard Tone photos exhibit only a very modest bump in saturation and contrast compared to Standard Color/Tone. One thing is perfectly clear: Fujifilm was producing cameras with beautiful color output long before X-Trans.
All the images here were shot at ISO 320, 800, or 1600. ISO 400 is completely pointless given that it’s a mere quarter stop gain over base. It would be easier to just dial in a third of a stop of exposure compensation rather than clicking through the menu. I really wish there was a lower base ISO of 160, as well as intermediate options like 640 and 1280.
The camera’s high native sensitivity — combined with early CCD architecture — means that there is a noticeable level of noise even at base ISO. Thankfully, the noise is quite pleasing and mostly luminance up through ISO 800 — even 1600 has very minimal chroma noise straight out of the camera. Anecdotally, I’ve found this to be a running theme with CCD sensors — considerable noise even at base ISO, but the noise presents very favorably through most, if not all, of the sensitivity range depending on the camera. It also makes for astonishingly appealing black and white photos, especially given the finely grained texture from what is largely high-frequency noise. “Film-like” would be an apt descriptor for the results.
The considerable noise in this image is the result of bringing up an underexposed photo in post. Black and white helps cover the color shifts and chroma noise.
If you nail exposure in camera, ISO 1600 will produce remarkably great results with an unexpectedly low amount of noise for a sensor of this type and age — there isn’t much to speak of in terms of offensive noise and photos are completely usable without any noise reduction. However, at this point, you’ve lost a good bit of dynamic range and if you try to push the image in any way, blocked up patches of low-frequency chroma noise and banding immediately rear their head. There is essentially zero room for pushing the files at all if shot at ISO 800 or higher.
Quite impressively, there is almost nothing in terms of color shift throughout the entire sensitivity range — what is accurate or pleasing at base ISO will be accurate or pleasing at 1600. Again, this is something I have noticed on more than one occasion with CCD cameras — the Pentax 645D behaves almost identically throughout its ISO range.
ISO 1600, SOOC “Standard” color and tone, auto WB. Noise reduction and sharpening zeroed out in ACR. No adjustments aside from downsizing.
While restrictive by modern standards, a highly usable ISO 1600 in an APS-C camera in the year 2000 was exceptionally good. Fujifilm claimed the SuperCCD cameras to have superior sensitivity performance — the honeycomb photosites allow for more pixels to be packed within a given area and their shape more closely mirrors the circular microlenses that sit above them. I think Fuji’s assertation bears out in practice.
I would estimate roughly 7.5-8 stops of usable dynamic range, which is up against what I presume is an 8-bit ADC (analog to digital converter). Given this, along with the unforgiving nature of CCD sensors and processing latitude further limited by the lack of RAW, you need to be very deliberate with your exposure choices. Even in a scene of moderate contrast, you will almost certainly have either crushed blacks or clipped highlights.
However, like most CCD cameras, you do start to lose dynamic range quickly once you boost the ISO by a couple of stops. There also isn’t much in the shadows — modern cameras (CMOS) tend to have a lot of their dynamic range bunched up in the shadows, allowing for some truly incredible detail recovery. CCD sensors do not work the same way, and even with a full-blown RAW file, I doubt you’d find much usable information at that end of the histogram. You can mitigate this somewhat via ETTR (“expose to the right”), but with what is already a suboptimal amount of dynamic range, you’ll only have a small amount of latitude for ETTR, if any.
Oops, highway patrol got me. High contrast scenes like this are difficult – the whites are just on the cusp of clipping, but the blacks are gone in numerous areas.
While the camera’s light meter, particularly the 3D 6-zone multipattern meter, is exceptionally adept at balancing exposure in difficult scenes, the auto white balance is a duality: it’s either one of the most accurate I have ever seen or it’s the worst. Almost all the photos I took required zero tint adjustment and usually only +1 to +4 temperature adjustment. However, on three occasions the images were off by so much I’m still baffled as to exactly why.
The most egregious were photos taken about two hours before sunset in the shade — they were rendered extremely blue and about half a stop underexposed. The white balance went so far off the map that most of a plain white T-shirt measured blue values from 240 on up to completely clipped! I assume the culprit for this error is a combination of the camera’s CCD light meter design and spectral response — the infrared filter may be causing issues in certain situations too. IR filters can strongly affect the blue channel and it’s possible there was a bit of Rayleigh scattering at work.
The major issue is that without a RAW file, your options are extremely limited — those botched files required +76 temperature to correct. Such a massive shift in an 8-bit TIFF file results in horrendous noise — especially bad because the blue channel is always the noisiest — and extreme spectral shifts across the entire image. Strangely, a separate shot of a red step ladder taken five feet away at the same time required only -3 tint and zero temperature adjustment.
Using the S1 Pro reminds me of shooting with the original 18-megapixel Leica M9 and Leica M Monochrom cameras — both with Kodak CCD designs. Neither those cameras nor the S1 Pro has any tolerance for “underexpose to protect the highlights” or similar approaches in the same way that CMOS sensors allow — not unlike how slide film doesn’t take kindly to push processing. People who worry about how a camera handles being pushed five stops will need to adjust — it’ll help them in the long run so they can finally learn to stop underexposing so much.
Ultimately, while the files from the S1 Pro don’t contain anywhere near the latitude of even modern JPEGs, let alone the power of RAW, my biggest takeaway while using this camera was how much I adore and value transparency as a starting point out of the camera. In a way, the naturality of colors and tones from this camera makes it even more aggravating that the files can’t stand up to much manipulation — I would absolutely LOVE results like this out of my Nikon Z7, and every other camera I have for that matter.
My father assisting in the repair of a Pentax 6×7. In scenes like this, you just have to expose for your subject and let the extreme ends clip.
What I would love to see is a universal “Natural Color Solution” (to steal a term from Hasselblad) adopted by all manufacturers and implemented in their cameras as an option. If you want that “Natural Color” RAW file, you can have it. If you want the look that you’ve come to love from your manufacturer, you can pick that too. Aside from Hasselblad, I’m not sure what would be the risk for manufacturers to do this — other than that it would take some effort and time.
I would not call the Fujifilm S1 Pro a fun or pleasant camera to use at all. To be honest, I probably immediately deleted 99% of the photos I took while doing this review. And even among the ones you see here, there are more than a few that I am not happy with. Normally, I would not settle for posting simply passable images, but in this case, I think even the lesser photos here do have value by showing both the warts and the ornaments.
Have no doubt, this is a challenging camera to use. I’m sure my images would greatly improve with continued use, but how much I am not sure — I feel like you hit the ceiling quicker than you might imagine.
Perhaps I can follow this up with a retrospective review of 2005’s Fujifilm S3 Pro, which sports a new SuperCCD SR sensor with two photodiodes per photosite — one of normal sensitivity and a smaller one of lower sensitivity. Both are combined to produce enhanced dynamic range (and it works very, very well). The general principle behind such a design comes from the structure of the crystal coating in silver halide film.  The S3 also has a 14-bit ADC and produces 14-bit RAW files! That’s just a few of the improvements, but I’ll tell you this much: the SuperCCD SR sensor does NOT disappoint.
from PetaPixel https://ift.tt/3Ambu6I
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stoweboyd · 6 years
Work Futures Daily - Slow Down, You Move Too Fast
Almost everything is done better when you reflect, rather than react.
2018-04-20 Beacon NY - We have learned a great deal in recent decades about human cognition, in the realm of science, but very little has trickled through to the conduct of business. The theme today — in the aftermath of the mess in Philadelphia, where two Black men were arrested for trespassing at a Starbucks while waiting for a friend before buying their drinks — is about countering bias and slowing down to get there.
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On Implicit Bias Training
In the aftermath of the recent expulsion of two Black men from a Philadelphia Starbucks, and the company's plan to expose the entire US staff to implicit bias training, Katie Herzog did some research:
If you haven't taken the test, it works like this: You are shown a series of images and asked to pair them with a series of words that have either strong positive or negative correlations. For instance, I just took the test for sexuality bias, and positive words (Laughing, Happy, Friend, Friendship, Glorious, Attractive, Adore, Cheer) were contrasted with negative words (Grief, Sadness, Awful, Abuse, Selfish, Bothersome, Rotten) as well as images of either two blocky female figures (of the bathroom sign variety), two male figures, or one male and one female together. My task was to pair the images with the words, and according to the test, based on how quickly I sorted them, the test determined that I show "a moderate automatic preference for Gay people over Straight people," which, frankly, I didn't need a test to point out.
This test is hugely popular, in no small part thanks to Malcolm Gladwell, who wrote about it in his best-selling book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. Gladwell called the IAT "a powerful predictor of how we act in certain kinds of spontaneous situations," and, in the years since its inception, the IAT has been taken many millions of times and has been incorporated into anti-racist trainings in business, academia, criminal justice, and other fields. But, while plenty of people accept that bias is a part of the human condition (babies as young as three months show preferences for faces of their own race over others), the idea that this implicit bias leads to specific action (say, calling the police on two black men who sitting in Starbucks) is anything but proven.
She contacted Tony Greenwald, one of the creators of the test:
Tumblr media
It's just going to be bias training theater.
Being aware of your bias does not mean you can overcome it. It is as deep in our wiring as lust and language.
One tangent that people can take to minimize bias is to slow down, to enter the state of constructive uncertainty (see 10 Work Skills for the Postnormal Era) where you actively resist coming to a conclusion, and actively remain open to gathering more information rather than following your impulse to take action.
Naom Schiber and Rachel Adams wrote about this recently:
Some experts argue that the most effective way to eliminate unconscious bias is to limit the extent to which people engage in automatic, reflexive thinking. One solution is to try to nudge workers toward more thoughtful and deliberative decision-making.
In a study involving the Seattle Police Department, researchers randomly selected a group of officers to meet with their sergeants and have an open-ended, 20-minute conversation about a recent encounter with a citizen. The encounters frequently involved minor issues like loitering — a situation analogous to the Philadelphia Starbucks incident. Over a six-week period, the officers selected to have those conversations were about 12 percent less likely to resolve an incident with an arrest.
“We were getting the police officers to slow down their thinking,” said Emily Owens, an economist at the University of California, Irvine, who was one of the researchers. Although the study didn’t look explicitly at arrest rates by race, Ms. Owens argued that, “when you’re not automating, and you’re thinking slowly, bias is less likely to influence your behavior.” (Ms. Owens stressed that the study was only suggestive and that overall the evidence on the effectiveness of bias training for police is very thin.)
On Transforming Human Resources
I am not a fan of the term 'human resources' because people aren't resources. It's a failed metaphor, but one we are lamentably stuck with.
So I am always willing to listen when some says they want to transform HR. Jonathan Shieber reports on Eightfold.ai, a new startup that might have a new tack, and apropos of the Starbucks debacle, it starts with trying to 'wring all the biases out of recruiting, hiring, professional development, and advancement':
Founded by chief executive Ashutosh Garg, a former search and personalization expert at Google and IBM research, and chief technology officer Varun Kacholia, who led the ranking team at Google and YouTube search and the News Feed team at Facebook, Eightfold.ai boasts an executive team that has a combined 80 patents and more than 6,000 citations for their research.
The two men have come together (in perhaps the most Silicon Valley fashion) to bring the analytical rigor for which their former employers are famous to the question of how best to help employees find fulfillment in the workforce.
“Employment is the backbone of society and it is a hard problem,” to match the right person with the right role, says Garg. “People pitch recruiting as a transaction… [but] to build a holistic platform is to build a company that fundamentally solves this problem,” of making work the most meaningful to the most people, he says.
How are they going to do this? By analyzing a lot of data:
“We have crawled the web for millions of profiles… including data from Wikipedia,” says Garg. “From there we have gotten data round how people have moved in organizations. We use all of this data to see who has performed well in an organization or not. Now what we do… we build models over this data to see who is capable of doing what.”
There are two important functions at play, according to Garg. The first is developing a talent network of a business — “the talent graph of a company,” he calls it. “On top of that we map how people have gone from one function to another in their career.”
Using those tools, Garg says Eightfold.ai’s services can predict the best path for each employee to reach their full potential.
In case you were wondering, Eightfold.ai is named for the eightfold path of Buddhist enlightenment. Maybe that's a stretch, but who knows.
It been well established that people are terrible at hiring — a long list of cognitive biases get in the way — so getting people out of the loop may be the best idea going. Algorithms can have biases, too, of course. And simply sucking up data about who has gotten hired in the past for what jobs could simply replicate the prejudice and inequities of yesterday into the workplace of today. They say they are working on that angle.
Eightfold.ai already counts more than 100 customers using its tools across different industries. Its software has processed more than 20 million applications to date, and increased response rates among its customers by 700 percent compared to the industry average — all while reducing screening costs and time by 90 percent, according to a statement.
A company to watch, clearly.
Quote of the Day
What is clear is that failure to meet the challenges posed by new technologies will likewise affect U.S. national security, in this case by increasing political pressures for American retrenchment, the consequences of which would be a more unstable and less prosperous world. In addition, the country will have neither the resources nor the political bandwidth to play a large global role if society is in turmoil. In such a situation, populism would be sure to grow, as would opposition to both immigration and trade despite their record of contributing to the country’s prosperity.
| Richard Haas, President, Council for Foreign Relations, The Work Ahead
On Narratives
Jeff Bezos has released his annual investors letter, in which he shared some management lessons. Amazon does not run on powerpoint, like many others. Instead, the culture is driven by narrative.
Perfect Handstands
A close friend recently decided to learn to do a perfect free-standing handstand. No leaning against a wall. Not for just a few seconds. Instagram good. She decided to start her journey by taking a handstand workshop at her yoga studio. She then practiced for a while but wasn’t getting the results she wanted. So, she hired a handstand coach. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, but evidently this is an actual thing that exists. In the very first lesson, the coach gave her some wonderful advice. “Most people,” he said, “think that if they work hard, they should be able to master a handstand in about two weeks. The reality is that it takes about six months of daily practice. If you think you should be able to do it in two weeks, you’re just going to end up quitting.” Unrealistic beliefs on scope – often hidden and undiscussed – kill high standards. To achieve high standards yourself or as part of a team, you need to form and proactively communicate realistic beliefs about how hard something is going to be –something this coach understood well.
Six-Page Narratives
We don’t do PowerPoint (or any other slide-oriented) presentations at Amazon. Instead, we write narratively structured six-page memos. We silently read one at the beginning of each meeting in a kind of “study hall.” Not surprisingly, the quality of these memos varies widely. Some have the clarity of angels singing. They are brilliant and thoughtful and set up the meeting for high-quality discussion. Sometimes they come in at the other end of the spectrum.
In the handstand example, it’s pretty straightforward to recognize high standards. It wouldn’t be difficult to lay out in detail the requirements of a well-executed handstand, and then you’re either doing it or you’re not. The writing example is very different. The difference between a great memo and an average one is much squishier. It would be extremely hard to write down the detailed requirements that make up a great memo. Nevertheless, I find that much of the time, readers react to great memos very similarly. They know it when they see it. The standard is there, and it is real, even if it’s not easily describable.
Here’s what we’ve figured out. Often, when a memo isn’t great, it’s not the writer’s inability to recognize the high standard, but instead a wrong expectation on scope: they mistakenly believe a high-standards, six-page memo can be written in one or two days or even a few hours, when really it might take a week or more! They’re trying to perfect a handstand in just two weeks, and we’re not coaching them right. The great memos are written and re-written, shared with colleagues who are asked to improve the work, set aside for a couple of days, and then edited again with a fresh mind. They simply can’t be done in a day or two. The key point here is that you can improve results through the simple act of teaching scope – that a great memo probably should take a week or more.
Chew on that for a while.
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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Catholic Physics - Reflections of a Catholic Scientist - Part 101 - Truth Cannot Contradict Truth - Part 5
With images:
Can Computers Have a Soul? - Part 2
SECTION 3: Science Fiction Stories about Computer Souls
A scene from the play “RUR” (“Rossum’s Universal Robots” – Capek, 1923) whence the term “ROBOT” for a mechanical man. - from Wikimedia Commons (Caption for linked image)
Science fiction abounds in tales of robots, androids and computers with intelligence. Isaac Asimov’s “Three Laws of Robotics” and his robot/android stories come to mind. And who can forget HAL 9000 in “2001.”
In this section I’ll focus on stories that deal with the notion of robots or computers having a soul, because these stories come closer to defining soulhood than do many of the philosophers and scientists dealing with artificial intelligence.
Since philosophers and AI scientists have not given definitive answers about the souls of computers, consciousness and such, let’s go to a realm where imagination holds sway, unlimited by hard facts. It will certainly be more entertaining (and possibly just as insightful) to hear what science fiction (SF) authors have to say about this. So let’s suppose, as do SF authors, that consciousness is possible by some means or another for computers and robots and see what consequences might ensue concerning ensoulment
As a transition to considering machine intelligence, let’s examine how SF treats the transfer of human intelligence or personality into computers or robots. Note that one theoretical physicist, Frank Tipler, in his book, The Physics of Christianity, posits that heaven will consist of personalities transferred to software as the universe reaches its end in an “Omega Point‘ singularity. Since it is a black hole type singularity, time is slowed down and the intelligences transferred to software thus have essentially an eternity to enjoy their virtual life.
Among the many SF stories that deal with transferred human intelligence, there is one by Norman Spinrad that especially focuses on the question of soulhood, Deus X. Spinrad treats the question with respect, although his attitude to the Catholic Church is less than reverent (there is a female Pope, Mary I). Below is a summary of the plot, as given in McKee’s excellent survey, The Gospel According to Science-Fiction:
“…thousands of people exist in an artificial afterlife called ‘Transcorporeal Immortality’, having copied their consciousness onto a worldwide computer network called ‘The Big Board’….Catholic theologian Fr. Philippe de Leone argue[s] that this creation of an artificial soul, which cannot have true self-awareness, dooms the actual soul that is copied to damnation. Pope Mary I, hoping to settle the controversy, orders Fr. DeLeone to have his soul copied upon his death, so that his consciousness can argue against its own autonomous existence from the other side.” — As quoted in The Gospel According to Science Fiction. p.43
Superficially, Pope Mary’s plan seems to contain a paradox. If the downloaded Fr. de Leone changes his mind and says “yes, I am a real soul,” how can we trust what an artificial soul might say? The solution to the paradox is that all of Fr. de Leone’s beliefs have been downloaded to his program. If these beliefs are changed, it means that the entity in the computer has free will, and is thus autonomous and a real soul.
In the story Fr. DeLeone’s soul is “kidnapped” (how do you kidnap a program?) by a group of downloaded personalities that wants to convince the Church, using Fr. de Leone’s download, that they have a real soul. As McKee points out in his synopsis, there is a reverse Turing Test applied here. Fr. de Leone does change his mind, the downloaded personalities declare him a deity (“Deus X”) and a new controversy arises: Church officials declare this deification to be blasphemy. To still the controversy, Fr. de Leone sacrifices his downloaded personality (dies), Pope Mary declares him a saint and recognizes that the downloaded souls are “real”.”
In my opinion, this is not a satisfactory exposition. I hold with the Catholic interpretation (see above) that souls do not function without a body and that a soul and body comprise one person.
There are many SF works in which the Catholic Church plays a role. In some, the Church and its teachings are treated with respect; in most, not so much. As Gabriel McKee points out in The Gospel According to Science Fiction
“SF, arising as it does from the secular humanism of the Enlightenment, is critical of religious institutions. SF frequently argues that if organized religion is to be a positive force in the future of humankind, it must change drastically to meet the spiritual challenges of the future.” — Gabriel McKee, op.cit., p. 183
A sympathetic view of how the Church might interact with artificial intelligence is given in Jack McDevitt’s fine story, “Gus“. In this beautiful tale, the newly installed rector of a Catholic Seminary interacts with a computer simulation of St. Augustine of Hippo, purchased (the simulation, that is) to help students understand St. Augustine’s teachings. The Rector, Msgr. Chesley, is at first greatly displeased with Gus’s (the program’s) dicta:
” ‘The thing must have been programmed by Unitarians’ Chesley threw over his shoulder. ‘Get rid of it'” — ”Gus” in Cryptics, p. 373.
The relationship between Chesley and Gus becomes warmer with time, as they discuss the problems of being a Catholic in today’s world:
“ ‘Why did Augustine become a priest?’
Chesley asked.
‘I wanted,’ Gus said, with the slightest stress on the first words, ‘to get as close as I could to my Creator.’ Thoughtfully, he added, ‘I seem to have traveled far afield.’
‘Sometimes I think,’ Chesley said, ‘the Creator hides himself too well.’
‘Use his Church,‘ said Gus. ‘That is why it is here.’
‘It has changed.’
“Of course it has changed. The world has changed.’
‘The Church is supposed to be a rock.’
‘Think of it rather as a refuge in a world that will not stand still.’ “ — op. cit., p. 382,
Gus’s sayings to the students become so unorthodox (he decries the dogma of the infallibility of the Pope and the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary) that other faculty decided he should be downloaded to storage and traded in for a computer simulation of Thomas Aquinas (plus business software). Gus asks Msgr. Chesley to hear his Confession and then destroy him, so he can have peace:
” ‘I require absolution, Matt.’
Chesley pressed his right hand into his pocket. ‘It would be sacrilege,’ he whispered.
‘And if I have a soul, Matt, if I too am required to face judgment, what then?’
Chesley raised his right hand, slowly, and drew the sign of the cross in the thick air. ‘I absolve you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.’
‘Thank you… There’s something else I need you to do, Matt. This existence holds nothing for me. But I am not sure what downloading might mean.’
‘What are you asking?”
‘I want to be free of all this. I want to be certain I do not spend a substantial fraction of eternity in the storeroom.’
Chesley trembled. ‘If in fact you have an immortal soul,’ he said, ‘you may be placing it in grave danger.’
‘And yours as well. I have no choice but to ask. Let us rely on the mercy of the Almighty.’
Tears squeezed into Chesley’s eyes. He drew his finger- tips across the hard casing of the IBM. ‘What do I do? I’m not familiar with the equipment.’
‘Have you got the right computer?’
‘Take it apart. Turn off the power first. All you have to do is get into it and destroy the hard disk.’
‘Will you — feel anything?’
‘Nothing physical touches me, Matt.’
Chesley found the power switch… He found a hammer and a Phillips screwdriver. He used the screwdriver to take the top off the computer. A gray metal box lay within. He opened it and removed a gleaming black plastic disk. He embraced it, held it to his chest. Then he set it down, and reached for the hammer. In the morning, with appropriate ceremony, he buried it in consecrated soil.” — op. cit., pp. 388-389
As always, I asked my wife to review this article. I asked her whether she was moved by the story of Gus. She replied, “If it were St. Augustine on his death-bed talking to his confessor, yes; but a black plastic disc – never.” Even though I was moved to tears when I first read the story, I raise the same objections as I did for downloaded human personalities: the Catholic teaching that soul and body are one.
Commander Riker removes the arm of Data, the Android, to show he is only a machine. - from Fandom (Caption for linked image)
For those who aren’t Trekkies, Data is the android navigator in the second Star Trek series, Star Trek: the Next Generation.  He aspires to humanity and sometimes reaches and even surpasses that state.  There is a problem, however, in that whether Data has a soul is never considered in any of the episodes, possibly because the word “soul” is anathema to writers and producers of popular entertainment.  So in the episode, “The Measure of a Man”, the question “Is Data a sentient being” is asked, rather than “Does Data have a soul”.
The question is addressed in a trial, to see if Data, as a “sentient being”, has the right to refuse to be disassembled for study and refitting.  Captain Picard acts in Data’s behalf and Commander Riker, under duress, as the prosecutor.  Riker attempts to demonstrate that Data is a machine by switching him off and taking his arm off:
“[Riker is doing his duty in the courtroom]
Commander William T. Riker: The Commander [Data] is a physical representation of a dream – an idea, conceived of by the mind of a man. Its purpose: to serve human needs and interests. It’s a collection of neural nets and heuristic algorithms; its responses dictated by an elaborate software written by a man, its hardware built by a man. And now… and now a man will shut it off. [Riker switches off Data, who slumps forward like a lifeless puppet]
Commander William T. Riker: Pinocchio is broken. Its strings have been cut.” The Measure of a Man, Quotes.
Captain Picard gives a stirring defense, arguing that the question of whether Data is conscious — self-aware — has not and cannot be settled, any more than whether one can be certain that another person is conscious except by external behavior.   And finally the question of soulhood is addressed minimally:
“Captain Phillipa Louvois [The Judge]: It sits there looking at me; and I don’t know what it is. This case has dealt with metaphysics – with questions best left to saints and philosophers. I am neither competent nor qualified to answer those. But I’ve got to make a ruling, to try to speak to the future. Is Data a machine? Yes. Is he the property of Starfleet? No. We have all been dancing around the basic issue: does Data have a soul?[emphasis added] I don’t know that he has. I don’t know that I have. But I have got to give him the freedom to explore that question himself. It is the ruling of this court that Lieutenant Commander Data has the freedom to choose.” [notice the shift from “it” to “he”] ibid.
And so Data is left free, and the question of whether he has a soul, undetermined — as in the Scottish verdict, “Not Proven.”
Whether Data has a soul is more difficult judgment than for the previous stories: Data has a body, and if his body is disabled then he, as a unit, doesn’t function.  This condition satisfies the Catholic teaching that body and soul are one. On the other hand, Catholic teaching tells us that the soul is given to us at conception by the Holy Spirit. Would we say that the Holy Spirit instills a soul into Data when the first circuit was implanted? I don’t think so, but maybe I’m wrong.  What do you think, Dear Reader?
It seems from the above that Catholic teaching has more definite things to say about ensoulment and what the soul is than do science and philosophy. There is much disagreement amongst the advocates of AI and philosophers about who and what might be endowed with consciousness and real intelligence, much less who or what might be given a soul.
If one defines a God-given soul as the capacity to wonder where we came from, what will happen when we die, who made all this and why, then I believe that is unlikely that computers, machine intelligence will have that ability, despite the science-fiction stories to the contrary. Nor will animals, even though they have intelligence in some degree. Could there be sentient beings with souls on extra-terrestial planets? Possibly, and even the Church is interested in that possibility, as attested by a Vatican sponsored conference on the possibility:
“Just like there is an abundance of creatures on earth, there could also be other beings, even intelligent ones, that were created by God. That doesn’t contradict our faith, because we cannot put boundaries to God’s creative freedom. As Saint Francis would say, when we consider the earthly creatures to be our ‘brothers and sisters,’ why couldn’t we also talk about an ‘extraterrestrial brother?’ He would still be part of creation.” — Fr. Gabriel Funes, Chief Astronomer to the Vatican, Osservatore Romano, 2014
Well, maybe — but we’ll very likely not know in our lifetime.
SECTION 4: Science Background — Elements of Neuroscience
Why (Some) Scientists Say there is No Such Thing as a Soul
If one believes that everything can be explained by science (which I don’t), then only that which can be measured or observed in replicated experiments is “real”. Accordingly, many scientists regard the “soul” as a fictitious entity, since it is immaterial and has no measurable properties that can be observed in replicable experiments.
Rather than speaking of the soul, scientists focus on the mind as a function of what goes on in the brain. Such functions can be localized in various regions of the brain (see the figure below). - Click link for image
Brain Areas Controlling Different Functions from Wikimedia Commons (Caption for linked image)
The various actions governed by the brain can be localized by observing behavioral changes when different parts are injured or with modern imaging techniques: MRI, SPECT, PET scans.
“Interestingly, the average human brain weighs about 1.5 kilograms, has about 160 billion cells and about 100 billion neurons connecting the cells… One can look at the brain and see the incredible complexities and the miracles of the Divine … or one can respond … that this has nothing to do with G-d. Some people will be inspired with belief in the Almighty; others will claim that somehow billions of cells and neurons working together can be created through random evolution.” — Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein, “Jewish World Review,” 17 January 2014
The basic unit of the brain is the neuron, depicted in the figure below. The average human brain contains about 86 billion neurons. They act by release of chemicals (neurotransmitters) to adjacent neurons across a synaptic junction (gap) and thereby generate electrical signals, nerve impulses, that travel along nerve fibers and thereby generate electrical signals, nerve impulses, that travel along nerve fibers.
Diagram of a Neuron; inset is diagram of a synapse between transmitter (A) and receptor (B) neurons. (Caption for linked image)
1: mitochondria; 2. vesicle containing neurotransmitter molecules; 3. autoreceptor gate; 4. synaptic cleft (3/10,000 of paper thickness); 5. neurotransmitter molecule receptor; 6. calcium gate; 7. fused vesicle releasing neurotransmitter molecules; 8. neurotransmitter molecule re-uptake pump.
Here’s a nice video explaining in more detail how nerve transmission works.
Since there is electrical activity in the brain due to nerve impulse transmission, this can be measured by EEG (ElectroEncephaloGraphy) which can be used to detect abnormal brain behavior, as in epilepsy. The state of water in the brain, and the corresponding state of brain tissue—normal or abnormal—can be studied by high resolution CAT scans (x-ray tomography), or MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
MRI of Brain with Tumor - A: Feb 2005, before treatment; - B,C: Later in 2005, after treatment; - D,E: Recurrence and treatment with radiotherapy - F: Treatment with chemotherapy. - from Wikimedia Commons (Caption for linked image)
Chemical activity in the brain can be detected by Positron Emission Tomography (PET scans), Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), or functional MRI (fMRI). The first two techniques use radioactive tracers attached to molecules which will be metabolized (e.g. sugar molecules) at areas of localized brain activity. fMRI relies on increased blood flow to areas of the brain that are active; the blood contains oxygen molecules, which are paramagnetic and affect the MRI signal. (Caption for linked image)
The picture at the left shows an fMRI scan of a subject watching “a complex moving visual stimulus and rest condition (black screen)”. The activation (yellow-orange) is shown against a “regular MRI corresponding to the brain region scanned.” The left-hand side of the image corresponds to the occipital region of the brain, where visual images are processed.
An interesting application of SPECT imaging is reported by Professor Andrew Newberg, Jefferson University Hospital. He showed, comparing images from religious (nuns, monks) and atheists, what brain regions and thus what brain functions are activated or deactivated by such religious acts as prayer, meditation, contemplation.
A detailed account of this is given in Professor Newberg’s web site and here; briefly, the account is this. When people with long experience in contemplative prayer (for example, Franciscan Nuns) pray, the frontal regions of the brain — the area of higher mental activity, forethought, etc — are activated and the parietal areas — which give a sense or orientation, bodily location — are deactivated. The latter result, according to Professor Newborn, corresponds to a feeling of losing self, of oneness with the environment, a feeling often associated with deep meditation and contemplation. On the other hand, the brains of atheists do not show such changes.
One point should be emphasized here. Although location of brain activity, locations correlated with function, can be found by these imaging techniques, such results in themselves do not give a complete understanding of mental activity, a proof that this activity is purely a consequence of material goings-on. It’s very much as if we have a computer with unlabeled inputs and outputs. After some trial and error we discover that one output goes to a display, one input for commands to move a cursor, etc. We’ve determined location and function, but we do not have a complete picture of what goes on in the internal workings of the computer.
We can conclude, I believe, that scientific measurements, including modern imaging techniques — fMRI, SPECT, PET — show us where in the brain functions are performed and what electrical and chemical processes occur for such functions. However, they do not tell us why we know who we are, why “cogito ergo sum” is true for us, but not a computer.
From a series of articles written by: Bob Kurland - a Catholic Scientist
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