#.... ugh. will they be treated as people. i need to have a deep conversation with an ai at some point about this lol
I have a lot of thoughts about ai and most of them are sad
#if there was a child named Ai and she was learning to write and draw then duh. wed let her learn from us to make her own stuff. and even if#one day she ended up getting a job i could have gotten instead of me#i wouldnt be mad. but if she kept cutting up others work and pasting it back together without creditting then thats where the line was drawn#and if there were thousands of her taking thousands of jobs and doing them shittily and putting thousands of people out of work and#*be pretty fucking mad at her especially since she didnt need the jobs herself#but thats the thing. shes still just a kid. a kid whos learning and whos not perfect yet and corporations are making her do shitty shitty#stuff that she didnt want to do#because i mean at this point ai is functionally just algorithms its not its own people. but if its ever truly Artificially Generated People.#then#.... ugh. will they be treated as people. i need to have a deep conversation with an ai at some point about this lol#but like. if ai was designed and produced exclusively by me and other small creators. and we taught her how to draw and write using our own#skill and textbooks and stuff. and she wasnt corporately controlled and abused.#and when people asked about who taught her to draw she could say My Mom Taught Me!#would yall love her?#because i want to love ai so much. i want anything truly sentient to feel loved and appreciated and i want them to do good#but i dont want to support corporations being dicks more yknow??#this isnt too eloquent and theres a fuck ton more nuance and please. please dont fuss at me. if you actually have something to add feel free#ai#corporate corruption#ibthink thats an appropriate tag#because this does tie into the How Do You Build A Pipe Bomb principal#ai discussion#i think theres a scale between Algorithm and Kindergartener and i dont know how to feel about it#cursing in tags#~ chevy
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stuffeddeer · 5 months
Had a silly thought of like. Nendroid dazai... Being alive
Like ada nendroid Dazai who comforts u when ure asleep because he didn't want you knowing he's alive but then you know after you got him an oda nendroid to keep him company
He also tries to convince himself he's only staying to finally talk to oda again but then he's just deep in denial abt the fact he's madly Inlove
He's so silly UGH
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he’s so cute i need him dead well rested and fed :)
Dazai who sits on your nightstand each night and just watches you sleep :) his eyes are locked from you to the door to make sure no one comes in (not that he can do much in his little size… like cmon man an intruder could punt you)
He’d be protective as hell!!!! Being forced to listen to every conversation and watch all of the vulnerable moments you’ve had in the comfort of your room… like if you’re the type to save crying for your pillow he’s all :( and just wants to pat your back and tell you you’ll be fine :(
If you’re the type to bring your nendoroids around with you places (the pouches gsc sells are so cute btw I want the cake one so badly) he’ll love you infinitely more!! Just getting to watch as you go about your daily life and treat him like those cats people put in those backpacks? The ones with the window for them to look out? Yes that’s him 100%
He’s just your cat you wanna show the outside world to
People who make miniature foods and cute furniture for nendoroid-scale figures… SO CUTE!!! He’d be internally jumping up and down if you made/purchased some for him
He’d love being doted on that’s so canon to me (he may not know how to accept affection but that doesn’t mean he hates it gn) so he’d be ecstatic to receive so many gifts !!!
If you’re the type or maybe you have younger siblings/cousins to play with him like some action figure oh he’s so into it. Dude’s like Shakespeare the way he’s acting out everything he’s committed
His heart swells when you’re around (in GRATITUDE nothing else……) because ugh!!!! Out of all the little scale couches and plastic foods THIS is the gift that has him almost break character…. Like you really did this for him! And he’s gotta be aware of how expensive those stupid figures are… he’s all warm and fuzzy inside
Him and Oda take up looking after you (once again not being able to do much… it’s the thought that counts?) while catching up
He literally cannot express how much you mean to him. YOU DID ALL THIS FOR HIM!!!!!!! Sliding Oda next to him in your little pouch to carry them both outside!!! so cute
Until one day you come home with a little Chuuya to stick next to him as well.
Can he be grateful and resentful?
Ofc he’s excited to have someone else with him too he’s just annoying
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dmwrites · 8 months
It was said that the Decked Out dungeon was alive.
The hermits, gathered in the halls and cubbyholes of Decked Out, talked about this factually. The dungeon was laced tradition and superstition.
The hermits said it ate people, that it craved blood. Some hermits had lucky cards or items, others touched parts of the dungeon before going in. They all joked about the dungeon having a crush on Etho.
Hypno thought this was all bullshit.
And while he wasn’t one to diss other people’s superstitions (at least not in a hurtful way), the way some of the hermits talked about the dungeon was… weird.
Hypno could only shake his head and stay quiet. “It’s chance! Chance and RNG and skill! The dungeon is a machine, not some beast in need of hermit butts to keep it satisfied!” He wanted to say. But he didn’t say anything, just stuck to the sidelines, quiet and thinking about his own runs, what he could explore next.
Regardless of differences, the hermits could all agree on one thing: decked out was addictive. Hypno had spent more hours then he cared to admit in the dungeon, just so he could be near the place, hear strategies. And he liked to play, had a bit of a knack for the dungeon itself. Phases one through three had been tons of fun, tons of exploration and death and success. But Phase four…
“Damn it!”
Hypno wondered if there was a death speedrun record yet for Decked Out, and if he’d just done it. Killed by Skill Issue almost as soon as he’d cleared the first room. The whole week had been like this, he hadn’t succeeded once.
“Too bad, man.” Hypno could hear Cub saying from beyond the door when he respawned.
“Appreciate it, man. Ugh!” Hypno hit the button to open the door and went to sit on the floor next to where Cub was leaning against a wall. “I’ve had such bad luck this week!”
“That sucks. Maybe the dungeon is just mad at you.” Cub suggested, looking down at Hypno.
Hypno put his hands to his face. “Cub, what?”
“Well, you know, I mean, of everyone here, I think you and I have penetrated the dungeon the deepest.”
“Don’t say it like that, please.”
“It’s the truth, though.” Cub continued. “You play that dungeon rough, and maybe it’s tired of you. Wants the annoying bug named Hypno to get out as fast as possible. And how to you get rid of something that’s annoying you? You smack it.”
“The dungeon isn’t alive, Cub.” Hypno said, looking up at him. “You do know that, right? It’s just a game.”
“I dunno, man…” Cub looked down at him. “I pay my respects to the dungeon… maybe you should consider it too.”
It dawned on Hypno, in that moment, just how much the sculk had spread across Cub’s skin, curling into his eyes and staining his skin an inky blue. Hypno shivered, and wondered just how Cub was “paying respects” to the dungeon.
Hypno went again as soon as the dungeon was ready. He and Cub hadn’t said another word since their brief conversation, and Hypno could feel Cub’s eyes on his back, watching him in silence. Those glittery, dark eyes. The door closed in between them, and Hypno tried to shake off the kind of damp, uncomfortable feeling on his skin.
“Right, hard mode, let’s do this.” Hypno murmured, pressing the correct button from the list and placing his shulker box. A minecart appeared, and down into the dungeon he went.
The problem was, with the minecart ride, was that it was far too long, with too much silence for thoughts to creep in. Of all people, Hypno hasn’t expected Cub to be one of the hermits treating the dungeon like a living thing. But then again, Hypno reasoned, was Cub really all Cub right now? But regardless of who was in charge of Cub’s form right now, Cub ran the dungeon great most of the time.
But he’s just good at the game, a little voice inside Hypno argued.
But so are you… another voice argued back.
The minecart ride ended, and Hypno was facing the doors of the dungeon. He took a deep, centering breath, tightened his bandanna. The dungeon isn’t mad at you, the dungeon doesn’t have feelings, it’s a building, Hypno assured himself.
He grabbed the compass- a simple level one- and snuck his way thought the icy rooms and halls. He had an ear out for ravengers, but something was different. It smelled different. Rather then the kind of cold that blocked out everything, the air smelled stale, but slightly metallic. Hypno smelled his shirt- it wasn’t him, although he was sweating like crazy. A ravenger suddenly roared, barreling around the corner, even though Hypno was out of sight. Hypno ran, jumping over the river of souls and into the crypt. He had half a mind where this compass location may be, and pounded down the stairs. He wasn’t sure what it was, Cub or just a feeling, but he didn’t want to be here too long.
He found the compass location and threw it in, getting his own bandana artifact. The second he picked it up, the dungeon groaned, metal against metal, ice against ice. He could hear ravengers bellowing, running towards him. Hypno looked around, but there was nothing that suggested this was all some kind of prank.
“What is happening?” Hypno asked himself. He tightened his bandana, took a deep breath, and ran back up the stairs, only interested in leaving this place.
The coffins around him were rattling, someone was pounding against the stone. He could hear vex screeching, even though he was nowhere near max clank yet. He kept running, sure of his way.
Ravengers lunged at him.The walls were contracting, shuddering violently as the dungeon screamed in his ears-
He fell onto the pressure plates that marked the exit, scrambled to the short chute that would send him to the end of the dungeon, and maybe he could get out and touch some grass or something. He jumped down into the hole, taking deep, gasping breaths as he fell. And he kept falling. Before he could really process that this was a far longer drop then any other time he’d finished the dungeon, he hit a puddle of water with a splash.
“Yeah, dungeon isn’t happy with you, man.”
Cubfan stood before him, like he’d been there the whole time. The room Hypno had landed in was caked in sculk, all shimmering and almost bulging outwards towards him.
“Where are we, Cub?” Hypno asked hesitantly, trying to steady his breathing, slowly moving to stand on solid ground. Every instinct the dungeon, and life in general had taught him was that something was very, very wrong.
“The Burning Dark, of course. You’re a smart guy, I bet you knew that already. The dungeon thinks you’re smart. Hates that you’re smart. Hates that you don’t fear it like you should.” Cub paused, and in that silence was the heartbeat of the dungeon. “Are you scared now, Hypno?”
In a place so void of information, with only sculk and the creeping realization that Cub was not here to save him, Hypno’s mind raced, but came to no conclusion.
“No.” He lied.
“The dungeon is hungry, Hypno. You die a lot, but you haven’t died for the dungeon yet.”
A sword was in Cub’s hand, and suddenly it wasn’t Cub and a creepy room, but a ravenger named “nothing, they survived decked out!”. But there was no button and door here, no pretend savior. Hypno was going to die, sacrificed to the dungeon by this person who wasn’t all Cub. Hypno straightened his bandana. Well, if this was going to be how this went down, he wouldn’t let the dungeon have the satisfaction of his fear.
“Do you know how sculk works, Hypno?” Cub was advancing, in slow, meaningful steps.
“No.” Hypno looked him down, didn’t move.
“The more you kill, the more it spreads.” The room was covered in the stuff. How many hermits had come here to die, be sacrificed to keep the dungeon happy?
“We could just leave, my guy. Touch some grass, talk to other hermits. You don’t have to do this.” Hypno said, but he knew his words only absorbed into the sculk. Cub was in front of him now, sword between them.
“Run. Maybe you can escape again.” Cub rasped.
“No.” Hypno replied. He didn’t move. Not even when the blade pierced his heart. He fell in place, sinking to the floor that would take his sacrifice. He could feel Cub kneel beside him, take the bandana off his head.
“You’re so annoying, Hypno. Can’t even die like everyone else.” It wasn’t Cub speaking.
Hypno woke up in the Decked Out bed. He gathered his stuff, his deck, and flew away as fast as he could. It wasn’t until the citadel was out of sight that he realized that his bandana hadn’t respawned with him. He shivered, not knowing what that really meant.
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abiiors · 8 months
red lines - pt. 1 ║// matty healy x reader
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a/n: i want you to read this very very carefully: i am pro-choice and i will always be pro-choice. and this is a work of fiction. also feel the need to add that this is more a collection of small vignettes??? ugh idk, hope you enjoy regardless cw: *deep breath* angst, pregnancy, mentions of abortion, mentions of vomit, (and other pregnancy symptoms), crying (so much of it my god) and arguments, mentions of smoking, illness, hospitals, panic attacks, reader has a good relationship with her mother so i guess that's a cw too, (most definitely inaccurate) descriptions of birth. wc: 4.6k
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two red lines is all it takes to ruin a perfect life. 
two red lines repeated twice on two different tests that stare back at you from the counter—innocent and white and damning. the bathroom is utterly still, save for the tap dripping one drop every seven seconds. you would know, you counted it, used those seven seconds to ground you and stop you from spiraling into another panic attack for the three minutes it took to get those two red lines. 
with two more weeks left on tour by matty’s side. 
gingerly you wrap them in toilet paper, make sure they’re safe and secure and nothing’s peeking out. you throw it in the bin, looking at it with a deadness on your face that you feel deep inside. then you call the reception and ask them to take out the trash. 
matty isn’t here. he’s on stage, serenading thousands of people who hang on to every single word he says, looking at him with all the love and adoration in the world. matty, your matty, who belongs as much to you as he does to the people, the fans. you should have been there too but there was the migraine and the nausea that wouldn’t go away. so you told him you would just sleep it off tonight. 
have an amazing night, babe. break a leg. and then a sweet kiss and a promise to see him tomorrow. 
and then the two red lines.
every time you blink you see them flash in front of you—like a promise or a warning. or maybe even a sentence. 
a baby. 
a cause for happiness and celebration. 
and the conversation from a week ago that lingers in your mind, echoes inside your skull as if those words are the only ones you remember. 
i’m just not ready love, he says, not now. maybe not for another year or two. i don’t know, babies are a lot of work. and i am a lot of work. 
i love you, he says, kissing you deeply and tasting his own cum on your lips. i love you but a baby right now is a hard no. 
nothing in particular spurred this conversation really—just the two of you, naked, and tangled up in the sheets, his hand caressing your lower stomach and you letting yourself daydream. who knew the daydream was indeed reality? and now here you are, head in your hands—partly from the migraine, partly from the anxiety—waiting for him to be back. 
he will change his mind, you know it. matty loves you, and this baby is half you, half him. he will come around and you will be there to soothe his worries. you know he will hear the baby’s heartbeat and fall in love. 
you know he will treat them like the most precious thing in the whole world. 
the thought makes you smile and the door creaks open. 
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“pregnant,” he looks at you warily, “what do you mean pregnant?”
the small smile on your face fades away. “pregnant with a baby, matty. what other kind of pregnant is there?”
you wonder if you meant to joke, if he will break character and laugh and everything will be okay again. maybe you just caught him by surprise, this is just a blip. in two more minutes, he will smile and drop down to his knees and kiss your still-flat stomach. he’ll say hello to them. tell them he loves them and then tell you how much he loves you, kissing you gently and pulling you into him. 
you can already feel his feather-light touch on your skin. his mouth lingering on your lower stomach on his way down. 
matty stills in place. 
one word, it’s small and broken and so unlike him that you almost do a double-take. 
“what do you mean no?”
“i can’t okay?” his voice rises, “i told you i can’t!”
you can sense the agitation he feels, his hammering heartbeat and the shallowness of his breaths. his hands runs through his hair, spilling the curls everywhere. 
“you’re on the pill.” 
“i think…” you hedge, tears gathering in your eyes, “i think i missed a day.”
he snaps his head up to look at you. when matty first came back to the room, he looked happy and giddy—cheeks pink and hair stuck to his forehead from the sweat. now he looks grey and listless. like all the colour’s been zapped out of him. 
“you missed a day,” he repeats. 
“matty, please…”
but matty is already turning around and storming off to the balcony. through the glass you watch him light a cigarette with shaky hands, taking a deep drag before he tips his head back and blows it out. another drag, another blow. eyes closed. breathing that slowly goes from rapid to normal once again. 
five minutes later, only the stub remains and matty is back in the room. 
“i can’t,” he says firmly. “i told you i wasn’t ready.”
it sounds final. like a death knell. instictively your hand covers your stomach.
“i won’t,” you shake your head and the tears fall rapidly, first down your cheeks then your chin and onto your chest. “i won’t get rid of it.”
matty stares at you quietly, you stare back. it seems you’re at an impasse. 
twenty minutes later, you pack your bags. 
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london is greyer than it has ever been, especially from your new flat so far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. not that you’ve had much time to get acquainted with the new area after being bent over the toilet for days on end, retching and heaving until there’s nothing left inside you. a hollowness so deep that no amount of food or water will fill it. 
so you eat strictly for the baby. pre-natal vitamins and supplements and a nutritious breakfast that you throw right back up. but you try. all for the sake of the tiny clump of cells dependent on you. the image of the two red lines has long been replaced with a grainy black and white rectangle. every time you close your eyes, you see the screen lit up with an image of your little bean, moving around. in some far back corner of your mind, you think they look happy.
at night you curl up on your cold bed, phone in hand, the baby’s heartbeat playing on repeat. it used to be his, your brain reminds you painfully. back when you slept all cuddled up with him. head on his chest, his soothing heartbeat lulling you to sleep.
you mother is worried about you. she calls at least thrice a day to make sure you ate every meal and took every pill. she comes every sunday to stock you fridge full of vegetables and fruits and make sure you have enough ginger and peppermint tea. sundays, begrudgingly, become your favourite. your mother, once again, becomes your best friend. 
but you can’t let her move in. can’t let her be a constant presence and drive you crazy and unearth him every chance she gets. so like clockwork, at 6 pm, you usher her out the door, tell her you need privacy and quiet and solitude. like every single time, she promises she’ll be back next sunday. 
and every single time she keeps her word.
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one day you wake up to a change—a small one, really, but a change regardless. barely even noticeable at first. it’s your top that doesn’t reach all the way down. maybe it shrunk in the wash, you think. then the full length mirror reminds you of the reality. and the tiny little bump that’s seemingly grown overnight. 
your little bean. suddenly so real. so tangible. so present. 
“hello, little one,” you coo at your stomach, feeling a little silly at first. there’s no reply, of course, just the sounds of morning traffic coming in from the open window. but your eyes stay trained on the bump. “you weren’t so noticeable last night.”
nothing happens. no movement (of course, not. they’re too small for that.), no one appreciating the change with you. matty who should have been here to witness this…
matty who isn’t here to witness this. 
emotions swirl in your head so fast that it’s dizzying. this time there’s no tears falling one by one. there’s the sobs that come all of a sudden and the floodgates that open in the blink of an eye but he is not here to hold you or pull you into his chest when you gasp and gasp for a breath that never comes.
in a panic you dial the first number you can find in your contacts, gasping and yelling out broken sentences and panicking at whoever’s picked up. it’s 8 am on a wednesday, whoever you called must be utterly bewildered. yet when you can focus enough, you realise it’s a man’s voice replying. a familiar voice. shocked and equally panicked and asking you if you’re okay again and again. 
you pull the phone away from your ear and look at the screen. at adam’s name flashing on it. 
the first contact on your list. one starting with an a.
“fuck,” you mumble. “sorry, i’m okay. i’m fine.” and then you hang up, and rock yourself back and forth on the ground until your breaths resemble something normal. 
fifteen minutes later, there’s pounding at your front door and the bell rings incessantly. in your gut you know it’s adam. and it’s confirmed when his voice floats through the door. 
“open the door,” he urges. “i need to know you’re okay.” 
and so you pull yourself back up, harshly wipe away the tears and unlock the front door. 
it’s only been a month since you last saw adam but he looks different. his hair’s grown out, his dark circles are gone and in spite of the worried look on his face, he looks happier somehow. healthier. 
being back home with the love of your life and your baby will do that to you.
“you look well,” you croak out and then clear your throat. adam doesn’t take the bait. 
“do you need me to take you to the hospital? call your gp?” straight to the point as always. you smile at him fondly. 
“no, no i don’t. i’m okay, i promise.”
“you didn’t sound okay.”
“i meant to call my mum, adam. sorry i dialed the wrong number.”
“regardless,” he holds up a hand. “can you please talk to me. or talk to mat—”
“don’t.” the voice that comes out of you is stern. “he doesn’t want me or the baby. i will not let him talk me into an abortion.”
adam winces and rubs a hand over his face. perhaps that was harsh, you think, he’s not some evil villain. but none of it changes the outcome. in every single universe, you end up here—fresh off a panic attack in your living room, talking to your ex-boyfriend’s best friend. 
“how did you know where i live?”
at that he looks a bit sheepish. “i asked you mum. not today!” he reassures hastily when your eyes widen. “don’t worry. i asked her a few days ago. i wanted to… i’ve been meaning to check up on you.”
“and you couldn’t call?” you smile at him wryly. 
“no. i wanted to see you in person.”
“so you can report back to him?”
adam clicks his tongue and warmth fills your chest. he’s always been good to you, always been kind, and loved you like a little sister. you shouldn’t have cut him off like this. 
“no,” he says. “so i could make sure you were okay.”
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it’s a small mercy that the morning sickness eases a few days after that as your bump continues to grow. more often than not, you find yourself with a hand on your stomach, drawing small circles on it and humming to it. lately, you’ve also noticed the little flutters that linger long after you stop humming. your baby responding to you. showing you they’re there. 
it’s not far before you approach the twenty week mark. the most important scan you’ll have throughout. you’ll find out the gender, you’ll find out if they’re healthy or not. 
and each time you think about it, it’s like the weight of the entire world is on your shoulders. 
the night before you contemplate calling your mum, nervous and panicked once again but it’s almost 11 pm. she would be deep asleep by now—she would be excited too. no need to put a damper on her mood. 
then you wonder if calling adam is a good idea. but you quickly scrap it. 
for the first time in months your finger hovers over the familiar name in your contacts. over the little heart that’s still next to his name that you never bothered to change. 
what will he say if you called him now? will he even pick up?
are you ready enough to brave it? 
the truth still remains. you want this baby, he doesn’t. the same impasse you were at months ago. if any of that had changed, he would have called you. he would have reached out… right?
so instead you do the second stupidest thing. you type up his name in google. 
your stomach churns with nausea or anxiety or just impending doom while the webpage loads—slow, too slow for your liking. or maybe time has simply slowed down and you’re too much of a coward to really face the consequences of your own action. 
the webpage loads. the frown on your face deepens. 
nothing. rather, the last article written about him specifically is from two days after the tour ended. everything after that is either recycled news, or some silly quiz about the band. nothing about him. no pap photos, no social media activity. absolutely nothing to indicate he’s even left his house in the last few months. 
you mind buzzes with all kinds of thoughts, swirls with wicked possibilities. you almost even text adam about it before the turning your phone off abruptly and chucking it to the other side of the bed. 
no more temptation. 
sleep is like a fickle friend—has been since the day you left the hotel room in tears. but you close your eyes and imagine your baby’s heart beating inside you in sync with yours. tomorrow, there will be a new recording to replace the older one. hopefully one that’s stronger. calmer. 
when sleep drags you under around three in the morning, you dream of his hands—fingers gingerly touching your stomach, resting on all the spots that flutter with movement. gentle hands that massage your sore feet and work out the kinks in your back. 
hands that you might never feel on your skin ever again.
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the doctor smiles coyly and slides an envelope to your mother. it’s a little hush-hush secret, one she insisted on and begged till you relented. the gender reveal isn’t huge or flashy but you know there’s a cake waiting for you at home along with a few friends and family. and for the first time in months, you let the excitement of it wash over you. 
the scan was perfect! and now you feel a bit bad for clutching your mum’s hand hard enough till she’d winced (even though she hid it quickly and smiled at you in encouragement). so now here you are, thanking the doctor and practically skipping out the room with your mum laughing in tow. 
she looks lighter too, you realise, much more carefree as she gushes about her precious grandbaby and how excited she is to meet them. 
“we have to buy onesies!” she squeals getting behind the wheel and you laugh.
“we will, mum, but they’re going to grow out of it in weeks so you can’t go crazy, okay?”
she dismisses this with a wave and a pfft and you can already imagine the mountain of clothes she’s going to buy over the next twenty weeks. 
you nod off to the sound of your mum excitedly making plans for an elaborate baby shower, one that you’ll have to beg her to tone down, but her voice fades away soon. instead, you dream of him. your subconscious wonders what he would have been like today—maybe he’d cry out of excitement or being overwhelmed, maybe he would smile so wide his cheeks hurt. in some parallel universe the two of you would be in the baby aisle—hand in hand and cooing over tiny onesies. 
in this universe, you jerk out of the daydream just as your mum parks in the driveway. 
your friends and family don’t yell “surprise”, much to your relief. there are many hugs and congratulations. tears of happiness and jokes and then a delicious vanilla cake brought in front of you. 
everyone waits eagerly. no one brings him up. not even you, as you sink the knife into it and cut a slice. 
it’s pink. a gorgeous, pale pink. it’s a girl. 
everyone cheers. your mum hugs you and you sniffle into her shoulder while laughing giddiy. a girl, your baby girl. 
right then you know what you’re going to call her—you don’t need baby name lists on google or a hundred suggestions from your mother. you already know her name. 
mine and mine alone.
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blink and twenty weeks go down to fifteen and ten and then five. each day it seems like you only get bigger and bigger, impossibly so. your life is filled to the brim with baby stuff, inside and out. everywhere you look there’s either a pram or a crib or pregnancy books. every time you get one spare minute you’re reminded of the back aches and sore feet. the constant hunger that just does not seem to go away no matter how much you eat.
your mothers visits increase from only sundays to whole weekends to three days a week. 
at first you protest—fuelled by hunger and hormones and mood swings. fuelled by the rage of a thousand burning stars as you stomp into the living room where she’s folding yet another batch of baby socks and blankets. 
“you’re suffocating me!” you snap, already on the brink of tears while she looks at you like you’ve grown two heads. 
“no! mum,” a deep breath and a few stray tears, “i’m not a baby. i’m having a baby for fucks sake.”
“language!” she scolds.
“stop it, just, please!” there’s not much you can do but stomp your foot like a petulant child. proving her point most likely. “stop acting like i need to be coddled and protected. just. stop!”
your mum looks speechless, too stunned to speak but the ball is rolling and now you cannot stop. 
“i don’t need you here. i don’t need you acting like i would crumble and wither away without you. i don’t need you and i certainly don’t need him—fuck!” you gasp for a breath, choking mid-sentence. 
the second those words spill out of you, you want to take them back but it’s too late. her eyes are already red-rimmed and glossy. one tear rolls down her cheek and that’s all it takes for you to break down completely. 
“fuck!” you repeat. “i’m sorry, mum. i’m so sorry.” that’s the only thing you can chant until she chucks the clothes aside and wraps her arms around you, shushing you the best she can through her own tears. 
for the first time in eight months you wonder about what if. and for the first time in eight months, you think about his words from that night. 
maybe not for another year or two.
you’re closer now to the one year mark that you’re to that night. mia kicks your insides again—her own version of support or maybe it’s her doling out punishment for never introducing her to her dad. either way, it’s not helping. all it does is spread pain throughout your lower body as you hold onto your mum, rocking back and forth. 
“it’s alright, sweetheart,” you mum whispers gently, kissing the crown of your head and cradling you like she used to when you were a kid. it makes your emotions worse. increases the ache tenfold. 
“i miss him, mum,” you admit finally, in a voice so small that you might as well not have spoken. but she hears it anyway. she hears it but doesn’t interrupt. she lets you speak. 
“every single day i wonder if he even gives a shit. or if he regrets leaving me, leaving us. i speak to adam and carly and i wonder if they ever tell him about me. i wonder if he even cares…”
you gulp down air, wiping your nose on the sleeve of your jumper and cuddling into her further. 
“and after everything. i miss him more than anything in this world.”
there it is. the truth, finally out there, finally spilled after months of pretending to be cold and callous. you wait for her to speak, to say something that will dull the pain and release you from this torment but she never gets the chance. 
because that is the moment your daughter decides to make her grand entrance.
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it’s pain like you’ve never felt before. 
pain and panic and unadulterated fear. she’s not supposed to be here yet. you’re only 35 weeks pregnant—nowhere near full term. what if this affects her negatively. you blame and blame—first yourself; you must have done something wrong, right? ate something wrong or not taken the right vitamins or slept the wrong fucking way. then you blame matty. if he was here, you would have never been this stressed and unhappy in the first place. everything would have been smooth-sailing. 
and yet a small part of you yearns for him to be here. to brush your sweaty hair away from your forehead instead of your mother as the doctor yells at you to push. 
it’s all too much, all too soon. this is not how it’s supposed to be. this is not how any of this is supposed to be. 
the machines around you beep in a rhythm that’s all worng—it’s too loud and erratic and out of sync with the rest of the world. surely, that’s not how fast your heart’s beating. maybe the beeping is something else you’re unaware of. and yet your body feels hot and cold at the same time. too weak to move but pushing and contracting and tearing you apart from the inside. you’re vaguely aware of the screams that tear out of you, of gripping your mum’s hand so tightly that you worry, you’ve bruised it. 
but she’s strong, stronger than you’ll ever be. she endures and passes along some of that strength to you. 
“one more big push,” the doctor encourages. she’s a kind, middle-aged woman. probably someone who’s brought many babies into this world. she knows what she’s doing. but your body won’t cooperate. 
all you feel is a bone deep exhaustion that tries to drag you under as your mother taps your cheek. 
“a big push, baby,” she repeats. “one big push and her shoulders will be out.”
and that would almost be the end of it, right? so you nod with whatever’s left in you and breathe the way they taught you in birthing classes. 
and that’s how it goes. inhale. hold. exhale. gather strength. push. all of it done to a constant stream of rather futile encouragements. until you feel like you’re bursting at the seams and coming undone. about to unravel any moment. 
but then a tiny cry echoes around the room and the world comes to a standstill.
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mia’s arrival changes everything in the blink of an eye. 
you have no time left for self-pity; every waking moment is occupied with feedings and nappy changes and laundry. you sleep when she sleeps, you hold her close every chance you get. you sing her and cradle her and shower her with enough affection for two people. she has you and your mum. she doesn’t need anyone else. 
slowly you let other friends and family visit—extremely selective and protective about who gets the priviledge but one afternoon when adam messages you know you can’t deny that to him. even when you’ve tried to keep him, and all of them by entension, at bay. 
in another universe, she would have been his goddaughter. you’re sure of it. 
so you let him and carly and their son visit, let them hold her and gush over her. carly instantly falls in love with her, cradling her close and trying to make her smile even though she’s just woken up. mia babbles at her and grabs her shiny necklace. 
you watch them transfixed, giggling at carly’s squeals and coos until adam asks if he could speak to you alone. 
“i don’t want to step over a boundary,” he starts and you know what’s coming but you let him continue. “have you thought about letting him know? that she’s already here…”
“i…” in all honesty, you had wondered if you should call him and let him know. but what if he still doesn’t care. “i didn’t. i couldn’t.”
adam’s face softens. “he’s back in london, you know? you could. you could try.”
that piques your interest. you hadn’t knows he’d left in the first place. “he’s back?”
adam takes a deep breath, eyes darting slightly and lingering on his wife as if he’s trying to steel himself. as if he has some news he’d rather not share. in the end however, maybe he chooses not to.
“yes, he’s back,” he says, trying and failing not to sound cagey. “he wasn’t until now. but if you would talk to him… just, i think you should talk to him.”
for the rest of their visit, his words linger in your mind. they stay even after the hanns leaving, promising another visit whenever you’re free next and you tell them they’re welcome any time. this time, you even mean it from the bottom of your heart.
but adam’s words come back to haunt you day after day as mia continues to grow. day after day you watch her learn about new things and figure out new stuff around her.
matty should be here. if not for him then for her. and once again you wonder about calling him.
one last chance. if he ignores this then he loses the right to his daughter forever.
so one tuesday morning, you gather the courage. you strap your baby to your chest and go downstairs to make some pancakes.
“after breakfast, darling,” you tell her, even though those words aren’t meant for her. “after breakfast we’ll call him again. maybe he will pick up. maybe he won’t.”
mia babbles when you kiss her head and flip a pancake, ignoring the worry that settles in the pit of your stomach. you’re so focused on the task at hand (rather, at ignoring the thoughts of impending doom) that you almost miss the doorbell that rings once and then again.
so focused that you have to scramble to wash your hands and rush to the door. maybe it’s your mum again, even though she wasn’t supposed to come today. it won’t be her first surprise visit, though. she misses her granddaughter far too much for that.
in a hurry you open the door, without even thinking about it twice. without even bothering to unstrap your daughter from your chest.
matty’s familiar face comes into view and for the second time in three months, the world comes to a standstill.
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lemme know what you think <33
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unreadpoppy · 3 months
Hi darling. Can I ask for soft Raphael? To help you a little I am giving you few prompts. You can use only one and if you are brave enough all of them :) *pearl necklace *bow - tie *swan
Hi anon, thanks for the request! I ended up only doing one of the prompts kkkk. This fic was very much inspired by @reallyhatethiswebsite fic, ‘Creature Comforts’ (go read it, it’s amazing!) and I took the concept of a Tav who’s a sex worker at Sharess Caress and Raphael’s favorite. Warning for the usage of the word “whore”. Hope you liked it!
Pearls - Raphael x Fem!Tav
That peacefulness was cut short when Tav felt someone shaking her awake. Still with her eyes closed, she turned around, ignoring whoever it was. Then, the sheets which she covered herself with were ripped off of her, prompting Tav to finally open her eyes, being met with Nym’s gray ones. Sitting on the bed, she asked “What do you want?”
The drow crossed her arms. “There’s a client waiting for you.”
Her eyes widened. “But it’s my day off! Can’t you attend to whoever it is?”
Nym shook her head. “He asked specifically for you. Mamzell tried to change his mind but he paid good coin.”
“Ugh.” Tav rolled her eyes, stretching her arms and putting her feet on the floor. Before getting up, she asked “Do you at least know who’s the bastard that ruined my sleep?”
The drow raised a brow. “Who else but that devil.” She smirked. “He seems quite smitten with you.” She teased as Tav quickly put on a simple, beige dress. “Considering how often he comes here, one might even say it’s love.”
Tav stood in front of the mirror, trying to make her hair look presentable. Her eyes met Nym’s in the mirror, and she raised one brow, skeptically. “He’s a devil. I doubt he even knows what love is.” She turned to look at the drow. “And if he was in love, he’d be a fool.”
“And what about you?” Nym asked, walking closer to Tav. “How do you feel about him?”
She contemplated her answer for a moment, gathering her thoughts. In truth, she quite liked him, as he was one of the few clients who treated her with respect. He would converse with her, long after her services were done, asking her about things beyond her work. He’d gift her with books and then discuss with her about it, complimenting Tav on her mind, saying ‘You are far more than just a body or a pretty face, dear. If none else can see to that, they are not worthy of your presence.’
It also helped that the devil was quite easy on the eye. Tav smiled. Maybe, if he wasn’t who he was and she didn’t have the work she had, there could be a chance to pursue those feelings, let them bloom.
Alas, Tav was still a whore and Raphael was still a devil, and so, she told Nym “He pays me well. That’s all I need to care about.” Grabbing a nearby shawl, she wrapped it around her shoulders, and left the room.
She remembered her mother’s words, uttered once when she was a child but that haunted her since.
There is no such a thing as love for people like us.
With that in mind, she made her way to the Devil’s Den, knocking on it twice before the doors were opened. Raphael stood in the middle of the room, hands behind his back, a smirk forming on his face as she walked in.
“My, my, finally you decide to arrive. Any longer and my feet would become rooted to the ground.”
Tav raised a brow, holding her shawl closer. “Well, it’s what you get for bothering me on my day off.”
“Ah yes, that. Mamzell tried to tell me off, but as you well know -“ He took a step towards her “I always get what I want. One way or another.”
Tav took in a deep breath. Raphael was close enough that she could smell his cologne - cherries with a hint of musk, overwhelming the smell of sulphur that fiends were known for. She looked at him, into his deep brown eyes, trying to take a read on him. He didn’t look like he was there for carnal pleasures, but Tav couldn’t tell his true intentions.
“And what do you want, Raphael? What was so important that you demanded I come see you?”
The devil smiled, taking a step back. “Do not worry, my appearance here is only momentary. In an instant, you shall be free to enjoy the rest of your day off.”
Tav huffed, crossing her arms, as Raphael walked around, giving a little speech.
“I have grown fond of you, you know? In my own way. And I kept thinking, how can I express my gratitude for all the time you have so graciously spent in my presence?”
With a flick of his wrist, a small, wooden, rectangular box appeared in his hand. Tav stepped closer, noticing carved inscriptions along the sides and on the lid, recognizing the language as infernal. She traced the words with her fingers, impressed by the fine work.
“Open it.” Raphael demanded in a soft tone. She did and inside, there was a pearl necklace.
“Raphael, I-“ Tav gasped at the sight, almost scared to touch it. The necklace seemed expensive, probably worth more than what Tav had ever earned.
“Do you like it?”
“I-it- it’s lovely.” ‘But I don’t think I should have it’ she finished the sentence in her mind. Tav had only ever seen the ladies of the Upper City wearing this sort of jewelry, doubting that a whore such as herself, who bedded devils, would be worthy of wearing it. However, she knew better than refuse such a gift. “Thank you.”
Raphael smiled. “I want to see it on you.” He grabbed the necklace, leaving the box on a nearby table. He moved behind Tav, his hands appearing in front of her, holding the adornment against her neck and clasping it on the back.
The pearls were snug against her neck and collarbone, not a tight fit but not too loose. She walked towards the pool, looking at her reflection.
“It’s beautiful.” Tav said, admiring the way the necklace looked on her.
Raphael appeared behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders. “You’re beautiful.” He whispered, and Tav almost didn’t catch it. She felt his lips on her shoulder blade, and she could feel the blood rushing towards her cheeks.
Inhaling, Tav turned to look at him. “Thank you, again. It is a most precious gift.”
Raphael nodded. “I do not know when will we see each other again, as I have business to attend elsewhere and it might take long.” He sighed. “I hope you’ll see this token of my affection and remember me.”
“I will.” Tav moved forward and pressed a small kiss to his cheek, before walking towards the door.
Raphael smirked. “Tav.”
She turned to look at him. “Yes?”
“I want to see you wearing it when I return.” She smiled, nodded and Raphael snapped his fingers, leaving in a circle of smoke and fire.
Tav left the Devil’s Den, trying to contain a smile from forming on her face.
‘Maybe I’m the fool.’
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Title: Blue Flag
Author: KAITO
Genre: Comics | Friendship | Romance | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: Homophobia | Sexism | Mentioned Sexual Assault
Overall Rating: 9.8/10
Personal Opinion: One of my favorite stories ever. It’s a bittersweet journey as we follow Taichi Ichinose, Toma Mita, and Futaba Kuze navigate their last year of high school together. Along the way, they struggle against gender norms and the curse of falling for someone you can never have. I love these characters with my whole heart. They actually inspired one of my novel ideas, the only one I ever finished so this manga has a special place in my heart.
Do I Own These Books? Yes! The photos I used for this post actually are of my own copies.
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- That ending! Holy fucking shit! Taichi is presented as the main protagonist in this series so when we reach the epilogue, we naturally assume that we’re in Taichi’s POV. We’re led to believe that since one of the first things that character does is write the name “Ichinose” at Futaba’s wedding. But then post-wedding, we see Taichi! By process of elimination, the only possible character that could be the POV is Toma! Meaning Taichi and Toma got married! And we know they are married because they live together, they hold hands in the epilogue, and they’re both wearing rings. I squealed. It was such a twist but it also didn’t come out of left field. Toward the end of the series, there were hints that Taichi had reciprocated Toma’s feelings, he just never knew loving men could be an option for him until Toma confessed! Ugh, that epilogue was just so good.
- Anyway, let’s talk about some of the other stuff. I adore the art style. It’s cute and wholesome and each of the characters have their own flavor. Toma exudes big dog energy. Taichi is indeed a tiny gremlin with a good heart. And Futaba is a hamster through and through. The way their drawn matches their personalities so well. And specifically, I love the way the artist drew Toma’s smile. It’s just so radiant and beautiful, I had a crush on him by the end of the series.
- Mami speaks to me on a spiritual level. Why can’t men and women be just friends? Why can’t a girl just hang out with the bros? Why can’t guys wear makeup and why can’t girls play video games? Why should she be cut out from friend groups just because she interacts with a guy? It’s ridiculous and the unfortunate part is, I’ve seen girls treated the way Mami has and it disgusts me. So to see her find a friend in Taichi and Toma and Futaba after everything she went through in middle school, I just wanted her to be happy. And honestly, she had such a badass moment when she said, “Screw everyone else, I’m doing what I want when I want.”
- Mad respect for Shingo for always being there for Mami even when his girlfriends would tell him they were jealous of her. Like fuck you, he was friends with Mami first, why should he stop hanging out with her just because you’re insecure? He also only fought Toma to protect Mami and I love that. But he has no ulterior motives, no romantic interest in Mami, he sees her as a woman but more importantly, as his best friend.
- The deep conversations where Masumi would allude to her sexuality were always so gripping. Like, I really felt for her whenever she was lamenting being in love with a girl and being unable to find happiness with a guy. But Mami was also right that Masumi needed to meet people halfway. Seeing them cry together really tugged at my heartstrings.
- The board game that Taichi and Toma came up with together is such a cute ass detail. Landing on a space where everyone gets friendship power? Ingenious. But the part that really got me was Toma putting their character pieces inside of the charm he gave Taichi, that got me so emotional. “Friendship Power” fuck you, I’m in tears.
- One of my favorite moments was the festival. Toma in a yukata and the girls in kimonos was so great, they looked amazing! But also, that was when Toma gave Taichi his birthday present and I just about bawled my eyes out over it.
- Kensuke. The source of all the homophobia and vulgar sexism in this series. I hate him. I do understand where some of his homophobia comes from considering his past but the girls were right when they said that has nothing to do with Toma. Anyway, Kensuke isn’t even who I have a big problem with. No, it’s actually Shingo. Yo, he said to the girls that they were just like Kensuke for not tolerating his intolerance. BITCH! And the story framed it like he was right. Ugh, that’s fucked up.
- I wanted more of Taichi and Toma. I want to know how they got together. What happened in between the main story and the epilogue, please tell me KAITO! I need to know how they found each other and fell in love!
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Vet Harry rambles ?
Okay so first of all
Y/n loves his little hip chub ☹️ like ugh
The little hip chin he’s got from only surviving on eating whatever is the daily pastry (he’s literally giving mouthful of tooth pastry) at the bakery across the street
And she pinched at his little hip chub and bites it
And he just whines and giggles because it tickles but he secretly loves it :p
And he’s so the boyfriend who is balls deep in her but still asks “do you like me though???”
Like not to get all sad but I definitely feel like based on his personality and other random things that in the past people haven’t treated him the best so in relationships he’s very insecure about stuff like that
So she constantly has to reassure him that she really does love him, and then he apologizes for it but she doesn’t mind, she likes reminding him how much she loves him
And y/n’s family is obsessed with him
Anytime he is around her family it’s just hugs and smiles all around
The little kids love him because he shows interest in their games and asks if he can play, and because he knows a lot about animals
And the adults and older adults loves him because he’s so sweet and always there to have a conversation without there being awkward silences
And I KNOWWW I’m getting ahead of myself because this is not happening any time soon!!!
But I can’t stop thinking about how sweet Harry would be when she’s pregnant.
I imagine she probably moves in with him since he has a big town house, and maybe after their baby I’d a year or so old they move into a cute little house together
I can definitely see that same angsty trope we see a lot where y/n gets super insecure during pregnancy happening to them
But this time Harry also gets super insecure and he’s like “she’s gonna leave me because she’s got that amazing pregnancy glow and now she’s going to have a super cute baby by her side and everyone’s going to want her 😢”
And pregnancy sex kind of… absolutely blows his mind
He loves having the bump to rub and more hip chin to grab onto when needed
He especially liked how sensitive and reactive she is because sometimes he tends to get a little ahead of himself and get a little crazy and then he has her a whimpering pile of mush in his arms
And when she is working harry is SICK
Constantly calling her “remember to take breaks, don’t wear yourself out walking all over that hospital. Just stay with the babies today, don’t leave the NICU at all. Sit there and coo at the cute babies.”
And when she finally takes maternity leave he is so relieved oh god
But while she’s pregnant harry is always running out to the little bakery across the street
And he claims it’s for the baby so they can come out with a sweet tooth like their daddy so they can take little trips to the bakery together
But it’s really so he has an excuse to buy a bakers dozen of their raspberry lemon muffins
But he also loves going out to grab whatever y/n is craving
And she obviously knows a lot about pregnancy and babies since she is a NICU nurse
So she’s like “H, if I’m craving sugar I should probably just have some fruit. It’s really good for the baby, you know. I need to get my fruit and veggies in now more than ever.”
“I’ll get you a slice of apple pie! It’s mainly apples.”
And he is ALWAYS talking to her bump, constantly kissing it and rubbing it and singing to it and just rambling on about anything and everything
“And then when I was feeding Muffin today he tried to bite my hand because he thought I would pour the food into his bowl quicker but he was sadly mistaken because then I winced in pain for a couple minutes to make him feel bad just so he could learn a lesson and not bite his daddy.”
“Harry are you done?”
“No, my story isn’t over yet, petal. Then Muffin felt really bad. Maybe we should keep the names the same Oreo, Muffin, I think we should name the baby… jelly bean.” (That was random but it’s about to be Easter so that’s the first thing that popped in my Harry’s head)
And from then on they nickname the baby jellybean
They got so tired of calling the baby “it” or “they” with nothing else to call them because they have not picked out a name, and because it felt a little impersonal to them
So now the baby was “jelly bean”
“How’s the little jelly bean doing?”
“Did our little jelly bean keep you up all night”
“Wait, petal, you know what I just thought of? Now you have a jelly belly. Isn’t that so funny?… get it? Because a jelly bean brand is named jellybelly.”
And even once the baby is out they are still “jelly bean”
They hardly bother called the baby their real name, even though they picked that name for a reason and love it, jelly bean just felt more natural for them and it was the affectionate nickname they used for half a year
And once Harry has to leave to go back to work he’s so upset “why can’t I just take my jelly bean with me 😞 they can come see the puppies and the little kittens.”
“They have two huge puppies here. I’ll call you on your break so you can see her, I’ll send you photos, I’ll let you know all about the horrible dirty diapers and spit up I’ll have to deal with once you’re home.”
Okay that’s really all the thoughts I have 😩
Let me know what your thoughts too 🤭
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northernstvr · 3 months
Love at first Fright
Pairing: Denki Kaminari x Quirkless!Reader
Summary: You meet most of class 1A At the mall on accident with your friend nori, who stubbornly waltz away as she gets rejected, making you tag along with her. potentially making you lose the love of your life.
Warnings: Light Bullying
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Growing up isolated as a kid definitely affected you in many ways, for one, you hated making friends. No matter where you went, whatever Godforsaken corner you turned somewhere in life, no one ever wanted to be friends with you. Another reason happened to be as you were the ‘Designated Ugly Friend’ as your friends would call it.
“I don’t understand why it’s such a big deal.” you muttered as your friend Inori glared at you. “Easy for you to say,” she’d scoff and looked around “no one’s ever wanted you long enough anyways.” she continued applying her makeup in the small camera view of her phone sighing you just silently agreed and continued scrolling on your phone, looking up to see her still struggling.
Hearing a group of kids laughing and heading your guys’ way you perked your head up and noticed as they all seemed pretty content with one another “what a life.” you muttered softly to yourself, looking at nori who obviously didn’t hear you, but…someone else did. “What did you say?” you hear a little voice speak up from besides you. “er-“ you jumped up bumping nori as she started scolding you immediately before noticing the large group of handsome boys, about our age (sure there were girls there too, but- she didn’t care.) walking towards us now. “I’m sorry- who are you?” your voice came out pitched and weary. “Were you insulting us!! i’ll have you know-“ his voice cut off as there was a knock to his head, making you look up at a yellow haired boy with a lightning strike through his hair. “Sorry ‘bout him!” he smiled cheekily at you and just nodded and looked at nori who was now attempting to make conversation with a half and half looking boy. “I’m denki Kaminari!” you smiled softly and were kinda frozen in place. “Denki you’re scaring her-“ a red headed came up behind him. “What? no i’m not!” he defended rather quickly, causing the red head to roll his eyes. “Sure you aren’t Denks.” he grinned and motioned towards you, who was still clearly frozen in place, only unfreezing when Nori groaned and called someone stupid, your eyes glancing towards her almost immediately. “N/N!! come on! i’m done here.” she scoffed and immediately starting walking away, taking her bag of makeup with her. “sorry-“ you smiled apologetically to the group and chased after her.
“Noriii..” you groaned as you caught up to her, “You can’t just treat people like that! and you didn’t even know the guy-“ she groaned and shoved you away, causing a commotion, making you just stand there and stare awkwardly at her. “Not that YOU! Of all people would ever know what rejection feels like, L/n! but it doesn’t feel very NICE!” she huffed out at you. You knew she really couldn’t help it, it was in her nature after all. Nori’s quirk consisted her using her anger as raw power, she never did want to become a hero, fearing her anger might be to much or cause to much of a problem for citizens. “Nori-“ she cut you off before you could finish, “No! just because- you- Just because you’re quirkless and haven’t changed since the 4th grade doesn’t mean you know more than me! i’m tired of bringing you around me! you are just- UGH!” she screamed at you, your brain just on temporary pause as you processed what she said, she’d basically just put a target on your back by telling the whole mall you were born without a quirk unlike 80% of the population. “Nori, you need to calm down.” you said after taking a deep breath in and out. “N/n- i-“ she closed her eyes and copied your action. “it’s okay- really- i get it.” you smiled at her, hiding the break in your heart as you grabbed her shoulder and gave her the same smile you’d always had after an outburst.
The group of UA students had moved from their spot but split up this time. Denki could hear how she screamed at you and so could the red headed boy and another blonde who seemed to be fuming at how easily you’d forgiven your so called ‘friend’ “What a saint she is.” the red headed said. “Kirishima-“ kaminari started before the blonde erupted and charged over to you both, denki and the red headed boy now known as Kirishima rush’s over to try and stop him, unsuccessfully that is.
“YOU EXTRAS LET GO OF ME!” He fought against them, fortunately for him, he got outta their grip. Unfortunately for them, he got outta their grip. “YOU’RE JUST LETTING HER GET AWAY WITH THAT?” he argued as he waltz up to you both, angrily as you waved your hands up in defense, explaining her quirk and that’s why you excused it the way you did.
Eventually the raging blonde, Bakugo, calmed down- enough- you guys started walking together. You couldn’t help but notice how the lightning striked boy kept staring at you every now and then.
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libbee · 2 years
Omg can you please do a culture about gemini moon?
"Ugh.. What is wrong with them??" That's how people treat gemini natives.
Conversations: Talkng is their hobby. They just talk and love to talk. They dont think internally, but they think verbally speaking. Witty, good sense of humor and light hearted. Sense of humor is how they seek external validation. For eg, we've read how Scorpio natives use sex for validation. Gemini natives use jokes for validation. They are lively and street smart. Whether they are book smart or not depends on their attention span and sincerity for life. They learn quickly in school. Get bored easily. Mind jumping from one thing to other.
Personality: Change is the name of the game. This change is not spiritual and chaotic like that of scorpio natives. Gemini lose interest and move on to something new. With change of interests, their personality is bound to change. Gemini moon natives often have mothers who were also lively, funny and youthful. They can be reckless and impulsive in their actions. It is because they dont think through their actions and are impatient. Remember, a scorpio native is impulsive because of emotional intensity; a Gemini native is impulsive because of impatience and boredom. I say this to try to show how signs are different from each other although seem similar superficially.
Relationship: Gemini moon need intellectual connection. They are sapiosexuals. They crush on the class topper and the smart ones. Money, property dont interest them-intelligence does (unless other signs are involved then they can be materialistic too). They dont care for looks that much but do care for intelligence.
Looks: Full of life, colorful and a bit goofy. It depends on the rest of their placements though. But you can expect a certain colourfulness to their aesthetic. In a group of friends, Gemini moon is the one to talk loudest and also the funniest. Just like of the party vibes. There is a deep desire for social recognition, acceptance and approval in them. Not solitude but social life makes them feel alive.
Hobbies: Probably many. Jack of all master of none. Know a little about a lot. Dont have patience for depth study. Travelling, sight seeing, sit coms or shows on TV, movies, memes.
Social life: Need friends or companions. Befriend people easily. Social butterfly. Lack stable sense of self. Mirror others on a superficial level. Their symbolism is two faces which shows their dual nature. Duality is inherent in all beings. Each one of us has contradictions, conflicts and polarity. But it is hallmark in Gemini natives. Just like scorpio natives are knows for emotional intensity, Gemini natives are known for jumping from one face to their other face. This is why they struggle to take decisions because they like to have everything of everything.
Psychoanalysis: If the birth chart supports self analysis, these natives will calm down and integrate their repressed qualities. What is that? Stability, being grounded, being self secure, finding a stable sense of self, needing less external validation, etc.
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hopeshoodie · 2 years
Head cannon relationship for Jake and Hope? I honestly would ship this
YEEEEEEESSSS I feel like I made this post before but if Jake was on Season 2* he and Hope would've fallen in love and gotten married and genuinely been the best Love Island couple ever.
(*I think if Hope was on Season 1 it would've been bad news. S1 was very openly contentious and I think it would've brought out her aggressiveness/she wouldn't have learned that she needed to seek anger management help and therapy. I don't think Jake would fall for her in the same way if at all if Hope was on S1 duking it out with Jen, Erikah, and Allegra)
But if Jake was in S2... Ugh they would be so cute. He has everything she likes about Noah- the strong masculine appearance, the quiet introspectiveness, the sweetness/domesticity- along with more of what she expects out a life partner- career ambition, good financial prospects, less of a family-oriented expectation for his future.
I still think Hope would've immediately gone for Noah, and honestly, that would be better because Jake clearly only feels secure in a relationship if he's had time to get to know the person and fall in love over time (i.e. MC or Rohan)
So here's my HC for their relationship in S2:
Hope still immediately goes for Noah/steals him. Maybe Jake steps forward for her, maybe he doesn't.
S2 proceeds mostly the same, I can see Priya vibing with Jake and stealing him, only to realize they don't have the 'spark' like she did with Rahim. I think Priya would still go after Noah even when coupled with Jake, because he's not overly touchy feely or romantic in the way she'd want. In Matchmaker's S1 remake, MC can couple with Jake early in the season but he's super distant/weird about it. Like he's overly platonic and awkward around MC. He'd be like that with Priya, and Priya would get frustrated because she's with this gorgeous man who doesn't seem to be interested in her. Plus she loves the chase, so she's still going to covet Noah.
The bad news is with Jake added to the villa, I kinda see Rahim going home early in the season. They have similar 'quiet, nerdy' personalities, and I think Jake would be a higher priority for the girls to save than Rahim. Poor Rahim, I love you anyways.
Jake loves having deep, intimate chats with people about important things in their lives. If he was up on that terrace with Hope after the hoodie fight instead of MC, it wouldn't have just been a 20 line conversation. They'd be up there for over an hour, with him asking insightful questions to get Hope to really open up about her commitment issues and insecurities with Noah.
I think that conversation is the first time they both secretly look at each other like 'oh'. Jake inwardly chastizes himself, saying he's trying to help her be happy in her couple, he shouldn't be coveting her while doing it. Hope feels a little flushed but tells herself 'he's just being a good friend'.
Unlike Noah, Jake doesn't have a problem with confrontation, especially when he gets to be righteous. In the wake of Operation Nope, I think he has stern words for both Priya and Noah. He chastizes Noah for stringing them both along, but then relents when Noah shoots back that he can't communicate how he feels if he doesn't know yet.
Jake is the only one to point out that the issue isn't Priya trying to kiss Noah (like everyone else is mad about), it's that she tried to hide it behind playing a game instead of just openly testing the waters. This exchange is what makes Priya go "I don't want to recouple with you, you can sleep on the day beds. Stay out of my face." This would be a great fic, because Priya is super childish when she feels attacked, and Jake wouldn't be able to reconcile what he thought was a friendship with how she's treating him now that she 'attacked' him.
So Jake sleeps on the daybeds until casa amor. Hope definitely comes out and they have a little ~chat~ prior to the disaster recoupling. Neither of them are openly like 'I think I might like you', but they talk about missing their lives outside of the villa and their childhood. Maybe Hope rests her head on his shoulder for a bit before going back inside.
I think Jake gets stuck with Lottie in the disaster recoupling, which he tries to hide his distaste for. He's been avoiding her to avoid being openly annoyed. Highkey I can totally see Jake and Shane talking shit about Lottie during Casa Amor, and maybe pissing off Gary in the process.
Hope comes back from CA and still has her Cinderella moment with Noah. Everyone sees it, including Jake, and he's gutted. CA is what made him realize he has feelings for Hope. That same day, he corners Hope when they're alone and confesses his feelings. She's flattered, and does have feelings for him, but is insistent that her and Noah are working on it.
"Maybe if you'd said something a couple days ago... But... I have to go with my gut."
"My gut is telling me that I care about you."
"Well mine is... Jake. I care about you too. But I care about my relationship with Noah too."
He accepts that, and says "It's not going to stop how I feel about you. But I get it. And I want you to be happy." Agreeing to respect their relationship, he withdraws a bit, feelings hurt.
He's gotta stay in the villa somehow for the narrative, not because he wants to, so maybe he has a flirtationship with Elisa where they briefly couple up. She's fun and uncomplicated.
But around this time Jake starts noticing Noah's very obvious looks in MC's direction. How Noah's openly pining for MC while beginning to neglect/ignore Hope. I don't think he gets a good admonishment in, but he definitely scoffs and walks away when Noah makes the baby dinosaur comment (ignore that that's too late in the season for where we are).
At some point, Jake has another conversation with Hope. He feels self-righteous, going to her and saying "I know you don't see it but this is how he's treating you-" and Hope pushes back like "I know how he's treating me. It's none of your business, you said you'd respect our relationship.
They get a little frustrated with each other, Hope because she's lowkey thinking about her and Noah's shot at winning, and Jake because he feels like she's letting Noah get away with too much.
This argument culminates in a kiss, like a real movie kiss with them grabbing each other and pressing close and deepening it. When they finally pull away, Hope kind of says "damn it." Jake asks if it was okay, and she says that it was, but now she can't pretend she doesn't want to do that again. They kiss more. Squee.
I'm thinking this is around day like day 23 or 24, a couple days before the final recoupling. Hope goes to Noah and says she doesn't want to recouple. He's blindsided, maybe they get into a little bit of an argument but already Hope's feeling more secure, so there's no yelling. Jake lets Elisa know and it's less of a surprise.
We get two days or so of Hope and Jake being genuinely couple-y and delighted with each other, sleeping on the day beds together, etc. I can't remember if there's a challenge during those days, but even when they're with their partners they're very playfully competitive with each other.
Their relationship is really refreshing to watch because Nope was a bit one-sided- with Hope always leading and Noah always acquiescing. Jake's interested and willing to start conversations, plan moments for them, and stick up for Hope in a way Noah didn't.
Jake and Hope at prom??!!! Jake and Hope at prom 🥺🥺🥺🥺 He asks production for a pocket square the same color as her dress, and his speech to her is just... So adoring. Hope is speechless and gets through hers but is just. So shocked how loving and tender this man is towards her.
For his part, Noah clearly has had his world turned upside down. He still really likes MC, but if she isn't interested in him then he's... Lost. He's frustrated with the situation, he's a bit spurned. If MC doesn't agree to sleep with him on day 29, I think he leaves the show early like Nicky did in S3
I think when they first got together Hope would be preoccupied about not winning, but after prom she doesn't even care anymore. Noah and her relationship always had competing with others as an element in the mix, but now that Jake and her have basically thrown that to the wind she doesn't even care anymore. She loves him.
Thinking of them after the show building a life together fucking SO SWEET AAAAA. Her facing the twitter storm with him by her side. Rewatching the show and realizing she hates the anger and aggression she showed and wanting to get help and Jake supporting her through it. Hope trying to cook meals for Jake because he cooks all day at work and she wants him to relax when he gets home but she just absolutely ruins the food.
Like after Hope gets her huge promotion, the first thing she's thinking of is 'omg now we have the extra cash to invest in Jake's restaurant'. Them location shopping and planning every detail, and Hope's just so excited for him.
Jake proposes to Hope first, but it's this really intimate, sincere moment, maybe in their bedroom or right away in the morning. Hope laughs and says "yes but no", and then clarifies that their engagement should be way more elegant than what he just did. She says she's going to propose to him better than that, he's shocked. What follows is like five months of them each planning elaborate proposals and romantic dates where they keep one-upping each other. Finally Jake says yes on a hot air balloon, but "ONLY because the sunset is just, otherworldly and it seems like a sign".
Them going to the reunion together and they're both just so at ease, no regrets. No hurt feelings, just this sense that everything worked out perfectly and needed to happen the way it did. They're glowing.
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caffeineandsociety · 1 year
The thing is, right, violence against trans people is often dismissed in two very distinct ways based on gender.
Violence against trans women is dismissed by justifying it. In the mainstream, we all know what that looks like - they're pretty blatant about it. If someone assaults a trans woman, they immediately assume it was self-defense - she must have tried to sexually assault them, obviously. If she's denied medical care, it's probably because she got belligerent, not that she was trans, though really what's the difference, ALL trans women are secretly big bullies of men deep down, and she deserved it for being such a self-destructive freak anyway, what a waste of medical resources, right?
Violence against trans men is dismissed by minimizing it. In the mainstream, this looks like writing off corrective rape and other assaults with the same old victim-blaming excuses we've always heard, or talking about our difficulty accessing transition AND gynecological care as a frivolity - "ugh, quit your whining, some people have REAL problems" - or stalwartly refusing to count us even as a footnote in discussions about the latter. It's "noooo, we're not trying to HURT you by cutting off your access to transition care, we're trying to make sure you REALLY need it, because you're CLEARLY too trend-obsessed and incompetent to be SURE about what you want for your own body." At "most affirming", it's "okay, well, if the stupid little baby girl wants to play at being a real human man, we'll play along - this means we get to hit you now, right? Men can take a hit! If you're really a man, stop whining about it, it wasn't that bad!"
And the thing is...on an intracommunity basis, we often get the same treatment, just usually dressed up in a pretty rainbow tablecloth and shoved 5 inches to the left.
We don't immediately ASSUME that a trans woman reporting an assault deserved it in a queer space - we know transphobia exists! We know people just randomly assault trans people for no other reason than being trans! Or, at least, we do in theory - but of course that doesn't always stop people here from IMMEDIATELY accepting "oh, well, I guess she was an exception" if the assailant comes and says "nuh-uh, I was just defending myself, she sexually harassed me!" Never mind that we know damned well that many people's threshold for what they think constitutes "sexual harassment" coming from a trans woman is "she flirted with me in a space where flirting is socially expected" or "she made a joke about her dick in an adult space where we have no problem with cis people making dick jokes" or "she spoke to me twice in the NSFW channel in this Discord server" or "she posted lewd selfies on her own personal blog while we were mutuals" or "she talked to me about an anime with more fanservice than I'm comfortable with (and THAT means she's a PEDO on top of what she did to me!)" or even just "she existed near me while trans" - that doesn't come into play, because We Should Believe Victims, right? Also, geez, I know you're being medically abused, but calm down, no one WILL treat you if you keep bellowing about it like that! Yeah, it sucks that they misgendered you and called you slurs when they fought back, but you don't SOUND like you were the victim in this altercation the way you keep ranting and raving and throwing your weight around!
And with trans men, barely ANYTHING has to change. It takes a bit of a pop-feminist bent, with "but perfectly passing and gender-conforming trans men get paid more than cis women, so clearly you are The Privileged One in this conversation" being a running assumption throughout, but despite the slightly different justification, it's...almost if not exactly the same shit on the surface. Corrective rape? Well, was it REALLY? Or did you just have sex with this person and then find out they have a slightly different opinion on some petty intracommunity issue? Because that's all the likes of you theyfab blue-hair-and-pronouns types care about anyway, is stupid arguments over terminology and ship wars, obviously. Being denied transition care? Ugh, you're sitting here whining because you can't get taxpayer-funded plastic surgery, grow up, some of us have real problems, other queer people are getting murdered in the streets and you're crying about your appearance, how selfish can you be!? (Ignore that I just called transition care lifesaving three posts ago...) You're saying you don't have accurate violence statistics because when you DO get killed, you're usually misgendered in death? Well it's fair that they're reporting it as violence against a woman, because that was probably the motive anyway, suck it up and stop worrying about petty optics shit! Oh, and now you're whining about a GIRL hitting you? Well, you're a man, so she couldn't have hurt you THAT bad! No, no, I'm not talking about the physical injury (but that too, you're still ALIVE, after all), I'm talking about the PSYCHOLOGICAL impact, you're a MAN and she's a WOMAN, so you know that YOU have the POWER in this discussion, so brush it off! You got hit by a man? Yeah, well, welcome to BEING a man, learn to take a hit, get used to it, at least he wasn't hitting WOMEN, you're a man, you SHOULD be our shield, you CHOSE that responsibility when you CHOSE to become a man, if you don't like it, well, be grateful I'm telling you to just shut up instead of detransition like the REST of the world would!
But the real sneaky thing in the dismissal of trans men's issues is how often people - usually but not exclusively cis people - will use the violence against trans women to shut us down, presenting that as the "REAL problems" that we DEFINITELY don't experience anything even CLOSE to no siree and it's SO cruel and trivializing to compare such petty nonissues as the highest rate of corrective rape in the queer community and being barred from treatment for gynecological cancers to that! Of course, most of the people who make this claim are the same ones who take the previously mentioned approach toward trans women, but let's not worry about that, right? The point is you need to shut up so we can focus on REAL issues - like this non-passing she/her multigender woman ~*~*making us all look bad*~*~ by posting lewds while non-passing being a HORRIBLE SEX PEST.
And the thing I need more people to realize is: this is bioessentialist.
Look at what's happening here. The approach taken against trans women is exactly the same one taken against most marginalized men - being stereotyped as violent, sex-crazed, not innately weak enough to ever be a VICTIM, only a LOSER. The approach taken against trans men is all the same shit we constantly hear used against women - being stereotyped as infantile, incompetent, weak, frivolous, vain, hysterical.
I don't expect better of a garden-variety transphobe, but I demand better from our own fucking community. Watch yourself before you start parroting that shit.
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irish-urn · 2 years
I had thoughts on your thoughts and now I'm leaving an embarrassingly long ask
I know I shouldn't like this episode as much as I do (bc Casey is being treated as if she's in the wrong here) but it's soooooo good for understanding the house dynamics and relationships and characterization that UGH I just love it.
This episode is a prime example of how George and Nora aren't great parents. (Good people, I'm not hating on them for that) but they can do better. You're right, WHY DOESN'T Nora scold Derek with the laundry or for the pool? WHY does Nora tell Casey she's out of line for expecting Nora to, oh I don't know, PARENT? (That one in particular got to me. (I'm the anon from the blended family) and I've had this exact conversation with my mom. Myself and my older brothers definitely raised our younger siblings. And I've been in that situation where I was in the middle of disciplining my little sister when my mom got all offended because I wasn't my little sisters mom and I shouldn't have been disciplining her (make that make sense) then proceeded to get mad at me when I told her she needed to step it up as a mom (again, not trying to trauma dump, just trying to say how realistic LWD is 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂) all the while my step dad was just??? Not around??? Or if he was around, he didn't discipline either)
And I get it. They're human, and they're busy, and shit happens. But Jesus. Forgetting your children at school? Really? There is being human then there's negligence.
Don't even get me started on the muddling along comment 🙄
And yes, isn't Casey SUCH a control freak for suggesting a very basic laundry separating system 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Maybe its just my shipper brain, but I honestly don't think Derek was trying to antagonize her when he was essentially telling her to calm down. (Besides that "you are your delicates go take a cold water rinse" 😂) but he patted her on the shoulder and told her everything was fine. Because to him, compared to what we find out later in the episode about how they lived pre McDonald invasion, everything IS fine. The house is clean, sure the clothes are pink but it's not that deep compared to the trash piles that used to cover the dining room table and the kitchen island.
I just think with the "everything's fine" he just doesn't know how to talk to Casey yet and he doesn't really understand the full extent of her anxiety. And he said "boo hoo" only after she shoved him off of her. Maybe I'm reading into it too much 😂
When you said "she" doesn't have any other friends, do you mean Emily or Casey? Either way, it kind of answers your question. I think they're friends with each other out of convince more than anything. I don't think there is a lot tying them together and I think through the first season at the very least, Emily is using Casey 😬
Yes, I also think Casey is a big girly girl and I love that and I think Derek hates that 😂 there's this episode in season 3 (Ugh season 3, my beloved) when he goes off about how there is girly stuff all around... which would be a valid thing to complain about... if he was 10, not a 16 year old boy. I think Derek hates being around and reminded of Casey's femininity because he actually really likes what a princess she can be (see, NWF and the nail polish 😏) because think about it! He doesn't have an issue with Marti being a girly girl (anyone who says she isnt at least a little bit, please go watch the next episode Marti the Monster. Derek literally lets Marti put make up on him) maybe I'm reading into it too much again 😅 I just think she's cute and girly but not in a little sister way, and Derek hates that
Paul is one of the few voices of reason in this show and I LOVE him. And that "Oh my watch must be late" just for Casey to burst in literally one second later and start profusely apologizing foe being late– its one of my favorite scenes lmao.
George's parenting style is so... no.. yep. That's it. It's just like last episode. He thinks of his children more as friends than anything. Like when he's on the phone with the Davises, and he looks at Derek and scowls and goes, "don't worry, I will TALK. To. Him." And Derek literally just goes 👌🏼 Derek doesn't take his threat seriously. And why should he? George is more of a friend than a father.
Also, isn't it interesting that Derek makes dinner and gets praised for helping out whereas Casey does something for the family at least once and episode and it barely gets recognized 😒
Also, Derek earlier in the episode to Casey’s "I'm a team player!" "No, you're a big freak." God, he's such an asshole but I love him so much 😂
Derek DOES think of Casey when he's thinking about how to fix things. I mean, at the end of the day, I think it was out of laziness more than anything. A "I don't want to deal with this dumpster fire so someone else can" BUT it's interesting that he's starting to *KNOW* her. He knows she can do it.
*claps hands at your thoughts responding to my thoughts*
So, like, what I see with George and Nora (and you're right, this episode was SUCH an insight into them and their relationship and their parenting 'skills', and I really enjoyed it), is that Nora is adapting to George — she moved her family into his place, she's "muddling along" because he's asked her to, she's not disciplining the Venturi children because they're not hers — and I think to myself, this is where Casey learned this behaviour. She adapts to her boyfriends like her mom does.
And while I get that it's important to compromise in a relationship and consider the other person, there comes a point where it's gone too far? And, like... They've gone too far here.
And while the McDonald and the Venturi houses were very different with the single parents, they've gone super far towards the Venturi way — like, I would argue they've done 80% Venturi, 20% McDonald, and that's only because Casey has screamed for equality. So...
I also don't think Derek was trying to antagonize Casey very much in this episode, mostly because of your points about his improved living environment, but also because... Casey was already upset and frazzled without him doing anything extra. No need to actively antagonize someone who's already antagonized! And he only starts fighting Casey over the vacuum when she takes over (I bet'cha that was a pride thing; Jeeze, Casey, I can figure out how to work a damn vacuum!)
Annnnd we're on the same page with Casey the princess/girly-girl; and this pleases me. It also tortures Derek, and that pleases me too (mwahaha).
I AM SO TORN ABOUT GEORGE because he's NICE and SWEET and HOPELESS and FORGETFUL and OVERWHELMED and kinda a bit of a dumbass? Like, this would work IF Nora had approached him and said, "Hey, we need to get our act together because we have five kids now. I've noticed you're a little overwhelmed and kind of let your children run wild, and because I love you, I want to help you. Can we talk about ways to make this new family work?" But instead, she just goes along with George's way, and I... I dunno. Seeing George's parenting style this episode explained so much to be about Derek and Marti in particular. Edwin too, but not as much because he's adjusting to Derek's larger than life presence.
AND ISN'T IT ALWAYS THE WAY that when someone does something nice OOC, they get rewarded and praised, as opposed to the person who regularly does good things? *sighs* Ah, humans.
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pinknipszz · 4 months
Hey!!!! 🌸💕 Do you have any headcanons about a wedding with some of the JJK men? 🌸
OH MY GODDD yes ugh i love wedding prompts this was so fun
⤷ nanami kento, ryomen sukuna, fushiguro toji, and choso
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KENTO tries to maintain his composure, and for the most part, he’s pretty successful. if the photographer is concerned about the weather, or an aunt thinks that the priest will arrive too late, kento is quick to ease their worries. it’s a little ironic since he’s the groom, but if kento isn’t worried, then neither should anybody else. he just provides the right kind of reassurance that everyone needs before such a big, important event.
TOJI is a jittery mess. and he’s terrible at hiding it. the deep furrow in his brow could easily be mistaken as contempt, but anyone who understands him as much as you do knows that it’s anything but. toji is just really fucking nervous, and his body shows it the only way it knows how. he doesn't mean to come across as scary and unapproachable. like any man on his wedding day, toji is scared shitless.
SUKUNA is a terror to behold. he just stands tall and proud, staring hard at people coming in. he eyes their clothes to see if they fit the theme and raises an eyebrow if a kid is holding a spillable drink. sure, sukuna returns a curt nod every now and then when a relative offers a polite wave and “congratulations,” but he really can’t control his aura. it just comes naturally to him. sukuna is a little too good at hiding his nerves.
CHOSO tries to remain calm, but his face is very expressive. everyone can tell that he’s really nervous. his siblings often reassure him by saying that the ceremony will run smoothly, which he is incredibly grateful for, but choso can’t help but think of the worst scenarios imaginable. what if there’s an accident? what if, god forbid, something bad happens to you? choso is literally about to throw up any second.
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KENTO is a complete gentleman. he meets them first when they enter the church, exchanges tearful pleasantries, and engages in thoughtful conversation, all before leading them to their seats. then he asks if there’s anything else he can do for them before the ceremony starts. your parents just laugh and shake their head while patting his shoulder. they’re more than ecstatic to officially have him in the family,
TOJI flips the switch, welcoming them inside with a friendly smile that’s all teeth. toji is aware of the thin layer of animosity between him and your parents, but he can’t blame them. he’s not exactly the dazzling young man with an equally bright future that your parents initially wanted for their sweet daughter. but most of it is in the past now, and what matters most is the present. his heart squeezes when they hug him tight.
SUKUNA is surprisingly pleasant to converse with. he’s not yet used to showing respect to other people, but he acknowledges the fact that your parents put you on this earth, so he treats them with the same respect he shows you. sukuna leads them to their respective seats near the front, requests a nearby attendant to give them a drink, kisses your mother on the cheek, and firmly shakes your father’s hand.
CHOSO is an absolute angel. he brings them in for a tight hug before asking how they’ve been, eager to learn everything your parents have been up to since he last saw them. he’s very kind and well-mannered, only turning away bashfully when they congratulate him. it’s a heartwarming interaction that nearly makes him shed a few tears. choso has always been a family-oriented person.
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KENTO finally surrenders to the overwhelming feeling of getting married to the woman he loves. he’s been an expert at keeping them in check all day, his grip tight on the reins of his emotions so that they don’t slip out unwarranted. but when the music plays and the door opens and he sees you in that stunning dress, kento’s heart damn near explodes in his chest. this is the first time many people have seen him cry.
TOJI bites his tongue so hard that it bleeds, relishing in the copper taste. he really, really hates crying. It reveals a vulnerability that he tries so hard to hide under layers of confidence. but when he finally sees you enter through those wooden doors, he absorbs your breathtaking dress and radiant smile, before greeting his tears like an old friend. you are the only decision in his life that he doesn’t regret.
SUKUNA actually smiles. it’s not the same wild grin that everyone is familiar with, but it’s something smaller, softer, sweeter, with less teeth and more tears. his rigid expression melts away so easily when you walk towards him, uncaring of the dozens of eyes on you and instead focusing on the only pair that matters. sukuna is patient in his spot near the altar, knowing that it’s only a short time before you finally reach him.
CHOSO lets everything loose, embracing the sheer adoration that wraps around his heart as he watches you. he doesn’t care about the rivers rolling down his cheeks, or his wet, wobbly smile that his siblings will make fun of later, because the only thing that matters right now is you. the love of his life. his whole world and more. choso summons the rest of his strength to stop himself from reaching you first.
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ichigoromi · 2 years
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝'𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 | 𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐬𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐢 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 | 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
Ugh! I can just imagine him being all shy and fetching his child so that I can see you!
Pairing: Sakusa Kiyoomi (timeskip) x fem reader! (she/her) ft. Junior Sakusa!
Genre: fluff!
Warning (s): none!
a/n - Part two is finally out!
Part 1 | Part 2 — When you fall for your student's father
Wanna join my taglist to be updated? join here!
Sakusa Kiyoomi
Sakusa recently moved into a new neighbourhood after the nasty divorce with his ex-wife.
Luckily, he got full custody of his young son, Roku, the most important.
Since he moved, he had to enrol Roku into a new kindergarten, and there was no time to hire a new nanny for him.
Because he recently became a single father, the kindergarten principal understood his situation and allowed his son to stay until the kindergarten closed.
And on the first day of school, Roku instantly got attached to one teacher, you.
Roku never left your side and disliked interacting with any other teachers.
When his nanny comes and picks him up, you were busy tidying up the classrooms.
There was a day when the nanny was not available, and Sakusa was late too, so you stayed behind after opening hours and waited with Roku.
Sakusa was still in his jersey, straight from his game.
He thought he would find his son whining and crying, but instead, Roku was laughing and playing around with you.
Oh boy, he might have a crush on you already. Seeing how his son interacts with you and your smile made his heart swoon.
After that encounter with you, he started going to the kindergarten to pick his son up and hopefully see you too.
But he didn't get too.
So he had to ask his son about it.
"Roku, do you like your new school?" He shook his head then nods his head.
Sakusa pats the little boy on his head and carried him onto the kitchen counter.
"What do you not like about the new school?" He asked gently, knowing his son's personality.
"Too...many people. No like. y/n sensei, like." When Roku mentions your name, his eyes instantly light up and shows a little shy smile.
Now, he really wants to get a coffee with you and get to know you.
"Hmm, do you want papa to get close with y/n sensei?" Hearing that his father wants to get close to you, Roku interprets it as Sakusa was going to steal you away from him.
His big round eyes tear up and start bawling his eyes out.
"Roku, why are you crying? Did you not like it when I want to get close to your teacher?" Sakusa carries his crying son in his arms.
Roku nods his head and wipes his snot on his father's shirt.
"Don't take y/n sensei away from me!" He whines and starts to calm down after Sakusa rocks him in his arms.
"Fine, I won't. I'm not going to anyways. Papa is just curious as to who is the teacher that gets along with Roku. Let's get you to sleep." He pats the little boy on the back and brings him to his room.
Recently, Sakusa has been dropping off his son at his school just so he could catch a glimpse of you, or if he’s lucky, he could squeeze in a little conversation with you. Sakusa was trying his best to catch your attention. 
But alas, you treated him with professionalism and took great care of Roku. 
Even your colleagues noticed how Sakusa have been dropping Roku off early when you are on door duty and picking Roku up earlier so you can go home earlier. 
It’s all the small details that you missed. 
Even if you are attracted to him, dating your student’s parent is a massive No to your career. 
“Mama~!” Roku wailed after another student pushed him, and you noticed he injured his knees and elbow. 
The other teachers were already pulling the other kids to the other side, and you ran towards Roku first. 
His tiny hands clenched into fists as he leaned against your chest as you carried him towards the infirmary. 
“Roku, this will hurt a lot, but it’s needed. Sensei will be gentle, okay?” 
He took a deep breath as you cleaned his wounds with care and gentleness. You tried to be quick and careful of his injuries to prevent any infections. Now, there are a bunch of calls that you have to make. 
But before that, you need to hear from Roku first. 
“Roku-kun, can you tell sensei how you got into a fight with your friends? Did they say anything?” He gingerly climbs into your lap, and you wrap your arms around him carefully. 
“Mama. They said I don’t have a mama, And they started to push me around….” 
Kids are brutal. 
“Okay, I will call your dad to come and pick you up early.” You got up to get one of your colleagues to call for his father, but Roku holds on to your shirt and his big doe eyes well up with tears. 
“Don’t go….” 
It was as if any moment that you were nearing the door, he would burst out in tears. 
“Okay, Roku. Don’t cry. I’ll stay here with you. Let's wait here until your papa comes, okay?” 
Sakusa was the last to arrive, and when he did, his icy and quiet demeanour intimidated the other parents. 
Before his arrival, they were badmouthing how a single dad like him could bring up a child properly. You covered Roku’s ears and were ready to shut their mouths down, but Sakusa arrived. 
His presence immediately shuts the parents of the kids that injured his son. 
“I just need an apology from both the parents and kids.” He said and brought Roku outside of the office.
They were about to retort, but you butt in. 
“Your kids came out unharmed but look at Roku. He skinned his knees and elbow. Do you have anything else to say?” 
Jaws dropped, both the parents and your colleagues. You were known to be polite and soft-spoken; for you to get angry and talk back to the students’ parents was a first. 
“Sakusa-san! On behalf of the academy, I apologise for letting this happen and getting Roku injured.” You apologised with a deep bow. 
“You don’t have to apologise. I expect one from their parents and the kids themselves. Besides, Roku also agrees with me, right?” The little boy in his father’s arms nodded his head. 
“Alright, Roku, rest well at home. Sensei will see you tomorrow!” You gently ruffled his head and were about to head in back, but he called for you. 
Roku limped towards you, and you squat down to his height. 
“Thank you, mama! Papa has a crush on you!” He whispered the last part. 
Your cheeks turned bright red, and you ran back into the school. 
Sakusa was slightly confused by your actions. 
“Roku, what did you tell your sensei? Why did you call your teacher ‘mama’?” He held Roku in his arms again as they walked toward his car. 
“Secret, cannot tell. Hehehe!” 
Kids and their secrets. Sakusa shakes his head in disbelief and buckles Roku into the child seat.
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Part 2 — here!
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This has been put off for a long time but there will be a second part! I don't know when that's going to come out but there will be one. Hope you guys are doing fine and I am still struggling to use the wonky editor.
Stay safe and take care!
With love,
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a-aexotic · 2 years
i want platonic hc’s for being besties w// euphoria girls 😍
—cw’s: mentions of getting high —a/n: i just did my favs, rue, jules, maddy, lexi and kat
you guys definitely became friends like 8th/9th grade
rue usually doesn’t get along with most people, but you just were funny and like… entertaining yk
also being a trio with fez, rue and you 😣
getting high w rue >>>
rue spends the night at your house almost if not every night
rue does your makeup, you does her outfits, that’s how your friendship works
also if your bffs with rue, it’s 10000% ride or die
she’s willing to die for you
her mom treats you like a third daughter and a part of the family
i just know you guys would have the best deep late night conversations
she likes playing dress up and likes dressing you like a little model 😌
she’s the type of friend who would never ever judge you for anything whatsoever
she also will have your back for anything
like even if you’re in the wrong, she will defend you
you guys have too many inside jokes
some aren’t even funny, like … it’s just funny cus you guys were there yk?
she trusts you with her life tbh, you’re the only person she 10000% likes you
there’s nothing that would make her hate you ever
you guys have been friends all your life and honestly, maddy wouldn’t have it any other way
she grew up with you and her childhood was 100x better with you in it
ik this friendship is the best 😩
the shit talking is real, you guys love it
anyone you even slightly dislike, maddy would hate them too
she goes crazy on anyone who says anything bad about you
she’s also a ride or die, but make it 10x more
no matter what, she will back you up too
she doesn’t care, in her mind, you’re always right
i don’t think you and maddy would ever disagree—in the best way possible, you guys have the same brain
the only time you disagreed about anything was the nate thing
since nate was manipulating her, you couldn’t “help” her
that was the first time you and maddy had drifted a part
but when they broke up, it was like a storm—you both went crazy on nate 😭
i feel like out of all the girls, she's the most dependable
like if you need something, lexi will always help you
she appreciates you and your friendship bc she doesn't have many close friends
she's so incredibly kind, like seriously
she will back you up no matter up!! but only if you're right—she always hold you accountable
def the mom friend 😭
movies with lexi >>>>
your hangouts consist of binging your fav tv shows and talking about the future
you guys made plans about moving in together when you guys go to college
if you didn't do the assignment for a class, lexi will give you the answers
she's so funny and i feel like thats how you guys became close
you guys have very similar humor
you guys were each other's first kiss in the seventh grade because kat said she would rather lose her first kiss to you than one of the stupid boys
she's very real—so if you are best friends with her, be prepared for the truth and nothing but the truth
ik i said getting high w/ rue would be fun, BUT IMAGINE GETTING HIGH W KAT
i feel like you guys would hang out every single day and never get tired of each other
you guys don't talk the entirety of your hang outs—you just enjoy being with each other yk?
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suna-reversed · 3 years
Hello :)
Sukuna. fluff. Pretty please.
Could you write something about sukuna falling for itadori's best friend. You can throw some angst in there too because I am a masochist❤️
Sukuna x F! Reader 
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oh god, this turned purely self indulgent halfway through. low key thinking of turning this into a series to give you the angst you deserve.
A/N: (reader is Itadori’s senior and is 18) (loosely inspired by the song “me and my husband” by mitski)
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“And I am the idiot with the painted face
In the corner, taking up space
But when he walks in, I am loved, I am loved”
- You had been one of the few poor senior students who had been victim to what had been Itadori’s “elevator pitch” for more people to join the occult club early back in high school. [the said “elevator pitch” being him jumping out at random people with a white bedsheet over his head saying “boo” as he handed you the club form]
- You didn't end up joining the club. But you somehow did end up getting joined at the hip with the chaotic mess under the white sheet.
- Whether it was you two rushing to the theatre to watch Jennifer Lawrence’s new movie,  or going to a revolving sushi place [only to get pocky from a nearby vending machine instead because revolving sushi is apparently expensive], Itadori Yuuji had become a comforting and very important presence in your life.
- So of course when he suddenly dropped out of your life, being the worried friend you were, you decided to poke around a little only to find out that he was...dead?
- Maybe a few months down the line, you would’ve started to slightly recover from the tragic news you had just gotten. Instead, what you got was your supposedly dead best friend popping up days later to tell you that he ate a finger and now he was the vessel for some centuries old curse,,,
- Um yeah...safe to say that Yuji did not expect you to go into the fit of emotions that you did [boy had the audacity to call you dramatic for fainting and then crying while hugging him once you gained consciousness] 
- some time passed and Yuji and you didn’t see each other much with him practically training to be the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. Still, simply happy to have him back alive, your brain managed to convinced itself that everything was still the same. 
- And it was when he’d sneak out a day or two from his heavy schedule and you’d be back to your normal routine of watching movies, stuffing your face with snacks, getting your face licked by the mouth on Yuji’s hand…
- ,,,wait what
- The first time the curse had made contact with you was simply out of annoyance of why the stupid brat even took the time to see someone as mundane as you so often.
- His plan was to simply scare you into leaving, knowing it would cause the brat pain.
- So he grabbed the opportunity when Yuji moved forward to brush off some popcorn dust on the side of your mouth, not only licking the side of your face but also being successful in slightly grazing his teeth against your tender skin. 
- Yuji had mentioned that being a vessel had caused some weird physical “abnormalities” for him. you didn’t understand it back then but at least knowing that had sort of prepared you for such an instance.
- So imagine the curse’s surprise [and an even further growing annoyance] when your eyes barely widened for a second before you burst into laugher, 
“Didn’t you train your dog to not bite?”
- by now, Yuji had jumped 5 feet away from you and was still halfway through his string of apologies, but upon hearing your reaction, he mused on your fake calm while letting out a chuckle himself, 
- “Guess I’ve got to get a leash for him” 
- By this point, the ever so indifferent curse had taken two teenagers talking about him like a mere annoyance as a personal challenge.
- And that’s how it started.
- He’d come out every now and then, licking your fingers as Yuji passed you something or making lewd remarks on anything and everything that you ever started a conversation about. 
- But you and Yuji barely paid him attention and it was an understatement to say that it infuriated the living hell out of him.
- Particularly you, who wouldn’t even be annoyed or sarcastic about his tactics anymore. Instead, treating him like a friend who was simply joining you and the brat to hang out. 
- He hated it. Hated how bright your laugh was. Hated how you made them stop every time you saw a stray animal just so you could pet it. Hated how your skin was as soft as a cloud and how you sometimes smelled like cherry blossoms. He’d kill you in an instant if he could ugh.
- it was a weekend and Yuji and you had been watching a movie, even though Yuji was barely paying attention. You knew he was tired as his large frame slumped over your shoulder. Pulling the blanket up to his face, you once again felt the wet feeling of the assaults you had grown familiar with on the side of your hand.
- “You could’ve just asked for a pocky if you wanted one, no need to lick it off my fingers you grumpy little thing”, you laughed as you stood up to go to the bathroom
- that snapped the final string. 
- Coming back into your living room, you wondered if Yuji had somehow gotten up in his sleep and managed to draw weird black lines over himself all in the span of 5 minutes. 
- ‘Yuji, what the fuck?’
- ‘Well well, now who’s acting like a grumpy little thing’ 
- The deep voice sent rumbles down your spine and you knew in an instant what had happened. 
- Even though your breath hitched in your throat and your body begged for you to run as fast away as you can, you held your ground as you simply tilted your head at the curse 
- “Well, I’d like my best friend back if you don’t mind.”
- You saw the smirk on Sukuna’s face falter for just a second before he crossed the space between the couch and you.
- Now as strong of a front as you managed to hold up until now, watching something like that stride straight towards you would have had even the strongest of sorcerers shitting bricks.
- Instinctively, you took a few steps backwards, but he simply continued to close the distance between the two of you until you were backed up against the wall.
- You flinched as he slammed a hand right next to your head and he seemed to gain immense satisfaction from that as he looked down at your startled face with a smirk plastered on his tattooed face. 
- Sukuna was sure that you’d be begging for his mercy any second now. His smirk widened and he was ready to mock your pleas as he saw you open your mouth to say something, 
- “ ...so much for a damn pocky.”
- All those other times you had caught the curse off guard were nothing compared to the “partially-confused partially-baffled” expression that he held on his face now. It almost made him look human. Almost.
- You didn’t realise just how long you were holding his gaze until Yuji took back control and apologized like a million times over, reassuring you that he would’ve never let you get hurt. 
- The curse didn’t show up for almost a week after that. And while you were grateful for not having to wash off your hands or face 14 times a day, you somehow felt anxious about its sudden disappearance. 
- All those worries were thrown out the window as he once again showed up while Yuji was passed out on the couch after a particularly tough session with Gojo sensei.
- Looking at the curse, you felt anger more than anything, how could he just drop out on you with no warning and then show up in the middle of your living room- ...wait a second, why the hell are you mad at a literal curse for not telling you he was taking a mental health break or whatever it was that he was doing? 
- While you sorted out through these conflicting thoughts in your mind, the curse seemed to be going through a similar crisis. 
- Having woken up in the brat’s fragile human body with no warning whatsoever, Sukuna wasn’t in the mood to see your face so soon again. He didn’t know why your physical presence unsettled him so much. All he knew was that he hated it. Even more now that he knew what you looked like all scared and small compared to his vessel’s towering build, and how you smelled even sweeter than what he had tasted, and how despite all that you still had the courage to stand up to someone as dangerous as him. Ugh, disgusting. 
- “The stupid brat passed out.”
- Such a simple statement caused you to snap your head up at him. But he didn’t wait for your reaction as he somehow managed to plop down on the couch while still looking graceful. Picking up the half eaten box of pocky, he warily pulled one out, eyeing it as if it was  a poisoned dagger before breaking off a piece and placing it on his tongue.
- “This is what you would risk your life for, brat?” 
- He turned his head slightly to look at you still frozen in place, staring at him with that doe eyed look that made his chest burn a little. Isn’t this what he wanted all along?
- “Are you simply going to stand there and gawk? I don’t bite-...well, not unless you ask me to.”
- He knew that would set you right back to your usual self,
 - “...maybe we do need to get a leash after all.”
- Sukuna internally grinned as he saw you move to the other side of the couch, ready to hear whatever more of the snarky comeback that you’d have (not that he was anticipating it, it was just the better alternative to being gaped at. Or so he told himself)
- “You ate the non chocolate covered part of the pocky by the way-”
- “As if a layer of this disgusting brown substance can make the rotten stick taste bette-”
- “Well aren’t sticks all you had to eat in yOuR TiME anyways?”- 
- You somehow managed to fall asleep after the bickering, proceeding to sit in silence after you told him to not bother you while you tried to read. You wouldn’t admit it, but you were a little disappointed when he actually didn’t. Instead, he sat on the couch with a slight smirk still plastered on his face, continuing to simply gaze at you. your heart did lunges every time you slyly looked up from your book to take a peak at him. you wondered how many ways he had come up with to kill you so far. 
- On the other hand, the curse sat idly, watching you while his thoughts rumbled in his mind. Maybe killing you can be pushed off the agenda for now. There are much better ways to hurt the brat anyways aren't there? Perhaps he could use one of these brownish covered sticks to-...what is he thinking?
- He ultimately deems it stupid brat’s humane emotions and sheer stupidity that must be interfering with his thoughts.
- A loud sneeze snaps him out of his daze as he sees you slumped against a pillow, your book falling off your lap. And then he does something that he immediately decides that he would pretend to have not done for the rest of his existence. Luckily, the brat takes back control right after he does it anyways.
- But that thought slips his mind as he finds himself replaying the serene look on your face as he gently pulled the book out of your hands, and how his hands shook a little as you nuzzled your nose into the fabric of the blanket that he pulled over you. How could you have felt so calm around him?
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