#beelezebub obey me
nadiassugarbaby · 2 years
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He was sitting at his desk doing paper work for diavolo as usual when you knocked on his office door
"Come in" the eldest stated in a cold manner thinking it was mammon, you opened the door and quietly walked up to him "luuuci" you whined but the eldest didn't pay any attention
So you held his chin making him look up at you and kissed him just shy of his lips
Then walked away leaving a very confused and flustered demon behind
He was doing the usual for your daily routine, laying on top of you so you can't get work done and barking at his brother's when they tried to interrupt his little cuddle session of sorts
"Mammooonn I need to go to the bathrooomm" who whined but the blue eyed demon didn't move an inch
So you flipped him over "AY WHATR YOU?!" he screamed obviously being caught off guard
You giggled and kissed him on the nose ,got out of bed heading towards the bathroom leaving a very flustered 2nd eldest lying on your bed
(Sorry in advanced I don't really know how to write for him but I'll try)
You both were gaming in his room around 3 am when you decided to be a little nuance so you got up from your seat beside him and sat on his lap
"M-MC HUH??" The purple haired demon screeched "yes levi?" You said in a teasing voice "what are yo-" you cut him off with a kiss on the cheek then went right back to gaming with a flustered demon at your mercy
You both where reading the same book about cats satan was reading it aloud to you while you sat in his lap holding his hand but you were starting to get a bit bored and antsy so you decided to turn around in his lap straddling him "yes love?" Satan asked
You didn't respond instead trailing kisses on his jawline he immediately froze and gace turned beat red "aawwee so cute" you said stopping your kiss attack and hugging his chest "my cute little baby" you said in a teasing tone wich made satans face turn even more red
"Mmhm I'll see you at dinner dear" you said getting off his lap and walking away leaving a VERY flustered wrath demon behind
You decided to be a bit of a bother for you lust demon
"Asmoooo" you said getting his attention immediately latching onto his shoulders "yes darling?" He said in a teasing tone basking in your attention
You didn't reply instead kissing him on the lips to wich he immediately obliged grabbing your cheek and waist
But before you could get far into your little make-out session you parted from his lips and ran :MCCC WHERE ARE YOU GOING??" asmo yelled clearly upset but you kept running 🏃
You and Beel where sitting on the couch watching cartoons and eating snacks when you got an idea "beel you have something on your face" you said In a worried tone "here let me get it off for you" you said even though there was nothing on his face and he knew that he happily said yes and you kissed him on the lips pretending to get the food off "there all better " you said "thanks cupcake" he said in a happy tone face full of food
Your sleepy boyfriend wad ofcourse
But it was dinner time and you needed him up
So you decided to pepper kisses all over his face "hmmm..babby" he said in a grogy voice obviously still tired after sleeping for 7 hours "it's dinner time you big baby " you said in a mocking tone hoisting him up out of the bed and walked to the dinning room with your sleepy boyfriend
The prince had a rare day off so he took you to madame screams (idk if that's a restraunt in obey me but now it is) he booked you both a private room so you didn't have to be bothered by the other guests he sat across from you, the waiter asked for your drinks and after you ordered them you asked "dia come here for a sec" he moved over now sitting next to you " yes my love?"he asked but you didn't answer instead pulling him in by his bootie and giving him a small kiss in his lips he laughed and pulled you into hid lap "thank you dearest I didn't know how much I needed that" he said face turning red by the second
Barbatos was baking a number of pastries when you snuck up behind him wrapped your arms around his waist just to get his attention "yes my love?" He asked priority still on the pastries so to get his full attention you kissed him on the nape of his neck squeezed his hips the walked away leaving a beat red demon behind
You and Simeon were on a date walking through the park hand in hand picking up flowers and looking at birds you know the usual when out of the blue you took his hand and kissed his knuckles "o-oh thank you dearest " he said face turning red "adorable" you cooed and continued to walk hand in hand
He was teaching you magic and potions and stuff and you where getting bored as
So you called for silver haired boyfriend over "solomonnn" you squealed SD you threw yourself onto the man
"Ahaha yes baby?"he asked
" I love youuu" you say in a lovesick tone
Before he has a chance to reply you kiss him on the lips then skip off
He just baked you a fresh batch of your favorite cookies! He said you didn't need to repay him because he did it out of the kindness of his heart
But you needed to repay him for being so sweet!
So you have him your biggest bear hugs and kissed him on the fourhead :)
"M-MC THANK YOU!" the small child beamed
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sad-jackson · 9 months
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I feel like this some shit he would do, and mammon would post it on devilgram
Ignore the hand yall, I was not tryna draw ts🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
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youandmedead · 1 year
Can I request headcannons Leviathan x quite reader who got attached to him quickly. I mean after they made a pact mc just started following him around still giving him his personal space though ofc. Thanks and have a good day.
Lêvïå†håñ x Qµïê† Gñ RêåÐêr
Warnings: Self doubt, swearing
Requested by: Anonymous
Notes: Of course doll and thankyou so much for the request 🧡 Apologies for it taking so long and if it’s too short but I hope you like none the less.
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𖤐 At first Leviathan was so confused as to why you were following him…after all he didn’t really think of himself as much, he was just some gross otaku who rots away in his room all day. So what’s the sudden interest?
𖤐A few months after the pact was created between you two, he noticed he had peculiar feelings being directed towards you. It took him forever to figure out that these feelings were romantic and not platonic (thanks to Asmodeus and Mammon constantly telling his oblivious ass that he's in love)
𖤐 He does find your quiet and timid behaviour cute and somewhat relaxing - mainly because you acted like an anime character (y’know the proper awkward but adorable ones…much like Levi himself) and he could somewhat understand and relate to your demeanour, as well as him finding you calming to be around.
𖤐 However, sometimes when he goes on rants and your dead silent he’ll kinda shrink into himself because he thinks that he’s annoying you and you’re uninterested in what he’s talking about.
𖤐 It took Levi a while to get used to you following him around because he always thought that he wasn’t good enough to be around you. He believed that you could do ten times better and would be much safer with one of his brothers, but he eventually got used to it and he also grew an attachment to you very soon after… He can’t go anywhere without you being by his side.
𖤐 Gaming nights, manga reading and just overall hanging out in his vast, messy ass room is obviously a must.
𖤐 He’ll find it difficult to pick up the courage to ask you but eventually it just comes to him like second nature…half the time he’ll just give you a specific look and you know that if you want to head to his room with to hang out you can.
𖤐 Leviathan would come up with some sort of code for the both of you to let each other know when the environment is getting too chaotic for you, you’re getting uncomfortable etc. Either that or he’ll simply just message you/let you message him in times like the ones mentioned above.
𖤐 I think that cuddling with Levi would be so relaxing. Despite his awkwardness, he’d be willing to cuddle with you in one of his chairs - his bathtub bed is always an option too but it’s a bit cramped - especially when he’s gaming or his envy is kicking in. He’d gladly welcome you with open arms! He’s so warm and although he’s hugging you a bit tight in the beginning, the gentle sound of his heartbeat with the gentle hum of his gigantic fish tank is enough to lull one into sleep.
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Ack been ignoring obey me for abit but my brain got an idea.
Mamma Mia AU with a pregnant MC trying to figure out whos the father of their baby ft all the brothers and datetables.
Also MC, Lilith and Thirteen as Donna and Dynamos bc yesss
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cutetehe · 2 years
Male mc being best friends with Raphael despite having the opposite personality of him, how do the brothers react?
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admittedly some of these are more like scenarios than headcanons but please enjoy
also, Raphael x male mc content is in this
lil story
“Raphael is good looking” mc randomly says while sitting next to the brothers during lunch
“Right?!? Makes me wanna paint his nails and dress him up!” Asmo agrees
“It make wanna befriend-” mc was cut off by mammon
“Mc if you plan to try to befriend him just give up” Mammon says while trying to eat his food fast so Beel won’t eat it for him
“Watch me” Mc gets up from the table and leaves to find Raphael
“..how much y’all wanna bet he’s not gonna be able to befriend him” mammon says and everyone besides Lucifer raises their hand
Satan doesn’t know anything about Raphael but he raises his hand anyways to spite Lucifer
“You really think he can?” Mammon snickers
Lucifer nods and mammon says Mc has a week to befriend him (they never told mc about this though)
Three days later mc and Raphael are best friends
“RAPHAEL!” Mc yells while jumping onto Raphael
“Mc! Be careful” Raphael says catching Mc
“…what the fuck” the brothers reluctantly gives Lucifer 10k grimm
A duo he did not expect to see
He expected to lose the bet
It’s nice seeing Raphael so happy though
“How did you become friends with Raphael?” Lucifer asks
“That’s a secret” Mc winks
Lucifer is now worried on how you friended him
Raphael keeps you in check
And you help him loosen up
That could be both a good and bad thing
“Lucifer I’m going out” mc says in the most dazzling clothes he’s ever seen
“…going out on a date?” Lucifer asks
“No out with Raphael”you say while walking out the HOL
After a month of this it starts getting more.. romantic??
You eat lunches with Raphael
The brothers eat at the lunch table without mv and they all start talking about mc and Raphael relationship
“Soooo.. I get we are supposed to be happy but mc hasn’t ate with us in foreverrrr” Asmo whines
“Well we can sabotage-” Mammon suggested before getting cut off
“no” the rest of the brothers say in sync
“this is the happiest I’ve ever seen Raphael in…*chewing* forever” beel says
“It’s cute and all but I miss mc” Asmo cries
“Mc seems happier too” Beel says
“Mc is always happy though” Asmo responds
To summarize- he doesn’t mind
First of all how second of all HOW??
He unknowingly third wheels
“Mc is mine” Mammon says wrapping his arms around mc chest
“..mc is there own person. You don’t own somebody” Raphael was ready to lecture mammon
Luckily Mc was there and stopped the lecture
“LETS GET ICECREAM!” Mc yells distracting Raphael
Mammon tries to share a ice cream with mc but…
“You guys shouldn’t share that could make mc sick” Raphael says while eating his pistachio ice cream
“WHAT ABOUT ME?!?” Mammon yells
“Oh and you too I guess” Raphael says
Raphael enjoys his pistachio ice cream with mc while Mammon bitterly glares at him while also eating his ice cream
If you want a useless detail- mammon ice cream was chocolate
Mammon thinks they are fighting for mc meanwhile Raphael thinks “wow I have a friend” and keeps forgetting that mammon is with them
“oh I forgot you were here aswell” Raphael says
Mc and mammon talk a little while Raphael continues to eat his ice cream
Anyways time to turn this story into a whole different direction, why? BECAUSE I CAN.
The trio walk into a huge crowed and mc felt his pockets get lighter
“Aw not again” mc says sighing reaching into his pocket and finding nothing
“What happened?” Raphael asks
“Someone stole my wallet again” Mc says not even surprised- it’s been the 7th time this week!
Raphael suddenly gets serious and tracks the demon who did it with mammon right behind him
“Uhh where we goin?” Mammon asks holding onto mc hand to make sure he won’t get lose into the crowed
“Finding that wallet.” Raphael says angrily
“Raphael it’s fine- it’s empty anyways” Mc says
It took a little convincing from mc and mammon to get Raphael to not kill someone because they stole a empty wallet
When I mean a little I mean mc and mammon had to pull onto Raphael arms to stop him from killing someone
He didn’t know about your relationship with Raphael
He didn’t hear about it until like… a week or two
After he heard about it went “oh nice” and went back o devilcart
It wasn’t until he went to bed is when he realized
“…wait a second… MC IS FRIENDS WITH RAPHAEL”
Leviathan realizes Mc can save him when Raphael gets angry at him
Leviathan went to look for a certain item when he spots you and Raphael in a mall
Leviathan freaks out and hides but Raphael spots him
“Leviathan.. what are you doing” Raphael says in a judgmental tone (he didn’t mean to sound judgmental)
“Oh! Uh! to yk… do stuff” Leviathan says
“Well it sounds like you aren’t doing anything so hang out with us!” Mc says
“But-” before leviathan could decide he was taken away by mc and Raphael
Five minutes of walking around the mall leviathan finally says something
“where are we going?” Leviathan asks
“Raphael wanted to get something” mc responds
“Raphael… WANTED SOMETHING?!? OH GOD IS IT GOING TO BE A NEW SPEAR?? OR WORSE A BAZOOKA?? oh no oh no oh no i should’ve stayed in my room” Leviathan is have a crisis while Raphael and Mc talk
“We are here~” mc humms
Leviathan looks up and sees “weapons and more” and leviathan is about to cry
“Leviathan why are standing in front of that shop??” Mc asks
Mc and Raphael stood in front of their destination and it’s a..candy..shop…
“..WHY IS A CANDY STOre BY THE WEAPON STORE??” Leviathan yells
Mc and Raphael comfort leviathan
“Sorry we didn’t know you had a fear of diabetes ” Raphael says patting leviathan back
Doesn’t know who Raphael is
He had no business to make that bet but did it to spite Lucifer
Take that Lucifer! *proceeds to lose the bet and has to hand over 10k grimm*
Sorta intimidated by Raphael
Satan and Raphael just ignore each other
That is until mc forced them together
A new trio is in town
Satan is extra careful with what he says whenever by Raphael
“Hey mc what does Raphael do?” Satan asks
“He’s a hitman!” Mc says blissfully
“A WHAT?!?”
“You guys talking about me?” Raphael says appearing out of nowhere
“Oh yeah! Satan was just asking-” Satan covers mc mouth and talks for him while mc contained to talk
“Oh you know- about your… erm.. YOUR WORKOUT ROUTINE!….” Satan was internally yelling to himself
“Oh” Raphael was gonna tell satan what it was until mc was finally able to talk
“Satan wanted to know what you did so I told him hitman” Mc says
Satan internally screaming is so loud that mc and Raphael can hear it too
“Oh- yeah I do that, I forgot” Raphael says
“Oh you know how Raphael is-“ mc was cut off
“No. No I do NOT know how Raphael is” Satan crosses his arms
The excited, the neutral and Satan, THE PERFECT TRIO
Loves the dynamic
Probably rooting for you two
but he does get sad when you spend most of your time with Raphael
He gets it- Raphael is attractive but so is he!
One day he sees you wearing totally different clothes than you usually do
It looked amazing but it’s super different!
“Oooo mc you going out~” Asmo teased
“No? Why’d you ask?” Mc asks
“You are super dressed” Asmo respond
“Ohhhh Raphael made them”
Surprised to hear that
That’s WAY more romantic than wearing your s/o clothes!
“No! We are just bbfeead”
“Best-friends-for-ever-even-after-death” Mc says
“..mc, sweetie I have no clue how you came up with that or remembered that but be who you are”
Asmo doesn’t sense lust from either of you
Then again you don’t need to feel lust to like someone
With the help of solomon he’s going to break this case of ‘is this a case of pining love or do they both like each other!’
beel! + Belphie..
hehe I’m about to fuse both these together a lot more
“Beel what do you think of the situation?” Belphie questions
“Nom nom nom- uh I think it’s delicious”
“…did you say nom nom nom out loud and also- what do you mean delicious??” Belphie asks
“oh you mean mc and Raphael? I think it’s nice that Raphael has a friend”
“Well what if I told you that..it was romantic”
“I’d be happy for both of them??” Beel says
Beel ask if Mc and Raphael are friends or best friends
Belphie tells beel everything he knows
I feel like it’s a good time to mention Belphie for all his information from asmo
“They are probably just friends anyways- I don’t see Raphael as the romantic type” Beel says
“Woooow are you saying that because he can’t express emotions aswell as others?” Asmo says appearing out of nowhere
“no, but where did you come from?” Beel asks
“I was hiding under your bed but anyways”Asmo pulls out a board from.. somewhere
“hold up how-”
“Just because someone lacks or has trouble showing emotions doesn’t mean they can’t love that’s just stereotypical” Asmo spends two hours lecturing Beel
“oh..I’m sorry” beel apologizes
Beel and Belphie hang out with mc still but most of the time it’s with Raphael
Beel and Belphie don’t care as long he doesn’t pull out the spear
Beel is happy about Raphael being able to be more comfortable around people
Raphael notices how tired you looked one day and offered to carry you
“Are you sure?” Mc asks
Raphael nods and says he sees Beel carry Belphie all the time
“I might not be as strong as Beel but I can carry Belphie and humans tend to be lighter and easier to carry”
Mc smiles and agrees
Mc hops onto Raphael back and mc falls asleep
“Raphael why are you carrying mc?” Beel asks
“He was tired so I’m helping him” Raphael says
Asmo and mammon are in the background recording everything
“This is gonna be great for devilgram-” mammon grabs asmo phone
“Don’t post it- what if people think they are dating?!?”
“That’s the whole reason we are here- now give me my phone!” Asmo and mammon fight and catches the attention of Raphael
“What are you three doing here.” Raphael was ready to take out his spear but mc wakes up
“*Yawn* oh hi mammon!” Mc waves at mammon
Raphael sighs and bails
“…We almost died” the two brothers said in sync
if I ever get the energy chaotic duo of engineer mc and thirteen
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pervysenpaix · 2 years
Hurts Good - om! x blackreader
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A/N: Hi Friends, I got a request but all of my asks were deleted when I was clearing out my drafts. So, if you're the anon that requested our fav twin breeding us while we're menstruating - THANK YOU ❤ <- this has literally been in my drafts for 3 months so I’m terribly sorry; also please miss me with the squeamish comments i literally dgaf , if you ain’t nasty then why are you here ? 🤨 also not proofread cause we die like men 🤧
Synopsis : Our kind boyfriend Beelzebub hates when we have our period, so he came up with a solution!
Warning: Period Sex , Oral (F!Receiving), Somnophillia, Himbo!Beel , no dialogue cause I’m feeling lazy and I literally picked this up after months of sitting.
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For Beelzebub, life in Devildom used to be so simple. A constant cycle of eating, lifting and more eating. This was still true when you came along. He was actually eating and lifting you most of the time. Things were so perfect and he couldn’t be happier. The only downside to your relationship was him having to witness you curled into a ball and sobbing once a month because you were in so much pain. He wished he could take your period away, even said as much to his twin who got a mischievous glint in his eye.
Okay, he had to admit he was a little nervous when Belphegor planted the idea in his head. Not that he was turned off—hell no. There isn’t a thing in all the realms that could lower Beelzebub need for you. It’s just … he was scared to hurt you ☹️
You see, even though he’s a sweet boi he can be kind of rough in the bedroom and knowing that you’re already in pain, he didn’t want to add too it. But, his brother convinced him—even took him to Satan who confirmed that orgasms helped with period pain but scurried out of the blonde demon’s room when he asked for more context.
Now here he is—standing at the foot of your bed while you toss and turn in the sheets, clutching the little lamb plushie to your tummy for some comfort. Beel can’t take it anymore. There’s no way he can stand by and let this keep happening if he knows that there’s a way to stop it.
A soft moan startled you awake accompanied by a tingling in your abdomen and a tightening of your core. Bleary eyes opened revealing the hulking form of Beelzebub with his face and fingers buried in your bloody cunt.
The rusty crimson shade painted his cheeks and chin, it mixed with the slick pouring from your weeping hole dripping onto the sheets in a glorious mess. Your pussy spasmed and clenched around the two fingers that were curling deliciously in your core while he sucked on your clit. Exactly how long he’d been eating you is unknown but his bruised lips and bare member—cherry red and leaking pre—suggested that it’s been a while.
The redhead licked you through your orgasm, enjoying the way your body writhed for him. He could see that you were in embarrassed, it was apparent in the way you looked away and chewed your lip but he knew that you were feeling good by the way your fingers pulled at his hair.
The giant man rose slowly, wiping his mouth of his arm before sloppily pressing your lips together. A lustful kiss that tasted of copper, and slick. Your cunt ached for him, lifting your hips to run your sloppy little pussy on his dick. Beelzebub growled, big tongue lolling out of his mouth to trace over your pulse while he pushed himself inside you.
He filled you so well—stretching you out to the point of paint but it was so intermixed with pleasure that you didn’t mind. He praised you so sweetly—saying that you took him so well and would be the prettiest momma. When your eyes widened he smiled sweetly and kissed your cheek.
“M’gonna fuck you full of my babies, that way you won’t get a period no more”
@kind-himbo-beel literally just thought of you when I finished writing and thought you might wanna take a look at this 🧡
@xogabbiexo & @bookwormsenpai come get your man he’s being nasty again.
@trashybandit think you like obey me so here’s some filth
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wherethelightrots · 2 years
Those cat plushies are so cute 🥺❤️
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incorrectrad · 1 year
Beel: I sit blindfolded. A woman in a lab coat feeds me a Twix.
She marks her notes. 329 consecutive correct guesses.
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strawberry-s0ap · 1 year
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beel and belphie (obey me) stimboard for @cherry-j4m !
x x x / x x x / x x x
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wonderfully-maddening · 10 months
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This weekend was one for the books! The Obey Me Bunny Boys were in full action!💚
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mallleus · 2 years
How Beel looks when he tries to follow MC in secret but ends up looking like this
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berribeary · 1 year
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hey-haven · 1 year
God dammit, I forgot how much I love these idiots
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mammons-best-boi · 2 years
I have no idea what this is, but it's 3am and I'm horny as fuck! Warnings; this is basically a sex club that uses enchanted one use toys to keep everyone safe. Otherwise, general kink warning.
Smut bar and club. Each demon has been commanded to cum when they here a specific sound. Each table has to figure out who their sound is for or they have to pay 1.5x their bill.
There has to be staff that isn't part of the game, because the club needs to be able to function by the end of the day.
I can imagine that some tables, if they figure out who they have, calling one of them over and pressing their sound button until their demon is quivering in a puddle of cum. The demons clothes are soaked through with it, their head fuzzy and blissed out as they cum and cum. Only to be given a stamina potion once they recover enough and be sent out to do it again.
Or, alternatively, each table has a remote that'll make a specific demon feel a different sensation depending on what button you hit.
You wanna fuck Mammon hard and fast, point your remote and press your button.
Wanna tease Lucifer and make him reach his peak without letting him cum until the end of your meal? Third button down on the left!
Wanna watch Leviathan fall completely apart from some teasing and a prostate orgasm. You'll have to pay extra, but third button down on the left and second on the right.
Is Belphie sleeping too much for your taste and you're afraid he won't feel it? Well, you could always spam the cum button (biggest button at the bottom) until he wakes up and can give you a proper show.
Is Asmo practically begging to be fucked hard and spanked as you do it? Hold down the last button on the left and press the top button on the right.
Satan being a know it all and you want to tease him for it? Massage his prostate with the second button down from the top on the left.
Beel, the gentle giant has his own remote and special rules that come with it. (They all do and each table has a list and a signed contract) if someone doesn't follow those rules,they get a really bad electric shock and their remote breaks.
They have to pay a fine and damages and is banned from the club from a different amount of time depending on the type of rule they broke. If they hit the cum button too many times, they're banned for three days. If they decide to try to ignore the rules completely, banned for life.
Or, again alternatively. Each demon is wearing magical sex toys and you can "order" them on the menu. You get a one use toy that's linked to them and can do a list of things on a piece of laminated paper.
The most popular item if being able to fuck one of them, it's also the most expensive.
You can also order things that you can use on the toy, like a mini paddle, a clamp, an inflatable dildo to keep them stuffed while you play with the free nipple stimulation button.
The least commonly bought thing is cunt coozies. A special toy that you put around your glass or bottle of demonious. It stuffs them absolutely full and each time you grab it, it makes them feel like someone is sqeazing them onto it from the outside.
You can link any kind of toy to any kind of demon, so I think Lucifer linked to a small pocket pussy paired with the DiaDildo would be the most common pair bought, sometimes it's the other way around.
Some try to buy the xxs pussy for Levi and try to stuff it with as many normal sized toys as they can, most vibrating deeply.
Some buy one if the silicone asses and spank and nip and paddle them until the silicone is red (magic) before fucking them with whatever selection of toys the table already has.
And then, the absolute most expensive item on this list, controlling the devildom version of a fuck machine. There's a doll in place of the demon, but the demon of the day is always recorded for the big screen so others can watch onlyfans style.
The machine has whips and rollers and candles and restraints. Everything you can think of. And it all works together seamlessly. Making them cum at least once every two minutes.
The price for half an hour? 2 Million Grim. We can't have it being used all the time, now can we.
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Dumb names I would call the obey me boys
Couldn't think for all of them so these are just ones that live free in my head.
Glorified demon turkey
Demonic chicken wings
Dia's bottom bitch
Demonic Christian Grey (from 50 shades)
The avatar of horny
Pride peacock
Crow Daddy
My broke sugar daddy
The no money man
The great tsundere
Tiger Cub
Sir can'tgetbitchescuzimscaredofwitches
Levi senpai
Ocean man (like the song)
Blueberry head
Fish/Snake Daddy
Gamer boy bf
Big ass forehead that could be mistaken for an airplane landing
Cat boi
Pussy chaser (cuz he uh chases cats)
Twilight Sparkle (yk cuz she was a unicorn n likes books)
Angry violent pony
Sir Ihavenofashionsensewhatsoever
Alabama vibez guy
Walking manifestation of stan twitter on heels
Mr. Chokemelikeyouhatemebutyouloveme
Teddy bear (like that one Melanie Martinez song)
Sleepy homicidal cow
Baka (it also means cow in filipino)
Han Solo
Old Man
Senior Citizen
Shady magic man
Lolo (lol its grandpa in filipino)
Asmo's human booty call
The shady wizard of oz
Dr. Who
Dr. Strange
Tony the talking clock (dhmis refference)
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cutetehe · 2 years
Male mc pins the brothers on a bed, how do they react?
i hate this I hate this I hate this
lil story! ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
non sexual version- ish
Mc just wanted to see the reactions to be honest
Mc loves putting people is awkward situations and seeing them squirm
Mc plan was to go into their room and talk to them and then do it
If he just goes in and does it that’d be to boring
Mc heads to the room of….
You open the door and see Lucifer by his desk
“Dammit” mc thought, he had to somehow get Lucifer by the bed without making it obvious what he’s doing
“Lucifer, you need to take a break” mc says wrapping his arms around Lucifer chest
“I’m almost done with my work, I can after-”
“If you are almost done why not relax a little and do it later?” Mc responds
Lucifer sighs and gets up from his desk and sits on his bed
“So what did you have in mind?” Lucifer asks
Mc decides now or never
Mc takes Lucifer wrists and puts it above his head while pushing him onto the bed so Lucifer would’t try to hide his expression
Mc doubt he would try to but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lucifer reaction is surprised
He wasn’t expecting you to randomly pin him to the bed- no one would dare do that and yet here he is, being pinned down by a human
“I wanted to do something with a little more action” Mc says
“oh? I was thinking the same thing” Lucifer responds getting in the mood
Mc didn’t expect to get this far so he just kisses Lucifer and books it
“BYE LUCIFER” Mc yells
Lucifer just stays in the same place for five minutes and then gets back to work
Expects to finish what you started
You open mammon door and just as expected he’s on his bed
Even better he’s not even laid down
Sorta weird he isn’t laying down on a bed but anyways
Mc wanted to tease with mammon first
“Mammon I’m bored” Mc says sitting beside Mammon
“Ya wanna help me count grimm?” Mammon asks
Mc crosses his arms and thinks “This would be a perfect time to do the thing”
“No but I’d rather do something else” Mc says casually
“Like what?” Mammon responds
Mc gets up and mammon stays sitting (luckily)
Mc pushes Mammon to the bed and makes SURE to get his hands above his head
Mammon would 100% cover his face to hide his embarrassment
“AY- why’d…you push..me” Mammon realized why
Mc smiles down at Mammon while Mammon is trying to say a sentence
Mammon expects the worse the best outcome
“Is this the thing you were talking about?” Mammon finally got out and Mc deciding he had his nods and kisses mammon
“Thanks for the fun” Mc winks and leaves
Thinks about that all night
This is gonna be tuff
He has a bathtub instead of a bed
So mc has to get leviathan in his own room or injure both himself and leviathan for this
He’s going for the room route
“Leviathan i need help setting up my… game ” Mc says walking into leviathan room
Luckily levi wasn’t doing anything but he was suspicious
“Could’t you bring it here?” Leviathan ask
“No” Mc responds
Leviathan decides to go help
You close the door behind you as soon you two get inside
“So where the game?” Leviathan asks
“Over there” you pointed by the bed and leviathan got suspicious and walked over by the bed
“There’s nothing he-” leviathan was caught off by you pinning him to the bed
Like mammon- with his hands above his head
“-er…” Leviathan trails off
He’s so close to the person he likes he’s trying not to move so we won’t ruin the mood
“…so was there no game?” Leviathan says trying to distract himself
Mc nods
“Sorry I lied, let me repay you” Mc says leaning toward towards leviathan
Leviathan has so many thoughts at once and he closes his eyes
Mc kisses him and leviathan fucking dies
“uhh you okay?” Mc ask after leviathan hasn’t moved in ten minutes
“..y-yeah” Leviathan says blushing
You reach his door and immediately had to rethink the plan
He doesn’t even have a bed
His room is JUST books
Mc thinks for a bit and figured something out
Mc pulls out his DDD and plays audios of cats meowing
You made sure satan heard them
After getting him out of his room you make sure he can’t see you but can hear the audio
After you FINALLY make it to your room satan is also there
“Have you heard a cat?” Satan asks frantically
“Mmmm nope but while you are here can I ask for some help” you say getting ready
“Oh, sure but make it quick so I can find the cat” Satan says walking towards you
“Could you sit down” mc says casually so satan would’t think much about it
“Oh sure but why-” mc then pushes and pins satan to the bed
Satan is both surprised and flushed
He’s trying to act confident but it is soon broken when you move closer to his face
Prepares himself like he’s a 7 year old getting ready to take a shot at the doctors
And just as fast as it started it ended just as fast
“Sorry for tricking you- there was no cat” mc laughs
Satan would usually be mad but he go a kiss from mc he’s happy
“N-no worries” Satan says trying to not show his face out of embarrassment
Excited to go inside his room
“Mc! Good timing I need you to help me pick out some nail polish
After ten minutes of helping asmo pick out some stuff you remembered what you came here for
But he doesn’t know how or when to because asmo is.. criss cross applesauce on his bed
It’s be pretty awkward to pin him like that
Also you don’t wanna shove him
\(๑•́o•̀๑)/ what will you do?!?
You just hope for the best so you just tell asmo some lie about crossing your legs will lead to something bad
Asmo stops and you go for it
You shove asmo to the bed and you are above asmo
“Oh mc~” Asmo says flattered
“You could’ve just said you wanted to fu-“ you cut him off by kissing him
“YOU ARE SO CUTE MCC”Asmo pulls you down and you fall on top of him
Asmo doesn’t care though he just wants to cuddle and love you
Mc knows how big and tall he is so mc has to check if it’s even possible
You casually walk in and see beel doing push ups
“How far are you”
“10972” Beel responds
“That’s more than usual” You respond
“I’ve been taking to much breaks so I’m pushing myself” Beel responds sounding exhausted
Mc sighs and forces Beel to take a break
“You deserve a break- sit on the bed and I’ll bring you something to eat” you leave and grab some snacks
Beel is sitting on the bed just as planned
You hand him his snack and you go for it
You wind up your push and charge
You did it!! You pinned beel
“Mc?” beel isn’t that embarrassed- maybe it was mistake
Maybe you accidentally shoved him and pinned him down
“You need to relax so I’ll help you” mc says in a certain tone
…ok so maybe it WASNT on accident
Beel isn’t dirty minded but the way it’s worded and the setting made him think something else
Because of that thought he blushing and doesn’t know how to respond
“Close your eyes” mc says
Beel listens and closes his eyes and.. gets a kiss
He doesn’t know if he should be happy
He isn’t disappointed or dissatisfied he actually enjoyed the kiss
“I hope that relaxed you” Mc says winking
you walk in and lay beside him
Then you realized he isn’t even awake
That’s a problem you ran into
Mc decided to just wait it out
After four hours Belpie wakes up
You didn’t stay there for four hours you just checked every hour
After you somehow kept him awake you did the thing
“Sooo don’t fall asleep when I do this”
“Do what?”
“Do this” You didn’t have to push him down because he’s already laid down
You pin him without grabbing his wrist because for obvious reasons
Mc smirks down at Belphie but Belphie isn’t budging
“how could I fall asleep at this moment?” Belphie responds
Mc smiles at Belphie reaction but wants to get a reaction out of Belphie
Mc knows everyone gets embarrassed by touch so…
You casually put you hand on his stomach and slowly go down
Belphie is surprised and looks away so his reaction won’t show
Mc got his reaction so he’s retreating
You kiss him and leave the room as fast as possible
Beel was the hardest to do because I had to actually TRY 😪
anyways masterlist
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