#berserk stuff
nox-artemis · 1 year
So recently, a popular cosplayer who cosplayed Casca caused a stir when she blocked a douchebag who used the Femto "compliment" on her cosplay and they used her blocking them as a flex. I'm happy that - on Twitter at least - there was pushback against this sort of behavior because I've definitely experienced that shit (if any of my longtime followers recall from 2015-18 when I cosplayed a lot) and unfortunately I didn't really get that much support outside of Tumblr. And I've known other cosplayers who dressed as Casca who experienced the same tired "compliment."
But it's also reminded me that a lot of stuff hasn't really changed, because in essence, the Berserk fandom isn't anymore enlightened or ideal than other anime and nerd fandoms, which collectively has a problem with r@cism, sex!sm, h0mphobia/tr@nsphobia, PDFiles, and etc. Unfortunately Berserk fandom and fans still suffer from this weird collective delusion that it's set apart from the behavior of other fandoms because Berserk is often pedestalized ("Berserk is deeper than other manga"), and a lot of fans use that as a shield from legit criticism about both the work and the fandom. I've been saying it to ad nauseum, but as an older female fan, Berserk just barely discusses S.A. in a more serious way than any other story, specifically in the anime/manga medium (and sadly, a lot of the industry is a reflection of the society from whence it came, and Japan is still a deeply patriarchal society - and in turn, a lot of fans still look at Japan with rose-tinted glasses).
Someone else could probably do a much better analysis on the gender politics of anime and manga (because I've come across other titles that talk about S.A. just as or more seriously than Berserk - but they were shoujo, sooooo....), but anyway the story took steps in addressing male S.A., but still took steps back when depicting the standard female S.A., and the grotesqueness of any acts still hasn't caused many fans to forge much empathy toward the topic of S.A., or else, well, I wouldn't be making this post about fans giving r@pe "compliments" to female fans. (not to mention all of the Donovan jokes, how the Qliphoth scene isn't regarded as S.A. because it's female on male, people still making the case that Casca "enjoyed it", etc.)
So basically what I'm trying to get at is that the Berserk fandom is still bad at addressing fandom problems and general discussion about S.A. because a lot of Berserk fans - I feel and have observed over the years - set themselves apart from Other fandoms. Can't really address issues that fall under the general nerd umbrella until people resign in the fact that Berserk isn't that special to be set above the standard.
I know that hurts a lot of people's ego - because I feel that many of the fan who engage in this shitty fan behavior are also the fans who lean on Berserk to validate themselves - but it's true and you should stop.
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alovelyburn · 1 year
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven’t written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
Tagged by @ofdemonsandangels​
I almost forgot about #2 there, oops.
01. Recoil & Grace (two sentences, oops)
Their fingers wind together in the darkness.
02. The Heart Has A Cutting Part As child, she is an old soul; this is the inevitable result of years at her father’s side.  
03. When the Feast is Over "The environment is hardly ideal, I know.".  
04. Sail the Ocean Round “How long has it been, JoJo?   What do you think?" Dio's fingers stretch through the empty air, twisting lightly inside those dark curls.
05. Said Death to the Dead The room was, that night, all moonlight and candlelight - dim gold and silver, streaming through the gauzy curtains.
06. Saw the Grey That one spirit isn’t hard to find after the war. 
07. Absent Injury It's said that some of the worst injuries come in the absence of   pain -  that when a body experiences too much, it simply shuts down that sensation to spare itself the shock. 
08. Of Fallen Angels It takes two weeks for him to return to that place. 
09. The Painted Stage This is the dream: No, actually, he doesn't feel well.
10. This Time the World Will Change The wall is cold against Griffith’s back tonight, and he feels it, that chill, seeping into his bones.
Bonus: The WIP I may never finish The Angels come down when the world goes to Hell, and when they appear it makes everything break.  
It’s like 22,000 words long so I may as well pretend I finished it.
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that tonal shift between Meet The Grahams and Not Like Us is absolutely wild to me in hindsight. Plus it felt like a direct response to all the people sleeping on Kdot's banger/bop credentials. Just picturing everyone crying on the floor in despair from MTG, only for Kdot to burst through the wall like the kool aid man yelling "YOU MUHFUCKAS SAID YOU WANTED TO DANCE, GET UP NIGGAS, LETS DANCE"
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manga-and-stuff · 11 months
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Source: Berserk Beruseruku ベルセルク
by Kentaro Miura
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adaki · 5 months
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An why he berserk 😂
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tariah23 · 3 months
One of the main reasons why I used to avoid Isekai’s, and fantasy works in general, like the plague is because of how over saturated they’d become with things that didn’t feel like they even belonged to the genre to begin with… it’s not too hard to find works that stand out but so much of those works have been pushed down and forgotten, it just sucks.
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lodium · 6 months
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I feel so sorry for Miner. Poor man just was heading home after a hard work
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griffgutsiscanon · 5 months
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it's so damn funny how people in this fandom claim that guts only wants to cut griffith's head off and celebrate alongside his group, because this is not quite what is actually happening in the story. guts is pretty much blaming himself for what happened to griffith, because he knows that he's the main reason that made everything collapse. he hates griffith for what he did, but guts is also still very much attached to him, which makes the whole situation even more tragic.
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13eyond13 · 5 months
Trying to remember, was there ever ACTUALLY any part in the Death Note manga where Light is said to be unusually handsome?
I feel you can infer it maybe by how much girls like him and how nonchalant he is about asking them out, and in the part where the two girls are gushing over him and L the one girl says he's "way better-looking" than L (which we could either take as popular opinion, or maybe just her own opinion). But otherwise he just gets called "typical private school elite/pampered/brilliant" and so on, which isn't really a comment on his good looks. Just not sure if it's ever made QUITE as big a deal of in canon as it gets made by fans at times, and wondering if I'm forgetting some stuff maybe
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anongalactic · 9 months
berserk is about queerness in the same way that bloodborne is about motherhood. like it's really gorey and fucked up about it but you cannot tell me im wrong.
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quibbs126 · 8 months
So I know very little about One Piece (I’m watching someone review the series currently since my interest has been piqued), but a couple of the things I do know is that Crocodile, Mihawk and Buggy the Clown have apparently made some sort of organization/polycule (according to tumblr at least), and also the Crocomom theory
And so now my brain’s imagining Buggy at one point randomly going to Luffy “I fucked your mom/dad”, leaving, and Luffy just being confused at the interaction
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nox-artemis · 2 years
Berserk Chapter 367 Thoughts
I was pretty surprised when I found out that a new chapter was going to be released so soon. At first I thought, "hope this isn't going to be typical. I mean, hiatuses and breaks can be annoying but they're necessary for a story+illustrations that are as involved as Berserk's." Luckily I was soon filled in that the next chapter release wouldn't be until mid-August or so. Cool beans. Proceed.
Of course being the fan girl that I am - because I too have eager fan tendencies - I really want August to come quickly after what just happened.
So it's finally happened:
Griffith up and kidnapped Casca.
Maybe not entirely predictable or even a lot of people's top prediction, but I always had a feeling this would happen, especially since now more than ever Griffith's connection to Casca is more evident: is Griffith kidnapping her for his own motives or is it the Child's desire to be with his mother that is compelling Griffith to do this? It might be a very disturbing blend of both (Griffith knows that the Moonlight Boy is her son so he might be wanting to keep Casca captive so that the boy won't go so far looking for her because this is most likely Griffith's most vulnerable form OR Griffith might be seeking some weird maternal desire from Casca as explained below). And that's why this part of the trio's relationship - the one between Griffith and Casca - is the part of the story that's going to be the most troublesome, both for the characters themselves and how the writers are going to approach this mess.
For the record, I don't think Griffith is going to S.A. Casca again - at least, not with the explicit viciousness of the Eclipse. BUT I forewarn: we might be treading into some VERY messed up Freudian shit now Recap: Griffith who had some latent desire for Casca - who had obvious unrequited love for him but moved on with his friend/rival - before the Eclipse went on to R-word her very viciously to the point that his material mutated her unborn child and then he later went to body steal that kid's body, a kid that he technically shares with Casca and Guts but who is also kind of a brother now too sooooo basically Casca is up against a nigh preternatural being who is her former friend and love interest, abuser/r*pist, and son all rolled into one.
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I can only hope that for whatever emotional crap Casca is going to be going up against (because even if Griffith doesn't touch her, doesn't allow her to see him, she's still in so much mental and emotional trauma from the Eclipse; like, how is she going to react to seeing just plain-ass apostles???), I hope that this situation is going to be utter hell for Griffith too. Just - I hope he doesn't take out any of his moral confusion/angst out on Casca because THIS IS NOT THE JUMP I WAS EXPECTING FROM HER HEALING ARC.
(Basically some creepy shit from American Horror Story: Asylum can happen or some creepy shit from Jessica Jones Season 1 can happen between Casca and Griffith. Lord help us.)
It might be temporary (maybe she will be rescued sooner? Like damn I need to see Casca in her armor again!), but I strongly think it's going to be a catalyst for the final confrontation between Guts and Griffith. Speaking of which I'm just wondering how Guts is going to be reacting to this in the next chapter. Like, he already hasn't really said much since chapter 365, but I do notice how this is all mirroring the events from the confrontation on the hill of swords so long ago. Guts and Griffith confront each other, Griffith is smug, Guts flies into a rage, Nosferatu Zodd comes in at the worst time which allows for Griffith to get close to Casca and - Guts has no idea how to react.
Only this time, Griffith took it a step further (but thankfully not as far as the parallel between that scene and the Eclipse went).
It's a very tragic cycle, because it seems like Guts can save Casca from everybody except a) Griffith and b) himself.
It's also very ironic because for as little as Casca thought her importance was throughout the story and how she wanted to be useful to the men around her, Casca is either mans greatest strength and weakness. It's pretty formulaic as this point too, because if the events of the Eclipse proved anything, Casca ended up becoming Griffith's sword like she had always wanted, albeit against Guts; BUT now she - and the love she has for her son - is likely going to end up being Griffith's biggest Achille's heel.
So some other side stuff: kinda confused as to how Danaan wouldn't have sensed all of the happening (unless again, this all happened just as Griffith is making his appearance and we're seeing that reaction in hindsight). As stated elsewhere, some of the paneling makes it hard to understand what's happening in the last few scenes: where did Farnese and Schierke go (why didn't they attempt to fight and keep Griffith away from Casca)? Did Guts and Casca simultaneously making contact with Griffith transport all three of them somewhere else (since it's apparent that kidnapping Casca was Griffith's motive from the start)? Also, Casca being transported to the den of beasts might provide for an opportunity for her to be reunited with Luca and her girls and possibly interactions with Charlotte (as well as Sonia. THAT'D be interesting ¬_¬).
In conclusion, the story is taking some turns I was not fully expecting. I thought we would at least get some further development with Casca's healing and her relationship with Guts on Elfhelm before all of this peace got broken. But I'm willing to stick around to see where this tale goes.
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iiscpr · 1 month
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lemon yellow sun/ arms raised in a v
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nightangle9 · 1 year
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Pairing: Post eclipse Guts x Fem Reader
Warning: angst, mature content, mature language, smut, attempted murder, unprotected sex, fingering, mating press, slight dacryphilia
Summary: Running away from home, you find yourself lingering in the warmth of strange man's arms.
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The world was a dangerous place and you clearly understood it but that didn't excuse your alcoholic father's abuse. That's why you ran away from home. You knew the risk and how horrifying the world can be. But there was still a hope, a ray of happiness that you found yourself wishing for. And that ray of hope came in the form of a man, GUTS. You first met him when you started working at a restaurant. From his entrance to his exist everything about this man was entrancing. He ordered a glass of booze and you gladly complied his order. Things escalated between you two from there. He seemed like an interesting and terrifying person at the same time. Standing at a height of 6'7, he towered over you as he stood. Covered in black from head to toe. Filled with rage and anger. But despite all that you found yourself yearning for his soft side. He may not look like it but he had a good heart. Just a broken one. You knew you wouldn't be able to fix it but you could try. That's why you asked to join him as his companion. He refused ofcourse but you weren't going to up so easily, were you? He even as much as threatend to murder you if you tried to follow him. You thought he was kidding , he was not. He tried to swing his large sword to slice up your neck but stopped mid air. Leaving you with a last warning. You confronted him about it telling him you won't be a nuisance to him and that you just wanted to be with him. He finally accepted it with a sigh saying that whatever happened to you from now on is your responsibility and he won't come to your rescue. What a cold-hearted man.
You understood what he meant by that. You were faced with countless monsters everyday with little to no sleep every night. His routine and life everything was mess. A mess that you wanted to fix. You tended his wounds. Took care of him when he slept making sure he didn't wake up. You did everything you could for him. It was not enough and you knew it. It showed on his face. It's not like you can turn back time or anything. You didn't know what happened to him. And he won't even tell you about it. He was your last hope. Someone who you thought could make your miserable life happy. But nothing seemed to work out on him or so you thought.
One night after fighting the monsters that come due to his sacrifice brand. You were treating his wounds. "Why are you doing this for me? Why are you even with me? What is it? I don't understand. You have nothing to gain. Until you are with me you are bound to live as a despicable person. Why not just leave me alone already." He told you, looking straight into your eyes with sorrow. You hugged him as tight as you could. Burying your face into his chest. "Why would would I leave you, Idiot. If that's what I wanted to do I would've never joined you from the start. You mean so much to me. I....really like you. Guts." You admitted to him in a whisper. Holding his suprised face in your hands. You closed off the distance between you two as you finally kissed. Attaching your lips to his. It felt passionate and deep. His large hands holding on to your waist, your hands roaming in his dark hair. Everything felt perfect. He started to take off your dress. You laid down on the cold ground. As you felt shivers on your bare skin. Soon enough his hands started exploring your body. As he bit and sucked on your skin. Tiny moans escaping your mouth as his fingers started to rub on your clit. Separating your thighs apart with his strong hands, he put two of his fingers inside of you. Moving them in a fast pace. You put your arms around his neck leaning him into a rough kiss. Your moans being muffled by the the kiss as you came down your high. Putting your legs up on his shoulders. He positioned himself on your entrance. Slowing entering inside of you. It was a little painful. As you hadn't had sex in a while. It started out slow his thrusts hitting your inside. Your moans started becoming louder as his thrusts became faster. Pressing your legs up to your chest. He started going even deeper inside of you. Hitting all the right spots as you cried out from pleasure. Rough hands holding on to your thighs as he grunted and groaned from his own pleasure. You were close. Really close to your orgasm. "G-Guts, I-I'm gonna c-cum." You whimpered teary eyed. "Yeah, m-me too." He grunted. You both came down your high together. His arms holding you tight as he hugged you after. "I like you too" he said kissing your forehead.
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manga-and-stuff · 10 months
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Source: Berserk Beruseruku ベルセルク
by Kentaro Miura
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slan-the-goddess · 2 years
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