im workin on a thing and i got the bracer just PERFECT yesterday morning but i was TIRED so i STOPPED and now i CANT REMEMBER HOW I DID IT ;A; ive been trying to recreate it for HOURS and I CANT DO IT im GOING TO BECOME THE JOKER and wear TACKY CLOTHES and say EDGY BUT ULTIMATELY MEANINGLESS LINES this is TERRIBLE ;A;
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foliarlight · 1 year
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Alhaitham purchased a peregrine falcon after he came into the temporary position as Grand Sage, utilizing it as a communicative aid and messenger to replace the removal of the Akasha system's capability to swiftly deliver messages when necessary. While the native dusk birds in the surrounding forests would have also been an option, he wanted a bird that was fast, reliable and equally comfortable in both the jungle and desert environment. He was resolved to keep this falcon even after his resignation, aware that animals are not toys and that it would be his responsibility to ensure the bird lived a fulfilled life. As such, it remains with him even nowadays. His name is Nasir ( arabic for " helpful " ) and he usually spends most of his time free flying in the skies of Sumeru, not a pet to be kept indoors for longer than is necessary. Alhaitham is rather content with this as well, appreciating an independent pet far more than one that requires constant attention. He still shares a close and trusted bond with him regardless. However, when Nasir does return home ( either due to being called or the bird's own whims ) he is quite affectionate and quiet, more often than not perching nearby. Interestingly, he has grown particularly attached to Kaveh ( @ksharhrewar ) and frequently gets comfortable on the architect's shoulder while he works, certainly in no small part because Kaveh spoils him rotten on the regular. However, the bird does not appreciate when strangers pet him and will fly away as soon as his messaging job is done.
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mangysah · 10 months
it is just so funny to me that the moment someone mentions a small thing that happened in canon between two characters who have barely ever interacted with each other they suddenly have the potential to become a rarepair
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deathbirby · 10 months
Some people consider the phrase "go outside and touching grass" to be ableist which okay, somewhat fair enough cause there are people who can't go outside due to their disability (inability to walk, etc), but is being on the internet to harass people, "win debates" and pick fights with others any better, especially for your mental health? I'd say that's very miserable and not healthy. It's one thing if you're using the internet to chat with friends, watch videos and have fun, it's another to use the internet to an asshole just because you can.
I didn't think about it being considered ableist by some, but that's a fair view on it!
But yeah, their current situation is not any better. They waste so much energy on 'debating' and harassing people, that I am concerned for their mental health.
Like, maybe look at some cat videos instead! Or dogs! Or any animal that you like! Anything but being an asshole online!
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inkerii · 1 year
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kay but like. why are the birbs in my recommended too lol
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angrybatart · 2 years
The OTHER reason why I don't draw as much...
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His name is Barry, possibly named after Barry White, and we rescued him from a petting farm. So if he looks like he's missing feathers, that's why. (Poor guy plucked himself because of the conditions he was kept in.) I can't draw with him around because, like any bird, your stuff is his property, and he is free to chew on it as much as he wants.
But we still love him. And he loves us.
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chocoenvy · 2 years
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also should i cosplay yae next month
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birbfeedersart · 2 years
this make up thing was originally going to be quick but then i had two days of emotional rollercoaster-ing and it has now become A Project 😩
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alexi-01 · 1 year
also i don’t want it to seem like i’m being a bitch and ignoring my anons but i just don’t want to talk about the sprint race shit at all, like i totally get lando fans being pissed and i get max fans being pissed that’s why we just blame checo on this blog okay? okay
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helloitsace0space · 2 years
I think my mom just associates me with birds for some reason
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just got done watching this film called frozen (2010) where a trio of idiots get trapped on a ski lift for like three days
shawn ashmore was there and he didn't even win the film. this was more painful and annoying than morbius. 0/10 BAD FILM NEVER AGAIN D:<
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gojosatoruwifey · 3 months
ㅡglub glub glub glub glub
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✑ happy happy happy birthday to our red fishie ♡(◕ᗜ◕✿) as usual, this fic is written the day before my finals exam (・ω ・✿)
✿ warning/s: fluff, short, blushy! rafayel is the best rafayel, simps, let me know if i missed something!
✿ character/s: rafayel, fem! reader
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it’s his birthday so you follow what he does that makes your heart skip a beat
rafayel is in for a surprise.
he already suspected that you’re doing something fishy behind his back, especially the date in the calendar that tells him that his birthday is around the corner. a good boyfriend that he is, he will just let you do your thing.
rafayel didn’t, in fact, see this coming. 
the smooch landing on his cheek was so swift that if he didn’t know you’re standing before him, waist bent down as you put your weight to your one arm and the other retrieving a small pillow beside him — he is thinking to check himself into the mental ward, complain to the doctor there that he is having a hallucination of you kissing him randomly and so suddenly at that as he lazily sprawled to the couch, phone in hand.
you, with all your might, maintained a composed face as if you didn’t just copy one of your boyfriend’s cute antics that he is unaware makes your thoughts haywire. rafayel’s gradient stellar eyes stare wide at you, perplexing surprise swirling behind those beautiful pools as he looks up at you from the couch.
a successful cheer erupted inside your mind. satisfied with his reaction, calling forth every cell in your brain to commit his face to memory. rafayel’s reddening cheeks all the way to his ears, doe eyes round and shiny. 
turning on your back with the pillow hugged by your arms, you act like you don’t mind him and continue on your way.
to be honest, when rafayel gets whiny, begging for attention or dragging you to a spontaneous date, it awakens a dormant beast within you.
so, when it’s your turn to act cutesy around him, you’re looking forward to it.
internally, rafayel is losing his mind. whose fault is it? you, who else. what in the world have you been up to? your recent actions have become unpredictable and difficult for him to anticipate.
you're doing it again! he bit his lower lips he’s afraid blood would soon appear as you had a python grip on his arm, pouty and sulky dripping on your voice, “i want that one, win me artsy birb plushie! please? rafayel?”
“i…” where did his usual nonchalant of a bodyguard go.
he felt you get closer, “i will! i will!” rafayel maneuver the claw, his arm still pressed to your body, clinging to him. oblivious to the grin curled on your lips. the heat on his cheeks and ears hasn’t gone away, staying there much to his chagrin.  if he were to glance at the couple in the reflection of the claw machine plush’s glass, he might have not missed it.
another success!
now, onto the last one. you are not so sure how to proceed with this one. it’s not that you’re not confident to pull this move to him but rather, how to make the timing right. should it be on the day? to have better lighting? what of the place? should you hold this in the destiny cafe or at his home or yours? a date is a go-to since you can create a more romantic atmosphere so a date it is, then. you nodded to yourself.
on the other hand, rafayel’s heart will explode the more he lets you hold the reign. it's bad for his health. what will happen to linkon were their precious artist gets sick? he will blame you, really.
if you pull another one…
shit, he curses. it's late morning, brunch, unoccupied second floor with just the two of you, the muffled tappings of laptop keys below, the occasional bell ring when a customer enters and the staff greeting them, the beeping indicator of the hot water in the kitchen, the sound of beans hitting the bottom of the container, the rush of coffee cascaded in a cup.
and the warm sunlight pouring into the table where you two are sitting.
a finger lightly brushed the strands of his hair near his eyes. rafayel watches mutely. the words he has been practicing and the dramatic actions he thought last night are gone in an instant. you move away from the strays as you make eye contact with him, muttering, “there. i can see you better. don’t look down like that or you will hurt your neck.”
red bursts completely all over his face. steam coming out of his head.
“what’s the matter with you? you look like reddie.”
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Do you think Crowley would be protective of us? Maybe fend off the beasties that try to court us?
That's a cute thought.
Realistically, Crowley is a dick that often leaves the protagonist to fend for their self and pushes them to take care of dangerous stuff that they really shouldn't have to.
But on the other hand…hehe birb dad.
One of the reasons he avoids us is because of the whole us “wanting a way home thing.”
Imagine his surprise when you tell him you would rather stay. Maybe you don't have a family, maybe the family you have is horrible, or maybe it's because our world is a polluted mess with a cruddy economy. Regardless it means he doesn't have to (pretend) to put in the work of sending you home. 
Well, as long as there's a place for you to stay that is. He is sort of your guardian and it would be in the best interest of himself and the entire school if you stayed.
Now a thing I like to think about…this man is likely lonely. I mean, a lot of people don't like the guy. (for good reason) The students and teachers are tired of his shit, though he and Trien seem to be homies and have tea together, the guy’s cat still hates him. Crowley also doesn't have a mate or any hatchlings waiting at home for him.
Combine the guilt trip of having nowhere else to go, add his loneliness, and then butter the guy up. I would say you have a good chance of getting him attached.
Imagine he sees you heading his way and is about to screw off cuz he doesn't want to deal with whatever thing you need to get fixed or have to complain about, you catch the sleeve of his coat before he can, and so he braces himself. But instead of asking him for something or scolding him you simply ask him about his day and how he's doing.
Birdman is shook.
Bit by bit the tasks and chores he gives you are ones where you'll be around him or he’ll randomly pop in to check in on you while doing them. Soon you end up being the preferred person for making and bringing him his tea. He pretends to nap on his office couch while you do his paperwork. May even ask you to help him file his claws on occasion. If it wasn't so dire for you to take care of things at the school he would be half tempted to bring you along on one of his vacations. If you give him anything it's going on his desk and he will brag about it to anyone who enters his office.
His cheap ass isn't going to spoil you but he will bring you small gifts. Usually the random shiny thing and small souvenir from his trips away. You might start finding loose feathers around Ramshackle and more crows around who also bring small things.
He starts thinking up plans for you to stay on as official faculty of the school once graduating. Of course, it's only because you are super useful and not because he’ll miss you or anything…
It doesn't really hit him until after he sees one of the teachers getting all father figure-y with you and he gets jealous.
Displeased bird noises.
Even before he started to get attached to you he did keep an eye on you, your easy prey amongst beasts after all, but he does develop a habit of popping in more when a boy happens to show his interest in you…or anytime he thinks someone is trying to sneak in and swipe his unofficial dad role…he does a lot of that with Crewel and Trien in particular.
Still, even with his affection for you, he’s still very much…him and the boys know this. Not long till he finds the more well-off beasty boys in his office offering donations to the school in exchange for certain things. More info about you, making you a member of his dorm, ect. A few have learned that the best thing to butter him up with is to talk about what a kind and generous father figure he is and how lovely it would be for Crowley to give the perfect away on their wedding day.
As a result, he, and probably Grim, are going to nudge you toward certain preferred suitors.
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silverflqmes · 6 months
notes. reposted and edited from wp! happy holidays and merry christmas to those who celebrate!
genre. fluff + crack
ft. tooru oikawa, tetsuro kuroo, rintaro suna, shoyo hinata, kenji futakuchi, hajime iwaizumi, osamu miya
gender neutral! reader
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⌗ he loves to sit near the fire place with either you seated on his lap or just plopped up above him on the couch or beneath if you're more my style AHAHAHAHA
⌗ LOVES HALLMARK MOVIES i mean look at him, he would so watch them.. but he wouldn’t mind the classics like elf, christmas story ( my fav fr ), the home alone duology or national lampoon’s christmas vacation🫶
⌗ "I LOVE YOU I LOVE I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOUUUU Y/N-CHAAAAANNNN!!" — after watching elf and doing last minute christmas shopping going up the escalator ( he’s silly )
⌗ would totally play old jazzy christmas songs and pull you close to him, swaying gently in the kitchen or by the fireplace to the melody with the smell of balsam in the air❤️
⌗ you already know he would have lured you under the mistletoe too somehow🧎
⌗ "oh wow! i wonder how this got here!!🙀"
⌗ y'all woke up LATE on christmas day istg, but tetsuro hooked you up real nice with presents ykyk he made that bank af and worked those extra hours just for you<3
⌗ unlike kawa, kuroo took you for dinner and made a day out of it? he took you ice skating, out to see the lights and decorations, tossed a few snowballs at you to piss you off🧎
⌗ "come onnn, i promise i won't let you fall~"
⌗ it ends up snowing a bit later into the night on your way back home, so he gave you his scarf, long coat AND mittens.. hooked you up fr
⌗ except.. nothing fits aside from the scarf, but are you complaining? no🙄 although you did yell at him for it cuz he could get sick</3
⌗ he had an entire argument prepared as to why he wouldn't get sick and you could have sworn that he mentioned the periodic table somewhere🧍‍♂️spoiler alert- he gets sick the next day
⌗ ngl at first you were SO confused as to why suna didn't have a christmas tree in his living room, but one in his bedroom until christmas day..
⌗ "rin, we gotta open the presents y'know.. and i kinna want breakfast.. we gotta get up at some point."
⌗ "the presents are under our tree over there by the dresser, just peek under and you'll see them. as for breakfast, kita-san’s coming over with everyone later. problem solved."
⌗ tbfh the laziest christmas you could ever imagine, but like you can’t complain, it was nice to just unwind a bit
⌗ he did keep the spirit of the holidays with a good bit of christmas movies, for sure the grinch who stole christmas ( it’s his favorite )
⌗ later on, true to his words, kita showed up around 7:30 with the rest of the team and y'all had sum good ass food and hot coco after reluctantly dragging suna out of bed to get ready🤲
⌗ boy are you in for it🧎
⌗ shoyo woke you up at four in the morning with natsu in tow, dragging your ass to the living room where the tree was filled with a wide arrangement of presents
⌗ you were still half asleep and since you were staying at shoyo's for the holidays — you uh.. weren't allowed to start opening gifts till seven LMAOO so you guys started guessing the presents instead; yk getting a feel of them
⌗ "sho, the only thing it's gonna end up being is a wake up call to your mom and then you'll never know what it is."
⌗ tobio comes over later and y'all have a snowball fight together🥺
⌗ you and natsu won LMAOOOO poor lil birb was upset, but your kisses made things better for him❤️
⌗ ugh yes dateko's baddest bitch😩 another grinch enjoyer tbh
⌗ this man woke you up with a snowball to your face before shouting out merry christmas
⌗ although it was a cheap shot, getting you while VULNERABLE, you couldn't stay mad at him, as you loved this piece of shit so dearly😪
⌗ HOWEVER. that didn't mean you didn't get his ass back the minute he dropped his guard when you went outside to turn your christmas lights off for the day
⌗ "huh, so you think you can be a cheeky little shit with me on such a loving day? and get away with it?"
⌗ "and what? you don't hear me complaining, now do you kenji?”
⌗ in spite of being complete little shits to each other, you laughed it off after awhile and just spent your evening curled up together on your couch with a plate of sugar cookies that you both had baked the night before ( ofc you can guess there was a war of flour and baking tools then too )
⌗ y'all have the coziest christmas honestly
⌗ you and hajime don't wake up too early or too late; it's just the right time and you're both completely prepared for all that's to come for the day
⌗ the two of you start off with unwrapping presents, then iwaizumi makes you the BEST breakfast ever istg, TELL ME HE DOESN'T COOK RN IF YOU WANNA GET TUSSLED
⌗ ngl tooru taught him some good shit when it came to making hot coco and you swore you were just about ready to tap into heaven at that immaculate taste
⌗ "oh my gosh, haji, what did you put in this, it's so.. it's better than amazing!"
⌗ "while i want tell you, i'm ‘sworn to secrecy’, his words not mine, by that fool oikawa with his secret recipe bullshit." he can’t lie though, whatever tf tooru invented was otherworldly..
⌗ not even an hour later you found it on starbucks' secret menu app and you showed it to your boyfriend who flipped his shit before sprinting over to his friend’: house with two snowballs in hand ( with hard snow.. praying for my man to dodge more than ever ); the outcome.. wasn't the prettiest😔
➫ 𝓜𝗜𝗬𝗔 𝓞𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗨 ୨୧ ˎˊ˗
⌗ FOOD FOOD FOOD FOOD did i say food? yes, food.
⌗ atsumu invites himself over as usual and there's chaos in the kitchen of course..
⌗ "if you don't quit whinin' right now 'tsumu, i'm gonna beat yer ass and toss ya out in the snow."
⌗  bantering aside, the cookies were super pretty?? they tasted heavenly too, cookies from scratch go hard and whatever recipe those two were taught.. yum
⌗ osamu had nonalcoholic eggnog prepared for you and him to have after atsumu went home and the two of you exchanged the presents you had for one another before cuddling near the tree and fireplace for the night<3
notes. forgot to repost this before with the other reposts but it was kinda out of season.. so i waited for the holidays to blow in to fixed them up a bit and post them on here. furthermore, super sorry for the lack of activity, been working on my og wip as of late and my longer fics on wp :’) hope you understand</3
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Poofy Feathers
Legend gives Wild the stink eye. “It’s cold, idiot.”
It’s not cold enough to frost, but there is a distinct nip in the air. Legend’s wings twitch and shudder and he huddles further into his blanket.
“You’re making me cold just watching you. Scoot over.” Wild drops down next to Legend, who squawks as the magpie pushes him over to steal some blanket.
“My heat!” He yanks on the blanket.
“Shut your wings!”
They scuffle until Wild sits behind him, wrapping his wings around them both.
“Some of us are used to warmer climates.”
Wild kindly doesn’t point out that no one else is complaining about the temperature. “You’re cute when you’re poofy.”
“Cute! I’m not cute! Shut up!”
Wild grunts as wings snap into his chest.
“Can I join?” Hyrule’s soft voice is a welcome distraction before Legend knocks them both over.
Wild cranes his head to see. “If you can do it without letting the heat out.”
Legend’s curses are ignored by both of them; he’ll grumble without input from anyone.
Hyrule considers them, then dips down and burrows under Wild’s wings to lay on his stomach. His feathers press awkwardly over Wild’s legs, but it does keep the heat in. The traveler settles his head in Legend’s lap. “There, how’s that?”
“Pointless. Now I’m trapped between the two of you!” His actions don’t match his tone, though, and he nestles further down between them. The veteran is more than happy to cuddle, but every interaction requires a token protest on his part.
Wild smiles and chirps at Hyrule, who mimics his call back. The addition of three bodies and trapped heat under feathers is rapidly making a cozy pocket for them.
Well, almost all. “My legs are cold.” Hyrule kicks his legs, trying to squirm further under.
“Sorry, you’ll need to try one of the boys with bigger wings if you want to fit all the way.”
Hyrule’s look is sly. “If Legend wasn’t hogging, I could cuddle up with you.”
“Hogging! Of all the idiotic notions! I’m not here by choice! Wild just—forced his way in!” It’s nonsense and they all know it. Warm and relaxed, Legend is no longer shivering. His wings have settled flat again and Wild preens a few stray feathers absentmindedly.
“No fair…” Despite his complaints, Hyrule is drowsy in the veteran’s lap. He tucks his legs up to pull them under, disturbing Wild’s wings.
The rush of cold morning air has them all shivering and burrowing into each other.
Legend has commandeered the blanket again and Wild’s exposed back is chilled. Still, nestling up with the others is worth the cold.
The flutter of feathers has Wild craning his head as someone approaches behind him. He stiffens until Twilight’s call relaxes him again.
“Where’s Legend?”
Wild nods down to the circle within his wings. Leaning over, Twilight peers in and grins. “Are you on heater duty?”
“Ledge looked miserable and my wings are bigger.”
Humming, Twilight settles directly behind him and fluffs his feathers. They press against Wild’s exposed skin and he sighs softly before chirping his thanks.
Twilight, always happy to help, just settles further against Wild’s back. The champion looks down to find Legend asleep and Hyrule dozing on his knee. From time to time his eyes blink open, then slowly shut again.
Warm, relaxed, and with his flock, Wild resumes settling ruffled feathers.
I'm also working on drawing the birb boys, which you can see here!
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casp1an-sea · 2 months
Caspian Aster!
(my Twst’s Yuu)
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The beauty mark is under the wrong eye because I’m An idiot
Trans masculine, he/him or ey/em, bisexual
Grade/Class: Sophmore/1A and 2C (keep reading if you’re Confused)
Birthday: October 13 (Libra)
Age: 17 (cause that’s when I started the game)
Height: 157 cm (Ik he’s short 😢)
Dominant Hand: Left
Homeland: Louisiana (doesn’t remember that)
Club: was in film studies but it was a bit to much for him so he joined board gaming club after meeting Azul. He also sometimes hangs out with Malleus and Jade so they aren’t lonely and will also pop by science club and pop music club for fun. Best Subject: History
Likes: making films
Dislikes: Sports
Favorite food: Teriyaki Pineapple Burger
Least Favorite food: Brownies
Talent: Being from another world? Idk
———————————————————— Cool Facts:
In the middle of Book 5 before the VDC performance he asked Vil to cut his hair, bye bye ponytail!
His guest room has a mini Monstoro lounge bar because he’s a stupid simp and basically recreated Octavinelle in his guest room and Azul decided to make a profit out of it
Hates Star Rouge with a burning passion
A few differences from canon:
Grade: in my Yuu’s universe after book 3 he complained to The headmage that being a joint student with Grim was bringing his grades down. So aside from magic related classes their grades are separate now and because of this Cas was able to take some of the basic classes as a sophomore because the freshman classes were too easy. He’s the age of the sophomores anyway.
Book 3: He did not tease Azul for his baby photo because WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?
Book 4: Did take up the offer to stay at Octavinelle over Winter break, but still had to keep ramshackle from falling apart so the events of the book are unaltered
Book 5: He did make it into VDC, because he does have experience performing on stage.
Book 6: Stayed at Octavinelle during Ramshackle’s repairs
Rooks nickname for him is Monsieur Soleil
Haven’t decided how many of them are in the actual story but obvi I self ship with Azul, Rook, and Jade :)
@keii-starz, @shinysparklesapphires, @dove-da-birb, @v-anrouge, @vivigoesinsane, @edith-is-a-cat, @krenenbaker, @l7k-a, @distant-velleity, @xen-blank come meet my Yuu!
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