#biting chunks off it
thirstyvampyr · 2 months
An ode to Barry's ass
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soft5ku11 · 5 months
i know this isnt what i usually post, "shut up fat kink blog" i dont fucking care sit the hell down and listen.
You're aware of the Huion New Year AIGI Tweet, right?
LEST WE FORGET, back in november last year:
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If you want to buy a Wacom, Huion or Gaumon device, I'd recommend either looking into an alternative or buying secondhand/refurbished from 3rd party sellers on Ebay or something. Avoid Amazon for all the obvious reasons.
This is fucking disgusting. This is embarrassing. This is unacceptable.
most importantly,
They won't stop.
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copias-juicebox · 4 months
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i don't care if you complain about this post being too long or basically being the same gif just over and over again (it is not!!) but i wanted this and i am also forcing this on you all because that's what i do. I am not gonna suffer alone!
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webshood · 4 months
Jason grew up being a biter.
As a kid on the streets of Gotham there's not much you can do to keep yourself safe against other kids and adults who are bigger than you, stabbing or hitting them can only go so much, and that's when Jason started biting people.
That lady from the children centre who most definitely sold of children for the highest bidder? Biten on the hand.
Some jack¹ tried something with him? Jason's teeth locked on his shoulder until it drew blood and he managed to run while the guy was distracted.
After being adopted, Bruce discouraged it, mostly because he had biten Poison Ivy and had a hard time dealing with an allergy on his gums, but more often than not, Jason would take the chance and nibble a little bit on the rogues, like a feral racoon.
After his debut as Red Hood, Jason's habit of biting people had seemingly vanished, it was still there he just had a helmet restricting his biter nature. When he changed his get up to the domino and detachable mouth piece, it was a dark day for the rogues, Robin II, the biter was back in the game.
It takes him two weeks before he actually bites someone and takes a good chunk out of Bane's arm accidentally, his bite force way stronger than when he was a child, the doctors have to suture it back together and about an inch of Bane's tattoo is missing, probably somewhere on the sewers after the Red Hood spit the skin out.
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stellarsightz · 12 days
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swimming through the void, we hear the word // we lose ourselves, but we find it all
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eclipseshotel · 3 months
Me busting into Elder Predator’s chambers to chew his ass out after he ignored my gauntlet call six times in a row (he was taking a much needed old man nap)
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nicepersondisorder · 1 year
i think i deserve to tear someone apart with my teeth. as a treat <3
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infectiouspiss · 1 year
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there’s more (x)
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mmm-asbestos · 4 months
Ohhh mein gott everyone is idiots on tikkitok oh nooo
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sukugo · 5 months
gojo's soft milky thighs........ perfect to fuck... perfect to bruise......
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piastristimtams · 7 months
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Alamy Images, Brazil GP 23
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epitomees · 1 month
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“You know, when I summoned Thanatos for the first time he went into a blind rage tearing apart that rooftop Shadow, and he nearly ate it whole. Since Ryoji technically is Thanatos, does that mean he can do the same thing even in his human form?”
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swaglet · 16 days
u look like lea seydoux. i have a crush on both of u. water sign women >>
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at first i did not see the resemblance but then i took a picture of myself and then found a random pic of myself to compare both of them to her and anon i think you are right. it's the Angles. i feel lucky to be compared to such a juicy looking water sign woman i appreciate it thankyou
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northernpansy · 2 years
when Alecto tries to kiss Harrow but doesn't really get kissing so she actually just bites her mouth bloody and then gets offended that Harrow doesn't immediately understand this declaration and explains "Why are you not appeased? This is how meat loves meat", how much do you think Alecto's understanding of how meat loves meat is affected by the fact that John is meat and John made her meat and she loves John and John loves her and John fucking ate her
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mblue-art · 2 years
StrawbNoot would probably dare you to nom him because it likely doesn't hurt at all andnhe gets to watch you cringe in dissatisfaction
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"eeeugh, i almost bit a chunk off!!? why did you let me do that??"
"Oh please, that was tiny! I didn't even feel it. So? How was your tasting experience~?"
"...it is so weird. your cursed scent attacks my nose as always, but. your goop. it actually tastes like strawberry. mildly sweet. like some kind of... very viscous melted ice cream..."
(from this ask)
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strawberriebunn · 2 years
dilf oikawa is a cocky little shit and we all know that. i can just imagine you running into him somewhere and he knows you’re into him. you’re not slick…he knows you’ve been eyeing him the whole time.
he strikes up a conversation with you and you casually mention your history of babysitting and nannying. he uses that to his advantage, getting your contact info. he reaches out asking if you can babysit his kids for him one weekend. however, he oh so conveniently gives you the wrong date. his kids are with their mother that weekend and you don’t find out until you arrive.
but why waste your time and gas? he invites you to stay for a while, offering drinks and food. it’s his way of apologizing. and oh boy does he apologize. because one thing leads to another. you’re not laughing because he’s made a joke, you’re laughing as he’s throwing you onto his bed. you’re no longer out of breath because of said jokes but because he’s so close, leaving soft yet sloppy kisses all over your body.
needless to say you’ll be babysitting for him quite often.
AHHH I MISSED SEEING YOU IN MY NOTIFS!!! coming back with a bang i see!! 🫣
He’s so smooth when he chats you up at the grocery store, it’s almost as if he’s got you under a spell. He’s just as smooth when he lets praise after praise spill from his lips as he gives you a night to remember. He knows he’s the best you’ve ever had when he drawls out a “good fucking girl” and you cream so prettily on his dick just for him. And when you keep babbling that you came he kisses you deeply and says “Is that so pretty girl? Well you just let me know whenever you feel you’re gonna do it again, mk? Gonna make you feel so good.”
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