#blonde washes his freckles out and i'm over it !
alexenglish · 1 year
my toxic trait is seeing an ethereal blonde felix photo shoot and thinking to myself: this would look even better if he had dark hair, and i'm right
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An Early Morning
Author's Note: A super short fic involving Nanami and his pregnant wife have morning s*x. I just feel like he'd treat his pregnant wife so lovingly. I'm not really experienced at writing smut so any feedback is appreciated.
Warnings: nsft, pregnancy
Your husband was a morning person, a quality the two of you didn’t share. So when Kento woke you up at 6 in the morning he knew to be prepared with coffee and a cinnamon roll from the bakery down the street. 
“You're lucky you're cute,” you griped, sipping your espresso. 
Cute was an understatement. He had just got back from his morning run, his tousled blonde hair and fitted work out clothes made you want to pounce on him, and your pregnancy hormones weren’t helping. 
He kissed your cheek, resting a hand on your swollen stomach. 
“I’m going to get in the shower,” he leaned closer. “Do you want to join me?”
“Kento,” you murmured, burying your face into the crook of his neck. 
You leaned against him as he used his fingers to massage your clit, taking his time and making sure he was extracting the right reaction out of you. The warm water from the showerhead cascaded down over the both of you, igniting your already aroused nerves. 
You kissed his freckled shoulder.
“Kento, I want you inside of me,” you moaned. 
So he gently pushed you against the shower wall, slowly kissing you and massaging your breasts. You gasped into his mouth when you felt him push himself inside you. Your cries growing louder and louder after every thrust. After some time a familiar pressure took over you. 
“I’m close,” you choked out. “I’m- I’m-”
Your orgasm washed over your entire body.
After a few more thrusts Kento groaned, stilling against you as he filled you. 
“I love you,” he whispered.
You smiled. 
“I love you too.” 
The End. 
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demonichikikomori · 2 years
Moan with Me!
Ruggie Bucchi x Fem!Reader
Word Count (Ao3): 5k+
Word Count Tumblr: 2.3k
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I'm unsure how to tag this post since a lot of my smut writing belongs on AO3!! I'm pretty shy about sharing this on Tumblr so be gentle,,,, I might post mostly non-smut works here unless I get specific requests to do so. I don't plan to be a smut account, just a writing and occasional art post one. ↜(╰ •ω•)╯ψ
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You attempted to steel your shaking hands by tightly lacing your fingers together. Your eyes would dart in the direction of the bedroom door, listening to the quiet sounds of the shower running before you would distract yourself with how interesting the sheets beneath you looked. The anxiety washed over your body in heavy waves as you awaited your classmate’s return. You perked up at the sound of the shower water coming to a halt and pressed your thighs tightly together. Your heart rate picked up once more, listening to his footsteps creeping softly and carefully back to your bedroom. Cautiously and carefully missing the squeakiest and creakiest of Ramshackle Dorms floorboards. He pushed the door open with a soft hum, and you slapped your hands over your eyes with a yelp. He was nude, only the glistening shine of the water and the freckles speckling his bare skin was all he wore. Ruggie let out a soft laugh in response to your reaction.  “Ehhh? Embarrassed? Don’t be.” He purred and slowly pushed the door shut with a soft click. 
You smelled something sweet as Ruggie began moving around, you let out a soft whine as a pooling heat developed in your stomach. “Prepare yourself as much as you like! I’m gonna finish getting ready, I brought everything we might need for tonight.” He hummed and rustled through his bag once again. You peeled your hands away from your eyes with a soft gasp. Whatever Ruggie used in the shower was sending your senses into overload. You did your best to keep your eyes away from the hyena gathering his materials, but with the smell it became increasingly difficult. You noticed the freckles dusting his shoulders and along his thighs, parts of his chest as well. You noticed the small trail of sandy blond hair, trailing down from his belly button to his hardening member. You began chewing on your lower lip in admiration at the way his gaze would dart around to the things he pulled from his brown duffle bag and the things he put back with diligence… The way his hands moved fast, yet efficiently… Even when his gaze met yours and he offered a playful wink as he continued his decisions, awaiting your approval with steeled patience. “Um… What do we need?” You asked quietly. Your anxiety was starting to melt away and you instead felt vulnerable, almost like a mouse caught in a trap. But you didn’t mind being trapped… Not as much as you thought you should.
“Oh, just the basics. Lube, condoms, maybe a few toys here. Oh, I even brought,” He picked up a small circular  container and held it up to show you. It was small and made of glass with a white plastic lid, the contents inside were a cream in the shade of opalescent blue. Unfortunately, there was no label to identify the nature of the substance inside. “This! It’s supposed to make you horny… I think? I got it for cheap so it could be a hit or miss.” He shrugged as he tossed it back into the bag as he pulled out… A nail file? “Oh, that sounds fun.” You chimed in as you felt your oversized shirt become uncomfortable. Could it be the smell affecting you? It must be.
The cheap cotton fabric felt scratchy against your budding nipples. It was growing unbearable with each second that passed as the heat in your stomach finally began twisting into your womb. It was as if your newfound urges were gnawing at you to satisfy them, no matter the price you pay later. And satisfy them you shall. “Um… Ruggie?” You called out, surprised by your own breathlessness as your cheeks became hot and your brain was fogged. The hyena perked up to give you his blue eyed attention as he seemed to be filing his nails shorter than they already were. “Should I get undressed?” You asked nervously. You knew his answer, but part of you desired to hear his approval. Ruggie’s ear twitched as he let out his usual snicker. “Oh? Feeling more confident? Good! Here, I’ll help you get undressed.” He smiled and moved to stand, tucking the nail file back into his bag. Your eyes grew wide as you stared Ruggie in the eyes, too afraid to look lower than his belly button. You already licked him from head to toe earlier using your eyes, now it feels plain rude.
“Don’t look so freaked out, you’re like a bird with a broken wing.” He teased as his weight shifted the old mattress you slept on. Your now sticky thighs parted as he hovered over you and his hand slipped under your shirt. Nimble fingers were gliding up your stomach and to the mounds of your breasts as you let out a soft moan. He already had you melting into the sheets below with only his touch. “Ooh, just the shirt? I’m a little sad this is all we’re taking off tonight.” He teased. “But, there’s always a next time.” He whispered as a hand rolled over your breast, giving it a gentle squeeze. Next time? You could feel your brain starting to spin fantasies of sneaking off with the hyena for a steamy make out instead of attending class. Maybe he’ll touch your butt too, like in those dirty videos you watch. You let out a loud whine feeling Ruggie pinch your nipple. He quickly slipped a hand over your mouth with a smirk. “Felt that good huh? Well remember, it ain’t just us here. And I’m not sure how heavy a sleeper Grim is.” The hyena reminded with a hushed tone and leaned in, starting to cage you against the mattress as he nestled his body between your legs. You turned your head away from him the moment he pulled his hand away, feeling embarrassed as your shirt was slowly pushed up to the crook of your neck. “Come on, clothes are coming off.” Ruggie reminded as your face was now filled with a burning sensation.  
Your breasts were exposed to the chilling air as droplets of water dripped down Ruggie’s body and onto yours. Your heartbeat was erratic at this point as you took in another soft gasp of air. Your eyes fluttered shut once more as Ruggie leaned in, his nose was brushing against your jawline as you pressed your body up against his. You felt as if you had given up all control to Ruggie as your hips rolled up against his figure. Did he use Laugh with Me when you weren’t paying attention? Doesn’t matter… You needed friction. You needed relief. You needed his touch on all parts of your body. The sandy blond whispered for you to lift your arms and you obeyed. You watched in silence as your shirt was pulled over your head and haphazardly discarded to the floor, leaving you completely bare. He began pressing soft kisses against your throat but that quickly became nipping at the delicate skin. Reddish welts you prayed wouldn’t bruise in the morning as you felt the sandy blond rest his weight on your heated body. More. You need more. More of Ruggie Bucchi. With each bite came a songful chorus of moans and whines pulled from your throat. 
His hands were once again gliding over your torso, gently rubbing over your sides, gliding his nails over your sides carefully as he distracted you with his mouth. You whispered his name as your hands reached up to sheepishly feel over his ears. Your fingers gripped at the soft fur protecting them, and you couldn’t help but pinch as Ruggie ran his teeth over your jugular.  and you felt something hard suddenly press against your inner thigh. “Oh.” You whispered and looked to meet the sandy blond hyena’s now pouting expression. “Hey.” Ruggie growled and you responded by offering an apologetic smile. He shifted as he rested his weight on top of you, his chin on your chest as his large bluish gray eyes were now trained on your face. “Don’t grab so rough on poor lil’ ol’ Ruggie.” He grumbled as you pulled your hands away from his ears. “Sorry…” You murmured as a smile curled onto the hyena’s face. “Mmmm? Sorry? I guess I can accept your apology.” He assured as he turned his head to rest on the mounds of your breasts. “Here,” He scooped up one of your hands and guided it towards his head. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears from the delicate action as he curled his fingers around yours. “Touch ‘em like this.” He instructed and pinched gently at your fingers to pet his ears, rubbing them carefully between your fingers as he began to… Purr? 
You weren’t sure why it caused your heart to swell the way it did. You could see him relax against you as you continued fiddling with his ears. You thumbed at the plush fur inside feeling him let out a sigh of content into your chest. “Yeah… Like that.” He whispered as his hips slowly began to roll against one of your thighs. You couldn’t help but jerk your leg in surprise, yelping as Ruggie’s hand suddenly gripped your leg. “Hey, let’s keep movin’ or else I might start to like you.” He let out a snicker and kissed the valley between your breasts. You felt your heart skip a beat at the declaration as his tongue rolled along your skin. He pressed feathery kisses lower and lower, stopping above your belly button. Those large eyes held mischief as his hand lightly smacked your thigh. “What do you think about when you touch yourself?” He asked suddenly. If you weren’t so turned on, you would’ve grabbed a pillow to smack him in the face with. “Um… Nothing much…” You answered softly as there was a kiss over the crater of your belly button. “Nothing much? What's that supposed to mean?” He grumbled with a frown. You were starting to reflect on the past thoughts you’ve had when going in for a relaxing afternoon alone. But you weren’t really brave enough to share with Ruggie. “Anything specific you think about?” He kissed lower. “Anyone?” Lower. “Tell me.” Lower.
You swallowed and reached to gently pet his ears once again. “Um… I’ve thought… About, um…” You trailed off, anxious to share your honest answer. Ruggie rolled his eyes playfully and offered a smirk. “I won’t be mad at your honesty, seriously. I asked in the first place.” He purred and nuzzled his cheek against your stomach as he looked up at you with those big round eyes of his. You started to relax, but still flinched as you squeezed your eyes shut and choked out your answer: “L-Leona…” 
Ruggie seemed to sit up on his arms with a surprised expression with a sharp tone. You suddenly felt guilty about the response as you nervously opened your eyes to look at him. “Well… You asked.” You admitted with a sheepish grin. His expression seemed to deepen into a scowl and he slipped his hands under the backs of your knees. You squeaked as he pushed your legs until your thighs were flush against the bed. You could feel your breath hitch at the feeling of Ruggie’s eyes burning into you. He was practically devouring your cunt with his gaze as you laid helpless and exposed to him. “Bet Leona would never do this for you.” He growled as he lowered his head, sliding the wet muscle of his tongue agonizingly slow over your now drooling pussy. Your toes instinctively flexed and curled as a choked sound escaped your throat. You hadn’t ever thought you’d feel something that intense before, your fingers never felt that good. And for a split second, you considered believing Ruggie. 
Was he jealous because you told him you fantasized about Leona? It sure as hell felt like it, but there’s no reason to complain.
Your thighs trembled under his grasp as his tongue began to skillfully glide over your folds, lapping you clean of your own natural honey as he would move his head every so often to purse his lips around your throbbing clit. The sounds you made from him doing it were only a form of praise to the beastman. You could feel your heart starting to beat out of control as sweat began to build up and bead at your forehead from the heat in your face alone. Your hands felt weak as you moved them to rub thankfully at his ears, letting out crying sighs and sobbing moans. The hyena dug his nails into your skin and pushed his tongue inside, causing your back to arch off of the mattress and your hips bucked into Ruggie’s face. You gargled out something akin to a ‘wait’ but it fell deaf on furry ears as you yanked your hands away to keep from pinching him again. He growled against you, the vibration was so intense you swore you felt your eyes roll into the back of your skull. Your hands reached up to tightly grip the pillow beneath you as you squeezed your eyes shut. “Leona’s lazy ass could never do what I can for you.” He snarled under his breath as he continued to eat you out, mouthing hungrily at your clit as you felt your walls begin to constrict. Sadly around nothing.
You could feel a coil deep in your gut beginning to tighten the more Ruggie flicked his tongue over your clit. His rhythm was steady and you were unsure of how to alert him of the upcoming orgasm you were having. You began to jerk your hips with whiny moans once, twice, three times, only to have Ruggie break away from you. You let out a whine of disapproval and reopened your now crying eyes. His tanned cheeks were burning red as the moon exposed the shine around his lips and chin. He appeared breathless as his hair was much wilder. His bangs were flipped up as he stared down at you with a slight frown. He pulled his hands away from your thighs as his expression melted into that of a sly smile.
More... You definitely need more!
And that's all I plan to post here!! The chapter ended up being HELLA long and you can find the full thing on Ao3!!
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find-roronoa-zoro · 1 month
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Roronoa Zoro X CisFem Reader
You sat on the bench swing that hung on the back porch with your feet tucked up and a fresh cup of coffee in hand. It was just passed noon but the sun had yet to make an appearance on this gray autumn day. Ace and Sabo worked setting up chairs and tables even clearing a place near the fire pit for a small dance floor.
"You could help a little." Ace scoffed wiping his brow.
"I thought this party was for me, Freckles. The honoree doesn't set up the banquet." You chuckled adjusting your sweater.
"Don't call me that, stupid." he crossed his arms.
"Oh sweet come back, Spot."
"Seriously F/N?" Sabo deadpanned while Ace fumed.
"Nobody put a quarter in you, Blondie."
"That reference is so old, the only reason we know it is from growing up around you." Sabo quipped.
"Back in my day there was this thing called a payphone..." Ace mocked in an old lady voice.
"You little shits. I'm gonna tell Pops." you warned.
"Tell me what, lass?" the old man pipped ducking through the doorway with his o2 tank.
"Nothing." you muttered shifting on the swing to make room for your father.
"You brats stop harassing your sister." he scolded as both men scoffed.
You stuck out your tongue.
"And you, F/N, let your babies be."
You couldn't help but laugh though you'd been caught as well.
"Sorry babies!" you called earning more pointed looks.
"Some things never change." Pops laughed, "Thatch just got back, why don't you go inside and see if he needs help?"
You stood with a sigh, "Aye captain."
It was noisy in the house again as you could hear all of the guys in the kitchen chatting while they unloaded groceries. Your stomach fluttered hearing the low voice of the bartender. All sounds ceased when you pushed the door open.
Thatch was bent into the refrigerator while Luffy placed cans and produce on the counter. The greenette watched you enter quietly averting his eye as you briefly met his gaze.
"You must be F/N!" a blond you hadn't met before chimed from the opposite entry that led to the front of the house.
"Uh.. Yes." you mumbled suddenly feeling a little self-conscious under his sparkling blue stare.
"I'm Sanji, it's so lovely to finally meet you. We've heard so much about you," he gushed swiftly taking your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles, "you're even more beautiful in person!"
You blushed.
The bartender cleared his throat.
"Sanji, lay off." Thatch grumbled.
"He's fine," you nodded to your older brother, "nice to meet you too."
The blond smiled brightly a soft rosy flush rising to his cheeks.
"That's Zoro," Luffy interjected pointing at the green haired man.
"Nice to have a name to the face," you chuckled nervously extending your right hand.
His hand slipped over yours as his gaze swayed back to you effectively stifling your breath.
Why did he make you feel this way?
"You've met before?" Sanji asked.
"F/N?" Luffy called after a few seconds of silence.
"Ah, yeah ... Kind of. Shanks and I met at the pub where he works the other night. And he did wander into my room this morning." you reluctantly pulled away from his grasp.
"Well now that introductions are done, it's time to put you guys to work!" Thatch clapped his hands, "F/N - mise en place , Sanji trim the meat, Zoro the dry rub is in the pantry behind you, Luffy you're washing dishes as we go."
Everyone began to shuffle around the kitchen. You began chopping vegetables and placing them in separate containers as requested. Sanji stepped next to you eyeing your knife work. It was obvious you'd been taught by your brother, but some of your cuts were a little shaky. Slowly he reached over to adjust your grip.
"Oh..." you breathed, surprised by the sudden contact.
"If you hold it from the base of the blade you'll have better control." he murmured lowly.
Someone sighed behind you.
"Awe Zoro is here? Why didn't anyone tell us?" your freckled brother stepped into the room, "You could help us move some of this shit around."
"Sure." Zoro muttered, "If it's ok with Thatch?"
"Yeah yeah," the brunette replied, "We can handle this."
The afternoon passed quickly as eventually only you and Sanji stayed in the kitchen to help Thatch. Luffy ended up creating more work than really helping. Marco got the grill ready and had food cooking by the time guests started to arrive.
There were so many faces that you recognized, and also quite a few that you didn't, like all of Luffy's friends. They were a particularly interesting group and quite diverse you might add. The two women, Nami and Robin were very sweet, but you could tell not much got passed them. Nami actually seemed to hold Luffy's attention and keep him from being too disruptive. It was quite amazing to witness.
A few drinks in and you'd been sucked into the dance floor by your brothers, even Luffy had a turn - stepping on your feet all the way. You never did get a chance to actually teach the youngest to dance. Shanks stepped in shortly after, tugging you around expertly, hand slipping to the small of your back.
"Like old times wouldn't you say?" he chuckled.
"I don't know how you're still so nimble after all those sake bombs."
"I'm always better after a shot or two." he spun you an reeled you back in, "Looks like you have a couple of admirers this evening, aside from myself of course."
You failed to fight a flush, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"The blond with Luffy, which I'm sure you noticed. He's been quite obvious about it." He nodded toward Sanji having a smoke near the fire pit.
"And the other?" you asked almost hopefully.
He searched the yard for a moment before thumbing toward a slender raven haired male with rather dark circles under his eyes. Your heart sank a little.
"I haven't even met that guy."
"Were you disappointed? I think plenty of ladies would like to have a promising surgeon checking them out." he teased.
You rolled your eyes, "You don't have to make fun. There's no way that guy was checking me out."
"Suit yourself." he shrugged.
Finally the song came to an end and you made a quick exit. Between the alcohol and cardio you needed to find a quiet place to cool off. You were stopped a few times to chat on your way to the front porch where you claimed one of the three rocking chairs and let out a sigh letting the night breeze cool you down. You rocked slowly enjoying the peace when you heard someone slowly approach.
"Is this seat taken?"
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rubykgrant · 7 months
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They are finished! Two RVB characters I HC as ace, in the ace flag colors~ (plus a bonus of some other pride flag groups they are part of). It's been a while since I drew Wash and Doc, but I'm glad I still can (Wash is a tall guy, so he's leaning down a bit, with one arm draped behind and over Doc's shoulders, his other hand on his hip. Doc is waving with one arm on the outside, and his other arm is behind Wash's back, reaching up to hold his shoulder. I always keep Wash's beard, and I like to imagine him with lots of freckles. His hair is cut short but a little messy, and light blonde. Doc has short and curly dark hair, a warm-brown skin tone, and defined features for his nose. they're both very relaxed and happy)
I'm an ace Wash believer, and I also imagine him as gay and trans; triple-threat! He's neither naive nor experienced when it comes to dating, and it was a whole journey for him to figure out his own comfort levels and feelings of attraction (not sex repulsed, but very awkward when anybody gives him any direct flirty-attention. if he's with somebody he's very comfortable with, and they have a chance to talk through things, he's open to sharing intimacy. also, kissing is nice). He has the trans colors on an under shirt, and the original community flag as stripes on his pants
I imagine Doc (and O'Malley) as aro and ace; he doesn't really experience attraction or arousal at all, but he still enjoys affection and intimacy (so does O'Malley, he just refuses to admit it). When he's with the right people he cares about, and who also care about him, it's a very satisfying QPR (he doesn't mind "romance" in terms of acts of kindness, being tender and endearing with others, it just doesn't "feel" the same for him, and he wouldn't want to disappoint anybody or feel like he was pressured to respond a certain way) He has the aromantic colors on his pants, solid green on one side, the light green/white/gray/black as vertical stripes on the other. His long sleeved under-shirt is actually the inclusion flag (one sleeve has the various shades of skin-tones, while the other is the rainbow stripes. the torso of the shirt has the intersex flag and the trans colors)
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storytowrite · 11 months
Love Untold (OT8 x F! Reader)
Chapter 2
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Paring: Felix x reader Genre: fluff Warnings: swearing, mention of burn and knife Word Count: 1,665 Masterlist | Love Untold Masterlist
Due to the work of your parents, you are forcet to constantly move. However, this time moving houses let to interesting and unusual events. You met 8 handsome boys at school and somehow you managed to move in with them. How will your fate go?
Still dazed by the events at the library, you decided to hook your thoughts on some other activity. So you looked at the electronic school guide and entered the extracurriculars tab. You scrolled through the long list for something worthy of your attention, but nothing seemed interesting enough until you saw the sign "cooking classes".
You have always liked to cook, but at home you did not have such an opportunity, because the servants always prepared everything for you , and as soon as you approached the kitchen, there were at least 3 people who were ready to fulfill your every culinary craving.
Some people would think it was a great option not having to do anything, but for you it was a nightmare. You felt like a prisoner of your own home, unable to do anything you wanted.
You looked at the class details and luckily for you class was today. Only you had to hurry up, because they were starting in 3 minutes, and you didn't even know where a suitable room was. You turned the navigation on and ran to the indicated location.
Out of breath, you rushed into the classroom where class had already begun. Of course, drawing the attention of everyone inside. You apologized for being late and explained to the teacher that you were new and didn't know how to get there.
The woman gave you the sincerest smile you've ever seen and looked at the list that lay on the counter.
“Please join Felix, you will both be responsible for the dessert. Today, I guess, brownies are what we make.” She said and pointed at a blonde boy standing at the sink washing his hands.
Only now, after taking a breath,  you did feel the beautiful scents floating in the air. Fresh vegetables, spices, sweets mixed together creating a symphony of scents that you loved and desired so much.
You walked over to the boy you were paired with and tapped him lightly on the shoulder to get his attention. But you didn't expect him to hold a knife in his hand.
The boy quickly turned to you with the knife pointed straight at you. The sight of the blade near your stomach made you take a few steps back. Of course your luck wanted you to fall over and bang your head on the table behind you.
“Aish.” A hidden curse escaped your lips. You grabbed your head and tried to massage the sore spot.
"Oh my God. Are you OK?!" The worried boy asked, putting the knife in the sink.
"Everything's alright. I'm used to it. That's what it's like to be clumsy from childhood.” You smiled, not genuinely.
Suddenly you felt warm hands on your head. You looked up and saw a boy kneeling in front of you and gently massaging the sore spot on your head.
The sun's rays bathed his perfect skin, accentuating the lovely freckles on his cheeks.
You felt that strange feeling in your stomach again, like butterflies flying in it. You couldn't take your eyes off his eyes, his mouth, his nose. You carefully studied every inch of his face.
"Better," he asked, pausing massaging your head. "Hello? Can you hear me?" He continued waving his hand in front of your face when you didn't answer his first question.
You shook yourself with a blush on your face. How stupid did you get stuck staring at a guy who doesn't even know your name?
“Uh...Yeah...Sure. It's better now." You replied and got up from the ground. This time being careful not to hit the same spot a second time.
“I'm Fe..”
“Felix, yes I know.” You took his word for it.
"How do you know that? Did you stalk me out?" The boy smiled sweetly.
     Only then did you realize how stupid that sounded. You see a guy for the first time in your life, and you don't even let him introduce himself properly and you burn out with his name, which you actually had no right to know, unless you seriously stalk him somehow.
“No..I..I..No..I..The teacher told me your name…” Your face turned raspberry red again.
"Haha, I could have guessed. You have nothing to be stressed about. Tell me sweetheart, what's your name?" He was trying to calm you down a bit.
“My name is Y/n,” you replied, folding your hands in front of you, trying to take up as little space as possible so no one could see you.
"A name as beautiful as its owner," he said happily, looking at you curiously.
"Oh…umm…thank you, I guess." you flinched again, you thought your face was about to melt, you felt a huge heat rush to your cheeks.
Just when you thought you were about to do something stupid, the teacher broke the awkward silence between you two, announcing that it was time to start the class.
Felix immediately went to work, washed his hands again and went to get all the ingredients you needed.
"Have you ever made brownies before?" He asked, handing you a large bowl.
"Never had the chance." You tried to hide your anger whenever you thought about the service. Most people would probably be happy not to have to do anything in the kitchen, but you were terribly annoyed. You are eighteen years old and you were treated like a five-year-old. "But I've always wanted to make some cakes." You added, painting a shy smile on your face.
"That's great. I'm a brownie expert. Everyone, who tried it, said it was downright addictive and they want more," he replied, bringing the rest of the ingredients to the counter. "Let's start with making the dough first, you have all the proportions here and you can start." He replied and disappeared behind your back.
It wasn't that difficult to prepare the cake, although you were tired by the heat that filled the room. The fire blazing from the burners, the heat of the ovens and the temperature of everyone gathered made you feel exhausted. You wiped the sweat from your forehead, pouring the chocolate mixture onto a baking sheet and putting it into the preheated oven.
“Now all that's left to do is wait.” Smiling and proud of yourself, you turned to the boy who was currently washing all the dishes. Hearing your voice, he turned to you and smiled sweetly.
"What happened? Do I have something on my face?" You asked, trying to wipe your mouth.
“You're covered in flour...May I?” he asked in a lower-than-usual voice.
His voice made your whole body shiver. Unable to utter a single word, you nodded.
Felix stepped closer to you and slowly placed his hand on your cheek. You felt that strange feeling in your stomach again. Your face brightened and your lips slightly parted. When the boy started to run his thumb over your cheek, trying to remove all the flour, you involuntarily buried your face in his hand. You closed your eyes and gave yourself to the blissful feeling.
“All done.” He said and removed his hand from your face.
A faint, almost inaudible sound of disappointment escaped your lips. You quickly came back to your senses and thanked him.
Waiting for the brownie was mercilessly hard. Especially when the whole room was filled with the sweet smell of chocolate. Saliva pooled in your mouth until you thought you were drooling.
Fortunately, not long after that, you heard the timer chime. You quickly ran to the oven and without thinking too much, opened the door and grabbed the pan.
“Aaaa…fuck!” Flew out of your mouth. Faster than you put your hand in the oven, you took it away. In a moment the teacher and Felix were right next to you.
The boy looked at you, holding your hand, with worried eyes. Grabbing your wrist, he dragged you to the nearest sink. He turned on the slightly cool water and slid your hand under the stream of water. He didn't pour water directly on the burn, just a thin trickle of water, poured over his fingers.
You looked at the visibly worried boy who looked almost angelic. Your heart sped up. You felt no pain. For you, everything around has stopped. It was just you and Felix. His protectiveness towards you made you irresistible.
"Better?" You were snapped out of your dreamland by a boy's voice.
“Yyyy…Yes.” You replied. When you regained full consciousness, you saw the whole group staring at you. You quickly removed your hand from his grip and ran out of the room without saying a word.
You ran non-stop until you reached the parking lot in front of the school. You took your phone out of your pocket and called Sebastian. You stood somewhere in the shade behind a tree so no one could see you.
You didn't wait more than 15 minutes until a black luxury car pulled up and your butler came out. He opened the door for you and invited you inside.
“Hard Day Miss Y/n?” He asked as he left the school.
“You could say that,” you replied shortly, leaning your head against the glass and staring out the window. You stared up at the colorful sky, lost in thought.
Y/n what's wrong with you? You were supposed to stay in the shade in this school, but you probably fell in love with two boys on the same day. Ugh… stupid heart. Why are you so credulous?
It wasn't long before you were back at home. You thanked Sebastian and ran to your room. 
You threw yourself on the bed to take a break from all these strange situations when you realized that you ran out of the room so quickly that you didn't take your things.
You slapped your hand against your forehead, breaking down at your own stupidity and inattention. You knew you'd have to go to that class again tomorrow to get your books back.
<;- Part 1 | Part 3 ->
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inarizqkis · 1 year
cherry kisses ;; roy mustang x transmasc! reader
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requested by the lovely @everlastingsteampunk
summary! eating cherries can lead to... other things.. ;) unless you get interrupted.
warnings! suggestive but not smut. (maybe?) ooc roy. kind of short imo. im not used to writing on tumblr so it might be a little funky ㅠㅠ . roy is kind of babygirl in this but it was completely unintended i swear!!! gender is specified, but pronouns are not. looks are also not specified, except for (slight) freckles. NOT EDITED!
notes! didn't know what to title this until chungha started playing and it motivated me to finish writing this lolz.
reblogs are appreciated! enjoy! :)
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roy sighed, sitting at his desk. he really should've been at home right now with his husband. unfortunately, he was interrupted by a blonde half pint, in the middle of some... things. roy really didn't mean to, but he let his mind wander back to his gorgeous lover, completely forgetting about the paperwork on his desk.
"roy..? you alright there?" you had asked, watching him space out for around ten minutes or so before saying something.
he hummed, before looking at you, a small smile on his face as he nodded. "yeah, yeah i'm fine."
you raised a brow, unconvinced, but nodded nonetheless. roy usually would tell you later on if something had been bothering him, so you ignored it for the moment. continuing, you reached into the container of washed cherries, biting into the red fruit while reading your book, shortly spitting out the seed.
roy had now turned his attention on you, while you had been completely focused onto the book, a cherry stem hanging from your lips limply. roy's mind wandered, and so did his eyes. he couldn't tear his eyes from your lips, which had been slightly stained from the cherries you had previously eaten.
you had always been roy's favorite view, no matter what you were doing. he could sit and stare at you for hours and not get bored. the way your hair framed your face, the few freckles dusted onto your cheeks, just you. roy especially loved the way your eyes looked in the light. to him, you were ethereal.
you tensed slightly, feeling roy wrap his arms around your waist, burying his face into the nape of your neck, before smiling softly, and wrapping your arms around him, relaxing. you continued reading your book, getting slightly distracted as roy began pressing soft kisses on your neck, his lips ghosting over your skin lightly.
"hm? what's this?" you asked, feeling a bit warmer than before, gently running your fingers through roy's hair. he groaned softly, nearly becoming mush in your arms. he was a sucker for you, especially when you played with his hair.
"nothing, just missed you.." roy admitted, his own cheeks flushing as he slightly adjusted himself, now sitting on your thigh as he kept his face hidden into your neck, embarrassed.
"oh? is that right?" you'd replied, teasingly, as your hands made their way under his shirt, your wedding band cold against his warm skin, and he shivered. he simply nodded, too distracted to say anything else.
"words, love." you reminded gently, pushing him back just enough to see his flushed face, as he averted his eyes away subconsciously, before looking at you.
"yeah," he blushed darker, the tips of his ears bright red as well, before he looked into your eyes, his hands on your shoulders gently. his onyx eyes clouded slightly as he glanced down at your red stained lips.
you grinned slightly at him, before leaning up and pressing your lips against his as he grunted, closing his eyes. he felt your hands gently glide up and down his torso teasingly, and he bucked his hips into your thigh slightly.
you groaned softly, your fingers sliding below the waistband of his pants slowly, your cherry flavored lips staining his own lips slightly, now swollen as he pulled away, panting softly.
"did i ever tell you i can tie a cherry stem with my tongue..?" you asked, raising a brow. roy's eyes widened a fraction, as he felt his pants tighten slightly.
"n-no.. you didn't." he said, face flushed once more as you picked up the stem from earlier, tying it in seconds, sticking your tongue out to show him. your hands slowly moved down further, as he groaned.
suddenly, there was banging on the door, and a certain blonde was heard from the other side, along with metal thumping on the floor outside. roy groaned exasperatedly, annoyed, and you smiled softly, patting his hips, and gently moving him off of your lap.
"it's okay, love. we can do this another time, hm?" you had reassured, and roy nodded, sighing. you got up and began walking to the door, while roy had quickly walked to the bathroom to go.. splash water on his face.
"hey, colonel! i know your lazy ass is home! you're late, you know-"
"he'll be out soon. i'm assuming you're edward, and that's alphonse, right? roy talks a lot about you."
roy shook his head, sighing once more in annoyance, putting on his uniform and combing his hair quickly, before making his way out to the living room. his eye twitched at the sight of edward, and he began putting his boots on. he kissed your cheek and bid you goodbye, before making his way to the office.
which is where he was now. sitting at his desk, looking at the same papers from the other day, listening to edward rant about the same things, while alphonse listened as well.
roy should really invest in some earplugs.
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all rights reserved © inarizqkis 2022. do not repost, rewrite, or translate.
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krissneedsleep · 5 months
Pirates! (2)
A man wash up to the shore, unconsciously.
He woke up on the beach hearing others fixing what had broke during the storm.
Someone noticed him, because he ran to him to help.
The washed up man fell back unconscious  
The next thing he knew us that he woke up on a soft bed, in a room made of wood and stone, a table with a glass of water and a plate of sausage rolls.
The brunette sat up on the bed of red.
'Grian loves red,' the man though.
The door opens and a man comes in.
"Ah! You're awake. How ar' ya feeling?" The blond man said as he closes the door, "hope you had a restful sleep."
"I did. Thanks. Uh I'm Ca- Scar. GoodTimeWithScar," he said, " and you are?"
"My name's Martin Woods, " Martin introduced himself, " eat. Scott didn't make these for nuthing."
Scar proceeds to eat the Sausage rolls and Martin sat down-
Martin sighs " sorry I'll go check that. You enjoy and spare clothes are in the closet over there," and so he left.
Scar sat there alone.
'ItS your fault.' came a voice.
"What?" The man asked.
'YoU abandoned Us. I'm Dead Because oF yOu.' the voice said.
"No I-" his breathing quickened. " I - I didn't-"
Someone stood in the doorway.
"GrIan?" Scar's voice broke (not an l but an capital i).
The person walked to the scarred face man who broke down crying. The blond canary man took Scar in his arms and comforted him.
"Shhhh it's okay. You're here. Nothing's wrong. Follow my voice," the person said,"  no one is dead."
Stress walked out of the room with Doc. All of the survivors awake. Or at least 4 of them one overseas.
"I'm sorry," the medic told them, " we couldn't get his heart beat back."
The three of them shocked about the news impulse went and hugged the other two.
"He.. he can't. N-no not yet," Pearl muttered ", not my captain."
Pearl broke down crying and so did mumbo, Impulse cried too, but not so much.
Xisuma told the medics to prepare the body for a land burial and went to Bdubs to prepare to change course.
An hour passed, Pearl and Mumbo fell asleep. Impulse told Bdubs the cords for Grian's home land. And so the went home.
The trip took a week on sea. They anchored the ship and the Hermitcrew loaded the  bay up. Xisuma went with the three survivors.
"He lives up on that mountain with others," Pearl told him.
They walked out of the town on the path to the forest and to the gates at the mountain foot.
Impulse took a key from under a rock at the gate and unlocked the gate.
The four of them got through and up hill they went. Near the top there's a house, a garden, a some sort of elevator and a girl on a chair with paints and a canvas.
" Uh hello?" Impulse said unsure of himself.
"Hello! Oh hi auntie Pearls!" The girl looked at them and went straight to Pearl, " where's dad?"
Then it clicked to the men. Grian had a kid.
"He's not coming back, Cherry," Pearl broke the news.
"He is coming back. He promised... Auntie," Cherry's voice broke as she started crying, in her aunt's arms.
Xisuma noticed that the girl is young. About 11 or 12 years old. Her hair is black like Mumbo's but she has freckles like the ones Grian had.
"We have his body on the ship. If you'd like we can bury him," Xisuma informed the young one.
"A-at the garden," was all she said.
Pearl took her inside and Xisuma walked back to the ship with Impulse.
(Next chapter has the funeral.) - Kriss
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mads-weasley · 1 year
I'm Here
Floyd Talbert x OC
A/N: First off, hi @issiie / @cetaitlaverite !! MERRY CHRISTMAS/HAPPY HOLIDAYS (queue *nsync)!! I really tried to give you what you requested, so I hope you enjoy it! I have been sooo excited to be able to post this! This is my first time writing an OC fic, so bear with me lol! Also, I know Tab really isn't in "The Breaking Point" much, but for the story's purpose, let's pretend he is! :)
Summary: When Virginia Bailey joined the Army, she had no idea she'd be gaining a new family, and maybe even more.
Warnings: mentions of death, angst with fluff!
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"I just don't get it, Chuck."
"Get what? Cause there's a lot of things I don't get. Like, why did Hitler start this mess in the first place, also, more importantly, what in the he-"
"Virginia," Talbert interrupted, not taking his eyes off of the blonde across the mess hall from them. "She doesn't really talk to anyone. She just sits alone and reads her book."
Grant raised his eyebrows at his friend. "Do you have something against educated women?" he asked with a smirk.
Pulling his attention off of the girl, Floyd cut his eyes at him. "Of course not, idiot. I just wished she would open up a little bit."
"Maybe she's waiting for an invitation to."
The comment struck the boy from Kokomo. Maybe she was just waiting for someone to reach out and make the first move. Without another word, he got up and made his way over to the girl's table. He slid into the seat in front of her, his signature grin plastered on his face as she glanced up at her book at him.
"Floyd Talbert. It's Virginia, isn't it?" He asked.
Marking her place in the book, she laid it down, shaking his hand with a small smile. "Yep. Virginia Bailey. Most people call me Ginny, though."
A slight southern accent seeped into her voice, and he found it surprisingly comforting.
"So, Ginny. What made you want to join up?"
She froze momentarily at his question, eyes widening as she searched for an answer. Sensing her alarm, he felt bad and quickly changed the subject.
"What book are you reading?" He asked softly, nodding at the book on the table.
Her smile returned as she picked it up, eyes sparkling with excitement. "It's called Evil Under the Sun by Agatha Christie. It's a murder mystery novel where they find a lady washed up on a beach and try to find her killer."
Floyd thought it was adorable how excited she was about the book. Being the first time that he was up close to the girl, he scanned her features, noticing her striking hazel eyes, blue around the edge with green and golden brown mixed in. He also took notice of the slight sunburn she wore that revealed the light freckles under the rosiness of her cheeks. She was beautiful, and he couldn't look away.
Breaking from his trance, he chuckled. "Sounds interesting. I might have to steal it from you one day."
Smiling back at him, Ginny told herself that she needed this: to open up. She wasn't alone anymore. It also didn't hurt that her first friend happened to be one of the most attractive men she had ever seen.
After that day, Floyd made sure to introduce all the men to Ginny, wanting her to feel like a part of the company. The only ones he didn't bother introducing her to were Cobb and his buddies who did nothing but hate other people.
Over the course of training, she became really close with the boys, some of them even feeling like brothers to her: Joe Toye, Bill, and Buck, especially.
Tab...he was a different story. There was nothing brotherly about the way Ginny felt about him. His smile lit up her world, and when he looked at her, everything around them stopped. Floyd Talbert was her best friend, and she would never do anything that would jeopardize that, so she kept her feelings to herself.
Little did she know that the same feelings coursed through him every time she'd enter a room, heart skipping at the sight of her.
Every now and then, though, she would fall back into the habit of the past, distancing herself from everyone, including those who meant the most to her.
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December, 1944
Virginia sat in her foxhole, freezing from the everpresent snow falling on the company in the Bois Jacques as gunshots went off in the distance. Staring at the line ahead of her, she flexed her frozen fingers, trying to get some feeling back into them, but she had no luck. When they were moved into Bastogne, their supplies were already low, but they were promised they would come in soon. They didn't.
So there they were with barely anything to protect them from the bitter cold, limited ammunition, barely any medical equipment, and nothing but Joe Domingus' rancid beans to keep them warm.
"Hey, Ginny," Bill Guarnere called from the treeline behind her. "Come get some supper. Today's menu consists of...beans." He laughed. "Who would've thought?"
Rolling her eyes with a smile, she checked the line once again before slipping out of her foxhole and making her way through the frozen forest with Bill.
"How are ya holding up? Staying warm?" he asked, tucking his chin into the collar of his thin coat.
Virginia shrugged. "The best I can. We're all cold, but I'll manage."
"Oh, I get that. I've been pissing needles for the past week and it's killing me."
She grimaced, scanning the forest around them. "You told Gene?"
"Yeah, he's waiting on some penicillin to come in. But like you said, I'll manage."
As they reached the rest of the men, Ginny left Bill to stand beside Floyd in line but a hand shot out to stop her.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Bailey. No cuts, even for Easy's princess."
She didn't even need to look and see who it was, the voice instantly recognizable.
"Whatcha gonna do about it, Skip?" She quipped with a smirk, matching the wide one that painted his face.
"Absolutely nothing."
She playfully knocked his shoulder with her fist. "Yeah, that's what I thought, Muck."
Arriving at Tab's side, Virginia stuffed her hands under her armpits with a groan. "Floyd, how long are we gonna be here without supplies?"
He hadn't seen her approach, so he about has a heart attack from her voice. "Gin! I about shi-"
"Lucky I'm not a kraut," she interrupted with a smile. "Otherwise, you'd be dead."
Pulling her into a tight side hug, he ran his hand along her arm, trying to warm her up. "Yeah. I hope we get winter gear soon."
Virginia stared blankly at the line through the trees, choosing to ignore the warmth that suddenly spread through her body at their contact.
"Me too."
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January 3rd, 1945
"It's too quiet," Ginny whispered to herself as she walked through the woods to her foxhole. Looking around, she couldn't shake the feeling that something very bad was about to happen.
A voice broke her from her thoughts. "Ginny!"
Turning toward it, she saw the voice belonged to Wild Bill Guarnere, who was standing with Malarkey.
"Hey, boys. How're y'all holding up?"
Bill shook his head with a cocky grin. "Better. I finally stopped pissing needles."
With a chuckle, she patted his shoulder. "That's good!"
"How about you, Virginia?" Don asked. "Have you confessed to Tab yet?"
Thankfully, Ginny wasn't drinking anything, otherwise, it would've spewed from her mouth. It didn't stop her from choking on her own spit, though.
"What?" she blurted with a sputtering cough.
Bill smirked. "Come on, Bailey. Don't act li-"
Wooshes of artillery firing filled the ear, directly followed by ground-shaking explosions.
Losing her balance, Virginia held onto Malarkey, trying her best to remain standing. When another shell landed, she lost her battle with gravity, knees smashing into the hard ice below her. Instantly, arms hooked under hers, pulling her up.
"Ginny, come on!" Bill yelled, pushing her ahead of him in a sprint toward a foxhole. Dirt flew around them as other soldiers' cries filled the air.
"Take cover!"
"Move it!"
As they finally reached their foxhole, a shell landed behind them, propelling Virginia into the hole in a heap. Even in all the chaos, her mind wandered to Floyd. Where was he? Was he okay?
The trio huddled together until the bombardment ceased moments later. Don was the first one to pull away and his head over the edge, peering out at the damage. Soon Bill and Ginny did the same.
"Maybe we should see if anybody's hit," Malarky asked shakily.
"Yeah, Malark, that's what they want."
Ginny's eyes scanned the smoldering battlefield ahead of them, praying Tab wasn't laying dead in the snow somewhere. She quickly shook away the thought and sighed.
"The Krauts are trying to draw us out in the open."
People always talk about the silence after a snowfall, but that was nothing compared to the silence that filled the air in the Ardennes at that moment.
Everyone held their breath, waiting on the call for a medic to come, praying that it didn't.
Through the silence, they heard a faint voice in the distance.
"I need help!"
Don heard it first. "You hear that?" He asked the group.
"I need help!" the voice repeated.
Realization dawned on Bill as his heart sank. "Is that Joe?"
Virginia felt her throat close up as she whispered. "Yeah, I think that's Joe."
Within seconds, Bill was climbing out of the foxhole with Ginny shortly behind him. When he noticed this, he pushed her gently back down in the hole.
"Stay, Ginny. Talbert would have my head if his girl was hurt caus'a' me."
With a nod, she watched him run towards Joe with an uneasy feeling.
Malarkey placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "They're gonna be okay, Bailey. Don't worry."
"I hope so."
A few minutes passed when they heard the all-to-familiar sound of a shell whistle.
"Take cover!"
"Find a foxhole!"
Instantly, Don pulled her down beside him in the hole as dirt and snow sprayed on them. It was worse this time. She could tell by the way the ground shook so violently, more so than minutes before.
Even after the barrage ended, they stayed at the bottom of the hole until they heard the broken scream of Buck.
They made eye contact for a moment before springing up and running toward the sound. As they got closer, they could hear the cries of Bill and Joe.
Just before they came into view, something, more like someone, slammed into Ginny, almost bringing her to the ground.
"Gin!" Tab whispered into her neck. "I thought you were gone."
Realizing who it was, she hugged him back just as fiercely. She pulled back slightly to get a full view of his face, sighing when she saw it was only marred with a few small scratches.
Glancing past him, her mind went to the task at hand.
A lump formed in her throat, and her voice came out as a strained croak. "Bill and Joe, I need to-"
"No, Virginia," he interrupted, cupping her cheeks. "You don't need to see that. They're going to be okay."
Floyd knew she could handle the carnage that was caused by the bombardment, but he also knew it would break her to see men she saw as brothers in that condition.
"But Floyd, I-"
He rubbed her cheeks gently. "No buts, sweetheart. It's gonna be alright. Okay?
The tears in her hazel eyes blurred his browns. "Okay."
"We're gonna be alright." He whispered, pulling her into a fragile hug and resting his cheek against the top of her head. It broke his heart to hear and feel the small sobs that shook her body. Floyd tried to calm her by running his fingers through her hair, but all he could think about was the fact they had been reminded of that day: nothing is guaranteed. Right then and there, he promised himself that he would tell her how he felt, sooner rather than later.
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January 12th, 1945
In the 9 days since Bill and Joe had been evacuated, Muck and Penkala got hit, and Buck was...being sent home. Virginia had lost 5 of her close friends, and it was taking a visible effect on her. Where before she would gravitate toward the other men, now, she elected to stay by herself most of the time, silently staring out at the line.
When he first noticed her doing this, Tab went out of his way to make sure she had some company, but she was even pulling away from him. This hurt him worse than any bullet wound could.
It all came to a head one day when he saw her trying to dig a new foxhole by herself. The frozen ground made it near impossible for a group to dig one, much less alone. Hoping for a change in her behavior, he crouched next to the tiny hole she'd created and pulled out his shovel.
"Let me help, Gin. Please?" Floyd asked softly, brows furrowed with concern.
She keeps her eyes on the ground as she continued to dig her foxhole. "I can manage. Really."
Tab can't help but sigh. "I know you can. You just don't have to do it alone. We're all here to help you. I'm here to help you."
"I know that," she answered weakly.
The young man's heart cracked softly. "Then why does it seem you've forgotten that?"
She glanced back at him and met his concerned eyes for the first time in days.
"I-I," she started, placing her shovel into the small pile of dirt before sitting on the ground beside it. "I guess I thought it would be easier this way."
Wordlessly, he sat down beside her, placing his hand on top of hers in support.
"What would be easier, Gin?"
She tugged her hand out of his tender grip, covering her face to hide the tears. "All of this. The death. The hurt...Everything. After losing so many people, I figured it's easier to not get attached."
"Even easier with me?"
"You're the one person I never could lose, Floyd. You're th-"
Floyd interrupted her gently, pulling her hands away from her face, and wiping her tears with his thumbs. "What if I'm already attached?"
A small smile painted her rosy-tinted face. "Then I'd say we're screwed because I'm attached too. "
Neither had noticed, but they had slowly inched closer and closer until their faces were mere inches apart. Virginia glanced down at his lips as he did the same.
Tab was the one to close the gap first, gently connecting his lips with hers, before sliding his hand behind her neck, deepening the kiss.
At the sound of a sharp whistle, they pulled apart suddenly, glancing at where it came from. It was George Luz standing with a wide smile.
"Ah man, I owe Bill 50 bucks!"
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deadbydad · 1 year
"You Look so Perfect" - A Bruce Yamada x Finney Blake Fic
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Baseball boyfriends lets go!!
Bruce always hated waking up in the mornings.
The male never saw the joy that morning people have when it comes to getting out of bed and getting ready for the long day, but Bruce wouldn't tell that to some ones face.
To him, waking up was an escape from bliss. A paradise that had no rules, no stress, and nothing bad that could ruin his day.
But waking up was always what ruined that paradise, and Bruce would always wake up with a groan and throw a pillow over his head to muffle his tired but angry screams.
This morning was different though.
Usually Bruce woke up to an annoying tune sung by birds or a sun that was beaming right into his eye or even a guy with a leaf blower that had no respect for someone, but maybe life was being nice to him this morning.
The sight that he had open his eyes to had him breathless.
Finney Blake was wearing Bruce's baseball jersey.
Finney had always shown a love for his lovers shirts and hoodies and would always steal them from the taller male whenever he had the chance. Bruce wasn't complaining and he found it adorable that his boyfriend wore them all the time.
But he has never seen the male in his baseball jersey, and it didn't help that it was a little big on the shorter male which caused a bit of his pale shoulder to show.
Bruce had always thought that Finney was beautiful. His golden brown curly hair that was always soft, his gorgeous hazel eyes that always had a shine in them, his bright smile that would appear on his face, and the freckles that dotted his pale face was something the other male would never get tired of seeing.
The male had to pinch himself to make sure that this wasn't some dream that he was having because if it was he never wanted to wake up.
Bruce quietly crawled up behind the blonde so he wouldn't startle him and wrapped his arms around Finney's waist, earning him a small squeak of surprise from the male. The darker haired male chuckled but pressed calming kisses to his lovers soft skin which caused Finney to relax.
"You're awake early," Finney stated with curiosity laced in his voice.
"I'm glad I am, for once in my life," Bruce replied into the softness of the blonds bare shoulder. Tightening his arms around the shorter males waist the darker haired male nuzzled his face into the crook of Finney's neck and inhaled his scent. His boyfriend smelled like the body wash that Bruce always used.
God Finney Blake was going to kill him, and he was fine with that.
"You're beautiful, you know that?"
Bruce let out a smile as he felt his lover put his arms over his.
"You do tend to tell me that everyday," Finney answered honestly with a slight tease in his voice.
"Well, it's true," the taller male said, "and you wearing my baseball jersey is proving my point more."
It was true.
The taller male gave his lover a confused look when the male turned his body around so he was sitting on Bruce's lap and their faces were only inches apart. Looking into the hazel eyes that belonged to his boyfriend was something that Bruce would always love.
"I like seeing you in my jersey."
"You just like seeing me in your clothes," the blonde corrected as he wrapped his arms around the other males neck before resting his forehead against his lovers.
"Okay, and is that a bad thing," Bruce teased the shorter male.
"I never said that."
The two sat there for a while, not moving or making a sound, only bathing in each others love and presence of the other.
It was quiet, but it was a good quiet, one that Bruce liked and had grown to love.
Slowly and gently, the taller male brought Finney down for a kiss, wrapping his arms once again around his lovers waist as he felt the other instantly relax into it. The feeling of his lovers soft lips that always tasted like the strawberry chap stick was like heaven and it was an addiction that Bruce never wanted to get rid of and warmth that came off of Finney was hotter than the sun and the taller male adored it.
He adored this boy that was wearing his jersey, sitting in his lap, his gentle fingers tangled in Bruce's hair, and he was perfectly okay with that.
Bruce felt his boyfriend let out a small sigh as their lips gently moved together, neither one not caring enough to pull away and catch a breath and only caring about each other.
The two lovers pulled away for air as they held each other as if the other was going to leave and never come back. Bruce rested his head on his lovers and let out smile at the sight of the red blush on Finney's face.
"I love you Bruce," Finney whispered against his lovers lips as if he was telling him a secret, only one meant for his lover.
"I love you too, Finney."
Maybe Bruce could find away to be a morning person.
Hey guys!
Than you guys for being patient with me, I know that I've been kinda all over the place lately, but I am glad to be back!
I love these two!
Also, they are 19 and out of high school in this so!
Hope you guys enjoyed, and let me know what you guys think!
@vanneyiscanon @vintagemissuny @nyxbatz @dontknow3792u4
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50calmadeuce · 1 year
Ch. 2: The Hard Deck
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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"A pilot, huh?" Your roommate Finley asks as she leans against your bedroom door and watches you put on your Asics tennis shoes.
"That's what he said," you reply as you tie the second shoe and stand up.
You had decided on a pair of faded denim capris and a ribbed white tank top that not only showed off your bronzing skin, but also your fit swimmer's body.
"You always get lucky."
You look at her. Finley stood about five foot seven inches and had dark brown hair with honey-colored eyes and soft freckles on her round face. She was wearing stone-washed jeans and an olive colored shirt.
"Right. Cuz me dating life is stellar."
"If you didn't work so much, it could be."
You shake your head. "You convinced me to do this, didn't you?"
"You need a break, Y/N."
You sigh. "Are you ready?"
"Yup. Let's go check out this so called pilot."
You grab your lightweight jacket and follow Finley out the door.
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You and Finley sit and watch all the uniforms go in and out of the door to the entrance of The Hard Deck after you parked your Ford Maverick in the parking lot.
"Well, he really is a pilot," Finley states as you watch all the activity.
"Yup," you agree as the two of you get out of your truck and slowly start to walk toward the door.
A man in a Navy khaki uniform holds the door open for you as he walks out with a girl.
"Thank you," you say as you and Finley walk in.
The bar is filled with lots of people. Some in Navy khaki uniforms, some in green flight suits and others in regular clothes.
"This guy must really interest you. This is definitely not your type of atmosphere," Finley says to you loudly over the music and voices.
She was right. This wasn't your type of atmosphere. You enjoyed the risk of rescuing and saving others in the waters and the challenge of helping marine life, but this was not you.
"You're right. Maybe we should go." You start to tug on Finley's arm.
"This may not be your type of atmosphere, but it's definitely mine. And let's see if we can find this 'Hangman' who got your attention. Come on." She pulls you toward the bar.
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Javy 'Coyote' Machado taps Hangman's shoulder before he makes his next shot at the pool table.
"Hey. Isn't that the girl from the beach?" Coyote asks and points with his beer.
Jake looks up. "Yeah. I didn't think she'd really show."
"Shit," Rooster says from the other end of the pool table.
"You better go get her. She looks like she's getting ready to bail," Coyote says matter-of-factly.
Jake puts the cue stick on the table and heads over to the girl he met on the beach.
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"Hey!" a guy with dirty-blond hair and green eyes wearing the Navy khaki uniform says to you just before you reach the bar with Finley.
"Hi?" You look at him questioningly.
"It's me, Hangman."
You relax a bit. "Oh! Hi! I didn't recognize you in your uniform." You also didn't catch the southern accent before either.
"I'm glad you made it."
"Me too." You tuck a piece of hair behind your ear.
"Would you two like a drink?"
"Sure." You realize he's still staring at you.
"You don't go out much, do you?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"I'm Finley and this is Y/N. Nice to meet you," Finley says. "And you're right. She doesn't do this much. I'll take a beer. She'll have water."
"Water?" Jake questions.
"I'm kind of on call."
Jake shrugs. "Okay." He goes up to the bar. "Penny, my dear. A beer and a water," he says to the brunette behind the bar.
"Coming right up!"
You start to look around and notice a group of men and women in Navy khaki uniforms looking at you from the pool table.
"Here you go." Jake says breaking your observation and handing you a bottle of water.
"Thank you."
"Come on. I'll introduce you to my squad. This way."
You and Finley follow him to the pool table where the individuals you were just looking at stood.
"Y/N and Finley, this is my squad. This is Bradly 'Rooster' Bradshaw, Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace, Robert 'Bob' Floyd, Reuben 'Payback' Fitch, Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia, and my best friend Javy 'Coyote' Machado."
"It's nice to meet you all."
"You too. How's your back?" Rooster asks.
"Oh. It's fine. Barely a scratch."
"You play pool?"
"I do."
The only female pilot, Phoenix, hands you the ball rack. "Rack'em up."
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alexenglish · 1 year
alex alex alex i GOTTA know. what's been your Favorite Look for each member of stray kids.
oh!! this is a tall order, gunna go off instincts and vibes with the caveat that i'm not thinking about this too hard. ALSO i'm gunna go kinda with like...hair looks mostly? because i think there's a wide array of things i could talk about within 'looks' including various styling and makeup over the years, but i think a hair look is so distinctly an era so we'll default that . (if you want more in-depth member thoughts, you can send me an individual member but for all 8 of them, i'm not gunna give myself more work) anyway, let's start from the top <3
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undeniably a chan three-tone enjoyer. i think this length is excellent on him -- the little blunt butch cut plus the tiered black, blonde, red. sophisticated scene hair. it makes me think of revenge era frank iero for no reason other than color scheme and emo vibe. the up styling, the down styling. when they'd do it kinda tousled and messy -- @ the stylists doing their current fuck shit with his hair: bring it BACK.
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as much as i am DEEPLY compelled by the current LENGTH of minho's hair and the embodiment of boy gender he is gendering, my truth is tangerine lino is everything to me. my BELOVED kool aid dye. the way it washed out into that soft bronze. honestly probably made especially exquisite by the make up of the god's menu era, and i love it immensely.
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uncontested queen of my changbin heart is this specific undercut look. with changbin, i want all the undercuts and there ARE others, but i love how close this one is and the shaved step design and the choppiness of his hair plus the styling 😖😖😖 when a man is perfect 😖😖😖
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i actually don't think hyunjin needs to be perpetually blonde OR that the blonde hair needs to perpetually be long, BUT when he has both of those things, i DO need it half up and decorated with the prettiest little braids. it does make me think of being queer in high school and my hair being super short and girls flirting with me by playing with my hair, and if they gave me the little braids, i'd keep them in for as long as possible because it made them happy. anyway. girlfriend hyune. (special shout out to fire engine red hj though, the way that BLED all over his face and neck and clothes when he performed [rabid barking])
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jisung is actually the hardest to me because i'm obsessed with him and also i think he looks SOOO good in different colors & i'm so partial to the blonde look because i wrote it into a fic and anytime he has blonde hair (and changbin has black hair at the same time) i'm like that's SOOO specifically my FIC jisung, but also i fucking love dark hair on him, especially if it's longer and the orange made me BONKERS and the grey is so good and they NEED to give me BLUE again, but actually my REAL answer is jisung in hats. love his boy gender of beanies and hoods, love when he is COZY. love when he wears a CAP, backwards OR forwards... i just think wow a boy... what a boy look. with his loose clothes and his nail polish and his headphones idk!!! idk!!!! baby!!!!!
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(domino blue felix is actually butting up under this but ultimately, this is my ideal) literally if i could challenge the stylists to a DUEL anytime they even THOUGHT of applying lightener to felix's hair for the rest of the year i WOULD. my ideal is LONG and BROWN/black -- DARK so his freckles POP. his little grunge gender! let me at it!!
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i was actually two seconds away from being a seungmin bias during his purple era because it is so deeply compelling to me on a base level. my thoughts and feelings about seungmin are limited pre-2022 skz LA crisis (where he sung JBIEB (EW??) AND RUINED MY Life /pos) but if i have any, they are focused solidly on purple seungmin and what he means to me (bites him in half)
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last but not least jeongin!! honestly the blonde is like. life changing. transformative. single-handedly trebuchets him out of the baby infant zone for the barest of moments before he's hurled directly back again (he will escape baby infant zone completely at some point and then i'll be in trouble, so i am actually savoring the fact that he is the opposite of a threat rn). he's top two blonde idols for me, and the other one is jimin. which is an immense scale. anyway. foxy blonde boy ily.
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darkmatter-nebula · 11 months
Au Colli and Hunter become orphans and are sent to an orphanage there they are forced to hand over their old clothes that would go to the trash and Colli and Hunter are embarrassed and give towels for them to cover themselves so they enter the bathtub and begin to be washed uncomfortably, Colli was stuttering when they started washing his back and armpit then taking his leg and rubbing it with that horrible soap and Hunter tried to comfort Colli but he couldn't when they started washing his scar on his cheek, hair, start washing his back and Colli doesn't like it when they wipe his shoulder and it gets worse when they confiscate his rubber duck that he brought and that his father had given him before he died the boy with rather strange features in the opinion of the men at the orphanage ask Colli to come back when the boy is very wet and soapy with lots of cute freckles on his body he runs out to get his duckling but fails he is taken clinging back to the bath then they throw a bucket of cold water on Hunter and Colli and then Hunter shakes Colli's hand saying that they they'll get it back and that they'll never be apart and they'll be strong and protect each other
Hi, my dear @importantnightwerewolf!
Thank you for the request!
Plot Twist: While Hunter from this Universe is a human, Colli is still a starboy. Hunter's parents found him and immediately adopted him. Everyone in Gravesfield (except for Hunter, Caleb and Evelyn) is beyond confused why Caleb and Evelyn's second son doesn't age. They're also confused about the starboy's celestial features.
Drabble: Tales From The Multiverse - We'll Always Protect Each Other
"You look pretty odd. But, at the same time, very beautiful. And I like the fact that you're an eternal little boy." A very tall man at the orphanage had a predatory expression on his face as he put his eyes on the naked body of a certain small starboy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold.
Colli was understandably uncomfortable and terrified as he noticed the look in the brute man's eyes. "I swear to God, if you lie even one finger on him, I'm going to slaughter you!" Hunter, Colli's big brother, was already plotting murder. The blonde boy wrapped protectively his arms around his sweet little brother.
Even though Colli's small body was filled to the brim with powerful magic, the kindhearted eternal little boy was a pacifist through and through. He didn't like conflicts and violence. Colli teared up as he cuddled closer to his big brother. "Don't worry, Sunshine. I'll always protect you." Hunter whispered softly.
Then, the tall man began to wash Colli. He was the opposite of gentle with him. "You're hurting me!" Colli couldn't hold back his tears as the man scrubbed the blue skin on his whole left leg. The immortal celestial boy had an expression of sheer agony on his adorable multi-colored face.
"He said you're hurting him! Take your hands off him this instant!" Hunter's magenta eyes were full of hatred for the man. The sixteen years old boy was very angry! Colli, who couldn't take it anymore, floated up as high as he could in this small room. He levitated Hunter up to him.
"Kid, what exactly are you?!" Colli didn't answer as he levitated some towels up, so that he and Hunter could cover themselves with something. "Well, if you're disobedient, I'm going to confiscate your rubber ducky." With this words, the man took the ducky and left the room.
Colli was about to float after him, but Hunter gently held him back. The blonde boy pulled his greatest treasure into a hug. "We're going to get it back, I promise! And we'll always stay together!" "Yes, big brother. We'll protect each other." Colli whispered as he cuddled even closer to Hunter.
The End
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heres part of the first scene. its not spectacular but its more adjacent to my writing abilities
the main character is Jason Scott and its from his perspective.
It all started five months ago on a fateful day in January. I was at work at the coffee shop, Queequeg Qoffee.
"I'd like a vanilla latte," a red headed woman in a gorgeous black dress said. She had freckles covering her entire face. Her eyes were a shimmering blue, heavenly to anyone fortunate enough to meet them. Her orange hair draped over her shoulders like a peaceful waterfall, pouring down halfway down her back. She was one of the prettiest women I've ever seen, there was an odd familiarity about her. Have I seen her before?
"One vanilla latte!" I told Janet, my annoying blonde coworker. She had blonde hair that was tangled and dirty. I swear she's never washed her hair before. She was skinny and short, if I had to make a guess she was four-eleven at most. Her voice was extremely high pitched, she'd drive a dog insane.
"Here you go, Sweetie!" She said and handed me the drink.
"Thanks, Janet," I have no clue why she insisted on calling me sweetie, we weren't dating, God, if I dated her I'd have killed myself by now. She's asked me out before on multiple occasions but I've rejected her every time. This woman doesn't understand the definition of no. As a person, I suppose she isn't that bad, but her persistent advances towards me have worn on me the past few years. "Here you go, ma'am. That'll be $3.45," I said and handed the beautiful woman her drink.
"Thank you. Nice meeting you. Is that girl your girlfriend?" The woman asked.
I couldn't hide the disgust that showed itself on my face. “No, she's my coworker,” I stated. I can't imagine having to put up with Janet long enough to date her. 
"Ah, is that so?" The woman smiled and handed me the money. Her smile was beautiful, she didn't show too many teeth but enough to create the perfect, charming smile. I put her money in the cash register and handed her the change. When I handed it to her our hands brushed against each other for a more than normal amount of time. I think she did that on purpose. Her hands were soft as silk, I wonder what moisturizer she uses? It's probably expensive, whatever it is. Doubt I could ever afford it.
"Thank you again," the woman pulled out a slip of paper and wrote a series of numbers down. She delicately took my hand and placed the paper in it, "Call me sometime.”. The woman gracefully walked away, each step deliberate and confident. Her grace was enough to make any man swoon. She waved and winked from the door.
I saw Janet from the corner of my eye, she looked pissed.
"What?" I sighed.
"...Seems big tits are all you need," she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. 
"That was not where I was looking!" I told her slightly offended.
"Sure you weren't," she said, still pissed. I rolled my eyes, I'm not humouring her with a response. "She looked like a whore."
"And you look like a troll," she gasped and walked back to the coffee pot.
I continued to take people's orders. I've never been particularly interested in women but my mind kept trailing back to her. I swear I've seen her before. She's pretty enough to be a model or an actress, so it's not unbelievable she might be one. An actress or model named Amber, have I ever seen her? Was she maybe on one of my sister’s shows? She typically watches sports stuff but she might've been in the commercials. This is driving me crazy, where have I seen this woman?
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zonerobotnik · 1 year
I am literally begging you on my knees, I need to read something from this AU. I need it. Please, just one chapter. 🙏
Well, it's not a chapter, but here's something:
Blue eyes gazed at the equally-blue sky as birds flew overhead. A freckled young man with long, blond hair with a red stripe dressed in purple raised a hand up towards the birds, his brow furrowed. A raccoon came up to him and let out a cooing sound, and he smiled and lowered his hand to stroke the raccoon's fur.
"Someday, Reg." He looked at the sky again. "Someday, I'm going to be out of this place."
The raccoon moved into his lap and let out a low croon. He sighed and closed his eyes, stroking his fur.
He opened his eyes and looked over at the door leading in from the roof he was sitting on and he picked up the raccoon and walked over to climb back inside.
"Varian, let down your hair!"
He set down on a golden web-like structure made of his abnormally-long hair and picked up a long, untethered part before he swung it down and out the window. He felt it get tugged on and then pulled on it, bringing it back inside further and further until finally he saw a woman in a dark-red dress and black cloak come up and step inside.
"Ah, finally." She unfastened her cloak and shook her long, wavy black hair free. "Varian? Where are you, dear?" She looked around.
He slowly moved along the "web" of hair, watching as she moved further away from the window. Then he grabbed his hair and let himself drop down upside-down, earning a yelp of alarm as the woman jumped back. "Hi, mom!"
"Oh! Varian!" She brought a hand to her chest. "Oh, must you spook me so? I'm far too old for this, Flower."
He tilted his head a bit, looking at her. "Yeah, you do look like you've aged. Do you need me to sing?"
"Yes, dear." She walked over and sat down in a chair and picked up a brush on a little table next to it. He flipped over and landed his bare feet on the floor before he walked over to join her, his hair trailing behind him even with much of it crafted into a web up above.
Seventy feet of hair left a lot of extra room to play with.
He knelt next to her and she stroked his hair before she started to brush it, listening as he started to sing. "/Flower, gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt, change the Fates' design. Save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine. What once was mine./"
She sighed contentedly as his hair, which was glowing while he sang, restored her youth and removed her wrinkles and stress. Once he was done, she moved the brush away and he stood up.
"Varian, why don't you untether your hair? It's due for a wash and a proper brushing." She pointed out.
He looked up at it. "Okay." He climbed up his hair and to the web, then started to dismantle the web with the raccoon's help. "Thanks, Regulus."
"Is Regulus up there with you?" She called.
"Yes, he is." Varian grabbed the racoon and dropped down again, this time right-side up, and she held out her hands for him. "Does he also need a bath?"
She made a face. "Yes, he certainly does."
Regulus let out a low groan of protest as she carried him over to a large tub in the corner.
"Oh, relax." She said, setting him down. "It's just a quick bath. Varian, continue letting down your hair."
"Right." He climbed back up to continue dismantling the web, watching with awe as she conjured water with a spell to fill the tub and then another spell to heat it for cleaning, before he continued dismantling the web.
By the time he was done, Regulus was grumbling as the woman dried him off and the tub was emptied with the pull of a lever and prepared again for his own bath.
"Come on, then." She prompted.
He smiled and walked over to her, pulling off his shirt as he walked. "I can wash myself, mom."
"Of course; after I finish washing your hair." She walked over and took his hair in her hands and carried it over in a bundle before she put it in the soapy water. He sat down next to the tub patiently as she cleaned his hair, then the water was once again drained before she filled it again and walked away so he could get undressed and wash up his body, his hair hung up on lines around the tub to dry off.
"Hey, mom," he said as he started to lather soap on his body. "It's almost my birthday."
"Is it? Oh, how the time flies. It feels like just yesterday that you were a little golden flower on the cliff." She wiped a finger under her eye. "Well, how old will you be, then?"
"Eighteen." He looked over at her. "I'll be an adult."
She sighed and he felt a little bad for bringing it up. She always hated when he brought up how much time had passed. But, well, time went on, even for the immortal.
The woman was a sorceress and alchemist named Gothel, and she was his caretaker and maternal figure. He called her "mother" but, in truth, he had no birth mother. According to her, he had once been a mystical healing flower she had been protecting in exchange for being granted the ability to restore her youth with a song. But, one day, she arrived to find a baby on the cliffside instead of the flower, with long, blond, magical hair that responded to the song. And so she took the baby in and named him "Varian", raising him as her own.
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The Only Solution Was to Stand and Fight
This is just a sneak peek/rough draft of a one shot I'm currently working on. TW for violence, gore, fighting, swearing, injury
Basically: Izuku has fun beating people up
The sound of his backpack hitting the target with a wet squelch made some inexplicable feeling well up in the teenager. He was reminded of far too many beatdowns.
Later, when he'd reflect on the day, he'd say that he enjoyed being on the other side of the fight. 
But in the moment, all he could see was his bully stuck in the sludge. The look of terror. He drank it up as he lunged, digging his hands into the unprotected eyeball. There was screaming.
Later, when he'd overhear the news coverage replaying on the TV, he'd hear himself screaming 'YOU SHOULDA KILLED ME WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE!' and see a manic grin that was all teeth. When he'd wash his hands he wouldn't wash the blood from under his nails, wearing it proudly like some sick trophy. 
There wasn't anything else, just him and his target. Arms deep in the large organ and fighting like a pissed off honey badger. Part of him imagined it was Kacchan he was fighting, that it was Kacchan on the receiving end of his manic rage. 
Maybe twenty seconds had passed and the teenager was covered in blood and viscera and sewer sludge, and he looked like he was having the time of his life. When suddenly he was yanked by the back of his shirt and a powerful punch sent green goop raining from the sky. All the while Izuku started screeching, clawing the air and thrashing around until he was deposited on the ground. He was practically foaming at the mouth.
He wasn't quite sure what happened afterwards, just that he had been coming down from his high to getting reamed out for being reckless by the pro heroes. He silently stands his ground, refusing to look away as he rises to the challenge and stares back at Death Arms. Perhaps it's that he's still covered in his carnage, but he sees the hero flinch for only a second. And that's all he needs, he's won. Quietly, so that only Death Arms will hear him, he asks. 
"Mr. Death Arms, are you unnerved by a quirkless boy?" he puts on his best innocent face, which isn't hard with his big eyes and round freckled cheeks. The hero sputters rather loudly, but knows fully well that he can't respond or the media and paparazzi will eat him alive. Instead the hero turns away and leaves, meaning Izuku has the chance to scoop up his bag and leave. 
Truth be told, Izuku Midoriya had always been rather violent when pushed. When he was younger he'd written about wanting to tear Kacchans limbs off. The years repressed emotions from being unable to fight back, being punished when he never did anything, having his dream ruthlessly targeted, the suicide baiting? They were always going to explode in a more… physical way at some point. He was always going to crack at some point.
It happens when Kacchan catches up to him on the way home, explosions popping in his palms as he screams 'DEKU' loud enough that dogs two neighborhoods over likely start barking. As Izuku turns, a fist is buried into his shirt and pulling him so that he's face to face with his childhood friend.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT SHITTY DEKU!? I DIDN'T NEED YOUR FUCKING HELP! I HAD IT HANDLED," Kacchan roars in fury. There's probably a universe where Izuku responds meekly, however the fourteen year old is riding on the power rush and thus is feeling pretty ballsy.
"Oh please, did you really think I did it for you Kacchan?" he asks, "I did it for me." 
Izuku smirks as the blond falters. And then there's an explosion and he's on the ground and his ears are full of water, but he can distantly hear someone laughing. Kacchans mouth isn't moving, so it must be from himself.
Next thing he knows is he's throwing a punch and his fist cracks against his assailant, and by Kami his wrist and hand hurts, but it also feels good. For a moment he sees fear in those crimson eyes. It's delicious. It's enough, and they both know it.
Izuku has won. 
The burns on his throat and jaw from that particular day scar over, and Izuku finds that he's proud of it. He wears his branding like a trophy. 
Getting into fights off school property become commonplace for the teenager. Years of pent up aggression, and the newly discovered high he gets from winning, means that he doesn't just fight his classmates. He ends up fighting kids from neighboring school districts. The casual fights turn into him having a reputation, then a month or so in its small bets in alleyways, then it's entering the world of illegal fighting.
The rings Izuku frequents are all known for quirkless fighting only. Quirk use in a match leads to automatic forfeit, especially those with flashy quirks. Attention grabbing quirks mean a higher chance of the ring getting busted.
With his mom working so often it's rather easy for him to slink off after school. And as long as he makes it home before dinner she doesn't comment. Not because she doesn't care, she loves her son more than anything, but because her Izuku finally seems to be well and truly happy. 
Inko Midoriya still worries about her boy, don't be mistaken. Her worry goes towards overstocked first aid kits that dwindle too quickly for her liking. Her worry shows as staring at the scar marking her sons throat over dinner. But the benefits of the fights don't escape her either. It's the way he's able to help move the furniture so that she can vacuum, or pick up her mattress so she can change the sheets. It's grabbing heavier things for her when they go grocery shopping.
She's also far from stupid. She knows that the money suddenly appearing on pay days isn't from her work, but she sees how relieved her son is when he convinces her to take one less shift. 
Izuku doesn't go to school the next time she can take a shift off. Instead she spends the day teaching him to cook.
Three months after the sludge incident, Izuku finds himself running from the pro-heroes and police that raided the abandoned warehouse housing an illegal fight ring. 
Lucky for him, he hasn't lasted this long playing fair. He fights dirty and uses an unorthodox fighting style, using his size, speed, and agility to his advantage. The warehouse district is familiar terrain for him, so he chooses the path that's going to make getting a straight shot incredibly difficult. Especially since he'd been coming out here regularly for the past couple months, and there were regulars that had been coming longer. There had never once been any pros patrolling the area to be any concern, much less the police who had more to deal with than a bunch of trespassers meeting up to throw hands. 
He can hear someone in combat boots behind him, the sound of the soles hitting the ground is unmistakable. A bonus is the area is full of metal surfaces that give away any stealth attempts. From shipping containers to trucks to sheeting.
He narrowly avoids being wrapped up in a capture weapon as he slides across the pavement and under a cargo truck. His hands and legs were torn up as a result- last time he wears cargo shorts to a fight- but he hasn't been caught yet. But despite it all he can't help the excited laugh that escapes his mouth. 
Izuku is back on his feet before the hero can climb the truck or run around, and he takes off like a bat outta hell. It's a similar high to the ones he gets from fights, and he cautions looking behind him to see if he's still being chased. When he doesn't see the person chasing him he finds himself sulking, he was hoping the encounter would last longer. 
And then there's a noise behind him and before he can react he's being restrained. Suddenly all he can think about is being back under that underpass and he'll be damned if he doesn't go without a fight. He starts thrashing around so wildly that there's no way he isn't coming out of this bruised. 
Aizawa Shouta wasn't expecting to be taking down an illegal fighting ring tonight, much less chasing after a teenager that had fucking booked it. For such a scrawny looking kid, he was fast. And agile. Not to mention a deceptively high pain tolerance.
He watched the kid scrape himself up to hell and back sliding under a truck and couldn't help the wince of sympathy.
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