#brain jacques
brb-on-a-quest · 2 months
Ok so reading Redwall for the maybe first or second time?
Pretty sure I either read it or a diff book in the series and remember nothing at all except I liked it and I'd read it again. Found it at my local bookstore (my beloved) for 3 dollars and picked it up.
Enjoying it so far. But I wanted to ask how....ethics work here.
Because Redwall is an abbey that's run by mice who are very peaceful and loving and don't take lives and they're extremely "we take no lives and even predatores will leave monks of our abbey alone out of respect for us"
Except then, they kill a fish and eat it for the abbot's jubilee anniversary, where there's been a bunch of animals invited and stuff.
And Im just like... wait a minute.... do fish not count? How do small mammals vs other groups of animals work in this world? Am I over thinking a children's book? probably. Should I be doing homework? also probably.
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muttwizard · 1 year
I haven’t really seen this anywhere but there’s a 100% chance people have already discovered this but using an hourglass (an actual, physical hourglass off of amazon for like $10-20) makes doing things like reading and writing SO MUCH easier. Now, I don’t know if this is an adhd thing but having something physically there that doesn’t literally have numbers or words but an actual (consistent!) visually progressing system which you work until it’s done is... it’s so good for time management. I would never be able to do this with something like a phone timer. It’s basically just the pomodoro method lol but I don’t think a kitchen timer would work (too mechanical, has numbers (”minutes left”) on it). I’ve used it to clean my room, read, and do autobiographical writing so far (once a day! That’s a first!). Just like the pomodoro method I take little breaks in between. About to finish Brian Jacques’ Redwall because of it (finally chipping away at my booklist! And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie is next)
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snckt · 2 months
i love thinking about quigley and jacques. what do you think they really talked about? did he make the best peanut butter sandwiches q had ever had ever? do you think j tucked q into his makeshift bed (m had an excellent taste in arm chairs, and the beds upstairs just felt much too far) with a long loved quilt or a tweed coat? do you think they both mourned their brothers in the golden hours of the morning, thinking to themselves, golly, he would have loved you ??? do you think j meant to say goodbye? or did he just expect to be back before he was missed? going insane btw
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fenneonsarah · 11 months
Some RWBY headcanons I have all shared in one place cause the brainrot is real. Most are queer/shipping headcanons, but not all (Spoilers for Volume 9, also not all characters are included, just the ones I do have a headcanon about)
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Ruby is a homoromantic asexual. She's always had romantic feelings for Penny since she loves goofballs, and has started falling for Weiss after spending more time with her. In between volume 5 and 6 is when she truly fell for her. In her ideal world, she'd be in a poly relationship with them both. For a non-queer/ship headcanon, she has ADHD
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Next is Weiss, who I headcanon as pansexual. Her crushes on Neptune and adult Jaune were pretty shallow and nothing serious (not that she doesn't like them at all, just doesn't see a future with them). She also had a crush on Pyrrha, but was respectful and backed off when she started suspecting Jaune might've had feelings for her too, which was timed perfectly since that's when Neptune came in the picture. She didn't like Ruby at first, either as a person or romantically, but both of those feelings grew over the years and she now does like Ruby but doesn't want to admit it to anyone, even herself
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I guess it's a trend of mine to headcanon my favourite characters as queer transfems, and that's the case with Penny. I can totally see Pietro building a "wrong body" for her at first, and since she didn't have a concept of bigotry at the time, she wasn't afraid to ask him to change her body, which he happily agreed to and apologized for not getting it right straight away, although she always forgives him. For sexuality, I see her as demisexual. She didn't have feelins for Ruby until they spent time together and got to know each other better. She wanted to ask Ruby out after the Vytal tournament and enrolling at Beacon, then again after escaping Atlus together, but I don't think I need to mention why neither of those worked. She also has no ill-will toward Pyrrha. If Pyrrha were still alive, Penny would hug her close and tell her it was okay
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From my favourite character to my favourite male character, Qrow. First of all, I know the behind the scenes reason his voice changed, but I like the headcanon that it changed in the show cause he cut back on drinking. Maybe not altogether, but significantly less than he used to. Along with Ruby I also see him as a homoromantic asexual. His whole womanizing act is just that, an act to seem cool. In actuality, Clover was the only person in years he ever had feelings for.
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Neo is short and simple, like her character (I love her). I see her as a aroace transfem. At first she used her semblance to look how she wanted, but now she naturally looks that way. Also not really a headcanon but pLEASE DON'T LET HER SPEAK, I HATE THAT FAN THEORY SO MUCH, KEEP HER MUTE
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Winter I also see as aroace. Relationships confuse her more than anything, but the more her and Weiss get close, the more she teases Weiss guys to annoy her (she doesn't know Weiss is pan and assumes she's straight, but would be supportive if Weiss came out)
I think those are all my headcanons. Sorry for my ramblings, thank you for reading. I also have a theory for how I think the show will end, but that'll be a seperate post
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bookishjules · 6 months
Hi Jules,
Saw your post about RWBY. I have seen up through V8. PLEASE tell me all your hot takes. (If they’re anything like your sohae analyses then they’re going to be immaculate). <3
omg welcome to the list of followers i know watch rwby!! (it's a small list, but it's also one of my favorites hehe) idk that i have any esp hot takes?? but i'd love to talk about something that's been on my mind a lot recently..?
that thing is the schnee family... i personally am a huge sucker for the mechanics and evolution of family dynamics and how each individual functions within and outside of it. and aside from the belladonnas, whose family web has a third of individual relationships as the schnees, weiss's family is really the only one we get the privy of seeing in totality?? which i think is really interesting considering they are also the most public family of any of our mcs--even pyrrha, who was more known for her own name than her family's.. but i digress.
so much of the character of the schnee family really is based around that public persona, the facade they each present to the world. while we aren't very familiar with the former heads of the family, or of the sdc, i'm still inclined to believe a lot of this attitude was brought to the family by jacques, who has been acting since day one. he acted like he was in love. he donned the schnee name. he dyed his hair white. he swept willow aside, took her family's legacy from her, and then spent the rest of his life pretending like he deserved to be where he was and manipulating people into playing along. and of course behind every facade is something worth hiding. for jacques i think there was a lot of insecurity and fear there--youthful desperation that he was never quite able to move past because of his choice to take the cheater's way to the top.
willow, on the other hand, seems to move through life with a lot more vulnerability--loving jacques. loving their children. i'm sure there's probably an amount of safety and security growing up as a schnee heiress that resulted in her never having to form that shell that jacques did, but that's exactly why he was able to get into the power position in their relationship, and making it so she just gave up when jacques showed his cards to her, bc she didn't have anything up her sleeves.
and i think its really interesting to consider the kids growing up in this climate.. each of them learning in their own ways what parts of themselves to control and diminish vs. which strengths were valuable to play to. even with both winter and weiss stepping out from their father's control, the effects of their upbringing still follows them. they saw the powerless position their mom was reduced to because she didn't demand respect the way their father did, she didn't walk into a room with the air of the most important person in it, at least not within the confines of their family--because why would she? meanwhile, jacques, who viewed their relationship as nothing more than a stepping stool, a business transaction, would have maintained that facade and that attitude no matter how intimate the setting. and of course both girls would notice and internalize that at a young age. we see it in weiss, especially during the beacon arc. and even winter's choice to become a soldier, and then her ability to move herself up to the top of ironwood's ranks... they wanted to escape the pressure of their father's thumb, but they just carried his lessons with them, adapting them to their own lives. school and the army. and then that's something they need to unlearn. or rather.. they need to learn to tap into the heart they inherited from their mom as well, to fight against the fear of weakness and collapse that they associate with softness. it's in much of weiss's arc throughout the series, and we see it in winter as well as we reach the end of the 8th volume and she's struggling between her personal beliefs and ironwood's as he continues to devolve. without the rules and control that ironwood brought, winter is then forced to tap into her heart.
whitley on the other hand... whitley fascinates me. since he was younger than both his sisters, he would have had less time to see their mom as her genuine self before she lost herself to depression, paranoia, and alcoholism. for whitley, the only option was to be like his father, which only makes it harder for him to see the distinction between who he is and the controlled front he presents to others. his relationship with weiss, his small bits of character development we've seen so far, are so important to me, because it really shows the possibility for all three of these kids to grow beyond the trauma that perpetuated within the walls of their icy mansion. even down to the one who suffered the worst of it all by himself. willow once told weiss not to forget about her brother, so i refuse to stop projecting hope in his direction.
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tammyoshanter · 2 days
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the gloomerrrr
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Some of the most compelling evidence of neurological damage after mild COVID-19 comes from U.K. researchers who investigated brain changes in people before and after they got the disease.
The 785 participants, between 51 and 81 years old, who had already been scanned before the start of the pandemic, were scanned on average three years apart as part of the U.K. Biobank project. Tests or medical records showed that 401 of these volunteers had become infected with SARS-CoV-2. Most had mild infections; only 15 of the 401 were hospitalized.
The results showed that four and half months after a mild COVID infection, patients had lost, on average, between 0.2 and 2 percent of brain volume and had thinner gray matter than healthy people. By comparison, older adults lose between 0.2 and 0.3 percent of their gray matter each year in the hippocampus, a region linked to memory.
In the region of the brain linked to smell, the COVID-19 patients had 0.7 percent more tissue damage compared to healthy people.
The infected participants’ performance on cognitive tests also declined more rapidly than before illness. They took 8 and 12 percent longer on the two tests that measured attention, visual screening ability, and processing speed. The patients were not significantly slower on memory recall, reaction time, or reasoning tests.
“We could in turn relate this greater mental ability decline to their greater loss of gray matter in a specific part of the brain,” says Gwenaëlle Douaud, a neuroscientist at the University of Oxford who led the U.K. study.
Overall, studies consistently show that COVID-19 patients score significantly lower in tests of attention, memory, and executive function compared to healthy people. Jacques Hugon, a neurologist at University of Paris Lariboisiere Hospital, says it isn’t clear if the brain will mend itself or whether patients will ever recover, even with cognitive rehabilitation.
“We don't know exactly what's going on in the brain,” says Hugon. Perhaps the damage COVID-19 causes in the brain will evolve into various neurodegenerative disorders. “We don't know that for sure at the moment, but it is a risk, and we need to follow [the patients] very carefully for the years to come.”
  —  Even mild COVID-19 can cause your brain to shrink
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neversetyoufree · 2 years
I've been thinking a bit about why Noé resonates so much with me as an ace person, and I'm realizing that, in addition to the depiction of his actual romantic relationships/attraction, the way that Noé fits into Vnc's erotic blood drinking symbolism is extremely familiar.
Overall, when someone in VnC gets their blood drunk consensually, it tends to be portrayed as part of a sexual relationship. Vanitas, for example, is attracted to Jeanne, and one part of that attraction is that he wants her to drink his blood. The blood drinking itself feels good, and he enjoys it, but his desire to be bit is not the entirety of their relationship, and Jeanne's eventual attraction to him is much the same. She likes drinking his blood, but she also pretty explicitly says she wants to sleep with him. It's a part of the whole.
Or, to give a non-VaniJeanne example, when Veronica starts going into detail about her "fling" with Marquis Machina, Domi refers to it as Veronica talking about "her sex life." So while we don't see everything she says about the encounter, I think the fact of the joking censorship itself implies that Veronica's describing something more graphic than the blood drinking we do see in other scenes. Beyond the blood drinking itself and how it feels, the broader context of the act is portrayed as sexual (and often part of a sexual relationship).
And then we have Noé.
Unlike almost everyone else in the series, when Noé talks about his desire to drink blood, it is completely abstracted out of its sexual context. When he gets The Blood Talk from his teacher, he says that he likes drinking blood because it tastes good, and though he's grown into an adult since that point, his reasoning doesn't seem to have changed. The implications of Louis's "sweet talk" suggestion (you have to charm/seduce someone before they'll let you do this physical thing with them) go completely over his head even in the present.
Furthermore, when he does drink Domi's blood, he does so completely without the further sexual context shown elsewhere. Mochijun does not shy away from showing us when characters are attracted to one another (even when they're not couples), and though Noé's perhaps a bit more complicated, since we know he struggles to identify/understand the feelings of attraction he does have, it is never once suggested that he finds Dominique attractive.
Noé enjoys an act that is objectively a bit sexual (given the physical acts/sensations involved), and that clearly has an erotic context for others who do it, but he enjoys it for more or less non-sexual reasons. He's interested in something erotic because he enjoys the physical act (the taste) of it, and probably also the general closeness/connection, but he shows no sexual attraction to his partner.
And let me tell you, for more sex-favorable ace people, that whole previous paragraph has to sound pretty familiar. Because while blood drinking doesn't work as a 1:1 parallel to real world sex, given that actual sex also exists as a separate but related option for Vnc characters, "engaging in sex-acts without the need for sexual attraction" is just. what ace people do. And so to people familiar with that experience, Noé's whole weirdly non-sexual relationship to blood starts to feel extremely ace-coded.
Even with Vanitas, I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that Noé's relationship to wanting Vani's blood also really resonates with how some ace people do experience attraction. Because again, we're never given any particular indication that Noé finds Vanitas sexually attractive, or even particularly good looking. Even accounting for the fact that queer-coding might have to be subtler or the fact that Noé's bad at recognizing his feelings, it's just not there. I'd even argue that there's better evidence of Vanitas finding Noé attractive than vice versa.
Yet, despite all that, Noé really wants Vanitas's blood. Not only that, but he wants Vanitas's blood in a way that is inextricably tied to his desire to understand him as a person. He wants him because his blood smells good, and also because he wants to see his memories, and this intense desire for physical intimacy and understanding (completely absent of sexual attraction) works really well as a metaphor for what attraction can feel like as an ace person. The metaphor, again, isn't 1:1, and it doesn't apply to every kind of ace experience, but still. Here's a character who wants to do something erotic with someone he's not sexually attracted to, and he wants to do it because 1: he thinks he'll enjoy the physical act, and 2: he thinks it'll further his relationship with/help him better understand the other person involved.
That is a really good representation of why some ace people are drawn to sex within romantic relationships.
And while in any other case I'd insist that suggesting Mochijun's queercoding is an accident is a bit insulting, I honestly have no idea what to make of this. I have no clue how known/visible asexuality is among people in Japan, but I know that in my own experience with American media, intentionally ace-coded characters are incredibly rare, so I struggle to think that I might be so lucky as to find one in shonen manga of all places. At the same time though, vnc is a series filled with a lot of different kinds of queer coding (and occasionally straight-up queerness), so if anyone was going to do it, I suppose it would be Mochijun.
But intentional or not, it's really striking to me just how well Noé's relationship to blood works as a metaphor for being interested in sexual acts as an asexual person, which I think is why so many of us end up reading him and saying "hey same." Even if you don't sit down to unpack all the symbolism, his experience is just. familiar.
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snicketbae · 1 year
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my contribution to @asouefanworkevent! some Olivia/Jacques for @accidentallylita 🥰 I imagined this to be a brief moment of downtime shortly after they met... and shortly before things went sideways.
hope you enjoy! I had a lot of fun!
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hoochieblues · 1 year
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Céline et Julie vont en bateau: Phantom Ladies Over Paris (1974) dir. Jacques Rivette
#i'm fine i just need to talk to someone about this film#i also love the woman in the floral dress (bottom right) who is clearly having some opinions about this motherfucking improv#it's 3hrs+ of sapphic coded narrative haunting reality bending deconstruction time loops + the existential horror of contemporary society#and then lines like this. i know i'm missing wordplay but i can't keep up enough w/o subtitles to catch idioms. but. kinda like it that way#'impossible! the mere sight of a fish gives me amnesia!' is another fave#movies#jacques rivette#celine et julie vont en bateau#celine and julie go boating#i apologise in advance but i guess i'm entering my rivette phase now#'cinema should be - if not an ordeal - then at least an experience'#my dude. you knocked it out of the park.#no really#i've had to do a week's worth of work in one night bc The Crises and i put this on to help keep going before my brain fell out.#and i loved it. like. i haven't been so excited about a film since i got briefly obsessed with the hourglass sanatorium#the kid is literally named madlyn. it's like having a giant neon sign that says 'hey proust kiss my ass' as the girls reconstruct#the narrative and change melodrama into farce. shift the ending and annul the pain. theater as alchemy. friendship and love as alchemy.#as change/mechanisms for salvation. i decided this week one thing i wanna do in my life is see the maritime museum/rocca al mare in tallinn#another is going to be showing this to someone who'll like it.#there are probably dozens of us out there. dozens.
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theeflowerofcarnage · 2 years
Do u guys think Bjorn cheats on his wife
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regarde-la · 2 years
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Françoise Dorléac on the set of ‘Billion Dollar Brain’ (1968) directed by Ken Russell
By Jacques Haillot
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Consolation Prize
Summary: Jacques' super great plan to cheer up Josée after their TDRR loss.
Rating: K+
Warning: Mild cursing
AN: I've been meaning to write this for YEARS, but alas… a funny, evil hah-hah drabble. Wrote on Docs on mobile 😵‍💫
Everyone cheered with congratulations as confetti and sparkles rained down onto the stage—everyone, except for the Ice Dancers. Jacques and Josée both sneered at the Cadets, who were living it up by throwing their newly acquired million dollars into the air to mix in with the confetti. 
Jacques hated them. He hated the Surfers. He hated Don. He hated all of the stupide, ugly people here. The only person here that he didn't hate, was Josée. His eyes drifted to the side to check on his partner again, but she was too busy glowering at the back of MacArthur's head to notice.
Stupide MacArthur who saved her life not even a day earlier. 
What did she want for it, a medal? It didn't matter that they would have been guaranteed fourth place without her help, it didn't matter that Josée could have… died, without her help. It was still a competition, and she didn't have any right to be all mad at Josée for playing the game as soon as the moment was over. 
Jacques huffed. Maybe he was just bitter. This whole damn race was a huge waste of time and a fantastic pain in the butt. He and Josee were so close to total reconciliation back in Montreal, and then they participated in this dumb race. They'd been pushed to their limits, had their absolute worst brought out, and fought with each other so much. And then that fiasco in the Bahamas… Ugh…
"Yes, throw all your money on the ground, very smart." Don chided the Cadets with a host-appropriately peppy side-comment. 
Jacques looked to Don, then back to the Cadets two rows ahead of them. Stupide pompous pigs, stupide…
His eyes settled lower, specifically onto the ground between the vegan Mile's sandal-clad feet in front of him. Along with the colorful confetti and some loose bills, a fairly thick clip of hundreds laid there innocently on the floor. Jacques eyebrows raised, mouth dipped low. 
Don just finished giving the season outro, and everyone yelled again, save for himself and Josée. No one was looking at him. No one was looking at anything besides the camera at the end of the stage.
Jacques did his best to not smile as he stepped his sneaker on top of the bills, a plan already forming in his bitter, handsome head.
"Jacques, hurry up." Josée called back to him, but her voice had lost all of its bite. 
Jacques lugged their matching pink duffle bags, one on each arm, as he walked to keep up with her. They didn't have to wear their uniforms anymore, and the straps from their bags kept pulling at his undone jacket every few steps. He stopped at the end of the line beside Josée, and stuck his lip out in thought while he looked over her tired face. Even after a night to sleep off their loss in one of the JFK Memorial Airport's hotels, Josée still looked worn out. His poor Josée, he was sure she must have a lot on her mind.
"Mon chou, why don't you go and sit by the TSA booth? I'll get our tickets and luggage taken care of." Jacques offered sweetly.
Josée looked up at him questioningly, a little miffed by his relaxed attitude after such a horrible finish yesterday. But she turned her head to the very, very long line ahead of them, and figured there was no reason that both of them needed to suffer through it.
"Fine, sure." Josée answered, still annoyed sounding. 
Jacques watched her go with a sneaky smile. He felt a little bad for not letting her in on his plan—seeing as she was so put out—but the surprise would be worth it. He felt like he needed something big to boost her spirits, and a surprise like this was a great way to do it.
"A'kay! All ready to go." Jacques smiled and offered her ticket to her. 
Josée took it from him and got up from her seat, trailing behind him as he walked them to TSA. As they waited in line, Josée looked over her ticket absent-mindedly, only to lose her bored expression to shock. Jacques did his best to look off, as though he hadn't been waiting for her to notice. 
"Jacques!" Josée yelled up at him, and he turned nonchalantly to her.
"What is the mat—"
"—You got us the wrong tickets!" Josée berated him, smacking the little paper against his arm. Honestly, was this so hard? Did she need to hover over him for even the simplest things? He knew she was in no mood for little screw-ups like this!
"I diiid?" Jacques asked, feigning ignorance. He took a look at his own ticket. "Ah! Sill-y me, I accidentally booked two first-class tickets for Honolulu!" 
Josée's mouth slumped to the side at his moronic grin.
"How do you even mess that up!" She steamed. "Go back over there and fix it, and make sure you get a refund! Do you know how much first-class tickets to Hawaii cost?"
"Ah, oui, I do." Jacques smiled at her smugly.
"...So go!!" Josée threw her arms to the side, in the direction of the ticket counter, but Jacques didn't make any movement to do as he was told. Josée felt like she was going to burst a blood vessel—was she going insane? He looked so damn smug, despite sounding dumber than a bag of bronze right now. 
Just when he was sure Josée might actually pop if he pushed her buttons any longer, Jacques raised his hands and patted Josée's shoulders, smoothing out her anger along with the fabric of her blouse.
"Ah ah, Josée! Not to worry, we are not paying for it." Jacques assured her. His smile morphed into something more mischievous when she shot him a confused squint.
"Those pigs are picking up the tab." He smirked, and pulled his jacket to the side just enough to reveal a neat clip of hundred dollar bills tucked into the inside pocket. 
Josée stared at the money in surprise, then back up to Jacques as he closed his jacket again. It took her a moment to realize what he was getting at, and she smiled apprehensively.
"Jacques…" Her smile grew a bit. "...where did you get that?"
"Ahh, I cannot remember!" Jacques replied, hand laid against his temple. "It was so confusing yesterday, you know, with everyone yelling, and them throwing their money all around…"
He winked at her and Josée squealed quietly. She threw her arms around his neck in a hug, and Jacques wrapped his arms across her back, his eyebrows bowed up contently. He hadn't heard her laugh at all since yesterday.
"Jacques, that is so underhanded!" Josée pulled back, smiling wide.
"Psh! They don't need it. They probably won't even notice." He rolled his eyes and set a hand onto her back as they walked to move with the line. "But we need a vacation, non?"
Josée looked up at him giddily, just like she had in Argentina. It felt like forever ago, for both of them.
"Oui, I think we do." Josée affirmed, and hugged onto his arm as… professionally as possible. 
Jacques beamed with pride.
They hadn't suffered so many losses so close together in years, and then placing third in the finale stung like bullet ant bites. But this was not ice dancing, and this was not for any medal or trophy, so he could convince himself (and then maybe Josée later) that these losses didn't matter. What mattered was that after all the losses and fighting and threats, that they were still together, side by side, arm-in-arm, and always would be. If Vancouver couldn't break them, nothing could.
He snuck a peak at Josée, who was still smiling brightly at nothing in particular. Jacques' lips curved up in admiration. Returning that smile to her face was worth more than the million ever would be.
(But a free trip to Honolulu wasn't bad, either.)
AN: Hawaii was special to them, and now it's tainted by cursed lava rock memories. They need some new ones! ;)
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sesiondemadrugada · 2 years
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The Brain from Planet Arous (Nathan Juran, 1957).
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doomedandstoned · 1 year
ELECTRIC CULT & WEEDEVIL Team Up for ‘Cult of Devil Sounds’
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
By Matheus Jacques
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Through the wonders of virtual communication two bands from different countries have breached the distance, united through the universal language of music: WEEDEVIL from Brazil and ELECTRIC CULT from Mexico. And so we arrive at the split EP, 'Cult of Devil Sounds' (2023).
The Brazilian stoner/doom metal band Weedevil from São Paulo has already become a well-known name in the Brazilian heavy underground, having already delivered some great material. The main highlight is their LP 'The Return' (2022), which features five powerful tracks transiting between the lysergic and the dense. The band delivers two tracks on their side of the new split: “Darkness Inside” and “Burn It.” The instrumental density is still present and more pulsating than ever, embracing dark and solid tones, hands intertwined with the energy and virtue of Mauren McGee's vocals. Weedevil take us through the paths of psychedelia and seventies rock en route to a new journey proposed in a seductive way by the band, which does not shy away from delivering music with layers to be unveiled with each new listen.
LISTEN: Weedevil - "Darkness Inside"
The Mexican stoner/sludge/doom quartet Electric Cult, which released the great EPs The First Rite and Fuzzeremony as their first two releases, again deliver an exquisite sound surrounded by mud and mist with their two tracks present on the release, “Rising From Hell” and “Esoteric Madness,” completing the release partnership with the band Weedevil. Again we have the already traditional density and obscurity of the Mexican group composed of robust stony riffs and vocals that are sometimes demonic, sometimes harmonic. The band remains relentless in its proposal and masterfully completes the release, which has a physical version edited by the newcomer Smolder Brains Records in CD format.
With art by the talented Steven Yoyada, Cult of Devil Sounds is a milestone of integration between two powerful names in the field, each based on its own particularities and coming from a different country, but integrated in a common objective: to please us with the gloomy, the dense, the muddy. Join the cult!
LISTEN: Electric Cult - "Rising From Hell"
More Electric Cult
More Weedevil
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