#breton girl writes
bretongirlwrites · 3 months
The Falmer gone off in persistent search of my Thrown Voice, and the chaurruses likewise having scuttled away like cats to the rattling of their food-bowl, I bent beside the chest, – which I had determined was either not Falmer; or else some Falmer, tired of spiky grey minimalism and chitin plate, had decided to try a new design. I would not put it past the Falmer of Blackreach, – it must get dull down here, – once the novelties of scrap Dwemer metal and exciting new species of mushroom had worn off; but I was convinced this was from the above-ground; and made by the decidedly not scuttly. The wood had begun to crumple a little; and the hinges had fared little better; but there was a magic on it which even the miserable mizzle of Blackreach could not get to, which my own magic went determined into, and bounced straight off. 
‘Oh!’ said I: ‘do you know a better lockpicking spell?’
Marcurio looked askance at me, and said that the first thing every student learns, when clambering back to the university after a night of revelry, with the curfew in full force, is from the renowned book It's A Hard Lock Life For Us. – I therefore invited him to try. His spell, – o I could not imagine him revelling!, – bounced straight back as mine had.
‘If experience is anything to go by,’ said he, ‘the hardest locks guard fifty-seven septims and an iron dagger. – We ought to keep moving.’
‘Oh!’ I returned, ‘I want to see, – it rattles, listen, –’
And so after much deliberation, we decided upon trying a combined spell; joined hands, summoned it; and not knowing quite if combination worked, tried it regardless. The poor battered box looked miserably at us; creaked; and gave up entirely.
‘A crimson nirnroot!’ I cried at once.
‘Julienne, we already have thirty, –’ Marcurio protested. 
I must scowl and pick up the thing (which was damp quite beyond the norm for a nirnroot, more on the slimy sort of scale); and putting it carefully between two bits of paper, slide it in with the rest. The others in my bag were still chiming, faintly; this one let out a pathetic little whine and fell silent.  
‘Julienne, –’ said Marcurio suddenly. 
He thrust his hand into the box, and drew out the thing I'd wholly ignored, in favour of the sad nirnroot. – A thing which had kept its lustre, despite or perhaps because of the nirnroot-slime at the edges; which was so golden as to half blind us, in the thin darkness of Blackreach; and which we thought, somewhere in our unconsciousness, that we recognised. It was long, thin and perfectly unearthly. It was an Elder Scroll. 
Marcurio whistled: held the thing up as if to read it: thought better of it, valuing despite everything his sanity; and so kept it rolled up and wielded it quite fit to hit someone over the head with it. – I looked about for Falmer and doubted they’d succumb to a whack with a scroll. – The place still empty, – for my Voice had echoed over cliffs and chasms and possibly directly into a troll-nest, – he beheld it eyes gleaming, and said:
‘This must be what we’re looking for! Someone’s been to Mzark before us, –’
‘Oh!’ said I, ‘I hope they haven’t done anything stupid.’
‘They have left an Elder Scroll in a box in a Falmer camp,’ said he, ‘I don’t think we can hope for too much.’
‘How will we know if it is the right Scroll?’ said I.
Marcurio feigned having already been inspecting the thing for identifying marks. He was just about to declare that a particular engraving looked like a dragon; when suddenly he deflated, and cried:
‘The damnable, – the bloody, –
And all at once, he unfurled the Scroll and held it before him; I jumped forwards and feared we’d both be blinded and the ceiling collapse and the world end, – but nothing happened save that Marcurio put his head in his hands and threw the Scroll in my general direction. It did not blind me; nor was it inscribed in enigmas and mysteries; it said at the top: Special Limited Edition; and in the rest of it, things which cannot be related for reasons of decency and copyright. In the early Fourth Era, it seems, there had been a fad for novelty books, which had exceeded the boundaries of decorum, and also of people’s bookshelves; and which had, apparently, gone so far into the tacky and out of the other side, that we’d both of us been fooled. A run of popular books had been printed in the form of Elder Scrolls; and for reasons known only to a certain debauched actor of deepest history, one of them had been The Lusty Argonian Maid. 
‘I want to gouge my eyes out,’ said Marcurio. 
I looked at him; at the scroll, foolishly; thought the same thing; wondered if a Moth Priest had ever been driven to voluntary blindness by bad erotica; and burst out laughing.
‘It isn’t funny!’ said he: ‘we wasted so much magicka on that damn lock, –’
‘Oh!’ said I, ‘we have a crimson nirnroot, –’
It was too dark to see what else was in the box: but perceiving glimmers which reflected the distant pinpricks on the vault, I put my hand in. I found a coin or two, – what I hoped for fear of worse, were the wet remains of another nirnroot, – then, at last, after all our treasure-hunting efforts, my fingers fell upon something smooth, something cut, something faceted, –
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Character who pretends to be a powerful mage, but actually only uses potions.
‘The new Archmagister,’ exclaimed Nirya, in too loud a whisper, ‘is a perfect fraud.’
And she, – who had spent all of the last three days at the door to the top quarters; and some of the night listening a little licentiously at the keyhole, – ought to know; or else ought to be able to spin a convincing lie about it. Her contemporaries gathered about her, would always feign being fed up with her stories; but nevertheless, fearing that one day her gossip would be valuable, they leaned in closer.
‘A fraud!’ cried Tolfdir: ‘that’s a fine accusation. Have you proof?’
Nirya’s hands were so excited, that she sat on them; and said revelatory: 
‘That big cloak they wear is filled to the brim with spell-scrolls. A perfect library in there! They have only to do some hocus-pocus outside, to distract from the using of one; and then, –’
‘Don’t we all defer to spell-scrolls, sometimes?’ said Drevis, ‘when absolutely necessary? There is nothing wrong with, –’
‘I have never used a spell-scroll,’ said Phinis the picture of honesty: and Drevis blushing, bade them all ignore him. 
‘Really I thought the coat was for the cold,’ said Tolfdir: ‘they after all, are not used to the weather up here. And Savos used to have a heavy sort of coat, –’
‘Maybe Savos was a fraud too,’ said Nirya quite cutting: to general displeasure and muttering all about her. ‘Anyway there’s room for potions in there, too, – lots of potions. Have you seen their quarters? They’re growing glowing mushrooms all up a log in the centre. For potions to fortify destruction, you see.’
‘This is all a conspiracy,’ said Faralda at once: ‘you haven’t any real proof, and you know it.’
‘Well!’ said she: ‘the Psijics put them in charge, didn’t they? Because now they’re in charge. The new Arch-Mage doesn’t know anything about magic. They’ll defer to the Order. And so will we have to, –’
‘Conspiracy!’ cried Faralda again. 
‘I am not sure,’ Tolfdir intervened, ‘that we can judge the Arch-Mage not to be a mage.’
‘They’re just an Arch,’ protested Nirya, ‘an Arch-nothing.’
‘The new Arch-Mage,’ Tolfdir went on, ‘is after all the Dragonborn. Who possesses greater power than any of us. Which is saying something, –’
‘Which is saying nothing,’ said Nirya, ‘they never had to learn, nor study; they do not know how magic works; they just speak some word they learnt somewhere, and things happen beyond their understanding; it may be thrice as powerful as a spell-scroll, but it’s as good as a spell-scroll nonetheless. The Arch-Mage, – the Dragonborn, – it’s fraud, it’s all fraud!’
‘Nirya,’ said Faralda tongue sharp, ‘remind me again what your research-project is about.’
Nirya stood up so suddenly, that she knocked over her stool; and in stooping to rescue it, hid a rising pallor. For a moment it seemed that she might slap Faralda; but in the presence of the others, a smack of a glare must suffice. In this angular sort of mood she appeared too thin for her robes. The more observant among them, noticed a hand slip within; some quiet clanking; then retreat, when at last, subdued, she managed:
‘You would not understand it!’
before disappearing, – quite as if by magic.
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thana-topsy · 7 months
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A short comic based on the ACTUAL in-game dialogue between Colette and Urag that was so cringe I had to get it out of my brain. Thanks to @kookaburra1701 for pointing it out and cursing me with this.
Featuring Enthir being a menace.
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sylvienerevarine · 19 days
Youth is Wasted on the Young
I was somehow overwhelmed by the urge to write something through Ulfric Stormcloak's POV. This will probably never happen again.
Ulfric Stormcloak doesn’t care for this new Dragonborn.
She’s irritatingly short, for one thing. It’s not healthy for a man’s neck, looking down that far all the time. And that shrill voice of hers pierces his eardrums even when she’s not Shouting. She’s bossy, nosy, self-righteous. Not to mention her wilful insistence on being a foreigner. Everyone knows Kyne gifted the Thu’um to the Nords–there’s no reason She should also be gifting it to one of those uppity half-elf Bretons.
(It should have been him, it should have been, what was the point of spending half his youth with the Greybeards otherwise?)
When the letter arrives–excessively wordy, written in a looping schoolgirl script that’s almost unreadable even with spectacles–Ulfric is tempted to throw it in the fireplace before he’s halfway done. He has frequently and loudly asserted that the only time he’d share a room with General Tullius is if the man was surrendering, which seems unlikely under the circumstances.
That’s not even considering the rest of the missive, every line of which is absurd. Alduin has returned to eat the world sounds like a pathetic ploy to force a compromise. The type of lie a little girl would tell her estranged parents to make them reunite. 
(He’s seen the dragon, though, on what should have been his last day alive, and hers as well. He’s certain the beast looked at her, just briefly, like she was a long-lost relative.)
In the end, of course, he goes to High Hrothgar, if only out of some morbid curiosity. Endures the disappointed looks from his former mentors, says good afternoon to Tullius like a proper diplomat, refrains from Shouting Elenwen’s skinny Thalmor arse off her chair. He’ll be good, if he must.
She’s there, of course, in a gaudy velvet cape and bright yellow dress. She looks at them like a queen looks at her subjects, or a teacher looks at bright but unruly students. A mongrel foreigner, a mistake the gods made, the only hope anyone has.
“Am I right in assuming,” she says, “that none of you would like to be eaten by a dragon?”
And Ulfric admits, silently and grudgingly, that one needn’t like the Dragonborn to respect her.
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hannah-heartstrings · 5 months
The First WIP Wednesday of the Year!
Thanks for the tag, @inkysqueed!
Tagging: @babyblueetbaemonster, @druidx, @inkysqueed again, @katastronoot, and @nostalgic-breton-girl (or any of your accounts)
I currently don't have access to my files because my laptop's battery and cord both went kaput. I could wait till the new ones arrive tomorrow, but nah. I still had to write somehow, so I've been writing in my drafts, I might as well just share one of those. XD
(But that's why the formatting is different.)
So here's Lecrinn and Garrus and my explanation for something in-game.
"Why don't you sleep in the captain's quarters?"
"I just..." his gaze trailed down.
She looked annoyed, having a feeling she knew where this was going.
"I don't want a nicer bed than everyone else."
She was right. "You work harder than everyone else."
"Well... I suppose, yes, but-"
"Those shoulders," she poked one, "carry the weight of the world, they deserve a nice comfy bed to collapse into at the end of the day."
He considered. "The pauldrons do grow heavy."
"Mhm," she drug out with a hopeful smile.
Gaze shifting to her, he couldn't help smiling a little. "All right, I'll think about it."
Hers fell a little. "Thinking about it" could easily turn into "forgetting about it." Her lips pulled back up into a smirk. She'd just have to come back soon to check on him.
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alongtidesoflight · 1 year
back when i got started with modding and began advertising my stuff i'd always put it into coded words like "romanceable regardless of gender" or some shit so the cishet bethesda fanboys wouldn't start foaming at the mouth and just look past the gays as long as they get to have some dunmer or breton coochie and i think it's what ultimately broke my neck about finishing it coz i was just expecting it to blow over and my account to get troll swarmed if i ever put it up on the nexus because we're talking about the website that collectively lost its shit over a rainbow flag in spiderman in like what 2020
i'd be scared to write lines like a guy talking about his very same sex lover, or a girl being sweet on another lady or a nonbinary blacksmith and their partner and their children and i'd put them in then erase them the next day and put them in and erase them the other day again and it'd get even worse when a quest was kinda built on the history of that because at one point some voice lines were crucial to a script or a stage progression and i couldn't just cut them out anymore
i was trying to really keep it on the down low to avoid any backlash with the bethesda fanboys but the end result of that was hollow and didn't ring true and i just ended up getting increasingly anxious about the thing and couldn't look at it anymore lol and it's a shame because it's really in the stage of being close to an alpha release so if i could just stop being neurotic over the what ifs of the future for five fucking SECONDS yk
anway todd put canon gays into your game i beg you
don't just let a guy wear a dress and play it off as a joke in the trailer give me same sex relationships, queer people and gender modification so i don't have to create an entire condition to check if the player chose they/them pronouns for every voice line
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Welcome to my miscellaneous art/dump blog ↓
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Name: ttpoi/Caspian
Pronouns: He/him
Gender: Just Some Guy • Schizoid
What I do: Draw things I like. I also talk a lot about games and media. Frequent nonsensical ramblings.
Language: CN/ENG
DNI Criteria: Please do not interact with my posts and blog if you are a TERF or a transphobe.
Blog Tag Navigation Guide:
• ttpoiart (art)
• ttpoiwrites (fandom writing)
• ttpoilog (personal writing and My Things)
• ttpoicharacter (my OCs)
• pre-grief syndrome (Sayaka Miki art)
• Sayaka Archives (Sayaka-related introspection, analysis, thoughts, pondering)
• Fav art shelf (other people’s art that I reblog here)
• (?) Archives (For extra works that I also like and am obsessed with on the blog. To use, input a name of said thing plus the archive label. E.g Grass Archives.)
For OC art, you can also go to @library-mother because some works are archived there.
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Here's some other stuff I'm interested in, but otherwise, have a good day (((;ꏿ_ꏿ;)))
Maretu — Girl Eraser, Namida, Magical Doctor, New Darling, The Taste of Cockroach, Brain Revolution Girl, aishiteitanoni, Packet Hero, Miseenen, Dokuhaku, Koukatsu, Last Day
Masa Works Design — Rondon Slag Pathy HI, God of Marie, Soap Lagoon, Paris Green, Himitsuno kingyo
Itimatu Suzuka — Yes I am, yumenokeloid, hana-arashi
Mitski — Stay Soft, Francis Forever, A Pearl, Me and My Husband, Washing Machine Heart, This is a Life, Should Have Been Me, Your Best American Girl
Steampianist — The Singing Tumor, Candle Boy, Dream Eating Machine, Hero of the Abyss, Black Hole, Ang Cariñosa
Cosmo Sheldrake — The Fly, Tardigrade Song, Piloscene, The Moss, Linger Longer, Come Along, Pelicans We
Yatoimtop — GREENER GRASS AWAITS, Liminal Ranger, Pearl Grabber, Tropic Jim’s Sweet Island Adventure
Yames — Discover My Body, Water Womb World, Via Negativa, Discover Our Bodies
Taylor Swietanski — THAT NIGHT STEEPED BY BLOOD RIVER, Spirits Mirror: Digital Possessed, Caged Bird Don’t Fly
Modus Interactive — Iketsuki, Beneath a Withering Moon, Groaning Steel
Bread and All Variations of the Aforementioned, The Dummy's Dummy, Cursed Princess Club, Shoujo Jiten, Apocalyptic Horseplay, Curse of the Three Sisters, Berserk, Blade of the Immortal, Uratarou
Misc. items of joy:
Breton hats, stickers, keychains, music boxes, aquariums, puppets, vintage dolls, ventriloquist dummies, wooden toys, angel statues, paper stars, cats, old animated fairytale movies, nutcrackers, traditional clothing, the Christmas atmosphere, seashells
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elavoria · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @dirty-bosmer, thank you! I tag @nostalgic-breton-girl, @sheirukitriesfandom, @boethiahspillowbook, and anyone else who wants to share. :3
I’ve belatedly realized that there are a lot of Pathfinder sourcebooks online, so I’ve been doing more reading than writing lately, but I did manage to type up this bit of Isanna having too much fun at the end of Regill’s test:
“And?” she asked a little too eagerly, eyes a little too bright. “What is your judgment?” He stared at her for a long moment, then took a deep breath and said, “I must concede—in a way, I even feel obliged to do so—that you passed my test with flying colors. To my deepest regret, even some of my fellow Hellknights would have failed to impressed me to this degree.” Her heart swelled with pride and more than a little self-satisfaction that she couldn’t entirely keep out of the smile that spread across her face. “You honor me,” she said with a gracious dip of her head. “As for your assessment…” He raised an eyebrow, and her smile turned mischievous. “Your test administration skills leave something to be desired. However, the test did accomplish your objective, and furthermore, it was a very amusing diversion, so I believe that can be overlooked.”
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wispstalk · 1 year
summer reading/writing/arting tag
tagged by the inimitable @blossom-adventures ty <3
1) Describe one creative WIP project you’re planning to work on over the summer. - hopefully finishing the nature of fire. soon it's gonna be too hot to do anything outside during day so summer is a good time for writing. i am also going to try and draw all the NPCs i feature in the story and ofc put tanis in so many fruity little outfits
2) Recommend a book. - most recent thing I read and liked was Tender is the Flesh/Cadáver exquisito by Agustina Bazterrica. read a synopsis before jumping in tho, it's pretty fucked
3) Recommend a fic! - my ao3 bookmarks and my microfic tag are full of good stuff. currently keeping up with A Respectable Lady's Guide to Skyrim but otherwise i haven't been reading much fic lately.
4) Recommend music! - Little Simz - Stillness in Wonderland is a 10/10 album and a perennial in my summer soundtrack rotation. here's a song
5) Share one piece of advice! - don't cook bacon with your shirt off, my friends. this probably meant creative advice. too bad!
tagging back: @nuwanders @dirty-bosmer @avantegarda @druidx @thealterscrolls @jauffrejam @jiubilant @crynwr-drwg @larkscribbles @ehlnofay @nostalgic-breton-girl @moss-atronach @gilgameshians @thelonghanddaydream @lichposting @archangelsammy @un-sea-lie @ervona @biiigwinged @arimabari
lol this tag list is so aggressive i'm trying to goad my mutuals into posting books and music tho feel free to ignore <3
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viisiond · 8 months
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Diana was a former jeweler within Khaenri'ah up until the Cataclysm. From that point on she had begun wandering Teyvat's surface, taking an interest in magic and the mages on the surface and becoming one of great importance. Joining the Hexenzirkel and continuing her research in order to undo the curse put upon her by Celestia for being a pureblooded Khaenri'ahn. However MANY years after the fall of her home and wandering aimlessly, gathering knowledge upon knowledge, learning culture upon culture, Diana ended up meeting a woman named Azrael and the two became fast friends- Diana finally having someone on par with her vast knowledge and despite most of her writings being behind the marble doors of her Archives within the Hexenzirkel's base, Diana kept the more personal research and information within a grimoire that was always on her person. [We're talking homebrew spells, potions, dark magic/arts, her own experiments, etc.] While on a trip to Fontaine again, Diana had found herself caught in a torrential downpour with a man known as Richard Breton- the two running into each other and going to find somewhere to wait out the rain- while they sat there in the church they began to fill the silence with talks of both the nation they were in and Diana's ever growing collection of knowledge, sharing it with someone who seemed genuinely interested in her talks... and the longer she stayed in the nation of justice, the more she fell in love with him. However, the further she got close to Richard, the more Azrael began pushing and pushing for more of her information, more of what Diana had hidden from the world... And it began to make her wary, seeing Azrael growing in power herself made Diana have to take a step back from their friendship. Once she did, Diana had officially sealed her archives within the hexenzirkel along with left in order to marry Richard and start their family... It wasn't until their first child, Miranda, was born did Diana officially cut off Azrael, having seen her learn how to manipulate the abyss and the ichor that flowed through it was enough for Diana to say enough was enough... but it left her wide open for the other. And as they went about their lives, Diana enjoying the quiet life of being a hatter's wife and learning the trade with her new husband in Fontaine, Azrael was growing stronger and far more powerful by the day... but she would never reach the level that Diana was on. ....and finally, their final daughter was born, Lettie. Diana was content with their girls (Miranda, Daenerys, Ophelia, Celeste, Kaelin, and Lettie) but she was forever worried about the future for them, knowing that their mother was of another world, knowing her library (her archive, the work she put her LIFE into) could be broken into at any moment...and knowing her former best friend was steadily growing stronger by the moment. And while Diana had found a way to break her curse throughout her journey by the time her 2nd oldest was born, she didn't know how long it'd be until Azrael came after her family... So once Lettie was 4, she left them. She disappeared and left only her grimoire behind for her youngest to have when she was older. Lo and behold, she was right about Azrael coming after her for her grimoire- which resulted in the two witches fighting, Diana losing her life by her old friend drowning her in a fit of rage when Diana revealed she no longer possessed the book she so desperately wanted...
Currently, in present day Teyvat, Diana's influence is only found within Magic and how it's presented as an art and as a weapon. Her archives still sealed shut and the only key being within the black leatherbound Grimoire now in her 17 year old daughter's possession... The only thing the girls had to remember their mother by besides images and stories from their Auntie Azrael, a former friend of their mother's and the same one who left her murder a mystery to the guards of Fontaine... But sooner or later, her archives will reopen and the truth her youngest sought for her whole life will be found: Just who exactly was Diana Pendragon? And why was she so important...?
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bretongirlwrites · 2 months
‘I must confess,’ said I though I’d confessed it before, and numerously: ‘that I cannot keep all the details straight: I am no historian, and especially not of Morrowind.’
‘It is not a history-lesson exactly,’ said Caius as he’d done before: but added as he’d not, that: ‘I know I have had you look at the big picture; but the least details may be just as important; and I think I might be sending you for more pieces to it, in time. It befits a spy to know the territory intimately, before they venture into it, –’
‘Then I had better know,’ said I, ‘what it is that the Emperor wants.’
I spread my hands as if to say: the cards up my sleeve are mediocre; and leant over more interested yet in his shaded documents, than I was in whatever his truthful answer might be. Caius made to hand me a bit of paper, which I recognised as his decoded cipher; but thought better of it, and retreated before even I had untied the first knotted capital of his scrawl. He pushed his glasses up his nose and read the thing as if he’d never seen it before; or as if he couldn’t read his own writing; whereupon I in the painful silence, said suddenly:
‘There is a gentleman who comes here sometimes, when I have been out. A High Elf, I think, nearly a foot above me, –’
‘Tyermaillin,’ returned Caius blinking.
He was too tall a man to be skirting around in the shadows; but noble enough, I’d thought, for a man who had pretended, in meeting me on the street, that he didn’t know me. I’d never known, not knowing him, why he’d needed to pretend; I’d supposed, in moments of prejudice, that an Altmer saw me much as I saw a ragged child hardly up to my waist. 
‘One of your other agents, I suppose,’ said I: ‘I know all this is bigger than me. Than both of us. That it goes all the way up, that the upper echelons are shaken, and the world with them. – This man, this Tyermaillin, –’
‘One of the other agents in Vvardenfell,’ replied Caius still distracted by his paper, hoping perhaps it were a mistranslation. ‘I had forgotten to introduce you.’
‘I suppose too,’ said I, ‘that you have forgotten to tell me a good many things that you have told him. I am missing pieces, great pieces, and cannot put it all together. But I have suspicions, and must have suspicions, because I am a spy, –’
Caius too, was missing pieces of the thing: and I did not quite see it, in the moment: saw his papers as some disparate whole I didn’t know about, and not as they were, as disparate only. He took up another bit, compared it, wondered which to pass me, if I ought to know at all.
‘Oh!’ said he, ‘we all have suspicions. Of course we do. But without more information, we are all at a loss, and, –’
‘You are looking for a Nerevarine,’ said I flippant, ‘or if you cannot find one, you mean to make one.’
Caius continued only to blink at me. I took this, and the glance at his papers, quite in error; and set forth upon those suspicions I’d had, – that this all came from the Emperor himself, – that a pet Nerevarine, who’d topple gods and remake a province, would be a fine asset: a finer one at least, than a shabby pipe-smoker and a scrawny thief. That prophecies cannot be talked of, without their beginnings arising in shadows and side-glances and things half known: that if the Blades believed Nerevar was to return, then he'd return, in the first face which half fitted the description. 
And it was ridiculous, and it was superstition, and if Caius meant to mention the simultaneous proliferation of congested ash-things, then he must not underestimate though he had seen their forms dusty as the gathering Ghostgate air, – simple coïncidence.
I’d never since Marianne’s preachings on Mara’s all-loving embrace, held forth so against superstition; and breathless, I looked back at Caius, for I’d lost myself half in it. He sighed and passed a hand over his brow and gathering that paternal air I’d increasingly seen in him, picked out two or three of the papers to hand to me, –
‘And the man Tyermaillin,’ I said at last, ‘is tall, and grand, and his hair is high upon his brow, – he is an Elf at least, and may play the part to your liking.’
Caius squinted at me more than at his handwriting; and said, very slowly:
‘You think Tyermaillin is to be the Nerevarine?’
I must confess that I didn’t know: only that I hadn’t seen anyone else visit Caius’s house, save myself, – he winced, and I did not see it, in the moment, – and that I’d conjectured myself halfway to oblivion, and would not speculate so wildly again. The confession was not entirely out, when I realised it was not quite true; and that Caius was still looking at me in that strange paternal sort of way, as I supposed the Emperor might have looked at him, even as he gave him orders founded in dreams and superstitions and toy-soldier fantasies. 
‘No,’ said Caius, ‘no, it is not him. And I am not sure the thing is superstition. Stranger things have happened; and strange things are to come; but if I told you that Nerevar would reincarnate as Cyrodiil as you or I, would you, –’
‘I’d think you ridiculous,’ said I: and beginning to smile, shaky as the upper echelons, perfectly missed in the moment for it was convoluted, my own name, – repeated like a prayer, – winding and bound into those papers he curled beneath his fingers.
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sheirukitriesfandom · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
@elavoria @nostalgic-breton-girl @skyrim-forever @the-sunlit-earth and @miraakulous-cloud-district tagged me for WIP Wednesday. Thank you all 🤗 Oh, and tagging you all back. 😜
I have a whole bunch of writing in the works but I'm too lazy to remove placeholders atm, so have a drawing instead.
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The funny thing is, the paper version no longer exists. I wanted to paint it with watercolours and ended up royally screwing it up. However, I've since digitalised it and intend to paint over it digitally. Yay for technology 😃
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fuffette · 11 months
1Q84 by Haruki Murakami Invisibility: A Manifesto by Audrey Szasz Bunny by Mona Awad Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. The Sentence by Louise Erdrich Her Body and Other Parties: Stories by Carmen Maria Machado The Encyclopedia of the Dead by Danilo Kiš One Hundred Shadows by Jungeun Hwang Nights at the Circus by Angela Carter The Castle of Crossed Destinies by Italo Calvino The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami Amrita by Banana Yoshimoto Whale by Myeong-Kwan Cheon The Cat Who Saved Books by Sōsuke Natsukawa Lonely Castle in the Mirror by Mizuki Tsujimura The Minuscule Mansion of Myra Malone by Audrey Burges The Probable Future by Alice Hoffman Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman by Angela Carter The Melancholy of Resistance by László Krasznahorkai Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh The Rings of Saturn by W.G. Sebald The Overstory by Richard Powers Poison by Kathryn Harrison Bitter Orange by Fuller, Claire We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Fowler, Karen Joy The Edible Woman by Atwood, Margaret A School for Fools by Sokolov, Sasha Ferdydurke by Gombrowicz, Witold The Iliac Crest by Rivera Garza, Cristina Paris Peasant by Aragon, Louis The Making of a Marchioness by Burnett, Frances Hodgson Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Semple, Maria Hell by Barbusse, Henri The Honk and Holler Opening Soon by Letts, Billie Find Me by Berg, Laura van den * Big Swiss by Beagin, Jen Mariana by Dickens, Monica The Lime Works by Bernhard, Thomas Dead Souls by Gogol, Nikolai Gargoyles by Bernhard, Thomas The Pachinko Parlour by Dusapin, Elisa Shua Lolly Willowes by Warner, Sylvia Townsend Rebecca by du Maurier, Daphne The Hearing Trumpet by Carrington, Leonora Jane Eyre by Brontë, Charlotte The Savage Detectives by Bolaño, Roberto Solitude: A Novel of Catalonia by Català, Víctor Almond by Sohn Won-Pyung My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Moshfegh, Ottessa Heaven by Kawakami, Mieko Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 by Cho Nam-joo Convenience Store Woman by Murata, Sayaka Iza's Ballad by Szabó, Magda The Door by Szabó, Magda Phantom Limb by Berry, Lucinda The Night Journal by Crook, Elizabeth Faces in the Water by Frame, Janet Three Apples Fell from the Sky by Abgaryan, Narine The Hottest Dishes of the Tartar Cuisine by Bronsky, Alina Eileen by Moshfegh, Ottessa I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home by Moore, Lorrie The Stationery Shop by Kamali, Marjan Breasts and Eggs by Kawakami, Mieko Milkman by Burns, Anna The Maid by Prose, Nita The Guest by Cline, Emma Hang the Moon by Walls, Jeannette The Secret of Ventriloquism by Padgett, Jon The Salt Line by Jones, Holly Goddard Perdido Street Station by Miéville, China The Accursed by Oates, Joyce Carol Occupy Me by Sullivan, Tricia Poison Study by Snyder, Maria V. The Last Heir to Blackwood Library by Fox, Hester Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Fawcett, Heather Skylark by Kosztolányi, Dezső Blue of Noon by Bataille, Georges Ruth Hall and Other Writings by Fern, Fanny The Vegetarian by Han Kang Nadja by Breton, André Exquisite Corpse by Brite, Poppy Z. Ice by Kavan, Anna Kallocain by Boye, Karin Palimpsest by Valente, Catherynne M. Elena Knows by Piñeiro, Claudia Landor's Tower: Or Imaginary Conversations by Sinclair, Iain The Birthday Party by Mauvignier, Laurent The Magnolia Palace by Davis, Fiona Memories of the Future by Krzhizhanovsky, Sigizmund Under a Glass Bell by Nin, Anaïs Sugar by McFadden, Bernice L. Vintage Cisneros by Cisneros, Sandra Raising Hope by Willard, Katie Chodleros de Laclos Les Liasions Dangereuses by Various Daddy-Long-Legs by Webster, Jean Local Anaesthetic by Grass, Günter Don't Stop the Carnival by Wouk, Herman Confessions of Felix Krull by Mann, Thomas The House of Mirth by Wharton, Edith Radiant Terminus by Volodine, Antoine Shanghai Girls by See, Lisa The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov, Mikhail (Translator: Mirra Ginsburg) Owlish by Tse, Dorothy
undue influence by anita brookner slip of a fish by amy arnold beside myself by ann morgan blue ticket by sophie mackintosh nostalgia by mircea cartarescu I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself by Crane, Marisa
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fromthedragonswake · 1 year
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i've never kept a ldb beyond their initial playthrough bc i tire of them so easily BUT i finally have one i'm keeping i think
info on her below the cut
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Name: Liavinne Varro Alias[es]: Vin is what she introduces herself as, less out of necessity and more just the fact she's not a fan of her full name. friends get to call her Vinnie Gender: female Age: 28 Race: half breton, half imperial. she's got some bosmer & nord ancestry in there as well Birthdate: 4E 173 Place of birth: Cyrodiil Hometown: Bruma Spoken language[s]: tamrielic [common tongue]. gods help her if anyone tries to communicate with her via anything else Sexual preference: bisexual Occupation: is "Dragonborn" an acceptable professional occupation? if not, she'll write herself down as adventurer
Eye color: light blue [relevant] Hair color: very dark brown Height: 5'7" / 169 cm Scars: several on her face, received during her time in the synod conclave via an altercation with a summoned scamp
Colour[s]: can't pick a favourite, maybe purple and red shades? Instrument: drums! lutes and flutes are nice and all, but nothing soothes her as much as the sound of a steady drum Food: plain meat stews. if you give her anything with seasonings she may keel over and die Drink: ale
Passed university: she comes from Bruma, she has no formal education LMAO Had sex: no Kissed a boy: yes Kissed a girl: yes Gotten tattoos: she's thought about it but no Gotten piercings: no, the idea of having a hole in her skin frightens her Been in love: not truly Wanted to kill someone: barring out of self defense? yes, and she feels terrible about it
A virgin: ya A cuddler: yes A kisser: sure Scared easily: yes Jealous easily: no Single: i made her with the intention of romancing Taliesen or Gore but idk! she's single for now
Have / had a job: nothing formal, just odd jobs here and there Have any fears: loneliness, death, vampires, daedric influence, having no purpose
Parent[s]: Jullus Varro [father] and Florianne Maborel [mother] Sibling[s]: she's an only child Children: in this economy? Other immediate family: Lyon Varro [uncle] and Marius Varro [grandfather] Notable ancestor[s]: Martin Septim [great great grandfather], Cyella Stenric [great great grandmother and my HoK], Uriel Septim VII [great great great grandfather I GUESS]. she doesn't find out until she meets Sheogorath Pets: no. maybe in the future when she's settled down, right now she'd feel too bad leaving a pet at home while she adventures
Song[s] I associate with her: Your Answer - Masayoshi Soken, Close in the Distance - Masayoshi Soken
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spectre-tabris · 3 months
oc masterlist
i said i was gonna do this weeks ago and hey look i'm finally getting around to it. do i have a whole in-depth oc page already? yep! is it accessible from the app or mobile site? no idea, but probably not! thus, pinned post.
super basic list because i'm lazy like that. and also because there is, as previously mentioned, more details than anyone probably desires on the actual oc page. any character with an at least mostly completed page is linked below, the rest will get linked as i finish the character write-ups (which is...progressing. slowly).
sorted by source
Baldur's Gate
Myrian Callith - BG1/2/ToB, CN elven thief, romanced Viconia Kalye Despana - BG3, N drow wizard, romanced Gale Avryn - BG3, N elven ranger
Elder Scrolls
Jehenara of House Ravenwatch - ESO, CN Dunmer dragonknight Braithe Delconis - ESO, N Breton necromancer Ailith Dakatti - TESIII/TESIV, N Dunmer
Dragon Age
Kyra Lavellan - DAI, NG mage, romanced Cassandra Rion Lavellan - DAI, LN warrior, romanced Dorian Lex Tabris - DAO, CG rogue, romanced Zevran
OwlCat Games
Rysari - Pathfinder: Kingmaker, NG aasimar ranger, romanced Tristian Dinaeve - Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, CG human skald, romanced Daeran
Other Video Games
Isadore Chayal - Pillars of Eternity, LG->N moon godlike psyblade Adrienne Shepard - Mass Effect trilogy, NG infiltrator, romanced Kaidan Willow Chrysenfalle - Neverwinter Nights, NG elven ranger Valeria Naeris - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, N Jedi Sentinel, romanced Bastila
Heidrun Raskob - NG human wizard, Wildemount campaign Vyr Atenashi - human monk, Jungles of Chult campaign Laena Chayal - NG->CG->CN->NE (my girl had a Journey) elven wizard, Mad God's Chosen campaign Alinore Northbrooke - CG half-elven rogue/paladin, Tyranny of Dragons campaign Fane of the Dawn - NG tabaxi blood hunter, Curse of Strahd campaign Rhya Vulkyne - CG fire genasi wizard/sorcerer, Out of the Abyss campaign Ravi Vasira - NG->N water genasi cleric, Keepers of the Sun campaign Ruani Zehrik - N half-elven warlock, Eleutherian campaign
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ervona · 10 months
I do have many characters besides the ones I talk about, so here's a few of them at least, most don't have names but eventually will. and writing a bit about each of them turned out longer than I expected...
Sings-of-Dreams, the argonian... mage probably. worked many jobs in Windhelm, one day decided to swim over to Winterhold. she's not very developed but she does have a name courtesy of one deleted npc that was going to be servant of the Cruel-Seas
bosmer mercenary that worked for the Telvanni, at least during Morrowind and up to the Red Year. don't know if I'll keep her like this but it's the first idea I had for why a girl from Valenwood is in Morrowind. tangentially related to Merry as her uhh sister in law
prisoner from the intro of Oblivion... wanted to take revenge on Llether for failing them as a lawyer but it all turned out well and they dropped the amulet on him instead because they couldn't pawn it off. probably in the Thieves Guild, idk if they're involved further in the main quest, it would be cool if these two reunited
altmer-breton shipwright and family in Auridon. nothing much going on here besides that yet, I wanted to write in this setting
altmer sailor and assassin, I played a few Morrowind mods with him, thus the very interesting occupations. his name in game is Oleander, he's kind of a joke, he has very bad luck which makes him a good assassin by accident. may be related to the Auridon family, he's originally from Summerset, just stuck in Morrowind
dunmer-orsimer rogue, she's just a little rapscallion who I played the Camonna Tong mod with, and thus her story is incompatible with the other ocs but I can make it work. her name in game was Dushka. bit of a joke character too, she's way too strong for what her lore suggests, maybe she wields some sorta magical artifact
Nerevarine-Sheogorath and I must say, I was trying to figure out what to do with my least favorite main quests, and this idea was born... I know nothing about the character but their ultimate fate. maybe will be an argonian since I love them and want more ocs... interesting lore to explore wrt their soul's connection to the Hist?
Brand-Shei's family, Llether's family etc I haven't done much yet. I'd like to have more characters for each faction I find interesting, but that's for after I'm done with these. may add another Oblivion character that's more typically hero-like, maybe mages' guild idk
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