#bro your art style is so perfect
bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
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What fans say:
The Lorax:
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse:
It had a very big impact on meme culture. And a really catchy soundtrack. Plus it has the silly sexy green man. What more could you want from a film.*
The Once-ler and the let it die song. This movie is glorious.
It is legit the mother of all great animated movies nowadays. From Mitchells vs the machines to the new mutant mayhem movie! The plot is so good and you can really see character development from almost all of the characters, plus the designs are BANGER.
BRO THE ANIMATION IS SO SICK. The amount of sheer effort put into this movie is insane. The character growth was so amazing to watch and such a great movie to analyze. Best scenes are obviously the leap of faith. Actually gorgeous. And also the scene where aunt May sees Peter b after her Peter died. Her “you look tired, Peter” is just so heartfelt
Where the hell do I even start. The visuals are incredible and the plot is engaging. Every scene is perfect.
This film has EVERYTHING. Humor, action, inspirational scenes, kickass music, absolutely killer animation, an art style that is an homage to comic books, loveable characters, a talking pig, DR OLIVIA OCTAVIUS, I could go on
This is the best superhero movie ever made, the leap of faith is one of the best movie scenes of ever
The animation style is better than all the others, and makes the movie funnier too! The representation is also good, and the romantic storyline isn't too prevalent in the movie. Probably the best animation Marvel has made. My favorite scene is when the villains show up to Aunt May's house -- its my favorite fight scene!
I’m sure this movie’s been submitted already because it’s arguably the greatest animated film of all time. I have a personal connection to it because I saw it in theaters on opening night with my late father, and we both loved it and I still do. The animation is revolutionary and it’s one of the only 3 movies that make me cry.
gsksvbsvsbsvs I love everything about it, I love the animations, the story, the soundtrack also the style of animation AAAAAA its so beautiful its art it belongs in a museum i get goosebumps everytime I rewatch it
It’s just so good. All the characters are amazing and I love Miles dad. It’s hilarious and sparked my love for spider-man. It’s such a sweet movie about finding yourslef and has such a powerful message. I totally recommend it so I’m not adding spoilers, but like. Ohhhh, it’s so good.
Interesting villains, well-developed character arcs, a fresh take on Spider-Man, unique use of animation, funny, good use of multiverse that adds to the nature of the story being told, complicated character dynamics
It's the best animated movie because A: it takes one of the most well known comic characters of all time, kills him off in the first few minutes, and then shows you every cooler version of him. B: Has a large amount of representation in its main cast, considering that they're all versions of Spiderman, and that requires a white guy by default. C: everything in it is so well done I can't pick a favorite scene, but the most iconic is the jump off the skyscraper window.
The animation is incredible, the movie has so much story and heart, and there’s a perfect balance between humor and seriousness. And the soundtrack slaps
This is probably the best animated film I've ever seen. The animation is definitely the highlight, the way they blend comic book art styles and 3D animation is an absolute joy to look at and is so overwhelmingly creative, every frame of this movie is gorgeous. The impact this had on the industry is undeniable, as we start to see more and more movies getting more creative with their animation styles. It's not just the animation though. All of the characters are entertaining, all of the jokes land and the story is really well done. It leaves me blown away every time I watch it.
This movie kind of changed the western animation industry from the ground up. Apart from being expertly written, funny, and heartfelt, it is also stellarly animated, with a unique visual style that takes direct inspiration from the comic books it adapts and mixes 2d- and 3d-animation in a way and to a degree that hadn't really been seen before in western mainstream. Its critical and monetary success paved the way for mainstream 3d animation to open up to new and excitingly stylised movies that were like a breath of fresh air between the generic Pixar-style animation that had been the largely unchanged norm in the industry since Toy Story circa twenty years earlier**. ITSV divides the screen like panels on a comic page, it uses dots and lines for shading and gradients, doesn't shy away from lowering framerates for stylisation, and makes liberal use of onomatopoeia, both to comedic and dramatic impact. Impact frames and SFX are often hand-drawn and stunningly colourful, and even the simple dialogue scenes astonish with an expressiveness and realism in their depiction of emotions that makes me rewatch a two-second scene of Miles laughing fifteen times in a row. My favourite scene has to be the What's Up Danger scene, the emotional climax of the movie. Set to an absolute banger of a song, it is the moment the entire film has been building up to. I won't spoil anything plot-wise in case you somehow haven't seen this movie, but both from an emotional and a visual standpoint it is Fucking Dope. Conclusion: Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse is my favourite movie of all time and I could talk about it for hours. If you haven't seen it, go watch it. Thank you.
Have you SEEN the Whats Up Danger/rising and falling scene? it's a work of art that makes me fall in love with storytelling all over again whenever I see it. Also the impact that it's had on animated film is absolutely being felt at current, if incrementally. Incredible film.
It has an amazing art style based on comics and mixed up due to genre differences. It's really fun and the characters are great, even the side ones. The story line is great and I love Miles and his family.
*Mod note: errr, quite a lot more than memes and music actually
**Mod note: amen
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transmascaraa · 3 months
Ok so imagine that reader has a journal and genshin men(gaming, lyney, etc) find it and there’s stuff reader wrote about liking them etc, how would they react👀
multiple characters headcannons!
you have a secret journal, well, you used to...
characters: gaming, lyney x gn!reader
author's note: that's so cute fr tho i think that they would have the cutest expressions ANYWAY this is probably the last post until maybe the 3rd of march??? idk tomorrow is the day of independence for my country(honestly i might make something then tbh) but then it's global shutdown for Palestine or something and like yeah ig👍
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๑ Gaming
-you kept your journal in your wardrobe, in a hoodie that gaming once gave you.
-you were showering, and called him.
-he answered like the good boyfriend he is and came to your door, not coming inside tho.
-you told him to bring you some cozy clothes to wear, and leave them on your bed.
-he did it, of course. rushing to your shared bedroom and opening the wardrobe. taking some lower pjs and the hoodie-
-he literally audibly gasped when he saw your journal fall out and fall open exactly on a page where you sketched him and drew hearts all around.
-bro blushed like crazy i swearrr he literally just threw the pjs on your bed and crouched down to see the journal better.
-just as he started listing through the pages and reading everything that you wrote about him with a seriously red look on his face and a slightly opened mouth,
-you came in.
-you were just as red as him at that moment...
-better explain it to him, hm?
⑅ Lyney
-you weren't so sure that your journal would be safe on its own, so you brought it with you anywhere you went.
-also reminding yourself of your loving boyfriend the same way.
-today, you were going to one of his magic shows, and the journal was with you.
-and the show was perfect, really.
-the eye contact that the two of you shared, his gestures and him in general, it made you forget that you were literally sitting on you journal.
-so after the show was over, you headed to his backstage.
-and... just before he came to the backstage himself, he got off the stage directly and looked at what you left behind.
-maybe you forgot it?
-you probably did. so just to be sure it was yours, he took the journal in his hands and started listing through the pages.
-he literally blushed so hard. he tried to lie to himself and say that you didn't love him THAT much, and that it was from some crazy stan of his,
-but it was your handwriting. your choice of words. you art style. it was seat 4, your seat.
-he blushed even more when he saw hearts around a sketch of himself and you looking at him from behind the curtains on stage.
-you called out to him, blushing yourself.
-he just turned around and with an embarrassed blushing face, he just lip synced with a soft smile:
-"i love you too"
i still liked it so i hope you did too :p
yeah have a great day/night anon and everyone else ofc! (5 more reqs to go💪)
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suedoodle · 1 year
Your Mario and Luigi art is amazing!! Your style for them is so perfect and unique 🥺
I'm actually curious of if you have any specific inspirations for the way you draw them? Generally I see a big mix of M&L series art but was wondering if there were other inspirations too?
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Tons. Tons of Inspiration. Most of them come from the games but others actually are from promotional art, Japanese ads, or I just made it the heck up.
Here's a list of all the places I've pulled form in previous drawings:
Mario & Luigi series (Where I pull the most from, it's the most obvious) Superstar Saga, Partners in Time, Bowser's Inside Story, and Dream Team.
Super Mario 64 DS (Unagi eel encounter and playing 'Picture Poker' mini game with Luigi)
New Super Mario Bros. series (Getting stuck in the bubble and propeller power up flying)
Mario Galaxy 1+2 (Boo Mario and Luigi are very cute. Luigi especially because not only is he more oval shaped compared to his round brother; but he constantly has a worried look from being a ghost)
Super Mario Sunshine
Luigi's Mansion series (The duck floaty is from LM3)
Mario Marker (They're wearing their MM construction outfits but they're eating sandwiches on top of a I-beam like at the end of LM3)
Mario Paint (Mario wears his normal cap sideways with his painter outfit in that game while in Odyssey it's a beret)
Mario Tennis Aces
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Super Mario Odyssey (Many cute outfits from this game, I used 4)
Super Mario 3D World
Mario Kart Tours (Luigi gets 2 outfits from here- 'Painter' and 'Vacation')
Dr. Mario World (Baby Mario gets his doctor costume from here)
Now drawings of the Baby Bros are a special case. Out of the original 18 doodles, 5 of them come from 'Partners in Time' because that's where they're the most prominent as playable characters. But a grand majority of them I just made up, but not without a lot of thought! For example, the doodle of the babies in pajamas makes reference to their animal power ups. Baby M has a racoon plushy and Baby L has a fox plushy; a nod to Tanooki Mario and Kitsune Luigi. But Baby L also has spotted pajamas connecting more to his spotted cat form.
As for commercials, two poses come specifically from a single Japanese only ad where Mario rescues Luigi from Bowser (High-five + Hug Jump). And the white suit movie premiere outfits drawing I did actually comes from a Japan-only Super Mario All-Stars commercial.
So yeah, probably a long-winded answer just to say that all the drawings at the very least have roots somewhere.
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bowelfly · 3 months
what are your favorite "wuxia-adjacent" kung fu movies?
hm okay so i started compiling a list but once it got to almost 50 films i realized that i was doing that thing again where i get too excited about recommending shit and go way overboard, plus i was starting to split hairs as to what counts as wuxia and i hate getting fussy about genre delimitations. so instead i'm going to just recommend three films that feel wuxia-adjacent to me and that i particularly love. in this case i'm thinking of movies that contain gravity-defying martial prowess and larger than life characters and stories, but aren't full-on Ti Lung in a big robe flying around on wires chopping up 500 dudes style wuxia--which obviously i also love but i'm sticking to the question's parameters here.
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The 8 Diagram Pole Fighter - this and the next film were both directed and choreographed by Lau Kar-leung, who for my money is probably the greatest martial arts director of all time, or at least in very close competition with Yuen Woo-ping. the fights are great, every single character in this film is at an 11 on the intensity meter the whole time, and the final setpiece in this is one of the most insane things ever put to film.
Dirty Ho - most comedy in martial arts films is tolerable at best and excruciating more often than not. this has probably the best gag hit-rate of any kung fu comedy i've seen, and also has some of the all time greatest scenes of dudes having deadly martial arts duels while pretending to not fight, which is a favorite of mine. also like the last film this stars Gordon Liu who fucking rules.
Crippled Avengers - had to include a Venom Mob film in here. directed by Chang Cheh, the king of old school Shaw Bros gorefests, this one has a perfect mix of absurd bloody violence, superhuman stunts, and roiling homoerotic tension. i could just as easily recommend Five Element Ninjas which is also a classic Cheh/Venom Mob bloodbath but if i had to choose just one i'd have to go with this.
anyone who's into classic martial arts cinema is likely already very familiar with these films but while i considered going for some deeper cuts, these were the ones that really kickstarted my own journey into the glorious world of Shaw Bros martial arts films and are thus very close to my heart.
while i'm at it, i am going to include a bonus recommendation for what assuredly counts as just a straight up wuxia but it's an all-timer: Duel to the Death. at one point in this film there's a giant ninja that explodes into a bunch of regular sized ninjas. another time a guy's head gets cut off, delivers a monologue, and explodes. perfect film. i love movies.
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nibbelraz · 2 months
sup homeslice i come to u with moshang related queries. Answer some, one, or none idk
Who is the one that kills/moves the (probs poisonous demon) spider out of the bathroom? Do either of them cower?
Do u think they would be capable of having a pet or even, like, a plant?
What are the modern slang terms that sqh lets slip and mbj ends up subconsciously adopting (imagine mbj remarking on sqh's lack of rizz. Utter destruction)
Oh also random cumplane thought: they both have intense meme withdrawal, which led them to hand drawing memes/reaction images on smth similar to note cards that they can whip out when needed. Cultivation world version of the meme folder in the phone of every chronically online millenial/gen z
Bro. Shen Yuan has totally made fandom-type memes about the harem webnov he TOTALLY HATES
Kk bye
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1. Shang Qinghua is capable of moving the poisonous demon spider outside, However the second he actually sees is without warning he screams so loudly Mobei jun is in there in a second and attacking it on sight.
2. They would have many types of pets depending on the situation but I liked the idea of Shang Qinghua being in tune with the beasts of his world as the author so there's a ton of monsters that follow him and protect him and also get nice belly scratches
3. I believe he quotes old Vine memes daily, especially when he's stressed and hasn't slept in 3 days so it's just him with his king traveling and
"Road work ahead..." and an increasingly confused Mobei who sees nothing wrong with the path they're taking and is concerned
And yes they have so much meme withdrawal I BELEIVE IN MY HEART OF HEARTS SHEN YUAN CAN DRAW A BEAUTIFUL RENDER OF LUO BINGHE PRE TRANSMIGRATION ART STYLE and he shows this to Shang Qinghua with also a drawing of Hatsune Miku
Also Shang Qinghua drawing and sending letters to Shen Qingqiu that are just full of memes like he opens one after Shen Qingqiu talks for a solid chunk of the page about binghe and how absolutely perfect he is in every way with everyone being in love with him but then says not in a gay way and Qinghua replies back with
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esha-isboogara · 2 years
jojo’s bizarre porn tropes
publishing even MORE headcanons before i finish the first set ? an absolute iconic move from me tbh. i went crazy with my tags bro😩but anyways enjoy this …i will do more characters if i can come up with more tropes
here’s part two
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jonathan - he’s very vanilla so your videos fall under the passionate category. jonathan takes the act of making love very seriously so expect to cum at least twice in one session. he won’t over stimulate though , he gives you a pleasant high. y’all don’t post a lot but when you do it’s usually a movie that will have the viewers drooling.
joseph- amateur porn. he isn’t too fond on setting up a camera and having a script or whatever. he’d much rather record you giving him head or maybe a lil pov of back shots. joseph makes sure you’re featured on his only fans regularly. videos are usually no longer than 5 minutes.
jotaro- big dick small girl trope. my god this man is hung. people watching your videos are always slightly worried for your safety. how does it fit? women all around the world want to be you. some of the more aggressive sessions almost always lead to concerned comments. jotaro does have a bit of a reputation so he refuses to show his face along with yours.
kakyoin- not a trope but most of your posts are cosplay related. dressing up as your favorite anime characters and fucking for money is a dream come true. a lot of work goes into your videos mainly because of the well put together costumes and make up looks. the entire look gets ruined in the end but presentation is a big deal. the two of you have a cute set up. it’s high effort but the rewards are so worth it.
josuke- innocent boy and experienced woman. he still won’t say it out loud but he is a total bottom so having you top him/take control is perfect. josuke will use titles like “step mom gives new son blowjob during dinner” to catch a persons attention. or so he says. you’d swear he has a bit of a thing for it. your videos are usually a bit longer and medium effort.
giorno- very beautifully done/well put together porn. people who watch the two of you enjoy modern art and pretty landscapes. it’s essentially art house porn. your content is extremely well put together and is pleasing to eye as well as to the dick/pussy. giorno doesn’t much care if his face is recognized-hes a crime lord there’s not much anyone can do at this point.
leone- rough sex! the people who watch your videos are sickos and the others are worried for your safety. lots of tying up, whipping, slapping and abuse of your little hole. don’t worry it’s all consensual and monitored.
bruno- pov style porn. honestly an iconic move from him. he loves to go back and watch your tapes so why not upload them. similar to joseph they’re never longer than five minutes but there’s a good amount of them. occasionally you two will put together tutorials for those less experienced in sex.
jolyne- lesbian! jojo knows how much men love that wlw content so the two of you exploit that fetish to the max. it started off as just a few short clips but as time went on you and jolyne got a whole set up. most of your vids are pretty basic but men especially eat them up so 🤪
hermes- massage porn. she’s always been good with her hands so why not use her abilities for something fun? you guys don’t upload often. not because you don’t want to just because you always forget or get too caught up in what you’re doing.
foo fighters- the two of you were on the weirder side of porn hub. strange toys, story lines and odd outfits. from alien sex to retro porn you’ve done it all. honestly it doesn’t really matter if others find it sexy the two of you enjoy it. it doesn’t take much to convince them to post your videos- it takes longer to explain how the camera works than anything.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 10 months
Aight here’s a few of my favorite SP fics that no one asked for
I’m generally more of a one shot kinda lad but since getting into South Park I’ve read SO MANY GREAT longer ones so here’s just some highlights: (all on ao3)
Ship In A Bottle FayOfTheForest. One of the first sp AU’s I read, we got PIRATES. HOMOEROTIC SWORD FIGHTING. WLW CREEK. SLOW BURN STYLE. (Injured stan my beloved) KENNY. BUNNY. The parents SUCK. Literally such a kickass story!
This House of Mine by OrcaTimes. VIOLENCE. GANG ACTIVITY. CREEK. I really love the characterization of everyone in this fic, especially Craig. Seriously man. Also THE K2 IN THIS SLAYS (we got some PRIME Kyle injury too god I love him) THE ENDING IS SO SATISFYING TOO!!!
Peppermint by boxwinebaddie. Bro. Literally my all time favorite style fic. I’m so serious. The writing and story are BEAUTIFUL LIKE SO FUCKING AMAZING The PINING. THE HEADCANONS. I COULD GO ON FOR HOURS. Pls if you check out any of my Recs READ THIS ONE.
Maybe For Real This Time & The Kids Are Alright by WeirdBBQDad. Dude. I have no words other than KENNY FUCKIN MCCORMICK. Also Style. Also families. Just- just check it out.
Hang ‘Em High by littledeathsinmusicalbeds. Cowboy au. Creek. Established Style. Bounty hunter Kenny. Massive slay.
The Thief Trilogy by wintergrew. WHEN I SAY IT LIVES IN MY HEAD RENT FREE. The world building is PHENOMENAL literally my favorite SOT AU OF ALL. Long as hell, but SO worth the read holy fuck. I adore Stick Of Truth.
You’re The Prettiest Boy I’ve Ever Seen by burnt_pancakes. CREEK. STYLE. MISCOMMUNICATION. BUNNY. KENNY IN GENERAL. the friendships in this are PERFECT.
Your name written upon mine by sooduhnim. SOT STYLE. Soulmate au that’s INCREDIBLE seriously I love this one and can’t wait for an update.
How We Began by PastorCraigEnjoyer. Ok yes I’m cringy as shit for the self promo but this is my favorite long fic that I’ve written. Slow burn SOT STYLE, no war just fantasy gays falling in love, injury, sickfic, all my favorite bullshit and I loved writing it ok.
N1SM by kiritila. A classic in the fandom. Style. A masterpiece.
Between the Sinners and the Saints by KaiterTot. Oh. My. God. When I say this one altered my brain chemistry… THE ENDING DUDE HOLY-
A Few Last Wolves by Jwink85. Yes, I am a resident of the State Of Style by way of Creek Nation but this is Cryle. And it’s a slay. If y’all liked Frank and Bills episode in TLOU, it’s kind of an au of that. It works man.
Winter Butterfly ALSO by Jwink85 and ALSO Cryle. What can I say it’s incredible. The Style in the beginning is CUTE until shit hits the fan, too, and I thought this fic was a really interesting take on all the characters and relationships. I adore Tweek in this one too.
Something Sweet Like Honey by bluebryy. Ok this one is unsettling and creepy Craig makes me feel icky but I cannot WAIT for an update on that fic, I got my fingers crossed for Style endgame. Also CHECK OUT THEIR ART ON HERE they converted me to a short king Kyle truther and it’s a slay tbh.
Ladies and Gentleman We Are Floating In Space by gremlinteeth. A classic. The first sp multi chapter I read. THE LORE BRO. CREEK. STYLE. STANS CHARACTERIZATION GOES SO HARD HES MY BOIIIII
Ok. That’s all my recs for now. Sry for being insane.
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jojo-schmo · 6 months
A Walk Down my Art Memory Lane!
Now that I’m thinking about my childhood Kirby art, I dug through my storage a bit and thought it’d be fun to share a few! Here are some of Baby Jojo’s drawings!
note: I was not active in any online Kirby art communities at the time and I never posted these anywhere so I made these drawings just for my own enjoyment hehehe.
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These are probably among my earliest Kirby drawings. Most likely ~2008!! I must’ve been in fifth grade maybe…? The first picture is a very rare example of pre-2022 Dedede sightings in my art. Around 2010 I became embarrassed and frustrated about not being able to figure his shapes out. So I spent the next 12 years avoiding him at all costs and instead sticking to the safer things to draw, like nice round Bronto Burts or Waddle Dees. Who knew it would take me writing an entire comic about him in 2022 to finally learn to draw him in my style!! :P
The second picture speaks for itself lol. I was the girl who googled “maskless meta knight” back when we had no fancy 3D renderings of his face. Just edits of anime screenshots and fanart of him holding his mask/getting his mask stolen and looking at you with the biggest, pearliest, white eyes. JPEG artifacts littered these images like sprinkles on a cupcake. And I would giggle and squee with every one like the baby fangirl of Meta Knight I was. :3
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This one was probably ~2009. Very ambitious piece for me at that age. I struggled with the perfect roundness of Kirby haha. I had just gotten these cool alphabet stencils and couldn’t wait to write “Kirby” everywhere with them. This was probably the complete catalogue of Kirby characters I had the ability to draw at that time. It’s funny to think about how Magolor wouldn’t exist for another two years when I drew this.
Hmm. Maybe I should redraw this one day as a fun honor for my younger self.
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Triple Waddle Dees!! A rare but precious Sailor Dee sighting, and of course my sweet Bandana Dee. This was probably around 2011 after Return to Dreamland came out and I came to adore Bandee. :3
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This is probably around 2012- some time after Mass Attack came out. I had this AU at the time where each of the 10 Kirbies from Mass Attack had their own personality trait from the original Kirby, and a permanent copy ability assigned to them. Hence the Spark Kirby having wings and a halo like in the game- where you get damaged and have to rescue the poor Angel Kirbies before you lose that life!
Also my Poppy Bro Jr OC that I don’t think I named at the time- but I redrew him recently and named him Allegro the Poppy Bro. I loved drawing his hair and his funny teeth :D
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Finally, I redrew just a few of the characters from my old drawings tonight. Just doodling for fun, nothing serious. But it’s something my child self would be happy to know I could do.
Guess I’d better draw all the Dededes that Baby Jojo missed out on drawing!! Thank you to anyone who read to this point. I encourage anyone to draw things that would make their younger, baby self proud of you. ….even though I bet they already are proud of you. <3
Remember, as long as you keep drawing, you’ll improve at your pace! Just keep at it! You’ll notice that difference over the years!
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ahllohehn · 18 days
This AU is so good what the heeeek
First of all your art style it’s so everything yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. I hope your pillow is as crisp and cold and refreshing at 3 AM water m and you’ve never stub your toe again 
THE BAD BOYS ARE BROS!!!! Literally, they all have the same godly parent and the non-hermits being from camp Jupiter?!?!?! are you a genius? Are you so smart? yes yes you are. 
Stress being Iris’s daughter is the most correct thing to ever happen
The fact that our little ginger lady is, the oracle is just so afgkbdjyes
I’ve always been such a firm believer in scar being a child of Aphrodite cuz bro, bitterly charm speaks people, and casually woos them with his cringe-fail demeanor. Plus, the bro literally sparkles seriously I don’t know why this is such a common thing in his fandom , but everyone just had makes him a little bit shiny. But like him being unclaimed, just so that he can hang out with his favorite bird guy ? Ummmmmmmmm YES! put that into my blood like an IV. His wheelchair that mumbo definitely made for him? Yes just yes.
So much more perfection but I cannot begin to describe because my brain is falling out of my ears in a strawberry slushy like form because you have melted it in the best way possible  
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Thank you so much :]
Your messages have been an absolute joy to read :]]] Brings me some sort of comfort to see that someone is just as obsessed as me lol
The idea of Empires SMP being Camp Jupiter was actually by an anon! I just brought it to life, so I'll divert those compliments to our mysterious anon lolol
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: Heyyy.... So I've just read your Donna adopts toddler Y/N story. I'm actually in tears lmao It actually made me want Donna as a mom instead of a lover lol Also I was wondering if you could write something like Y/N getting older (maybe like a teenager) with Donna as their mom
Aww thank you! It’s beautiful to know that I’ve moved you like that. I love this idea! Link to the first part here! Let’s get into it!
You had lived with Donna, Angie and the dolls for most of your life. They were your family and they meant everything to you.
Your mom was so kind and giving. She did everything she could to make you feel loved.
When you were sick, she would feed you delicious soups, hold you and gently rock you, and soothe your fevers with a wet washcloth. She also sang beautiful Italian folk songs to help calm you in your delirium. Her voice always comforted you the most.
She also taught you a lot about cooking and some of your favorite memories with her were in the kitchen.
You were her designated taste-tester which gave you so much pride when you were little. You felt like you were performing such an honorable role, but it was really just an excuse for her to spend extra time with you.
She also introduced you to her adoptive family. Alcina thought you were adorable and frequently invited you over to the castle for visits.
The Dimitrescu sisters had so much fun teaching you about pranks, (Dani and Cass) and about the arts (Bela).
Miranda and Karl taught you about science and math. They were so proud when you learned something new.
Miranda ended up being a very doting grandma and would often spoil you a little too much.
Sal taught you about fishing and film history. You two grew very close and still have regular movie nights together.
As amazing as your extended family is, though, you always enjoyed coming home to your mom.
Angie was like a crazy aunt who let you do things that Donna said were off limits.
When Donna was busy working on new dolls, she would have Angie watch you. However, when she came back to check on the two of you one day after she had finished her project, she found you both superglued together and laughing crazily… Angie was no longer a trusted babysitter. That’s where Alcina really came in handy.
Donna also taught you Italian. It was like a secret language between the two of you and it made you feel even closer to her than you already did.
As you got older, you began to help Donna by fixing things around the house and doing yard work. Donna really appreciated your assistance because she did not have any clue about how to get started on house work of that magnitude.
She would tell you how thankful she was for you and cook you anything you wanted that night as a reward.
Donna was there for you when you developed your first crush on a girl from the village, Elena Lupu, too.
“Hey… Mama?” You asked her nervously one evening.
“Hmm? What is it, tesoro? Is something wrong?” She asked you, concerned. She came over and looked you over to make sure you weren’t hurt.
You blushed and just spilled your secret. “So… There’s this girl I like…” You began.
Donna smiled knowingly. “Yes?” She prompted.
“I was wondering… Do you have any advice on what I should do?”
Donna gave you one of her famous mom hugs. She was an excellent cuddler. “My little Y/N is growing up.” She said. She pinched your cheek which made you laugh, before she led you over to the couch to talk.
Angie started making fun of you, but Donna banished her upstairs.
Donna made you nice clothes and taught you how to style your hair. She said you looked perfect in anything, but she wanted you to be as confident as possible.
Sal and Karl tried to give you dating advice as well, but they weren’t much help.
“All you gotta do is be really mean. Women like that, you know?” Karl told you while you both went fishing with Sal one afternoon.
“That’s horrible, Karl!” Sal admonished him.
“What do you think I should do, Uncle Sal? Any tips for me?” You asked.
Sal furrowed a brow. “Well, Y/N… In the movies, the hero always gets the girl. But then again, they also tend to like rebels… Do you have a leather jacket?? Ooh! Let’s watch Grease when we get back!”
When you told Donna what Karl and Sal had suggested, she scoffed. “Don’t listen to your Uncle Karl, tesoro. He’s an emotionally stunted man-baby.” She said, annoyed. You couldn’t help but laugh at Donna’s insult. She definitely had a fiery Italian side.
“As for your Uncle Sal… He’s a hopeless romantic.” She said. “Just be yourself, Y/N. That’s all you need to do… Oh! But, make sure to speak a bit of Italian. It really is a beautiful language. Elena will swoon.” She smiled and kissed your cheek.
Donna’s advice made all the difference. You were honest and you told Elena how you felt. The two of you started dating pretty quickly.
(Yes, the Italian did wonders too. Donna was so proud.)
Eventually, after you and Elena had been dating for a long time, you decided to get married.
Donna gave you her mother’s ring to propose with. She smiled with tears in her eyes at how you had grown. “Remember, Y/N. No matter what, you will always be my baby. I love you.” She promised and gave you a tender hug.
Donna was a bawling mess at the wedding too… As was the rest of your family. Mother Miranda officiated and kept having to stop because she was about to choke up.
You had a special parent-child dance at the reception with Donna. It was one of your favorite parts of the wedding.
“Y/N, you have been the best part of my life. I love you and am so proud of you.” She said.
You typically didn’t get misty-eyed, but that made you want to cry like a baby. It meant everything that Donna was proud of you.
“I love you, Mama.” You told her and kissed her on the head.
Donna smiled back at you and cupped your face. “Mama loves you, Y/N.”
She was the best mom you could have asked for.
Note: So soft, I love Donna! I ended the last bit of dialogue between Donna and Y/N like I did in the first head canon to bring it full circle T^T Wahhh! I am absolutely loving these types of head canons.
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nightowl374art · 23 days
-So I'm very excited to write this 'cause I've been meaning to do it for a while now. So yah here I go...
-I just love your art so so much! Like fr bro you give me so much joy with your fanarts. I haven't felt this attached to an artist and certain art style in a while but you bring it all back with what you're doing and I'm so extremely grateful. So y'know... Thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart.
-I love every piece you've made so far but I gotta say ... That one with the remake of the amazing Spider-Man 2 graduation was just out of this world. Andrew's spiderman is my favorite of the live action trio and I love that one part so much! But I gotta say... Take this as an idea lol... So there's one more part of that movie I deeply love. It's the part where Peter makes the "I love you" on a bridge and then takes Gwen and they make it up to each other... Can't help but see miles and Gwen do that as well. Like in the end of beyond like them getting together or like maybe Miles proposing like that IDK! Take my idea 💡!
-Ok so that's my fav fanart but I'm absolutely in love with their beautiful family! Their kids look so beautiful and them being together is something I treasure a lot! I love how you made the kids different then the comics and also the way you made Miles and Gwen! They look so good! I love Gwen's side braids and Miles haircut it's like... I don't see him doing it BUT I freaking love the spider detail in the side! I even told my friend that if I had my hair like Gwen someday I would add that detail! It looks so good! So perfect like chef's kiss! Also the first art I saw of their kids was that one with Peter B calling Miles and Gwen for having kids and them all just being like:
Max and Charlotte: who the hell is this dude?
Miles and Gwen: What the actual f-
Miles (dad): Idk who the hell you are but please don't touch my kids...
-I also love miles 42 and Gwen 42 art... It looks so cute and she looks hot as hell btw. I also find it very funny when they are having a double date with miles 1610 and Gwen 65. They look adorable ... So different but very refreshing I really like it!
-Look like I mentioned I'm beyond have and grateful that you're making art like this... It's not just the art or the art style but the impact it made me! You're very talented and special! I can't wait for more beautiful art from you. I hope you're getting all the support you deserve and that you're doing well! Never stop smiling and have a nice day/night!
-Hope you get to read this soon and sorry for being so long! But this is just a fraction of what I was meaning to tell you so yah....
-Thank you for everything and for your time! Bye❤️🌻🫂🕸️
I am always amazed when people say these kind of things to me. It means everything to me to know I can bring even just a little bit of joy to someone through my passion, so I would like to say thank you to you 💕.
Agreed. Andrew is my favorite version of Peter, the vibe of his movies really speak to me. I love the scene you’ve mentioned, but it breaks my heart because of Gwen’s fate. However I would love to do that for Miles and Gwen. Right now I’ve got a lot of pieces in progress, so don’t expect it right away, but if I find a chance to do it I will ✨
I really enjoyed drawing their kiddos and had every intention of drawing them differently from the comics. I wanted to do my own interpretation of their kids since the spiderverse style if different from the comics. I actually based Gwen’s braids on some of her concept art, I loved that look (it’s viking-ish which I dig) so I wanted to do something with it.
Though Miles and Gwen 42 are not exactly canon, I still love the idea of them and so I’m glad you have enjoyed what I have made.
Just so you know, I’m very moved by what you said and all your heartfelt thoughts about my art. It’s lovely to hear what you think and how it has given you joy. It’s all I could’ve asked for as an artist so I hope you know how grateful I am 🩷
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I- WOOPS- dang it I feel so embarrassed now-
My deepest apologies, I didn't mean to do that! XD
I really should check twice next time, huh?-
But... Honestly? Now that you mentioned it, I would actually love to see your take on it!
So may I please request your interpretation on any of the boys falling for a male mc?
Thank you and once again I'm really sorry, I'll make sure to double check next time-
Silver, Deuce, Ace, Epel Realizing They Gay/Bi Af
Silver is short because he is the Middle Child of TW with his lack of character traits and screentime. Decided to cut out Riddle cause I wasn't feeling it.
Yuu is male and is heavily implied to be Yuuken. I didn't decide a sexuality for any of them as its not my style but they Def fruity. Crack lmao.
It will take a while to even realize he has a crush. Silver didn’t get the nickname ‘Jellyfish’ for no reason. He isn’t the brightest with social cues and takes everything literally. It’s amusing, infuriating, and endearing all at once. One can only wonder how the wise and mischievous Lilia raised such a boy.
With that being said, if it wasn’t for his father, he would have never even realized he had a crush. The old fae would often watch from afar as he watched the young man that enamored his son, positively tickled at what interactions unfolded.
Silver simply thinks that they are both just friends, like how he and Sebek are. I mean sure, he does find himself genuinely smiling when you wait for him to wake up, and sometimes he finds the look in your eyes when parrying his sword invigorates him, but that's no big deal. He just looks up to Yuu and admires him is all.
It wasn't until one day when Yuu was changing in front of him that it set in. The sight of his bare, muscular back drenched in sweat after another heavy training session had him staring, not even realizing he was out of breath from how he was holding. Lilia is laughing so hard internally rn.
When Silver eventually approaches his father and tell him about these strange feeling he gets whenever he's around Yuu does it click. Mostly because Lilia spelled it out for him. “You're in love, son.” Now Lilia is actually snickering at Silver's shocked face as he skips over all the stages of grief straight to acceptance. He closes his eyes in a mix of embarrassment and shame as he puts it all together.
No wonder he would stare at his butt a lot.
Oh boy, this poor thing is so confused.
You see back when he was in his bad boy phase he had no time for love. It would make him look dumb and weak. He was supposed to be cool.
And now here he is madly in love with his classmate— his friend. It was all on that fateful day in the mines.
Despite it being his mess Yuu still decides to help him. They went into the mines and risked their life for him. He came up with a brilliant plan and fight that strange monster that attacked them just for his sake.
And even then they continued to be so kind and sweet. They helped him study and pass his classes! They sparred together, worked out, went on jogs. They talked about cars and blastcycles and machines. They were a perfect match.
It definitely didn't help that Yuu had a defined body from himself as well, with beautiful features accompanying his face. With arms and body built from kendo drills and dueling blots, he was like a work of art.
Definitely doesn't understand what's happening to him when he feels his face get warm from looking at them, of how his chest tightens whenever he sees them chopping it up with another man.
He thinks it's just very strong admiration he feels for them at first! Of course, he likes you! You've always been there for him! You're his friend! And yet when his homosexual thoughts continue he doesn't understand.
Asks Ace to punch him. "Woah bro, are you serious?! I mean I have no problem with punching you, but what's this about?" "It's nothing, just do it!"
Ace finds out and absolutely teases Deuce, making kissing noises whenever he catches him looking at Yuu. 
Calls his mother like the Chad he is and talks about it. As he's ranting about how great Yuu is and how they helped him grow as a person, and how he wants to be the very best he can be, Mama Spade starts crying a bit.
"Ah, Mom?! I'm sorry! I didn't-" "Oh Deuce…" Mama Spade supremacy. She's so supportive and happy he came out and found a man that makes him happy! She is giving all sorts of advice to her baby and wishes him the best. 
With all that Deuce is now much more confident about pursuing his crush! But first, he must become the very best he can be for them! He promises to better himself for his sake!
Help him. No, seriously he is pissed.
He already struggles with toxic masculinity, this is just going to make it worse. He can't be gay! It would be expected! He’s already short and girly already, of course, everyone would assume he's gay!
He will avoid you like the plague for a while until Vil snaps some sense into him. Vil can sense it from a mile away, this is just embarrassing. After a very embarrassing lecture, made worse by Rook's unneeded commentary, he accepts it. It is still a bit awkward for a bit afterward since Yuu doesn't understand why the hell Epel is staring at him so intently.
Epel will try to overcompensate for these feelings of feminity still by working out. Surely if he gets bigger and more muscular, it would be more surprising and unexpected for him to like men! Vil is sighing but knows that Epel will have to learn this lesson the hard way.
Poor Epel is trying to impress Yuu so bad too with his strength, flexing his muscles as Yuu looks on with a blank face. Curse them and their stupid height, and stupidly their huge muscles and their handsome… masculine features… He means stupid!
I do think he would talk to his mom about it too, telling her that there's some fellow that has him feeling some sort of way and ends up being super surprised by how happy his mother is for him. Of course, she does still say to be a gentleman and also ends up lecturing him.
Even though he's still a bit confused, that call has him much more ready to accept his feeling. Ah, but how is he going to confess…
He also asked Ace to smack him.
The disaster baby bi/gay himself. This man is so far in the closet that he is at a gay bar in Narnia, someone help him. (Average Ginger Behavior)
Deny. Deny. Deny. Sorry but there is no way he is in love, especially with some dude. He’s tried dating in High School and Middle School and it always sucked. He cringes at the memory of ghosting his homecoming sweetheart after the dance comes back to him. She was so… boring, that entire relationship was. Plus it's not like he really liked her either.
But hypothetically, if he did like dudes, then that would make his past relationships make a lot of sense… But wait, what if just liked both like Cater or Vil does? Nah he's not feminine enough… Wait, it's not feminine to like men, if anything it's more masculine— wait…
Maybe he should ask Azul’s gay ass. He's seen the way he looks at Jamil.
He hates these stupid mushy gushy feelings inside of him. Going soft or turning into a lovestruck fool is so not like him. Yet here he was, face tinted pink as he watches Yuu and Silver practice their blade work against each other. the way those strong forearms refused to waiver, how his posture remained perfect, and his stance stood powerfully amongst his foe. 
How he would love those hands around him— Okay fine, maybe he does like them! But even then how would he go about asking Yuu out?! He finds himself staring intensely at Yuu’s back as they walk back to Ramshackle with Grim tucked into their side. Deuce just awkwardly stared at Ace. “Um… Are you okay?” “IT’S NOTHING!’
And now since Deuce was confused he was back at square one: denial. At this point, Yuu shouldn't be surprised if Ace one day takes him by the hand and skips with him deep into the closet together as they seal their lips together with a ‘no homo’ whispered between them.
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waratah-moon · 1 year
Super Like 3 • Eddie Munson
part 1 - part 2 - part 3
I'm in love with modern!twitch streamer Eddie...
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The first date
Parkway Flea Market, Indianapolis
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Liked by eddiethebanished, yourfriend and 163 others yourusername They didn't have any Dio 😢
eddiethebanished So mad. At least they had Kool & The Gang. ↳ yourusername Now if anyone ever asks to hear Get Down On It I can tell them I have it on vinyl
yourfriend Love the new ring ↳ yourusername It was a present 🥰
2 months in...
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Liked by lucas.sinclair, yourfriend and 14,752 others eddiethebanished She's coming for my job
yourusername Yes can I finally stream the Sims 4 on your channel? ↳ madmax I'll watch ↳ dustin_h Might finally get some good content
eddiefan Dude please don't let your girlfriend stream. Girls can't game. ↳ eddiethebanished wtf are you 12? Go to bed dude.
3 months in...
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Liked by robs_buckley, eddiethebanished and 194 others yourinstagram You know you're down bad when you start doing arts and crafts
yourfriend This is too cute 🥺 ↳ yourusername We're sickening 🥺
eddiethebanished Love keeping a piece of you in my pocket 💖 ↳ dustin_h You're such a sap ↳ eddiethebanished Shut up dustybuns
5 months in...
Hawkins, Indiana
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Liked by yourfriend, robs_buckley and 20,472 others eddiethebanished Took my girl back to my hometown for the weekend and showed her the one sight.
steve.harrington So you took her to Lover's Lake? ↳ eddiethebanished Skull Rock actually. Then Lover's Lake. Then your mom's house ↳ steve.harrington Jokes on you my mom moved to Florida. ↳ eddiethebanished I knew joking about your parents would end up being too sad, sorry bro. I'll call you later. ↳ steve.harrington I'd actually really appreciate that.
dustin_h It was so good to finally meet you yourusername ↳ yourusername You too dustin_h I love the campaign you wrote!
8 months in...
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Liked by yourfriend, yourotherfriend and 210 others yourusername Asked him to learn some Harry Styles... still waiting.
mikewheeler I still have the video of when he played 5 Seconds of Summer at Steve's birthday ↳ steve.harrington I remember that! He rocked She Looks So Perfect ↳ yourusername omg please send it to me ↳ eddiethebanished Don't you dare ↳ mikewheeler Check your messages
10 months in...
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Liked by robs_buckley, nancywheeler and 54,920 others eddiethebanished smoking hot date
robs_buckley I thought you were quitting! ↳ yourinstagram I'm trying!!! ↳ eddiethebanished She's doing better than me.
nancywheeler We need a girls night soon xx robs_buckley yourinstagram ↳ yourinstagram Text me next time you're in town! ↳ robs_buckley I second this!
eddiefan your girlfriend is hot
1 year in...
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Liked by steve.harrington, willthewise and 3,458 others yourusername My golden retriever gamer boy ❤️ I'll tell you all the sappy shit in person so Dustin can't make fun of us. Love you Eds.
eddiethebanished Love you more than life itself baby girl ❤️ ↳ Liked by yourusername
dustin_h You guys are actually very cute, but thanks for keeping the sap level to a minimum. ↳ Liked by yourusername and eddiethebanished
robs_buckley I want what you have 🥺 ↳ yourinstagram I keep telling you I have the perfect person for you ↳ robs_buckley Fiiiiiiiiiiine. Set it up. ↳ yourinstagram YES
1 year and couple months in...
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Liked by steve.harrington, mikewheeler and 129,327 others eddiethebanished I finally cracked over 1 million followers on twitch and enough subs to quit my day job and make a living playing video games. How batshit insane is that? Thank you to everyone who ever supported me, no matter how long you've been here... one day, since day one, thank you. I also couldn't have done it without my wonderful girlfriend, yourusername. Without you I would never have had the courage to turn this nerdy little passion into my dream job. Now on to the future, whatever that may hold. I hope you'll all join me for the ride.
yourusername So proud of you Eds. ↳ eddiethebanished Couldn't have done it without you.
dustin_h Absolutely insane dude! Congratulations. ↳ Liked by eddiethebanished
eddiefan Congratulations Eddie!
eddiefan Been subbed since the shitty battlestation, glad you've finally upgraded! ↳ Liked by eddiethebanished and yourusername
1 year and some months in...
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Liked by robs_buckley, yourfriend and 174,294 others eddiethebanished You know she loves you when she does a 70s themed photoshoot for your shitty band's new album cover. Ps new music dropping soon corrodedcoffin 📸 filmbyjbyers
yourusername What can I say, I'm obsessed with the front man. ↳ Liked by eddiethebanished
filmbyjbyers The photos turned out great! ↳ Liked by eddiethebanished and yourinstagram
dustin_h Aw your band's not that shitty ↳ eddiethebanished thanks Dustin
eddiefan You're finally releasing a full length album? ↳ eddiethebanished Maaaaybe...
About 2 years in...
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Liked by yourfriend, filmbyjbyers and 6759 others yourusername We saw Metallica live then got super drunk... also we're engaged!
robs_buckley Um excuse me? ↳ yourinstagram Surprise? I'm calling you now.
steve.harrington dustin_h Did you know this? ↳ dustin_h Eddie facetimed me at 3 in the morning so yeah I knew lol ↳ eddiethebanished Sorry man, but at least you found out first? ↳ dustin_h I'm so happy for you both I couldn't care less that you woke me up ❤️
🎂 join my birthday week celebration! 🎂 < happening until 29/1/23 masterlist / send me a message 💌 / Steve's version
disclaimer! pinterest is full of white girls. I'm sorry but it's true. I tried to keep y/n as nondescript as possible but I'm just working with what I had. Sorry in advance if that offends anyone but this can be an exercise in imagination. - (not tagging my full tag list, just the people who commented on part 1 and 2… My tag list is reserved for full length fics!) @emma77645 @dylanmunson @bakugouswh0r3 @tlclick73
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hel-the-growl · 1 year
Nezha Reborn annotations - Part 2
Part 1|Part 3
Monkey asks Yunxiang whether his dad ever told him the story of Nezha conquering the dragon king when he was a kid. Most Chinese people will probably remember this story from the 1979 animation of the same title that was adapted from chapter 14 of Investiture of the Gods.
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More product displacement: Smirnoff, what looks to be Suntory Royal and if you zoom in on the Jack Daniels, it reads “Made in Light Chaser” lol
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Primordial Spirit or “god-body” is something you’ll see a lot in the New Gods universe. Known in Chinese as yuanshen (元神), it is a concept in Daoism defined to be a level of existence surpassing that of physical existence, capable of existing independently in the form of a soul. It is viewed to be the center and essence of a human's existence.
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Monkey breaks the fourth wall
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This quote comes from Liu An’s poem Nüwa mending the heavens (女娲补天), delivered Peking Opera style, down to the mannerisms. The caged bird could be a thrush or a lark. Bird keeping is a traditional hobby in Beijing that started in the Qing Dynasty and songbirds were usually kept in these cylindrical cages. 
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I shouldn’t have laughed so hard when he accidentally killed the glasses monkey and continued his business like nothing happened.
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“Fire imp” (葫芦老四) is the fourth of the seven Calabash Brothers, a classic Chinese cartoon from the 80s. Each bro has a unique power, and bro #4’s power is the ability to control fire. The snake demoness is an integral part of that story, so Light Chaser’s White Snake movies might actually be set in the same universe?????
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Chan and Jie are religions featured in IOTG. Chan Daoism was founded by Yuanshi Tianzun (Primeval Lord of Heaven) and Laozi, and Yang Jian is one of its disciples. Jie is a fictional religion headed by Tongtian.
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The most unfortunate character in this movie has got to be this monkey.
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“Are your training methods even legit?”
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Where did he get so much water? I thought water was being sanctioned.
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RIP this monkey again.
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He built his own version of Nezha’s spear.
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The Six-Eared Macaque is arguably the most dangerous antagonist in Journey to the West. This deceptive creature impersonated Sun Wukong after the Monkey King abandoned his pilgrimage following a tiff with Tripitaka, with the impersonation so perfect, only Gautama Buddha and Diting could see through the pretense.
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Nezha’s primordial spirit manifests as his three-headed, six-armed form.
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Nezha is traditionally depicted with his four Astras - the Wind Fire Wheels (风火轮) under his feet, the Cosmic Ring (乾坤圈) around his body, the Sky Ribbon (浑天绫) around his shoulders and a Fire-tipped Spear (火尖枪) in his right hand.
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This man has gills.
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The Yaksa Li Gen is described as a lizard like creature with long mercury red hair, protruding fangs, and a face the color of indigo. (IOTG chapter 12).
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Netflix's thirst trap of a thumbnail is from a scene that lasted ONE WHOLE SECOND.
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It’s hilarious how this guy was just credited as “the traitor”.
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The art deco style of the crystal palace 👌
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In 2013, archaeologists unearthed a 1000 year old statue in Sichuan in that depicted a beast resembling a rhinoceros. This was believed to be the water-suppressing mythological beast Zhenshui Shenshou (镇水神兽) that was documented in the Biography of Shu Kings Written by Yang Xiong in Han Dynasty.
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“I taught him? I don’t even have disciples! Stop joking.”
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Dragons kind of have a low status in heaven (no matter how majestic they are, they are still beasts and all beasts are looked down upon by the gods), unlike in the mortal realm where they are revered.
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Even in his dragon form, Ao Bing’s spinal column is supported by metal bracing.
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Part 1|Part 3
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silviakundera · 5 months
Lighter and Princess ep 1
@dangermousie 's posts have seduced me and I always meant to get to this drama, because the lead actress is one of my cdrama crushes. So let's gooooooooooo
Holy shit, how are these the opening lines for a modern cdrama lmao
"Betrayers shall go to hell." / "Just consider me a betrayer. Anyway, it's not binding to me. It doesn't matter if I go to hell. I'm experienced." 😶
Ok but actually, the metal fence separating them, the wind in her hair, the way the field of dry grass matches his bad dye job. Captivating.
Mom starts nagging FL about marriage and all I can focus on is how beautiful her hair looks as it spills over her shoulder. Her pouty mouth 😩
Sorry ML I know your prison release is very poignant but still stuck on how perfect your once & future gf looks when eating cherry tomatoes.
ok ok I'm with u buddy. Setting things on fire on a rooftop at night. Dressing in all black, including long coat. Terse replies. Your goth stylings and soulless eyes are bewitching me, body & soul.
FL's first visit home is to a self-proclaimed 'vampire' friend with a fridge literally half-filled with booze. I can see why she's a girl that's hard to get over.
I'm guessing L&P CEO man is the villian and tbh he's got my respect by not sweating across the table from glowering feral mongoose in human form who seems one moment away setting that office aflame, just to feel something.
ah, the 3 were best friends in university! yep, the dude that didn't end up in prision or flee the country is DEFINITELY the villain.
yaaaassss "betrayers have to pay a price" Simple, vague, yet ominous. Like all threats should be.
awww I like his prison buddy. They shared the same cell and he managed to survive. He's totally foreseeing how intense his bro is gonna be about all this.
wow, flashback More Innocent Times FL was pretty intense herself about pyro boy.
who....is stalking her in the present? Or I guess not.
The fact that he actually came to collect his debts and demand money: based. I'm pretty sick of a 'the only thing I have is my pride, so I refuse all financial support from people who can easily afford it' protagonist.
She has no interest in art? HUH. I like that too. Goes against the 'cultured rich girl' cliche.
lmaooooooo band friend got her revenge by forcing ML to run into FL and bland painter boy.
Prison buddy ganking the check and booking it brings a sense of pride to ex-cons everywhere. Plus, I get the pleasure of FL's silky hair in the lamp light of the street corner she's slammed him into. 😍
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Your art is
The literal definition of perfect
Are you even real
How dare you
*starts vibrating*
—maybe you know me BUT maybe you don't 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤨🤨🤨🧐🤔🤔🤔
oh wait I guess it's too obvious who I am
Okay I know I said I wasn’t gonna check my notifs but I’m a weak pussyass and I did it
I was originally just going to check everything and respond to them all when I get back home but… I honestly cannot hold off answering this ask.
Mikey. El. You. My little sis.
I FUCKING LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!1!!11!1!!1!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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