#brock boeser one shot
hockey-fics · 11 months
Next Summer ~ Brock Boeser 
Summary: The summers spent at your family’s cabin were some of your favourite memories. When you return as an adult you discover that maybe not everything from the past was really left in the past. 
Word Count: ~5,300
Warnings: Drinking, implied smut (I guess, but it’s very fleeting and vague)
Traditions didn’t hold a huge place in your life growing up. Every Christmas you bounced from one relative’s home to another. Thanksgiving dinners almost never looked the same. Cousins and aunts and uncles would come and go, years of family dinners and holiday gatherings would go by before you would see them again. 
But there was always one thing that you looked forward to each and every year. Every summer, for two and a half months, you would drive down from your home in the suburbs to the cabin on the lake. You would get to forget about school and homework and bedtimes. You would spend all day out in the summer sun, sticky with sunscreen and bug spray. 
Your family wasn’t the only one. Each of those cabins along that shoreline would come alive. The quiet beaches would fill with children, adults on decks drinking a few hours before it became socially acceptable anywhere else. Dark nights would be brightened by campfires and beams from unsteady flashlights, held onto by kids who should have been in bed long ago. 
There was a sense of peace that was brought on by that property. Time moved slower, everyone seemed happier, things felt easier. But as time went on you started spending less and less time out there. You went away to university. You became busy with internships and jobs and leases that didn’t end for the few months of summer. 
But eventually the property lost the interest of your parents. With no children at home, familiar friends who once had cabins up there selling them off, the time and energy and money to take care of it no longer seemed to be worth it. You yourself hadn’t been there in a couple years, though the memories were as vivid as always. So when the option of them gifting the property to you came up it took little consideration for you to say yes. 
After packing your car full of essentials you headed up to the cabin shortly after the exchange of ownership. When you pull up to the familiar cabin there’s a sense of ease that washes over you, even now that you had a truckload of responsibility to go with coming up here. 
Hoping out of the car you bring everything inside, the memories flooding in. After putting your groceries in the kitchen, sheets on the bed, and pulling the patio couch cushions out you head out onto the deck to enjoy the fresh air and slight breeze rolling in off the lake. 
A few minutes after flopping down onto the patio furniture you’re greeted by a big white dog, tail wagging crazily as he stares up at you. 
“Hey buddy,” you say, reaching over and scratching him behind the ear. “Where did you come from?”
Tipping your head up you look in the direction of the man calling for who you would guess to be the dog that was standing in front of you. Standing up you walk towards the edge of your deck, the dog following after you, nose nudging at your hand. “I think-,” you begin, freezing when you notice who was standing in the yard next to you. “Oh my god,” you laugh, hurrying down the stairs. “You’re still around, hey?”
You grew up with Brock. At least for two months of the year every summer. You were the same age and his family owned the property next door. The crush you had on Brock spanned from early in your life right up till the last summer you spent together right after high school graduation. 
“Holy shit,” Brock comments, shaking his head. He has his arms around you as soon as you’re close enough for him to reach you. “Of course I’m still around, I’m out here every summer. You’re the one who vanished.”
Pulling back you look up at Brock, shaking your head. “Sorry, we don’t all have an off-season.”
“I guess you’ve got a point,” Brock chuckles. “Just out here for the weekend then?”
“I don’t really know what I’m doing,” you admit. “The place is mine now and I work remotely so I guess I could be out here as long as I want but I don’t know, it feels weird to think about being here that long again.”
“Yours, hey?” Brock states, glancing behind you at the house. “Are your parents okay?”
“Oh, yeah,” you assure him. “Just not as interested in getting drunk on the lake everyday of the summer anymore.”
Brock laughs, glancing out at the lake before turning his attention back to you. “Well I’m glad it’s yours now, wouldn’t want to see anyone else here.”
You couldn’t deny the way he still managed to fill your stomach with butterflies, even all these years. “Me too,” you say, voice quiet. Glancing down you pet the dog again that had still not left your side. 
“I see you’ve met Milo,” Brock comments, glancing over his shoulder and pointing to the second dog that was laying under the shade of a tree. “That one’s Coolie.”
“They’re very cute,” you tell him, smiling down at Milo. “How long are you up here for?”
Brock shrugs, like time didn’t mean anything to him. “Till sometime in August.”
“So I guess we have plenty of time to catch up then.”
“Absolutely,” Brock says with a smile. “You want to come over for a drink or something?”
“I’d be down for a drink.”
You follow Brock across the yard and onto the deck, accepting the can of cider he offers before sitting down on the soft cushions of one of the patio cushions. “So, what’s new in your life?”
Brock shrugs, flopping down onto the patio sectional, Milo joining him seconds later. “Not too much, I guess. Just been in Vancouver for the last while playing for the Canucks.”
You can’t help but laugh at his comment. “Well I know that much, can’t exactly stay under the radar as a professional athlete.”
“I guess,” Brock chuckles. “What about you though, you seem to be staying under the radar pretty well.”
“Gotta keep a little mystery…or my life just isn’t that exciting, I don’t know. I got my degree, moved back to Minnesota and now I’m just working from home…living the life, really,” you joke. 
“I can’t imagine you not making life exciting.”
Rolling your eyes playfully you take a sip of your drink. “Why’s that? Because I used to steal my parent’s alcohol and try to convince everyone to go swimming in the middle of the night?”
“Well that was pretty exciting back then,” Brock laughs. 
“Are you out here alone?” you ask, looking towards the cabin. It was pretty quiet for anyone else to be here but you almost couldn’t imagine Brock ever being alone. 
“Yeah, for now,” Brock nods. “My, um, my mom doesn’t really come up very much anymore.”
“Right,” you say quietly. You hadn’t talked to Brock in a very long time, but that didn’t mean you didn’t know anything about his life, including his father. 
“I have a few friends coming up in a few days though,” Brock tells you, his inflection rising, an obvious attempt to change the topic. 
“Uh oh,” you joke with a playful smile. “Sounds like trouble.”
“Hey, now, I’ve never been trouble,” Brock defends, laughing under his breath. 
“I don’t know about that one,” you tease. 
The two of you sit on Brock’s deck, drink after drink as you exchanged stories from the nearly 10 years since the last time you saw each other. You didn’t even realize how long had passed or how late it had gotten till the sun was beginning to set and you realized your mind was hazy from the alcohol. 
“I guess I should get going, don’t want to overstay my welcome,” you say, finishing off the last of the drink you had in your hand. 
“You never could,” Brock tells you, taking the empty can from your hand as you stand up. “But I won’t hold you here either.”
“I appreciate that,” you laugh, glancing back to your cabin. “I should probably go figure out dinner though.”
“Fair enough,” Brock chuckles. “See you tomorrow?”
“I’m sure you will,” you tell him, heading down the steps of the deck and back over to your own house. 
After making yourself a late dinner you head to bed, your mind unable to think of much more than Brock. It was clear that your feelings for him hadn’t entirely disappeared. But eventually you manage to clear your mind enough to fall asleep, sleeping peacefully through the night till the sun shining through the blinds in your room wakes you up. 
You make yourself some breakfast before dragging your laptop out onto the deck with your mug of coffee to get some work done for the day. It’s not long before your attention is broken by the sound of Brock’s voice, calling after his dogs as they run out the door and towards the lake. 
Smiling you watch the dogs for a few minutes as they splash around in the shallow water of the lake. When you look away from them you see Brock looking in your direction, raising his hand in a friendly wave. 
“Morning,” you call to him, sitting up straighter to look over the edge of the patio railing as Brock comes closer. 
“How was your first night back out here?”
“It was great,” you tell him. “Do you want some coffee?”
Brock’s eyes shift to your laptop before looking back at you. “I don’t want to interrupt you if you’re working.”
Shrugging you push yourself away from the table to stand up. “I’ve been missing the interruptions you get working in an office anyway,” you tell him with a smile. “Do you want anything in it?”
“Some cream if you have it.” Brock makes his way up the steps of the deck, sitting down at the table across from you as you return with a mug of coffee for him. “Got any plans for after work?”
“Not really,” you tell him, sitting back down and looking over your laptop at him. 
“I just bought a couple stand-up paddle boards a few weeks ago. Would you want to come test them out with me?”
“As long as you promise not to laugh at me when I fall off.”
“I promise,” Brock chuckles. “You can get back to your work if you want, I don’t want to distract you.”
“Hard not to be distracted by you,” you tell him, a playful smile on your lips. 
“Well I’m always happy to be your distraction.”
After Brock finishes his coffee he heads back to his own place, giving you a chance to actually get some uninterrupted work time in. It’s nearly 5 when you wrap up everything you had to finish for the day. Changing out of the pyjamas you had spent the better half of the day in you tug a pair of shorts over a bikini, heading across the yard to Brock’s place. 
With the garage door wide open you step into it, watching Brock doing kettlebell swings. 
“Enjoying the view?” Brock asks, looking at you through the mirror when he finishes up his set. 
“Well I can’t say I’m not enjoying it,” you tell him, glancing around the garage turned gym. “This is pretty impressive, I remember when this place was filled with bikes and beach toys.”
Brock turns around to face you, wiping a layer of sweat from his forehead. “I needed to have something out here to train if I want to spend this long out here.”
“Makes sense. Well, I can get out of here to stop distracting you, when did you want to go out on the paddle boards?”
“I’m just finishing up here, I’ll probably go have a shower before we head out.”
“Do I get to enjoy that view too?” you joke. 
Brock chuckles, reaching down to pick up the kettlebell again. “I wouldn’t stop you.”
Shaking your head you take a step out of the garage. “I’ll meet you down at the beach when you’re ready.”
“Okay, see you in a bit,” Brock says as you head out of the garage. 
Finding a beach towel you head out onto the end of the dock that was connected to your yard, laying it out and shimmying out of your shorts. Laying down on your stomach you rest your head on your arms, enjoying the way the sun felt like a warm blanket cloaked over your body. 
It’s not long before you hear Brock calling your name and you roll onto your back, looking down to the end of the dock. 
“Ready to go?” Brock calls. 
Collecting your things from the dock you hurry down to meet Brock, following him to grab the paddle boards before heading to the edge of the lake. The water is surprisingly warm for July and you climb onto your paddle board with a shocking amount of ease. 
After steadying yourself the two of you begin to paddle along the shoreline, your conversation falling to quick comments here and there as you focus intensely on keeping yourself upright. By the time you make it back to the section of the lake in front of your house you’re more than ready to follow Brock’s lead and sit down on the board, floating easily on the still water. 
“You’re pretty good at this,” Brock tells you. 
Your legs are crossed in front of you, arms behind you on the board as you lean back into them. “Guess my balance is better than I expected.”
“I’m kind of disappointed I didn’t get to see you fall in.”
“Oh, you want to see me get wet?” you joke.
“I-I, that’t…well, I mean, I-,” Brock stammers, shaking his head as he gives up on his sentence. 
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you tease, giggling as you stretch your legs out in front of you. “What are your plans for tonight?”
Brock hesitates for a second, eyes narrowing. “Are you hinting at something?”
It takes you a moment to realize what was going on, reaching down and running your hand through the lake to splash Brock. “No,” you laugh, shaking your head. “I was going to see if you wanted to come over for dinner.”
“Oh,” Brock laughs, eyes diverting down to the surface of the lake, cheeks flushing red. “Yeah, dinner sounds great.”
After putting the paddle boards away you and Brock head over to your place, digging through the kitchen to try to figure out what to make for dinner. You hadn’t really thought through your plan, inviting Brock over before you even know what you would make for dinner. 
“You’ve been in the fridge for awhile,” Brock comments, sitting at the bar counter on the other side of the kitchen, watching you curiously. 
Sighing you turn around, shutting the door behind you. “I don’t actually know what to make,” you admit. 
“I can tell,” Brock laughs. “What are the options?”
“Whatever is in the fridge,” you tell him, gesturing to it. 
Brock slides off the stool, walking across the kitchen to pull the fridge open. His eyes scan the shelves for a few minutes before slowly turning towards you. “Do you need me to go to the grocery store for you tomorrow or something?”
Rolling your eyes you push yourself between Brock and the fridge, your back pressing against him as you join him in staring into the nearly empty fridge. “Look, I know it’s bad but I didn’t plan to stay more than a night or two.”
“And were you planning on only eating eggs and spinach for three days?”
“Maybe,” you hum. “I didn’t plan to have dinner guests I would need to impress.”
“You don’t need to impress me,” Brock whispers, his hands falling to your hips. “Now will you agree to come have dinner at my place instead?”
Your mind tunes in to the feeling of Brock’s hands on your body, your heart hammering heavily in your chest. While you were so caught up in your thoughts you realized you hadn’t answered the question within a length of time that was even remotely normal. “Uh, yeah, sure, that sounds good.”
Brock steps back, his hands falling from your hips and leaving your body longing for more. Sighing to yourself you fish a bottle of wine out from otherwise bare fridge, hurrying after Brock. 
It’s not long before you’re standing next to Brock, a glass of white wine in your hand while you watch him barbecue a couple steaks. “Was inviting me over just a scheme to get me to feel bad for you and cook you dinner?”
“I wish I was that calculated.” Bringing your glass to your lips you take a small sip, gravitating a little closer to Brock. “I like how this worked out though.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you do,” Brock teases, reaching over and wrapping his arm around your waist, tugging you into his side. 
You let out a shaky breath, fingers clutching tighter onto your wine glass. With your heart racing you try to act natural, like your stomach wasn’t absolutely alive with butterflies, like your thoughts weren’t racing a million miles an hour about nothing but Brock. 
“You okay?” Brock asks, the smirk on his face was enough to tell you that he knew exactly what he was doing to you. 
“Fuck off,” you laugh, shaking your head. “You’re so used to this aren’t you?”
“What do you mean?” Brock laughs, eyebrows furrowed as he looks away from the barbecue to turn his attention to you. 
“Tall, handsome hockey player who can get women to absolutely fall apart like it’s nothing,” you tease. 
“I’m not that tall,” Brock comments, pulling the steak off the barbecue. 
“Oh, but you know how handsome you are.” 
Brock gives you a simple shrug, chuckling as he picks up the plate of steak, letting you go to head back inside. Rolling your eyes you follow Brock back into the house, refilling your wine glass before leaning against the counter. 
“I’m actually surprised you don’t have a girlfriend,” you comment, watching Brock plate up the steak and salad the two of you had made earlier. 
“Why’s that?” Brock asks, setting the plates down on the table next to the large window that overlooks the lake. 
“I just told you why outside, you just want to hear me talk about how great you are,” you joke, sitting down at the table across from Brock. 
“Well I could say the same thing about you,” Brock retorts, switching the conversation around onto you. 
“Because I’m a tall, handsome hockey player?” you joke, taking another drink from your wine. 
Brock shakes his head with a breath of laughter. “Seriously, weren’t you with someone for quite awhile?” 
Nodding slowly you inhale deeply, polishing off what was left in your glass of wine. 
“That bad, hey?” Brock asks, reaching for the bottle of wine to refill your glass. 
“No…I mean, yeah, I guess, I don’t know,” you sigh, picking up your newly refilled glass. “We were together for three years in university.”
Brock nods, taking a bite of his dinner, evidently waiting for you to continue to fill in the details of your vague story. 
“It wasn’t a big deal,” you assure him with a breath of laughter. “I’m just glad it ended when it did.”
“For what it’s worth I’m pretty glad it ended as well.”
Scoffing you raise your eyebrows, shaking your head. “Why?” you ask, already well aware of why. 
“Well I don’t think I’d get to be sitting here having dinner with you right now if you were still with him.”
Tipping your head to the side you gaze across the table, a soft smile on your lips. “Does that mean there’s something more than friendly happening here, Brock?”
“I’ve had some more than friendly thoughts,” Brock admits. 
You can feel your cheeks reddening, looking down at the table. “Oh,” you mutter. 
“Sorry, I, was that too much or-.”
“No, no,” you interrupt, breathing out a nervous laugh. “Just, um, been awhile since I’ve flirted with anyone.”
“There’s no way that’s true.”
“Yes it is,” you exclaim, laughing quietly. “I honestly don’t meet a lot of new people and I don’t usually make it a habit of flirting with my friends.”
“I’m glad you made an exception.”
Laughing softly you pick up your glass of wine, taking another sip, enjoying the warm buzz the alcohol was filling you with. “Me too,” you whisper as you set it down, gazing over at Brock. 
Finally you two finish the dinner that had been nearly forgotten amidst the conversation. After the dishes are done you head out onto the deck to continue your conversation. Before long the sun is set and the bottle of wine is empty. After another goodbye that you know won’t be for long you head back to your own house, falling asleep easily to the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore through the open window. 
The next few days leading up to the weekend feel busier than any days you had in a long time. After work you would join Brock for some activity or another. A trip into town to properly stock your fridge. An evening on the boat. More paddle boarding and kayaking and even partaking in a couple sessions in Brock’s home gym. 
And before you knew it you had finished up your work from the week, time seeming to be flying by now that you were spending it with Brock. 
Friday night. You hadn’t expected your Fridays to remain as exciting after leaving the city. But you also didn’t expect to be spending it with Brock and a handful of his friends. 
“Still impressed with your Spikeball skills, to be honest,” Jack says, standing next to you by the fire, a bottle of beer in his hand. You had spent the afternoon fighting to keep up in many competitive rounds of Spikeball on the beach, something you did better than even you had expected you would do. 
“I’m kind of offended by how much you underestimated me,” you laugh. Lifting your red solo cup filled with tequila and grapefruit soda wincing at the flavour, the ratio of tequila to mixer so off it would make a bartender cry. 
“Sorry, I promise I won’t do it again,” Jack chuckles. “I’ll make sure we’re always on the same team from now on.”
“Good,” you say, extending your hand to shake his on the agreement. “We can be a power duo.”
“Power couple,” Jack comments with a smirk. 
Rolling your eyes playfully you take another gulp of your drink. “Pretty bold of you.”
“What can I say? I’m a bold guy.”
Before you can get another comment in you feel a hand run along your lower back, stopping on your waist. With a slight flinch you turn your head, body relaxing when you realize it was Brock, though you were still a little surprised by the physical contact. Brock places his fingers under your chin, tipping your head back so you were looking up at him. You don’t even have time to process what’s happening before he’s pressing a soft and quick kiss to your lips. 
“H-hi,” you stammer, voice soft as your cheeks redden. “What, um, what’s going on?”
“Just coming to check on you,” Brock whispers. 
“Shit, sorry man,” Jack mutters to Brock, nervous eyes shifting back to the fire you were all standing around. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Brock tells him dismissively. “Want to come with me to get another drink?” Brock asks you. 
With a quick nod you let Brock take your hand in his, guiding you around the fire and up into the quiet cabin. 
“Okay, what the fuck was that, Brock?” you exclaim, now in the privacy of the kitchen. 
“I-,” Brock begins, shaking his head. “Have I been reading this wrong? I thought…I thought…haven’t we been flirting since you got here?”
“I mean, yes,” you exhale. “But what the fuck was that? Why’d you choose that moment to kiss me?”
“I’m sorry,” Brock mumbles, swallowing heavily. “But you two were flirting and I didn’t want to lose you and I-.”
“I wasn’t flirting with him.” Stepping closer you reach up, your hands on either side of Brock’s face. “You have to trust that I would never do anything with your friends.” Rolling forward onto your toes you lean closer to Brock, your lips brushing against his. “Okay?”
“Okay,” Brock mutters before kissing you again. It’s longer this time, your lips moving with his as you wrap one arm around his shoulders. Brock runs one hand around your back, tugging your body closer as his tongue brushes against yours. He’s pushing you against the kitchen counter a second later, your head spinning with the mix of overwhelming emotions and the effects of the tequila. 
A strangled moan emanates from your throat just before you hear the crashing of the cabin door closing. Pulling back from Brock you stare up at him with a guilty smile, as if you were still just a couple teenagers sneaking around at the summer cabin. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Sam declares, taking a step back towards the door. 
“No, no, you’re good,” you assure him. “We were just, um, about to head back out.”
“Were we?” Brock asks, voice quiet as he places his hands on your hips, pulling your back into his chest. 
With a quiet giggle you tip your head back, looking up at Brock. “We can pick his back up later,” you assure him. 
Back outside you let Brock pull you onto his lap on one of the chairs around the fire. You knew it was some drunken, misplaced desire to exert the fact that there was indeed something happening between the two of you that was more than just friendly. 
The rest of the night is spent in loud conversations, rambunctious laughter echoing off the still lake. By the time the night is over and people begin trickling off to head inside you’re more than ready to have some time alone with Brock.
“I’m going to head home now, want to walk over there with me?” you ask Brock before standing up.
“Yeah, of course,” Brock replies taking your hand and walking back to your cabin. 
Inside you take Brock’s other hand, tugging him closer. “Do you want to spend the night here?” 
“Yes,” Brock replies quickly before pressing his lips to yours again, kissing you with an eagerness that you quickly matched. 
Before long the two of you had stumbled your way up to your room, the silence of the cabin being interrupted by the sounds of your moans.
Laying breathlessly next to Brock, your body flushed and tired, you can’t help but begin to worry about the implications of the situation. Was this just because you were both drunk? Did he really have feelings for you or was this all just because of the alcohol? 
After tugging some pyjamas on and using the bathroom you crawl back into bed with Brock, resting your head on his shoulder, arm over his chest. “Can I ask you something?” 
“Of course,” Brock hums, running his fingers along your back. 
“Do you, um…was this, I just,” you stammer, finally pulling yourself away from him, sitting up and staring across the dark room at the slice of moonlight that was shining on the wall through the curtains. “Was this just a meaningless hook-up? Because I actually have feelings for you,” you admit. 
You feel Brock run his hand along your back, fingers curling around your waist as he tugs you back to lay next to him. “No, it wasn’t,” he assures you, kissing your temple before you settle in next to him. “I was so into you when we were growing up. Every summer since high school I’ve hoped you would show up again.”
“I don’t believe you,” you giggle. “I had the biggest crush on you back then, you can’t steal my story,” you tease. 
“Back then?” 
Rolling your eyes you reach over and take his hand, squeezing it gently. “Still do.”
“Good,” Brock chuckles. 
And just like that the two of you fall into a comfortable silence that quickly turns to a deep sleep. After that first night together the two of you grew closer, no longer just spending the days together but the nights as well. 
Every morning you would wake up next to Brock, often going for a walk with the dogs before you would have breakfast together. Then you would spend the majority of the day working at your place. After you were done your work for the day you would head over and join Brock for dinner. 
For the next month and a half everything felt easy and fun. The daily stress you normally felt when you were back at your apartment had almost dissipated entirely. You grew closer and closer with Brock, falling more and more for him with each passing day. Time had begun to slip by faster and faster, till the majority of the summer was now in the past and you were getting closer and closer to the day where the cabins would be shuttered as everyone returned to the real world. 
Laying on your couch you stare out through the large window at the sheets of rain pouring from the sky. The summer was coming to an end whether you wanted to admit it or not and the grey sky was doing its part to remind you of that. Brock’s car was already packed, his place was tidied and ready for his departure. 
You have your head on Brock’s chest, your arm draped over his stomach. He’s running his hand along your back and with each passing second you begin growing closer to tears. You didn’t want to admit how much it felt like your chest was being ripped apart.
Sniffling quietly you try to blink away the tears in your eyes before Brock could notice. But you weren’t as secretive as you had hoped. “Are you okay?” Brock whispers.
Nodding you lift your head from his chest, wiping at your eyes. “Yeah, it’s stupid.”
“I’m sure it’s not,” Brock assures you, waiting for you to go on.
“I just don’t want this to end,” you admit. “I don’t want you to leave.”
“I don’t either.” Brock wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer. “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?” you mumble, shuffling in your seat to face him. Taking one of Brock’s hands in yours you give it a quick squeeze, glossy eyes staring across the small distance between you and Brock. 
“Because I never meant to hurt you.” Brock reaches over, brushing away a few of the tears that had spilled from your eyes onto your cheeks. 
“You didn’t mean to hurt me, Brock. I know you didn’t,” you assure him with a quick sniffle, eyes gazing down at your interlocked fingers. “I would rather be hurt now than to never have had this summer with you.”
Brock leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. “I just wish we had more time.”
“Me too,” you whisper, lifting your eyes to look back up at him. “Maybe we can next summer.”
Brock nods slowly, pushing a piece of your hair behind your ear. “Next summer,” he echoes as a tear slides down your cheek no longer caring enough to wipe them away, no longer fighting the sadness in your heart. Because the pain was going to happen whether you wanted it or not. But maybe, just maybe, the promise of next summer would be enough to help you deal with the sadness. 
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wineauntie · 4 days
evie making friendship bracelets and giving them to everyone on the canucks 😭❤️ that would be so cute. and they’d all have each players initials and number and every bracelet would be unique for each player :(
FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS — family is family au
au masterlist
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Six year old Evie nervously clutched onto Quinn’s hand as they walked into the Canucks locker room. It was just a normal practice, but Evie had recently taken up a new hobby— bracelet making.
And this new hobby led to her discovery of friendship bracelets.
Both, you and Quinn’s, wrists adorned at least 3-4 bracelets made by Evie at any given time.
She’d grown bored of making them solely for you, Quinn, Jack, Luke, Ellen and Jim, that naturally her next port of call was to make friendship bracelets for the Canucks.
Quinn had been more than happy to support Evie's new endeavor, knowing how much it meant to her. As they entered the locker room, Evie held a small, colorful bag filled with bracelets, each one carefully crafted with different patterns and colors, and each player’s initials and number woven into the design.
"Hey, everyone," Quinn called out, drawing the attention of his teammates. "We have a guest here, who has a present for you.”
All eyes turned to Evie as she squeezed Quinn’s hand tighter.
“Hi,” she nervously waved, her small voice echoing around the room.
A chorus of hellos erupted as Evie giggled at the volume. Majority of the team had known and met the little girl on various occasions and each of them grinned upon seeing her.
“Evie has something for you all,” Quinn continued, glancing down at the girl.
The room fell silent once again as the players looked over, curious smiles spreading across their faces. Evie re-tightened her grip on Quinn's hand, flushing with a mix of excitement and shyness.
Elias Pettersson was the first to speak up as he approached Quinn and Evie. Evie had met Petey multiple times, even calling him uncle Petey every now and again.
"Hey there, Ev,” he grinned, crouching down to face her as his hand briefly reached out to ruffle her hair. “What do you have for us?"
Evie took a deep breath, summoning all of the courage she could.
"I made friendship bracelets for everyone," she spoke quietly, reaching into her bag. She pulled out a bracelet with his initials and number, handing it to him. "This one’s for you."
Petey’s eyes lit up as he took the bracelet, immediately slipping it onto his wrist. "Wow, Ev, this is so good,” He smiled, fist pumping the giggling girl. “Thank you!"
One by one, Evie handed out the bracelets, each player accepting their unique piece with genuine delight. She paused in front of Conor Garland, who examined his bracelet with wide eyes filled with admiration.
"This is so cool,” he praised, sticking out his hand for a high five. “You did an amazing job!"
Evie beamed and high-fived Garland, her confidence growing with each player's praise. She handed one to Boeser, who grinned widely.
"I'm never taking this off," he declared, showing the ‘Boeser 6’ blue and green bracelet off to the rest of the team.
As Evie finished distributing the bracelets, Quinn knelt beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
"You did great, Bug," he whispered proudly as the team gathered around Evie, and showered her with more compliments and high-fives.
"Looks like you’re apart of the team now," Petey playful saluted her.
Evie's eyes sparkled with joy, her nerves completely dissipated as she looked up to Quinn with a wide grin, tugging his sleeve to get him to bend.
"Thank you, Dad" she whispered once he’d bent down to listen to her.
Quinn chuckled, ruffling her hair. "You’re welcome, Bug." He whispered back, pressing a quick kiss to her hairline.
The players resumed their preparations for practice, each one proudly wearing their friendship bracelet.
The friendship bracelets remained on for the following few games, causing an uptake of curiosity amongst the press and fans.
Quinn, on his way back to the locker room after a game was stopped by an interviewer to talk.
"We've noticed a trend on the team lately—many of the players have been wearing these colorful bracelets. Can you tell us more about that?"
“Yeah, those bracelets were actually made by my daughter, Evie. She recently got into making friendship bracelets.” Quinn smiled, glancing down at his own wrist, which was adorned with several of Evie's bracelets. “I ran out of wrist room so she decided to make one for each of my teammates."
"That's a sweet gesture. How did the team react when they received them?"
"They loved them. It’s not every day you get a handmade gift from a six-year-old.” Quinn chuckled, recalling the day. “Each bracelet was made with the player’s initials and number. It really lifted the spirits in the locker room.”
"That's wonderful to hear. Why do you think it had such a positive impact on the team?"
"Well, I think it's a reminder of what really matters," Quinn said thoughtfully. "It’s hard to be in a bad mood when you’re wearing a bright, colorful bracele."
"It sounds like Evie has made a big impression on the team. Do you think she’ll keep making bracelets for your teammates?"
"I’m sure she will. She loves making them.” He explained with a faint smile, “She’s even talking about making more for other people too."
"That's fantastic, well, it's great to see the impact such a small gesture can have. Thank you for talking with us, Quinn.”
"Thank you," he nodded and retreated to the locker room.
The interview went viral, with many people commenting that they’d never seen a Hughes brother talk as much as Quinn had in the interview.
Many commenters also acknowledged how his eyes lit up at the chance to talk about Evie.
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larsnicklas · 6 months
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BROCK BOESER ✧ 231212 [Did you think you were going to get a second opportunity on the empty netter?] *chuckling* No, no, I don't know, it was just a bad shot on [the first] one...
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comphy-and-cozy · 10 months
48 with Brock!!! His dogs are sooo cute
they are the cutest little guys which is fitting bc so is brock
celebrate 1K with me
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Prompt: #48 "Send. Pic. Of. Dog. Now."
Pairing: Brock Boeser x Reader (gn)
Word Count: ~730
Warnings: Brief alcohol use/mention
The sound of your keys hitting the floor with a clunk is loud, but you can hardly be bothered to care as you drop your bag beside the keyring. Kicking your shoes off, you make a beeline for the couch, falling face first into the soft cushion with a grunt.
You had one of the worst days you’d had in a while, starting with an empty gas tank that caused you to be late to work. Then, issue after issue and several difficult customers only amped up your irritation, having to take 5 minutes to cry in the breakroom no less than three times. Finally, you escaped the confines of your workplace only to find that you had locked your keys in your car and had to wait over an hour for AAA to arrive.
So, to say you want to curl up into a ball and cry is an understatement. You’re almost too exhausted to do even that, choosing to savor the feeling of being horizontal after the day from hell.
And then your phone buzzes. You groan, allowing yourself a few more moments of wallowing in self-pity before you heave yourself up to pull your phone out of your pocket to check the message, hoping it's not more bad news.
[Brock:] how’s it going?
With a snort, you think to yourself, ‘Where do I begin?’, instead opting to send an easier message: “Send. Pic. Of. Dog. Now.”
Not 30 seconds later, an entire collection of photos of Milo and Coolie snoozing on his couch, the last one a blurry shot of Coolie’s tongue licking the camera. You smile through a sniffle, reacting to the image with a thumbs up.
A little while later, your phone buzzes again, this time with an incoming call from Brock. You place him on speakerphone, not bothering to lift your head from the cushion.
“That bad, huh?” he laughs upon hearing your grunt as a greeting.
“You have no idea.”
You can hear he’s in the car, the sound of his blinker in the background. “You want to talk about it?”
“I just want to drown myself in ice cream and a fuzzy blanket. Maybe a glass of wine. Or four.”
He laughs. “Ice cream and wine? Doesn’t sound like the best pairing, but I’ve heard worse.”
“Don’t judge me.”
“Hey, do your thing,” he says, and you can imagine him holding his hands up in defense. You hear the jingle of his keys and the shutting of a car door.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
“Me? Oh just dropping something off to a friend.”
As if on cue, you hear a knock on your door. With a groan, you roll yourself off of the couch to answer it, expecting to see a delivery driver with a package. Instead, it’s Brock, holding his phone to his ear and two leashes in his other hand. He’s grinning, then holds up a paper bag. “I come bearing gifts.”
You don’t bother hanging up the phone, instead launching yourself forward into his arms with a tight squeeze. The tears well up faster than you anticipate, and he secures his arms around you and rocks you gently while you cry.
“This is so sweet,” you say through sniffles.
“I couldn’t just leave you hanging after you had an awful day,” he smiles once you let him go, a tearful smile in return. 
Brock gestures for you to step back into your house, then whistles at Coolie and Milo, who pounce through your front door and look up at you expectantly, waiting for pets and treats. Their excited tails flap as their tongues find your face while you give each of them a greeting, already feeling your bad mood dissipating at the arrival of the dogs. And Brock. Mostly the dogs.
But then Brock pulls out a pint of Ben & Jerry’s and a bottle of Pinot Noir, and you’re gaping up at him. “How did you know?” you ask.
“I know you better than anyone,” he says with a smile, moving into your kitchen to retrieve spoons and wine glasses. “Or did you forget?”
You shake your head no, accepting the wine glass gratefully. “Thank you, Brock.”
“Don’t mention it,” he waves you off, then plops on the couch, whistling to encourage the dogs to hop up beside him.  “Now, should we watch Frozen or Moana?”
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mico-evelyn1 · 4 months
Everything you need to know so far about the NHL all-star weekend ↴
[article: NHL All-Star, this is just a summary]
📍Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, CANADA
🗓️ February 1-3
FAN VOTE IS BACK: you will get to vote for 12 players, 8 skaters and 4 goalies. You can submit a ballout 10 times.
A player (the captain) will be paired with a celebrity. They will pick 11 players (9 skaters and 2 goalies)
Man of the Year will be announced
PWHL (Professional Women's Hockey League) will have a 3-on-3 (more information below)
12 Players will compete in 8 events. The player with most points takes home $1 million (USD) (or $1,329,136 in CAD). Each player will compete in 4 of 6 events. THE EVENTS:
Fastest Skater
Hardest Shot
Accuracy Shot
Top 8 point-earners will advance to the 7th event: the SHOOTOUT-> each player will choose a goalie to shoot against.
The top six point-earners will advance to the 8th and final round: the OBSTACLE COURSE-> points doubled.
3-on-3 tournament between 4 teams, winning team receives $1 million (USD)
There has already been a player chosen from each team (here are the players): [Name, team, position]
Frank Vatrano, ANA, F
Clayton Keller, ARI, F
David Pastrnak, BOS, F
Rasmus Dahlin, Buff, D
Elias Lindholm, CGY, F
Sebastian Aho, CAR, F
Connor Bedard, CHI, F (injured)
Nathan Mackinnon, COL, F
Boone Jenner, CBJ, F
Jake Oettinger, DAL, G
Alex DeBrincet, DET, F
Connor McDavid, EDM, F
Sam Reinhart, FLA, F
Cam Talbot, LAK, G
Kirill Kaprizov, MIN, F
Nick Suzuki, MTL, F
Filip Forsberg, NSH, F
Jack Hughes, NJD, F
Mathew Barzel, NYI, F
Igor Shesterkin, NYR, G
Brady Tkachuk, OTT, F
Travis Konecny, PHI, F
Sidney Crosby, PIT, F
Tomas Hertl, SJS, F
Oliver Bjorkstrand, SEA, F
Robert Thomas, STL, F
Nikita Kucherov, TBL, F
Auston Matthews, TOR, F
Quinn Hughes, VAN, D
Jack Eichel, VGK, F (injured)
Tom Wilson, WSH, F
Connor Hellebuyck, WPG, G
Vincent Trochek (New York Rangers) and Kyle Connor (Winnipeg Jets), to replace Connor Bedard (Chicago Blackhawks) and Jack Eichel (Vegas Golden Knights).
PWHL 3-on-3 showcase
There will be 2 teams 12 players on each, 10 skaters and 2 goalies.
Team King (Cassie Campbell-Pascall): named after Billie Jean King
Team Kloss (Meghan Duggan): named after Ilana Kloss
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Thursday 1st, 6:00-7:00 p.m: Dodgeball
Friday 2nd, 5:00-6:00 p.m: Skills Competition
Saturday 3rd, 12:00-1:00 p.m: Street Hockey Game 
Sunday 4th, 1:00-2:00 p.m: Musical Chairs
2:00 PM: Championship Trophy and "Most Valuable Mascot" Belt Presentations
THE FAN VOTE RESULTS: [name, team, position, votes]
Thatcher Demko, VAN, G: 1,398,699
William Nylander, TOR, F: 1,393,578
Cale Makar, COL, D: 1,065,367
Elias Pettersson, VAN, F: 976,716
Leon Draisaitl, EDM, F: 967,975
Mitchell Marner, TOR, F: 946,154
J.T. Miller, VAN, F: 839,215
Morgan Rielly, TOR, D: 830,480
Brock Boeser, VAN, F: 762,378
Sergei Bobrovsky, FLA, G: 712,100
Alexandar Georgiev, COL, G: 584,071
Jeremy Swayman, Boston Bruins, G: 578,739
10 players have been selected and you can vote for 2 more skaters:
Auston Matthews
William Nylander
Nathan MacKinnon
Cale Makar
Connor McDavid
Leon Draisaitl
Nikita Kucherov
Jack Hughes
David Pastranak
Elias Pettersson
Quinn Hughes and J.T. Miller were voted in to participate in the All-Star skills competition.
NHL All Star Jerseys:
🔴Pacific Division
🔵Atlantic Division
⚪Metropolitan Division
🟡Central Division
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Team Matthews: Auston Matthews, Justin Bieber. Assistant Captains: Morgan Rielly.
Team McDavid: Connor McDavid, Will Arnett. Assistant Captain: Leon Draisaitl.
Team Mackinnon: Nathan MacKinnon, Tate McRae. Assistant Captain: Cale Makar.
Team Hughes: Quinn & Jack Hughes, Michael Bublé.
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harlowhockeystick · 1 year
hockey blurb masterlist
[a] = angst, [s] = smut, [f] = favorite
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brock boeser
"are you sure that's how you do it?"
erik johnson
"you were the first one who actually loved me" [a]
frederik andersen
picking apples
at the dinner table [s] → in the shower [s]
laundry day [s]
"say the word and i'm yours"
stood up [f]
"i'll take care of you"
"how many rounds do you have in you?"
"make sure nobody sees you leave"
matthew tkachuk
"your hands are warm"
"you're giving me those fuck me eyes again" [s]
nolan patrick
"i just want you all the time" [f]
"this shit is so overrated"
"i've never had a valentine before"
putting his princess in her place [s]
"my head hurts, stop talking"
by the fireplace [s]
"i'm so in love i might stop breathing"
"please come out, i need to talk to you" [f] [a]
quinn hughes
"i'm bleeding"
"show me where it hurts"
"can i stay here tonight?"
sidney crosby
"and he never thinks of me, except when i'm on tv"
"that's so hot, do it again"
"this reminded me of you"
"i'm so in love i might stop breathing"
"i'll never forget you" [a]
william nylander
"just wait until tomorrow, everything will be on sale"
"look in my eyes"
"i need a vacation. and a shot."
"i miss my dog. and my wife."
"i want to wear his initial on a chain 'round my neck"
"i want to know what your moans sound like"
feedback | main masterlist | taglist | more blurbs
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equallyshaw · 6 months
ᴅᴀʏ ɴɪɴᴇ: ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʜᴏᴍᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴇ - ʙʀᴏᴄᴋ ʙᴏᴇꜱᴇʀ
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part of holidays with equallyshaw
warnings: swearing.
word count: 2.8k+
takes place over christmas and janurary! not really christmasy but idc lmao.
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ʜᴇʀ ʜᴀɪʀ ꜱʟɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ʙᴀᴄᴋ in a tight bun, her black dress clung to her irresistible curves and her free spirit is what caught broody brock boeser's attention, on this cold snow-free evening in vancouver. abba music pounded throughout the club, as divya 'viv' screamed the lyrics with her longtime uni friends. viv had just graduated this semester after 5 long years at uni of british columbia and she was more than ecstatic to raise some hell this weekend before heading home to toronto. after her 5 years in bc, she had no reason to stay on this side of canada so she was going to head home before heading to new york- hunting for a position on wall street.
brock watched as the dark haired girl danced and spun around with her friends, and felt the hair on his very neck raise. him and viv or 'vivian' as he called her, had hooked up many, many times over the course of her time on the west coast. it never led to anything, despite her giving him false hope. despite, them being exclusive to one another during the season. and him being faithful to her during the offseason - though she didnt know.
one of her friends since freshman year was on her way back from the bar, when she spotted some of the canucks. she rolled her eyes, slipping through people to get back to her group. "you'd never guess who's here tonight!" maya boomed and the girls all looked at her before shrugging. she then turned towards viv and viv felt a wave of guilt wash over. she had really like brock as a person, and hated toying with his emotions but she had told her self and her parents had too, that she couldn't date anybody while in school. her parents were pretty strict parents, but were leniant in other ways. "good god." she hummed, throwing back a shot of tequila to which she shut her eyes quickly, as the burning sensation died down. "he really did a number on ya, huh?" ginny another girl had teased while poking her elbow, "yeah for sure." viv lied. oh, he had in the most innocent of ways. but she had done it worse, breaking his heart over and over again.
it was a while later when one of her friends sasha made her ways over toward elias, which then meant the two groups were bound to converse with one another. and as luck would have it, brock and viv found themselves close to one another. in proximity ofcourse, but viv didn't dare look at him. brock made a peace offering about 30 minutes later, holding out a cup of vodka cranberry and she knew she couldn't resist the free drink. she swiped it from him giving him a small smile, giving him a small nod. "how have you need davya?" he questioned, and she almost choked as he said her full name. "uh good! just graduated so im glad to be free of this place." she mused, sipping her drink. he nodded, "well that's great, congratulations!" he said smiling widely, a genuine smile was evident. she smiled back, the one that he had seen many, many times and he felt himself blush.
"still planning on wall street?" he questioned, and she nodded. "don't you know it. its not too far from home that my parents wont need to complain, but far enough where i feel like i can be my own person and find my own way." she said shrugging. he nodded, taking it all in. he hadn't said five words to her since may, and he had been dying to talk to her since then. "i always used to say that if vancouver didn't select me, i wanted to go to new york. something about it made me feel alive. if that makes sense." he said rambling a bit, and she could tell he felt embarrassed. "oh ofcourse! i totally get that...that's why im a sucker for it." she said whispering that last part and the two of their gazes connected. viv felt her chest begin to heat up, and the return of the familiar longing for him was evident.
he moved in closer to her, "maybe ill have to come visit you vivian." he mused, words and breath heavy on her neck. she felt herself shudder with pleasure, and looked at how close their faces were to each other. she grinned before leaning in and kissing him. he wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her in closer. they pulled away after a few seconds, "would it be crazy to ask you to come back to my place? again?" he questioned and she giggled, "thought you'd never ask...take me home." she whispered, with a cunning smirk on her face.
two days later she woke up with an arm draped across her torso and chest, as her back was pressed into the mattress. she looked over and saw brock's familiar and luscious blond locks and smiled, rubbing small circles on his arm that was draped. god, she really needed to leave she thought. she had to catch a flight to toronto..but she didn't want to leave. being with brock felt right, it felt real and felt like home. though, her toxic side would never admit that. if she didn't get home, she'd hear so much from it. especially if she missed christmas and christmas eve. she felt the bed shift a bit, before brock rested his chin on her shoulder. she looked down, as she met his longing gaze. "morning vivian." he said softly, before she leaned in and kissed him. "morning brock." she hummed.
"whatcha thinkin about?" he questioned, pressing a kiss to her shoulder before exploring along her chest and neck. she softly moaned before he was now on top of her, and she had her hands wrapped in his hair. "just how my parents would kill me if i didn't make my flight tomorrow..but i shamelessly don't want to leave." she said shrugging and not daring to look at him. "whys that?" he said coyly, beginning to pepper her with kisses. she sighed, "because then they'd have the guy that they're forcing me to marry come find me. and like i don't want that." she said as if it was nothing. his eyebrows crinkled, as he froze. "sorry for this cockblock of a conversation." she said sitting up and he quickly moved off of her, as she wrapped around the throw blanket on the chair, next to the bed.
she wrapped her self and went to grab her phone from the kitchen where'd she had left it. "what do you mean, like an arranged marriage?" he questioned as she was about to leave. "yes." was all she said before walking out and then walked back in as quickly. "i don't want to be tied down to somebody that i don't love and especially not this quick after graduation, but they don't care." she said dropping the blanket, and bent down to grab her clothes.
"thats why you never wanted to be together, like be together for real." brock said putting the words together. she nodded. "she sighed, slipping on her underwear and jeans, her long locks draping over her chest. she turned back towards him, "that's why i kept breaking your heart...and mine." she said, the latter being softer. he stood up, and walked over towards her as she threw on her faux leather jacket. "what? you've liked me this whole time? just as much as i did?" he questioned and she scoffed, "well obviously brock, why do you think I've come back for the past 5 years almost? even if it crushed me saying no and leaving, you-you drew me back in and i loved our time together, even if it meant breaking my heart each time." she exclaimed, buttoning up her jacket. she looked up at brock, once she finished.
he stood in front of her and gave her a sad smile, and she hated it. she hated this look that he did whenever she broke things off, and would say no. "i keep hurting you, why do you keep holding on to hope, huh?" she exasperated. "because i love you! cant you see that!" he said raising his voice, acting as if viv didn't feel the same way. or as if she didn't see it.
"that will never be enough, brock! never!" she said running her hands through her hair. she sniffled, "that will never be enough and has never. its never been enough to be able to call off my wedding that as far as i know is in a few months. you're never gonna be enough for me, and i -i cant do anything about it." she said through tears, watching so many emotions flash through his blue eyes. he shook his head, "you're love will never be enough for me, and my love will never be enough to set me free." she said softer, and he titled his head just a bit at that; and his face dawned a pleading look. she shook her head, "im sorry brock." she said before walking out.
it was janurary 20th, and she was heading into scotiabank with her older cousin and her husband. she had been living with her cousin for the month almost, after she told her parent's she needed time away from them. she told them that she couldn't go through with the marriage, and obviously they were not too pleased with her. they berated her and believed that she was bringing shame to the family. she said she was leaving, no matter their thoughts or feelings. once she had come back from vancouver, her older cousin sought it all out of her. her cousin absolutely adored the fact, that she had been seeing brock for almost 5 years. her cousin secretly wished that the two would somehow find each other again.
the two sat down in the club seats, and watched the players just beginning to take the ice for period 1. her husband handed over two beers, and viv quickly chugged half of it. "have you spoken to him..at all?" she questioned and viv shook her head. "nope." she sighed, quickly finding brock as he took his spot on the blue line for the anthem. she stood along with the rest of the arena, and listened to the anthem but through it all, she flashed back to all the times her and brock spent together. throughout the game she could not take her eyes off of the blonde-eyed beauty, that she had come to love. god, how she missed him.
at some point during period three with the two teams tied, the arena decided they would begin a segment on the jumbotron for 'kiss cam.' and ofcourse, her and cousins husband would be shown on the camera, despite there being a seat in between them empty. the girl next to her tapped her and pointed up, viv was terrified. she shook her head, a flash of fear in her eyes. the camera still did not move, and her cousins husband put his face in his hand, not believing that this was happening. the camera then moved away, and viv sighed a sigh of relief.
the camera flashed back to viv and her cousin's husband and they shook their heads again, and ofourse the crowd was eating this all up and the teams began to watch as well. brock looked up and felt his heart drop to his stomach, this couldn't be happening he thought. he looked away at the exact moment that her cousin came back and kissed him passionately in front of the crowd. the crowd, hooting and hollering. viv's cheeks heated up when her cousin laughed, sitting down back between them. "that was fun." she mused as viv rolled her eyes.
two hours later, with a vancouver overtime win; coming from the princess himself, viv found herself, her cousin and her husband at the soho house bar. after about an hour of being there, she saw some of the vancouver canucks waltz in. she sighed, finishing her cranberry vodka and decided to call it a night. "no im gonna get a taxi, ill see you back at the condo." she said getting up, and began her dissent towards the front. she passed the team, with brock quickly recognizing the shade of dark brown hair from anywhere. he followed her out, and saw her waiting at the pickup area.
"vivian!" she heard to the right of where she was standing and she felt tears prick her eyes, once she realized it was him. "brock we cant do this here." she said as her uber pulled up, "then take me wherever you're going." he said confidently. she looked towards the uber and the grabbed ahold of his hand pulling him with her. "are we going home?" he questioned, "ill introduce myself." he added quickly and she sighed. "no, i left home once i came back. been staying with my cousin aditi or adi and her husband." she said leaning back into the seat. he watched the tension dissipate just a bit, and then took ahold of her hand that was resting on her thigh. he pulled it closer to him and rubbed her thumb softly. she looked towards him, and saw the look he had made her swoon these past years.
"come on." she huffed, pulling him out of the uber and up towards the condo. she opened it up quickly, and walked in and opening the door wider for him. she sat down her purse on the table near the door, and watched as brock took in the condo. the condo featured so much of her culture, yet it was modern and so different from other family members' homes. especially her parents.
"you left home?" he questioned softly, and she saw that it was laced with concern. "yeah my parents told me that this guy that they had been planning for me to marry, was gonna be making an appearance soon and i said no. i told them that if they went through with this, that'd they would be losing me. that i would not go through with it. id rather lose everything i own and have if it means ill be happy or have a chance to be. i had even made calls to my best friends in vancouver but my cousin said that i can come here first. and stay as long as i needed to." she said shrugging and pulling a bottle of water from the fridge. "want one?" she questioned and he nodded, taking one from her.
"she too never went through with her arranged marriage, and she's been able create her dream life and with the husband of her dreams." she said smiling softly, "who was sitting next to you tonight?" he questioned, and she nodded. he silently cursed himself and she saw his red cheeks. she shook her head, "all good brock. seriously. you had no idea based on what our last conversation was. i would have thought the same thing." viv said trying to soften the blow.
"i have spent the past 5 years absolutely head over heals for you and i would absolutely shoot myself in the foot if i didn't even attempt to mend or not even mend, but give us a chance." she paused as brock looked over at her. a sliver of hope coursing through his veins.
"i would be a fool not to at least attempt to explore my feelings and whatever it is between us. officially, that is." she said but looked away when he didn't say anything. he was just too stunned to say a word, he couldn't believe that the girl of his dreams who is a firecracker, kind, poised and absolute breathtaking would be now saying this. that she finally had the opportunity to explore this.
"really?" he choked out and she looked back at him. she nodded and he moved closer to her so now he was directly in front of her, and pulling a stray hair behind her ear. "pinky promise." she grinned, holding out her pinky. he looked down at it quickly, before looking back into her brown eyes.
pinky promises were their thing, it is what they said when the other was being serious. they'd come up with it after hooking up a few times her freshman year, and it stuck.
"pinky promise, b." she said and he smiled back, pulling hers and his pinky together.
they pulled away, and he wrapped his arms around her back while hers found his neck. they rested their foreheads against each others, taking in this moment together. because they didn't know how long they would go without seeing each other. well mostly viv.
but brock had other plans, "come home with me." he offered and she opened her eyes to find his already looking at her. "what?" she questioned in disbelief but also wanted him to say it again.
he smiled widely, pulling her as close as possible before speaking again. "come home with me." he stated, and she smiled softly. and not even a beat later, "take me home b." she smiled before he pulled her in for a long and deep kiss.
"oh! and can we celebrate christmas, i got you a gift.." she said pulling apart, and he grinned. "you and you're timing but yes, id love to spend christmas with you." he mused before kissing her once more.
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hope you all enjoyed! pls like and reblog, if u did (:
tags: @cuttergauthier @jayda12 @toasttt11 @jackhues @dancerbailey3
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wyattjohnston · 1 year
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all fic | universe | gifs | exchanges
(alphabetical order by team, then by player)
updated: 27 Jan '24
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* = contains smut
boston bruins
charlie mcavoy
kiss it better now
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buffalo sabres
erik johnson
only all the time (series of one shots)
jeff skinner
your eyes look like coming home
tyson jost
it’s me & you
out of ten
this is getting good now (series of one shots)
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calgary flames
noah hanifin
the one who needs saving
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carolina hurricanes
andrei svechnikov
kinda hope they catch us
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colorado avalanche
gabriel landeskog
‘til you give me all your love
nathan mackinnon
the second time
you always did feel just like home
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columbus blue jackets
nick blankenburg
need a little company
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dallas stars
jake oettinger
the saddest thing i know
roope hintz
no sound worse than silence
tyler seguin
ain’t no sunshine (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, playlist)
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edmonton oilers
leon draisaitl
lock in your love
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florida panthers
matthew tkachuk
don't want to miss you like this
you gotta kiss somebody (sometimes)
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los angeles kings
pierre luc dubois
never said a thing
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montreal canadiens
josh anderson
what am i to you?
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nashville predators
anthony beauvillier
into moonlight (series of one shots)
taylor hall
better at leaving* & i just keep coming back to you*
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new jersey devils
dougie hamilton
i’ll bet you didn’t even know
jack hughes
make it weird
we all have our secrets
we don't have no time to waste (series of one shots)
nico hischier
late nights in the middle of june (series of one shots)
not perfect (but we were)
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new york islanders
mat barzal
all eyes, they're on you (series of one shots)
uh oh
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new york rangers
chris kreider
toward a feminine sea
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philadelphia flyers
joel farabee
fell in love with you in stages
travis konecny
take me as i am (series of one shots)
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pittsburgh penguins
ryan graves
never saw you coming
to hold your hand (would be the bravest thing)
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seattle kraken
andre burakovsky
dreamer (just like you)
we look good together*
jamie oleksiak
my picket fence penguins
your eyes look like coming home
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st louis blues
colton parayko
open your heart to me
kasperi kapanen
let's get these wheels in motion*
kevin hayes
got a hold on me* (series of one shots)
how those rumours fly
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toronto maple leafs
mitch marner
give the stars something to watch
morgan rielly
sache que je serai la tienne (series of one shots)
william nylander
let's get these wheels in motion*
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vancouver canucks
brock boeser
and i had silly dreams
take you one day at a time (series of one shots)
elias pettersson
been a long time coming
quinn hughes
closer than i ever even knew
let's finish what we started
until the light shines through
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vegas golden knights
nolan patrick
found the cure for a broken heart
say that we'll be together (series of one shots)
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washington capitals
nicklas backstrom
give up the game
tom wilson
in the shadows & still want more
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winnipeg jets
adam lowry
breaking all the rules
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
little slice of heaven | life with otis
summary; today of all days, they know he’s their little piece of heaven.
warnings; this talks about parental death, more specifically Brock’s dad, Duke. If that makes you uncomfortable please don’t read.
This year was a write off, you’d decided.
It was horrible from the off set and throughout. To go from last off season getting married and buying your first home to this one, spent by your father in law’s bedside. You’d spent the first half of the year facing issue after issue with your house build and receiving time after time, negative pregnancy tests.
You weren’t even in Minnesota when it happened. You were in Vancouver closing on your house sale, Brock told you he wanted to be at home in case.
He didn’t say anything on the phone, he just cried.
“I’m coming baby, just hold tight”
The day of the funeral was quiet, nobody spoke much and you didn’t blame them.
Getting back to the house where it was just family felt nice, everyone in there was grieving the same.
You’d been feeling off all day, dizzy and sick.
“How’re you feeling my love?” You mumble, kissing his shoulder and sitting down next to him.
“Numb I guess, Petey called”
“Yeah he asked me how you were, said he’s sorry he couldn’t come on time” you smile, holding his hand “Im sometimes worried he’s more of your wife than I am”
He chuckles, the first time you’d heard him laugh in a while.
“I Just… it doesn’t feel real that he’s not going to be here for things like my first cup? Our first child” he deflates and you can only run his hand soothingly
“I know baby, I’m so sorry”
“He should be here you know? I know we’ve been dealing with the negative tests and I’m so proud of you for your resilience. He was so happy for us and he won’t be here to see it when it’s finally a good result”
You couldn’t say anything, there was nothing to make that feel better.
Later that night, just before bed in the bathroom you were watching your face and looking for a towel. You pulled open the cupboards and a box fell out.
An unused pregnancy test lay at your feet. You looked at it and thought about when you’d last taken one. Deciding to just use it, the answer would be the same but a little bit of hope never hurt.
You’d used it, say it to the side and forgotten about it. Shutting off the lights and heading to bed.
Middle of the night, Milo had jumped onto the bed and woken Brock up so he decided to go to the bathroom while he was awake.
He saw it sitting there, confused he picked it up to throw it away before looking
He dropped it, completely shocked. Forgetting the reason he was originally in the bathroom he walked back out to the bed and shook you awake.
You groaned “What? If the house isn’t burning leave me alone”
He smirked “You really thought you could get away with not telling me you’re pregnant?”
Your eyes shot open “I’m what?”
He looks equally as confused “You didn’t know? Who’s test is that?”
It dawned on you then “In the bathroom? Show me!”
He went in and emerged with it, you were now sitting up and grabbed it. Tears immediately filled your eyes “Oh my god”
You gave your husband a watery smile “We’re pregnant”
Brock engulfed you in a hug, peppering kisses all over your face “I love you, I love you! We’re having a baby, our baby!”
Laying there, staring out the window for the next few hours was bliss. His hand rested on your belly until you fell asleep.
When the sun began to rise and he could hear you snoring softly, his hand still hadn’t moved.
“Thanks, Dad” he mumbled, looking out of the window and towards the sun rising above the trees.
otis duke boeser
february 11th, 2023
He was early, but right on time.
Holding Otis as the Boeser’s filed into the room you smiled at the family fawning over him “Oh my he’s beautiful y/n”
“He is, isn’t he?”
“He picked some day to be born, eh?” Brock’s brother laughs.
“Yeah, Happy Birthday Duke and Happy Birthday Otis”
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laurenairay · 2 years
Hope I’m not too late! 10 with Brock Boeser? 💞
10 – “Just tell me why you did it.” – Brock Boeser
771 words.
A little angsty one to finish off this prompt list round! Thanks for choosing Brock to end with, anon!
“Well tonight was a shitshow.”
You turned your head sharply to look at your boyfriend as he muttered those sharp words, frowning as you closed the front door of your apartment behind. Brock had been in a foul mood since the two of you left the bar that the Canucks and better halves had been out in this evening, and his surly expression in the taxi home had only served to rile you up. Now it seemed he was ready to blow. Great.
“Considering you’ve been acting like a bitch for the past half hour, yeah I would agree,” you said, raising an eyebrow.
“Me? I’m the one acting like a bitch?” he said, laughing dryly.
Oh he wouldn’t dare…
“You’d better think about what words you want to say next very carefully,” you warned.
Brock scowled lightly, raising your hackles.
“You want me to choose my words carefully? Fine. You were flirting with that guy at the bar in front of everyone! It was humiliating!”
Your jaw dropped at his words, genuine confusion flooding your body. What the fuck. What the actual fuck.
“You’re kidding me right? He was just being friendly! And I was just being polite because someone left me on my own!” you said angrily.
“He bought you a drink! That wasn’t just being friendly,” Brock spat.
“Oh come on, really? You, you of all people are going to get jealous over people chatting in a bar?” you shot back.
His cheeks flushed slightly, knowing just how many girls flirted with him in bars, but he folded his arms over his chest and stared you down. Stupid, stubborn boy.
“Just tell me why you did it.””
“Why I let another guy buy me a drink?”
“Yeah, that,” Brock said, clenching his jaw.
You huffed out a breath, shaking your head. “I wanted a drink. He was at the bar. He saw I was alone because someone was too busy being Brilliant Brock Boeser. He bought me a drink. End of.”
“Really? You expect me to believe he didn’t want anything else from you?”
“That’s literally it, you ridiculous jealous idiot. I don’t care what he wanted – I knew that I didn’t want anything from him. If you can’t bring yourself to believe me, like I have to believe you every single time you go out, then what’s the point?”
He froze slightly, eyes widening. “What do you mean?”
You pursed your lips, rolling your eyes. You could tell that he was backing down from his anger and jealousy at your phrasing, but it just made your anger flare even more.
“You don’t get to have a double standard, Brock. I’m not going to beg and plead for you to believe me because you should trust me. I don’t do that to you so you don’t get to do that to me,” you said sharply.
It wasn’t fair, not in the slightest. Boyfriend or not, he didn’t get to treat you like this.
“Baby, wait, I didn’t mean-”
“But you did, Brock,” you interrupted, “You did mean it. You don’t get to act like that, treat me like that, not now and not ever.”
“Please don’t break up with me. Please,” Brock said, eyes begging just as much as his words were.
You groaned, closing your eyes briefly as you tilted your head back in frustration. The drama of this was exhausting.
“I’m not going to break up with you. But you understand why I’m so mad at you, right?” you said, looking back at him.
“Yeah, I do. I’m a stupid, jealous idiot, I know,” Brock said sadly.
You sighed, shaking your head. What a shitshow tonight was, he’d been right about that.
“I think you should sleep on the sofa tonight,” you said softly.
Brock let out a shaky breath, but nodded. “Yeah, okay. If that’s what you want. You’ll still be here in the morning though, when I wake up, right?”
You ran your hand through your hair, knowing you shouldn’t agree but also knowing it was the best thing to do. Leaving before he was awake would do irreparable damage to your relationship – and you weren’t ready to let go of him yet.
“Yeah, I’ll be here in the morning. We can talk again when things aren’t so…raw,” you sighed.
“Thank you,” Brock said quickly, flashing you a tight smile, “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”
You just nodded. This was not the way you’d expected your evening to go and so far from how you wanted to leave things until morning, so you could only hope that tomorrow would bring a better day.
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hockey-fics · 1 year
Rather Forgive You Than Lose You ~ Brock Boeser 
Summary: You really believed that once a relationship was over it should stay over. But maybe there were exceptions to that rule, and maybe you were one of those exceptions. 
Word Count: ~2.5k
Warnings: Drinking
Author’s Note: I don’t really like this one but I want to post something that might get the ball rolling on me writing and posting more. So this was written very quickly and edited just as fast, please don’t expect my best work. 
The sun is shining through your window and you’re squinting, a dull ache in the back of your head from the drinks you had the night before. As you slide the coffee pot back into the coffee maker you feel Brock’s hands slide along your waist. Leaning back against his warm body your eyes flutter shut, but only for a second, because you weren’t prepared for what was next. 
“I’m going to a dinner party next Friday, you want to come with me?”
You’re caught off guard by the question and after a couple minutes of silence you shimmy your way out of Brock’s grasp. “Brock, we’re not together anymore. I’m not going to a dinner party with you.”
Brock’s eyes are drilling into you in a way that makes you uncomfortable. You couldn’t figure out the look he was giving you. In the two years of dating you hadn’t seen the look he was giving you. “Are you fucking serious?”
Your breath gets caught in your throat as you stare up at Brock, stepping away till your lower back smacks into the counter. “What do you mean?”
Brock chuckles, shaking his head. “Never mind,” Brock mutters, chuckling coldly. “But you know what?” Brock asks, stepping closer till he was nearly pressed against you.  “If you don’t want this to be anything anymore then stop fucking calling me every time you want someone to fuck you.”
Your breath is shaky as it leaves your lips. “Brock, I…this isn’t….I promise this isn’t just about…that.”
“Really?” Brock snaps. “Because the only time you’ve talked to me since we’ve broken up is to invite me over to have sex.”
“We broke up,” you say, repeating his words back to him. “What are you expecting when I text you? To go on a date? Stop fucking answering me if you don’t want to just come over and hook up.”
Brock is silent for a second and it makes your heart begin to race. “Fine,” he says, stepping away from you. “I’ll stop answering your fucking texts,” Brock snaps, walking towards the door of your apartment. 
You don’t say anything as he walks to the front door, but that didn’t mean you weren’t screaming on the inside. On the verge of breaking, of screaming out for him to stop, to not leave you. Because yes, you had broken up. And you were usually the person who would say that once a relationship ends it should be left in the past. But you didn’t know how much it would hurt when he actually moved out of the apartment you shared. You didn’t know that every single day you would miss waking up beside him. You didn’t know that everyday you came home from work to an empty apartment would leave your heart aching. 
So you started texting him. Just to hook up. You had convinced yourself that was all it was. You weren’t a casual hook up type of person, so it only made sense to go back to someone who knew exactly what you liked. Or, that’s what you told yourself. 
It had been a week since that morning and it felt like you had gone through a second breakup. But this time you couldn’t ease the pain by inviting Brock over. If you did that you would have to admit the truth, that you missed him in a much bigger way than just sexually. 
“You’re going to have fun, just relax,” Amy says as you walk into the bar she had convinced you to come to with your group of friends. It was a Friday night and she had practically begged you to get out your house and stop moping around every night.
“Fine, fine,” you laugh, letting her pull you straight to the bar to get some drinks. 
You were just polishing off your third double gin and tonic when you see him. He was across the bar and had noticed you as well, his eyes already on you. “Brock is here,” you tell Amy, looking over at her. 
“We can leave,” she tells you quickly. 
“No, no, it’s fine,” you tell her, stepping back away from the bar. “I’ll be right back.”
“Y/N,” Amy groans. “Don’t. You’re just going to get hurt again.”
“I’ll be fine,” you assure her. 
Weaving your way through the bar you step into the empty spot at the bar beside Brock. “Hey.”
“Hi,” Brock says, turning his body to look at you. “How’ve you been?”
“It’s only been a week,” you point out, shrugging. 
“You didn’t answer my question.” Brock swirls the dark liquid around his glass before taking a drink. 
Shaking your head you catch the attention of the bartender, ordering another gin and tonic. “How’ve you been?” You ask Brock after getting your drink. 
“Terrible,” Brock chuckles under his breath. “So, are you going to be honest with me now?”
Sighing you take a sip of your drink. “Yeah,” you whisper, staring down at your drink. “Haven’t been great.”
“Sorry,” Brock says quietly before chuckling. “I guess that’s weird for me to say.”
Shrugging you turn your head to look at him. “I miss you,” you admit. 
“Me too,” Brock says, moving his arm across the bar, sliding his hand under yours and curling his fingers between yours. 
Swallowing heavily you watch your interlocked hands for a few minutes before looking back into his eyes. You don’t know how long you were standing there, trying to work up the courage to say or do anything. But once you do, even you’re caught off guard by your actions. You lean over, pressing your lips to his in a gentle, quick kiss. “I should probably go,” you whisper as you pull away from him, cheeks burning as you slide off the barstool and step away. 
“No,” Brock’s voice breaks as he says it and he reaches over to grab your hand. “I mean, I guess, if that’s what you want…but-,” Brock shakes his head. “Fuck, never mind.”
Nodding slowly you take another step back before turning around and heading back across the bar. You stop by where Amy was sitting, letting her know you were going to get some air and insisting you would be fine when she offered to go with you. 
Outside the air is cool but not unbearably cold, which you were grateful for as you pace the same ten feet in front of the bar over and over again. The door opens and you stop pacing, trying to look normal as you stare off down the street, as if that was somehow more normal than walking.
“You okay?”
You recognize the voice immediately and you spin around, looking over at Brock. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” you lie. 
Brock nods, glancing back to the door. “I can leave you alone, if you want.”
“No,” you say, too quickly. “I, uh, I mean, you can, or don’t, either way it doesn’t matter to me.”
“How did it end up like this?” Brock breathes out and you turn around to look at him, waiting for him to go on. “We were so happy for so long, I had an engagement ring, I was ready to be with you forever,” Brock continues, looking around for a minute before turning his attention back to you. “And the next thing I know you’re telling me that we rushed into things, that we should take some time to figure ourselves out before making such a big commitment. But, fuck, I don’t need the time to figure myself out, I know who I am and what I want and all I wanted was to be with you.”
You didn’t realize your eyes had filled so full of tears till one slips down your cheeks. “I don’t know, Brock. I was scared, I’ve never been in a relationship like that, not one that I thought might last forever, but…but relationships almost never last and I was scared that we’d end up just like that, broken and sad and it seemed like if we stayed together longer then it would just be even harder.” You were truly crying by the time you stopped talking, tears and mascara running down your cheeks and you’re gasping for air because suddenly it felt like you couldn’t get a breath past your chest.
Brock grabs your arms, pulling you into a hug, protective and comforting. “It’s okay, just take a deep breath,” Brock whispers, pressing his lips to your forehead. “I’m right here, you’re going to be okay.”
“Sorry, sorry,” you mutter, pulling back as soon as you could take a full breath. “Fuck, sorry, I ruined your night.”
Brock chuckles and grabs your hand, pulling you closer again. “You didn’t ruin anything, you never could. It wasn’t exactly a fun night anyway, if anything you’ve made it better.”
“I’ve been a wreck, Brock,” you whisper, trying to wipe the tears from under your eyes without making what you could presume to be a mess of mascara even worse. “I don’t know what to do…I don’t know how to move on…you know?”
“Yeah, I definitely know,” Brock replies with a sigh. “Do you want to get back in there to your friends?” Brock nods towards the bar, the loud music emanating from the inside as someone steps out into the quiet street. Truthfully, going back in there was the last thing you wanted to do. You were already drunk and crying, that almost always signalled the end of the night for you. 
“Not particularly,” you whisper, arms wrapped around yourself, the cool air starting to seep into your bones. 
Brock pulls his jacket off, slipping it over your shoulders. “How about you go tell your friends you’re leaving and I’ll take you home?” Brock offers. “Or, I’ll get an Uber, I guess, but I’ll get you home.”
You give Brock a nod, slipping your arms into his jacket. “Thank you.” Heading into the bar you scan the room, spotting Amy and Stella standing by the bar. “Hey,” you say as you approach, grabbing their attention. “I, uh, I’m going to go home.”
“No,” Stella whines, spinning around to look at you. “It’s not even midnight.”
Amy lets out a loud sigh, shaking her head. “She’s going home with Brock.”
Stella whips her head over to look at you with wide eyes. “Wait, what? Is he the one that’s been making you cry?”
So your mascara was as much of a mess as you had thought. “I mean, I guess, but not because he did anything wrong…I’m still in love with him, it’s just, it’s really hard.”
“No kidding you’re still in love with him,” Amy groans. “It’s been like a week since you saw him last, if you want to move on you need to stop seeing him all the time.”
“I don’t know if I want to move on, Amy.”
Stella and Amy exchange a quick glance, Amy shaking her head slightly as she returns to her drink that was sitting on the bar in front of her. Stella reaches over, placing her hand on your arm. “What do you mean?”
“I want to be with him, Stella.”
“You’re drunk,” Stella reminds you, pulling you into a hug. “I don’t think you should make this decision now.”
Shrugging you pull away from her. “Then I won’t make the decision tonight. I’ll wait till tomorrow. But I really don’t think it’s going to make the decision any different. We were happy, Stel. I got scared, there was nothing wrong with the relationship. I just fucked up and maybe…maybe he’s willing to give me another chance after I tried to push him away and maybe that means something and I can’t just ignore how badly I regret ending things in the first place, and-“
Amy cuts you off by throwing her arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug. “Okay, we believe you, we just want what’s best for you. If you want to go with him, try to figure this out, that’s okay.”
Pulling back you sniffle quietly, wiping away another round of tears from your eyes. “Thank you. I, um, I’ll text you guys later.” Once you turn away from them you walk as fast as you could manage through the bar, only slowing down only once you were outside with Brock. 
“Uber will be here in a minute,” Brock tells you, putting his arm around you, tugging you into his arms. And he was right, the Uber pulling up in front of you just a moment later. The ride is short, and as you’re getting out of the car you notice Brock not making a move towards his own door. 
“Oh,” you whisper, looking over at him. “I guess you’re, um, going home?”
“Yeah, I was going to, I didn’t want to, um, assume you wanted me to stay.”
“Well, will you stay with me tonight?” 
Brock nods, climbing out of the car and following you up into your apartment. After taking off your shoes, you slide Brock’s jacket off your arms, hanging it up by the door. 
“Do you want anything to um, drink or eat?” You ask, turning back around to look up at Brock. 
“I’m okay right now.” Brock glances around the room, as if trying to find any changes you may have made since the last time he was there. His eyes lock on something and you follow it to the gallery wall of pictures, many of which were of you and him. 
“Maybe I should have taken those down, I don’t know, I just…I couldn’t get myself to do it.”
“I’m glad you didn’t.” Brock moves closer, placing his hands on your waist. His eyes shift up and down from his lips to your eyes and you shuffle even closer to him,.
Brock leans in and you can feel his breath on your lips, your body tingling and you’re nearly begging for him to touch you you. You make the first move, pressing your lips to his, the kiss immediately moving from gentle to eager and frantic. Brock slides his hands from your waist to the backs of your thighs, swiftly lifting you onto the counter. You’re gasping for breath by the time he moves his lips down to your jaw and neck. “Fuck, please, can we go to the bedroom?”
“Of course.”
The next morning you wake up with Brock’s warm arm slung over your waist, your body tangled amongst the sheets. Slowly you roll over, watching as Brock stirs awake. “Good morning,” you whisper. 
“Morning, beautiful,” he mumbles with a sleepy smile. His hand wraps around your wrist, pulling you over his body, your head resting on his shoulder. “How’d you sleep?”
“Really good.” You draw imaginary shapes on Brock’s chest with your fingers, watching his body rise and fall with his every breath. “I don’t want us to be over,” you blurt out, knowing you only had the courage to say it because you weren’t making direct eye contact with him. 
“Then it doesn’t have to be.” Brock runs his fingers through your hair. “I never wanted it to be over and I still don’t.”
You’re quiet for a second before sitting up, turning to face Brock, needing now to look into his eyes. “But how can you forgive me for trying to push you away?”
“I’d rather forgive you than lose you.”
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novumtimes · 18 days
Edmonton Oilers move on to West Final with Game 7 win in Vancouver Edmonton
Descrease article font size Increase article font size The Edmonton Oilers withheld a late rally from the Vancouver Canucks to score a 3-2 win in the seventh game of their second round series Monday night in Vancouver. The Oilers advance to play the Dallas Stars in the Western Conference Final. Game one is Thursday in Dallas (630 CHED, Face-off Show at 4:30 p.m., game at 6:30 p.m.). Brett Kulak had a great look off a long rebound in the game’s second minute, but Arturs Silovs moved across to make a desperation save. With 3:46 to go in the first, Ryan McLeod was assessed a double minor for high sticking. The Oilers penalty kill held strong and had the best chance when Connor Brown broke away shorthanded. Silovs turned away Brown’s wrister to keep it scoreless after one with the Oilers holding a 13-2 advantage in shots on goal. Breaking news from Canada and around the world sent to your email, as it happens. The Oilers broke through 1:16 into the second when Cody Ceci whizzed a point shot past Silovs. Less than five minutes later, Zach Hyman tipped Evan Bouchard’s wrister to make it 2-0 Oilers. It was Hyman’s eleventh goal of the playoffs. On a power play with 4:38 to go in the second, Ryan Nugent-Hopkins found a rebound off the backboards and crammed a shot behind Silovs. Story continues below advertisement McLeod fanned on a clearing pass 8:33 in the third, giving Conor Garland an open look. He beat Stuart Skinner blocker side to give the Canucks life. With 4:36 on the clock, Filip Hronek drilled in a long slapper to pull Vancouver within one. The Canucks pulled Silovs for an extra attacker with two minutes left but the Oilers held them at bay. Skinner earned the win with 15 saves. Silovs made 26 stops. Nugent-Hopkins had a goal and an assist. Canucks sniper Brock Boeser missed the game with a blood clotting issue. &copy 2024 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc. Source link via The Novum Times
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larsnicklas · 6 months
btw game recap: quinn was great; he sees the ice so well and it is so evident that is the case! walks that blue line with the best of em and can create offense from nothing. brock boeser is very cool very stoic on ice and also ripped off one of the best shots i’ve ever seen in person for his 24th of the year it was literally awe inducing. i love when a guy can RIP it and he can and did!! elias needs more skill on his line to complement him but he’s got these flashes of brilliance that make you go ah, he IS one of the best centers in the game…… the best third line in hockey did me proud by scoring in the first and then again in the third when i said out loud “they are the best third line in hockey” and then they came up the ice on the rush and conor garland crashed the net and scored. (u can see me and max LEAPING to our feet when he scores. horrifying to perceive our own existence). the experience of tymy and big z is so baffling. you’re like. those two men are SO large. every time they were on the ice every stars fan around us were like “omg they are so tall???” so that was funny. and i’m trying not to be embarrassing about this but jt miller plays GROWN MAN HOCKEY like he is so strong and bullish……. just outmuscles guys….. drives hard to the net…. a power forward in the truest sense of the word….. i loved watching him he’s gotta be one of my favorite guys i’ve ever watched live like i don’t even care he doesn’t backcheck sometimes!!
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Glad You Exist - Brock Boeser
Summary: Sometimes the universe gives you what you always wished for. During an ordinary day two strangers meet by accident that leads to a life full of love.
Words: 2249
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“Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale.” - Unknown
Y/n was a true romantic at heart ever since she was a child. She loved romantic stories and movies, she repeatedly asked her parents to tell her the story of how they met or to tell her about their wedding. She loved the idea of love so strong it could last forever. People tried to discourage her, ruin her ideas but no matter how many times someone called her naive and told her she needs to lower her expectations or she’s gonna end up heartbroken she never gave up. She didn’t give up even after all the heartbreaks she went through because to her it simply wasn’t meant to be, and she waited for the right one. Y/n lived a good life, she loved her job, she had a good family and amazing friends and she was simply a very happy person, and everyone loved that about her. So naturally, she wasn’t looking for her other half, for someone to complete her and make her life better. She was looking for someone to build a broader life with.
Brock wasn’t very lucky when it came to relationships. He seemed to fall in love too fast and it never ended well. It usually scared the girls away because most of them didn’t want a serious relationship. Other girls promised they wouldn’t mind it if he was away a lot and not available at all times, but it later became the reason they broke up with him. So, he decided to focus purely on his career, and he believed the right girl will eventually come around. He had many things to be grateful for, a job he loved, teammates who were like his brothers, a family who supported him, and his dogs. There was no reason to actively look for someone although coming home to an empty apartment with no one to cheer on him after a good game always felt a little bittersweet.
Both patiently waited and believed true love will come their way.
And it did.
Brock and Y/n were both in his bed, she was peacefully sleeping in his arms, her head was on his chest and his muscular arms were wrapped protectively around her body. She always had trouble falling asleep but thanks to cuddling with him under the sheets, the heat of his body, the sound of his calm heartbeat, and hiding in his arms sleep always came sooner than usual. And she slept tight until the morning. Brock never had a hard time falling asleep, he could sleep at almost any place at any time, but that night sleep was avoiding him.
He was caressing the soft skin of her back, looking at either her pretty face or staring at the ceiling and he thought about how lucky he was to have her. He thought about all the silly arguments they had, all their spontaneous dates and 1 am trips to McDonald’s on the nights they stayed up and talked about their future, he thought about all the I loves yous, about the drunk phone calls she picked up and how she laughed at the stupid things he said. He appreciated she never judged his bad decisions and instead had his back every time. Most importantly he was grateful to be a part of her life. Y/n loved her family and friends with her whole heart, and everyone told him how lucky he is she let him in her life. And he was aware of it. And there was no denying she was the best thing he ever had.
Y/n woke up with the sunrise still on Brock’s chest with his right arm still around her waist. She was an early bird, unlike Brock who liked to sleep in (especially when he had a day off). She smiled at the sight of him, his lips were slightly open, and quiet groans were escaping them, his hair was messy, and his beard significantly grew overnight. She looked at his bare chest, adoring the view for the millionth time and she then happily rested her head on his chest once again and closed her eyes. She thought about their relationship and how he never saw her flaws because to him no such thing as a flaw could exist in her case. The way he knew what to say when she was sad and how he waited with his arms wide open for her whenever she was having a hard day and how he let her cry into his shoulder when things got too overwhelming. The way he always showed up, stood up for her, and helped her through the hard times. She loved he was the first person to celebrate her success and how proud of her he was. And she didn’t understand how she could ever live without him.
It was the first anniversary of their first meeting and Y/n’s mind wandered back to that day.
Y/n was on the way back home from work, she took the shorter route through the park. It was finally Friday and she was ready to jump in her bed and spent the entire weekend there and do nothing. To say she was tired was an understatement. She was overworked and overwhelmed with work, she had no time off for herself and her friends and the past week felt like an entire year of constant work.
Brock was in the park as well, stressed out running from place to place and shouting his dog’s name who took off after he threw him a ball to a greater distance. He was excited to have a day to himself and he decided to dedicate the time to his dogs and took them out to the park. Now he was regretting it as fear of losing his dog slowly took over.
“Oh, hi there buddy,” Y/n said sweetly to the dog who joined her on the way. “Are you lost?” She asked and looked around, but she saw no one except for a couple of kids. The dog cried out, making Y/n worried and nervous about what she should do. The dog was friendly, he kept licking her hand and asking for cuddles and even though Y/n was slightly afraid at first, she gave in and scratched her lost companion behind his ear.
“Coolie! My God, there you are!” A tall man soon called out and the dog happily looked at him. “I’m sorry he bothered you. I threw him a ball and he then just took off.” The guy smiled nervously at Y/n and waited for Coolie to come back to him.
“Oh, that’s okay! He’s lovely and I think he likes me a lot.” Y/n said with a smile and scratched the dog behind his ear once again. “I’m Y/n by the way.”
“Brock,” he shook her hand and felt a strange desire to talk to her more. There was something about her that made Brock think she could be a very important person in his life if he got to know her. “He ruined your jeans.” He pointed at the dirt and paw prints on her jeans.
“I think a washing machine will handle this,” she laughed and Brock together with her. The moment she heard his laugh her heart skipped a few beats and she dared to look at his face and thought about how amazing of a person he must be. “But a cup of coffee as compensation would be nice.” Y/n joked but in her heart she was serious. She hoped he wouldn’t refuse her and prayed for a chance to get to know him a little better.
“I was thinking the same,” Brock smiled.
The two strangers spent three hours walking around the park, they had two cups of coffee and ice cream and a conversation so enjoyable that they were both afraid of the moment it’d come to an end. Y/n and Brock met many people throughout their lives, they talked to many people and liked many people, but this was different, it felt different. They were comfortable with each other as if they’ve known each other their whole lives, they could be honest about who they were without fearing judgment, the way they laughed together was unlike with anyone else. They felt familiar.
Brock walked Y/n to her apartment and neither one of them wanted to say goodbye. They immediately started enjoying being together and the thought of parting ways sadden them both.
“Thank you for a nice day,” Y/n said shyly. “I couldn’t wait to get home but now that I’m here I’d much rather stay with you.” She admitted.
“I feel the same,” Brock chuckled and nervously scratched the back of his head. “So, it wouldn’t be too courageous of me to ask you out on a date?”
“You definitely should ask me out,” she chuckled.
“How about a lunch with me tomorrow?”
“Sounds perfect.” She smiled. “Good night.”
“Good night.”
End of flashback
Shy smiles turned into wild laughs. Soft pecks on the cheeks turned into kisses, hours to days and days to months, and then suddenly the life before they met each other stopped existing. Almost as if life without each other wasn’t a life at all and real life started the moment they met. Past heartbreaks and mistakes, all ups and downs, regrets and choices; nothing mattered anymore because when they were together everything was good. Everything was worth it. There wasn’t a single doubt that everything led them to each other.
“Good morning,” Brock said with a sleepy voice and pressed a kiss to Y/n’s cheek. “What are you thinking about?”
“About the day we met,” she answered smiling. “And how lucky I am to have you.” She added and kissed his hand that was hanging over her chest.
“That’s funny,” he laughed. “Thought about the same thing last night.”
“I’m trying to figure out what was the moment I realized you were the one,” she confessed. Of course, they knew they were made for each other, but they hardly ever said it out loud. They felt it inside their hearts and there was no need to discuss it out loud. They were sure of each other’s feelings.
“I remember when I realized it,” he said proudly. “It was when I hugged you for the first time, on our first date when I took you home. I knew I was screwed because I didn’t want to let go of you.”
Y/n stayed quiet for a moment. She felt butterflies in her stomach and her heart was beating fast against her chest, so fast and so loud she thought Brock could hear it. It wasn’t unusual for Brock to express his feelings; he was never shy to be emotional around her and he never missed a chance to compliment her. But Y/n didn’t know Brock remembered a moment like this one. “Out of all the sweet things you’ve ever told me this one is the most beautiful. I don’t remember the moment exactly, but I know that as soon as you left after our date, I started wishing I had met you earlier because I wanted to love you longer. And we deserved each other’s love a long time ago.”
“You think we’re gonna be together when we’re old? I mean really old?”
“I like to think so,” she answered. “I’m already used to seeing you without teeth, so I won’t mind it in 60 years. But some other toothless guy? Doesn’t feel right, you know?” She laughed.
“As if I’d let some other toothless guy take you from me,” he said jokingly.
“Then don’t,” Y/n said softly, in all seriousness.
“Well, about that,” Brock said and reached out for something in his nightstand. “I wanted to plan something romantic, but I think this will do because it’s spontaneous and this moment couldn’t be any better,” he continued and held out a little ring box in front of Y/n’s eyes.
“Oh my god,” she said in shock and hid her face behind her hands.
“Y/n, love of my life, wouldn’t you like to spend the rest of your life as my wife?”
“Only if you’re ready to spend the rest of yours as my husband. Yes, thousand times yes!” She screamed happily and jumped into his arms. Brock hugged her tightly, closed his eyes, and tried to remember this moment so he would never forget it. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” He whispered.
“Now we can be sure we’ll be at the same nursing home one day,” Y/n joked after a few minutes passed.
“Oh, you bet! We’ll be the coolest couple there.” He laughed.
“You’re my home Brock, you really are,” Y/n whispered as she looked into his eyes. The love she felt for him was stronger than anything she felt and at times it was hard to handle it. There weren’t words that expressed what she felt and described all the emotions of her heart and mind. But the word, the one word that often came to her was home. Simple but meaningful enough. Home: the safest place, the warmest place, the place where you’re loved and supported endlessly. Brock was home to her.
“You’re mine,” he said back, feeling the exact things and emotions as Y/n.
And they lived happily ever after.
...And messily, and angrily, sadly, funnily, absurdly, and lovingly.
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
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Like a Dream
a Brock Boeser one shot
a/n: my first Brock fic! this is shorter than usual for me but I hope you enjoy anyway. I’d also just like to say that, as a fan of an Eastern Conference team, Brock Boeser was hardly on my radar when I rejoined Tumblr recently, and now he takes up a lotttt of real estate in my head, rent-free. My deepest thanks to all of you who made me fall in love with him, truly.
summary: just a little fluff piece about Brock and his wife welcoming their first baby, from his perspective.
warnings: swearing. otherwise, complete and total fluff
“God, Mom, she’s so beautiful. Like, I can’t even stand it,” I said softly into the phone, gazing down at my brand new baby daughter asleep on my chest. All six pounds of her was wrapped in a soft pink hospital blanket, an enormous matching bow around her tiny head. I pursed my lips and kissed her feather-soft blonde hair, inhaling her sweet scent with my eyes closed.
My mom released a knowing hum as she listened to me fawn over my firstborn. “She really is, honey. Dad and I can’t wait to meet her this week. How’s Bri doing?”
I lifted my head and soaked in the sight of my napping wife across the private maternity suite. After a 20-hour labor and delivery, along with spending quality time as a new family of three, rest had finally overcome her. I kept my voice low so as not to disturb her.
“Bri’s doing great. She’s been sleeping for about two hours now, which she really needed. She was such a champ, Mom. I swear, I thought I couldn’t love her more, and then she did this, like it was nothing. I’m just so proud of her,” I boasted, my chest warming at the memory of watching my wife give birth as if it were the easiest thing in the world.
“She was made for this — that’s for sure,” my mom replied fondly, having known Bri since she and I became friends in middle school. If you knew Bri even as an acquaintance at any point in her life, you knew how incredible she had always been with kids and how badly she wanted to be a mother. Now, she had realized her lifelong dream, and I still had to pinch myself at the humbling thought that she had realized it with me.
“Do you have a name picked out yet?” my mom asked, pulling me from my wandering thoughts. I smiled with the phone still pressed to my ear. “Beckett Elise Boeser,” I revealed. “You know we were going with a ‘B,’” I added with a quiet chuckle. My mom nearly squealed on the other end of the line. “Oh, Brock! How precious. Our little Beckett,” she repeated. “It’s perfect.”
My mom and I were wrapping up our conversation just as Beckett began to stir against my chest. I told my mom I would talk to her soon, dropping my phone onto the couch, and pulled my baby closer, resting her head in the crook of my neck.
“Shhh, you’re okay, baby girl,” I whispered. “Daddy’s got you. Yeah, Daddy’s here, my love.” With faint whimpers, she nuzzled her face further into my neck as I rubbed her back slowly to soothe her, amazed at how my big hand so easily curled around her entire torso. I turned my head to pepper hers with light kisses as her eyelids fluttered.
“I must still be dreaming,” I heard a sleepy voice say from the hospital bed. My head snapped in Bri’s direction, and I saw her still lying with her head against the pillow, her eyes now open and fixed on Beckett and me. “I swear I just had the craziest dream that I had a baby with my high school boyfriend Brock Boeser.”
I beamed at her, a giddy laugh escaping my lips. I carefully stood and closed the gap between us, my free hand cradling Beckett’s head against my shoulder.
“Not a dream, pretty girl,” I told Bri as I bent to kiss her lips tenderly. “This is our life,” I whispered. A grin spread slowly across her face, still as striking as ever despite her tired visage.
“Damn, you look good with a baby,” Bri announced as she stared at me holding Beckett steady against my shoulder, making me chuckle. Cautiously, I moved to place our little girl into her mother’s waiting arms. Bri tenderly gathered the baby in her arms, pulling the swaddled blanket down slightly to get a better view of Beckett’s face, whispering greetings to the newborn as I cupped the backs of both of their heads in my palms.
“So do you,” I replied, reaching to card my fingers through her long hair. Bri looked up from the baby and gave me the most beautiful smile I’d ever seen her wear, and I knew that I would remember that moment for the rest of my days.
“Come on, Daddy,” Bri requested, patting the mattress beneath her. “Sit with us.” Immediately, I kicked off my shoes and accepted her invitation. I looped one arm behind Bri and pulled my legs onto the bed as Bri moved hers to rest on top of mine. She snuggled back into my chest and we both laid hands on Beckett’s tiny form, caressing her cheeks and forehead and chin, totally in awe of this creation we had just brought into the world.
“Thank you,” I breathed into Bri’s hair, my emotions overwhelming me. “Thank you for giving me the most incredible gift.”
Bri looked up at me and cupped my cheek in her hand. “Thank you,” she replied. “This is all I’ve ever wanted,” she whispered, tears welling in her eyes. I pressed a firm, passionate kiss to her lips, which she leaned into. When we finally parted, I told her, “Me, too.”
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pastrnaks-sainz · 4 years
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Paring: Brock Boeser x female!reader 
Type: Fluff 
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 943
Summary: Ever since you were little you’d always dreamed about having a rom-com worthy meet-cute. You never expected to get one, least of all on the one day you had to be at work an hour early. 
You had always prided yourself on being able to easily navigate Vancouver. After spending your whole life in the city it is to be expected. So when you get called into work an hour earlier than normal, you expect it to be fine. Boy were you wrong. 
Vancouver was abnormally busy for a Friday morning. Something that, in retrospect, was probably caused by the Canucks playoff game that night. You always planned your commute around games during the season, but with leaving an hour early, you hadn’t thought it was going to be a problem. 
With a coffee in your hand, you were ready for the day at work. 
You had always prided yourself on being able to easily navigate Vancouver. After spending your whole life in the city it is to be expected. So when you get called into work an hour earlier than normal, you expect it to be fine. Boy were you wrong.
Vancouver was abnormally busy for a Thursday morning. Something that, in retrospect, was probably caused by the Canucks game that night. You always planned your commute around games during the season, but with leaving an hour early, you hadn’t thought it was going to be a problem.
With a coffee in your hand, you were ready for the day at work. You glanced down at your phone to check a message from your boss, taking your eyes off the sidewalk for a split second. And, in that split second, you walked smack into someone.
“Shit!” you swore as your coffee fell from your hand, splashing all over your pants.
“Oh my God, I am so sorry!” someone said frantically. You looked up to see Brock Boeser standing in front of you, reaching to brush some of the coffee from your shoulders.
“I-it’s fine,” you stuttered, trying not to sound like a fangirl. “It’s my fault anyway, I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“Let me get you another coffee,” he insisted. “It’s my fault.”
“I’m running late for work,” you said, tossing your now empty cup in a nearby trash can.
“Take this, then,” he said, unwinding his scarf from his neck. Your heart fluttered at the gesture. “And take my number. Let me get you coffee some other time.”
“Deal,” you smiled, exchanging phones and wrapping his scarf around your neck. 
“I’ll text you soon,” his voice trailed off. 
“Y/N,” you said as you started to walk away. “And good luck tonight.” 
You left him standing in the middle of the sidewalk, speechless. Brock’s mind raced all day as he thought about the cute girl he ran into that morning. Meanwhile at work, just a couple blocks away, you hadn’t taken Brock’s scarf off. It was hanging around your neck in your meeting, it was hanging around your neck when you went out for lunch on your break, and it was hanging around your neck when you went home at six. You found yourself playing with the fringe at the end and taking occasional sniffs. You couldn’t help yourself. The yarn clung to what you assumed to be Brock’s scent so well it practically dragged you in. You held it in your hands as you lounged on the couch watching the game. Apparently it was a good luck charm. Brock scored his first hat trick of the season and propelled the Canucks to a win over Tampa Bay. 
The next morning you woke up to a text from Brock. 
‘Wanna get coffee tomorrow morning?’ it was sent at midnight on the nose. 
You quickly tapped out a response and soon you found yourself walking down the sidewalk towards your favorite cafe. Through the large windows you could see Brock sitting at a table waiting and nervously fiddling with his phone. 
“Hey,” you smiled as you walked over to the table he’d grabbed and sat down across from him. You started to unwind the scarf from your neck. “I guess your scarf was a good luck charm last night.” 
“If it helped us win you should keep it,” Brock said, shaking his hand as you held it out to him. 
“Oh,” you smiled, putting in down it your lap. “Thanks.” 
“I didn’t know what coffee you like so I got you my favorite,” Brock said, sliding a cup across the table to you. As you watched him pass it over, a thought occurred to you. 
“You know,” you began. “This is going to sound really cheesy, but you know those rom-com meet-cutes?” 
“Uh huh,” he nodded. 
“Well, I’ve always wanted one, and the way the past twenty four hours have gone have followed rom-com guidelines to a tee,” you said, your face flushing. 
“Yeah,” Brock laughed as he looked down at his lap. When he looked back up at you his cheeks were redder than they had been when you walked in. “You’re right. Looks like we have to text at all hours of the day and go on cutesy dates now.” 
“I’m okay with that,” you laughed, taking a sip of the coffee he got you. “Holy shit, I’ve been drinking the wrong kind of a coffee for years. This is amazing.” 
“It’s what I have on game days,” he said, taking a sip of a different drink. “Call it a superstition.” 
“You got the right kind of superstition,” you took another sip. Brock laughed again and looked down to his lap. You took a second to admire that little tick he had. 
“I don’t have practice tomorrow,” he started, looking back up at you. “Do you wanna, maybe, go on another date?” 
“I would love to,” you smiled. “Gotta get this rom-com going somehow.”
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