#brooks was here
4ndj4 · 2 months
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 11 months
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The Shawshank Redemption (1994) written and directed by Frank Darabont
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mzannthropy · 1 year
I know it's probably lame to be posting about Shawshank Redemption in the year of our lord 2023, but that scene of Brooks feeding the birds in the park, hoping his crow friend will come visit him, but never does, is so SAD, man.
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the-sound-ofrain · 9 months
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i asked you to give me some hope stupid not a rope.
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ah, you clumsy ass. see you next life.
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mikesq10 · 2 months
My Top 50 Favorite Movies
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
At number 5 is The Shawshank Redemption - a movie that has forever been of my favorites right from the first time I've seen it. The plot is as universal as the movie itself, a man gets wrongfully convicted to life in prison for the murder of his wife and while in prison he tries to prove his innocence. When he is finally able to present the facts to the warden, he is denied release and starts to plan his escape. Tim Robbins who plays Andy Dufresne is maybe my favorite main character in a movie and his friend Red is an outstanding counterpart played by Morgan Freeman. They are greatly supported by more outstanding performances by lesser known actors who crush it in their roles, even for the characters we're supposed to hate. Stephen King must be proud of how well his book did in the theatres and it's in full reason to say that the movie is better then the book. Hope, freedom, friendship and believing is what I continue to take away from this movie to this very day. There isn't a single moment that is not satisfying. Universally acclaimed and IMDB's top rated movie with almost 3 million ratings, The Shawshank Redemption is timeless.
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cloud3francois · 2 months
The Symbology of The Shawshank Redemption
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m4sk · 3 months
consider this an act of assistance, not of betrayal.
apologies for any repeats or confusing speech patterns, this has been typed over 4 days, we are extremely foggy headed and we took turns adding things
The issues inside are getting worse and me and Manasses are unable to leave Spooks alone. If one of us is to leave for any reason, Brooks steps in. Other than that, he is going between the memory room and the "evidence" to try find anything of use.
They are once more nitpicking your words and actions to try make it believable that you and our other father desire eachother more than them. Of course, we know better; we know you. Spooky however is not as content with that answer. They believe you have manipulated us in some way, to make us take your side. If you are interested in any further discussion of the beliefs or evidence, you may ask for any of the three working with your spouse. Given your, current state, they won't question it too much.
In relation to the previous issue, they have also had a spike in jealousy lately. They've been getting persistently wound up over your exes in random intervals, have started randomly checking blogs of people you know, they were near sick over the incident with Anthony's blog and are continually losing their temper at his lack of response to the messages they have sent.
They feel unsupported by just about everyone around them. Before anything else, this is not your own fault. They have obviously been struggling a great deal lately but feel as though they cannot speak of it due you having your own struggles that they deem more severe. They have also made little progress in terms of mental health support and are now falling behind in school.
They cannot keep up with the workload and attention has got even worse. They are falling behind in at least 5 classes and show no interest in catching up. They are agitated by the mere presence of pupils and staff alike. The teachers they'd usually enjoy the presence of have become harder to tolerate and children that they would have ignored suddenly fill them with an unspeakable rage.
Sticking to that topic, they are struggling to manage emotions. They never were good with them, they feel things in excess, but it is progressively getting worse. They can no longer hide fits of depression and have become more irritable than what is usual. They avoid their blood relatives like the plague and are agitated at so much as a text from anyone but you.
With a brief cycle back to the first point made, they have experienced more severe symptoms for their psychosis. They have been struggling to maintain themself as their paranoia has once more increased, and have been experiencing more frequent reality shifts. I believe one of us has explained this before but just to be sure I shall risk repeating myself - Spooky's delusions fall into a category labelled as 'Double Bookkeeping', meaning they live in two realities simultaneously. We have simply labelled these as Spooky's reality and Angel's reality. Spooky's reality is the delusions, while Angel's is the real world - the more sane of the two. Angel works to keep the two balanced if not closer to his side, but this task has become more challenging as time goes on. They are once more under the constant impression they are being watched, and are now convinced they are watched by ghosts of dead relatives. They have been going to the local graveyard to plead with their grandparents to leave them alone - which only makes things worse as they are now convinced communing with the spirits of the deceased has brought them closer. They further believe in their life being some social experiment, they think their life is a dream and they are going to wake up one of these nights, they now believe that they are dying.
At the time of writing it has been 13 days since Spooky took sick, and they have not recovered. The symptoms are not too bad - it's almost like a persistent head cold with more breathing difficulties and headaches. They have however decided it is entirely plausible they suddenly stop breathing and suffocate alone.
Now, for a more personal issue. Forgive any missing information on this part - Manny and Angel are a little busy and I was not present (or even alive) for a great deal of this.
Our family has seemingly taken a mass fit of misery. We all have our own issues, but are all collapsing mentally regardless. Spooky, as always, has taken it upon themself to deal with it. They are continually offering us reassurance and assistance for our individual issues. This has understandably caused them a significant amount of stress. They have been finding it harder to face all of us. They still love us the same, but they claim to have little reason to help us, as "[We] all broke [Them]".
Unlike our more tolerable family, the blood relatives have been less that tolerable, more specifically the hag. She has been mocking and doubting Spooks for their issues. Making them question the validity of their psychosis, taking the piss out of them if they're a little scruffy after depressive fits, refusing making proper accommodations for them to eat and sleep safely, and has suddenly took pleasure in making them relive old traumas. The most significant being a night shortly after you met Spooky, bastard child came at them with a knife. This has caused more paranoia and delusions, as well as a lack of trust for both him and his mother.
As a result of all this and more, Spooky has become more than tired. They have once more deemed death the only solution. We are actively working to redirect their mindset with little success so far. They are reverting to old associations for the sake of feeling young - and by extension small - again. They have taken to me as a replacement father and have expressed a greater interest in puppets and dolls again to cope with going back to being lifeless and used.
This has taken, so much from us. Hopefully it's of some use. If not, we are going to sob. If any queries are to be made or assistance is needed - ask. Spooks can only deny us a front for so long. We will if need be communicate via cryptic blogging.
Much love, your sons.
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nenehyuuchiha · 6 months
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They're dressed like the one that joined before them, except for Luffy, that is dressed like the last
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beaulesbian · 1 month
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Strawhats + believing in Luffy becoming the King of the Pirates
+ bonus, a proud brother Sabo:
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boykingpirate · 2 months
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you have changed me, gently, unknowingly. you have changed me with your love
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andaniellight · 5 months
one of the funniest gigs in pre-timeskip was that whenever Zoro tried to be considerate with the coward trio while handling their eager stupid captain is that this thing would bound to happen regardless of anything at all....
and then the aftermath would be like:
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orangelemonart · 1 year
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swashbucklin’, corn-shucklin’, wife-cuckelin’, cock-suckelin’ pirate
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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FRICK YOU *age regresses all ur nakama including their memories for leik a month or two*
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typewriter-worries · 1 year
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remember, green's your color. you are spring.
Roses, Vincent Van Gogh | Picking Flowers, Pierre Auguste Renoir | Green Wheat Field, Vincent Van Gogh | Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge, Claude Monet | Avenue of Schloss Kammer Park, Gustav Klimt | Entrance to the Public Gardens in Arles, Vincent Van Gogh | Sorrow Is Not My Name, Ross Gay
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artfulacrostic · 4 months
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Tessa Brooks, The Magnus Archives Episode 65: "Binary" // Colin Becher, The Magnus Protocol, Episode 1: "First Shift"
(haha i'm soooo not worried abt whatever the fuck is going on w the computers in TMAGP. i'm fine they're fine we're all fine. let's not spend too much time thinking about it!!!!)
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butterflyscribbles · 1 year
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So to go with the rare pair I made an OC with some help of some friends for funsies. Meet Brooke (short for Brooklyn)! She’s Jeremy’s little sister and where he’s a huge nerd for tech and programming, her passion is mirrored in biology and ecology! Needless to say when she finds out about the giant turtles living in New York it’s all over for them.
She also may or may not have gotten Donnie hooked on My Little Pony lol✨
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