#bruce wayne does what he wants
Wayne enterprises start a makeup brand and skincare line.
I feel like Bruce would overhear Stephanie telling Cass that the makeup company she gets her favorite lipgloss from is discontinuing it and she is devastated by it.
So Bruce would ask Cass what lipgloss she was talking about and go to the company who makes it and buy the recipe.
Bruce would just come into a WE meeting and slap down the piece of paper with the recipe and say we're making this now.
And knowing Bruce he'd probably make it better by putting in stuff that will moisturize and not wipe off but still look the shiny.
He would give the first one to Steph for her birthday and she would be so happy, and seeing her happy would make Bruce happy.
Later on he would hear Barbra and Steph complaining about makeup, about how it causes them to break out and Barbra can never find her right eyebrow color and how cakey it looks no matter what they do and all the good makeup is too expensive.
And after hearing that conversation, Bruce would go on a tangent and learn everything he can about make up.
He would learn undertones and skin types and how the same color can look different on different skin colors and what the best makeup is and what it has in it and what is good for skin care.
Then he would go to different dermatologists and ask them questions about skin and good products for it depending on the skin type.
Eventually Selina would hear about this and ask Bruce what he was doing, he would tell her and she would probably tell him about different companies that have good makeup.
But also she would tell him that not a lot of makeup brands have colors for people with darker skin and they often exclude them or make the products not as good as products for people with lighter skin.
Because of this Bruce would start doing more research and asking more questions for people who aren't able to find makeup their color.
About a year 3/4s later WE makeup would release to the public.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Okay, but give me a battinson who's utterly gone on Clark Kent, but for some unknown reason to anyone else, has a great distaste towards Superman.
And Clark KNOWS it isn't the all powerful alien thing. He's seen Bruce let J'onn ruffle his hair, pick him up randomly, and share wordless conversations telepathically.
It seems to be Superman specifically, and it confuses him big time (and maybe, perhaps, perchance, he IS a bit jealous)
So, when they have lunch as Clark and Bruce, Clark straight up asks,
" Why do you dislike Superman so much? You're avoiding and ignoring m- him all the time. He told me. He looked pretty dang sad about it."
And then, to his delighted surprised, Bruce blushes a brilliant red, looks away, scowl deeper than ever. He's lucky to have super hearing, or the next words would go unnoticed.
" What?"
"He's handsome. It's annoying."
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tanglepelt · 10 months
Dc x dp idea 97
Danny as phantom storms a justice league meeting accusing Batman of magically sacrificing his son to be his (little sister/daughters) husband. Like I’m picturing Danny portaling and slapping Batman. To make matters worse both Danielle and Damian are only 9.
He can only sense Batman as the father of his new (hopefully temporary) in-law. Who thankfully is still actually human and not dead. The pits cover Talia scent. So he doesn’t know about her. Stinky waters do that you know.
Danny rushed to conclusions the moment frostbite told him what happened.
Bruce is very confused. For starters he doesn’t have a 9 year old son. Secondly he just had not done that.
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spacedace · 1 year
Haunted by thoughts of an AU i don't know enough Batman/DC lore to write where instead of bent on revenge, Jason comes back obsessed with a need to make sure no other Robin (or any BatKid) faces the fears and horrors he faced and absolutely he will not let any more Robins die. (AKA writing prompt for whoever is interested)
He still comes back to Gotham, still takes over Crime Alley as Red Hood, but he never reveals who he is. He's just this new mystery vigilante that sticks to Crime Alley and uses more violence than Bruce would like but is always, always *always* there to look after the kids.
Red Hood becomes the over protective big brother of all the younger BatKids, showing up out of no where whenever a fight starts getting dicey to kick ass and keep them safe before shuffling them off to whatever of his safe houses is closest to get them some snacks and do a check in on how they're feeling/doing.
He makes sure Tim gets some sleep and isn't burning himself out. Has some heart to hearts with Steph about their similar childhoods. Sets up a safe quiet space for Cass when she feels overwhelmed. Drags them all off to Dr. Thompkins, gently bullies them i ti getting therapy, helps them with homework, things like that.
He avoids Bruce & Dick generally- too painful - but Red Hood is always there to have their backs, even if he never sticks around long afterwards.
When Damian shows up things get a bit weird. Damian knows him from the League, but won't say who he is. Red Hood seems to have a way with him and manges to treat Damian like the kid he is without Damian blowing up or getting angry about it.
Jason nips Damian's idea of killing Tim in the bud before it gets past the initial planning stage and slowly manages to get the two to some kind of understanding.
He actually sticks around to talk to Dick & Bruce after fights longer than a few seconds and gives advice on how to work with Damian on his issues. Some of the distrust starts to go away for Bruce after that, he starts trying to pull Red Hood into the fold, Dick helping as much as he can.
And Jason is so tempted to tell them. Make the reveal, face his fears and go *home* finally.
But then Bruce dies.
And Dick has taken up the cowl and made Damian Robin and Tim is left drifting, so sure that Bruce is still alive and Jason looks at it all and how close they all are to shaking apart and thinks "I'm not losing anyone else"
He talks to Tim and works with him to try and find Bruce and keep the little bird as far the fuck away from Ra's as possible. Tim takes the mantel Red Robin in honor of his adopted big brother Hood when the dust finally settles.
And when The Heretic comes for Damian, he finds that he has to get through the living tank that is Red Hood first. He doesn't, in the end. Jason swore he'd never let another Robin die and he'd reshape the universe with his bare hands if that's what it takes to do.
They all get on the same page finally, they work together and get Bruce home and well it's not like there's a better time to let them all know he's back.
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aviolettrose · 3 months
I feel like, if Jason was ever de-aged, Bruce wouldn't leave his side and be the best dad ever for him (he sees it as a second chance)
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cluescorner · 4 months
I gave myself a writing challenge and I am fascinated by it
So basically I put the robins in a randomizer to give them a new order/role (because I just...kinda wanted to see what would happen + I like role-reversal AUs) and got results that are giving me a fucking brain blast.
Stephanie, the first sidekick who defines the role
Tim, the sidekick who dies and comes back wrong
Dick, the sidekick who saves Batman from himself
Damian, the sidekick who was never supposed to be a sidekick but would go on to prove everyone wrong
Jason, the youngest sidekick who is still the Kid Wonder
...So this is fucking wild. I've got some ideas and several of these fit perfectly (Dick's role is pretty similar to his one in canon), but some of these are fucking INCREDIBLE to explore (Steph being the first Robin is something I never even considered but tbh I kinda love it).
I probably won't write a fic or anything because tbh I don't like publishing my writing that much, but I might expand this into a full AU and post about it. I might randomize other stuff too (ie, stuff that I cannot change vs stuff that I cannot keep the same) but this fucking rules as a starting point.
#uhhh what am I calling this??#randomizedrobinsau#stephanie brown#oh my god I am so excited to figure out how tf to write this.#because she's my favorite of these characters and having HER be the first sidekick + the one who has a mentor/older sister relationship#with the others?? kickass. though I'll probably keep her and Tim's relationship as 'dating-then-exes' because I think it's funny#and then SHE can be the Robin who Tim got fixated on + figured out her identity?? holy fuck and then the angst of Tim later dying#Tim Drake#tbh I kinda wish he'd gotten a different position because 'sidekick who dies' Tim has kinda been done a lot with the standard#reverse robin aus. But it'll still be fun to write. Definitely going the Joker Junior route with this because Batman Beyond kicks ass#Dick Grayson#He'll honestly probably be the easiest. Like...his role has not changed much outside of being younger/not the one who defines this#But I still think it'll be good to see how well I know Dick beyond his eldest brother thing (which is my best way of relating to him)#Damian al ghul#damian wayne#oh this is gonna kick ass#Bruce does not want his son to be a sidekick but Damian just kinda forces his way into that role#and everybody doubts him because of his history with the league but he later proves himself more than capable#to the point that he can set out mostly on his own and still thrive#Jason Todd#Jason being the baby of the family is also something I have never thought about but holy shit it could kick ass#I really hope that I don't roll 'Jason must die' or 'Robin 5 must die' on the randomizer. I just kinda want Jason to live this time#But unfortunately I double-screwed him because he's on the 'must happen' wheel twice now. I did not think these prompts through#TBH I am so happy that none of them rolled their OG roles. because that would have been so fucking boring
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Amity Park: The Faceblind City!
except the westons
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quolant · 1 year
smallville clark and battinson bruce in the 00s is the superbat content i didnt know i needed lol
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starry-storms · 8 months
Teenage Dick Grayson: you guys need to be more observant. All of you can be followed for at least 6 blocks before you even notice.
All his friends: ....
Wally: thats a... really specific number man.
Dick, completely undeterred: I want to make sure you get home safe.
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chaotictoasterstrudel · 5 months
I just found out about something called Gotham steel. It's a kitchen set and my GOD the batman fan in me was like: bruce totally made that for Alfred for fathers day or Alfred's birthday. Bruce one day saw Alfred cleaning his pots and pans and was like "welp now it's time to start making kitchen stuff" and the next day at Wayne Enterprises he stopped like 10 different projects and called a meeting then came in late to the meeting and said "we make kitchen stuff now" then immediately left then came back in and said "make sure the outside is black" an leaves again.
Months later Bruce walks into the kitchen and puts the kitchen stuff on the island and said "happy birthday" gave Alfred a hug and left.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
I think I'm gonna die soon if I don't talk abt Martha and her brothers
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nosferatufaggot · 11 months
In the universe in which Bruce Wayne and Joker are in a public relationship and are a power couple, I gots some thoughts.
So, Bruce visits Joker in Arkham or whatever. Like brings him flowers or something, I dunno. And someone says something about how they cannot BELIEVE billionaire Bruce Wayne would spend his time with someone who is mentally unstable enough to be in Arkham. Well, said someone's buisness suddenly fails when for some unbeknownst reason, Wayne Enterprises stop financially supporting said buisness.
Some time later, Joker and Bruce are at a gala. Bruce Wayne expierences autism 100 moment and someone goes ableism about it. Just a passing comment. And then after the rich socialite party, maybe two nights after, Joker doesn't kill them, but he sure does psychological torture.
#If you cannot tell by how I wrote this‚ my brain is fried.#It took all my strength not to call Joker 'the Jonker' and I'm proud I didn't.#I do not know WHY I've been thinking about Batjokes so much but I have.#And WHY CAN'T I FIND FICS LIKE THIS? I don't want Batman and Joker smooching!!!! No no no!#What I want is infamous criminal Joker and billionaire with social status Bruce Wayne gay married!#And the press won't leave them alone about it! The news is always telling stories. It's great for Bruce Wayne's cover!#All the headlines think Bruce Wayne is secretly some villain because how else is he gay married to Joker??????#Cuz he. Heem. Him. He's Batman.#And everytime Alfred forces Bruce to go to a gala and network‚ Joker is his date. And all the billionaires are scared out of their brains.#How is everyone so hyped up on the freak nature of Batman and Joker going at it freak style and not THIS?#I get the appeal‚ but this has layers of intriguing in another aspect that I feel isn't explored enough.#AND THERE ARE TOO MANY FANFICTIONS FOR ME TO SORT THROUGH TO FIND SOMETHING LIKE THIS!#And think about it! If Joker lives with Bruce Wayne‚ and everyone knows where Bruce Wayne lives‚ and Joker does some joking...#And Batman goes to handle the situation‚ it would make a REALLY good excuse if anyone notices Batman going into the Wayne residence.#Batman can be like 'Oh no. I'm not here after a long day of crime fighting cuz I live here!!! I'm here to interrogate Joker!'#And then everyone smiles and nods.#autistic Bruce Wayne#Sentiments of a vampire.#batjokes
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laufire · 7 months
I'm not without sympathy for the writers in gotham war because it's VERY obvious this storyline was rushed past what any of them could reasonably deal with (at one point, you can see they literally copypasted a character design from one comic to another añsldkfjasf. something you can see because the art is completely different and does NOT work well together, btw!). but. well. that was very typical "great concept, appallingly terrible execution" dc nonsense. it was less than ten issues total, they SHOULD have coordinated this better, sns, especially characterisation-wise.
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mistergreatbones · 2 days
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somewherefornow · 7 months
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mattzerella-sticks · 8 months
"You can live a normal life. Fall in love."
I think this scant piece of ranting says a LOT about how Bruce sees Batman. It's not just a duty. It's a curse. Your blessings are also your damnations. Bruce thinks that you cannot fall in love while you are a vigilante (despite COUNTLESS EVIDENCE THAT DISPROVES THIS - Dick and Babs, Clark and Lois, Ollie and Dinah, etc.)
But Bruce has a very myopic viewpoint that leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy. He hasn't had success in romance as Batman. It's Batman's fault. He can't give up Batman. Ergo, he cannot 'find love' in the nuclear family, heteronormative sense because of Batman.
Let's look at the three 'greatest loves' of Batman's life according to his and Ghostmaker's trip into his psyche.
Selina Kyle. Talia al Ghul. Poison Ivy.
I'll work backwards. Ivy is a placeholder because she was never really his. She never loved him, and his love for her was chemically induced. But he has her there, why? Maybe to say that it doesn't work out because she chose someone else.
Talia. The mother of his child who is also the Demon's Head. It would never work because of his strict code against killing and her ambivalence towards it. Ironically, they have the healthiest relationship imo that probably was born from necessary co-parenting. While they don't care for what the other does, they respect and care for each other and have deep history. He thinks if he can't make it work with the mother of his kid, who can he make it work with?
Selina Kyle. Probably the closest (at this point in canon) Bruce has ever come to having a relationship that works. But every time it looks like it'll be a sure hit, something gums up the works. Most of the time, it's each other as there are key aspects of their identity that neither are willing to compromise for. And usually, when there is a compromise, it's usually on Selina's part whereas Bruce can continue being Batman. That puts a huge power imbalance in the relationship. It doesn't work out because Selina will always be drawn back to crime, and Batman will have to stop her. Bruce supposes that's what you get for falling for a criminal.
In all three, Bruce creates logical reasons why Batman is incapable of having a relationship and uses that to justify why he cannot have romance in his life. Why having this duty is a curse. Why he is showing love by getting his kids 'out' of the life, through whatever means necessary.
However, with Selina taking a chunk out of crime through a grey method, she is pulling at a foundational aspect of his personality - I'd argue the safety net Bruce created for himself when he was that boy in the alley - and, in turn, making the Batman/Zur persona go nuts. Zur sees her methods not a way to help Gotham but as an attack on him since, if this can save Gotham what is the point of Batman? What was the point of Bruce's vow? What was it all for?
Zur is giving Bruce a reason to keep going, to keep putting on the mask, so he doesn't have to confront what's under the mask when there's no crime to fight. To deal with his personal life and relationships and mhi that need to be dealt with.
And Selina and the Batfamily are right, this shouldn't have turned into a war. They shouldn't be fighting. This is an unforseen side effect of them fulfilling Bruce's wish which is to make Gotham safe when, in reality, maybe thats not what Batman wants because what safe Gotham would need Batman?
Almost like when in Infinite Crisis, Superman of earth one asks his earth two counterpart: "if your earth was perfect, why did it need a superman?"
A safe Gotham doesn't need a Batman and, after all the stress and trauma Bruce has suffered since he put on that cowl, he is not ready to hang it up. It is his burden and his joy. As much as he grouses about the crime and how much work it is to keep Gotham 'clean' he hates sitting on his hands with nothing to do.
Ironically, Batman of Zur En Arrh reminds me of what happened to Robin in Teen Titans Go! in 'Uncle Jokes' when Starfire started acting like Cyborg and Beast Boy, breaking the natural order of how he saw the world and making him go cuckoo. The same thing is happening to Bruce.
He needs to realize that he can still be Batman but he can also not be in control. That Bruce is the one stopping him from finding 'love' in a traditional sense, not Batman. That he has love and a family and he does not need to keep pushing everyone away because he thinks it's better for them and he knows best.
Batman is Gotham's greatest hero, Bruce Wayne's love, but he's also Bruce's greatest rogue. Duality.
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