#bts festa 2017
myobsessionsspace · 4 months
How they got their name
- Fetus 3J Dance Practice
- House Party Practice Episode
- House Party Full Dance Performance
- Golden Closet Film - 3J
- MAMA 2018 3J Performance
- 3J Unit Photoshoot
3J Fun With Cameras
- 3J Butter Remix Dance (Behind)
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seoul-bros · 9 days
Jikook Week 25 Complete ✔️(28/05 - 04/06/2024)
Their twenty fifth week in the military is now complete and time to celebrate this milestone with a look back at this week in 2017.
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BTS had just made a landmark win at the BMA's winning Top Social Artist (22/05) and were receiving lots of attention in the press.
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TwiX Post
There first appearance after getting back from the US was a KBS news conference on 29/05. They posted on TwiX beforehand.
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Watching the news conference I realized that the SK press has never made it easy on BTS. There was only cursory mention of their win and a huge emphasis on their responsibility as role models for youth and ambassadors for South Korea.
It's just all a bit too much and I don't remember anyone talking to One Direction or Take That in quite the same way. The only other similar example is possibly the Beatles who did get quite a bit of the establishment press looking down the nose at them in interviews. No wonder Joonie got so fed up after dealing with it for so many years and we are blessed with Groin (I'm using any excuse to post about RPWP at the moment) as a result.
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After the press conference they headed to the airport. Jimin is so striking in this outfit. Shame JK's good looks were hidden behind that mask. They were off to play three nights at the Osaka Jo-Hall, Japan (30/05, 31/05 & 01/06) as part of the Wings Tour.
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The Osaka concerts come at the beginning of this Memories of 2017 video between 0.00 & 10:35 mins. What comes over is how cohesive they are as a team and how much affection there is between them all. Look at jinhopekook all glued together after the show. Whose hands are resting on JK's shoulders? I think you know.
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Finally it was FESTA 2017. There was a gift for ARMY every day from 01/06 to the 14/06.
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One of those gifts was JK & Jimin's version of We don't talk anymore which was released on 03/06. I love this version of the song.
There was also this rather chaotic exclusive fan cam on the 04/06.
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Oh to have been around when all this stuff was dropping. I have festa envy. I'm looking forward to some new music on the 07/06.
Post Date: 04/06/2024
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aricastmblr · 4 days
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JIMIN - Hoy es el día en que obtuvimos el primer lugar en Music Bank. Gracias ARMY. No lo olvidaremos
JUNGKOOK - ARMYs, estás bien, no? A nosotros también nos va bien jeje. Estoy escribiendo esto ahora y también tengo curiosidad por el futuro…! Mantente siempre saludable y sé feliz. Te extraño…ㅠㅠ
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JIMIN -  Hoy es nuestro séptimo cumpleaños. El tiempo pasará entonces y ya nos acercaremos a nuestro octavo aniversario. Hoy es un día muy feliz. Espero que todos los miembros puedan superar estos tiempos y seguir escuchando su apoyo. Creo que estaremos felices contigo en el octavo aniversario como siempre. Gracias por siempre apoyarnos y cuidarnos. Sigamos juntos hasta los aniversarios 8, 10 y 80
JUNGKOOK - Trabajé duro durante 8 semanas y me sentí muy conmovido y agradecido con nuestro ARMY ♡ por cada preciosa palabra!!! te amo~♡
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JIMIN -  Es un día soleado donde el clima está despejado y no hay polvo fino hasta el punto que se puede ver muy lejos. Cómo es este día en 2022? Armys que pasarán este día en 2022, si hace buen tiempo hoy, qué tal si dejan su teléfono por un momento y tienen un momento para mirar al cielo y hacer algunos estiramientos? Espero que hoy también tengas un feliz día. Te amo
JUNGKOOK - La primavera llega antes de que nos demos cuenta ♡ Están todos bien y felices? Creo que sería muy agradable si el tiempo pasara tan rápido todo el tiempo así, je, quiero apurarme y verte!!!
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JIMIN - Hoy es el día que escuché '2!3!' '들싯'en un largo tiempo. Supongo que es por eso es un día en el que te extraño más de lo habitual. Espero que los ejércitos de este día, y los ejércitos que leerán estas palabras (algún otro día), siempre estén llenos de felicidad. Te amo.
JUNGKOOK - Actualmente estamos esperando el V App de audio! Estoy deseando que llegue porque creo que sería divertido jejejejeje Comí un sándwich antes de empezar! ¡Estoy satisfecho~!
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JIMIN -  Creo que el 13 de junio es un día que se siente como el 1 de enero. Como el equipo nació el 6.13, se siente como si empezamos un nuevo año el día 14. Por eso hoy se siente aún más especial. Para armys sería este día pero el año que viene, ¿no? Una vez más, de hoy en adelante pasemos bien este nuevo año. Te amo.
JUNGKOOK - los 613 que hacemos cada año! Pero hoy es 614! No sabemos si volveremos a tener un día así o no! Así que, hoy! tengo que hacerlo incluso! mejor!! ARMY está mirando!!!
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JIMIN - Hoy es realmente un día muy feliz. Hoy alcanzamos el número 1 en el Billboard HOT 100. Este año fue realmente difícil en muchos sentidos, pero sentí que fui recompensado por poder levantarme juntos y trabajar duro. Este sentimiento que estoy sintiendo ahora mismo espero que todos los ARMY puedan sentirlo. No olvidaré el día de hoy aunque pase el tiempo. Te amo y te amo!
JUNGKOOK - Army, estaba tan feliz que lloré mucho ㅜㅜㅜㅜ Muchas gracias y les devolveré el favor mostrando una mejor versión de mí!!!!♡ Es un día tan feliz... ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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JIMIN - Hoy es el día del lanzamiento de “BE”. Estaba muy nervioso en la conferencia de prensa, pero lo disfruté y estoy feliz de finalmente compartir las canciones con ARMYs que han estado esperando durante mucho tiempo. Espero que el álbum BE, lanzado hoy, nuestros ARMY se sientan conmovidos y reconfortados después de escuchar el álbum. Les agradezco y los amo siempre!
JUNGKOOK - Hoy hicimos un comeback ~! Ahora vamos a hacer un V live!♡ Nos vemos pronto, no puedo esperar a verte en vivo! vengan Quiero presentarlo pronto en un concierto. Sin falta.
RECAP. DE LO QUE VI DE MIS CHICOS JMJK EN EL LIVE BANGBANGCON24 (Soloalcancesacarfotocortevideohastalive03aunquelovicompleto:D)
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cowgodmoo · 2 years
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bts festa 2017
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2017 4th #2017BTSFESTA
방탄소년단 BTS 
170530  #2017 BTS FESTA Big Hit Festa timetable.
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170601  #2017 BTS FESTA  opening ceremony skit. (trans) #2017 BTS FESTA Opening Ceremony : about 2017 BTS Festa.
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170602 #2017 BTS FESTA BTS PHOTO COLLECTION festa media set.
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170603  #2017 BTS FESTA Day 3  We Don’t Talk Anymore Pt. 2.
170604 #2017 BTS FESTA Exclusive Stage Cam (BTS Focus.)
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170605 #2017 BTS FESTA 방탄소년단을 소개합니다 (BTS’s Introduces) Trans:  Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4, Pt.5, Pt.6 , 'Member to Member'. -Trans:  To Jin, To Suga, To J-Hope, To Rap Monster, To Jimin, To V, To Jungkook.
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170607 #2017 BTS FESTA Special Choreography Stage A.
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170608  #2017 BTS FESTA Special Choreography Stage B.
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170609 #2017 BTS FESTA 네시 4 )’clock - RM & Tae.
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170610 #2017 BTS FESTA BTS 4th Anniversary Family Picture.
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170611 #2017 BTS FESTA What About Me ?,2016 Birthday Drawing  -Trans:   RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, Tae. Jungkook.
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170612 #2017 BTS FESTA BHC Radio [BTS 꿀 FM 06.13]
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170613  BTS 4th Anniversary,#2017 BTS FESTA 2017 BTS Home Party.
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170614 #2017 BTS FESTA So Far Away ( Suga, Jin, Jungkook Ver.)
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rjshope · 1 year
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Yoonmin being cute | BTS Festa 2017
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
Hey storm would u by chance know if the trip they’re talking about here is the 2017 Tokyo one or if it’s a different trip they took and have you seen this before, pls tell me all u know I’d love to hear it!!
They are talking about the short break they had, some members did a small bit of traveling, Jikook seemed to just hang out at the dorm together, work on music, talk, play games, go bowling, etc. So not their Tokyo trip. The screenshots are from 2018 Festa, which you can read the entire of the BTS News segment in my post about that Festa here
@chikooritajjk also just recently supplied the full screenshot of that page of the news, both original and translated, so I'll just pull those onto this post too (thanks love!)
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Jikook coincidences never fail to coincidence lmao a whole JM on the knuckles a year before JK gets a JM on HIS knuckles 😂😂
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These two!!
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andy-wm · 1 month
I’ve never heard JK say that he isn’t close with his family. When has he said this?
Hey, Anon,
I casually said JK is 'not that close' to his family in my post about Bam and i asume it's the reason for this ask?
It's fair question but tbh I don't really want to get into an analysis of JK's family relationships because
a) not my business
b) we really don't know anything
c) both b and c above
It also wasn't hugely significant to my post about Bam, it's just my opinion based on a few things he's said. So I'm not going to go searching for proof one way or the other. I'm not sidestepping the question though, so off the top of my head these are some of the reasons i came to that conclusion:
Most recently, he's talked about himself as a mixture of the members of BTS, saying his personality is a combination of all 6 hyungs and he hears them in his head and sees their influence in his daily life (Suchwita interview).
He also said in a Weverse interview from 2023 that he doesn't call his parents to say he's home safe when he's been out drinking but he does it to ARMY and it feels natural to do so - and i remember thinking it was quite a statement to make.
In the welive he did just after that festa dinner he told us he had been out with his parents and had an argument with his mother. He said something along the lines of his mum was nagging him and he told her he didn't need her input. Then he felt kinda bad about it, said he was a bad (but awesome) son, and dedicated a song to her.
And I am sure he loves his family as much as anyone else, but he also left home at 13 and hasn't had a lot of time with them. He had such a tight schedule for so many years it's unlikely he had more than a few visits with them a year. Even when he did have the opportunity to go home he didn't always do so. One example we know of is in 2017 when Chuseok was a longer holiday than usual and all the members had the chance to spend a bit of time with their family... Jimin and JK chose to stay in Seoul together rather than go home.
It seems natural and logical to me that he may not be emotionally close to them because of all those factors. But even without those factors, its not unusual for many independent adults to be closer with peers than with parents.
As i said it's not a judgement against his family life at all, and it's simply my opinion and not one i am overly invested in at this point. If he does have a super tight bond with his fam, that's cool too and all power to him 🐰💪💜
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luke-patch · 9 days
[FESTA 2017]BTS(방탄소년단)JM&JK "We don't talk anymore"
[FESTA 2017]BTS(방탄소년단)JM&JK "We don't talk anymore"
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peachjagiya · 1 month
I hope you don’t mind if i add my two cents. I read this ask and realized that we as human beings really have a problem seeing these idols as actual human beings who have layers and complicated feelings.
This non shipper anon mentioned that Jikook stopped being as close around 2021 but that is definitely not true. First of all, many shippers especially taekookers feel like there was a sudden uptick in jikook moments around a certain time (2017) but that is not true at all. Go back and watch content from the very beginning and pay attention to the boys talk on Lives, during festas and other moments and you discover that Jk and Jimin had always been very close. Jimin was the one who Jk spoke to when he got back from the US and contemplated abandoning his dream to become an idol and go for dancing instead.
In a log they did in 2013, we had Jimin and Jungkook telling us that the two of them were in the habit of putting blankets and sleeping together on the floor outside their rooms. The very first bangtan bomb that was ever posted was a of Jk taking videos of Jimin back in 2013. During Festa 2014, we heard from the members that Jk usually piled clothes on his bed to go sleep in Jimin’s bed and even back then, when Jk was asked which hyung comforted him the most, he said it was Jimin. Fast forward to 2015 when Tae did a Live from Japan in the hotel room that he shared with Jimin and mentioned that Jimin and Jk were together even though the 3 of them had planned to do a Live together or in 2016 where Jimin was the first member Jk ever gave a birthday gift to. I am listing some of these moments chronologically just to show u that Jimin and Jungkook had always been close, very close infact it’s just that jikook as a ship gained excess popularity in 2017 after Jungkook posted GCF in Tokyo. So it’s not really that there became an uptick in Jikook moments from there, it is that people started paying more attention to Jikook after Jungkook’s GCF. The best way to see some if these things is to watch Vlives and bangtan bombs from pre 2017 era and you will see what i am saying.
As i mentioned before, non shipper anon said Jikook used to be close till like 2021 and mentioned that their last sighting outside of work was around march 2022 but that’s not true at all. Remember that in PTD Vegas Jikook were joined at the hip, they left the concert venue together on all 4 days of the concert and one of those days, they went out to eat with Yoongi and staff and some non shipper Armys visited the restaurant they went to in Vegas and said they were told that Jikook sat together on one table and yoongi sat on another with staff. Plus Jimin and Jk still boxed together with Tommy Saem (Jk’s boxing coach) and based on that April 2022 Live with Vminkookkhope, jikook were even on a diet together. So many times people forget to facture in the point that Jimin started working on his album in May. Immediately after PTD in Vegas Jimin moved in with Pdogg to work on his album because he literally had nothing prepared so i can imagine that during that period, Jk and Jimin didn’t spend as much time together because Jimin was busy and i also noticed that Taekook seemed to get really closer during that period. Infact we all saw taekook hang out outside of work more frequently by the end of 2022 and part of 2023 than we had seen in all their 10 years of being BTS. Like anon said, jikook were the ones always together everywhere both in and outside of work. Even in 2021 while they were in LA, we found out that Jikook worked out together everyday, came back from concerts together, ate together and untop of that, Jk spent alot of time in Jimin’s room hanging out with him. So i feel like the distance we sensed between jikook starting 2022 was mainly because of how busy Jimin got. It tracks.
I am not someone who really believes that any of the members are dating each other but i know that Jimin and Jungkook have and have always had an extremely close bond since debut. It wasn’t always very visible because of their somewhat complicated dynamic and because of the fact that other pairings like taekook, yoonmin and Vmin overshadowed jikook but that bond had always been there and if you pay attention, you see it.
I believe that taekook too have always been close but i also believe that there was a period where they grew a little distant. I know that, that is not something taekookers will ever agree about but it is clear to me because i have been in this fandom since the end of 2015 and have watched alot of things unfold. I agree that jikook were paired up alot at some point but i think that was because of their chemistry and closeness and not because BH had some agenda to push. How does pairing pple in subunits potray them as closest or a couple? Jikook as a ship gained recognition and popularity not because of the company but because of Jungkook and his GCF and yes seeing them together alot on content enforces certain beliefs but did yoh ever think of how you saw them? What are they doing when you see them on content? Most times you see them together in the back even when they are not the main focus of the camera or you see them coming and going together or you see them staying back to rehearse or practice together, or you see them staying back to watch and support each other during their solo practices, or you hear members talking about them as a unit. Hobi saying Jk and Jimin always stay up late together, or Joon saying after watching Jimin and Jk run around/ get along so well he got inspired or Tae mentioning on more than one occasion that Jk and Jimin were spending time together late at night, or Hobi saying that he ate with Jikook who ordered food together. It’s not one thing and certainly not company content that gives people the impression that jikook are extremely close.
Even in chapter two where it was clear that those two probably didn’t see each other as much, anyone could still feel how much they love and missed each other, especially Jungkook with his Jimin centric Lives and constantly inviting Jimin to come over for chicken, boxing, lives etc. Those two are really good friends who are very important to each other and it is normal that sometimes, when life happens and people get busy, some distance creeps in. I feel like that is what happened with Jikook after 2022. They started doing different things, Jimin working on two albums at once, Jk not working on anything and was bored outta his mind up to the extent that at some point, my man was visiting almost all the meat restaurants in korea all alone lol and then he started hanging out with Tae alot after that and then later got busy again. That is life.
I'm not going to assume this is your intent but tangentially, I'm feeling real tired of "JK hung out with Tae cos Jimin wasn't available."
Tae is only valuable when someone else isn't available? That's dehumanising.
But I'm sure that's not what you're saying because you at least recognise Taekook are close and aren't total strangers who got invited seperately to the Dreamiere and just happened to bump into each other.
Jimin was recording an album, he wasn't in solitary confinement?! Tae and JK recorded albums last year too? They all found time to go to Jeju together when JK was undoubtedly busy with album stuff.
Oh I don't know. It's ok if Jikook didn't see each other cos they didn't want to and made time for other people during their schedules, man. TKKrs accept there are times when it looks like JK and Tae might have been beefing. That is also life.
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myobsessionsspace · 1 month
Hi, I'm the anon who asked about the unconfirmed JiKook thoughts. You don't have to post this. I just wanted to tell you that yours was the best non-answer answer I've ever gotten. Thank you for putting together such a cute response. I agree with you. I'm horrible at the numbers and deep theories too, but it's fun to consider and you sounded like you wanted something fun to dig your teeth into for the heck of it. Also, I wanted to correct the link I put for the travel Vlog that reminds me of Closer Than This design theme. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TbIyRhvIBQ It was actually Jimin's Japan travel Vlog for his and JKs 1st Japan trip, not the 2019 vacation I had mentioned. Again thanks and take care.
Post anon is referring to
Hi Lovely!
Can I just say I love you?! I love people like you, you seem like good peoples.
I say this with all the excitement possible, DM me and let’s go crazy with the jikook theories 😜
Nah but for real, I saw Jimin’s vlog he did for their trip years ago and revisit it occasionally, it’s soo friggin cute!
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Original Jimin Tokyo Vlog Tweet
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I see what you’re saying about the style of it and how it reminded you of the ‘Closer Than This' MV
I totally see what you're saying anon! And to think in 2017 Jimin probably only had iMovie and a vision. Then end of 2023, with a billion won company, that him and his members helped build with resources and a team, we get a refined but still in essence Jimin MV!
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Very much in line with the fun, not too serious but full of sentiment style Jimin likes, like his video to army:
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⬆️Clip from end of Jimin’s BTS x ARMY video⬇️
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Original Tweet
Look at how proud he was showing his work off to Tae & Jungkook
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Clips from BTS Memories of 2019
It’s just another notch in the ‘you are me, I am you’ counter.
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Jimin’s BTS x ARMY Video
[2019 FESTA] Euphoria (DJ Swivel Forever Mix) - JK Memories by BTS @ 1:31-1:43
Who wudda thunk that Jimin and JK both like art and editing?! They are literally like two halves of a whole 😩
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One of Jungkook’s many art styles
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Some of Jimin’s art & Some of Jungkook’s art
Jikook have, in my opinion and also maybe one of the ‘unconfirmed Jikook thoughts’, been talking to each other back and forth through songs, their cute edits, twitter and weverse posts FOR YEARS
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Again it’s like, how does anyone diminish their tighter than tight bond?! They’re like me and my besties that can talk to each other on text, IG dms, snap, TikTok etc and be holding different trains of conversation on all of them AND STILL see each other or speak on the phone for hours like we’re not in constant communication on different platforms…and still have little things we didn’t know about what the other did that day or did last week. Why are we like this 😭
Fr though if you wanna DM me instead of chatting through asks feel free 😉
Thanks for the follow up
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seoul-bros · 2 days
Jikook Week 26 Complete ✔️(04/06 - 11/06/2024)
Their twenty sixth week in the military is now complete and time to celebrate this milestone with a look back at this week in 2018.
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Festa 2018 opened on the 04/06 with the release of the Brit Rock Remix of Spring Day & the Fake Love (Rocking Vibe Mix) on Spotify.
On the same day BTS appeared on the SBS news and this interview was decidedly more friendly than the one with KBS in June 2017. The interviewer even breaks into a rhapsody about JK's talents which has JK AND Jimin (that's his baby you are talking about) thanking him for his appreciation.
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On the 06/06 BTS released the GDA 2018 Dance Practice, as part of Festa 2018, with a set of DNA and Not Today. The synchronization and precision of the moves and the energy of their performance are unparalleled.
Every time I discover a new dance practice from the archive I am blown away by the intricacy of their choreography and how they truly work together as a team with each one giving 110%.
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BTS were promoting Fake Love and the 07/06 marked another music show win. Overall Fake Love had 12 wins during its promo period.
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They also did a fan sign event. Look at these two cuties.
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Jikook posted about their 11th win at Music Core on 09/06/2018.
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And on 10th June 2018, the day of their last music show win for Fake Love, all hell broke loose when Jimin posted this Jikook selca. It was ostensibly a tweet thanking ARMY for their support and he posts this. I think we should be thanking you Jimin. Let's face it, it was a statement. 2018, ladies and gentlemen, wild wild jikook times.
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Post Date: 10/06/2024
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aricastmblr · 4 days
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¡¡¡Ah!!! ¡¡¡Que divertido!!! ¡Yo, ARMY! ¡Disfrutaron hasta el ultimo dia!
No sabia que un concierto podia ser tan divrtido Gracias a todos los ARMY por gritar tanto y espero que continuen viniendo. Sigamos juntos para siempre.💜 -Jimin
Muchas gracias por venir a vernos y seguirnos en el concierto de hoy Me convertire en un mejor artista para recompensar la pasion y el amor que nos dan
Gracias. ARMY 💜
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Termino la gira WINGS y el episodio de esta serie parece ayer cuando me preguntaba ¿Cuando les mostraremos todo nuestro episodio? ¿Como seremos cuando llegue ese momento?¿Como estaré yo? ¿Con que sentimientos nos miraran? Pero ya llego el final del ultimo episodio ocurrieron muchas cosas y creamos muchos recuerdos pero cuando me veo, todavía veo a mi yo del pasado que quería ser una persona increíble Siento curiosidad por saber que sintieron y experimentaron estando con nosotros en este episodio Muchas gracias por venir con nosotros hasta aquí y por ser la razón de BTS No se que nos deparara el futuro pero quiero crear mas recuerdos bonitos con ustedes Continuemos haciendo un buen trabajo les amo
Hola, soy Jung Kook Parece que fue ayer cuando comenzó la gira WINGS pero el tiempo paso volando Comenzamos en Corea y terminamos con un total de 40 conciertos Hubo momentos muy duros, pero gracias a ustedes pude llegar hasta aquí sin problema Ocurrieron muchas cosas durante la gira pero gracias a ustedes, todos esos momentos se convertirán en recuerdos felices Muchas gracias, espero que continuemos juntos hasta el final.
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cowgodmoo · 2 years
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bts festa 2017
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mrs-monaghan · 9 months
This is just an edit not right ? I know it's something related to Jimin's bday gift but why he's glaring mimi like that 🤧🤧🤧
I prefer this TT edit. So intensly dramatic and funny 😂😂
I remember sending this ask to that one big blogger once and she debunked it. Which fair enough because
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Its what he does. He zones out allllll the time. Especially when members are talking...its a thing he does. So its fair to say he was zoning out. I don't disagree. But my thing is; did Jimin know that? Let's get rid of the music and watch the original for a second
JK makes a funny joke. And it was a funny joke because they all laugh. I laugh. But then he turns to face Jimin's direction (because of course he does) and zones out. This isn't weird guys. He zones out at the weirdest times.
But if u watch Jimin's body language its clear that he thinks JK is staring at him. He stops laughing immediately, he clears his throat, shrinks in on himself, some heavy breathing? Jimin even pushes his chair back like he's trying to hide behind Jin. He does not look up once until he's sure JK has looked away.
The power the Jungkonda Jungkook holds y'all.
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I love this moment so much and any other moment where JK is in charge. Because he is rarely usually in charge. So when I see JK say or do something and Jimin immediately listens or rather submits, it just does things to me. I love it...so much! Like this moment here. And this one here.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Jikook Festa masterlist updated
Added Festa 2023.
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